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Past Threads
>Rentry masterlink, includes character sheets, shop information, inventory, and general information
>Popularity Contest Round 2

A couple months ago, the world changed forever.

Individuals worldwide began manifesting the qualities of various figures- gods, spirits, heroes, beasts, and monsters- from Greek mythos. The system that caused and continues to facilitate this phenomenon is shrouded in mystery, both in how it functions and why it began its activities when it did.

The protagonist of this tale is the incarnation of Atë, a minor goddess in the grand scheme of Greek mythology, who causes and presides over folly and ruin. She, formerly a miserable but ultimately normal office worker, has since accepted her role as the embodiment of her <Myth>. She, along with her partner in crime, the incarnation of Pheme, titan of rumors and gossip, have been working to expand their influence and stack the deck in their favor against not only mortals, but also rival incarnations. In her own eyes, she is no longer human. Her ultimate goal- the elimination of all rival incarnations and, eventually, complete and total world domination.

After striking a deal with the incarnation of Perdix, Atë set off to hunt down the mysterious Isa, a prominent religious leader and military commander in the Arab world. In order to locate him, she infiltrated the ranks of the Penitent, a mysterious multi-religion wide heresy that worships a messianic figure referred to as the Uncrowned King. However, unbeknownst to Atë, the King was not only real, but incomprehensibly, existentially terrifying. More shocking still, the system itself is more likely than not the product of a similar eldritch entity.

Disguised as a soldier among the ranks of the Penitent, Atë managed to make her way into a conflict between the cultists and the forces of Isa (and some unexpected allies sent by Russia and China). While she managed to crush both forces with her new abilities, she ultimately failed to eliminate her target before Crimson Dove, a battle hungry huntress she met at the Auction, got to him first.

Now an enemy of the Uncrowned King as well as an object of caution in the eyes of the great powers vying for control of the world, Atë has managed to establish herself as a player on the world stage. Whether or not this will be a boon or a bane has yet to be seen.

You return to your allies, happily humming to yourself as you think about the horde of authorities, influence, and items you just secured for yourself. As you land, you see the Manticore and Pallas lazily playing gin rummy while Isabella pokes at nothing, presumably fiddling with the system.

“Hi, Rosa! Welcome back!” She seems happy. Too happy.

“How did your betting go?”

“It went great! For a minute there, I was worried you’d side with the incarnation army at the end there, but I knew I had you pegged as the ‘burn it all down’ type. Eris does like you, after all.”

“Eris likes you too,”

She lets out a dramatized grunt of pain, “Et tu, Huber?”

“Don’t ‘et tu’ me, Brutus.”

“What do you mean?” she asks, guilt painted all over her face.

“You bet on Dove, didn’t you?”

She starts to visibly sweat, “Hahaha whaaat? No, I would never. I mean, you and I are buddies right? Haha, I always believed in you.”

“Ladies, Ladies.” Dorota interjects, sliding out of your shadow, “What matters is, everyone wins! Isa is dead and none of us are. Is that not what really matters?”

“Easy for you to say. I didn’t even get a single good duel.” Pallas says with a pout. The manticore stays silent.

“Next time. Unless you wanted to get caught up in THAT.” You point to the bloody scene behind you. She puts her hands up in admission of your point.

You drive the RV back to the base in Israel. About halfway back, You hear a thud on the roof of the car and a knock at the door, despite the fact that you’re driving at more than 60 miles an hour. You open it, and see Dove’s head poking in from the top of the RV.

“Got room for one more?”

You let her in, and she flops down on the couch, picking her teeth with her knife. You notice the conspicuous absence of Isa’s heart.

“You may not have won this time,” she says, staring at you, “But you got really damn close. If I hadn’t used my trump card, I’d have had to share the kill with you.”

“Trump card?”

She puts a finger to her lips, her dagger still in her hand and now pointed at you, “Sorry, I don’t wanna share my methods. Especially since we might hunt each other some day. Still, it seems like I’m not the only one with tricks up her sleeve- if I hadn’t hightailed it out of there I’d have been in deep shit.”

You shrug and sit down on the table across from her, “Fair enough.”

Pallas and the Manticore are sitting in the truck while the rest of you are in the RV. Dorota is hanging out in someone’s shadow, while Isabella is mixing drinks at the bar and the two of you sit at the couch.

What do you want to do?
>Chat with someone (specify)
>Wait until you arrive
>Chat with someone (specify)
I want to get some insight into Dorota and whatever she's been up to
>Double-check with Dove if she thinks she killed the real Isa
We didn't receive <Pistis> or influence sufficient for a genuine world power, right?

You didn't receive the subjugation rewards period: the 10,000+ influence was solely from your directives. Dove, being the killer, would be the one to receive the credit
>Chat with someone (specify)
Compliment Dove on her poker face. If she had flinched on seeing our face we would have unleashed Deep Shit right then and there.
>>Chat with someone (specify)
Chat with Dorata. I want insight from her too. What is it like getting a front-row viewing of the Ate channel?

>Chat with Dove

“Still, I commend your poker face,” you say, “If I thought any of the soldiers recognized me- could have been you- you’d have been in ‘deep shit’ like that.” you snap your fingers for emphasis.

“Authorities help, but it’s a trick of the trade.” She replies, absentmindedly twirling her dagger in her hands, “Animals notice when you react. See you as a threat. People aren’t so different. We should go buck huntin’ some time- it’ll teach you a lot.”

You’re not sure if she’s actually talking about deer.

“So, what myth did Isa have in the end?”

“<Pistis>, but there was something pretty interesting I was gonna tell you about that. I killed the guy, got the subjugation reward and everything, but the <Myth> was gone.”

“Interesting. Is it possible that his soul got away?”

She shrugs, “Maybe, but if so all of the incarnation shit on it stayed with his corpse. The 12th level incarnation of <Pistis> is dead. Isa is dead. If his consciousness pops up again in some schmuck and if he regains his powers that only means I get to play again.”

>Char with Dorota

You’ve become able to recognize when Dorota is in your shadow: she is, and, as you proceed to the bedroom, you ask her to come out.


“So, have fun shadowing me?”

She gives a short chuckle at the pun, “It was interesting. Especially your trick with the chains…” she sighs, "It's just a shame I do not get to see what happens in those little- dreams? Illusions! you like to cast."

Seems like she might have learned of the existence of <Arts> by observing you.

“Fair enough. Out of curiosity, what do you get up to in your free time, anyway?”

“Oh, you know, striking deals. Having fun.”

A perverse smile, joined by a blush on her almost pallid, almost greenish skin, creeps onto her face as she reminisces over what she's presumably subjected people to. You understand perfectly how this woman deified at 100% synchronization. She continues, “Is there something specific you wanted to chat about?”

>Ask about a member of the pantheon (specify)
>Offer a deal (Specify)
Try and teach her Arts, if she's willing

>Ask about a member of the pantheon
Eris of course. And how long Dorota thinks she'll last before one of us crazy bitches goes for her.
Just started reading this quest, so I can't vote yet, but just wanted to give my compliments to the QM.

>Atë is now the same level as a former world-player incarnation
O shit
Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying the quest


>Ask about Eris

“Well, since you asked, she has actually been pretty busy- her and Saanvi and I think also Jen are pulling some scheme in Bangladesh. I’m not completely informed on the details- I was… otherwise occupied during the meeting, but she should be back sometime soon if everything goes well.”

“Do you think someone else is gonna try and take her crown?”

“Well, anyone will, it is probably Jen. Unless it is you, of course. Bella doesn’t care to lead, Saanvi recognizes that Eris is easier to use when she thinks she has power, and I, of course, am on team Atë,” she says with a wink.

“Thanks for the intel. Any updates on pantheon progress?”

“Saanvi claims to be looking for leads among the incarnation meeting places, but until further notice, the plan is to try to broker for more information at the next incarnation auction. I was surprised to learn that something like that was even a possibility, but I hear they have some pretty major incarnation power- and a whole lot of money behind it. At least that’s what Bella says. Have you been?”

“Yes, actually. It’s where I met Dove,”

She laughs, “For better or for worse, right?”

You sigh, “It is what it is.”

>Ask about something else (Specify)
>Offer a deal (Specify)
>Talk to someone else
>Wait for the RV to arrive at its destination
>Wait for the RV to arrive at its destination
>Talk to someone else
Is Manticore still being a bitch? You have way too much attachment to your shitty crime syndicate man
To be fair he seemed pretty weak for being world tier
Kronos is far more intimidating

>Wait for the RV to arrive at its destination
Aw no Arts tutoring
For what it's worth, I think we should keep Arts to ourselves, and those bound to us. Dorota wouldn't hesitate to kill us if the chance arose.
I would imagine Isa was basically a rebellious upstart
The fact that she didn't get his Myth really makes me think this was a remote-controlled body double or the like.
Fair it might even have been weaker than his normal body
Firstly (since I forgot to link it in the op, >>6037578) I have an email now for commissions and other inquiries: olympusqm@gmail.com


>Wait for the RV to arrive at its destination

You kill time playing cards and chatting with the other passengers until the RV arrives first at a checkpoint and then to its destination, a military air base from which you’re flown to the location you previously met Dayan at.

As you disembark from your jet, your party exits the plane and explains the broad strokes of what went down, including the incongruencies regarding Isa. Dayan seems concerned, but she seems convinced that the Isa dove killed and the Isa she knows are, at the very least, the same person. She has a brief phone call, presumably with one of the Commander’s men, after which she informs you that the Commander will give you your reward, and that you can meet with him to claim it at any time.

Isabella gives you a quick hug before popping her wings and flying off; she says she enjoyed the vacation, she’s been away from her family for long enough. Dove and Dayan are still chatting- it seems like Dayan is hoping that she might deal with the Defender in Western Europe for the sake of the hunt. Dove seems conducive to the idea, although she doesn’t seem to appreciate being used like a weapon by the IDF.

Dorota is still lingering in your shadow- it seems like she might want to tag along with whatever you do next.

What should you do first?

>Claim your reward from the Commander
>See what Eris is up to in Bangladesh
>Have a rematch with Dove- this time, the Defender
>See how your mafia men are doing
>Go back home and meet with Pheme
>See what Eris is up to in Bangladesh
It's been a while since we've seen her, and we missed one of her parties earlier.
>Claim your reward from the Commander
This then Eris, I think
>Claim your reward from the Commander

Curious to see if Omen still triggers...
>>Claim your reward from the Commander
>Keep Dorata in our shadow
Lets get it done first. I am sure nothing can go wrong.
>>Claim your reward from the Commander

Can we summon Isa with Ate's Plaything? He died, otherwise Dove wouldn't have gotten the subjugation rewards. And he succumbed to our primary directive, otherwise the system wouldn't have told us exactly that.

>Can we summon Isa?
You feel like you can, but you'll have to experiment with it to be certain of the specifics


>Claim your reward from the Commander

You change your gown’s form from a pair of practical exercise leggings to a skirt that drops all the way to your ankles.

“Move into the shadow of the skirt,” you say to Dorota, “We’re heading back to Europe.”

A chuckle rings out from below you as you feel her presence shift. Knowing on instinct that it will work, you use <Crash The Party> to drop in on Povondra.

You see him in his office, holding, almost caressing a photograph of him and his family- a wife, a teenage daughter, and a baby boy. He slowly turns his head up to look at you.

“So, how are the kids, Lubomir?” you ask, somewhere between a nicety and a threat. He looks back at you: his face is gaunt and large bags rest beneath his eyes. His hair and beard are groomed properly, but he seems greasy, like he hasn’t slept in too long.


You pause for a moment in surprise, “What? How did it happen?”

“It was better this way.”

A twinge of an emotion you forgot plays in your heart. “Povondra, did you... kill your own family?”

He casts a gaze that would be full of hatred were he not too broken for resentment, “They were beautiful. Pure. You showed me that the only thing waiting for people like that is suffering. I spared them that. I spared them what I saw.”

An involuntary chuckle slips out of your mouth, “You’re a sick fuck, Povondra.”

He seems too tired to respond.

You activate all of your stealth abilities and use your <Cloak> to fly. This time, you easily hit mach speeds as you jet through the clouds towards Vienna. As you fly, you use your secure line to text the Commander to meet you at the café you struck a bargain at.


You land, settling down in front of the quaint coffee shop. Inside, just as before, you find Kronos enjoying a cup of coffee as his lackey stands at his right hand.

As you enter, you can hardly contain your glee. <Preservation Instinct> and <Omen> still blare as you approach, but the feeling is completely different. When you approached him the first time, you got the impression that he was an insurmountable wall, that, no matter what you did or how hard you tried, victory was completely, laughably impossible.

Now, however, though your odds still seem next to zero- they are real. Of the billion billion ways the fight between you and him could go, at least a few of them result in you toppling the Austrian. A smirk tugs at your lips, which you quickly morph into a businesslike smile.

“I did as asked.”

“The circumstances seem more complicated than that but, essentially, yes.” The commander replies, placing his porcelain cup down on the little dish it came with. “You said you wanted to visit one of our divinity farms?”

>Yes, but I wanted a subordinate to use it in my place (Specify)
>No, I actually want an item
>No, I actually want an authority
>No, I actually want an epithet
>No, I actually want information
>No, I actually want money

Just realized I forgot to mention it: you took the fast track, but Pallas and the Manticore are headed to Austria via jet, same as they came
Jeez, we might have broken Pov to the point of uselessness
Might be better to just kill and replace at this point

Refill gown, fill sword
Now that I think about it, didn’t Pheme have a sword of Damocles title? Any relation with the item? We should ask her.

Oops, I'm realizing I said divinity farm instead of influence farm. They do have divinity farms and that is an option you can pick, but influence farms (like operation Sous Vide) were the original agreement
>"Run it by me, how do the influence farms work? What's my expected gain from it? I might just take a rain check and come back to it later. I have some personal projects to get to."
man we should probably start organizing our subordinates soon, we have many abilities that makes having many subordinates useful but we barely utilize them
Y'know, I have no clue what kind of epithets we should deliberately pursue to improve Atë. Probably one with a stronger monstrossification, one suited to a psychological horror?
Hey QM you forgot to put new titles on the charsheet, also can you create a pallas charsheet?

Also, if we were to summone palladium or playthings would they be immune to mind altering authorities?
I personally really want to get ride of some of our epithets we have before we start going on the hunt again, either via the authority manufactirer or via making new subordinates using an epithet holder, but I know that both of those options would be expensive

Right now for atë authorities we are kind of well set
> Yes

A little terrifying that we can wipe out a city in the blink of an eye and this guy is still way stronger than us. Admittedly time manipulation is pretty busted.


There's been a blur of upgrades, where did we end up using our free levels? Did we max out anything new?

>New titles?
Added, thanks for reminding me

I didn't post one before because I realized all of the sheets were becoming a bit too much info, but if Pallas is going to effectively become your new right hand man I should probably do that

>Palladium and Playthings?
They would be susceptible to some but not others: ones like <Whispers> that rely on things like desires wouldn't generally work, but illusions, stealth authorities, sleep and stunning authorities, and the like would still work as normal

Nope, all 6 are still available- in fact, let's hold a quick vote on it while I work on Pallas's sheet

Here are all of the 8th level authorities you possess- choose 3 to max out

>A: AThousand Faces, A Thousand Voices
>B: Touch of Madness
>C: Assess Hamartia
>D: Supernatural Speed
>E: Stealth
>F: Divine Armor
>G: Battle Acuity
>Write-in (any level 6 authority will take 4 of your 6 free upgrades rather than 2)
>A: A Thousand Faces, A Thousand Voices
>B: Touch of Madness
>C: Assess Hamartia
+1, max the CORE
>A: A Thousand Faces, A Thousand Voices
It does it all, and a miracles version at level 20 will be even better
>B: Touch of Madness
Our deadliest weapon. I have to wonder what a good miracle pairing would be...
>D: Supernatural Speed
Maybe miracle this with Thousand Faces? Just instant snap transformations for all occasions, lengthened arms, shift organs and blood vessels, all guided by our dear friend Preservation Instinct.

If there's a tie I have problem with ceding to >>6038068
Assess Harmatia is an excellent tool as well, though the risk of a block revealing us is a concern.
use the 6 charges like

I missed a lot!

I want to get Battle Acuity up to max too. My plan is that we should use it as a basis to make an Art. Not in a way that tasks our brain, but time dilation and information processing in our soul.
Transcend humanity, transcend that flesh prison, transcend the system.
and free up another authority slot... actually we should try to artsify every authority that we don't need for a miracle
More COREMAX support

I did think it was weird the farm was a divinity type but figured I just misremembered. Still want to use it so we can get an idea of just how effective it is, but the best way to level up quickly might be to follow Prometheus' example and wipe out King strongholds, considering how much influence the last one brought it. Sure a good bit of that was Isa's army, but now we have bonuses for killing King followers thanks to our titles.
no, the original pitch was influence farm.
and I hope people were voting for it to think it's the influence farm.
But I missed my window, I think.
>Yes, if it's the influence farm
otherwise just ask him for some of those divinity batteries with charge, don't need the hassle of going to a farm for divinity, when we already have a divinity relic commissioned
Party crash Prometheus and just be like "yo, let's fuck shit up for the king"
I agree, hunting the Penitent sounds like a productive way of garnering influence without actively targeting powerful incarnations. Plus, fuck the Uncrowned King
>Primordial Body (EX): Increases the effective level of all physical enhancement and regeneration authorities by half your level
Oh shit, that's a busted authority. Is there any method for Atë to copy that off of Pallas?
For now, not unless you kill her. Even then, you'd get a degraded version. Who's to say what would happen if you were to upgrade <Divine Servant>, though


Firstly, I wanted to point out a change I forgot to mention in Guerilla tactics:

Negates the information gathering effects of shop items, as well as similar effects provided by divine relics below fable grade.

Secondly, Pallas’s sheet is finished: https://rentry.org/pallas-incarnation-status

>A Thousand Faces, A Thousand Voices: 8->X
When you take the shape of a target, you may create a copy of a target’s consciousness (but not their soul) should you have an auxiliary brain in which to store it. You may either allow the consciousness to act in your stead while manipulating it with your mind altering authorities or maintain control and use the copied consciousness for information.

It is possible to freely manipulate your size so long as you remain within the bounds of 1 to 1,000 pounds.

>Touch of Madness 8->X
While a person is under the illusion effect of this authority, you may freely manipulate their body in any way you wish, including suicide. It is also possible to use their authorities so long as you are aware of their effects.

Once a target falls under the effects of this authority, it consumes their divinity to remain active rather than your own.

>Assess Hamartia 8->X
With a sufficient difference in level, it is possible to retrieve any piece of information about a target which they know, including but not limited to people or things they find important, possessions, incarnation status, bank account and government identification information, occupation, and age.


“You came at a good time,” the Commander says, “The <Moros> instance in Sous Vide just hit level 8: combined with the subjugation rewards, that’s 12,800+ influence.”

A pretty penny, to be sure, although it does serve as a depressing reminder of just how unforgiving the exponential price hikes can get.

“Can I wait until level 9?”

He shakes his head, “It’ll take too long. we can’t hold up our entire operation. If you believe the compensation is insufficient, we can negotiate something else.”

>Try to haggle for more rewards
>Ask for something else
>Ask for something else (Rights to hunt
cults dedicated to the Uncrowned King within the Commander's territory)
12800 influence is not really that much compared to what our new trait can yield through a few cheap massacres. If he says no, I'm fine settling for the 12800.
>>Try to haggle for more rewards
>grow another brain in our torso with Kronos' consciousness to gauge how haggling with him is going.
>"Throw in a couple of those divinity batteries and you have a deal."
Also, did we buy <Divine Will> last thread? Because it's not on the Authority list.
Backing >>6038258

Uh, they're a thorn in his side, and in the side of all world players. Instead of asking him if we can hunt them, we should be asking him how he'll repay us if we do hunt the ones in his territory.
Added at level 1


You try to replicate the Commander’s consciousness using the auxiliary brain in your torso, but…

><A Thousand Faces, A Thousand Voices> has been blocked by another authority!

It seems like either Kronos or his minion has some authority that blocks the gathering of intel, which likely includes this function of your <Faces>.

Still, you always have been good at cold reading.

“Firstly, I’d like to add a small bonus for my clear reward.”

“That being?”

“20,000 divinity worth of containers.”

He strokes his beard, “Doable. Secondly?”

“I’d like to add another arrangement- have you heard the news about the Penitent? About the Court of the Uncrowned King?”

“Cultists. Likely orchestrated by some incarnation.”

You shake your head: “No. The Uncrowned King is real- more than that, the threat is existential. The Court and the Penitent are capable of using divinity outside of the context of the system. I have the titles to prove it, and if I have to I’ll even sign a <Pact> to confirm the honesty of my claim if I have to.”

Kronos looks to his aide, and she nods to him. Looking back at you, he says, “Suppose I take your word for it. What do you want to be done?”

“If you ever discover a Penitent cell, let me know. If I can, I’ll drop by and exterminate them for you. In exchange, I’d like some reward equivalent to the size of the compound.”

“How do I know how much to compensate you? It’s not like I have any frame of reference for the capabilities of these compounds.”

“You can send a minion- your friend here would be perfect but anyone will do- to observe. Or, you can just take my word for it.”

He shrugs, “We’ll negotiate the specifics of each reward in advance on a case by case basis. For now, I don’t mind the arrangement.”

“So, about that influence farm? Do I have to go now?”

“Actually, that isn’t necessary anymore.” The commander takes his phone out of his pocket, taps on it a bit, and then hands it to you. On the screen is a red button.

“I just push the button?”

“That’s all there is to it.”

You push it.

>Congratulations! You have subjugated the incarnation of Moros…

>Influence: 14,759-> 28,093/204,800

>You have gained the authority <Death Knell!>

>Death Knell (1):
You clap, creating the bang of a gong instead of the normal sound. Any individual who hears it will feel a sense of doom and cynicism.


Would you like to take another authority from <Moros> or upgrade an existing one?
>Another from <Moros>
>Upgrade an existing authority (Specify)
>Upgrade <Supernatural Speed>
I forgot that this would yield an authority upgrade, lol
but wouldn't we need to copy him first before creating a copy of his consciousness?
so the pallas is a combo of both the childhood friend pallas and the giant that athena slayed in the the gigantomachia. also looking at that we should probably make pallas into our second divine servant whenever we upgrade divine servant miracle
Damn, he really deserves his industrial ritual title
Unfortunate that we couldn't look at the place to totally not copy later
>Upgrade <Supernatural Speed>

>also looking at that we should probably make pallas into our second divine servant whenever we upgrade divine servant miracle
On the one hand we can upgrade it right now
On the other we just got 3 more authorities up to X tier and can do some miracle experiments.

Question for OP - if a miracle is a bust and we want to discard it, what is the process?
>Question for OP - if a miracle is a bust and we want to discard it, what is the process?

You can simply delete it using the system interface.


>Upgrade <Supernatural Speed>

Influence:28,093-> 30,004

>Supernatural Speed: 8->9
It is possible to temporarily double the maximum speed of this authority. However, you can do this for no more than a total of 1 second per minute.

"The <Myth>, please."

He hands you an epithet crystal and, as agreed, you put the myth of <Moros> into it. He nods to his aide, who takes the crystal and hands you two aluminum canisters. Inspecting them, you see

>Divinity Canister: 10,000/10,000 (x2)
Holds divinity which can be transferred into other relics or weapons

You smile, "Pleasure doing business."

"So, feel like doing another job?"

>"Sure, whatcha got?"
>"No, I have business to attend to." (Specify, using either one of the options listed here >>6037781 or a write-in)
>"Only if it involves the King. The world's in grave danger, after all."
>"Sure, whatcha got?"
Might as well hear him out, plus the last one gave us some good world scale contacts
Also he didn't seem too enthused about paying us for the King work. If he's not taking them seriously, they'll migrate here from America and other hot locations until he's begging us to help wipe them out.
>"No, I have business to attend to."
Touch base with Pheme and lock in our alliance with the system. Or you know, find out she's been playing us for a fool. One of those.

...maybe mention we know the ultimate sadist for Pheme's revenge plot she wants to enact.

>Temporary double output
I wonder if Titanic Strength is the same.

>”No, I have business to attend to.”

He shrugs, “Fair enough. You have my contact details should you change your mind.” He flashes you a smirk, “Enjoy your vacation.”

“Right back atcha,” you say, giving him the finger as you waltz out of the café yet again without ordering anything.

You check your watch- it should be about time for your subordinates to fly in. You greet them at the runway and pick Pallas up like luggage. She gives you a nasty look and sticks her tongue out at you, kicking her legs like a kid throwing a tantrum. You tell the Manticore to go report to Slavíček, and he nods and exite.

“Everyone on board? Great.”

You decide to drop in on Pheme. You catch her playing some visual novel as she whirls around behind her and presses a button, switching her monitors over to her research and conspiracy theory tabs.

“Jesus Atë, didn't anyone ever tell you to knock?”

“Sorry, I didn't wanna have to fly across the entire Atlantic ocean to get here. I’m gonna drop this off real quick.”

“Don't talk about me like I’m a carry-on.”

You flick her on the forehead, forgetting for a moment that she has a base durability exceeding most metals. She's unphased physically but nonetheless offended.

You bring Pallas to your apartment and toss her your spare key. As she looks around, she shoots you a look of genuine pity that, in perfect honesty, kinda pisses you off.

You fly back to Pheme’s apartment, making a point to loudly knock this time despite having a key, and she lets you in.


"What can I say, I'm a natural comedian."

"And I'm a runway model," her smirk mellows into a more genuine smile, "Anyway, it's been a while. Sup?”

>Discuss the King
>Discuss formalizing your alliance
>Ask about something else (Specify)
>Exchange gifts
>”So, what was that game about?”
>”Let’s boot up some mario kart”
>"And I'm a runway model,"
I mean I'd take her out to a nice restaurant before rearranging her organs.
>Discuss formalizing your alliance
To business

Agreed, Pheme a best
>Discuss formalizing your alliance
Besties forever
>Discuss formalizing your alliance

It's telling that I think this moment worries me more than swallowing the King's Pearl thingy.
>"Check it out" hand her the penis enlargement authority for a good laugh
>Reveal Dorota
>Discuss going against Eris
>Discuss formalizing your alliance
lmao gold
>”So, what was that game about?”
>Exchange gifts
>Ask about her Sword of Damocles title

>Discuss formalizing your agreement

You think to get Dorota out of your shadow, but you find that she’s already slipped away. It looks like she swapped over to Pallas, most likely with the intention of either checking out your apartment or giving Iwana a good spook.

“Before we start,” you say, “I have something I wanted to show you.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“One weird trick! Doctors hate this authority.”

You say, tossing her <Blessing of Priapus>

She reads the text, bursting out laughing. Before tossing it back.

“Anyway,” you say, “let's get down to business.”

Pheme leads you to the living room of her apartment, sitting down on the couch and prompting you to follow. You do so, and she speaks.

“So uh, I’ve been thinking about that formalization agreement.”

She drops a stack of papers on the desk numbering at least 50. You flip through them- most of them are on loose leaf or digitally drafted and printed on blank paper, but a couple of them are written on everything from napkins to notebook pages. One of them is in what looks like marginally more expensive paper than the rest, but she snatches it away with a nervous laugh and a “how did that get there?”

“So um, how do you make friendship into a contract?”

Silence hangs over the room for a second before laughter racks your body.

What do you do?

>Drop the idea
>Sort through the papers and pick something that seems good
>Propose an idea (specify)
>Sort through the papers and pick something that seems good

It's a shitty truth that we're bad people and we'd both sleep better at night knowing we're contractually bound not to murder/kidnap/maim each other.

Listen, I'm the personification of bad decisions, and I just... I want to know I can't screw this up. I need someone. Not a slave, not a rival, not a tool or an objective, just a friend. Fuck, it's as much to protect you from me as it is to protect me from you.
>Friendship as Contract. Clauses:
>1. Your goals are my goals, vice versa. We agree to aid one another in our designs to the same degree that we would pursue them for our own sake.
>2. What's mine is yours, what's yours is mine. With exceptions made for weapons/relics/authorities/assets of particular importance to a given party, in the spirit of camaraderie we agree to share all but the most essential of items.
>3. Mutual defense of life, liberty, and property. To the same degree that one might act to protect one's own life, freedom, and possessions, we agree to extend such efforts to the other.
>4. Friendship is life lived in common. We agree to continue to hang out on a regular basis so as to further the bonds of friendship.
It's a bit radical I know, but I see no point in half measures. Pheme is probably the only one out there sane but amoral enough to agree to such terms with someone like Atë.
I’d prefer to just
>Drop the idea

Formalizing things seems to be the majority opinion though so if no one else wants to drop it I’ll back >>6038721
>basic friendship stuff:
>>We share each others secrets and goals, and we're not allowed to tell anyone.
>>We are still allowed to lie to one another if that lie doesn't endanger the other.
>>If we don't agree with the others goals or methods we voice our concerns, are allowed to try and talk the other out of it, or just opt out of helping.
>>But generally we support each others endeavors.
>Then the more dicey bits: shared property. Like a prenup, all marriages with prenups work out fine, don't they?
>>We do a basic 51/49 with one person taking lead, or any other percentages routinely agreed upon, depending on how the workload is split up and how it changes over time. So if we ever were to split, we know who would have to pay out the other.
>And regarding splitting up...
>>We still keep each others secrets and goals secret, as well as keep up an non-aggression pact that lasts for as long as we've been working together up to a max of 10 years. And in that time we should also allow us to make up again, of course.

First, the second round of popularity contest results are in! Atë reigns uncontested as the favorite (you) of the quest, and Pheme takes the overwhelming lead for favorite secondary character, with a single Eris vote undoubtedly sourced by someone who was either swayed by the 3rd OP image or is unwavering in their love for psycho chicks.

The silver medal is shared by previous winner Jane (the hind) and the incorrigible sadist Dorota, with a single noble soul writing in for Braun


Seems like people generally support

>Friendship as Contract. Clauses:
>1. Your goals are my goals, vice versa. We agree to aid one another in our designs to the same degree that we would pursue them for our own sake.
>2. What's mine is yours, what's yours is mine. With exceptions made for weapons/relics/authorities/assets of particular importance to a given party, in the spirit of camaraderie we agree to share all but the most essential of items.
>3. Mutual defense of life, liberty, and property. To the same degree that one might act to protect one's own life, freedom, and possessions, we agree to extend such efforts to the other.
>4. Friendship is life lived in common. We agree to continue to hang out on a regular basis so as to further the bonds of friendship.

Pheme looks over the contract you drafted, nodding along and chewing at a pen. "Uh, Atë?" She asks as she puts the paper down, "The terms look fine to me, but isn't this basically a marriage proposal?"

>"It might be a bit overboard, but I wanted to be thorough."
>"How do you figure?"
>"Til death do us part,"
>"Oops, I hadn't noticed that. Care to revise?"
>"Hey, your words, not mine."
>"I have a gender change potion and an interesting authority, if you're interested."
I kinda want to play Ate as ace tho
>"Marriage is just friendship with baggage, y'know?"
Can we have both? There's enough baggage here to fill a small torture basement's tool closet
>"Funny how the first thing you said was that you were fine with it."
>"Til death do us part,"
Do we even really need the potion at this point? Ate can grow bodily structures now. Just give her a biology diagram to work with. Kinky as shit.
>Ate can grow bodily structures now
yeah, but... Pheme can't
You think Pheme wants to be a dude? Serious question. I can't recall if she's ever expressed interest in the idea when we first got the potion.
no idea, I just put it out there.
and that's besides the point, but I kinda don't know how much we really shared besides what was onscreen text.
and again, I'm more on wanting to play Ate ace, and my own write-in ( >>6038947 ) was probably too late to even get others voted on.
The other write-in >>6038721 feels too much "We have to help one another, no matter what."
>Pheme can't
We don't have a Pheme sheet, we don't know that
Could we use a Fuser to combine Phylonoe's Mercy and the Sword of Damocles, and then stick that hybrid in the Arms of Khaos to get a shape-shifting anti-law anti-beast weapon?
heading to sleep. if the vote comes up, don't fuck Pheme.
That is possible, yes


You shrug, “Eh, marriage is basically just a friendship with baggage. And you and me? Baggage for days.”

“Ha, you’re not wrong. That being said, I think the terms of the contract are still a little absolute.”

The two of you spend the night quibbling over tiny points- like whether or not websites and sock accounts count as things, edge cases for contrary goals when it comes to things of trivial enough contexts- a whole hour and two pages of which dedicated to what counts as trivial- and, eventually, the two of you find yourselves passed out in front of a 30 page document that fits both of your standards.

You awake, roused by the meager beams of light that managed to sneak through Pheme’s blinds and curtains. You find her sipping a black coffee while looking over the terms one last time. You pick up your copy of the agreement, chuckling as you remember some of the petty arguments you had while forging it, and look up to meet her face.

Pheme picks up your copy and checks it quickly for tampering and text differences before handing it back to you. She pulls out a <Stygian Pact>, diligently copying the text onto it as you watch. She signs the bottom and hands it to you.

“Do you agree to the terms of the agreement?” she asks.

“I do,” you respond.

She smiles, “‘Til death do us part.”

You sign, and the contract goes up in crimson flames. You see the blaze reflected in the black marbles that rest where her eyes once rested.


You ignore the system’s interjection for now as the two of you stand, looking at the absolute wreck of papers, wine, and ink littered on the table. You look back up at her- you’re always surprised at just how much taller than you she is. Somehow, in your mind, she seems so much smaller.

Pheme raises her arm, dousing the table in a black slime which seamlessly picks up the trash. She lazily waves her hand, tossing it all into the garbage.

“So, uh, what now?”

>Discuss the King
>Discuss a major incarnation (Specify)
>Discuss Eris
>Ask for Pantheon leads
>Ask about your digital stalker
>Hang out for a bit
>Discuss a major incarnation (Whoever controls America)
We live here but Atë knows very little about whoever is dominant.
This - we know they have Heracles as a subordinate at the very least but nothing else.

Also show her your sword of Damocles and ask if there's any relation to her title of the same name.

Ask about the Sword of Damocles

She inspects it for a bit, then hands the sword back.

“No relation it seems. Guess there are only so many greek myths to work with.”

>Discuss a major incarnation (The Whittling Club, Heracles, and Prometheus)

“Honestly, of all of the major world powers, the Shadow Cabinet are the hardest to get a finger on. They’ve been hiding their existence as a body for centuries anyway, with only a few crazy internet conspiracy people,” she pauses, gesturing to herself, “even having a drop of real evidence regarding their existence. Heracles is a bit easier though- he’s been publicly operating on behalf of the federal government to subjugate monsters.”

She shows you some videos of a massive- maybe as tall as 7 foot- muscular man fighting monsters and presumably evil incarnations including some familiar faces: the Nemean Lion, the Lernean Hydra, and the Sphinx to name a few.

“The guy physically changed- I ran his face through some databases and couldn't find anything. I’ve been digging into crime databases and hacked VA records to try and find a potential candidate, but the going's been pretty slow.”

“And about Prometheus?”

She shrugs, “I’ve heard about his involvement in the penitent, but he's been incredibly careful about hiding his identity- if I had to guess, he’s wealthy, tech savvy, and decently clever- although that last one could be inferred from his deification anyway. He’s managed to sink his tendrils deep into the US government and military. At first, he was probably working on behalf of the Whittler’s Club but now he’s most likely a rival power to them in his own right.”

>Ask about the mortal origins and details of the Whittler’s club
>Discuss the King
>Discuss a major incarnation (Specify)
>Discuss Eris
>Ask for Pantheon leads
>Ask about your digital stalker
>Hang out for a bit
>Discuss Eris
>Ask about the mortal origins and details of the Whittler’s club

>Discuss Eris
Any idea of her strength level? Anything stopping us from just subjugating and thralling her the next time we see her? Hypothetically?

To avoid excessive exposition in the main thread, I’ve decided to draft a quick field report (written by Pheme) later, which I'll provide a link for when completed. For now, I’ll just go with:

>Discuss Eris

She strokes her chin, “She’s certainly been busy- specifically, she's been running around causing riots and hunting incarnations to grind levels like crazy.”

“Do we know why?”

“My number one theory is actually you.”

“Is she scared of me? Has Isabella shared intel about my power?”

“It's possible, but that's actually not what I think. Your arrival seems to have escalated the plan. I think she's actually taken a serious shine to you.”

“Really? We didn't spend all that much time together.”

“She saw in you a kindred spirit. Plus…” she trails off.

“Plus what?”

“I think in a lot of ways,” she gazes off to somewhere far away, “you might have reminded her of me. Or I guess, of what her and I used to be like.”

“So, do you think I can win?” You ask after letting the silence hang for a moment.

She leans back and shrugs, “Her level is undoubtedly lower than yours. Considering the lack of a demonstrated miracle, maybe even sub-ten (although that data is a couple days old). The easiest way to figure out her strength is to meet up with her- that’ll be the easiest way to gauge her.”

>Ask about something else (specify)
>Hang out for a bit
>>Hang out for a bit
mandated friend time :)
>Hang out for a bit

The visual novel. TEASE.

>Hang out for a bit

She smiles, “You know I’m down. So, whaddaya wanna do?”

Choose three. If you want, you can specify the order (daytime, evening, night). You can also choose to rope in one of your tag alongs- specify if you do so. For any option to select, you may choose to add more details if you have a specific idea in mind related to the activity

>Binge a tv show
>Play some video games
>Play a board game
>Grab something to eat
>Exchange gifts
>Take a flight around the city
>Go out for an activity (e.g. ice rink, bowling alley, arcade, pool/water park etc.)
>Go shopping
>Have Pheme pick
>>Grab something to eat
probably starving for comfort food after spending days in the middle east.
>Have Pheme pick

>What's Pheme's level?

other stuff on the agenda
>We talked about finding people before.
>Ask if she has some ideas for people to bargain and make incarnations
>Plan out fan meetups, we got to get them souls in.
>Go shopping
>Take a flight around the city
>Exchange gifts

Dang what does that sword of Damocles title she has even do, if there’s no relationship with the physical sword we have

At least we don’t have an obligation to give it to her now
The sword of damocles is a literary term referring to impending doom or danger IIRC. I can't remember exactly off of the top of my head.
>Atë is ~1.4 MILLION influence away from level 15
>We have cumulatively spent ~204,000 influence to reach level 12
Jesus Christ, we need to eat some more Penitent cities ASAP.
We spend 100k, and level 13 is 200k, 14 is 400k and 15 is 800k... well, 819200
Cumulatively as in for all levels from 2 -> 12.
I'm not even sure that's enough. We might need full blown popstar status for those kinds of numbers. Or go after major metro areas.

Maybe we should reach out to Prometheus and offer a deal? Let us build a brazenly open cult if we help him smash the King.
influence doesn't need to be spent to level up
you calculated 800k+400k+200k to get to those 1.4M

We're finally home and can focus on getting followers again.
We do fan meetups, there are 1500 people in our closer circle cult already, and if we only were to get those, that'd be 15k Influence a day, and that's just scratching the "cultists" of our list, while we can just gain more and more followers. And it wouldn't give us any notoriety.
But I think we should get a Lethe first in case things go wrong at these meetups.
We need community managers who can actually manage the amount of followers we have to organize these meetups efficiently.

We need to experiment with the working of Bargain too. Like, can we fill a hall with people and ask them all to give up their soul for their goddess. Or do we need to do it one by one.
The logistics of this need to be figured out.
>influence doesn't need to be spent to level up
Ah, my bad

>Grab something to eat
>Have Pheme pick something
>Discuss business

You leap to your feet. “First order of business,” you say, “I need a fucking burger. Do you have any idea how much military cult rations suck?”

She grins, floating off of the couch and into a standing position, “Alright, let's head out. I know a place.”

The two of you fly downtown, landing next to an old, 20’s style diner.

“This place has been here forever. Like, I remember what it looks like forever. My dad took me here all the time. Well, he used to anyway.”

You decide not to pry, opening the door. Pheme gives you a mock curtsy as she steps through the entrance. A woman in her mid forties greets you with a warm smile. “Sit wherever you’d like,” she says. You comply, plopping down in a booth next to a window. Pheme sits across from you.

You order the breakfast burger- you’ve been craving bacon, especially after going two weeks without pork- while Pheme seems to order a meal fit for four people, including a chicken fried steak, the same burger you got (but without the pickles), a stack of blueberry pancakes, and a slice of apple pie. She insists you order one as well, saying that they have the best pie in town, and you comply.

“So, how high have you been able to get your level?” You ask, using <Guerilla Tactics> to mask any odd or anomalous elements in your conversation.

“Eleven. Not quite as good as you but I’m still useful I think.”

You whistle, “How the hell did you manage that without offing anyone?”

“Well, I have caught a kill here and there while people sleep, but mainly I use these for influence.”

She pulls out a clump of feathers, which turns first into a crow, and then into a small child.

“<Feather Puppets>. I can create and manipulate fake people- I’ve created an identity for one that's been very, very successful in the politics sphere. Managed to get on one of those independent media networks. I peddle made up stories and misinformation to thousands every week.”

You give an impressed whistle.

Onto the next thing,” you say, pulling out an itemized list of all of your epithets and the known characteristics of the people who previously held them, “Let’s get down to business. You’ve been looking into potential <Divine Servant> candidates, yeah?”

“We really gotta get you some hobbies.”


“It’s nothing.” she sighs and pulls out a notes app on her cellphone, “First, I wanted to ask about the specifics of that new item you told me about.”

“<Folly’s Grasp>?”

She nods, “Have you tested what happens to people if you use your transformation authorities in their body and then undo the possession without reverting their form?”

You shake your head, “No, I haven't. Why?”

“Depending on what may or may not be possible, you have a considerable degree of leverage. For example, if a person is morbidly obese? Old? Insecure about their body shape? Has a small dick? You could find a million people who would sell their soul for a fix like that.”

>Test it out right now
>Leave it be until later
>Talk a bit more, but test it out soon. For now just talk.
>Tell her about the Level 12 Shop items
>Tell her we bought a ring that can story authorities at level one and mean to give it to someone whom we'd contract to play our streamer persona.
>Tell her we bought a chalice that creates a gender change potion. The "Gender Fluid", if you will. With some vague plans for giving it to a Dysnomia with an "Be gay, do crime" kind of shtick.

Is Feather Puppets her relic?
>“<Feather Puppets>. I can create and manipulate fake people- I’ve created an identity for one that's been very, very successful in the politics sphere. Managed to get on one of those independent media networks. I peddle made up stories and misinformation to thousands every week.”

Damn it, she's living our streamer dream but successfully

>Test it out right now

“A good thing to test out later,” you say as you fiddle with the wrapper of your straw. “For now, I have some information you might find helpful.”

You explain the items and authorities available at level 12, as well as some of the artifacts and items you’ve come to own.

“Practically, <Fusers> are by far the most useful. I’ve been tinkering with <Enchant Item>, but honestly, its usefulness is a bit dubious a lot of the time without a more fundamental understanding of how relics work.”

She pulls out an item, a small statue of Baphomet. You inspect it:

>As Above, So Below: Legendary Relic (0/10,000)

When imbued with a target’s divinity, either by relic, authority, or direct injection, creates a small simulacrum of the user’s soul which can be grown using the divinity of the user.

>Create Homunculus (5,000)

Temporarily recreates a copy of the target which, though completely unable to access the memories of the target, will retain their personality, preferences, and knowledge about skills and information which doesn’t directly relate to them. The homunculus will also be able to use authorities and incarnation abilities at half their normal level, rounding up. The simulacrum soul is destroyed upon the end of this function

>Soul Fetish (5,000)

Creates a life sized talisman in the shape of the target which can be subjected to a single attack. The attack, while unable to be dodged, can be blocked by defensive equipment or authorities. The simulacrum soul is destroyed upon completion

You stroke your chin- while there are certainly beneficial features to the item, the destruction of the simulacrum soul after the use of each authority, and its ability to only hold one at a time and only create one from any given item or situation, creates what can almost definitively be described as an ‘almost useful’ relic.

“Did you make this?” you ask. Pheme nods, “I’ve been using bad gacha results for enchant fodder. My original concept was ‘An artifact that I can use to help in a fight without being there.’ I can steal some divinity from a person while they sleep, but none of the individual functions are worth the investment I’ve put in.

“I have a contact- a real craftsman. If you want, I can-”

She shakes her head, “We can’t trust in that forever, especially where we’re going. We need to learn how to do anything we have to on our own.”

You shrug- she isn’t wrong, after all.

“Speaking of relics, have you bought your <Personal Relic> yet?”

She nods, taking off her rounded sunglasses and sweeping her hair out of her face. You notice that, though her left eye is the usual marble, the right is completely, endlessly black, as if you were looking into a bottomless pit.

“This is the <Omniscient Eye>. Theoretically I just have to hold it in my hands, but it was more convenient to just put it in my face.”

“What does it do?”

“Something pretty similar to your <Assess Hamartia>, except without the hamartia bit and a couple extra features.”


“I can use it to assess items, see through stealth beneath a certain effective level, and see divinity. It also synergizes with precognition authorities, allowing me to visually see what will happen next in addition to just kinda feeling it.”

You can’t help but feel a bit jealous.

“Does it work for all of your eyes everywhere?”

She shakes her head, “Only ones within an 11 mile radius of the relic.”

Solid, but far from all-seeing.

As you chat, the food arrives. The portions are massive- your burger is so voluminous that you have to strain your jaw to cram it into your mouth: Pheme’s plates are just as big, with a towering stack pancakes bigger than your face and a chicken fried steak that takes up so much of her plate that the piles of eggs and potatoes are crammed underneath, soaking in the savory white gravy as it pours off of the crisp fried meat.

The burger is an explosion of moisture- the juice of the tomatoes mingles with the grease of the burger and the running yolk of the sunny-side up egg placed above the melted American cheese. You wolf down the food, interchanging bites of the sumptuous burger and the thick steak fries piled alongside it. Pheme is devouring her three plates of food with no sign of slowing- you wonder just how she manages to keep so thin.

The meal was good, but the pie was the absolute peak of the experience. The warm, soft apples provide tartness and warmth to the buttery crust and the generous scoop of vanilla ice cream piled on top. Pheme pays the tab as you stumble out of the restaurant, more full and more satisfied than you’ve felt in a very long time.

“I wanted to go for a round of tennis but, uh-”

“Yeah, I think I’d die.” You say as you lazily float through the air.

“How about Mario Kart? I want my get back.”

>”Sure, but let me test out <Folly’s Grasp> first.”
>”It’s on, bitch.”
>”I’d rather do something else (Specify)”
>”It’s on, bitch.”
We will spare this restaurant our fury.
Visual novel teasing when?
Also we probably should call ahead for Pheme party crashes in the future. Common courtesy.
>”It’s on, bitch.”
>”It’s on, bitch.”

As the two of you return to Pheme's apartment, she revs up her switch and plops down onto the couch with a gamecube controller in hand. You follow suit, preparing to activate your host of new powers before Pheme pokes you on the forehead.

"No powers. Dick."

"Fine. I don't need them anyway.

>I need 3 rolls of 3d10. Specify between Normal, Cautious, and Reckless
Rolled 2, 2, 5 = 9 (3d10)

File: 20150223.png (261 KB, 684x2718)
261 KB
261 KB PNG
Rolled 4, 4, 10 = 18 (3d10)

Rolled 7, 10, 4 = 21 (3d10)

Rolled 5, 5, 7, 8, 6, 8, 6, 3, 10 = 58 (9d10)

I was gonna do it behind the metaphorical dm screen, but I'll show you the roll just this once. Reckless.

You race well, however, not only does Pheme have a marginal edge in skill, she also has an advantage which matters much, much more in Mario Kart.

An edge in luck.

When Pheme gets three red mushrooms from first place on Cheese Land, you almost throw your controller through her tv screen.

Minutes turn into hours as you play round after round. Eventually, after a series of humiliating defeats with sparce victories sprinkled in between, dusk turns into night.

Pheme gets up, stretching her undoubtedly tensed limbs as she flips the light switch on.

"The night is still young," she says, "what should we do next?"

>Wine and bad movies
>Drinking games (invite Iwana and Dorota over)
>Wine and bad movies
>Drinking games (invite Iwana and Dorota over)
>>Wine and bad movies
a classic

>Wine and bad movies

The two of you get absolutely, incoherently wasted off of impractically expensive wine (Pheme prefers white, but she seems to have more and pricier reds somehow). The extreme intoxication makes the entire Sharknado series even funnier than it already was.

You realize, somewhere at the halfway point of Sharknado 2: the second one and your third glass of wine that you genuinely aren't- and indeed, haven't been- stressed at all, despite probably being in more danger than you ever have in your life.

You smile. You honestly, genuinely smile as you watch Pheme stumble around the pantry like a newborn giraffe looking for her bag of oddly flavored potato chips. You realize then that Atë is happier than you ever have been.

“Hey Pheme?” You ask in the emotional phase of your drunkenness, “are we still us?”

“Hehe, whaddaya mean.” She says, sloshing her words in a way she never would sober.

You briefly explain the matter of your soul.

“Aaah I see. Think about it like,” she pauses while she thinks of a metaphor, “Russian nesting dolls? No, a GUNDAM.”

You cock your head in confusion. She continues, “If you rode a mech and put it on a scale, right, 99% of the weight would be the mass of the gundam. Over time, you can upgrade it and it might get heavier and the amount of weight you contribute might get lesser and lesser. But in the end, who’s piloting?”

You point your finger at yourself. She grabs your wrist and gently uses it to poke you in the Cheek.


You both go back to enjoying the movies and the drinks, and you find yourself awoken at 12 pm by the light of the sun, accompanied by a raging hangover and a very unconscious Pheme. You quickly <Regenerate> but doing so temporarily exacerbates the symptoms as it cleanses and, eventually and unpleasantly, ejects the toxins from your system.

Once you recover, what should you do next?

>Discuss something else with Pheme (specify)
>Discuss something else with Pallas or Dorota (Specify)
>Focus on streaming
>Drop in on someone (Specify)
>Contact Dove to see what she’s up to
>Discuss something else with (Pallas)
>How to git gud at fighting natty
It's been consistently mentioned throughout the quest that Atë obviously doesn't know how to fight outside of the context of the system. It'd be nice to receive some tutelage in how to act like a real fighter.
>Discuss something else with (Pallas)
>How to git gud at fighting natty

Test some things immediately
>Test out if we can bargain someone, <Folly's Grasp> them to change shape, and leave
>Test if Pallas gains influence from fighting a perfect <Atë’s Playthings> copy of herself

Continue building our empire
>Find people for our epithets
probably the first thing I want to fill. A Lethe would allow us to go around and try to bargain people without leaving a trail of bodies if they don't agree.
And I don't want to use the "submit or die" tactic again. Because it stops us from killing them once they outlived their usefulness.
>>Fake cyber_siren
On the low end we bargain someone's soul for a ring that allows them to shapeshift. We need to find someone whose personality aligns with us tho.
>>Workshop people for our other epithets like Dysnomia I mentioned here >>6040020

Once we do have a Lethe
>Test if we can bargain multiple people at once if we ask into the room if they want to give up their soul to strengthen their favourite streamer.

>Start a business
>>whispers and bargain some media company/news agency and have them create a branch to do investigative journalism on incarnations.
This would operate at a monetary loss, but it gives us a lot more intel to work with, and Pheme can stretch her feelers and rumors into every other aspect of the company too
Backing >>6040660
Fighting natty is cool and all but I want to be an immortal eldritch cognitohazard
this >>6040660 was me

I want to add that most of that is organizational stuff that can also be done by Pheme, or doesn't need quite that much time or stamina.
I'm also in favour of continuing to train our arts and make new ones, and train our normal combat skills, as everyone else here does.
I'm not opposed to any of your suggestions either desu
Maybe we can simplify to

>Test out if we can bargain someone, <Folly's Grasp> them to change shape, and leave
>Test if Pallas gains influence from fighting a perfect <Atë’s Playthings> copy of herself
>Learn from fighting Pallas/have Pallas train Atë
>Find people for our epithets
Seeing that the business stuff is more Pheme's realm
We ought to hand off our level 40 undetectable recordings to philotes too.

Maybe see if Pheme wants a level forty brain melter.

It seems like there's still a bit of division among the direction here so we’ll go with:

>Run <Folly’s Grasp> Experiments
>Talk to Pheme about divine servant candidates
>Train with Pallas

You call over Pallas to help with testing regarding <Folly’s Grasp> and <Thousand Faces>. First, you try as radical a departure as possible, extending the body well past human limits- she quickly reverts the moment you drop the transformation.

Next, you transform into a tall white man in her body. Again, the transformation is revoked.

Finally, you try to take a shape that would have worked with your earlier level restrictions for imitation- that is to say, within the bounds of genetic plausibility: you find a surprising amount of malleability in it- you can make Pallas almost a foot taller or a couple inches shorter, change, style, and dye her hair, and manipulate not only her level of fitness, but even the proportions of her body to an unexpected extent.

Nature vs nurture is a hell of a thing.


You give the results of your experiment to Pheme, and she lets out a chuckle,

“Honestly, I had expected it to not work at all. Genetic plausibility, eh? Yes, we can certainly work with that.”

She scratches at a printed packet of paper with her pen, adding some notes and crossing out a few names. In total, you have over 40 names with brief descriptions and projected synchronization rates. You thank her, before proposing your other idea.

“An incarnation investigation media company, eh? It's an interesting idea…” she trails off, ignoring you for almost ten minutes as she clacks away at her computer.

“Maybe doable! I’ll keep you posted.” She says, waving her hand in an obvious ‘I’m busy, leave me alone’ gesture

Once you arrive at your apartment, you approach Pallas, asking her to help with your martial skill.

“You want to practice combat without relying on authorities too much, huh?” She nods, “You did always seem a bit rough around the edges there.”

She looks around your cramped apartment, “We’re uh, gonna need more room.”

You nod, picking her up and flying off, alighting on a nearby forest clearing.

She gets up, assuming her combat form and using her spear to carve a training stick from a nearby log of wood.

“Bear your claws, but make them dull. Here are the rules- you can use your shapeshifting thing, it's how you fight, but only use it to change your proportions. Do NOT up your specs. Other than that, no superpowers.”

You follow along. She draws a circle around her feet.

“For now, your goal is to make me step out of this circle.”

A devious smirk settles on the now-man’s face: he might be a little pissed about how you've been treating him lately.


The sun has sunk below the horizon, leaving only the traces of its light across the sky. You lie flat on the floor like a starfish, regenerating a mountain of bruises and even a few broken ribs. Pallas stands smugly perched in his stupid circle.

“As I suspected, your natural instincts are very good. Particularly, your ability to calculate when it is good to take a hit and when not to, as well as predicting when an attack is a feint is quite excellent. However,” he pokes you with his stick, “your attacks are entirely too committal. You leave openings everywhere and, even if you can dodge them, you hand the enemy the ability to turn your attacks around and put you on the defensive. It's good to try to kill your opponent with your attack, but you seem to be unable to think about what happens if you don't.”

You want to beat her up, but you know she's making good points.

“I’m going to bed. Wanna come with, or would you rather sleep out here?”

She sighs, “Let’s make a stop at walmart. I need a sleeping bag.”

You fly back, worldlessly contemplating your inadequacies.

You awake the next morning completely healed of yesterday's wear and tear. What do you want to do today?

>Drop in on someone (Specify)
>Focus on streaming
>Focus on music
>Train with Iwana
>Look for a <Servant> candidate (specify)
>Buy a location item or quest ticket (specify)
>Practice an <Art> (Specify)
>Hang out with someone (Specify)
>Focus on streaming
Let's see how much kick strings gives us
>Focus on streaming
I really want to work on Down to the Core, but the boring stuff also needs it's due.
>>Focus on streaming
What do you do? I stream.
Feels like a waste after how hard we leveled after leveling that complex, but Pheme hit lv 11 like this so there must be potential
>>Focus on streaming
people don't stream so much early in the day, so I hope that includes the maintenance
>Start looking for editors and compile the video/audio we made while the gown was active.
>Feels like a waste
It's a surprise tool that will help us later! It's so much easier to take over the world when a billion people are a brainless turbo-simp that will do whatever you say without question.
It's the kill switch aspect. Especially with the new miracle improving the Whispers, we should be able to score at least a few hundred thousand influence by finally pulling the trigger on all these simps. Streamer cult plans don't interest me, mass destruction and death do.
people whose soul we bargained give daily influence. And even those who are not bargained, still pray to our idol. We should not slaughter our livestock
>Streamer cult plans don't interest me, mass destruction and death do.
Hi Eris
Guilty as charged lol

>Focus on streaming

You stream for the first time in a while, activating your <Strings> to increase viewer loyalty. You’re shocked by just how fast your discord grows just by pointing it out casually. Your general follower count also sees a substantial spike:

Follower Count: 186,837
Cult: 7,635

Also, tabulating passive influence for today and the past three days:

Influence: 30,004-> 40,109/204,800

You smirk- increasing the size of your cult really does net substantial passive income. You salivate at the thought of getting all of those souls to generate passive income for you

Where should your focus go to further your career?
>Just focus on advertising with <Strings> and streaming consistently
>Focus on networking with other public figures
>Plan a meetup for your inner circle
>Attend some sort of content creator convention (ie vidcon)
What I'd like to do is have a Philotes->Atë Indoctrination pipeline.

> Philotes levels up until she can buy Divine Realm, levels it up until it can hold/maintain a sizable mortal population.
> We furnish the Divine Realm with an <Idol> of us, or use the one we have.
> We use The Dress, Spotlight, Eutrype's Harp, any other bonuses we can think of, dig up, to create a "Become Atë's Devoted Worshipper" music video.
> Philotes gathers mortals into the divine realm, plays the music video for them.
> Indoctrinated worship slaves live only to worship us. They sever ties with family and friends to avoid people wondering where they went.
10k for three(four?) days of streaming, oh boy
>>Plan a meetups (plural) for your inner circle
consolidate the power we already have
still, I want a Lethe beforehand

>Attend some sort of content creator convention (ie vidcon)
I think it should be pretty obvious to other incarnations that cyber_siren is one as well, so I think we should GT ourselves the blue Aura that Brigitta had as siren

maybe we should roll for an GT/Thousand Faces miracle and see if we can use it to give false information out that lower incarnations will take as fact
+1. It doesn't excite me but I must kneel to 10k influence for a few days work.

Delegating away a significant part of maintaining Atë's income that would be fantastic.
>Just focus on advertising with <Strings> and streaming consistently
Especially good because Strings is tough to clear with DoS, so we'll ensnare other incarnations as well.

How do we feed them all and house them and dispose of their waste
>How do we feed them all and house them and dispose of their waste
All of those functions can be dealt with by a sufficiently leveled Divine Realm based on what Perdix said.
Might take Philo a while to get where he is, I got the impression he focused on nothing but that and item crafting.
I don't want to use Philotes for that, if possible she should have nothing that links her to anything evil.

Not that I'm against the idea, but this can similarly be on Lethe who makes them forget to have ever lived outside this Divine Realm.
With a combination of loving us and forgetting their original lives, we can make the perfect livestock.

we can always buy it ourselves, chuck it into a crystal and give it to them

It seems like the general consensus is:
>Set up a meetup with your inner circle, but first acquire a <Lethe> candidate

You check Pheme's list and, though there are several other candidates, the one with the highest sync rate ane bearing Pheme's strongest recommendation is one Frank Ciotti, a former made man in the New Jersey mafia, now reduced to a senile, borderline vegetable in a care home in the suburbs.

As you plan to depart, you consider your options

>Upgrade <Divine Servant>
>Buy an <Epithet Crystal>
It might take us a while to get there as well

>Upgrade <Divine Servant>
I remember a "who knows what could happen at higher levels" from somewhere.
>Upgrade <Divine Servant>
>Upgrade <Divine Servant>
I also remember that who knows and eagerly await stealing/copying <Primordial Body>.
Worried she'd get a reputation for her fans vanishing without a trace? She is a siren at heart you know.

>Upgrade <Divine Servant>

Influence: 40,109->30,109

The maximum number of targets for this miracle is equal to the level of this miracle plus one. You are able to channel any one authority held by any <Divine Servant>, using it as if you possessed it. The authority you choose to copy can be switched once every 72 hours. Similarly, each <Divine Servant> can copy an authority you possess in a likewise manner, with the effective level of the authority lowered to that of their incarnation level if it is higher

What should you do now?
>Meet with Pallas
>Meet with Dorota
>Head out to find the Lethe candidate
>Head out to find the Lethe candidate
>Head out to find the Lethe candidate

Ooooh we can make 3 now, I was expecting just 2.
>Head out to find the Lethe candidate

With the authority copying we can do we could pick up Siren's Voice from Philotes, and she could pick up one of our many useful tools. We'll want to check in on her once we acquire Lethe.
>Head out to find the Lethe candidate
Primordial Body time LET'S GO (after finding/creating the Lethe)

>Head out to find the Lethe candidate

Masked by your stealth authorities, you tear through the skies at supersonic speeds, crossing the sizeable difference between your residence and the sleepy New Jersey town in half the time a commercial airliner would. The day is still young as you land in front of the dilapidated retirement home specified by Pheme’s documents. You enter, uncontested and uninterrupted due to your authorities.

A distinct smell hits your nose, the trademark funk of the elderly, as you observe the sobering reminders of the effects of mortality. You're sure that, once, these people were as funny, intelligent, powerful, and beautiful as anyone else- now? Wizened, terrified husks with memories and time slipping all too quickly through their wrinkled fingers.

You find your man, drooling into a bowl of microwave soup as he murmurs a meaningless garble of word salad. You rearrange your innards to make room for a vestigial brain, then place a hand on his head.


You find yourself in the spacious dining room cum living space of a picturesque suburban house. Checking the calendar, you see that the date is over two decades ago. Two children, doubtless grown adults by now, play outside in the yard, fighting with foam swords and laughing as they roll around in the grass.

Frank, in his early fifties, sits at the counter, eating a messy, slightly burned omelet and looking at a card that reads “Happy Father’s Day to the best dad in the world!” alongside a crude drawing of him, his wife, a baby, and the two kids. He seems not to have noticed you.

What kind of impression do you want to make?

>A friend
>An impersonal employer
>A Mephistophelean dealmaker
>A deity
>An unspeakable horror
>A Mephistophelean dealmaker
We're well practiced in this.
>An impersonal employer
Simple, the ability to control memories, and rejuvenation, in exchange for his soul and him working for us
>A Mephistophelean dealmaker
Better be straightforward that this is a deal with the devil. Don't want to break him like ponvy boy.
>A Mephistophelean dealmaker
Play it straight
>A Mephistophelean dealmaker
A little nervous this won't work out, but hey, he has dementia. We can just try again in 5 minutes.

>A Mephistophelean dealmaker

You make yourself known, in a shape fitted to his taste in women with shorter, jet black hair, a slender physique, and legs that are so long they border on disproportionate.

You sit across from him. He seems confused for a few seconds, but seems to realize something almost immediately.

“This isn't real, is it?”

“You catch on quick,” you say, waving your hand and creating a pair of champagne glasses from nothing, “Are you aware of your situation?”

He looks down at his hands, “I’m… senile.”

You give a genuine round of applause, “Very rarely do you find someone with the mental flexibility to admit the impossible. I knew you were worth my time.”

“How am I so clear? How do I… remember my kids?”

“Most memory,” you explain, “is stored in your brain. It acts as the storage and processing unit of the mechanism that is you. However, a few memories, a couple of very important, impactful things, are etched into your soul.”

“What do you want?”

“I need reliable subordinates. Ones with cunning, skill, and a willingness to set aside their qualms in exchange for the mission. Plus, a couple of other conditions that you just happen to meet very well. You fit.”

“So you want me to work for you?”

“Yes, but that's just my reasoning- the deal is like this:” you appear beside him, reducing the distance between the two of you from feet to inches as the smell of perfume plays at his nostrils, “I’ll give you back your youth, and control of your own mind. As perks of the position, you’ll gain powers you never thought possible before now.”

“And in exchange you want, what, my immortal soul?”

“I only need it while you're alive. Maybe a couple seconds after.”

“I only need one condition- promise me you won't hurt my kids.”

“I might have to if they get in my way. You never know.”

“Fine- if they become a threat and I can't talk them out of it then- and only then- can you take them out.”

>Agree to these terms
>Modify these terms
>Make a threat
>Agree to these terms
>Inb4 one of his children is a member of the Whittler's Club
>legs that are so long they border on disproportionate.
That's fitted to YOUR taste in women, you retard QM!
backing >>6041726
>Agree to these terms

It would be funny if his kids are incredibly important. Fucking Herc himself, or Braun. Give Pheme so much shit if she missed that.
>Heracles's dad is some random guy in New Jersey
It's more likely than you think!
>Agree to these terms
They seem like pretty good terms

>Accept his terms

“Fine,” you say, “of course, should you die, that portion of the contract will become void.”

He nods, “One last question,” he says, “If I take your deal, will I get my memories back?”

You shake your head, “I’ll preserve what I can, but the plaque buildup in your brain that causes the symptoms of your disease don't just block the neural pathways, they degrade your neural tissue itself. I can give you a brand new brain and preserve whatever I can salvage, but ultimately what's lost is lost.”

He nods, “I get that.” He holds out his hand, “It’s a deal.”

He shakes your hand, and you both open your eyes.

Jade light leaks out of Cioti’s body, first a minor glow, then a radiant explosion of luminosity that completely obscures his figure. He’s unrecognizable, even from the somewhat overweight middle aged man in his mindscape- a powerful build, the increased muscle mass pushing at his clothes, a much more youthful face- early thirties at the oldest- and his sparse salt and pepper hair replaced with a voluminous, slicked back pouf of jet black hair. He stands, looking at his body and articulating his joints.

“Jesus christ,” Frank says, “I’m back.”

>Lethe Incarnation level: 6

Passive influence: 120 per day
Divinity: 2,705 (2275+100+230)

You walk up to the lady behind the desk, hitting her with your <Strings>

“Can you have Frank Ciotti officially released into the care of a relative?”

She gives you a hollow nod.

“Perfect. Get it done.” You turn to Frank, “You’re gonna have to give your kids a call. Can you fly?” You ask. He shakes his head, so you sling him over your back and bolt back into the sky.

“You got money?”

“Yeah but I can't withdraw shit. Look at me.”


What should you do with him?

>Take him back to your apartment
>Pay a visit to one of his kid’s houses
>Relocate your operation to your much bigger living space in LA
>Relocate your operation to your much bigger living space in LA
>Relocate your operation to your much bigger living space in LA
Next auction we should exchange some points for money, we could be a billionaire.

> Buy a Divine Realm, level it to 6, pass it to Philotes and have her create a divine realm for you to operate out of.

Nope nope nope, we have too many enemies with too much power to be sleeping in an apartment fucking Eris gave us, or anywhere that a rival incarnation could just explode. There are probably players out there who can rod from god us, and I'd rather just not be on the planet during our downtime.
Switching from >>6041793 to >>6041910

Setting aside the fact that Atë is definitely on New Putin's and Ye Min's radars (however distantly), I'm reminded of the fact that Atë has the titles
><Figure Unspeakable>
And of course
><Seventh Labor of Heracles>
Which MIGHT put her on the radar of the American government and noted monster hunter Heracles.
>Buy a Divine Realm, level it to 6, pass it to Philotes and have her create a divine realm for you to operate out of.
but don't work out of pbilotes divine realm but copy hers with divine servant, ask her if she wants divine armor or preservation instinct in return

and I hope we ket topping of Pandora pithos each day, should he about full again
Just copying it from her could be a smart move, though we couldn't pick up her siren voice then. Wouldn't one of our mind altering authorities be more useful to her purpose? We don't want her in combat at all. Hell, if Divine realms have internet access we might want her sequestered in one for safety.
Just a thought. After offing Eris, maybe we should consider contacting the Whittler's club. I bet we could work out a deal involving trading them the <Seventh Labor of Heracles> title that ends with us killing Prometheus and all the Penitent cults in America. Which might be pretty nice.
Nah, we use the title to lure out Heracles and use him as a puppet to slaughter the Whittler's Club.

Speaking of schemes, I wonder how hard it would be to set up an influence farm of our own? Or would anything we set up just be inferior to brainwashed worshippers?

Buy a level 6 divine realm, pawn it off on Philotes

You decide that habitating in the real world has become an unnecessary risk. However, you aren't in a position to waste an authority slot to make room for <Divine Realm>, so you decide to just use Brigita’s system interface to buy it for her, then copy it for yourself.

>Divine Realm (6)

Creates a private subspace proportional to this authority’s level that can only be entered with your permission. It is possible to designate prohibitions, arranging it such that certain actions will be impossible to perform inside your Realm. Additionally, it is possible to create Obligations, actions which, if not undertaken, will automatically expel an individual from your realm.

It is possible to create constructs within your realm which cannot be taken out, including food and drink, but all edible substances will provide no nutritional value. You may imitate any real structure or location within your divine realm of which you have sufficient recall. However, only a portion equal to or less than the size of the domain can be replicated. These will have the facilities they would in the real world, including landlines, electricity, plumbing, and internet.

It is possible to filter divinity not sourced by you or a trusted ally from your realm.

Once you return to your apartment, you replicate the authority via <Divine Servant>, and enter (size available 6,000 cubic feet)

>A hallway in an apartment complex
>A small mansion
>A massive white void
I assume we can change it on the fly as well
6000ft^3 is not a lot, barely a large apartment
(in metric terms, depending on ceiling height 70 to 80 m^2)

>Simply the best apartment one can think of
nothing too extravagant, but gaming collection, perfect sound studio, streaming setup, with a comfortable lounge

I've been meaning to ask for a while, but we have we both slain the Ceryneian Hind and Cretan Bull, shouldn't we have both the third and seventh Labours or Heracles?
And if not, is it even possible for anyone to gain the third labour, because we have the Hind's myth and nobody can capture it now?
>A small mansion
Style! It better have a pool! Pity we'll still have to buy groceries.
I remember at some point we were told we were added to the requirements for one of the titles.

So Heracles has a quest to kidnap us?

Whoops, typo there I meant 60,000 cubic feet. My bad. (For context, an average apartment runs at circa 4-6k)

Also, you didn't get the credit for the hind- you weren't supposed to kill it to complete the labor
okay, that changes things by an order of magnitude

we captured her heart

>A small mansion
with all the amenities of >>6041981 and a pool >>6041982
plus a training field with different weapons in which we can train and fight

Ah, so Heracles has a quest to kill Atë. Unless we deal with this. Cool!
Maybe we should get ahead of that curve
I read it again and it states
>All <Labor of Heracles> titles may be freely exchanged between incarnations, unlike other titles. A special reward is granted to any incarnation that collects every <Labor of Heracles> title. Only one incarnation can hold any given <Labor> title at a time. Even if another incarnation meets the requirements, they cannot gain the same <Labor> title as another living incarnation.
We could sell it.
What for? Eris' subjugation.
It is probably on their list anyway, but we have information all we want are the myths and items she holds.
We may be a villain, but we're an American villain! And we're not going to shit where we eat.
We may have levelled a city before, but we also saved the world. We can get on their good side.
>Small mansion

>A small mansion

You create the image of a mansion in your brain, with lavish bedding, ornate wall decor, and expensive marble flooring. Using the space, you decide to construct: (choose among the following to a limit of 60,000. You may allocate more space to increase the size of the facility. Write-ins require volume measurements.):

>Grand Master Bedroom (includes bathroom): 2,000 ft3
>Standard Bedroom: 1,300 ft3
>Standard Bathroom: 200ft3
>Foyer: (Any size exceeding 1,000ft3)
>Indoor Gym: 3,000 ft3
>Training hall: 20,000 ft3
>Study: 1,300 ft3
>Kitchen: 1,000 ft3
>Dining Hall: 3,000 ft3
>Indoor pool: 12,000 ft3

Ah, right, and a minimum of 150 ft3 of hallways will be added for each facility or room you select
>Grand Master Bedroom (includes bathroom) x2: 4,000
One for us, one for Pheme.

> Standard Bed & Bath x4: 4500
Pallas, Philotes, Lethe, and a spare.

>Indoor pool: 12,000
> Indoor Theater: 2000
>Study: 1,300
>Kitchen: 1,000
>Indoor Gym: 3,000
>Training hall: 20,000+, max this out with remaining space. Maybe combine the gym, training area, and pool into a single combined space?

> Hallways: 2000?
>1x Indoor Gym: 3000
>1x Training hall: 20000
>1x Grand Master Bedroom (includes bathroom): 2000
>4x Standard Bedroom: 1300 (5200)
>2x Standard Bathroom: 600 (1200)
>1x Lounge: 4000
>1x Sound studio: 1500
>1x Streamer window-dressed bedroom: 1300
>1x Sauna: 1000
>1x Study: 1300
>1x Kitchen: 1000
>1x Dining Hall: 3000
>1x Indoor pool: 12000
>17x Hallway: 2550

can we keep this vote open and continue with the story?

Time to test Lethe's abilities and make some bargains.

Can you make a sheet for him, or just his directive and an explanation of his mind wiping powers?
>>2x Standard Bathroom: 600 (1200)
was meant to be full sized bathrooms, with tub and sink not just toilets

we probably need a room for washing machine and dryers as well
Oh mismathed on my counts.

I'll switch to this, streaming setup is a good idea, and I want to drag Pheme back to our bedroom anyway
I’ll keep this vote open for now and continue with the narrative as requested:

You emerge, moving some of your stuff- computers, books, games, and objects with sentimental value- into your new living space. Iwana says something about finally sleeping in a bed again, while Ciotti gives an impressed whistle as he looks around the space.

As you re-enter your apartment to grab more items, Dorota emerges from the shadows:

“Hello, Atë. Would you like to chat?”

“Bit busy right now, is it important?”

She slinks around the room, settling on your couch: “Important to me. Take a seat, please.”

You hesitantly do as asked.

“You are planning to contest Eris, yes?”

“As a matter of course.”

She nods, “And you intend to rule over the world rather than destroy it?”

You nod, “That's the current agenda, yes.”

Her smile widens, revealing her sharpened, slightly yellowing teeth, “Brilliant.” She speaks in a sing-song voice, “I have something to sell you.”

“Oh? And what would that be?”


You pause for a second. She elaborates: “My soul. Want it?”


“Of course, there are conditions.”

“Why would you do that?”

“I’m not dumb and neither are you. Setting Isabella aside for a moment: me, Saanvi, Jen, Eris, all of us are liabilities. Unstable,” she puts up four fingers then puts down two, “Unreliable,” she down a third finger, “and deviant.” She points to herself, “You were either going to collar or kill us, no matter what we did.”

“If you know that, why not run away? Or side with Eris?”

“Because I believe in you, Atë. And more to the point,” she leans forward, close enough that you can feel her hot breaths on your cheek, “I like you.”

“What are your terms?” You say, subconsciously leaning back.

She explains:

-You will make Dorota a <Divine Servant>, with an epithet you possess of her choice
-You will not attempt to kill Dorota directly or indirectly. However, any other forms of harm or humiliation which do not violate other terms are acceptable
-You will not attempt to create conditions such that she should be confined or physically incapacitated for an extended period of time (more than one year)
-You will not meddle with the incarnation status of Dorota nor take the influence earned by her against her will
-You will not act or give any orders with the intention that she be unable to follow her directives or which result in a knowing inability to do so for more than one month
-You will explain the concept of Arts and the general way to create and use them to Dorota

>Accept the offer
>Propose modifications to the terms
>Reject the offer
Oh man
I’ll be home in a bit so I can follow links and read this over better, but I’m initially in favor of agreeing
>"So you want to be my dog, but still go off the leash to grow stronger on your own terms?"
>"Counter offer."
>>"Option A, I accelerate your predicted timeline." Transform a hand into claws.
>>"Option B, you renounce your myth and I have Lethe clear out your mind, send you on your merry way, but alive."
>>"Option C, I make some amendments to your offer."

>"You will stay two levels below me, any Influence above that is mine to use as I please, including upgrades to your own authorities and miracles. Any below you get a say in whether you want to give it to me or not."
>"I will not teach you Arts. However, if you allow me to do an experiment with your soul, that might give a kernel of understanding to find the path yourself."
>Propose modifications to the terms
I'd amending
-You will not meddle with the incarnation status of Dorota nor take the influence earned by her against her will
-You will explain the concept of Arts and the general way to create and use them to Dorota
-You will not meddle with the incarnation status of Dorota without consent and will only take influence without consent in order to prevent Dorota from being within two levels of Atë's own level
-You will explain the concept of Arts and the general way to create and use them to Dorota if and only if Dorota agrees to not use or develop any arts which are contrary to Atë's goals, undercut Atë's core authorities, and otherwise might constitute a significant threat to Atë's circle.
There's a hierarchy here and the agreement must codify it.
>Propose modifications to the terms

Oh you crazy bitch. You are fun.

> You will make Dorota a <Divine Servant>, with an epithet you possess of her choice
Ahahahahaha no. We'll talk over what epitaphs we have available and we can make a mutual choice, but she doesn't get to make a unilateral choice.

> You will not meddle with the incarnation status of Dorota nor take the influence earned by her against her will
We reserve the right to take influence for pressing tactical needs. A good faith effort will be made to repay influence in full within three months. (Haggle to a 10% interest fee if need be)

> All limitations void in the event that we think she's working against us, pulling a sneaky, developing an Art to severe the chains of Divine Servant, etc.

> No fucking with the chains of Divine Servant you fucking sly bitch, yes I know you were plotting it, because so would I.

> All limitations void in the event of immediate tactical need. Good faith attempts at reparations/make whole will be rendered in event of this clause.

My biggest concern is her using Arts to alter the nature of Divine Servant, but yeah, having Dorota, and her shadow skill authority, would be great.
I'll add
>If she learns to use Arts, she always needs to tell us what Arts she wants to create, and if she wants to create some to mess with the way she is chained to us by Divine Servant, we're allowed to immediately kill her.
These are all good, including not directly teaching her Arts but guiding her indirectly like what we went through

>Propose modifications to the terms:

You tell Dorota some of the modifications to the terms. She thinks for a moment and gives the following counterproposal regarding the proposed alterations

-The influence required to reach the level 1 below Atë’s level at any given time will serve as a limit to the total amount of influence Dorota may accrue before it will automatically be sent to Atë instead
-Influence may be taken should a dire tactical need arise, but regardless of the circumstances, miracles, authorities, titles, traits, and the deification of Dorota must never be sold or discarded. In addition, regardless of tactical necessity, the clauses regarding imprisonment or death must never be violated for as long as Atë holds ownership over Dorota’s soul
-Atë may choose not to teach Dorota arts if and only if she creates circumstances, such as the described experiment, which allow Dorota to understand the concept independently. Should Dorota develop an Art, she will inform Atë of how it works as early as is reasonable
-Atë may select a number of unique epithets constituting no more than 1/3 of the unique epithets she possesses which Dorota may not select
-Dorota will not act with intent to undermine Atë’s control over her soul, nor interfere with her goals, nor harm other individuals designated by Atë
-Should the control over Dorota’s soul by Atë be severed for any reason, Dorota will offer Atë control over her soul once again with identical terms to the initial agreement. Neither party will attempt to circumvent or undermine these terms
works for me

my nono list is:
Chrysus, Spirit of Gold
Pride of Artemis, Ceryneian Hind
Opaline Offering, Cretan Bull
Dysnomia, Goddess of Lawlessness
I'm happy with this.

>No Chrysus
>No Pandora
>No Dysnomia
We already gave away Lethe, and the rest don't really matter.
These look good to me.
Off limits:
Pride of Artemis, Ceryneian Hind
Wrath of Artemis, Calydonian Boar
Opaline Offering, Cretan Bull

>Grand Master Bedroom (includes bathroom): 2,000 ft3
2 of these for 4300
>Standard Bedroom: 1,300 ft3
4 of these for 5800, total 10100
>Foyer: (Any size exceeding 1,000ft3)
1 for 1150, total 11250
>Indoor Gym: 3,000 ft3
1 for 3150, total 14400
>Study: 1,300 ft3
2 for 2900, total 17300
>Kitchen: 1,000 ft3
2 for 2300, total 19600
>Dining Hall: 3,000 ft3
1 for 3150, total 22750
>Indoor pool: 12,000 ft3
2 for 24300, total 37050
>Training hall: 20,000 ft3
1 for 20150, total 57200.

Expand the foyer by another 1000 feet with the spare space.
(why is nobody else voting for a common room/lounge for people to just hang out)

>No Chrysus
>No Pandora
>No Dysnomia
>No Hind
>No Bull
>No Boar
So is dorotea allowed to attack us under that clause or does us owning her soul make her incapable of such
Lethe sheet is live, Philotes sheet is updated. I'm working on Dorota's but hers is going to take a while.


Owning her soul makes her incapable of attacking you or refusing any of your orders. However, you are bound by the terms of the agreement to not act or give any orders which would violate it, and you are not allowed to dissolve or undermine the agreement as per its terms.


>Agree to the new terms

You show her your epithet list, reminding her of the restrictions, and she, to your slight surprise, selects Epimetheus.

You activate <Divine Servant> and extend your hand. She eagerly takes it.

Divinity: 2,805 (2,375+100+330)

You see silver light explode from her body, but, rather than the mixing process you saw with Brigita, the murky black of Algos consumes the silver light, until nothing remains of the radiant glow but star-like specs against the darkness

Dorota begins to laugh, first a quiet chuckle, then a roar of maniacal laughter.

"I got precisely what I was hoping to get. Thank you, thank you very much."

Despite the control you have over her now, she still makes you deeply uncomfortable.

What do you want to do now?
>Set up that live event
>Experiment on Dorota
>Ask Pheme to move in with you (the current votes lean towards sharing a bedroom)
>Focus on streaming
>Focus on music
>Practice an <Art>
>Train with Pallas
>Order her to fully explain what she meant by that, and what she gets from the epithet of Epimetheus

>Focus on streaming
>Perfect Recall (EX): Your memory is perfect. Additionally, you can relive any event that has happened in your life as if it were happening, and you may share these recollections with others.
>Forgotten Gift (1): You may expend divinity to inflict mortals with sickness, old age, or death. Low probability of being effective against incarnations. In the case of failure, the target is filled with hope instead.
>Devourer (1): You may activate this skill to regain divinity from eating. This skill consumes 1 divinity per hour.
>Plus Regen and Titanic Strength
Why does Dorota have to be so goddamned creepy? I'm guessing Perfect Recall is what she was after.

>Focus on streaming
>Train with Pallas
If we can get away with two. Otherwise, I vote for whichever gets more traction.
>she leans forward, close enough that you can feel her hot breaths on your cheek, “I like you.”
Back off, she-bitch. Dibs.
We should also level Divine Servant up again and add Pallas as one (using Peitharchia or Atalanta). I want access to
>Primordial Body (EX): Increases the effective level of all physical enhancement and regeneration authorities by half your level
For reasons I hope are obvious.
Actually now that I look, doesn't she have that big stomach mouth that seems like it would sync well with Devourer?

>Ask what all the laughter is about

“Check my incarnation status.”

You look over it (https://rentry.org/algos-incarnation-status) . Other than <Titanic Strength> and <Regeneration>, the authorities have all changed.

“The specific authorities one gets upon deifying aren’t always the same just because the myth is,” she explains, “They’re tailored somewhat to the desires and personality of the incarnation.”

Looking at what <Perfect Recall> transformed into, you know she has to be telling the truth.

>Train with Pallas

You spend another hour or so sparring with Pallas. Though you don’t manage to move her, you do force her to accept a blow to the arm to stop you from achieving your objective. You smirk, despite the contusion of your ribs caused by the counterattack.

(I’ve begun tabulating modifiers for skills unrelated to divinity. The list can be found at this link: https://rentry.org/ate-mortal-skills

If you think any are missing, you may request they be added)

>Focus on streaming

You continue to livestream with your <Strings> increasing your audience substantially. However, you realize that you’re reaching the limits of how many people you can draw by streaming alone or with your current frequent collaborators: if you want to maintain your rapid rate of growth, you’ll have to find a way to get more fresh eyes on you.

Follower Count: 197,107
Cult: 10,041

Influence: 30,019-> 35,182/204,800

What should you do?
>A slower rate of growth draws less attention anyway; just focus on streaming and consolidating your rabid devotees for now
>Focus on networking with other public figures
>Plan a meetup for your inner circle
>Attend some sort of content creator convention (ie vidcon)
>Produce more music as <Cyber_Syren> with the aspiration of mainstream play
>Spend influence (Specify)
>Talk with someone (Specify)
>Spend influence (Divine Servant to Level 3)
>Talk with someone (Pallas about being joined using Divine Servant)
Algos and Atë, a match made in Hell.
Fuck Dorota is creepy, but hell if she isn't useful.

>Plan a meetup for your inner circle
Let's harvest some souls.

>Talk with someone (Specify)
Ask Dorota is she has any insights on how to get Jen to make a move to off Eris, and how to set it up where we can knock both of them off at the same time. Ideally we mind whammy Jen into a direct assault, and then clean up whoever survives with our squad.
I can support this as well as my initial desires.
Oh damn Dorota is strong
We can borrow her better regen too, until we get ours there.

>Attend some sort of content creator convention (ie vidcon)
What's this? An opportunity to thrall huge amounts of the competition? Force all the big names into collabs and the small names into redirections and shilling? Hell yes.
Random idea: Divine Armor X Touch of Madness miracle. Just hitting us triggers a touch of madness effect.
Right now I'd like a miracle made from A Thousand Faces, a Thousand Voices, and Assess Hamartia, aiming for the consciousness copying of the first combined with the real time mind reading of the second, both powered up by miracle status.

The voting is kinda split- it seems like the majority (2 votes of 3) support

>Level <Divine Servant> to 3
>Add Iwana as a divine servant

However, the votes for what should occur after are split between
>Plan a meetup for your inner circle
>Attend some sort of content creator convention (ie vidcon)

I'll wait a while for a tiebreaker and, in the absence of one, kick it down the road for a while while I sort out the matter of Pallas. While we wait, please specify which epithet you'd want to grant her, or, if you'd rather, give her the decision to choose
I'll tiebreak
>Attend some sort of content creator convention (ie vidcon)
Wait a sec...
This isn't fucking Barkley, what?
Get her input at least. She knows the way of the warrior more than us.

Also ask her if True Spear Master is because she actually knows how to use the spear, and the weapon skill is superfluous
>Let her choose, but nothing from the dorota forbidden list

>Attend some sort of content creator convention
Idk, we can have a meeting later.

>Ask about spearmaster

Pallas nods, explaining that all <Weapon Proficiency> effects of any authority she comes to possess are immediately converted into effects which increase the power and speed of her body or the divinity imbued in her weapon when wielding it.

>Divine Servant 2->3

You are able to channel any one authority held by any->each <Divine Servant>

You approach Pallas, offering to improve her power using your <Divine Servant> authority. She shrugs in agreement, and you give her a list of <Epithets> to choose from, and her decision to select <Atalanta> is of absolutely no surprise to you.

Green mingles with the gold of Pallas’s divinity, weaving together into tight braids of color and merging to become one. As the <Deification> resolves, her divinity has an almost grainy texture to it, with a massive amount of tiny emerald specks embedded on the golden aura surrounding her.


>Attend some sort of content creator convention (ie vidcon)

Conveniently, a Twitch-con is set to be held in almost exactly one month. You apply to attend, and get the green light to attend as a creator.

(Days remaining: 31)

You smirk- you have plenty of time to kill before the event, and once it comes, you’ll be able to essentially guarantee yourself a spot in the big leagues of the internet world.

Still, you have plenty of time until then. How should you spend it? (Unless otherwise specified, all actions take one day)

>Train with Pallas
>Practice an <Art> (Specify)
>Work on music (Specify a persona)
>Experiment on Dorota
>Drop in on Eris
>Drop in on Brigita
>Provide a subordinate with orders
>Bring Lethe with you as you pay a visit to Povondra
>Check in with the Commander
>Look for Penitent compounds
>Stream until the event (Growth and influence will be automatically tabulated)
>Practice an <Art> (Down to the Core)
>Look for Penitent compounds
>Write-in (Consult with Pheme about the possibility of approaching Prometheus or the Whittler's Club to lend our services)
That was a pretty significant boost to Pallas. I can't wait to chuck her at some unlucky bastard. Also, channeling one authority from each divine servant is a GREAT upgrade. Very nice!
>Practice an <Art> (Down to the Core)
>Bring Lethe with you as you pay a visit to Povondra
>Look for the rest of the underworld rivers to complete our collection
Finish the art - simple.
The sooner we get Lethe and Povondra resorted the sooner we reap the benefits
I noticed we have 2/5 underworld rivers as minions. We get the rest, they all become more useful, and we get a pet pantheon
We never got the Thousand Faces upgrade from the Cry of War ("select reward" here: >>6035743 voted upon, and then not received here: >>6036005 ), so we should still have one free charge upgrade left

Also, Lethe is now considered "Pantheon: Rivers of The Hades", and not Spawn of Discord, does that mean he is no longer required to complete the Spawn of Discord Pantheon?
If so, how do we know which incarnations are required to complete it?
Is there a role for head of pantheon who has additional information?

Things I want to get done:
>Give Pheme her plush and one of the divinity batteries
>Use the other to fill the gown.
>Everyday put our divinity into the gown until it has about 25k divinity
>After that put it all into the Pithos
In 31 days we should easily be able to find 30k divinity to pithosmaxx 3 more times, plus the final free charge/the Cry of War reward, to get two more authorities to X
them being Supernatural Speed and Battle Acuity

>Drop in on Brigita
>Bring Lethe with you as you pay a visit to Povondra
>Look for the rest of the underworld rivers to complete our collection
>Get at least one fan meetup in before vidcon

>Consult with Dorota on who else of our pantheon would change to our side
>Experiment on Dorota
I want to do another beast tracker, capture it, then observe what happens to her soul when she kills the beast, and add a new authority. I'd assume something will get added to her soul. I want to see if I can scrape it off, add it to ourselves, and what the effect on Dorota is.
We don't have authority slots left, but we go behind the system to add one manually. Will it be useless since the system needs to manage it for us to even activate it? Will it convert into something else (influence or divinity).

The rest of the days, in equal amounts
>Train with Pallas using no authorities
>Train with Pallas using authorities and train with a second brain to share the load of battle acuity
>Practice an <Art> (Down to the Core)
>Work on music (music persona)
>Focus on streaming (cyber_siren)
Dang, no increase in the number of servants we can have at once?

>Practice Fetters
Don’t abandon it just because a monk no sold it one time guys :(
>Bring Lethe to fix Povondra
>Look for Penitent compounds
Travel streams
>Bring Lethe with you as you pay a visit to Povondra
Let's see if we can adjust Povondra until he's useful again. Clear out those pesky memories of being utterly broken by us, and of killing his family.
How is this conversation going to go with Lethe
"Hey, I kinda tortured this guy into signing over his soul, and I guess I went too far because he ended up killing his own family to spare them from ever encountering me. Could you just wipe all that away? I want him useful again and he just mopes constantly now."
Bet Dorota would love to overhear that.
What if we replace Atë's Playthings with a miracle of Awaken the Palladium and Thousand Faces/Voices to get perfect clones of Atë?
>Independently-minded clones of Atë acting across the world
>Task a low-level clone with streaming
>Still get up to our own shenanigans
Oh, imagine what we could achieve...
Only problem is the constant divinity drain, which will be much higher if we want to use Strings or even Whispers at a worthwhile level.

Say we give up on Strings and use Whispers at lv 10 for the clone stream - the clone would need to be level 10, which is 10 divinity per second from our total of almost 3k. That's not even a 5 minute stream, even less when we factor in the cost of using whispers itself. Feels like AtP is meant for very short term power boosts in fights, it guzzles too much divinity for long term uses.
Why would they not try to overthrow us?
My primary idea is to have a clone that would go do the normal sorts of things Atë does- killing Penitent, infiltrating rival incarnation organizations, bringing ruin to people, etc. Doubling the influence gains and throwing off anyone trying to track down Atë. If the clone is doing things Atë would want to do anyways, I don't see why an attempt at overthrow would be in the cards.

That's... a very good point. My only cope is that maybe a miracle version would be more efficient. Now that I think about it, do we even know the divinity cost of Atë's Playthings? That could be a decent benchmark of what a miracle'd Palladium would cost.
Whoops, Lethe is supposed to be a dual-pantheon incarnation. I'll add in <Spawn of Discord>

Regarding the level increase, you'll notice that it went from 5 total increases to 6 after the vote went through- I added it to the pile of free upgrades instead of doing it on the spot for the sake of keeping things efficient.

Lots of voting has been going around, but for now I'm going with:

>Practice an <Art> (Down to the Core)
>Bring Lethe with you as you pay a visit to Povondra
>Look for the rest of the underworld rivers to complete our collection
>Look for Penitent compounds

I have been/will be pretty busy today, but I should be able to update by tonight
>Now that I think about it, do we even know the divinity cost of Atë's Playthings?
No exact cost listed, so I figured it was the same as AtP.
>it went from 5 total increases to 6
yeah, I noticed right after posting
it was just oddly phrased the first time

>I have been/will be pretty busy today, but I should be able to update by tonight
skipping a few days is always alright too, as long as you come back.
For the constant divinity drain there is probably multiple ways for us to get around it, if necessary we could aim to get slumber and try and see what the higher levels of it allows us to do, perhaps try to gain a authority or miracle that lets us sleep walk or at least keep our thinking facillities at full power
Thanks for the understanding!


>Bring Lethe with you as you pay a visit to Povondra

You drop back in on Povondra, finding him listlessly sitting in his chair. Slavíček is with him, passing him paperwork and proposing ideas which the Don impassively approves without any real consideration.

Josef startles as you enter, but Povondra remains still.

“Christ, boss, what did you do to the Don? Guy’s basically a vegetable.”

“Don’t worry, I’m gonna fix it. Frank?”

Lethe steps forward, “I’m here to make you forget. I assume you don't want me to peek?”

“Not unless you want to end up like that. You need to erase our meeting, and anything having to do with his family.”

“Seriously? Why?”

“They're dead. He killed them.”

He turns to Povondra with a look of abject disgust. “Alright. I'm keeping the memories of the wife and kids though. Somebody has to remember.”

You shrug, “Fine by me. Just don't fry your own brain like a moron.”

He placed his palm on Povondra’s forehead, a soft jade light leaking from the point of contact. Tears of the same color seep from Povondra’s eyes as the process continues, floating upwards in marble-like droplets and disappearing as they touch Lethe’s forehead.

After about half an hour, the process is over, and Povondra lies limp at his desk, unconscious. “Josef,” you say, “Have your guys remove all evidence of Povondra’s family from anywhere he might see it. That's an order.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Povondra may be back to his normal self, but you realize that Slavíček has been taking on all of his responsibilities during his state of incapacitation. Should you reward him for his loyalty?

>Yes, keep Povondra as a figurehead but give Slavíček the real authority
>Yes, help Slavíček gain influence
>Yes, give Slavíček an authority or item

Days remaining: 30

>Practice an <Art> (Down to the Core)

You spend days training <Down to the Core>, practicing on stone blocks you manifest within your divine realm. The damage is considerable, but you can feel something is missing from your art.

You realize what it is- you’ve been focusing so much on the speed of rotation that you neglected the art <Down to the Core> is based on: sharpness.

Air is a gas, you remind yourself, and thus it can be manipulated freely down to the atomic level, unlike the rigid constraints of a solid. An atomic point is beyond your capability right now, but you focus on creating a spiral of blades from the ambient air with a degree of sharpness that puts even the finest mortal weapon to shame.

Though still not as powerful as it will eventually come to be, <Down to the Core> is finally completed

>Down to the Core: 2 (Effective Authority Level: 5)

Uses divinity to create a spiral of razor sharp wind to drill through a target. In the absence of any air, creates small particles with similar properties to noble gasses out of divinity. Optimized for claws, but can also be used with proper or improvised weapons. Unhindered by water or air resistance

Days remaining: 27

>Search for rivers

You decide to ask Dorota if she has any leads on rivers: she tells you that she remembers somebody buying <Cocytus> at the auction. They were obviously wearing a mask, but she says that he seemed vaguely East Asian, Japanese if she had to guess.

The next auction occurs in two weeks. What should you do?

>Wait until then
>Travel to Japan

>Search for Penitent compounds

Penitent compounds, you have found, are an excellent source of power, especially since the system seems hell bent on annihilating them at any cost. Penitent compounds appear primarily in more religious areas, but they can crop up anywhere.

How should you go about it?

>Ask Pheme to trudge the net for any information on them
>Contact the Whittler’s club or Prometheus
>Contact the Commander
>Fly over the deep south and midwest and look for Not-Black

Typo, should be

>Down to the Core: 1
>Yes, keep Povondra as a figurehead but give Slavíček the real authority
The original deal was him getting to be in charge of our europe division. Right now Povondra should be the only single Don beneath him anyway.

>Wait until then

>Fly over the deep south and midwest and look for Not-Black
>Yes, keep Povondra as a figurehead but give Slavíček the real authority
I don't recall, is Slavíček an incarnation?

>Wait until then

>Fly over the deep south and midwest and look for Not-Black
Phlegethon, River of Flaming Blood

It'll be interesting to see where the King takes root in eagleland. And I imagine Prometheus will be more than a little curious that someone else is knocking off the cult.
Ah, Povonda is Chrysaor.

>Yes, keep Povondra as a figurehead but give Slavíček the real authority
>Wait until then
>Fly over the deep south and midwest and look for Not-Black

You take off, streaking through the sky like a fighter jet as you search for more religious regions in the U.S. Accompanying you are (choose as many as you wish, any options with a majority will be included)

As you fly through the air, your phone vibrates: it seems like Pheme is trying to give you a call. What should you do?

>Land briefly and see what she wants
>Deal with it once you locate a Penitent community
>>Land briefly and see what she wants
This outing is for reconnaissance, not really much more. No need to immediately go in if we find something. So take the phonecall
>Yes, help Slavíček gain influence
We can have him set up small scale copies of Kronos' farms and use them.

>Wait until then
Does she remember the exact mask?

>Fly over the deep south and midwest and look for Not-Black

Fugg I'm too late


>Land briefly and see what she wants
Dorota for torture and interrogation, Pallas because she desperately wants to fight.

>Land briefly and see what she wants
I hope this isn't a Promethean trap

>Bring Dorota
>Land and see what she wants

You pause, floating down to the ground in a small town for a better connection as you pick up Pheme’s call

“I have a likely candidate for Heracles.” She says. Despite the seemingly good news, her tone is somber.

“Oh, who is it?”

She sends you a picture of a tall (though not nearly as massive as the Heracles in the pictures), reasonably fit man in his early to mid twenties, his curly black hair shaved down to a military style crew cut. However, despite the difference in body type, the skin color and facial features seem to line up near perfectly.

“His name is Darrell Tores. His father was a military man, and he followed suit. Served a tour in Afghanistan before returning, marrying his highschool sweetheart, and went to a good college for engineering on a military scholarship.”

“What's the issue?” You ask, still offput by her tone. She sends you a series of crime scene photographs, the primary feature of which being a woman beaten into an unrecognizable pulp.

“He discovered his wife was having an affair and, during the argument, he flew into a violent rage and beat her to death. However, the people who knew them were completely shocked at both transgressions: those who knew Lucy would swear that she was the most loyal, sweethearted girl you could ever find: throughout Darrell’s entire tour overseas, she refused to even look at another man. The people who know Darrell said he was the perfect gentleman: he would sooner let a woman beat him to death than even lay a finger on one. Darrell supposedly died in a shootout with police, but all details surrounding the case have been buried.”

“That lines up with the myth of <Heracles>, and the coverup is definitely suspicious.” You agree, “He probably is our guy.”

Pheme continues: “I did a bit of internet snooping and found her online handle: goldendame556.” She pauses, trying to find the proper way to word this. "Her name appeared on the cyber_syren tier 2 subscriber list.”


“Is there any chance it's anybody- and I mean ANYBODY else?”

“Of course, it's never 100% but… I’d put the odds at, at the barest minimum, 80%.”


What do you want to do now?

>Continue searching for the compound for now
>Try to get to Heracles before he can get to you
>Go to a different country to search for the Penitent
How long ago did that name appear? If a long time ago:
>Continue searching for the compound for now
If recently:
>Go to a different country to search for the Penitent

No country under Kronos, he's gonna pay us for doing this

She first subscribed less than a month after the channel was founded. The murder took place about a month after that.
Haha was that our fault?
Ok, different country it is until we can make sure Herc can't link us to cyber_syren
>Go to a different country to search for the Penitent

>We caused Heracles to kill his wife
O shit, I guess we really do need to ally with Prometheus and off the rest of the Americans.

>Go to a different country to search for the Penitent

You decide to head elsewhere on your search for the Penitent. Where do you want to go?
>Western Europe (Defender Territory)
>Russia (New Putin Territory)
>Central America (Whittler's Club territory, but with a weaker degree of influence)
>Southeast/South Asia (Anti-China League territory)
>China (Ye Min Territory)
>South America (House of Hades territory)

Also I realize I called them the gardener's club when I introduced them and screwed up the faction name, but it's retconned Whittler's Club now. My bad
>South America (House of Hades territory)
Pheme's been dealing with these guys, she can hook us up
>South America (House of Hades territory)
The other anon makes a good point
>South America (House of Hades territory)

Hells bells, it's wonder boy himself. Shit, he's going to crash our fucking con meetup! Guess we'd better start planning on him crashing the party...unless we just chicken out? We could find someone similar to Cyber Siren, ruin them, use Many Faces to reshape them to genetically viable look alike, and use them as a look alike.
Hopefully by then we'll have made contact with the Whittler's and can see what the deal is. Hypothetically he might not even know.
>>South America (House of Hades territory)
>buy a detectives compass
We have his real name and myth, better use it
>buy a detectives compass
This is also a great idea, forgot this item existed

>South America (House of Hades)
>Buy a detective's compass

You purchase a <Detective’s Compass> and, to your chagrin, it activates successfully, pointing due west with no variations. For now, at least, he’s pretty far away.

You propose the idea of South America to Pheme, and she gives an interesting reply.

“Actually, I got a tip there recently that I thought you might want to know about.”


“Brazil. It is true that most countries hide their incarnation overlords in order to keep the facade of democracy or normalcy, but Brazil is different. As far as the government is concerned, no incarnations are involved at all.”

“Then why haven't any taken over? What about the house of Hades?”

“That's the interesting thing: Hades and Persephone are extraordinarily powerful, but <Omen> kept them from expanding their influence there.”

“So, what, major Penitent stronghold?”

“Maybe, but that wouldn't make sense: if they had forces that could spook an incarnation duo that strong, they would have wiped us out a long time ago.”


“This is pure speculation but… what if <Nascent God: Gaia> is from Brazil?”

“It fits, but the theory- and anything else regarding Gaia- is currently lacking in evidence.”

“Agreed. Regardless, proceed with caution. It's advisable to stay in the northwest of the continent where the House’s influence is less powerful.”

You give an affirmative and hang up.

What should you do?
>Fly to Venezuela and commence the hunt for the Penitent
>Investigate Brazil and the Nascent God’s traces
>Fly to Venezuela and commence the hunt for the Penitent
Let's not fly too close to the sun when there is no suitable reward
>>Fly to Venezuela and commence the hunt for the Penitent
I don't want to waste too much time. I rather have a fan meet-up before vidcon

>Fly to Venezuela and commence the hunt for the penitent

You fly for hours, taking occasional stops to use the bathroom or grab a quick snack, before eventually finding yourselves officially within Venezuelan territory. You transfigure the lenses of your eyes, stacking clear, pseudo-organic structures on top of your ocular organs in order to create an adjustable zoom effect.

You sweep the area for hours on end and, eventually, see a single spark of not-black in a little mountainside town, placed as penitent cells so often are, in the middle of nowhere.

You hover over the town, fatigue weighing your mind and body down as you force yourself to think through the next steps of your plan.

You could, as you did last time, infiltrate the smaller area in order to locate the larger one, but it might take time. The inability to <Touch> anyone who’s managed to tap into the stream is particularly obnoxious. Worse still, eating the <Node> has undoubtedly put you on the King’s radar: if you do anything that might draw his gaze, you’ll undoubtedly be spotted.

What should you do?

>Rest and figure it out in the morning (Select this option in addition to another one, will help with fatigue but cause time to pass)
>Wipe out the town and move on
>Wipe out the town and stick around, using its destruction to draw in a bigger fish
>Repeat the stunt you pulled last time
>Try to kidnap the town’s highest authority figure
what's the geography like? any way we can cause what seems to be a natural disaster?
>Wipe out the town and stick around, using its destruction to draw in a bigger fish
We can wipe out the small area and rest while waiting for a response.
>Get Dorota, Pallas and Lethe
>Have Lethe get into the town water supply, try and completely cripple them
>make a GT+Thousand Faces miracle (which we want for vidcon too, if we run into heracles)
>Infiltrate under its guise
>Wipe out the town and stick around, using its destruction to draw in a bigger fish
We can rest while sticking around, it's perfect

>Wipe out the town and stick around, using its destruction to draw in a bigger fish

You float above the town, observing its quiet, sleeping houses and people. The surrounding terrain could be used to create a rockslide, but the stone of the mountain is sturdy enough that you’d need someone with a greater focus on burst damage in order to create the necessary conditions.

You could probably also recreate the massacre you wrought on the compound via your <Strings>, enhanced even further by your new titles, traits, and authorities. However, it's not impossible that using a tactic so distinctly associated with its hated enemy will draw the attention of the King.

What should you do?

>Have Pallas instigate a rockslide (she will get the kill credit)
>Try to wipe out the village through stealth and assassination, killing each individual one by one
>Slaughter the Penitent using brute force
>Use <Atë’s Playthings> to create one or more constructs to perform one of the listed actions instead
>Use <Strings of the Neurospaston> to instigate another massacre
>>Use <Atë’s Playthings> to create one or more constructs to perform one of the listed actions instead
>>Have multiple Fake!Pallas instigate a rockslide (she will get the kill credit)

Ate's Plaything is effective level 21, right? Does that mean we could summon 3 level 7 Pallases?
>Use <Atë’s Playthings> to create one or more constructs to perform one of the listed actions instead
I'm thinking we do the Monk and do a lightning assassination round. Or Pallas? Or both! Make it a race!
Or Isa! We should see if we can pop out an Isa.
>Use <Atë’s Playthings> to create one or more constructs to perform one of the listed actions instead
Let's try this baby out
I wanna summon the monk for a bit
Also >>6044835 makes a good point, if real Pallas can cause a landslide, just have a copy do it and keep the credit.
>Use <Atë’s Playthings> to create one or more constructs to perform one of the listed actions instead
Time to test out this miracle
Yes, although with the <Gown of Eris> active and with <Star of Death> and <Polisiphage> in play, you could theoretically reach an absolute maximum of 41 (21x1.2=25 (rounded down), 25+6 (star) +10 (gown, <Divine Folly>) =41)


>Experiment with <Atë’s Playthings>

First, you decide to summon the monk. The simulacrum is made successfully, and you can fully control its actions. Most of its authorities are focused on mental resistances and physical boosts, the former of which isn't particularly useful in the context of utility as a <Plaything>.

More to your chagrin, however, is the substantial decrease in physical ability. The system said that it should be capable of using all of its authorities at the same level of power, so why would it be weaker?

Then, you remember <Asceticism>. The <Playthings> are constructs, copies of the originals crafted from your own divinity. In other words, despite appearances, they are of your own soul. Therefore, any power derived from good character or morals will become almost worthless: and you are certainly not a monk.

You summon <Isa> to confirm- you can feel his power: maxed out authorities, even a few miracles, but…

It's useless. Completely and utterly impotent.

Isa was <Pistis>. Goodwill and faith. What do you have faith in? Not your subordinates, not god, not a nation or belief or philosophy. Not even yourself.

And more to the point, who has faith in you?

Pheme flashes in your mind for a moment as you dispel Isa’s ghost.

Returning to the situation at hand, you summon two instances of <Pallas>. Unlike the others, her simulacra fully match her physical prowess. Though they lack her equipment (most critically her spear) when given weapons from your stockpile they have more than enough power to bury the Penitent cell below in a massive heap of stone, wood, and rubble.

Your Pallas clones trudge through the rubble, piercing their spears through anyone unfortunate enough to survive the initial avalanche of stone and debris.

>Sort out rewards now
>Take the opportunity to rest while (Specify a subordinate) keeps watch
>Therefore, any power derived from good character or morals will become almost worthless
In other words, Eris is going to a perfectly strong simulacrum. Noted! Quite a bummer on the miracle. I've got half a mind to swap it later.

>Take the opportunity to rest while (Dorota) keeps watch
I trust this sadistic creep with Atë's life :)))
>I trust this sadistic creep with Atë's life :)))
She can eat our girl out anytime
Wait what?
>Take the opportunity to rest while (Dorota) keeps watch
I too trust this torture maniac with Atë's life
Also damn we need to start believing in ourself more
Maybe collapsing a nation will give us the self esteem we crave

>In other words, Eris is going to a perfectly strong simulacrum.
Because we'll be able to summon a copy of her when we defeat her and force her into a pact, right? Right? Since it'll be such a big hassle to find someone to take her role for the pantheon bonus if we kill her, and since I like her in a make her grovel at the foot of our throne for eternity kind of way.
>we need to start believing in ourself more
>Maybe collapsing a nation will give us the self esteem we crave
>Too broken to love the subhuman self
>Too depraved to love others
>Just based enough to bring ruin to the world to ensure the dissatisfaction of all

>Take the opportunity to rest while (Dorota) keeps watch

You command Dorota to emerge from the shadows, causing her to lazily emerge from the ground. She stretches, apparently having taken the opportunity to sleep in your shadow while you were taking care of business.

“I need rest,” You say, lying down on a patch of soft grass, “Keep watch for a while while I sleep.”

“Hehe, of course,” she replies. You see her shift through the shadows onto the high branches of a nearby tree. Dozens of mouths open up around her body, with her taking off her jacket to reveal the crop-tank top underneath. You notice that, since gaining <Epimetheus>, she has gained considerable muscle tone and lost some of the chub around her stomach.

The mouths, much smaller than the one she used to devour the truck, open. Moans, wails, and screams faintly echo from the parted lips around her body before going silent, the openings replaced with shimmering black eyeballs. You don't remember her having such an ability- it probably belongs to someone she’s got in there.

You consider just how many she's devouring in there as you drift off into sleep.


You awake, cradled in Dorota’s arms as she hides in the tree you saw her mount before you went unconscious. She pulls your head towards her, her lips brushing against your ear as she whispers as quietly as she can,

“We have company.”

You know Dorota has her <Stealth> activate, but she seems to be extra cautious because of the unknown nature of the Penitent’s perception abilities. She sets you down, gesturing towards a scouting group- ten soldiers and a woman dressed in what seems like a Carnaval outfit modified for modesty, with baggy sleeves and thick pants covering the skin beneath the skimpy feathered outfit. Though the getup is unorthodox, she has the aura of a mid-ranking Courtier about her.

What should you do?

>Stay hidden and stalk them
>Capture and interrogate them
>See if you can snatch and replace a soldier without being noticed
>Wipe them all out and have Pheme hack their gps to find where they came from
>Wipe them out and have Pheme hack their gps
We did the stealth extermination so the King shouldn’t have sent anyone too special to investigate
>>Stay hidden and stalk them
and, only if a good opportunity presents itself
>>See if you can snatch and replace a soldier without being noticed

Stay hidden and stalk them
>See if you can snatch and replace a soldier without being noticed

You stay in the shadows, overlapping your own stealth abilities with Dorota’s as you remain near undetectable even by those with divinity. Still, you remain cautious as you move towards your objective.

You temporarily copy Dorota’s <One With The Shadows>, sinking into the darkness beneath an unsuspecting soldier as they survey the area.

“Ma’am.” One of the soldiers says, returning from the mountaintop, “It’s not a certainty but look at the rocks up here.”

You’re really thankful you took Spanish in college. The Courtier looks at the area the Pallas clones have struck, nodding, “The cut does seem too clean. Not weathered enough. Nice call.”

“Still, it could have been some kind of freak accident.”

“Maybe, but we should at least consider the possibility of an attack. Let’s move back to base.”

You slip into the area beneath the truck.

As you approach the compound, you consider your options: if you let them go, they’ll probably put the compound on at least some level of heightened alert. You could kill and replace them, but you'd have to either convince the soldiers to forget what they saw or control over a dozen bodies at once.

What do you do?

>Kill and replace them
>Subjugate the Courtier nonlethally and possess her with <Folly’s Grasp>
>Allow them to safely return to the compound safely
Lol, we've got to get a polyglot artifact.

> Kill and torture the location of the compound out of them, then shapeshift into a 'wounded' facsimile of the courtier, claiming to be the sole survivor(s) of an attack.

If Dorota still has her ability copy up, she can grab many faces from us. Not sure if we can manipulate a not black divinity for both of us though, so might be better to keep her in our uh...back pocket.
>Kill and replace them
Kill off the rest of the soldiers too, in line with >>6045637

My eyes open again.

The first thing I do, completely on instinct, is clench my left hand. To my surprise, I find myself able to. I’ve been healed.

I look around- I find myself alone on the top of a truck, with some sort of stealth authority placed on me by an ally. While the time- the crack of dawn- lines up with my normal waking patterns, what surprises me is my environment. Rather than the desert sands of Egypt or the mountains of the Temple, I see jungle.

I feel something that snaps me out of my contemplation- the sickening presence of the servants of the Invader beneath my feet. Have I been captured? Unlikely, as there are no restraints on my body.

A strange compulsion wracks my brain, the edges of my vision tinted red:

I must stop the King’s men. Leave the Courtier alive for interrogation.

A sense of wrongness permeates my body, but I have no reason to refuse the call.


I close my eyes, contemplating the dharma and deriving from it the full power of my soul. I tear open the metallic roof of the vehicle, dropping downward and taking advantage of the element of surprise to quickly and painlessly eliminate the soldiers.

The Courtier, dressed oddly even for them, begins to attack, moving in a rhythmic, almost dance-like manner as she swings at me with twin shortswords.

That being said, it would have probably taken two or three of her to eliminate me. As her strikes come, I gently tap the blade of her sword, redirecting the attacks into the surroundings until she leaves an opening. Then, I chop at her throat, cutting off bloodflow to her brain and rendering her unconscious.

A girl, no more than half my age, emerges from the shadows. Her hair is an unnatural pink, and her blue eyes seem to glow vermillion in the darkness of the unlit van.

“Monk,” she asks, “What is your name?”

I move to answer as a matter of course, but the words fail to escape my lips. All I’m met with is a crimson fog in the place where my memory should be.

Why can't I remember my name?

“As I suspected, no matter how good a grasp I have on someone’s personality, I can’t fabricate memories without a reference brain.”

“Gyatzen,” I whisper the name of my friend as my consciousness fades into nothingness


The consciousness duplication experiment was a massive success.

The technique essentially works by creating a copy of a target’s consciousness and using it as a medium for <Folly’s Grasp> with a <Plaything> as a target. It isn't perfect- it didn't work with Pistis, for example, since you didn't have sufficient knowledge of his character to replicate him, but it's shockingly effective.

The Courtier is unconscious, but will probably wake soon. What should you do?

>Try an authority or Miracle (specify)
>Have Dorota take care of it
>Have Lethe look through her memories
>Have Dorota take care of it
Lethe would probably get intercepted by the King same way we would
>Have Dorota take care of it

>Have Dorota take care of it
I have to wonder if Divine Will would help us be able to push into the minds of the Gifted? We really ought to level that up a bit beyond 1.
Not sure it would, seems more like a system thing while the King is outside the system

It might though, and I'd be down to throw some levels in it right now.
>I'd be down to throw some levels in it right now.
We need to level that authority anyways
>handle the system rewards
>upgrade Divine Will to 6 (3100)

>Have Dorota take care of it

“With pleasure.”

The mouth on her stomach grows again, its massive tongue coiling around the courtier's body like a python constricting its prey. She jolts awake as pain courses through her body, but she’s helpless against Dorota’s grip.

You feel a slight twinge of pity as she disappears into her ravenous maw.

“I have the location! And the organizational structure- apparently even being assigned here was a pretty big regret of hers. Here, let me write it down.”

She pulls out a shockingly dry pen and paper and begins to write down names and abilities, before suddenly stopping.

Her body goes stiff, trembling slightly as she stares off into nothing. Her mouth opens, releasing a stuttering shout of agony. You instantly realize that she’s tapped into the Current of the King.

“So this,” she says with a hushed whisper, “is fear.”

Her divinity shimmers, not-black energy seeping out of it like smoke.

“I get it.” She exclaims, the joy of revelation in her voice, “People always told me that fear of pain was as devastating as the pain itself if not more so. I finally understand what they meant.”

Every one of the mouths around her body open, and a kaleidoscope of rainbow divinity pours out of each one, screams resonating through the amorphous stream of light like sound through a tuning fork.

The form of the divinity is ambiguous and ever-shifting, one moment sharp, the next blunt, hot in one place and cold in another.

Your eyes widen as you observe the display of power.

Dorota has discovered Arts.

>Kill the Courtier and head to the compound wearing her face
>Get the Courtier to fall to your abilities and control her via <Folly’s Grasp>
>Manage rewards
>Ask Dorota about her new <Art>
>"I got mine when I tried to use mind powers on one of them too. Good job."
>Ask Dorota about her new <Art>

>Manage rewards
>upgrade Divine Will to 6 (3100)
maybe more
+1. With every passing moment I believe even more we're regret empowering Dorota, but at least it's a fun ride for now.
I trust the stygian pact to keep us safe from the polish sociopath sadist
>Ask Dorota about her new <Art>
>Kill the Courtier and head to the compound wearing her face

I don't! At some point both us will rise above the chains of the system....and hopefully just do our own thing.
Except level divine will up to 8 (12700)
Nice, Art granting part of our pact with Dorota fulfilled
Ah, yeah, stick level up divine will on this one too

>Ask Dorota about her Art

“I see you managed to figure it out. As expected of you.”

She nods, “I do not believe that most people would be able to pull it off like this though. It requires a certain level of… detachment? In order to understand the concept of moving your soul without moving your body, I think the word for what you need is ‘ego death’?”

It does make sense, based on her theory, how you were able to master <Arts> so quickly while others seemed incapable of even understanding that they might be possible.

“So,” you ask her, “what is that power, anyway?”

“Dread.” She replies, hesitating for a second before clarifying: “The First Suffering.”

You cock your head, “The first?”

She purses her lips, seemingly struggling to put her thoughts into words. She begins to speak, “When you want a tree to grow nice and big, you have to restrict it when it is still a sapling. That will ensure that it grows straight and strong.”

“Are you saying <Arts> are similar?”

“Sort of. It is a bit murky, but I get the feeling that having a firm <Concept> will help my soul more easily adjust to new <Arts>. That being said, a bind is still a bind: now that I have commited, I no longer possess the ability to deviate.”

You narrow your eyes: Dorota seems to have been born wrong. Not entirely human, even, and that tendency seems to have created in her a natural talent regarding the soul- perfect deification and now an instinctive understanding of the mechanisms behind <Arts>. Though she had become an incredibly useful subordinate, you can’t shake the notion letting her live might have been a mistake.

“So, how does it work?”

“It resonates with a target’s fears.” She explains, “Using the fears of those within my power as a catalyst, the <First Suffering: Dread> then actualizes the fear, and can be used offensively or defensively.”

“That seems pretty strong, both from a psychological standpoint and because people generally fear what they’re weak against.”

“Not necessarily- the biggest drawback as it stands is that I can't control it much, since it takes a form based on the target. It is a finicky power, essentially acting on my leash, but not precisely under my control. I hope to create a more consistent, reliable art soon.”

>Manage rewards

Days Remaining: 26
Influence (Passive for all days not yet tabulated): 15,182-> 20,031
Influence (Extermination and Directives): 20,031-> 22,739/204,800

Influence (Automatic selling of duplicate authorities): 34,534/204,800

Authorities Available. Vote on which you wish to keep as crystals, the rest will be sold.

>A) Physical Enhancement (1):
Increases your physical capabilities by consuming divinity

>B) Vigilance (1):
Allows you to see through stealth and illusions created with divinity. Can be overcome by a difference in level

>C) Homing Shot (1):
Automatically corrects the trajectory of your projectiles to better hit a target of your choosing. However, extreme or successive turns will deplete the projectile’s momentum

>D) Impassioned Sermon (1):
Imbues your voice with divinity, inspiring awe and a susceptibility to accept new ideas or beliefs in those who hear it

>E) Smite the Tainted (1):
Fires a bolt of caustic divinity, which is more effective against those with a larger soul

Also, a vote regarding Divine Will upgrades:

>Upgrade to 6
>Upgrade to 7
>Upgrade to 8
>Do not upgrade
>Suggest to her we eventually alternate a target between an illusion of their perfect desires, and their deepest fear

>Keep all
all sound useful, if not on ourselves, on others, and even then we can copy our subordinates

>Upgrade to 6
Damn, maybe Dorota can teach us Arts in the future

>Keep B&D, sell the rest
>Upgrade to 8
It's the main threat to our toolkit, so understanding its capabilities at the highest levels will help us work around it
Plus it's embarrassing to be vulnerable to our own weapons
>Keep A, B, D
>Upgrade to 8
Meh, 12,700 influence is a lot but the day that some other incarnation uses mental attacks we'll be thankful for it.
We need a tiebreaker for


And between

>Upgrade <Will> to 6
>Upgrade <Will> to 8

Will wait a few hours for a tiebreaker and, in the absence of one, I'll decide randomly
> Keep E
Hits harder the stronger they are? Yeaaaah I want it.

> Will to 8
There's these crazy bitches we know....
Oh and
> Sell C
Pretty sure we've seen and tossed this effect before, and it doesn't sound that hard to replicate as an art.

>Keep A,B,D,E
>Will to 8

Influence: 22,739-> 25,194-> 12,494/204,800

>Divine Will 1->8
Helps you resist and recover from mind altering effects and notifies you of when you are the effects of a trait, title, or authority which induces mind altering effects. You may extend the benefits of this authority to other people by making physical contact. Additionally, you may create set points of cognition to which you may return, though doing so will cause you to lose all memories between the most recent set point and the time of use. Can be overwhelmed by an authority of a higher level.

“Do you have all of the intel you need?”

She nods, “None of the courtiers in the compound suspect an attack, and do they lack combat abilities on par with either you, myself, or Iwana.”

“Spit the girl out.”

She obliges, and you kill her instantly.


Drive. You tell Dorota as you continue to experiment with your <Playthings> and pseudo-consciousnesses from <Faces>. She obliges, and you continue your experiments while contemplating the situation.

The compound lacks defenses, and is thus most likely not a <Node>. You might be able to find one, if you infiltrate, but a prolonged undercover mission will waste precious time.

You arrive at the side of a mountain, a metal door well obscured by the foliage and stones around it mark the entrance to the Penitent’s hiding place. They’ve holed up beneath the earth, so <Strings> would probably not be able to slaughter the cultists all at once as you did in Egypt.

What should you do?

>Assassinate the leaders and brainwash the cultists, keeping them alive but on your leash instead of the King’s
>Go floor by floor and systematically wipe them out
>Infiltrate as the wounded courtier and try to gather information about the <Node>
>>Infiltrate as the wounded courtier and try to gather information about the <Node>
in and out, shrimple
>>Infiltrate as the wounded courtier and try to gather information about the <Node>
If they can't tell the difference, krill issue.
if they can, just wipe them out
>Infiltrate as the wounded courtier and try to gather information about the <Node>
Stealing more divinity from the King sounds really nice. I wonder how much divinity Prometheus has racked up doing so...
Oh shit, divine will can be shared and notifies you at higher levels? I hope that second part gets overwhelmed by our Strings miracle, good thing we found that out.

>Infiltrate as the wounded courtier and try to gather information about the <Node>
Due to <Guerilla Tactics> serving as a component for <Strings> it bypasses any function that would provide such information unless the detection ability is a miracle or fable grade item at a similar or greater effective level.


>Infiltrate as the wounded courtier and try to gather information about the <Node>

You wound yourself, creating gashes, bruises, and cuts across your body using your <Faces>. Acting has always been insufficient- as with Pallas, true pain is necessary for your facade.

You enter, Dorota fully hidden in your shadow as you create a Not-Black aura. Thankfully, you’ve gained a good enough understanding of divinity sense in general and in not-black specifically that you don’t need to tap into the current and draw the eyes of the King to do it. The door opens, allowing you into the compound.

The architecture is like nothing you’ve seen, at least with your own eyes- a massive, presumably naturally occurring cavern opens before you, a small reservoir of water sitting at the center. Bioluminescent moss and fungi line the inside of the cavern, suffusing it with dim bluish green lights. The lake itself also seems incandescent, its bright turquoise color standing starkly against the darkness of the room.

The facades of buildings- shops, residences, and temples are carved into the stone of the walls. seemingly forming a large complex and some presumably opening up into different parts of the natural cave structure. Your injured state draws looks of concern as you trudge through the compound, but the people seem to fear the station of a courtier, and thus leave you to your own devices. Dorota guides you through the complex, with you walking up to a large steel platform and flexing not-black, an ancient and supernatural mechanism causing you to descend into the depths.

The area below, presumably the place where the courtiers reside and plan their operations, is much more modern and lacking in the mystic natural beauty of the room above. Pristine white floors lit by LEDs, unadorned, brutalistic rectangular hallways, and automatic doors built from thick metal pass you by as you enter the conference room.

The woman you killed was a mid rank- relatively high among the denizens of this compound. You slump forward as you open the door, real pain coursing through your body as you brace yourself against the floor.

“Dame Vasquez!” a male courtier yells, helping you off of your feet, “What happened?”

>”An small army of tainted descended upon our group, attempting to ambush us and torture the location of the compound out of us.”
>”A single tainted is on the hunt for the <Node>- I don’t know how, but he seemed to realize it after slaughtering our scouting party"
>"A group of tainted are hunting for the <Node>, they ambushed us and attempted to torture the location out of us."
I'm telling them exactly what's going on because I'm curious how they'll react. It being a group of (presumably weaker) incarnations explains how the courtier escaped.
>act shellshocked and ramble
>"A few Tainted... they destroyed the entire town. I could barely escape..."
>take a moment to "realize"
>"I probably led them here."
>begin self-flagellation

Honestly I'm curious what operating procedure is here too. Maybe toss in some bullshit about mental manipulations, memory ripping, etc.

>”A group of tainted is on the hunt for the <Node>- they ambushed us and attempted to torture the information out of us before I escaped.”

You speak, your voice trembling in a perfect imitation of terror as you recount a modified version of events from the fallen Courtier’s perspective- of course, leaving out the part where you killed and replaced her.

“Inhuman bastards,” the courtier propping you up spits, leading you to your seat at the table, “Were you followed.”

You make your face go pale, “I- oh, oh no. I was so focused on getting away, I- oh, lord.”

“It's alright,” the courtier at the head of the table reassures you, “Even if you were followed, there's no way they could have entered the compound without our notice. Not even their archdevil Prometheus is capable of reproducing the King’s gift.”

You steady your breathing, giving the impression of having calmed down.

“Did any of the soldiers know the location of the node compound?” You ask.

“Calavera might have.” A large man, not wearing the uniform of a courtier, speaks up; he must be the commander of the local military at this complex. “He was transferred here after a dereliction of duty at the main fortress. He probably couldn't have led them there, the incompetent bastard, but he could have given them enough clues to locate it.”

You lower your head, slamming into the table, “This is my responsibility! It was my weakness that led to the node being compromised! Please, punish this unworthy failure!”

“Relax, Vasquez.” The man at the head of the table says, “If you were capable of escaping from them, I highly doubt they’d have the individual power necessary to compromise the Node.”

“But they could give the intel to a higher authority.” You say, blood trickling down your side, “If only I had won…”

“Rest. A healer will be appointed to you soon so hold out until then.”

>Follow orders and leave for now
>Wipe out the top brass, leaving one alive to talk
>Leave for now and try to capture the head courtier when he’s alone
>Follow orders and leave for now
Ideally we want to get to the node undetected.
>Follow orders and leave for now
Surely we can find the node ourselves now that we're here?
>Follow orders and leave for now

>Follow orders and leave for now

“At your will, sir.” You bow, shuffling out of the room while gripping at your side. You make your way to the medbay, setting yourself down in a hospital bed. No matter how useful, you don't like tearing your guts open for these missions- it really does fucking hurt.

A young soldier walks into the room, bearing the markings of a medic. He blushes at the sight of you- you had wrapped your undershirt around the injury on your torso to stop the bleeding, leaving only the skimpy feathered bikini to cover up your upper body.

He doesn't let his embarrassment hinder his work, however, deftly removing your makeshift first aid and cleaning, then disinfecting the wound with topical antibiotic l, carefully minimizing your pain as he applies bandages to your torso.

Then, he places his hands over the injured area, not-black light seeping from his hands. The sensation of another’s energy entering your body is unpleasant, but you bear with it, feeling your flesh twist itself back into a proper state.

He steals one last glance at you before scampering out of the room- in his defense, Vasquez was quite the looker.

As you lie down, you ponder the best way to locate the node- you’ll need to find the larger compound in which it resides, although it should be pretty close to this one based on what you’ve heard.

What should you do?

>Try to ingratiate yourself to someone who would know
>Request that you be assigned there to make up for your failings
>Try to sneak intel out from the archives
>Use a miracle or authority (Specify)
>Delegate to Dorota
>Try to sneak intel out from the archives
We're stealthy enough to do it, and who knows what other juicy info we could find in there while looking.
>Try to sneak intel out from the archives

>Try to sneak intel out from the archives

You place a dummy in your bed using <Awaken the Palladium>, using its copies of <Faces> and <Tactics> to imitate a sleeping Vasquez.

You sneak through the underground complex with your stealth authorities active, slinking through the halls and being careful to avoid the eyes of any courtiers unless necessary just in case.

You make your way to the Archives, opening it to find a massive library of paper and parchment as opposed to the user-friendly setup you were hoping for, the smell of dusty old books and the ancient wooden shelves clashing against the futuristic white room and abundant LED light panelling.

Worse however, is the indexing system: the method by which things are organized completely alien to you, things not only being grouped together in a seemingly arbitrary manner, but a number of books you wouldn't expect- biology reference texts, romance novels, and even a number of completely blank books- appearing within the massive library.

What should you do?

>Lie in wait and observe
>Figure it out (propose an idea)
>Figure it out (propose an idea)
It's gotta have something to do with Not-Black, like everything here is mundane shit overwritten with Not-Black ink that muggles and tainted can't even see.

Somewhat problematically we can't see divinity normally. I wonder if any of our playthings might have the trick for it?
+1, the not-black is probably the key.
Maybe our glasses we got or one of our items has a way to help. Though I agree not-black is probably the way to hide it, same as all this other king shit
Not black is just a disguise we wear to imitate a King follower. To parse this library we probably need to channel the King, something which I doubt we can still do after pissing him off so bad. Perhaps Dorota can do it in our stead?
>Figure it out (propose an idea)

Not-Black is something that is always there, but our brain/soul/the system filters out automatically.
Not-Black is not intentionally hidden, this however is likely intentionally hidden.
But yes, first step is to simply try to see if it is just Not-Black or a variant thereof.
If it's not we could try to observe how other people in the library are acting. Maybe they need an active connection to the king, which I don't recommend we do.
Before we try and mind control someone into showing us how it works (which would still probably alert the king)
I rather create some knowledge that they would go and write down in this manner, and figure out how it works from there

>Figure it out

Your eyelids close tight, making it easier for you to open your <Eyes>. Inspecting the books closely, you feel the faint traces of divinity radiating off of them- as you suspected, there's some supernatural trick here. However, flipping through the book, you still don't see any writing.

You try imbuing the book with a bit of divinity, making very sure that it remains not-black as it seeps into the old tome. Suddenly, letters appear faintly in your <Vision>, still invisible to the naked eye. Rather than the books themselves, some invisible fluid used as ink seems to have been one of the King’s artifacts.

Keeping your eyes shut and feeling around for the books you need, you quickly find a map of this area, replete with data regarding the node. You suspect that most compounds lack the data on the locations of ones outside their district for operational security purposes.

You shudder as you touch the book for long enough to copy the map, a feeling not dissimilar to sneaking around a sleeping bear.

You have the information you came to find; sneaking out of the archives, you consider your next step:

>Leave straight for the node
>Kill off the courtiers
>Wipe out the entire town
this is still a huge amount of data to be captured here, I don't want to risk them destroying it all.
>Leave straight for the node
>Leave straight for the node

>Head straight for the node

You decide to leave this place intact for now as you make your way to your real target- the <Node>, with the hopes of subsuming its divinity for yourself.

>Write in: what do you do about Vasquez? Defaults to having her simply disappear

You exit the compound, opening the steel doors and fleeing out into the jungle.

As you fly towards the recorded location, you think about the next step of your plan. What should you do?

>Try to sneak in and steal the node
>Use a canister and obliterate the compound with your <Strings> and <Gown> like last time
>Tip off a nearby power like Hades or the Brazilians and muster a full frontal assault
Use a canister and obliterate the compound with your <Strings> and <Gown> like last time
>Have Pallas and Dorota follow up in our wake to mop up while we push for the node
It'd be nice to figure out the Russian's trick for our allies
can you recap how Divinity regeneration works?
isn't all of it regenerated in a day, giving us essentially 2.5k a day
we said before that we always push our excess into the pithos.

>Use a canister and fill up the gown
>Use Palladiums and ourselves to weave through the compound in a stealthy manner, surgically cutting everything down
>Use a canister and obliterate
No sharing
>Write in: what do you do about Vasquez? Defaults to having her simply disappear

Suicide note implying she ran out into the wilderness out of shame

> Use a canister and go full power on these fools

I'm curious to see if the King has anything he thinks he can use to stop us

>Use a canister and obliterate the compound with your <Strings> and <Gown> like last time

You use a canister, refilling the divinity store in your gown past 10,000 (total, 17,320) and approaching the spot of seemingly empty jungle ahead of you. You close your eyes, using your memory of the King’s touch to find your way to the door.

You gently push it open, revealing a sprawling modern metropolis, complete with skyscrapers, cars of the newest model, and electronic lighting. One thing you don't see, however, are people.

You look around, still under the cover of your stealth abilities- the place is a complete ghost town. A decoy? No- you can sense the presence of the node.

<Omen> and <Preservation Instinct> scream, causing you to leap away from where you were standing. The ground dents as if hit by an immense impact.

“Archdevil Atë.”

A single Courtier stands before, dressed in a deep red three piece suit with a tailcoat and bowtie.

Most notably, however, the eyeholes in her mask are a complete void, black blood seeping from teardrop carvings at their edges. Upon closer inspection, her ears seem to be severed as well, replaced with steel plates at the sides of her head.

“Be honored, wretch- the King knows your name. I am the ninth seat of the Flagellated- your executioner.”

>Engage her in single combat
>Use <Awaken the Palladium> or <Atë’s Playthings> (Specify)
>Get a subordinate to help
>Use an authority or miracle (Specify)
>Use <Awaken the Palladium>
>Channel <Primordial Body>
>Get Pallas to help
She's immune to all our cognito-hazard authorities, no bueno
Oh yeah, burn some <Star of Death> too

Dahhhh they're crafting counters to us! Now that's respect.


Well Pallas, you wanted a challenge, get in here and hop to it.

We can use Touch of Madness, as long as we don't activate the illusions and mental shenanigans, just break her fucking will to live....right?
Damn, we were so stealth mode getting in here too. I guess the King is still powerful beyond imagination and also hella pissed. We only knocked over a single compound and we're already getting called archdevil just like Prometheus! Maybe he hasn't been eating the marbles.

Supporting >>6047930
but use Playthings instead, use a copy of Dorota and if that's not enough, extras of Pallas.
To be fair, I don't think ANYONE has had the balls or lack of brain cells to eat the King's orbs before.
Our girl lost her marbles, so she's substituting the King's orbs for said marbles? Sounds fun enough, let's keep doing it. Bonus if we complain to the King directly about how they taste
I'm half expecting the system to just be like "Listen we can't keep meeting like this where I'm stopping your soul from exploding"
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3.03 MB
3.03 MB GIF
>tfw ate gets "honorary bane of ouranos" title for continually breaking the king's balls

I am a little worried about the King putting MUCH more effort into obliterating us if we try to taunt him and eat more of his spheroids. Which is a big no buenis.

A crimson portal appears behind you, the entrance to your divine realm, from which Pallas emerges in his full combat form, complete with his armor and signature spear. He lunges out the gate, a gale of razor sharp wind flying towards the Flagellated courtier, who dodges the tip of the spear and deflects the wind with a swipe of her hand.

You replicate her <Primordial Body> and activate your combat authorities, a massive surge of divinity flying out as you prepare to enter the fray. You manifest the <Arms of Khaos>, sinking the <Sword of Damocles> into it, watching as the inky black material coating your claws transforms into a shimmering golden gauntlet adorned with shimmering jewels and silver accents.

Iwana continues to press the courtier, but it's obvious that the gap in divinity is keeping her at bay- walls of not-black energy appear as quickly as Pallas can shatter them, while her invisible attacks of telekinetic impact, while never landing, constantly force her to retreat and stop her attacks. In a battle of attrition, she would probably lose.

The courtier prays, not-black divinity forming into tentacles covered in razor sharp spines as she recites scripture in an ancient tongue you cannot understand. You summon a <Palladium> at full power and, splitting your consciousness between yourself and it while, using a secondary brain to split the load, lunge towards the crimson Flagellated.

You dance around the manifested tentacles, surprising her with your ability to see them as you advance. <Bane to the King> and <Star of Death> are fully active, enhancing your speed as you and your mirror image barrel towards the lone enemy.

“These walls are built to stop the Tainted!” She shouts, creating another multi-layer series of divinity barriers. Your claws are slowed greatly by one- it seems like they were tailored specifically to counter the system’s powers.

You smirk- who needs the system, anyway?

Blood-red wind begins to gather at your fingertips, swirling into a devastating cyclone of blades, forming a perfect drill at the edges of your claws. You thrust your arm forward, elongating it well past its natural reach as you pierce through each and every one of her barriers like glass.

Your claw pierces her gut, but stops, repelled by a mysterious force, before it can do any damage.

“<G E T B A C K!>”

A massive explosion of divinity emerges from her body- you block the impact with your <Divine Armor>, but the force of the impact sends you careening backwards into a nearby building. You alter the structure of your lower legs before impact, creating a curved, highly flexible structure that absorbs the impact and repurposes it as velocity. As the <Palladium>, you instead decide to keep at a distance, the lack of a weapon severely limiting your offensive power. Instead, you manifest the <Fetters>, coating them with <Down to the Core> and slamming them against the barriers before Pallas, assisting her in her assault.

She flies into the air, hoping to gain the advantage that way as she hurls a truck towards you on your approach. You straighten your posture and stick your arms up, using your entire body for <Down to the Core> as you cut through the car like butter and continue to harass her.

As you break through a barrier for another attack, your precognition authorities give a warning. You fall back, slamming through a window of a building to avoid a massive blast of not-black energy.

“INSIGNIFICANT RAT.” The courtier lifts a hand, a massive quantity of divinity forming at her fingertips.

<Omen> and <Preservation Instinct> duly informs you that, should that attack connect, you will be rendering a smoldering pile of ash.

What do you do?

>Go on the offensive and interrupt her <Gift>
>Summon a <Plaything> to engage
>Use your <Palladium> and Iwana as distractions as you head towards the temple
>Temporarily retreat into <Divine Realm>

First sentence is poorly worded, should be more like "before you can do any real damage". You definitely drew blood, but the injury was really shallow
Is she attempting a Freeza Death Beam?

Your precognition authorities are unhelpful for specific details, but it does seem to be an aimed attack rather than an aoe burst
So it's totally a Freeza Death Beam, got it
>Use your <Palladium> and Iwana as distractions as you head towards the temple
Imagine if this bitch accidentally death beamed her own dark god's sacred orb, but instead of it absorbing the energy the orb just fucking broke like any orb artifact should. That'd totally be, like, them bringing their own ruin on themselves. We should definitely try to make that happen.
Hmm, could we <Plaything> a Courtier we killed?
> Try to trick the courtier into unloading those blasts into the temple, or use her unwillingness to do so to our advantage.

I can only hope that we get to murder the heroes while grouchily complaining that we had to save the god damn world first.
Bonus points for putting a spare brain and heart into a leg or arm or something and T-posing with a nice big grin to taunt her. Hoping that if she DOES shoot our limbs will be intact and we can regenerate to blindside her when she shifts focus back to Pallas.

Plans inside of plans.
We have got to get that regen X
I wonder if we miracle maxed out regen with something if we could start doing some The Thing shenanigans. Nothing says crazy like hearing your cells laughing and screaming at you.
>The Thing shenanigans
Lord please I want it so bad. The Thing + Ate cognitohazard = fun times
>Use your <Palladium> and Iwana as distractions as you head towards the temple
we must get near the temple first
Oh fuck, she’s strong
Could it be that since the King is doing his side manually, he can directly grant power to servants in need rather than making them harvest mortals and do quests?
We might be screwed

>Use another Palladium clone to distract, engage all stealth authorities, head towards the temple

>Use your <Palladium> and Iwana as distractions as you head towards the temple

Your Palladium transforms into a serpent-esque shape, wrapping around Pallas’s body and sprouting wings, allowing them to fly together. They rocket upwards, <Down to the Core> imbued into Pallas’s spear by a tendril coiled around her wrist.

Iwana launches the spear forward, a <Fetter> tied to the shaft and maintaining the <Down to the Core> activation. The spear blows effortlessly through the barriers the courtier had set, forcing her to repurpose the divinity set aside for the lethal blow into another outward push. Your Palladium creates a <Divine Armor> shield, protecting Iwana from damage but not preventing the two of them from being launched into a skyscraper, tumbling through both walls of the building from the momentum.

The attack may not have landed, but it bought you valuable time- by the time the Flagellated notices your disappearance, you’ve already raced halfway through the city to the temple.

Her body rotates such that her shoes are pointed towards the temple, and she falls sideways towards it at a terrifying pace, a sonic boom cracking through the sky as she begins to close the distance.

Iwana copies your <Supernatural Speed> alongside her other physical enhancement abilities, tearing through the road and shattering the windows and even some of the walls of buildings she passes as she bolts forwards to catch up. She leaps up, jumping off of the air and transferring her momentum to a spear- notably not her usual one. You recognize it as one of the ones you’d picked up from the previous battle with Isa and the Penitent, but don't remember its effects.

The spear shatters on impact with a single barrier- the courtier smirks, but her smug expression doesn't last long as a massive explosion erupts from the broken edge of the weapon, engulfing her in divine fire.

The courtier emerges from the flames, charred black skin sloughing off like the molt of a snake as fresh, pale flesh appears from beneath its tattered remains.


Pallas is put on the defensive as the Flagellated one spams the invisible attack she used against you before, creating dozens of craters throughout the city as Pallas races to avoid being reduced to a paste.


Her hand raises, divinity pooling at its fingertips as your true body reaches the outer wall of the temple. That being said- things aren't looking good for Pallas- while she can avoid the attacks, she’s quickly running low on divinity as she avoids lethal attack after lethal attack and, with no consumables usable, lacks the ability to restore it.

What do you do?

>Taunt the Courtier in an attempt to bait her into demolishing the temple
>Leave Pallas and the Palladium to her own devices as you enter the temple
>Allow her to retreat into the divine realm
>>Taunt the Courtier in an attempt to bait her into demolishing the temple
>"Let it be known that YOUR failure is what allowed me to consume the second of your puny god's little stones!"
Let's hit all of the buttons on the taunt menu at once kek.
>Taunt the Courtier in an attempt to bait her into demolishing the temple
Run our mouth. We have a talent for it.
>Allow her to retreat into the divine realm
Pallas is a fine pawn, and we have got to get that duel finished.
>Taunt the Courtier in an attempt to bait her into demolishing the temple
>"Let it be known that YOUR failure is what allowed me to consume the second of your puny god's little stones!"
>Let Pallas retreat
I'm very pleased at her performance, especially with the Palladium partnering with her. I'm... not entirely sure what baiting her into collapsing the temple will accomplish, but it's funny so I'm voting for it anyways.

>The King is manually empowering his servants
>Everywhere incarnations aren't actively crushing the Penitent, a united force capable of producing extremely powerful beings is acting

Alright, I'll need some rolls for obnoxiousness. 3d10+1. Before rolling, please specify between cautious, normal, and reckless. Bonus points for coming up with good insults
As for insults
Something like “You had to blind and deafen yourself to fight me. Did you not trust your King to protect you? Or is he too weak to do so?”
Question both her faith and her God
Wait she plated up her ears, can she even hear our insults
Rolled 9, 10, 1 + 1 = 21 (3d10 + 1)

damn, I slept through some epic fighting

if it still counts:
>Allow her to retreat into the divine realm
>Allow her to fill up her own divinity on the second battery we have to rejoin the fight


Not rolling because I have had bad rolls recently.

As for insults, perhaps
>"Deaf and blind are you? Does your almighty King so fear the spoken word?"
Rolled 4, 1, 6 + 1 = 12 (3d10 + 1)

also please let Pallas retreat
Rolled 7, 8, 2 + 1 = 18 (3d10 + 1)

Shit I rolled without posting the thing

reckless it is
Can this bitch even hear us?
"You do realize the system is stronger than the king...and it's not even really here?

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