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>You know what, FUCK BIG E why is he even here with his broke neck

kofi kingston is actually one of the best promos in wrestling
The moment they started calling up how Austin, Angle and Edge broke their necks and came back, but Big E never did was pretty kino.
Would have catapulted to S-tier if Woods brought up Paige coming back from her neck issue
This will 100% turn into a Barbershop moment and it's the most interesting thing in their entire careers
I don't think woods wants any of his cum back from her
So biggie is gonna find some other black guys to manage to feud with them I guess. Prob some NXT call ups
Woods did have the Brad Maddox fit on
sooooo WWE is just the NIGGER fed now?
Odyssey Jone...
Oh wait nvm.
What is it about Kofi and Xavier that makes it impossible for them to come off as genuine in their promos? It always feels like I’m watching grown ass men with the same acting chops as a high school drama student. It never feels like they are trying to make it their segments feel like an actual interaction and not just “ok you said your line, now its my turn to say my line”
Now that you signed, sure.
honestly just send him down to NXT to be a manager rather than stink up the main roster
I think Kofi did really well.
"You broke your neck, so what?" is an insane line.
Kofi is great. Xavier did fine but he always comes off as a bit theatrical to me because we've seen him be such a nerd with the video game stuff, though this is still the best work he's done and he's definitely trying, which I appreciate.
It was unexpected kino.
We all knew it was either an Xavier turn, a swerve and Kofi turn, or an even bigger swerve where one turns heel and sticks with E. I think most people expected one of them to attack E and target the neck for heat.
Instead they both said they were sick of being the New Day, fuck Big E, and agreed to turn heel. Based.
>Yo, E. You look like you got AIDS, nigga.
Was this necessary?
No, it's the Samoan fed
Hunter would cement booker of the decade if he recreated with Kofi and Xavier in a black barbershop
Mentioning Edge didn't really make sense considering it took him 9 years to come back from his neck injury
But he came back for segments, like when Seth Rollins tried to kill him
its actually kind of crazy how much better they are as heels compared to zesty faces
If Xavier and Kofi hate Big E so much, why were they smiling like idiots when he was making his entrance? That made no sense. Bad segment, bad acting, 0/10
Fuck off kofi killed it last night same with woods.
All 3 did.
The new day got over as heels when they started and it forced the face turn
Nah, it made sense. Woods and Kofi said it didn't work and originally thought it was because of the other. But they were both aligned with splitting.

It's when Big E said, "I want to be a manager and keep this going" they got pissed and realized they faltered because of him. They were deluded enough to think that Big E would just come out and agree to split.

Whole segment worked out desu and decently shocking because everyone expected Woods to turn but did not expect both of them to not only turn but BTFO Big E.
shit makes no sense, are they just gonna start winning matches again?
He had surgery. They brought up that Big E didn't even get surgery or anything.

Sometimes an attitude change is all you need. They came out wanting to split, but realized they were stagnant mainly because they wanted Big E to come back to the same shit. I thought they both explained everything and did way more than most people would when it comes to turning. You can't even disagree with them in some aspects despite the obvious gaslighting towards Big E.
My childhood best friend of 10 years dropped me with no reason. He was my first friend and my neighbor. I suspect its because my dad beat the shit out of his dad because his dad slapped me in the face so probably his dad stopped him from hanging out with me after awhile. But we still lived next door to each other for 12 years. My dad almost died and my grandma died and he never talked to me.
I stood up for the guy, he was the one that got picked on. I fought the people he couldnt or wouldnt verbally or physically. He never came to my defense. Not once. But I can think of 20 plus instances where I took care of him. And he was older by a year
Sometimes it doesnt make sense and it happens out of nowhere.
Kofi is generally underrated.
All of the New Day guys are, but especially Kofi.
Kofi meant Edge’s neck break in 2003.
I don't think Xavier is really worth a damn.
Yeah but since they're bad guys now they'll cheat to win
>Broke-ass nigga wit a broke-ass neck
Beggin ya to cut a Big E promo on'm
Edge broke his neck in 2003, it's what killed his initial babyface run post E&C.
I've been wanted heel kofi for so fucking long
Yeah, it's why the whole turning point is Woods going "NOW?" They were going to split but the minute Big E said he was going to be a manager that flipped a switch for them.

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