why do you care so much about tv ratings it's kind of cringe and grim
>>16693390WWE haters are just mentally ill like that
You tell me
>>16693390Because that's the only entertaining thing left to do with wrestling, goes to show you the absolute shit it has turned into
>>16693390Is like caring for win/lose rates for wrestlersIf someone has not lost in a streak is fun
>>16693390most of us dont but there are a select few loud autists on the board who pretend they're a sign of quality.
>>16693390Years of Dave Meltzer shitting on WWE's ratings has poisoned the minds of wrestling fans. If you're truly a casual and have no idea who Meltzer is you're lucky. He's a highly influential wrestling writer who is partly responsible for the industry's decline over the past 20 years. Most fans online and most indie wrestlers are obsessed with his match ratings.