>Orange Cassidy leaves AEW>joins WWE>dronies start acting like he's the messiahwhat causes this?
This has never happened. How’s Edge going, btw
>>16706776Why are you acting like the AEW cult didn't do the same over shitters like Malachi Black and Keith Lee literally every single time?
>>16706792you know you'd react this exact way+ DEAR OH DEAR
>>16706800How’s the game changer ricochet going
>>16706799troons hated Black and black (obese)?
Nah he‘ll never leave. Tony would rip his dick off and eat it for dinner for this guy
>>16706812Nice revisionist history. The gamechanger meme was started over Malachi
>>16706776Tony not letting his favorite faggot to skinwalk as go
>>16706776drones have no guiding principles. for the drones, truth is only whatever the grievance of the day is on twitter.
>>16706823How’s the game changer sasha banks going
>>16706776No one likes orange faggot
brw. how’s our generation’s Stone Cold. Wheeler Yuta, doing?
>>16706776AEWtists are currently pretending ricochet is a legend. Nice projection tranny
>>16706835>immediate deflectionsee what i mean? they have no way to perceive life except through the prism of their grievances. sasha banks committed the ultimate sin of leaving the WWE so she ranks high up there in their pantheon of evil.
>>16706850Ok now tell us what you think about Punk and Cody without seething too much
orange cassidy is not even a real character
>>16706776They have to do it because console war is deeply imbued in the E-tards vapid head. Jade Cargill, Ethan Page, and Pillman Jr. are good examples of how fast they’ll start sucking dick for someone no matter how bland they are
>>16706776WWE should buy Chikara IP, then he could debut as Fire Ant
>>16706890>continued deflectionsasha banks, cm punk, cody rhodes. you see, the modern drone isn't even capable of thinking about wrestlers that exist outside of their grievance bubble. every discussion has to revolve around wrestlers that they feel have wronged them, or wrestlers they feel have allowed them to "score a win" against an imaginary opponent. it's really fascinating, and it's my belief they should be studied like zoo animals.
>>16706850Thoughts on ethan page? Thoughts on lexis king? Thoughts on penta?
>>16706776I'd call him a shitter like I called Ethan Page a shitter
A reminder that AEW fans pretended Kamille was a good pick up despite never paying attention to NWA
>Wrestler leaves the aew cult and goes to the big leagues>aewtard immediately pretends they never liked them
>>16706926>Thoughts on ethan page? Who?>Thoughts on lexis king? Bringe>Thoughts on penta?Have only seen webms and gifs of him spamming some lame hand gesture
>>16706850>>16706916kek this aew cultist did NOT like getting btfo
>>16706776>Old jobber leaves WWE>joins AEW>trannies start acting like he's the messiah what causes this?
>>16706843>2 faggots on Twitter say something>dronies think it's the new commonly shared headcanon
>>16706965You can tell he’s mad about getting completely decimated by an Egod when he writes a paragraph like a pseud
>>16706965and now we reach the final act. like a young chimpanzee, they've exhausted all options and taunts that they've seen used by others, and they're forced to impotently declare victory and retreat, moving on to the next grievance. their emotions make them entirely predictable. it's a shame they'll never be studied in the way that they should.
>>16706946But enough about E-tards when Mone & Cope didn’t stay in WWE
>>16706983Yupp, you were right kek >>16707003
>>16706926Page and King have been much better in nxt, and I say that as someone who watched aew regularly when they were featured.
>>16707003nah u cooked dog fr
>>16706776That will never happen, just like you walking lol
>>16706813Is a very common name
>>16706776brand loyalty. they used to shit on cody and call him le dustys son.