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“A Knight is Sworn to Valour. His Heart Knows Only Virtue. His Blade Defends the Helpless. His Might Upholds the Weak. His Word Speaks Only Truth. His Wrath Undoes the Wicked.”

Every child in Cantôn knows of the Knight’s Code. From peasant-born waifs playing with sticks in the mud to keen-eyed noble sons practicing with cold steel in the training yard, all have at the very least dreamed of one day becoming a knight themselves. To ride out on errantry into the Five Duchies Kingdom and beyond for God and Glory, bringing the Law of Adam to the wicked and the Blade of Cain to the beast.

The Knights of Cantôn are sworn to follow the Code, to obey the King, to refuse no call for aid honestly asked for, to seek out and destroy the Foe wherever it may lurk and rid the world of evil.

Were it so easy…


Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlackCompany666
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Many years from now, not far from home…

“So the Bear Knight joined the palace guards?” Confusion is writ on the youth’s freckled face as he quizzes the bard with incessant questions. “But weren’t them baddies, slavers n’ such?”

“Reginae wept no, my child! This is the Dragon Guard we are talking about! Has no one told you the stories of their deeds?” The wandering troubadour tuts as he shakes his head in disappointment. “We shall have to rectify that. These are no mere glorified castle watchmen, nor pampered pets of the Southern Tyrant set to idle. Make no mistake, they are a collection of the fiercest and most capable warriors from every corner of creation. Set above and aside from the highest of the Cathagi masters, answerable only to the terrible Dragon itself.”

More than a few patrons perk up at the mention of that famous, or perhaps infamous, band of foreign warriors. Stories such as they and certain celebrated Langlish Free Companies were not unheard of, but far rarer and less popular than the tales of the lauded Cantonian knighthood.

“The deeds of their number are told across the world and set to rival some of the knights of our own beloved homeland, aye and perhaps even surpass a few in their might if not their chivalry. The Trial of Azbeirjan Pass, the Battle of the Dragonsteppe, the Night of A Thousand Knives.” The storyteller suppressed a smirk at the last, the actual number of assassins involved that day was probably only in the hundreds but that should never stand in the way of a good title. “Don’t be fooled by their rough comrades of foreign origin, foul and fair. Many a worthy Knight of the Realm has done their leal tenure in that office in honourable service as they add to those lofty annals.”

“Oh yeah? Who then?” The youth speaks up boldly with the intemperance that is all too often found in any youngster that finds themselves called out for his apparent lack of knowledge.

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“Who? Who he says?!” The minstrel covers his face dramatically, playing on the crowd’s attention. Mayaps you’ve heard of these ones then, sprout. Sir Jason Fallavon, before he became Lord Fallavon the Fair following the death of his brother, Sir Heinrich Hightower of the Pegasus Order and of course Sir Ayan the Moor to name but a few. Who else am I leaving out?”

“The Black Knight…” A member of the audience grumbles darkly from the back of the room. “Best not leave that one and his ilk out.”

The bard pauses, his face turning serious. “Aye. We must take the bad with the good. But even good can come from men of ill-repute. And, as they say, every dog will have his day…”


POV Verification Vote: Open for 24 hours
If your ID changes during this thread, please link back to your OG vote here or your new ID votes might not be counted.

>Young Lord Damien Andrei, elder brother and heir to House Andrei

>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

>Sir Karlaus Rabe, the gruff Montbrun companion

>Sir Neil dan Marc, the loyal Sworn Man from Fallavon

>Tracker Jean, the Business Partner from the Wastelands

>Sir Willem Glasdale, the friendly protector of Grenmire

>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
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>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect

I'd love to see what he is up to

Ready to rock and roll. Super glad to see you back Forgotten, I've been looking forward to this!

Linking to the wiki page again which I'll try to remember to update some more

>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
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>Sir Karlaus Rabe, the gruff Montbrun companion
Oh of course! Sorry I forgot to include it in the opening links. It's very impressive work!
Nah man you're all good, just helping out. I almost completely forgot about it during your break due to my own life getting busier but I'll try to get some work done on it soon. I think there are some corrections I need to make and obviously a lot of dramatis personnae pages to update and include
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>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
We are so back
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>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
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>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
LETS GOOOOOOOOOO, welcome back Forgotten.
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Lady vida is in town for the wedding~ frankly i would have loved a pov from our sister on this.

Good to see you back hangman.
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Alright, I get to finally play this. LESSZZZZZZGGOOOOOOOOOOOO
Awe yeah It's muthafuggin svt
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
Verification aquried
>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Yay new thread

>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect

I still haven't had a chance to read the archives but I haven't given up hope yet...
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>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

welcome back best Knigga!

The Dragonguard was a daubney gang falseflag!
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>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect


>Tracker Jean, the Business Partner from the Wastelands

At last the prophecy has been forfilled.

Forgotten has returned

>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Time for Vurlur
>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Valour Valour!
>>Sir Willem Glasdale, the friendly protector of Grenmire
It's been a while since I've heard from this knigga.
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>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect.
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>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Welcome back bossman. Good to see this running again. Volunteering went well?
>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Tough choice between Towbray, Glasdale, & Frida but I'm thinking
>Tracker Jean
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

Oh we're SO FUCKING BACK. Anchorposting according to tradition.
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
Missed you, Forgotten
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
It’s the most obvious, and correct, choice. Combined with the new Crusader quest, and we Knigga’s are swimming in good stuff this month of may!
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>>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
Welcome back Forgotten!

Let's see how our neurotic friend is doing. I can't remember if we sent our letter yet, but I expect other nonsense to be occurring.
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

Search Word: Barley
I expect to be posting from a couple id's, having some internet trouble.
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
>>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect

And so we're back! How's life treating you Forgotten?

As a long follower of this quest, I'm happy to say that between the last thread and now, I've finally graduated from neetdom.

Now, let's jump right in! Huzzah!
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
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>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Finally caught one of these!
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>Vancels already out in force
Disgusting. Cain smite them.
Changing my vote from Gilbern to
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
>>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
don't think we've had his perspective yet.
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>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
Let's goooooooooooooo snake babe POV now!
>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
The time has come.
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
Here we go!
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
>Tracker Jean, the Business Partner from the Wastelands
No way this wins but I'm curious what's up with her now
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
Can't believe we're finally back.
Oh hey, you're back.
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
The bad bitch is guaranteed fun.
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
Real Towbray hours.
>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
We're starting up again, yeaaah!
>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

We're so back Valorbros
>>Sir Karlaus Rabe, the gruff Montbrun companion

All aboard the Rabe train.
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>Sir Neil dan Marc, the loyal Sworn Man from Fallavon
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Towbray was a close second, but I want a peak at the lady shenanigans.
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
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>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

We're so back.
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
Reject the list, embrace the faith.
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>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect

Forgotten Quests are literally some of my favorite shit ever, very few other things can measure up to this
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>get signed on for two years of service by nearly 2:1
>Can't even get a waifu POV who we are already basically blind on because we fucked off to join the army.

this is some bullshit, fucking army life.

I bet the saintfu enthuasiasts are behind this
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The vote was evenly split between Father Towbray and Lady Vancewell, so I will use my QM discretion to give our confessor his POV debut, I believe Vancewell had one a few threads ago.

>SELECTED: Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect

Turnegan, 28th Day of Estrimun, 883 A.C.E. - The Royal Port of Aubrey
Father Towbray believed. He had believed even when he was a younger man, prone to folly. But this was different, this was something more. In the past few months this old reclaimaint priest’s tortured convictions had transformed.

To spread the good word now was not faith… it was providence.

To give his everything in the name of this holy undertaking was not duty… it was manifest destiny.

Even his humble part in the days to come was exhilarating. Terrifying. When had Father Towbray’s belief evolved? When had his pious hope transcended into an unshakeable faith? He knew something had changed in the young knight when the man returned from the depths of Fallavon shrouded in secrecy and weighed with unspoken hardships, but the priest had not suspect the import.

Was it even as late as Emile’s feat of faith in Pascae? His recorded miracle of surviving the full wrath of the storm, divinely touched? Or at last when he first revealed the nature of his divine connection with the Angel? No… Father Towbray shook his head in disgust at the memory of his own private apprehension from that day. This old priest was a pathetic pauper when it came to his stocks of faith. He had believed, sure. Believed in Emile, believed that he was a good and pious knight on the path to great things.

But he had not known, had not truly appreciated the momentousness of the charge set by Almighty before him. Not until it was almost taken. When Emile was ripped from them by the whims of the sea, and returned to them through what in Towbray’s eyes was a far greater miracle than the becalming of the storms soon after. It was only then, when all others feared Emile lost that Towbray himself knew, and knew well his part in this great coming of a new age. Greater and more glorious miracles and mighty achievements ahead, albeit after equally great sacrifice, were not hoped for or expected. With the Living Saint walking amongst them, it was inevitable.


Doubt was now a foreign realm to Towbray. More foreign to him than Cathagi was to Canton, perhaps more so. As removed and irrelevant to him as the Sister moons were to earthly empires. Father Towbray knew that he could no sooner abandon this cause than he could cut off his own arm. No sooner could he falter but one step on the long and perilous path that lay ahead than pluck out his own eyes. There was no act of sacrifice this wiry priest would not glady make, no hardship he would not endure with a smile, if his own meaningless privations advanced this sacred convent the barest fraction further.

And now, joyous day, he was not the only one. Father Towbray. Brother Joab, Brother Caleb and Brother Pettigrew to name but a few of the score of souls that had followed him on this endeavour. To spread the word and ready the realm for the return of the people’s anointed saviour, Sir Emile Andrei. They were not of noble stock, these first Angelites. Cobblers, tradesmen and serfs that had, each man among them, found a higher calling after their pilgrimage. It was a humble beginning, for certs. But that was as it should be, as it had been near a millenia ago when the founders of the Kingdom of Canton set out to change the world.

Almighty be praised, the blessed task lay with the to do all they could to ready the realm for the Living Saints return. It was Father Towbray’s solemn duty to direct their efforts to where the seeds of their good word and good works would yield the greatest harvest.


> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]

> There can be no greater ally to the Living Saint than the Church itself, and potentially no greater obstacle. The Bishops of all five Duchies have dragged their feet long enough with the formal recognition of Emile’s recorded miracle, now miracles. The priests of the realms must be persuaded, their superiors pressured until the administrative impediments and hand wringing are removed for the miracles to be officially declared. From there, in time, a convocation to anoint the Living Saint interregnum. [Zealous]

> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]
> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]

This or the common people I reckon. Going to the church first is a mistake I think, they are too political. The backing of ancient orders before the church finds out could be pivotal, so too could the widespread faith of the people themselves so long as Emile doesn't present himself as an opponent of the Church

> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]


this is me
> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]

>> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]
This is me
> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]

With blades at our back, people will see which way the wind is blowing.

'Tis I.
> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]
Perhaps it would be also prudent to reach out to the Adamite orders, like the Comitas. But oh well, all in good time, the Almighty provides.
> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]
>> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]

>> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]
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> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]
The Cainite orders are a solid choice but are likely going to be the first in, last out of whatever mess Montbrune is going to become, additionally they might have serious consequences in the reclamation a la the Teutonic order.

Emille has some small pull in the church but orthodoxy is going to be incredibly resistant to such a grassroots movement and a as yet unverified saint, doubly down seems very dangerous and likely to cast doubt on the whole thing without some pull that could be leveraged.

The Cult option is asking for some Lisan al Gaib shit and should have the obvious connotations.

I think the Adamite orders aren't included because they have a more civic or church focus than a martial crusader focus.

>> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]
>> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]

The strength will come from the foundation of the nation, its people. Word spreads, people listen and understand and with them will come those who cannot hold back the tide.

The Living Saint will show the way.

me >>5997025
>There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]
V post
> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]
fuck it time to become a folk hero cain sects make more sense as it is tobeys wheel house but this seems like a funner oprion
Oh, I'm aware that the Adamites are more civicly focused, but they are still a martial order, one more focused on protecting the people rather than fighting holy wars. Still, I think we built enough good will with them that they put a good word in for us.
>> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]
>There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]

Time to get the knightly orders prepared for war in the east.
This as the name suggests, is me.
> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]

Had we gone back home, I would have gone for heavy proselytization as Emile's deeds could further compound that and gain other allies. As it is, assuring that the more martially inclined (and likely with secret knowledge) Orders are in our camp is more relevant.

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Great to see the hype is on from the get-go, good to see you all back.

It was an excellent experience, that's for sure. It's a surreal experience to know that you and a handful of other people are the only human life for hundreds of kilometers around.

Hah, I used to be an army boy like you until I took a pack march to the knee.
> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]

Verify >>5997595
> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]
It helps to do things with some sanction of the Church. Going straight to the masses allows the Church to discredit us.

Heyo Forgotten, I hope you had a nice time on that island. Was really excited to see StV come back, but I wanted to ask if we'll get a BCQ2230 thread after this thread is over. It's been a long time since we saw Nat and her team of murderous guns-for-hire
>> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]

> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]
I think the best way forward is to get the lower priests on our side. We don't want to be too aggressive and seem like we are attacking the church or look like we are trying to steal their followers. The lower priests who believe will also preach to their own flocks and do some of the leg work themselves. The bishops will also need to worry about the ladder climbers who could replace them if the angel doctrine becomes widespread.

> There can be no greater ally to the Living Saint than the Church itself, and potentially no greater obstacle. The Bishops of all five Duchies have dragged their feet long enough with the formal recognition of Emile’s recorded miracle, now miracles. The priests of the realms must be persuaded, their superiors pressured until the administrative impediments and hand wringing are removed for the miracles to be officially declared. From there, in time, a convocation to anoint the Living Saint interregnum. [Zealous]
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> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]
"The Strength of the Living saint is this, a gentle hand stretched out to lift up the downtrodden and a mailed first raised up to strike down whatever evil thing finds itself beneath the sharpened edge of the sword grasped within, but it is that the Saint is both of these things in equal proportion. He is as gentle as he is ruthless in the persecution of his duties, and it is in this manner that I would cast an army of the faithful" -an unnamed but self described 'Spark', a member of the Cult of the Living Saint
C'est Moi.

How have you been Forgotten? I'm super psyched that this is live. I wonder if we can develop a weapon specifically designed to take on Undead, its probably best to try and steal shieldwall technology from the Draconic Emirate (assuming they're like the eastern Roman Empire towards the end of their lifespan, they could have some variety of military training manual that has how they switch men out along the front) not to mention Not!Greek Fire which could be invaluable against the Dead or maybe even magical interference so their animation is sapped away
>> There can be no greater ally to the Living Saint than the Church itself, and potentially no greater obstacle. The Bishops of all five Duchies have dragged their feet long enough with the formal recognition of Emile’s recorded miracle, now miracles. The priests of the realms must be persuaded, their superiors pressured until the administrative impediments and hand wringing are removed for the miracles to be officially declared. From there, in time, a convocation to anoint the Living Saint interregnum. [Zealous]
>The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]

>>The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]

Dats me dere
>> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]
Damn, your writing actually gave me chills here. Although "for certs" seems like an anachronistic phrase.


> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]

>> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]
Seems like the most likely move by Towbray, he is a Cainite priest himself after all.
>> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]

My logic is thus: The Cainites will need time to rebuild their numbers after the Snakeman War, and the Church is already iffy on us. This will, hopefully, solve both. The believers can be induced to join up with the Cainite (and other) orders (nobles as knights, commoners as men-at-arms) when the time comes, and the Church is likely to be influenced by the people, so that they gain/ don't lose legitimacy from sainting us.

>> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]

me >>5997816
> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]

> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]

>> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]
> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]
Now ordinarily I would vote for the Orders but it feels too machiavellian for this kind of decision. Would be interesting to see how Angelite church differ from it's coreligionist church. Something like Catholic for the latter and Orthodox for the former perhaps? I can see the analogous disputes plus the Angelites aping Cathagi's aesthetic as a call back to the origins of the faith.

>> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]
>> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]
After much thought, I am changing my vote to:
> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]


My reasoning is thus: with the Cain aligned orders focusing on the scaled hordes, it would be difficult to gain their support without Emile fighting side-by-side with them on the front lines. They would definitely look down on Emile for serving a larger scaled beast instead of fighting the smaller ones with them. Best to spread word amongst the people about Emile's acts of good and kindness, and bide their time until Emile returns from the Dragon's Guard.
> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]
It’sa me!
Angelites are not a separate church just a subsect cult [spoilers]like Cathars[/spoiler]or Hussites.Cantonian orthodoxy seems very Catholic in presentation and Adamite dominated, the Cainite tradition seems almost alienated and fundamentalist in comparison with a lot of Grassroots memembership.

Though I am curious if there is a greek orthodox comparison in Cathaggi, I get the feeling the other pilgrims were saw were anaglous to coptic Christians rather than orthodox.

Ardenne holy synod when?

I don't know if what we've done to help the Comitas is enough to begin slinging Influence for a crusade with, good will and personal support maybe but for a crusade feels a bit much beyond a character reference.
> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]

I missed the first vote but linking my id here
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Lads I am so sorry but worked has thrown me a corker tonight.

We will be back on track with updates tomorrow.
Damn copperclippers
Good to have you back Forgotten.
> The task of Heaven is not to sway the mighty or appeal to the strong, it is far simpler than that. The good word must be spread, the people of birth both high and low must be told as far and as widely as possible. Romaine is the birthplace of the Living Saint, and where his crusade will inevitably be launched. The Angelites will scatter to each corner of Canton, but this priest goes there to set the first stone upon the first shrine. If you build it, they will come. [Zealous]
I don't think it's a great idea to build Emile into a larger-than-life figure in regards to warriors -who will feel envy or try to test him martially - or the Church - who will probably just try to have his name besmirched the moment it becomes clear he's not just here to pay lip-service, no matter his devotion.
Peasants, however will simply carry his influence far and wide at no cost but their expectations.
Besides, did the Brothers not come from humble beginning to rise to the peak of noblesse?

Linkin' Park
>> There are those that never gave up the fight. The Order of the Broken Blade, the Reclaimaint Sect and other Cain-aligned orders. These widespread and diverse Cainites must hear of the coming crusade first, and know in their hearts that the words ‘someday’ in this great undertaking are now ‘soon’. With the true and ready believers first to answer the call, the recruitment and marshalling of the most fervent forces can begin. [Zealous]

It's me
>I don't think it's a great idea to build Emile into a larger-than-life figure in regards to warriors -who will feel envy or try to test him martially -

We literally just did that here in Cathagi bro, as if Emile isn't 100% down to do that again back home (not to mention the player base)
There's one essential difference: being attributed miraculous traits and legendary battle prowess when we are here to defend our case is different to some assholes proselytizing the second coming of the Brothers in Canton to (possibly hostile) elements within the Church or bitter remnants of warrior groups.

I don't know how many would-be messiahs and schizos the church must deal each year on average but given how dickish the average man is, I wouldn't be surprised if it was more than just us. So instead, it's better if the support is from grassroots since it gives us plausible deniability (peasants be peasant-ing) while hinting at the fact that we're a good guy.

Besides, I don't really see what connections lowborn pilgrims might call onto to spread the influence of Emile outside of other lowborn.
I do (mostly) agree with you, but we do have some things going for us that all the con artists and schizos do, firstly The Angel over our shoulder giving us a glimpse of the Holy Writ and also several confirmed miracles under our belt (Well, two so far, but we might be able to do something in the future).
I feel as though the church can be browbeaten somewhat easier than the other two factions, the peasantry mostly like a show and the Warriors just want a fight, while the church relies on both those groups to keep their strength.
In gameplay terms, I think the Peasantry would give us big groups of serf infantry that's very zealous, the Knights/Nobles would give us small groups of highly trained and incredibly armoured men, but the Church would probably gives us either a 50:50 mix between the two prior or would give us some kind of bonus to supplies/logistics

Visiting a new chapel dedicated to us in our hometown does seem pretty awesome (imagine standing vigil in it for a week or something) but I also enjoy the idea of Emile preferring to pray under the open sky or within a battle-tent, although it may be slightly harder to get the Knights and Church on our side because the current Priesthood of the Struck-Saint are craftsmen being led by a basically exiled priest (thinking of which, could be really cool to see a lot of the early stuff talking about Emile from their perspective being peppered with metaphors and symbolism to do with trade work)
>bitter remnants of warrior groups.
Anon consider what the Cainite orders are. They're congregations of battle-ascetics who chose lives spent in the harshest frontiers of Canton, fighting an endless war against the horrors that dwell there.
They're empty men who've lost all they loved to the Foe and now live solely to return the favor. Father Towbray was effectively one of them before he met us, and when he comes preaching of an end to the darkness lurking in Ardenne, they will come.
Like our confessor, what they want most is purpose and meaning. Something they can fight FOR rather than to avenge. Towbray's words will call to those men like a siren song, and they will answer with zealotry only broken men can muster.
Fenegan, 29th Day of Estrimun, 883 A.C.E. - Cathagi, The Church of the Holy Juvenescence

The sun rises over a bustling metropolis, the clamour of industry and commerce superseding the raucous noises of the previous night before the first rays of dawn . In your mind the City never seems to truly sleep. Even as the most dedicated foreign or local vagabond or drunk reveller drags themselves out of the taverns, smoke dens and brothels their numbers are surpassed by the busy shopkeeps and lower castes delivery items for the toolmakers, tradesmen and all manner of merchants to prepare for their first customers. You have discovered that some shops and forges don’t even close at all, the masters or partners in business working in shifts with their own servants and slaves to ensure the business runs around the clock and goods are made or sold at every hour or every day. Amazing.

You’d not have believed such a thing had you not heard the din of iron and the racket of haggling from your bed even in the dead of night. And one can quite simply forget the concept of Sandag day of rest existing here, such a concept is as foreign to the Cathagi as knighthood and chivalry. You wonder what toll such ceaseless industriousness makes on the body and mind, and if the worst of that is borne by the lowest of slaves for the profit of their masters. You doubt it could be otherwise.

Taking another bite from the furred fruit in your palm as you lean against the window sill of your Comitas lodgings, your gaze shifts languidly towards the Cathagi harbour. There is still evidence of traffic as sails grow larger or shrink into the distance, but many of the ships docked down there have their sails furled and show no signs of departing anytime soon. You are in the final days of autumn now and the first winds of Umnimun, Ardenrise to your Romani countrymen, will herald the beginning of winter. It’s a daring or reckless captain indeed that will brave the Cathagi strait at this time of year, most ships will be hugging the coastlines tightly indeed. The trickle of pilgrims that have arrived in the last few years will vanish, their presence now marking the final Long Walk of the year. And here those same pilgrims will most likely remain until the winter winds clear.

Your letters from home and return correspondence will similarly dry up, and you made a conscious effort to spare more time for prayers for the safety and strength of your House Andrei and the rest of your home Duchy as the deprivations of winter and the malice that comes with it challenges your people once again. One day soon, that malign evil will be banished from your besieged homeland forever. And, Almighty willing, you will play no small part in that great awaited day. But this is a long way off yet, and there is much work to do.

Having affirmed your decision to join the Dragon Guard and made your intentions known to the appropriate palace officials through your squire, you expect to receive a further invitation to the Crescent Palace any day now. Hopefully one less bloody and fatal than your previous visit involving the Norsikaans, but there has on several occasions been some sort of test alluded to. You still have the letter of recommendation from Kyrios Militades of the Stratiokas, but you can only guess whether that has any bearing beyond getting you an invitation to the palace. You’ve no idea of the nature of the test or the degree of hardship involved. But, unless it is a purely ceremonial custom, you don’t imagine a trial for membership of the renowned Dragon Guard will be envisioned as one that is easily passed.

>The trickle of pilgrims that have arrived in the last few years will vanish
*weeks (after your own Long Walk)

In the meantime, while you await both your invitation to the Crescent Palace and the pledged visit from the sword sister Dame Danaca, you have not been entirely idle. Today, just as you have for a little over the past week, you spend the majority of your time…


> Meditating in tranquil contemplation at the Church of the Holy Juvenescence, appreciating this oasis of peace after your long and arduous journey while watching with contentment as your companions take their ease and recreations. You have enjoyed observing, and even participating in, good-natured discussions of theology with newly arrived pilgrims and longstanding clergymen. This place is a centrepoint for the One True Faith even outside of Canton, and your time here has proven both educational for the mind in matters of faith as well as soothing for the body and soul. [Divine]

>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]

>Burying your head further in the vast collection of scrolls at the Atheneum, reading everything you can about the military traditions, structure and recorded history of the Dragon Guard. Much of it is beyond you without a dedicated Cantonian transcriber or more privileged access to certain records, but there is still plenty to learn in the mountains of tomes to be found in the great library that could prove to be advantageous knowledge for a newcomer to their ranks. [Idealist]
> Meditating in tranquil contemplation at the Church of the Holy Juvenescence, appreciating this oasis of peace after your long and arduous journey while watching with contentment as your companions take their ease and recreations. You have enjoyed observing, and even participating in, good-natured discussions of theology with newly arrived pilgrims and longstanding clergymen. This place is a centrepoint for the One True Faith even outside of Canton, and your time here has proven both educational for the mind in matters of faith as well as soothing for the body and soul. [Divine]


>Write In

Continuing Mikails training in the sword. He will learn his letters and his courtly matters yes, but here the customs are different. One language that seems shared here is that of the sword. He must learn, he must improve. [Hearty]

Me. Out in the sticks on Starlink for a bit so my IP is probably going to change pretty often
We're not going to get much out of the scrolls right now, not until we get a scribe. Same could be said for just wandering, probably better than the scrolls but I think meditation or training with our squire are the best bets until we're better positioned
>Burying your head further in the vast collection of scrolls at the Atheneum, reading everything you can about the military traditions, structure and recorded history of the Dragon Guard. Much of it is beyond you without a dedicated Cantonian transcriber or more privileged access to certain records, but there is still plenty to learn in the mountains of tomes to be found in the great library that could prove to be advantageous knowledge for a newcomer to their ranks. [Idealist]

Joining the Dragon Guard should not be taken lightly. All things will come in time, but this is upcoming soon.

> I wanted to ask if we'll get a BCQ2230 thread after this thread is over. It's been a long time since we saw Nat and her team of murderous guns-for-hire
I do plan to return to BCQ2230, and that is most likely going to be after this StV thread or the next depending on where we stand by the time we hit the end of life on this thread.
I think you guys are gonna love, or hate, the Big One of the Dis Campaign.

>How have you been Forgotten? I'm super psyched that this is live.
Aside from that little hiccup with work, doing very well! Certainly glad I can commit to more writing time.

>I wonder if we can develop a weapon specifically designed to take on Undead,
I'll leave you an the other anons to brainstorm this. While the Great Crusade may be a long way off, it's never too early to begin preperations...

>Although "for certs" seems like an anachronistic phrase
Cert is derived from the latin word for 'certain, true or sure' so quite the opposite actually!


If there is an anology to Catholic/Orthodox/Coptic relations here, Coptic is probably the closest for the southern faithful. Sir Andrei would know very -very- little about their doctrines and beleifs.
>Continuing Mikails training in the sword.
Regardless of any choices I will presume you do not slacken from your usual training regimen. Unless the intention of your vote was to intensify it over this period?
>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]
To know the people is to know the soul of a nation.
I'm less concerned with the efficiency of our use of time than just knowing the basics. For example, with wandering just knowing how to ask to get around like the prompt mentions is a convenience that shouldn't be overlooked. Efficiency can be overvalued, sometimes you just have to plunge into learning, whether that be because of a time preference or whatever.
Alrighty, I appreciate that clarification. I was a little concerned he would be left by the wayside a bit and just remain where he is skillwise and not improve at all.

So sure, intensify his training a bit whilst we have the free time. Although I'm sure once we get in there will likely be any number of skilled swords(wo)men to help train him and expose him to new styles
Yeah that's fair anon
>> Meditating in tranquil contemplation at the Church of the Holy Juvenescence, appreciating this oasis of peace after your long and arduous journey while watching with contentment as your companions take their ease and recreations. You have enjoyed observing, and even participating in, good-natured discussions of theology with newly arrived pilgrims and longstanding clergymen. This place is a centrepoint for the One True Faith even outside of Canton, and your time here has proven both educational for the mind in matters of faith as well as soothing for the body and soul. [Divine]
>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]

For the love of God I just want to see the markets.

>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]
>> Meditating in tranquil contemplation at the Church of the Holy Juvenescence, appreciating this oasis of peace after your long and arduous journey while watching with contentment as your companions take their ease and recreations. You have enjoyed observing, and even participating in, good-natured discussions of theology with newly arrived pilgrims and longstanding clergymen. This place is a centrepoint for the One True Faith even outside of Canton, and your time here has proven both educational for the mind in matters of faith as well as soothing for the body and soul. [Divine]

>Meditating in tranquil contemplation at the Church of the Holy Juvenescence, appreciating this oasis of peace after your long and arduous journey while watching with contentment as your companions take their ease and recreations. You have enjoyed observing, and even participating in, good-natured discussions of theology with newly arrived pilgrims and longstanding clergymen. This place is a centrepoint for the One True Faith even outside of Canton, and your time here has proven both educational for the mind in matters of faith as well as soothing for the body and soul. [Divine]
V post
>>Burying your head further in the vast collection of scrolls at the Atheneum, reading everything you can about the military traditions, structure and recorded history of the Dragon Guard. Much of it is beyond you without a dedicated Cantonian transcriber or more privileged access to certain records, but there is still plenty to learn in the mountains of tomes to be found in the great library that could prove to be advantageous knowledge for a newcomer to their ranks. [Idealist]

knowledge is power
>Burying your head further in the vast collection of scrolls at the Atheneum, reading everything you can about the military traditions, structure and recorded history of the Dragon Guard. Much of it is beyond you without a dedicated Cantonian transcriber or more privileged access to certain records, but there is still plenty to learn in the mountains of tomes to be found in the great library that could prove to be advantageous knowledge for a newcomer to their ranks. [Idealist]
>>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]
I want us to have a strong grasp, of how to speak the language, that way we can eavesdrop on listening to the people of interest we meet, and understand everything their saying, without them knowing we can understand them.
>>>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]
>I want us to have a strong grasp, of how to speak the language, that way we can eavesdrop on listening to the people of interest we meet, and understand everything their saying, without them knowing we can understand them.
Sigh, today is just not my day it seems. From the top:
>>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]
I want us to have a strong grasp, of how to speak the language, that way we can eavesdrop on listening to the people of interest we meet, and understand everything their saying, without them knowing we can understand them.

And this, as you can tell, is me.
>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]

Do not underestimate the boon of knowing the local customs while in a foreign land.
[Spoiler] Also I just want to experience some comfy interactions exploring the city with our companions. [\spoiler]

>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]

Check Check
>> Meditating in tranquil contemplation at the Church of the Holy Juvenescence, appreciating this oasis of peace after your long and arduous journey while watching with contentment as your companions take their ease and recreations. You have enjoyed observing, and even participating in, good-natured discussions of theology with newly arrived pilgrims and longstanding clergymen. This place is a centrepoint for the One True Faith even outside of Canton, and your time here has proven both educational for the mind in matters of faith as well as soothing for the body and soul. [Divine]

Dis me.
>>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]
>>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]
We need to open up communication with Jess & Orin, as well as spend some quality time in silence with Brother Rousseau.
The Aetheneum can wait until we can understand the words and not just the pictures.
If we can level up Mikhail's skills, I see no reason why he couldn't join the DG with us. We can just extend a recommendation a month or two in, & stick around slightly later than 2 years. "But he's not a knight, knigga!" Whomst cares? Does the Dragon require his men to be legally recognized gentry? Hell no, the Norscans are whoever is strongest, same with plenty of other foreign contingents, and he would end up at our side due to the order of battle mentioned putting knights from canton together and so on and so forth.
Actually, now that I think about it, if we can only extend an invite after being released from our service, we might be best served leaving Mikhail behind to forge his own path for a time, so that he can accrue enough fame to be selected for the Roiguard without being tainted by association with us. If we can hone his social accumen, he could then be an inside man whenever the need arose.

In other words:
>2 Years in the DG
>Recommend Mikhail, leave him here to serve his 2 Years
>We kick ass & prep for the Crusade/hunt SoS
>2 Years later he comes back to Canton & joins the Roiguard to be officially enobled
>If the Prince wants to move against us while we prepare the whole kingdom to take back Ardenne, Mikhail will allow us to know about it, especially due to him feeding/interacting with our Griffinhawk
> Meditating in tranquil contemplation at the Church of the Holy Juvenescence, appreciating this oasis of peace after your long and arduous journey while watching with contentment as your companions take their ease and recreations. You have enjoyed observing, and even participating in, good-natured discussions of theology with newly arrived pilgrims and longstanding clergymen. This place is a centrepoint for the One True Faith even outside of Canton, and your time here has proven both educational for the mind in matters of faith as well as soothing for the body and soul. [Divine]

this is me
> Meditating in tranquil contemplation at the Church of the Holy Juvenescence, appreciating this oasis of peace after your long and arduous journey while watching with contentment as your companions take their ease and recreations. You have enjoyed observing, and even participating in, good-natured discussions of theology with newly arrived pilgrims and longstanding clergymen. This place is a centrepoint for the One True Faith even outside of Canton, and your time here has proven both educational for the mind in matters of faith as well as soothing for the body and soul. [Divine]
I think it could help us, we've done a fair bit and we probably need to think on what we saw on the Pilgrim's path
Oh, Forgotten, are there any religious holidays or feast days we should know about? Do we get Not! Christmas off from the DG?
Also, if we really wanted to fuck around we could probably argue that we were knighted by the Almighty, as in "let this be the last time you are struck without the proper retort"
This is me
> Meditating in tranquil contemplation at the Church of the Holy Juvenescence, appreciating this oasis of peace after your long and arduous journey while watching with contentment as your companions take their ease and recreations. You have enjoyed observing, and even participating in, good-natured discussions of theology with newly arrived pilgrims and longstanding clergymen. This place is a centrepoint for the One True Faith even outside of Canton, and your time here has proven both educational for the mind in matters of faith as well as soothing for the body and soul. [Divine]

Missed the thread opening - hope this (late) post can count for ID purposes boss
> Meditating in tranquil contemplation at the Church of the Holy Juvenescence, appreciating this oasis of peace after your long and arduous journey while watching with contentment as your companions take their ease and recreations. You have enjoyed observing, and even participating in, good-natured discussions of theology with newly arrived pilgrims and longstanding clergymen. This place is a centrepoint for the One True Faith even outside of Canton, and your time here has proven both educational for the mind in matters of faith as well as soothing for the body and soul. [Divine]

yours truly
>>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]

Knowing the language a bit seems pretty useful.

Still me
>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]

Verify >>5997595
>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]

Time to see the market.

>Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]
> Meditating in tranquil contemplation at the Church of the Holy Juvenescence, appreciating this oasis of peace after your long and arduous journey while watching with contentment as your companions take their ease and recreations. You have enjoyed observing, and even participating in, good-natured discussions of theology with newly arrived pilgrims and longstanding clergymen. This place is a centrepoint for the One True Faith even outside of Canton, and your time here has proven both educational for the mind in matters of faith as well as soothing for the body and soul. [Divine]

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214 KB JPG
>SELECTED: Wandering the streets of the City, visiting stalls and speaking with various common folk. You’ve not garnered much intel outside of what the average Cathagi knows or believes, but at least you know more about their local politics and thoughts on foreign nations than a barbarian fresh off the boat. You have even picked up a few common phrases among the main Cathgagi castes and are able to greet folk or ask for directions in their own language to a limited degree. [Hearty]

Canton and Cathagi are age-old rivals, the former indeed first being founded and then thriving at the expense of the laters continents spanning empire. You could hardly consider yourself greeted with open arms by every Cathagi that sees your pale face. You had already seen for yourself the local displeasure at what many view as an insulting tolerance of the traditions of foreign fanatics in the form of the Long Walk that is a semi-regular occurrence in some of the busiest parts of the city. That your countrymen on pilgrimage are protected by Dictat is viewed, by some, to be a kindly indulgence of their patron pagan god that has been much taken advantage of. Another is the wearing of the colour purple by senior members of the clergymen of your homeland, typically monsignor and above. You had never been even the slightest bit aware it was an issue but here it is apparently widely known that this is done as an insult to Cathagi in direct defiance of the Dragon’s authority. Personally you believe the practice of slavery and slave raiding is the far more of the egregious insults between the two nations. You hold no illusions of convincing them of that however.

But the animosity between your two nations appears almost traditional given the shared history between your nations, violent as it is. Certainly from what you’ve seen of the local attitudes towards yourself during your time in the City, most see the opposition of the two states as no reason to get in the way of the trade to be had and profits to be made, be it from Cantonian goods or fleecing Cantonian visitors. Regardless of what they may think of you personally, none of the local merchants or swindlers have turned the noise up at your coin making its way across their stall when you’ve been out buying sundry items as well as the odd knick-knack to send with the next letter home.

Once, when awkwardly met with several blank stares as you attempted to ask for directions in halting Cathagi, you were approached by a wiry, old leather-skinned old man in humble garbs. He seems to never stop smiling and, speaking slowing in a Cathagi dialect and then in halting Cantonion, provides you the needed information. He then asks, quite sincerely and with the assistance of a few gestures, whether you are at all a fan of khave. Seeing you answer in the affirmative, he tells you that there is a well-recommended khave shop in that direction that he was heading to anyway and invites you to join him.

“Your khave, sire.” Your manservant appears at your elbow, having ordered on your behalf inside.

“Thank you, Orin.” You raise an eyebrow at the steaming contents handed to you in a beautifully fine ceramic cup. “Brown? That’s somewhat lighter in colour than the usual fare…”

“Keçi sütü.” The old man nods approvingly. Seeing your hesitation, he takes a deep sip from his own cup and gives an exaggerated sigh of contentment before repeating the terms. “Keçi sütü.”

‘Keki Sootoo.” You puzzle with a frown, realising the old man’s lack of immediate translation is an invitation for you to try. You recognise the later word from your last walk market. “Something… milk?”

“Goat’s milk, sire.” Orin answers helpfully, although his shy glance indicates he’s not sure whether he has spoken out of turn. “I’m told it makes the drink less bitter..”

“Ah, very good.” Your man’s frequent trips into the city for groceries at your bidding must have also resulted in him picking up a bit of the local language. “So Keki means goat?”

“Keçi” The old man nods encouragingly as he emphasises the pronunciation.

“Keçi.” You say, rolling the word in your mouth.

“Yes, yes. Goat.” Your khave companion smiles wider still, revealing a few yellowing teeth. “Baaaa.”

As you chat over khave with this Eski Dimir, you learn a thing or two about the castes of this land. The Merchanta Caste dominates here in the City proper, but not in the way you had first imagined. It’s not exactly the picture of fat slavemasters reclining on lounges as they whip beleaguered slaves into churning out more profit. There are those corpulent and gilded leaders of commerce to be seen, raking in obscene dividends from their towers atop whatever corner of the silk, spice, furs or what-have-you market that they’ve managed to carve out for themselves. But you have found that the word ‘Merchanta’ has a far more complex meaning than you had first given it credit for. Technically, if your stilted conversation with Demir is anything to go by, the term applies to anyone that makes their living by some means other than directly harvesting, mining or gathering the raw resources. A blacksmith is Merchanta, as is a peddler or caravan handler. It’s obvious to you that there is some sort of hierarchy and network of agreements, privileges, taboos and understandings that govern the caste somehow but you could not even begin to imagine what it looks like or how it works.


Deniz himself is a self-described Merchanta, and he has been a humble basketweaver his entire adult life. It is with great pride that he tells you his baskets go to the ironworkers a few streets from here, transporting their ores and finished products to their destination both near and far, these days more and more often to the east. And so in his own small way, the old man furthers the great works of the City and brings just that little bit more glory to their guide and guardian the Dragon.

When you set out from home on your Errantry at the beginning of this year you would never have pictured yourself here, drinking a foreign drink in a far-off land while sharing a table with a man so completely opposite in age, status, colour and belief to your own self. And yet here you are, and you consider it a worthwhile company.


> You heard Demir make mention of iron goods being shipped east in his baskets. It could be nothing but, if you steer the conversation just a little more in that direction, you might learn more. Intel, in particular actionable intel, is exactly what Sir Gilbern and the Reginate are hoping to gain from your time here. And with that knowledge, Almighty willing, perhaps a safer Canton. [Divine]

> You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]

> You enjoy a nice friendly game of Princeps, of which the Demir shows a carefully nonchalant interest. As several other Cathagi men in the khave shop gather to watch the old man play the foreigner, you realise that are probably again outclassed. But humility is a virtue, and there is no harm in being humbled by a master so long as you learn from it. Perhaps this game is one of the rare bridges that cross the divide of rank, race and creed in this land. [Idealist]
> You heard Demir make mention of iron goods being shipped east in his baskets. It could be nothing but, if you steer the conversation just a little more in that direction, you might learn more. Intel, in particular actionable intel, is exactly what Sir Gilbern and the Reginate are hoping to gain from your time here. And with that knowledge, Almighty willing, perhaps a safer Canton. [Divine]

>> You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]
>You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]

Mighty as well start early with the language lessons.

By the way, I really do need to have gotten a proper portrait of Orin by now. Having taken over most of the menial duties from your squire Mikail, such as laundry, groceries and serving food, he's actually in Emile's presence quite a fair bit.

He's supposed to be plain in appearance and plain in looks, and about the same age as Emile, but I keep finding too much fancy attire or rugged good looks during my brief searches for a relevant enough image.

Happy to take any suggestions from the players, if someone happens to have just the thing.
>and about the same age as Emile

Oh for some reason I thought he was closer in age to Emile
> You enjoy a nice friendly game of Princeps, of which the Demir shows a carefully nonchalant interest. As several other Cathagi men in the khave shop gather to watch the old man play the foreigner, you realise that are probably again outclassed. But humility is a virtue, and there is no harm in being humbled by a master so long as you learn from it. Perhaps this game is one of the rare bridges that cross the divide of rank, race and creed in this land. [Idealist]

verify >>5997595
> You heard Demir make mention of iron goods being shipped east in his baskets. It could be nothing but, if you steer the conversation just a little more in that direction, you might learn more. Intel, in particular actionable intel, is exactly what Sir Gilbern and the Reginate are hoping to gain from your time here. And with that knowledge, Almighty willing, perhaps a safer Canton. [Divine]
> You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]

Well, if we're staying here for a bit, we might as well learn at least a little of the local tongue.

Yours truly
> You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]

Better get this started sooner rather than later.

> You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]
Language lessons yo-ho!
It’s me yes.
>> You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]

> You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]
I was really tempted by the Princeps one tho. Think it would be a good way to boost our intrigue and counter-intrigue rolls, if thats what Princeps is useful for. Also, if I'm not mistaken, the iron is most likely being transported east because of the conflict with the Mansipoor city states. Kyrios Leon mentioened them being a new threat to Cathagi dominance in the area.
>the Big One of the Dis Campaign
Its going to be a Titan, isn't it? Fucking hype.
Wait, Orin is closer to Emile? Damn, he's older than I thought.
> You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]

>You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]
Learning the language is a force multiplier for a lot of future endeavors.
This is my post there are many like it but only this one is mine
> You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]
This is definitely important, I'd also enjoy playing Princeps with him, maybe we can practice our Cathagi by doing so.
I didn't quite expect Orin to be that old
>> You enjoy a nice friendly game of Princeps, of which the Demir shows a carefully nonchalant interest. As several other Cathagi men in the khave shop gather to watch the old man play the foreigner, you realise that are probably again outclassed. But humility is a virtue, and there is no harm in being humbled by a master so long as you learn from it. Perhaps this game is one of the rare bridges that cross the divide of rank, race and creed in this land. [Idealist]
> You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]

this is me
>You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]

Would love to learn more over a game of Princeps


Although I too would like to play a game of Princeps with the old fellow.
>> You enjoy a nice friendly game of Princeps, of which the Demir shows a carefully nonchalant interest. As several other Cathagi men in the khave shop gather to watch the old man play the foreigner, you realise that are probably again outclassed. But humility is a virtue, and there is no harm in being humbled by a master so long as you learn from it. Perhaps this game is one of the rare bridges that cross the divide of rank, race and creed in this land. [Idealist]
tis me
Happy Mother's day Forgotten
>> You enjoy a nice friendly game of Princeps, of which the Demir shows a carefully nonchalant interest. As several other Cathagi men in the khave shop gather to watch the old man play the foreigner, you realise that are probably again outclassed. But humility is a virtue, and there is no harm in being humbled by a master so long as you learn from it. Perhaps this game is one of the rare bridges that cross the divide of rank, race and creed in this land. [Idealist]

I feel theres no reason why we cant do the Hearty and Idealist at the same time for this interaction.

me >>5997025
> You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]

Funnily enough trade is also on my brain so this works out.

I really didn't figure Orin was of age with Emille, I always a imagined him a touch older than Mikhail.

Reminder he still has some info on the Fallavon expedition and something of its origins we can look into.

> You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]
> You heard Demir make mention of iron goods being shipped east in his baskets. It could be nothing but, if you steer the conversation just a little more in that direction, you might learn more. Intel, in particular actionable intel, is exactly what Sir Gilbern and the Reginate are hoping to gain from your time here. And with that knowledge, Almighty willing, perhaps a safer Canton. [Divine]

>Mum and Rosalyn were practically salivating over Rabe Iron
>Demir has connections to the Cathaggi Iron trade

I wonder how many points getting in on that with a trade caravan would net us.
> You compliment Demir on his Cantonion and his choice in khave, asking if he can suggest any transcriber or language tutor that you might hire personally. Such a longstanding member of the local Merchanta community would also have some suggestions, or even connections, as to who to trust and who to avoid when making your own significant purchases or prospective investments in trade. [Hearty]

Cathargi High here we come!
>> You enjoy a nice friendly game of Princeps, of which the Demir shows a carefully nonchalant interest. As several other Cathagi men in the khave shop gather to watch the old man play the foreigner, you realise that are probably again outclassed. But humility is a virtue, and there is no harm in being humbled by a master so long as you learn from it. Perhaps this game is one of the rare bridges that cross the divide of rank, race and creed in this land. [Idealis

File: Orin.jpg (49 KB, 851x939)
49 KB
Also, I think I found a decent pic for Orin
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5.01 MB PNG
Persausion Roll - Eski Demir
> Amenable Target / Higher Social Standing 60DC
>Fashionable Attire (Foreign target) +0DC, +0 Re-Roll
> Wealth Status (Comfortable) +5DC
> Orator +20DC
> Injury ‘Whip Marks’ -2DC
> Noble Privilege +1 Re-Roll

Double Fail = Everyone has a price. Slight increase in risk to Reginate network.
0 = Charlatan. Demir’s recommendation, while doubtlessly profitable to some Merchanta friend of his, comes at your own expense. You must take a difficult Counter-Intrigue test when you visit the Cathagi markets.
1 = Local knowledge. The old basketweaver does not have any secret deal on offer for you, he is but a humble basketweaver. But Demir does at least warn you off against those known frauds that tend to prey on unsuspecting foreigners like yourself.
2 = Special deal. If you buy multiple items during your next visit to the Cathagi market, the second most expensive item that you purchase becomes half-price. You also get a read on the old man while playing the game, nullifying their Princeps poker face bonus for this game.
3 = Translation trade. Additionally, the price of an educated slave that either reads or writes Cantonian is also halved. This includes buying them outright or loaning them from their master. You also are immune to the old man’s attempt to read you, gaining the Princeps poker face for this game.
Double Pass = Knows a guy. +1 free ‘Introduction’ to a Mid-Caste member.

3 rolls of 1d100. You have ONE re-roll. Your opponent has NO re-rolls.

Cathagi has wares if you have coin.
That should be 88DC.
Rolled 95 (1d100)


Rolled 79 (1d100)



Rolled 30 (1d100)


Rolled 26 (1d100)

Rolled 12 (1d100)

Fuck what a start

Rolled 82 (1d100)

Lets try again, re-rolling this one here


Good save my knigga
>3 SUCCESS: Translation trade. In addition to the special deal on your second most expensive purchase, the price of an educated slave that either reads or writes Cantonian is also halved. This includes buying them outright or loaning them from their master. You also are immune to the old man’s attempt to read you, gaining the Princeps poker face for this game.

NEW ROLLERS PLEASE (if your roll was counted for this persuasion test let other anons have a crack here).

Intrigue / Counter Intrigue: Game of Princeps with Eski Demir
> Friendly Game / Higher Social Standing 50DC
> Base Novice (Princeps) -20DC, +1 Adverse Re-Roll
> Injured (whip marks) -2DC
>Lady Frida Vancewell Favour +6DC, +1 Re-Roll
>Poker Face +1 Re-Roll
> Animal Companion (Dame Stoutsworth) +1 Re-Roll. Using this 3rd re-roll involves cheating.
> Eski Demir: Healthy -5DC
> Brother Rousseau: Respected Master (Princeps) -15DC, +1 Adverse Re-Roll
> Eski Demir: Poker Face (deciphered) +0 Adverse Re-Roll
> Eski Demir: Underhanded tactics. +1 Adverse Re-Roll. Using this 3rd adverse re-roll involves cheating.
> 14DC

Double Fail = Sore loser. QM has +1 Adverse Re-Roll to attempt to reverse the previous persuasion check. This cannot crit or double pass/fail.
0 Success = Embarrassing defeat. You lose, and by such a large margin that the other Cathagi onlookers glean much mirth from the exhibition. But at least you’re beginning to understand some of the basic principles of the game. Gain CASUAL AMATUER trait.
1 Success = Lessons learned. You are soundly beaten, but at least you understand how the game works. The basics at least, and your loss was not so humiliating. Gain CASUAL AMATUER trait.
2 Success = Respectable effort. You lose, but you had to make your opponent work for it. Future games, even as a novice, only require 2 Success to win (or draw if all non-cheat re-rolls are used). Gain CASUAL AMATUER. You are welcome to return here and play again with other khave drinkers in the future.
3 Success = Beginner’s Luck. By pure fluke or uncanny talent, you actually manage to win the game. Gain CASUAL AMATUER. Another game will likely see you upgraded to PEER JOURNEYMAN. +5DC when dealing with other Cathagi Princeps players for the next year.
Double Pass = Hidden Meaning. +3DC Intrigue/Counter-Intrigue/Persuasion against certain targets. Vancewell bonus.

3 rolls of 1d100, NERDS. You have THREE Re-Rolls. There are THREE adverse re-rolls.

Eski Demir will not use his third re-roll unless you are sitting at 3 success after all other rolls.
*Eski Demir, not Brother Rousseau...
Rolled 60 (1d100)


this is a hard roll, Pray for me.
14DC holy shit I'm glad I got a roll in on the previous one instead
Rolled 77 (1d100)

Ouch, that hurts.
Rolled 52 (1d100)



verify >>5997595
I want more people to roll before burning more re rolls, I fear getting a double fail.
Just so you're aware anons, re-rolls usually don't happen until all 3 rolls are done
oops, I defer to QM to clean up the mess
It's all good man, it's been a while, we're all just excited to be back in the mix
Rolled 45 (1d100)

Well, one of you guys use 1 reroll, I'm against using the cheating reroll.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

I used one, let the other dude burn one
Nah, don't re-roll.

We still risk a crit-fail and we're getting a rank up in our gaming skill anyway. It's not worth the risk.
Ok well, I hope I can roll on next turn. We should NOT use the cheat reroll. It goes against our virtues.
I agree, no cheating from us.
I did not read that the third reroll was cheating until after I rerolled. I just saw three rerolls and the numbers of rolls were already done. I hope we don't get stuck with the double fail because of my reroll, but if we do then so be it. We should not cheat and nobody else was rolling.
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Some days, you cut open the throats of ferocious northern warriors with ease, and the others you get schooled by an old man in fantasy chess. Oh well, atleast we ranked up.
>picrel, Demir after whooping our ass
Nah, the third reroll is unused. You used the second one, all is good.
Taking a the lost is fine, this is a Respected Master in the game and we are not even a casual amatuer yet.
Considering the DC the game was rigged from the start.
Rolled 100 (1d100)

I wouldn't feel too bad about this one anons, at least you're not at the stage where you have a chance against most average players.

>77 Double Fail
>+1 QM Adverse Re-Roll

Don't mind if I do. Let's see if Emile's temper gets the best of him... Attempting to counter this 82 Persuade result. >>6002285
Cain on a cross!
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Cain on the Cross, you lot are lucky that I explicitly said this adverse re-roll can't crit. So just a regular fail instead, now at 2 success.
Aaaaaaand it's joever
Tha k you for your benevolence Forgotten.
Truly the dice gods are a mischievous lot
This should have a narrative effect.Like Emille gets so angry he is about to flip the board but then he calms himself by reminding him of how this game means nothing compared to his goals. Looks like we safely burned a crit fail and may have a crit success incoming. I also think the incentive to buy multiple items at the market is better than the deal on the translator since shopping is so fun.
I really like the final kick in the ribs with that 100, really brings things all together.
Jesus fucking christ, boss
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100s are very bad in this quest. Old man shit the bed with one of his moves. We won't win, but he is gonna be embarrassed.
that was an adverse reroll, that's our 100 on the previous triple success making it only a double
Not an ideal opening roll to this thread
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I have IRL plans after work tonight, so unfortunately again no update today.

The next vote will be on potential purchases at the Cathagi markets, which I am still tweaking, so I could use that gap in any event. Despite Emile’s gamer rage, probably more as much at the ridicule of spectators as it is not liking losing, anons still have the benefit of a 50% discount to their 2nd most expensive purchase.
as for the markets we are joining a cav regiment so improving our hannabals barding and tack seems like a good investment from memory that reduced the severity of dismounts also a lance would be good extra alpha damage against swarms of enemies seems like good investment
Oh that's a great idea anon
Good idea anon, that's a good investment.
Yo Forgotten, not sure if you saw it, but here's a pic of Orin >>6002256 in case you missed it.
We need to invest in lances that aren't going to break with a single use. There have got be higher tier ones.
If I remember correctly, we should be getting a horse-shaped surprise from our Tracker Jean investment relatively soon. This might not be a bad purchase.
Also, we need healing items for use during combat, better weapons for Mikhail than just a steel hatchet & blunt trainibg sword, & to either get our old breastplate properly fitted for him or replaced with better armor altogether. We could also use better horsies since I think the whole party are riding nags besides Hannibal.
I wonder if we could get something like an iron banded lance. Not something that ever existed but... maybe that could make it stronger?
breaking is their gimmick more of a consumable, at best higher tier ones will break on only one success rather then 2 though that's more money on temporary item

speaking of mikhail he will need to learn to ride better if we ever use him like they used squires historically(knights would ride back to their squires to grab a new lance)
>Jess the Kid deserves a reward, and there is little better opportunity to demonstrate your generosity as liege than by gifting her this fine prize. [Hearty]

jess has a rouncy it's only roussue who is unaccounted for
I wouldn't hold my breath for healing Items, beyond the benidiction trait there has been only one item that has offered healing we've encountered so far and that was the bottled Wisps in Fallavon. I also believe Forgotten veto'd hand me downs for Mikhail regarding the breastplate.

Rosseau has been mentioned to have a mount back when we encountered the Bandits on the way out of Fallavon in STV #20
>Brother Rousseau nods and begins to ride up the column, doubtless to leave his mount with another and wheel around from the west.
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Ahh missed the thread start :(

Welcome back
>tfw you have to lift weights just to pick up your master's lance
I mean, we ARE built like a bear. A lance with a metal core, or perhaps an all-metal spear in place of a lance would be REALLY heavy but also be a great weapon. Actually, an all-metal spear appeals to me more, because we can use it off-horse as well. If you're concerned about its use on horseback, a LOT of light lances more resembled spears than a traditional "lance", although one made entirely from metal would be anything but light.
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Anons, I’ve burned my time tailoring the Cathagi markets. I won’t be writing up a content update tonight, but I will be posting the market and putting some votes to the floor before we even get to purchase votes.

Market update
As noted in a previous thread, ‘sequins’ are a uniform descriptor for various currencies and included value in minted coinage or bartered goods.

For anyone interested, price differences in horses and warhorses historically varied as much as shitbox cars, toyota pickups to the porches and ferraris. I now know more about the cost of a cuirass, 80lb wheel of cheese or wage of a Welsh infantryman in the 13th century England than I ever cared to. Hopefully that means that my sweeping changes to the prices, while by no means accurate, or not so wildly out of proportion to a feudal setting that I am laughed out of this thread like Emile is laughed out of the khave shop. You should also be aware that these prices are not the same as the markets back home, for example premium horseflesh is much more expensive here than in the homeland.

All those choices, but what can I afford?
Your current wealth is 160 Sequins.

Due to your Duchy origin your allowance is 10 Sequins per month. This is considered modest for a knight from a noble family, a skilled Cantonion tradesman such as a carpenter or tailor would usually earn about 8 per month. One of the votes will be both a vote on your standard of living and whether you are paying your companions entitled to a wage regularly or in arrears.

You will receive roughly 500 sequins when you sign on for the Dragon Guard, and roughly 1000 at the end of your 2 years. Your companion wages and living expenses are NOT covered by that amount. There is a very generous ongoing wage for those that extend their service, but I think there is a strong consensus to return home after that mandatory time. You will have the opportunity to make further market purchases following your induction.

Are you sure about this Forgotten?
Not in the slightest, but anons asked for this instead of the previous vague wishy-washy ‘wealth’ system. I fully reserve the right to retcon certain prices if I’ve managed to break this fantasy economy so that a castle is easily bought or I accidentally bankrupt anons through no fault of their own.

I am posting the market now, votes (not purchase votes) to follow in the next post.


On second thought, it’s getting late and I will leave the votes of wages and standard of living to tomorrow. For now, I will leave you with how Emile’s need for an educated slave for a translator/transcriber (Speak/Read/Write Cathagi +10 sequins, Speak/Read/Write Cantonion +10 sequins) will weigh against his cultural animosity towards the whole practice.


>You recognise no master of man save for God Almighty. You will not partake in this evil trade in any way and spare not one clipped copper from your own purse that will in any way further add to the abominable profits of the flesh-dealing slavemasters. To pay them a single sequin is to in some way acknowledge they have a right of property of this man, their fellow human being. To compromise here is in and of itself a sin. [No Compromise]

>Slavery, evil as it may be, is inescapable in this heathen land. You use equipment made by slaves, eat food prepared by them. Your rooms and sundries in the Dragon Guard will be serviced by them. A translator/transcriber is no different, and all the more sorely needed. Paying them a wage, with the promise of freedom at the end of your time here, is what is required for the greater good. [Promise of Freedom]

>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]
>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]

Honestly this might be niave but I think Emile has to go for it for the first attempt. We have a Brother For Life quest based on freeing slaves and we need some translation help... if we can do a good thing and not get hustled that's awesome.

If he sells himself back into slavery... that's a hard lesson but well well learned. I think we have to at least give it a chance though


Man the market vote will be tough. I want to outfit Orin and Mikail better but I also want barding for our horse
>>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]

We can't free every slave by the sword and even if our offer of employment is rejected, so be it. What are a few coins against the freedom of man?


If he sells himself back into slavery we have to try.
Let us spend 70 sequins on an enslaved captured lady from Canton and keep her as our breeding slave in absence of Vancewell shenanigans.

Cost breakdown: 5 adult +30 educated +10 exotic +20 attractive +5 fertile
>>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]
Also I was thinking Impressive Finery 40 + Renowned Artist x2 = 80

I don't known if the discount will apply maybe boy something else, but we should invest on the Impressive Finery with Renowned Artist. We are heading for lots of persuasion rolls in the future.

>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]
>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]

also forogtten
just out of curiosity is the cataphacti scale, and war saddle and leather barding mutually exclusive or can it be bought and used together?
as for market plans i have 2
cheap cav
3 cant lances =36
warsaddle and leather = 30
66 all up


war saddle and leather 30
cata scale 70
only if they can be used together otherwise just cata
2 cant lances 24
1 personalized bannerert 25

won't work with the slave buying maybe drop a lance or wait till we join the DG get that sweet up front 500
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>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]
Yea, this is what I've been thinking about since we got here. It may seem naive, maybe even foolish, but it's the kind of idealistic and hopeful thought that's common for Emile.
I'm of the opinion that we should first buy the Mid Caste Intoduction. If you noticed, it mentions that there won't be any intrigue checks for purchases of less than 100 sequins. This means that there is a possibility of us getting scammed, or worse, having spies sniff out our Reginate connection. Therefore, I recommend that we first wait for us to get the pay from the Dragon Guard and figure out our companion upkeep, then we go to the market to get introduced so that we can shop in peace. Plus, it opens up the LOCKED part of the market.
>>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]

Hmmmm, I'm really interested in that Tempest Composite Bow for Jess, and for 20 Sequins it won't trigger an Intrigue check and it's very cheap for what it gives. I won't really comment on the rest of the other items except for maybe the Warsaddle which I think is a pretty good purchase as well.

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Fuck anon you're fucking hilarious
>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]

Emile would hate to consider himself a hypocrite. IF he were to even consider buying a slave I believe he would never do it as an act of ownership of another person. This option imo is the only one that makes sense for his character
>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]
Welp, time to work on Roussaeu’s brotherhood quest then.

>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]
Every soul has agency, especially those held captive by these damnable slavers. Who is Emile to take a man's freedom of choice away like a slavemaster would a slave?

>You recognise no master of man save for God Almighty. You will not partake in this evil trade in any way and spare not one clipped copper from your own purse that will in any way further add to the abominable profits of the flesh-dealing slavemasters. To pay them a single sequin is to in some way acknowledge they have a right of property of this man, their fellow human being. To compromise here is in and of itself a sin. [No Compromise]
Don't give confirmation of their system by participating in it. Buying more slaves means they have an incentive and reason to have slavery.

>>Slavery, evil as it may be, is inescapable in this heathen land. You use equipment made by slaves, eat food prepared by them. Your rooms and sundries in the Dragon Guard will be serviced by them. A translator/transcriber is no different, and all the more sorely needed. Paying them a wage, with the promise of freedom at the end of your time here, is what is required for the greater good. [Promise of Freedom]
>>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]

me >>5997025

my fellow kniggas, might i turn your shopping attention to the Buckler and Master armourer bonus. x2 means its only 8 bucks for a AV reroll and +13AV for Jess.
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the av reroll is pretty good with fae runes i like the idea also she can wear it like the english longbowmen do
It also more than doubles her AV from its current 10 to 23. And my god, look at that tempest bow. We must get it after we get our signing bonus.
>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]
Lelu-Dallas Multi-Pass

>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one?
Preferably one who looks to be of Cantonian Blood, so that they would be inclined to return with us across the sea when all is said & done.

That's bone....
That said, why does the Tempest Composite Bow give a greater DC than the Longbow? Seems like it should be in the middle above a Shortbow. Also, the Tempest Isles hireling's DC is less than the DC bonus from their bows.

What the h*ck is a Sipani Shield?
I take it that buying armor here (Linothorax or Lamellar) will reduce fatigue in desert environs?
I can't tell if Desert Coursers are cheaper here than lesser breeds of horse in Canton, but if so, we might as well grab a few for our non-cavalry companions, namely Jess & Orin. Then again Jess already has a Rounsey I believe, so just one would be a solid purchase.
We definitely need lances, the higher tier they are the better so we retain their use/value.
I can't recall how good the mail & plate barding options were previously, or if we even had access to them. Very much inclined to buy the Cataphract Scalemail.
Desert Tailorship for our fancy clothes is a must, only question is whether or not to go all out with better threads & start looks-maxxing.
I like the curved sword mechanics, although the armor to damage thresholds might be too high.
A Desert Guide is tempting for when we go off to explore or perform sidequests despite their duplicitous nature, while Norsikaan Muscle comes with loyalty baked-in.

Here's my ultimate proposal:
>Buy a Cantonian-descended Nerd-Slave & free them
>Join DG, get sign-on bonus, die for Oil or a Dragon, whichever
>Buy Mid-Caste Intro
We can then start grinding, hustling, flippin' bricks via the caravans and bulk trade goods to get our money up & later buy the high-caste intro. We should be filthy rich & loot-maxxed by the time we return to Canton. Keeping on in order:
>Mid-Caste Caravan
Once we have profits from that we can finally buy shit we want:
>Tempest Isles Composite Bow for Jess
>Master-Armourer Buckler for Jess
>Desert Courser for Orin
>Cataphract Barding for Hannibal
>Cantonian Lances x3 at the least (keep that many at any given time)
>Desert Guide
>Castle-Forged Steel for Mikhail
>Master-Work Lamellar for Mikhail

The only thing we really need right now is Desert Drip, so either we get our current stuff retailored or we wait until after the mid-caste intro.
>What the h*ck is a Sipani Shield?
I think it's a small bastardization of a sipar shield, constructed entirely of metal and favored especially in the middle east and India. Obviously, these are quite a bit more resilient than wooden shield. I do think it'd be a good idea to buy one though it would be eccentric back home.
Too bad I missed the first posts of this thread too, but I just want to say I agree with this guy on not prematurely ejaculating sexquins on equipment before we have proper protection. We don’t want the reginate network to get carthagi aids.
Bows dont have a DC bonus. Thats a penalty to the enemy AV roll. Also recall that bow hirelings do not engage in direct frontline combat so their added DC will be lesser.

It is a sound plan and i was staring at the introduction. My only concern is how much time it'll take to recover our 500 investment. We could spend that introduction and not have enough time to recoup our investment. There might be a copper clipper whom we could ask to see if its a worthwhile investment. Otherwise we might wanna work towards it as a goal while here to earn an introduction.
>>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]
>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]

Pass here: >>5997501

As for purchases, I think the really important picks are:

1) slave (duh);
2) get paid by the DG to get Mid Caste Introduction, both to not get scammed and find more about the Medusa who kidnapped Jess;
3) improve our squires' equipment, Tempest bow for Jess;
4) Token of Affection for Vancewell, perhaps some exotic object which is in truth a contact to some Cathaginian merchant who trades often in Canton? She has contacts in Pascae and it would be a reason to come down in Romaine every now and then.
Getting something for Vancewell is a good idea
>>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]

Could we ask Brother Rousseau (think that's how you say if if there's) any slaves trying to get free fitting the description that we're looking for? Do ourselves a good deed AND make sure that they're someone who actually wants it?
>Mid Caste Intoduction

We had a good change to earn an introduction >>6002275 here we should try to earn one some other way.
>>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]

>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]

I will also concur with >>6005117 that we should see if Brother Rousseau knows any slaves that could act as a Canton/Cathagi translator. Once we are done in Cathagi we can give him employment in our family's court. They'll certainly need it once we get the Cathagi trade network money ball rolling.

We should probably spend 100 of our sign on sequins to get the mid-caste Merchanta introduction. If we get a contract with our friendly Langlish freebooter captain or House Vidra to ship it to Romaine, those bulk silks, spices, and ivories will make Andrei a desirable name indeed. We can't fund a Crusade on nothing.
A translator/accountant/someone who knows how sales work would be a good addition to our team.
Seems like a great investment, bulk silk and spice would be BIG hits, and Ivory would also likely be a valued good but they're kind of a thing that goes in and out of fashion.
Oooh, having actual trade as a cover would also be GREAT for intrigue. They think our sneaky letters are just market manipulation but its actually espionage.
>>Oooh, having actual trade as a cover would also be GREAT for intrigue

Excellent point, having actual legitimate trade to cover our espionage tracks whilst making bank would be fantastic
It's not even too far out of the question either since Romaine is literally right across the Southern Sea. This is a market made for us.
Yeah it makes perfect sense and if someone starts digging into Emile to suss this out they'll see we have a history of making trade deals from almost the immediate start of our errantry.

What else is a second son to do but gallop about as a knight-merchant?
As much as I'd try for a moral hardline, the fact near literally everyone again has decided to vote for the economic compromise makes it moot.

>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]

I though Cathaggi was suppose to be dangerous so far its nothing but gum drops and ice cream!

For Shopping

>Token of affection + reknowned artist something Intrigue focused/salacious maybe some sort of venomous creature?/spoiler]
>Sipani shield
>Cantonian lance x2
>Midcaste introduction (Merchanta)
>Personalised Banneret

Also as a reminder for those of you mentioning brother Rosseau's quest
>Aid Brother Marcel Rousseau in rescuing a SUBSTANTIAL number of slaves from the bonds of captivity.
If you want to do it through economics be prepared to sink a substantial amount of money into it. Sure as shit am going to need those Caravan routes ready.

Copperclipping pass
Anon we're obviously not going to save every slave by buying them, but one slave freed (especially an educated slave who speaks the local language) can lead to far more saved during our time here.

We're also obviously not going to bring Cathagi to it's knees and save them all at the tip of a blade. We've got to be smart. Emile might not be the most politically savvy, but he's a reasonably smart and practical man.

Buying and freeing the slave is the pragmatic choice. Refusing to participate entirely does nothing for us and will see us further marked an outsider and alienated. Renting a slave would be the truly immoral choice
>>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]

Not gonna lie anon, this had me actually laughing out loud.
>Tempest Composite bow stats
That's specific to the properties of bows from that area, and my use of the term 'composite' was meant to convey the bow having far much punch than what its size would indicate. The Tempest Dragon Guard cohort do in fact pretty much have longbows of a composite design that are not used on horseback.

>Tempest Archer low DC
Good pick up, despite being an archer they are the equal of any run-of-the-mill sellsword in hand-to-hand and should be 10DC.

>I take it that buying armor here (Linothorax or Lamellar) will reduce fatigue in desert environs?
Not without purchasing the tailoring, which will be in addition. It's still possible to pick up Cantonion armours and the like here, if that is what you're looking for. It's also to demonstrate that you might have contenders for the same effect and protection of heavier armours but that are in appearance nothing in resembling the Cantonion style.

That... is a brilliant idea and a good first step on Brother Rousseau's Brother-for-Life quest. He would certainly be for it. The vote is clear in general, but I will throw this in and see if Brother Rousseau can get you on board with his idea of taking it just a little further.

I'll put one last vote to anons tonight before we get to the pre-induction shopping choices tomorrow. I'll aim to give anons another chance at the market once you've complete your induction and first rota in the DG.
Ah, I'll save the wage/standard of living vote for tomorrow as they will leak into the purchase decisions.
>SELECTED: You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]
>Brother Rousseau assistance Write-in. Some level of auto-success guaranteed.

Brother Rousseau can help you make sure that you are not cheated, you are not the first warm-hearted Cantonion that has sought to purchase the freedom of the poor souls here. He can at least make sure that you do not run afoul of a slavemaster whose entire racket is to prey upon this charity with complicit slaves that are sold multiple times.

The Knights Comitas are not funded to do something like this, the purchase and freeing of slaves, and you can see the holy knight’s face wrought with emotion as you pass stalls of slaves that no one wants. The sick, the maimed, the elderly or mere children barely older than infanthood, they are the flotsam and spare clippings of the slave trade, destined to either die here like so many cattle in a pen or purchased for… Almighty knows...

Your educated slave will not come cheap, for even half the price of them you could possibly save near a dozen far sorrier souls. The Comitas cannot afford them, or perhaps afford to endanger their secret charter with that attention, but through you they could lodge these poor souls until they are well enough or prepared enough to travel under escort and be settled in remote chapter houses to work the land there far from the shackles of the masters.

Brother Rousseau asks if you are willing to buy one slave that is of use to you, then perhaps you might spare a little more. If you do this thing, he can all but guarantee that the poor soul he has in mind will accept your offer of long-term employment.


> Your heart breaks, but you cannot beggar yourself for trying to buy out every poor soul to be found here. You will help the holy knight in his mission, but not like this. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS]

>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]
Thanks anon! Sorry I was slack in replying. This is the exact kind of nondescript vibe I was angling for.
>>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]

Lets not be hypocrites. We chose this path, the buying and freeing of a slave, because it was the right one. We get someone of value helping us and free a slave. We can't then turn around and say no to our friends request here when the price is so small and well within our means. It'll delay some purchases but we're about to get a load of money and its the righteous thing to do

>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]

>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]

ah well shouldn't hurt the purse too much

>>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]

I really REALLY like the idea of doing this on the regular if we can get a regular income going.
The fire rises brothers

>"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Hold up, did Brother Rousseau speak to us? Or did he ask through a series of gestures and pleading puppy dog eyes
>> Your heart breaks, but you cannot beggar yourself for trying to buy out every poor soul to be found here. You will help the holy knight in his mission, but not like this. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS]
>2 Sequins, ....

Only other things we urgently need would be, once again, desert drip, Jess gear, a Vancewell bauble, & maybe something for Mikhail.

>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]
Hey, it's exactly what we're looking for. And it helps Rousseau free the downtrodden, so I'm all for it.
I mean, the question is when are we going to get another chance. And the Introduction in that roll is a consequence of getting a double success, which is depended on us getting lucky with rolls.
>>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]

No way we can say no this.

>>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]

2 sequins too save a human life? Yes sir!

>>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]

The Angel would support us.
>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]

this is me

>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]

Let us endeavor not to disappoint the Almighty with cowardice


>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]

Check: >>5997501

Assuming we get a Desert Tailorship (Armor), Token of Affection, Castle-Forged weapon and Round Shield for Mikhail (seriously, the guy has been running around with a hatchet) and a Tempest Bow for Jess, we are left with 79 Sequins, more than enough for some additional spending.

Then we add 500 from the initial DG pay - in truth 400 because it seems that people all agree that Mid Caste introduction is good for us. Plenty to give good wages and still live decently.

I was thinking either something that is a cover to get her in contact with Cathagi merchants or an ornament which can be used to scratch people (and thus subtly poison them).
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>Buy Vancewell ''Scorpion ring''
>Emille can no longer tell if the scratches are poisoned or not post coitus
>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]
Money is but a tool, a tool to be used to further the Almighty's mission
>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]
How could we not?
>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on
I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps
His day is marching on.
I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel
"As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal"
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel
Since God is marching on
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! Be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free
While God is marching on

Battle Hymn of the Republic kicks absolutely amounts of ass, and that's coming from a Leaf, I think it could be really fun to get Divine Inspiration to write it into this world.
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>Don’t Tread On Me (with a Basilisk)

>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]

Camels and eyes of needles. Regardless of the recipient of the money, this is an act of great generosity.
>>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]
>>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]

me >>5997816
>>2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]
V post
Since we're doing this route and we know we can guarantee their loyalty, we should make sure we get one with a varied skill set like a bookkeeper/trader as well as language capabilities.
> "see that guy, lads? Grab his dick and twist it"

Related to Pic
>pls No Steppy
Could very well help to actually post the picture
heres my suggestion for 5th stanza:

In the distant desert Cain and Adam was born across the sea

With a glory in Their bosom that transfigures you and me

As They fought to break their Chains, let us all fight to set all free,

While God is marching on
This makes me want to see a F*llavon rendition of dixieland.

because of course its fucking F*llavon
Damn, missed the start by a long shot due to work's fuckery, but glad to at least see it live again even if I can't vote this thread.

It's not a F*llavon version of Dixie, but I did up a quick-and-dirty Romaine flavoured version of Union Dixie that they'd probably do up as a response to a F*llavon secession movement.

Away up North in the land of cowards,
Beastmen rut and men devoured,
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)

Where knights are weak and men are cattle,
Romaine boys will win the battle,
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)

We’ll all ride down Fallavon, away, away
Each Motter lad must understand that he serves Canton first in hand.
Away (away)
Away (away)
We’ll all ride down Fallavon
Away (away)
Away (away)
We’ll all ride down Fallavon

I wish I was in sweet Romaine,
I’d break their lances and make them tame,
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)

We’ll set the cowards all to rout,
I’ll bet my boots we’ll burn ‘em out,
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)

We’ll all ride down Fallavon, away, away
Each Motter lad must understand that he serves Canton first in hand.
Away (away)
Away (away)
We’ll all ride down Fallavon
Away (away)
Away (away)
We’ll all ride down Fallavon

Oh, may our Mothers’ banners still wave,
Forever o’er the free and the brave,
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)

And let our warcry ever be,
Cain and Adam set Canton free,
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)

We’ll all ride down Fallavon, away, away
Each Motter lad must understand that he serves Canton first in hand.
Away (away)
Away (away)
We’ll all ride down Fallavon
Away (away)
Away (away)
We’ll all ride down Fallavon
I'll work on it
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>SELECTED: 2 sequins. 2 sequins for each human life. Almighty have mercy on your soul, how can you say no to the holy knights request? The price of the educated slave (once decided on) will be increased by 50%, this extra amount will be spent at Brother Rousseau’s discretion. [COUNTER-INTRIGUE AUTO-SUCCESS] + [PERSUASION AUTO-SUCCESS]

Unlike Brother Rousseau, the old Merchanta basketweaver Eski Demir sees no reason to go easy on the foreign challenger on his home turf. A number of similarly wizened old locals gather around to watch the match, but you quickly realise that it’s not because this is a close or even interesting match. They’re here to see the foreign barbarian thoroughly trounced in a game of Princeps, and they are not disappointed.

You understand now that the kindly old Comitas holy knight had mollycoddling you in your first few friendly games, politely refraining from utilising some of the more punishing combinations and strategies known to any seasoned players while you were still grasping at the basics. At least you know enough now to realise just how handily this Princeps master is running rings around you, quite literally in some cases as your pieces are encircled and broken apart like a turtlewolf with a soft-shell crab.It doesn’t help that you’re learning enough about the language so that now the content of the jeers and laughter directed at you from the audience doesn’t entirely escape you. You’d not stand for half of what they say were they a belted knight you could take to task, but what are you supposed to do? Challenge these common born old relics to a duel for losing a game?

At one point, as the game draws to a close, you manage to further compound your embarrassment. Eski Demir effortlessly rebuffs your feeble attempt at a last stand, condescending explaining an apparently well-established rule that the moment your hand leaves a piece your movement is considered locked. You stand up suddenly as your temper gives out to your ill-concealed outrage and, quite accidently you swear, knock the table and spill several of the small pieces that have left you vanquished. You find little humour in the hammed up gasps of indignation and insults from the gathered crowd, hammed up at your expense, and storm out muttering darkly under your breath.

Being laughed out of that khave shop by common foreigners older than you and Father combined is one of the more humiliating moments in your life. You barely even hear the old basketweaver say that you’re welcome to come back anytime, once you’ve learned how to actually play worth a damn. Your foul mood lasts for much of the day, even when considering substantial purchases at the market, and you know you’ve added another blemish on your conscience to be addressed in your next confession.

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>GAIN monthly allowance +10 Sequins [170 Sequins]
>I will assume that the previous allowances over the last few months have, via your sister, being used to pay off the interest and loans taken out prior to your departure from Port Bounty. You can consider yourself debt free.

‘Jess’ - 3 sequins per month. (3 months in arrears, 9 sequins owing)
Orin - 1 sequin per month. m (3 months in arrears, 3 sequins owing)
Mikail - 0 sequins per month.
Brother Rousseau - 0 sequins per month.

Please note that I have ameliorated Jess’ pay to 3 Sequins a month. Her current wage voted on earlier actually put her at 6 sequins a month, not much less than the level of a master craftsman depending on their trade. While a master archer or royal huntsmen might be earning that kind of coin and upwards 10-20 sequins a month, I think Jess’s ‘fair wage’ would be that of a standard Cantonion archer. I doubt anons will complain as this works out in your favour.

Understand that you can have your companions wages in arrears for up to 6 months before there are any issues. That kind of wait in between payments is far from unusual in feudal society and it doesn’t mean that your men are going hungry or anything like that, they just aren’t flush with their own cash for spending money. I’m not counting up the various stoppages (like buying them new boots or repairs etc), I’ll just assume that comes out of your standard of living choice for all companions. Also I doubt Jess entirely understands that she is owed this money, or even what a ‘wage’ is, only that every now and then you give her a few shiny bits of metal that other humans seem to be interested in trading or playing games for.

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1) Wages Owing (Jess & Orin)
>Remain in arrears until following your induction with the Dragon Guard. [+4 Sequins owing]
>Pay out now. [-12 Sequins]

2) Squire Allowance (Mikail).
Squires are not paid by their knights, they are apprentices not employees. Their payment is the lessons they learn whilst in your service, their expenses in food and board coming from your own pocket. You are under absolutely no obligation to pay him anything, and it is quite rare for any knight to do so.
>As it should be. His service to you is both an honour but also an immense privilege. any peasant boy his age would kill for the opportunities of an apprenticeship to a knight. [-0 Sequins, 0 Sequin p/m going forward]
>It pleases you to grant Mikail an allowance going forward, a boy wandering what many call the greatest City in the world should have a little spending money. [-1 Sequin, 1 Sequin p/m going forward]
>In addition to granting Mikail an allowance, you backpay him for the last 6 months of his leal service. You hope Mikail spends some of that on some small items of armament on his own volition and not all on treats and trinkets. Such a generous liegelord are ye. [-6 Sequins, 1 Sequin p/m going forward.]

3) Educated Slave.
Standard Adult Slave is +5 Sequins base price. You may select a number of skills, minimum 2, to reach a total of an additional +30 sequins. A slave anymore widely skilled than that would be more valuable and will escalate in price accordingly for any skills that go past the +30 sequin market limit. You could also get a slave skilled in a trade, such as weaving or toolmaking, but that is a different type of educated slave. The majority of the Athenaeum scrolls are in a variant of the Stratiokas civilized dialect.
>Speak, Read and Write Cathagi (Merchanta dialect) +3 Sequins
>Speak, Read and Write Cantonian (Barbarian dialect) +10 Sequins The master is aware that this is particularly valuable trait to you.
>Speak, Read and Write additional language (Civilized dialect) +3 Sequins
>Speak, Read and Write additional language (Barbarian dialect) +5 Sequins
>Additional subject Write-in (Literature / Mathematics / Geology/ Theology/ Commerce/ Physiology/ Philosophy/ Arts/ etc) +5 Sequins per subject within reason.

4) Additional Purchases
What else do you wish to purchase from the Cathagi markets before] your induction into the Dragon Guard? (Noting the deal relating to the 2nd most expensive item is still active). I will consider no vote for an item to be a vote against getting that item at least until later, unless the suggestion builds up a fair bit of steam.
>just out of curiosity is the cataphacti scale, and war saddle and leather barding mutually exclusive or can it be bought and used together?
They stack.
I guess I would include Theology/Philosiphy in the same skill subject, my list outlined there should serve merely as suggestions. I'm open to anons on how the subjects are, but they will be proficient in whatever is ultimately selected.
I guess before I toddle off to bed I should remind anons that the main Cathagi dialects are Merchanta, Medusae and Stratiokas. There are lessor dialects for minor castes but those are the big ones and the parent language of several others.
Hey Forgotten, since we're on the subject of the Cataphracti Scale, is there anything back home (barring actual artefacts on the scale of our sword) that is at the same level of quality or even above?
Since I figure as a guard we might not use our horse very often, it might be a better idea waiting to come back home to buy masterwork barding if it's better instead of buying here and having to upgrade when we're back. I see a lot of anons being interested in buying it and I figure we'd probably know that in-universe.
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Okay kniggas let me break this down:

1) wages. Might as well wait until the Dragon Guard induction

2) squire allowance:
I believe that we should at least give mikail 1 sequin a month BUT I would be open to the idea of giving him more (in an armoury allowance) as long as Emile is there to teach him how to have an eye for good priced and quality equipment. (After all a peasant like mikail could use that sort of training)

3) obviously the slave would need to at least need to speak cathargi&cantonian
As for the add ons I recommend law as a subject for Emile's education

But if anons are open to it norsican could be a language that would prove useful considering that we now have connections to the norsican dragon guard. also since the norsican border also deals with the serpents learning the language may pay some unexpected dividends down the line

Languish could be useful but I don't think it would be THAT useful.
>Adult (+5)
>Merchanta (+3)
>Cantonian (+10)
>Stratiokas (+3)
>Medusae (+3)
>Commerce (+5)
>Total -29 Sequins
Dedicated linguist for trade, research, & negotiating with every major caste.

>Pay out Now (Orin + Jess) -12 Sequins

>Allowance + Backpay for Mikhail -6 Sequins

Spending Money: 170 -47 = 123

>Buckler + Master Armourer for Jess -8 Sequins
>Tempest Composite Bow for Jess -20 Sequins
>Curved Sword + Master of Blades for Mikhail -18 Sequins
This will allow us to practice against an exotic weapon we're likely to encounter quite a bit during our time here, plus broaden Mikhail's horizons as far as armaments go.

Very Fr*ckation
1) I would concede this one, doesn't matter to me either way if we pay them now or shortly later. This would only be significant if we had party members who weren't particularly loyal.

2) Agreed, he definitely needs tutoring on finance, which our new hireling can help teach him with a commerce background.

3) I would love to add law, but we'll largely be above such concepts as a DG. Remember the mercs slaughtered in the streets? Ultimately commerce will serve us better short term, & then pay dividends long term. If we could break the 30 limit it would be worthwhile though.

4) We're inevitably going to bro it up with warriors from Norsikaa & Langland, but Cathago-Bros are harder to acquire due to their perppetual state of slavery. Thus we need a translator for every dialect.
PS: We really need to bro it up with those Kingsmen here at the temple & see if we can get Mikhail in with them. Then he could leave with them when their time is up (since they're joining the DG as well I believe) & possibly get a foot-in-the-door with the Roiguard. We'll have to split up eventually, might as well train him as much as we can martially, on etiquette, equestrianism, commerce, subterfuge, language, etc.
Honestly Forgotten, I love that you still include turtlewolves in the game from time to time. I wonder what turtlewolf anon is up to these days, is he still around? haha.

Also I love the idea of Emile flipping the table like a fucking neckbeard at a MTG comp. What a fucking nerd hahaha

1) Wages Owing (Jess & Orin)
>Pay out now. [-12 Sequins]

2) Squire Allowance (Mikail).
>In addition to granting Mikail an allowance, you backpay him for the last 6 months of his leal service. You hope Mikail spends some of that on some small items of armament on his own volition and not all on treats and trinkets. Such a generous liegelord are ye. [-6 Sequins, 1 Sequin p/m going forward.]

Only if he wouldn't be offended by the idea of this. I know squires don't earn a wage but he's such a good kid and I feel bad that he gets nothing material from this arrangement. Maybe I'm a soft touch

3) Educated Slave.
>Adult +5 Sequins
>Speak, Read and Write Merchanta dialect +3 Sequins
>Speak, Read and Write Stratiokas dialect +3 Sequins
>Speak, Read and Write Medusae dialect +3 Sequins
>Commerce +5 Sequins
>Speak, Read and Write Cantonian (Barbarian dialect) +10 Sequins

Just these for now. It's not good if the slave cant translate for us or understand us clearly (assuming they stay on with us)

4) Additional Purchases
>Impressive Finery w/ Renowned Artist (80)

Assuming the discount doesn't have to be used right now

We can kit our crew out once we get that 500 Sequins

You raise some good points. May I offer a possible solutuon: what if we buy *shudder* a second slave later down the line (after we learn cathargi) that knows law? That way when we can start learning about law when we want to start learning about law. This could also prove useful if we wish to establish an international law of sorts

P.S I should have mentioned this but we definitely shouldn't pay Jess her wages until she is taught the basics of commerce
>Emille continues to be a sore loser
at least this one survived...

1) Wages Owing (Jess & Orin)
>Remain in arrears until following your induction with the Dragon Guard. [+4 Sequins owing]

I'd like to suggest at least a bonus to Orin for his patience upon entering the Dragonguard, as forgotten said Jess doesn't entirely understand finances so she is a lesser issue though equipment might be good.

2) Squire Allowance (Mikail).
>It pleases you to grant Mikail an allowance going forward, a boy wandering what many call the greatest City in the world should have a little spending money. [-1 Sequin, 1 Sequin p/m going forward]

3) Educated Slave.
>Speak, Read and Write Cathagi (Merchanta dialect) +3 Sequins
>Speak, Read and Write additional language (Stratiokas) +3 Sequins
>Speak, Read and Write Cantonian (Barbarian dialect) +10 Sequins
>Speak, Read and Write additional language (Azir azai) +5 Sequins
>Speak, Read and Write additional language (Norsikaan) +5 Sequins
>Additional subject (Commerce/Law) +10 Sequins

4) Additional Purchases
>Token of Affection+Reknowned artist +40 Sequins
>Mid-Caste Introduction +100 Sequins

Okay here me out, knowing both Norsikaan and Azir azai allows us to network in the DG and potentially add further connections to trade abroad while in Cathaggi, companion equipment can wait until we recieve the pay for joining the DG.

Also forgotten I don't know if this has been addressed yet but do token of affection stack?

Cash pass
1) Wages Owing (Jess & Orin)
>Pay out now. [-12 Sequins]

2) Squire Allowance (Mikail).
>In addition to granting Mikail an allowance, you backpay him for the last 6 months of his leal service. You hope Mikail spends some of that on some small items of armament on his own volition and not all on treats and trinkets. Such a generous liegelord are ye. [-6 Sequins, 1 Sequin p/m going forward.]
Hopefully he doesn't get scammed, we should caution him on spending his money, but I think he would know the value of it given his upbringing.

3) Educated Slave.
>Adult +5 Sequins
>Speak, Read and Write Merchanta dialect +3 Sequins
>Speak, Read and Write Stratiokas dialect +3 Sequins
>Speak, Read and Write Medusae dialect +3 Sequins
>Commerce +5 Sequins
>Speak, Read and Write Cantonian (Barbarian dialect) +10 Sequins
And for my own personal touch,
>Additional Subject, plays Princeps (can teach Emile) +10 Sequins
I keep forgetting to link back, early onset Dementia?
Anon we literally cannot afford that, even without considering that the slave's price is getting a 50% increase.
Dammit I missed that, guess we'll have to find another way round that language barrier.

I'd like to amend my post >>6006815 to scrap Norsikaan and Azir Azai from the shopping list.

I realized that paying Mikhail & Jess is a bad move before they're tutored on how to do a money, thus:
>Pay Orin (-6 Sequins)
>Holdout on Jess & Mikhail entirely until they are taught how to budget; buy them gear instead
Debt free? Music to my ears.


1) Wages Owing (Jess & Orin)
>Pay out now. [-12 Sequins]

Lets get this out of the way. I would be happy to have this automatically pay off every 3 months/change of season barring any extenuating circumstances.

2) Squire Allowance (Mikail).
>It pleases you to grant Mikail an allowance going forward, a boy wandering what many call the greatest City in the world should have a little spending money. [-1 Sequin, 1 Sequin p/m going forward]
I'm willing to start granting him a salary now and nothing more. If we give a peasant boy so much money in one go, he's going to waste it and/or get into trouble.

3) Educated Slave.

What >>6006786 has is pretty good for the person we want, but I need a clarification on if the +5 adult base price counts for the +30 limit. If it does, then this will suffice. If not, I would like to add language Langlish (+5) as well. The Langlish get around since boats are their thing and trade everywhere, so I assume it counts as a pseudo trade language and is known everywhere. If our new employee is going to be helping us make money into the future and after we return to Canton, having someone on hand who can probably talk to someone everywhere will be extremely helpful. I also assume that he can teach Mikhail and Jess to read/write Cantonian when he's not assisting in business for us as well as give Jess a lesson in economics.

>Adult (+5)
>Merchanta (+3)
>Cantonian (+10)
>Stratiokas (+3)
>Medusae (+3)
>Commerce (+5)

-29 Sequins, +50% Rousseau Charity = -43.5 Sequins

Conditional based on above clarification:

> Langland (+5)
-34 Sequins, +50% Rousseau Charity = -51 Sequins

4) Additional Purchases
I'm willing to buy ONE thing for the time being so we don't waste our discount. Our next purchase order will be substantial.

>Tempest Composite Bow for Jess -20 Sequins

Based on the things we were looking to buy, the Bow would never be the second most expensive thing on our list and is a significant upgrade to our ranged option.

All in all, with our payments to Jess, Orin, and Mikail(12+1) + Slave purchase (43.5 or 51) + Bow upgrade (20) we are looking at either a total of 76.5 or 84 Sequins before we join the Dragonguard.

I'll write up a separate PO in a different post for what I might like to buy after induction and to use that lovely discount.
I too would like to know; what's the comparison to home's horse armor?
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Mechanically the Cataphracti Scale offers the better of two rolls when on the dismount table while Horseplate (from Pascae or Aubreys) gives a flat -2 to dismount severity, I also believe Horseplate doesn't give an AV bonus unlike the scale.
Fuck it, time for some optimization.

1) Wages Owing (Jess & Orin)
>Pay out now. [-12 Sequins]
> Additionally, praise Orin for his patience in getting his due wage and thank him for his service so far, adding 1 Sequin to the owed amount.

Some Anons have mentioned that there's no need to pay immediately our companions because they're trustworthy enough. I'd like to point out to Orin's Uncertain Loyalty as a rather strong counterpoint. This is a good stepping stone towards building a more solid relationship.

2) Squire Allowance (Mikail).
>It pleases you to grant Mikail an allowance going forward, a boy wandering what many call the greatest City in the world should have a little spending money. [-1 Sequin, 1 Sequin p/m going forward]

A boy spending too much in a wonderland? More likely than one might believe. This is a generous offer without giving us too much of a headache. We're likely going to pay to upgrade his equipment anyway - the poor guy has been running with a hatchet forever now.

3) Educated Slave.
>Adult (+5)
>Merchanta (+3)
>Cantonian (+10)
>Stratiokas (+3)
>Medusae (+3)
>Commerce (+5)
>Total -29 Sequins. Post-Rousseau deal: 43.5 Sequins.

This build is done assuming that the base +5 of the slave counts towards the maximum +30 amount. Otherwise I want to add Barbarian Language (Norsikaan) because it would allow us to connect more easily with the not!Vikings in the DG (as our encounter showed that there's no real linguist amongst them to teach us their language).

Other Anons have already explained why the other skills are useful so I won't waste time on it.

4) Additional Purchases
> Nothing

I'm aware this will be contentious but hear me out.

At the moment, any spending might trigger a Counter-Intrigue at our expenses - at best, we'll just be ripped off but at worst we might be risking the Reginate network. This is not fearmongering as the potential results of Eski were explicitly that.

Second, the text for Eski's bonus is the following: **"If you buy multiple items during your next visit to the Cathagi market, the second most expensive item that you purchase becomes half-price."**
The 'if' implies that should we not buy more than one item it goes to waste. To maximise the benefit without risking compromises to our cover we should wait out until we get the initial DG pay, get the Merchanta introduction and then go on a spending spree.

As a final addendum, our companions will cost us 120 Sequins over the arc of 2 years if we keep their wages as they are (5 Sequins per month x 24 months). So the actual sign bonus from the DG will be 380 Sequins.

Autism check

1) Wages Owing (Jess & Orin)
>Pay out now. [-12 Sequins]
> Additionally, praise Orin for his patience in getting his due wage and thank him for his service so far, adding 1 Sequin to the owed amount.

2) Squire Allowance (Mikail).
>It pleases you to grant Mikail an allowance going forward, a boy wandering what many call the greatest City in the world should have a little spending money. [-1 Sequin, 1 Sequin p/m going forward]

3) Educated Slave.
>Adult (+5)
>Merchanta (+3)
>Cantonian (+10)
>Stratiokas (+3)
>Medusae (+3)
>Commerce (+5)
>Total -29 Sequins. Post-Rousseau deal: 43.5 Sequins.

Copper clipping go brrrr.

The no AV might be a mechanics change though, because the warsaddle doesn't give AV in there, but up on the Cathagi market it gives 5 AV.
Personally, I'd bet that the horseplate either gives 20 or 25 AV, and of the two I personally prefer the cataphract barding because a reroll is NICE.
Time for my proper vote;
>don't care about the slave/allowance/wages
>Cataphracti Scale+Warsaddle and Leather Barding
If we get the Cataphract Scalemail Barding (after we get our enlistment bonus) we can always pass it on to Mikhail when he gets a proper steed & we upgrade to Cantonian Masterwork Plate Barding.
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I wonder if the slave we are about to free can also teach Mikail how to write and read. He will definitely need it and I highly doubt it that Emile has the patience to teach the boy anything about numbers and letters. Never the less, I'm voting for:

1) Wages
>Pay Orin (-3 sequins).
We can pay Jess until she gets a better understanding of commerce.

2) Mikail
>It pleases you to grant Mikail an allowance going forward, a boy wandering what many call the greatest City in the world should have a little spending money. [-1 Sequin, 1 Sequin p/m going forward]
I want to put a little reserve here. He can get an allowance to spend (frugally, of course) ONLY if he takes his letter and number studies seriously. He must learn to earn his keep.

3) Educated Slave
>Adult (+5)
>Merchanta (+3)
>Cantonian (+10)
>Stratiokas (+3)
>Medusae (+3)
>Commerce (+5)
I agree with all of these choices, with the only possible addition of
>Education (+5)
Now, I can amend this if Forgotten makes clear if the slave is a competent educator or not and how it will influence Mikail's (and probably our) education.

4) Additional Purchases
The only thing I really want to get is the Mid Merchanta Introduction. It's of great importance for our future investments, both in intrigue and the possibility of silk, ivory and spice trade.
This is going to be difficult. If I remember correctly, the Kingsmen aren't here to join the DG, but they are on a mission on the behalf of the Prince. Even if they are quite friendly, even willing to follow us into battle with us being the leaders, I'm cautious of Mikail being near them.
Eh, no particular reason for the slave to know Norsikaan or the other DG languages. If you remember, the DG can more or less communicate with each other with the help of the Battle Cant.
The Battle Cant allows for limited communication and focused on military matters. It is not going to be enough if we want to make more thorough connections.

I conceded that we can learn Norsikaan from the warriors themselves, so it's not an absolute deal-breaker. That said, I favor it because none of the Norsikaan warriord seemed fluent enough to teach us easily.
Well we already earned their respect, so between that & the battle cant the only things needed to form an understanding of each other are to drink together & shed blood against a mutual foe. Shouldn't be much of a language barrier left after all that with such a straightforward people.
nah all g dude we will just go full 13th warrior and just learn the language by listening to it /s
if we ever have to equip a army buckler+spear is just as good in raw stats as castle forged sword+heater just an observation costs 12 sequins per man
Solid observation, what gear do anons think would be best vs the undead besides fire? I'm thinking axes & blunt weapons, but any polearm gives you some much needed reach. If slings could get a bludgeoning damage buff vs enemies that are largely unphased by being poked & cut, it could be viable to equip all our mean with slings, bucklers, & spears, then form them up into phalanx/tercios. Might be a good idea to pay some Langlish to train our footsoldiers in those sorts of tactics. Then our knights could be supplied with lances & two-handed axes to mow them down. Spikey boots could also be a worthwhile investment for all the crawlers that will inevitably keep trudging after our lines. Traps in general to slow them down & get them stuck in pits. Siege weaponry to hurl flaming boulders. Chariots with bladed wheels & horses with spiked barding to plow through them. Maces, flails, & morningstars. We still need to inquire with the Fae about their knowledge & any solutions they've come up with. Oh, & those curved swords should deal extra damage against unarmored zombies.
Ok, absolutely heretical idea here, but if we can get in good with the Norsikaans, we can then get in good with the friendly Critterfolk of northern Fallavon's coast who we already have an in with really, then deliver Jess back to her people to flex her adventuring on their lazy asses, then get in good with the F*e. From there we can negotiate with the Deepwood F*e & the actual Beastmen dickheads. Maybe promise them the bit of Ardenne that borders the Wastelands so that it isn't our problem when Sneks come to town in the future, & we have cannon fodder against the undead. Might have to duel Craven (what a shame lmao) & have the wise old shaman install a more capable Prime Beast. Trade + Lore + Grunts + Bufferzone, and all we have to do is friendship-maxxing up until a certain point.
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No update tonight lads, I’ll be on the tequilas tonight.

Love this hahahaha

As this anon pointed out, the markets home offer other horse related items and those markets I’ve drafted earlier are now well out of date.

I also might need to consider the price and benefit of the Cataphracti armour, at least perhaps to a re-roll rather than a choice of best of two rolls. Cantonion armies undeniably field the finest heavy cavalry in the world, and that should be reflected in their markets. But perhaps that is due to their stock of quality horseflesh rather than the specific equipment on those horses.
Mechanically? A battleaxe does the most damage IIRC and the deadmen don't slow down from wounds, so you need to kill them ASAP, making it arguably the best choice. On a budget? Probably spears, they take wounds like any other creature (although they, again, don't slow down from them) and the spear's AV bonus is quite nice.
1) Wages Owing (Jess & Orin)
>Pay out now. [-12 Sequins]

2) Squire Allowance (Mikail).
>It pleases you to grant Mikail an allowance going forward, a boy wandering what many call the greatest City in the world should have a little spending money. [-1 Sequin, 1 Sequin p/m going forward]

3) Educated Slave.
>Adult (+5)
>Merchanta (+3)
>Cantonian (+10)
>Stratiokas (+3)
>Medusae (+3)
>Additional subject Commerce (+5)
>Additional subject Law (+5)

4) Additional Purchases
>Cantonian Lance (+12)
I feel everyone is sleeping on the Cantonian Lance that's x2 the damage and will not shatter with 2 success or a double.


1) >Remain in arrears until following your induction with the Dragon Guard. [+4 Sequins owing]

2) >It pleases you to grant Mikail an allowance going forward, a boy wandering what many call the greatest City in the world should have a little spending money. [-1 Sequin, 1 Sequin p/m going forward]

3) Educated Slave
>Adult (+5)
>Merchanta (+3)
>Cantonian (+10)
>Stratiokas (+3)
>Medusae (+3)
>Commerce (+5)

4) Additional Purchases
Warsaddle and leather barding

me >>5997816
Supporting, I've been busy with work I almost forgot to check in!

Actually, with the premium we're paying on the slave, its an auto-success on the intrigue.

>Cantonion armies undeniably field the finest heavy cavalry in the world, and that should be reflected in their markets. But perhaps that is due to their stock of quality horseflesh rather than the specific equipment on those horses.

I can't say the previous markets make sense with that in mind, everything we've seen so far outside of Mythical mounts isn't even close to better or unique in comparison to Cathaggi which is neither worse or more limited compared to what we've seen so far, we can even grab a wasteland mustang and decent gear for horses and users here compared to any other market in Canton.

Also Plate barding not giving DC or AV bonuses seems particularly funny.

My big concern is that the moment we get sworn into the Dragonguard we could get swept off on one of the innumerable campaigns on the empires borders without being able to spend the cash until we are battered and worn out, if that does happen being able to invest in revitalising our finances will be massively important.

Call it unfounded and paranoid but we literally do not know what the DG will be doing in the near future.
Anon, Forgotten already said the market was outdated
For the slave, yes. Not for other items.

IIRC The DG has been rather quiet lately and has acted as glorified bodyguards so far, this is partially the reason why we were challenged.

Still, It makes little sense to be sent away so fast. We are getting into the role, so we'll be at the Palace where it is easier to educate us on our future duties.
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1) Wages Owing (Jess & Orin)
>Pay out now. [-12 Sequins]
> Additionally, praise Orin for his patience in getting his due wage and thank him for his service so far, adding 1 Sequin to the owed amount.

2) Squire Allowance (Mikail).
>It pleases you to grant Mikail an allowance going forward, a boy wandering what many call the greatest City in the world should have a little spending money. [-1 Sequin, 1 Sequin p/m going forward]

3) Educated Slave.
>Adult (+5)
>Merchanta (+3)
>Cantonian (+10)
>Stratiokas (+3)
>Medusae (+3)
>Commerce (+5)
>Total -29 Sequins. Post-Rousseau deal: 43.5 Sequins.

I think people are overstating the strength of the cata scale
if war saddle stacks with the barding at home thats -3 on the dismount table Meaning that the Worst result is lame horse +dismount
so the cata is re rolling your luck but you still risk losing your steed the barding is reducing the damage to a minimum any roll of 1234 a 1 so thats + 5 dc to the next round of combat it's a trade off bad rolls can always happen in both cases And i'm sure the av for barding will be better when we return to the motherland
>The DG has been rather quiet lately and has acted as glorified bodyguards so far, this is partially the reason why we were challenged.

That comes from the Reginate dossier which is noted to be outdated due to the Reginate having a very poor network in Cathaggi and being more focused on Canton's internal politics, I really have little faith that they grasp anything more than the largest and most turbulent of conflicts and intrigues in Cathaggi's empire.
Should we try and get Jess a tempest bow? She has bailed our ass out a few times and he ranged skill cover a weakness in our group.

>You will not own a slave, but what of freeing one? The master still has his damnable profit, yes, but you are not joining their ranks in any form. There is also no guarantee that the freed slave would agree to enter your employ, or even return to the security of what he knows and sell himself back into bondage. The whole idea could prove to be an entire waste of money. [Freedom and Offer of Employment]
Oh for sure I reckon, she's a good egg and deserves a sick bow. Not only that but any upgrades for her improve our chances of surviving as well so it's a win win
Her current longbow covers mid-long with a -10AV so its not so critical but nice to have. Its also not so expensive so we'll get it eventually. Think the master-armourer buckler would be more important for her and thats only 6.
I'm doing some editing and cleaning up of the wiki tonight and thinking about what to expand. Is there anything anons (or Forgotten himself) want to see covered (either in more depth or something new added) on the World Anvil wiki?
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I love all you anons!!! You make this passion project work!!

Love you too, Forgotten.
Hmm, maybe the Ordo Reginate, Kingsmen and the Faction? They seem like an important addition.
Luv ya Hangman.
Oh good call, there is a lot of Faction stuff missing
>He's drunkposting again
Actually adorable. Love you too you fucking legend.
your the best forgotten
thanks for giving the highest quality knight adventures
Cheers, mate!
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Cheers Hangman, we love your work. Seriously it's the most consistent and fun quest on the site
Yeah, please change the text or background color so it's actually readable. Also, inventory lists for all of our party, & the foes defeated list from the pastebins.
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Foes defeated list is on Emiles page at the bottom.


Inventory is in the stats and equipment page


Do people actually find this difficult to read? If so I'll see about changing it but I'll have to do some research. It was the default setting
No idea why it displays like that for you, weird. I'm on my phone right now with no issues there either but it's 12:30 in the morning so I'll investigate after some sleep
Love you too, Forgotten (no homo).
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Love you too you lug <3
Sorry buddy, I've tried to replicate this issue on my PC and phone using every browser I can think of. I've used Firefox, Opera, Edge, Safari, Chrome, even TOR Browser, Vivaldi and Brave.

What you're seeing is a completely different font and font colour to what is actually being used on the website, I have no idea how you managed that.
I'm using Brave browser on an android phone. Nothing extra beyond that.

Did you update all the inventories for companions from my autistic lists in the last thread though?
I just checked your list and no, I haven't, but I'll do that later today
Just wanted to post a real knigga song, one that I heavily listen to while reading this quest. It's a norwegian retelling of Roland's last stand. These are my favourite two versions of the song, but not the only ones:
Hey Bossman, you do have any particular symbol in mind for to represent the different factions (Queensmen, Kingsmen, Broken Blade, etc)?
Personally, I liked the retelling of it with Roland and everyone else that made their heroic last stand against the saracens.
1) wages owing
> pay Orin now
>teach Jess basic commerce before paying her

2) squire allowance
>It pleases you to grant Mikail an allowance going forward, a boy wandering what many call the greatest City in the world should have a little spending money. [-1 Sequin, 1 Sequin p/m going forward]
(Also Take him out shopping with an equipment allowance to teach the peasant how to have an eye for quality goods)

3) educated slave
>Adult (+5)
>Merchanta (+3)
>Cantonian (+10)
>Stratiokas (+3)
>Medusae (+3)
>Commerce (+5)
>Total -29 Sequins

4) additional purchases


Save if for after we get paid by the Dragon Guard before taking advantage of the half price deal

Hey Forgotten, if I was to hypothetically run a quest based on your system (because it's so damn simple on the anons' end) would you have a list of modifiers that you use that determine the DC? Like in combat, we have healthy, armored, blademaster etc. then the enemy has his own status effects. Same for social combat. Right now I'll have to go through the previous threads and enter them in an Excel file one by one as we encountered different opponents with new status effects, before the system is ready for my use as a QM.

But if you already have such a file prepared with all the possible effects, and could share it with us, that would be a pretty big help for anyone who wants to run a quest based on this system. I understand completely if you don't want to, though. No hard feelings in that case.
The wounds upon my body are as grievous as they are self-inflicted. No update tonight gents, we will resume tomorrow.
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Im gonmna preface this post to all recipients that im deep in my cups ie drunkk

the only like odd traits was enemy of man i think that was the name from vancewell the brother it was like +20 dc or some shit del falco from the bravvo in langland and maybe some of the shit from anarchy otherwise most of it was standard fare shit that even emmy gets

this is more for Qm but forgotten If you're looking at buckler + spear and think fuck sake for 12 sequins thats way too good well i had an idea okay so what if you gave a buff to regular sheilds say a formation bonus eg +5 dc(you could double it for cathagi hoplites so they don't need to rely on blade master to even the playing field) when in battle as large as skirmish on decent terrian eg not forests/ship deck (why the l*ngish could love them)/urban/ DUELS combat ect this way bucklers still have a place in these feilds but the weird spear buckler build won't seem like the best way to equip mooks i just wanted to say what has been on my mind for last couple days i could write out an essay on what the implications of this could be negative and positive, but understand if you "say nah thats way to much bullshit for me to remember when im stating out a fight " "or your idea is bad"
ah shit the reason i said formation bonus is you can 't really form sheild wall as with bucklers but you can with rest of the shield options forgot that part fug
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He cant keep getting away with this

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>Can't keep his drink

Karlus would be ashamed I say ASHAMED!
Love ya to stitches, Forgotten!
Makes sense to me, incoherent as it is. There should also be tower shields, just not in use very commonly. The kite shield should give a bonus on horseback, which it might already. Maybe the heater shield too.
>All this 'Commerce' voting.
With the DG payday, Langlish captain connect and the hired expert I can see the cash exploit grab I've dug for myself here already coming...

I think you're right. Perhaps not an immediate problem now given we are a ways off from equipping levies en masse but it is something I will need to address in time.
Crusades be expensive business.
And forget the exiled Medusa, who is conveniently at odds with both her Caste and the Merchanta.

I'm sure we can find an arrangement between Emile and the merchants to remove the pest down the line for additional benefits.
I remember making a list like that for my own attempt at running a quest with Forgotten's system. I might still have it somewhere.
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I may not have wanted to be here but when in Cathaggi...

actually holy shit does Cathaggi have like a primitive stock exchange or something? if it does we could pull some hilarious shit off.
Emile suddenly channels the "wisdom" of a thousand WallStreetBets posters
>actually holy shit does Cathaggi have like a primitive stock exchange or something? if it does we could pull some hilarious shit off.

Pascae does too. Remember that you could buy shares in trade ship expeditions.
oh shit I forgot about that

Imagine shorting the stock market like the 2008 finacial crisis, not necessarily for profit but for the sake of freeing slaves through a massive market crash, it would be the biggest act of economic sabotage possible and could destroy the finances of the empire.

Alternatively we could just get rich like a leech and Prince ali ourselves into Vancewells courtship

Emille treads the dangerous line between enigmatic savant and manic nutcase, also like amateur stonks posters.
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>SELECTED: Pay out now [-12 Sequins]
>Bonus to Orin [-1 Sequin] I like this suggestion and it garnered some support so I will include it.
>SELECTED: It pleases you to grant Mikail an allowance going forward, a boy wandering what many call the greatest City in the world should have a little spending money. [-1 Sequin, 1 Sequin p/m going forward] I also like the idea of selling it as a way of motivating his lessons in literacy.
>SELECTED: Educated Slave : Adult (+5), Cantonian (+10), Merchanta (+3), Stratiokas (+3), Medusae (+3), Commerce (+5) [-29 Sequins]
>50% Brother Rousseau Freedom Fund [-15 Sequins]
>WEALTH: 112 Sequins Remaining

You make your way back to the Church of the Holy Juvenescence first, if you are going to pay everyone up now then it makes better sense to do so away from the untold number of pickpockets and worse that may be prowling these streets.

Although clearly delighted at your willingness to save even a few of these sorriest souls, Brother Rousseau agrees to wait until you return to the cloister. A man sworn to silence can give you little in the way of detail as to this valuable and sympathetic slave they have in mind, and a senior Comitas sergeant is permitted to speak where he cannot.

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I will assume that anyone of these choices can teach the reading and writing of languages given enough time. The additional skill will be thrown in as a little free flavour and, like commerce, it’s not as simple to teach to others.


> The Stolen Generation. Descended from Cantonian slaves taken either during the War of Borders or more recently, she has never seen Romaine. Her father, himself a trusted slave, manages much of his Merchanta masters finances. This quiet and reserved teenager became the assistant bookkeeper growing up, and she has learnt his lessons well. But she made a promise to her dying mother, to return her ashes to the motherland, and she intends to keep it. [Commerce] + [Accounting]

> The Disgraced Scholar. Formerly a distinguished member of the Athenaeum caste, he had made his name with a widely respected dissertation on the rules of economics. But for the crime of questioning aloud some of the more draconian results that stem from adhering mindlessly to ancient Dictats, this free-thinker was given the choice between slavery or death. Far from downcast at his loss in status, the unflappable old scholar only seems to think that this punishment entirely proves his point. [Commerce] + [Law]

> The Wounded Mercenary. Hailing from the vassal cities outside of Nova Cathagi proper, everything this man learnt about the Cantonion language was from the time of his youth spent fighting there during the War of Borders. Mature age and telling wounds moved him first from Captain to Quartermaster, and then from quartermaster to slave when their mercenary band fell afoul of their own employers. The grim humour of this grizzled veteran shows through when he points out that he is one of the lucky ones, for he didn’t make nearly enough money fighting as fodder for the Pits like his comrades did. [Commerce] + [Tactics]
> The Disgraced Scholar. Formerly a distinguished member of the Athenaeum caste, he had made his name with a widely respected dissertation on the rules of economics. But for the crime of questioning aloud some of the more draconian results that stem from adhering mindlessly to ancient Dictats, this free-thinker was given the choice between slavery or death. Far from downcast at his loss in status, the unflappable old scholar only seems to think that this punishment entirely proves his point. [Commerce] + [Law]
Sounds fun
> The Stolen Generation. Descended from Cantonian slaves taken either during the War of Borders or more recently, she has never seen Romaine. Her father, himself a trusted slave, manages much of his Merchanta masters finances. This quiet and reserved teenager became the assistant bookkeeper growing up, and she has learnt his lessons well. But she made a promise to her dying mother, to return her ashes to the motherland, and she intends to keep it. [Commerce] + [Accounting]

As much as I didn't want to vote for the woman here (because anons are horny) I think Commerce and Accounting are too valuable to pass up


Random question Forgotten, did you see the David McBride stuff? Any thoughts as a fellow solicitor?
> The Disgraced Scholar. Formerly a distinguished member of the Athenaeum caste, he had made his name with a widely respected dissertation on the rules of economics. But for the crime of questioning aloud some of the more draconian results that stem from adhering mindlessly to ancient Dictats, this free-thinker was given the choice between slavery or death. Far from downcast at his loss in status, the unflappable old scholar only seems to think that this punishment entirely proves his point. [Commerce] + [Law]

I like this sound of this guy. He gives me Diogenes vibes.

Plus that Law tho

Feel free to use any variant of this system you like! I wish I could tell you that I had an entire folder with all possible effects and upgrades mapped out, but the modifiers and their variants have been subject to change over these years. And hell, if there was a locked in 'skill tree' for everything outside of the Codes I would probably be constantly ammendeding that or discarding it too. It's a fun system and easily swapped in or out with whatever modifier you like and how much you think it would sway the odds, but I know it is also subject to exploits and that became a glaring weakness at a certain point towards the end of the OG Black Company muh albani warmachines, much skalds, muh highlanders. You've probably seen for yourself how the rules of big social encounters have evolved between the Fallavon tourney, the Fae enclaves and Port Bounty.

Honestly, I would encourage you to make up your own equivalents as you see fit. But if I did have something like that to aid you I would have shared it in a heartbeat. Pic related is the closest I can get.
>> The Disgraced Scholar. Formerly a distinguished member of the Athenaeum caste, he had made his name with a widely respected dissertation on the rules of economics. But for the crime of questioning aloud some of the more draconian results that stem from adhering mindlessly to ancient Dictats, this free-thinker was given the choice between slavery or death. Far from downcast at his loss in status, the unflappable old scholar only seems to think that this punishment entirely proves his point. [Commerce] + [Law]

He could probably tutor Emile on the Praetor exam lol, I doubt Cathagi law was his only jurisdiction he studied.
> The Disgraced Scholar. Formerly a distinguished member of the Athenaeum caste, he had made his name with a widely respected dissertation on the rules of economics. But for the crime of questioning aloud some of the more draconian results that stem from adhering mindlessly to ancient Dictats, this free-thinker was given the choice between slavery or death. Far from downcast at his loss in status, the unflappable old scholar only seems to think that this punishment entirely proves his point. [Commerce] + [Law]

This is the guy we need for our Praetor exam.
>> The Stolen Generation. Descended from Cantonian slaves taken either during the War of Borders or more recently, she has never seen Romaine. Her father, himself a trusted slave, manages much of his Merchanta masters finances. This quiet and reserved teenager became the assistant bookkeeper growing up, and she has learnt his lessons well. But she made a promise to her dying mother, to return her ashes to the motherland, and she intends to keep it. [Commerce] + [Accounting]


Forgot to link back.

> The Disgraced Scholar. Formerly a distinguished member of the Athenaeum caste, he had made his name with a widely respected dissertation on the rules of economics. But for the crime of questioning aloud some of the more draconian results that stem from adhering mindlessly to ancient Dictats, this free-thinker was given the choice between slavery or death. Far from downcast at his loss in status, the unflappable old scholar only seems to think that this punishment entirely proves his point. [Commerce] + [Law]

It was close but this dude gives that juicy law bonus
also verify please
>> The Wounded Mercenary. Hailing from the vassal cities outside of Nova Cathagi proper, everything this man learnt about the Cantonion language was from the time of his youth spent fighting there during the War of Borders. Mature age and telling wounds moved him first from Captain to Quartermaster, and then from quartermaster to slave when their mercenary band fell afoul of their own employers. The grim humour of this grizzled veteran shows through when he points out that he is one of the lucky ones, for he didn’t make nearly enough money fighting as fodder for the Pits like his comrades did. [Commerce] + [Tactics]
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> The Disgraced Scholar. Formerly a distinguished member of the Athenaeum caste, he had made his name with a widely respected dissertation on the rules of economics. But for the crime of questioning aloud some of the more draconian results that stem from adhering mindlessly to ancient Dictats, this free-thinker was given the choice between slavery or death. Far from downcast at his loss in status, the unflappable old scholar only seems to think that this punishment entirely proves his point. [Commerce] + [Law]

This guy is a good spread of what we need. While the accounting slave might be nice for those occasional "check the book" scenarios, the scholar will be helpful in two different applications. Also as a former mid/high Athenaeum member, he should know the useful and (arguably more important) uncensored parts of the library. He can probably help us with all the legal bullshit the Medusae might throw at us while we are with the Dragonguard.
>The Disgraced Scholar. Formerly a distinguished member of the Athenaeum caste, he had made his name with a widely respected dissertation on the rules of economics. But for the crime of questioning aloud some of the more draconian results that stem from adhering mindlessly to ancient Dictats, this free-thinker was given the choice between slavery or death. Far from downcast at his loss in status, the unflappable old scholar only seems to think that this punishment entirely proves his point. [Commerce] + [Law]
Let's debate him to death
>> The Stolen Generation. Descended from Cantonian slaves taken either during the War of Borders or more recently, she has never seen Romaine. Her father, himself a trusted slave, manages much of his Merchanta masters finances. This quiet and reserved teenager became the assistant bookkeeper growing up, and she has learnt his lessons well. But she made a promise to her dying mother, to return her ashes to the motherland, and she intends to keep it. [Commerce] + [Accounting]

i want that infinite money glitch, plus she can also find work within our family's domain as an accountant if she so chooses(or if we are simply done with her post-DG)

vee card
Also assuming she doesn't get chosen, could we get the girl (maybe even her father as well) to be one of the people Brother Rosseau frees to send back?
>> The Stolen Generation. Descended from Cantonian slaves taken either during the War of Borders or more recently, she has never seen Romaine. Her father, himself a trusted slave, manages much of his Merchanta masters finances. This quiet and reserved teenager became the assistant bookkeeper growing up, and she has learnt his lessons well. But she made a promise to her dying mother, to return her ashes to the motherland, and she intends to keep it. [Commerce] + [Accounting]
>The Disgraced Scholar. Formerly a distinguished member of the Athenaeum caste, he had made his name with a widely respected dissertation on the rules of economics. But for the crime of questioning aloud some of the more draconian results that stem from adhering mindlessly to ancient Dictats, this free-thinker was given the choice between slavery or death. Far from downcast at his loss in status, the unflappable old scholar only seems to think that this punishment entirely proves his point. [Commerce] + [Law]

Prevent the horny + this pairs well with our legal interest

V card
>> The Disgraced Scholar. Formerly a distinguished member of the Athenaeum caste, he had made his name with a widely respected dissertation on the rules of economics. But for the crime of questioning aloud some of the more draconian results that stem from adhering mindlessly to ancient Dictats, this free-thinker was given the choice between slavery or death. Far from downcast at his loss in status, the unflappable old scholar only seems to think that this punishment entirely proves his point. [Commerce] + [Law]
God I love waking up in the morning to see a STv update it's like crack.

>> The Disgraced Scholar. Formerly a distinguished member of the Athenaeum caste, he had made his name with a widely respected dissertation on the rules of economics. But for the crime of questioning aloud some of the more draconian results that stem from adhering mindlessly to ancient Dictats, this free-thinker was given the choice between slavery or death. Far from downcast at his loss in status, the unflappable old scholar only seems to think that this punishment entirely proves his point. [Commerce] + [Law]

While I really want the accountant + commerce asset, the combination of lawyer master, ex-atheneum caste member and wizened pesudo-greek scholar is too big a combination to pass up.

Both from an RP perspective and the ingame benefits like knowing helping our Reginate work.

me >>5997025

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