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Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%202nd%20Primarch%20Quest

You are the second primarch, Lieren of Nothing, Grand Architect of Long-jia and head of its ministry of development, great hunter of the wild and keeper of a forgotten method of bow stringing as well as a fragment of a greater plan yet, austere and much respected philosopher and creator of The Journey whose lessons and teachings have become widespread, Slayer of spirits and tyrants foul, Brother of great men by blood and oath, and soon to be groom of the ancient soul Kanzeon.

And presently, four brothers you had not been aware existed, belonging to a brotherhood known as the legio custodes, are scrutinizing you and putting you in their eyes, measuring your worth. For various reasons, each of the four has deep suspicions about you and have approached you rather rudely on this the day of your wedding and with just the first words exchanged between them and you, they have given you a test. A challenge of character and personality, knowing you abhor chaos, they mentioned the quality of your eyes one of those discordant powers granted you as well as the cursed brand atop your brow that even now thins the boundaries between this world and the wild realm of spirits and dreams. An attempt to rouse and fan the flames of your anger by injuring the pride of a humble man, though the venom in their voice is not an act and you would not need to golden sheen of your eyes to be aware of that.

"Fickle?" You ask, allowing a twinge of amusement to color your tone though not so much as to make your words sound impolite or offended, maintaining a veneer of property and courtesy despite the hostility electrifying the air between you and your gold clad elder brothers "No, efficient. Maybe a touch mischievous at times, but never fickle. I always have a goal in mind to pursue"

"And what is the current goal driving your forward, secondborn?" A different custodes, who accent differs but sounds familiar to your ears, he must have originated from an area close to Sheowl on Terra.

"And efficiency can be blinding, shortcuts and clearer paths can lead easily to disaster" another, with the intonation and airs of a highborn scion "Or doom"

"That depends, are we speaking long or short term. Of course I am prepared to rejoin our father's stellar reunification campaign, but there is much I must to do and am currently capable of doing here upon mist hidden Shangrala and just outside of its atmosphere, though I don't believe interplanar colonization projects count as short term" You continue warmly, openly sharing your plans before a traitorous smirk tugs at the corner of your lips despite your effort to maintain a relaxed and disarming expression "Though, then, long term could be considered finding a way to reduce the discordant powers and oust them entirely from the worlds of mankind, but that is...a distant thing, and one formed entirely of hope, I will admit"

You turn to address the second to speak, and lift your hand, turning it over in an amiable gesture, showing your empty hand as you reach towards hime

"And I am aware, sometimes the most efficient way forward is too costly in material or morality. I choose the most productive and effective path that is acceptable within my three views and does not tarnish my ideas or pollute my righteous thoughts into wicked ones" You explain somberly, your voice carry the same timber and lilt of a passing breezing making music in the swaying trees "I am well aware of the dangers of seeking efficiency over all else, so I balance logic and emotion to find which road I take will lead me to where I must go, quickly but without dirtying more than my feet"

"Like father like son" Malcador chimes in sardonically, rolling his eyes as you sense one of the custodians narrowing their eyes.

"And before you present me with a third question, the name I have given myself and am known as is Lieren" You say sharply though not harshly, the verbal equivalent of a snap of the fingers to draw attention to one's self "Though I have also gone by Kynigos, Elder brothers"

"We have heard from both Malcador and our master of your seething contempt towards all existences chaotic, a hatred so pure and potent he broke his own oath to reveal to you their true nature and trust you with that secret as well" The leader of the four speaks again, as you feel a dagger of guilt burrow between your ribs as you remind yourself it was necessary and good to tell those you have broken your promise to your father with of the true existence of chaos, they had already encountered it and had proven adept slayers and enemies of the thralls of and the discordant and evil spirits themselves

"Why?" The ask in unison, before the leader speaks alone again "Do you despise them so heavily, what is the source of your contempt, your revulsion. The answer could be as damning as admitting daliances with the same beings"

"Ah" You chuckle, covering your mouth with the back of your sleeve like a giggling maiden "So he didn't tell you himself, why I despise them, in my own words?"

"It was enough that you hate them" One who hadn't spoke snorted, amused and shoulders nearly imperceptivity slackened and relaxed.

How do you answer the question of why you hate chaos, Lieren?

>"A fair question to raise. and one that requires a unique answer. I hold them with utmost contempt and their very existence drives me to cataclysmic rage, because they are the enemy of all that is good. They oppose prosperity, are the antithesis of progress and good virtue, and the enemy of mankind and all other life"

>"Then I shall tell you of the hardships, tyranny and damages their influence wrought upon my home, these beings who the worst of us and the worst of what can be"

>"Walk with me, let me show you the memorials built to those lost opposing their toadies and underlings. Let me show you the flourishing cities built once their influence was scourged from this world"

>"It is instinctive, like recoiling at the sight of a rotten corpse. They are avatars of anarchy and agents of tyranny. Obstacles that prevent the gardens of mankind from truly flourishing, weeds in the soil. Murder, Plague, False-Hope, Excess, Anarchy, Greed, all poisons that must be excised!"

>Write in
>Writ in: All four
Now imagine getting a airbrush to paint your gunpla.

Yes, this is fine. A pure seething hatred that requires everything.
>>Write in
>because of my eyes
then just stare him down
>"A fair question to raise. and one that requires a unique answer. I hold them with utmost contempt and their very existence drives me to cataclysmic rage, because they are the enemy of all that is good. They oppose prosperity, are the antithesis of progress and good virtue, and the enemy of mankind and all other life. They are avatars of anarchy and agents of tyranny. Obstacles that prevent the gardens of mankind from truly flourishing, weeds in the soil. Murder, Plague, False-Hope, Excess, Anarchy, Greed, all poisons that must be excised"
>"Come, walk with me, I shall tell you of the hardships, tyranny and damages their influence wrought upon my home, these beings who the worst of us and the worst of what can be. And then let me show the memorials built to those lost opposing their toadies and underlings and the flourishing cities built once their influence was scourged from this world"

>Write in
Shroud the place in mist proper using our Psykerism and then in that shroud show them a vision of the horrors we've faced, of the atrocities preformed in the name of these powers, of the Butcher War and the Dragon of Black and White.

"I hate them for they are the black hooks that can take hold of any pure heart, they are the whisper that turns the most innocent wish into one of sickening damnation. They take that which strives to be more than a beast, to be cultured, men. They turn them into less than beasts; abominations wearing the faces of men."

Take a moment to let it sink in and pace about them;

"All things feel their touch, for they are the cold coil in the dark. Vigilance is not enough, you must seek such poisons and cease them from the source or if one cannot slay them... move ones flock beyond their reach. You gathered hear may fear I am so consumed by excess fury I may feed the Silvered and Bronze damnations? That my beliefs are tainted by the grandfather of lament and fading hope? That my trickery is tell tale of the Feathered Fool's schemes? No... it is both simpler and more complex than that. I deny them their prize, I will deny them their game. I can see their touch, I can feel their sickening reek even those taints upon myself..."

Whip out our arm

"Even as they brand me naming me enemy, even as I am scared many times over I know my purpose for the Emperor made me so; Preserve humanity, Protect humanity, Clear the field of stars of snakes that they might prosper; Masters of their own Destiny... until the day I pass from this world."
>for my eyes see the nature of all they gaze upon and I have seen them for what they are, The greatest of tyrants and the most ravenous of parasites. They drag everyone into the muck with them, pushing and corrupting ever onward to greater acts of cruelty and debasement for just a morsel more. A tick that consumes all until the only thing left is them, their stomachs fit to bursting as they turn on each other for that little bit more. I condemn them and everything they stand for in the harshest of terms.
Rant a bit about how much we hate them and why
>Support rambling rant of hate.
Ah yes a hood show of dramatics, Malcador is really going to get a measure if us here because we're going to start smoking
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What I liked to image the Emperor saw when he entered the Palace seeing three of his sons, shameless Jojo trace
>>"A fair question to raise. and one that requires a unique answer. I hold them with utmost contempt and their very existence drives me to cataclysmic rage, because they are the enemy of all that is good. They oppose prosperity, are the antithesis of progress and good virtue, and the enemy of mankind and all other life"
>>"Then I shall tell you of the hardships, tyranny and damages their influence wrought upon my home, these beings who the worst of us and the worst of what can be"

>"A fair question to raise. and one that requires a unique answer. I hold them with utmost contempt and their very existence drives me to cataclysmic rage, because they are the enemy of all that is good. They oppose prosperity, are the antithesis of progress and good virtue, and the enemy of mankind and all other life"

I'm pretty sure this is what we told the emperor when we met him, vorrect me if I am wrong.
I have a feeling they are paranoid enough to double check with the emperor some point in the future and will not like having gotten a different answer.
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the wait. Ended up buying more paint

"A fair question to raise. and one that requires a unique answer. I hold them with utmost contempt and their very existence drives me to cataclysmic rage, because they are the enemy of all that is good. They oppose prosperity, are the antithesis of progress and good virtue, and the enemy of mankind and all other life":7

"Then I shall tell you of the hardships, tyranny and damages their influence wrought upon my home, these beings who the worst of us and the worst of what can be":3

"Walk with me, let me show you the memorials built to those lost opposing their toadies and underlings. Let me show you the flourishing cities built once their influence was scourged from this world":6

"It is instinctive, like recoiling at the sight of a rotten corpse. They are avatars of anarchy and agents of tyranny. Obstacles that prevent the gardens of mankind from truly flourishing, weeds in the soil. Murder, Plague, False-Hope, Excess, Anarchy, Greed, all poisons that must be excised!":3

Because of my eyes: 1

"I hate them for they are the black hooks that can take hold of any pure heart...etc":4

For my eeys see the nature of all things they gaze upon...etc:

Total votes:12

So Lieren's answer will be a combination of
"A fair question to raise..." and "Walk with me, let me show you"

Writing now

Looks incredible, and the boys are looking proper intimidating, and Magnus Smug as hell. Also I wonder what Lieren, Magnus, and Angron's stands would be. Perty's to.

I know Lieren's would take its name from the Band Demon Hunter or their song "Someone to hate" or "Lesser gods"
You smile at that elder brother's good humor and pleasant attitude, dipping your head down as you clasp your hands behind your back and rise to your full, imposing height, righting your posture and standing with utmost confidence and dignity before the four custodes, who stand taller than any of your sons except Dae-Hyun yet shorter than any of your fellow primarchs you have thus far met.

"A fair question to raise, and one that deserves a unique answer." You say, swiftly moving to cut off any offense that may be taken at the remark that your father did share with them the words you had spoken to him to earn his trust with a secret that you have only broken in times of dire necessity "I hold them with utmost contempt and their very existence drives me to cataclysmic rage, because they are the enemy of all that is good"

You allow the first portion of your explanation to settle and give time for your elder brothers to raise their concerns or rebuttals against the only reason you need to despise the foul forces of chaos, but they remain silent, standing as stone sentinels. Malcador to, remains quite, with giving his voice and authority to neither side of this trial of wills and composure.

"They oppose prosperity, are the antithesis of progress and good virtue" You continue you, seeing as no one else present has chosen to raise their voice and speak to change the direction of the conversation, and pause for a moment, tongue pressed to the back of your teeth, before you continue, clicking it and glowering as you finish the statement with a passionate and inspiring phrase "And the enemy of mankind and all other life"

"Yes, I have heard from those who have been swayed to follow your example, that you believe all life to hold equivalent value. That not creature stands taller than any other. For a man preordained to live a life of only war, that must be quite the internal obstacle to overcome" the only one whose voice is lofty with the airs of nobility "Will that strife, to value the life you must snuff out, be your downfall"

"Some crimes can only be punished with execution, so lives must be cut short for others to thrive. Both those who have done nothing wrong and those who have done nothing but wrong" You answer simply, having been presented the droll question nearly as many times as you've been accused of being some sort of death cultist for simply not fearing the destiny of all life, death "Killing is a chore like any other, war is a labor like any other. For the prosperity of man..."

"You raise your glass with xenos and battle besides "Spirits" The Sheowl descended custodies interrupts, the tension between you and him becoming thick enough to strum like a pipa's strings "Would you so quickly forsake these fair weather friends of yours...brother"

"The ones I have shared my laughter and my sorrow with and sat down for tea with, have done much to ensure the prosperity of man" You answer, your genial smile turning to a somewhat smug smirk as you focus your eyes on him "These "Fair weather friends", as you insulting refer to them as, have shed their blood and their tears, and given their lives and been laid down in the soil besides humanity. I know their is tragic history of mankind, being betrayed by our former allies. And that on Terra and certainly other worlds, the wounds have festered into hatred, however"

You step closer. He does not flinch, nor do his three brothers move to intercept you or defend him

"I also know of the race that, until it was broken and scattered as we were, stayed true to mankind. Our history with the Mathoth, was not always pleasant, but after the men of iron were eradicated, they returned to our side. They may be gone now, except for decedents of whom I have only heard ill news, but the Mathoth were alien beings, and through strife and kinship, they never turned their back on mankind. And other, younger races or the children of distant worlds, have posed no threat yet to mankind" You continue, eyes sharpened and piercing even for your countenance.

The custodian turns away.

"And when they turn their knives to our backs?" He asks, turning back to face you, rallying his spirits and conviction

"They will be punished as any other traitor, but I shall not persecute the innocent for the crime of being different" You answer without hesitation "I seek peace, until it is no longer an option, and these eyes of mine can see further through the mists and view the horizon for more clearly than most"

"I see" They say simply "and those who preyed upon us and yet do"

"I have left many monuments to the rewards that await villains, you may see them now upon the roadside, fog moldered bones hanging and weeping from trees, the macabre fruit of a life of injustice and sin" You answer bluntly "But we are here to discuss the threat you believe me to hold due to my encounters with chaos, if you wish to speak further of my feelings of species beside our own, I would ask you to be patient and wait until a conclusion has been reached about the pressing matter of my unfortunate interactions and faint connection to our most repugnant of enemies"

"You are correct, your compassion towards xenos is of far lesser concern" The leader answered, scolding the other custodian with a glance "And may prove to be of no concern at all. You've given us different words than you gave the master of mankind, and how do we know either of these statements are truthful and not mere deception. As I understand, many of those bones weeping at travelers once counted you as a friend and favored servant"

"And many cursed me as devil and villain and knew me to be their enemy" You answer back with a shrug of your shoulders as you stretch out your arms and reposition them in front of yourself "But if you wish for proof, Then walk with me let me show you the memorials built to those lost opposing their toadies and underlings. Let me show you the flourishing cities built once their influence was scourged from this world"

"And recall, how his father did the same upon Terra" Malcador adds, walking up to your side, hooded head lifted high "And together, they brought the seas and forests back"

"Brothers, we do not need to be so suspicious" The good natured of the four laughs "While I admit, I fear he came into possession of the technology that performed the wonder the sigilite refers to, I do not believe he is a threat to our lord or his ambitions. What he has done here, is it not familiar? In our research and scrutiny of him, have their not been numerous parallels between his Journey and His father's own to reunify terra"

"Ah, His Journey. The Journey" The noble bred elder brother scoffs "That has spread amongst not only his own gene-soldiers but the forces that fight alongside and listen to the drivel of their lectures and koans"

You clench a fist

"I've read it, and found conflicts with the Imperial truth. If some of our soldiers believe all life is equal, will they march to ensure the rule of mankind amongst the stars? Will those who truly believe mankind to be the ascendent race, above and dominant over all others, will they tolerate those who plead for peace and understanding with those they have been taught to be lesser?" He continues, raising good points on a dogma you've only encountered through the xenophobia indoctrinated in your sons "When the last stone from the last church is cast down upon the last priest, will that priest be a "Journeyman?"

And the other three custodians are immediately more annoyed by him than they were cautious of your presence, from that quote he used alone and they all but sigh with their body language.

"Ah, so you think to cross wits with me in a philosophical debate!" You answer with a nearly predatory enthusiasm "Very well then"

"Mathias, you have made a grievous error of judgement..." Malcador sighs through his teeth, massaging his temple

What is your rebuttal to Custodian Mathias' presumption that your ideals are incompatible with your father's, Lierens?

>"Must humanity's reign be a lonely one? A star does not ascend alone, even if it shines more brightly than others, it is joined by a host. And, who is to say, that the definition of humanity is proven through genetics alone?"

>"There are no churches of the journey, for it is not a religion. While I do not deny men their gods, I seek out those I know to be but fronts for my enemy to beguile new thralls, and have yet to meet an existence deserving of the title of god. One cannot be forced to follow my journey, and as my father accepted my gift of it, he to realizes, their is no competition between it and his imperial truth"

>"If there is one ideology, it will fracture and pervert itself. If there are two, through conflict and interaction, variations and intermingling of the two shall arise. Syncretism. Perhaps, there is a Terran scholar, who will, using the foundations of both, create a philosophy that exceeds both the truth and the journey. But until then, let us see which will resonate deeper with the hearts of men"

>"The last stone, the last church, the last priest. All impossibilities as ridiculous as perfection. Perhaps, to you, the extinction of faith is an ideal to pursue, but do not mistake that is is unachievable. In absence of faith, faith will be created anew. That is how the Journey spread like wildfire here. The "Pious" nobles had long cast of their masks and revealed their true faces, and the people needed something to believe in, a scale with which to measure benevolence, a guide in the pursuit of happiness. My views simply provided what they sought"

>Write in
Typo I missed "While I admit, I fear he came into possession of the technology that performed the wonder the sigilite refers to through Ill means..."
>"Must humanity's reign be a lonely one? A star does not ascend alone, even if it shines more brightly than others, it is joined by a host. And, who is to say, that the definition of humanity is proven through genetics alone?"
>"There are no churches of the journey, for it is not a religion. While I do not deny men their gods, I seek out those I know to be but fronts for my enemy to beguile new thralls, and have yet to meet an existence deserving of the title of god. One cannot be forced to follow my journey, and as my father accepted my gift of it, he to realizes, their is no competition between it and his imperial truth"
>"Must humanity's reign be a lonely one? A star does not ascend alone, even if it shines more brightly than others, it is joined by a host. And, who is to say, that the definition of humanity is proven through genetics alone?"
>"There are no churches of the journey, for it is not a religion. While I do not deny men their gods, I seek out those I know to be but fronts for my enemy to beguile new thralls, and have yet to meet an existence deserving of the title of god. One cannot be forced to follow my journey, and as my father accepted my gift of it, he to realizes, their is no competition between it and his imperial truth"
>"The last stone, the last church, the last priest. All impossibilities as ridiculous as perfection. Perhaps, to you, the extinction of faith is an ideal to pursue, but do not mistake that is is unachievable. In absence of faith, faith will be created anew. That is how the Journey spread like wildfire here. The "Pious" nobles had long cast of their masks and revealed their true faces, and the people needed something to believe in, a scale with which to measure benevolence, a guide in the pursuit of happiness. My views simply provided what they sought"
>"Must humanity's reign be a lonely one? A star does not ascend alone, even if it shines more brightly than others, it is joined by a host. And, who is to say, that the definition of humanity is proven through genetics alone?"
>"There are no churches of the journey, for it is not a religion. While I do not deny men their gods, I seek out those I know to be but fronts for my enemy to beguile new thralls, and have yet to meet an existence deserving of the title of god. One cannot be forced to follow my journey, and as my father accepted my gift of it, he to realizes, their is no competition between it and his imperial truth"
>"The last stone, the last church, the last priest. All impossibilities as ridiculous as perfection. Perhaps, to you, the extinction of faith is an ideal to pursue, but do not mistake that is is unachievable. In absence of faith, faith will be created anew. That is how the Journey spread like wildfire here. The "Pious" nobles had long cast of their masks and revealed their true faces, and the people needed something to believe in, a scale with which to measure benevolence, a guide in the pursuit of happiness. My views simply provided what they sought"
>If there is one ideology....
>the last stone, the last church, the last priest. . .
>>"If there is one ideology, it will fracture and pervert itself. If there are two, through conflict and interaction, variations and intermingling of the two shall arise. Syncretism. Perhaps, there is a Terran scholar, who will, using the foundations of both, create a philosophy that exceeds both the truth and the journey. But until then, let us see which will resonate deeper with the hearts of men"
>"The last stone, the last church, the last priest. All impossibilities as ridiculous as perfection. Perhaps, to you, the extinction of faith is an ideal to pursue, but do not mistake that is is unachievable. In absence of faith, faith will be created anew. That is how the Journey spread like wildfire here. The "Pious" nobles had long cast of their masks and revealed their true faces, and the people needed something to believe in, a scale with which to measure benevolence, a guide in the pursuit of happiness. My views simply provided what they sought"
>"Must humanity's reign be a lonely one? A star does not ascend alone, even if it shines more brightly than others, it is joined by a host. And, who is to say, that the definition of humanity is proven through genetics alone?"

Let humanity's superiority be proven by the praise sung by others than the ones we sing for ourselves.
I have such utmost trust in the ascendancy of an united humanity under the Emperor that I feel the desire to extend a hand in friendship to those willing to step out of the darkness by our side.
We still need to inform the Emperor and Malcador about the Great Plan and the Nameless.
>"There are no churches of the journey, for it is not a religion. While I do not deny men their gods, I seek out those I know to be but fronts for my enemy to beguile new thralls, and have yet to meet an existence deserving of the title of god. One cannot be forced to follow my journey, and as my father accepted my gift of it, he to realizes, their is no competition between it and his imperial truth"

>"The last stone, the last church, the last priest. All impossibilities as ridiculous as perfection. Perhaps, to you, the extinction of faith is an ideal to pursue, but do not mistake that is is unachievable. In absence of faith, faith will be created anew. That is how the Journey spread like wildfire here. The "Pious" nobles had long cast of their masks and revealed their true faces, and the people needed something to believe in, a scale with which to measure benevolence, a guide in the pursuit of happiness. My views simply provided what they sought"
>"Must humanity's reign be a lonely one? A star does not ascend alone, even if it shines more brightly than others, it is joined by a host. And, who is to say, that the definition of humanity is proven through genetics alone?"
>"There are no churches of the journey, for it is not a religion. While I do not deny men their gods, I seek out those I know to be but fronts for my enemy to beguile new thralls, and have yet to meet an existence deserving of the title of god. One cannot be forced to follow my journey, and as my father accepted my gift of it, he to realizes, their is no competition between it and his imperial truth"
>"Must humanity's reign be a lonely one? A star does not ascend alone, even if it shines more brightly than others, it is joined by a host. And, who is to say, that the definition of humanity is proven through genetics alone?"

>"There are no churches of the journey, for it is not a religion. While I do not deny men their gods, I seek out those I know to be but fronts for my enemy to beguile new thralls, and have yet to meet an existence deserving of the title of god. One cannot be forced to follow my journey, and as my father accepted my gift of it, he to realizes, their is no competition between it and his imperial truth"
>>"The last stone, the last church, the last priest. All impossibilities as ridiculous as perfection. Perhaps, to you, the extinction of faith is an ideal to pursue, but do not mistake that is is unachievable. In absence of faith, faith will be created anew. That is how the Journey spread like wildfire here. The "Pious" nobles had long cast of their masks and revealed their true faces, and the people needed something to believe in, a scale with which to measure benevolence, a guide in the pursuit of happiness. My views simply provided what they sought"
If the Deathguard are tanky as hell, the Lunar Wolves are mega attackers, the Nightlords are blackops and war crimes etc. What actually was our Legions thing?
I'd say probably logistics warfare? We have been told our legion work a lot better with the imperial army than the other legions and our usual doctrine revolves around disrupting supply lines with disjointed/independent forces. Some unholy marriage between smurfs and RG
I thought us more like some twisted version of the Deathguard, ultramarines and ravenguard. A powerful anchor force whom will hold any objective and turn it into a beachhead. Striking with coordinated strikes of the enemy. Kind of a Breach and Hold Legion, we kick down doors and hold the hallway for everyone else else
On a strategic level? Field control and precision based - control the variables before joining battle. On a more individual/squad level? Unless we change up the current arrangement of all these sub-sects of the journey, we're gonna get aspect marines.
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the wait. I was playing and kicking xenos ass in Xcom: enemy within, took forever for me to lose even one soldier and I still have all but one of my OG soldiers. Rip Cobra, died to a zombie's poison.

"Must humanity's reign be a lonely one? A star does not ascend alone, even if it shines more brightly than others, it is joined by a host. And, who is to say, that the definition of humanity is proven through genetics alone?":6

"There are no churches of the journey, for it is not a religion. While I do not deny men their gods, I seek out those I know to be but fronts for my enemy to beguile new thralls, and have yet to meet an existence deserving of the title of god. One cannot be forced to follow my journey, and as my father accepted my gift of it, he to realizes, their is no competition between it and his imperial truth":6

"The last stone, the last church, the last priest. All impossibilities as ridiculous as perfection. Perhaps, to you, the extinction of faith is an ideal to pursue, but do not mistake that is is unachievable. In absence of faith, faith will be created anew. That is how the Journey spread like wildfire here. The "Pious" nobles had long cast of their masks and revealed their true faces, and the people needed something to believe in, a scale with which to measure benevolence, a guide in the pursuit of happiness. My views simply provided what they sought":6

"If there is one ideology, it will fracture and pervert itself. If there are two, through conflict and interaction, variations and intermingling of the two shall arise. Syncretism. Perhaps, there is a Terran scholar, who will, using the foundations of both, create a philosophy that exceeds both the truth and the journey. But until then, let us see which will resonate deeper with the hearts of men":2

Total votes:10

So Lieren's will rebuke will be a combo of "Must humanity's reign be a lonely one?", "There are no churches of the journey" and "The last stone, the last church, the last priest, all impossibilities"

Writing now
"Mathias" You echo, as you hop closer to the custodian, nearly gliding across the distance between the two of you giants with a flourish of the Carp's dance as you take another step and reduce the gap by another stride, the mists and fog swirling around the both of you "Must humanity's reign be a lonely one? A star does not ascend alone, even if it shines more brightly than others. It is joined by a host. A who is to say, that the definition of humanity is proven to genetics alone"

"Did you yourself not proclaim all life is equal from vermin to kings?" He answers back, uncowed and still retaining a confident bur to his tone "And that is the sole definition of humanity"

"And how is one star shining more brilliantly than the others marking it as their natural superior? All are born with gifts and talent, two men can not be expected to be peer in all walks of life or to be of equal skill if given the same training. But, all life shares the same value. A master of the spear is worth no less than the master of the brush. Life is a precious thing, and it is folly to imagine that any life is worth more than other, due to birth or ability" You chuckle, smiling brotherly at the custodian "And that may be the definition for the human race, but I have found many alien peoples beyond our genetic line of descent that share with us what I would call common humanity, virtuous character and noble nature. And how long, if men met these kindly denizens of the stars, would it be until they are considered, if not brothers, then cousins, and if not cousins, kinsmen, and if not kin, then friends?"

"That relies on the journey you've wrote effecting the collective minds of untold trillions of souls, from varied worlds and societies" Mathias answers, abandoning his first approach to the argument as you bat aside its assertions and provide answers to the problems he challenged you with "How long do you believe your teachings will endure, untampered with, uncorrupted. Until it to must be torn down"

"All things with time fade, nothing is eternal. Immortality is a fool's ambition, be it true immortality or to be made eternal through deed and story" You answer with a shrug "But every action ripples forever outward, if the journey betters but one life I am content. And I think you will find, there are no churches of the journey, for it is not a religion"

"Not yet" the custodian blusters

"While I do not deny men their gods, I seek out those I know to be but fronts for my enemy to beguile new thralls and have yet to meet an existence deserving of the title of god" You answer, taking a step back with a flowing, elegant movement "One cannot be forced to follow my journey, and as my father accepted my gift of it, he to realizes, their is no competition between it and his imperial truth"

"But there are conflicts between your philosophy and his" Mathias growls through the speaker of his gilded helmet, and his teeth judging by the hiss at the end of his response

"And? Men have different views of life, the world and principles. I do not expect nor wish for every man, woman and child to align their views with my own, and any who try to force another to see the world as if through their own eyes, is a fool. Even a near perfect replication of one's own personal ideology, will stray and be flawed in comparison to the original thinker's practice" You answer with another shrug "All I seek, is that those who believe men to be superior above all others, do not scourge the stars in a bloody holy war. For that is what will transpire. The last stone, the last church, the last priest, all impossibilities"

Mathias remains silent now. Everyone and thing utters not a sound except for the crackling of the leaves of the trees over head, as they sway and dance in the wind, almost in sync with your own dance like swaying.

"Impossibilities as ridiculous as perfection" You continue only when you see there will be no response "And perhaps to you, the extinction of faith is an ideal to pursue, but do not mistake that it is achievable. In absence of faith, faith will be created anew"

"That is not..." He tries to balk, but his superior quiets him with a hand upon his shoulder, a grave, serious air falling over this meeting of five brothers and whatever Malcador is to you and these four custodes

"And yes, one day, the journey may serve as the foundation for a faith. So may the imperial truth. That faith is born again in absence of itself, That is how the Journey spread like wildfire here. The "Pious" nobles had long cast of their masks and revealed their true faces, and the people needed something to believe in, a scale with which to measure benevolence, a guide in the pursuit of happiness"

Mathias is washed over with a current of dread, as the last portion of your words sink in, recognition of something that has already transpired before his eyes and realization of why it happened as it did nearly crushing him beneath the weight of the revelation.

"My views simply provided what they sought. And I presume, the imperial truth has spoken to many men's hearts, because it provided what they needed. Frustration with demagogues, something to blame the downfall of mankind and reinforce the belief that our ascendence is not only assured but justified" You finish with a bow "That is, at least, to my scraps of understanding of the philosophy my father has spread, that now coexists with my own observations and commentary of life and the world and the virtues and ideals I believe to be good. Perhaps together, they will act as a counterbalance to one another, but who can say. Perhaps they will mingle, perhaps they shall not. Perhaps one day, they will be the churches that will be torn down. But, we will be all long dead before then, all the ripples we've made in the universe while we lived, unseen and unheard yet still affecting the whole of existence, will be all that remains of us"


"But who can say. Who can know what transpires in the world after their death. It is the fate of all things to one day return to dust and blow away on the winds of time. But it is the duty of benevolent, right minded men to labor to provide a better future for those who come after them. Upon these grounds, children once wept over the cold graves of their parents, parents held their starved babes to their chests and cried until they had no more tears to shed. And in one generation, it was changed. Not by my hand alone but" You say, holding out your hand flat in front of you "But the ripples I made with my footsteps. But, while I live, unless the followers of my father's truth expose themselves as murderers or tyrants, their shall be no quarrel between myself and them. And any who follow the road I pioneer feud with them, then it is not by my teachings the conflict has risen. And our father agrees, my sons may debate and argue about the teachings of the Journey, even on distant Terra, but they do not fight or declare one another their enemies"

"You can be so certain?" Mathias finally speaks again in a hushed, level voice

"Enemy, Foe, Opponent, all different things, the Journey teaches as such. At best, the sects my sons have founded, are opponents. other species may be any of the three. But Chaos shall only ever be an enemy" You state solemnly, head held high.

"Very well" Mathias says, turning away "I see now, I should read more of your work before trying to argue against it"

"And is there anything other offense you wish me to answer for, elder brothers?" You ask, as the leader nods

"Today, you will marry...something" he says carefully, wincing as his poor choice of words causes a brief fluctuation in your heart that creates a flash of killing intent and outrage "You are not meant to replace humanity"

"Humanity has many faces. I adore them all" You answer "Kanzeon is human. The Tiger children I saved from savagery are human. The innocent Ogryn are human. The Angra are human. The oracle breed are human. The Lomb as well. By both descent and humanity. You and I, are human. All faucets and expression of humanity and the human race, I love just as deeply as my bride, in the purest and most chaste sense of the word. All life is equal, all of humanity is equal, friend"

"I see. Even your creat...father was certain you'd never have ambitions to replace mankind" He says, rubbing his throat, the place the brief black rage had targeted as the vulnerability in his defenses. Impressive.

"See? He's probably the one we have to concern ourselves the least. He's sensible and knows his role" The good natured of the four says blithely, waving his hand flippantly

"Did you also not wish to test his combat capabilities?" Malcador asked, and the air become fraught with the sort of tension that can only be found between two or more warriors meeting, without knowing who amongst them is the strongest or most skilled

"Yes" The sheowl man says stiffly "But, we have heard the reports sent back from Terra...concerning the battle against that techno barbarian warlord"

"Nitya Sinha" You correct "The Butcher King. The devil who cutdown my friends will be named"

"And we have three more primarchs to scrutinize" He continues, bluntly revealing their intent to challenge Magnus, Perturabo, and Angron today as well "You, Lieren, were simply the one of most concern, with your numerous encounters with the chaotic powers and strange ways"

"He would not have been, had you listened to your master's own confidence of his incorruptibility, on that front" Malcador huffs, standing tall amongst five giants

What do you do now, that you've soothed these four custodes suspicions of you, Lieren?

>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so

>Spar with one of them.

>Challenge all four at once.

>Ask why they are so suspicious of primarchs, and their names except for Mathias.

>Write in
>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so
>Spar with one of them.
>Write in
Caution them in speaking with pert to mind their style of words. Of our brothers he is the one most likely and easily to take offence with careless words due to his thought patterns.

We dont need to fight all of them. Just a simple match between us and one of their number will allow them to get our measure.
>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so
there will be time for fighting an other day this is a day of merriment.
>>Ask why they are so suspicious of primarchs, and their names except for Mathias.
also give them a heads up about the temper of Perturabo, warn them that he might not take to kindly to what he might see as "court intrigue" and that they might poison him against themselves and our sire, maybe irreparably.
>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so
>Spar with one of them.

>>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so
>Ask why they are so suspicious of primarchs, and their names except for Mathias.
fighting later.

>Ask why they are so suspicious of primarchs, and their names except for Mathias.

>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so

>Caution them about Pert as well.
>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so
>Spar with them all

Lets master more of ourselves
>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so
>Spar with one of them.
>Write in
Caution them in speaking with pert to mind their style of words. Of our brothers he is the one most likely and easily to take offence with careless words due to his thought patterns.
>Ask their names.
>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so
>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so
"If i might propose a change of tact. You will learn more about my fellow Primarch from observation and patience than direct confrontation. Join us at the celebration, preform your role as wards beside my father which will allow you to in turn watch my brothers, see how they interact with humanity, listen tot heir words to just their character then in quiet moments take them aside with politeness."

>Write in
"Malcador, Honoured Uncle if I may a word?"
Give him the sit rep of some of the stuff going down this is our dads best man so to speak specifically inform him that the forces of Chaos were very close to trying to get Angron's world, That the Chaotic powers are far more active and WILL be making plays for the Emperor's Primarchs the truth WILL come out so best make ready. Tell him how at all times Perti see's the EoT and feels it and so he will investigate it, then he WILL discover the truth. Finally Magnus by his very speciality and nature will discover the truth especially after what he endured beside us and his hunt for lore.

We need to do something and set up something to monitor and eliminate these threats because we cannot simply try side set them, there are 20 Primarch sheer math alone almost garantees multiple likly exposures if we use the sample size collected; 2 direct contact (1 knows the truth), 2 close calls.

No mention of the nameless yet and i know this appears a mouthful but i wanted to be specific in the warnings. Malcador needs to know so he can start laying groundwork.
>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so
>Spar with one of them
Wanna add my +1 to this writein to talk to uncle.
>>Challenge all four at once.
Support the Malcador private talk
I'll support this, for as much a chendao fight may be the coolest shit to happen yet to arrive at the altar with wounds on his face Lieren may yet taste the wrath of a shipgirl.
>Support write in

Fully agreed, this needs to be done yesterday.
Lets not forget how we accelerated and changed things, don't omit It might be too late for others.
Let's go honoured Uncle!
Good work anon
We can talk about the Nameless later they are a very good organization. They need their own section of talking in my opinion. And well about Elazar too.... difficult there.

Since is Malcador, we can also talk about a more soft topic later with him and Guozhi, about the Wanderers of the Fog (topic in question being a collaboration/exchange between the Wanderers and Terra Psykers. One exists already with the Psykers of Prospero). I recon we might have the bigger meetings later in the day really, after the marriage proper. Stuff like Emperor, Malcador and Eldrad. Etc... there is actually a surprising amount of things that need to be talked about.
It does need to be said to Malcador that in Nuceria, chaos really put to work their slaves when they noticed Lieren arrival. They where very much scared of their plans being obliterated and more active, all of them. Malal was able to send even a full large demon.

We where able to get the aid of Arianka in the spirit realm though. And Arianka is another topic lmao.
>Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so
>Challenge all four at once.
>Proposed Organisational reforms of the Second 'Chimera' Legion

The primary dividing factor of the Legion is the Sects pulling the Brotherhood of old apart we shall rectify this by incorporating them into the development of an Astartes to sooth thing but also offer piece by piece understanding.

A neophyte will be educated upon the ways of the journey through their Transhuman development but they will not be required to swear themselves to it. Upon their maturation into Astartes they shall enter the 'Shield Companies'. In these companies they will focus upon defensive operations and further training, working beside others be they Baseborn or Astartes. It is here they will be introduced to the 'Sects' and 'Arbiters'.

Sects will assist and teach specific aspects of the Journey to aid in education, only after reaching an understanding deemed acceptable by a 'Sect Master' will they receive a mark. By the time these young Astartes earn three such marks from any sect they will be promoted to a position within a Sword Company.

Sword Companies will preform aggressive and active combat roles as is suitable by their name, once more with the sects present and mingling an Astartes must earn another three Sect Marks. This will promote them to the First Company itself.

The First Company will undertake any missions were extreme experience is required and act under the command of the First Captain, however upon earning themselves three more Marks they will earn a supreme honour... induction into the Hunter Company should they so wish it.

The Hunter Company is the most secretive and experienced of all in the Legion, they Answer only to the Company Head; Master of Hunts. The Primarch himself holds that title but instructions are laid out then the Master of Hunts falls the Company itself will vote for their new leader. Members of the Company are free to roam at their will, to wander among their younger Brothers as spiritual guides and reminders as to what can be achieved. They are the roaming teachers and hunters like their Father before them.

The Sects are simple organisations, they could be considered specialists in many ways whom vote among themselves to decide their masters yet their ranks hold only the power of a Captain. Sect Masters are often figures of obsession but still answer to Company Captains and above.

A little Dark Angels, a little White Scars
Is this a chapter org or a legion org?
I think they are refering to Legion size by the green text? Legions back in the day had dozens of companys
By the way we do realise the one from Sheowl is Alpharius right? Like you all picked up on that his ability took awhile to kick in, we know he has been found and there's no way he wouldnt be here. I'm telling you its him. He even memed and called us brother.

We should call him out
doesn't Magnus already know? didn't he see the chaos gods and tell tzeench to piss off when he offered Magnus the power to save us?
Magnus knows ish. we're just not allowed to share the full details with him.
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait, got stressed waiting for an order of models to update.

Invite them to the festivities, even if you know not how you're related, they are still your elder brothers and it'd be unthinkably rude to not do so:21
-"If i might propose a change of tact...etc":10

Spar with one of them.:6

Caution them in speaking with pert to mind their style of words. Of our brothers he is the one most likely and easily to take offence with careless words due to his thought patterns.:5

Ask why they are so suspicious of primarchs, and their names except for Mathias.:4

"Malcador, Honoured Uncle if I may a word?":10

Challenge all four at once.:2

Total votes:23

So Lieren will invite the custodes to the festivities, and have a private word with the mysterious Malcador

Writing now

excellently and sensibly written and put together anon.
"If I might propose a change of tact" You say with a whimsical smirk as you step around the side of the leader of the custodians and put a brotherly arm around his shoulder, he stiffens but does not make an effort to remove or remove the offending appendage "You will learn more about my fellow Primarchs from observation and patience than direct confrontation"

You bow your head, smirk turning into a jovial grin as you pat your hand on the gilded shoulder pad of his armor, noting the master craftsmanship in its artifice and construction, as well as its ceremonial decoration.

"Join us at the celebration, preform your role as wards beside my father which will allow you to in turn watch my brothers" You urge, not forcefully but with warmth and earnest affection, gesturing with a hand towards the direction of the celebration as sounds of the merriment outside of the temporary imperial court carries upon the winds and pierces through the dense mists and smothering fogs "see how they interact with humanity, listen to their words to just their character then in quiet moments take them aside with politeness"

"That may be wiser" The good humored of the four agrees casually, hoisting their Chendao like weapon over his shoulders as if he were carrying pails of water "Men show their true selves when they are relaxed"

"Or when they are pressed and their nerves wracked. Danger and relief both, give a chance for the masks to fall" The Sheowl descended custodian argues, though not harshly "But if I argue this, surely confronting them in the midst of battle would be the most effective means of gauging their loyalty and measuring their abilities as both weapons and tacticians"

"We do not scrutinize them solely to know if they are effective tools to slay our lord's enemies" The leader says plainly "However, Lieren is of the right mind in this instance, it is best if we mingle with them rather than confronting them out right, at least initially. Find where they are lacking, so we may work out the flaws raised into them, beyond our master's rule"

"I will not turn down a rare chance of repose" Mathias sighs "Though closer observation of the other three primarchs will surely make this short reprieve all the sweeter, I am curious if they are as pleasant and deep minded as you are"

"They all are, in their own ways. Geniuses one and all, though I would ask you to try and enjoy yourselves, when your duties allow, the dishes on offer are some of my favourites" You say with a laugh, very much pleased that the hostility between you and these four elder brothers who are still strangers to you has greatly lessened just over the course of one conversation. In a few more, and the brotherly bonds between you may prove as strong as those forged between yourself, Magnus, Perturabo and Angron. One can only hope it prove to be as such.

"You have my leave to join the party" Malcador says with a dry chuckle "I'm sure your lord would like you to share in the merriment"

And with that, single file, the four vanish into the mists, as silent as fog panthers on the prowl and they are so steathly and well hidden even a few steps away from you, that even your super human senses are briefly challenged to pick them out from amongst the rest of the ambient weather. But, you are certain, if you were sent to find them in these conditions, in the end, you would find them.

Malcador begins to walk down the path they made through the fog, stepping into the swirling mists, but with a single step, you cut him off and crouching, nearly kneeling down before him, to look at him at his eye level and not towering above him, you hold up a hand, silently requesting him to stop and listen to you. He glances past you, and only nods in approval to your wordless request when he is certain the four custodians have far enough left your company so as to not accidentally ease drop on this private conversation.

"Malcador, honored uncle, if I may have a word?" You ask humbly, as you step aside, no longer blocking his way as you use a nearby tree to lean against, idly pulling on of its leaves, admiring the natural beauty of its organic structure, showing no signs of blight or beetle infestation

"You may, it is the day of your wedding after all, though I can tell from your tone, the subject is not a happy one, like asking if I have any idea for names" He jests but you can tell he is troubled and weighting to hear what is of so great concern you'd speak to him only in private

"Hah, your guess is the right one, uncle. And it is of grave concern, truly grave concern" You state openly and without deceit, exaggeration or downplaying "it concerns our truest enemy, the one my elder brothers were concerned had slipped poison into my mind, like a toad into a chest of jewels"

You had not thought your father's dearest companion could make a more dour expression, but he has just proved your assumption wrong. All around him the air crackles with psionic force, faint arcs of warp lightning curling into the mists around him as the hue of the air changes and the gravity around the two of you noticeable lessens

"No poetry. No metaphor. Tell me plainly and without flamboyance, what is it you wish to bring to light, Lieren" He says with a voice that echoes through the forest, bouncing off of the trees, as if he were a true giant whose shadow you stood in, his every syllable reverberating in the marrow of your bones

"They were present on Nuceria. From the lowest of slaves to the highest of the nobility, their corruptive touch was noted and excised. Peasants praying to a god of rotten grain for salvation, hedonistic cults and lanista who craved more blood than gold" You say solemnly "Worshipers of aberrant Empyrean crafted tech atrocities, scheming vizers and alley way sorceresses. It was not saw when Angron broke his chains and the sparks of rebellion turned to a wild fire. The discordant powers have grown more active, roused from their idleness like winter catfish greeting spring. The last of their thrall's gambles came close to succeeding, were it not for my intuition and quick action, their schemes would've have collided with my brother's final victory. And who can tell what would've happened then"

"...You've done well" Malcador says gracefully, his gratitude quite literally overflowing from him as he dips his head in a quick, shallow bow "Preventing the worse case scenario. A full, detailed report of the forces you faced and their failed schemes, will be given"

"Yes it will, but their bungled attempts to spoil the liberation of Nuceria, is only the beginning, they will not cease their pursuit of my brothers, nor of my own head and heart" You answer, respectful but unwaveringly stern "We must be ready for when they do. Perturabo is oppressed by the eye of terror, feels it judges him. One day, as is his nature of an intellectual, he will investigate it, even though I have done all I can to concerns of it. Magnus, though much more cautious now, is a psyker of great potential and expertise. He fought Be'lakor with me. The whole truth will not evade him for long, if he has not already found it"

Malcador narrows his eyes dangerously

"Your father explained why that cannot be done. You have proven uniquely resistant to their temptations, able to directly confront and be assaulted by them, and emerge unscathed, uncorrupted" He explains, with a severe though measured tone

"I would not suggest revealing all that is known to them, merely that we establish a means to monitor and detect these threats. The chance of the yet undiscovered primarchs being exposed to chaos, judging from the pattern established and the nature of probability alone, is staggering. It will occur, of this I am certain" You begin, lowering your tone to better impart the threat you face though you know Malcador understands it well "We have been fortunate, that I alone have been directly confronted by these vile forces"

"I will discuss it with your father" Malcador says, sighing after a tense moment of silence "But surely, of all men, you understand how delicate of work it will be. You cannot, as you did with the ruling family of this planet, construct their abode to defend against invisible demons. The sensible amongst your brothers will think you mad, and the overly curious...I cannot say it without growing enraged"

"Perhaps a sect of watchers, and organization of observers, of those uniquely resitant to the corruption and temptation of chaos, trained to battle its servants" You offer as a solution, keeping a placid expression to hide the fact you had founded such an order, and would in a heart beat, relinquish its control to Malcador's hands if it meant the safety of your kin

"Hah, and I would like Terra to be completely regenerated from its countless wars, humanity to rejoin without bloodshed, and all nightmares forever lost to the void. Hopeful dreams, just like finding enough iron willed kindred spirits to create such a force" He laughs "But, we will find a solution. Me and your father. And perhaps, you as well"

You smile, and nod, and follow him to return to your own wedding celebration.

And what do you do once you return there, to pass the time before the ceremony officially begins, Lieren?

>Discuss your plans for the future with Kanzeon, allowing all the world except for her to fade into the background for a while.

>Check with the hidden members of the nameless watching the proceedings to be certain there are no uninvited guests

>Get some fresh air and spend time with The other boys from Nothing who are still alive, and wander the wilderness with them

>Speak with both of your fathers, and admire how much Shangrala has changed since you first emerged onto the scene

>Write in
>>Discuss your plans for the future with Kanzeon, allowing all the world except for her to fade into the background for a while.
time to relax a bit and enjoy ourselves
>Discuss your plans for the future with Kanzeon, allowing all the world except for her to fade into the background for a while.
>Discuss your plans for the future with Kanzeon, allowing all the world except for her to fade into the background for a while.
>>Discuss your plans for the future with Kanzeon, allowing all the world except for her to fade into the background for a while.
>Speak with both of your fathers, and admire how much Shangrala has changed since you first emerged onto the scene
>>Discuss your plans for the future with Kanzeon, allowing all the world except for her to fade into the background for a while.
>Speak with our fathers
>Discuss plans with Kanzeon
>Discuss your plans for the future with Kanzeon, allowing all the world except for her to fade into the background for a while.
>Get some fresh air and spend time with The other boys from Nothing who are still alive, and wander the wilderness with them
Spending time with the Bride before some time with the lads since we're getting hitched. Gotta see the OG lads
>>Discuss your plans for the future with Kanzeon, allowing all the world except for her to fade into the background for a while.

Kher-ys was burning, her Wraithbone spires burning and streets slick with blood and broken bodies; defiled bodies. Between the efforts of the Heartslayer and Flayed Fox and the growing discord among their own ranks they'd been infiltrated, deceived and now led to their doom as the cackling hordes of She whom Thirsts razed the Craftworld and made their way to the Infinity Circuit; they they were yet to breech it for they'd begun to make sport of a last defender; Hyceon the Repentant.

The once Incubus pulled himself to his feet, his black armour now etched with sigils and verse marking him as one of those 'tainted' by the teachings of the Journey yet it was punctured a dozen times and his life was weeping from him. He looked about the divinely beautiful and grotesque forms about him. He saw familiar shapes, he saw exotic ones...he saw out the corner of his eye another daemon try to strike him thinking him distracted; he stepped forward his Klaive flashing in a graceful arc...the manifestation was sent back into the depths of the warp.

“Do not fear death, do not rush to it. All things must fade but their deeds echo through time”

The minor emanations shuddered and hissed at his words, he allowed himself a chuckle unafraid of pride which should feed these monsters.

“A Journeyman of my Saboteur? This far from home how exquisite” a voice as sweet as roses and just as thorny graced his ears...behind him. He span leaping and slashing at the level the tone had come from but he struck not unflesh but a mighty claw which threw him backward; the Fox had come, his doom had come and he knew it.

“Mmmn that delicious flavour it gives, oh how I shall enjoy breaking your faith, your devotion to the Great Squanderer.” The monster smiled through many maws carved into flame, it stared at him through six blazing eyes and even as it's flayed form flickered in fire it bled magma about him. The mortal knew there was no escape, there was no way to endure such a thing but the sages words resounded in his mind, the peace within his soul remained.

“Yet each action I take is my own, I deny you your power, your pride. You are failure through and through! I will pass but my actions will echo eternal!” He roared, in defiance and threw himself at the Great Deamon of his people's devil. He was at peace with the coming dark but still he thrashed against it. Even as the fox tore off an arm...then a leg, even as it picked up his mangled form he denied it and defied it one last time by sinking his blade into an eye. The blade burnt bright the powercore within over cycling and detonating blowing the beasts jaw apart and sending him sprawling.

He looked up as it reformed rolling it's jaw looking at him in disgust.

“I shall be poison to your mistress welp” he spoke smiling as his life left him finally. The Fox however paid such a lesser thing no heed and turned to the circuit only to discover an empty Wraithbone hall and distant laughter...where were the souls?

She looked at the smiling corpse and threw it away roaring in fury; cheated once again~


Ina palace of silver, upon a throne of purest ivory, love and torment a goddess supped from a cup sweet Ambrosia and reached down toward a sweetest treat to just appear before her; an Aeldari soul. She rolled it between her fingers looking upon it with mockery, she laughed and threw her head back as she flicked it into the air to fall into her maw while her court joined in the cacophony. But when it passed into her, for the first time she winced...it...hurt. A pristine face of beauty personified screwed up in disgust at the unexpected flavour her lips became a from at the texture...her morsel tainted. It tasted of patience, of peace and it's texture? sculpted and hard...it was cold like jagged ice that would not melt.

Yet she could not be rid of the poison, for She whom Thirsts can't give up her due~

>Discuss your plans for the future with Kanzeon, allowing all the world except for her to fade into the background for a while.

>Check with the hidden members of the nameless watching the proceedings to be certain there are no uninvited guests
>Speak with both of your fathers, and admire how much Shangrala has changed since you first emerged onto the scene
>>Discuss your plans for the future with Kanzeon, allowing all the world except for her to fade into the background for a while.
Oh no. It finally happened. I'm caught up. No more quest to read. It's over.
I guess I now live from update to update with you guys.

Crazy work you did, Malal, and the quality only went up over the years.
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait.

Discuss your plans for the future with Kanzeon, allowing all the world except for her to fade into the background for a while.:10

Speak with both of your fathers, and admire how much Shangrala has changed since you first emerged onto the scene:3

Get some fresh air and spend time with The other boys from Nothing who are still alive, and wander the wilderness with them:1

Check with the hidden members of the nameless watching the proceedings to be certain there are no uninvited guests:1

Tell the emperor about the fragment of the great plan: 1

Total votes:11

So Lieren will discuss the future with his bride to be, allowing all the rest of the world to fade into the background

Writing now

Thanks for the kind words, man. Very happy you've enjoyed everything so far. Excited for what's to come myself

Been cooking Lieren's first bout with Orks for literal years at this point...

Fantastic music choice, and the description of the burning of Kher-ys and Hyceon's last stand made me tear up and cry, especially his defiant statement of every action being his own and denying the fox her power and pride. just beautiful man. And Huli jing was truly menacing, even if she got bamboozeled in the end and the way you described Slaanesh and Hyceon's poison was also fantastic.

SSS tier writing.
She was the delight and the jewel of the court. Her eyes like pools of emerald water or polished and cut jade, glowed in the artifical glow of faux flames, their electric radiance casting a shroud of orange, vermillion, gold and Tao yellow over her fair features, the lights dancing in her joyful eyes as green as fresh growth on a healthy tree. The river stone black of her long, flowing hair framed her beautiful and kindly face, allowing it to become not only a canvas for multitudes of colorful lights, but also pure and positive emotions as she was surrounded by her sisters, like a group of fairies surrounding the fairest of them all, and gathered around them all, standing beneath them all, were the ladies of the court who were far more interested in Kanzeon and her sisters that your war-like and imposing brothers. Many of the noble ladies were trying to mimic the styles of the sister ships, while the officials and ministers were dressed as if they were expected to be called to their office or job site at any moment.

And as she sensed your approached, not through sound, sight or telepathy, but through the connection of your hearts and the deep feelings within resonating together like a melody, your beloved looked up, the emerald pools within her eyes widening and glowing from within as she looked up and her face glowed brighter than the lights illuminating the temporary court, love, joy, fondness and passion blazing within her eyes as her expression become lovelorn as you glided up to her, paying little heed or attention to the rest of the world around you. Though the blinding gold presence of your elder brothers and father, was still seen from the corner of your eye as the rest of the world beside Kanzeon and the distance between you and her became as a dream in the mists, an illusion in the fog, a mirage across desert sands.

"My song birds sings most lovely when her melodic voice is joined by the music made by others, yet, though greed is a sin most contemptible, I most like her song when I alone can hear it" You compliment sweetly as you smoothly sit yourself next to her, and lift up a pitcher of clear spring water, melted from ice in the Bask Republic and offer to refill her glass. Her eyes flutter as her cheeks flush and she snorts through her nose, trying to downplay how deeply touched and affected she is by your loving words

"Careful now, my scholar, if you speak that to loudly, star crossed lovers across worlds will tattoo and brand themselves with that sweet little poem meant for me alone" She titters, as she holds up her glass "And I've noticed those, unexpected relations that have joined the party, aren't the same model as you and your other, more personable brothers"

"As sharp eyed as ever, I'm sure Anahita and Al-uzza are driving themselves mad wondering about the mystery of those gold clad sentries" You chuckle as you set down the pitcher and clasp a hand over hers "And how they differ from myself and my fellow primarchs"

"Liberty wanted to fight them, but when doesn't she introduce herself by insulting or challenging whoever she's meeting to a brawl, as if she's ever fought anyone" Her laughter rings like the most sublime of bells and carefully tuned chimes "But she'll mature out of it, probably"

"One may not know the future, but they can plan for it" You say, squinting slightly as you turn your eyes down to the still rippling pitcher of water, but keeping your treasured one in the corner of your eye, not letting her leave your sight

"The future huh?" She sighs, making you lift your gaze back to her again as she wraps her hand around yours, intertwining and weaving her fingers between yours "Traveling together, seeding new worlds with life, fulfilling the purpose I was given at my birth"

"Is that what will make you happy?" You ask earnestly, leaning closer to her as her easy going smile tightens

"Having you at my side will make me happy, and ensuring the prosperity and allowing the rest of humanity to have a high quality of life and live with excellent standards of habitation, nutrient and happiness, will also make me happier. We both love the human race, and eachother" She answers cooly, swirling her water, holding it by the rim between three fingers "But what will make me happiest is the moments in between the selfless labor and the struggles, the time I'll spend with you alone, like you said, it may be selfish of me, but I enjoy when your intellect and cleverness are mine to observe and mine alone"

She smirks over the rim of her glass

"I know, our shared responsibility and duty, brings you as much joy as myself, but I was wondering of those moments in between. Besides toiling side by side and using our wisdom and gifts to better the universe inhabited by man, what would make you happiest? You know I would tear down the heavens themselves if they offended you, my fairy of steel and code" You say firmly yet delicately, running a hand through her hair, and lifting it over her ear, which is as red as if she was beset by fever. She flashes a defiant and rougish smile, and plucks a piece of candied, dried fruit and lifts it to your lips

"Well, some of what would make me the happiest, is too scandalous to mention in company like this" She says with a jackalish sneer and a foxish gleam in her eye that briefly rouses memories of her lost sister. Your lips tighten and you tap your foot to redirect the muscular movement that would've tightened the grip of the hand intertwined with hers, as the heat of the flames flickering over the pyre you made for the messenger in flames and the scraping of her claws feels as vivid as the moment you experienced both.

Taking a centering breath and composing yourself, you smile pleasantly and chuckle

"But, having a purpose in life, spending it with some one who is not only like minded, but who I adore and who adores me for who I am, rather than what I am or can do, who has such wonderful ideas and hopes for the future, will make me happy. I haven't been sad in your company, even when I've inspected the wrecks of my sister, having you there to console and comfort me, makes the loss less bitter and painful" She answers with a much less lurid and provocative smile "besides, I'm certain I can say you've been inside of me more often than most wives can brag about their husbands"

You choke on your water

"Adorable" Kanzeon teases "Even with all the shit you've dealt with, all the awfulness, corruption and evil you exposed to, how many times you've had to use hands meant to nurture fields and tighten screws to kill, how often your ideals have been tried and tested, you remain so adorably innocent. The brutality of war and the destructive nature of mankind, neither of them have dyed your selfless heart, you're still the same curious boy who wandered into my palm and instead of seeing a monster in the dark, pulled back the curtain and reached out to a lonely girl who'd been left abandoned and afraid for....oh so long"

"It is quite the bold and lewd thing to say, Kazzy" You choke, stammering as you feel your own cheeks flush with heat and warmth "And I cannot see my own heart, but it is reassuring that in your eyes at least, I've remained untainted by the foulness I am duty bound to face time and time again. It is very reassuring, there have been moments, when the things I've been forced to do, had made me worried I was straying from myself, but I know with you ever at my side, there is nothing for me to fear, for you will not allow me to become something I am not"

"I fell for the smiling scholar with a poet's heart, who looked out to a world ruled by fat tyrants and hedonistic freaks and threw down his brush and his plow to instead take up a rifle and march to war, and keep marching, time and time again, until everyone was happy, with filled bellies and peaceful lives. Twice, I am told by Carys and the other journey men who've arrived, you risked your life for another maiden in distress" She says, pouting as she pretends to be jealous as she cups your face and pulls it closer "But, luckily I know you're loyal, other woman might've been jealous hearing their darling was off playing hero with strangers"

"Of course, because you are logically minded and reasonable, and have studied me deeply, besides myself and my father, you are the one who has seen the most of me, laid bare" You say, deciding that now is the time to counter attack before Kanzeon becomes too bold in her teasing "Why, you've scrutinized and inspected me down to my component atoms"

She smiles daringly as you pull her nearer to you, until your brows are pressed together

"Somehow, that's more romantic than any of the poems you've read to me" She answers, eyes narrowed provokingly, as she moves the hand on your cheeks to the back of your head, undoing the ornate and ceremonial bun you'd tied it in. Iron mingles with river stone, an electric current pass between golden and emerald eyes, and the world vanishes as your lips meet hers, as the two of your embrace. It could've lasted an eternity, but you part, both of you laughing, both winners and losers in your little contest of wills and flirting.

"Calm down, big guy" Anahita huffs, tossing an apple at you across the table "The ceremony is coming up, no reason to get so excited, the two of you caused some of the delicate ladies of the court to faint!"

"Shameless" Al-Uzza mutters like a teacher about to scold her students, adjusting her glasses

"It was just a kiss" Mari says with a roll of her eyes as Liberty stares, eyes wide, her circuits overloaded by the scene she just witnessed "They've done it before, they're just usually not so bold about it"

"My oh my brother, I thought you were about to go feral and forget your manners" Angron laughs, lifting up his glass of wine "Make sure to find a sturdy building for the wedding night"

"I'd want to be off the planet" Oenomaus, his father, chortles, spilling some of his own wine on his legs, cheeks ruddy as the small dragon coiled around his neck, napping

"I wouldn't have to break my back in the fields if he gave me grandkids as strong as he is" Wenyan cackles, throwing an arm around the nucerian gladiator's back "Not that I've worked in the fields myself since he walked into my life and made everything better, but, the point stands"

"What an overwhelming aura of love, I think you two just set off a wave in the great sea" Magnus says, waving his hand to pretend to fan himself, miming being overwhelmed and flustered by the sight "You're going to have to get creative to surpass that show of idle affection, both of you will, hah!"

"Two suns passing by" Amon mumbles, head on the table, being looked over by Guozhi and one of the other wanderers in the fogs "What an incandescent view"

"A scene worthy of preserving" Perturabo compliments with a curt nod of his head "I think a stained glass window of it will be a suitable present"

"They're cute together, aren't they Bo?" Calliphone giggles, much less affected than Liberty is "If only we could find a giantess for you"

"If she and I were as similarly minded as Kanzeon and Lieren are, we'd kill eachother within a week" Perturabo says, in a rare moment of good humor and self reflection

"Not going to complain about that?" Eldrad asks your father, who is looking on, giddily

"Why should I, that passion proves he is my son, I've lived, I've loved, I've conquered" He says with a grin "It pleases me to see him so very... Human"

"What else would he be, if not human?" Feng drawls, as he saunters into the temporary court, a new panther hide on his shoulders, interwoven with colorful bird feathers, and a fresh scar across his cheek, made from human nails "Akanksha is doing well, as is our son. He's healthy and strong. We...she named him Weimin"

"The people's hero, I see the chieftess has high hopes for her first born" You say excitedly, happy for your friend and brother in arms

"Is she showing him off to Bai, Zin and Small Chen's widows, and trying to make it a contest between which of the four of their sons are the strongest, even though yours is an infant?" Kanzeon asks with a snicker, cheeks still a radiant cherry hue, though you know yours are as well

"The Vishnu are a competitive people, it is in their blood to seek challenges" Feng answered with a smile "Had to talk her down from shuffling in here to compare him to the imperial heirs. Lord Jinhai, Lady Daiyu"

"Your service is noted Feng" Daiyu says after a moment taken to collect herself and compose her thoughts

"Thank you, old friend" Jinhai says with a mischievous smile "It should be rewarded I think"

"Akanksha doesn't understand I have no family name, and belong to no clan, as I am no noble" Feng says bluntly "It would not take a genius to guess what I ask"

"Very well, Feng, you are the first of a new noble house" Jinhai says with a smirk, enjoying the reactions of those around him, but most are excited and thrilled on Feng's behalf. He is, himself a hero of the people

"I will take the name Bao, and pass it on to my decedents" He says proudly "Our color shall be the grey of panther hide and the white of mist, our symbol, the panther themselves"

"Congratulations, Bao Feng" You applaud, rising to clap your hands, as most of your fellow Long-Jians follow, with Kanzeon giving a few half hearted claps herself "You've more than earned it"

"Emperor, does Lieren not deserve a noble title as well?" A voice in the crowd questions

And begins a storm, as just as many voice who were congratulating Feng for the great accolade he'd just received, turn to ask why the golden eyed hero, champion of the people, and savior of the nation has not been similarly rewarded. And they are given a little more credence, since Feng, Wenyan, and Anahita join in, demanding why you haven't been declared a noble.

And Jinhai seems to agree with them, with another mirthful look in his sparkling eyes, and a wine glass hanging from his fingers and Daiyu looking like a jackal circling a carcass at the thought of giving you a title as a gift.

"Hah, can we just sneak off, its getting too loud" Kanzeon mutters, and Al-uzza and Mari nod their heads in agreement, while Liberty is still trying to comprehend the sight of you and her sister kissing in front of her.

What do you do during all the excitement, Lieren?

>Talk casually with Feng and ask him about his new son and his married life, as you sneak out with him and Kanzeon

>Quiet the clamor with a shout, and point out that you might already have a second name, and gesture to your father from terra

>Make up an excuse that you can't be given a family name or noble title, unless it is done so on the land of your birth, Terra.

>Clap your hands together, and say that if the wedding gifts are being handed out now, the ceremony will begin , and decide what your familial name and house colors and symbol will be, and see what Feng has brought you

>Write in
>Quiet the clamor with a shout, and point out that you might already have a second name, and gesture to your father from terra
>Clap your hands together, and say that if the wedding gifts are being handed out now, the ceremony will begin , and decide what your familial name and house colors and symbol will be, and see what Feng has brought you

Fucking love our brothers.

>Talk casually with Feng and ask him about his new son and his married life, as you sneak out with him and Kanzeon
We sneak out for a quick chat first then return..

>Write in
clap our hands together as thunder and let the silence rain a moment.

"Lieren was a name taken when i began my journey, Hunter I called myself in those youthful days back in Nothing... here I am about to be married, among family, among friends, among those whom showed resolve and worthiness in a new Dynasty, the marking of a new age to come. I would hear suggestions?

Hear what the suggestions form Eldrad (might drop an old earth hero name), Weylan (we could take his name?), The Emperor and our Brothers of the Panther are.
>Present to the Emperor the fragment of the great plan
>Quiet the clamor with a shout, and point out that you might already have a second name, and gesture to your father from terra
>Find a quiet moment and share with your Father the fragment of the Great Plan entrusted to you via Wind Whispering. You're curious as to what he will make of it.
>Quiet the clamor with a shout, and point out that you might already have a second name, and gesture to your father from terra
>Talk casually with Feng and ask him about his new son and his married life, as you sneak out with him and Kanzeon
>Clap your hands together, and say that if the wedding gifts are being handed out now, the ceremony will begin , and decide what your familial name and house colors and symbol will be, and see what Feng has brought you
I'm just gonna try and make some shit up. For a family name how about Jinxing which google tells me means "golden star" so that's a nice callback to Lieren's arrival on Shangrala plus "Jinxing Lieren" has a nice ring to it, I think. Since Feng (the absolute bastard) has already taken the panther how about a winged mythological chimera and a nightingale circling each other, the roman numerals for 2 above them with the colors being silver, emerald green and gold. I'd rather not take Big E's ancient ass Anatolian name, mostly because it feels kind of direspectful to Wenyan.
Lieren literally named himself to spite the tax collector. He technically never had a name before that point.

>Quiet the clamor with a shout, and point out that you might already have a second name, and gesture to your father from terra
>Clap your hands together, and say that if the wedding gifts are being handed out now, the ceremony will begin , and decide what your familial name and house colors and symbol will be, and see what Feng has brought you
I'd just prefer to invent a surname than take the Emperor's. Also Lieren's original name was Simo.
>talk with feng and slip out with Kanzeon.

Dont wanna be a noble
I think a fantastic naming convention for us could be a double barrel name, we are the son of two worlds after all. In a meta sense through in an eldar suffix to fuck with the Aeldari a little

And Before this is over, in a quiet moment call out Alpharius that scamp. He's the Custodes from Shoewl. Look at his actions and words, but also his description. His power was slowly kicking in to fool us. It's him
>Lieren Ibn al Sabir Wenyanson Kurnouskin
>Quiet the clamor with a shout, and point out that you might already have a second name, and gesture to your father from terra

>Clap your hands together, and say that if the wedding gifts are being handed out now, the ceremony will begin , and decide what your familial name and house colors and symbol will be, and see what Feng has brought you
+1 As cool as it would be, its not like we can have/leave a house here; pur friends and companions can have descendants and create great warrior/noble dynasties
but our legacy is Shangralla itself.
I would say its better we are tied to Nothing as we have been, Lieren of Nothing. It tells more about who we are and what we have done than any house name could.
>Also Lieren's original name was Simo.
Irrelevant to what I said. Lieren had no name up until the tax collector asked for one.
>>Quiet the clamor with a shout, and point out that you might already have a second name, and gesture to your father from terra

>Write in: Decide upon our Symbol and colours
Alright i've given it a lot of thought, mucked around with Google translate and the Aeldari Lexicon we can view online. I believe this may well be a monumental moment for not just us but our “Sons” for now each of them have a last name to when they fully become space marines.

Our Symbol I propose to be a White Lotus Flower as in Buddhism it represents mental purity and spiritual perfection. Upon a field of Blue (infinity, purity, health, ascension and coolness) and Purple (Mystisism). These symbols have heavy ties to Lieren's own history and beliefs but also are something a little sneaky within the universal mechanics Lieren is aware of; we're binding ourselves to the Journey and so the name we choose, a last name bound to this symbol our sons will bare. A minor protection.

[Their main armour itself I propose we keep as light Cream as we discussed many a thread ago. White looks to garish and the cream is a pleasant, humble colour.]

>Quiet the clamour with a shout, and point out that you might already have a second name, and gesture to your father from terra
Lets keep so regality here. Our Symbol and colours tie is to Shangrala as does our own name; but our Origin? That belongs to our maker. Tell our wif it's time to bite the metaphoric bullet but maybe make a playful gesture of faux sneaking away as suits our character.
i don't remember him being called that. Also would the emperor want to even say his surname ? In regard to Wenyan idk if he would care. He would be probably happy regardless, if Lieren picked a surname or not.

>>Talk casually with Feng and ask him about his new son and his married life, as you sneak out with him and Kanzeon
I agree with the sentiment of being Lieren from Nothing. In regard to symbols and the like, i remember the wings of plume and azure. The Rebellion colors, and the journey symbol it self are also all heavily associated with Lieren.

Very nice image, funny coincidence.
There's a little more support for it so I'll change my vote >>6018127 to just
>Talk casually with Feng and ask him about his new son and his married life, as you sneak out with him and Kanzeon
I prefer to keep it at just Lieren.

In thread 7 when Lieren and Kanzeon are fucking around with his gestation pod they read up on the primarch project and it states that Lieren's name was Simo. I just find that choice in name kind of interesting.
>Talk casually with Feng and ask him about his new son and his married life, as you sneak out with him and Kanzeon
you are right he was name that.
fair enough
We might take Simo as a middle name then, in honor of our Father and his efforts in our creation.
I think we should hear proposals for our name then choose.
Anon, Brothers, forgive me, for i have lost you and this glorious congregation of minds, this quest of wholesomeness and righteousness for years, having lost my erstwhile pitiful machine of the early threads.

With joyous heart of all our past adventures and sorrow I could not be part of them I have gone through the archives and hope to be judged a welcome rejoining.

>Quiet the clamour with a shout, and point out that you might already have a second name, and gesture to your father from terra

We are now technically royalty as we have acknowledged the Emperor of Terra, and of Mankind to be our father.

And since dad avoided naming himself, we can use him and his rhetorical technique as a shield, being recognized as a member of the Imperial House of Terra, and still remain Lieren of Nothing as Dad does not give the name of the house out to anyone.

Plus this adoption puts a metaphysical protection of the emperor on other primarchs that take on his name they do not know as well... well if they do it officially and ritualistically as we would be doing now.
>Talk casually with Feng and ask him about his new son and his married life, as you sneak out with him and Kanzeon

Brave sir Robin social fu

Also imperative Imho to get dad in on the turtle gift. Before we talk to the magos.

And get the basics on the mechanicus, because by their own dogma outside of the omnissiah Kanzeon and her sisters are pretty much the pinnacle of human existence. And the fount of miracles unending. Just has to be handled with care and the mechanicus will be integrating the Sister ships in their pantheon. And via marriage to the son of the emperor they will have to be very accommodating to the emperor and his family of they want new and more toys.
So are we still called the Chimera Legion? If so, that's some ominous forboding considering our close ties with several beings that are skilled in genetic modification, regardless of the original intention of its name.

It'd be rather interesting if the name became somewhat more literal though, it wouldn't be unreasonable for us to ask Father for permission to experiment modifying the geneseed for abhuman compatibility, at least at some point in the future when we start cranking out companies for the Great Crusade.
Or adopt some of the menoth knowledge so us and our legion an go
"Nanomachies, Son"
and be chimera on demand.

>Quiet the clamour with a shout, and point out that you might already have a second name, and gesture to your father from terra
>Talk casually with Feng and ask him about his new son and his married life, as you sneak out with him and Kanzeon

adding in the walk away with feng would perhaps be a great way to give the idea that the imperial house is also the house unnamed or something of the sort...

could be funny how Conandadperor manages to pull that off.
While dad is here we probably could ask about our sons, how they are doing and such. Then send a number of our sons home once more to begin to bring things back under control and our teaching spread correctly.

Full nanomachines feels a touch cringe but becoming the Emperors geneticist could be fun especially helping with gene flaws
Some of the legions use it as an insult now but it'll probably change meaning once Lieren joins the crusade and sets his sons straight. Especially if we keep integrating baseline, abhuman and xenos auxiliaries into the legion.
>modifying the geneseed for abhuman compatibility
Kind of redundant in some cases like the angra and tigerfolk since they're already naturally powerful. But maybe it'd be useful with the Lomb. Aqua Marines.
Orikan's grip upon his staff tightened an iota as they while mingling with hundred of other nobles entered the Palace belonging to the primitive Emperor of this world. Trazyn however was still moving with remarkable grace through the crowd towards the augmented girl from before scans still repeating already confirmed results; a form of Proto-Necrodermis. It was simplistic, lacking in finer detail yes but it was a clear enough first few steps!

“Slow down you dullard you're getting to close” The Diviners hand finally grasped the Infinite's arm and tugged him back. “Don't lose your obsessive little mind! We cannot risk detection especially now that-”

He was cut off as this 'Primarch' was announced. The pair of squabbling Necron froze in place their glamour while intact had yet to be tested against this subjects warpcrafted eyes. Those eyes that glanced over all present and for a microsecond pausing on the girl the Archivist had sought to collect.

Orikan's singular eye focused as his disguise's lone eye narrowed the other hidden behind a patch... “-He knows. Trazyn he knows!”

He turned back to find the hand he'd previously grasped had been replaced with that of an eldarly woman whom batted her eyelashes at him from behind a decorated fan.

He resisted the urge to scream but not the hunt for his wayward rival, fortunately it didn't take long to find him once more the brazen Necron Lord having moved around their could be detector, past two guards whom were meant to be watching a backhallway but appeared to be...mindshackled. More of these 'Primarch' were announced and Orikan's engramatic mind was running hot as timelines splintered faster and faster, simulations and diagnostics blazing through calculations. They had to get out of here; this was to dangerous now, they were to damned close!
Moving like a shadow he moved through the royal corridors, passed even more shacked though unharmed guards and in time found Trazyn standing in some manner of Nursery standing over a crib looking down upon three human infants.

“What in the name of th Court's are you playing at!”

Trazyn hushed him with a finger and then with another free hand pointed close to the crib, then to the walls then back to child.

“Look closer”

Orikan with a huff did so and he felt something old, a feeling he'd not felt in so long; fear. Etched through the crib and as he turned across all the room, over all the palace....runes. He ran the programs, he double, triple checked. These runes while slightly warped were of clear origin; The Old Ones.

So lost was he in his slow looking around the room he didn't notice his companions daring theft, in one hand he held a small charm one of the children was holding in it's slumber; a little thing marked with the runes in his other a miniature Resurrection orb. It was the mumbling that drew his attention tot he scene.

“It belongs in a museum”

He went to make the switch of similar objects....the baby's eyes opened.

So shocked were they that the disguise simply dropped.

The baby inhailed turning red in it's fatty face.

The metallic horrors of aeons passed tried to silently hush the child which seemed to be winding itself it further. Orikan threatening it in ancient tongues, Trazyn taking out random items from his cloak to try to buy it's silence until finally upon been given a priceless jewel of the Mephrit Dynasty he'd liberated not a decade ago?!

The small human returned to slumber amid a pile of trinkets.

“Extortion...at so young an age, the child would do w-”

Orikan restored the glamour and put the infinite in a headlock hissing into his ear

“We are leaving you kleptomaniac!”

A final horror for the two made itself known, a presence so immense and radiant all Orikan's projected futures simply ceased to exist. Trazyn was dropped to the ground with an unflattering thud from which he spoke with a raised finger.

“I agree”.
>>Talk casually with Feng and ask him about his new son and his married life, as you sneak out with him and Kanzeon
Very nice, i like how they retreat

>So are we still called the Chimera Legion?
Somewhat i think ?
Well we didnt get a full update from Terra at the moment, i imagine other names have pop up. Probably Journey related and also related to the deeply collaboration the 2 Legion has shown in quest with human soldiers (this is explained by all the astartes that where sent with Terra expedition. Dae Hyun talks about it quite a bit). There is no way in hell they just call them the Chimera Legion now.

>experiment modifying the geneseed for abhuman compatibility
Difficult to say.
And not because of the Emperor approval, mostly for Lieren. He is very very safety and morality first, when there is the lives of others at risk. There would be a lot of theory first, before even the first practical test.

Beyond that though there is the problem with using the geneseed mostly two questions.
- Lieren soul is special
- Lieren body has been affected by different things, though in all of them it was able to adapt and resist.

On top of this there is the abhumans. The tigermen where brutally created by a mad sorcerer (rest in piss) and thankfully they where able to stabilize (4 arms, 2 legs and 1 tail). Their current population is childrens and teens, and under our watch. I am somewhat afraid to introduce geneseed there.

The Angra have also a similar deep mutation like the tigermen. The Lomb are more human, mostly. Ogryns that we have seen on Nuceria have a fundamental flaw in the brain, which is something Lieren i think has put on his brain list (like his brain cemetery for all his friends, companions that have died). Ratlings instead have smaller bodies.

Asking questions shouldn't be an issue. The marriage will be likely all a mix of : relax talking, serious business talking, X shenaningans, followed by some popular competitions and maybe some spars. Add the hanging of anyone idiotic enough to do something bad here say a dark eldar spy. (I really wouldn't spy on Lieren in one of the days he is the most happy, especially after a few days ago he had found out and destroyed a cove of slavers in the webway).

>Then send a number of our sons home
We could do that, but I feel Lieren has to talk directly with all the 2 Legion. And they need to see Shangrila. I think coming here would allow them to understand better the Journey.

I wonder how they will react to the news of the marriage. We can send them some photos. Must be weird to have a spaceship mom, and tigermen sisters and brothers. I remember when Lieren explained the Tigermen story to his sons of the expedition. Funnily enough we could use the lotus sceptre for make a memory core of that moment.
We also nee to dump our turtle -fu on Conanperor Dad so he too can be turtle master.

And we kind of have to align on the whole treaty of Olympus thing. with both dad, the bros and the wifes sister family.

''de jure'' the eldest of the Ship sisters married into the imperial family of terra, so depending on how we want to play things we could go with something like absolute primogenitude and as uch basically absorb the sister ships into de imperial family, or just try and pair them up with a primarch i guess, but i find that kind of meh.

Anyway once the ship sisters are technically relatives of the Omnissiah the Machanicus can not be seen to be, well, overly salivating at anything Kanzeon&Co related.

Unless of course one of their ship sisters in their benevolence offers them so gifts and wisdom...

Because like it or not the Mechanicus is the only realistic option that has a ready made network of enclaves all over the galaxy and thus can support the crusade logistically.

We just do not have the scale to match their gargantuan output even if we were to fully leverage the the webway for logistics support.

So they are a necessary thing. Luckily we got married with the pretty much holy ships from just about the end of GAoT/start of Long Night having a Magos whiteness it as a +1 to Emps.

So yeah, they can not be rude and drop a dozen arch mechanicus and some hundred capital ships on our heads demanding the sisters and their hulls so they can dunk them in motor oil baths and smear them with lamb blood or whatever. They will have to petition and be polite. If a bit anoying.

So that is why i think we should perhaps steal a march on them and have some general message and gift to them and promises of more if they behave.
>We also nee to dump our turtle -fu on Conanperor Dad so he too can be turtle master.
You act like he wasn't the grandmaster of the Shaolin Temple at some point in his life.
Might as well unknowingly usurp the position of the void dragon in martian society and become the second largest demi deity they totally do not worship. Well, Liren, the Waifu and her Sisters. The greatest/luckiest Archeotech finder ever, and his living archeotech wife and sisters.

That might make it so that Archmagos Land will try and match us in finding some archeotech to marry as well.
I am talking about the piece of The Great Plan that the spirit turtle gave us. Might as well share with dad since more hands make lighter work in deciphering parts of it.
The main issue is we can’t handle deciphering it all at once with the truth-seeing eyes. We also need to channel our soul into an equal or greater to grant someone else the eyes. The Emperor might be the best bet at instantly deciphering the plan.
well, we could technically replace Mechanicus. we could make a stable system within the webway like Commorragh where we and the sisters make a production powerhouse to rival the (at least portions) Mechanicus. but this would have some major problems.
1.) It would require webway gates wherever we need the equipment shifted.
2.) It requires the cooperation of the eldar and you can bet your ass the dark eldar are going to make at least frequent raids.
3.) it concentrates all of our production in one place where it can be easily attacked (as opposed to spread out across the galaxy)
4.) Seeing as the webway is a highway system within the warp there is always a chance of the walls weakening leading to demon invasion.
5.) If anything happens to it (gets cutoff from the materuim, invaded or destroyed) the imperium is fucked.
so while we technically could do it that would probably be a bad idea.
Yes and no.

We need to work a lot on our eldar diplomacy to get webway privileges' and it requires the eventual vassalization of a craftworld or some exodites.

With that we can technically exceed the coverage for transportation of the mechanicus.

However raw output, haha, no. since Mars is slowly going to be centralizing power with all the other forgeworlds., but even without that they are still the Cult Mechanicus in totality and the only sol power that has an empire across the span of the galaxy, if somewhat scattershot.

Each forgeworld can as such supply imperial efforts in their sector simultaneously.

This is not something we can do. We can, with eldar help and GAoT colony ship universal manufactory provide immediate or near immediate relief on the logistics and production system when talking galactic scale of time and movement. A very high quality, high responsiveness patch .

but on the raw numbers of production output the forgeworlds... we just are orders of magnitude behind, and a galactic empire really does need that.

At the moment the Mechanicus is more like the Orthodox church with Mars being the primus inter paares that ca adjudicate, while the martians want to consolidate into being the pope that can dictate to the cult.

If i recall Emps managed to get a slightly more favorable Olympus treaty from his musings, and with some of the forgeworlds that would prefer it they remain semi independent from mars and not subservient, we do have the opportunity to mold the Mechanicus more to our liking.

Not a lot of course, but we are the philosophical primarch that managed to convert eldar so a theotechnological manual that apeals to the Mechanicus should be more than doable in helping them maintain archeotech and sprinkle in our love and gratitude towards kanzeon and her sisters.

But yes having redundancies to everything is only a good thing as the sisters and emps especially are survivors of long night so even culturally we should be weary of the idea of a single point of failure, so archeotech and xenotech has no need to be the sole domain of the Mechanicus and can be also within the direct domains of the Imperial House and its members. This way we can slowly grow the emperors and the primarchs direct holdings a bit, even if not to the extent of the Mechanicum that can eventually match forgeworlds.

If we manage to keep Mars from consolidating its power over all the forgeworlds, then the mechanicum will not be as virulent in maintaining technological supremacy over all other constituent member states of the imperium and could tolerate other non mechanicum peers as long as it does not seem they will be overshadowed.

Honestly they should refocus on production and maintenance, while we manage to place ourselves as the de facto R&D/ archeology branch. The sisterships being better suited for it and could be maneuvered to be considered holy by the mechanicus as they are a successful mind&soul to machine transfer.
The Lieren tagine is prosperity. The mechanicus simply must be brought in line with prosperity, and they will pay due royalties for the relevant knowledge we bestow unto them, so hard with knowledge gifts and prosperity that we break their mind into some mechanicus flavoured journeyman prosperity hybrid.

How do you ensure the machine prosper? You build fucking more of them and spread them around for them to perform their functions!
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>"If she and I were as similarly minded as Kanzeon and Lieren are, we'd kill eachother within a week" Perturabo says
Holy shit my sides are in orbit, I love Perty so much. He really would be just a sour but mostly well meaning autistic guy if the deck wasn't stacked against him that hard in canon. I wonder who it is that we doomed with our actions instead of him.
>Clap your hands together, and say that if the wedding gifts are being handed out now, the ceremony will begin , and decide what your familial name and house colors and symbol will be, and see what Feng has brought you
I love the wedding, but I'd like to get the ball rolling. Yeah I know it won't win.

That would be pretty interesting, but Lieren & Sisters don't posess the same production capabilities as mars and early forge worlds. We can equip a country very well, but I doubt we could bankroll the entire great crusade.
But yeah, big E isn't gonna be AS dependant on toaster fuckers this time around.

Guys, check this cool art of malal aligned eldar that I found
So fun fact. but currently the Mechanicus is actually pretty disunited due to how spread out it is. Part of the great crusade was teh imperium also helping mars bring it's colonies in line. And there are a LOT of forge worlds that resents mars being in charge and would want to be in charge themselves.
Indeed. As i said, they have a unified culture, and would start working as the Orthodox church, debating to keep the culture mostly coherent, but each forgeworld is almost but not quite, well, autocephalous with Mars just having proeminence. Mars is angling to change that and truly unify them under its authority so it can command, not just guide and adjudicate, and will slowly manage to succeed in that endeavour as the crusade goes on.

But at the moment the shared mechanicus culture is the most widespread , if separated by great distance coherent human culture and also productive capacity in the galaxy.

It is necessary for the crusade to even have a shot of working for them to be on board. We just have to help the forge worlds in being able to maintain their federal character against the centralization of mars.

The cult mechanicus has a Monarchianism doctrine that keeps them to have a largely consistent foreign policy as a whole regardless of distance or internal dispute, and that keeps them as they are before, during and after the crusade.

Mars political actors and others favoring Mars centralization will be willingly or unwillingly conflate it with acquiescing to Martian authority, as well no forgeworld can rival Mars, and each and every one of them is contacted via the Imperium by Mars, and then through Mars get navigators... so Mars can leverage all that to this conclusion instead of any kind of regular foreword councils that mars has to preside over but has only something akin to one vote, veto and deadlock break powers.

Such a thing would greatly frustrate Martian Archmagos who would have to administer and politic officially instead of decreeing commandments and then going back to labs or manufactories and do what they like doing,
and all other forgeoworlds as well would have to dedicate some Archmagos to that if they want to keep their somewhat independent vassal nature.

due to stelar geography it was somewhat of a suboptimal organizational structure, since having councils would take somewhat like decades at best just to dispatch a representative from the farthest galactic corner.

But with the webway that can be done in days...
Thus we can champion such a organizational structure, and we have basically mechnicus holy icons in the family now, and would get us the favor of most other forgeworlds, so the vast majority of the mechanicus.
I have to agree with the other anons, as neat as it would be to replace the mechanicum, we have what? 5 ships? And even then there is no hope of mass producing them.
Our best hope would be to convince them Kazy and co are the peak of fusion between human mind and machine spirit, something only we or the emps IF anyone could ever hope to reproduce.
What we COULD do however is to better shape their dogma to try to have them monitor but not ban innovation, after all invention is the greatest praise to the machine God, while deviant practices such as AI and warp fuckery are surely corrupt whispers of scrap code.
At the very least, we could try to convince them the sisters are the angels of the Omnissiah, here to share its vast, near infinite database of blueprints and technology the mechanicum lost (and we totally did not just make), in the end we and the sisters are basically unlimited use STC
if we can still remain Lieren of Nothing i am game. I mean that is the reason i wat to go with the family of dadperor, since he gave no name so we can technically remain, Lieren of Nothing.
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait, I was in despair because the models I was painting were destroyed by me being a clumsy bastard, when I was in the final steps of painting them. That hurt. But the discussions you guys were having cheered me up.

Quiet the clamor with a shout, and point out that you might already have a second name, and gesture to your father from terra:9

Clap your hands together, and say that if the wedding gifts are being handed out now, the ceremony will begin , and decide what your familial name and house colors and symbol will be, and see what Feng has brought you:4

Find a quiet moment and share with your Father the fragment of the Great Plan entrusted to you via Wind Whispering. You're curious as to what he will make of it.: 2

Talk casually with Feng and ask him about his new son and his married life, as you sneak out with him and Kanzeon: 9

"Lieren was a name taken when i began my journey...etc":

Decide on your symbol and colors: 1

Total votes: 20

So Lieren will Quiet the clamor, point out he may already have a family name, and then use the distraction to slip out with Feng and Kanzeon, striking up a brotherly conversation about his son and his married life

Writing now

Welcome back!

Incredible work on the Lotus Heraldry, Anon. Love it

I was hoping you'd write more about these two on Shangrala. The dialogue was perfect, and I really like the way you wrote Orikan's perspective. Fantastic writing all around, makes me want to re-read my copy of the infinite and the divine. and the "It belongs in a museum line" demolished my sides as did what followed immediately after it, with orikan and Trazyn trying to calm one of the imperial heirs and stop them from crying. Really the whole second part made me lose my shit, you have a talent for comedic writing as well.

He is probably my favorite primarch besides Lieren to write. And that art is rad
Now that was a suggestion that had merit, you had no taste for glory and little care for accolades or titles, even if most of the population of Long-Jia and the rest of Shangrala would give you no end of unwanted entitlements and authority you had no use or need for. Being the Grand Architect and head of the ministry of development was a suitable position and office for you to continue the betterment of the nations, the uplifting of the people and society, and the sowing and spreading of prosperity. Anything more was unnecessary gilding, excessive and pompous self aggrandizing. But you knew well the workings and loopholes of long-jianese etiquette and how your fellow countrymen tended to think and the sort of thoughts they had regularly, as well as how best to exploit their tendency to revere heroic and popular figures and personages. Even if their desire to give you a family surname was selfless, and born from a place of respect and gratitude, you had no yearning to take one. For you were a common farmer, a hunter of the wilds, and a man of the land more than you'd ever be a lord of manor or holder of a palace.

"Silence!" You bellow, your voice booming like thunder, reverberating through the walls of the temporary palace and causing more than a few mouse hearted courtiers and nobles and officials who were present to see the end of their wastrel peers and wicked natured counterparts from other houses to faint outright, and several of your astartes to go on alert and reach for their side arms, and three of the four custodians to do the same "My dear friends, I know you are only seeking to show but a sliver of the gratitude you have for my service to the nature and the prosperity and abundance I helped to bring to it, but you are overlooking a key detail, and in doing so are making a grevious tresspass. I may already possess a surname"

The silence falls, your brothers and soon to be sisters in laws smirk, while Kanzeon slips out from your arms and hurriedly makes her escape as you gesture to your father, who is the cause for one custode out of four not rising to defend him when you shook the earth with a yell. And that is because he had mischievously slipped them a glass of undiluted and unflavored dragons spit. You gesture to him with a flick of your sleeve, and as all eyes turn to him, except for Jinhai, Daiyu, and your brothers both by blood and by comradery and oath, you leap over the table and silently sprint up to Feng and Kanzeon, who are already at the exit of the temporary palace of canvas and timber.

"I've not even seen panthers make so clever an escape" Feng cackles, eyes agleam with mirth as he pats you on the back and Kanzeon retrieves a fan from her sleeve and unfurls it.

"You sure no how to make a distraction, love. The only more efficient means we could've slipped away would be to have asked Dandan to set off a detonation somewhere nearby" Kanzeon giggles, a sound clear and relaxing as autumn rains


"I've become adept at slipping out from the clutches of courtly intrigue and social expectations" You boast with a low chuckle as you follow your brother and hunting companion's lead "Heavens only know how much experience I have had doing so to refine it to become the art you've witnessed today"

"I do recall when Daiyu's monster of a father and every noble of the region tried to throw their daughters at you, for a season or two" Feng says grimly, shaking his head from the sour taste of those memories "Not a care for their safety or their own opinions and ambitions in life. That is why none mourn them or shed tears over their graves"

"I'm assuming he didn't even respond to their letters they sent or else ignored them entirely if they approached him offering a bride" Kanzeon says, her mood much more improved now that she's out of the smother confines of the court and away from its clamor and the gossiping hens that had surrounded her

"They stopped seeking to court my favor to access my abilities and knowledge when the hangings started, some of the old nobility did have a measure of self preservation, as unbelievable as that may sound" You answer with smile, that only grows as you see your friends, Shaved Head Wei and Half Jaw Hu waiting by a local teashop, dressed to hunt, with rifles and spears leaned against their table.

They wave you over, jovially shouting and grinning ear to ear, and soon they're joining you, Feng and Kanzeon on your walk

"Thought he'd never be able to steal you away from that pit" Hu jokes as Wei rolls his eyes

"His family is visiting, only Feng or Old Wenyan could've gotten him up from that table" Wei remarks "Oh, did you hear the good news"

"That our friend is a father now?" You say excitedly, giving said new father a friendly pat on the shoulder "Of course I did, but he has rudely not told me anything about his boy, and all I've heard from his wedded life is hearsay and gossip spread by his wife's followers"

"The nurses tell me Weimin is a strong child, an especially strong child. Some gossip about panther's blood, Akanksha doesn't help by singing him to sleep with songs she made up about panthers and their hunters. I'm told by the doctor we have to give him regular health check ups that it is more likely to be the Vishnu in him and something he referred to as hybrid vigor" Feng says, smiling fondly as he speaks about his newborn son "And I'd be more inclined to agree with the learned man of science than the nurses I've hired from Nothing, to support their families. Since he does have a rather Vishnu personality"

"That's true, boss" Hu says with a nod "He's already crawling around and rough housing with his toys. He even was born with teeth! He bit my finger when I met him"

"And Scars' wife laughed and said he bit her harder and called Hu a woman for yelping in surprise" Wei snickered, shaking his head "Weimin is a rambunctious boy, kind of like princess Liling"

"The two of them will either get along or hate eachother when they're grown" Kanzeon cuts in, flicking a lock of her hair out of her eyes

"Bai's brat will probably be friendly with Princess Wenling, and Xin's with Prince Boling. Little Chen...probably going to be friends with the lot of them, that boy makes friends easily" Feng ponders outload, nearly running into Dong as he closes his eyes to think

"Hello" Dong says simply, scratching at his much more mangey looking beard "Been awhile. Carys' folk don't like me around, is the wedding started yet"

"Did you walk all the way here from Xue?" You ask, not really surprised, Dong's unique characteristic makes it more pleasant for him and others to travel alone, and he cannot be trusted behind the controls of most commercially available vehicles or military craft

"Yeah. Been hunting serpents on behalf of the Xue Lord. He's had some kids with his lady wife, and was growing concerned for them and his workers" He says with a snort "Lady Kanzeon, you joining us on the hunt? Glad to have you"

"Maybe, I'm just glad to be aware from all the attention and noise, and the wedding is about to begin, if I understood the schedule of the day Daiyu and Wenyan had made" She answers with a smile and quick bow of her head

"And they can wait if we're late" You declare with a booming laugh "And speaking of wives, Feng, how is your wedded life with Akanksha"

"Exciting. I'm more or less the chief of her tribe now, since her screamers like to challenge me to make sure I'm still worthy of her, or just to entertain themselves. And she wouldn't stay in bed, even in the last days of her pregnancy. Unless I found her new feathers. You know, it isn't just a tradition for her, like it is for most of her tribe, she adores finding new birds and taking their feathers to add to her cloak, as mementos" Feng explains happily, grinning so widely some of his newer scars break "She's also given me a taste for traditional vishnu dishes, since some of the surviving nobles the butcher king tossed to the wind actually knew how to cook for themselves, and came to my household for promises of protection and soft beds"

"Preserving their culture, even in your own small way, how admirable" Kanzeon praises gently, ruffling Feng's messy black hair like he was a boy

"I'm friends with skull face, and adore my wife, Its the least I can do, appreciate what little remains when so much has been lost. Oh, Aruna is looking for a bride you know, since he came back from the peace keeping operation in Hellas" Feng explains, brushing your bride's hand aside gingerly "And I've heard mutterings of a knightess from Bask he has his eye on, some one Elazar trained personally"

Zelai Berritza. A peasant girl from a lumber and peach ranch in the southwest of Bask. A member of the fire school of the nameless. Recruited after she was the sole survivor in an engagement with bandits touched and marked by the discordant powers, but was found to have partaken in the revolution of Bask, and had personally thrown the cadavers of the bloated nobility into pyres, without any ill effects. Oddly resilient to pathogens common and sorcerous in nature. Prefers a warhammer and plasma weaponry. Founding member of the chivalrous order of the Handmaidens of the Rime.

"He must be done grieving then, I know the deaths of his fellow chiefs weighed heavily on his heart and mind" You say somberly, making a mental note to warn Zelai of his intentions, if he is indeed seeking to court her, as while she is alert for danger, she is remarkably slow witted when it comes to social ques

"I hope so, big guy deserves to be happy with how many battles he's fought against tyrants, and for the good of the people" Wei says with a nod

"I'm sure he is, Sadness washes off a Vishnu's back like a water on a duck" Hu adds with a shrug "They don't even care that there are so few of them, compared to the other peoples of the world"

"Say, you picked up some new strays from the stars, just before you came back from your last trip to the unknown" Feng says suddenly, snapping their fingers "And my friends with the New Varro and connections in the other tribe, say they aren't all human refugees, and don't look like Carys' sort either"

"And the humans can't speak any of the languages of our world or New Varro, how far did you travel before your wedding, I know you're about to put shackles on, but you seem to have traveled farther than even a giant can walk for how short of a trip it was" Dong remarks off handedly.

"Apparently he saved them from a life of being shackled themselves, and watch your mouth Dong, you don't talk enough for people to notice if you lost your tongue" Kanzeon jokingly threatened "from the worst Carys' sort have to offer"

Feng, Hu, Wei and Dong's expressions all darken, they well remembered the fighting against the raids of the dark natured Aeldari.

"Wish I could've been there" Feng mutters angrily "It would've been less dangerous than staying at Akanksha's side when she gave birth to Weimin"

"She clawed your face nearly as badly as the panther did" You joke, and that raises your friend's spirits and betters his mood immediately.

And the six of you laugh so loudly as you continue to joke with and tease eachother, that any panthers that may have been bold or desperate enough to stray close to a major population center, are scared away. But just walking out in the mists, into the untouched nature, with friends and loved ones at your side, is soothing beyond words, and seeing Kanzeon so carefree, laughing until she's out of breath and red on her face, is a true delight that makes the fog seem thin and the light that pierces it as bright as an unclouded sky.

What do when you come back from your short stroll and wait for the wedding ceremony to begin, Lieren?

>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.

>Meet Weimin and Bai and Xin's kids, and also check on Small Chen's family

>Strangely nervous, without a reason you can discern, run drills and check security with your space marines

>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding

>Write in
>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.

Hang the tyrant tech priest that uses and condones servitors.
>>Strangely nervous, without a reason you can discern, run drills and check security with your space marines
>>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding
>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.
>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding
If Lieren didn't trust his sons and their allies to handle security, they wouldn't have been given the job in the first place.
>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.
>Strangely nervous, without a reason you can discern, run drills and check security with your space marines
>Strangely nervous, without a reason you can discern, run drills and check security with your space marines
>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding
>Strangely nervous, without a reason you can discern, run drills and check security with your space marines

>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding

When given a prompt for security, Something is afoot.
>>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding
>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.
>>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding
>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding
>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.

8 am tempted to check security a bit but running drills during the event (not just the official event, the event has begun as soon as guests arrived and lasts until they leave) running drills will actually open holes in security as the Astartes must abandon tasks and positions in order to drill a simulated situation to drill it...

I mean we could find something by happenstance but at the same time we could open more glaring holes in the security net. This is honestly a paranoiac try your luck gamble Imho.
>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.

>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding
>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.
>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding

>The custodes who did not reach for his weapon. Something is afoot with him.
The other guy is right I think. That guy is probably not a custodes.
We suspect Omegon, twin of Alpharius that no one knows of.
>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.
We should offer him an improved schematic for a few of the augments he has... a taster of staying on side
>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding
Also ask the Emperor how our sons are doing and if we still need to reprimand them,
>>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.
I see you alpharius.

Anyway, I am making the vote so Lieren actually has the thought.

A custodes not reacting either means his speed/training is inferior, which is ridiculous.
Or he is ahead ofnthe curve, and correctly assessed a stimuli as not a threat that fooled his allies.
Meaning he is much faster on the uptake, and the dragon spit incapacitating him is ridiculious. Even poisoned a custodes can rise to defend the emperor
The sigilite did sign 15 when we said we have to yet reunite with 16 brothers, and dadperor and the sigilite will know they can not have him not attending when basically the entire reconnected imperial family is meeting up. That would prevent the whole brotherly bond forming that the emperor kind of needs for the legions to not descentld into infighting and petty rivalry.

We might have to organized a private, family only retreat for that reveal however, if our latest bro is extremely shy about official social circles, and has a bug about covert stuff
Id still like to realise something is wrong before the reveal.
>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding

>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.
Seriously when are you guys going to vote for showing the Emperor the fragment of the great plan?
when we talk to the emperor and share our plans and the nameless
we have plenty of time this is our marriage....

there is no reason to be impatient. Because we will talk a lot here. This is one of a kind event if it wasn't clear already.
as others have said this is a big moment for Lieren and as such expect one more thread about it i regards to the party and after party/departure.

And we have a lot of things to discuss with Conandadperor. Like the nameless, talking with magnus about chaos, since he fought fucking Be'lakor, considering the issue with other potential psy primarchs, and also the whole the eye is watching on Pert. Then the nameless not inquisition, the spirit turtle great plan gift, and meeting and strategizing about the whole eldar negotiation to get webway access, and of course the sister ships becoming kind of adopted imperial family and aligning Shangrila, Prospero, Nuceria and maybe Olympia for future launch ramps for the whole Great crusade, or better yet potential nodes to scout for the rest of our brothers.

I mean if we can perhaps search our memories for potential primarch presences we might get Ferrus quick as well, and also Lehman and Lorgar.

if we an deredge up our memories with help from dad, magnus and empath Angron for primarch presences, i think Ferrus is the one ho can build another Golden Dragon Path. out of archeotech and the reactors to power parts of it, so that Emps can also then dump a care package on him.

I also expect Emps to dump some care packages on all of our brothers at the wedding, in order for the Imperial house to also have logistical nodes that can support the great crusade ahead of schedule and not be fully reliant on the mechanicus on that.

Even all of the adoptive primarch worlds might not crack a full percentage but having it is the point, as it allows one to get some piece of that pie and as such a place at that table when it comes to further negociations.
>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.
>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding
>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life
Allow our sons to do their job, don't cause a panic. This will allow us to chat with the Magos, I'd like to actually give them something STC pure even if it is simple; they'd be overjoyed.

Write in:
I know it's in a few votes already but let's through our disgused Brother a little wink, it's clearly him. The data we have is we know another primarch is found, no way dad didn't bring him, we've yet to meet a fellow 'intrigue primarch', his reaction when we yelled, the that he thought he was smug when he called us brother a few posts back and the fact his gift actually builds on what we are familiar with hence the accent slowly warping
>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.

>Meet Weimin and Bai and Xin's kids, and also check on Small Chen's family
>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding
>I know it's in a few votes already but let's through our disgused Brother a little wink, it's clearly him. The data we have is we know another primarch is found, no way dad didn't bring him, we've yet to meet a fellow 'intrigue primarch', his reaction when we yelled, the that he thought he was smug when he called us brother a few posts back and the fact his gift actually builds on what we are familiar with hence the accent slowly warping
sure. why not.
>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.
>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding
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The wait is going to be a bit longer. My sleep schedule got messed up the last couple of days, and when I managed to fix it, I woke up feeling like dog shit. Sorry in advance for the longer wait
Don't worry Malal, take your time.
if i remember correctly there was a forge world that had two groups of tek priests, one who practiced the usual dogma and one who researched psychic technology.
The other group had a special type of Titan that was very lick what we have created, wonder how they will react if we meet them.
>Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.
>Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the near week long wait. It was just one thing after the other. Insomnia, stomach aches, and then I right when I was getting ready to write, I had to update my PC. Had a dream, where I was a chaos warrior fighting a space marine and skaven in some fucked up dark eldar arena. And I beat XCOM. With only 9 casualties on my side. Xcom 2 is kicking the shit out of me.

Speak with Magos Epsilon Iota 65 and ask him about his culture and way of life.:15

Strangely nervous, without a reason you can discern, run drills and check security with your space marines:5

Talk with both of your fathers about their plans, great and small, and ask how the war at terra has been proceeding:15

The custodes who did not reach for his weapon. Something is afoot with him.:1

Magnus?: 1

Meet Weimin and Bai and Xin's kids, and also check on Small Chen's family:1

Total votes:21

So Lieren will speak with the visiting Magos, and both of his fathers.

Writing now

Thanks for understanding
Now try xenonauts for that old school flavour
Upon your, somewhat stumbling, return from the soothing wilderness maintained nearby Chendao academy and its namesake's village who is slowly progressing to become a city in its own right, you separate from your friends, who are entertaining Kanzeon with tales of your shared, though bitterly brief, youth in Nothing and the times of plenty and merriment that you enjoyed before the Tax Collector Ling arrived and showed to you the extent of the suffering of your people with a coin pincher's smile, as you have spotted a most curious sight, just outside of the temporary palace made of canvas and wooden poles.

The vermillion clad tech adept from Mars, the Magos Epsilon Iota 65, who views you with an almost worshipful respect and who shared their own thoughts on the planetary colonization project and narrowly escaped Perturabo's wrath, is standing in the middle of the road leading to the mock palace, gazing up at one of the street lights glowing and burning away the fog and mist as it creeps down the valleys. The are chattering a dialect of Binaric cant, different from the digital language spoken by Kanzeon and her sisters, scrawling upon a parchment with ink derived from a common by product of industry, judging by the depth of its hue and the way it stains.

"A marvel" They suddenly say, in the common language of Terra, glancing at you with a number of their red glowing artificial eyes, their pallid face peering still at the common sight as if it were a miracle from beneath the heavy hood, incense smoke rising from a small stick they grasp between two cybernetic fingers "The process of this light fixture are incredibly energy efficient, and create few detectable toxins. The material housing the illuminating filament, are a processed glass, unknown to even upon hollowed mars. Extraordinary. The illumination produced, is also high quality, pleasing to both the eye and aesthetics. It glows with a sense of purity, purpose. And there are hundreds of them in this rural town, connected by an underground network, a powergrid whose extent I have been unable to measure"

"The flexible glass is also used in the laser weaponry produced here, and which is wielded by the Long-Jian army when they march to war" You state, sensing them wondering why such a fine material is being used only to light streets and push back against the fog "There is a bridge constructed of the substance, and in recent years, it has been used in the manufacture of windows and eye glasses"

"One of your discoveries. A treasure reclaim from our species' gilded age" The magos correctly guesses, twirling the incense stick with surprising alacrity between their fingers as their scrawling on the parchment changes cadence as they rewrite some of the coded message they were recording upon it "And in your beneficence, the reclaimer shared the lost gift of the Omnissiah with the world. The younger generation will find some amusement in this, if that is indeed how events have transpired"

"The Omnissiah, you've made mention of this figure before. They are the god of the Mechanicum?" You ask as they continue writing, artificial lungs whirring as numerous cybernetic appendages emerge from their robes, while their largest thumps on the ground like a tail "I am surprised my father can tolerate your faith, considering what I know and have seen of his opinion of religion itself"

"A concession and compromise made between the lord of terra and the parliament of mars, the treaty of olympus mons, in part" The explain as they look away from the glowing light and fixes you with their natural eyes, wet and milky "He is, to some, seen as an avatar of the Omnissiah, and they will find more evidence of this belief, through your existence and actions, Reclaimer. As we understand, you and this world are the source of the relics that awed our world, the forgotten technologies and inheritance of mankind, left behind by the Omnissiah, made of hitherto unknown artificial composite materials and from uncharted technological lineages. And this light, humble though it is to the eyes of the subjects of...Shangrala, is proof that you indeed are the source, and your gene-sire was truthful when he spoke of revealing the source of the gifts he had brought to Mars....Gifts with which, benighted Terra turns blue once more. The red and blue planet, joining hands again, after eons of seperation. Poetic...I figured, from my quick research of your world's customs, you'd appreciate the gesture of those words"

"I do indeed, you may have a talent for the pen, Magos. But, I am still confused by the Omnissiah and of your worship of them. And now that we are alone, I'd like to ask of your way of life, your culture, its customs, the faith that binds the Mechanicum and dictates their traditions and edicts" You charmingly request, walking up to the Magos "The faith in my country was rejected, the faith in the lands of the bask and Shuni, to, has been decried and cast out, the worship of the vishnu has been lost, and the thousand gods of the Zoroast, the temples of the Hellas, and the beliefs of the Lomb, are unknown to me. And while I hold no gods of my own, I am curious about yours"

Some mechanism within them whirs and their lights of their artificial eyes glow in excitement

"You would know of the Machine God and the Omnissiah? It is only fitting, considering you appear to be guided by the motive force to return to our species a portion of our lost grandeur and the divine relics of eons past" They answer, with far more vigor and liveliness to their half mechanical voice "That were the creations of the Machine god, for all knowledge, science and technology originates from them, and is beneath their power. Omniscient and Omnipotent. Within every artifice, a portion of their spirit lies. And their divinity is made manifest through knowledge"

"You and your brothers, are proof enough of this, as is the bride you've taken, the one designated as Kanzeon, whose augmentations are....beautiful beyond words. I feel, lacking, as I did when I had more flesh than metal, when I see the cybernetics created in the foundries of this world. And I am humbled to witness greater manufacturings of the machine god than what I possess" The continue, tracing a hand down the medical scars along their face and neck "Hence, this union, and the existence of both you and her, are sacred. For both of you possess vast resources of knowledge and drives of comprehension, even with the emotions you two harbor together, you've done the machine gods work, even if you both were unaware of their guidance"

"I see, I see" You answer, formulating your thoughts and opinions on their faith as they explain it to you, noticing flaws existing alongside the more beneficial aspects of their teachings, but noting no immediate contradictions with your own personal world view and philosophy "Please, tell me more, honored magos, your words enlighten me"

"Gladly. We believe, as life is but organic machinery, we are imperfect, and by replacing our false flesh with pure metal and sacred technology, tearing out veins for circuitry, we become closer to our god and earn greater esteem in their eyes as we strive closer to reach even an iota close to mechanical perfection" They explain happily, rapping their fingers on their writing apparatus "Biological life is, in our view, a crude imitation of the higher existence of technology, lesser in form and function. Yet, the machine god, in its logical calculations, have chosen to give our species its blessings and guidance, and through prophets like you, its will is known"

"And I assume, the Omnissiah will be the greatest of these prophets, but has yet to appear?" You ask, now somewhat enthused by the new culture unfolding before your eyes "And while perfection is unattainable, the pursuit of it is laudable"

"One of the paradoxes" The magos says with a tone almost approaching warmth "Further proof the motive force guides your hand. The Omnissiah is the vessel and child the machine god will inhabit, has inhabited"

"You corrected yourself" You point out, before they can correct the mistake

"Correct" They answer "The most senior of Magi have declared your progenitor the omnissiah, for his miracle of instantaneous repair with but the merest of touches. Some argue against this, some balk at the demands of the mechanicum in the treaty signed. Others look to the miraculous technologies he has brought, and ponder if, perhaps the father has been misplaced for the son"

"And where do you stand in these debates, Epsilon Iota 65?" You ask curiously

"I only know, you have accomplished works I could only dream of, reclaiming relics and possessing STCs that humble my greatest works and discoveries and those of they who proceeded me in my position" They answer "What you are, is insubstantial, to what you have accomplished, Reclaimer. No matter what the Parliament, Fabricator general or other Magos decide. I look upon ye works mighty, and rejoice"

"A fine answer, but there is still much for you to tell me" You say, to return the conversation to the subject of the society and customs of Mars.

"And I have much to question of you, your world, and the devices your gene-father shared with us" They reply, suddenly adjusting a screw connecting the joints of one of their fingers "But, I am more than content, satisfying your curiosity of my people, reclaimer. Since you have not questioned or requested additional information of the motive force, I suspect you are comprehending its purpose, intuntively"

"The way you use and reference to it, is enough for me to understand" You agree, leaning against the light pole as the Magos bows their head, and takes in a rattling breath

"Are you aware of machine spirits and their needs, for a society as dependent on technology as much as yours has become, to know how to appease and sooth them is paramount" They ask and your curious expression is enough for them to explain "The soul of the machine, the fragments of the machine god, the force that allows the vessel to operate. They require ritual satisfaction. If they are not revered, they shall not compliantly operate"

That sounds oddly similar to the existence of Kanzeon and her sisters, and did two of them not rebel against their purpose and turn to enemies of humanity out of dissatisfaction with the lot in life they'd been given? Enslavement and Envy? But the technology of the crucible of souls, the creation of conglomerate souls should be unknown to mars. It was an innovation of the branch of humanity that seeded Shangrala with life, as the galaxy was torn asunder by Sie Nie's foul birth. So it must be different

"As men, machines have different customs upon different worlds" You avoid the question, realizing what they're speaking of must be a mixture of ritualized standard operating procedure and true superstitions, rather than an industrialized reducing of human souls to more effectively utilize even the simplest of technology

"The machine spirits of the gifts given, have been unusually pliant. The...water generating stones, in particular, can be activated by a layman" They say, sounding astonished by not surprised, more curious about what is done upon Shangrala to appease the machine spirits "Born" here

"They should not be. Else a tool of deliverance and life can be made into a weapon of atrocity and death" You answer sharply, reprimanding them even if it was just a figure of speech "They were used to great effect as the latter,before I took them and their manufacturing site into my possession"

"I see" The magos states solemnly, but understandingly "I also can tell, much of you, reclaimer, as it must be you who made the plans of these power grids and the allotment of these creations of the machine god. You value efficiency, strive to make the most effective use of every resource and material available to you. Yet, refuse to use some means and devices to their full efficiency. A flaw in logic, created by emotion"

"A purposeful flaw, if you could gaze into my mind, you'd see it functions rather like a machine. I simply chose, to be a man, rather than a machine" You say, realizing what that would mean in the eyes of one the martian tech priests "When complete efficiency cannot be achieved without betraying my morals or turning against the motive force of my own heart, then I accept inefficiency to the point until I can tolerate the costs and what is asked of me"

"Intemperance born of your residence upon a world of plenty, partially, and formulated by the knowledge entrusted to you" The answer, half scolding and half praising as they begin to chant to themselves in binaric chatter, arguing with themselves, though you do not know what they are saying, the arrangement of ones and zeroes and the static bursts are entirely different than the coded language used by the sisters

"It is a world of plenty, only through the labors and vision of many" You answer back

"The land is arable, food can be produced anywhere, the air does no require filtering and treatment to breath, the landscape was untouched by industry, allowing its careful cultivation" They answer back themselves "The...infuriating weather phenomenon aside, this land, allows you to work inefficiently, when it is your prerogative. You can make willful mistakes, leave some resources unexhausted or completely unused. The population can sustain itself, and many times its number with the reclaimed technologies you've spread, the can advance as a people and a society, freely and without fear, because you were capable of forgoing extracting every resource available, through insight and comprehension, and by the motive force aligning the mind behind it all with a world ripe for planned and structured growth"

"It is not so on Mars. It is a world where there can be no leniency or waste. Where even human lives are considered raw materials for the industry you worship" You reply, speaking what you've conclude from their words

"Correct. On Mars, a criminal would not be executed. It would be a waste of resources" They answer "I...wish it were not so, admitting such in the audibly perception of my peers, would be akin to heresy. But I see this world, risen up from an uninhabited wasteland, to a flourishing beacon of technological progress, that co-exists with its native biosphere. And I wonder, if this is not the will of the Omnissiah, themselves"

"You use servitors" You accuse darkly

"We use servitors" They admit "It is...considered an honor, to be recreated as one, to continue service past transgression and beyond death"

"If, you found yourself on this world, with the technology and knowledge I have accesses to, as it was when I first arrived here. Would you have done the same?" You question coldly, allowing the logical side of you to take preeminence, by speaking without emotion

"I could not have done what you have. As you said, it is the work of many, guided by the motive force of one, whose spread the divine will across minds that were capable of receiving it" They answer, shaking their heads "I am incapable of rallying the ignorant, and would be unequipped to know how to progress a society from a feudal, farm based civilization, to one of so blessed with technology and comprehension of it, within a percentage of one generation that would have been considered a corruption of code if it had been given by a machine spirit responsible for calculation litanies"

"But would you try?" You question "Or would you seek to remake mars, or strip this world of all that is valuable in the moment, without a care for the uniqueness of its ecosystem and the wildlife that exists upon it"

"In our records, this planetoid was lifeless. It is not so now" They protest

"Would you try?" You repeat

"If I was..." they begin

"If you were you, driven by the same motive force within you now, not if you were me, or possessed of the same motive force" You explain, so their can be no misunderstanding

"I would be incapable of it. The final decision would be up to my successor. But, I would try to better the average quality of life. I would be incapable of fabricating servitors, in the conditions laid out. I would not be able to, replicate your successes, nor mirror it, and the progress I would have wrought, would have regrettably made the symbiosis of nature and machinery a...unlikely outcome. But if I could, if I had the means and vision you had, Reclaimer. I would try" They explain, their synthesized voice passionate and earnest as they ball their hands into fists, and a single tear rolls down their pallid cheek "For this, the world created through the guidance of the machine god and his gifts, is beautiful. Except for the anomalous atosmpheric conditions"

"I see" You say, more gently than before, pleased with how the magos answered, knowing they and their people are not wholly lost to the pursuit of emotionless perfection, nor are as mechanically minded as they would like to believe themselves to be "I do not agree with the use or creation of servitors'

"That is apparent, Prophet Reclaimer" They answer, composing themselves in an instant "And my own thoughts on their usage, require reformatting. If the use of servitors or indentured workers were not used to bring about this technological ascension, then they are more inefficient than I...we have previously considered"

"Any servitor I see, will be released from their deathless duty. If this offends your peers, keep them away from me" You say, with a gentle smile but a threatening tone "When my wedding is through, I'd be happy to show you how all of this was accomplished and how everything is kept running, from power generation to the domestic power grid, if you so desire"

"I do, but I must contemplate the will of the machine god" They answer "But I am certain now, the motive force powering you, is a vital one. For why else would the machine god favor you, who would act against reason, yet who has achieved so much with so little time"

"Then I shall leave you to your contemplations, Magos" You answer, knowing in your heart, if the cult of mars is not changed, a number of their members will surely meet their end from a hangman's noose. But, beneath his cold, logical exterior, Epsilon Iota 65 has a human heart. They would truly strive to replicate your accomplishments, as best as they were capable, without being completely apathetic to the human suffering doing it with total efficiency would cause.

But which will win out in the end? The human or the machine?

You ponder this, as you walk back into the temporary palace, which has much calmed since you left to get fresh air with your friends and bride, and find your two fathers talking as old friends. So you join them

"Father" You greet Wenyan, and then turn to your father who would be the emperor of mankind and greet him "Father"

"Few men are blessed to have two" Wenyan laughs "We were wondering where you slipped out to"

"The court around your friend is a lively one" Your other fathers chuckles, eyes glimmering with boyish amusement "There were fist fights"

"Too much wine has been drunk, the emperor ordered them to be thrown out to cool off and sober up" Wenyan sneered, lifting up his chopsticks towards Perturabo "That one complied, seems he grew tired of the arguing before any of your other brothers, should've seen the looks of terror of the brawlers faces!"

"Perturabo has a temper" Your father sighs, but speaks with pride "Though I cannot blame him in this instance"

"My lord" Mathias speaks, bowing as he and the three others depart "we shall give you your privacy to speak with your son"

"Thank you" Your father replies

"More brothers?" Wenyan asks, glancing at the gold clad custodes

You just smile, and begin talking with the two of them about many things, how the day has been treating them, and their plans, great and small.

"A new foal needs to be reared, and the cliffjumpers also need a larger pasture, the old ox needs new medicine for his old joints, and Old Heng needs burying, nothing for you to concern yourself over, son, nothing so great to take you away from your responsibilities" Wenyan answers "it is your wedding day, there is no reason to fret about this old man. Though, I'd ask you to take your horse with you, next time you go on a journey, he's broken the arm of his latest handler, one of the best we've gotten from the Lai or New Varro men. It is good his progeny have all be capable of being tamed, unlike their father, they're a good stock, I'm told by Lai Song"

"It is a son's duty to worry for their father" You answer, before turning to your father, who had paused to take a drink of water before answering your question of how the wars of terra were progressing

"We no longer war upon terra. I alone rule it" He answers with a satisfied smile, gazing into the eyes of his reflection "The seas have returned, thanks to you, my son. And our homeworld heals by the day. Beyond Terra, is where we fight our battles now. The seventh, thirteenth, and sixteenth legions, pacified the gene wrights of Luna, Mars has allied with Terra and given us better terms than I had expected to receive. Currently, my armies reclaim the other planets of Terra's solar system and travel beyond it, further into the Segmentum solar. And, I have good news"

"Another of my brothers has been found?" You asks, savoring the good news, even though it is plentiful

"Nearby" He answers vaguely, eyes glittering with mischief "But, due to the assistance you gave us, in technology and war gear, my plans are proceeding ahead of even my most hopeful schedules. And if I'm correct in the location of where Shangrala exists in the galaxy"

"That Eldrad fellow helped him figure it out, though neither of them admit they were helping the other" Wenyan says, amused

"You will be one of the earliest of my sons whom shall reunite with me, no later than the fifth return to my side" You father continues, smirking at Wenyan's jest "You may be the second, or the third, or the fourth, but, Shangrala and Terra will stand together, in the face of the darkness and anarchy that has consumed the rest of the galaxy, Though that is years, decades ahead"

"I will not see it" Wenyan says with a finality that chills the blood in your veins, but you cannot argue or wish against it. He is old. The great generals of Long-Jia, will be too infirm to wage war in the stars for humanity's unity and benefits. Dai Niu is the eldest, Yin Lei, the second, Lai song the third. Only of their number, Jinhai alone will still be young enough to lead armies and fight battles.

Much will change. Shen, if he does not die of old age, will die as a result of his experiments, Shirong will be too old to travel, Cao Yunru may remain hale enough at the age, Dandan would join the fleet even if a hundred years have past. Guozhi will die and be reborn, if all goes well. Your friends will be older men, if they survive until the promised date arrives, but they could still fight. Their sons and daughters would be old enough to as well. Their sons could be made into space marines.

Much will have changed

"Don't be so defeatist" Your father says, concerned by your father's insistence he will die before they meet again, he's grown fond of him already

"it is the nature of time and of life, we all return to dust someday, but I am content, knowing my choices have brought about great and good chances to at least this world" Wenyan laughs

But, the discussion between a father and his son, can only last so long, and soon it is time for the ceremony. Kanzeon and her sisters leave to prepare for it themselves, and you are left alone with your thoughts, dressed as a groom should be, meditating in silence.

"You've realized, now, that you are on the precipice of destiny and great change" Eldrad whispers into your ear, kneeling beside you, helmet off "That today is the day, you begin a new path, with your enemies slain and your goals here achieved, what begins today, is new. Different than what you have been doing"

"The wait for my father's fleet, the race through the stars, it will be different, different than uplifting and bettering my people, hunting down tyrants, saving my brother, fighting evil spirits and building a foundation for a better tomorrow. Now, I cast off the mask of builder and liberator, to instead wear the mask of the explorer and founder" You answer

"Or else wear the mien of the conqueror and warlord. An intermediary period, a time of peace, before you enter into a war more vast than you can imagine" He answers

"I can imagine, I have seen its miniature here and upon Nuceria" You sigh "I've heard of the tales of old from you Aeldari"

"I wonder, in the dark between the stars, what will you become, when faced with the cruel realities of the universe" He ponders as he stands and walks away "And what will become of your father's ambitions"

"Fate is the salve of the fools, all I can do, is strive to do my best and do more good and spread more prosperity, than I do bad and sow misery" You answer, and with that said, Eldrad leaves you alone. And your heart pounds in your chest

The moment has almost arrived

Who will stand at your side at the ceremony, Lieren?

>Your father, Wenyan, who has dreamed of this for decades

>Feng, your brother in all but blood, who should be at your side now

>Dae-Hyun, you most valorous son, who deserves the honor.

>Yin Lei, one of the first to believe your dream for a world ruled virtue and kindness

>write in
>Your father, Wenyan, who has dreamed of this for decades
Who else could it even be?
>Your father, Wenyan, who has dreamed of this for decades

like the second best choice his Feng but if i can only choose one it our father
>Your father Weynan.

Feng can be second, but if its one choice? Nobody else.
>Your father, Wenyan, who has dreamed of this for decades
He's already old, and we have to keep his last days filled with joy.
>Your father, Wenyan, who has dreamed of this for decades
>Your father, Wenyan, who has dreamed of this for decades
It's only right.

You know, this conversation with the Magos reminds me that Lieren's environmentalist policies are likely to have a mixed reception from people at large. After all, destroying the environment for the purposes of exploiting it's resources tends to directly correlate with increased prosperity, as those resources are put to work improving the people's lot. Denying people their chance at swift prosperity to safekeep a few forests or lakes will inevitably have some detractors. Of course, living in a acidic swamp of your own making is not much better, but it's a wide spectrum between that and safeguarding every blade of grass, and I'm curious to see how we will navigate this topic in the future.
Though if anyone can sidestep the issue entirely by combining respect of the environment with widespread prosperity, it's Lieren, so perhaps there won't be much to discuss beyond pointing at our work and letting people marvel.
>Your father, Wenyan, who has dreamed of this for decades
Give a wink to the hidden Primarch, also I propose we give something to the Magos to bring back; our gift to him. It will give him some political clout and pull thus furthering our more ideal way of the CogBoys. I'm unsure what we should give but I think a good start would be simply refining what he already has
I'm excited to see if we ever get to step on Mars. I know other primarchs got to study on Mars like perturabo.
>>Your father, Wenyan, who has dreamed of this for decades
I will not deny him this especially since this will be a childless marriage (I'm still salt that lost by one vote)
>this will be a childless marriage
Nope that's not going to happen anon. As soon as we are on our honeymoon we are going to try to have children with Kanzeon
>Your father, Wenyan, who has dreamed of this for decades
"Honored Father, I think the moment has arrived. Married Life. I will do my best to be a proper husband for her, no man of Nothing could be any less. Thank you Honored Father for all your wisdom and for having aided me, in becoming the man that i am today."
>>Your father, Wenyan, who has dreamed of this for decades
May I suggest that we go around to our brothers and ask them for DNA samples that we can give to big E in case of emergency
I think they can handle themselves on that front, or the Emperor could just ask today for a sample of everyone current geneseed (since Lieren, Angron, Perturabo and Magnus are all here already and he probably wants to talk about the legions argument later in the day when the marriage ceremony is done and the feast begins).
>>Your father, Wenyan, who has dreamed of this for decades
We gotta make at least one robot child to honor the old man. Surely big E will understand. Or not. If we discover the means of proliferation, it can make Kanzeon/Lieren clan a small faction in 40k when everything has gone to shit. A holdout of synthetics at war with the larger imperium.
>"You've realized, now, that you are on the precipice of destiny and great change"
I feel like this is QM telling us that Shangrala arc is over. Space exploration time. And orks. I bet there will be orks.

Wonder if there will be a timeskip of any kind or if the passage of time will continue as is. Thinking about all of Lieren's friends dying of old age is sad, but their children will be there. Or new characters. There is always a new generation of characters.
Its more Eldrad sharing his thoughts on the future, we already know and planned ahead for space in fact. Hell we already have been out of Shangrila multiple time already. Its probably going to remain a place, we visit at least a few times during the Great Crusade. Much like other primarchs do.

>Wonder if there will be a timeskip of any kind or if the passage of time will continue as is.
Might be, when the marriage event ends. Something like a few years probably, enough for properly establish colonies in the planets and moons of the Shangrila solar system, build and train some space fleets, build shipyards, space stations, defenses, space factories, habitats and the like.
And then go in to the unknown solar systems near to Shangrila (Shangrila was specifically settled for being an ideal world, in an obscure part of space and presumbly somewhat far away and difficult to reach from most human systems. The ancient settlers and the colonies ships didn't want to get butchered after they settled, by the Machine Rebellion fleets on the hunt).
Our first ship yard should be a monument of some kind, maybe a litle bigger and a little more decorated with some kind of placard about how this is one of the first steps for a better tomorrow.
>This is a Brass Plaque.
>All craftmanship is of the highest quality.
>It is encrusted with uncut wraith cores.
>This object is adorned with braided ribbons of wraith leather.
>On the item is an engraving of a Human, a Slyvern, and a Federation Officer.
>The Slyvern is clawing at the Federation Officer.
>The Human is smiling.
>Our first ship yard should be a monument of some kind
Lotus flower shaped space station?
Fuck me I thought I was still in HFY quest. Ignore my anti-fed ramblings.
Ha ha ha
Honestly I think a wheel would be better.
No Lotus
That’s a terrible idea from a design standpoint. The complexity of the structure would make it far more vulnerable to catastrophic damage for no added benefit that couldn’t be done better in a wheel-like structure. There’s a reason KISS is a thing in engineering.

>Your father, Wenyan, who has dreamed of this for decades
>>Your father, Wenyan, who has dreamed of this for decades
While I've already stated my support for Weylan to be at our side we really need to do something with YinLei he's been here since the ground floor and I really want to keep him in the loop. He's a good dude.
Yin Lei is the horselord dude, right?

for him i think i would like to introduce an idea i had for a questorisquest i never did, and that is using the Only War regiment creation to make imho one of the best relatively cheap PDF garrison troops. Sniper doctrine Rough Riders with a Thread Fether single shot missile launcher.

Would also mesh well with New Varro types.

Then you can have cavalry squadrons patrolling large areas of open land , with a long range rifle, a pistol for close in and a missile launcher for any kind of nasty surprise. give them a comms unit, even if some oversized shitbox as long as it has decent range the mount can carry it and they can vox for help.

One could make them better with servitor accompaniment doctrine , if one manages to rulese lawyer arbites cyberfalcons and design those to have a vidrelay and targeted on board making them drone operators as well, that would be not impossible to supply by the mechanicus, and that would be the way to turn them into guard regiments with two doctrines, and again quite a high utility. even if they have to go urban as long as it is not a hive, pretty decent things to have.

The only issue is that one would then need an accompanying template of close assault pdf that can tote shotguns for urban areas, and these two can be adjusted in numbers depending on urbanization of the world.

because imho we will need to have cheap high utility garrisons that can cover a lot of ground and can at least poke whatever asshole mutant or xenos be it with a armor penetrating sniper rifle or unnatural toughness ignoring longlas , and can also in a pinch serve as hunter killers, spotters or low altitude anti air network.

Having lots of trainers who can stand up such garrison units would make even feudal and feral planets pretty well defended and decently compatible with guard/ army requirements at least in skirmishing and patrol roles.
Shit, its Lai. I think i got them confused. still, i think we should perhaps consider it since a lot of worlds will be feudal, ferral or frontier, and as such horseman and new varro syncretism could make for rough rider sniper trainers that can make them actually somewhat useful aside from melee meatshields.
He is, they did a lot for the rebellion.

Though the Lai haven't remained in the past, they have evolved and refined their tactics. The Lai aren't just horsemen with lances, simple guns and grenades anymore they now also use and have bikes, skipping clouds, jet packs, alongside having being reorganized and better integrated in the new military of Long Jia. And thus having access to modern armors and weapons.

This started at the end of the journey rebellion, was being done during the war against the Butcher Tyrant ruling the Vishnu. And was fully operational by the time of the expedition for aid Angron in Nuceria. Shangrila has industry and tech production of his own, and doesnt lack at all in robotics and cybernetics either.

Your idea has its merits. Though it brings the question of why leaving feudal and feral worlds around. They cant stand much against what the galaxy could launch at them. In comparison to say a standard shangrila colony we might establish. Shangrila was a feudal world too in the past.
honestly if you uplift a world try and do what was done on Shangri-La and keep the culture it has while improving it

cause i would love to uplift New Varro while keeping its cowboy/wild west culture
>Though the Lai haven't remained in the past
But they still have been raised as horsemen even if they adopted Antigravity mounts.

The idea is to have them keep that as a traditional thing so their men could then be used as a training cadre that can leave a couple of ''advisors'' for a few years to get people who used sword, bow and arrow, or maybe crude flintlocks up to a more imperial standard.

Because if we are not going on the crusade with this generation, if they do not preserve their horseman traditions, they will not be able to do so as easily.

>Though it brings the question of why leaving feudal and feral worlds around. They cant stand much against what the galaxy could launch at them. In comparison to say a standard shangrila colony we might establish.

I expect the rate of advancement and number of worlds to simply dwarf our native capacity to uplift and supply initial goods for. The idea is to make it so that we can outsource the goods part on the mechanicus or hive worlds. most hive worlds can produce las or autoguns, explosives and servitors (the most important one i think being the gyrflalcon so it can be modified with vidrelay and maybe targeter- the most complex thing they would probably have outside servitor pets)
With the servitor doctrine i expect that eventually their horses would also become some kind of cyeraugmented mount as a natural evolution.

Everything they would use can be initially supplied by nearby hive or forgeworld, has low volumes and is not particularly complex or hard to provide by the remnants of humanity that remain technologically developed.

thus the only thing that is needed is some people to guide all the process with the appropriate good reputation and know how of course.

if they eventually also get uplifted into most likely agriworlds or civilized worlds due to the trainers influence in a couple of generations i wont complain.

Because obviously a wise ruler will want to have the ability to supply his own forces so they will most probably be encouraged by our trainers to find a way to buy not just the goods but also the production capabilities and knowledge for such relatively low level items.

personal weapons are self explanatory but vox has a host of other good uses, and servitorisation is also partially required to farm grox, and some cybernetics are as a rule nice to have for people who lose limbs or organs.

All things that almost all sects of the mechanicus should have no issues with spreading around, or decent hiveworlds would not have problems selling them in a good trade deal (they always want more agriworlds)

>honestly if you uplift a world try and do what was done on Shangri-La and keep the culture it has while improving it

yeah. the idea always is to work with the natives so the first steps are what they are somewhat skilled in (in this case beast riding) and so you work with what they already know. then you just give a tiny push for them to have some extra...
>cause i would love to uplift New Varro while keeping its cowboy/wild west culture
we are pretty much on the same page.
In fact if we could get to them before the crusade i would like to first test it with them and then integrate them as further trainers.
>The idea is to make it so that we can outsource the goods part on the mechanicus or hive worlds.

Now that i think about it reaching through the imperial army to various nobles who like falconry and hunting could get this proces become standard operating procedure to the imperial army so it is not just a Shangrila/2nd Legion thing, as other hiveworlds on other advancement fronts would apply this , well standard uplift template.

After all you just need the ferals/feudals to first use and finally make their own personal weaponry, vox and cyberpets. the fact that the last two have dual use is just nice happenstance and it can both be dovetailed into good trade deals with a future agri world and or hunting resort that is somewhat civilized and has vox coverage and cybernetics medical/veterinary capabilities.
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Calling the vote now. Sorry for the wait. It was so hot the last few days that my PC made some very concerning noises when started, so I decided to play it safe. Nice discussion btw

Your father, Wenyan, who has dreamed of this for decades:13

Total votes:13

Didn't need to do the total votes here, since there was only one choice being picked lol. Can't remember if that's happened before.

Wenyan will be at Lieren's side for the ceremony

Writing now
Mala if I could I would have hugged you. going on a job working 12 hours for 4 days so this is what i need to charge up for it.
It is not, as you had hoped vainly, a humble affair. Men, women, children, from ever cut of life, every nation, city and people of Shangrala and some from beyond, some who share no common decent or quality with the rest, different species entirely, have gathered beneath the shade cast by the mountain of Chen Dao Academy, in the flowering fields where the mortal remains of the valiant dead rest, empty vessels without souls or the light and joy they once had in life. Colors, the houses new and old of Long-Jia, the traditional garb of the Shuni, the varied and vibrant styles of the bask and the complex outfits of the zoroast, inter cut with the dull bone and cream shoulder slung robes of the Helias, and the loose fitting, water and algae colored dress and nets of the Lomb. Every breed of humanity present upon your home, is here, waiting for destiny to begin before their eyes. New Varro, the refugees from further beyond the stars, Olympian guards, a gladiator from Nuceria, a sage from Prospero, soldiers councilors and tech adepts from terra. Aeldari from Ulthwe, Kher-Ys, and other craftworlds or stranger dwellings and paths. Manned dragon fly drones flutter, snapping pictures, broadcasting video feeds and recording every conversation without care for privacy.

Men you've fought beside. Men whose brothers you've seen die. Fathers and Mother's whose sons and daughters you commanded to die for the prosperity and safety of the rest of the world. Heroes, and the families of those whose names and deeds alone memorialize them. No noble banners fly, even though the gentry are present in as great a force as the common, working class, official stand out of uniform, discussing work idly with farmers whose hands are still reeking of chemical fertilizers and soil treatments. The silver gold drones of Kanzeon and her sisters bring refreshments to the crowd and talk with the lonliest among it.

Your closest companions, dearest friends, and most trusted colleges and subordinates sit at the front of the crowd. Farmers, Hunters, Builders, architects, scholars, soldiers, philosophers, space marines, former aspect warriors and farseers, your brothers primarch or not and their guests. And one of your fathers.

The other, Wenyan, stands at your side, blubbering, tears flowing freely as he holds a ceremonial coat clasp and hair pin, one he had prepared for his children when he was a long man. Both carved from bamboo. Tears fall from his eyes, as somber music plays, an arrangement of a song used in one of the famous plays describing a fantasy of how you and Kanzeon first met. The priestess beneath the mountain, you believe it is called.

Both you and he, are dressed in azure and plum.

"It isn't enough. It should be finer. you deserve better" he says quietly, turning over the traditional gifts in his hands "Jade, Gold, Silver, Pearl, Star metal, anything besides humble bamboo and yew"

"It is more than enough" You assure, kneeling down to pet a hand on his shoulder


"How could it be? What will the nation think, the world, that you hand your bride a paupers promise?" He asks, eyes red and tears still flowing freely

"They will know it came from the heart, that the meaning behind the gifts matter more than their value" You say warmly, wrapping a hand around his, clasping them around the pin and clasp "The love of a father, carried on to the next generation, a dream, a ripple, a hope for a future day"

"He would be happy, if he were here to see this, he would be overjoyed, to see how the world has changed, all the good that came after his departure from it" Wenyan said weakly, sniffling and weeping more. Tears fill your own eyes, distorting your view of your deeply beloved and cherished father "And so would she, who I had spent my life with, in sorrow and joy"

"They would have, my brother and mother, who I never met" You agree, bowing your head in a show of true grief "Perhaps they are or shall, returned to the world, with fresher eyes, in a more merciful and prosperous era"

"I hope those village boys will as well. I saw them be born, and I saw them be buried. I saw their kin throw themselves over their caskets, tearing their hair, pulling their clothes. I...I am grateful they had the privilege to be allowed to mourn so deeply. Before, to do so was to welcome death, to will yourself to join the lost in death" He said quietly "I hope they are watching, as their statues are, I hope dearly that they are"

"I regret they are not standing before us now. Chen, Bai, Jiang, Liang, Xin, Wei, Michah, Rong, Zian, Kamakshi, Manu, Rudra, Cai, Xueqin. My sons who died by the sides of my brothers and friends, the soldiers and generals who I shared meals and tactics with, those I could not save. I wish, the dead were present to see this" You say solemnly, nearly overcome with sorrow as you choke on your own breath "And my brothers who are still loss. But, I am glad you are here, to see the dream you dreamt as you carved this priceless pick and clasp, father"

"I am glad. I am glad" He sniffs, nodding his head "I am overjoyed. That I would be chosen, before great generals, legendary warriors and noble kings. That this farmer, this humble, meek farmer, is honored, to be granted this memory, at the end of his road. I swear, my son, if the dead truly are born again, I shall find you, and I shall repay all that I owe you, all that Shangrala owes you"

"There is no need, for I owe you a debt greater than you could imagine, Father, a debt that could never be repaid. You trusted and believed in me, you taught me what it meant to be a man, no. To be human" You say firmly "Return to my side if you do open your eyes again when your last breath escapes your lips, but not to repay me for anything, but to laugh and be merry with me once again"

"I shall. I shall" He states, wiping tears from his eyes as you rise back to your feet and he looks you up and down "You look handsome, strong, a striking image of humility and virtue. The image of a humble hero. It almost takes my breath away, I cannot wait to see Lady Kanzeon. I will die happy, seeing the two of you, dressed as Bride and Groom, even if my heart gives out at the moment you clasp your hands together and say your vows. It will have made all the suffering and hardship of my life worth it"

"You have much yet to live for" You say sadly, frowning as he shakes his head

"I was content to die the day I heard the Yan burned for what they did to us, when Gao guzzled down his last putrid cup of wine. When our lands were free, when we were free. Everything after has been a pleasant surprise, but I shall not lie and claim that vile satisfaction was enough to take me to my death bed in peace" He says, clenching his jaw and working it "To know the children, the next generation would live a life better than mine, without fear of famine or plague, without fear of the sadistic whims of their so called betters, to know the mad monsters beyond our borders are rotting in the ground, to know what I leave behind is peace, prosperity, and plenty. To know my era, will become nothing but an unpleasant legend, a story to warn the next generation of the dangers of greed. But to be told, to know, a simple act of faith and kindness to a stranger, brought it all about...is more than enough. To see a son take a bride, applauded by not only all the world, but parts of others, to know I am looked in high regard by an emperor of the stars, that giants just as heroic as my son think me tall is...is...its too much, the heavens will be envious of me I am certain, if they exist. This farmer deserves at most only a tenth of this"

"You deserve ten times this. Wenyan. All of Nothing does. You are my family, it was from your wise words and lessons that shaped my three views, that showed me the wrongness of the state of things. Guozhi may have helped me refine them, but you are the well from which I have drone the waters of my wisdom. I did not do this. You did this. You and everyone who has smiled with me, laughed with me, trusted in me, confided with me, and loved me" You say, voice trembling as your own tears race down your cheeks "No matter what the people say, what the historians write and playwrights perform, You are the hero of Shangrala. A common man, who met a fierce golden eyed giant, and taught him what it was to be human and brought him in from the cold, harsh winds"

You kneel down to allow him to hug you tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, on behalf of all the worlds and stars, I thank you, my son. May your future be as bright as your eyes, and may your generosity and kindness be repaid ten fold!" He declares, loud enough for all the crowd to hear.

And then

She arrives. Like a divine revelation. The very picture of beauty. Beyond mere mortal comprehension. Caged Isha. Imprisoned Arianka. Both of them pale in comparison to Kanzeon, dressed in her emerald and jade white wedding gown, her hair loose and flowing, surrounded by her sisters, who are dressed as her bridesmaids. None of them sullying their natural looks with creams, powders or shadow.

Your breath is stolen

Your hearts pause

and the world glows with colors that could even exist in the Emperyean. So bright, so vibrant. Flashes of lightning, flares of stars. Her presence is so intense and her beauty so transfixing. The vows you prepared slip from your mind entirely. Panic rises, your hearts pound, and your mind races.

But you were always a master of improvisation...

What are the vows you speak to Kanzeon, when she reaches the altar, Lieren?

>Write in

I trust you guys to come up with something good

Glad to brighten your day man
It’s here
>Lash out with your arm, as is your habit for opening any dramatic speech, before projecting your voice for all in attendance to hear.
>"When first we met in that howling dark, I stood in awe of a timeless beauty, betrayed by your perseverance after all this time."
>"When our paths entwined further, I saw the breadth of your humanity, every tear shed and every smile shared tearing down any wall between our kindred souls."
>"Until at last, I saw the truth. My every fantasy, consideration, and calculation had but one constant. That you and I, beloved, would be at each other's side. Fate is the salve of fools, but I cannot conceive of being without you, my jade from the earth, my blinding inspiration, the cure to all my ills."
>"I vow, now and forever, to be your Scholar, your Knight in shining armor, and the man you need me to be, for I can't imagine anything that would bring me greater joy."
I don't usually write sappy shit, sue me. Also excuse the commas and run-on sentences, but I figure that's just how Lieren speaks, correct me if I'm wrong.
fuck, it's tearing me up. He deserves everything and more.

>Support >>6030521
>I shall be yours for as long as you will be mine, till the suns die and the echos of our vows finally ripple into infinity, I shall be yours unyeilding Kanzeon
>Support >>6030521 #
Actually now that I'm reading this again...Lieren didn't actually think of his vows ahead of time?
Peak whimsical warrior-scholar right there.
>write in
" we met beneath a mounthin...oh you wise ghost of the guilded past... i did not know what to call you at first until you enlightened me for even for all i posess i could not know the name of such beauty.

We fought together and I named you ally.

We studied together and I called you friend.

My Emerald Blossom, my darling Jade Star. From the misty depths below the deep shadows of the ancient past to the hevens and all above I hold you in my heart even as you welcomed me into your own so I called you; my love.

But it seems like youths so wild our roaming is at its end we stand before the eyes of all the world... all the world is standing before my own. Until the stars are dark and the curtain of creation fall upon their show, no matter what all others call me; trickster, scholar, hunter or more.

You may call me yours

Now beside all the best humanity can offer, among family friends and exemplars true i earn an honour to call you something no other may; my beloved wife."
Support this one

" we met beneath a mounthin...oh you wise ghost of the guilded past... i did not know what to call you at first until you enlightened me for even for all i posess i could not know the name of such beauty.

We fought together and I named you ally.

We studied together and I called you friend.

My Emerald Blossom, my darling Jade Star. From the misty depths below the deep shadows of the ancient past to the hevens and all above I hold you in my heart even as you welcomed me into your own so I called you; my love.

But it seems like youths so wild our roaming is at its end we stand before the eyes of all the world... all the world is standing before my own. Until the stars are dark and the curtain of creation fall upon their show, no matter what all others call me; trickster, scholar, hunter or more.

You may call me yours

Now beside all the best humanity can offer, among family friends and exemplars true i earn an honour to call you something no other may; my beloved wife."
That was beautiful man, I got a bit of tears myself.
Wait... the flicker of foxy eyes, this event. Lads what if our beloved is subtly falling to Slannesh? Most falls are not sudden but a slow and winding path. For she has experienced so damn much her range of memories and emotions so great... this love is now in contrast against the sadness she knew; its luminous. This may well feed the silver skank more than anything in a long while.
I don't think it was literal, she just gave Lieren a look that kind of reminded him Huli Jing while she was flirting with him. I don't think it's anything we need to worry about.
This two just love each other that much, they are quite literally meant for one another. Soulmates.
By extension you are searching this also in Lieren, so in two of the characters that have seen the damage chaos made, the horror of chaos, alongside the sins made by the slaves of chaos and in case of Kazeon, this includes two of her siblings. Both Lieren and her are strongly and utterly repulsed by chaos and want to see a better path forged. On top of that they have discussed it together multiple times and have even question their own methods.Their amount of repulse is constant, Kazeon herself had the displeasure of dealing with a demon in a wall and a corpse sorcerer for quite a while before finding out just how bad things turned out in Shangrila.

Our eyes are also made for find chaos. And in regard to what was actually feeding the skank, i say her fallen sister and the deceased half of the Yang dynasty was doing that job.
What are you writing is not too different from what the Custodians did some posts ago.
support but maybe spell check next time anon
Malal doesn't spellcheck, why should the anons?
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Calling the vote now. Sorry for the wait. Had a birthday in the family. Also, I got into a digimon craze for a day or two

Last out with your arm...etc:5
-I shall be yours for as long as you will be mine, till the suns die and the echos of our vows finally ripple into infinity, I shall be yours unyeilding Kanzeon:1

We met beneath a mountain...etc:4

total votes:9

So I will try to come up with a combination of the two write ins that sounds nice, since they both meet the requirements to get in

writing now

He did, he simply forgot them when he saw Kanzeon

Thanks, makes me glad it made others tear up like I did while writing it.
The words slot into space rapidly in your mind, prose, meter, stanza, rhythm, Imagery, idiom, symbolism, emotion, feeling, passion, love, all selected to impart but the merest fraction of the love you hold for Kanzeon, an improvisation that surpass the original script, for the words of it and the meaning were drawn together in that fleeting moment as your breath was stolen away and your heart stalled by the ageless, beauty that makes jade seem simple and dull. A vow and promise written from the love radiating out from your heart merely at the sight of the stunning beauty of Kanzeon, dressed as a bride. The quiet, demure and humble image of her, contrasted by the defiant expression often found in her eyes, the coldness hidden within her, the steel beneath the silk. Threat alongside a nurturing heart. And the warmth hidden beside the distance she puts between herself and the world. Compassion and Determination. Reminding you why you fell for her so dramatically to begin with.

Your hearts' paces quicken as she nears you, escorted by her sisters and lead up to your side, her head bowed and hidden by veil and hood, but a glance her direction shows a playful and guileful smile on her lips, but you can sense, like a sun's warmth, her own affection towards you returned in equal amounts to the feelings you hold for her. She is dignified, prepared, but anticipation and nerves hide beneath her composed expression and stride. All the rest of the world falls away, consumed by dreary fog as she reaches you, only her tender smile seen beneath her bride grown, glowing with all the qualities that stole away your heart. Your hearts thump like a hare fleeing a jackal, but you hold tightly onto your composure, all the ceremonial speeches and poems read by the high officials, statemen, officers of rank, nobility of high character, dear and trusted friends sound like muffled conversation heard only through a wall and in fleeting, passing moment as you try hard to resist the urge to stare and take in the transcendent sight of humble and austere beauty before you. You crack your knuckles and rock your neck, waiting for the cue for you to give your vows, taking the final few moments before the time arrives to rework and refine the lines of the improvised matrimonial vow and husband's oath, closing your eyes and taking in a deep breath.

Kanzeon fidgets nervously with the knot tied around her waist, like you, falling victim to nerves now that the promised moment nears, all preparation and internal calmness washing away, severity and sternness forgotten, peeled away to reveal the true emotions the two of you hold. No amount of envisioning or practiced would've readied either of you for this day, this moment, even a man of stone or a woman of raw iron would break under the tension and become fraught with the hesitation and doubt that plagues any young lover.


A gunshot is fired, clayton getting overly excited, getting short the speech given by one of your architechs in the ministry of development. And you take that as a cue to take center stage and speak your vows, no longer able to endure any more delays or capable of waiting a moment more. Taking Kanzeon's hand, gently, into your own, gingerly lifting it, you bow your head to her, take a deep breath and release it as you turn and lash your arm out over the crowd, raising your voice as all fall silent, and an air of anticipation falls over the crowded guests.

"We met beneath a mountain" You project your voice, sending it over the crowd and beyond as you turn back to kanzeon and lift her veil, seeing her bright, emerald eyes, looking at you transfixed as they enchant you and pull you into their spell, but you persist and continue your speech "in that howling dark, where we first met, I stood in awe of a timeless beauty, betrayed by your perseverance after all this time, a sagely ghost of a gilded past, beautiful as she was wise"

You lift the veil of pale green silk higher, jade trinkets and baubles jingling against one another as you fully reveal her eyes, watching delightedly as her cheeks flush the bright pinks and reds of a sunset unobstructed by any fog or mist

"I did not know what to call you at first, for even with all the knowledge I possess, I could not know the name of such a beauty" You say, turning her face a shade of red more vivid as you grasp her hands and bow your head, closing your eyes as you imagine that moment "Until you enlightened me, and told me your name. When our paths entwined further, we fought together and I named you ally, we studied together and I called you friend, and every step of every path we walked together saw the breadth of your humanity, every tear shed and every smile shared tearing down every and any wall between our kindred souls"

It is the first time you've seen Kanzeon wear the face of a bashful maiden, so assured, so confident, so diligent and collected, the sight of her bashful and flustered, is a rare treasure indeed.

"Until at last, I saw the truth. My every fantasy, consideration, and calculation had but one constant" You say, letting the words hand so she can savor them and what will follow them, gripping your hands and tapping her heel on the ground to calm her racing heart, now blushing up to the tops of her ears "That you and I, beloved, would be at each other's side. Fate is the salve of fools, but I cannot conceive of being without you, my jade from the earth, my blinding inspiration, the cure to all my ills"

She gasps, nails digging into your wrists as with words alone you speak but a fragment of the depth of your love for her, imparting the purity and selflessness of it in part, for the truth breadth of it would require a more verbose and flowerly tongued speaker than yourself. Perhaps the man to be capable of it, does not exist in any realm.

"My Emerald Blossom, my darling Jade Star" You declare, manic like a fool in love, impassioned like a poet who had found his muse, enlivened with renewed vitality from merely speaking of her graces "From the misty depths below the deep shadows of the ancient past to the heavens and all above I hold you in my heart even as you welcomed me into your own so I called you"

You lean close and brush her veil fully aside, adjusting a lock of stray, river stone black hair away from her cheeks, that are now radiating warmth as she gasps as your hand momentarily grazes her

"My love" You say lovingly as you pull you hand away from her "But it seems like youths so wild our roaming is at its end we stand before the eyes of all the world. All the world is standing before my own. I vow, now and forever until the stars are dark and the curtain of creation fall upon their show, to be your scholar, your Knight in shining armor, and the man you need me to be, for I can't imagine anything that would bring me greater joy. Let others call me what they will, Trickster, Deceiver, Hunter, Killer, Fool or worse"

You kneel before her and smile carefreely and shamelessly, allowing a glimpse of the jubilation you feel to be by her side and bound to her by marriage to show in the bright grin you wear.

"You may call me yours. And, surrounded by the best humanity has to offer, among family, friends and exemplars and heroes true, I earn an honor to call you something no other can" You say as you rise, pet the back of her hand and lower her veil slowly as you back away from her "My beloved wife"

She chokes, and turns away, lifting her hand to signal she needs a few moments to compose herself. Liberty giggles. Anahita laughs teasingly, but Al-Uzza and Mari remain silent and composed as etiquette dictates. Angron whistles, Perturabo frowns and shifts his head as he rests it against his hand, Magnus nods, both your fathers applaud with equal vim, and Dae-Hyun, Nikephoros and many other of your gene-sons cheer loudly and as brazenly as Vishnu screamers. A cry that Feng and Akanksha return, like actual Vishnu Screamers, howling the sound that once struck the land with terror but is now somberly noted to be the cry of a culture greatly reduced and faded. Elazar whistles with his fingers, acting most unbecoming of a night, and Guozhi and Kuan-im wave their staves and create a unnatural snow fall that sets the custodians on edge, while the aeldari.

Journeyman or not, sing a somber melody that you recognize despite never hearing before. The chant of Kurnous and Isha, as they were wedded. A show of respect and faith in your relationship with Kanzeon that humbles you greatly and brings tears to your eye.

"Long I languished in the dark, alone, sleeping, unaware of the world beyond a prison of my own making. Until a curious light wandered by and roused me. You found me, half mad and frightened, and I can't imagine anyone else wouldn't have been scared away by how I must've looked then, let alone trust me enough to listen to and speak with me, to strive to understand me and make me imprisonment and isolation somewhat...tolerable" Kanzeon begins, voice wavering with sadness at remembering the past and merriment at hearing just how much you adore her, reserved and bashful rather than her usual assured, confident and brazen self

"And you came back to me, banished the worst of my fears, and I realized that you and I were alike. Selfless, Caring, with a wry sense of humor, but fierce when we'd need to be. You didn't take advantage of the treasures I guarded, and worked and learned by my side, not just to improve the world with what we made, but to keep me company when no one else was able to. You trusted me with your vision, a world without needless strife, where technology was used wisely and with caution to serve mankind, a world were no child need to starve, a world like the past I remembered" She continue on slowly, growing more confident and more like her usual spirited self "And I couldn't help but to grow fond of and even start to admire you, your idealistic thoughts and kindly character won me over, and your curious nature tempered by your prudent demeanor and diligence, well, it made me feel things i never did before. We struggled together, and toiled to achieve the dream of the world Shangrala always should've been. A utopia, free of war and bloodshed, where everyone had what they needed, where technology was used rightly and smartly"

She steps closer to you

"And I've wept and bled beside you, my flighty scholar, we've suffered set backs and tragedies, and learned secrets about eachother no-one else knows. We've traveled to place few can imagine, and have seen eachother out our least and weakest. No one else has seen you as vulnerable as I have, none know the private doubts you've confided with me. And no one but you have seen my heart as close up as you have. Working together, walking together, we realized we cherished eachother as much as we adore all of mankind, that we wanted to make the other happy and safe like we did with the rest of humanity, but that affection was between us and us alone" She says, somewhat boastful now as she wags her head side to side and grins cheekily "And I only didn't dare to approach you first, because the probability my feelings would be returned in kind was too slim for me to dare, but I see now, realized the moment you told me, that those fears were unfounded and foolish. The poet cannot be parted from his Muse, and I would not give up my scholar for anything in the world. For, without your sweet words and hopeful dreams, how drab and colorless the world would be."

"You are the torch that guided me from the darkness, Lieren, those golden eyes of yours showing me where I should be. Let others mock or insult, or accuse you, I'll set them straight and remind them who they're libeling, even if you don't want me to. That you're mine is all that matters, still doesn't mean I'll let them abuse you freely, farmer boy"

She steps closer, nearly pressing against you.

"We're joined together like an alloy. We share our dreams and our hopes, and we share our nightmares and our doubts. Together, we are Electrum, gold and silver mingled. Green Gold as it is sometimes known. We're of one purpose and one heart" She giggles, smiling warmly "And together, we're greater than we would be apart. This is just a formality, we were meant to be together, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Husband. Wife. Tch, what's important is that we're Kanzeon and Lieren, and nothing can change that. The stars will burn out, but no amount of time will change that you and I, separated by eons, found eachother and found purpose and love with each other. I swear, until we're gone from this world, I will stick close to you as I have since we first met and will share in all the joys and sorrows of your life, as you have mine. That is my vow, to remain by your side and dare to dream that same, idealistic dream you wowed me with. Though, being able to call you husband, does have a certain charm to it"

"Nothing else needs to be said" She and you say in unison, smiling and pressing your foreheads together, and sharing in a kiss that momentarily removes the two of you from the world, nothing else existing in your mind besides her and the touch of her lips.

But upon returning to reality, the ceremony continues, much more relaxedly and casually now that the hurdle of vows and truly binding yourselves together has passed. It is a day of laughter, joy and mirth. And by time you exchange gifts and tea, the sun is setting.

"Somehow, the sunset seems different, but I can't place why" Kanzeon sighs, the wooden pin through her hair, now tied up to make use of the gift, as she runs her thumb over its paired clasp, as you turn the star metal ring dotted with an emerald between your fingers, admiring its near microscopic inscription that Kanzeon wrote, listing off all of the reasons she's found to love you.

"Much has changed in but a day, even if it isn't obvious" You answer "Though I do agree, it does feel...brighter"

"Maybe we're just being fools in love, letting the excitement get to our heads...But isn't that alright?" She laughs, leaning against you as you and her look over the party from a high hill "All my worst fears are gone, and I've got nothing but good things to look forward to"

"And I've finally courted you" You add with a nod "And all the threats to you and my home, at least on Shangrala, have been dealt with. And my family has grown"

Kanzeon shoots a flirtatious look your way.

"I know your desires are few and small, but, even if probably impossible for us to, we could try to grow it more, the way husbands and wives do" She tempts, running a finger down your chest "We've managed to slip away from all the prying eyes already, we should take the chance. Before one of your brothers or friends find us and ruin our chance"

"That is a most tempting offer. Somehow, the golden light of the setting sun makes your jade eyes all the more striking, and the way you've tied your hair, has made you all the more dazzling. An image of beauty no canvas could capture" You mutter, swirling a glass of chilled water as you contemplate, while she presses her advantage and presses herself closer, entwining herself by wrapping her arms around you, further loosening your already loosened robes.

"It would be a better gift than any we've been given" She titters "One last proof that both of us are...human"

How do you finish your wedding night, Lieren?

>Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.

>Deny her, in only because there is no need for it when emotional bonds far surpass physical ones

>Retreat from this battle, uncertain of yourself and unwilling to test if you've truly become more man than machine

>Fantasize for a moment, what your children would be like, even if such a thing is, as Kanzeon said, a near impossibility

>Write in
>Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.
I fail to see any reason not to.
>Deny her, in only because there is no need for it when emotional bonds far surpass physical ones
We are never telling Emps about the fragment.
>>Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.
not for horny, but for true love.
>Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.
>Fantasize for a moment, what your children would be like, even if such a thing is, as Kanzeon said, a near impossibility
Meditate a moment together see what may be. We already know there is a fear we will wish to replace base born humanity and we would be fool to oblige it. We're gonna align ourselves to much with the Aeldari past...might be doomed to repeat it.

ALWAYS take the meditation option, the greatest revelations.
>>Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.
Love is worth it.
>>Fantasize for a moment, what your children would be like, even if such a thing is, as Kanzeon said, a near impossibility
Adding this as well. Knowing Lieren he may accidentally see into the future.

Lets not.
Support, kids bad
>Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.
>Fantasize for a moment, what your children would be like, even if such a thing is, as Kanzeon said, a near impossibility
It feels mildly silly considering Kanzeon's real body, but we might as well see what all the fuss is about.
>Fantasize for a moment, what your children would be like, even if such a thing is, as Kanzeon said, a near impossibility
I'm glad anons and Malal had some nice words planned because I didn't know what to say
>Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.

>Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.

>Fantasize for a moment, what your children would be like, even if such a thing is, as Kanzeon said, a near impossibility
>Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.
>Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.

>Fantasize for a moment, what your children would be like, even if such a thing is, as Kanzeon said, a near impossibility

Good updates Malal. Bashful Kanzeon is cute.
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>Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.
Waited until marriage, there are no more excuses.
>>Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.
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Inspiration strikes at the oddest moments sometimes
>Fantasize for a moment, what your children would be like, even if such a thing is, as Kanzeon said, a near impossibility

Fucking kek my sides are in orbit
Thought it was Lieren, took me a second to realize that's Kanzeon. You a fan of yaoi or something? Her face is so sharp you could cut diamonds on it... still better than my art tho.
The fuck did my ID change for? These are both me.
>You a fan of yaoi or something? Her face is so sharp you could cut diamonds on it
Plenty of women have angular features, or sharp for lack of a better term. Also, as I recall, the genes that make up Kanzeon's avatar were modified from Lieren's genetic template. I tried to keep that in mind as I imagined what Kanzeon would actually look like, hence the depiction above.
I also imagine she would have resting bitch face because it's funny to me
>Plenty of women have angular features, or sharp for lack of a better term.
Sure... but you went so hard with it that she looks androgynous which doesn't fit with how she's described.

This made me remember that guy who made genderbent versions of the primarchs, thank you for that.
I recon its more in the spirit of being a meme than anything else.
0ne thing to remember is that we should not have actual children. The Astartes and primarch as intended are not to replace mankind.
>Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.
>Fantasize for a moment, what your children would be like, even if such a thing is, as Kanzeon said, a near impossibility
>Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.
>Fantasize for a moment, what your children would be like, even if such a thing is, as Kanzeon said, a near impossibility
I don't think we can actually HAVE proper children with her, Only adopted.

you know what with her being a ship, and her body here not being fully organic.
I posted Shinzo Abe for a reason. LIEREN AND KANZEON WILL RECEIVE THE FULL FAMILY EXPERIENCE. The purpose is personal, not some grand plan to replace humanity.

Well if Kanzeon and Lieren have the proper puzzle pieces and they fit each other then off spring is completely possible
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Calling the vote now, Sorry for the wait, got caught up in the grind in the digimon game I was playing, and then started re-reading bridge of birds.
Oblige your bride, after a little more teasing.:13

Deny her, in only because there is no need for it when emotional bonds far surpass physical ones:1

Fantasize for a moment, what your children would be like, even if such a thing is, as Kanzeon said, a near impossibility:11

Total votes:20

So Lieren will fantasize for a moment, what his and Kanzeon's kids might be like, if such a thing is possible, before obliging his bride on their wedding day

Writing now, archived this thread, and will link the new one back here as I always do

Looks incredible and made me laugh, good stuff anon.

New thread, and if any of you have read Bridge of Birds, it will be apparent WHY I started re-reading it before writing this update

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