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is it weird or typical that the WWE gives a lot of TV time to female jobbers and the female jobbers are pretty over compared to most of the women's roster?
Kairi is like JD McDon't google me or Dom. Bumps and sells and does a ton of dark matches/house shows where she loses to the champ
Nattty only exists to put other girls over
Zoey, Candice and Mia yim are decent in the ring, but mainly only have jobs and get TV time because they are fine with taking chair shots to the head
the Slopdown GM said Chelsea is loved H and the producers because she is willing to job to everyone, get put through a table, get thrown in a dumpster and if you watch her match with Giulia on NXT or her Indy shit she knows how to wrestle but pretends to be retarded and jobs
you put so much time into womens wrestling more than any girls you try to date lmfaoo
Whatever happened to Sasha Banks? Is she still alive?
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kairi is funny
Kairi has natural charisma that bridges language barriers and makes people laugh, the others are just "badass" and "strong" women that have no character.
take that poo to the loo, fagito
>kairi that close
>don't give headpats
when both shows will be 3 hours you will need a ton of filler, and HHH has been trying to get the female jobbers over so its not an automatic piss break when they have 2 15 minute matches on every show
>>don't give headpats
If you reached for her a black security guard would promptly and efficiently have you removed from the building
What would be over with me is a natty physique gym bunny in a skimpy caveman costume, coconut bra and loincloth over panties or something, who is a nearly perpetual jobber who starts strong in her debut match but her foe realizes she's super ticklish and tickles her until she wets herself and taps out.
Then every match she's in she loses advantage when her opponent finds a new way or place to tickle her as she keeps trying to adapt to avoid positions and holds where she's been tickled before. Strong enemies can usually force her back into the positions they or others first tickled her in. She'd be getting figure foured into foot tickling, nelson into neck tickling, arm bar into armpit tickling, taking lots of blows and chops to the midsection, always ending each match a shivering pinned wreck, usually with a fresh wet cameltoe and sometimes a puddle in the ring.
In group free for alls she'd come in, pin one woman and then five of them would gang up on her, pin her draped over the top rope and tickle her all over both feet and armpits and her stomach until she sprayed all over the floor in front of the front row.
She'd be a tall Latina with a cute but serious face, perky, thick thighs.
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i regret not having stopped reading this when i still had the chance
What's the matter, ya fucking gay or something?

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