its actually over for ibushiKWAB
>>16388823Is it true he could’ve avoided all this?
>>16388830unironically yeah, he got injured a bunch of times and instead of getting actual surgery he got like hippy treatment and it resulted in his injuries not healing properly. I think he might be legitimately mentally unwell or something because he continues to make these retarded medical decisions.
>legs completely KWAB>still giving it his all to give back to wrestling what a lad
>>16388823>tony payed kota at least high 6 figures a year if not 7 for the last 2 years for a total of 4 matches>all multiman tags shitshows where he did nothing of note>now he's wrestling his last matches for free in japan and will retire soon>might still have more years on his aew contractA lot of people carnied tony hard but in terms of money for match/effort he might be top of the list lol
Literally who?
So let me get this straight, Tony is paying this guy more every year than most working people earn in a decade, and instead of doing any work for AEW he's working and appearing in Japanese feds for free?
>>16388823Rough twink death
>>16388912you don't know the details of his contract anon. Tony likely overpaid like he does with his roster of shitters but for all you know Ibushi gets paid per appearance.
>>16388841Very informative. Thank you for this post anon
>>16388823I don't think working multi man tag matches on random indies is going to help Japanese pro wrestling but whatever
>>16388947Nah, Ibushi was openly talking about signing with WWE if they allowed him to sign talents a few months/weeks before ultimately signing with AEW instead. Tony definitely overpaid out of the ass and got him to sign an 'exclusive' contract to keep him away from HHH, not that HHH wanted him in the first place.
>>16388935You now know why the WWE even during the peak of them being a superindy balked at giving him an open contract. And Tony took the bait
>>16388947Tony overpaid just so he can secure the Golden Lovers retirement in AEW.
>>16388823This is unironically all kennys fault
>>16389119your an idiot
>>16389119>breaks up with Riho>her passion for wrestling dies>breaks up with Shida>she stops taking care of herself>breaks up with Ibushi>gives up the will to liveYup.
>>16388841He always made reckless decisions. He leaned his head into a Buck (singular) superkick and got himself concussed and pulled from the G1 a decade ago
>>16388823>I'd rather work for free in Japan than work for Tony KhanKWAB. Tony is now confirmed KWABOTY.
>>16388823Lmao I’ve legit never heard of this guy and he apparently sawdusted himself trying to get to AEW? The tranny fed nobody watches? Lmfao
>>16388843>dipped himself in ranch for realsies >keeps wanting to fake fight I thought Chinese people were supposed to be smart
>>16388823>completely washed>burned bridges in New Japan, easy to repair with Tana as president but still too washed to be of any use>burned bridges with NOAH working hurt in a dogshit big show main event where he injured himself further>burned bridges with DDT because he got worked into a shootWho the fuck would he even help at this point? GLEAT? BJW? Go wrestle for Tony, nigga.
>>16390085>>burned bridges in New JapanIbushi claimed before he signed with AEW that he'd resolved all of his issues with New Japan and that they'd offered him a new contract
>>16390085If Ibushi wasn't crazy and actually healed properly it'd be cool to see him in AJPW. While they're pushing younger guys right now Ibushi would do wonders for them as an extra main event guy.
>>16389957Kota has an extreme form of what's known as "Han autism".* It causes otherwise smart people to behave in fashions of extreme stupidity.* Which is weird, because I'm pretty sure he's Yamato.
>>16388912>>16388947I swear it feels like every jap they get in AEW is Kenny pulling favors to get them actual insane paychecks where they wrestle a few times and go MIA
>>16391447Kenny's tight with pretty much anyone in Japan and he doesn't give a shit anymore so he's fine with helping guys get Tony checks.
Didn't this guy have a MRSA cyst rupture and spew pus all over the ring in the last show he appeared on?
>>16388841>I think he might be legitimately mentally unwell or something because he continues to make these retarded medical decisions.Look at him. >>16388823 Seriously, look at him. You tellin me this nigga looks normal to you?
>>16391447I remember one of the first AEW episodes he came rushing out to save a poor little jap girl from an actually tranny they had lol
>>16388823He doesn’t even look the same in the face, he has that corticosteroid face bloat from taking too much for too long
>>16392416Same thing happened to me when I stopped railing my adderal but I never took steroids just food
>>16391488turn your monitor on
>>16389714Nope. Still Vince, no matter how hard you cope.
>>16391447I think Shibata is the only Japanese wrestler who actually signed full time with AEW that isn't directly a Kenny guy but he was in America already (and NJPW wouldn't let him wrestle)
>>16389119Does Kenny truly have that magic dick?
>>16388843What a mark.
>>16392446It's a band-aid ya mark
>>16388823Tony is paying millions for this guy too
So what's with these assholes like Kota and Kenny going "Japans wresrling is hurting, I need to help it".It's hurting because all you fuckers left for easier money. I'm not faulting them for taking the paycheck.
>>16389912My man he was in WWE.
>>16392429Corticosteroids aren’t the same thing as anabolic steroids, they’re drugs like hydrocortisone and prednisone, mainly used to treat inflammation. Wrestlers and lots of normies with bad joints get hydrocortisone injections to help recover and heal, but a bad side effect can be getting a bloated appearance, especially in the face.
>>16388823>japanese wrestling is somehow decliningI wonder why
ibushi was raped
>>16388823bloata ibushit
Between this and the undertaker getting worked by Trump, I hope people realize that wrestlers are idiots and you can’t treat their opinions or even lived experiences in wrestling as a source of understanding our great sport
>>16392416This is an even more brutal twink death than HBK.
>bloata eatsushi
>>16393944that's much better than my one
>>16388912>he did nothing of notethe bike spot and the thumbtack bump are gonna be staples of the aew postmortem documentaries in a few years though
>>16388841Of course he's mentally unwell, he's Japanese.
>>16393777How did Carder get worked?
>>16392715Thisdude admits he's at his limit so should probably hang it up before he fucks himself up even worseinstead, nah im going to go out there and risk it
>>16388841>father was a prominent doctor in JapanWas he abusive towards Ibushi as a child and it led to a lifelong aversion towards doctors?
>>16391447Riho said she's on 400k USD a year
>>16395574Whatever you say about that homo groomer Kenny " Ian Watkins widdit" Omega at least he takes care of his jap shitters. He is the only reason Michael Nakazawa and Emi Sakura know the joys of American catering and easy paychecks.
>>16395574Riho deserves a fat paycheck
>>16395787She deserves a fat something alright!
>>16395787She never turns up I don't understand it honestly. Tony needs to fire 90 percent of staff and make people turn up each week
>>16395548Kota R Ibushi, lmao
>>16395892The last time Tony fired anyone was after Punks Ariel Helwani interview where Punk said he wasnt a real boss. Tony was so mad he told Christopher Daniels to fire random ROH shitters and valets who apparently were contracted and not being used.