What do?
>>16390927what if i'm already a heel
>>16390961*turns you face*Muahahaha that damn Kross did it again.
>>16390961but you aren't
>>16390927Pay the toll
Does Miz get to cum inside Scarlet at least?
>>16390961double heel
>>16390927He's doing Bray's gimmick, but correctly
>>16390927How many has he turned?>AJ Styles>The Miz>The New Day>Drew McIntyreWho else?
>>16392760>shinsuke>madcap moss>the street profits>after he feuded with rey, is the first time rey hit dom back
>>16390927Start doing heel stuff?In all seriousness, I'm glad Kross finally has momentum going and is enjoying his work as much as I am
>>16392774He hasn't had a match since August
>>16392837Money and miles