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Jakarta Quest: a 100% hand-drawn quest.

You are an average Indonesian girl struggling to find a good husband. You aren't particularly beautiful and stand at only 148 cm tall. You earn a living by drawing art, which brings in just enough to cover your rent. Living in Jakarta, you've been hearing reports about missing women and children. According to urban legends, they are being kidnapped by the nagas, mythical half-human, half-serpent beings. Rabbi Tovia Singer, the sole rabbi in modern-day Indonesia, has been raising funds to search for the missing people. He is kind, quite handsome, and you find yourself wondering if you should date him.

>Send him a romantic letter <3
>Meet him in person at Beit Torat Chaim, his synagogue!
>Investigate his fund-raising campaign (?)
>Write In

Quest idea from >>6024427 >>6023968 and >>6010808
>Investigate his fund-raising campaign (?)
Do your worst.
>Investigate his fund-raising campaign (?)
>Meet him in person at Beit Torat Chaim, his synagogue!
>Investigate his fund-raising campaign (?)
You spend a month obsessively investigating your love interest. While most would call this an unhealthy crush or even borderline stalking, you feel compelled to make sure he's the one. Despite your best efforts, you can't find much wrong with his fund-raising campaign. You're too silly to conduct a thorough investigation anyway. Instead, you spend most of your time lying in bed, fantasizing about the perfect date. Your unibrow has been growing unchecked as you've been too absorbed in your obsessive thoughts to pluck it.

>Prioritize your hygiene and beauty routine
>Conduct a more thorough investigation
>Look for a new love interest
>Write In
Tough choice. Can we intensify our investigation while still plucking the unibrow?
>Prioritize your hygiene and beauty routine
need to looksmaxx
>Prioritize your hygiene and beauty routine
He seems legit to me!
>>Conduct a more thorough investigation
A year has passed. You've been prioritizing your hygiene and beauty routine, but there's a catch: your moustache keeps growing back, and every time you shave, you end up with an unfeminine 9 o'clock shadow. You need a rich boyfriend who can afford laser hair removal for you.

>Enlist the help of a professional matchmaker
>Construct a DIY laser hair removal machine
>Meet up with Rabbi Tovia Singer at Beit Torat Chaim
>Write In
>Construct a DIY laser hair removal machine

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