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File: dgay.png (688 KB, 1135x604)
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why are aew troon sissies so silent today
Who is that main event player?
tranniel gaycia
They don't post here anymore since you drove them away
Wwe should sign him up
why did you edit him to look like an ape
Rovert melted down so badly the mods had to sympathy kill him and the rest of the AEW troons just kind of slunk away
It’s kinda boring without them around actually
They can't afford him
How many more toys does Shad need to buy before his son gets above 70k viewers again?
With enough of them sure. But Hoggers replying to himself and arguing with himself and accusing himself of samefagging was anti-dimes.
As many as it takes for him to realize that Ryback is the only option.
>GodTits won
'fraid so

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