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File: Inoki.jpg (169 KB, 1200x675)
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Logan looks dimes here
if you're a 13 year old that loves youtube, sure
go to bed logan, no one who has reached pubity likes you
ELP at home
damn it must suck to be an adult if it makes your taste this bad
File: IMG_20250111_125026.jpg (523 KB, 1080x1335)
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>Logan looks dimes here
>*Posts literally any picture of him*
No he doesn’t
Shoving mcnuggets up the ass has that effect
This is what an overly caffeinated kid making CAWs would think was cool. Name him Rage or some shit. So while he's pandering to his audience, as an adult man I just think he looks stupid.
>another wrestler the Miz gets over
MJF could NEVER!
it must suck to be charismaless manchild who will exposed as a pedophile later in life but at least you have your money logan
Why do only fat smarks hate Logan? Is this a Roman situation all over again

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