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You are LCdr Dallas Annon of the Terran Protectorate Navy, and against the Captain’s wishes you are investigating the secrets at the core of the TPN Coober Pedy — the last live voidship in this sector of the ravaged galaxy.


Previously on Voidship Bridge Simulator…
For the first time since you received your late brother’s command implant, you remember your dreams. Nightmares, really, but not natural ones. For once you have awoken with your memories (mostly) intact; you can recall the simulated scenario forcing you into command of the ship and attempting to condition you into placing its well-being first. Guard — the malign intelligence behind these trials and the most functional AI subsystem remaining of the vessel’s defective ‘Trinity ShipOS’ — made the choice to seal away your mysterious new friend Peedee, which allowed you to escape the simulation to the waking world without a memory wipe. As the dream faded, you promised the young intelligence that you’d find and free her, and you’re determined to follow through.

It was not a clean escape, however. Immediately upon waking, you received an urgent summons from your Father — the ship’s Captain — a summons which it seemed the very ship itself was trying to make you late for, what with the unnatural shuddering, untimely full elevators and strange damage showing up in your path. When you finally arrived, your Father informed you that your implant had been compromised by the ship’s firewall — a fate he revealed that also befell your elder brother and had led to his untimely demise. Determined to keep you safe, your Father rewrote your implant’s registry codes and deactivated it. He ordered you not to share whatever restricted information triggered this episode with anyone, and to cease digging into the ship’s secrets lest he lose another son.

But you had a promise to keep, and the mysteries at the core of your voidship (and the ‘Trinty’ AI system) seemed directly related to your missing friend: PD-113. Despite the hindrance of your now deactivated command implant, you were determined to defy your Father and the ship’s AI and find the ghost in the machine. Stopping by the damaged section of the maze-like voidcore deck, you recovered a sample of strange grey goo that had leaked from the four diagonal gashes that had torn through the bulkhead like wet paper and were now being hastily repaired.
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You then decided to enlist the help of your friends and fellow bridge training crew help to solve the mystery. You surreptitiously brought the guys up to speed over breakfast, but couldn’t prevent your impatiently eager Science officer — EoN — from skipping the explanation and running off to study your collected sample. While your Engineering and Tactical officers (FoZ and Coen) treated your revelations with caution, your ever loyal Operations officer (self styled future XO™/adopted kid brother) Kiro decided to tag along as you hurried off to prevent your overzealous Science officer from triggering the ship’s Guardian AI with her investigations. You and your brother arrived at her lab just in time to find the sample being attacked by out of control nanites, but together the three of you managed to save the majority of the mysterious material with surgical precision.

You instructed EoN to continue scanning the sample but to keep the lab and results disconnected from any prying digital eyes. Without your implant active, you were unable to detect if the attack on the undoubtedly secret substance was an automatic response from your ship’s nanites, or if Guard had already traced the meddling back to you and was actively fighting to hinder your progress. Either way you feared that your efforts may not have gone unnoticed, and now you have even more explaining to do…


Authors Note:
Welcome back to Voidship Bridge Simulator — feat. the other half of the cast this time, I promise. This is thread #3.5 just because I don’t feel like enough plot has progressed for me to call it thread #4 yet. In hindsight, it probably would have been a lot smoother had I taken only a week’s break between threads instead of like two months but family stuff came up and… you know how it goes.

If you’d like to refresh your memory or you’re a newcomer to VBS then I encourage you to read the archives; it’s only three threads long and there's plenty of gifs to keep you occupied if you have the attention span of a zoomer when reading:
Thread #1: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5521410/
Thread #2: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5572653/
Thread #3: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5940353/

Once again, I’ll aim for 3-4 updates a week to give me time to write, make gifs, sleep (maybe) and let (you) people get your votes in without my timezone causing drama. Might speed up or slow down depending on life and/or size of updates - but I’ll let you know of any schedule changes.

“Well? I’m waiting?”
Eyes-of-Night, looks at you expectantly over her shoulder as she tries to collect her tools back from your Operations officer, Kiro; a process made somewhat difficult by your excitable little Marrok brother, who is still mid victory dance after your combined defence of your collected sample from the attacking nanites.

“Oh would you hold still, you irascible reptile! That’s not a toy!” She huffs in annoyance.

“Oh, sorry EoN!” The Marrok chirps, ducking his still visored head in apology, finally coming to a standstill. He replaces the laser scalpel he was waving about on the workbench and you quickly follow suit. You clear your throat awkwardly.

“Probably best if we first get this all running exclusively on the local network.” You gesture vaguely around at the lab. “Level five infosec procedures would not be inappropriate.”

“Level five?“ She squints at you sceptically, before her eyes widen as Kiro nods in support.

“Root level network breach procedures, yeah…” He murmurs, suddenly thoughtful.

“Very well.” EoN says, masking her reaction. She turns and quickly struts over to the workstation behind her.

”Watch your fingers, gentleman,” your owl-like Science officer swivels her head around to eye you and your brother through her domed helmet, brief concern passing across her feathery features as she taps at a console on the far wall.

The laboratory hums and Kiro hops back from the workbench with a small yelp, raising his clawed fingers above his head. You take a more sedate step back and watch the scientific equipment descend from overhead to continue scanning the sample of mysterious grey goo you’ve just painstakingly finished stabilising. A containment field consisting of opposing planes of localised gravity springs to life moments later, sealing off the still suspended mass.

==Workspace. Secure.== You shiver slightly as the all too familiar bland voice of the ship’s AI plays over the room’s speakers.

Controller… what’s left if it, anyway. You note to yourself, And if Control has access here, no doubt Guard could just as easily be listening in.

It is now… safe. to remove. your. protective—bzzzt. The faltering voice cuts out completely mid sentence.

“Done and… done.” EoN coos softly in her native Tyllano speech.

Her mild voice takes half a second longer to translate through the device on her collar as it switches from the now disabled room network to another access point further away. Not that you had much trouble understanding her considering the mandatory language classes you went through during your training at the academy. It’s important that the core races comprising the Terran Protectorate Navy be able to understand if not speak each other’s languages should their technology fail, after all.

Speaking of which, you reach up and disable the Multi-purpose controller attached to your own collar, glancing meaningfully at the room’s other occupants. Your brother, having been through the drill once already this morning, quickly follows suit, removing the ubiquitous device entirely and placing it on the lab bench.

“Think that’ll keep that AI guy off our backs, Dal?” Kiro’s nasal, boyish voice is no different without his MPC active, despite his reptilian anatomy. The orphaned Marrok had stubbornly learned to pronounce TPN Standard without its assistance from an early age, and insisted on continuing to use his natural voice — however squeaky it would forever be.

“Well, security hasn’t bashed its way through the hatch so that’s a good sign at least. Maybe those nanites attacking the sample was just an automatic defence mechanism.” You reply, hesitantly. “I think we might be in the clear—”


Before you can finish the thought you hear the hatch whoosh open behind you and the lights suddenly go out in the lab. An annoyed squawk from EoN and a garbled cry from Kiro are drowned out by a rolling growl. A chill runs down your spine and sweat instantly breaks out on your forehead, your heart nearly leaps out of your chest as small claws suddenly grip you in the dark… but it’s just your brother clinging on in fright. The feeling is mutual.

“Did you really think you could hide from me?” A deep, guttural voice snarls. “Like I wouldn’t find you out?”

You’re almost too afraid to look, hoping to somehow escape the consequences of your actions for just a second more, but an eternal moment later you dare to jerkily turn.

Silhouetted in the doorway, a hulking figure looms. Measuring over two metres tall to the tips of her ears, the Ulveng’s broad frame blocks almost the entire hatchway. What little light makes it past to illuminate the darkened lab must first filter past her blue-grey fur, outlining the familiar figure in deep purple. The few red standby lights left lit in the lab reflect from the familiar Navigation officer’s pupils and wide toothy grin, painting them blood red. Just like before…

Your mind whirls at the terrible sight, your breath coming in short gasps as you begin to panic. Why can’t you get enough air?! Images from your nightmares begin flashing through your mind. It’s here… Guard is here! But your implant is disabled! How could-
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“You? You found them out?” A voice interrupts. “I’m the one with an ear to the ground not you, you overgrown shag pile rug.”

“OOF-” The shadow in the hatchway doubles over as shorter figure elbows her way into the room, flicking the light switch back on.

You breathe a sigh of relief as the light reveals the two remaining members of your bridge training crew, neither possessed by an irate AI come to exact retribution upon you. What a notion… You surreptitiously pinch yourself to ensure that— ouch. Yes. You aren’t dreaming.

Your Communications officer — Isobel Buxton — leans on the hatchframe, arms crossed in mild disapproval and amusement, as she watches your Navigation officer — Cleo von Clifton — curse like a salty shipman clutching bruised ribs. The Ulveng quickly straightens and gives her companion a dirty look.

“Ancestors, Izzy. I was just fooling around, no need for cheap shots!” The wolf-like woman whines, adjusting her translator back to her ‘normal’ settings making her sound like a petulant young girl.

Isobel ignores her comrade’s griping and addresses you. ”FoZ and Coen said you lot were working on something serious enough to ditch a pancake breakfast for so I had to grab the frightening furball here and find out.” The human woman shakes her head, tossing her bushy brown hair and rolling her eyes. “And enough with the kicked puppy act. I’ve seen you take worse hits on the sparring mats without flinching.”

Cleo pauses and then straightens with a predator’s toothy smile. “Haaa…you’re no fun. But you don’t need to sound so sarcastic, I spooked them good this time, huh? Bird-brain, Ell-Cee, Tiny?” She turns, flashing a laconic grin to EoN, you and Kiro respectively.

“Hmph, having fur for brains has clearly addled your memory.” EoN sniffs contemptuously, having barely flinched from her position, “After the fifth time, only Kiro is still surprised by your antics.”

“I-I wasn't scared… I was just making sure Dal, w-wasn’t.” Kiro stammers, peeking out sheepishly from behind you.

Cleo just shakes her head, chuffing in amusement. You wince as your brother releases his death grip but still don’t quite trust yourself to reply as you catch your breath.

“So, a little birdie told me that you three were up to something down here.” Isobel gets right to business, an eager gleam in her eye. “So spill the tea.”

Please assign SYNERGY values to Isobel Buxton and Cleo von Clifton.
Reminder that SYNERGY affects both your social relations with each crew member as well as how effectively they use their skills, abilities and traits to assist you and, to an extent, each other.

Remaining SYNERGY Values:
*Rank A+ (88%),
*Rank B+ (77%)

>Izzy: [Insert your vote Rank here]
>Cleo: [Insert your vote Rank here]
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Well, you did want as much help as you could get solving the mysteries surrounding your implant, ship and… whatever Peedee is. Now that the rest of your crew is assembled in one place you might as well make the most of it.You take a deep breath and, ignoring the quizzical looks your newly arrived officers give you, walk determinedly over to lock down access to the lab.

“What I’m about to tell you cannot leave this room.” You then begin slowly, carefully. “Please disable your MPCs, there can be no chance we’re overheard.” You command.

You reach up and unclip your already deactivated device and move to place it next to Kiro’s on the lab bench. The three women glance at each other but quickly follow suit without comment — your tone having switched to one rarely used outside of life-and-death situations. They’re instantly alert and on edge, instincts well honed by training despite only limited practical experience.

You start from the beginning…


As you recount the strange and twisted details of your dreams to your officers, the second time you’ve attempted to put it all into words today, you feel like the practice is helping your muddled memories to line up a little straighter. Besides your first mate — Kiro — and the ship’s mysterious Avatar — Peedee — the crew member you spent the most time interacting with in the AI’s twisted simulation was actually your Navigation officer — Cleo. The cracks in the personality model used to mimic her are more readily apparent now in hindsight, a fact reflected in the bemused look the towering Ulveng is giving you as you explain her role in your artifically directed dreams.

From her failure to outmanoeuvre a boarding craft to her savage defence against its occupants, then her emotional reaction to the ship burning dead crew for fuel and subsequent mood swing back to ingeniously deceiving the enemy by coasting torpedoes stealthily into detonation range… there were more than a few discrepancies that your mind was being forced to gloss over. You pause in your tale to explain as much to the increasingly perplexed Cleo, and assure her that now that you‘re no longer under the ship’s influence you are able to tell truth from fiction.

Privately you sort it out in your own mind. Her [+Creative] and [+Playful] demeanour is as always front and centre but you also know that she:

>Can be very determined to do things her way, no matter what. Her [~Wilful] nature often leading to aggressive and sometimes [-Violent] outbursts. She’s been reprimanded more than once for brawling as a Cadet. (Skill Acquired: [Adv. CQC Training{B|M)], Bio Unchanged.)

>Struggles when confronted with situations that challenge her provincial upbringing. It’s not uncommon for her to be ruled by her [~Emotional] nature and adherence to traditional Ulveng practices which border on [-Superstitious]. (Skill Acquired: [Huntress(B|S)], Bio updated.)
Izzy: Rank B+
Cleo: Rank A+

Welcome back QM!!!!!!
>>Can be very determined to do things her way, no matter what. Her [~Wilful] nature often leading to aggressive and sometimes [-Violent] outbursts. She’s been reprimanded more than once for brawling as a Cadet. (Skill Acquired: [Adv. CQC Training{B|M)], Bio Unchanged.)
>Struggles when confronted with situations that challenge her provincial upbringing. It’s not uncommon for her to be ruled by her [~Emotional] nature and adherence to traditional Ulveng practices which border on [-Superstitious]. (Skill Acquired: [Huntress(B|S)], Bio updated.)

>Izzy: A
>Cleo: B
>Can be very determined to do things her way, no matter what. Her [~Wilful] nature often leading to aggressive and sometimes [-Violent] outbursts. She’s been reprimanded more than once for brawling as a Cadet. (Skill Acquired: [Adv. CQC Training{B|M)], Bio Unchanged.)
Any preference for synergy?
I'll back >>6029528
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Looks like Cleo's penchant for solving things with might and menace holds out. And she takes the 88% SYNERGY value with Isobel getting the 77%.

Now that all of our values are locked in I'll need three 1d100 rolls to see how the ladies initially react to our story. With scepticism or support.

You'll need to roll equal or under EoN (88), Cleo (88) and Izzy (77)'s SYNERGY values to succeed.
>Three rolls of 1d100 required.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 95 (1d100)

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>EoN rolls 51. Excited and intrigued with the insight into the voidship’s inner workings.
>Cleo rolls 50. Fired up to solve a mystery and a little too pleased to be breaking the rules.
>Izzy rolls 95. Sceptical and unsure of your approach to the situation.

“So let me get this straight.” Isobel frowns, after you conclude your tale. “The ship’s AI, the stuttering machine we don’t even trust to operate the doors anymore, has been messing with the minds of our future captains and has led directly to the death of your elder brother.”

You nod solemnly as Kiro makes a soft noise, clinging to your side in sympathy for the brother he never got to know.

“Then the Captain,” your Comms officer continues, “specifically told you that it might do the same to you, disabled your command implant and told you to lie low for a while. Does that about sum it up?” She gives you an incredulous look.

“Ah well,” you clear your throat self-consciously, “yeah, that’s pretty much the long and the short of it.”

“So then what gave you the bright idea to immediately ignore your Father’s commands and start digging into the ship’s secrets. Do you have a death wish?” She looks around the room to your companions. “I can’t be the only one seeing the problem here, right?”

“Hey, we’re being careful!” Kiro pipes up, pointing to the deactivated devices on the lab bench. “Dal made a promise and if we all work together and keep an eye out… we’ll make sure nothing bad happens to him!”

You smile in thanks for the solidarity, attempting to pat your brother’s bumpy head as he fends you off. You glance up at your Navigation officer as she says something in her native Ulveng tongue, not quite making it out.

“This isn’t a dogfight or a battle, Cleo. It's not ‘hesitation’ , it's caution in the face of an unknown but dangerous threat.” Isobel replies, having parsed what was said.

Cleo shrugs, growling softly with a wicked gleam in her eye. A short bark and her knuckles cracking as she makes a huge fist needs no translation. Any threats, AI based or otherwise will have to go through her.

EoN squawks a longer reply from behind you, pointing out that scientific breakthroughs and discoveries like this come once in a lifetime. That waiting might lead to the ship locking down all further sources of inquiry into technology that could improve the entire sector’s way of life.
Some nuance is lost without the translator but you assume she was using her aloof and superior tone, as always, despite her slightly puffed up feathers betraying her genuine excitement.

“Really, EoN? I expected the gung-ho attitude from the furball but not from you.” Izzy sighs, “Dallas even admitted everything he saw was in his head. Why would you believe any of it was real? Why take the risk, when it could mean losing his position or worse, his life?”
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Both your Nav and Sci officers make disgruntled noises at being compared to each other in such a fashion but you interject your own reply before they can start an argument.

“Izzy, I know it's a lot to take on faith, but after I woke I could tell a clear difference between what was fake and what was just a simulation.” You give her the most sincerely determined look you can manage, trying to impress on her that you’re serious. “And while I admit, some of my memories are a little fuzzy, the parts that stand out clear as starshine relate to that separate intelligent entity that drew me into her own domain. Peedee may seem young and inexperienced, but she was more real than anything that malfunctioning ‘Trinity’ AI system could conjure up.”

“And she needs our help, right? The sooner the better?” Kiro asks, helpfully.

“That’s right.” You nod, “ I can’t shake the feeling that her ‘waking up’ is crucial to our ship's survival and mission, that she can replace the functions of the degraded AI at the very least. And I think this ‘Guardian’ is intent on never letting that happen. The longer we wait…” You trail off, shaking your head imploringly.

Isobel still looks unconvinced, but before she can voice her opinion a small ping sounds from the scanning equipment behind you. Eyes-of-Night flaps her arms and coos excitedly.

“The preliminary results are in! Seeing how similar they are, I’ve run a quick comparison of the molecular makeup of our unknown sample with our standard nanites.” She says, probably.

Cleo grunts a query, rolling her eyes.

Your Science officer grudgingly explains that the first test determines the elemental composition by mass of the sample through a process involving light and flame. Your academy’s language courses might have skipped over a fair bit of jargon the Tyllano woman is using to describe the process but you understand the gist of it.

By the looks of the results that EoN is eagerly displaying for you all on a monitor, the primary elements comprising both the sample and the nanites they were recently fighting are Carbon, Silicon, Aluminium, Oxygen, and Hydrogen with a few trace elements.
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“Huh. So they’re both Organo-Metallic based wiggly things!” Kiro squeaks as he peers at the results with interest.

“I suspected as much.” EoN sniffs in reply. “But these results are just the basics. Further analysis will likely reveal they have a similar function too.”

“Ha, even I can tell that just by looking at them.” Cleo snarls. “You got anything more solid for the ******.” She chuffs in amusement, gesturing at your Comms officer, who is looking over with interest despite herself.

You think that last word was something in a local dialect. It sounded vaguely insulting. Your Science officer doesn’t react, however, continuing to stare at the results as they roll in. You hope that whatever she might glean from the information is worth the risk you’re taking, that it might lead a step closer to unravelling the mysteries at the heart of your voidship. Any positive results at all would be welcome and you hope they might work wonders in convincing your other crew members to jump onboard with your efforts.

EoN MIND check:
Due to your efforts in retrieving and then defending the sample, you have the following modifiers to EoN’s assessment of the incoming data:
*Base difficulty (Hard): 90 DC.
*MIND+ Bonus: -10 DC.
*Sample Integrity(8): -8 DC.
*[Science] Skill: -10 DC.
*[Esoteric Knowledge] Trait: +1 Roll.
=Difficulty Class 62 (4 rolls).

=0 Successes: No additional information or insight into the sample’s nature is readily apparent.
=1 Success: Basic understanding of the sample’s nature is acquired.
=2 Successes: Basic understanding of the sample’s nature and function is acquired.
=3 Successes: Advanced understanding of the sample’s nature and function is acquired. Bonus to future crew SOUL checks.

>Four rolls of 1d100 are required. Rolls equal/under 62 count as successes.
Rolled 11 (1d100)

Rolled 84 (1d100)

Enjoy the long weekend?
Sorry my sleep deprived brain messed up the target number at the last minute. For a 62 DC it means we need to roll under 38 with four rolls. Not that it changes the outcome of the two so far.

Two more to go.

I did, spent it with family.
Rolled 36 (1d100)

Rolled 83 (1d100)

Rolled 62 (1d100)

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>2 Successes.

You'll discover the basics of the sample's nature and function but not quite enough information to immidiately sway your sceptical bridge crew members to bring them on board with your investigations.

Main update will be tomorrow night.

In the meantime, you'll need to decide what your goal will be going forward as your watch begins for the day.
By the Book: TPN Vessels split their crew
into three 8 hour watches (alpha, beta, gamma). Groups of officers serve a four hour stint in a command role (such as bridge duty), 3 hours in a supervisory role (such managing cargo or weapons crews) and have 1 hour of break time. Todays watch will begin with a supervisory assignment with one of your crew.

Through the course of your duties today you will:
>Attempt to reactivate your command implant to make searching for Peedee and interacting with the ship easier. (Path: Deffered, Potential Command Implant & Trait Restored, Possible Consequences.)
>Attempt to work closely with your more hesitant bridge crew to convince them to help. (Path: Coen, FoZ, &/or Izzy, Potential Synergy Changes)
>Work with your cooperative crew to begin investigations into the ship and Peedee immediately. (Path: Kiro, Cleo, &/or EoN, Potential Progress, Potential Consequences.)
>Attempt to work closely with your more hesitant bridge crew to convince them to help. (Path: Coen, FoZ, &/or Izzy, Potential Synergy Changes)
>Work with your cooperative crew to begin investigations into the ship and Peedee immediately
>>Attempt to work closely with your more hesitant bridge crew to convince them to help. (Path: Coen, FoZ, &/or Izzy, Potential Synergy Changes)
>Attempt to work closely with your more hesitant bridge crew to convince them to help. (Path: Coen, FoZ, &/or Izzy, Potential Synergy Changes)
>Attempt to work closely with your more hesitant bridge crew to convince them to help. (Path: Coen, FoZ, &/or Izzy, Potential Synergy Changes)

As you wait for more results to roll in, your Communications officer decides to excuse herself.
“Well it looks like you guys have things covered here. If you find more evidence that Dallas’ dreams have actual substance, let me know. But seeing as everything you’re doing here has to stay radio silent, there’s not much reason for me to stay.” She grins a little sheepishly.

“Really? You’re going to run off with your tail between your legs just because you can’t gossip about this?” Cleo scoffs.

“I just wanted to make sure you all weren't getting into trouble but now that I know you’re on a secret wild wyrm chase… Well, the best kept secrets have the least people sharing them. I should know.” She shrugs dismissively. “Besides, there's a juicy rumour going around that I need to follow up on. Supposedly, that bump we felt earlier was caused by the beta watch navigator in training and it got the rest of the trials cancelled.”

“Don’t remind me…” EoN squawks indignantly, “I’m still upset we’ll miss out on our test today.”

Disappointed as you are that Isobel isn’t taking your situation as seriously as she ought, you’d prefer she not distract your Science officer from her task with talk of tests, or the lack thereof. You hand her back her MPC and escort her to the door before she can needle EoN about her competitive streak.

“I appreciate your discretion, Izzy.” You murmur, unlocking the lab door and checking the corridor is clear. “If you can at least keep the rumour mill focused away from us while we work out what’s going on with…” You glance surreptitiously up at one of the ceiling mounted sensor arrays, and decide not to finish the sentence.

“Mum’s the word.” She smiles wanly, before suddenly flicking you between the eyes. “But maybe consider talking to the counsellor, or at least your Father about fixing that head of yours. Sleep deprivation isn’t a good look on you and it’ll make you see things.” She laughs softly, only half joking. “Don’t let me hear you’ve dug up trouble, yeah? Because I will hear about it.” She gives you a meaningful look and taps her reactivated MPC — the nanites in her uniform’s collar react and squirm to form an earpiece. “Later, Dallas.” She turns and strides away, already speaking animatedly into the device.

“Right. Later.” You reply, still feeling a little conflicted.

You step back into the lab, taking care to seal the hatch behind you again and find EoN and Cleo crowding around a console with Kiro climbing up between them, eager to see.
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“Oh, this is fascinating!” Eyes-of-Night chirps softly as she flicks through the data streaming in from her test equipment. “So similar and yet…”

“Well, don’t leave me in suspense.” You say, trying to peek past Kiro to view the dense results. You aren’t able to make much of them at a glance. “What’s the verdict?”

“It’s quite a lot to take in. I think that resembles a- AWK?!” She squawks in alarm and slaps a wing-hand at the two officers crowding her. “Would you kindly refrain from touching my equipment! Back off, I can barely breathe, let alone think.”

“Yeah Cleo,” Kiro chirps cheekily from his perch on her shoulder. “Stop breaking things.”

“Haa, I’ll break you, you little blue rat!” The Ulveng growls, twisting to try and reach the suddenly evasive lizard clinging to the centre of her back.

You smile slightly at their antics and take their vacated place next to EoN. A magnified view of one of the many squiggling particles making up the sample fills the conole’s screen, details slowly filling in as sections are analysed. The Tyllano woman staring intently at the readout barely notices your presence as she chitters to herself rapidly in her native tongue.

“Base structure, Carbon-Silicon-Aluminium composite… Definitively organo-metallic in origin. Crystalline, with attached organelles. Chemical and piezo-electric based energy storage, typical of the phenotype. Appendages largely Al-Ox based, optimised for manipulation and rafting. Core appears… hmmm natural semiconductor array? That can’t be right, surely? Flagella-type locomotion, appears optimised for fluids. Orifice for excreting… various enzymes?”

If it weren’t for the information compiling and applying itself to different parts of the displayed diagram you doubt you’d be able to translate even half of the technical jargon Eyes-of-Night is chirping out. But for all intents and purposes, the function of the sample seems to be almost identical to the nanites your ship produces from within the enigmatic confines of the void core. Albeit with a lower metal/oid content and no ability for direct control via linked controller. As for its nature…

“My, that’s quite a conclusive list of similarities. Perhaps the proto-form of our nanites.” The Tyllano woman continues to chatter, excited at the discovery despite herself. “All but these externally attached, uh, what are they? High oxygen presence and coiled up almost like… haemoglobin?” She turns to you sharply, eyes wide and feathery plumicorns bristling. “D-Dallas its-” She trails off, not wanting to say the words.

You suddenly feel a presence looming behind you and look up to see the intent gaze of your hulking Navigation officer latched onto the image on screen. The Ulveng works her jaw, revealing rows of sharp carnivorous teeth and finally settles on one of the four different words her people have for what she’s looking at.

“Blood.” She rumbles, “It’s blood.”
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Stunned silence fills the lab with that revelation. Not even your incorrigibly upbeat Ops officer can find anything to say to lighten the tense moment, which is… odd. Glancing back, you figure that his silence might be more due to his snout having been duct taped shut by a certain overzealous wolf for his earlier transgressions. Still, he seems as wide eyed as the rest of your companions so perhaps not.

The monitor chirps and the ship’s time display flashes in the corner of the screen. 2355 hrs
Gamma watch is about to officially begin for the day and you all have places to be.

“This will require further analysis.” Your Science officer coos meekly, the alert having brought her back to her senses, “But that’s the basics.”

You nod slowly, and address your loyal crew with stern sincerity. “The fact that no-one has ever reported this discovery in the history of this ship is telling. I doubt anyone who ever encountered this grey goo- ah, this blood before, analysed it under Level Five Infosec conditions. And I’ve already told you what happened to the last person I know who stumbled upon the ship’s secrets.”

EoN and Cleo bristle at the reminder, one in fear and the other in anger.

“We each have our duties to attend though, so let's keep this to ourselves for now and meet back up to discuss things securely when our watch is over.” You continue, “I’m going to try to convince more of our friends to help figure this all out. Nav, Sci, I know you’re rostered on together today, but-” you turn to your brother, “Ops, can I count on you to attempt the same with your duty partner?”

Kiro nods mutely, his expression determined despite still being unable to tug free the tape.

“I’ll leave the tests running and keep the lab locked tight. No network access.” Eye-of-Night confirms.

“Yeah, don’t worry about us, Ell-cee. We won't be silenced by some bucket of bolts.” Cleo pounds one huge fist into her other palm with a dull thump.

“The point is to be silent Cleo…” You sigh as you pass back her MPC.

>Attempt to work closely with your more hesitant bridge crew to convince them to help.

You help Kiro unwind the bindings from his snout and affix his device to his collar. As EoN ushers you all out of the lab and seals it behind her, you absently ponder how to get through to your duty partner over the next three hours. After saying farewell to your three most trusted officers, you set off at a quick trot so as not to be late for:

>Supervising engineering crews with Finder-of-Zephyrs in [ENGI.A].
>Drilling weapons teams with Coen La’afette in [DEW.D].
>Managing duty assignments with Isobel Buxton in [COMMS.A].
>Managing duty assignments with Isobel Buxton in [COMMS.A].

Getting the designated communicator on our side will help with persuading the others.
>Drilling weapons teams with Coen La’afette in [DEW.D].
>Drilling weapons teams with Coen La’afette in [DEW.D].
>Supervising engineering crews with Finder-of-Zephyrs in [ENGI.A].

>Drilling weapons teams with Coen La’afette in [DEW.D].

Your mind races ahead of your footsteps as you make your way to the elevator and ride it down to the ship’s lower decks.
So there’s something… functionally similar to blood inside the voidcore’s restricted area? And it’s manufactured into the nanites we use throughout the ship?
You’re not sure how it might help your current investigations but perhaps it’s just a piece in a larger puzzle.

The elevator car door opens, spilling you and a few other shipmen into a busy transport hub. With the changing of the watch imminent, the bustle of last minute gamma crew rushing to their stations mingles with the already relieved beta watch to produce quite a crowd. Usually you’re better at timing your arrival to your assigned post, but today has proving quite the exception to the norm.

You push your way through the crowd and arrive at [Directed Energy Weapon Bank D] just in time. Your Tactical officer meets you at the hatch to the Fire Control centre wearing a mildly reproachful look (though that differs very little from the Laedra man’s usual resting face). From the looks of the already studiously working weapon technicians, it appears he’s been here for some time already.

“Lieutenant Commander Annon, I trust you’ve satiated your curiosity and are ready for today’s assignments?” Lieutenant Coen La’afette asks, formal as ever.

“Ah, it was definitely enlightening, yes...” You reply, hesitantly. “Perhaps I could bring you up to speed later?”

“If you’ve found some evidence of your former claims, I would hear them when we are not on duty.” He nods stiffly, hardly thawing from his previous opinion of your story. “For now we have point defence and close quarters DEW drills to supervise and some calibrations to perform. I already have the technicians running preliminary simulations.” He gestures to the techs at the consoles behind him, a mix of races though favouring the Laedra and Tyllano with the minds for the calculations required of the task.

You suppress a sigh, knowing that cracking Coen’s cold facade is a difficult task at the best of times, but resolve to do your best to get through to him. You carefully consider the best course of action and decide to:

>Show him that the skills you learned with Peedee’s help are real by taking control of the weapons yourself. She is real and beating Coen at his own game will prove it. [Tactical] test.
>Attempt to calibrate the DEW banks in a novel way based on what you learned from your dream-like simulation. Show him that sometimes the most optimal dispersal patterns aren’t always the best. [Engineering] test.
>Coach your technicians to outperform Coen’s in the drills. Prove that your mind is still sound, despite the AI’s interference. [Leadership] test.
>Something else? Write in how else you might raise your synergy with Coen through the course of your duties.
>Coach your technicians to outperform Coen’s in the drills. Prove that your mind is still sound, despite the AI’s interference.
>Show him that the skills you learned with Peedee’s help are real by taking control of the weapons yourself. She is real and beating Coen at his own game will prove it.
>Coach your technicians to outperform Coen’s in the drills. Prove that your mind is still sound, despite the AI’s interference. [Leadership] test.
>Coach your technicians to outperform Coen’s in the drills. Prove that your mind is still sound, despite the AI’s interference. [Leadership] test.
>>Coach your technicians to outperform Coen’s in the drills. Prove that your mind is still sound, despite the AI’s interference. [Leadership] test.
Rolled 30 + 34 (1d30 + 34)

>Coach your technicians to outperform Coen’s in the drills. Prove that your mind is still sound, despite the AI’s interference. [Leadership] test.

>Rolling for initial synergy with Beta Watch Crew.
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You square your shoulders and stride into the fire control centre looking over the rows of technicians tapping away at their consoles. The twelve crew are already intent on their assigned tasks, and barely look up as you join Coen to observe them.

“I see you’ve got the team hard at work on calibrations already, Lieutenant La’fette.” You project your voice confidently to the room while you address your Tactical officer — reciprocating the formal manner you know he prefers while on duty. “Shall we run the point defence simulation first?”

“That is the plan, Sir.” He replies, nodding. “A standard maximum range torpedo interception scenario. Drilling for speed and accuracy at range.”

Perfect. This is just what you need to demonstrate to your officer that you are still of sound mind and competent leadership. A little demonstration and you’re sure to convince him to help your investigations!

“Why don’t we make that two simulations, Tac?” You suggest innocently. “We’ll drill with half a crew each to simulate casualties in battle? Make a friendly competition of it? Say... your half of the room versus mine?” You grin.

Coen gives you his signature raised eyebrow but accepts your challenge readily enough. He directs his gaze to the right side of the room and quickly begins explaining the new assignment to his team with laser-like focus. You quickly step-to and begin to do the same on the left. You can only hope that your leadership is up to the task of inspiring the shipmen now looking your way.

Leadership(M|S) Check required.
Beta Watch Crew Synergy: Rank C (64%).
*[Mind+] bonus (+10)
*[Leadership] skill bonus (+10)

You have three(3) attempts to roll 87 or under with each success contributing a reroll to your weapons team for the challenge ahead.

>Three rolls of 1d100 required.
Rolled 47 (1d100)

Rolled 74 (1d100)

Rolled 52 (1d100)

Don't try too hard Dallas.
Rolled 56 (1d100)

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Looks like three for three. We've inspired our fireteam with the maximum number of rerolls.

Update will be tomorrow because I may have accidently spent today drawing something for the king tournament... oops.
The Kings tournament brought me here. Going to start reading up on the backlog now!
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As your tactical officer gives his half of the fire team a briefing on the benefits of pinpoint accuracy, you gather in your chosen shipmen for a pep talk of your own. While you readily admit you don’t quite have the raw charisma that your more socially inclined officers (namely Kiro and Isobel) do, you have studied hard to hone your [Leadership] skills and know exactly what to say to inspire your crew. In fact, you’d say that you’re as in sync with the gamma watch crew as anyone not on a first name basis could be expected to be. As a result, your fire team leans in closely as you explain the game plan to them, hanging off every word.

>Beta Watch Crew Synergy set to max starting rank. (64%)

“Alright team, this will be a fairly standard point defence drill.” You wave over the six shipmen, and they scoot along the wide bench seat until they are close enough to hear your conspiratorial stage whisper.

“We’ll be running the scenario as if a cluster of five enemy torpedoes has broken through our interception perimeter and are beginning terminal manoeuvres. Your job will be to shoot down as many as you can with only the point defence weapons mounted in DEW Bank D — hard or soft kills are acceptable.” You glance over your shoulder at Coen’s team, a number of which are giving your huddle the suspicious side-eye. “The twist is, you’ll be competing with the other half of your regular fire team.”

One of the Tyllano in your band of weapon’s technicians — one Tears-at-Prey by the name on his uniform — raises a downy palm.

“Go ahead, Shipman TaP.” You nod.

“Lieutenant Commander, if I may… How do you expect us to bring down a whole clutch of torps with only half a fireteam?” He cocks his large grey head at a steep angle in confusion. “There’s six DEWs able to act as point defence against bogeys that size and only six of us… If we’re all aiming, who will keep the guns calibrated?”

“Um… we could pair off?” A small dusky scaled Marrok pipes up hesitantly. “If we slaved together pairs and set them to wide beam… maybe we could target multiple torps at once? Or is that a bad idea?” She blinks her large, bright eyes abashedly and looks down.

“No, that’s a good suggestion Ms…” You surreptitiously flick your eyes to the little lizard’s name tag and continue without missing a beat, “Starii. In fact that is probably the most expedient solution when you’re missing members of your crew and the guns are running hot.” You nod encouragingly.

In fact, you can hear your Tactical officer explaining just such a tactic to his team across the room. But you have something better in mind.

“But we’re going to need an edge if we want to win this little competition, and you do want to win, don’t you?” You shield your mouth and continue on in a loud whisper, causing your temporary crew to lean in closer still.

“I know for a fact that this particular simulation will assume your directed energy weapons are fresh and cool, and I’ve loaded in the calibrations that you were working on so diligently before I arrived. I have complete faith in you, my team, that you put your heart and soul into your work, that you give one-hundred-and-ten percent to your duties.” You grin as they all nod approvingly, proud of their own abilities. “So you’ll each be using the preset calibrations and aiming one DEW each! I have every confidence that you’ll destroy every single one of those tangos.”

Your team is practically vibrating in excitement, they rarely get to be so hands-on with the guns and you’ve inspired them.

“Alright, weapon assignments.” You take a step back and put on your practised captain’s voice, looking along your row of weapon techs. “TaP, Sharsii, Mayhew, and Smith. I want you manning the four MASERs — standard calibration preset, call your targets and try not to overlap your shots too much.”
The Tyllano, Marrok and two humans acknowledge and quickly step back to their consoles.

“Shipmen Dupont and Ra’caell” You address the remaining two Laedra. “That leaves you on a LASER apiece. I know they’re a hybrid weapon and the default calibration isn’t the best for point defence, but I'm confident in your ability to work around that and aim to fill any gaps left by the MASERs.”

“Yessir!” The man and woman salute smartly, their green tinged, pointy ears twitching slightly in anticipation.

Satisfied that you’ve given yourself the best shot at impressing your Tac officer and hopefully gaining his confidence, you turn and indicate your readiness. Coen, who appears to have been ready and waiting for you to finish your grand speech, gives you a blank look and merely nods. Not the easiest guy to read, but you’ve had some practice over the years. The fact that he isn’t commenting on your team taking longer to prepare is a good sign at least.

“We are ready to begin at your command, Sir.” He says coolly.

Right, here goes nothing…

The familiar thrill of a battle about to commence fills your body, despite the much lower stakes in this instance than the life or death matter that a real brace of torpedoes homing in on your vopidship would normally represent.

“Simulation, commence on my mark. Three, two…. MARK!”

The screens around the room light up with incoming target alerts. Five, blue TPN standard torpedoes for your team, and five more boxy ones marked in red for your opponents. Weapons techs frantically enter commands into their consoles and call out targets among themselves, trying to get a lock right as the torpedoes turn, trying to angle their bomb pumped GRASER warheads for a shot at your ship.
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[Tactical] One of the most dangerous packages a torpedo targeting a modern voidship may carry is the Thermonuclear Boosted GRASER warhead. Torpedoes of this type are programming to approach their targets at an oblique angle, and upon reaching weapon’s range, quickly turn and detonate their nuclear shaped charges, vaporising the booster material within to produce ultra-high energy, collimated Gamma rays which lance through their target’s unprotected broadsides. The most opportune time for a directed energy point defence weapon to engage such a munition and expect to hit, is right as it turns to fire — where it presents the largest possible target at the closest range.

You will now take on the role of the weapons technicians participating on Dallas’ side of the competition. DEW Bank D has six point defence capable weapons which will each fire once in this simulated scenario.

*The two(2) LASERs can be fired in preset calibrations L1 and/or L2 each with numbered sections 1 through 6.
*The four MASERs can be fired in preset calibrations M1, M2 and/or M3 each with numbered sections 1 through 4.
*There are five target torpedoes numbered B1 through B5.

There are two ways to fire your weapon. AUTO and MANUAL:

Select a target, weapon calibration template, and numbered section.
Then roll a single d4 or d6 for MASER or LASER respectively. The chosen template and section will be centred over the target and the roll determines in which section the shot lands.

*MANUAL: Select a calibration template, then edit the attached image with a transparent selected tool to place your template on a target. Then roll a single d4 or d6 for MASER or LASER respectively. The roll will determine in which section the shot lands.

*In either weapon mode, a template may end up covering more than one target and thus increase the chances of scoring a hit. Any target filling at least a quarter(¼) of a hit section will be destroyed.

*Your SYNERGY with your crew has granted a total of three rerolls which may be used at your discretion. (That's three over the 6 total shots, not three per shot.)

*Format for AUTO shots should look like this: [Target; Template; Section] (Roll d4 or d6)
E.g [B2; M1; 3] (“dice+1d4” in options field.)

*Format for MANUAL shots should look like an image with one template placed over the targets without resizing or flipping anything. Rotation is allowed. Then an appropriate roll.

> Four(4) MASER rolls and two(2) LASER rolls are required in AUTO or MANUAL format.
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Rolled 3 (1d6)

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Rolled 3 (1d4)

Rolled 3, 4 = 7 (2d4)

B1, M1, 4.
Dupont fires a LASER, hard kill on B4.
TaP zaps off a MASER, fries B3's circuits.
Mayhew and Smith both aim their MASERs at B1, Smith gets the kill.

*B1 and M5 remain.
*3 Rerolls available.
>One LASER (d6) and one MASER (d4) to go.
Dupont fires a LASER, hard kill on B4.
TaP zaps off a MASER, fries B3's circuits.
Mayhew and Smith both aim their MASERs at B1, Smith gets the kill.

*B1 and B5 remain.
*3 Rerolls available.
>One LASER (d6) and one MASER (d4) to go.
You mean B2 and B5, I hope
Yes, somehow I messed that up twice.
B2 AND B5 remain.
Two shots and 3 Rerolls to get them.
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Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 3 (1d4)

Close but two misses.
Not to worry, your leadership bonus just won't be wasted now as you have three rerolls to help guide your weapons tech's shots back on target.
Rolled 3 (1d4)

Rolled 4 (1d4)

Ill take care of the last rerolls then.
Rolled 6 (1d6)

There we go, and now the LASER.
Alright, that's 5/5 hits. Under your leadership your weapons team has managed to ace the simulation.

Meanwhile your opponents, under Coen's coaching, both calibrate and aim their weapons in slaved pairs instead of individually.

>Can I get two(2) rolls for the MASER paired shots (2d4). AND one(1) roll of a paired LASER shots (2d6).

Also, while we wait for our results, your ever reliable Ops Officer has been hard at work during his duty assignment, trying to sway one of your other officer's to your cause. Kiro was rostered on with:
>Your Engi Officer — FoZ — hoping to gain his insights into the voidcore.
>Your Comms Officer — Isobel — trying to extract her knowledge of the ship's rumour and legends.
Rolled 4, 4 = 8 (2d4)

>Your Comms Officer — Isobel — trying to extract her knowledge of the ship's rumour and legends
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d4)

>Your Comms Officer — Isobel — trying to extract her knowledge of the ship's rumour and legends.
Rolled 3, 5 = 8 (2d6)

Your Comms Officer — Isobel — trying to extract her knowledge of the ship's rumour and legends.
>Your Engi Officer — FoZ — hoping to gain his insights into the voidcore.
>>Your Engi Officer — FoZ — hoping to gain his insights into the voidcore.

The atmosphere in the room is tense as the weapons technicians fight with their controls. A drumbeat of fingertips make last second changes to targeting algorithms and calibration matrix weightings. As the simulated volley of torpedoes make their terminal manoeuvres, shots begin to lance out. The red and green flashes of MASER and LASER fire on screen are quickly washed out by the glare of disintegrating ordnance, as one by one the torpedoes are taken out by point defence fire.

You watch over the shoulders of your team in focussed anticipation, still projecting your confidence in their abilities but ready to intervene at a moment’s notice. Dupont and TaP fire first, the Laedra and Tyllano expertly destroying their targets. The two humans next, both washing their MASERs over the same torpedo but between them score a soft kill — Target B1 veers off drunkenly. Not ideal but they got the job done. Sensing a problem with your last two crew you quickly step over to Ra’caell and Starii.

“B2 was mine!” The Marrok hisses in panic, “Oh, fine I’ll readjust to B5.”

“No sorry, you’re right!” The Laedra woman gasps, “Stay on target, I’ll switch back.”

Both of their beams swing through the space between the two targets, tracking neither one in their mutual indecision.

“Starii, adjust elevation plus two degrees! Ra’caell down two!” You bark authoritatively.

The two technicians snap out of it, their training kicking in instantly as you give them clear orders, and walk their fire over the last two targets — The MASER slicing through the nose of B2 and a second glancing hit by the LASER compromises B5’s drive cone. Twin yellow flashes greet you and you sigh in relief as your crew cheers. The humans knock their heads together, hollering as the two Laedra receive a firm handshake and flying tackle-hug from the owl and lizard shipmen respectively.
That’s five for five. Beat that La’fette. You allow yourself a small triumphant grin.

Meanwhile, your counterpart on the other side of the room watches his team impassively as they execute his orders to the letter. Pairs of technicians team up to calibrate their slaved DEW turrets while walking their weapon’s confidence regions over as many incoming torpedoes as possible. You watch as the second simulation plays out and the strategy Coen is employing immediately shows its flaws.

Yes that gif is accurate to your paths and rolls. No don't ask me how much time I wasted making it so...
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While the DEW bank’s overall field of fire saturates the target area thoroughly, there is no time for the weapons to readjust their aim as the torpedoes are destroyed. Of the six shots fired, a pair of turrets hit the same target twice while one LASER wanders over a torpedo already ignited by another MASER beam. As the explosions clear, a lone boxy bogey remains homing in.

The torpedo finishes its final turn, growing slightly larger as it comes straight for the screen — then a momentary flash, brighter than all the others combined. The warhead detonates, pumping out a shotgun spread of purple GRASER beams, and the simulation terminates.

“Four outta five ain't bad, Guns.” You offer your Tactical officer a conciliatory handshake, which he takes stiffly after a considering pause.
Though you do note privately that his techs achieved the near perfect score without any intervention. He may well have beaten you four-to-three had you not personally led your crew out of their indecisive mixup.

“It was an adequate performance under adverse conditions.” He nods reassuringly to his team to maintain their positive morale despite the loss. Those mandatory leadership courses seem to finally be getting through to him.

How unusually thoughtful. You muse, Perhaps there’s more than an icy heart behind those cold, calculating eyes after all-

“But it would appear that in a fifty percent casualty scenario, your half of the weapons crew would be the desirable survivors.”

Ah, there’s the Lieutenant I know… You sigh in weary amusement.

“No worries, my friend,” You slap him on the shoulder amiably with one hand while waving the other placatingly at the slightly miffed crew behind his back. “A little luck, and a some timely advice is the only thing separating our teams. But you must admit that my decisions in the moment were sound despite...” You tap at the implant in your right temple and give him a knowing look.

“Readily, Sir.” He demures. “And congratulations on your victory. I shall strive to surpass you next time.”

Despite some (mostly) good natured jeering from the victorious half of the crew, the tension in Fire Control Room D gradually defuses. You deliberately decide to mix up everyone's stations and quickly switch to close range ship-to-ship engagement drills to help to focus Coen’s team’s frustrations into their work instead of on their loss. By the time you complete the rest of your three hour duty assignment you feel as if you’ve made progress with both your Tactical officer and the weapons techs.

SYNERGY updated.
=Coen La’afette: +2 [Rank B (75%)]
=Gamma Crew: +1 [Rank C (65%)]

As the time comes for you and Coen to rotate out for a lunch break, you take the opportunity to broach the subject of your simulated nightmares and subsequent sample analysis. (After taking the appropriate precautions of course.)
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“So, that’s what we’ve found so far.” You finish hesitantly. “I think I’ve proven I’m both sound of mind and that there’s some substance to the theory that Guard exists and is actively suppressing knowledge of the void core and perhaps more...”

The Laerdra man rubs his green tinged chin, lost in thought. After a minute he finally speaks.
“I accept that you believe you discovered some secrets in that simulation, Dallas.” He says, eyes narrowing. And you can tell he’s serious when he uses your given name.

“But to accept what you say as true.. There must be some evidence of the existence of this ‘Peedee’ character left. A damaged digital entity such as this security AI couldn’t possibly remove it all.”

“Exactly,” You enthuse, “all we need to do is work together and find it!”

“Ah, but what of the cost?” He asks, his eyes already flicking side to side as if
performing invisible calculations. “Do they outweigh the risk to you? To the ship? Our mission?”

“Now you sound like my Father.” You complain, a little petulantly.

“A wise Captain, I accept the compliment.” He nods absently, still deep in thought.

You’re beginning to grasp at straws with this guy but you try one last angle of attack.
“You speak of cost, Coen, but what of sustainability? Despite our best efforts, the Coober Pedy becomes more decrepit and jury-rigged by the month. Where does it end? How many systems will fall when the last live voidship can’t dive deep enough past the wyrm-cursed singularities to reach them anymore? How many billions will die without our aid?”

You gesture to a nearby viewscreen set to mirror the view from the voidship‘s outer hull. Sparse stars shine between gaping holes in reality — mere hundreds visible instead of uncountable millions. The only speck of light in front of those bottomless maws comes from a distant planetoid, Darhain V, receding into the distance as the Pee-Dee continues its journey outsystem towards the dive limit.

“There’s the new fleet…” Your Tac officer hedges, a rare note of uncertainty in his soft voice.

“Oh please,” You scoff, “the TPN isn’t even close to replicating the power of this antique’s artech voidcore and SCRAM drives. Those new battleships will barely make it halfway through our usual route before the subspace dives get too deep for them.

“No!” You chop the air between you, beginning to get worked up. “Our only hope is to revitalise the one ship preventing the cataclysm from finishing its job in this sector. This ship! If there’s even a chance there’s something or someone capable of replacing the Trinity system and unlocking the secrets of the live voidcore, how can we afford the cost to not take it?”

Diplomacy (Soul) Check Required:
*Coen Synergy: Rank B (75%).
*You have no bonuses from your Soul score, skills or traits.
*Coen is sceptical. (-10)
*You have impressed Coen with your Leadership ability. (+5)

You have three(3) attempts to roll 70 or under with the following degrees of success:
=Zero(0) Successes: Coen cannot accept the risks you are suggesting and will not let you continue down your path. (-Consequences.)
=One(1) Success: Coen is unconvinced without further tangible evidence and remains sceptical. (Further maluses to future attempts.)
=Two(2) Success: Coen is open to assisting your future investigations.
=Three(3) Successes: Coen is convinced you’re correct and has some new insight into your investigations.

>Three 1d100 rolls required. (Further convincing write-ins may provide an additional bonus to rolls.)
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Rolled 37 (1d100)

Rolled 63 (1d100)

Three(3) Successes: Coen is convinced you’re correct and has some new insight concerning:

>Your implant, and how you might safely reactivate it.
>The sample, and the implications of its nature.
>The AI, and how it interacts with the weapons systems.

Some good rolls, I'll let you choose your reward, as a treat.
>>The AI, and how it interacts with the weapons systems.
>The AI, and how it interacts with the weapons systems.
Seems up his alley.
>The sample, and the implications of its nature.
>The AI, and how it interacts with the weapons systems.
Due to work related business, proper update will be delayed a little longer. In the meantime, I'll need a few rolls to find out how well Kiro worked on our Comms officer during their watch duties.

Kiro Diplomacy (Soul) Check Required:
*Base Difficulty (Hard-Moderate): 30
*Stats: Soul+ (+10)
*Skill: Empathy (+10)
*Skill: Leadership (+5)
*Isobel Is sceptical (-10)

Kiro has three(3) attempts to roll 45 or under with the following degrees of success:
=Zero(0) Successes: Isobel cannot believe your story is true and is vocal about it. (-Consequences.)
=One(1) Success: Isobel is unconvinced without further tangible evidence and remains sceptical. (Further maluses to future attempts.)
=Two(2) Success: Isobel is open to assisting your future investigations.
=Three(3) Successes: Isobel is intrigued and has some new insight into your investigations.
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Rolled 97 (1d100)

Go Kiro go
Rolled 22 (1d100)

At least we're avoiding -Consequences... Thanks, YJEciTYO
I have a bit of theorycrafting here while we wait. I think the huge diagonal slash marks might be ACTUAL claw-marks, and that they MIGHT even be from Peedee or sormthing like Peedee. Her avatar is very non-specific, but I think she might be some sort of hybrid of the Terran Protectorate races. She resembles an axolotl or frilled lizard at a glance, but we've never seen or had reference to such a race. What we have seen, though, is:
>a small reptilian race
>a race with little plumacorns that flare out in a similar pattern to Peedee's frills/spines, and QM even specifically drew attention to them
>wolf-people with the same style of helmet (as was mentioned more than once as the type of helmet Peedee's avatar has)

My theory: the voidcore may be growing, but there's something else growing in that sealed-off area, too. Something big, with blood (as we detected in our analysis) and claws... And it's probably Peedee's real body.
What about the green people? And wasn't the blood full of weird shit? Like not what you'd get in a normal race's blood?
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Rolled 10 (1d20)


You take a few deep breaths, having said your piece and wait in anticipation as your Tactical officer considers your arguments. Ever pragmatic, the Laedra man could be a staunch supporter if he weighed your ideas favourably or your worst enemy if he were to conclude that you were in the wrong. His eyes flick back and forth a few more times, seeming to tally up everything you’ve explained to him — your simulated nightmares, your Father’s orders, your investigations. Finally he makes the call.

>3 Successes
“You are correct, Sir.” He states matter-of-factly, “The potential merits of your investigations into the ship’s nature outweigh the risks of failure. The Captain’s actions appear to be in error, his judgement clouded by his emotions.”

Yes! You knew you could count on your good friend Coen to see things rationally!

He nods slowly.
“In the event of your death, there is at least one other inheritor of the Annon bloodline to carry on in your place. A small price to pay to potentially save many more lives.”

Ah…yes. The best of friends.

“Well thanks for your concern, Lieutenant.” You deadpan. “I’m glad you agree that anything we can do to free ourselves from the downward spiral has to be worth it. Let’s try to avoid my untimely demise though, hey?”

“Of course, that would not be optimal… I phrased that poorly.” His brows crease in an uncommon display of contriteness. “I merely meant that to imply your sacrifice for the cause would be a… noble… one?” The Tactical officer attempts to say tactfully. At least he’s making an effort.

“Well regardless, I have a promise to keep and I don’t take that lightly when it comes to my friends.” You smile reassuringly, and clasp his shoulder firmly, “I’m grateful to count you among them, Coen.”

The Lieutenant blinks then after a moment breaks contact, snapping a crisp salute in lieu of response.

“Let’s meet up with the others and work out a plan of attack then. I heard our bridge duty has been cancelled so we may have some extra time off after lunch.” You turn to leave the now deserted fire control centre, Coen stopping to copy some files from the targeting computers onto his data pad before catching up to you.

The corridor stretches away from you but curves in such a way that you can’t quite see down the entire length of the deck. Various bulkheads and security hatches are interspersed along the route you take back to the local transport hub, placed in such a way that enemy boarding teams would always find themselves flanked and the defenders protected from the dangers of crossfire.
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You pass by a few vaguely familiar faces, the hallways somewhat busy as the Gamma watch crew rotates to their next duty assignments in staggered waves. You eye your current companion’s collar and note the lights on his MPC remain unlit, a necessary precaution to prevent unwanted eavesdropping. Still though… you wonder if the background chatter was enough to stop other devices listening.

Your Tactical officer swipes a green finger across his datapad, reading rapidly and you take a glance at the screen over his shoulder to note the time — 0305 hrs. You are also surprised to see that he’s not reviewing the results of the weapon’s drills like you’d thought. Instead he seems to be scanning through data logs dating back hundreds of years, DEW and Torpedo bank firing permissions it looks like.

“What’ve you got there?” You ask, curious.

“Hmm… Perhaps, nothing.” The Laedra muses quietly. “Something you mentioned about this ‘Peedee’ entity didn’t sit right with me. A discrepancy.”

“Oh?” You murmur, concerned, “The simulation seemed to be off in places, but my memories when interacting with her were markedly clearer. Did I miss something?”
If anyone would have the general knowledge to pick apart issues with the simulation, it would be Coen.

“You described your… friend… as some sort of digital ghost. One who could be taught by and potentially replace the function of a three-part AI.” He pauses as you approach the more crowded transport hub. Deliberately slowing his purposeful stride to give you more time to converse before joining the milling crowd waiting for elevator cars.
“And she was being taught by the ‘Controller’ how to use our vessel’s weapons remotely, correct?”

“Right, she mentioned Control taught her to use the DEWs and at least how to monitor torpedoes. Taught me, too. If I had access to my implant I could have shown you in the weapons drill to prove it.” You reply softly, “Though she only appeared as a ‘digital ghost’, Peedee definitely had her own environment — ‘box’ as she put it — and very human feeling emotions that I experienced firsthand. Honestly, I still don’t entirely know what she is.”

“That is related to the discrepancy.” Coen continues sedately, “I can track the functions removed from the Controller AI’s portfolio as it deteriorated over the centuries, however no records I have access to indicate it ever had the permission to autonomously control the Coober Pedy’s weapon systems.”

“Always a flesh and blood hand on the trigger, then?”

“It appears so, but these records are incomplete.” He frowns, “Every log dated pre-cataclysm appears to be redacted. I do not have the clearance to access the originals.”

You wince at the R-word and can only hope whatever pattern recognition algorithms Guard employs hasn’t flagged the sort of archive delving that includes [REDACTED] content.
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“If my hypothesis is correct,” Coen’s voice is barely more than a whisper now as you wait in an out-of-the-way corner of the transit hub, “and the ‘Trinity’ system is unable to operate the weapons systems, it would imply that the original builders of this Voidship would never entrust a digital entity with such a capacity.”

“Right,” You nod, thinking back on all the times you saw Peedee mess around with the ship’s weapons in the simulation. “But what if she was an exception?”

“Then it would be contained in those records.” Coen responds slowly, “And if it is not there…”

“Then she-” Your eyes widen, “she isn’t being classified by the system as digital after all…”

“Precisely.” He nods succinctly.

“Damn.” You growl, “We need access to the original records.”

[By the Book]: During the Cataclysm, the loss of the central subspace network hub along with the Protectorate’s capital world — Terra Nova — caused an automatic sector wide information lockdown. All local servers were automatically restricted to highest level clearance to prevent intelligence breaches during a potentially hostile takeover. Even mundane data logs were [REDACTED] and the originals restricted to the upper ranks of the Terran Protectorate’s command structure. As the master server was annihilated by singularities, along with over 75% of the sector, the majority of pre-cataclysm knowledge not committed to hard copy was lost leading to an information dark age. Relics of that era which cannot be replicated are known as ‘artech’ to this day.

Your mind wanders, recalling what you know of the general information blackout that plagues every historian’s nightmares. You stand silently next to your Tactical officer in the crowded elevator as you ride together up to the Recreation deck and soon after you emerge your thoughts are interrupted by familiar voices.

“Hurry up, pipsqueak! Quit dragging your tail.” A girl's voice calls out, underpinned by a gravelly growl.

“Oh let him be, Cleo. You know how he gets with the warmer walkways.” You hear your Comms officer reply, “Anyway, like I was saying… The shock we felt this morning was definitely when the Beta navigator — you know, Lieutenant Commander Sharsii — was doing her trials.

“What Rika? That pretentious, pint-sized brat?” You Nav officer huffs, “Ha! Wait until I rub her pink-scaled snout in it! That’ll teach her to think she’s a better pilot than me!”
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You and Coen stop as the rest of your bridge crew, sans Engineering officer, wander leisurely down the corridor towards you. EoN leads the way with her beak held high as she makes a beeline towards you, a glint in her large round eyes. Close behind are Isobel and Cleo, gossiping loudly about the Beta watch bridge crew’s ill fated trials that seem to have freed up your afternoon duty assignment. Finally, lagging behind is Kiro — indeed dragging his bare feet and tail to absorb the maximum amount of warmth from the hotter deck plates running down the centre of the main thoroughfare.

You smile slightly as the inner [Engineer] in you notes how the quirk of the Opal class cruiser’s design naturally stratifies the non-human traffic it was never meant to account for. Meant for ease of maintenance access, the main electrical and coolant lines are placed under the deck plates of all the voidship's main corridors like arteries. The cooler lines running along the outer edges of the thoroughfare helping to cool the more heavily insulated Ulveng while the warmer return lines in the centre attract the colder blooded Marrok crew. A naturally increasing height gradient from centre to outskirts that incidentally prevents anyone from being stepped on and helps regulate body temperature in an ancient life-support climate designed to suit humans alone.

>2 Successes
You see your Ops officer’s half lidded eyes finally look up and he waves lazily.
“Heyyy, sssup Dal?” He lisps, “I got Izzzzy, to lisssten to usss about you-know-what. And-haaaa” He yawns, and doesn’t seem to care about finishing the sentence.

“Great work, buddy.” You reply, giving your little brother a thumbs up.
Before you can ask him exactly how he managed that feat when you yourself were unsuccessful, your Science officer reaches you and jabs a feather finger into your collar — deactivating your MPC.

“Dallas, we must speak.” Eyes-of-Night squawks softly, the Tyllano woman’s translator already deactivated. “It’s about those medical records you mentioned from your simulation.”
She draws you aside, head swivelling around almost backwards to check noone is listening in.
Cleo and Isobel pull ahead, making a beeline for the officer’s mess and you wave a curious Kiro on as he stops to look at you.

“We’ll catch up.” You reassure him, and the little lizard simply nods and continues his slow, plodding pace down the hall.

You return your attention to the stern gaze of your co-conspirator who has raised a wing-arm to shield your conversation from anyone else passing by. You hope they don’t get the wrong idea.

“What did you find, EoN?” You ask.

“Cleo and I were unfortunately assigned duties together in the medical bay, and I was of course done with my reports before her.” You roll your eyes as she scoffs like you’d suggested she was somehow less efficient than her rival officer
“I used my free time to check the medical records as you mentioned my counterpart in your simulations had — looking for evidence of a certain PD-113 amongst the crew.”

“And?” You ask eagerly, “Did you…”

“No, of course not!” She flaps, affronted, “Evidently in an emergency situation with half the crew dead the simulation had elevated my status to that of a Chief Medical officer which gave me access to the original ship’s records. In reality, anyone with a crew number past 450 is…”

“Let me guess, [REDACTED]?” You sigh.

“Exactly!” She screeches. “Wyrms teeth! I would need elevated command status just to look through the ship’s original crew manifest, let alone determine their status or medical history. Wait, how did you…”

“Coen and I ran into the same problem looking back through the AI’s weapon permissions.” You frustratedly explain your Tac officer’s hypothesis to her and the singularity sized block to your progress.

“Well what are we going to do?” Eon asks moodily, “It’s not as if we can ask a senior officer to give us access without alerting your Father, or worse… the Guardian.” She barely whispers that last word.

Your brow creases as you consider the conundrum. On one hand, any attempt you make to gain access to these restricted records could draw the ire of Guard or your Father down upon you — landing you and/or your crew in the brig at the very least. On the other, here are two potential leads that could give you insight into Peedee’s nature and perhaps how to find her. If you reactivate your command implant you might have a more discrete way to bypass the file security, but that opens up its own dive-route of danger. Hmmm…

How will you confirm your theories?
>Focus on gaining access to the restricted Weapon permission logs. (-Possible Consequences.)
>Focus on gaining access to the restricted Medical data. (-Possible Consequences.)
>Brave the Wyrm’s den. Find a way to access both. (--Possible Consequences.)
>Continue passive investigations that are less likely to draw attention or yield results.
>Write in.. (Your implant? Appeal to Father? Something Else?)

You could also come to your own conclusions like >>6047590 and:
>You don’t need any further confirmation and will proceed based on certain assumptions (Write-in what they might be and continue whether they are right or wrong.)
>Focus on gaining access to the restricted Medical data. (-Possible Consequences.)
>Focus on gaining access to the restricted Medical data. (-Possible Consequences.)
This is the way. But also:
>Note the discrepancy that Coen noted, that non-organic intelligence aren't usually permitted to fire weapons, and link this to the claw-looking marks and the 'blood', and Peedee's physically-chimeric appearance

We don't know that each race was considered equally useful for the project, or that there AREN'T human or liadra aspects to Peedee we just didn't notice. As for being abnormal, there's no way Peedee is a natural organism: she is (if I'm guessing correctly) a hybrid of at least three VERY different species, made huge and powerful, kept in stasis on and off for hundreds of years, and outfitted with a bunch of cybernetics to integrate with the ship as a living operating system.

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