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"You can offer a million prayers to the Omnissiah, dust the chapel and perfect the rites and get no closer to truth. Our prison of ignorance is not something we can travel beyond. The key we've lost is more than something drifting in the void."
-Anonymous Explorator, disavowed by council edict

A change of fortune diverts you from the cliffs, to a place you never expected to be - the heart of the Omnissiah's worship in Odrev. Once you arrive, though, you find it increasingly difficult to focus on what's literally before you.


Read the previous threads at: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=False%20Woman

You possess an amount of Strain equal to your Conditioning score. When attempting actions beyond your current capacity, you gain a point of Strain. Attempting to Strain while at maximum Strain will result in a Strain Check. During a Strain Check, roll 1d10 for every point of the relevant Parameter. Results that are 6 or above count as one success. Results of 10 count as two successes. Three successes must be rolled to avert a critical failure. Fail or pass, after a Strain Check, you cannot Strain again until you restore your Strain by seeking shelter.

This quest allows you to designate a second-choice vote on decisions with three or more options before Write-Ins. When votes are totaled, the option with the least votes for it will be removed, with votes for that option instead being changed to the second-choice of those voters. Second-choice votes are also used to break ties. This helps increase the accuracy of votes, but is not mandatory. Please specifically mark your second-choice as such if you do so.

Vote stay open for a minimum of six hours, but will usually take longer.

A note: My writing style is pretty dry, but don't mistake that for it being serious.
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“He is rather large, yes.” You muse, measuring out a few more arcs and making a line with your quill.

Korash-22 shoots you a strange look that you don't quite parse.

“Despite that, he's a strangely comforting person. I feel more assured in my work, knowing that he is looking out for me.” You continue. “...even if that work is... ah... keeping a big plate safe.”

Korash-22's expression had changed further, one eyebrow going up. You still weren't quite sure what he was trying to convey to you. At your final words, he scoffed lightly. “Nonsense. Tis a holy relic. It's best kept in the guard of someone who... pardon my candor, but someone who does not have anything more important to do. The time of a priest should not be wasted on such trivialities, that's what we have apprentices for.”

“No offense is taken.” You reply. “Do you think of me as an apprentice, then?”

“No, you're someone who seems to be tripping her way into becoming an initiate. Even better, in our example.”

You smile a little. “So what is your interest in Corvus Lictor, if not spiritual? Properly entombing and consecrating the machine would not serve a practical purpose, would it?”

“You forget that I am a historian, girl.” Korash-22 smoothed out the map. “Merely studying the site of such a machine would be my honor, though I would be remiss to imply that Corvus Lictor serves no purpose. From your description, it is remarkably intact, the strength of the STC evident yet again. It may yet be restored to full functionality. Or at the very least, made part of other machines, such that it's legacy is carried on.”

“Ah, so still a practical feat.”

“I honor the gods in my own way.” Korash-22 rolled his eyes. “Machine God and Emperor all. Beyond what soothes the mind of a lector, I think to advance our position not just through faith, but the steel it preaches about. Nothing more. Restoration is equal to discovery and manufacture when it comes to honoring the machine. You would do well to remember that, if you continue to stumble.”

“Does Odrev have the industrial capacity for such a feat?” You glance up, pausing in your measuring.

“Don't be silly.” Korash-22 shook his head. “It would need to be transported off world, or somehow made better use of here.”

“Better use of?”

“There is many a titan that has ended it's life honored as a holy power generator.” Korash-22 waved his hand. “There are many uses for a particularly powerful and oversized plasma generatorium.”

You frown, slightly. “It seems like such a shame for a machine like that...”

“Even titans must cease their labors sometimes.”

“Mmm.” You move the compass a few more positions, making a line with the edge of a bone and dragging the quill along it. “Done.”

Korash-22 leaned in curiously, then frowned. “This is your entire route?"
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“Yes.” You nod, gesturing to the map. Across the topological map, you had drawn a series of rough lines- plotting every single minute turn you had remembered the convoy making in that time would have likely been pointless and confusing to read, so instead you have opted to draw straight lines across average sections. It wasn't perfectly accurate, but it was also representative of the actual route Cad had taken you across the floor on. Looking at how your remembered position diverged from the buoy lines on the map only confirmed that, although the actual distances were only estimations based on your memory of your rough speed and travel time. “From the elevator and across the floor...”

“I see that.” Korash-22 leaned closer. “You are sure of the positions?”

“I was distracted or asleep at several points...” You concede, taking a step back so that the Magos could lean over the map, tracing the lines with one of his augmetic fingers. “I am fairly certain it is accurate to within a kilometer of each point."

Korash-22's expression was strained as he traced along your route, his finger trailing off into the scrap piles that lay to the east of the route. “And your encounter with the titan?”

“You are roughly there, sir.”

“...that can't be.” Korash-22 sputtered. “We looked there. Surely you must be off."

You think for a second. “I'm sorry, Magos, but at worst, I would say this route would be off by... five kilometers?” Glancing to the side again, you retrieve the compass again and measure out a circle that would intersect the edge of the path you had drawn, five kilometers across. “If it was off, that would put it's location anywhere within this area.”

“But that can't...” Korash-22 stroked his chin. “...the spirits work in mysterious ways indeed.”

“So what will you do?” You ask.

“Search the area more thoroughly.” Korash-22 admitted. “Probably concentrate the skitarii I requisitioned in one place, then consult with a transmechanic as to the possible nature of sensor distortion from a malfunctioning augur array.”

“That is a more plain statement than I would have expected from a Magos."

“Perhaps I'm different than other Magi.” Korash-22 chuckled weakly. “There is a large amount of electromagnetic radiation in the foundations, it is not unreasonable there could be gaps in our data.”

>"If it helps, I could go down there myself? Retrace my steps?"
>"...you know, I have a certain... connection with Corvus Lictor. I think."
>"I wish you luck."
>Ask him about something else while you're here.
Pardon the lengthy delay. Part of why I was struck so off-guard by the last thread ending was that I was dealing with some stuff that would have caused delays anyway. We're back, now.
>"...you know, I have a certain... connection with Corvus Lictor. I think."
>Ask him about something else while you're here.
"Perhaps we could illuminate one another's paths, as much as I have enjoyed 'tripping', what should I expect if I continue here? I have done a... lesson?Assessment? Activity? With Artisan Trisa-Cant-8."
>>"...you know, I have a certain... connection with Corvus Lictor. I think."
>"If it helps, I could go down there myself? Retrace my steps?"
>"...you know, I have a certain... connection with Corvus Lictor. I think."
>"...you know, I have a certain... connection with Corvus Lictor. I think."
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“...you know, I have a certain...” You search for the words. “...connection with Corvus Lictor. I think."

Korash-22's head twitches minutely towards you, internal augmetics briefly whirring. There's a flash of white in the corner of your vision as he looks at you. “Is that so?" He says with forced calm.

“Ah.” You pause. Perhaps it was not wise to bring that up around such a secular techpriest. “I apologize. That was too forward of me.”

Korash-22 jerks slightly - in surprise this time, you think - and glances to you. He clears his throat carefully. “Not at all. I've been known to, when I hit a dead-end in my studies, make the occasional spiritual appeal for answers.” He glanced upwards, then added. “Or when it seems trivial, but don't tell the lectors that. If this keeps up, you might just have to make an appeal to Corvus Lictor on my behalf.”

You nod. “Of course, Magos.”

>"...you called me an initiate before. If I continue, uh, ‘tripping’, what comes next?"
>"Are priests with your beliefs common?"
>"I didn't even know the Mechanicus could make an appeal without a machine to pray to."
>>"I didn't even know the Mechanicus could make an appeal without a machine to pray to."
>"I didn't even know the Mechanicus could make an appeal without a machine to pray to."
>"I didn't even know the Mechanicus could make an appeal without a machine to pray to."
>too long tooo boring>>6035954 not enough options or orr rolling ops..


SCP thread's? n e 2..

4 2

106 vs 096

>"I didn't even know the Mechanicus could make an appeal without a machine to pray to."
“I didn't even know the Mechanicus could make an appeal without a machine to pray to.”

“Data-meditation involves nothing more than a cogitator. It's quite common.”

“But a cogitator is a machine.” You frown. “And machines had to generate the data in the first place.”

“This is true.” Korash-22 allowed. “However, data in it's purest form is untethered from anything that is not one's mind.”

Your brow furrows. You could see how that made sense, at the very least in the sense that when you performed your own calculations, the information was rather firmly stored only within your mind... but wouldn't you still have to read it or gather it from somewhere...? “I'm not entirely sure I understand.”

“Perhaps that is to be expected.” Korash-22 turned away. “Regardless, if one lacks... ah... sophistication, you can make a crude appeal to the Omnissiah themselves. Think of it as... ah, attempting to draw the spirits back into a vessel they had fled. Yes, that's it.”

“So you would have me make a similar appeal to Corvus Lictor?” You say.

“Er- well, yes, that is what I'm saying.” Korash-22 demurred slightly. “I spoke out of turn, perhaps, there is really no reason to...”

>"I understand, Magos. I was merely curious."
>"Is it possible for you to teach me this?"
>>"I understand, Magos. I was merely curious."
>"Is it possible for you to teach me this?"
Speak to the lobot
>"I understand, Magos. I was merely curious."
>"Is it possible for you to teach me this?"
>"Is it possible for you to teach me this?"
>"Is it possible for you to teach me this?"
I'm realizing I narrowly averted "Is it possible to learn this power?" by inches in retrospect.
“Is it possible for you to teach me this?” You learn forward.

“Oh, ah... it's a delicate ritual, Lebesnati, it varies by the focus involved, and there's no knowing that...”

“Does that mean it's possible?”

“It is, but to a layperson, it might as well be...”

“Tell me the steps, Magos. I will progress through them.”

Korash-22 looked nervous. “I do not wish to give the impression that this would be easy or even permissible. You are not even an ordained techpriest.”

“Would it be heresy?”

“Of course it's heresy!” Korash-22 snapped. “Is it not heresy for one of the laity to perform the rites of the Fabricator-General on Mars Itself? Of course it is!” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I apologize. You are merely trying to gather knowledge.”

“I meant no offense.” You reply impassively.

“I know.” Korash-22 sighed. “What I am trying to say is this: this is not a simple rite. One does not do this without preparation, as it does not even have any guarantees. It is a very delicate rite, and a very secure rite. I would never guarantees- guarantees that you could not provide to me in a scant few days. One does not simply jump from initiate to priest in a few scant weeks.”

“And you could not do it for me? Or assist me?"

Korash-22 was silent for a few moments. “In theory I could.”

>[Logic/Strain] “You need to find Corvus Lictor through this interference. I want to know more about Corvus Lictor. We stand to gain more if we cooperate.”
>[Intuit/Strain] “Please, Magos. Tell me what I need to do.”
>[Logic] “If you cannot teach me, then point me to who can.”
>"I will not force your hand, but if you ever reconsider..."
>"I feel like I perhaps overstepped my bounds at some point in this exchange."
>>"I will not force your hand, but if you ever reconsider..."
>>"I feel like I perhaps overstepped my bounds at some point in this exchange."
>[Logic/Strain] “You need to find Corvus Lictor through this interference. I want to know more about Corvus Lictor. We stand to gain more if we cooperate.”
>>[Intuit/Strain] “Please, Magos. Tell me what I need to do.”
>[Logic] “If you cannot teach me, then point me to who can.”
>[Logic/Strain] “You need to find Corvus Lictor through this interference. I want to know more about Corvus Lictor. We stand to gain more if we cooperate.”
Bentus did you know you're a recurring character in a (pretty good imho) quest? >>6038980
>"I will not force your hand, but if you ever reconsider..."
>[Logic/Strain] “You need to find Corvus Lictor through this interference. I want to know more about Corvus Lictor. We stand to gain more if we cooperate.”

Bentusi have wares if you have coin. Frankly it's just good taste to have Homeworld references, though tragically I don't read many quests when I'm actually running one. I have to be sort of careful with my media intake when I'm questing, or else I get distracted too easily.
Great example today, actually. Lately a friend has been streaming Andor for movie night, and so today I have three short Star Wars bits and am now out of time to write the update. So, uh, push that to tomorrow.
>three short Star Wars bits
I wrote three short shitpost-esque things for various Star Wars things about the length of a quest update, all of them related to obscure shitposts or campaigns I'd played in the past. I have a few notepad documents that I'm usually writing in on the side. A lot of times I find it difficult to focus on writing the quest if there's something else I've been thinking about, so it's good to keep the cobwebs clear.
I swear I'm working on the update and not just mainlining Elden Ring. It's actually turned out to be quite long so please bear with me.
I can't believe Bentus is fucking DEAD
How could you come into this thread- my own thread and say that to me.
I am so sorry this update is spiraling out of control. We might be on track for the longest update I've ever written. At first it was because the DLC was out but it's been three days and I haven't touched it because I've been writing.
>spiraling out of control
A recurring theme for your intentions with this 'one shot'. You consistently deliver though, so I'm keen.
It may not seem like it, but it's actually given me a ton of good insight into prep and the things that are valuable to prep for a quest (versus say a tabletop campaign) and the things that didn't matter. The first one hundred updates of this quest were buttery smooth sailing thanks to some new stuff I'm trying out behind the scenes.

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