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The WWE Universe
Someone tell these Kamalatards that she lost
>a tranny and a career fat guy
Yeah those are WWE fans alright
The future is trans
Cutie on the left
So that's why Climatetards are saying we're all gonna die in 2 years
undiagnosed HIV and AIDS are at an all time high and are literally killing trannies right now. This is why AEW viewers are dropping like flies.

What we see here are some of the last near-extinct AEW fans attending a WWE show
>no, that man in the WWE shirt is actually an AEW fan
Ummm ackshually, suicide is the biggest current killer of trannies, then followed by AIDS
He wore a Nyla Rose shirt and WWE forced him to cover up with their logo
who cares
The nba puts all of the hot normie people in the front rows. Idk how wwe could do that but it would b nice.
Is the one on the left the girl from the Blackdeck ads
This is a microcosm of why Washington will always be a blue state.
Would on the left tbhfam
Yumola. Look at those tits! Hottest girl of all year in the crowd
Seems like hormones only worked in one place for the left fella
Unironically isn’t he a former catch of TCAP? I swear I’ve seen that mug before.
it's hard to see if she has nice tits or not
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fraid so!
I see the trannies went to wwe
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The last episode of Dynamite had 2 different HIV medicines as advertisers, just something I noticed.
Guy is n the right is clearly a woman pretending to be an ugly guy
tranny's don't even watch AEW anymore
I'm transphobic but i'd fuck that thing on the left
You want to fuck cm punka arm?
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same shit different thread
WWE doesn't need to advertise these things because WWE fans are 100% entirely sexless. Probably should have noticed that part before thinking you were doing something there dronie
It's the entire board and it's so goddamn boring
That's a man
e-drones are valueless retards and will put their politics to bed if it involves wwe, i learned that years ago on here.
Did they?
>medically sterilized
Based Dustin
>Crowd full of families with kids
>WWE fans don't have sex

Why is everyone so sure thats a tranny? Could just be a plain looking woman.
name of the cutiepie?
Reddit quirky chungus types dropped AEW for WWE over a year a ago. Its plain to see for anyone actually paying attention.
The parents aren't fans. WWE is for children and sexless adults.
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you masturbate to this
And yet you're the one with it saved on your computer. Funny that
Didnt Vince invent this gimmick? I'm not a fan desu. They're just preshow jobbers though.
Yeah, in motion it just looks like an awkward girl, not a tranny.

Sex is where babies come from.
With all of those empty seats why no just move closer? Odds are good someone's not going to show up and say you're in their seat.
>coping this hard
Anyone got the left's insta???
Upon rewatching a few clips I'm unsure if they're bedicked or not.
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>yet more examples of trannies at WWE events
kek it really is the tranny fed
wait a minute

thats a man
cute girl
absolutely is
mtf trannies with bad hair always have that unkempt wavy look that's trying to imitate long female hair (unsuccessfully)
At least in WWE, retards are buying the tickets instead of running the show.
>Heel Gunther vs heel Finn Balor booked for SNME
You sure about that?
She cute
Not a fetish btw
>8 Black Guys
why do people call aew racist again?
>too plebeian to understand that Gunther has been humbled to a certain extent after losing to Cody and he's becoming more of a tweener
>he's also explicitly going to be the babyface in this match because of Finn's interfering in his previous match, which Gunther didn't like even though it was too his benefit, because he takes his craft seriously

AEW fans don't have the IQs to watch WWE.
>Watches WWE to be able to talk about things happening in WWE
>Doesn't like things in WWE
>"Y-you m-m-MUST be an AEW f-fan!!!"
Why are you so fragile man? The things you like aren't infallible
Gunther will never be babyface, dom just got cheered over him retard
>he's also explicitly going to be the babyface in this match because of Finn
no shit and that's why it's garbage
>They're going to hotshot a month long Gunther face turn just for it even though he was just the heel against the exact guy Balor is already feuding with who's a face
Look how pissed that Tranny is, he most def thought he was going to an AEW show. His fault though, he should have realized it wasn't an AEW show as soon as he saw more than 400 people.
gunther is turning babyface
Because he hadn't turned babyface yet and Dom is super over
U think gunther doesn't know hoe to get over working babyface? even if its bad booking I feel like he's talented enough to get over
WHAT THE FUCK why isn't he in prison? he tried to have sex with a underage girl! he should be locked up and throw away the key away!
They really are dumb as fuck
nice to see the bald retard section get some camera time
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i would fuck that tranny
extremely based and true
*cackles in Greek*
More like SyndromeDown
This the guy from HWNDU?
>goes from being a literal /pol/ chud to this
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I saw that, first I thought "cute girl" then immediately I realized it was a troon
holy shit what are brian lee past and brian lee present doing in the tardzone
both of these men could have had families but they were ruined by the wwe mind virus
I'd need to see the troons ass but, I've fucked worse in my day.
we've lost an entire generation to it, very sad
bitchtits could have been a humble farmer, tending to the nutrition of hard working americans and now he's locked into a grain silo while blackrock will buy their farm because he can't give up being e-gendered
i imagine the bitchtits family plot is barren and more likely to be sold off to a chinese multinational company controlled by the state
a competent investor could fix the plot
i assume he's from a class of slave owners that interbred on their farm land for 100 years in their grain silos
that would explain why he's this retarded
i live in a silo and i do inbreeding and i only do it while watching slopdown so this adds up
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Always has been
That's the infamous Smackdownie
The smartest Edrone
yall cnt evn femboy
I thought she was wanting to be shaved... down there
Wow King Kong Bundy made a surprise appearance on Raw last night?
>goes from being a broke chad poster to getting paid 6 figures working TV for the biggest wrasslin companies in the world

Yeah, I'm thinking based

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