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You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! But it's not all bad! Your clone brother, Abel Parker, works to protect the city, and potentially help clean up some of your messes. He goes by the name of "Spider-Man"!


Last time: After Ben caught up with his clone brother, Abe (A.K.A. Spider-Man), he recruited the Thief Girls to look into the production and distribution of an addictive drug targeted towards mutants called "Kick". Then, he requested that Ember's first act as a Desperado be to use her powers to remodel Central Park into the greatest Halloween attraction known to man.

And with all the help Ben's been giving the Morlocks, Callisto finally admits to being able to trust him completely. Although, the fact that Ben had just revealed his name and face to her somewhat helped with that declaration.

But what of Iara's revelation of Donny's return? Will the Morlocks be able to comfortably move out of Central Park? Will their plans to profit off of Ember's powers pan out, or will it blow up in their faces?

And will Storm ever recommend the Desperados' services to her colleagues.

Find out more in the latest issue of…MAXIMUM SPIDER QUEST!

Most dice rolls will be 1d100. Modifiers will be added depending on the situation or on the alien being used(Usually +10 or -10). Crit successes and crit fails apply. Crit fails can be overridden by crit successes, but crit failures cannot override crit successes.

How to Roll:
To roll dice, type “dice+1d100” in the options field without the quotations. To roll dice with positive modifiers, type “dice+1d100+modifier number” in the options field without quotations, and with an actual modifier number. To roll dice with negative modifiers, type “dice+1d100+-modifier number” in the options field without quotations, and with an actual modifier number.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:

Good luck and have fun!
There were certain things in life that had to be seen to be believed. And as someone who’s lived in New York his entire life, you’ve more than seen your fair share of strange occurrences, supernatural or otherwise. Except this time, you didn’t have your phone to document the activity. And that was because a cyborg shark mutant was currently using your phone to conduct an interview for an international mercenary company.

Although, you supposed that all of this would end up on Screwball’s stream at some point, so you weren’t terribly worried about people believing what was happening right in front of you.

“What the hell is this shit…?” Callisto asked beside you, her solitary eye glued to the large plant man that had gathered all this attention.

You somewhat shared Callisto’s sentiment.

When Iara told you that Donny had miraculously returned from having his whole body turned into a massive, golden brown tree in the middle of Central Park, you weren’t sure what to expect.

But it definitely wasn’t a seven foot tall plant creature with a carved pumpkin for a head.

The “new and improved” Donny was no longer sporting his signature “pot for pants” look, and had seemingly evolved to fit with the rest of Ember’s decorations.

His limbs were made from thick, dark wood that seemed to creak and crack with his every movement. He had stumps for feet, and the right amount of fingers on each hand. But most unsettling was the carved pumpkin that he called a head, and the devious grin that seemed to rest comfortably on his bulbous, orange head, as well as the ominous green glow that emanated from the carved holes of his face.

The tall creature was currently being surrounded by a crowd of curious mutants who were struggling to decide whether they should practice caution or indulge in the curiosity that they undoubtedly felt.

Screwball had no such survival instincts, it seemed.

“Hey! Plant-guy! Donny! Do the thing again so they can see!” she shouted from her current position in the group.

The being known as Donny let out a dark chuckle that sounded nothing like what you would expect the little sapling to produce.

His eyes narrowed in clear amusement.

“Oh, alright…” he declared, in a voice that was deep, unsettling, and only slightly easygoing.

His wide grin grew even wider, physically splitting his face from the effort.

“Hey. You kids wanna see a dead body?”

No one knew how to answer that, so their answers came out as something resembling anxious murmurs.

Donny must’ve taken that as an affirmative, because he nodded his big pumpkin head and took a large step back. Then, without any further ceremony, his big pumpkin head exploded into orange, pulpy chunks and flew out in all directions!

Everyone either jumped back, screamed, or stood in stunned silence as Donny’s body staggered around without a head. Finally, it fell onto its hands and knees and fell to the ground.

Panic began to set in, and the other Morlocks started to flee. And if it wasn’t for Glass’ presence, they just might’ve.

“Okay, everyone. Stand back.” he demanded.

And the crowd parted to allow him access to Donny’s body. Screwball was hot on his trail, capturing every moment with her handheld camera as the Morlock leader inched closer to the collapsed plant monster.

A few moments later, Donny’s body twitched. Everyone other than Glass and Screwball flinched back.

In mild horror, you watched the headless form of Donny stagger to his feet. Orange and brown plant matter sprang up from his chest and shoulders, shaping themselves into a pumpkin that was identical to his previous one. And in a matter of seconds, Donny had completely regrown his head!

And his first order of business after having resurrected himself…was to laugh.

He let out a bellowing, downright diabolical laugh that would’ve put Dormammu to shame. His laughing fit nearly had him doubled over as he clutched his gut in agony.

“Oh…that one is never gonna get old.” he mused, wiping a fake tear from his eye.

“Is that really you, Donny?” Glass asked, caution clear on his face.

Donny grinned down at him.

“You’d better believe it, buster. I saw all the preparations you were making, and thought that I’d…get in on the fun, you know. Really get into the spirit of things.” he said, his eyes glowing an even deeper shade of green as he did.

What will you say/do?

>”How’d you go from being a giant tree to a walking, talking pumpkin? Is it because of Ember’s powers?”
>”Since when are you so talkative?”
>”I wonder if this is somehow due to the Fairy Flowers’ influence.”
>”We should probably get you some clothes. Can’t have you walking around naked all the time.” (Have Ember create some clothes for him.)
>”Man…kids these days are growing like weeds. Before we know it, he’ll be leaving for college.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>”Since when are you so talkative?”
>”Man…kids these days are growing like weeds. Before we know it, he’ll be leaving for college.”
>”Man…kids these days are growing like weeds. Before we know it, he’ll be leaving for college.”
>”Anyways, how the hell are you doing big man? I haven't had a chance to talk with you for...ever, I guess."
sudden fear of tricksy fae creatures
>”Since when are you so talkative?”
>"You're coming out joking, I like it. You gave us all a good scare, awesome."
>”Since when are you so talkative?”
>”Man…kids these days are growing like weeds. Before we know it, he’ll be leaving for college.”

Taking these. Writing...
“Since when are you so talkative?” you asked, drawing everyone’s attention to you.

Something resembling a smirk crept up the side of Donny’s wide gap of a mouth.

“Hey hey, Huntsman. Growing a mouth for the first time’ll do that to a guy. Guess I got a little overexcited.” he said with a shrug, finally daring to acknowledge the pumpkin guts splattered around him.

“I’m not the one you’ve got to apologize to, pal. I wasn’t in the splash zone.” you said, gesturing to the unlucky few who’d been too close to him at the time.

And unfortunately for Ember, she was one of them.

Donny shook his head and thumped it with his knuckles.

“Right. Sorry, guys. I’m sure that’ll wash right out.”

Donny gave them an apologetic nod and raised his hands as if to present his innocence and lack of bad intentions.

“He’s tall, he talks, and he’s got manners.” you observed.

“Man…kids these days are growing like weeds. Before we know it he’ll be leaving for college.”

Callisto, who was right next to you at the time, turned to stare at you. She was probably still feeling a little exasperated.

“Donny.” Glass said, drawing the pumpkin-headed plant’s attention.

“How’d this happen to you? You’re not even a year old yet. I saw you get stuck in a drainpipe a few months ago.”

Donny leaned closer to Glass, raised one finger, and waggled it back and forth.

“Almost. I almost got stuck.” he clarified.

“Thanks in no small part to yourself.”

Glass shook his head in confusion.

“I mean: how’re you even smart enough to be talking like this?”

Donny snapped his fingers to make a surprisingly potent noise. Sort of like the sound of a small twig snapping.

“Well…that’s simple, my friends. It’s this gold stuff that’s growing out the top of my head.” he said, gesturing at the giant tree.

Like he said, there were golden leaves growing at the top of Donny’s tree. The Fairy Flowers.

“I’m all juiced up! Haven’t felt better in my entire, pitifully short life.” he declared, a green, foamy material seeping out the edges of his mouth as he did so.

“The flowers, you mean.” Callisto clarified, finally making her presence known.

“You’re hopped up on pixie plant juice. I think you’re a bit below the legal drinking age.”

That earned her a few uneasy chuckles from a decent amount of Morlocks. Even Donny thought it was funny.

“Hehe. Say what you want. I’ve got liquid gold flowing through my veins, baby.” he said, staring down at his fingers as they twitched.

“Fake liquid gold.” Callisto clarified, one more.

Donny seemed to deflate a bit, as a jagged green line carved itself down the corner of his mouth. A moment later, it healed itself, and Donny’s smile curled ever so slightly.

“At least it's cleaner than all that red gunk that’s inside of you meatbags.” he snarled, pointing a finger straight at Callisto.

Callisto flinched as if she’d been slapped, her single blue eye blinking at him. A heavy silence fell over the crowd like a metal sheet. Everyone’s ears were finely tuned to take in whatever Callisto would say next for daring to say that to her face.

And somehow, no one was prepared for what Callisto would do next.

She laughed.

It started off as a sharp exhalation and a disbelieving shake of the head. But it quickly devolved into disbelieving laughter. And miraculously, it developed into a hysterical laughter.

Such a state was rare for Callisto. If not completely impossible.

But here she was. Throwing her head back in laughter. A few moments later, Donny joined her in laughing. You're not even sure he knew why.

“Oh, man. I think I might actually like this new Donny.” Callisto said.

“You’re…not suspicious?” you asked, not able to believe your ears.

“Like, at all?” Glass asked, likely feeling as confused as you were.

Callisto shook her head, raised a hand and pointed.

“Nope. Because Nature Girl would’ve said something if it wasn’t our darling crackpot.”

You all followed her finger to see Nature Girl, riding a stagg into the crowd. People were quickly stepping aside to avoid getting their feet trampled on.

She nodded.

“It’s him. Deep down, at least.”

She’d muttered that last part.

“That strain of flowers must be producing a chemical that’s warping his developing mind. He seems to have mutated from prolonged exposure.”

“Is that a bad thing?” Glass asked.

Nature Girl just shrugged.

“At this point, who can say for sure? I’m not familiar with this type of flora. Maybe if we knew a botanist that’s studied otherworldly fauna, we’d have a more definitive answer.” she explained.

What will you say?

>”We should keep an eye on him for a while. Just to make sure that he’s stable.”
>”Maybe we should pay Doctor Strange another visit. I know a Green Bull that’d be perfect for this job.”
>”Would it be possible for Donny to create some sort of sap from the flowers? He said that he had ‘liquid gold flowing through his veins’.”
>”We might have to cut you off from the fairy juice, pal. Or at least limit your intake until we can figure out what’s going on.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>>”Maybe we should pay Doctor Strange another visit. I know a Green Bull that’d be perfect for this job.”
>>”Maybe we should pay Doctor Strange another visit. I know a Green Bull that’d be perfect for this job.”
>"What do you say Donny? You had quite the growth spurt, are you up for a doctors appointment? "
>”Maybe we should pay Doctor Strange another visit. I know a Green Bull that’d be perfect for this job.”
>"What do you say Donny? You had quite the growth spurt, are you up for a doctors appointment?"

Taking and combining these. Writing...
“Maybe we should pay the good Doctor Strange another visit. I know a certain Green Bull who’d be perfect for this job.” you suggested.

Some of the Morlocks traded confused glances upon hearing that last bit. Not that you expected them to know who Rintrah was.

“What do you say, Donny? You've had quite the growth spurt. Are you up for a doctor's appointment?”

The plant man made a thoughtful noise and scrunched up his face as he mulled it over. It didn't take very long for him to come up with an answer, though.

“Nah. I think I'd rather stay here with you guys.” he said with a casual shrug of his shoulders. “Besides, why would I need a doctor? I'm in the best shape of my life.”

“You've been alive for less than a year.” Callisto pointed out.

“I know. Isn’t it incredible?” Donny replied, flaunting his new body to anyone who was willing to look.

What will you say?

>”If you come with us, I’ll see if they’ll let you eat some plants from the greenhouse.”
>”That’s exactly why we need to go get you checked out. Your body’s going through some rapid changes that we can’t predict, and we want to make sure that you’re doing alright.”
>”Feeling good is one thing. Being healthy is another.”
>”Alright. We won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do. But we still need to get you looked at. Would you be more comfortable if we brought someone here instead?”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>”If you come with us, I’ll see if they’ll let you eat some plants from the greenhouse.”
>>”If you come with us, I’ll see if they’ll let you eat some plants from the greenhouse.”
>”Feeling good is one thing. Being healthy is another.”
>”Alright. We won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do. But we still need to get you looked at. Would you be more comfortable if we brought someone here instead?”

Good to see you back Score. You doing well?
>>”Feeling good is one thing. Being healthy is another.”
>"We want you to keep feeling great, not just have you bloom for a single season, right?"
>”Feeling good is one thing. Being healthy is another.”
>"We want you to keep feeling great, not just have you bloom for a single season, right?"
>”If you come with us, I’ll see if they’ll let you eat some plants from the greenhouse.”

Taking these. Writing...

It's good to see you too, anon! I'm doing good! A bit tired, but I can't complain.
File: 4aLAameH-651x1024.jpg (47 KB, 651x1024)
47 KB
“Feeling good is one thing. Being healthy is another. And we want you to keep feeling great, not just bloom for a single season.”

Donny didn’t look terribly impressed by your pun. You’d have to come up with something else to get him to come along with you.

“If you come with us, I’ll try to see if they’ll let you eat some of the plants from the greenhouse~.” you offered.

Donny’s grin widened, and he let out a sinister chuckle.

“Ooh! You drive a hard bargain, Huntsman. You’ve got yourself a deal.”

You really hoped you could make good on that promise. It wouldn’t do to have Donny think that you were a liar.

“Just…try not to eat anything too weird. You don’t know what it might do to you.” Glass advised.

“And try not to throw up all over his nice floor if you do end up eating something weird. We don’t need a pissed off sorcerer hurling curses at us.” Callisto added.

Donny chuckled at that.

"Hehe. 'Hurling'..."

“Relax, guys. I’m sure he’s got cleaning spells for when people throw up in his main lobby.” you reassured them.

“Oh my god! How cool would it be to do a livestream from inside the Sanctum Sanctorum!?” Screwball asked her camera.

"Something tells me that he won't be too jazzed about the idea." Ember grumbled, still picking pumpkin guts out of her hair.


So, you got Donny to agree to follow you to the Sanctum Sanctorum. Now all you had to do was find a way to get him there.

What will you do?

>Find a way to squeeze Donny into a taxi.
>Go for a walk. Donny could use some experience navigating the city.
>Team up with Spider-Man and carry Donny to the Sanctum.
>Wait for Iara to finish her interview and have her fly him there.
>Bring someone with you. (Who?)


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>Go for a walk. Donny could use some experience navigating the city.
>Go for a walk. Donny could use some experience navigating the city.
It IS October, isn't it? No better time for him to stretch his legs.
>>Go for a walk. Donny could use some experience navigating the city.
>Take the subway
he needs to learn how to get around in NYC
Oh and
>>Bring someone with you
>Nature girl
>Go for a walk. Donny could use some experience navigating the city.

Taking these. Writing...
For the first time in a long while, you decided that a nice, brisk walk would be a nice change of pace. It was easy to lose touch with the world when you spent all your time effortlessly swinging from place to place.

Specifically, you forgot what it was like to experience foot traffic on the sidewalk. As well as vehicular traffic in the street. Some walked far too slow. Others blocked the entire path forward with their group of friends, each one of them placed strategically to prevent passage.

It was almost nostalgic how incensed you were feeling at times. But there were two things that made this brisk walk worthwhile. It was the strange looks that you and Donny were getting, and his genuine reactions to the wide world above his previous home.

“How do I look?” he asked, rising to his full, considerable height and spreading his arms.

Currently, the lanky giant was wearing an “I heart NY” shirt, a pair of green sunglasses and a matching mantle that matched that of Lady Liberty, and an assortment of bracelets and charms he’d picked up along the way. You were, of course, paying for everything. The real challenge was keeping track of every vendor you had to pay whenever Donny lifted something from them.

“Like a million bucks.” you lied.

You were particularly disturbed by the way that he was wearing his sunglasses. They were sort of just…dangling from his eye-holes.

“Really?” Donny said, perking up at your praise.

“Yes, really.” you lied once more.

“Doesn’t he look like a million bucks?” you asked, turning to address the Indian vendor that was running this gift shop.

He glanced between the two of you and gave you a nervous nod. He seemed to be unable to meet Donny’s eyes, even when they were hidden behind those ridiculous sunglasses.

“And you’re sure that everyone dresses like this.” Donny reaffirmed.

“Oh, yeah. Totally.”

“Then why isn’t everyone else wearing one?” Donny demanded, gesturing at the passing civilians wearing normal clothing.

You made a show of lazily scanning your surroundings, as if you’d only just now noticed that Donny stood out like a sore thumb.

“Huh. You know? Now that you mention it, that is kind of strange.” you observed.

Then, with a snap of your fingers, you finalized your hypothesis.

“It must be because they don’t love New York as much as you do. That, or they’re too scared to wear it on a shirt like you are right now.”

Donny nodded as if you’d confirmed a theory that he had long suspected.

“That must be why they are staring. They’re shocked by my bold declaration.”

“And probably jealous, too. I mean, here you are, all dressed up, and they came out of the house wearing…that.”

The random person that you pointed to gave you a nasty look that you absolutely deserved.

Donny shook his head in sympathy.

“These poor, stifled meatbags...”
“Right. It’s as if they’ve never seen a seven foot tall, pumpkin-headed one year old.”

“What they should be staring at are these buildings. They’re huge!” Donny declared, craning his neck all the way back to stare up at a skyscraper.

“How tall do you think that one is?” he asked.

You glanced up at the building, squinted at it, and pretended to do some mental calculations.

“Mmm…probably a couple hundred Callisto’s.”

“Incredible…” Donny gasped.

“Yeah. It really is…”

For a good, long moment, you and Donny took a moment to silently appreciate the sights, sounds, and smells of the city. It wasn’t often that you got to see things from this perspective these days.

Your feet back on solid ground, feeling the thrum of passing engines, the honking of horns and the rhythmic thumping of footsteps from all the people that were looking at you funny.

You should take walks more often.

“I wonder if they have more bracelets here.” Donny said, his entire head poking through the window of the vendor’s stall.

“No no no! Please, sir! There is no room!” the vendor pleaded.

“Really? Another bracelet?” you asked, exasperation clear in your voice.

“Buddy, I know you’ve got long arms, but this is pushing it.”

“Excuse me, sir. I’m gonna need you to step away from the stall.”

You turned to find that the source of the voice was a lady cop. She and her partner’s gazes were locked firmly on you, but they were casting nervous glances at Donny’s back.

“What seems to be the problem, officer?” you asked in your most polite voice.

“The problem is that you’re currently wanted for multiple acts of grand larceny, vigilantism and public endangerment.”

Oh, right. You were sort of a wanted criminal, weren’t you? You’ve been through so much over these past few weeks that it almost slipped your mind.

“If you would just step away from the stall, I’d like to ask you some questions.”

What will you say/do?

>"Oh, no! I'm not actually...this is a Halloween costume. I got a little excited, and I didn't want to wait until Halloween night to put it on. Is my costume really that good?"
>”I think you’ve got me confused with my evil twin. You can read all about his exploits in the latest printing of the Bugle.”
>”So…you’re not taking me downtown? Because that’s usually where most cops want to take me these days.”
>”No need. We can talk right here. It’ll give us something to do while you wait for backup to arrive. You have called for backup, right?”
>”Can’t this wait until after my friend here is done shopping? It’s his first time in the big city, and he’s giddy as a schoolgirl.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
Hmmm...she's not setting off our Spider Senses at all, is she?

>"GRAND Larceny? You refuse to pay for extra chili ONE time and they send the boys (and girls) in blue? I mean the guy was skimping! That's fraud!"

>”I think you’ve got me confused with my evil twin. You can read all about his exploits in the latest printing of the Bugle.”

I mean they aren't immediately trying to arrest us so, play along I guess.
She's not an immediate threat to you, no. They don't seem to want to immediately escalate the situation.
>>”No need. We can talk right here. It’ll give us something to do while you wait for backup to arrive. You have called for backup, right?”
>>”No need. We can talk right here. It’ll give us something to do while you wait for backup to arrive. You have called for backup, right?”
>”I think you’ve got me confused with my evil twin. You can read all about his exploits in the latest printing of the Bugle.”
>”Can’t this wait until after my friend here is done shopping? It’s his first time in the big city, and he’s giddy as a schoolgirl.”
>Try and take a look at their names, faces, and badge numbers.

>A couple hundred Callisto's tall
She just said we're wanted, not that she wants to arrest us.
>"That's quite the accusation. Are you sure you got the right guy?"
>"The most egregious problem I've encountered today was some not so subtle bias against my POC friend there. Green, he's uhh... a person of chlorophyll."
>"I admire your courage of approaching someone whom you think did such crimes, but you probably got the wrong guy."
>"I'm just a guy in a Halloween costume doing some shopping."
You don't want to do this, lady.
>”No need. We can talk right here. It’ll give us something to do while you wait for backup to arrive. You have called for backup, right?”
>"Donny, say hello. Don't be rude."
>”No need. We can talk right here. It’ll give us something to do while you wait for backup to arrive. You have called for backup, right?”

This is the most voted for option. Should we move ahead with it, or would anyone like to back another vote to go along with it?
I'm fine with moving forward personally
>”No need. We can talk right here. It’ll give us something to do while you wait for backup to arrive. You have called for backup, right?”
>"Donny, say hello. Don't be rude."

Sorry for the delay! Just got a moment to update this. Writing...
“No need. We can talk right here. It’ll give us something to do while you wait for backup to arrive.” you said, casually leaning against the counter.

“You have called for backup, right?”

The two cops exchanged a look, and you got the distinct impression that your nonchalant attitude was putting them on edge. Either that, or they were just getting annoyed with you, which wasn’t a terribly unusual occurrence.

“Are we sure he’s not the other one?” muttered the slightly overweight cop.

His partner raised an eyebrow at him, but didn’t bother to answer his question before returning her attention to you.

“Believe it or not, I’m trying not to have this devolve into a gunfight or an active pursuit. Because as far as I’ve heard, you’re not a cop killer.” said the lady cop.

Oh, please. They couldn't catch you if tied one hand behind your back, hopped on one foot, and gave them a ten second head start. But pointing that out would only anger them. And you’ve never had good experiences with agitated cops.

Maybe if they saw that you posed no threat, they might not be so quick to draw their weapons. Hence, your relaxed demeanor.

“But stuff tends to blow up when you’re around. You’re like a magnet for trouble.” her partner added.

“Guess I can’t argue with that.” you admitted with a shrug.

That seemed to piss him off even more. You could never win with these guys. This was why Abe was the one you sent to deal with the cops.

A loud thump from the stall drew their attention to Donny, who now nearly had his entire head lodged in the window.

“What is that thing…?” the woman asked.

“‘He’ has a name.” you corrected.

“Donny, say hello. Don’t be rude.”

Upon hearing his name, the large plant-man removed his head from the window and straightened his back so that he towered over all of you. He then raised his left hand and waved it back and forth.

“Hello…” he said, an unintentional snarl.

Both cops recoiled immediately.


The male cop’s hand went for his gun, but his partner stuck out a hand to stop him from doing exactly that.

Donny glanced between the two of them and made a thoughtful rumble in the back of his throat.

“You’re both dressed the same. Would either of you be willing to wear a shirt or bracelet expressing your love for this fine city?”

Neither of them knew how to respond to that one.

“Don’t mind him. It’s his first time out. He’s just a little excited.”

The lady cop nodded warily.


What will you say?

>”So, from the sound of things, you two want me to come quietly and let you arrest me? Doesn’t exactly sound like a fun way to spend my afternoon.”
>”This has got to be the worst, most slowest arrest I’ve ever been a part of.”
>”Well, this has been fun, but I’ve got an appointment with the Sorcerer Supreme to make. If you’ll excuse me…”
>”Why don’t we cut to the chase? What do you want from me?”
>Let Donny take over for a little while. He can use the practice in social situations, and you could use the entertainment.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>>”Well, this has been fun, but I’ve got an appointment with the Sorcerer Supreme to make. If you’ll excuse me…”
>>”Why don’t we cut to the chase? What do you want from me?”
>"Look, guys, I appreciate your service and that you’re probably working hard to keep the city safe and whatnot, but I’m generally not in the habit of talking to cops, so unless you’re gonna start asking your questions or throwing around the "A" word, my pal here and I kinda got places to be…"
Don’t talk to cops, especially if they haven’t made up their minds whether or not you’re a criminal. Also, don’t put Strange in an awkward situation with the cops, that’s bad manners.
>"If you're gonna try and arrest me, I'd appreciate it if you actually just said that next time. The whole "I'd like to ask you some questions" bit just puts people on edge."
>”Why don’t we cut to the chase? What do you want from me?”
>”Why don’t we cut to the chase? What do you want from me?”

Taking these. Writing...
Realizing that this wasn’t just another lazy attempt to put you behind bars, you decided to try and commit these officer’s names, faces and badge numbers to memory.

The lady cop had long legs, a surprisingly nice rack, and short brown hair styled into a bob. Her partner, the overweight man, had lidded eyes, a double chin, and a thin, brown mustache.

“Why don’t we cut to the chase, here? What do you want from me?” you asked.

The lady cop blinked a couple of times, and cleared her throat before continuing. It actually sort of like her face had loosened a bit when you caught her off guard. Was she just trying to act tough in front of you?

“Right. I’m officer Campbell, and this is my partner, Officer Kucharsky.”

Kucharsky moved his hand away from his belt and nodded.

“Huntsman. You’ve already met, Donny.” you said, pointing a thumb back at the tall plant creature.

“Hello…” Donny repeated, in almost the same creepy manner as last time.

“Uh, hi.” Campbell said cautiously.

She even attempted a smile. What a good sport.

“Well, we heard you were real active during Doom’s attack on the city. We got a few reports saying that you and a few of the other vigilantes put down a good chunk of his killer robots.”

“I don’t know why you did it, but it sure did make our jobs a hell of a lot easier.” Kucharsky said, his hairy hand still on his belt.

“Either way,” the woman continued. “Doom’s little distraction allowed a lot of dangerous people to escape Ryker’s, and we’re not having much luck finding leads on them. It’s like they’ve disappeared into the city.”

Dangerous people like Felicia’s father. You’d imagine someone that taught your fellow teammate would know how to disappear.

“Sounds like an exciting time…” Donny hissed.

Both officers gave Donny another concerned glance.

“And what do you want me to do about it?” you said.

“Well…you’re friends with some of those hero-types, right?” asked Kucharsky.

“Friends who routinely patrol the city and bust up dangerous people all the time.” Campbell added.

“We need you to ask them if they’ve seen these guys, or at least have some idea on where they might be holed up.”

You wondered if Felicia’s dad was on that list. It might be worth finding that out.

“We made you a list.” she offered.

So, they came here with the intention of using you as a Bounty Hunter/Informant.

What will you say?

>”I don’t work for free. You boys do good work, but I’ve been doing way too much pro-bono work lately, and I think it’s time to start charging again.”
>“I see that news of my networking skills has gone public. I’ve been making friends all over the place, lately.”
>”Lemme see that list. Is there anyone particularly dangerous on it?”
>”Ah, I see. You two are looking to use this crisis to advance your careers. Smart move.”
>”Sorry, it’s my policy not to work with or give information to cops. I’ll pass the word along, and that’s it.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>“I see that news of my networking skills has gone public. I’ve been making friends all over the place, lately.”
>>”Lemme see that list. Is there anyone particularly dangerous on it?”
>"Okay first, I went out and tangled with those robots because I live here, just like you and your partner. God forbid I ever stray from the image the Daily Bugle likes to paint of me..."
>“I see that news of my networking skills has gone public. I’ve been making friends all over the place, lately.”
>”I don’t work for free. You boys do good work, but I’ve been doing way too much pro-bono work lately, and I think it’s time to start charging again.”
>”Lemme see that list. Is there anyone particularly dangerous on it?”
>>”I don’t work for free. You boys do good work, but I’ve been doing way too much pro-bono work lately, and I think it’s time to start charging again.”

I suggest later on creating a tiered list and making a price match with the severity of the threat of each villain.
>”Lemme see that list. Is there anyone particularly dangerous on it?”

Time to go on the hunt for some guys. If anything we could capture a couple and simultaneously hang out with Abe. Hell, whoever on the list might be competition against Silvermane. Three birds, one Ben sized stone
>“I see that news of my networking skills has gone public. I’ve been making friends all over the place, lately.”
>”Lemme see that list. Is there anyone particularly dangerous on it?”
>”I don’t work for free. You boys do good work, but I’ve been doing way too much pro-bono work lately, and I think it’s time to start charging again.”

Taking these. Writing...

Saved! I see you, Callisto-anon!
“I see that news of my networking skills has gone public. I’ve been making friends all over the place, lately.” you said with a self-satisfied sigh.

“You and the other guy have been making a name for yourselves, lately. I hear you two even work together sometimes.” Kucharsky put in.

“If we’re both in the area, sure.” you casually let out, not wanting to imply that the two of you were far closer than anyone actually expected.

“Lemme see that list. Is there anyone particularly dangerous on it?”

Campbell reached into her shirt pocket to produce a small bundle of papers that had been folded several times over. When you unfolded it, you saw a column of information that listed the criminals’ names, faces, crimes, and other personal information that might be used to help track them down.

“A lot of them are. You’ve got ‘Muse’, a serial murderer who turns his victims into public, gory art-projects. And then there’s ‘Sleepwalker', who invades people’s dreams and terrorizes them in their sleep for days, before…eventually killing them.” Campbell explained.

“And there’s that devil-worshiping, snake bastard. He creeps me the hell out.” Kucharsky added.

There were a lot of names on here. Some you recognized, like Halfstep and Foxhole. But to your surprise, you couldn’t actually find Felicia’s dad anywhere on this list. Either he was being identified under a different name, or they hadn’t actually noticed that he was missing.

The possibility of his immediate recapture hadn’t even registered in your mind. Cat was too good for sloppy mistakes like that.

“What about that arsonist? The guy with the pressurized flamethrower? ‘Blaze’, I think?” Campbell said to her partner.

He won’t be too much of a problem. Not for you, anyway. You can’t say much for whatever it is he decides to light on fire.

Nevertheless, you’d have to reorganize this list based off of how dangerous they are, and how hard they’d be for you or anyone else to catch,

“I don’t work for free.” you said, not looking up from the packet.

You felt both officer’s eyes settling on you, their previous conversation momentarily forgotten.

“You boys do good work and all, but I’ve been doing too much pro-bono work lately, and I think it’s about time that I start charging again.”

“You want money?” Kucharsky asked, the look on his face telling you that he wasn’t exactly surprised, but he was clearly disappointed.

“How much do you charge...?” Campbell asked, a bit apprehensively.

What will you say?

>”That depends. How much can you scrape together on short notice?”
>"My rates will vary depending on how dangerous the target is. Can you get me some more detailed files on these people?"
>”Find out if there are any other like-minded cops who might wanna fund this little venture. I’m sure you can pool some money if you really put your heads together.”
>”Someday, I’m gonna need a favor from you guys. In the meantime, try your best to make some connections and advance your careers. If you stick with me, I'll make sure that you move up in the world."


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>>”Someday, I’m gonna need a favor from you guys. In the meantime, try your best to make some connections and advance your careers. If you stick with me, I'll make sure that you move up in the world."
>”Someday, I’m gonna need a favor from you guys. In the meantime, try your best to make some connections and advance your careers. If you stick with me, I'll make sure that you move up in the world."
Money we have plenty of but you can never have too many connections!
>"My rates will vary depending on how dangerous the target is. Can you get me some more detailed files on these people?"
>”Someday, I’m gonna need a favor from you guys. In the meantime, try your best to make some connections and advance your careers. If you stick with me, I'll make sure that you move up in the world."
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>"My rates will vary depending on how dangerous the target is. Can you get me some more detailed files on these people?"

Yeah I've been looking for some more X-Men comics to get better screen grabs. X-Men Evolution has a bunch of good ones desu
>"My rates will vary depending on how dangerous the target is. Can you get me some more detailed files on these people?"
>”Someday, I’m gonna need a favor from you guys. In the meantime, try your best to make some connections and advance your careers. If you stick with me, I'll make sure that you move up in the world."

Taking these. Writing...

Well, I appreciate your efforts! I had to get a few screen grabs for certain characters because there weren't any high quality ones.
“My rates will vary depending on how dangerous the target is. Can you get me some more detailed files on these people?” you asked, showing the packet to Campbell.

She nodded.

“I can do that.”

“Good. Because someday, I’m going to need a favor from you guys. In the meantime, try your best to make some connections and advance your careers. If you stick with me, I'll make sure that you move up in the world.”

The two officers exchanged a worried glance. You could tell that they were apprehensive about putting their careers on the line for this, but if they weren’t at least willing to get their hands dirty, then they wouldn’t have come to you about this in the first place.

At least, you hoped they weren’t stupid enough to get themselves caught before you could get them set up. You didn’t currently have a way to ensure them a quick promotion, but that could change with a little effort on your part.

And even if it didn’t work out, you could set them up somewhere else by calling in a few favors. But they didn’t need to know that just yet.

“Isn’t that nice. You made some new friends today.” Donny remarked with a chuckle that was only slightly wicked-sounding.

And that little remark didn’t do anything to ease the officers’ worries.

With that business out of the way, you folded the packet and tucked it into your jacket.

“How will we get in touch with you?” Campbell asked.

What will you say?

>”You won’t. I’ll come and find you.”
>”What’s your opinion on carrier pigeons?”
>”Try to keep an open mind. I’m friends with a psychic, so don’t be alarmed if I decide to drop in unannounced.”
>”Invest in a Spider-symbol, but don’t make it too obvious. We don’t need the entire NYPD up our asses everytime we decide to meet up.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>”What’s your opinion on carrier pigeons?”
These are classic. I bet Nature Girl can train them better than anyone.
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>”What’s your opinion on carrier pigeons?”
Who doesn't like pigeons?
>>”What’s your opinion on carrier pigeons?”
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”Try to keep an open mind. I’m friends with a psychic, so don’t be alarmed if I decide to drop in unannounced.”

Ngl, if we continue this strategy we could get Pete hooked up with Chat due to the entirety of the mutant population being cool with us. Hell, when are we invited to the Mutant barbecue?
I completely forgot she existed, which is a shame since she's right up there with MJ for how well she and Peter do together.
>”What’s your opinion on carrier pigeons?”

Taking these. Writing...

Chat was a really good match for Peter, imo.

Don't worry! There are a decent amount of girls that Lil' Pete can end up with in this story. I've got a few contenders lined up, but he hasn't met them yet! He's got a few events and encounters to go through in the near future before he can get to that point.
On the topic of Pete, is he enrolled in school yet?
He's currently being home-schooled by Richard. And since Pete is a quick learner, its likely that he'll end up being pretty damn smart when he grows up.
Not to knock Richard's ability to teach, but I think he knows just how much Peter stands to lose in terms of development by being homeschooled.
And I mean that socially AND academically. The value of being around trained teachers and kids his own age can't be overstated.
This is just the current state of things. They're subject to change at a point later in time. Richard feels like he has a lot to teach his son, and he wants to be more involved in his life.

If you want to ask him about what his plans are for the future, or just giving Peter more opportunities to socialize with others, you're welcome to do that.

Also, Peter has another parent that has yet to weigh in on the issue. But that's a topic for another time.
We should try and see if we can't find Mary at some point. Is Richard still unable to get a beat on her current whereabouts?
She sent him a coded message a while back, and judging by his reaction to its contents, he seems confident that she's wrapping up whatever business has been keeping her from Richard and Peter.

If she can't be found, its because she doesn't want to be found yet.
Surely there will be no complications in the near future. Surely.
In the meantime...time to see if there's a good school near Vic's house. That and maybe an MMA gym with kid's classes. Either or.
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“What’s your opinion on carrier pigeons?” you asked.

Campbell’s mouth opened and closed wordlessly for a moment as her brain tried to process what you’d just suggested.

If they’d only known that you were acquainted with two women who were capable of training and communicating with animals, they wouldn’t be looking at you like you were crazy.

“Are we sure this is a good idea?” Kucharsky whispered to his partner.


Sometime later, after you’d managed to convince those two cops that you were entirely capable of sending trained carrier pigeons back and forth through the city(and bribed the vendor to keep his mouth shut), you brought Donny to the doorstep of the Sorcerer Supreme.

And, unsurprisingly, he wasn’t home. Again. But Wong was there to open the door for you. And thanks to Rintrah’s endorsement, you were once again allowed to set foot inside of the Sanctum Sanctorum. The only stipulation was that Wong was insistent on escorting you and Donny personally. You suspected that the reason for this was Donny’s incessant desire to touch everything and anything that stood out to him in the manor.

This always earned him a slap on the hand from the Asian sorcerer, and a stern glare. He was this close to giving the pumpkin-headed creature a harsh lecture, when Rintrah opened the large door leading to his laboratory.

The room had checkerboard-pattern stone tiles for flooring, and a wide open space for all of Rintrah’s tools. There was only one table, but it was outrageously long, to the point of stretching from one end of the room to the other. There, Rintrah stored an impressive number of grimoires, an assortment of twisty beakers, as well as some other tools and alchemical ingredients that you were having trouble identifying.

“It’s good to see you, Huntsman. You demonstrate great judgment in coming to me with this dilemma as soon as you did. Biological transmutation is a tricky field. And for such a reaction to be naturally occuring, without the use of enchantments or potions…”

The green, bipedal bull proceeded to mutter to himself as he grabbed a number of potions and tomes, and walked further into his lab.

“It’s good to see you too, Rintrah.” you said, smiling at the man from underneath your mask.

“Do you have much experience with this sort of thing? Fairy flowers, I mean.”

Rintrah grunted, which…could have meant any number of things, really. He did it fairly often.

“Sir Strange has allowed me to study the ones that you have given him. From what I’ve learned, the flowers give off a faint illusory aura, and have been very useful in my astral magic studies. In great quantities, they can be made into a concentrated potion, and I do believe that there is some merit in using them to create a poultice-”

“So you’re pretty knowledgeable on the subject.” you concluded.

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“Hrrm. About as much as the next person.” he said, shoving a bundle of scrolls under his arms as he traveled down the table.

“Modesty doesn’t become you, Rintrah.” Wong said from behind Donny.

“These all look really easy to break. Are you sure you need all of these?” Donny asked, eyeing the oddly shaped beakers.

“Keep your hands to yourself.” Wong demanded sharply. To his and Rintrah’s credit, neither of them seemed phased by Donny’s odd apparel.

You supposed that with an occupation like theirs, it would take a lot to surprise them.

Donny just shrugged.

“Whatever. I came here for the free food, but I haven’t seen anything worth eating.”

Rintrah’s ears perked up slightly.

“Oh? And what exactly is your diet composed of?”

“Huntsman said that there’d be plants to eat.”

Both Rintrah and Wong stopped suddenly, and turned to stare at him.

“You eat plants.” Wong said, not quite phrasing it as a question, but you could tell that there was an underlying tone of incredulity mixed in there somewhere.

“Fascinating…! A herbivorous plant creature. What sort of plants do you enjoy eating?” Rintrah asked.

“Colorful ones. Crunchy ones. Tasty ones...” Donny said, unhelpfully.

“He ate a daffodil off the sidewalk on the way over, if that counts.” you added.

“It tasted terrible.” Donny grumbled.

Wong was currently demonstrating his secret superpower: "Radiating displeasure without outwardly expressing it".

Rintrah made a thoughtful grunt as he set his things back on the table.

“Hrrm. I wonder if your diet has anything to do with your current appearance.” he wondered aloud.

Donny shook his head, and then pointed at it.

“Nah. This is just because something called ‘Halloween’ is coming up. At least, that’s what everyone tells me. I’m just trying to get into the spirit of things.”

He said that last part with a maniacal laugh that had both Rintrah and Wong giving him concerned looks.

“Kids say the darndest things.” you said with a sigh.

Rintrah shook his head and cleared his throat.

“Yes, well…I still need to conduct a few tests.” he said, grabbing a beaker filled with clear liquid and offering it to Donny.

“Donny, would you be so kind as to provide me with a sample of your, erm…body?”

“Sure thing.”

Donny placed a crooked finger over the beaker, and right before your eyes, his finger started to demonstrate rapid growth. Then, he wrapped his other hand around the finger, mercilessly snapped a chunk of it off, and dropped it into the beaker.

Immediately, the liquid inside turned pitch black.

“Oh, my…” Rintrah gasped.

A moment later, swirls of green started to appear, followed by little flecks of gold.

“What’s that mean?” you asked.
Rintrah blinked several times, swirled the liquid around a bit, and then brought it up to his nose to sniff it.

“Hrrm. I haven’t the slightest idea. I’ve never seen anything like this.” he confessed.

Even Wong, who was usually stoic, looked a bit perplexed.

“I’m afraid that I’ll need to keep him here until I can get a better idea of what’s going on.”

Donny didn’t seem to like that answer.

“What about the food? You promised food.” he demanded with a pronounced scowl.

What will you say?

>”If you’re a good boy during Rintrah’s tests, then I’ll let you eat all the plants you want, later.”
>”I’m sure Wong and Rintrah have a few plants that they can spare. Don’t they?”
>”Sorry bud, but it's probably for the best if we shelve that idea until we can figure out what's going on with you."
"Are you sure you didn't eat anything else weird before you came here? You can tell me. I won't get mad."


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>"Who am I to deny a growing boy his food? I'm sure we can whip up something tasty for you back at the park and I can bring it on over in a flash, if you're okay with a light roasting."
Shouldn't be a problem for Nature Girl to grow us some exotic plants and stuff that in a big old web-sack.
>>”I’m sure Wong and Rintrah have a few plants that they can spare. Don’t they?”
>”I’m sure Wong and Rintrah have a few plants that they can spare. Don’t they?”
>”I’m sure Wong and Rintrah have a few plants that they can spare. Don’t they?”

Taking these. Writing...
Damn, I forgot about this for too long after the break. I missed some juicy votes earlier!
>”Do either of you know any flower shops in the area? I can pick Donny Boy up some greens to try before the pipes start calling him.”
>”But this is a doctor visit, so we expect plant-based candy on the way out. It’s a small price to pay for learning more about what’s up with our homegrown plant boy.”
>”Are you sure you didn't eat anything else weird before you came here? You can tell me. I won't get mad."
16 minutes late and… a little over one cent short as the saying usually goes. Oh well!
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Better luck next time, anon! And welcome back!
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“I'm sure Wong and Rintrah have a few plants that they can spare. Don't they?” you said, directing that last part at them.

The two exchanged a glance. Rintrah was the first to speak up.

“Hrrm. You know, it might be worth it to see which creatures Donny chooses to ingest, as well as the processes his new body goes through to digest them.”

Wong let out a weary sigh.

“Fine. But you’ll be the one explaining to the gardener what happened to their mandrakes.”

Rintrah swallowed nervously, and then tried to cover it up by clearing his throat.

“...I’m sure they’ll understand.”

Donny’s grin was so big that it quite literally split his mouth at the edges.


Doctor Strange’s garden was exactly as you remembered it: Teeming with life, and with far more movement and plant-on-plant violence than you would have personally preferred in a greenhouse. It was an entire self-contained ecosystem that, if not carefully cultivated and monitored, might just spiral out of control. And Donny was preparing to run right into the middle of the whole thing.

“Where to begin. They all look so good…” he muttered. The guy looked like a kid in a candy store.

Wong gave him a warning look. He had already informed everyone of the endangered species that were strictly off-limits, but you weren’t sure if Donny was going to abide by those rules.

Rintrah was by his side, eager and ready to take notes.

“It’s time to go hunting, Huntsman.” Donny said, turning his painfully wide grin on you.

He wanted you to go out there too?

What will you say?

>”Those weeds are about to get whacked!”
>”Don’t worry, Wong. I’ll make sure that he doesn’t eat any of the super rare ones.”
>Turn to Wong. ”Is there anything in there that I should be worried about?"
>”Actually, I’ll sit this one out. I filled up on street food on the way over. Help yourself, big guy.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>"Pace yourself Donny. And try not to eat anything that looks as rare as you are."
>Turn to Wong. ”Is there anything in there that I should be worried about?"
>”Well, momma did always say to eat my veggies.”
>Turn to Wong. ”Anything that goes well in a salad out there?”
>"Pace yourself Donny. And try not to eat anything that looks as rare as you are."

I’m tempted to ask about dangers, but I’m sure the answer is “everything”. I can still back it just to give Wong a chance to stop us and fail.
>>”Don’t worry, Wong. I’ll make sure that he doesn’t eat any of the super rare ones.”
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>”Don’t worry, Wong. I’ll make sure that he doesn’t eat any of the super rare ones.”
>Turn to Wong. ”Is there anything in there that I should be worried about?"
>”Well, momma did always say to eat my veggies.”
>Turn to Wong. ”Anything that goes well in a salad out there?”
>"Pace yourself Donny. And try not to eat anything that looks as rare as you are."

Sorry for the delay. I forgot that I had an RP yesterday after work.

Taking these. Writing...
>”Don’t worry, Wong. I’ll make sure that he doesn’t eat any of the super rare ones.”

Also this!
“Well, momma did always say that I needed to eat my veggies.”

Donny nodded.

“Mm. This ‘Momma’ person sounds wise.”

“Don’t tell her that. She’ll never let me forget it, otherwise.” you said, before turning to address Wong.

“Is there anything in there that’d go well with a salad?”

“That depends. Are you fond of bloodsucking vines that can exsanguinate a body in mere minutes? Or flowers that release choking spores capable of clogging your lungs?”

“Sooo…that’s a no, then.”

Wong didn’t bother to dignify that with a response.

“I would recommend that the two of you exercise caution while inside the Green Room. Lest you become fertilizer for the plants.” Rintrah, advised.

“No no, yeah. But you wouldn’t just like…leave our bodies here, right?” you asked.

“Of course not.” Wong answered.

“The Gardener would be the one to dispose of you.”

“I’d think Donny’s chances of survival are much greater in the case of him sustaining a critical injury. His new body demonstrates remarkable regenerative capabilities.” Rintrah observed.

“I’ve got some pretty ‘remarkable regenerative capabilities’ myself, you know.” you cut in, raising your hand to get everyone’s attention.

Rintrah blinked in surprise.

“Hrrm. Are you capable of regrowing your limbs?”

“I…don’t know, really. I’ve never lost one before.”

“Maybe we can change that today.” Donny proposed, taking a step forward.

“Just remember to pace yourself, Donny. And try not to eat anything that looks as rare as you.”

Donny turned his big, pumpkin head to stare down at you. He flashed a wicked grin.

“Aww. You really do say the sweetest things. I hope you can keep all your limbs today.”

“You and me both.” you replied, entering the Green Room alongside Donny.

You gave the garden a cursory glance, watching for anything that looked immediately threatening. And, if Donny had bothered to exercise half of the caution that you displayed, maybe he wouldn’t have been caught so quickly.


It all started when Donny found, in his words, a “tasty-looking root”. He knelt down, took it in his hand and bit into it like it was a freshly made corn dog. Unfortunately for him, the root that the plant belonged to had a lot more bite than he did. That was, if the rows of razor sharp teeth lining its quadrisected, petal-like beak were anything to go by.

The massive, slithering squid-like plant monster had wrapped Donny up in its tendrils and dragged him into its lair. Currently, it had him pinned down under its bulk. There was a large, gaping maw on its underbelly, and it seemed to be dripping digestive fluids onto the vulnerable Donny.

The crazy pumpkin man just laughed and stabbed a sharpened spear made of bark into its side. You weren’t sure if the offending monster could feel pain like you, but the screech that it let out informed you that it was entirely capable of feeling pissed off.

What will you do?

>Web-shape a pair of hand-axes and toss them at the creature’s limbs.
>Blast a burning hole through the plant monster.
>Try to find one of those mandrakes that Wong mentioned. Maybe it’ll have an effect on this thing.
>Use your webs to restrain the creature while Donny deals the killing blow.
>Sit back and coach him through the fight. You'll interfere if you think he's in any serious danger.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>>Use your webs to restrain the creature while Donny deals the killing blow.
I'd love to coach him, but right now probably isn't the best time for training.
>Web-shape a pair of hand-axes
>Webline to Donny and pull him out
>Throw the hand axes on the Tendrils that hold onto Donny
>Use your webs to restrain the creature while Donny deals the killing blow.
For all I know the plant could toss the hand-axes back at us.

We can take some mental notes for coaching after he’s done fighting this thing. Spin it as the more efficiently he fights, the quicker he can get to the tastiest plants.
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>Use your webs to restrain the creature while Donny deals the killing blow.
>Use your webs to restrain the creature while Donny deals the killing blow.

Taking these. Writing...
You muttered a curse under your breath and leapt into action.

“This is why I told you to pace yourself!”

“I’m wearing him down! He can’t keep this up forever.” Donny said, still smiling to himself and wrestling with the beast’s tentacles.

With a couple of well-aimed web=bolts, you managed to pin a few of its tentacles to the ground. Unluckily for you, however, the terrain favored your opponent.

The plant monster ripped the ground up along with the webbing and lashed out at you as you drew closer. You flipped over one tentacle, slid under another, and vaulted over a third before you could get close enough to make your webbing more effective.

“It won’t need to if you’re already in its stomach.” you shot back, sidestepping a barbed appendage and enveloping both sides of its body with wide, web nets.

This thing had a lot of arms, but so did your teacher. And she was far more coordinated than whatever this was.

With the web nets still connected to your wrists, you wrapped them over and under your hands, and yanked them to the side. Hard.

The plant monster let out a startled screech as you forced it off of Donny, and the Morlock mascot quickly scrambled to his feet before you could lose your grip.

“Great teamwork, partner! Now…hold it still.” Donny said, circling the bound beast with some measure of caution as it thrashed wildly in your grip.

“Just need to put on the finishing touches…!” you said with a grunt.

Then, you tried something that you didn’t have a whole lot of practice with. Using your web-shaping abilities, you commanded the web nets to spread out and attach themselves to the nearby trees, resulting in a construct that closely resembled that of a real spider’s web. Only, on a truly massive scale.

Just in case, though, you kept feeding more webbing into the construct until you were confident that it would hold your prey long enough for Donny to deal the killing blow.

“Excellent…” Donny hissed, his smile turning more sinister.

He raised both his hands, extending all ten of his fingers, and then stretched them towards the bound monster. Most of the gnarled tendrils invaded its mouth, but a few of them entered what you thought might’ve been an eye socket.

Its thrashing intensified, and you were starting to become worried that it might really tear down every tree in the area in order to free itself.

With mild horror, you watched as Donny’s fingers dug around in its head, scraping and tearing through anything and everything that got in their way. Green and purple ooze poured from its wounds, and the large orb that you thought was an eye started to roll upwards.

Donny just laughed the entire time.

After about a minute or two of this, the animal finally stopped moving, and you allowed yourself to relax.

Donny retracted his fingers and brought them up to his mouth. To your disgust, he proceeded to lick the gore from his fingers with a green, worm-like tongue. He seemed to take great delight in this.

“I’m gonna have to teach you some table manners one of these days…” you said, feeling a little queasy.

Donny glanced at the trussed up veggie platter you’d prepared for him and made a thoughtful noise.

“Hmm. This is going to take a while.”

“What’s wrong? Aren’t you going to dig in?” you asked.

Then, without a word, Donny turned and started striding towards a pond in the distance. You raced to catch up with him.

“Hold up! Where are you going?”

“I’m going to need some help.”

That was all he said. Which was more than a little concerning. Miraculously, you followed him to the pond without incident. He didn’t pick any fights along the way, even when a few wayward plant creatures stumbled into his path. Donny was…weirdly focused on something, but you couldn’t for the life of you figure out what.

You stopped at the foot of the pond at roughly the same time that Donny did. Feeling a bit fed up with his behavior, you decided to confront him about it.

“Donny, what’s going-”

You cut off abruptly when you saw Donny step right past you and into the pond.

“Donny! Where are you going?”

Donny didn’t reply. He simply walked towards the middle of the pond, only stopping when the water was up to his chest. Then, he dove underwater.


You were about to run in after him, when you noticed an ominous green glow where Donny’s head had once been. Mere moments later, Donny reemerged, his entire upper half bound by thick, hairy vines.

“Ah…I thought I felt something.” he said, sounding pretty self-satisfied.

“Donny, what is all that?”

“‘Bloodsucking vines’. Just what we needed.”

That was the only explanation that he gave, right before he brought a bundle of vines up to his mouth and bit into them like they were string beans.

You recoiled a bit at that, but it wasn’t terribly off-brand for this newfound version of Donny. The vines appeared to be clinging to his body like a leech would to a flesh and blood mammal. They didn’t seem to bother your friend, though. He just kept eating until he was satisfied.

Roughly three minutes later, Donny wiped at his mouth and walked back out towards you. It was as if nothing at all had happened.

“There. Now we can eat.” he declared, brushing past you.

Your eyes were locked onto his back during your return trip, and you could swear that Donny had gotten a little bulkier. Either that, or there were still a few bloodsucking vines latched onto him.

You thought it best to give him a bit of space until you could figure out what was going on with him.


It didn’t take long for you to find the freshly lobotomized plant beast Donny had killed. Which was good, because it meant that there was less time for Donny to slide that worm-like tongue over his lips in a gesture that you were sure meant that he was famished.

“Come to papa.” he said, extending his fingers until they stabbed into the creature’s face.

And before your very eyes, you saw what little life had remained in the monster’s corpse slowly draining away. It was as if its body was becoming shriveled up and mummified. And then, it hit you.

The bloodsucking vines. Donny hadn’t just eaten them. He’d somehow incorporated them into his own body! You hadn’t imagined him getting bulkier, he really was “feeding” on this thing.

Amid this jumble of conflicting thoughts and emotions, there was only one thing that made it out of your mouth. It had been something that was bothering you for a while.

“Wait. You just said ‘Come to papa’. That means you totally know what ‘momma’ means.”

Donny chuckled at that.

“You got me. I was just playing along to see what you’d say.”

Several moments later, he retracted his fingers, but didn’t lick them this time. Instead, the fluids seemed to soak into his body all on their own.

“Mm. That’s good stuff. I wonder what else there is around here.” he wondered, glancing at his surroundings.

What will you do/say?

>”You’re kind of scary sometimes, you know that?”
>”Well, there goes my appetite.”
>”I think Wong said something about ‘choking spores’?”
>”How’d you know where to find those bloodsucking vines?”
>”Maybe we should go back for now so that Rintrah can take another look at you.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>>”How’d you know where to find those bloodsucking vines?”
>"So uh...any idea what you can "splice" onto yourself? Besides the bloodsuckign vines I mean."
>”How’d you know where to find those bloodsucking vines?”
"So uh...any idea what you can "splice" onto yourself? Besides the bloodsucking vines I mean."
>”How’d you know where to find those bloodsucking vines?”
>”Maybe we should go back for now so that Rintrah can take another look at you.”

Since he’ll complain about the last one, we can rebut it with
>”I know several people who stopped being one person and started being another for various reasons, and more than one because of things that went in them.”
>”Bow before my unique and distressing amount of life experience on this very niche topic!”
>”Maybe we should go back for now so that Rintrah can take another look at you.”
>"So uh...any idea what you can "splice" onto yourself? Besides the bloodsucking vines I mean."
>”Maybe we should go back for now so that Rintrah can take another look at you.”
>”How’d you know where to find those bloodsucking vines?”

Taking these. Writing...
“So, uh…any idea what else you can ‘splice’ onto yourself? Besides the bloodsucking vines, I mean.” you asked.

Donny made a thoughtful noise and stared down at his hand. He flexed it a few times.

“Dunno. I’m eager to find out, though…”

“Right, well…maybe we should go back for now.” you suggested, prompting a look from Donny.

“I think you should let Rintrah take another look at you.”

Donny made a disgusted sound.

“I told you, I’m fine. I don’t need a doctor.” he said, waving his hand dismissively.

“Trust me on this. I happen to know several people who stopped being one person, and started being another for various reasons, all because of something that they put into their bodies.” you explained.

Donny just folded his arms and raised a non-existent eyebrow.

“We just want to make sure that you’re healthy, and not in danger of-”

Becoming an evil plant monster? How were you supposed to put this delicately?

“We don’t want to see you get hurt.” you decided.

Donny threw his hands up and let out a long, suffering sigh.

“Fine…” he grumbled.

“Thank you. When we get back, I’ll let everyone else know how much of a good boy you were.”

“You’d better.” Donny muttered under his breath.



On the way back, Donny’s shoulders remained slumped, and he had this perpetual, grumpy frown on his orange face. Both Wong and Rintrah seemed surprised that you came back so early, but they didn’t look at all upset by this development.

However, that sentiment rapidly evaporated after you gave a report of what had happened.

“Incredible…!” Rintrah gasped.

The green alien bull was currently holding a light blue gemstone up to his eye. You had to guess that it was aiding him somehow in his examination of Donny’s health.

“Donny appears to have seamlessly ‘grafted’ the bloodsucking vines to his new body. It’s as if he willingly mutated his cells to accommodate them.”

“Such a thing is rare for any organism to accomplish in such a short amount of time.” Wong observed, scrutinizing Donny with fresh eyes.

“How’d you know how to find the bloodsucking vines, anyway?” you asked.

Wong seemed interested in this topic as well.

Donny just shrugged.

“I just knew. I could feel it in my toes.” he said, wiggling his stubby, root-like toes.

Wong looked dissatisfied with that answer.

“So he’s also capable of sensing nearby plant-life. Fascinating…”

Rintrah was furiously taking notes, when he abruptly stopped and looked up at you with those dark eyes of his.

“Hrrm. Wong, would you be so kind as to escort Donny back to my lab. The Huntsman and I will join you shortly.”

Wong glanced between you and Rintrah before signaling Donny to follow him. The plant creature did so begrudgingly.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Rintrah rolled up his scroll and leaned in closer.

“I’m going to be honest with you, Huntsman. I think Donny should remain here a while longer. At least until I can accurately diagnose his new condition.” Rintrah proposed.

What will you say?

>”He’s not gonna go for that. Not unless we sweeten the pot.”
>”Is it because of the ‘grafting’ thing, or is it the whole ‘maniacal laugh’ thing?”
>”Maybe we can try and space these out by scheduling regular check-ups. I’ll grab a Morlock or two to escort him here and back.”
>”Yeah, I think so too. I’ll try to convince him somehow.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>”He’s not gonna go for that. Not unless we sweeten the pot.”
>”Maybe we can try and space these out by scheduling regular check-ups. I’ll grab a Morlock or two to escort him here and back.”

Donny is looking more and more like a problem, but hopefully if we believe in him he swings back around to not being one
>”He’s not gonna go for that. Not unless we sweeten the pot.”
>”Maybe we can try and space these out by scheduling regular check-ups. I’ll grab a Morlock or two to escort him here and back.”
>”He’s not gonna go for that. Not unless we sweeten the pot.”
Supporting, though I’m pretty sure Glass will pick who escorts him later.

Can they set up a little arena for him to beat down some tough plants? They can see what happens when he wolfs down a plant as long as they don’t make it too easy for him. He seems to like the hunt.

Also, crackpot theory to propose to Rintrah - Donny is based on the faerie flowers and they’re used for astral projection. They could have projected him into others and let him learn things he otherwise wouldn’t know, like a different form of our spider-sense. He could also be using that same principle to find things he wants like the bloodsucker plants since he can project himself outward until he finds it. Which would be broader than finding plants, but he’s interested in food so that’s what he used it for.

It could also be a crutch for accepting mutations into him. An astral form should reflect who you are, and if he’s “becoming” what he eats on an astral level it could guide him so his physical form matches.

Might open him up to the same concerns that Abe deals with when things “stick” to him and he has to clear it off.
>”He’s not gonna go for that. Not unless we sweeten the pot.”
>”Maybe we can try and space these out by scheduling regular check-ups. I’ll grab a Morlock or two to escort him here and back.”

Taking these. Writing...

Interesting theory!
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You shook your head.

“He’s not gonna go for that. We’re gonna need to sweeten the pot.” you proposed.

“Maybe we can try and space these visits out by scheduling regular check-ups. I’ll grab a Morlock to escort him here and back.”

“Hrrm. So long as you can get him to agree, that is.” Rintrah pointed out.

That was true. You should probably practice what to say to him before you actually initiate the conversation.

Yup, that’s it. You’ll just walk right up to him and say-


>”Good news, Donny! I got Rintrah to agree to let you come back here to snack on more plants. It won’t be every day, but I think they can spare some of the less endangered ones.”
>”Hey, Donny. So…the results came back, and Rintrah thinks that there might be something wrong with your new body. But, don’t panic. If you keep coming back for regular check-ups, then you should be fine.”
>”Donny! Glass just told me that he wanted to assign you a very important mission. Doctor Strange doesn’t have enough hands to help him with his Halloween decorations, so he needs you to jazz up the Sanctum Sanctorum while he’s gone. Do you think you’re up to the task?”
>”Have you ever wondered where I got those fairy flowers from? I can take you there someday. I’d bet they have lots of plants that we’ve never even seen before. But I’ll only take you if you agree to help Rintrah with a few things every now and again.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>”Hey, Donny. So…the results came back, and Rintrah thinks that there might be something wrong with your new body. But, don’t panic. If you keep coming back for regular check-ups, then you should be fine.”
>>”Have you ever wondered where I got those fairy flowers from? I can take you there someday. I’d bet they have lots of plants that we’ve never even seen before. But I’ll only take you if you agree to help Rintrah with a few things every now and again.”
So, I won't be able to update until tomorrow, but I was wondering how you guys wanted to proceed? Would you like to wait for more votes to roll in, or should I just flip a coin when I'm available to write an update?
I'll support this one to get things rolling.

So is Donny childlike considering his age? Or more teenage or adult? The general spookiness is making it tough to gauge.
>”Have you ever wondered where I got those fairy flowers from? I can take you there someday. I’d bet they have lots of plants that we’ve never even seen before. But I’ll only take you if you agree to help Rintrah with a few things every now and again.”

Taking these. Writing...

Donny's behavior has been noticeably erratic. Ben's having a hard time getting a solid read on him because he isn't always consistent.
“Have you ever wondered where I got those fairy flowers from? I can take you there someday. I’d bet they have lots of plants that we’ve never even seen before. But, I’ll only take you if you agree to help Rintrah out with a few things every now and again.” you promised, gesturing at the green minotaur.

Rintrah tried to give him a friendly smile, but you could tell that Donny’s attention had turned inward. After a while, he finally nodded to himself, and then at you.

“Pinky promise?” Donny asked, extending a gnarled pinky finger in your direction.

“Pinky promise.”

You locked pinkies with the giant plant creature and shook on it. You weren’t sure if you’d be willing to make good on that promise in the future, but it was the only thing you could think of to make him agree to Rintrah’s tests. Hopefully, you could get this whole mess sorted out without having to deal with Donny in a less pleasant way.

“Excellent. When can I next expect you?” Rintrah asked Donny.

The plant boy scratched his chin thoughtfully.

“Gee, I dunno. I’ve got a pretty packed schedule these days.”

“What could you possibly be busy with?” Wong said, a mildly condescending look in his eye.

“Oh, lots of stuff, baldy. Lots and lots.” he claimed, earning him a glare from the Asian man.

“We’ve got a Halloween party to plan…”


On the way back to the park, Donny was surprisingly well-behaved. He stopped to help an old lady cross the street by physically lifting her up and stretching his legs from one side of the street to the other, and he used his long arms to hold doors open for people entering nearby buildings.

He must’ve been in a good mood after having eaten his fill at the Sanctum Sanctorum. Either that, or he was trying to earn some good boy points so that you’d make good on your promise to take him to Neverland one day.

Or…maybe, just maybe…he was still a good boy, deep down? Like…deep, deep down.

You didn’t know. You’ve never had to deal with anything like this before. Hopefully Rintrah can shed some light on the situation. Until then, you’d have to fill Glass in on what had happened.


“Someone's been busy.” Donny observed.

“Yeah, no kidding…”

It was hard not to admire the work ethic of Ember and the others. In the time that you were gone, the park looked like it had been completely remodeled to fit within the Halloween theme that Screwball suggested.

The trees, which had once been healthy and rich with autumn leaves, were now dark and sinister-looking. Their branches were crooked and slightly spiky, with tombstones and lit jack-o-lanterns planted nearby.

Cackling witches and wailing spirits circled overhead, and large bats and spiders flitted between the trees, so close that you could almost touch them. You were sure that you even spotted a spiffy hat or two amongst the group of oversized arachnids.
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“Why's that guy following us?” Donny asked, pointing out a creepy man in white rubber mask.

Far off in the distance, Michael Myers was unsuccessfully hiding behind a tree. You wondered how long he'd follow you, when your thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Iara and Glass flying towards you.

To be accurate, though, it was Iara carrying Glass through the air by the waist. At least this time she wasn't stripping him naked.

“Hey guys, how'd it go?” Glass asked as Shark set him down.

“Strange wasn't home this time, but my friend agreed to look into a few things to make sure that Donny was okay. We agreed to bring him back there every so often for more check-ups.” you explained.

“Did you have fun, Donny?” asked Shark.

Donny patted his stomach.

“Huntsman wasn’t lying about there being good food there. I can’t wait to go back.”

“That’s great. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” Glass said, a clear note of concern in his voice.

“Shark, would you be okay with going there with him and Nature Girl next time?”

Iara’s eyes sparkled at the suggestion.

“Uh, yes!? That sounds way cooler than carving pumpkins.”

Glass scoffed.

“You carved all of yours with laser vision. You barely lifted a finger.”

“And you did yours with knife hands. Besides, I think Nature Girl was getting mad at how I kept ‘lasering’ mine all the way through.” Shark said with a shrug.

Donny took a small, almost imperceptible step back.

“You should probably learn how to control that better. It’d help to avoid accidents.” Glass advised.

“I just wish we had a Danger Room to use out here.” he muttered.

“What’s a ‘Danger Room’?” Shark asked.

Donny looked interested in hearing the answer as well. But you had bigger things to worry about at the moment.

“Shark? Where’s my phone?”

Both she and Glass turned to look at you.

“Huh? Oh, that! Yeah, I gave it to someone else to hold.” Iara said.

You folded your arms over your chest.

“Why would you go and do that? Your pumpkin-carving experience sounded pretty ‘hands-free’.”

“This outfit doesn’t exactly come with pockets.” Shark claimed, patting her thighs.

“I’ve got some on my jacket, but I didn’t want it to fall out and break.” Glass added.

“Well, who’d you give it to?” you asked.

Shark let out a thoughtful hum and tapped the side of her face with a clawed finger.

“I think I gave it to Beak to hold.”

“You think?”

You had to try very hard to refrain from lashing out at the amnesiac shark woman. She probably hasn’t owned a phone in a long time, if ever. But you needed to find that phone!

All your contacts, criminal and otherwise, were on that phone! As well as some pretty damning evidence linking you with Ben Parker. And there was a certain pink-haired, streamer gremlin walking around that hadn’t done nearly enough to earn your trust with that kind of information.

What will you say/do?

>Enlist nature Girl’s help to find your phone. This park ought to be teeming with little critters that were perfect for the job.
>Have Iara fly you around the park to retrace her steps. Someone here has to have your phone.
>Use your second phone to call your first phone. Maybe someone will pick it up and answer.
>Get in contact with Ember and fill her in on the situation. She might be able to create something that can help with your little dilemma.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>”Shark. For future reference, there are people who would kill me with what’s on that phone. Please don’t lose it in the future.”
Be calm while saying it. No sense being upset while we still have a mission to do.

>Get in contact with Ember and fill her in on the situation. She might be able to create something that can help with your little dilemma.
I assume there aren’t a lot of electronic devices in the area that weren’t created by Ember or brought in by Screwball. Anything that could pick them up shouldn’t have to deal with much chaff if it can exclude Ember’s constructs.

We could also try calling it if we rope in Callisto or Joyce. With their senses they may be able to pick up on the ring.
>>Get in contact with Ember and fill her in on the situation. She might be able to create something that can help with your little dilemma.
>Have Iara fly you around the park to retrace her steps. Someone here has to have your phone.

This option is the one that feels like it has the most fun hijinks
>Get in contact with Ember and fill her in on the situation. She might be able to create something that can help with your little dilemma.

Taking these. Writing...

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