The only objective rating for a wrestler.
>>16389449I’m more of a nickels guy. I like lowercarders/midcarders who sometimesget reactions.
>>16389449100% correct. This is the truth Meltzer doesn't want you to know.
>>16389449>DUDE WHAT IF HOGAN INOKI EL SANTO BIG DADDY BEST WRESTLERS?????!! THEY MADE MONEY!!!!!Boring metric. The only memorable thing about wrestlers are how good they are in the ring.
>>16389472Meltzer being a massive drawfag back in the 90s is the entire reason all you faggots are the way you are today. He just pivoted to workrate autism because sucking up to indie shitters was all that could get him new insider sources
>>16389519Hogan slamming Andre and Inoki kicking the shit out of Ali's legs are more memorable than every Meltzer-approved match combined.
>>16389519Hogan and Inoki are in the top 10 of the greatest wrestlers to ever live.
>>16389577>>16389610Being anti-smarks isn't a personality
>>16389577Meltzer talks about Inoki/Ali at every single opportunity. It's his favorite thing to talk about
>>16389641Neither is being a seething smark.
>>16389519Will Assplay wishes he was a fraction of the draw that was Big Daddy.
>>16389641Being an anti-smark is being on the right side of history.
I FRICKIN' love Marvel and Taylor Swift.
>>16389848Kek they do be slurping the goyslop like domesticated piggies
>>16389848Imagine unironically thinking a carnival act like wrestling is comparable at all to film or music. You don’t understand this business, and probably never will.
>>16389785Ospreay's going to have to start working a slower style at some point, his Big Daddy II run in 2026 is going to be pence.