Why does everything, and I mean everything always backfires on AEWtists? At this point. I'm starting to believe they're false flagging E-Gods.
>>16695833>I'm starting to believe they're false flagging E-Gods.Took you this long to figure out eh?
>>16695833They are. You don’t notice that when that one guy would spam “yup” threads with memes of Tony khans awards etc?
What backfired? Since when does anyone give a shit about global ratings or same day viewership? You're coping hard.
>>16695869Over 4 million btw
85% of them are false flags. But Rovert and his discord are very real.
>>16695891What did it get in America?
>>16695833I thought the same thing until the Irish flag appeared on/sp/
>>16695833AEW fucking sucks
>>16695833Go on palanq and check out the deleted posts. Trev is winning y’all. Makes y’all seethe and get y’allselfs in trouble with the law
>>16695833because it's just reactionary shitposting but there can't be any nuance because it has to be as provocative as possible or no one will reply
>>1669586970k status?
>>16695833Because the problem with aew is unironically aew fans
Unironically, GOD hates fags so they will always suffer.
>>16695833>>16695842E-Gods don't resort to samefagging or falseflagging, that's an aewtist game where nobody wins.E-drones however, probably do. They'll do anything to make AEW look bad. They're basically our grunts who do all the dirty work.We also have E-Alphas & E-Titans, both with different functions than the others.