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You are a GNOME. Currently, you live deep within a dungeon that is under the spooky dark forest. Feeling bored, you decide to see what everyone else in the dungeon is up to. You haven't seen another gnome in a good while.

You have a few skills. You have a natural affinity for tinkering and engineering. You're also alright at casting some spells, but you like illusions and tricks mostly. Also, compared to other demi-humans and monsters, you're kinda small. That's okay.


Tinkering +4, Small +3 Illusions +3, Magic +2

When we encounter a test or try and do something where failure brings a negative consequence, we'll roll 2d6 against a target number. If our roll meets or passes the target number, we succeed. Yay!

Anywho - you come across a simple wooden door, and a strange fissure in the stone wall of the dungeon. Which way will you go to begin the adventure?

>Wooden door. That's simple enough. I'll probably find some other gnomes this way.
>Fissure. Might lead to a cave, or a shortcut through the dungeon. But, I might encounter more dangerous monsters.
I'm a sucker for Gnomes
+1 Standalone Chimney or a Wooden Door for a metal room
>Wooden door. That's simple enough. I'll probably find some other gnomes this way.

Let's try to find another gnome.
>Fissure. Might lead to a cave, or a shortcut through the dungeon. But, I might encounter more dangerous monsters

We need exp and monsters are full of em!

>Wooden door. That's simple enough. I'll probably find some other gnomes this way.
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Looks like the door wins the vote! Let's do this!

You step on over towards the door and latch on to the knob. Twisting the doorknob, the wooden door creaks loudly, alerting whatever is inside. You step through the doorway, ever so carefully. Inside the room, you spot a large white-faced tarantula. Oh boy. You know that the giant white-faced spiders make use of a very deadly poison. However, the tarantula doesn't seem to be interested in attacking. In fact, she just stares at you, possibly surprised to see a gnome in the dungeon after all this time.

To your right is a heavy iron key. That might prove useful later on. What do you do?

>(TN: 10, Roll 2d6+1) Attack the tarantula! You don't have any real weapon, so this heavy key will have to do.
>(No roll) Talk to the tarantula. She seems nice enough, and you're glad she didn't attack you on sight. Ask her if she's seen any other gnomes, and the general state of the dungeon nowadays.
>(TN: 6, Roll 2d6+3) Distract and evade the tarantula. You'll cast an illusion of some juicy flies to distract her and then you'll run right past her.
Nice art
>Talk at it, but have illusions prepared
Response accepted. I'm here and ready to play! Generating next post!

The spider stares at you, her mandibles twitching nervously. If you spent more time around giant spiders you might have been able to tell by her expression and body language what she might be feeling. You rehearse the chant you need to speak for an illusion spell in your mind, just in case things go awry.

Eventually, she speaks. "Oh. Sorry. Um... I just didn't know what to say. I've never met a little elf before." She shuffles her legs a little, staying in place.

You laugh. You might look gruff but you have a good sense of humor. "I'm not an elf, I'm a gnome." You gently correct the spider.

"I've never seen one of YOU before, whatever you might be. At first I thought you might be a goblin, but I've never seen any goblins with beards or pointy hats. Um." She scuttles onto the wall, looking away. It seems she's embarrassed. "Sorry for staring. Could you do something for me?"

Tilting your head up a bit to watch her sit on the wall to your right, you cough. "What might that be?"

"If you see any other white-faced spiders, could you tell them I'm over here? I get pretty lonely."

>"Sure, why not?" Leave down the hallway alone.
>"Or - you could join me on my adventure. I could use someone like you. Don't we already get along?" Ask the spider to join you and leave together.
>"Or - you could join me on my adventure. I could use someone like you. Don't we already get along?" Ask the spider to join you and leave together.

If there are other monsters around we might need all the help we can get.
+1 to getting a shy, friendly critter with deadly venom as a bro-ette
>"Or - you could join me on my adventure. I could use someone like you. Don't we already get along?" Ask the spider to join you and leave together.
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Looks like the voting is unanimous.

You a sly but soft look spreads across your face. Looking the spider in the eyes, you speak, "Or... You could join me. Wouldn't that be fun? And if we come across any other white-faced spiders, you can decide if you want to come back here with them. What do you say?"

The tarantula's eyes widen, her legs trembling in excitement. Her mandibles jitter back and forth. "Oh my... Do you mean it? I've been all alone for so long. You don't seem so bad, even if you really are a no- um. What do you call it?"

"A gnome." You smile slightly. Seems this spider is a little slow to the punch. That's not so bad.

"Even if you are a gnome." She shakes, and scuttles down off the wall to draw near to you. "Shall we go then?" He eyes smile, beaming at you.

You nod, patting her head firmly. You're not sure why you did that, but it feels right. The spider doesn't seem to mind. "Yep. Let's get a move on. I'm sure there are plenty of other things to see around here." You walk forward, and the spider scuttles behind you into the dark hallway.

The two of you enter a room with two doors, one to the east, and the other to the west. The northmost wall sports a large a crack in the stone brick, and is oozing some kind of foul-smelling muck. A couple of green-leafed plants sprout from the pile of sludge. A set of muddy footprints lead to the eastern door, which has a dusty-looking welcome mat in front of it. The western door looks sturdy, and features a keyhole. Your heavy iron key looks like a perfect fit.

"I would often hear noises in this room all the way from the hallway we passed. I never knew what it was." The spider taps her legs against the stone floor.

What do you do?

>Use your key to open the western door.
>Try your luck with the eastern door. With a welcome mat, maybe someone lives there?
>Inspect the plants and foul-smelling muck.
>Inspect the plants and foul-smelling muck.
>>Inspect the plants and foul-smelling muck.
>Try your luck with the eastern door. With a welcome mat, maybe someone lives there?
>Use your key to open the western door.
A locked door is more likely to have treasure behind it!
>>Inspect the plants and foul-smelling muck.
>Welcome Mat
Sounds like a good course of action. We'll check the muck and plants, then the locked door, and then the welcome mat door.

You kneel down and inspect the muck. Feeling it between your thumb and forefinger, it has the consistency of a loose, wet mud. As previously mentioned, it smells terrible. You have the sinking feeling that this is some sort of sewage. The plants are green and healthy, but don't look edible. Maybe they're useful for medicine or alchemy? You don't know. That was never your strong suit, but there are plenty of gnomes that excel in that area.

The spider steps into the gunk, her legs making a "schlorp" sound with each step. She seems to enjoy the sensation.

"Careful there, friend. I think this is sewage." You warn her.

She stares at you blankly, still stepping back and forth. "Hm. It feels nice. What is sewage?"

"Dung. Poo-poo. Mixed with water and trash and whatever else. It's filthy."

She stops and quickly scurries out of the filth, wordlessly. Now her legs leave small brown footprints where she steps. "I didn't know."

"That's alright. Hopefully we find some place to wash up. I've heard stories of streams and fountains tucked away in corners of the dungeon." You wipe your hands on your tunic and turn your attention towards the locked door. Slipping your key inside, you turn it, but it gets stuck halfway. Maybe this isn't the right key? That's a bummer.

With your back turned, you hear the eastern door creak slowly, opening up. "Ah! Master? Have you finally returned? -- Oh. Hrm. You're not Master. Goodness, I'm very sorry. How embarrassing!" A small, hairy creature with a wet nose, perky ears, stands at the door, keeping it halfway opened. It is wearing black leather boots and a red collar with a small metal tag dangling from it.

>(TN: 9, roll 2d6+1) ATTACK! KILL THE BEAST! Taste my iron key!
>(TN:8, roll 2d6+3) With an illusion spell, disguise yourself as the beastman's master. But, the spell won't last forever. "What do you mean, dear boy? Master is here! Don't you recognize me?"
>(No roll) "Oh, sorry. I'm just travelling through the dungeon, looking for my fellow gnomes. This is my friend, spider. Who was your master?"
>(No roll) "Oh, sorry. I'm just travelling through the dungeon, looking for my fellow gnomes. This is my friend, spider. Who was your master?"
>(No roll) "Oh, sorry. I'm just travelling through the dungeon, looking for my fellow gnomes. This is my friend, spider. Who was your master?"
+1 to Consensus
At some point we should act a bit whimsical, a bit mischievous, engage in a bit of trickery, but we seem to be a good-natured sort.
>(No roll) "Oh, sorry. I'm just travelling through the dungeon, looking for my fellow gnomes. This is my friend, spider. Who was your master?"

We can add them to the party and look for their master!
Looks good! Let's keep talking to this cute furry fella.
I agree! I'll have to throw some real enemies your way soon. To be quite honest, I've been generating the overall contents of each room randomly! I won't give away my exact process, but you guys have gotten lucky with encountering friendlies and more-or-less empty rooms. Anywho -- let's get back to the game!

The collared creature snorts and sniffs the air near you amicably. "Hm. Pff. Hm. Hmmm." The thing seems to be trying to recall if it's smelled you before. "Gnomes. Gnomes? Master has spoken of such things -- or excuse me. Such people. Sadly, I've never met a gnome before meeting you, friend."

You speak, winking. "That's a bummer. We're good people. Just be wary of the black-caps. You adjust your own pointy red hat, and stroke your beard a little. "If you spot someone like me but they're wearing a black and pointy hat, you're in for trouble. Most gnomish folk enjoy a good prank, I'll admit. I certainly do. Yet, the black-caps are ones devoted to seeing out their own cruel tricks and curses."

The hairy thing blinks. "Oh. I had no idea! That is fascinating. I must make a note for Master when he returns!" The thing steps away for a moment, but then moves back to the doorway. "Pardon me. Please, what is your name? I have half a mind to invite you into my home, but I can't do so unless we're fully introduced!"

The creature pauses for a moment, fiddling with its collar. It tilts the large brass tag towards you, glinting a bit of light into your eyes. There's something engraved on this tag. "My name is Jack-o! That's the name my Master gave me. So please, what's yours?"

"My name, huh? No need to fret..." You take a breath.

>"The name's Crank, and I'm a whiz with mechanics." +1 to Tinkering.
>"You can call me Pip. I used to be the smallest out of all my friends back home." +1 to Small.
>"Hatch. I like to get the drop on people with my tricks." +1 to Illusions.
>"Ah. My name is Wiz. My folks always wanted me to be big-shot magician." +1 to Magic.
>"Ah. My name is Wiz. My folks always wanted me to be big-shot magician." +1 to Magic.
Just because it's our weakest stat.
>>"Ah. My name is Wiz. My folks always wanted me to be big-shot magician." +1 to Magic.
FRICK! I was writing up a long text post and lost it. Sadness. Oh well. It was a little too long-winded anyways. Here's the shorter and revised version.

Oh, and Wiz is our name! +1 to magic as well.
- - -

Jack-o shows you around his surprisingly spacious house. It seems he's kept it clean and tidy all this time. There's a comfortable looking bedroom, lounge area, kitchen, and even a small bath. There are all sorts of alchemical supplies and equipment scattered around.

"Master has been gone for several months. I've been careful to keep everything in its place for when he returns." Jack-o nods proudly, showing you all the bits and bobs set on shelves and tables that have been meticulously dusted.

You and Spider give each other a sideways glance. Oh boy. What if this guy's beloved master is dead? The dungeon is a scary place sometimes! It's totally a possibility.

"Jack-o, did your master say why he left in the first place?" You furrow your brow, and pray to the stars that this poor beast's loved one didn't bite the dust in some corner of the dungeon.

The hairy creature nods, sniffling a little. He points to a note left by the door. You pick it up gently.


You nod. "I see." You don't really want to be here much longer. Jack-o's already spent two hours showing you and Spider around and telling you all sorts of jokes and stories.

Jack-o begins to sob lightly. Spider puts a leg on his lower back, unable to reach his shoulder. "What's wrong, Jack-o?"

"I miss my master so much..." He wails, letting out a sorrowful howl.

Spider awkwardly looks to you, motioning for you to do something about this.

"Well... I'm sorry, buddy. Thank you so much for sharing your home and stories with us but, I think we ought to get going now. Spider and I have a lot more of the dungeon to explore."

The furry creature looks up at you with wet and crusty eyes. Even snot drips from his already wet nose. "P-please. Don't leave me... I don't have anyone else. Y-you're the only company I've had in such a long while..."

Yeesh. You didn't think this would get so deep so fast.

>Invite Jack-o to join the party. The more the merrier. "Heyyy, cheer up pal. You know what? Why don't you come with us? We'll look for your master, and - you won't be alone anymore! What do you say?"
>Someone like this is no fit for the dungeon. He's lucky to be somewhere safe for now. "You're a good boy, Jack-o. Your master is lucky to have someone like you. Spider and I will visit you again, okay?"
>Someone like this is no fit for the dungeon. He's lucky to be somewhere safe for now. "You're a good boy, Jack-o. Your master is lucky to have someone like you. Spider and I will visit you again, okay?"
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Right on.
- - -

Jack-o nods his head at your response. "I understand... I'm just so sad." He wipes the snot and tears away on his fuzzy arm. "I'm very happy that I have some new friends, though." He shows a weak smile. "Here, let me give you some parting gifts to send you off!" He skitters away to another room, and you can hear him putting some bags together. Jack-o shuffles back into the foyer and presents the items to you. "Yes, I must ensure that you're prepared to face the dangers up ahead. I'm certain things will become more harrowing as you go along. Master was an alchemist, and I am his faithful assistant! Here are some vials of healing. If you drink this, your wounds will be healed! I've packed some food, enough for two weeks - and on top of that - I want you to have this." Jack-o presents a simple steel dagger to you. This thing feels like a reliable weapon in your hands.

Inventory: (3) vials of healing, (2) rations, dagger (4 dam)

You smile, patting Jack-o on the head. "Thank you, Jack-o. We'll be sure to visit soon. If your master is out there, we'll be the ones to find him and bring him back to you."

The fuzzy little thing sniffles with emotion again. "Do you promise me, Wiz?"

"I promise." You really mean it.

You and Spider eventually make your way out of Jack-o's place and venture deeper into the dungeon. After coming across a number of destitute and empty rooms, you finally encounter something interesting...

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A wicked-looking pit trap with spikes protruding from the bottom lies before you, set within a long hallway. The latter half of the hallway, after the pit trap is shrouded in gloom, but you can see a bright doorway at the end of it.

"This isn't good." You rub your chin and beard. "Spider, I know you can get around this without much issue by climbing on the walls, but I'm not certain on how I'll cross this."

Your first thought is to have Spider use her webbing to either bridge the gap or use swing you across... But you forget, she's a white-faced tarantula. She's shyly admitted to you that she isn't very good with her webs. Despite that, there are a few other ideas in your head.

>[Small] (Roll 2d6+3) Leap across. You're small, and light enough to make the jump without issue, right?
>[Magic] (Roll 2d6+3) Try and form a bridge, with magic. You can manipulate the stones of the dungeon with your gnomish affinity for magic.
>(Write In. I'll also tell you the odds of success and what target number to roll for.)
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Oh, I forgot to mention - the target number (TN) for these skill checks will be 8! Roll an 8 or higher and you'll get across.
Pic unrelated. Just something I wanted to draw.
How deep is the pit? Can we use tinkering to dislodge a few spikes so that there will be a clear path if it isn't too deep? If we had some muscle I would suggest breaking the cracked wall.

Digging the art for sure, is Jack-o a Dogman or something? My only criticism is that Gnomes are Fey, & Steel is Cold Iron...
Ooh, good idea! Also wow, I wasn't heavily aware of the iron thing for fey. I kind of hinted at there being different gnome clans/tribes. To justify that, I'll say that the red clan that Wiz is from is farther removed from their fey roots, as they work with machines and metal.
Also yes! Jack-o is a dogman. Just between you and me, because we may or may not get to hear this from his Master, he's specifically a gnoll that was rescued as a pup.

Back to the game!
- - -
You manage to fiddle with one of the sharp protrusions, pulling it free with some force. You are surprised to feel that these spikes are not of stone or metal, but something like ivory. As you peer down the bottom of the pit, a chilling lone eye peers up at you. Oh dear stars, have mercy! This isn't a normal pit, this is a monster! You've never encountered a MIMIC this large.

The Target Number for this action is 8.
> [Small] Throw your dagger into the monster's eye and use that opening to jump across! (Roll 2d6+3)

The target number for these actions is 9. You are shaken by the surprise, and so have a -1 to casting magic.

> [Illusion] Cast a dazzling spell to blind the pit mimic. (Roll 2d6+3)
> [Magic] See that big crack in the wall a few posts up? That must be more muck leaking through. Let's let it loose on the mimic, hoping it'll suffocate. (Roll 2d6+3)
Rolled 2, 1 + 3 = 6 (2d6 + 3)

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A six! Ouchies. Locked in, though. The spell fails. Let's see what happens!
- - -
You chant a few magic words, but can't recall the exact ones. It's been a while since you casted a proper spell.. In the ancient magic tongue, you really just end up mumbling some nonsense about stones and rocks. The crack in the wall sputters, spraying out some more gunk, but it doesn't really do much.

The mimic rumbles, shaking the ground under your feet. Long black tendrils reach up from the dark underneath the pit, and begin to feel around for you...

Good grief, this doesn't look good. If those tendrils get a hold of you or Spider, they'll likely drag you into the pit and you'll be impaled and digested.

[ The Target Number for these actions is 8. You gain your bearings and consider the situation at hand. Failing another skill check will lead to an attack from the monster. ]

> [Small] This thing is far too difficult to defeat. We'll sneak away and go somewhere else. (Roll 2d6+3)
> [Dagger] Slash at the incoming tendrils! (Roll 2d6+1)
> [Illusion] Cast a dazzling spell to blind the pit mimic. (Roll 2d6+3)
> [Magic] You can't try any stone spells until you rest, so let's just zap the tendrils with a lightning bolt! (Roll 2d6+3)
Rolled 6, 4 + 3 = 13 (2d6 + 3)

> [Magic] You can't try any stone spells until you rest, so let's just zap the tendrils with a lightning bolt! (Roll 2d6+3)
>Go back to the locked door (so we can use magic on it)
NICE! You rolled a 13! Because this is so momentous, I'll list Lightning Bolt as a specialty spell for Wiz. You'll get a +1 when casting it. I probably should come up with some kind of character/stat sheet for Wiz as well. We'll figure that out later.
- - -

You chant the magic words, calling upon the powers of lightning. You feel a tingly sensation growing from your fingertips. Allowing the tingle to linger, you concentrate the electricity into your finger. "LIGHTNING BOLT!" An arc of power blasts the pit mimic, sending its tendrils into a violent spasm. Soon, the black tentacles fall over, limp.

Spider's eyes widen. "That was amazing, Wiz!"

You're a little surprised in yourself as well. You've never had to down an enemy that large before.
- - -
We'll head back to the locked door.
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You travel back towards Jack-o's house, but find the path you took previously has changed. That's to be expected. The dungeon changes configuration periodically. Moving about, you come across a wide-open circular arena, with something like a well set within the center. Far off, you spot what looks like a human wizard in dark blue robes inspecting some kind of writing on the wall.
The amount of magical energy you can sense from this wizard is immense. Let's hope he's friendly...

> [Small] Try and sneak around the mage. (Roll 2d6+3)
> Greet the wizard. Ask him if he's seen any gnomes recently.
> (Write in)
>Have spider crawl onto the wall out of sight just in case...
>Greet the wizard, ask if he's seen any Gnomes or if he knows a Jack-o
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Rolled 1 (1d6)

You wave Spider away. "Climb up on the wall, and make yourself hidden, just in case something bad happens. Humans can be fickle, and this one is very strong in magic." You whisper, patting Spider on the head. She obeys, scuttling up the high walls of this arena.

"Ho there, o wise one!" Your voice echoes, making your presence much larger than you might have wanted.

"GAHH!" The wizard shouts, sending off a short blast of energy towards the ground as a reflex. He comes to his senses and spots you as you move closer, careful to make yourself appear less threatening. "By the gods, you startled me. Goodness gracious..." The wizard catches his breath, and gulps. "If you wanted to kill me, you would have done so already. I know how deft your kind can be, pointy-cap."

You're going to ignore that comment about your hat. Humans don't know how offensive remarks like those can be.

"My name is Davenor, of the Cerulean Keep." The magic-user stretches his palm to face you, closing his eyes. "I can sense that you are a kind soul, who doesn't mean me any harm." He smiles with kind eyes.

You nod. "I feel the same way. My name is Wiz, and I've been looking for my family. Have you seen any gnomes recently?"

[ Roll 1d6! If your score is higher than mine, then the wizard has seen some gnomes. If my roll is higher than yours, then the answer is no. ]
Rolled 5 (1d6)

>Offer to give him brief instruction or tips on a spell we know if he'll do the same
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Awesome, looks like he has seen some gnomes. Also, great idea!
- - -
Davenor the wizard nods, his hat shaking along with his wrinkly old head. "Yes, I have. Red hats, just like yours." He blinks, his crusty eyes looking into your gnomish ones. "I didn't get to talk to them but I watched them climb up some tree roots into a hole in the ceiling. If you asked me, I'd assume they were heading to the surface."

Your heart flutters. Maybe everyone grew tired of trying to carve out a place of their own in the dungeon. You can't really remember why you moved out of the old village into this place before. Was it something about a monster in the forest? Witches hunting you down for potions and spells? For some reason, the memories are fuzzy.

"Thank you, Davenor. Also, have you ever met a little dog-person down here by the name of Jack-o?" You're relatively sure that this wizard hasn't met your friend. Jack-o did say that he hadn't had visitor since Master left. Eh, but perhaps they received Davenor before that time?

The wizard squints his eyes. "Hmm, that doesn't ring a bell." He shakes his head.

"That's alright. Hey, how about we trade spells? I'm a magic-user too. My parents always hoped I'd become a powerful magician."

Davenor's eyes light up. "Oh? What gnomish secrets can you share with me? And what would you like to learn in return?" He grins.

>Learn the [Knock] spell: Unlock and open nearby doors, chests, and other locked objects.
>Learn the [Water Walk] spell: You and those you touch can walk on liquid surfaces for an hour.
>Learn the [Detect Thoughts] spell: You can sense and hear the intentions and surface thoughts of a nearby creature.


>Give Davenor tips on illusions.
>Give Davenor tips on stone magic.
>Give Davenor tips on Lightning Bolt.
Could open a lot of doors for us.
Idk if we can teach the edge we have with lightning.
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Here we go!
- - -

[( You learn the KNOCK spell! )]
[( Current spells: Knock, Shape Stone, Lightning Bolt (+1), Illusions )]

You explain what you can about illusions to Davenor.

"Hmm." He combs his fingers through his beard, taking a few steps backwards. "Let me see what I can do with what we discussed." Davenor closes his eyes and mumbles a few magic words, positioning his hands and stretching out his arms. "Aha!" Now, two illusory doubles stand a few paces in front of the wizard. Wow. This guy learns fast!

"You're certainly something else, Davenor." You smile, surprised at this old human's ability.

The wizard laughs. "Ah, my boy. Wiz, I'm very happy that I met you today. I really should make my return to the surface. My peers are waiting for me!" He pulls a strange device from his robe and twists it. "Return!" His voice echoes impressively as his body warps upward through the ceiling.

You stand there for a while as the dust from Davenor's RETURN settles. What was that strange device? Maybe you could get your hands on one eventually. You look around for Spider, and once you spot her, you wave her over. She crawls over to stand beside you again.

"I've never met a human before." She looks at you, speaking blankly.

You toddle your head back and forth, "Eh. Humans can be fickle, as I said. We're lucky we met a friendly one. Back home, my friends and I used to play pranks and pull tricks on travelers that would wander through our corner of the forest."

Spider seems confused. "Why?"

You shrug. "It was amusing, at the time." You adjust your hat to fit more snugly on your head. "Remember that door near Jack-o's house? This key wasn't the right one. Buuut, I just learned a new spell that can unlock most doors from that wizard guy. I want to head back and see what was behind it."

Spider nods. "I'll go where you go, Wiz." She shuffles her legs happily.
You finally make it back to that familiar room. It's much dirtier than you remember.

>Cast Knock on the locked door and peer inside.
>See if Jack-o is home.
>Cast Knock on the locked door and peer inside.
You trudge through the muck, and chant the words required for the knock spell. You can hear the lock mechanism disengage and the door is violently swung open. Oh. That was a little louder than you expected.

A steep stone stairway climbs deeper into the dungeon. Torches set within sconces line the left-hand side of the wall, providing warm light. You can sense a pulsing source of magical energy far below. Perhaps if you find the source, it could boost your own spells?

>Turn back.
>Venture deeper into the dungeon.
>Venture deeper into the dungeon.
Into the chamber!
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You step down the stairway, and the door slams shut behind you. You try to not let that bother you too much. Continuing onwards, you notice the torches grow dimmer and dimmer until you are in complete darkness.

"Hrm." You were never afraid of the dark, but something about being here without light makes you feel uneasy.

Without much warning, a translucent figure spirals up into view, causing your hair to stand on end. A strong feeling of dread washes over you. Yet, your heart pounds, pushing you to fight!

>Slash at it with your dagger! (roll 2d6+1)
>Cast an illusion to distract the enemy for now, and run towards the open doorway! (roll 2d6+3)
>LIGHTNING BOLT! (roll 2d6+4)
>(Write in)
Rolled 4, 2 + 4 = 10 (2d6 + 4)


Time to bet on magical disruptive energy.
Rolled 1, 5 + 4 = 10 (2d6 + 4)

>Zap it
Well, would you look at that? You both rolled the same score!
- - -
You allow that familiar magical energy to flow through you. It bounces around within your body before jumping out towards your foe through your pointer finger. "LIGHTNING BOLT!"
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The phantom is blasted apart by the bolt of crackling energy. Yet, something floats onto the floor. It looks like a long strip of cloth. Something tells you to put it on. You decide to wrap it around your arm.

[( Special Item: Phantom Wrappings )]

You feel different after putting the wrappings on. Your arm feels much lighter, and becomes semi-transparent!

[ With the Phantom Wrappings equipped, you gain a new ability - Phantom Grasp: You can interact with and touch intangible spectral creatures as if they were tangible material. ]

>Continue down the stairs.
>Turn back.
>Continue down the stairs.

No reason to turn back yet
>Keep on trucking
>Continue down the stairs.
Really digging these illustrations
Right on! I'm back. I had a bit of delay for some personal reasons, but we're all good now.
Thanks anon! This is serving as great practice for me. I haven't drawn this much in a good while.
- - -

You and Spider make it to the end of the stairway. A shining door constructed of white shimmering stone. There are magic runes lining the frame of the door. The mana exuding off of this doorway is palpable to you. It feels like a jet of hot air is blowing your way, warming your skin. The door glimmers, and an eye comes forth upon the door, in the middle of a diamond shape set in the stone.

A deep voice booms from the eye as it inspects you. "Traveler... do you seek entry within my doorway?"

You tighten your lips a little, hesitant. "Yes."

"How great is your desire to be granted passage, traveler?"

>Not great in the slightest. I'll just turn around.
>Not so great. It would be nice if you let me through, though.
>VERY great. I gotta see what's past this door.
>Ignore the eye, drag the diamond on the wall onto the missing slot in the bottom right.
(using magic)
>Not so great. It would be nice if you let me through, though.
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Rolled 3, 3 + 3 = 9 (2d6 + 3)

You prepare to cast stone magic to manipulate the diamond from the section of wall above the door to the empty twinkling impression on the white stone door.
You also try and play off how much you want to get through this door.
- - -
I'll roll 2d6+3 to see how well Wiz does here. He needs to hit at LEAST a 6.
You float the diamond into it's respective slot with a satisfying fit. The door's eye widens, and the magical aura grows even more intense. It's hard for you to continue even looking at the door's eye. The simple diamond shaped iris opens up and expands, and more magical runes show themselves on the cross-shaped embellishments around the eye. The patterns dazzle you.


You can hardly keep on your feet at the loud booming voice of the now fully awakened door. The light it emits shines bright and hot.

Spider holds on to you. "Wiz! Make it stop! It hurts!"

What do you desire?

>"I want to re-unite with my family and friends!"
>"I seek greater power."
>"Wait! Stop! You're hurting Spider!"
>(Write in)
>"Wait! Stop! You're hurting Spider!"
+1, why not, Spider is a bro(ette?)
>"I seek greater power."
We can seek restorative magick if needed. But the venture down here was for a reason.
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The awakened door booms, "SOON, THE PAIN SHALL CEASE.

The door's symbols shift and you watch as spheres of light slowly manifest in front of you and Spider. For a moment, you notice that your feet are no longer touching the ground. The spheres of light eventually appear fully formed, glossy and translucent like a crystal ball, but the radiance of the sun inside them.

In one moment, something inside you changes. The pulsing and overwhelming mana you felt from the door is no longer uncomfortable!

"Oh! It doesn't hurt anymore!" Spider cheers, with a hint of confusion.

You are slowly lowered to the ground, and the spheres of light descend upon you. You feel a tingling, and notice a diamond mark has been illuminated upon the back of your right hand. Flipping over to your palm, it looks like the mark is clearly visible there too.

[(Mark of the Shining Door: You are immune to Radiant damage, and your mark can flash a blinding light.)]
- - -
Current abilities -
SKILLS: Tinkering +4, Small +3, Illusions +3, Magic +3
Special Abilities: Mark of the Shining Door: You are immune to radiant damage, and you can flash a blinding light from your mark.
Special Items: Phantom Wrappings - Phantom Grasp: You can touch spectral creatures as if they were tangible.
Heavy iron key, steel dagger (+4 damage), 3 vials of healing, two weeks of rations
Oh shoot I forgot to include
SPELLS: Lightning Bolt (+1), Illusion, Manipulate Stone, Knock
Nice, does the door open?
As you float back to the ground and make sure Spider is okay, you take a deep breath and gather your bearings. Turning back to look at the awakened door, the intricate symbols and mechanical eye are no longer present. The doorway shows you the depths of a dark forest, the very one that is so familiar to you.

You recall what Davenor the wizard recounted to you. He saw red gnomes like you climbing up tree roots out of the dungeon. You can only take that assume that your friends and family are moving out of the dungeon and back to the forests that you call home!

Spider gawks at the scenery. "Woww... it's so green! What are those tall brown things?"

"Those are trees. Have you never seen a tree before?" You're a little surprised at Spider's ignorance here.

"Mmm, nope. I don't think so. I'd remember if I've seen anything like that before." She nods.

You breathe. You know just how dangerous walking around exposed is in the dark forest. Your kind are more used to keeping safe in your underground dens or tree hollows. But, you've certainly gotten stronger since when you first ventured with your kin into the dungeon. You've gained a good firm hold on magic, and now have a new blessing from the shining door.

>Enter the forest and search for your kin.
>Stay in the dungeon and find your own way out.
>Enter the forest and search for your kin.
+1, we can come back to the dungeon if need be (I think)
>Enter the forest and search for your kin.
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We're heading into the dark forest. Also yes, we can always venture back into the dungeon!
- - -
You and spider walk through the open doorway, into the forest. Emerging through, you find yourself surrounded by a radiant aura, most likely set by the power of the shining door. Both of your marks glow in response.

"Hey Wiz?" Spider jitters back and forth a little. It seems as if she's anxious.

You look at her. "Yes, Spider?"

"What are those big brown things with the fluffy green stuff on them?" She asks, lifting up her thin black leg to point at the object in question.

You try your best to not laugh. "That is called a tree. You haven't seen a tree before this?"

"No, I don't think so..." Spider cocks her head a little, combing her memories. "No."

"Hrm." You nod. "Trees are good. If they get big enough you can hollow out most of the inside and make a house out of one. That what we gnomes tend to do."

You rack your brain and scan your surroundings. How long were you really in the dungeon? Now that you're back on the surface, breathing fresh air, you really begin to question some of the things you saw and experienced recently. You take some time to stretch your limbs and re-acclimate to the forest atmosphere. You still can't recall why your kin decided to even go in there in the first place. At least it wasn't much of a waste of time for you, seeing as you improved your skill with magic and learned some new spells.

Taking a look, you realize you don't recognize this area of the forest. This isn't good. As dangerous as the dungeon may be, you know that this forest can be even worse depending on where you are.
- - -
Name: Wiz Redpoint [Gnome Magic-User]
HP: 10
STR:8 DEX:16 CON:9
INT16 WIS13 CHA:13
Magic Attributes and Spells: ILLUSION, Shape Stone (near), Lightning Bolt (far/2d10 dam), Knock (near)
Features and Abilities: Advantage to Tinkering (INT), Actions that exploit your small size (DEX), +3 when casting illusion spells, +1 when casting Lighting Bolt.
Mark of the Shining Door - You are immune to radiant damage, and can flash a blinding light from your mark 2 times a day.
Phantom Grasp - You can touch and attack spectral creatures as if they were tangible.
Inventory: Heavy Iron Key, Steel Dagger, 3 Vials of Healing (+1d6), Rations
- - -
You sigh and wonder how you and spider should move onward.
>(write in)
>Try to find some landmarks while moving east
+1, post on the QTG if you're going to see this thread through, Gnome QM. That and a schedule for when you plan on updating.

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