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Alas, you are still Nicole Smith, a mentally ill mess of a woman with anomalous abilities. You are a Cleaner, a deniable asset used by massive megacorporations called the Alphabet Companies and anyone else willing to pay you. Such as your Handler, a member of a powerful family who hands you most of your jobs. Mostly so you can clean up messes for him.

The last week has been rough to your psyche and sense of wellbeing. During your tour of an X-Corp military base, you managed to awaken a deep and primordial part of your psyche in the form of antlers growing out of your fucking head. Luckily, you managed to finish the mission by solidifying a deal between E, Q, and X-Corp.

After hanging out with some allies, restocking your supplies, and connecting with corporate representatives, you then spent a solid week at sea. With what? To assist the Captain on it with any and all tasks during the voyage. This so happened to include hunting down an X5 anomaly, one of the most dangerous types of anomalies, called the Admiral's Game.

You managed to hunt down the Admiral's ship and bested him in a game of chess, earning his respect before he passed away. You think. You can't really tell with anomalies this powerful but you swear he's dead. You then managed to reconnect with two of your allies, Maruyama and Kiara, and hung out with them to decompress after your last mission. You noticed that Maruyama had a spark of potential that might blossom into something powerful if you nurtured it.

Your latest mission, which you have just currently started, is hunting down a member of a powerful corporate family by the name of Valentina Vanni. You were tasked with heading down to Abgrund, a small mining town in a section of W-Corp's district, to find out what happened to her. You caught a glimpse of three powerful Alphabet Company administrators on your way in who are also hunting down for her. Things might get hectic if you're not careful.

Though, that's how it is in the City. The only place you've ever truly known. Such a vast and endless stretch of streets, buildings, districts and companies, there's apparently a doppelganger of you out there as well. What her plan is, you don't know.

Your plan? You just want to survive. For you and your allies to be safe. No matter how much blood it takes.

ARCHIVE: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Cleaner
MAIN CHARACTER SHEET (has your stats + perks + abilities): https://pastebin.com/3y638TfK
ALLIES (contains their stats, abilities, recruitment costs, and RAPPORT): https://pastebin.com/8gdVZBPe
MECHANICS (contains the explanation of stats, how stat checks work, and some other minor rules): https://pastebin.com/A9nLYWP6
INVENTORY (contains your items, consumables, weapons, etc.): https://pastebin.com/n0MH6M17
CITY INFO (General information about the Alphabet Companies and other notable entities): https://pastebin.com/ZP2JN7mT
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"Max, Alexis. Go check the Mayor's Building-" You take a moment to glance back at the super shoddy mobile-home sized building. You're not actually sure if it's the Mayor's Building but hey, gotta start somewhere! "I think that's what it is. Me, Casey, and Benjamin will check out the general store to see what's going on there."

"Aw." Max huffs with a pout, crossing her arms like a spoiled brat. "Splitting me away from him? Trying to take him away from me, harpie-" She immediately loses the resolve to continue to act as she breaks character, giggling to herself. "Sure, sure. We'll be right back."
<"I never liked Krakatoas. This one is only justifying my past experiences."> "Sure." Alexis curtly nods before grabbing Max by the arm. "Let's go."

"HEY, WAIT-" And she's promptly dragged away by Alexis. You, Benjamin, and Casey watch on as Alexis drags Max away. Soon, all you can see is the faint impression of Max's blueish-grey hair and Alexis' bright white business suit.
>MAX and ALEXIS have temporarily left the party. They will make their own decisions while they're not in your party.

The three of you stand there in awkward silence before Casey breaks the silence by pointing towards the nearby General Store with a giddy, childlike smirk. "Shall we engage in the time honored activity that all humans enjoy participating in?"

[PERSON OF INTEREST] She could've said that in any other way. Is she messing with us?

[DELUSIONAL] "CAPTIALISM, HOY!" Benjamin doesn't wait for you two as he immediately begins rushing over to the general store. Fuck, he could've at least TRIED to draw less attention here.

You and Casey chase after him to make sure he doesn't make a fool of himself at the shop. The three of you stumble right into the General Store and, in all of the commotion, you damn near trip over each other trying to fit through the small door all at the same time.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCe5Mvho55c - ANCIENT GENERAL STORE

Your first impression when you entered the shop is that you barely even call it one. The shelves are barely stocked and what few supplies are stocked seem to have been sitting there for ages. The rusted sheet metal that makes up the walls and floors is threatening to crack and burst at any second now. There's about one ancient freezer that seems like it was dredged up from the 1960s sitting in the corner, coughing and wheezing for dear life.

You walk over to see if there's even anything inside. Shockingly, there's actually still some frozen goods inside. Mostly discount C-Company ice cream and discount V-Corp sodas. You close the freezer before turning your attention to the back of the shop.

A queer looking man sits at the checkout counter. He's a tall, slim man with pale skin and long, ratty brown-blonde hair with black lipstick smeared all over his lips. A loose and ratty jacket covered in various colorful patches is draped over him.
"Hehehe! Welcome, welcome." The man at the counter gestures at you three to approach. "Welcome to my shop! Call me Devin Woo! Man of the hour himself, hehehe!" A toothy smile stretches across his mouth from ear to ear. "I won't bite, no no, that's what my wife does. Nasty little wolf she is."

[MERCURICAL] Casey immediately frowns when she sees who the shop keeper is. "How disappointing. That's not how a proper businessman should look. That outfit is last century, surely a proper business owner would know better."
[GULLIBLE] "I guess he's just an employee then?" Benjamin shrugs. "If he's not the shop owner. Can't judge him that much."

Devin's smile fades ever so slightly. "I'm the shopkeeper. Only one in this damn town. Could at least give me some respect." His smile bounces back almost immediately. "Oh well! At least you're not like those high and mighty rich types that came into town a week ago- Ah, shouldn't gossip."

"Then why did you say that at all?" You try to hide how insulted you are by the blatant teasing of information.

"For my own safety. Who knows when they'll return? Or if you're one of them too? I can't quite trust you with such information. Especially that Z-Corp fella. Very fancy jacket, yes yes." Devin glances around, as if he just heard someone whispering to him. "Yes, yes, Amber. Soon enough." <[UNSTABLE] That girl in the middle seems familiar. Smells familiar. Kill her, boss?>


"So! What would you like to buy, madams and sir? Heh."

MONEY: $1863


>GAS MASK AND FILTER. "We sell these for those going in the mines! Toxic fumes in there, real bad for the health." ($45 per gasmask, $18 per three filters. Each mask comes with three filters. Protects you from viruses and toxic gases.)
>MINING BUNDLE. "Comes with all the basic mining supplies!" ($225 per bundle. Contains various useful tools for mining and other cave-based exploration, such as nightvision googles, pickaxes, and other such goodies. Enough to equip one ally per bundle.
>DYNAMITE BUNDLE. "I see that H-Corp ID card. Here, have this! From Mr. Pete himself." ($157 per bundle. A highly potent explosive that can be used to quickly cave in passages, blow open barricades, or to heavily damage the structural integrity of a building.)
>POLISHED MOONSTONE CHUNK. "One of the few I have left over before the caves closed." (1 A-Energy or $450 per chunk. Has 5 in stock. Boosts the potential of the next anomalous ability you use. When used on an ally, boosts their max RESTRAINT by 1.)
>POLISHED SUNSTONE CHUNK. "Super rare. I need something REAL valuable." (1 C EXTRACT + $450 per chunk, max of 3. When consumed by you or an ally, permanently boosts max FLESH by 1 and temporarily increases all stats by 2.)
>MAP FRAGMENT. "Due to recent protests, we lost most of our maps. This is all I can offer." ($63 per fragment. Offers a random segment of the caves, offering useful if somewhat questionable advice. Lowers the DC of using WHISPERS OF THE CITY when exploring the cave by 1 per fragment.)
>RAW MOONSTONE GAS DETECTOR. "Be careful. Even the best gas mask can only protect against their fumes for so long. ($499. Has three charges that slowly regenerates over time. Warns you of potential gas leaks for your own safety and to help find RAW MOONSTONE CHUNKS.)
>POWER DRILL. "Rips through everything with ease." (1 drill per $540, 1 Tank for $45. Comes with three fuel tanks. Can spend 1 tank to precisely rip through a large section of stone or to make a ATTACK ROLL of 2d8+TALENT+VIOLENCE)
>COLD TREATS. "Old classics!" (3 treats per $22. Makes your allies happier and less prone to freak out but offers no other bonuses.)
>ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. "Just in case. Shit's dangerous down there." (1 chunk per $76. Purges all non-CRIPPLING INJURY status effects, good or bad.)

What do you want to ask him about? Pick up to three.
>Ask him some questions. Anything that comes to mind, really. (Write in up to three questions to ask him about himself, the town and mines, or anything else that catches your attention.)
>[UNSTABLE] HE'S ONE OF US. TRY TO GET HIM TO 'UNDERSTAND' WE'RE JUST LIKE HIM. (WILLPOWER DC: 18, rolling 6d6 by yourself. Getting him to understand that you're on the same wavelength as him might get him to offer some valuable assistance down the line.)
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] He's clearly being vague and coy about the involvement of the corporate families here. Convince him you're not secret family agents and that he's safe to speak his mind. (CHARM DC: 27 (-2 from CASEY), rolling 8d6+2d3 with help of your allies. You'll likely to get some useful information about Valentina and the other corporate family members if you succeed. You may spend 1 A-Energy or a FISH PILE (RARE) to immediately succeed this check.)
>[CASEY ALLY] "Good sir o' Devin, how is this town still in operation if the mines are closed? When WERE the mines closed? Oddly suspicious timing considering some rumors we heard." (CONNECTIONS DC: 30 (-2 from Casey), roll 8d6+2d3 with the help of your allies. He might slip up and say something incriminating or very, very questionable on a success.)
>[BENJAMIN ALLY] "Buddy, our companies make the same kind of products. Why would they send a Z-Corp dude to mess with you? You got some bad blood with them?" Let Benjamin pry into him about his past with Z-Corp. Is there a reason he's so suspicious about that company involving themselves in this town? (No skill check needed, thanks to the labcoat.)
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] "So, your job is to mine Moonstones, right? Has any company shown interest in using them? We're trying to figure out a situation involving them." You still don't have a solid motive for Vanni even being here. Something's wrong with this situation, you just know it.
>[FISH O' PLENTLY] "I got some 'surplus' that your shop might be interested in. Perhaps you'd be willing to humor us?" (Write in how many RARE, VERY RARE, or SPECIAL bundles you give him. For each bundle you give, he'll offer some secrets about the Mine, W-Company, and the people in the town. May prove VERY useful down the line. You may write in a specific kind of secret you want to know.)
>Write in.

Do you sell any of your barter supplies to him? Or use them in exchange of cash?
>YES (Write in which ones to use/sell.)

Welcome back to the hellhole. Meant to upload this yesterday but shit sorta got in the way. Oh well, it is what it is. I feel recharged after my small break so hopefully we can keep the momentum up.
>>RAW MOONSTONE GAS DETECTOR. "Be careful. Even the best gas mask can only protect against their fumes for so long. ($499. Has three charges that slowly regenerates over time. Warns you of potential gas leaks for your own safety and to help find RAW MOONSTONE CHUNKS.)
>POWER DRILL. "Rips through everything with ease." (1 drill per $540, 1 Tank for $45. Comes with three fuel tanks. Can spend 1 tank to precisely rip through a large section of stone or to make a ATTACK ROLL of 2d8+TALENT+VIOLENCE)
Just one and the three tanks it comes with
>GAS MASK AND FILTER. "We sell these for those going in the mines! Toxic fumes in there, real bad for the health." ($45 per gasmask, $18 per three filters. Each mask comes with three filters. Protects you from viruses and toxic gases.)
Maybe enough for the whole team? I'm not crunching numbers right now
>MINING BUNDLE. "Comes with all the basic mining supplies!" ($225 per bundle. Contains various useful tools for mining and other cave-based exploration, such as nightvision googles, pickaxes, and other such goodies. Enough to equip one ally per bundle.
Just one, we'll have the drill.
>COLD TREATS. "Old classics!" (3 treats per $22. Makes your allies happier and less prone to freak out but offers no other bonuses.)
>ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. "Just in case. Shit's dangerous down there." (1 chunk per $76. Purges all non-CRIPPLING INJURY status effects, good or bad.)
1 set of three treats, and a dose of charcoal

>[UNSTABLE] HE'S ONE OF US. TRY TO GET HIM TO 'UNDERSTAND' WE'RE JUST LIKE HIM. (WILLPOWER DC: 18, rolling 6d6 by yourself. Getting him to understand that you're on the same wavelength as him might get him to offer some valuable assistance down the line.)
>[BENJAMIN ALLY] "Buddy, our companies make the same kind of products. Why would they send a Z-Corp dude to mess with you? You got some bad blood with them?" Let Benjamin pry into him about his past with Z-Corp. Is there a reason he's so suspicious about that company involving themselves in this town? (No skill check needed, thanks to the labcoat.)
>[FISH O' PLENTLY] "I got some 'surplus' that your shop might be interested in. Perhaps you'd be willing to humor us?" (Write in how many RARE, VERY RARE, or SPECIAL bundles you give him. For each bundle you give, he'll offer some secrets about the Mine, W-Company, and the people in the town. May prove VERY useful down the line. You may write in a specific kind of secret you want to know.)
Lets give him like, 2 rare fish

Do you sell any of your barter supplies to him? Or use them in exchange of cash?
>YES (Write in which ones to use/sell.)
Lets sell all the mundane and common fish
Welcome back OP

>past experiences
Which one triggered you this bad, Alexis?
>all humans
Yes, because Casey is totally one too
Not as handlebars when finally finding that special someone?
>trip over each other
I missed this comedy

>that's what my wife does
What a lucky man
>those high and mighty rich types that came into town a week ago
But this is happening right now? Is this about Valentina arriving? Rich types plural... so Vanni wasn't alone?
>seems familiar. Smells familiar
That fucking doppleganger? Here?

We already have 4 sets of these, check the inventory >>5982973. Might as well grab 1 extra for a total of 5 sets because there's 5 of us here
Useful if we raid a glowie base, don't have to use it here
Get 2, pay with 2 A. I don't know if that's +1 max RESTRAINT permanently, but I'm willing to get this even if it isn't
Get 1, pay in 1 C that isn't from the ones Admiral gave us. This is TOO GOOD to pass up one
No way I'm passing this up with this mission. We can always trade this back in on our way out if we won't have to use it after this mission
What >>5982973 said
What >>5982973 said

Clown to clown!!!
No check needed? Count me in
2 rare, what >>5982973 said
Mine and W Corp, please.

Every option here is good, but we can still get info from the mine guards with the bribe money
I like this with what the other guy said.

Anyway, nice start and welcome back Handler. Looking forward to continuing the quest. Missed it while it was on break, hope you had time to rest.
Checking the inventory for things we could use eventually
We could have nfo to use to deal with Roland, Max's dad, if we had used this earlier. We simply had no time, but that's OK
We got this from Gregory's chair in his camera room in the movie mission. We don't have enough for an Ensemble nor a person to use this with, but this is still important for armor
Not the same as the ACTING CAPTAIN HAT, which is permanently for Adam to keep. This one just says "One of your allies may like it?" which we still don't know who.
Very intriguing description. I have no idea what this could be meant for
We never used this once since we got it. We went through all the trouble for it, so why not use it at some point? Problem here is on this mission only Benjamin knows about the glowies (or Max too if he told her offscreen), and we have 3 corp admins roaming around. Pretty high risk, and it doesn't seem like the silver agents have any presence here on this mining mission. Might not be worth it this time
We still have some from the fishing we did. If there's a creature lurking in the mines, we can put this to great effect.
This might be a great substitute to game overing ourselves by blowing up the mines with us inside it. "Can block most narrow passageways" it says.
Could also be useful to detect Valentina if she's trapped behind a wall or inaccessible? Combined with Max's implant radar, we can be more sure if what we found really is Valentina... or something else.
Better off selling these, honestly. Will we ever need to inflate 3 whole lifeboats just to block a hallway?
Now THIS is valuable. There's bound to be some weird shit in these mines or in the surrounding area. This along with the other detector items we have will give us an edge
We could pass it to Alexis or Max to check over, while we're together on this job
We never did go on that Q Corp mission. We could really put "spend a charge to make the next person you encounter completely forget you were ever there" to good use. I doubt it'll be here though, with how there's guards PLURAL at the mine exit.
Will we ever use these again, now that we have UNSTABLE RESOLVE from showing compassion to UNSTABLE in the mind vision? Might as well give them to Benedict next time
We still have one left after Admiral?
"+3d6 to all checks relating to locating a human, drone, or anomaly" says we should keep this in mind down in the mine
OP we have 2 of them, not 1. Handler gave us 2, and we gave 1 to allies. That got used up to depanic Benedict, so we are at 2.
"Useful during exploration" it says. And the mine's right over there.

That's all I got right now
Whoops, I meant Handler gave us THREE (3) LALILU pills. ONE (1) got used on Benedict. We are left with TWO (2)
>+SOMTOIN ZETA x2 (A potent psychoactive that reformats your soul. +3 CHARM, +1 WILLPOWER, +1 TALENT and CONNECTIONS temporarily on use. Radically alters how the voices in your head act while active, altering future voting options for better and worse.)
Update inventory with this next time, please.

I missed it too. Once we get out of the shopping and start really operating this mission, we'll be in the swing of things again.
>GAS MASK AND FILTER. "We sell these for those going in the mines! Toxic fumes in there, real bad for the health." ($45 per gasmask, $18 per three filters. Each mask comes with three filters. Protects you from viruses and toxic gases.)
Enough for everyone
>MINING BUNDLE. "Comes with all the basic mining supplies!" ($225 per bundle. Contains various useful tools for mining and other cave-based exploration, such as nightvision googles, pickaxes, and other such goodies. Enough to equip one ally per bundle.
>POLISHED SUNSTONE CHUNK. "Super rare. I need something REAL valuable." (1 C EXTRACT + $450 per chunk, max of 3. When consumed by you or an ally, permanently boosts max FLESH by 1 and temporarily increases all stats by 2.)
>MAP FRAGMENT. "Due to recent protests, we lost most of our maps. This is all I can offer." ($63 per fragment. Offers a random segment of the caves, offering useful if somewhat questionable advice. Lowers the DC of using WHISPERS OF THE CITY when exploring the cave by 1 per fragment.)
>RAW MOONSTONE GAS DETECTOR. "Be careful. Even the best gas mask can only protect against their fumes for so long. ($499. Has three charges that slowly regenerates over time. Warns you of potential gas leaks for your own safety and to help find RAW MOONSTONE CHUNKS.)
>ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. "Just in case. Shit's dangerous down there." (1 chunk per $76. Purges all non-CRIPPLING INJURY status effects, good or bad.)

>[UNSTABLE] HE'S ONE OF US. TRY TO GET HIM TO 'UNDERSTAND' WE'RE JUST LIKE HIM. (WILLPOWER DC: 18, rolling 6d6 by yourself. Getting him to understand that you're on the same wavelength as him might get him to offer some valuable assistance down the line.)
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] He's clearly being vague and coy about the involvement of the corporate families here. Convince him you're not secret family agents and that he's safe to speak his mind. (CHARM DC: 27 (-2 from CASEY), rolling 8d6+2d3 with help of your allies. You'll likely to get some useful information about Valentina and the other corporate family members if you succeed. You may spend 1 A-Energy or a FISH PILE (RARE) to immediately succeed this check.)
>[CASEY ALLY] "Good sir o' Devin, how is this town still in operation if the mines are closed? When WERE the mines closed? Oddly suspicious timing considering some rumors we heard." (CONNECTIONS DC: 30 (-2 from Casey), roll 8d6+2d3 with the help of your allies. He might slip up and say something incriminating or very, very questionable on a success.)
>GAS MASK AND FILTER. "We sell these for those going in the mines! Toxic fumes in there, real bad for the health." ($45 per gasmask, $18 per three filters. Each mask comes with three filters. Protects you from viruses and toxic gases.)
>MINING BUNDLE. "Comes with all the basic mining supplies!" ($225 per bundle. Contains various useful tools for mining and other cave-based exploration, such as nightvision googles, pickaxes, and other such goodies. Enough to equip one ally per bundle.
>DYNAMITE BUNDLE. "I see that H-Corp ID card. Here, have this! From Mr. Pete himself." ($157 per bundle. A highly potent explosive that can be used to quickly cave in passages, blow open barricades, or to heavily damage the structural integrity of a building.)
>POLISHED MOONSTONE CHUNK. "One of the few I have left over before the caves closed." (1 A-Energy or $450 per chunk. Has 5 in stock. Boosts the potential of the next anomalous ability you use. When used on an ally, boosts their max RESTRAINT by 1.)
>RAW MOONSTONE GAS DETECTOR. "Be careful. Even the best gas mask can only protect against their fumes for so long. ($499. Has three charges that slowly regenerates over time. Warns you of potential gas leaks for your own safety and to help find RAW MOONSTONE CHUNKS.)
>ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. "Just in case. Shit's dangerous down there." (1 chunk per $76. Purges all non-CRIPPLING INJURY status effects, good or bad.)

>[UNSTABLE] HE'S ONE OF US. TRY TO GET HIM TO 'UNDERSTAND' WE'RE JUST LIKE HIM. (WILLPOWER DC: 18, rolling 6d6 by yourself. Getting him to understand that you're on the same wavelength as him might get him to offer some valuable assistance down the line.)
>[CASEY ALLY] "Good sir o' Devin, how is this town still in operation if the mines are closed? When WERE the mines closed? Oddly suspicious timing considering some rumors we heard." (CONNECTIONS DC: 30 (-2 from Casey), roll 8d6+2d3 with the help of your allies. He might slip up and say something incriminating or very, very questionable on a success.)
>[BENJAMIN ALLY] "Buddy, our companies make the same kind of products. Why would they send a Z-Corp dude to mess with you? You got some bad blood with them?" Let Benjamin pry into him about his past with Z-Corp. Is there a reason he's so suspicious about that company involving themselves in this town? (No skill check needed, thanks to the labcoat.)

Welcome back QM
POWER DRILL: rOJ, Buw, W2U, H86 (Majority picked to buy the drill without any other tanks)
GAS MASK: ALL (Buying one, since you have four already.)
COLD TREATS: rOJ, Buw, W2U, H86 (Buying one bundle of three)
ACTIVATED CHARCOAL: rOJ, Buw, W2U, H86, Edb (Majority of one dose)
POLISED MOONSTONE: Buw, W2U, H86, Edb (Majority who picked this is buying two with 2 A)
POLISHED SUNSTONE: Buw, W2U, H86, e3b (Majority who picked this is buying one with 1 regular C-Extract)

BENJAMIN ALLY: rOJ, Buw, W2U, H86, Edb
FISH O' PLENTLY rOJ, Buw, W2U, H86 (paying with 2 Rare Fish)
CASEY: e3b, Edb

NO COMMENT: Everyone else

So, overall, the list of stuff is RAW MOONSTONE GAS DETECTOR, POWER DRILL, GAS MASK x1, MINING BUNDLE, COLD TREATS, ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, POLISHED MOONSTONE x2, POLISHED SUNSTONE x1, and DYNAMITE BUNDLE, leaving you with $299. You also spend 2 A-Energy, 1 C-Extract, and 2 Rare Fish.

Wanna see your MUNDANE and COMMON fish to recoup some of your losses?
>YES (-COMMON and MUNDANE FISH, +$1275, leaving you at $1574)
>YES AND THE LIFEBOATS (-COMMON, MUNDANE, and LIFEBOATS. You imagine you could get $200 out of the lifeboats from him thanks to the raw material they could use for other products here, so +$1475, leaving you at $1774)
>NYO, but sell the useless INFLATABLE LIFEBOATS. (-3 LIFEBOATS, +$200, leaving you at $499)

And since a majority only picked UNSTABLE as the thing to roll, I need three anons to roll 2d6.

To clarify, it does boost max RESTRAINT permanently. I'll leave that to a future vote to decide who gets it.
>OP we have 2 of them, not 1. Handler gave us 3, and we gave 1 to allies. That got used up to depanic Benedict, so we are at 2.
Ah, fair, will rectify that soon, alongside the Zeta thing, with the FAT PURCHASES you got.
Rolled 1, 3 = 4 (2d6)

>YES AND THE LIFEBOATS (-COMMON, MUNDANE, and LIFEBOATS. You imagine you could get $200 out of the lifeboats from him thanks to the raw material they could use for other products here, so +$1475, leaving you at $1774)
Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d6)

>YES AND THE LIFEBOATS (-COMMON, MUNDANE, and LIFEBOATS. You imagine you could get $200 out of the lifeboats from him thanks to the raw material they could use for other products here, so +$1475, leaving you at $1774)
Rolled 1, 6 = 7 (2d6)

>those rolls
Oh no... we failed...
>YES AND THE LIFEBOATS (-COMMON, MUNDANE, and LIFEBOATS. You imagine you could get $200 out of the lifeboats from him thanks to the raw material they could use for other products here, so +$1475, leaving you at $1774)
Back to the brink of BROKE and back up again
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With an outcome like this, we might as well have not even fucking bothered.

Well, good thing you got some resources to consoom. Pick one.
>1 CHARGE OFF YOUR ECLIPSE TALISMAN (Due to the sheer statistical improbability of rolling another two 1s, this counts as a success)
>1 PEP PILL+ (adds up to 21, another success.)
>1 CHARGE OFF YOUR ECLIPSE TALISMAN (Due to the sheer statistical improbability of rolling another two 1s, this counts as a success)
>1 CHARGE OFF YOUR ECLIPSE TALISMAN (Due to the sheer statistical improbability of rolling another two 1s, this counts as a success)
Guys, we're in a mining zone for W Corp where they have Moonstones and Sunstones. And Nicole has an Eclipse Talisman. Hmmm...
>NYO, but sell the useless INFLATABLE LIFEBOATS. (-3 LIFEBOATS, +$200, leaving you at $499)

>1 CHARGE OFF YOUR ECLIPSE TALISMAN (Due to the sheer statistical improbability of rolling another two 1s, this counts as a success)
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Closing it now. Three for selling Fish + Lifeboats, one for only lifeboats. Three for consuming Talisman charge. I keep these votes short so we don't drag out things 6ever.
Small error, I forgot to account for the $450 that the Sunstone asks, so you are left with $1324 instead of $1774. However, that's still a lot of money left after buying a lot of useful items, so hopefully this isn't too much of a deal.

Writing. Fifty threads of Nicole's adventures 4evermore.
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>$1324 LEFT

After he slices through the inflatable lifeboats to get sheets of the material they're made out of, you place down all of your bundles of COMMON and MUNDANE FISH, two bundles of RARE FISH, 2 A-Energy and the C-Extract, and some cash as payment (and bribery)

"Hot damn, haven't gotten fish here in YEARS!" Devin flips through the bundles of fish you manage to transport over. "Wish it could've been fresh but hey! The transportations costs from T and Y-Corp ain't worth paying for fish these days." He picks them up and heads through a door behind him, likely to store them in some freezer for later.

You, Casey, and Benjamin split up to grab some various supplies from the store you bought. Why else would you give him all of that fish if it wasn't for the purpose of CAPTIALISM, after all?

Most of the items around the shop are pretty self explanatory. The power drill is a huge, bulky drill that you can barely carry, the gas mask is a gas mask, etc etc. The items that do catch your interest are the Moonstone + Sunstone chunks and the Moonstone Gas Detector.

The polished moonstone chunks, which are a dark and cloudy royal purple compared to the brighter purple of fully refined Moonstones, are about the size of a tennis ball each. Inside of the gemstone is a swirling, dark purple gas that's oddly hypnotizing to watch. Swirling, swirling, swirling.
The Sunstone Chunk you picked out is a blindingly bright orange gemstone fragment carved in the shape of a star. It BURNS to hold in your hands. You immediately have to wrap it around some spare fabric strips you had to prevent any serious damage. A bright orange glow pours out of the stone, visible even underneath the fabric covering.

Casey and Benjamin finish carrying over the MOONSTONE GAS DETECTOR over to the checkout counter. It's a big, bulky aluminium box that on first blush looks more akin to a vintage air conditioning unit than a piece of mining equipment. Three screens with bright green text on a black background are plastered on the front and sides the box.


"Probably just because of the gemstones in the shop." Benjamin mutters as he scans through the walls of incomprehensible technical jargon that fills most of the detector's screens. "Methane, Carbon Monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, Carbon Dioxide...detects those too..."

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Eclipse? Like our talisman? You absolutely don't recall W-Company advertising that they make Talismans. It's not an official product from them.
[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Maybe they just harvest the material if one of their leftover pieces of mining equipment can detect it. Though you don't find silk in mines, right?

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"So! I saw you gave me some little treats like this, mmmh?" He gestures towards the fish you gave him. "Well, well, I'm not one to smack a gift like that away. What secrets do you wish to know?"

"How about about the Mines and W-Corp?"

One of his eyes twitches. "Oh, mines, mines, MINES. Nothing good down there, no no, nothing worth the infinite risk down there anymore, no. So many untapped moon, sun, dwarfstones, and eclipse silk but no no. The fumes there, the gas infinitely leaking from those things, we dug too deep, yes yes." Oh god, it's like you triggered some sort of psychoactive break in him.

"Equivalent exchange you see. The moons require you to shatter into glass, glass. Fragments. One mind is not good enough, no no, not for W-Company. Shatter, shatter, five isn't good enough. Pull the glass OUTSIDE of your head and STUFF it into another, patches up one mirror but you see, the other mirror is broken. Can't see a reflection anymore. The you there doesn't exist. That's why we had to close the mines, yes."

"Wait." You try your best to get some clarification. "Are you saying that going in there...breaks your mind? The fumes in there? How deep do you have to go for it to happen?"

Devin leans over the counter, his hands gripping tightly on the rusted metal checkout counter. "Below a thousand feet, nothing but the Lack. Pure oblivion. Oh, but they don't mind that. They don't mind when you can't even see your own reflection. Shatter, shatter, shatter. That's what they want. There's nothing of value in you for them unless you saw the Lack. Total oblivion. See, that's why we're good, Nicole-" Wait, how does he know your name?

[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] You assume the 'Lack" is metaphorical. Probably just when the concentration of gas is lethal.

"2+2 doesn't equal 4 anymore. We can see the logical gaps that the others can't. That's why W-Company likes us, yes, yes. When the stones of doubt holding you back are shattered like the mirror, yes, that's when you're free. I know some people who wanted to go back to the mine. To huff in those sweet, delicious fumes. So much, much. I want to go back too. To see the Lack. They had to close it, close it, otherwise we would wander back there."

"Been like that for two weeks now. Levels too high. Too unsafe. Feh."

A weird look crosses Benjamin's face as he processes Devin's ramblings. <"...That doesn't sound half bad. To not have to worry about 'you'...">

[PERSON OF INTEREST] The only reason someone would go down there is if they were trying to hide from something or someone.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] If she had any interest in this place, she had to know about the properties of the gasses down there beforehand...
[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] The complete oblivion of the soul. Obliteration of the self. Ultimate freedom from the world around you.
[UNSTABLE] Valentina disappeared a week ago, right? Maybe she wants to obliterate herself? Or to become like us?

This complicates things severely.
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If the person you're trying to recuse is intentionally trying to obliterate her brain from the gasses deep inside the cave, then you're on a time limit. Could it some sort of sick self experimentation? Or maybe she somehow didn't know and she's risking permanent brain damage by fucking around down there?

[PERSON OF INTEREST] There's no way the guards would've let her in willing, would they? Did she bribe them? Did she sneak in? Why would they let her in at all, though?
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] The way he phrased that seemed to imply that W-Company wasn't the reason it's closed if they actually ENJOY people shattering their minds. So who closed it? What's the actual reason?

After riling himself up, Devin slumps behind the counter with an exhausted, hazy frown. His calm, reasonable mask is GONE now.

"Wait." Benjamin snaps out of his funk. "Buddy, our companies make the same kind of products. Why would they send a Z-Corp dude to mess with you? You got some bad blood with them?" He pulls at the front of his labcoat, showing off the symbol of Z-Company stitched onto it. "I mean. I wasn't even informed of anything happening here. I fucking work with them, man."

Devin deflates a bit, sinking even further behind the counter. "Used to be someone before shattering. Wanted to be artist. Then coder. No no. Z-Company next option. Alas, no luck there. Bad relationship. Ran here."

"Again, if it was something important enough for Z-Company to hunt you down over, I would know." Benjamin adjusts his glasses, trying his best to process Devin's schizo speech (throwing stones in glass houses here, Nicky.) "Please. I'm not going to rat you out. Hell, Z-Company isn't even hunting you, man."

"...Came down here two months back. Wanted to get shipment of Eclipse Silk. Went down to get some for boss. Became this. Left when they saw me. Been shopkeep since."
"What a poor waste of human resources!" Casey coos out, leaning over the counter- wait is she squishing her chest against the counter like that on purpose. "Poor, poor bee! Perhaps we can offer some assistances if you tell us more?"

"Mmh." Devin doesn't seem to notice the stunt Casey is pulling but her honeyed voice seems to be enough to get something out of him. "Don't know much. Been staying in here. Quiet thoughts, time with my wife, outside is worrying. What I know is that Z-Company is trying to push in. To access mines for resources. May be asking other parties to access them too. Warned guards to keep an eye out just in case."

So, the families might not be here just for Valentina's sake but they might be on behalf of Z-Company? Seems like it was a good decision to bring Benjamin down here.

You stare at Devin. He stares back with a confused, dazed look. He glances up at the Antlers you have before staring back at you. A weird cyan swirl is inside his eyes. Spiraling in and in.

His eyes widen for the briefest of seconds as he stares into your eyes. You find yourself smiling despite not really wanting to.
"Can you hear him too?" Devin whimpers like a kicked puppy.

"Her, in my case. Yes, yes I can." You nod with a smirk completely discordant with your pitying tone of voice. "Heard him scream. Something about me being familiar? Did you see me before?"

"No. Just smelled like my kind. Didn't know for sure." <[UNSTABLE]She's been shattered far longer, boss. Trust her.> "What to do if they glow?" Okay, so no doppelgangers...

[UNSTABLE] "Run them over like the niggers they are."

"Good, good. It's not bad having a friend in yourself. Is it?"

[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] "Who else can you trust? They're just as much as you as you are them."

Benjamin and Casey, reasonably, have no idea how to react to you two blabbering nonsense at each other

An ear to ear smile crosses Devin's face. "I need some time to readjust myself. I'll remember you, Nicole." Despite the limited amount of words shared between you two, you felt like he owes you a favor somehow. "Now. I need a moment."

it's probably wise to let this man rest. You gather your stuff and promptly exit the store with your allies. You're not sure how long you have until something in this town begins to boil over or something bad happens to Valentina's mental state, if what Devin said could be taken at face value.

Where to head to next?
>You see three familiar corpos approaching the saloon. Perhaps it would be wise to observe them. Without Max and Alexis, they might not notice you.
>You should probably regroup with Max and Alexis at the Mayor's office. See what they found out from the mayor, tell them what your group found, etc.
>Something seriously foul is happening in those mines and the guards probably know a lot about what's going on. Time to harass-, uh, interview them.
>The crowd of miners arguing with the corpos are still wandering around the town's entrance. Weird. Check up on them.
>Head to the apartments. Perhaps you can gleam more about the living conditions here. Maybe even some clues as to why this town in specific is so interesting to corporate entities.

What do you want to do on your way over? Pick two.
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] Tune into the SILVER WALKIE TALKIE. Maybe some useful information about your mission is inside?
>Take a moment to talk to Casey and Benjamin. Ask for their thoughts on what you've seen so far in town. (You may write in some questions to ask them or specific topics you want to hear their thoughts on.)
>[CHARGED ANTIQUE PHONE] Check through the Antique Cellphone. You imagine there has to be some useful information about the corporate families roaming around here.
>[BENJAMIN ALLY] "Hey, got any idea how the fuck this works?" Hold up the PULSATING GEAR to him. He might be able to figure out how it works.
>[CASEY ALLY] Her eyes seem to be staring at the FANCY PIRATE HAT? Fuck it, time to humor her. (+RAPPORT with Casey and a glimpse into why she is the way she is.)
>Write in.

Due to some complications, had to rewrite a section. Sorry for delay.
>The crowd of miners arguing with the corpos are still wandering around the town's entrance. Weird. Check up on them.
Befriending the miners to help solve town problems. We can get great rewards if we help the townspeople. They can give and send us daily stuff from the mine and other stuff if we solve the town problem.

>[BENJAMIN ALLY] "Hey, got any idea how the fuck this works?" Hold up the PULSATING GEAR to him. He might be able to figure out how it works.
>[CASEY ALLY] Her eyes seem to be staring at the FANCY PIRATE HAT? Fuck it, time to humor her. (+RAPPORT with Casey and a glimpse into why she is the way she is.)
>gas infinitely leaking
>Inside of the gemstone is a swirling, dark purple gas that's oddly hypnotizing
>Boosts the potential of the next anomalous ability. When used on an ally, boosts their max RESTRAINT by 1.
>Warns you of potential gas leaks for your own safety and to help find RAW MOONSTONE CHUNKS.
So the stones are only functioning if they have this gas in them? I wonder if artificial moonstones are produced by W Corp, where they simply gather the gas to contain it to a degree that it has similar properties as the real stones but without as much potency?
>Equivalent exchange
Oh no
>shatter into glass
Like the rep Wendy. Like Nicole. Like this guy.
>Pull the glass OUTSIDE of your head and STUFF it into another, patches up one mirror but you see, the other mirror is broken. Can't see a reflection anymore. The you there doesn't exist.
>you can't even see your own reflection
Any smarter anon want to decipher this ramble? I can't make sense of it
>nothing but the Lack. Pure oblivion
Wait is this a Slay the Princess thing? Is there a bird bro down there trapped without his wife? The black canary in the moon mindbreak mine?
>W-Company likes us
Putting mental illness and mindbreak to good use? Weaponizing "fictional" style multiple personality disorder to make people more competent and creative assets? W Corp has a very cool thing going if true. But why do they hate anomalies so much then? Do they see being "shattered" like Nicole is as a good thing, but where being turned into an anomaly makes you less human?
>two weeks now
So the mines have been closed this recently? Something's still off with the time discrepancy...
>weird look crosses Benjamin's face
You're still you even if you make yourself a Disco Elysium protagonist, Ben. Distorting yourself changes nothing. You have to stand on your own to feet to be able to live.
>Valentina disappeared a week ago
>intentionally trying to obliterate her brain
Bitch really wanted to mindbreak herself into nothingness. And she had a whole week to do it

>W-Company wasn't the reason it's closed
But this is THEIR mine. Who else has authority?
>throwing stones in glass houses here, Nicky
>squishing her chest against the counter
It's hip to-
>good decision to bring Benjamin
We still have a Z Corp Favor from way back when we saved Benjamin at the start of the quest
>weird cyan swirl is inside his eyes. Spiraling in and in
Sounds about right. I don't think we got how Wendy's eyes looked. Nicole's aren't like this, not the same

>shattered far longer
Since birth? UNSTABLE alluded to that before, but still unclear
>no doppelgangers
The 521 assassin guys aren't here. Small mercy
>ear to ear smile
Poor guy. He didn't mean to get mindbroken but he's been like this 1 week already.

Clearly we have a serious time limit mission on our hands
>he's been like this 1 week already.
I am dumb, he said 2 months and I didn't read

Mine was closed down 2 weeks ago, according to Devin.
Full radio silence from Valentina for a week and a half, according to the Handler.
Valentina disappeared a week ago, according to UNSTABLE.
And just now the 3 corpo guys and Nicole's group show up. Very strange timeline
Do we still have the earpiece from back when we did the Benedict and Adam fast food mission? We had Ben and Alexis with us back then too. If Alexis has the other earpiece, maybe we can still use it to contact them here? Dunno if that would be a free action
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>You should probably regroup with Max and Alexis at the Mayor's office. See what they found out from the mayor, tell them what your group found, etc.

>TALK TO BEN AND CASEY. Ask Ben if he has really really really strong painkillers or another strong downer/hallucinogen (can't suffer existential damage if you're on vacation on the dark side of the moon). Ask Casey for advice on talking down suicides and really fucking bad ideas (Valentina showdown prep (if there's anything left of her down there)).

Maybe the Lack is like antimatter coming into contact with regular matter; even time breaks down as the interaction explodes and all the anomalous energies are released.

Bros, I think Unstable is SOMEONE ELSE'S IDEA forcibly put into Nicole's head. She was broken one way or another (patching one mirror implies it being broken) then the fragment of another person was taken (pulling out glass) and implanted (STUFFED LIKE AN OREO).

>mfw the doppleganger is the real Nicole looking for revenge
This looks good. Getting the gear working and starting the rapport train with Casey seems smart.

On what the schizo was saying, I think part of making the Moonstones might be the fragmentation of the self.
Interesting update for sure though, we should probably find time to listen in on the silver radio soon. I have no doubt the Glowies are somehow involved here, especially with their interest in Nicole.
>Head to the apartments. Perhaps you can gleam more about the living conditions here. Maybe even some clues as to why this town in specific is so interesting to corporate entities.

>[CASEY ALLY] Her eyes seem to be staring at the FANCY PIRATE HAT? Fuck it, time to humor her. (+RAPPORT with Casey and a glimpse into why she is the way she is.)
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] Tune into the SILVER WALKIE TALKIE. Maybe some useful information about your mission is inside?
The Ben suggestion is a good idea. We still have the SINNLOSCHEN "party favors" from the casino job
>SINNLÖSCHEN x2 (+2 WILLPOWER, you roll d8s when making WILLPOWER checks and -1 FLESH DAMAGE taken while active. Constantly drains your RESTRAINT while active.)
And we have the new SOMTOIN ZETA we had Ben make with those berries
>SOMTOIN ZETA x2 (A potent psychoactive that reformats your soul. +3 CHARM, +1 WILLPOWER, +1 TALENT and CONNECTIONS temporarily on use. Radically alters how the voices in your head act while active, altering future voting options for better and worse.)
"Reformats your soul" sounds fucking sick too. Let's assume we have to use all of these to survive some serious horror down there in the mines. We have 4 mind altering drugs in total. We have 5 people in the party. One person will have to face the mystery horror sober in that case.
Also interesting idea to get help from Casey. She's not a human, but that doesn't mean she hasn't had bad days. I half expect her to ramble about productivity and quotas and working happily in this case. Might not be worth it?
Interesting take anon
You're throwing out some serious ideas there. But no way Nicole would give up UNSTABLE

>part of making the Moonstones might be the fragmentation of the self
He literally said as much, c'mon
>I have no doubt the Glowies are somehow involved here
I disagree. I think it's just us, the corpo trio, and the mines. After so much subterfuge and multi-faction muddiness, I like a mission like this where it's clearer-cut and bare in third party involvement. Sure there's insanity and conspiracy everywhere, but the rest of the way there doesn't have to be as loaded. It reminds me of the first mission with Benjamin and the one with the Ace Strikers gang. I wonder if we'll get something similar if we go to the jew tunnels? We might decide we have had enough of spelunking for a while after these mines, and pass on it.

Fuck it, voting
>You see three familiar corpos approaching the saloon. Perhaps it would be wise to observe them. Without Max and Alexis, they might not notice you.
Why yes I am deliberately causing a 4 way tie for the hell of it
>[CASEY ALLY] Her eyes seem to be staring at the FANCY PIRATE HAT? Fuck it, time to humor her. (+RAPPORT with Casey and a glimpse into why she is the way she is.)
We are at 0 RAPPORT, let's get that going
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] Tune into the SILVER WALKIE TALKIE. Maybe some useful information about your mission is inside?
I think even though we are far from the glowies here, it's safe enough for a first attempt at listening in
>[BENJAMIN ALLY] "Hey, got any idea how the fuck this works?" Hold up the PULSATING GEAR to him. He might be able to figure out how it works.
Switch to
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] Tune into the SILVER WALKIE TALKIE. Maybe some useful information about your mission is inside?
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There's a lot of things to do and not a lot of time. Though time seems to be...weird here, given all of the inconsistent timelines given. To be fair, Devin might not be totally accurate with how long he's been here. He was rambling a lot of incoherent nonsense

[PERSON OF INTEREST] The thing that doesn't make sense is that he was apparently here two months ago. Yet the levels were already that lethal? Yet Valentina was gone for a week and a half, as confirmed by our Handler. Yet our groups are only coming here now? That doesn't make any sense.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Time dilation is an issue in T-Company's district but that's three whole districts away and the Handler said there was no anomalous tomfuckery happening around here, right?
[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] I don't really sense anything myself.
[PERSON OF INTEREST] Fuck, is everyone here brain damaged by the fumes from the mines? Are we going to get any valuable information out of anyone here? Is this mission already a bust if SHE'S been down there for god knows how long.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Not necessarily. They only said there was no COMMUNICATIONS for a week and a half and this was the last place they saw her at. If the mines were already closed, she could've spent time trying to negotiate a way in-

"Nicole?" Benjamin shakes you by the shoulder. You're immediately snapped out of your dazed internal monologue. "You, uh, you were mumbling to yourself. What's on your mind?"

"Timeline shit. Doesn't make sense. Corpos not being here until WE arrived, the mines being closed right around the time she disappeared..."

"If they felt like it was important enough to come down here, maybe they tried sending others down here but got stonewalled? The miners were REALLY ornery about them being here." Benjamin half heartedly shrugs.
"Week and a half ago?" Casey hums. "Closed for two weeks. Could be lie. Could be closed when she went down there."

[PERSON OF INTEREST] Wait. Could she be stuck there because they're keeping her there for whatever reason? Maybe Devin was wrong about when it closed, he wasn't in the right state of mind.

Fuck, something about this is really starting to skeeze you out. You need more information but the four implications of what happened here are NOT good. A murder, a suicide, a dumbass rich girl accidentally brain melting herself, maybe even a kidnapping.

Something clicks in your head though. Huh, you still have that old earpiece and so does Benjamin. You pull it out of your INVENTORY. Benjamin quickly does the same. Might as well do a quick check in on Max and Alexis-

"Listen." Max's voice whispers over the earpiece. "Mayor's been acting weird. Won't give a straight answer."
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"We'll try to make him crack soon. We'll meet up with you soon." And that's all you get from her. Benjamin can't help but to look worried at the cryptic response but, given he can't do anything, he just looks back at you. You nod and gesture at them to follow you.

Casey keeps staring at you with those beady, yellow eyes. An intense, VIOLENT rush of disgust and anger courses through you but you bite your tongue and restraint yourself. "What?" She seems to be staring at something you're carrying.

The fancy pirate hat? Well, you don't have a use for it. You promptly place it on her eye and by god, her eyes are sparkling like stars now. "Woaw....!" Casey giggles to herself as she adjusts the hat to properly fit on her head. "How exotic! A curiosity like this would sell for a LOT back home. Oh well!"

"Back home?" Benjamin picks up on the weird phrasing on that REAL quick. "Like, what district? Pirate hats haven't really been in style for a while."

"Mmh, you know, can't really remember, haha! Everything's been a buzz lately! I mean, blur, yes, yes." Casey stops mid step. Something about Benjamin's question is really getting under her skin by the looks of it. Nervous sweat trickles out of her like she's an ice cube in the Wastes. "I. It's better not to think too hard about these things! That's what my sisters told me?"

"Sisters? What was your family like?" Benjamin innocently asks.

"Oh, just like any other family!" Casey chirps out, seemingly glad at being given an out with explaining where she came from. "Smiles and smiles! We mostly just followed the instructions on the PDA, though."

"Wait, what? Instructions? PDA?" You start fiddling with the SILVER WALKIE TALKIE as you three chat with each other.

"Mmh hmm! Follow the orders from it and everything's A-Okay! PDA says move the bodies, don't use the bathroom during work hours, clean the workplace, report suspicious gatherings, and so on! We did that and it's all okay!"

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Sounds similar to a Drone's mindset but she has a face and, well, the only Drone with a face you've seen was half melted.

"Did it, uh, suck to move the bodies? Did you see anything that could've...messed with you?" You try to pry into her past a bit more.

"Sometimes I saw my sisters in the body bags themselves. I got sad whenever that happened!" She chirps out with way too much cheer. There's no light behind her eyes as she recounts all of this. "Oh well. The Administration told us that's what had to happen sometimes! It gets fuzzy beyond that!"

Benjamin clicks his tongue with an uncomfortable look quickly spreading across his face. "You didn't ever question what you were doing on the job? I mean, I like my bosses but seeing my own family dying in front of me..."

"Oh, sometimes things just have to happen for progress! The Administration has its reasons. I'm sure of it!" Despite the smile on her face, her words ring hollow. "After all! Not like their bodies went to waste!"
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"What?" You can't help but to let out a nervous chuckle. "What do you mean?"

"It's a relief and a comfort in knowing that death brings joy through affordable commercial products!" It's not like a person is saying these words. More like the canned sounds of a prerecorded advertisement. Fucking hell, what kind of company did she work for if she's memory holing the details this much?

[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] "Do you actually feel that way, Casey, or are you lying to yourself?"

The forced smile fades completely. Her expression is stone-faced now. "I don't know. I don't like thinking about these things. It's easier to not question it."

[BLIND OPTIMISM] "That's not healthy." Benjamin chides at her. "I get that it's easier to just push past it but that can't be healthy. Hell, I bet the only reason Nicole was asking was because she's worried."
[BLIND OPTIMISM] "I don't really fully get what happened but that sucks. You don't deserve that. No one does. If I saw people I cared about in bodybags where I worked...I don't think I could stomach it."

Well you wouldn't say that but you go along with what he's saying with a nod. "If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. We're here for you, though.

Casey turns her gaze away from the two of you but you can make out the faintest bit of a smile blossoming on her face.
>CASEY NOW HAS FANCY PIRATE HAT EQUIPPED (+???. Benefits of it will be revealed later.)

Your little chat is interrupted by your walkie talkie crackling to life. You quickly hold it up to your ear. Casey tilts her head with a confused smile while Benjamin flinches, as if he recognizes the walkie talkie. <"Where did she get that? Isn't that from one of those glowing types?">

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HM8uXVXeHk - SILVER INFO

Your ear is immediately insulted by a mess of static and garbage noise, so at least you know this thing is working. You really have to strain your ears to make out anything coming from it. As if whatever communication is happening on it is encrypted somehow. You manage to pick out a few snippets of usable information.


Then, it fades into pure static. Well, it seems like even the Silver Agents don't know where she is, so you can cross them off as being the ones to blackbag her. And if Mr. Bunny Mask is Robbert Huxley? Not a good sign, considering he's searching for Vanni.
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You pocket the walkie talkie right as your group approaches the group of miners.

There's a crowd of about eight people mindlessly wandering around the edge of town, right around the sign 'welcoming' you into ABGRUND. Most of them are middle aged men in dust and dirt encrusted overalls, carrying pickaxes, with the only difference being how dark their skin is or what hair color they have. About six of them are pacing around the edge of town in circles, as if they literally have nothing else to do.

Two of the more cognizant miners approach your group. A short, bulky woman with a set of glowing violet tattoos etched all over her body and an incredibly tall, incredibly thin man with tiny beady eyes.

"Nefer seen you zree before. Vhen did you lads kome on ofer?" The woman speaks in an incredibly thick accent you can't make any sense of. Clearly born from some deep part of W-Corp. "You don't seem like ze r-r-rich type. Good. Vould'fe klubbed you ozzerwise."
"Evair since they tuld us zat minéng was a non go, zum of ur friends 'ave been loseng eet, you see." The man blabbers in an equally thick accent.

"Oh, we just came here to, uh, look for someone?"

"Zo long since ai 'ave 'aird a sane woman's voicé!" The tall man blabbers. You now notice that both of them have weird spirals in their eyes. Purple for the woman's, yellow in the man's. Weird.

Well, you might as well try talking to them. Pick three.
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] "We saw the argument your group had with those rich fucks. What's going on? Did they have some involvement with this town beforehand?" Try to see if there might be any 'motivation' to make Valentina disappear.
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Something about the spirals in their eyes are worrying you, especially since most of the crowd seems to be mindlessly wandering around. MINDREAD the crowd to see how mentally fucked up they are.
>[BENJAMIN ALLY] "We've heard some quite worrying rumors about the health of the miners here. Do you know of anyone severely injured by working down there?" It might be wise to find someone heavily exposed to the gasses down there. Might prove useful if you have to patch Valentina up.
>[CASEY ALLY + W-CORP FAVOR] "We're actually here on behalf of W-Company! The mines were shut down? How interesting! I wonder, who authorized that? We sure didn't!" With Casey's help, try to pry out WHO could've done it.
>"Got any problems you want us to solve?" Try to earn the trust of the miners (You'll get some optional objectives to complete. Completing them will earn the fresh and favor of the town, rewarding you handsomely down the line.)
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Given the shoddy state of this place, you wonder why this place is still operational. Try to pry into the history of this town and how it ended up like this.
>Offer the two some gifts for their 'assistance'. (Pick a BARTER SUPPLY to give them. Depending on its value, they'll offer you varying amounts of assistance or info.)
>You got something else in mind...(Write in)
>[BENJAMIN ALLY] "We've heard some quite worrying rumors about the health of the miners here. Do you know of anyone severely injured by working down there?" It might be wise to find someone heavily exposed to the gasses down there. Might prove useful if you have to patch Valentina up.
Plays into the Z Corp angle, plus info on if we need to do anything to recover Valentina. Good conversation opener
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Something about the spirals in their eyes are worrying you, especially since most of the crowd seems to be mindlessly wandering around. MINDREAD the crowd to see how mentally fucked up they are.
Get a read on the mental situation. Doing this after asking about any mining injuries might yield more context. If Valentina is like this by now, it'd be prudent to know what the situation is on the inside of their head
>"Got any problems you want us to solve?" Try to earn the trust of the miners (You'll get some optional objectives to complete. Completing them will earn the fresh and favor of the town, rewarding you handsomely down the line.)
Never dismiss side hustles especially if you can do them alongside your main job without much issue

POI option we can find out from Roland directly if we gain him as an ally, or from Rosalie if her mom's old ID is enough to shake her through her vanity. I doubt Robbert Huxley will talk much even if we get through to him and put Nicole's fist through him.
CASEY+W FAVOR option is also interesting, but we have 2 W CORP FAVOR banked already. As much as I wanna spend the resources, I get the sinking feeling we're in some shit when (not if) that W Corp rep Wendy finds out Nicole's antlers aren't augs, but her becoming anomalous. I want to clutch that W Corp Favor so Nicole isn't on the receiving end of a schizo beatdown from a mindbroken sister
SEEKER option is nice worldbuilding, but we're on a time limit. Could also get this info straight from W Corp via Wendy later, if we work with her properly
No on the barter this time
>timeline talk
I love this bit here. Working with allies and the mind shards to solve this mystery. Thanks for incorporating that as a free action OP. This is already an interesting mission and we haven't even got to the mines yet
>that old earpiece
And thank you for incorporating this too

>intense, VIOLENT rush of disgust and anger
Isn't this the 2nd time Casey has had a low-level reaction from Nicole like this?
>sparkling like stars
But what are her shoes like?
>picks up on the weird phrasing on that REAL quick
Ben my boy, he's come so far
>no light behind her eyes
A consistent description we're given of Casey
>You didn't ever question what you were doing on the job?
Holy shit what a massive character development Benjamin has had since his debut in thread 1. The guy who made drugs for a gang without question or awareness, and now he's become like this.

>uncomfortable look
>nervous chuckle
Reminds me a lot of how things went with Quentin. I want to get Casey and Quentin on a mission together now, maybe with Kiara too. Human, Android, Drone, and "Drone" all in the same party on the same mission. Imagine the character dynamics. It'd be glorious
>faintest bit of a smile blossoming
>Where did she get that?
Oh right, he doesn't know yet. Alexis knows about the silver agents from the Z Corp mission, so she can help us explain things to Max and Casey and Ben when the time comes. When we do the UNSTABLE reveal, she can also help out like Kiara did for Maruyama earlier.

>a boy who looks like him-" She points at Benjamin
Is that it? Is somebody making copies of our characters in this assassination group? Also a reminder the glowie Nicole killed did not mention Aster Koizumi in his watchlist, and thought she'd get too dangerous knowong about Vincent Cruz. Both are the last protag choices from thread 1 that we have not seen yet.

This fucker's going to beeline for Ben on sight, calling it. Maybe taking the Z Corp coat off can help "disguise" him?
We have an easy in with Roland, since Max is right here and we have his dad Gregory on speed dial. Robbert is harder, but maybe easier to win over if we had Frank with us. I really want to get Frank on our next mission, since we never worked with him yet
>Silver Agents don't know
I called it. This is completely unrelated to them
Anon, you and other guys here. What do you think about this mission so far, even though we still haven't reached the mines?
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] "We saw the argument your group had with those rich fucks. What's going on? Did they have some involvement with this town beforehand?" Try to see if there might be any 'motivation' to make Valentina disappear.
>[CASEY ALLY + W-CORP FAVOR] "We're actually here on behalf of W-Company! The mines were shut down? How interesting! I wonder, who authorized that? We sure didn't!" With Casey's help, try to pry out WHO could've done it.
>"Got any problems you want us to solve?" Try to earn the trust of the miners (You'll get some optional objectives to complete. Completing them will earn the fresh and favor of the town, rewarding you handsomely down the line.)
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Those spirals really are rubbing you the wrong way. Can't be an UNSTABLE thing, your eyes are just bright pink. No spirals. You don't recall Wendy having any either...hm. You'll worry about it later.

"Well, as you can see, we're on behalf of Z-Company. Benjamin was sent here on their behalf and I, one of their associates, followed him here."

[DELUSIONAL] "Wait we were?" Benjamin questions with an insulting honesty. "I didn't know that."

The two cognizant miners and even Casey give him some nasty side eye given...he's literally wearing one of their jackets.

"Oh!" Benjamin gets the hint, though. "Yes, yes, sorry! My mind evades me sometimes."

"Are you lyéng to us, madémoiselle?" The tall miner is getting a bit too close to your group for comfort, especially with the pickaxe in his hand.
"Vhat a schtrange man. Imposter, like zose Fanni obsessed fools?" The short miner hisses through clenched teeth.

"Oh, no no, sir and miss!" Casey immediately jumps in to reschedule the improv trepanation. "See, our friend here is what you would call 'mentally damaged'. 'Autistic', perhaps. 'Retarded', if you wish to be medical! 'Special', in other words! He is being completely honest with his intentions but please be patient with him!"

"The fuck?"
"What did you call me?"

You and the others stand around in awkward silence before the short, boxy miner lets out a deeply amused, husky laugh. "Fery funny. Okay. Speak, zen." Well! It seems like Casey's impromptu 'defense' of Benjamin was enough to get you an in with them.

Benjamin can't quite decide whether he should be laughing, crying, or seething with rage. He emotionally defaults to what you can only guess is his version of a 'professional' persona. "Thank you, miss Casey. We've heard some quite worrying rumors about the health of the miners here. Your friends over there-" He gestures towards the group of miners seemingly wandering around in circles. "-are a bit, uh, unusual."

"Consider it a charity case, due to the rather poor conditions of this town. Do you know of anyone severely injured by working down there? We've heard about the mines being closed, after all." It's shocking how quickly he got his act together. The normally bird brained pharmacist speaks with a calm, rational tone that's completely discordant to how he normally is

"Many, oui. We used to 'ave fairtay, aftair all." Forty? It said 23 on the sign, so that's a difference of 17. The implication there is...

"Don't tell our boss but a few uff our men got approfal from ze guarts zree days ago to keep miningkt. Somezzingkt about 'one in, might as vell let ozzers in'. Ve lost some to a kafe in." Three days ago? If she's implying what you think she's implying, that narrows down the timeline a bit. The cave in might've been what informed the other parties that they should move in personally?

"Someone's been messingkt around down zere lookingkt fur somezzingkt ent, vell, poof. Huge khunks uff schtone kame krumblingkt down."
"Two died. Sefen transferred elsefere. R-r-rest vere hurt. Gas fumes, schtones, name it. Can't vork, nicht allowed to be labeled as population. Mayor's decree." So, eight injured? If you're doing the math correctly.

"Vairy sad dai." The tall man nods. "Pardon ur mannairs. I'm Piairré méursault. Shairt un eez roxanne, non last namé." Pierre and Roxanne? Noted. You're wondering if the beyond thick accents are a side effect...maybe? Maybe not.

"Would you happen to know where the injured are, Roxy?" Casey buzzes out with an award winning smile. "Back home, I had to know a thing or two on which bodies were ripe and which ones weren't!"

Roxanne chortles, amused by Casey's energy. "Fery funny voman you haf zere. Kome." She gesture at the three of you to follow. Before you do so, you decide it would be wise to take a quick glimpse at everyone's minds nearby.

Casey is still blank, as always.
Benjamin is crystal clear. <"Hope Max is doing okay. I don't want her getting into trouble.">
Roxanne and Pierre? You can't really make out much of anything from either of them. <"...weird lad..."> <"...coat famil...">
And the other miners who weren't even looking in your direction? Completely fucking vacant. You're going to need to check up on the others to see if they're the same as well. You note that, while the others you've seen had different colors to their spirals, all of THESE miners have the same color: Violet.

It doesn't take long for the five of you to end up at a small shack that was hidden behind two other buildings. On first glance, you can see why you didn't recognize it as anything important. It's a loosely cobbled together hut made out of scrap metal that's barely big enough to house anyone, let alone eight injured miners.

It takes a moment to duck underneath the doorway, on account of your antlers, but once you're inside you see...well. Something that you wish you could completely forget about.

The inside of the hut is incredibly cramped and dark The only source of light is a shoddy window at the back of the hut that's probably barely big enough to fit your head in through. On the floor, tightly clumped together, is the bodies of six random miners. Their only protection from the floor is some old, barely held together wool blankets and a pillow barely thicker than a seat of paper.

Benjamin's face scrunches up upon seeing this. "This can't be right. You don't even have cots for them?"

"Afraid not!" A voice calls out from the darkness. "One of my own, huh?" You narrow your eyes to adjust to the darkness inside the hut. At the far back of the hut, kneeling on front of one of the injured, is a skeletally thin man with paper thin pale skin in a doctor's labcoat.

Benjamin seems to immediately recognize him. "Kori? The hell are you doing here?"

Kori turns around to stare down at Benjamin and the posse he brought in. "Orders from my boss. Rose something. I could ask you the same."
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You clear your throat. "We're here for the, uh, injured. How are they?"

"Not good. See for yourself." Kori pulls out a small white pen and clicks a button on its side. Immediately, a bright light pours out of its tip. He points it towards the various miners on the ground.

The one unifying injury amongst all of them are splotchy, dark violet bruises all over their faces and hands. While most of them are asleep or in some sort of comatose state, the ones who are awake have deep violet spirals in the pupils of their eyes, though they seem completely unresponsive towards the bright light being shined at them.

And just like last time, their minds are completely dead to you.

Benjamin and Casey kneel down in front of some of the more injured miners. With disturbing efficacy, they begin to scan over all of the possible injuries the miners have. You're not exactly skilled in the field of medicine so you'll leave them to it.

Roxanne and Pierre quickly become uncomfortable, as if staying in this hut is too much for them. Before they leave, you decide to ask them something.

"Got any problems you want us to solve?" No harm in having an optional goal. Something to strive for. After all, you want to have a perfect record as a Cleaner. "We're going to be here for a bit, after all."

"Un of ur friends went misseng three dais ago. Find zém if you can. Mail, blonde 'air, blue éyes, should respond to 'Luther'." Pierre chirps out.
"Zee mayor has peen ein real bain in zee ass und zome of us vant to leaffe. Try to get him to let us ko. Ve're, vell, pound here until zen. Contractual reazons." Roxanne blabbers out. Before you can ask why the fuck those two speak like that, they step outside of the hut. Hm. Well, you got the rough gist of what they meant.

>NEGOTIATE A BETTER DEAL FOR THE MINERS WITH THE MAYOR. REWARD: +FAVOR (WORKING CLASS) x3, $500, a dripfeed of various goodies from the mining town.

As soon as they're gone, you hear your earpiece crackling to life. "Hey. We're done over here. Where are you three at?" Max whispers through the borrowed earpiece. You whisper where your location is at into your earpiece.

"Gotcha. Be there soon." You assume Benjamin heard her too, given how he's working a lot faster. After about two minutes, he gestures at you to come over to where he's kneeling at. You do so, kneeling down next to him. He holds up the arm of one of the miners he was checking up on.

On the left side of the miner is a nasty looking gash with dark violet splotches all around it. "See, I think their mental state is being heavily affected by..." He reaches a leather gloved hand into the wound and pulls out a small violet shard. "this. Watch." Almost immediately, the violet splotches begin to clear up around the wound.

"Wait, it's that simple?"

Benjamin shakes his head. He lifts up the blanket to reveal a damn gnarly sight.
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A fist sized Moonstone crystal is impaled right into the miner's stomach. Despite the fact a god damn rock is stuck inside them, there's no blood leaking out of the wound. "Educated guess but you know that exchange nonsense Devin was on about?"

"What, like the stones are keeping them alive?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. Moonstones are just...weird, from my knowledge. Only W-Company knows how they work and, well, mhgh." Benjamin shrugs.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Not like it's the first time humanity has dealt with dangerous rocks before. Radium, Uranium, you name it.
[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Actually, wait. Moonstones protect the mind, correct? It could be as simple as that their minds literally CAN'T be read. Though, in exchange of receiving severe brain damage, given the schizophrenic breakdowns and thick accents.

"Got any idea how we could possibly remove them? In case Valentina is injured like this?"

"Best guess? We could try chiseling chunks out while removing the smaller shards stuck in here." Hm. You could probably use your MIND READ as a defacto status scanner on her, then. Noted.
>You'll consume less resources and you'll have an easier time patching up those injured by the Mine's gas fumes or by Moonstone Contamination!

Before you can think on it more, you notice two figures standing outside the hut. Greyish blue hair, a bright white suit...ah. Max and Alexis. Both of them look bone tired, as if their talk with the mayor sapped out every bit of energy they had. Benjamin, like a dog excited to see his owner return, excitedly waves at Max. She can only offer a half hearted wave back.


Alexis snorts a bit upon seeing the dog-like glee on Benjamin's eyes.

"Oh! I see you have friends. Go on then, no need to bother me." Kori gestures at you five to leave. You're about to complain otherwise but before you have a chance to, your allies head outside of the hut. Hm. You decide to follow after them for now.

Once outside of the tent, Max lets out a sigh. "So, good and bad news. Good news is that he told us some pretty information information with some 'payment'." Max winks.

"Apparently, this Valentina girl arrived here last week in search of some sort of inspiration and wanted to be let into the mines, something about Moonstones and their innate potential?" Max shrugs with an obvious disinterest. "Apparently, he refused her entrance because he declared that he wouldn't let anyone into the mines unless they were from W-Company themselves."

"So, he's the one who closed the mine. Right around the time she arrived, though? That's pretty damn convenient timing. Too convenient. We heard that he closed it two weeks ago."

"Just saying what I got out of him." Max chirps out. "He said that he couldn't let anyone else down there. Something about a 'golden ticket'"
Hm. Is he trying to hog something down there?

"She absolutely refused to budge, according to his word, until she eventually offered him 'something he couldn't refuse." Max continues. "What that is, we couldn't get out of him, but it was apparently valuable enough for him not to squeal to us."

"Bad news," Alexis butts into the conversation. "is that he recognized the whole greyish blue hair thing that Max had and started probing about her association with the Krakatoas. He locked up pretty quickly after we refused to answer. If I had to guess, he might've thought we were sent by the other corpos."

"We had to leave shortly after." So, Valentina offered him something he couldn't refused and he locked down the mine for his own personal reason

Hm. Well, you found some information, now all that's left is to think of where to go from here. Where to go from here?
>It might be wise to talk to the corpos themselves. Head over to the Saloon, tell Benjamin to hide his coat for now, and start a discussion with them. Maybe you share a common goal ultimately.
>Something about all of this is off. The mine was closed by the mayor, yet the miners were let in three days ago? Was the cave in even an accident? Try to interview the mine guards.
>You got some dirt on the mayor and the shady shit he's been doing. Go over there and try putting the squeeze on him yourself. For your own benefit and for the miners.
>Turn your attention back to Kori for a moment. "Look, let's cut to the chase. Why did they actually send you here? Are you going to squeal to your bosses about us?" One of the corpos sent him here. Why? (FREE ACTION, CHARM DC: 19 (-2 from CASEY, -2 from BENJAMIN), rolling 6d6+1d3 with Benjamin's help. If you succeed, you might get some helpful insight when dealing with the corpos later down the line.)
>Maybe it would be wise to just spend some time discussing with your allies. Share all of the information you found, try to connect the dots, then go from there. (You'll get some time to earn RAPPORT with Casey and Max, though the discussion might eat up a lot of your time, as helpful as it might be.)
>If whatever is down there is so important, the Mayor wants it locked up, maybe you should just...go down there already before anyone else can. Head over to the MINES and try to gain access to them.
>Write in. (Share supplies with your allies? Try to ask your allies some questions? Something else?)

Now that your party is back, do you wish to give any of them some MOONSTONE CHUNKS to permanently boost their max RESTRAINT?
>YES (If so, to who? And how many? You currently have TWO chunks.)

Sorry for the delay. Had to deal with a bunch of vet visits with my dogs. Also to clarify, unless I state otherwise, you don't lose any FAVOR by picking a corporate favor option. You still have the Z-Company favor.
>Wait we were?
And there's the Ben we know and love. I like how he fluctuates from being very perceptive and on-point to confused and gullible.
>Casey's impromptu 'defense'
Max would probably be nodding here
>'professional' persona
It's OK Ben, we're all retarded here
>calm, rational tone
I am starting to think it's Z Corp's training of him kicking in at times like these
>cave in
>three days ago
That's rough on these people.
>lookingkt fur somezzingkt
This is AFTER Valentina went in a week ago. Could it have been caused by her?

>bodies were ripe
There's no Manager to Help us here. We're on our own
>all of THESE miners have the same color: Violet
But then earlier
>weird spirals in their eyes. Purple for the woman's
We can mindread Pierre and Roxanne, but not these others. Devin in the store could also be mindread, and his spirals were cyan. Weird pattern here
>bodies of six random miners
40 originally
23 remain
17 gone
Of the 17 gone:
2 died
7 transferred out
8 injured and not counted
But right here there are 6 injured... there's 2 unaccounted for.
Someone new?
>Rose something
It can't be Rosalie Vanni, right? They have ties to Z Corp to bring this guy here? That Robbert Huxley doesn't know?

>deep violet spirals
>minds are completely dead
Same as the other ones
>perfect record
Not a new record, but a "perfect" one
That leaves 1 more miner unaccounted for... unless that's Devin because he's the shopkeep, and he also got into trouble in the mines?
Can we even do that now, without having gone into the mines yet? We did the training courses in X Corp before we negotiated at the end, so do we do that again here?

That doesn't explain Devin's condition being similar to Nicole's as well as these miners.
Good. We got 2 more to use on those mine guards
>last week
Kinda lines up with the rest
Oh no she's one of THOSE
>closed the mine
That fucking Mayor
>golden ticket
Is it the thing Devin described?

>sent by the other corpos
Just great, now we gotta convince him... or do we?
>Turn your attention back to Kori for a moment. "Look, let's cut to the chase. Why did they actually send you here? Are you going to squeal to your bosses about us?" One of the corpos sent him here. Why? (FREE ACTION, CHARM DC: 19 (-2 from CASEY, -2 from BENJAMIN), rolling 6d6+1d3 with Benjamin's help. If you succeed, you might get some helpful insight when dealing with the corpos later down the line.)
Free action, corpo insight, maybe connecting Z Corp to these events? Warning this Kori about Robbert Huxley and his Z Corp bargaining chip motivation here might be wise, and get Kori to trust us further.
>Something about all of this is off. The mine was closed by the mayor, yet the miners were let in three days ago? Was the cave in even an accident? Try to interview the mine guards.
Get info from them, then bribe money on them and go straight into the mines.
1 to Alexis, hold off on the other one.
Though I get the feeling the moonstones are a trap once we get in the mines, a PERMANENT max restraint increase is too fucking good. All this talk of gas and contamination and now with the comatose miner injuries, I am still very hesitant... We have ways to break panic like LALILU and BLESSED CHAINS, but not much. Alexis RESTRAINT being 2 max is very very troubling to me. That makes her the weakest link to SP damage, alongside Max with her 3 max RESTRAINT.

I bet this Luther guy is down there somewhere just like Valentina is. Firsthand experience with the mines alongside any evidence we find on the way there and back will help us negotiate with the Mayor when we come out, putting that fucker in his place. I hope we'll be able to remain sane enough to negotiate with him at all, but I get the impression we will be if we did so after the HELL COURSE in the X Corp military base mission. Once we get into the mines but before we go in too deep, we can take a moment to give our allies the rundown from what we know so far. Beating the corpos to the mine will be huge. The mining gear and the drill will be immense in getting past that cave-in and to where Devin and the other missing/dead must be.
What do you guys think about this mission so far? All I'm doing is autistically point details out and explain the logic behind my choices when I vote.
This mission is intriguing. Thank you for your analysis. Your posts are always useful and helpful. :D
Should we somehow get a favor and a reward from three Corpo individuals while we are here?

I doubt we can do that, not without losing out on other benefits or items or opportunities as a tradeoff. The easiest one we can get one from is Roland, and that's only because how involved we are with his family. We did help his father Gregory reach closure with his past fuckup and saved his life from his critical wounds. We did help rescue his daughter's boyfriend too. If he finds out all this AND gets personal confirmation from Gregory (whose phone number we still have) and Max (right here with us on this mission), there's no fucking way the Krakatoa family patriarch will not respect us. The Vannis we really don't have any in with, except the old ID card from Gregory's mission. The ID card which I explicitly wanted to hold onto just for this sort of mission and character moment, suspecting the owner was still alive after so long. Now we have no experience with any Huxley's, and the closest we have to them is Frank, but we never talked with or did anything with Frank outside of the time when we obtained him as a contact. Maybe namedropping him might do some good if we end up confronting Robbert here on this mission, but not by much.

With all that said, if trying to get favors or rewards from them means losing credit for rescuing Valentina and solving this mine mystery, then I'm against it. I'm with the Handler on this one
>"I don't know what those FUCKING COCKSUCKERS will try doing to you if they see you. Like how they fucking treated ME when I asked for ONE GOD DAMN FUCKING DINNER WITH THEIR FAMILIES!
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Considering that there's been no real votes for a while and the only votes in question all agree on the same thing, I'll just close this vote and start writing the next update. No point sitting around for 10 hours for one more +1.

Two anons, roll 3d6. Another one, roll a 1d3.
Rolled 1, 3, 4 = 8 (3d6)

Rolled 6, 2, 2 = 10 (3d6)

Rolled 3 (1d3)

21. Success. Writing.
Before you really have time to think about what you're doing, you immediately rush back into the hut. Your allies follow after you since at this point, anyone who's worked with you for more than one mission just knows to go along with you.

Your sudden reentrance shocks Kori, who was busy...carving a chunk of Moonstone out of one of the six miners. "Some privacy, please? The fumes that these stones make are, well, quite intoxicating." He immediately turns his attention back to carefully chiseling the hunk of stone out of the miner's chest.

"Look, let's cut to the chase. Why did they actually send you here?" You're going to cut right through this bullshit. Every person you met here has been deranged or sketchy and this man isn't any different.

"Now, why would I tell you th-" His gaze slowly tracks over to Alexis and Max and he immediately stops speaking. <"Oh fuck."> "Hm. Again, why should I talk with a Krakatoa nearby?"

[OPTIMISTIC SPIRIT] "Because you're a good person who likes doing good things?" Casey chirps out with a cheerful, ear to ear smile. "At least I hope so!
[BLIND OPTIMISM] "Kori, man, we're both here to do a job. We're not here to fight each other. Hell, we're probably on the same page. You can trust them, you know?"

"Let's not lie, though. Are you going to squeal to your bosses about us?" You take another step towards Kori. "Look. I want to be like the others here but I can't leave in good faith until I know you're not going to backstab me."


"Fuck, no, you think I actually want to be here?" Forced laughter oozes out of Kori. There's no joy to it, it's the kind of laughter a man under a LOT of pressure would let out when confronted by his boss. "No, I won't squeal. I'm only really here for the stones produced here. This place used to have, I dunno, hundreds of people working here for...something. And my boss wanted me to get some raw Moonstone samples. That's it."

"This place is a fucking lightning rod for people, huh?" Alexis mutters to herself. "Feels like every single person here is obsessed with those god damn mines."
"Tell me about it." Max fiddles with her shades to steady her nerves. "You, uh, recognized me, huh? Did, uh, dad...?"

"Fuuucck, yeah, yeah. Roland, huh?" More forced laughter fills the air. "Look. My boss has been trying to find something for the last god knows how long and I've been dragged around. Z-Company would've been pissed if I rejected a job from a Vanni so, you know, that's that. This is this."

"Surely there's another place to find Moonstones at though, right? I talked to a W-Corp employee once and she shoved one into my hand without question."

"It was a refined one probably." Kori holds up the chunk of stone he harvested from the miner. It's rough, course, and covered in cracks. A dark violet mist is seeping out of it, sinking onto the floor below. "The raw ones are pretty damn hard to get. That's what my task is. I couldn't get into the mine so..."
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"If I had to guess, she's more interested in the gas flowing out of them." He drops the chunk into a ziplock plastic bag and seals it tight. "Probably real valuable if she's working with Roland and, uh...hm. She talked about another one but I don't recall his name."

"Robert Huxley. Apparently he's also working with Z-Company?" You feel like he should probably know. "He might be looking for, well, what was the word? A 'living bargaining chip'."

[CORPORATE INSIDER] "That doesn't make any sense. Huxleys mostly work for H and W-Corp, they don't usually involve themselves in other companies." Alexis can't help to be confused at the information you found out.

[CORPORATE V.I.P.] "Wait, Z-Company? That might make a bit of sense, actually. Could be that he's trying to use this 'recovery' mission as pretense for getting some Moonstone gas?" Max offers what little information she has on hand. "He's probably working with my dad and the other Vanni solely because they'll help him get inside."

Kori's eyes could be mistaken as plates with how wide they are now. Fear is oozing out of every pore of him. "Nope, nope, I signed up for a lot of things but I didn't hear about no Huxley. Look, you want some advice? You're probably looking for that Valentina girl too, right? My boss said she plans on 'disciplining' her for disappearing."

Oh? You gesture at him to continue. "I don't know a lot of details but she left with something that they want to recover at any costs. Probably why I was sent here."

Kori quickly heads towards the exit. "Those three are going to do something REAL nasty to each other if they manage to get down there. I'll try to buy you some time. For my sake and your sake." And then, he leaves.

[CORPORATE ELITE] Alexis' walkie talkie crackles to life. Alexis picks up and messes with a few of the dials on it to tune the frequency into a noise all of you can understand. "Warning: We detected some minor seismic tremors throughout the area you're in, White Suit."

That's not good. You and your allies decide it's probably time to get a move on. Time to head to the mines. With you leading the way, the five of you make a beeline towards the mines. The few people (well, two to three to be exact) roaming around in the abandoned streets watch on with mild confusion at why the five of you are heading over THERE of all places. You don't really have time to worry about that, though.

In the rush, you toss over a Moonstone Chunk to Alexis. As if on instinct, she takes a deep huff of the gas pouring out of it before throwing the now useless rock away.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIQ6hUsMRaw - MINING ENTRANCE

It takes a while to get over there given how the town was seemingly built to be a solid mile away from their god damn mines. Perhaps there used to be other buildings here but given the decay and rust everywhere else in the town? Doubtful.
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About a solid fifty feet away is a ramshackle wooden structure built right over a massive, gaping hole in the ground. Now that you're close enough to see what it is, it seems like it's mostly just a big fuckoff platform with a lift installed in it that can go up and down. Several rusted over boxes are left laying around on the platform, presumably meant to help in harvesting.

Not like that matters right now given how it's fenced away with a long chain length fence that completely surrounds the perimeter of both the platform and the mine itself. Three armed men in the exact same outfit stand around the locked gate.

Each of them is wearing a bulky dark brown rubber protective suit that covers their whole body. The best comparison you can think of a fireman's suit if it was designed to be airtight. Gas masks connected to heavy oxygen tanks cover their faces, hiding their expressions from you. Another tank on their backs fuels their weapon of choice.

Fucking flamethrowers.

[SEEKER + CORPORATE INSIDER] Both you and Alexis immediately notice something off about them. They look less like guards for a mine and more like armed corporate soldiers. From H-Corp, to be specific. They stand out like a sore thumb, especially since well.

Using FLAMETHROWERS near a GAS FILLED MINE is retarded...unless there's a reason why they still have them?

They immediately spot you and one of them points the nozzle of their flamethrower at your group. "WE ARE ALLOWED TO USE LETHAL FORCE."

Casey blinks a few times at the sight of the flamethrowers. "Waow! Reminds me of what I had to use back home! Fire is always the most efficient way to deal with multiple bodies!"

The guard lowers their flamethrower. <"Huh. Someone who understands."> Well, seems like that's enough to get the guards to calm down for a moment.

What do you want to ask them about? Pick two.
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] "We already know you let the miners in despite the conditions down there. Why? What's so fucking valuable down there?" Try to get a FUCKING STRAIGHT ANSWER as to why everyone's so interested here. (Due to Alexis and Max interviewing the Mayor, you don't need to make a skill check with this one.)
>[MAX ALLY] "Look, we're looking for a friend. A very important friend. A friend who, if we don't find, my family will raise hell. What did she tell your boss?" (-1 charge for Max's CORPORATE V.I.P boon. They'll tell you everything they know about Valentina and the actual reason she came here, including a personal item that Casey's gunthing can track.)
>[CASEY ALLY] "Flamethrowers are quite an interesting weapon! Very interesting, given that they are a poor choice for a gas-filled mine! What could possibly warrant those?" Casey begins to blabber on. Let her. (CHARM DC: 27, with Casey being assisted by Alexis and Max. Succeed and you'll get some valuable information on what sort of threats are down there and what you should look out for while exploring.)
>[BENJAMIN ALLY] "I doubt you're paid enough for this but why aren't the miners being supplied with the proper equipment? Everyone here is brain damaged, brain dead, or acting all sorts of weird." You doubt it's just simple mismanagement, right?
>[ALEXIS ALLY] Alexis narrows her eyes at the guards. "Wait, flamethrowers, those masks and outfits...you're from H-Corp. Who hired you?" (Due to Alexis' OVERWHELMING CONNECTIONS, she autopasses this check. You'll get some very interesting information about the person who hired the guards.)
>Write in.

And how do you want to bribe them so you can get in later?
>"Here." Max holds up a briefcase filled with money. "From me, to you." (-2 BRIBE MONEY charge. No other benefits, they'll just be willing to let you in.)
>[LICENSED PHARAMICST] "Friends, friends! How long has it been since you've been able to have some fun?" Drugs! (-1 CHARGE, leaving Benjamin with two. The drugged out guards may prove to be a great distraction and source of confusion for anyone else trying to get in.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Sometimes, the bluntest option is the best option. MIND PUPPETEER them. (-2 RESTRAINT, write in whether to spend another 1 RESTRAINT or lose 1 FLESH. Thanks to your mind tricks, the guards will try their best to slow down or hinder anyone who might be following after you.)
>Hold up a normal C-Extract. "Here. Let us in and you can keep this." (-1 C-EXTRACT. The guards will be willing to give you some valuable information about the mine's layout and some extra equipment for the rare P-Company product.)

I'll update the pastebins with Casey's RAPPORT boost + Alexis' RESTRAINT boost tomorrow.
>go along with you
The Jamrock Shuffle...
>carving a chunk
Everybody wants these damn rocks
>stones make
The stones produce them on their own? Why hasn't anybody made a farm of it then? Grow the rocks like crystals or something? Or maybe the gas comes from a deeper source, and the rocks absorb it on the way up to become special?
But there's only like 20 people left. What the fuck happened? Is this even a recent occurrence? W Corp must have been bleeding people stationed here for years, if all this disrepair is real
So he is a Z Corp affiliate, but he's hired by a Vanni to collect the rocks here? I doubt it was Valentina who hired him, but it could be any of them. Does he know Rosalie Vanni is one of the corpo admins on-site right now?
>that's that. This is this
The man himself isn't here yet
>dark violet mist
Same as the comatose swirly-eyed miners
>sinking onto the floor
Heavier than air, whatever it is. Valuable info
>hard to get
How, if the mine is supposedly full of the damn things? Do they need to grow on contaminated people for proper rawness? Then why even have a mine like this? Why not gas contaminate random nobodies or grown human flesh, and farm the raw moonstone from them? This whole scenario we're in is crazy already. So many questions

>interested in the gas
The "inspiration" Valentina was searching for?
>Huxleys mostly work for H and W-Corp, they don't usually involve themselves in other companies
>pretense for getting some Moonstone gas
What??? I don't fucking get any of this!
>My boss said she
"She" means it's Rosalie or her older relative Lilith Vanni, whose ID card we have. Or a different Vanni
>'disciplining' her for disappearing
Not a good sign
>left with something that they want to recover at any cost
What would it even be if Valentina reportedly "arrived here last week in search of some sort of inspiration and wanted to be let into the mines, something about Moonstones and their innate potential"? What would she bring, if she was bent on deliberately mindbreaking herself here and might not return intact?
>something REAL nasty to each other
We need to also protect Roland at all costs, or Max and Gregory will hold infinite grudge towards Nicole for it
>minor seismic tremors
After the "French" miners mentioned that cave-in, I'm very spooked. Rocks fall everyone dies is a very real event in real life
>deep huff
I will be floored if this bites us in the ass later, but come on. Bitch you only have TWO max restraint; you CANNOT be around Nicole staying like that!

And right after the Huxley info
>Someone who understands.
Off to a good start

This mission is already a massive clusterfuck mystery.
All of these options are too good. I cannot decide. I'd rather other people vote first and talk things over before I +1 somebody or write up a vote
What in hell is going on here? Non-anomalies monster in the mines or something infectious in the mines, is that why guards are carrying flamethrowers? Rock moonstone monster or esque the things monster from the movie?
I don't know, ESL anon. This is a very confusing mission, which I assume is the intended response. We won't know shit until we step into the mines and get exploring
>[MAX ALLY] "Look, we're looking for a friend. A very important friend. A friend who, if we don't find, my family will raise hell. What did she tell your boss?" (-1 charge for Max's CORPORATE V.I.P boon. They'll tell you everything they know about Valentina and the actual reason she came here, including a personal item that Casey's gunthing can track.)
>[CASEY ALLY] "Flamethrowers are quite an interesting weapon! Very interesting, given that they are a poor choice for a gas-filled mine! What could possibly warrant those?" Casey begins to blabber on. Let her. (CHARM DC: 27, with Casey being assisted by Alexis and Max. Succeed and you'll get some valuable information on what sort of threats are down there and what you should look out for while exploring.)

>Hold up a normal C-Extract. "Here. Let us in and you can keep this." (-1 C-EXTRACT. The guards will be willing to give you some valuable information about the mine's layout and some extra equipment for the rare P-Company product.)
>>hard to get
>How, if the mine is supposedly full of the damn things? Do they need to grow on contaminated people for proper rawness? Then why even have a mine like this? Why not gas contaminate random nobodies or grown human flesh, and farm the raw moonstone from them?

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] What you think he meant to say is that getting the actual raw material OUTSIDE of a mining town like this is hard. The MOONSTONE you got from Wendy was a refined product meant for commercial use. It was bright purple, not violet, and it had no gas leaking out of it.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Whatever weird effect the raw product has is what everyone is interested in. The corpos working with Z-Corp want it for something, Valentina apparently came here for inspiration from the mind altering gas...
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] That's as far as you can get. For some reason, W-Company doesn't export the raw product and people WANT it for some reason. Even if there's no justifiable explanation given how vague everyone here is about it.
[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] ...You're on the right track about the 'growing off people' thing, you know that much.
You sure you want to give up a C-Extract when we have 2 BRIBE MONEY left?

Thank you for the info post. An unknown yet useful substance that is only obtained in one way or via select sources, that everybody values and wants without explanation... a chilling similarity to C-Extract itself. This is absolutely a sort of Singularity. Could it be directly related to W Corp's, as Wendy hinted at? But then why is W Corp not extremely heavy in presence and control here? The plot thickens...
I want valuable information and extra equipment from the guards. I want to be prepared.
You want me to switch C-extract to Bribe Money?
Maybe. It does say equipment. Maybe if we go the C-Extract option, they can throw in extra if Nicole shows the business card? In fact, FUCK IT

In addition to >>5986547 flash that business card
>H-COMPANY BUSINESS CARD (A sign of corporate approval. Can be used to access exclusive H-Company products from shops around the City.)
And maybe the lighter too so they know we're good company
>H-CORP BRANDED LIGHTER. Insanely powerful for a simple zippo lighter. (Comes with two vials. You can spend a vial to instantly ignite a flammable object or to warp something metallic. Pairs nicely with your power.)
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] "We already know you let the miners in despite the conditions down there. Why? What's so fucking valuable down there?" Try to get a FUCKING STRAIGHT ANSWER as to why everyone's so interested here. (Due to Alexis and Max interviewing the Mayor, you don't need to make a skill check with this one.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] Alexis narrows her eyes at the guards. "Wait, flamethrowers, those masks and outfits...you're from H-Corp. Who hired you?" (Due to Alexis' OVERWHELMING CONNECTIONS, she autopasses this check. You'll get some very interesting information about the person who hired the guards.)
>"Here." Max holds up a briefcase filled with money. "From me, to you." (-2 BRIBE MONEY charge. No other benefits, they'll just be willing to let you in.)
>[MAX ALLY] "Look, we're looking for a friend. A very important friend. A friend who, if we don't find, my family will raise hell. What did she tell your boss?" (-1 charge for Max's CORPORATE V.I.P boon. They'll tell you everything they know about Valentina and the actual reason she came here, including a personal item that Casey's gunthing can track.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] Alexis narrows her eyes at the guards. "Wait, flamethrowers, those masks and outfits...you're from H-Corp. Who hired you?" (Due to Alexis' OVERWHELMING CONNECTIONS, she autopasses this check. You'll get some very interesting information about the person who hired the guards.)

>"Here." Max holds up a briefcase filled with money. "From me, to you." (-2 BRIBE MONEY charge. No other benefits, they'll just be willing to let you in.)
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You immediately hold up your H-Company Business Card towards the guards. While it's hard to make out how they're feeling thanks to the masks, you do hear them clicking and hissing to each other in some sort of incoherent language.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Your knowledge on it is sketchy but it's a language a lot of these 'Cleansers' (you think that's the right term) soldiers use. Pressurized clicks and gas hissing in specific, distinct patterns.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] You have no idea how to translate it. You think one of them said 'cool horns;, at least.


Alexis puts down her briefcase and pulls at one of her many corporate pins: A gear spinning through a roaring fire. "You're from H-Corp. I recognize the outfits, the weapons, the masks. Why are you here? Who hired you?"

Upon seeing the pin, the tallest one's knees bend and shake but they manage to keep upright. "OUR BOSS SENT US HERE. TO STAND GUARD. WE DEALT WITH OTHERS WHO APPROACHED. WE'RE STANDING ON THEM." The Cleanser stares at the dusty ground everyone is standing on.
"Okay wow they just admitted to murder that's totally not worrisome." Benjamin tries his best to hold back a nervous laugh. Max slowly rubs Benjamin's back to hopefully soothe the bird brain's growing nerves.

"Huxley, correct?" While her other hand is rubbing Ben's back, she removes her shades to expose her grey-blue eyes. "We already know. No need to hide it, right? And you wouldn't dare try attacking ME, right?"

One of the shorter Cleansers flinches upon seeing Max's piercing grey-blue eyes. "THAT'S A KRAKATOA, BOSS! TOO RISKY, TOO RISKY, BOSS!" Huh. Is that just a genetic thing they all have?

"SILENCE." The tall Cleanser lowers their flamethrower and gestures at their other goons to do the same. "YOU ARE CORRECT. SIMPLY PUT, HE DOESN'T WANT ANYONE IN OR OUT OF HERE. WE ARE TASKED TO STOP ANYONE ENTERING OR LEAVING WITHOUT EXPRESS APPROVAL."

"But why?" You try your best to not sound too needy but you just want a straight answer "Why did he hire you? When? For what purpose? Just fucking spit something out holy shit the last hour has been nothing but vague, confusing schizophRENIC NONSENSE-" You feel your brain beginning to SEETHE. Sparks of energy begin to build up inside you. Max and Casey slowly back away from you.


Casey interrupts you with a pat on the back and Benjamin loudly clears his throat. While Alexis treats your outburst with a professional, calm disnterest, your other allies are clearly worried about you. Your face goes flush, you did NOT expect to act out like that.


[OPTIMISTIC SPIRIT + BLIND OPTIMISM] "So, did you know that queen bees lay 2000 eggs per day?" "Oh! And that honey has been commonly used to treat infections!" Casey and Benjamin begin to blabber about completely random fun facts to distract everyone
It proves effective, given how everyone begins to relax, including you.

The three Cleansers have raised their flamethrowers up but after seeing that you're not going to fry them, they lower their flamethrowers.


"Oh." Max can't help but laugh at that. "Oh, so that's why. He's working with Z-Company since he fucked up. Okay, wow, that's a shockingly coherent answer. I know Huxleys are violent but how bad is he?"

"BAD. THAT HORNED GIRL'S OUTBURST? IMAGINE THAT. BUT WORSE. EVERY DAY." The short one hisses with a level of exhaustion and dread that hurts to listen to.
"APPARENTLY HE HEARD SOMETHING ABOUT THE GAS HERE APPARENTLY HAVING POWERFUL PSYCHOACTIVE EFFECTS? SO HE'S TRYING TO GET SOME OF IT SO Z-CORP CAN...MAKE SOMETHING TO HELP HIM." Well, it doesn't take a genius to realize the man in a bunny mask has mental issues but that actually helps to piece some things together.

If he's in bad favor with W-Corp, the only other corp who makes antipsychotics and other mental issue related drugs, this is probably his best shot given that Z-Company seems interested in accessing the mines too.

[PERSON OF INTEREST] Wait, he's looking for a bargaining chip for these meds he really needs, yeah? If he can't find one in the shape of Benjamin and Kori, what about Valentina? The Cleansers probably squealed to him if they let her in, yeah?

"Wait, you went down there? With those flamethrowers? Huh?" While it's not your prime focus, you're still wondering why the fuck they even have them. The three look confused at your reaction, as if they don't understand why fire doesn't solve anything. "Isn't the gas there flammable?"

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"Well, that's cool and all." Max interrupts the ongoing conversation with a firm cough. "But we're here to look for someone." She tosses over a small parcel over to the Cleansers. The tall one catches it and opens it to see...well. A fuck ton of bribe money. "A very important friend. A friend who, if we don't find, my family will raise hell. Why did you let her in?"

The Cleansers chitter and chatter amongst each other, holding what you think is about $6000 worth of bribe money. The tall one breaks their gaze from the pile with a shrug.


"Until she didn't return." You mutter to yourself. Fuck, yeah, that's not good. You can NOT let Robbert find her. Having a hostage of a powerful family member's daughter would be BAD.

"Wait, what?" Benjamin snaps out of his bee trivia induced trance. "S-sixteen? Nicole, did you know about that? We're hunting a teenager?"

...Wait, yeah, the Handler only said her name and where she was at. Nothing else. Holy shit, no wonder why everyone's charging in and why she seemingly had an actual motive to come here beyond 'the arts, bro'. Her god damn brain wasn't fully developed and now, she's probably melting her brain down there.

"Do you have anything of hers? We're here to find her." You're immediately tossed over a long, flowing scarf made of a dark blue Nouveau Fabric. "YEAH. SHE SAID TO KEEP THIS. SOME SORT OF HIGH CLASS STUFF. DIDN'T WANT IT DIRTY. WELL, OUR JOBS ARE DONE HERE AND WE TOTALLY DIDN'T SEE YOU SO..." The Cleansers take a moment to open up the gate before gesturing at you to go inside.

You and your allies decide it's probably best to rush down there before the others-

[???] "GOOD FRIENDS!" Devin yells out towards a group of three corporate executives, rushing right over to them to get in their way. "WOULD YOU LIKE A POPSICLE?"
[???] The bunny masked man huffs with obvious annoyance. "No. Move."
[???] "AH BUT YOU SEE! I THINK YOU SHOULD REALLY COME OVER HERE FOR ONE!" Devin gestures towards his shop. "I WON'T LEAVE UNTIL YOU DO!" Another man in a labcoat exits the store, approaching the corpos as well.
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You snap out of that weird vision not long after. Huh, seems like your two associates are buying some time. You won't question HOW you had that vision, your brain just does funny things sometimes.

Your group steps past the now open gate to approach the wooden platform built right above the mines. The lift is right in the middle of the platform and, wow, it does not look stable at all. It's a shoddy, rusted over lift with barely held together gates to make sure you don't just get send flying to your death if you backed up too far.

Before you go down there, you pull out your five gas masks and hand four of them to your allies.

Alexis, Casey, and Benjamin manage to put on their masks with practiced and skilled motions, as if this isn't the first time any of them has worn one before.

[SHELTERED] Max, meanwhile, is struggling for her damn life to actually put it on properly. She managed to figure out that she had to remove her shades but that's about it.

"Shit, uh, haha. Yeah I can do this." She fiddles around with the straps, trying desperately to put it on while the others (including you) stare at her pitiful attempts. Benjamin eventually steps in and adjusts the straps for her so she can actually wear it. "hahathankshoneyitotallywasgonnadoitanywaysonmyownyeah."

"Of course!" Benjamin flashes a thumbs up. "But we're on a time limit, so I wanted to help!" Well, with that handled, your group steps onto the shaky lift. The mechanism to start the lift is just a simple button panel. Casey slaps the button and immediately, the gates to the lift shut. Your group begins your descent down into the mines...

Darker yet darker. Delving into the bowels of the earth with nothing else moving you forward but the promise of a payday and the hope that, ultimately, this mission will be worth it. Five minutes pass. Then ten. Then fifteen. Then who knows how long. All your allies can do is to chatter about whatever random thoughts come to mind to entertain themselves on the long, long trip down.

https://youtu.be/-2LOaw8fiEo - DARK AND QUIET

After god knows how long, the lift finally reaches the bottom. Your group steps out of the lift and, thankfully, the lift doesn't immediately start launching back to the surface. You got some time to burn down here. You take a look at your surroundings to see what you have to work with.

You're in an entrance tunnel that's clearly made to be some sort of resting area or resupply station for the miners. The stone floors and walls have been chiseled and carved into mostly flat and smooth surfaces. Aside from the path leading down, down, down into the mine, there's two sections of stone wall that have been carved out.

One section is a small resting area filled with cheap and shoddy furniture a few ancient computers on some cheap desks, and a few old TVs that are playing nothing but static. You're shocked they even get a connection down here.
A musty carpet lays on the floor, clearly some failed attempt at making this place not so god damn depressing to look at. The other section has a massive clusterfuck of computers and complex machinery with wires going all over the damn place. Sitting right at the edge of the other section is several rusted over lockers, probably for resupply. The machinery grinds, churns, and beeps with a pattern you can't quite decipher.

There doesn't seem to be any visible gas here so you assume that you have to go deeper to see anything of actual value or note. What do you want to do from here, Nicole? You got some time thanks to the favor of Dori and Kevin- Pft, Devin and Kori.

Pick four actions.
>Our only goal is to find Valentina. Head down deeper, deeper, and deeper. (Consumes two actions. You'll save a lot of time by picking this, putting more distance between you and the corpos. Might also help your odds at finding Valentina in a better state.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] Alexis is busy checking the computers over at the rest section. Head over to help her comb through whatever information might be on there.
>[MAX ALLY + ANTIQUE PHONE] "So, Max. I found this a while ago. Mind helping me search through it?" Take some time to analyze the data in the ANTIQUE PHONE. Max might be able to fill in whatever blanks are inside.
>[PULSATING GEAR] Complex machinery, huh? Maybe that old trinket you have could be useful here. If nothing else, you'll get some time to figure out what kind of machinery it is and what its function is.
>[CASEY ALLY] "Hey, use your weird gun thing to track this." Hand her the scarf they handed you. Might as well get her 'gun' familiarized with it before you go down there.
>It wouldn't hurt to investigate the 'rest' section. Maybe you can find some more personal belongings if Valentina was willing to toss away an expensive scarf to some random Cleansers.
>[BENJAMIN ALLY] "Hey, Benny boy. You know what time it is, right?" "Yes, Nicole..." Drug time! (-1 CHARGE on LICENSED PHARAMCIST. Write in what kind of drug or chemical you want him to make. You may spend -2 CHARGES to ask him to make an explosive of some kind.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Use WHISPERS OF THE CITY to take a quick mental map of the MINES. (-1 RESTRAINT, should help you with your explorations down the line.)
>Take some time to talk and hang out with your allies. You have a feeling once you start delving, you won't have time for casual chitchat. (+1 RAPPORT with two allies of your choice. Write in which ones you want to hang out with.)
>Write in. (Give an ally a MINING BUNDLE? Ask your allies something? Try to ask SEEKER something about the Alphabet Companies? Something else completely?)

Sorry for the delay.
Interesting insight into H Corp people
>A gear spinning through a roaring fire
Not like our PULSATING GEAR, surely
>dusty ground
Rip to those poor mining town folks
>rubs Benjamin's back
They're so cute together
>a genetic thing
Wonder if that started with Gregory, or even before him?
>you did NOT expect to act out like that
Is Nicole's RESTRAINT not above half? Guess all these runarounds got to her too

>completely random fun facts
Wow, both of them are synergizing well
That explains why Huxley wasn't so bothered or in a rush. He knows his goons are here on-site too
The downside of being a Madness Combat man that they don't want you to know!!!
>exhaustion and dread
These 3 are lucky to be alive with a boss like that
Offering him our 2 SALTRIL pills might be a good move if we meet, since we're not using those after embracing UNSTABLE. The nice gesture from another fellow violent and deranged maniac could get through to him. It'd also be a good way to ditch the pills we're not using ever again.
Shit, we could have related to him better in a confrontation if we got more of that background info from Naomi. At least we still have some knowledge from Admiral and a bit from Naomi too, in case we do face him.
>bargaining chip
That's his plan? Use Valentina as living leverage against the Vannis and benefit from Z Corp?
Good to know

A good use of the remaining BRIBE MONEY
So I was right earlier
That's gotta be the "Luther" we need to find
That's new. If they were alive surely they would have tried to seek help for Valentina or leave for some? Unless they couldn't...
>NOT let Robbert find her
So we have to smuggle her out? Or fight Robbert. Or trick him. Or convince him. Or get around him.
>a powerful family member's daughter
Like the one we're with? Right now?
Dumbass underage rich girl in way over her head.
>dark blue Nouveau Fabric
Pairs well with the red one from Gregory.

>buying some time
We did good going for the store and the miners.
>isn't the first time
Surprising that Casey's done this before
Was wondering when this would trigger
>Darker yet darker
This isn't a good place for a secret lab
>long, long trip down
It'll buy us time and distance from the corpos on the way in, and later on the way out if we juke them

FREE LOOT???????
>Dori and Kevin- Pft
I see we have 2 ways to go about this. We either
aka the mission speedrun route. Or we do
>rest section
To make the most of combing this lobby area of MAX LOOT AND INFO before the corpo admins get here to do it. There might be something to use against the Mayor in negotiating for the miners for the side mission. PULSATING GEAR option is coming up a second time, so maybe it can do us good here? I had the idea come to me just now to do BENJAMIN ALLY and make explosives to use as a threat or dead man's switch, to force the corpos to let us go if they try and stop us from leaving. Or we use those island ingredients with the SALTRIL, to maybe make a good enough antipsychotic that it actually affects Robbert Huxley through his drug resistance?

What do you guys think? We've been having so many good options and choices lately it hurts with how pressed for time we are against Valentina's state and the corpo trio at our heels.
>[ALEXIS ALLY] Alexis is busy checking the computers over at the rest section. Head over to help her comb through whatever information might be on there.
>[CASEY ALLY] "Hey, use your weird gun thing to track this." Hand her the scarf they handed you. Might as well get her 'gun' familiarized with it before you go down there.
>It wouldn't hurt to investigate the 'rest' section. Maybe you can find some more personal belongings if Valentina was willing to toss away an expensive scarf to some random Cleansers.
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Use WHISPERS OF THE CITY to take a quick mental map of the MINES. (-1 RESTRAINT, should help you with your explorations down the line.)
I’m curious if we can recruit Valentina Vanni after rescuing her. Also, I think Miner Boytoy (Luther) might potentially be in love with Valentina.
>Max and Ben
>Valentina and Luther
>rich girl and scatterbrained guy
Is Nicole's love some scatterbrained corpo heir then
We have not come across any guy that Nicole could feasibly get with. Benjamin has Max. Lex is going to have Ashley eventually. Quentin is a bodypuppeting centipede. Maruyama is still suffering from his ex-wife who cucked him. Adam isn't that close with Nicole at all, and he has Benedict. Benedict is a brain-damaged part-anomaly, and he has Adam. Clover definitely has somebody from his circle of friends. Frank we have not worked with or heard from once since we got his info.
>Adam isn't that close with Nicole at all,
He did see us naked though
+1 this just to speed things up
>Our only goal is to find Valentina. Head down deeper, deeper, and deeper. (Consumes two actions. You'll save a lot of time by picking this, putting more distance between you and the corpos. Might also help your odds at finding Valentina in a better state.)
>[CASEY ALLY] "Hey, use your weird gun thing to track this." Hand her the scarf they handed you. Might as well get her 'gun' familiarized with it before you go down there.
>It wouldn't hurt to investigate the 'rest' section. Maybe you can find some more personal belongings if Valentina was willing to toss away an expensive scarf to some random Cleansers.
>ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Use WHISPERS OF THE CITY to take a quick mental map of the MINES. (-1 RESTRAINT, should help you with your explorations down the line.)
>[CASEY ALLY] "Hey, use your weird gun thing to track this." Hand her the scarf they handed you. Might as well get her 'gun' familiarized with it before you go down there.
>Our only goal is to find Valentina. Head down deeper, deeper, and deeper. (Consumes two actions. You'll save a lot of time by picking this, putting more distance between you and the corpos. Might also help your odds at finding Valentina in a better state.)
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Your first and immediate instinct is to sit down on the floor. You're not sure why, some sort of impulse to ground yourself when trying out this power? You close your eyes and with a shaky breath, you let your mind blossom and fracture. It's how it must be done. How it must always be done.

Almost immediately, your mind is flooded with fragmentary, sparse visions of what lies below. Pipes stretching on for miles into a seemingly endless cavern. A tunnel that spirals deeper and deeper. A metallic fist desperately trying to punch through a jammed metal door. A chunk of bright violet crystals growing over a young woman's face. You take a moment to focus on actual LAYOUTS.

Here's what you got. You're currently at the entrance and the path forward is a deep, spiraling tunnel that eventually breaks off into four different tunnels. Two of them are caved in and the other has SOMETHING waiting down there. Some sort of cave dwelling animal. Best not to bother. Seems like it's going to take some time to travel down.

After you go through the only cleared one, you can make out the rough impression of a catwalk built over a looming pit that is at least a solid mile deep. You'll get a better idea when you go down there, at least.

You open up your eyes. Your allies have been rummaging around the two rooms at the entrance of the mine, trying to burn time or to find things of value. While you know there's no secret paths here thanks to your power, you do smell the delicious scent of HIDDEN LOOT somewhere in the Rest Room-

"Boo." JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WAIT WHO'S JESUS HUH WHAT WHO'S BEHIND YOU "Woah! Woah, calm down Nicky." Your gaze snaps immediately to the person standing behind you. It's...just Max. Her hands are raised up in mock surrender. "I was just wondering what you were doing."

"Psychic power stuff." You immediately calm down as if you weren't freaking out moments ago. "Getting a rough layout of the place." You hold out Valentina's Scarf in the rough direction of where you thought you saw Casey. Like the busy bee she is, she rushes over to grab it before returning to her own activities.

[SHELTERED] "Oh. Haha. Yeah. People have those." Max tries her best to hide her unease but it's blatant to anyone who isn't supremely autistic. "Isn't that scary? To have them? I mean, I know implants can do a lot but actual 'magic' stuff is something else."

Oh, right, you don't recall using any of your powers in front of her before. The casino mission was pretty under the radar. "Well, it's not magic-" You immediately interrupt yourself. "Well, I've had them for as long as I can bother to remember."

As you begin walking over to the REST ROOM, Max follows after you. "Wait, hold on though, why are we waiting around if you've had them this whole time?" She badgers you with a sparkling, child-like curiosity. "Can't you blow a passage to where Val is? Teleport us there? Talk to her with your mind??? C'mon, this can be a cakewalk!"
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Your antlers buzz subtly as your feet brush up against a specific part of the carpet. Ripping it off the chunk with your telekinesis, you find a small safe embedded in the floor underneath. Interesting. Some subconscious part of you tells you that the code's on the computer somehow.

"One, I can't blow shit up OR teleport. Two, most of my powers mess with my brain if I use them too much so even I could do those things, it's safer for everyone involved if I used them sparingly."

Max slumps over, crossing her arms with obvious disappointment. "Is there even a point on having them if you can't use them whenever you want to? I mean, Benjamin keeps telling me about how cool your powers are and how amazing it must be to have them."

...You should probably nip that in the bud after this mission is done. Especially since you DO have a way on giving him powers. "It's not as fun as you think it is. I only do what I need to do to survive. I don't think you understand that."

[SHELTERED] Max tries to refute your point but she really can't find the words to.. <"What IS that like? I. I don't really get it. Can't pretend to."> "Sorry." She grumbles under her breath with obvious annoyance. It's clear whatever's annoying her isn't really because of you.

"Hey, don't be." You would offer a smile but, well, mask. "Just trying to explain myself."

You turn your attention over to Alexis and Benjamin, who have been fiddling around with the various computers sprawled throughout the breakroom. It's clear that most of the stuff being displayed on the screens is garbage noise. They're desperately trying to skim whatever information they can out of it. You gesture at Max to explore the REST ROOM on your behalf while you help the others.

She, alongside Casey, start to explore the room on your behalf. No need to let your allies sit around. A captain must order her crew, after all- Okay weird impulse there.

You join up with Alexis and Benjamin after shaking your head of the Admiral's residual influence. Your eyes begin to scan through all of the lines, trying to figure out some sort of method in the mess of binary and garbage noise text.

"This beaut has seen better days." Benjamin admits with a longing tone. "Hardware damage. Half the time, the screen turns into-" A multicolored haze best described as 'clown vomit' flickers on the screen for twenty solid seconds, interrupting your ability to make out anything.
"Most of the coherent stuff is just random numbers. One of them was 42-0-69, for instance." Ah! Your brain instinctually processes that as the safe code. You also fucking hate whoever picked it!

"Lemme help..." You grab onto one of the few chairs and begin the process of skimming through the piles of corrupted data to see if there's anything remotely worth keeping. About twenty minutes pass...

"I think that's about all we can get." Alexis finishes scribbling down the last bit of usable data she could find onto a sheet of loose paper.
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CAVE IN REPORT - "Someone's been digging here and I know it isn't anyone on our staff. Writing this in a rush, sorry if it's fucked up. Lost some lads in a cave in today. We were in Layer 4 when we heard a massive explosion going off, gas leak maybe? Only thing I know is that it came from a deeper layer and it's someone trying to dig UPWARDS."
SAFEHOUSE CONSTRUCTION - "With everything going on, we had to make several safehouses throughout Layer 3 to 7, the bottom. We had to hide them just in case anyone invades but you can tell where one is by the color of the stone around them. Check for lighter sections of the cave walls. There should be enough supplies in there to hold someone for a week and a half. Do note that the electronic doors have a few kinks and may jam from time to time."
W-CORP MEMO - "To all Mining Towns in PHI-5, due to limited natural resources projected to still be accessible within the next five years, we are ceasing all current supply shipments. You may be provided an exception if you can triple your production by the end of the year. Do try finding a way to 'create' more MOONSTONE. You know how."
MINERAL DISCOVERY - "We found it. The motherload. Eclipse Silk, Moonstone, Sunstone, even a Voidstone vein. It's all down here. Issue is, with the supply shortages, I doubt many of us are going to make it. Joel is going to tell us to keep working until we get all of it out for the sake of that damn quota. Maybe we should try getting one of the families involved. A Vanni, maybe?"

...You don't like the implications put force by the Memo and Mineral Discovery logs. Benjamin and Alexis, while they don't have anything to say, are clearly uncomfortable by what they read as well-

[CORPORATE ELITE] Alexis' radio crackles to life. "Eye in the sky. We found another exit to your mine. You might be able to sneak through it. Whenever you find a door labeled "X-ALPHA", you're on the right track. Other exit has been abandoned due to INTENSE contamination, go STRAIGHT ahead if you pick this path." It then turns off. Hm, another thing to look out for.

You make a rush over to the safe to input the code you got from the computer. Time to see what you got...

>JOYVEL PILL x2 (Heals 1 RESTRAINT when used. What else can you say?)
>SUNSTONE (A refined SUNSTONE, made by W-Corp. Has three charges. You may spend a charge to add +2d8 to any dice roll you make.)

Casey and Max approach you with some various items they managed to recover from the lockers...

>FUEL TANK x2 (Used by the POWER DRILL.)
>OIL LANTERN x5 (Has enough fuel for four charges. Passively lights up the environment around you. When thrown at an enemy, deal scaling fire damage equal to the amount of charges left.)
>DUST CONTAINMATED LIQUOR x3 (Has a 50% chance to heal 1 RESTRAINT and boost CHARM by 1 when used, 25% to do nothing, and 25% chance to deal 1 FLESH damage. Useful as a projectile weapon, at least.)
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"Now! Show me the way! My ferocious hound-" Casey holds up her snubnosed revolver. BORK! You swear your mind is playing tricks on it, did it just bark? "will make sure we do not stray! It has already sniffed the fear from the scarf and these!" She holds up two small trinkets. A pastel pink wallet and an equally pastel pink glove. Must've been Valentina's.

No time to waste. After making sure everyone has an oil lantern, your group starts the long, LONG journey into the depths of the mines. The tunnel forward begins to spiral in on itself almost immediately and any space that the tunnels once had is immediately snuffed. Your group barely fits, even after adopting a single file line.

The only thing lighting your way forward is the oil lamps (well, you have nightvision, but you plan on saving that for when you get DEEP deep). No one really feels like talking during the journey down. In the corner of your eye, you swear you saw Benjamin and Max holding each other's hands in a vague attempt to steel their nerves.

"We'll see four tunnels. I know which one to follow." You mutter out as your group keeps spiraling deeper and deeper. It feels like at least ten minutes were spent just walking in a god damn spiraling loop. Your group manages to reach the four-way split that you saw in your vision. One to the left, one to the right, one center-right, one center-left.

If you recall correct, the center-right one is the 'correct' one.


Casey's gun begins to snarl and bark with a ferocity that almost makes everyone forget that a normal(ish) looking gun should NOT be making those noises. The barrel of the gun is pointing towards the center-left one. Casey's bug-like eyes stare right down the tunnel. "Valentina went that way." She points towards the right-most path.

"That's caved in. Already checked with my mind." Hm. Seems like you have to do a detour. With a wave of your hand, your group proceeds down the center-right tunnel before anything could possibly attack you. Another spiral, spiral, spiral, spiral, spiral, spiral, spiral-

After what feels like an eternity of walking around in a spiral, Benjamin's voice calls out to you, getting your attention. "Nicole? We're here, I think." Ah, time to investigate where you arrived at now.

https://youtu.be/grYpmDjeh5k - CATWALK LAYER

You only now realize that aside from a fifty foot long patch of mostly blank stone flooring and a ceiling that stretches up for god knows how long, there's only one thing of note in this layer. A giant, seemingly endless pit that goes down forever. You kick a loose stone down over the edge.

It takes two minutes before you hear anything hitting the bottom.

The only path forward across the pit is a large but very clunky set of rusted catwalks built right over the deep, deep pit. Taking a look around, there's no obvious way forward beyond this, so with some prodding, you and your allies carry across the very unstable looking catwalk.
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Your progress is slow from hereon out. Not because of anything inherently slowing you down but because of the sheer nature of a massive fucking pit hanging right below you. With the only thing preventing your group from being paste being the rusted catwalks you're walking over. Oh well, not much you can do, best to be safe than sorry.

Your group eventually ends up at a crosswalks of sorts. In the middle of the catwalk maze is a hub circle that's wide enough and clearly durable enough to hold a handful of crates filled to the brim with something heavy. Aside from the path you just walked across, there's a fuck ton of other paths to go from here. Two west, Two east, one north, two northwest, two northeast.

You can already cross out the WEST one thanks to WHISPER OF THE CITY, you know for certain that's a dead end. Looking over at Casey, she holds her gun up. It sniffs in the air before pointing north. Alright, that narrows it down to five.

Which path do you wish to take from here, Nicole?
>Straight ahead. You can faintly make out a bright light source and some sort of machinery still churning at the other edge. You're shocked it's still working, maybe there's something valuable there.
>Northwest #1. There's something standing in the middle of that walkway. They're not looking at you but it's clear they're a miner due to their outfit.. What are they doing down here?
>Northwest #2. Your MOONSTONE GAS DETECTOR is going apeshit as you approach this path. If Valentina was chasing after some moonstones, she might've gone down there.
>Northeast #1. WHISPERS OF THE CITY keeps saying that something valuable is down here but you can't really see anything down there. Just a single catwalk stretching on into the dark.
>Northeast #2. There's a lot of dust in this pathway. Dust and the lingering smell of smog and smoke. You swear you hear someone talking down there as well.
>Split your group. Explore two paths at once, regroup back here. (Your group will be split into one group of 3 and one group of 2. Assign which allies will be in quick groups and where they're being sent to.)
>ground yourself
Same thing in real life
>let your mind blossom and fracture
W Corp has a lot to answer for
>metallic fist
That's Valentina's android companion
>jammed metal door
That's a clue
>bright violet crystals growing over a young woman's face
Not good NOT GOOD
>cave dwelling animal
Let's leave them be. We could use meat bait to get them as a distraction if corpos do show up, but I really don't want to hunt them needlessly when we're so pressed for time
>no secret paths here
Thanks for picking ANOMALOUS, anons
>busy bee she is
>don't recall using any of your powers in front of her
She doesn't know about the glowies
She doesn't know about our other missions
I think sitting down to talk about all this with the group is wise, but AFTER the mission. And NO spilling Mind Read to any of them, not yet. Best if only Ashley knows for the time being

>antlers buzz subtly
Horns are just a bony type of antennae
>nip that in the bud after
>obvious annoyance
I think it's good we're getting Max on missions too, because she will become less sheltered as she experiences real life in the City, on the level Nicole and everybody else lives. Benjamin being with us every time is also good, because he can help ground Max and stop her from losing it as she learns more and more
>captain must order her crew
Admiral you're supposed to be dead, stop trying to live on through your boon
>clown vomit
It's a funny phrase huh QM?
>About twenty minutes
We're still ahead. The corpo trio are still far behind us...

That's what the french miner duo told us
We could seriously use these, if we come across any
>electronic doors jam
That can have offensive use if we bait somebody in then trap them, but risky
>ceasing all current supply shipments
Shit, W Corp themselves say the amount being low is why they cut the mining towns off. How are we supposed to negotiate for better conditions for the Mayor if W Corp themselves aren't giving any?
>triple your production
>'create' more MOONSTONE. You know how
Those bastards fucking KNOW. Are the miners just sacrificial now for more Moonstone farming?
Now this is getting spicy
>getting one of the families involved
It's a fucking conspiracy? How is Valentina being trapped here or being mindbroken or dead supposed to benefit them? The Vannis will rain hell on them if they know, and they WILL. They would too if we didn't take this mission

>INTENSE contamination
But Huxley or any pursuers won't necessarily know this. We can use that against them in our escape, if shit hits the fan HARD
Not bad
Great if we're desperate, otherwise nice to clutch
Let's make good use of this power drill, shall we?
We have sources of night vision, but not enough to cover all 5 of us. That's where this is needed
Throw this then into H CORP LIGHTER + TELEKINESIS
I want to hold onto these to give the silver agents a real good base collapse later...

>pastel pink wallet/glove
Not the COOL pink Nicole has
>Your group barely fits
How did they get all those rocks out of this place at all?
>saving that for when you get DEEP deep
Thanks QM
>holding each other's hands
As good a place as any for that
>at least ten minutes
Half an hour in these mines already. Those corpos better be delayed well. I hope Devin and Kori are OK and Robbert didn't start some shit
>two minutes
That's not quite an abyss, but it is from up here
>Split your group. Explore two paths at once, regroup back here. (Your group will be split into one group of 3 and one group of 2. Assign which allies will be in quick groups and where they're being sent to.)
Nicole + Max + Benjamin -> Northeast #1
Alexis + Casey -> Northwest #1
I think we have time to do this much before we head Straight Ahead north to where Valentina's scent is located
>Northwest #1. There's something standing in the middle of that walkway. They're not looking at you but it's clear they're a miner due to their outfit.. What are they doing down here?
>>Straight ahead. You can faintly make out a bright light source and some sort of machinery still churning at the other edge. You're shocked it's still working, maybe there's something valuable there.
I will be abstaining as I find these tunnels 3spooky5me
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"Alexis, Casey, check out that miner guy. We're going to investigate that mystery tunnel."

Alexis stares in your direction for an uncomfortably long amount of time, judging every atom of your god damn being for your suggestion. "Spilling up. In THIS place?" She holds her oil lantern right over the edge of the catwalk. Aside from your five lights, the only thing keeping this place remotely illuminated is some long-since antique light fixtures attached at the top of the cave.

To be frank, it gives the same amount of light as a dim moon during a pitch black night in the middle of winter. Hm. Maybe that's intentional? Moonstones and all.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] From your knowledge, it's mostly a clever marketing thing with W-Company. What with the bright colors of the stones. Something about them 'shining like stars in the night sky'?

"Fine. I trust you but she WILL shoot to kill if shit goes wrong." She places a hand on Casey. "Isn't that right, Casey?"
"Yes, madam, yes! I have fifty confirmed kills with my friend!" You feel like that's a lie given her poor stats but you won't question it.
"Excellent. You three, uh, go do that." She waves a hand in the direction of the path you plan on heading down.

Your group proceeds to split up, with your group heading down the darkest tunnel while Casey and Alexis deal with the mystery man. It doesn't take long for Casey and Alexis to disappear from your sight.
>CASEY and ALEXIS have temporarily left the party!

Well, that's misleading. It's not that THEY disappeared from your sight. It's that even walking a few feet into the path you set out for yourself is drenching everything around you in an almost physical, thick layer of darkness. It only takes ten feet before the only thing preventing your group from stumbling blind is the oil lantern you have.

"What's going on?" Max can't even attempt to hide the fear in her voice as she tries her best to follow after you. "This. This feels wrong. I. Look, maybe we should go back, why are we heading down here?"
"She has to have a reason, right?" Benjamin offers you the benefit of the doubt here. "Weird how the machine isn't going off. Thought this might've been that 'voidstone' stuff mentioned. Doesn't feel anomalous either..."

"I guess it's fine then." Max chuckles like she's trying her best to laugh at a really, REALLY unfunny joke. "Yeah. Must be fine."

[BLIND OPTIMISM] "It's probably just poor lighting. We're in a massive mine hundreds on hundreds of feet below the surface. It'd be MORE shocking if it was pitch dark..."
[DELUSIONAL] "That and I can't feel the darkness staring back at me! Such a disappointment, really! I really want to grab what's in the dark by the neck and strangle it for everyone to see!"

Max makes a strangled, confused noise in the back of her throat. After her brain resets, she can't help but to laugh at the whiplash she experienced. "I think I'd have a better chance of strangling something down here. Let's not kid ourselves here."
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"Get a fucking room-"

[STEADY HANDS] Your body kicks into action. Your free hand immediately reaches out and with a telekinetic pull, you pull your allies to the right side of the catwalk. Your body manages to move just enough to avoid your heart getting pierced.

Your brain manages to process why. A thin, long rusted metal spike, connected or held by some unseen figure, has been impaled into your side. If you didn't move your group in time, someone probably would've had their throats impaled by it.

[STEADY HANDS] With surgical precision, you managed to chunk of metal without causing too much damage to yourself, freeing yourself in case you have to run or fight. Your quick reaction made it so that only the tip (heh) managed to pierce you.


"SORRY! BUT WE CAN NOT ALLOW ANYONE DOWN THIS PATH! PLEASE TURN AROUND!" A robotic yet chipper voice blares from the darkness. You immediately hold your lantern in the direction of the voice while Max is whimpering incoherently to herself. Not like Benjamin is doing any better, thanks to his heavy breathing.

A thin puppet-like humanoid stands before you, only six feet away from your group. You thought it was an android at first but no, it's too crude. Too simple. Its body is made out of cheap, shoddy metal pipes twisted and welded together into the rough approximation of a human form. Its hands, also made out of old pipes, are just bent and twisted enough to be able to hold simple objects. Like the long metal rod it's holding.


"Did you have to FUCKING STAB ME? Was THAT your version of a warning?" You keep pressure on the bleeding wound. Your anomalously fucked up body will probably stem the bleeding soon enough but god, does it still hurt. "And, wait, Joel? Who's that? The mayor?"


"I'm not sure how sentient that thing is." Benjamin steels his nerves enough to talk. "Might be one of the earliest E-Corp models. Barely more powerful than old world computers. I say we kill it."

"KILL? HOW CAN YOU KILL WHICH HAS NO LIFE?" The robot raises its arm up. "DIE-DIE-DIE." It begins to step forward...

"Uh, uh, Beta-Zeta-Kalpa!" Max mutters. The figure locks up for a moment before gesturing at you to continue speaking. You and Benjamin offer weird looks in Max's direction. She offers a confused shrug. "I heard the mayor say it!"
WHISPERS OF THE CITY flashes another vision before you. You know that there's a metal door and, behind it, is a passage that will certainly lead you down Valentina's path. The only issue is how to actually get past this robot. It's slow, clunky, and not that intimidating but it is standing in the way. You rather not fight it if you have to...

How do you want to handle the figure?
>[MAX ALLY] "We're actually on behalf of the mayor! See, we're here to actually help this mining town out!" Let Max take the wheel for now. (CHARM DC: 33, rolling 9d6. Succeed and the robot will be convinced, joining the group as a temporary ally to assist you in exploring the mine.)
>[STEADY HAND + UNSTABLE] Pull out your revolver and shoot it. Your shot will be absolutely perfect, you know that. (-1 REVOLVER BULLET, +1 RESTRAINT TO EVERYONE FOR THE COOL SHOT. You'll save a lot of time but you'll likely alert anyone down here, for good or ill.)
>[HAS MET W-CORP BEFORE] "I'm here on behalf of Wendy, from W-Company. If she knew that you harmed a W-Company representative, you're fucked." Bluff your way forward. (CONNECTIONS DC: 25, rolling 7d6+2d3 with the help of your allies. Succeed and the robot will let you pass without any issue and will absolutely try to bribe you with information and goodies to keep you from ratting it out.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] ...Pick it up with telekinesis and just throw it down the pit. Problem solved. (-1 RESTRAINT, you might get Max and Benjamin a bit too interested in anomalous abilities, which might bite you in the ass later. However, it's easy and very time saving.)
>"We're actually here to submit some mining samples and contraband, mister! Sorry about the confusion!" Hand over some. (-POLISHED MOONSTONE CHUNK, -DUST CONTAINMATED LIQUIOR, -1 VICTORY GIN, -2 HIGH QUAILTY WHISKEY. The robot will trust you immensely now and will try its best to assist you, which includes slowing down the corpos even more once they get down here.)
>This isn't worth it. Turn back around and reconnect with Casey and Alexis.
>Write in (Ask it some questions? Try another power to get it to fuck off? Something else?)
>shining like stars in the night sky
Muh stars of the city
>places a hand on Casey
Really acting like a big sister there, Morozov
>given her poor stats
She'll get better. Bugs evolve fast and look cool
>physical, thick layer of darkness
Voidstone road?
>that 'voidstone' stuff
>poor lighting
Nice thinking Ben
>strangling something
Not the right kind of darkness for trying things with Benjamin, Max

>throats impaled
Whoever voted to go with Adam's NEW YOU in mission prep, thanks a lot
>only six feet away
We're gonna have a talk with this Mayor later
>SINCE 2211

>metal door
It's this fucker
>passage that will certainly lead you down Valentina's path
So of the 5 possible "north" paths Valentina could have taken, this one's the correct one? She just decided on the one with advanced darkness? Great going, idiot
This robot might know what happened to Luther, plus why they split off from Valentina. The door from the vision he was bashing his fist into was jammed, which means safehouse based on the miners' computer notes, which means LOOT. SEEKER was on the money about valuables down this way. Plus this is Valentina's route? Jackpot. The mayor might be inclined to reward us if we somehow bring this rustbucket ALL the way out back to him.
We could just turn around and take another route to Valentina without wasting too much time, but this robot isn't much for a roadblock to some brick shithouse like Robbert Huxley not to mention whatever gear and augs the other two have. We'll miss out on the safehouse too, but this isn't the only one in this mine. I doubt the VOIDSTONE and the cooler loot are up this early in the mine layers, so we're better off making progress FAST

Ask it about what happened to Luther
Ask it about what happened to Valentina
>[MAX ALLY] "We're actually on behalf of the mayor! See, we're here to actually help this mining town out!" Let Max take the wheel for now. (CHARM DC: 33, rolling 9d6. Succeed and the robot will be convinced, joining the group as a temporary ally to assist you in exploring the mine.)
Exploration help matters more right now. The quicker and safer we can reach Valentina and the lower layers, the better our loot and chances of making it without the corpo trio finding us. It'll be amazing if we handle this entire mine like spooks without the trio even knowing we were here
>>[HAS MET W-CORP BEFORE] "I'm here on behalf of Wendy, from W-Company. If she knew that you harmed a W-Company representative, you're fucked." Bluff your way forward. (CONNECTIONS DC: 25, rolling 7d6+2d3 with the help of your allies. Succeed and the robot will let you pass without any issue and will absolutely try to bribe you with information and goodies to keep you from ratting it out.)
>[HAS MET W-CORP BEFORE] "I'm here on behalf of Wendy, from W-Company. If she knew that you harmed a W-Company representative, you're fucked." Bluff your way forward. (CONNECTIONS DC: 25, rolling 7d6+2d3 with the help of your allies. Succeed and the robot will let you pass without any issue and will absolutely try to bribe you with information and goodies to keep you from ratting it out.)
Thank you, voter who broke the tie.
I need three anons to roll for the following
>4d6 (half of 7d6)
>3d6 (second half of 7d6)
Rolled 3, 2 = 5 (2d3)

I'm rolling the 2d3 because I don't trust myself with the 4d6, not after the bad rolls earlier
Rolled 6, 1, 1, 3 = 11 (4d6)

Rolled 2, 6, 4 = 12 (3d6)

Second Half
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Father Above, the pain in your side is intensifying by the second. At least when you pull your hand away, barely any blood is trickling out and what does come out is thick and coagulated. Probably not healthy but at least you won't bleed out. Now, how to deal with this robot freak...

[STEADY HANDS] Nicole. Focus. Steady your hands. Go for the kill.

"I'm here on behalf of Wendy, from W-Company." You clench your teeth as another surge of pain courses through your body. "I am a W-Company representative. I'm not sure Joel would like it if he realized what you did."

The mass of pipes standing before you lowers the sharp spike it's holding. "WHAT. THAT DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE. W-CORP REPRENSENTATIVES DO NOT VISIT THIS TOWN, AS DEEMED BY MY CREATOR." It clumsily steps forward, gears and pistons grinding together with every small movement it makes. "THAT DOES NOT. MAKE LOGICAL SENSE. ERROR LOG. ERROR-"

"She's not lying!" Max, still recovering from her shock, tries her damn best to assist you. "In fact, she's not the only corporate powerhouse here! My hus-" She pauses for a moment. <"wait what if my dad finds this thing and talks to it nope nope">

"My associate here is from Z-Corp!" She pulls at the front of Benjamin's jacket with one hand while shining her lantern on it with the other. "I'm a Krakatoa! Check my eyes!" She adjusts her lantern to show off her face.

"She's not wrong, actually! If you've been updated recently enough to know about Valentina, you must know about a rising Aaron in Z-Company's databanks, right?" Benjamin rummages through his pocket for a moment before pulling out an ID card. "Officially from Z-Corp herself."

>25! PASS!


"Yeah, pretty damn high." You stride over to the robot with a confident smirk. "If she knew that you harmed a W-Company representative, you're fucked. Sooo?"

"I WILL. YES. FORGET ABOUT THIS FORGET ABOUT THIS FORGET ABOUT-" Smoke begins to leak out of a gap in the robot's neck. Its speech begins to distort and crackle under the strain it's experiencing. "PLEASE DON'T INFORM YOUR COMPANY I WILL TELL YOU WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW PLEASE ENJOY COMPLENTARY SAMPLE!"

A panel in its chest opens up with an audible CLUNK. A robotic hand shoots out from it with a burlap sack in its palm. Dollar bills are visibly poking out of it.

"Isn't this just bribery?" Max immediately grabs the bag from the robot's hand and starts sifting through its contents. "I'm pretty sure this is."


Max stops sifting through the bag for a moment. "Not really. It's just a smart business move. Hell, I do it."
"wait what-" Benjamin is interrupted by Max before he can question what he heard.

"Anyways, Nicky, here."
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Max tosses the burlap sack over to you before she leans against one of the catwalk's railings. "Tell us EVERYTHING you know about the two people you let through previously."


Benjamin can't help but to scoff at the absurdity of the robot's statement. "Wait, huh? That doesn't make a lick of sense. How can he be efficient YET a risk to your ability to produce stuff? That's like a circular triangle."


"So why did you let him through then, if you're so worried about that?" Max prods at the robot with questions. "There's something you're not telling us. What is it?"

"TWO OUTCOMES. ONE, HE BECOMES NEW SEEDBED, MORE CRYSTALS CAN BE GENERATED. TWO, HE'S ABLE TO GET MORE RAW MATERIAL, WHICH WILL BE USEFUL TO SHOW OFF TO W-COMPANY. THAT AND HE WAS ESCORTING OUR TRUE PRIZE FURTHER DOWN. NO REASON TO STOP HIM." You can't help but to feel disgusted at where this is going, given the talk of seedbeds. You can hear Max gagging behind you. The implication on where this is going isn't pleasant.

"I." Benjamin is the only one brave, or foolish, enough to ask the next question openly. "Was Valentina allowed down here because she was...prime material? As a crystal 'seedbed'? God, that's gross to say..."



"You obviously know that letting a Vanni die here would cause someone to search for her, right?" Max points out the blatantly obvious. "You can't exactly expect powers WORKING WITH ALPHABET COMPANIES to just...not notice a family member disappearing."

"THAT IS NOT SOMETHING I WAS PROGRAMMED TO WORRY ABOUT. PLEASE CONTACT THE MAYOR FOR ANY FURTHER ISSUES." Yeah, this thing is a brick wall now, you got everything you got out of it. At least you got a straight shot to where she was at instead of trying to explore blindly. You got lucky.


In the direction of where you last saw Casey and Alexis, you hear a rapid series of high pitched yelps. Immediately after, two pairs of footsteps rapidly approaching you.
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Casey and Alexis are rushing over to you with fear oozing from their faces. A thick, drool-like liquid is oozing out of the barrel of Casey's gun.

"HIS FACE WAS JUST FUCKING ROCKS. GO GO GO GO GO" Alexis is clearly not built to be running as fast as she is given how much she's panting.

You and your other allies take the hint and begin to fucking book it. You gallop right past the robot blocking the way and within mere moments, you're standing right in front of a bulky metal door that's been rusted over with age. You violently yank on it with your telekinesis and with ease, it pops open, revealing a staircase that heads down for god knows how long.

You wave your allies over to head down the door. All four rush through the door remarkably quickly, leaving you as the last one. You turn to head down the door and, in the corner of your eyes, you see him. A man in a miner's uniform slowly trails down the catwalk. His face and arms have been completely caked over with bright violet and bright red gemstones.

Four bullet wounds are in his chest but it hardly seems to be slowing him down. He's not even bleeding. You head right through the metal door and slam it behind you, rushing down the staircase to meet up with your allies. You check through the bag the robot gave you to see what's inside...

>MOONSTONE FRAGMENT x3 (A fragment of a Moonstone. It crackles soothingly. Allows you or an ally to reroll three RESTRAINT or WILLPOWER dice when consumed.)
>SUNSTONE FRAGMENT x2 (A fragment of a Sunstone. It crackles like a roaring fire. Allows you or an ally to reroll three VIOLENCE or TALENT dice when consumed.)
>VOIDSTONE FRAGMENT (A vantablack fragment of a stone. It crackles with seething intensity. Allows you or an ally to reroll all dice rolled when consumed.)
>ECLIPSE SILK STRAND x3 (Thick, yellow strands similar to woven spider's silk. Useless on their own but when you return home, your ECLIPSE TALISMAN will be permanently upgraded.)

Neat! You pocket the goodies right as you reach the bottom of the staircase. The place you're at now is remsnicnet of a hospital or some sort of lab. The walls and floor are covered in stark white, ceramic tiles and the whole place is lit with bright white lights that buzz with that oh-so-familiar obnoxious fluorescent buzz.

Yet more hallways branch off from the long, linear hallway you're already in but you already know where to go. You gesture at your allies to follow you as you rush down the left side of the hallway you're in. Lo and behold, the leftmost hallway is in front of you. Your group charges down it but it doesn't take long at all to arrive at the elevator.

You push the button on the panel to call the elevator door. Five minutes pass and it eventually reaches your floor and opens up. Your group heads inside, hits the button for the sixth layer, and your ride down awaits. Your group is too busy panting and recovering from the running to do much...
So you decide to break out the COLD TREATS.. A soda to Casey and Benjamin, some popsicles to Alexis and Max, and an ice cream sandwich for you. Yum!

After enjoying your sweet treats, you prepare for the long, long ride down. In the corner of your mind, you see a vision of three people pushing past men in gas masks so they can approach a lift. Not a comforting vision as you spend the next god knows how long in the elevator.


https://youtu.be/mSzF3etnKoQ?si=tYiAzl6ApLS4w3K8 - LAYER 6

You're glad you had the gas masks on because once the elevator opens, a torrent of bright violet gas floods the inside of your elevator. Whatever the properties of the gas is, it doesn't seem corrosive at least since your skin barely seems affected by it.

You're now in a long, long tunnel system filled to the brim with bright purple, reddish-yellow, and vantablack crystals and gemstones. Your MOONSTONE GAS DETECTOR is going off the fucking charts so you know you're getting close to wherever the 'LACK' that Devin was on about is at. Your group steps out of the elevator and, well, there's only one direction to go.

Soon, your group arrives at an impasse after only two or three minutes of walking. A massive pile of rock has blocked the way obvious way forward but to your left is a rusted metal staircase that seems to go even further down.

You imagine whatever path the rubble is blocking was regularly used by the miners, given...the arm poking out from the rubble blocking the way. Might be a more direct way to the bottom. Though the staircase might've been the easier, but way slower path that Valentina picked.

"Smell is mostly there." Casey points to a mass of pink crystals on the wall. "And through there." She points at the rubble blocking the way.

How do you proceed further?
>[WHISPER OF THE CITY + SAFEHOUSE KNOWLEDGE] A pink mass of crystals growing on the wall? Must be the location of a safehouse, investigate it.
>[POWER DRILL + MAX'S PICKAXE] Break through the rubble with your power drill. You have tanks for it, after all. (-1 FUEL TANK and Max will likely need some time to rest but you'll break through the cave in, getting you a direct path below.)
>[DYNAMITE BUNDLE] Just blow the fucking mass of rocks. Dumbass. (-1 DYNAMITE BUNDLE. Saves a lot of time and allows you to proceed deeper really quickly but it's certainly not a subtle way forward.)
>Safe is the best here. Head down the staircase, see where it takes you.
>Take some time to recover. Ask Alexis and Casey what happened, mine some stones around you, all that. (FREE ACTION, you'll give the corpos more time to catch up but you'll get some more information from your allies and a chance to get some useful gemstones.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Take a moment to use WHISPERS OF THE CITY to get a better map of this layer and the next one.(FREE ACTION, -1 RESTRAINT. May unlock choices down the line or improve your chances in future skill checks.)
>Write in.
A metallic fist desperately trying to punch through a jammed metal door.
Luther? Maybe he has a cybernetic hand or arm? He is in a safe house?
SAFEHOUSE CONSTRUCTION - "With everything going on, we had to make several safehouses throughout Layer 3 to 7, the bottom. We had to hide them just in case anyone invades but you can tell where one is by the color of the stone around them. Check for lighter sections of the cave walls. There should be enough supplies in there to hold someone for a week and a half. Do note that the electronic doors have a few kinks and may jam from time to time."
> Do note that the electronic doors have a few kinks and may jam from time to time."
>[WHISPER OF THE CITY + SAFEHOUSE KNOWLEDGE] A pink mass of crystals growing on the wall? Must be the location of a safehouse, investigate it.
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Take a moment to use WHISPERS OF THE CITY to get a better map of this layer and the next one.(FREE ACTION, -1 RESTRAINT. May unlock choices down the line or improve your chances in future skill checks.)
>[WHISPER OF THE CITY + SAFEHOUSE KNOWLEDGE] A pink mass of crystals growing on the wall? Must be the location of a safehouse, investigate it.
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Take a moment to use WHISPERS OF THE CITY to get a better map of this layer and the next one.(FREE ACTION, -1 RESTRAINT. May unlock choices down the line or improve your chances in future skill checks.)
What >>5990513 said
Also adding onto that
>Briefly tell your allies about your visions of the corpos on their way. They got to the lift past the H Corp goons. You're still way ahead of them, but they aren't going to be stalled for long. (FREE ACTION)
>Pass a Joyvel to Alexis and/or Casey if either of them is down a RESTRAINT point. Don't let too much gas in past the mask. (FREE ACTION)
Might as well do these while we're at it. As much as I wanna pick the "get recap from Alexis and Casey and get cool rocks" choice, the free option is a "free" option with how we're spending time for the corpos to catch up. Besides, I'd rather take that robot fucker's advice and go for rock loot once we hit Layer 7 at the bottom, and not here at Layer 6. I hope we get the chance to use this super cool power drill and fuel we spent all that money on. We WILL get to use them, right bros?
>[WHISPER OF THE CITY + SAFEHOUSE KNOWLEDGE] A pink mass of crystals growing on the wall? Must be the location of a safehouse, investigate it.
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Take a moment to use WHISPERS OF THE CITY to get a better map of this layer and the next one.(FREE ACTION, -1 RESTRAINT. May unlock choices down the line or improve your chances in future skill checks.)
I gotta sleep because it's getting late and I'm too tired to analysis post. What I will say is all this talk of "crystal seedbeds" is some seriously dark doujin-style horror. You'd think they'd try expendable animals or drones for crystal farming, since a drone centipede can just eject out of their body most likely. Or maybe Quentin is special that way, gone rogue. I suppose it is because humans themselves are expendable animals in this setting. Can't have SHIT in this City, I swear...
To the additional actions that is
Goot catch, anon. I'll support this.
>Briefly tell your allies about your visions of the corpos on their way. They got to the lift past the H Corp goons. You're still way ahead of them, but they aren't going to be stalled for long. (FREE ACTION)
>Pass a Joyvel to Alexis and/or Casey if either of them is down a RESTRAINT point. Don't let too much gas in past the mask. (FREE ACTION)
Will Max get panicked?
What if we bring the wrath of- no, W Corp insinuated they should do the human crystal harvesting plan in the first place with that memo. This has to be on purpose. I don't know if using W Corp to intimidate the Mayor into helping his miners is viable, given Nicole isn't really in with W Corp much yet outside of knowing Wendy.
>My hus-
They're not even married yet and she's this down bad for Ben. I hope they make it alive and together through the events of this quest
>what if my dad finds this thing
1 out of 5 paths, 7 if you count the two west ones that were dead ends from the platform. The corpos might not go the advanced darkness path. If they bother to talk to the bot on finding him, and the bot spills Wendy's name, things might get dicey.
>Check my eyes
We should ask Max about the eyes later
>rising Aaron in Z-Company
My boy's MAKING IT
>wait what
Ben did we not just use her BRIBE MONEY to get past the H Corp trio? And the Mayor? Hello?

The danger of being TOO GOOD at your job
I've seen enough doujins and h-material to know this is NEVER a good word to see in your fiction
>The implication
No surprise the two girls hearing this will react so viscerally, given the subject
These bastards are real sick, but so is W Corp for insinuating "hey we're going to give you guys ZERO SUPPLIES from now on, unless... you get us triple the crystals. You know how..." in that memo. I'm wondering how we can even help the miners out here, if their roles in the Mayor's eyes have changed from "hardworking townsfolk getting the cool rocks out for us" to "walking meat fodder for crystal farming so we aren't cut off by W Corp". But then why would the Mayor deliberately seal the mines off? Is he banking it all on Valentina being GEM'D down here and sustaining this entire operation on her? He didn't panic or realize it's falling apart when THREE whole corporate admins showed up here to personally find the rich girl? Or does he not know? Honestly at this point, Z Corp might be a better group in charge of this whole area. W Corp clearly give no shits, and Z Corp might figure out a better way to grow crystals without this insanity.
Somehow I don't think the Vanni family will see one of their young girls on the receiving end of the "mindbreak", "drugs", "crystal impregnation", and "ryona" tags (just to name a few) as anything close to good news. Especially if the corpo admin Vanni on-site personally sees what her younger relative was going through.
>You got lucky
Trusting SEEKER works out

A real !! TERRIFIED !! moment
>not built to be running as fast
We had no time to send her to the obstacle course back in the military base. Oh well
>bright violet and bright red gemstones
Violet is implied to be the worst, but red is interesting
>Four bullet wounds
Crystal zombies, got it. Casey's infinite ammo dog gun does no good

Rerolls are worth going mining for
I called it before. I hope we can mine some more loot before we have to scramble out
>more hallways branch off
The other non-dead end catwalks at the platform must all lead here somehow, or not.

I'm glad we bought these. Sharing ice cream in a mindbreak crystal gas mine elevator is a nice moment
>approach a lift
Sounds like they didn't even bother talking to the H Corp firebugs. I wonder if any of the corpos will stop to check the lobby area and find the memos on the computer, or the very recently exposed and emptied safe in the floor. I hope the tunnel beast ganks them at the 4-way intersection
>torrent of bright violet gas
It was a good idea to get enough masks for all 5 of us
>doesn't seem corrosive
Not flammable either. It's an inhalant and mental hazard more than any physical one
>the 'LACK'
I wonder if Nicole can resist it with her already being fragmented?
>the arm poking out
This is where that cave-in happened

I only suggested Joyvel for them in case they lost a RESTRAINT at the zombie miner. We can pass 1 to Max if Alexis and Casey are OK. Ben's fine at 4/5
Question Anon: If we have the choice to upgrade, what should Casey specialize in?
I think it will be funny if we only pick the VIOLENCE upgrade option to slowly turn Casey into a bloodthirsty slaughter machine as we slowly VIOLENCE upgrade her in the future.
Nice get.

That would be hilarious, and she does seem to be like a psychopath. Getting her to the point she makes Lex nervous would be cool. Wonder what would happen if we gave her the shit that induces abnormal powers.
a cute, adorable psychotic bloodthirsty killer with terrifying anomalies power who horrifically tears people apart while smiling happy. Maybe turn her into a cannibal too?
Please don't. Her mind is broken as it is.
Though I agree, I should note we're lacking on sheer violence allies. We can make that up with gear and specialization, but there's only so much we can do to bridge any gap between us and some bad motherfucker
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[PERSON OF INTEREST] Give the glowies even more fuel and motivation to hunt us down? That sounds GREAT. Let's not, she's already weird.

You notice Casey poking at the arm pinned under the pile of rubble with her gun like a curious child. It's a very common sight to see kids doing that when they see their first body but an adult doing it is disconcerting. Doesn't help that Benjamin is cheering her on with "woos!" and "keep poking it!"

Which only causes her to poke it more violently with her gun. Something's just not right with those two.

[STEADY HANDS] Like you're any better. How do you think I felt when I first entered your head?
[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Some deep, primal part of you tells you that whatever power she might get from the ICP Energy would 'create' and 'consume' something. While you 'manipulate' and 'perceive' things.
[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Each person's unique psychological makeup will manifest different abilities. A manifestation of their soul, their PARA-

"Nicole?" Max calls out. Ah, right, you have things to do. No need to dwell on it right now, you can worry about it once you're out of here. Ideally in one piece. Alexis and Max are waiting by the staircase, ready to head down it.

You notice that Alexis is shaking a bit while Casey seems to have already completely recovered from what happened with the mineral zombie miner thing.

You toss her over a Joyvel. Alexis lifts up her mask and quickly throws the pill into her mouth before putting her mask back on.

"Right." You clap your hands to get Casey and Benjamin's attention. "We're going to check out...there!" You point towards the mass of pink crystals that stands out REALLY hard against the violets, vantablacks, and reds around you. "Casey said something was there. I feel like something important is here. So, help me dig. We got some time before they find us."

"Wait, they?" It's obvious that Max already knows who you're talking about but she's been trying to ignore it up until right now. "Like, THEM they? The three...?"

"Yep! They got past the guards. They're going to take a while to get down here with the rat mazes above and the lift. Don't got the best guess on their arrival but the faster we move, the better." You step over to the bright pink crystal wall and begin to bash away at it with one of your regular knives to see what's hidden behind it.

"Плoхoe чyвcтвo." Alexis mutters to herself as she moves to assist you.
"מיד!" Benjamin shouts out, joining you as well. Casey trails behind him with a silent salute.
Max is standing by the pink crystal wall with slouched shoulders and a twitchy, unstable posture. "Let's hope we can get out soon."
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She takes a deep, muffled breath through her gas mask before moving to assist you as well with her pickaxe. With five people all working on tearing through the pink crystals, you rip through it in record time. Your hands feel sticky as you push through the last bits of crystals, like touching sugary candy that's soaked in water.

You are so tempted to lick them but alas, gas mask. Behind the thin layer of crystals is a door that reminds you moreso of a containment cell airlock than anything else. A bulky iron door with a rusted iron hatch wheel attached to it in front of you, with a keycard panel right next to it. Though oddly enough, the panel seems to be deactivated. Power shortage, maybe?

Written underneath the iron wheel is "USE IN CASE OF EMERGENCY'. Guess that's what you have to use to open up this door. Everyone moves in to grab onto separate parts of the hatch wheel and with your command, your party begins to turn it. It takes a LOT of force and the only one here who's decently athletic and strong is you. The airlock hatch is slowly, painfully unlocked and pulled open.

Your group immediately steps aside, keeping the hatch half-open to try limiting how many gas comes in while also making sure you don't get trapped here. Time to see what's inside the saferoom.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o6EDhL1W8I - SAFEROOM

There's barely enough space for the five of you to wander around in comfortably inside of the saferoom. The walls and floors are barren, stainless steel with only the most basic of amenities for prolonged survival inside: A shelf with canned goods and can openers, a water purifier with a tank of two gallons of water attached to it, and a bed at the corner of the room with...something underneath the covers. Lined all along the top of the ceiling are vents that seem to be pumping fresh, non-contaminated air into the room.

The only other major thing of note is an opened hatch in the middle of the room, leading down somewhere. You'll probably check that out after investigating whoever is on the bed.

Seems like it's even preventing any gas from leaking into the safe room despite the door being opened. With some hesitation, you pull off your gas mask. Your allies do the same, taking a moment to enjoy what's probably the last bit of fresh air for a while. Your group takes this time to put on some fresh filters on your gas masks.

Your group approaches the bed and immediately regretting that decision. Max covers her mouth and begins to dryheave while the others stare on with equal parts fear, curiosity, and pity. Laying before you is who you assume to be Luther. Or what's left.

A bulky figure with bright, blonde hair and a robot arm prosthetic replacing their left arm lays on the bed. Still draped over him is a dull brown pair of overalls and a formerly white shirt (long stained with colorful dust). That's about the only identifiable about this figure.
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The right side of his body has been completely crystallized by a multicolored array of crystals and gemstones. Violets, blacks, reds and yellows, blues, you name it. Some of it has even started to meld into the bed when he lays still too long at one spot. The figure slowly forces itself out of the bed and onto its two feet. Chunks of gemstone falls off of his body and onto the ground, shattering to pieces.

He stares at you with his remaining good eye which is now a multi-colored swirl of nonsense. Despite this...he's not attacking you?

"Help. Finally came? Heh." Luther(?) bitterly laughs at a joke that only he seems to know about. "Door was locked. On other side. Tried to open. Good luck on you. Heh." He runs his robotic arm through his hair to dislodge some crystals growing out of his scalp. "She's below."

You immediately check to see if this figure is lying to you or not with a quick use of WHISPERS OF THE CITY. A quick mental map of the area flushes throughout your mind and you can make out the following details about the area around you:

-The hatch goes down for a WHILE. Leads directly to another saferoom that leads into a wide, open cave. There's a lot of interference down there, prime load of Moonstone at least. You sense some movement down there as well. Most direct path forward.
-The staircase you saw earlier leads to a partially caved in supply depot with various inactive machines meant for collecting, refining, and transporting the various stones this mine houses. The path down takes a bit longer but there's a lot of potential for supplies down there.
-The cave in you saw earlier leads directly to a mining elevator that takes you down to the bottom. Saves a LOT of time. Nothing much else to say.

"Now." Luther(?) wheezes. Every breath he lets out shoots out small, sandy crystal fragments onto the floor. He's clearly trying his best to not wheeze on you. You and your allies put your gas masks back on to avoid any contamination. "I have. Request. Once you're done here. Kill me. This. This really fucking. Hurts. Can't do it. Myself. Too much of. Coward."

"I know he's not lying about what's down there. What do you guys think? I mean, I was told to find Luther as well...dead or alive."

[LIQUDATION] "We don't have time to waste. He's a lost cause and this is frankly a mercy. Blow his brains out."
[SHELTERED] "T-there has to be a better way, right?" Max tries her damn best to not sound disgusted to be around this man. "I mean. He didn't do anything wrong. Maybe we can harvest them off him? Make things easier for him?"
[LICENSED PHARAMIST] "I could spend some time trying to find a method to reduce the contamination somewhat but it'll take some time. Time we may not have." Benjamin offers his second opinion (heh). "Might only buy him time."
[CORPORATE DOUBLESPEAK] "Let's invest into this man! We need more muscle, he's all muscle, and he's already wishing for death! No point wasting resources!" Casey cheerfully chirps out!
How do you want to handle Luther?
>[BENJAMIN ALLY] Tell Benjamin to try finding a way to revert it somewhat. Ask him to become an ally after treating him. (-2 LICENSED PHARAMIST CHARGES, LEAVING YOU WITH 1. Due to overwhelming CHARM in your group and you treating him, he'll become a temporary ally.)
>[CASEY ALLY] Convince him that if he's going to die, he might as well help you! (CHARM DC: 27, rolling 8d6+2d3 with the help of Max and Casey. Succeed and he'll join as a temporary ally with far better stats than if you were to treat him, though at the cost of his condition.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] Liquidate. He's too far gone. Tell Casey to do the deed. Shot to the head. (+1 RESTRAINT to PARTY for putting him out of his misery.)
>[MAX ALLY] You have some excess medicine to put him to sleep and to soothe his mind. Offer them to him before taking some time to harvest the materials from him. (+1 MAX RESTRAINT to Max for the rest of the mission, -TRANQUILIZER SYRINGE + 2 DUST CONTAINMATED LIQUOR + 1 PAINKILLER BOTTLE. You'll keep him numbed and soothed enough to harvest some useful materials from him and to buy some time. Maybe you can save him later. Not now.)
>Take some time to ask him some questions before you do anything. (FREE ACTION. Write in up to three questions to ask him.)

Which path do you want to use, now that you have a better sense of their benefits?
>DOWN THE HATCH. It's a direct path to another saferoom to find supplies in and a direct way towards Valentina. Might as well use it.
>THROUGH THE CAVE IN. Saves more time since the hatch takes some time to travel down. (Write in whether to use DYNAMITE or POWER DRILL + MAX PICKAXE to get through it)
>STAIRCASE. The supplies you detected down there are a lot more plentiful and useful than the saferoom supplies.

[UNSTABLE] Do you want to offer Casey the option to become a GOD?
>YES. WE MAY NEED IT DOWN THE LINE. (-1 ICP SYRINGE, roll 6d100 to determine what fucked up bullshit happens to her.)

And since you're in a safe room, do you want to give the MINING BUNDLE you've been carrying this whole mission? You'll roll 4d100 to determine what supplies the person you pick gets after a target is voted on.

Any other actions you wish to do while you're in the saferoom?
>[BENJAMIN ALLY] Tell Benjamin to try finding a way to revert it somewhat. Ask him to become an ally after treating him. (-2 LICENSED PHARAMIST CHARGES, LEAVING YOU WITH 1. Due to overwhelming CHARM in your group and you treating him, he'll become a temporary ally.)
>THROUGH THE CAVE IN. Saves more time since the hatch takes some time to travel down. (Write in whether to use DYNAMITE or POWER DRILL + MAX PICKAXE to get through it)

Casey will become death, the destroyer of worlds.
>[BENJAMIN ALLY] Tell Benjamin to try finding a way to revert it somewhat. Ask him to become an ally after treating him. (-2 LICENSED PHARAMIST CHARGES, LEAVING YOU WITH 1. Due to overwhelming CHARM in your group and you treating him, he'll become a temporary ally.)
Namedrop Roxanne and Pierre as the ones who asked us to find him. That'll get him motivated to live.
No chance we're using Licensed Pharmacist again this mission, other than burning the last charge to help Valentina or a real critical moment that requires it. Might as well. We can try harvesting him once we're topside, where that and fresh air will help him recover. I'm not killing him without giving a try at his state. If we all make it out alive and he sees his miner buddies that asked us to find him, maybe he'll change his mind. If he still wants to be mercy killed, then as a fellow bee of Casey's once said:
"The best thing you can do now is look at the great blue sky you'll never get to see again."
>Take some time to ask him some questions before you do anything. (FREE ACTION. Write in up to three questions to ask him.)
What happened with Valentina? Why did you split up with her?
What happened with that pipe robot? He's still back there; almost gutted us until we got past him.
Your buddies asked us to try convincing the Mayor to let them go, or at least better conditions. How are we supposed to do that if W Corp is putting pressure on him, to get people infected by the crystals to farm them?
Maybe he can give us some insight as the BEST miner they have.
>THROUGH THE CAVE IN. Saves more time since the hatch takes some time to travel down. (Write in whether to use DYNAMITE or POWER DRILL + MAX PICKAXE to get through it)
Fuck all the supplies and loot on the way. We're hauling ass until we secure Valentina, THEN we're grabbing those dank gems at the bottom.
I disagree with >>5991228. I want to get RAPPORT up first before we bring up the subject to Casey. The bee will need to take time to sweeten that honey, understand?
Everybody else has 2 FLESH 2 VIOLENCE. Ben has 3 VIOLENCE. Our party is not built for heavy mining labor. We didn't expect this when we chose this mission. It was supposed to be a simple search-and-rescue with some corpo connection dealings. Not a time limit race to secure the VIP, a crystal conspiracy, and mindfuck gas everywhere! Anyway, the POWER DRILL can be used by any allies especially if they work together to hold it or something. That could be independent of stats, so Nicole needs to use her new strength here separately.

Maybe a quick check of the P CORP ENERGY COUNTER just to be sure.
Do you guys think using 1-2 BARRICADE GRENADES here to fuck with the corpos on the way is worth spending? Or will they tell it was super recently done, know somebody else is down here ahead of them, and end up hauling ass where they might not be so hurried otherwise?
It just hit me. Could we use a BARRICADE GRENADE somewhere where we know the path leads to a dead end or something bad? The corpos will see the barricade and assume we went past it, so they'll break through and go on that path. They won't know it's a fucking decoy and the real path we took is a completely different one. Thoughts?
If we get something Nicole can use to dig with, then we have a combo of
>Nicole = ??? Digging Tool from mining bundle
>Max = her own pickaxe, duh
>Alexis/Benjamin/Casey = POWER DRILL plus if we get any extra digging tool from the bundle
This way we can bust the cave in wall FASTER and haul ass faster
>>[BENJAMIN ALLY] Tell Benjamin to try finding a way to revert it somewhat. Ask him to become an ally after treating him. (-2 LICENSED PHARAMIST CHARGES, LEAVING YOU WITH 1. Due to overwhelming CHARM in your group and you treating him, he'll become a temporary ally.)

>THROUGH THE CAVE IN. Saves more time since the hatch takes some time to travel down. (Write in whether to use DYNAMITE or POWER DRILL + MAX PICKAXE to get through it)

Power drill.



That is clever if we can try it.
Lex, Ashley, Wendy, Frank, Benedict, possibly the cowboy guy.
In fact, I propose next time we take the crush dummy mission with full combat roster and revel in violence a bit.
Let's go with this. And if Luther becomes an ally, we can give the pickaxe to him.

This is a clever idea, but what if the corpos have some means of knowing where we went, like we do?
I think a better idea is to use the grenade to lock the elevator in the bottom position. The corpos can't destroy the barricade if they can't get to it.
>Ben + Max
It's HIS revenge. I dunno if we should take Max along though. Maybe?
Miss "I HATE ANOMALIES" schizo, though there's a real risk of Wendy catching onto Nicole being anomalous and trying to kill her mid-mission.
The hardass ETF guy. He might like us having come across Robbert and lived, though he might not like the truth being that we hauled ass and finished the job right under his nose.
If we're going to go 5 people against APEX PREDATOR and without Max there, it might be Lex. Lex and Frank have musclehead synergy, Nicole and Wendy have schizo chick synergy, and Ben's there because it's personal
>give the pickaxe to him
Good call, he's the pro miner here. With his help and the POWER DRILL that wall will be gone in mere minutes. Putting him to the task when he's been GEM'D and can barely function and is begging for death isn't good, but he could be good enough to do it after Ben does his thing and we take some gems off of him to relieve his burden.
>some means of knowing where we went
If they do we won't know until we find out. We need to act carefully, but without being paralyzed by what ifs and shadowrunning. Do what comes naturally, and the quest will work itself out
>lock the elevator in the bottom position
Very interesting idea. I don't know if that'll work or if it can fuck up the elevator, but it might be worth asking when we get to Layer 7.
Nah, no Ben. Lex, Frank, Wendy, Kiara, Ashley.
That's way too many people. Remember what we were told. The more people on a mission with Nicole the more the glowies will take notice and watchlist allies more intently. I think the safest amount we can have with us is at most 4 allies plus Nicole for a group of 5. I like having 2-3 allies though. On top of that, I like the subtle autism we have going where Nicole almost never takes the same people with her on consecutive missions. Giving those allies a break for a day or two.
>no Ben
I want him to get his revenge. His encounter with Apex Predator is one of the first things he told us at length.
>[CASEY ALLY] Convince him that if he's going to die, he might as well help you! (CHARM DC: 27, rolling 8d6+2d3 with the help of Max and Casey. Succeed and he'll join as a temporary ally with far better stats than if you were to treat him, though at the cost of his condition.)

>THROUGH THE CAVE IN. Saves more time since the hatch takes some time to travel down. (Write in whether to use DYNAMITE or POWER DRILL + MAX PICKAXE to get through it)
Power drill.


Benny boy can also provide explosives now so that might be useful in a max violence mission. We would want to gear up if we do that one with some better arms, probably.

I also think at some point soon, Quinton needs some love. I like the little brain centipede, and he can be a meat shield if nothing else. Wonder what would happen if we gave him the ICP juice? Would it even work on him?
Question Anon: If we inject Casey all of our ICP instead of just one, what do you think will happen to Casey?
I thought going jew tunnels with Quinton, Clover, and somebody else would be interesting. We never took a mission with Frank yet either. But do we really want to go in a tunnel mission underground right after this mining race mission????? Time is running out to the big meeting of all the City's corps, which might be the best time to strike the silver agent base. Planning for that is a whole task, because I bet certain allies like Alexis will not miss it for the world. Telling out current party about the silvers, especially getting Handler to confirm it for Alexis, might be wise. If we tell Alexis about the Old B Corp link from the Admiral, it could get interesting. We didn't do it earlier this mission on the way to the mining town, and now is not the time when we need to secure Valentina
The only way forward is...
Maybe on the post mission hang out we can reveal what we know about the glow niggers. We should probably bring our former silver old lady when we hit the base since she has inside info. Might want to toss a few consumables her way to boost her rapport with us before, just in case. Save as much dynamite as we can to turn the place into a crater and be ready to go to ground right after since it will be defcon 1 for them after one of their POIs bombs an office of theirs.

Could we use a non mission slot to meet up with Benny and stock up on meds or bombs for a price? Hmmm.
Nicole has not skipped a single mission day yet. I think talking over the base hit with Handler is a must.
We have earned his respect to a degree so I doubt he will rat out one of his better assets, so maybe just ask him to look the other way for an evening and try to bring some info back for him that could help him get a leg up on the competition?

He did help us dispose of a glowie before.
ABSOLUTELY NOT FOR GRANTING CASEY GODHOOD (Somehow you feel that Casey is disappointed by this. Better safe than sorry.)

I need two anons to roll 2d100. Here's your table of MINING BUNDLE LOOT.
1-16: POWER DRILL UPGRADE (If you roll one of these, you save some additional time when breaking through the cave in. Two, your drill will gain +1d8 when attacking from now on and will have a 25% chance to not consume a FUEL TANK on use. Three or more, you'll gain an extra use of the drill per fuel tank per POWER DRILL UPGRADE roll.)
17-37: NIGHTVISION GOOGLE UPGRADE (Your nightvision googles no longer consume an accessory slot and will automatically activate when you enter dark places. In addition, they assist you in detecting things otherwise invisible to normal human sight. If you roll this more than once, you get an additional pair of improved nightvision googles to give an ally.)
38-55: HEFTY PICKAXE (A very useful melee weapon that breaks through stone and bones with remarkable ease.)
56-74: IMPROVED GAS MASK (In addition to protecting you from toxic gases and other airborne hazards, it'll pump in low levels of adrenaline inducing fumes into your systems. +1 VIOLENCE while equipped.)
75-87: STARDUST ACCULMATOR (Passively collects MOONSTONE, VOIDSTONE, SUNSTONE, ECLIPSE SILK, STARDUST, and other cosmo-related consumables. Can be used anywhere but VASTLY improved while in W-Corp's mines.)
88-99: GRAPPLING HOOK (It's a fucking grappling hook. Comes with three air canisters. Allows you to reach areas otherwise impossible to access normally. Restores RESTRAINT on use.)
100: MYSTERY (???)

Sorry for the delayed closing of the vote. Frankly, I passed out and didn't wake up until now.
Rolled 72, 99 = 171 (2d100)

Rolled 65, 72 = 137 (2d100)

Rolled 10, 6 = 16 (2d100)

THREE IMPROVED GAS MASKS (The two spare ones will be picked by your allies, so don't worry about who gets those)
Bro we got a Batman style grappling hook. It is so cool to use it restores restraint. Pretty nifty. The night vision upgrade would have been kino but we did pretty good. Plus the violence boost will be useful since this isn't a super combat orient group.

I kinda wonder if we should by another bundle to gamble on the night vision when we leave.
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Time to open up your MINING BUNDLE-

Huh. Only three gas masks and a grappling hook. Devin fucking scammed you. Eh, that's the price you pay for trusting a schizo besides yourself. The weird thing about the gas masks is that on each side, there's a small capsule stitched into the rubber-like material that makes up the masks.

You quickly replace your current one with this new one. Suddenly, a sickly sweet smell that you can't quite put your hand on rushes through the mask. You can't help but to grin. Some primordial part of your brain is being fired up just by wearing this damn thing.

Casey and Alexis immediately rush to grab them to replace their own masks. Immediately, you can see a change in their postures and demeanors. Casey is glancing around and shaking as if she's ready to kill someone. You swear she's literally making a buzzing sound too. Alexis simply cracks her shoulders while clenching her fists.

You were tempted on taking this moment to inject Casey with some ICP, maybe even go all in and jab all three needles into her, but...no. Not now. Too risky. She barely knows you. Might give Benjamin the wrong idea too. You put the idea aside as you nod at Benjamin. "I think I like your idea. Go ahead and try making something. I doubt we'll get another chance to use your supplies like this."

"Fair!" Benjamin finds a corner to sit down before pulling out his lab equipment to start tinkering up some chemicals or drugs to hopefully treat Luther's affliction. The gem-encrusted man stares at Benjamin's labkit with a confused, lost expression plastered on his face. <...why me...>

Max seems to pick up on what Luther is thinking and promptly steps over to him, though she still keeps her distance for obvious reasons. "I won't pretend I understand what happened to you, how life was in this town, or even how much pain you must be in. I can't. What I do understand is that you don't think you deserve this, do you?" <"I mean, look at me. I could buy every single person in this room if I wanted to. What did I do to earn that kind of power?">

Luther stares down at the beanpole rich girl for a moment before silently nodding. Every movement he makes is followed by the cracking, shattering, and grinding of crystals rubbing against each other.

"Well, from what I see, you did nothing wrong. You were lured down here on false pretense to help out a girl who didn't know what she was doing. You don't deserve to rot away and die because of that. Maybe if there wasn't another option but we have the time! We have the resources! Just...let us do this, please?" Max clasps her hands together as she pleads with him.

[MERUCIAL] Casey suddenly snaps her attention over to Luther. Her next words are monotone and stilted. "The best thing you can do now is look at the great blue sky before you die. There is no sky here. The air is stifling. The false stars are disgusting."
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Whatever positive atmosphere Max was trying to drum up was hampered then and there but Alexis eventually relents from her original proposal with a sigh. "You know, they're not wrong. The lovey dovey and sentimental stuff doesn't sit well with me but having another person around WOULD help. Hell, if you're going to die, at least die helping us."

Luther doesn't respond at first and merely stands there as if the words you're saying are bouncing off him. Benjamin approaches him with a large vial filled with a colorless liquid and immediately splashes it onto one of the bigger crystal growths on his face.

Immediately, the crystals melt away like they were nothing more than clumps of sugar stuck to his face. "There we go! Might burn your skin a bit but we don't exactly have time to be delicate here!" Soon, Luther's face is fully visible now. His left eye takes a while to open back up but now, he can actually see out of both eyes.

Benjamin pours the rest of the vial onto Luther's shoulder and knee to loosen up the gem-encrusted joints. He then proceeds to toss two small vials over to you. "These are too small to do anything worthwhile to his body but it might be useful later." You take a look at what he handed you.
>STONE DISSOLVER x2 (A highly potent acid that only reacts to certain kinds of stones, metals, and crystals. May prove useful in treating Valentina or to destroy weapons, locks, or anything else made of metal/stone/crystals.)

"So be it." Luther's voice is a bit less distant now. He rips away at the STONE DISSOLVER clinging to his mouth. "Let's move."


[STONE-ENCRUSTED] Stone over flesh. Stone over mind. Luther takes -2 FLESH damage from all sources and rolls d10 in VIOLENCE or WILLPOWER checks.

[REFRACTED SOUL] He's not really who he used to be. Other BOONS are disabled. Most of this character's stats are reduced.

No point staying around here. You toss over one of the spare normal gas masks you have so he doesn't immediately reinfect himself. Now that his face isn't partially covered in crystals, he can actually wear the damn thing. Your group immediately rushes outside of the saferoom on your command.

Another vision flashes through your mind. A man with grey blue eyes heads down a path of smoke. A woman with a purple ponytail heads down a path filled with Moonstones. A man in a bunny mask notices a robot and a crystalized miner down one path and immediately rushes down it. You imagine he'll call for the others once he's done.

[CAPTAIN'S COMMAND + STEADY HANDS] "LET'S GET MOVING! GRAB THE HEAVIEST THING YOU CAN AND START BREAKING THROUGH THIS CAVE IN!" You pull out your power drill and immediately begin ripping into the blockage. Your grip is stabilized and steady, making sure you're drilling exactly where you need to be. You're already making quick work.
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Max immediately rushes in with her pickaxe to start hammering away at the cave in. Luther is using the massive hunk of crystal growing off his arm as a makeshift bludgeon. Your other allies have to resort to smashing it in with the heaviest rocks they can find. Casey and Alexis are actually doing shockingly decent work with their method due to the improved gas masks they're wearing. Chunks of stone are crumbling away by the second.

Benjamin pulls out one spare vial of STONE DISSOLVER and throws it right towards the weakened blockage. Seems like that was the last bit needed since in only five minutes flat, your crew manages to completely drill through the cave in. You're saving a lot of time.

Past the now dissolved and crumbled cave in is an elevator leading down right ahead of you while the tunnel seems to continue on deeper and deeper north. Casey's gun borks in the direction of the elevator and WHISPERS OF THE CITY is screaming in your head to go down there so there's no time to waste.

Your group crams into the elevator and proceeds down into the final, final layer. The next few minutes are going to be fucking agony but it'll be worth it once you're out of here. Down, down, down. Where the false stars shine.

Your head feels fuzzy. Your gas mask is working, so why are you...?

Once you eventually reach the bottom, your group spills out of the elevator so they can be freed of the can of sardines situation they were in moments ago. The place you're in is, to put it bluntly, awe-inspiring. You're in a massive cavern with a ceiling stretching on for a mile straight up. All along the walls of the cavern are massive, sheer cliffs of crystals and valuable minerals.

Right in front of your elevator is an abyss that goes far, far deeper than anyone could survive falling. Testing again by kicking a stone overboard...you don't hear anything hitting the ground.

The only way to cross the abyss is yet another massive series of catwalks that have been installed down here. In the center of the abyss is a circular platform that has eight catwalks, including the one that leads to your elevator, that are pointed in the four cardinal directions and the intercardinal between.

Working with this, you are at the south end of this makeshift compass. Only the west, north, and south one lead anywhere, the others were seemingly only built so the miners could mine away at the crystals growing. WHISPERS OF THE CITY tells you that the exit Alexis was talking about is at the northmost end and that there might be another path out of here in the westmost path and through one of the cliffsides you can now access with your GRAPPLING HOOK.

From what you can make out through WHISPERS, the west path leads back to the second layer's catwalk where you found the crystal miner and the robot while the cliffside one leads directly to the surface...but you imagine it would take a lot of time to transport everyone over there.
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You could block anyone following you down this elevator. Do you?
>YES, AND ONE OTHER PATH (West or north?)

That's not what interests you. What interests you is two things. One, the gas here is THICK and filled with way more colors and shades than the one on Layer 6. Violets, vantablacks, browns, greens, yellows, it's vomitworthy to look at.

Which is why Max, without you saying anything, pulls out a gas neutralizing grenade and throws it towards the center of the catwalk. It explodes immediately, sweeping the place in its own white mist. After about a minute of spouting out its own white gas, it stops. The air around the center is now completely pure and clean, allowing you to see what's in the center.

It's hard to make out with only your lantern. Aside from the faint glow of the crystals around you, the only thing you can see is the bright mist. So you risk it. You lift up your mask with your breath held, quickly equip your nightvision googles, before putting your mask back on. Let's see what we have here.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkuX7ybgFpI [Embed] - VALENTINA

Directly in the middle of the abyss, at the circular center of the catwalk system, is a young woman sitting on a makeshift chair that you immediately notice is made out of the parts of an android. Guess whoever that person was is long gone. Everything below the neck has been completely crystalized over with bright violet crystal, with a hypnotic spiral of bright yellow crystals right on her chest. The crystals seem to meld well with her body given how you can still make out the rough outline of her figure.

The only identifying features left is her face and general bodytype. She's a short, stocky girl with bright pink hair and soft, chubby facial features. Clearly more fitting of someone who stays in fancy high end Nests instead of the normal Districts. She stares in your group's direction with a smug smirk that seems to fade as soon as the gas is cleared from the area around here.

"Where did...that wonderful voice go?" Her voice echoes throughout the cavern, equally from the wide-open caverns and due to some innate quality of her voice now. "My inspiration is being hampered but...wait. Where am I? I was supposed to be back at the Gala by now, right?"

"Gala?" Max and Alexis whisper to each other. They nod with a mutual understanding. The others, sans Benjamin, give the two some pretty confused looks
"Family event." Max whispers. "A lot of important corporate families come to it. Happened a few weeks ago."
"I was invited there while you were on your ship trip, actually. Most of the families were fine but the Krak- Feh, not important." Alexis interrupts herself. You have to agree, there's more pressing issues.

There's a clearly dazed and confused Valentina who's not in the right state of mind to deal with now.
Given that her whole body (sans her face, oddly enough) has been crystalized over. You gotta give props to Max for clearing her head with the gas grenade but you still have to figure out how to fully snap her out.

How do you want to approach Valentina?
>[LUTHER ALLY] "Grab her. We need to go." There's no time to waste here and you know Valentina will trust him. Grab and run to an exit. (Saves a lot of time and no skill checks will be required. Pick which exit [NORTH, ELEVATOR, WEST, CLIFFSIDE] to go through.)
>[MAX ALLY] It might be wise to calm her down and to try grounding her before you try leaving. Send Max over, she'll know how to handle a high class teen, right? (CHARM DC: 18 (-2 from CASEY), rolling only Max's 5d6. Max has two full dice REROLLS left. Max's experience with the various corporate families should allow her to earn Valentina's trust very easily, earning you valuable VANNI favors down the line.)
>[BENJAMIN ALLY] "She's clearly in a critical state of contamination. We have to treat her before we do anything." He's not wrong. Spend some time patching her up. (FREE ACTION, -LAST CHARGE ON BENJAMIN'S BOON. Valentina will be partially patched up, allowing her to assist you down the line. It will take some time to do so, however.)
>[CASEY ALLY] "MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE-" Casey is about to burst at the seams. Tell Max to toss her pickaxe to Casey and let her go to town. (FREE ACTION. Casey will quickly tire out and will have a small stat penalty for the rest of the mission but you'll get a LOT of valuables from mining down here.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Maybe it's crazy but I think we shouldn't leave yet. We should address the corpos and tell them why she was here. We need to get them on our side." ...Maybe that would be wise. Wait around for the corpos to catch up. (You'll get a chance to negotiate with the corpos and to try getting them on your side to deal with the mayor.)
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] Something about everything this mission has been rubbing you the wrong way. How no one noticed until now. How the Mayor closed the mine despite everything going on. You want to interrogate her. Get the final pieces of what's been going on here.
>[UNSTABLE] ...FUCK IT. YOU'RE CURIOUS IF THIS 'LACK' AND 'INSPIRATION' SHIT IS ACTUALLY WORTHWHILE. LIFT UP YOUR MASK AND TAKE A DEEP, DEEP BREATH. (FREE ACTION. -2 CHARGES OFF DRIFTWOOD IDOL, -1 RESTRAINT, -1 FLESH, leaving you at 3/5 FLESH and 7/10 RESTRAINT. You might get some wonderful insight into why W-Corp is the way it is through this. You might also just take a CRIPPLING INJURY for no good reason.)
>Write in (Use an item? Ask Valentina something? Do something else?)
>Block elevator
>Treat Valentina
>Let Casey mine
>Interrogate Valwntina during treatment
>Go north
I'm just sad I rolled 99 last night and not 100 in >>5992057
On the plus side it's free +1 VIOLENCE. I can be content with that. Stardust Accumulator would be godlike, but what we got has practical use. And now we have a total of 8 gas masks for big operations... like the attack on the silver agent base

I forgot to comment on it but in >>5991133 Benjamin knows how to speak Hebrew. He might be an interesting pick for the jew tunnels mission
Why do you believe there are Jews in the tunnel?
>literally making a buzzing sound
Alertness pheromone
>why me
>What did I do to earn that kind of power?
When the rich person is also an actual person with actual problems behind all the money
Thanks for incorporating the Queen Bee line

>sentimental stuff
Where's your two brothers and your one sister?
Interesting chem item
>reinfect himself
That would be hilarious if it happened, but I'm glad we have the foresight to avoid it
>immediately rushes
Fuck, Huxley is catching up to us!
I'm glad we got the captain hat for Adam

>shockingly decent work
We can't swap masks now to get Ben to VIOLENCE 4, but I get the feeling we won't need to
>five minutes flat
We delayed a bunch with looting the lobby, but we're still ahead
This cave sounds cool
>circular platform
This scene sounds exactly like a boss arena in some platformer or other game
>another path out
>access with your GRAPPLING HOOK
Already an opportunity
>take a lot of time

>gas neutralizing grenade
I forgot Max had those. She has 3 left. We'll need them for the straight path to the surface, if we'll use that one
>bright yellow crystals
That Pierre guy had yellow eye spirals before
Quite the description
>wonderful voice
>innate quality
It took having 90% of her entire body becoming rocks to give her a cool echoey voice. Weak
>but the Krak-
Something to talk about later
That mission is clearly based on the secret underground jew tunnels they found in New York City last month or so. Though you're right and that could be only part of the mission. The truth might be stranger than we think

>[LUTHER ALLY] "Grab her. We need to go." There's no time to waste here and you know Valentina will trust him. Grab and run to an exit. (Saves a lot of time and no skill checks will be required. Pick which exit [NORTH, ELEVATOR, WEST, CLIFFSIDE] to go through.)
>[BENJAMIN ALLY] "She's clearly in a critical state of contamination. We have to treat her before we do anything." He's not wrong. Spend some time patching her up. (FREE ACTION, -LAST CHARGE ON BENJAMIN'S BOON. Valentina will be partially patched up, allowing her to assist you down the line. It will take some time to do so, however.)
>[CASEY ALLY] "MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE-" Casey is about to burst at the seams. Tell Max to toss her pickaxe to Casey and let her go to town. (FREE ACTION. Casey will quickly tire out and will have a small stat penalty for the rest of the mission but you'll get a LOT of valuables from mining down here.)
>YES, AND ONE OTHER PATH (West or north?)
West. Bait the corpos into going that way and looping themselves to that layer while we take Alexis' exit out. We have those last 3 gas neutralizing grenades on Max in case of emergency
First fucking thing we do is stabilize Valentina's condition. Plus free action
I want to get to the bottom of this mystery so we have as much shit to hit the Mayor with after we're out
I cannot resist. This shit takes 2 DRIFTWOOD IDOL charges but I don't think we'll be hurt enough for the remainder that we'll need to spend the last one for this mission. Combined with what Wendy slipped, plus what we found out from Devin in the shop, this might push Nicole to finally piecing together W Corp's whole gimmick. Maybe even insight into why they hate anomalies. I assume Nicole's voice characters (especially UNSTABLE RESOLVE) will help ground her during this

And then for the way out
We have anti-gas grenades. We have enough gas masks. We have the POWER DRILL. We can take the straight shot outta here
>Whenever you find a door labeled "X-ALPHA", you're on the right track. Other exit has been abandoned due to INTENSE contamination, go STRAIGHT ahead if you pick this path.
>NEGOTIATE A BETTER DEAL FOR THE MINERS WITH THE MAYOR. REWARD: +FAVOR (WORKING CLASS) x3, $500, a dripfeed of various goodies from the mining town.
We need to interrogate Valentina Vanni in order to get blackmail stuff or something on the mayor to make him give a better deal to miners so we can get those nice bonus rewards.
Oh fuck, Benny is a jew. Might be a double agent for the glow niggers! Panic time.
If he has anything to him like a different Benjamin I know, he's a good guy
Is that a reference to something?
Hokma in Lobotomy Corp
Seems like the general idea is to block the elevator, treat her, let Casey mine, then go north. I'll ask for one little clear up vote.

Do you want to experience the 'Lack'?

Do you also want to block the west path?

While the inspiration is there, I'll flatly state there are not, in fact, secret jews hiding in this tunnel. Mostly just found the idea of "tunnels mysterious appearing" to be a cool mission idea.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] That and most old world religions, to your knowledge, has fallen out of fashion. Such as Judaism, Christianity, and Communism.

>TRAUMA KIT. Oddly user friendly. Bought mostly by P-Company facilities. (Has 1 charges. Heals 1 FLESH with 1 charge. Heals a crippling injury with 2 charges. Can heal near lethal damage with 3 charges.)
>PAINKILLER BOTTLE x2 (Comes with three doses each. Grants a +2d6 bonus to any FLESH check when consumed.)
>"UVX MODEL #221" (An experimental X-Corp ointment, meant for topical application. Induces FLESH regeneration when applied. May have side effects when used.)

We have medical supplies, we will be fine when we experience the LACK. We are in a good position to experience LACK.
Even if we get knocked out, we have our allies with us. Luther can effortlessly carry us to safety, and the BARRICADE GRENADE we deploy to slow down corpo will buy us a lot of time for our allies carrying us to surface.
I hope we interrogate Valentina too. The truth is so close at hand
Breathing in the chemicals
Breaking in the consciousness
We can buy more BARRICADE GRENADES later if we want to for the silver agent base assault

>there are not, in fact, secret jews hiding in this tunnel
I'm ok with this. I'll tone the memeing down about it with that in mind
>"tunnels mysterious appearing"
I also agree it is a very cool mission idea
>Judaism, Christianity, and Communism
Islam and Buddhism and whatever else too, I assume. Guess we won't know more until Nicole ever goes to District 14
>Yes to both
Coolio. Time to overdose on gas fumes. Don't worry, you'll get to interview Valentina too. It's not like Benjamin can manifest drugs in five seconds, that shit takes time.

Anywho, writing.

>I'll tone the memeing down about it with that in mind
I didn't particularly mind it but I rather just nip it in the bud before you start making plans for something that I frankly never planned on writing.
Besides. If I wanted secret shadow people involved in a mission, you already have Glowing Individuals Of A Silver Nature Who Are Best Dealt With Automobiles.
Wait a sec... Automobiles... and Nicole currently lives in G District... where G Corp is responsible for transportation... so they make and have cars...
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Sooooo, make some dough or get a favor or two from them and get her a G Wagon get it so she can run down shiny feds? One with a cattle guard added on, of course.
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You pull out your two inflatable barricade grenades. Both are two small plastic balls that will quickly expand into barricades once you pull their pins. You pull them with your mind and with your STEADY HANDS, you toss them down the WEST path and into the ELEVATOR behind you.

[STEADY HANDS] Your throwing skills were boosted HEAVILY by the PARADIGM underneath your uniform. Both grenades are sent flying and land right where you want them to, blocking the paths perfectly. Two bulky, thick barricades made out of a stab and bullet-resistant material flood both of those paths. You'll delay them a bit longer than normal.

You kneel down in front of Casey. "You know what? You can mine. Go ahead." You nod in Max's direction. She gets the hint and hands her pickaxe over to Casey; Both you and Max suddenly realize this is a bad idea almost immediately, like giving a young kid an energy drink with 300 mg of caffeine.

She makes a beeline RIGHT towards the end of the eastmost catwalk and begins to rip into the wall with the pickaxe she was provided. The sheer blazing speed she's mining away at can only be comparable to a god damn strip mining machine. Everyone, even Valentina, takes a moment to marvel at the sheer efficiency she's mining with.

[PERSON OF INTEREST] She's absolutely going to break her body after this.
[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Why do you feel like that isn't an issue for her?

Your group decides to take this moment of distraction to approach Valentina. You glance over at Alexis. "So. What was that about not liking sentimental stuff, Ms. "I have three siblings"?"
Alexis cracks her shoulders almost instinctually before side eyeing you through her gas mask. "Ceмья – этo дpyгoe. Luther is a stranger. Still is. Hopefully we didn't make a mistake."
Luther doesn't respond to this. He's completely focused on Valentina.
Max seems to faintly understand what Alexis tried to say and sighs. "I get that family is different but I dunno, I just wanted to help. I didn't want someone to die down here for no good reason."

The five of you approach Valentina. She turns her attention back to you, still on her throne made out of android parts. She crosses her legs with shocking ease given the fact that, well, they're fucking crystalized. It's almost like the crystals are a part of her instead of an abhorrent mutation or growth. Maybe that's what the robot up there talked about?

A vision flashes. A puddle of blood, crushed dust, and smoldering metal lays at a heavy metal door. A man in a plastic bunny mask yells for his comrades. He begins to rush down the stairs with a violent, single minded obsession. His fists are crackling with dazzling white fire. A powerful augment way outside of your price range.

"Who are you people? Where am I?" Valentina is glancing around the giant abyss your group is standing over. She seems more confused than scared, since she doesn't do anything as your group surrounds her.
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Max immediately springs in to lie right through her teeth. "Our group is associated with your family. We've been trying to find you, and now that we have, we're getting you out of here." Well, it's a half lie if anything else. Valentina is unconvinced by this but she doesn't struggle for now. The air around the center of the platform is still clean enough to keep her somewhat grounded for a while.

"You're clearly in a critical state of contamination. We have to treat you, miss, before we do anything." Benjamin pulls out his chemistry kit, waiting for your approval. You nod towards Benjamin. He immediately goes to work on making more of that STONE DISSOLVER solvent.

"Huh. Why? I've only been here for two days. Or was it less than zero?" Valentina talks to nobody in particular. Weird, everyone in this fucking town has a beyond warped sense of time. Guess that's what happens when your brain is replaced with crystals.

"Try asking her questions, Max. Alexis. Luther, even, if you can." You pull off your gas mask and NIGHTVISION GOOGLES and start to trek over to the thick cloud of colorful gas that was only halted by Max's gas clearing grenades. Max immediately rushes over to stop you but Benjamin and Alexis grab her by the shoulder.

"She has to be doing it for a reason." Alexis hesitantly tries to calm down Max.
"She IS doing it for a reason. We'll be here to save here if need be." Benjamin gently rubs Max's shoulder. "She's not going to die. Okay?"

"I-What the actual fuck, Nicole, you know what that's going to do to you, right?" Max whines like a kicked puppy. "I don't- Benjamin would- Please, I don't want you to do this. Don't hurt yourself." <"I don't want to see someone suffer. I know my family does bad things and I want to do SOMETHING to lessen it but-">

[UNSTABLE] "Yes. But I have to know. See you in a moment. I'll be fine." Without further ado, you step past the threshold, drenching your world view in a colorful kaleidoscope of every color humanity has ever known.

https://youtu.be/X9H41sI96hU - LACK

You are not Nicole.
You are not Adam.
You are not UNSTABLE.
You are not Nicole.
You are not the Admiral.
You are not Valentina.
You are not Luther.
You are not Devin.
You are not-

You are choking on your own blood. Your lungs are seizing with a pain you can not even begin to describe. Your skull feels like it's cracking underneath the strain of your own existence. Existing hurts now on a fundamental level. It's incredibly hard to describe but it's like the gas around you is trying to suffocate more than just your lungs. It's suffocating your thoughts. Your brain. Your emotions.

Yet, somehow, you're not dissolving away. No matter how much gas pours into your body, you keep thinking. You keep existing. Black tar begins pouring out of your mouth as you keep standing in the gas pocket. It hurts. It hurts. God, it hurts. Why are you doing this? It hurts. FuckfuckwhereareyouHello?
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[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] Yet you do not dissolve underneath the suffocating, seemingly endless gas. You are still Nicole.
[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] You will always exist. You can not be anything BUT Nicole. You simply refuse to be anyone else on a fundamental level. Nicole as an idea MUST exist.

Thousdans on thousands on thousands of voices begin to whisper and hiss in your ears. Men, women, old, young, everything in between. Whispering incoherent, nonsensical yet forbidden knowledge into your very being. You can't see them physically but in your mind, you can make them out.

A ball of voices constantly screaming over each other. Yelling over each other, trying to dominate the other voices. It shines so, so bright. Like a yearning star, leading you forward. Or leading you astray, maybe. So, so many faces stare down at you, begging for you to join them. To lose yourself.

Crystalized perspectives. Crystalized humanity. Crystalized memories. Crystalized thoughts. Everything that makes up a human's soul, boiled down into a gestalt consciousness. Melded together and mixed until you can't tell who is who anymore.

Perfected humanity. Something that knows all. A fragment of the universe, made manifested. Something to take the burden of human logic and thought away and to take that strain in its stead. The faces keep staring at you, begging to join it. To lose yourself. To finally rest. To know all. To be everyone. To be nobody.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] You think you get it now. You think you get why anomalies are hated by them. Anomalies are concepts but they are wholly individual concepts. They're only what they are meant to represent.
[PERSON OF INTEREST] You can't break them down. You can't meld them together. Their perspectives are limited.
[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] Can't fit a round peg in a square hole. Only way to do so is to destroy the hole or peg.

A glimpse of their singularity lays before you. A mass of discordant thoughts, used as a conduit for equivalent exchanges and to contain knowledge. In return, gifts from the comsos are granted. Human thoughts, human being, are Warped underneath this process. A perfect source of inspiration.

>W-CORP SINGULARITY KNOWLEDGE OBTAINED. (You have a far better time understanding how W-Corp products work and how to best utilize them. You'll unlock certain dialogue choices when interacting with W-Corp officials)

You can't help but to smile. The moonstones aren't their true singularity after all. They're simply a medium. Heh. No wonder why W-Corp didn't mind people disappearing here. More fuel to burn.

You stumble out of the fog with your outfit completely drenched in your own blood and vomit. You haphazardly put your gas mask back on. Someone thin and tall rushes over to check up on you.
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Your cheek suddenly stings. You suddenly become cognizant of the world around you. Max and Benjamin. Benjamin just looks disappointed at you while Max is-

Is she crying? She grabs you by the collar and shakes you with all of her strength. Given her lack of muscle, she doesn't do much to you.


"Fuck." Benjamin bitterly laughs to himself. "Fuck, what can I even say? I can respect the pursuit of knowledge but you really worried us. You worried me. I-" He tries to collect his own scattered thoughts. "I trusted you enough to let you do this. You've done a lot for me so I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Why wouldn't I?"

"I trust you. I trust Max. I want to trust everyone I meet but..." He rubs the back of his neck, trying his best to put his next statement in a way that matters.

"When you were out there, zoning out, refusing to budge no matter how hard we pulled on you? I thought you were fucking dead. And I didn't quite know what to do with that. You saved me and the fact that I couldn't return the favor? Fuck. Felt kinda worthless there."

"...sorry." That's all you can say. There's nothing else you can really say that would mean anything. You glance over at Max and simply pat her on the head. She stops shaking you for a moment and immediately goes in to hug you. Followed immediately by Benjamin. None of you want to say anything.

"don't do that again." That's all Max can choke out.
"...I trust you still. I can't help but to trust people." Benjamin laughs to himself. "Please, though. Don't worry us like that.

"I'll try not to." You feel incredibly drained after all that. "I just had to know. I really did. I'll at least warn you next time." You turn your gaze over to where Valentina is while the others keep clinging onto you. You're still on the clock and as much as you want to hug them back, you can do that after you're safe.

Casey and Alexis are doing the final touches on Valentina. Her chest and waist are still crystalized, seemingly kept there for her modesty (since you doubt her outfit survived the near full crystallization) but the rest of her body is cleansed. She has a gas mask on, ready to leave at your command.

Another vision, which you realize is your SIGHTJACKING and WHISPER OF THE CITY power working in tandem, flashes through you. An elevator filled with half melted plastic sticking to everything, making it completely useless for travel. Three figures heading down the long way to the abyss. The leader, a man in a bunny mask, is getting close to the bottom.

A barricade is barely visible at the bottom. At least another hundred feet away.

"We have to leave. They're making a beeline down here. Fucking jet it." Everyone gets the hint and prepares to move on your command.
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Luther quickly picks up the still dazed Valentina. You and your other allies join up with you. Casey's gun, which she's barely holding onto thanks to her exhausted state, points forward. North time it is.
>-1 COGNIZANCE, TALENT, CHARM to CASEY for rest of the mission

You'll talk to Valentina while you start running. In your cue, your group books it down the northmost walkway. It doesn't take long to see it splitting into three paths hidden behind iron doors, each labeled with a code. You already know which one leads to the exit. X-ALPHA. You force it open with your mind and begin to head into the gas flooded exit.

Your MOONSTONE GAS DETECTOR machine is going fucking apeshit as you rush down the straight and narrow hallway. Checking it, the level of gas down here is enough to kill a regular man two times over. Though you doubt Robbert is a regular man. There's nothing around but carved stone and a straight line forward.

Your skin begins to itch and it's hard to breath in here, even through the gas mask. Your group seems to be experiencing the same symptoms. Seems like the levels are getting high enough where it actually starts fucking up with your body. Max quickly gets the hit and opens up one of her GAS NEUTRALIZING GRENADES, holding it above her. As your group runs down the hallway, the white gas purifies the air you run into, giving you a moment to breath.

"Valentina." You huff and wheeze as your group makes a mad dash down the hallway. "Why did you come here?" You need to know. A solid answer to shape everything together.

"Heard." Valentina tries her best to string words together. "Stuff about mining towns in W-Corp. From my family talking with W Reps. Heard a lot were being shut down or centralized. Wanted to come down and check it out. Maybe write a good review. Maybe get some inspiration. Mayor here contacted me, telling me to come down. Said that there was some inspiration in his mines."

Wait. The Mayor called HER down here? Wait, wait, wait, you have to check something.

"Wait, weren't the mines closed when you came down here?"

"Not when I came here." Valentina answers. <"Thought there were a lot of miners wandering around on top...?"> "Why do you. Ask?

Wait. It was closed two weeks ago, before she even arrived. Then it was open. Then it closed again the moment she went down there and went missing. The mayor said something about a golden ticket. The robot the mayor programmed said she was prime material...

This was a fucking set up.

[PERSON OF INTEREST] Robbert's guards were here when she went missing. He would know about her being down here too. He was looking for a bargaining chip, right?
[PERSON OF INTEREST] If the Mayor was willing to have the guards around, he must've had contact with them. Was he trying to play Robbert as well? To offer him a way back in W-Corp's favor?

You gotta get out of here. You have a god damn mayor on your shitlist.

As soon as you think of that, you can faintly hear three people yelling at each other in the room far, far behind you. Glancing back towards the path your party is running down, you can see a faint light at the end of the tunnel. You've been running for a while and you know your group has the distance advantage. You'll get out of here before the corpos can even dare to catch up with you.

But...after piecing together everything, there's another path to head down. Another choice that you can make. How do you want to handle your escape out of here?
>WRITE IN. (Split your group up to do multiple paths at once? Suggest another plan?)

I didn't forget about the minerals Casey mined. You'll see what she got next update but she got a LOT. Just hard to fit that in alongside everything else.
Next update should hopefully not take over a day to make. Sleeping schedule has been fucked.
We even have the crystallized proof with us.
Should we wait for the corpos to get out first? We beat them to the punch speedrunning this mission like pros, but the mission has changed. Imagine if we let all the news loose with everybody in town and the 3 corpos all there? Either way the time for speed and stealth is OVER. I'm inclined to finally face the corpos on our own terms. Valentina on our hands gives Nicole's group the upper hand in negotiation, on top of the corpos realizing how cleanly they were gotten past and the mine handled ahead of them. Knowing what we do about Robbert Huxley and his motivations, we can play him against the Mayor. Roland will be inclined to work with us because we have his daughter and his daughter's future husband as friends. Rosalie will be willing to work with us after we helped Valentina recover, as well as have her relative's ancient ID card from Gregory. Waiting for the corpos to come out also gives Nicole's group some time to rest and chat. Maybe telling them about the LACK visions and realization, as well as other stuff from this mission, will be a nice way to relax before what we're about to do
Our cards are stacked in our favor, we have negotiation power here, we can negotiate the three corpos to help the town.
>boosted HEAVILY
Thanks Adam. I think we should take NEW YOU off completely after Nicole is home. This much prolonged PARADIGM use is worrying even if this is innocuous
>stab and bullet-resistant
Great investments for the future
>bad idea
>makes a beeline
>three siblings
Thanks for incorporating this
>cracks her shoulders
Must be that enhanced gasmask thing. Second time she's done this
>part of her
>puddle of blood
Whose? The crystal zombie miner?
>down the stairs
Completely ignoring the cave in path, lucky us
>powerful augment
Guy's got his own fancy light source. Pricey

>associated with your family
She doesn't know!
>warped sense of time
Consistent for every contaminated, even the most lucid
>immediately rushes over
She's a real one
>has to be
This is a great moment. Alexis and Ben have been there since the first mission in thread 1. They KNOW Nicole by now. It also shows how the two differ in their belief in her
Max is shooting up there in the character tiers

>Black tar
Oh no it's that shit again
That's not VOIDSTONE. This is different.
Reminder anons we literally got them at the start of this mission thanks to Alexis
>fragment of the universe
>this entire LACK sequence
Kino but very hard to understand. Now Nicole knows the truth. W Corp Singularity is a crystallized and blended humanity Legion. "We are Legion for we are many." That's why the "personality shards" like UNSTABLE exist and can be "removed" and "implanted" like what Devin said. That's why both Nicole and Devin have their own different UNSTABLE which behave foreign while simultaneously being parts of themselves, but naturally both Nicole and Kiara have their own different SEEKER OF THE CITY via their own personal knowledge and experiences, but Kiara's isn't a third-party behaving extension of herself like Nicole's is. Nicole's UNSTABLE is both part of herself as an individual, yet at the same time not because of humanity's connection to the collective being or something. An anomaly would be like if Nicole's UNSTABLE burst out of her and became its own anomaly. It ceases to be a mere shard or offshoot, and becomes something completely external and individual and unable to be reintegrated.
I have no idea if I'm understanding it correctly though.
Worth it
>this entire Ben and Max scene
Nicole's outfit is completely fucked by vomit and all this dirt and dust and stone and whatever, but she has to return that fucking hug soon. Goddamn this scene is GOOD
>chest and waist
Crystalesque women's fashion the NEWEST CRAZE HITTING THE CITY by the Vannis?! Tune in next time!!!
>in tandem
Sightjacking putting it work
>melted plastic
I pity the miners having to clean that gunk off
>the long way

>Casey debuff
Worth it
I am glad we picked CORPORATE ELITE for Alexis to unlock this path, and Max came with 4 of these on her own
>my family talking with W Reps
>set up
I knew there had to be something fishy
>Robbert's guards
I never stopped to question them being there and connected to H Corp and Robbert. I thought Robbert sent them in to secure the site for him in advance. Not all THIS
>play Robbert
Big fucking mistake

About damn time. And this isn't even the base mission reward from Handler. He's gonna LOVE hearing all this later
>yelling at each other
Get Yakety Saxed
>she got a LOT.
Quite the busy bee huh QM?
>Sleeping schedule
Get some rest
It's time to make a play that benefits everybody and makes the Mayor regret existing for the past month or so

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