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Your beloved leader is dying. You have been in his guard for the better part of your life, always protecting him from harm, defending his image and fully upholding the views of his moral compass. The necromancy team that was assembled, in order to give your leader immortality, finally finds the right incantations but it is too late. He, who was supposed to be the One, is finally gone, silent tears roll down your cheeks.

You proclaim your undying loyalty to him and promise to finish his reshaping of the world, entering the binding circles of the necromancers. You will live for eternity and your only companion will be the cherished memories that you had with

>Tokugawa Ieyasu
>Pol Pot
>John F. Keneddy
*throat singing intensifies*


This looks interesting
I think I'd be sick
Although Timur would be siiiick too
Aber mein Fuhrer, Adolf ist dehr beste name
Why bother making a quest just for it to be a shitpost dude? Deliver or get a different hobby.
I will snag this in 10 minutes if no update.


Adolf (my personal hope :( )



Looks like it is settled gents. Writing now.

>1405- Timur, the Ruler of the Timurid Empire has died.

Timur, Tamerlane, The Sword of Islam, Timur the Lame; he carried many names although you knew him as brother. You are Kartal (we can vote on this, Eagle in ancient Uzbek), and you were there since the beginning. Ever since that faithful day young Timur and your small band began raiding travelers for food and their herds, and the glorious leader took the injury that started the name that has casted the darkness of fear in the hearts of all men of the known world. Though the true Mongol Empire has not been fully reconstituted, Timur was close. From Delhi to Aleppo, the empire stretches. Surrounded on all sides by ravenous dogs such as the bastard Ottomans, the Golden Horde, or the other worthless Sultanates. While they might be cowed for now with the pain and devastion your old master inflicted upon them, it will not be long now with his death that they will seek revenge.

Your old leader appointed his various sons to positions of power, and while some are certainly useful; they tend to squable more than cooperate. The non-related higher ups are just as likely to sodomize you in a field as they are to come to your aid. As Timur's old second in command, they seek to take your place for the next Emperor.

Now the old OP did not give me much to work with, so we're just gonna roll with it.

As an undead being created by some strange occult ritual by 13th century Islamic and Asiatic necromancers, you have some powers - we need to determine what they are. You start with 5 points, and can trade curses for boons.


-1 POINT(S) : EYES OF AN EAGLE : Matching your namesake, the necromancers enhanced your vision, you can see to the horizon as if it was inside your tent.
-2 POINT(S) : PREPARED FOR BATTLE : The necromancers made numerous alterations and improvements to your original body during the ritual. Your bones were lined with iron, blades set at your wrists. Your body was embalmed with with devils blood, and will set alight if spilled. (Sidenote: This upgrade is lost should your body be destroyed and you do not die)
-3 POINT(S) : THIS IS MY BODY : The loss of limbs, your head, or complete destruction of your body will not stop you. Barring outside inteference, you have the power to will your body back together from carrion, or mold your form at will.
-1 POINT(S) : OUTER DARKNESS : Whirling magics surround you at will, extendable out to fifty square meters, unless aided by outside forces - only you can see, hear, or smell in this darkness.
-2 POINT(S) : INVICTUS : You channel the cult of personality Timur once had, wrapping yourself in his image fueled with magic. Your words inspire men to battle, and your blood binds them under your spell.
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-1 POINT(S) : OUTER DARKNESS : Whirling magics surround you at will, extendable out to fifty square meters, unless aided by outside forces - only you can see, hear, or smell in this darkness.
-2 POINT(S) : INVICTUS : You channel the cult of personality Timur once had, wrapping yourself in his image fueled with magic. Your words inspire men to battle, and your blood binds them under your spell.
-3 POINT(S) : DEAD MEN SHALL LIVE : You gather the necromatic energies trapped in the seal, and release it to resurrect all those that have died in battle, enemy or ally, all under your banner as undead. The undead will remain for one day, until returning to death once more.

+1 POINT(S) : THE YEARNING - You must feed to sustain your undead form, be it the blood of virgins, flesh, or souls. Your flesh hungers...
+2 POINT(S) : THE ROTTING - Your corpse festers with bloat, though the dark energies keep you flesh animated and your soul anchored, your body decays like any flesh in the sun. Miasma surrounds you, and others gag. Rinsing yourself in water taints it, and maggot bloom through your guts.
+3 POINT(S) : THE BURNING - Walking in the sun burns your bare flesh, this can be mitigated by clothing, and other rituals.
+1 POINT(S) : WEEPING AND MOANING - The seals on the necromancers placed on you performs multiple purposes, and requires power to do so. The necromancers made a complex rune that traps those that die around you as shades, slowly being assimilated into your greater soul. The ghost scream and lament their fate, terrifying the living.
+2 POINT(S) : SHADOW OF DEATH - The ritual that anchors your soul to your undying flesh relies on the nearby living to sustain it. Your presence saps the life from the living, slowly over time. Spending too long in one place will result in a wasteland, and potential death should you fall into torpor in such a place.
+3 POINT(S) : I NEVER KNEW YOU - You have turned your back on the sacred with this profane ritual, and God has turned his back on you. You may not enter holy places, holy water burns you. The sound of prayer hammers upon your skull like anvils, and something dark has control of your soul.
Five Points





All boons so we’re a killing machine but we’re also a rotting lunatic no in their right mind would be around unless they were under magical influence.
I will leave voting open for another 24 hours unless activity picks up, after that we will get our feet wet.
>-3 POINT(S) : DEAD MEN SHALL LIVE : You gather the necromatic energies trapped in the seal, and release it to resurrect all those that have died in battle, enemy or ally, all under your banner as undead. The undead will remain for one day, until returning to death once more.
+1 POINT(S) : WEEPING AND MOANING - The seals on the necromancers placed on you performs multiple purposes, and requires power to do so. The necromancers made a complex rune that traps those that die around you as shades, slowly being assimilated into your greater soul. The ghost scream and lament their fate, terrifying the living.
We're rocking and rolling with what was submitted, writing now.

I'm sorry, I would have voted if I knew this quest was still alive. Good on you for taking it up. I'll keep an eye on it.
As the chants rise in fervor and pitch, you lay down flat upon the slab, and shudder as the dagger is plunged into your chest. You fade into blackness, and can see a light in the distance.


The light is occluded, you do not want to go there. The realm of the dead, the final destination is the opposite of your intentions. But now you are trapped in darkness.


Light enters the realm of your soul once more, the original seal growing murky rather than opaque barrier, changing from a solid stone in nature - to like fetid water, swirling with mists of dull gray and silver light.


Your heart his carved from your chest by phantom hands, and lowered into the foggy like floor of this inner realm, bobbing slightly like an apple on water. A cruel dagger wrought from rusted iron slams into the heart, your soul; descending down from on high with supernatural force.
You feel a hook around your navel as you are jerked back from this plane, back into your new body.

>Back in the city of Otrar, Necromancer Muhammed watches as the ritual concludes.

The official state of affairs is that everything was going fine, and that Timur was merely ill. The generals and visirs in the know were already here, outside the ritual chamber awaiting to receive their new undead master, those that needed to be kept in the dark were told he was committed in deep prayer for Timur the Lame's health.

Those currently in the ritual chamber knew things have gone to hell, and they were a one legged horse racing a stallion of the plains. It had started off perfectly, Kartal was sent to the "Passing", and his passage into the Land of the Dead was halted. It all went tits up when they began letting the necromantic energies seep into the seal from the other side. An unforeseen reaction with the devil's blood, foolish! Everything almost went up in smoke as Kartal's altered body began to rot and smolder, and as a side note he needed to flog the apprentice that fainted.
The ritual began to stabilize with their efforts, and their leader's form grew still. Muhammed shoves Harijan, another lesser acolyte to his order, forward.

"Go on, awaken him boy."

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"Go on, awaken him boy."

With shaking steps the young man approaches the altered corpse. The old warlord Kartal could never compare to the monster they created, in shear killing power and the fear he can now inflict. Just before laying his hand on the new lich, Harijan is siezed with awesome force; his arms rendered to pulp just before his shoulders. The boys cries of agony are swiftly drowned out by the sound of howling wind, emerging from the maw that has ripped itself open in the middle of Kartal's face. A torrent of blood, and the boys very essence, pours into Kartal. Even where it spills upon his armor, is swiftly soaked up like the thirst arid soil of the Gobi.

Kartal looks up to you, and speaks.

"I presume the ritual was a success, Necromagi Muhammed?" Comes from his throat, wetly. Hacking and wiping his mouth in the same phrase.

"Debatably, you are evidently still among us, though no longer living, and you heart has been sealed within your very soul. Our goals were accomplished, but complications have occured. As I'm sure you have noticed." Muhammed states as you regard your changed flesh and the corpse at your feet. The all consuming hunger you felt upon awaking did not offer you a question, a chance to resist or reason.


This presents issues.

>How does Kartal feel about his changed state?

>Regretful -"What have I done, what kind of monster am I?"
>Stoic -"This represents a minor obstacle, I will complete Timur's vision, no matter what."
>Gladdened -"Now this is power, all that see me shall know fear."
>(apologies, several typos in this. Trying to get us rolling and past character gen and setup.)
>Stoic -"This represents a minor obstacle, I will complete Timur's vision, no matter what."
>>Regretful -"What have I done, what kind of monster am I?"

>Stoic -"This represents a minor obstacle, I will complete Timur's vision, no matter what."

Well, all problems can be solved with discipline and patience. We'll have to make sure with our addiction to blood and living flesh for now. Have them bring us a few criminals to mutilate?
Hey gents, I came down with a stomach bug, will get the next update posted after I wake up.
Thanks for the update, QM!
>Regretfully Stoic

You consider your cursed flesh, watching the rotten bones of your hand crack and snap as you open and close it. Perhaps you would have chosen differently, had you known, but it is no matter; what has been done is done. Turning back to Muhammed, you raise your voice.

"Let us go meet with the generals, and show them your work." Muhammed cringes.

"Of course Emperor." He rushes forward, shooing his assistants out of the way on his path to the door. Upon opening you are greeted by a mildly luxurious room. Not the likes of the palaces of the kings Timur has conquered, but far more humble in their comfort. Resting on various cushions or ottomans, your generals greet you, before quickly gagging and covering their noses.

"I see the mystic has finished his unholy work Kartal, how are you fee- INSHALLAH WHAT IS THAT STENCH?" General Koro splutters out, the complete opposite of his normal composed self. He seemingly quickly remembers himself as he falls to his knees and bows forward.

"Forgive me Emperor. I was merely shocked by the changes, inflicted by the ritual." Kartal chuckles lightly and shakes his head, turning to the other two generals. When Timur died, you all were set to push north and invade China, but with his death, your subsequent rise and undeath; that may not be the best course of action. However the choice is entirely up to you.

>What do you decide to do?

>Continue with the invasion as planned.
>Postpone the invasion as you explore your new powers.
>Return home and become coronated as Emperor.
>Write in?

(Once again sorry gents, that stomach bug ruined me. Constant nausea and I could not keep anything down. Had to keep this short because I'm grabbing some food with my family. Should be able to do another post tonight. Also stay away from Walmart potato salad.)

>Continue with the invasion as planned.

Continuing with the invasion is necessary to show that we are Timur’s heir
>Continue with the invasion as planned
>Continue with the invasion as planned.

You address Koro, Hamza, and Miran- the three generals that followed Timur and yourself north. Timur brought the strength of his armies, leaving enough for the border generals and sultans to rattle their sabers at the Ottomans, Mamluks, or the Delhi pukes.

"What is the current status of your regiments? You go first Koro."

The squat man snaps to a salute, sending the main of horse hair on his helmet swaying. His moustache pokes from the corners of his lips like the plumes of a paint brush.

"Our 50,000 men and their horses are ready. Our forward scouts reported a possible sighting of a Ming envoy in Tibet, perhaps meeting with the Pagmodru." He quickly nods his head as he finishes and turns to his right, gesturing Hamza.

Hamza was tall like a reed, and his voice nasally. Thankfully he commands his me with iron-like discipline.

"Of course Emir Kartal, the 80,000 infantry are growing antsy. If we are to stay put, I will put them to work fortifying." You acknowledge his work ethic on working his men with a nod.

Lastly, Miran steps forward. An eyepatch covers his left eye, and his bald pate glistens with sweat.

"The 1000 elephants and their tamers have been running drills, but you know as well as I do how much of a sword without a hilt those beasts can be." That you very much do. When invading the Delhi Sultanate, Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq and the army of Mallu Iqbal had war elephants armored with chain mail and poison on their tusks. Timur ordered his men to dig a trench in front of their positions. Timur then loaded his camels with as much wood and hay as they could carry. When the war elephants charged, Timur set the hay on fire and prodded the camels with iron sticks, causing them to charge at the elephants, howling in pain: Timur had understood that elephants were easily panicked. Faced with the strange spectacle of camels flying straight at them with flames leaping from their backs, the elephants turned around and stampeded back toward their own lines. Timur capitalized on the subsequent disruption in the forces of Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq, securing an easy victory.

"Should we use them in battle, we will make sure they are positioned properly." You say.

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>Kartal (You)
>Koro (50,000 cavalry)
>Hamza (80,000 infantry)
>Miran (1000 war elephants)
>Necromancer Muhammed (4/5 assistants)

Considering your options, there are a few ideas you have. Before his death Timur had called an alliance with the other various Mongol tribes, so ideally Eastern Chagatai Khanate will not stab you in the back and was supposed to allow you through to attack China... however that deal was with Timur. Alternatively, you could contend with the Phagmodrupa dynasty in Tibet, and possibly seize that envoy for information. Sadly, the Himalayans are brutal under the kindest conditions, and the elephants will be slow crossing.

>What will you do?
For these responses, type up a little bit on what and how you intend to enact your plan. (How many men, what to say, etc. A lot of things are on the table fellas)
>Meet with the Chagatai Khanate, perhaps they will honor their deal, or be willing to renegotiate.
>Attempt to seize the envoy in Tibet.
>Write in?
>>Attempt to seize the envoy in Tibet.
I’ll be able to type up a detailed reply later but my first thought is that we should try to keep the bargain with the Eastern Khanate, although how we’d do in diplomacy given our new form is unclear at best…
Gonna give this vote about 24 more hours, if we're stuck with a tie, I'm rolling 1d2.
>Meet with the Chagatai Khanate, perhaps they will honor their deal, or be willing to renegotiate.
>>Meet with the Chagatai Khanate, perhaps they will honor their deal, or be willing to renegotiate.
Rolled 11 (1d100)

Alright gents, looks like we will be attempting to meet with the Khanate to see if our bargain still stands. Before I write this up, give me a quick vote on how we approach this.

>Haughty - We are the successor of Timur, they will respect our might or suffer the consequences.
>Humble - Timur is dead, and we are a walking corpse. The Chagatai are our distant relatives, and bear the blood of Genghis Khan; a powerful empire in their own right. They deserve the respect they are due.
>Hateful - We are the rightful inheritors of the Mongol empire, all pretenders will bend the knee or perish.

Also please give me a 1d100 with your vote. I am writing now, but this vote determines the tone, the roll determines the reception.

>Haughty - We are the successor of Timur, they will respect our might or suffer the consequences.

We’re in charge and if you don’t like it, we’ll eat you
roll pls
Rolled 56 (1d100)

Rolled 14 (1d100)


Oops I forgot

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