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G´day /qst/
im creating this quest specifically for those waiting for HeadQM´s return to the Disappearing Hogwarts Quest, however, if you are not familiar with that specific quest, or the Wizarding World in general, you are also free to join in, im trying to make it as welcoming as possible for everyone, regardless of knowledge on the subject (its not like im an expert at it either, i just love the setting, so everything here could have conflicting information at some point, just keep in mind this is all in good fun while waiting for HeadQM´s return).
with that being said, this quest MIGHT be related to Disappearing Hogwarts, taking a very lose inspiration and might have vague references to it, yet, its still a FULLY NON-CANON quest
now, let the story begin!
The year is 2024, another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is about to start.
There will be many students returning, new students setting foot in for the first time after undocking from their mood-setting boat trip through the Black Lake, but most importantly, the Hogwarts Staff will be preparing for the new school year once again.
Well, most of them, anyway…
Argus Filch, Hogwarts “beloved” caretaker of several decades has finally retired, the reason? His old age, at least that's what he will say, the real reason was a heart attack that severely crippled him after a particularly nasty encounter with Peeves: Hogwarts troublesome poltergeist. So, under direct orders of Headmaster Harry James Potter, Argus Filch was given an “early” retirement.

That's where you come in, Brandon Tedmond.
A recently graduated Hogwarts student that, unlike most of his fellow students, couldn't find his desired job or ANY stable job at all.
So, one lucky morning, after a random encounter with the Headmaster while on the hunt for your daily small job near Hogsmeade, you got a proposition you just couldn't refuse.

“You would be in charge of overseeing the cleanliness and hygiene of Hogwarts along with overall security and nightly patrol in and around the castle, in exchange for these services, you will be allowed to live in the castle, along with your standard payment and full access to areas previously restricted as a student.” Potter said while taking a swig of his secret flask of morning firewhisky.

This was a golden opportunity for any curious student that fell in love with Hogwarts, which were many, but fate decided to give you a break and made you the lucky winner this time, however, during your student years, you managed to be pretty familiar with Hogwarts’s most recent Headmaster.
While not mean spirited, you were rather troublesome for the school’s staff, sneaking at night was your most repeated offense, something natural for a curious person like yourself, and trips to Potter’s office became a somewhat common occurrence for you.
This made you quite acquaintanced with him, more than most students, so you know when something is wrong with him, he rapidly grew a reputation of being a very smart and sneaky BASTARD, he could probably make Salazar Slytherin proud with all the planning and preparing he always did months in advance of anything, there was nothing that eluded him or took him by surprise, which made him any prank enthusiast´s worst nightmare, yet, he didn't have a single plan or replacement for a school caretaker despite the obvious ticking time bomb that was Filch? Something was wrong.
He was looking rather nervous for some reason, distracted even, as if he knew something wasn't right or was about to be, so you knew his offer wasn't entirely honest, he was either panicking or planning something, and that something included you.
But a decently paying job that will let you live inside the most amazing magical structure you have ever set foot in and the opportunity to fully explore it? You are not rejecting this opportunity for anything in the world!
You eagerly accept.

Potter visibly relaxes for a brief second and gives you instructions to meet him in a few days at the castle.
You are pretty sure this job shouldnt be the hardest thing in the world, after all, most rooms in the castle are charmed and clean themselves, there are magical (not made for flying) brooms that clean entire hallways on the daily AND you have access to cleaning spells, universal charms like “Scourgify” were taught during your time as a student, so you have your basic stuff taken care off.
After a few more minutes of chatting, Potter stands up to leave, wishing you a good day and apparating away, leaving you with nothing but your thoughts and a couple of days to prepare your moving to the castle.
Deciding that sooner rather than later is always better, you head to your shared apartment at the edge of Hogsmeade to begin packing your stuff up. You don't own much:a few changes of clothes, a charmed suitcase that's way bigger on the inside and a couple of books of your favorite magical subjects that you managed to get at a discounted price right after you graduated.
Your clothes are quickly moved into your suitcase with a quick swish of your wand. Your books on the other hand, are something that you rather handle yourself, you walk to the small shelf in a corner of the apartment, noticing yourself in the small circular mirror sitting on it; your medium-fair skin has the smallest hint of roughness on it, nothing a long warm bath couldn't fix, your neck length dark hair has the smallest hint of a shine thanks to a small oily layer and your gray eyes look a bit tired, a couple of spots staining them, giving you a slightly older look, you have thought about having that fixed but just haven't done it for some reason or another.
After removing a small bit of eye gunk and a quick self checkout, you grab the 2 books you own, each about a favorite subject you excelled while at Hogwarts.

>Pick 2 subjects that you will have access to future bonuses

>Care of Magical Creatures
>Defense Against the Dark Arts
>Muggle studies

And a small golden pin, bearing the emblem of the house you were part of while studying at Hogwarts
>Pick the house you were part of

>swig of his secret flask of morning firewhisky.

A man after my own heart. Whiskey at 9 am? Why not.

Wonder what exactly is eating at him...




We were described as being curious. Maybe we can Good Will hunting this bitch up, magical genius janitor is a go.

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And now I am curious. What our blood status is. About our parents. What our friends from school are up to. If we share an apartment, who our roommate is.

If this is related to DH enough that the Interdict of Merlin is around, or if it is like the books, and you can just read about a spell to learn it.

Whether we are going to end up with our own animal helper like Mrs. Norris, like Filch had.

If any of our Jr. Housemates are going to give us crap for taking a position as Caretaker, which is stable work but not that prestigious.

Seems like an interesting idea, that. I recall like literally one HP Quest ever that had the PC be someone who already graduated Hogwarts.
all in due time my friend, some of those questions could be important, some may not, you´ll have to vote, wait and see for the answers.
i plan to use a similar system to HeadQM´s, so you might be familiar with the process, but maybe a bit less brutal when it comes to dice rolls, we'll see when we get to that
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>divination: although the class might have been a snooze, this could be really fun to play with.
>care of magical creatures


Hoping to find a nice lady teacher to share some adventures with.
Hey, we just graduated... 7th years are on the table to. For "adventures". Yes, wholesome "adventures".

Also cute gif. Stolen.
Also cool, apparently my cell isn't range banned in this area of town. Yay.
I'll second this! Sounds like a good fit for someone that needs to take care of what Hogwarts' usual enchantments miss.
Though it might be somewhat interesting for our PC to be quite smart, hence Ravenclaw and 2 of the hardest fields as specialties, but kinda of a slacker. Or maybe just kind of unambitious? Hence, him being interested in the job for his own curiosity about Hogwarts and because it seemed pretty easy/chill. Like those kind of really smart kids from highschool who could have probably gone on to do amazing things but are just perfectly fine working overnights at some basic job and are just happy doing their own things, pursuing their interests. Or not, who knows. And maybe working this job could be what ends up introducing the MC to something he really ends up with a passion for that he could also make a living doing.

Who knows. Suppose we will see how he turns out.

Plus I am fond of the trope where the dude you might least expect, one with a unprestigious job and what not, ends up being the smartest guy in the room.
welp, im about to get out of work in 10 minutes, so votes are now closed
looks like we are a Ravenclaw!
and with a 2/3 of the votes, our best subjects will be Charms and Transfiguration
good choices!
update in a few hours after i get home
Just a suggestion QM (and personal preference, feel free to ignore it) but for me 4chan's formatting lends itself better to bigger paragraphs which are double spaced. Lots of "loose" lines all bunched up together feels cramped/cluttered for me, and it all sort of blends together
yeah, i´ll use that next, i was actually supposed to do that, but i forgot to add the spaces when i pasted the text from my google doc file
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>Harry Potter Quest to fill the void of Disappearing Hogwarts
Aye. Kektus is the hero we don't deserve.
Can I join your quest
You take the raven shaped pin, feeling the indentations of its engraved feathers on the tip of your fingers and smile at the memories of your time at the Ravenclaw tower, looking out the window while the sun was setting down, a book in your lap and a cup of tea in your hands.

Sharing tales and stories from your home with your small group of friends, most from your same year and one from 4th year, most likely the only one still at Hogwarts as a student right now, her name escapes your mind at this moment but she was pretty cool for a kid, Sadly, being from a different year always creates some sort of invisible barrier between students, no matter how cool they are.

you come back from your quick trip down the memory lane and place the pin on the cuff of your old but reliable beige coat, then, you take your Charms and Transfiguration books, the special “adult studies” editions, books with more advanced spells that aren't taught at any schools without special permissions or requests and gently place them inside your suitcase. you´ll finish reading them some time soon, you hope.

Making sure the few things you own are all properly packed and set doesn't take long. After a quick hour of packing, your only thing left to do now is getting something to eat. The Three Broomsticks seems like the perfect place.

It's calm at this time of the day, most people are at work and students aren't supposed to be here, so you have a nice and quiet time having a late breakfast with the owner of the pub, Madame Rosmerta and her granddaughter, Olivia.

“I still have a few decades in me, but she insisted that I take some vacations and visit our family back in London” Madame Rosmerta said while cleaning the main bar with a VERY old looking rag.
“you´ll send an owl if she causes any trouble while I'm gone, right, honey?”.

Olivia gives her grandmother an incredulous look.

“Merlin's beard! gran! I'm right here! could you please not flirt with the clients today?!” Olivia shouts from the other side of the pub, being glad you are the only patron in the building.

You shake your head with a small grin
“i´ll try keeping an eye out, but she is young, i´d expect at least some sort of party or happy hour sooner rather than later”

“That's alright, just make sure she won't get too crazy with the free butterbeer”
she leans in, giving you a very good view of her low cut cleavage, “not bad for an almost 80 year old witch” you think.
“she keeps saying its nothing, but she cant handle alcohol at all, do whatever you want with that info”
You hold in a chuckle while she leans away, taking some obvious pleasure in embarrassing her granddaughter.
You are enjoying your last mug of butterbeer for the day when the entrance of the establishment opens up, its hinges creaking loudly, announcing the presence of none other than Professor Minerva McGonagall.

She immediately notices the lack of customers and makes her way to sit next to you.

“Good day, Madame Rosmerta, Olivia…” then her eyes fell on you.

“Mister Tedmond” she says with an air of curiosity that her skinny and old frame can't hide, she looks old, very very old, but despite her occasional lapses of getting lost inside her own mind, she still emanates a powerful and commanding feeling of authority.

She adjusted her glasses and tilts her head while examining you, as if expecting to find the answers to whatever she is asking just by looking at you

“i have been informed that you will be joining us as a member of our prestigious institution”
Madame Rosmerta doesn't even try to hide her curiosity and joins in while leaving down a mug of butterbeer next to the Professor.

“that is correct Professor, i can only hope i can meet the standards that Hogwarts needs of me”

“i guess we´ll see if you meet those standards soon enough, i for one, welcome you to the Hogwarts family with open arms and hope you can gain an amazing experience from it, after all, not many students get the opportunity to come back as a member of Hogwarts staff, do try to make the most of it”

She is smiling sincerely while saying that, however, her smile slowly disappears while moving her hand to grab the mug of butterbeer that sits next to her, her boney hand trembling slightly.

she takes a small sip and sets it down again “H-however…”

Oh boy, that's never a good sign… You give her your full attention after that small stutter, a feeling of worry running down your spine.

“everything alright, Professor?”

“Y-yes, everything is fine…well, almost everything”

You keep quiet, letting her know you expect her to give you the missing information she obviously wants to give you.

“I don't know if you noticed in your short conversation with Professor Potter, but he has been rather…different. Lately he has been looking for someone or something, who or what, he won't tell, but it's starting to take a toll on him, so I came here, looking for you, with a request.”
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If there was any part of you that wasn't paying attention before, it sure is doing so now.
“Whatever it is, I'll try to do my best, Professor, what can I do to help?”

“Keep an eye on Potter, whatever he is doing, whatever he is looking for…its something powerful, something dangerous, something that could have irreversible consequences”

there is something in her voice that took you a second to recognize, but it's there, fear, fear of the unknown, a fear of something that shouldn't be there
A deafening silence falls across the building, this is serious business, coming from the 2nd highest rank in all of Hogwarts and you don't plan on letting her down.

“i'll do everything i can possibly do, Professor”

She nods and finishes the rest of her butterbeer before letting you know about a few more details of your new job, mostly paperwork stuff that you can easily get done later today. After that, she goes away, leaving you alone after Madame Rosmerta lost interest and went to help Olivia cleaning some tables.

After paying for everything consumed, you exit the pub, adjusting the cuffs of your sleeves and getting all the paperwork that could be done, tomorrow, you go back to Hogwarts, a new job and a new yet old lifestyle awaits you.

it's dark when you finally return to your apartment, the stars are twinkling idly and the flames of light post cast long shadows on the streets.
Your suitcase is by the door and you are enjoying what will most likely be your last cup of tea by the window in this apartment, it feels a bit surreal, not more than a year ago, you graduated Hogwarts and now you are coming back, it should be a familiar feeling, yet you feel anxious but excited, living in Hogwarts as a student is fun, will it still be as a member of the faculty?

You take the last sip of your tea and go to the small sink in the kitchen to drop the cup off, when you see a moving shadow directly across the street through the small window.

It takes you a moment, but you recognize the shadow when it's dark figure gets illuminated by a light post. That's Potter, he is wearing a long dark trench coat and a hat, almost like if he was trying to go unnoticed.
He then hides a hand inside his trenchcoat for a second, then pulls something out, a wand, he slowly lifts it while slowly walking hugging a wall. A second shadow, a big one casted on another wall suddenly moves, you didn't even notice it until now, it quickly disappears and just as quickly Potter gives chase.

You are still dressed, perhaps you could start with McGonagall's request earlier than expected.
>Chase Potter and the second shadow
>you don't know what you are dealing with yet, best to get more info when you get to Hogwarts
>>Chase Potter and the second shadow

Is this apartment in hogsmeade? Is this temporary or would we get peeves old place, which I assume is in the castle?
>>>Chase Potter and the second shadow
charm or transfigure our clothes to make less noise and look more inconspicuous and run after them
Anon I think you replied to me instead of the QM.
yes, we are currently in Hogsmeade, we are leaving soon to go live in the castle
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>Chase Potter and the second shadow

We are good at charms. We should probably disillusion ourselves if we are following after.

Don't normally need to ask unless it is a mulitplayer skirmish or something. Read the prompt, vote, discuss. Simple as.
with full votes, it looks like we have a chase in our hands, what could be around the corner? find out in the update later tonight!
ok, sorry for the delay, but there wont be an update as planned due to some scheduling comflicts, worry not tho, the update is almost ready, just have to rework a small part and then i´ll post it tomorrow as soon as possible!

in the meanwhile and to not let you guys without nothing, im gonna request for you guys to give me a 1D6, best roll will be used for a little surprise in the next update
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Not sure if good or bad... 4 is associated with death in japan.

Do what you gotta do, you are giving us free entertainment after all. Thanks for letting us know.
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Forgot roll. Too damn early
ooh, you lucky bastard
Not sure bout how lucky...

>First call fro a roll
>1st anon gets the jap death number
>I get a 6 with 66 as my dubs
>Death number and number of the beast

I hope this doesn't herald a cursed quest full of death and deviltry.
it takes you a second to get your resolve in place, but you steel yourself and cast a disillusionment charm on yourself, followed by Silencio. If you are gonna do this, you are not gonna leave anything to chance.
You quickly test your spells by flapping your coat, trying to produce a sound. When you are sure that no sound is being made at all you quickly reach for the door, wand in hand, and run towards the direction you just saw Potter run off to.
You spend a bit longer than you expected casting those spells on yourself, but you manage to see Potter's shadow take a turn, his shadow quickly moving across the walls.
You give chase, running as fast as you can while also trying your best not to stomp too hard on the ground, maybe your body can't generate any sound, but your environments surrounding you still can. Don't want to alert the chaser and the chased.
However, you weren't expecting Potter to be so fast, you quickly realize that you are not going to be able to even come close to him and at this rate you will lose his track. You need to get in shape soon.
Best to be creative about this; You drop the Silencio spell in order to cast:
You are lifted through the air, seeing the roofs of the many two story houses quickly shrink under your feet, stopping after a few of seconds of accelerated ascending when you see both shadows moving through the alleys like a very big game of Pacman, following their path with your gaze until a volley of red bolts flashes across the alleys.
Looks like they are done running for the moment.
You cast Descendo along with Carpe Retractum to quickly pull yourself down to the rooftops next to the alley currently being used as a tight battle ground and hide behind a chimney poking out of an angled roof.
The spells and shields clash and illuminate the dark alley with reds, greens and yellow lights, the sound of breaking wooden boxes and exploding bricks from the walls disturb the silence of the night, but you notice that only Potter is the one audibly casting spells.
“Depulso! Stupefy! Accio box! Protego!”
Potter shouts with each spell, but the target is silent, only casting wordless shields and deflecting his attacks, one of which zips right by your head; You instinctively dodge the bolt but step on a loose roof tile, making it fall to the ground, right in the middle of their battle.
You flinch when the tile cracks loudly and both casters quickly throw a glance at your direction, your disillusionment spell is still active, so you know they can't recognize you, but they are both aware now of an unexpected spectator.
This however, proved to be the window the running witch or wizard needed, diving behind a corner and with a snapping sound, completely disappearing from the area.
Potter slumps in frustration, panting from his battle. He kicks a wooden box and then throws a red bolt towards your direction.
You hide behind the chimney to dodge once again and hold your wand at the ready, expecting a fight or chase to start again, but you only hear a snapping sound. The silence of the night makes itself present once again.
You notice your vision starting to get blurry and that's when you realize you were holding your breath, you let out a silent gasp and take a deep breath to calm yourself.

Looks like Potter won't be chasing you tonight, good, you don't have the physical stamina to do another chase right now, and with no idea of where anyone went, you decide it's best to go back home.
You have a lot to think about after what you just witnessed, Headmaster Harry James Potter chased and attacked a Slytherin student in the middle of the night, you recognize the green trim on that robe anywhere, that was a student, a very good student if it managed to escape Potter, but still, just a student.

The morning comes faster than you wish for, your legs are a bit sore from that midnight sprint you took but still managed to get a decent night of sleep.
A quick slice of toast with eggs fills your stomach just enough to calm it down for a bit while you double check everything is packed in your suitcase, after a triple check and considering a fourth one, you exit your home for the last time.
Heading to Hogwarts for a second time is exciting, you almost feel like a student once again.
As you walk across the small town of Hogsmeade, seeing the castle in the background slowly getting bigger with each step, you admire its towers a bit too much and bump into a large figure.

“Oh! sorry! I wasn't looking where I was walki-Hagrid?”

“Oi! Brandon! ´avent seen you in a bit! ´ow ya doin?”

It takes just a bit of walking, but you soon make it to Hogwarts enormous doors, Hagrid walking next to you, catching up with you while you enter the castle

“He then said: no! That's my daughter! not a pig!”

You both laugh loudly at Hagrid´s silly story, the half-giant man slaps his knees while hollering a giant laugh that slowly dies out until you are both taking deep breaths.

“I hope we can do more of this soon, Hagrid, with me being part of the staff, i'm sure we could enjoy some tea and crackers at your hut”

“Nothing would make me happier! but for now, you have to report to Professor Potter, i would join you, but i ´ave a few things to take care of, i'm sure you already know the way”

“i do, thanks for joining me on the way back”

“aye, i´ll see you later Brandon”
With that good time being over, Hagrid walks away, heading towards what you presume would be either his hut or the forest, you´ll ask him later which one it was.
For now, you make your way towards the Headmaster´s tower, you still clearly remember the way to it, a turn here, a turn there, climb down the stairs then climb up those other stairs.
Before you know it, you are standing in front of a sitting gargoyle guarding the entrance to the circular stairs.
It stares at you.

“H-hi, i come to see the Headmaster”

The gargoyle says nothing and remains still

“right, the password…Firewhisky”

The living statue grunts for a second and steps back, allowing the circular stair to manifest, you climb them up. When you reach the top of the stairs, a simple wooden door blocks your path, you are about to knock on it, when it suddenly opens up.
A very small girl with auburn hair and a freckled button nose and a very tall boy with blond hair and a similarly freckled face are standing on the other side.

“oh, hi! sorry for being in your way, excuse us” the small Hufflepuff girl says while exiting. The tall Hufflepuff boy follows quietly behind her

“Thanks for everything Professor!” she says before descending the stairs with her bodyguard.

“Don't mention it” says Potters voice from behind a huge wooden red desk

“ahh! Brandon! i was expecting you, i trust your trip here was safe”

“Hello Professor, yes, i came along with Hagrid, we chatted on the way back, told me you were waiting for me”
You walk until you are standing next to his desk and sit on one of the big puffy green felted chairs.

“Yes, yes, we have all been expecting your arrival, the final piece in our big Hogwarts family”

He looks rather…happy this time, then you notice a particular smell in the air, its vague, but you recognize it easily, Firewhisky. You inspect Potter for a second, his face is slightly flustered, his hair disheveled and there is the smallest hint of slurring when he speaks

“I'm sorry Professor, is this a bad time? you seem a bit…out of sorts…”

“No! no! it's just…” he leaves his flask on the table and you just noticed he had that in his hands the entire time. “It's been a rough…rough night”

“yeah, i wonder why?” you say inside your head.

Potter brings his hands to his face and rubs his cheeks roughly for a second then shakes his head

“My apologies, i was expecting you, yes, just wasn't expecting you to come this early, welcome back to Hogwarts”

“Its good to be back, Professor”
After a short but formal introduction that should be expected from the Headmaster when hiring new members of the school staff, you are both walking down the moving staircase, heading towards what will be your living chambers and office. Also known as Filch´s old room.

Situated under a staircase next to a non descript corridor, is a simple and creaky but heavy looking wooden dark door, engraved on its frame, you see the words “Caretaker Argus Filch” magically shift into “Caretaker Brandon Tedmond” when you touch the door´s rustic handle.

Potter gently stops your hand with his own.

“Before you open it, there is something i want to discuss with you, some…final agreements to your contract, if you will”

You retrieve your hand, looking at Potter with curiosity

“uuhh, sure? what is it?”

“Let's…hmm. Let's call this a secondary assignment, if you will”

You turn to fully look at him


“You see, I have been dealing with a…case…here at Hogwarts, something is not right, something I cannot ask the other Professors to help me with. This is part of the reason you were hired so quickly, you are not involved with any of this, so i know i can trust you to be impartial with this”

His voice is now barely above a whisper, clearly trying to keep this under covers, it piques your curiosity.

“And I suppose you want me to be discreet about it while helping you with this, correct?”

“Correct, so far I've only been able to investigate with nothing but hunch´s and headaches, but…”

He looks around, making sure nobody is near

“i have reason to believe there is powerful Dark Magic here at Hogwarts, someone is planning something big but i haven't been able to figure out who or what”

“Dark Magic? Wouldn't this be something you would have to share with the rest of the Professors?”

“Not yet, i can't simply say that there is danger here at Hogwarts and cause panic, even if i'm the Headmaster, the law has been very strict with this since Voldemort.”
“i need some sort of evidence, but it has been fruitless, everytime i think i have something, i have this sense of deja-vu and then, it's like nothing was there to begin with, so i need you to be my eyes in the hallways”

He holds you by the shoulders, starting directly at your soul

“keep an eye on Elliot, he doesn't exists”

“im so-”

You are interrupted by Potter throwing you at the door and taking his hands to his head, holding a scream with pursed lips

“Professor! are you alright?”

He doesn't respond for several seconds, then suddenly, as if nothing ever happened, he stands up and smiles at you

“Now, let's see your new living quarters! When you open that door, the room will change to be the perfect fit for you and your needs! it's always exciting to see the castle at work, go on then, open it”

You look at Potter with worry but obey, if what just happened is true, then you don't want to test whatever made him do that, you can always question him later.
You push open the door, there is a wave of old man smell that invades your nostrils, but it disappears when you see your new living quarters and office take form in front of your eyes.

>a warm looking room with a chimney on the back wall, giving you a Gryffindor feel with its rustic but sleek wooden furniture.

>a fresh, almost cold feeling of a Ravenclaw room, with gray-ish walls and pale blue furniture, a window looking out to the forbidden forest in the middle of the back wall.

>a dark and moody room with dark marble pillars and green and silver details in the metallic furniture imitating a Slytherin feel, a long painting telling a story you can't decipher at first glance hangs in the back wall.

>a simple and cozy room, with a skylight in the middle of the room that illuminates the entire place in an almost golden glow that reminds you of a warm summer day, the perfect Hufflepuff feel.
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apologies for the long time between updates, had a bit of trouble but everything seems to be fine now.
it also seems like my internet is fucking me up again and lost my original IP, so i guess my original QM powers are gone forever, at least i still have my trip, so that should help a bit

hope you guys enjoy the update
and for those wondering about it, the dice roll was to see who would cameo in the update, since you got the biggest number, you got the main characters and a hint to the path this plot might take, just a hint tho, its not necessarily set in stone, so expect weird, definitely NOT canon things in the future!
>>a fresh, almost cold feeling of a Ravenclaw room, with gray-ish walls and pale blue furniture, a window looking out to the forbidden forest in the middle of the back wall.
>>a dark and moody room with dark marble pillars and green and silver details in the metallic furniture imitating a Slytherin feel, a long painting telling a story you can't decipher at first glance hangs in the back wall.
I think we would get either one of these based on our past house or our new assignment
>a dark and moody room with dark marble pillars and green and silver details in the metallic furniture imitating a Slytherin feel, a long painting telling a story you can't decipher at first glance hangs in the back wall.

We may have been a Ravenclaw but Snake house has style.

Also I guess this is more related to DH than I thought if Elliot and the others are around.

Alternate timeline where McGonagall didn't become headmistress and Potter became headmaster vs just deputy HM?

Maybe one where Elliot actually is evil?

Awesome, full color! Very nifty.
We might be ravenclaw, but gryffindor sounds like the best taste.
Vote for it in that case! The more votes the more fun.
>a warm looking room with a chimney on the back wall, giving you a Gryffindor feel with its rustic but sleek wooden furniture.
Fuck it.

Just so there isn't a tie I will change my vote to:

>a warm looking room with a chimney on the back wall, giving you a Gryffindor feel with its rustic but sleek wooden furniture.

Not super invested in the exact aesthetic of our room.
ok, enough time has passed and it looks like we getting a nice griffindor style abode
thanks for voting! next update will go live ina few hours, the plot will finally move forwards now that we have taken care of these details!
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Yay! Thank you for running.

In fanfic land, RavenXRowena is now like 70% done I just need a conclusion that doesn't go all angsty, however looking at the /vg/ shit made me download Hogwarts Legacy again and try to finish it vs writing. Have the stuff to install Open Mystery, just haven't felt like fucking with it.
sweet! cant wait to read it!
i feel ya, i also have been playing it lately, that fucking thing consumes your time by hours
>Open Mystery
coincidentally, i had some trouble updating it a couple of days back, make sure to drop by the /vg/ general if you have any trouble, i'll do my best to help
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Play OpenMystery. I made it for you.
As flaky as it sounds, I will. Just might take a while VG haven't been doing much for me lately, but I am trying to get back in the swing.
You see some big bricks shift in place when part of the back wall becomes a wide chimney. Furniture pops-up suddenly in a spinning motion from the ground, settling down with a heavy thud in the now wooden floor, a bureau, a long slightly ornate table with a couple of chairs and a big spongy looking armchair with a matching ottoman appear in one of the side walls. Finally, on the opposite wall, a big bed, certainly bigger than what you had back in your shared apartment, looks like a queen size mattress, accompanied by a set of 2 night tables, 1 on each side of your bed.
Warm colors and some soft browns paint everything in the room, not necessarily Gryffindor themed but certainly gives the same feeling. It feels the complete opposite of your Ravenclaw common room, but it also feels like home, cozy, inviting even.

“Not bad” says Potter, admiring your new room. “A big contrast from the last version of this room, i like your style”

It feels weird having the Headmaster by your side being so carefree and relaxed after experiencing what you can only imagine being a brain melting migraine, but if he is not complaining now then he is probably fine, gotta keep an eye up for that though, it doesn't look like something you'd want to experience any time soon.

“Yeah, it reminds me of my parents' home.”

There is a small moment of contemplating silence between both of you, almost as if Potter were trying to feel the same thing you are feeling, you heard he had a rough childhood, though calling it that would be putting it lightly.
You decide not to push the rapidly growing awkward situation and turn to Potter.

“Well, now that I have my room set, how or where should I start?”

This snaps Potter out of whatever he is currently reliving in his mind, he shakes his head for a moment to bring himself back to reality and looks at you with a more professional feeling.

“Right, well, since we are technically still in summer vacations there is not much to do at the moment, fewer students than previous years are currently at the castle right now. I would suggest settling down in your new room, make yourself at home, after all, this IS your new home now.”

He turns to exit your room/office but stops at the door and turns back.

“However, me and a few of the other professors that are still here at Hogwarts are having lunch in a bit in the Great Hall, perhaps you could join us, it would be the perfect opportunity to introduce you to the rest of the Hogwarts family as its newest member, we have a couple of new professors that also need introducing”

“Oh? i thought i would be the only new hire”

“Sadly, the previous Muggle Studies professor had to leave indefinitely due to some family situations and Madame Hooch decided to finally retire…amazing that she was still teaching how to fly brooms at 104 years of age”
“104? wow, that's impressive”

“yeah, but everything eventually reaches its end and for Madame Hooch, it was the strength of her grip…so, Would you join us?”

“Of course sir, lead the way!”

You close the door of your room/office and follow Potter on his way back to the Great Hall, passing a few random students exploring the halls of the castle, when passing through one of the many gardens you manage to see that small hufflepuff girl again, she seems to be playing with a puffskein, no sign of her bodyguard thought.

After a few minutes of walking, you make it to the big staff only table at the great hall, you´ve been here before, when you were being sorted into your house by the sorting hat, but being behind the table, it gives a whole new feeling, almost like some sort of forbidden power that you now have access to, the power of being part of Hogwarts Staff…It's almost intoxicating.

Potter is sitting at the very middle of the table, Professor McGonagall to his right, curiously, the Divination teacher, Professor Sybill Trelawney is sitting to his left, you were half expecting her to be fired long ago but somehow she is still here, guess she wasn't a fraud after all. A few other older Professors and staff sit around the table.

You are sitting at the very edge of the table, along with a witch and a wizard you have never seen before, most likely the replacements of Professor Hooch and the Muggle studies one.

The witch is wearing slightly baggy black jeans with a red tank top and a white cropped jacket, her jet black hair is loose but styled back almost as if it were done so by the wind, a low and short ponytail hidden behind her neck, a necklace with what you can only imagine is some magical creature claw hangs from it and a few (several actually) colorful bracelets on each hand, some had trinkets on them, some are a single piece of string tied up. She definitely stands out from the rest of the people currently sitting at the table.

The wizard might as well be Professor Snape 2.0, now with extra paleness. you don't see any hints of what he is wearing under that heavy looking cloak, he is almost like a walking tube of darkness, reminds you a lot of a cartoon vampire you´ve seen before in some muggle cartoons, his face is elegant and slender but a pointy nose gets in his own way, could he?... nah, he couldn't be.
Potter claps his hands gathering everyone's attention and begins to speak

“I would like to thank everyone present for joining us in this small feast”

a few of the elder side of the staff nod their head in appreciation. He continues

“As you all know, classes will begin soon and some preparations are yet to be done, so i´ll need everyone's contribution to ensure the return of all previous and new students is a safe one”
“To help us with that, allow me to introduce to our new Caretaker, Brandon Tedmond”

He turns to look at you and you instinctively stand up to present yourself

“H-hi!” you say while raising up your hand to do a quick wave

“He is a recently graduated student from Hogwarts, some of you may remember him, be sure to treat him as one of your peers and not a student, i know that could be a possible mistake given his young age.
As he is aware, he will be in charge of Hogwarts cleanliness, security and overall presentation, should you encounter any problems regarding these fields, he will be the one to look out for”

“I'll try to do my best, thank you for this opportunity, Professor”

You hear murmurs coming from the opposite side of the table but you can't make anything of them, hopefully its good things

“Also joining us, is Miss Willow Leclair, another recently graduated student from
the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, her assigned class and area of expertise will be the Muggle studies field”

“hey! glad to ve here!”

Is that a German accent? you werent expecting that.

“And finally, Professor Antonio Nati, our new flying instructor and Quidditch organizer and referee, he comes from a long line of Quidditch players from Spain”

He says nothing and simply nods.

A small gourmet feast shows up on the table, meats, fishes and different kind of drinks and side dishes, shortly after, everyone is eating and socializing, it's a bit weird seeing your former teachers so laid back and social, you never really sit down and think about how they are more than just teachers and have social lives.

Halfway through the feast, when everyone is starting to slow down with their eating, the doors of the Great Hall open up, a skipping figure moving across the hall happily.
You see Potter sigh a little when the girl calls back loudly.

“Hey dad!”

“Hey Lily, what's going on?”

“So, remember that “THING?”” she says while pointing behind with her thumb.

This gets his attention and stands up.
“Everyone, regretfully it looks like i'm needed, please enjoy the rest of the feast while i take care of this”
“Brandon, please show our new members around the school, as a former student and newest caretaker this should be easy for you, i´ll see you later”

After that, he quickly leaves, Lily Luna Potter gives you a quick look, licks her lips in a very odd but barely noticeable way and follows behind Potter. Weird, you could have sworn her pupils became slits for a brief second there, probably your imagination, so you go back to eating.

After everyone is done with their food and the elves start taking the dirty plates back to the kitchen, you stand up and direct to your fellow new members of the school staff.

“Vell, it looks like you´ll ve shoving us around! lead ze way captain!”

She seems to be a cheery person, a big contrast to the broad and looming figure that is Antonio´s silent form.

All 3 of you walk around the many halls of Hogwarts, showing them both all the classrooms, small details and curious facts you can think of from your time as a student, it's a bit harder than you thought it would be, you’ll have to study a bit about the school’s history later to remember other details and maybe find hidden rooms when you are patrolling.
You arrive at your first relevant destination, the Muggle Studies classroom.

“This will be your classroom, Miss Willow, this is the only room in the entirety of Hogwarts where electricity and Muggle artifacts work somewhat properly”

You flick a sketchy switch on the wall and the improvised and slightly threatening illumination system of the classroom comes to life, instead of flaming torches on the wall, a handful of lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling illuminate the entire classroom, a few boxes of random Muggle artifacts can be seen under some sheets.

Her cheery smile flattens a bit

“Oh…i vas expecting something a vit more…”

“Organized? professional? yeah, Muggle Studies isn't the most popular class, i'm sure you can make it work though, this is your room to command however you want, your room is behind that door on the right side of the room”

“ooh…ok, thanks…” she says in a very defeated tone.

You can't avoid but feel bad for her, it looks like she was expecting something better, given Hogwarts reputation she probably hoped for a more professional environment.

“Come, we still have much of the castle to see”. You walk closer to the window and point out

“Our next destination, the Quidditch fields!”
You exit the room, Willow and Antonio walking close behind you, you fail to notice Antonio laying a comforting hand on Willow´s shoulder, Willow smiles back, quickly regaining her cheery attitude, almost as if he just casted a spell to remove her disappointment.

Just as you are about to descend a flight of stairs, you hear a voice shouting your name, coming from behind your touring group.


You all turn around and see Lily Potter standing next to a door that you recognize as one of the few unused rooms on this floor, just a few rooms away from the Muggle studies classroom.

“Yeah?” you shout back, not wanting to walk back all the way.

She says nothing and enters the room, closing the door as she disappears behind its frame.

“Well that's weird…”

Antonio and Willow seem to be a bit confused too, interchanging glances between you and each other.

>”I'm sure she can wait for a bit, we have to continue our tour, Potter is counting on you to know your way around and on me to be a good caretaker” (Ignore Lily and whatever she is doing in that classroom and continue the tour)

>Could you guys go ahead for a bit? i´ll catch up soon after i'm done checking whatever she needs (let them find their way to the Quidditch fields and go into the unused room with Lily)
once again, apologies for being late with the update, it was ready to be posted yesterday, but i literally fell asleep on my desk
but now its time to move the plot along
>>”I'm sure she can wait for a bit, we have to continue our tour, Potter is counting on you to know your way around and on me to be a good caretaker” (Ignore Lily and whatever she is doing in that classroom and continue the tour)
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>looks like a queen size mattress, accompanied by a set of 2 night tables, 1 on each side of your bed

We must acquire a student GF so it isn't so lonely looking to have such a large bed and matching night stands.

> see that small hufflepuff girl again

Arty is everywhere.

>reminds you a lot of a cartoon vampire you´ve seen before in some muggle cartoons

Count Chocula?

>licks her lips in a very odd but barely noticeable way

>her pupils became slits for a brief second there

We are in danger. Fuck, in this timeline... did she go full scalie?

>Could you guys go ahead for a bit? i´ll catch up soon after i'm done checking whatever she needs (let them find their way to the Quidditch fields and go into the unused room with Lily)

Screw it. We are older than her, a boss at charms and transfiguration. We can take her if anything happens. And I did say the thing about a student GF so...

Also, we know something is fucking with Potter, his spawn interrupted his work lunch for reasons, and then we have a chance to speak with her. Seems interesting to go and see what is up.

I will write a lewdfic about the janitor fucking the daughter of the most famous man in the world, QM. Don't tempt me.

Also 90% sure the French/German woman is evil.
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Also... her licking her lips...


ooh, i aint stopping, matter of fact, im challenging you, fucking do it, NOW!
>Also 90% sure the French/German woman is evil.
hah! thats exactly what i was thinking, good catch anon
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I need more info about how these characters act before I can write about maybe still evil Lily getting her back blown out. See where we are by the end of the thread. Also have other ones I need to finish... ADD is useful sometimes when I want to just flick through multiple things but annoying when I need to just finish something up.

I really hope "Lily" isn't BCJ polyjuiced, given the lip licking tick. I would have a hard enough time trying to write sex stuff with Salazar in her in the cannon DH timeline...

Are you planning on keeping this going to keep running once HeadQM comes back? It would be cool. Your quest is pretty good thus far. You might want to advertise in /QTG/ when you run. Maybe even the Open Mystery Gen, since it seems like you frequent it?

You kinda inspired me to think about trying a quest where the MC has to transfer to Ilvermorny for "reasons". Needs to adapt to an American wizarding education. Yes there is a shooting club in the USA Hogwarts. Yes, the DADA teacher comes to class strapped and is a muggle just like the school's first DADA teacher/founder was and has a witch assistant professor who he is married to that teaches actual spells while he focuses on theory and non-magical solutions to Dark threats. And grading papers, of course.
>>”I'm sure she can wait for a bit, we have to continue our tour, Potter is counting on you to know your way around and on me to be a good caretaker” (Ignore Lily and whatever she is doing in that classroom and continue the tour)

>Your quest is pretty good thus far.
>ignore Lily: 2
>Go into the unused room with Lily: 1
Honestly, not the results i was expecting, but fair enough.
im gonna leave the voting close for one more hour just in case there is any last minute changes, after that, im locking in the results
nah, dont worry, i dont have any surprises like that planned. ...for now...

>Are you planning on keeping this going to keep running once HeadQM comes back?
i mean, if you fellas enjoy it, sure, i dont see why not, im using material from DH to base my stuff in a few areas, but once we reach a certain point is gonna jump into full fanfiction territory and fully split off from the main source material. and with the few players we have, we can have our own comfy thread to go crazy however we want.

>Your quest is pretty good thus far.
aww shucks, i dont really believe that, but thanks for the vote of confidence, i'll try to make it even better if i can if you guys are enjoying it.
and now with the plot actually moving along, who knows, maybe i'll start believing its is good

>im gonna leave the voting close
i meant open
>no changes
very well then, im locking the votes now
we ignoring Lily and continuing the tour
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Fuck Lily.
Damn cowards. Why wouldn't you go into a room alone with a redhead with an odd tick who may be a reptilian.
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Yeah that was the idea but noooooo.
”I'm sure she can wait for a bit, we have to continue our tour”.

You turn back to them.

“Potter is counting on you to know your way around and on me to be a good caretaker”.

“Vill she ve alright, though?” Says Willow, looking a bit confused about the weird mysterious girl.

“Who? Lily? yeah she´ll be fine, she is the daughter of the Headmaster, current prefect and next Head girl, Seeker of Gryffindor's Quidditch team and overall overachiever…she is so TIRESOME to be around, but she knows her way around, don't worry, whatever she is doing, she has it under control”.

You start descending the stairs

“Cmon, we have plenty of castle to see”

It takes almost an hour to show them JUST the basics of the entire castle. Is it you? or did this place become bigger on the inside since you were a student?
Whatever, you are just about to be done, the last thing to show them is Antonio´s room.

You all walk back from the Quidditch fields, following the path back to the castle, the sun not setting down yet but you can now notice the change of hue in the sky.

“And here, this will be your room, Professor Antonio.”

You stand at the beginning of some steep but somewhat short stairs in the outside of the castle, hugging a wall facing the Quidditch fields and the vast area between it and the castle, a couple of arches covered in vines adorning its length. At its end, a rather small door, well, actually it's a regular door, but for Professor Antonio, it might be a bit on the shorter side.
He has to crouch down in order to enter his room, a dark but chilly room despite being on the outside area of the castle, a desk sits in front of a window, overlooking the outdoor fields, a bed on the opposite side, looking rather small for the person it belongs to.
Finally a singular chair next to a big closet is standing in a corner. It all looks…small.

He inspects his room with just his gaze, what you think is a disapproving grunt, emanates from him.

“hmm…It´ll do for now” Wow! that's a deep voice, you could feel it in your chest.

“Now, i am aware that some…things, could not be…suited for you, but thats what im here for, should magic not suffice to accommodate your necessities, it is my duty to do whatever is necessary to do so, so please, whatever you need, let me know and i´ll get right on it”
“I can manage for now” he says simply, his voice reverberating inside your head.

“Very well, if that's the case, then i do believe i have nothing else to show you for now, please make yourself at home and welcome to Hogwarts”

You exit Antonio´s new room, Willow following, looking a bit uncomfortable and oddly quiet.

“Is something wrong?” You ask, wanting to be done with the tour already, your feet are starting to ache a bit.

“No! no! i vas just zhinking…Iz hard to be so far avay from home, i zhink i already miss it”

“Ah, yes. I won't lie to you, it IS hard and it may take you a bit to get used to it, but trust me, you´ll love it here, there is something magical about Hogwarts and i'm not talking about the magic itself, heh heh”

She chuckles a bit at your awful joke, but you´ll take any win you can get.
She fixes her hair behind an ear with a finger, her many bracelets clinging when she does so and sighs.

“I zink im gonna go to my room now, i need to unpack and rest for a bit”

“of course, i´ll go with you, i still gotta check…whatever happened in that room with Lily”

“oh yeah, i vanted to ask avout that, iz zat a common zhing?”

You both start making your way back to the Muggle Studies room, it's faster now since you don't have to stop every 15 steps to show them or explain something that could kill them or make them lost in a simple hallway.

“Maybe? We have our weird students, yeah. Im sure every school has their fair share of them, but no, that one was weird, usually they would follow with some sort of instruction after calling your name”

“You guys have ghosts, right? Perhaps a pozzesion? a spirit playing a prank?”

“Nah, spirits can't control bodies that fast, their movements are always stiff, they would need to be possessed for days, maybe weeks to move as normally as she did”


Your conversation ends there and is followed by uncomfortable silence, luckily the way back to the Muggle Studies classroom doesn't take long.
You say your goodbye´s to Willow and walk away, heading towards the unused room.
You push against the door, or at least try and slam yourself against it, painfully finding out it's actually locked.

“Ah what the hell?!”

You hold your nose, rubbing gently until the pain goes away and take your wand out.

“Alohomora” you recite the spell, your wand aimed at the doorknob.
Yellow sparks come out of the tip of your wand, floating gently towards the keyhole.
Nothing noticeable happens. You push against the door, still locked.

“huh…Lily?” You knock on the door “you there?”

You go to the next door in the hallway, another empty classroom, and try the spell.
The door opens up easily.

“No, i did it right the first time”

You go back to the door and try again.
“Alohomora!” The sparks from your wand come out faster this time, putting more effort into your magical output, a weird thing to do with such a simple spell.

It still doesn't work.

“Ok, i am NOT going to be defeated by a DOOR in my first day”

You assume a more stable stance and raise your wand. “Diffindo!”
A white arc comes out from the wide wave of your wand, slashing the door open and splitting it in half.
The diagonal division on the door makes its lower half fall to the ground loudly, the upper half still hanging from its hinges.
You crouch and step inside, your wand at the ready just in case.
You find nothing but an empty room.

>Throw a D10 for investigation.
>0-1 Critical Failure
>2-3 Failure
>4-5 Neutral Outcome
>6-7 Success
>8-9 Critical Success

Highest roll wins.
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Big dick roll coming through.
Rolled 10 (1d10)

I'll roll just for the sake of it.

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>there is a 10 but no 0 results with the D10
>realize i fucked the list of results because of it
>those results so far
fucking hell...
well, nothing to it, even if i shift the list of results to make it right, we still have a critical success
lucky bastards, you better not have the opposite of the curse we had with HeadQM
we had good luck there until Hugo was gone
If we really have the opposite luck then the moment our rival comes into play we will job hard.
Need more data to determine if we have good luck.

At least it is kind of looking like the d10s at least don't loath Brandon like they do Elliot.

I kneel.
Rolled 7 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

You know, we haven't rolled for something very important yet...

Rolling for dick size.
woah there cowboy, hold your horses.
true, i hadnt thought of that so far, so lets wait on it
IF you play your cards right, i promise i´ll make you guys roll for penis that AND maybe make it relevant to the plot in some point, but you gotta wait for a bit
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>maybe make it relevant to the plot in some point

Hahaha! It would be amazing if we got Elliot's luck and pulled multiple 1s again if it is used as a plot point. No real idea how it could become relevant to the plot... well I do have some I suppose. Kek.
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>Critical Success

Yeah, it's an empty room alright, the floor is lacking the wooden layer that most of the castle´s classrooms have, instead you find a rough, unimpressive and common rock texture. 4 pillars holding the ceiling sticking out from the middle of the room, forming a perfect square, the top of the pillars transitioning into arches that decorate the roof.
A few simple windows to let the setting sunlight in, coating the walls in slightly orange hues.
Just to be sure, you walk around the classroom, looking behind the pillars just in case she is behind any of them, but you find nothing, there are no doors besides the destroyed one you just entered through, no hidden passages in the walls to hide behind. You even casted “Revelio” several times, touched the wall and dragged your hands across the entire room, looking for…something, anything that could give you an indication of what happened here.

But there is nothing.

You can't be too paranoid, it is extremely likely she just left after you left her alone and continued the tour with your fellow Hogwarts staff, yeah, that's most likely it.

You walk to the windows and look outside, watching the sun slowly set for a couple of minutes, the long shadows of the mountains and the Forbidden Forest’s tree line coating the fields and crawling their way to Hogwarts. It's beautiful.

After a few more minutes of being lost in the beauty of Hogwarts’s sunset, you realize you have responsibilities and can't spend all your time here, you have to start your first night patrol and you have a feeling it's gonna be a long first night.

As you turn around to exit, you feel an increasingly annoying dizziness, the world spins around you for a second.

And then you see it.

In the middle of the room, right in the center of the square formed by the 4 pillars is a black fire, slowly swaying in the non-present blowing wind.
No, wait, it's not a fire, not a flame, it's a ball of…you don't know, but looking at it makes you feel weird, the dizziness is still there, a feeling that something is pushing against your eyes from the inside refuses to leave your head.

“What the fuck is that?”

You take a couple of steps towards it, paying extra attention to notice any change in temperature, but feel nothing, the air however feels heavier, no it's not the air, its like something is pulling you down, the gravity increases with each step you take, you feel your body get heavier with each step, but also, you feel a surge of power, your muscles ache but feel stronger with each step, your magic feels more powerful and wilder with each step, you mind feels like it's expanding, years, decades, centuries of information of all kinds struggling to stay inside your head.
You touch the black mass.
There is everything, and there is nothing.

All that has ever existed and all that isn't, is there but also is not.

It's impossibly dark and inhumanly bright at the same time.

You see nothing and everything, recognizing shapes for a fraction of a second, seeing the faces of people you know for what feels like eons, you can't make sense of everything you are watching…but you also can. It's the weirdest thing.

Then everything goes black, not that impossibly dark like before, this is a pure, humanly reasonable dark, but still, pitch black, you can't make sense of where you are…or when you are, you try waving a hand in front of your face but you soon find out, you don't have a hand. You don't have anything.
You can feel yourself, but you don't see your body, yet somehow it's still there.

Then, a light. Far, far, far in the horizon, a single spot of white in the darkness.
You try reaching with your “hand”. You can “feel” it, but also can't.

“Man, that's getting annoying”. You say as you retrieve your “hand”
Then notice that the spot is no longer, but it's a long bright…rod? tube?...no, you can't tell exactly what it is, but it feels like…a tree.

You see the a big, wide and infinitely long bright pillar of light, then branches, they are sprouting more and more the more you look at it, some end shortly after splitting, some keep going until they become almost another pillar as big as the main one, but eventually disappear into nothingness, you notice that those big pillars sprout their own branches too before disappearing into the void.

One second and at the same time an eternity later, you notice a particular branch, it's the biggest one that's splitting from the main pillar. And it's calling you.

You take a step closer and you are suddenly right next to the pillar, but it isn't infinite like before, now, it fits in your hand.

You hold it, its light bouncing on your body, oh hey, your body is back, you are…shining brightly for some reason, you don't see any clothes on you but don't feel naked either. Boy that's getting old, fast.

Back at the weird experience at hand, literally. You focus on the small tree, it's like holding a bonsai tree, a shiny, diminute yet infinite bonsai tree.

It takes you a second, but you find the branch you were looking for, the one that feels like it's calling you and stare at it.
You lift a finger in your other hand and get it close to it.

Then you understand everything.
You have a vision, no it's not a vision, it's a memory.
But you don't remember any of it, you never walked with dinosaurs, you never sailed the seas…you never discovered how to harness and use magic.
You certainly did not founded Hogwarts, but you are seeing it like you were there.

Finally, you see yourself, entering the empty classroom.

You see yourself looking out the window.

You see yourself walking to the black thing.

You see yourself looking at yourself.

You turn your head away from the tree and see the cosmos around you, galaxies far away and right next to you, but most importantly, yourself, infinitely big, looking down at you, holding the universally wide pillar of light in your hand.

You feel numb, shocked, stunted.

You manage to free yourself from that shock for an instant and wave your hand at your big self, he waves back. But he isn't waving at you, he IS you, it's not a copy, it's not a clone, it's YOU.

You don't know HOW you know it, but you are sure of it.

You turn your attention back to the tree, failing to notice how the bigger you also does the same. And this time, you don't just get close to it, you touch the branch.

You feel being yanked, spaghettified, destroyed molecule by molecule and absorbed INTO the branch, you see both forwards and backwards, seeing countless lives of people you have never met, people long dead, people you didn't even knew existed and experience their entire combined lifetimes in a fraction of a moment.


You are launched back, going through one of the windows of the classroom and falling from one of the highest points of Hogwarts castle.

>Roll a D100
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Rolled 4 (1d10)

Nifty, we saw the branching parts of the timeline or something? Will there be time fuckery or some such in the future? Who knows?

Big dick rolls!
what the fuck just happened
Rolled 75 (1d100)

And I am fucking blind. Did not see that was a d100.

Real roll.

I think someone dropped some LSD in our butterbeer at lunch.
fellas, i know we are playing a small and slow quest, but im gonna need at least another roll to compare results, dont be afraid
Rolled 63 (1d100)

sorry whoops
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Rolled 90 (1d100)

Y u no work
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I think a 90 will do, gentlemen.
So just for some chit chat, anyone have thoughts on the HP series they are going to make for HBO? Kind of interested since it could be more book accurate and Rowling is directly involved. Also, kinda of worried they are going to make Hermione like black or something. Fill the school with pajeets despite it being early 90s.

Additionally, for anyone wanting some more HP quest fun between updates, there are two on Akun that are pretty good; both are dead but no smut, kind of cool premises. A few hours to read them, so pretty quick.


Angsty and such but still interesting.


Quite an interesting premise. Shares some ideas with DHQ and towards the middle there is some cute, innocent romance stuff. Writing is very good by Akun standards.

The moment you feel the old glass of the window breaking against your skull, you lift your arms to try to protect you from any further damage, instinctively going into a fetal position while feeling the wind whooshing past your face.

It takes less than a second to realize what's happening, but thanks to that weird magic still lingering on you (at least you suspect that's what it is). You hold out your wand and cast

“Arresto Momentum!.”

Instantly, you feel yourself slowing down and the whooshing wind becomes the gentleness of a light breeze, still falling, but it's more like a feather gliding in the air rather than a boulder gaining speed to crash on the ground.

Thanks to your proficiency with charms, you are outside of any mortal danger but it feels like the landing might still do a number on your feet and knees.
Wanting to avoid that, you grab your coat and extend it like a cape, making you go from a gentle fall to a literal glide, slowing your vertical speed and gaining horizontal.
The improvised glider/parachute gives you enough time and maneuverability to land on the fields where students go to walk or relax in their free time, touching ground with a small stumble and a roll.

You take no damage whatsoever.

Feeling your heart racing, you support your hands on your knees and take deep breaths. You try to steady yourself, feeling your entire body trembling, panic finally setting it but also feeling your body relax after being tense the entire time you were falling.

You lift your head and find that small Hufflepuff girl again, she is standing no more than a couple of meters away from you, looking at you with big incredulous eyes and a judging smirk.

“I know magic is great and all, but you know you can use the stairs, right?”

You lift your hand and shake your head in a dismissing motion, not wanting to deal with her sass after avoiding a painful death on your first day as a caretaker.

“Whatever kid, just…” You bend backwards and let out a loud and obnoxious sounding sigh with your hands on your hips “...haaahhh!…I have to go back”.
You stretch your back and turn around, only to find Antonio floating on a broom you could only describe as BIG.

“You do know stairs are a thing, right?”

“Ah shut up, quick, take me back to that window, something is happening there!”
He glares at you with an annoyed look but complies, he lowers his broom until you can climb on it and dash off to the broken window, leaving a confused girl behind.

Less than 10 seconds later, you both are hovering at the same height of the broken window and with a steady step, mostly thanks to Antonio´s big and solid broom (seriously, if brooms are the equivalent of a small sports car, then his broom is a Pick-up truck) you leap from it and enter the building through the window.
The moment your feet touch the floor, you pull out your wand and aim at the center of the room.
An empty room is all you find.

You start casting “Revelio” at every corner of the room, sliding your fingers on every crevice on the walls, looking behind every pillar.
But the black ball-flame-thingy is gone.

Antonio slowly makes his way through the window, hugging his broom to make himself as small as possible.

“What is it that you are looking for?”

“T-th-th-there was a big, black…thing here, it launched me out of the window after i got close to it” you stutter as you tell him.

He finally crosses the window and dismounts his broom, looking at the empty room with caution.

“Looks empty to me”

“Well, it is now, whatever it was it certainly did not wait for me to come back here”

“We should warn professor Potter about it”

“Yeah, good idea, i don't particularly feel like dealing with some extra dimensional…whatever that was”

“A what?”

“I don't know! I touched it then everything went black and I saw this giant tree made out of light or something! I don't even know how to properly describe it!”


“Yeah, yeah, i know, not the smartest decision i´ve had, cmon, let's find Potter”

You begin your search for the Headmaster, but it quickly turns out to be for naught. You ask every person you come across, but nobody seems to have seen him since he was called by his daughter.
You split up, hoping to have a better chance of finding him if you cover more terrain.
But after a couple of hours, you come to the conclusion he is currently not in Hogwarts, you asked all the staff but nobody knows where he is, you asked Professor McGonagall but she doesn't know either, if she doesn't know, then nobody does.

Well, that's not true, there is somebody left to ask who is the next most likely person to know where he is.

Lily Potter.

It's actually pretty easy to find her, she was seen running towards Potter´s office by several students and staff, it took no time to find her in his office, she seems to be looking for something under his desk, you don't really know nor care what, you have more important matters at hand.

“Lily! Have you seen your father? I need to talk to him!”

The unexpected sound of your voice startled her, you hear a heavy THUMP coming from under the desk, followed by a painful sounding but muffled scream.


She comes from under the desk, looking flustered and holding her head


“Your father, have you seen him?”

“No, he left a couple of hours ago, something to do with the Ministry of Magic or something like that, iunno”

“Dammit…” you stand in a frustrated silence for a second “what are you doing here?”

The question seems to catch her off-guard.

“Oh! nothing!” She stands up and away from the desk, looking guilty for a split second.

You lift an eyebrow, looking through her obvious lie. You eye her good, being the first time you have given her a proper look since the last time you saw her last year.

She is as tall as you, if she hasn't stopped growing yet, you could see her easily getting an extra inch or two in this coming year. Her legs and arms are definitely toned, not huge, but you can see her black clothes hugging her form tightly, the result of many hours of Quidditch practice. Fiery red hair drops pass her shoulders, the telltale of a Weasley. But most notably, her dark brown eyes, so dark you could easily confuse them for pure black, contrasting greatly with her white, almost pale skin. The Weasley DNA clearly being the winner this time.
“I know this is my first day as an official staff member, but we both know you are not supposed to be here, Lily”

“Oh cmon, don't be a party pooper! I'm just looking for a small thing he wanted me to have in my last year in Hogwarts”

“Oh yeah? what's that?”

“idunno, that's what i'm trying to find out!”

“So you broke into his office while he was away just to try and ruin his surprise? You sure that's the excuse you want to go with?”

You cross your arms and lean on the door´s frame.

If looks could kill, not only you'd be dead, there would be nothing left to bury.
It was like you were staring directly at Lord Voldemort, a seething hatred aimed at you, and you only know of this feeling because it was described in Potter´s biography, everybody who has read that book says the same thing, it feels like a perfect story for a play or one of those Muggle “movie films”. Perhaps they could do a whole anthology with it some day.
It was brief, but you felt something else there, something…cold blooded. You remain stoic though.

“Cmon, lets go, you know i can't let you in here”

She sighs and walks your way “pleeeeaaaase?” she says with an annoying high pitched voice, holding her hands in front of her in an innocent looking way.

“Out, now”

She snorts angrily, instantly dropping her cutesy act but composes herself quickly once again, this time taking a more…extreme approach.

“I´ll make it worth your time if you let me stay a bit more…” sultriness dripping from her voice.


She smiles, finding a weakness to your defenses. She steps behind you, letting her hands rest on your shoulders and slowly wrapping them around your chest.

“What do you think you are doing?!”

“Just, giving you a taste of what you could get if you let me stay” She gives you a quick kiss on your ear.

“WOAH THERE! HANG ON A SECOND!” You try to free yourself from her grasp, but she holds you tightly.

“When was the last time you had any “fun” huh?” She slides her hands across your chest, slowly creeping downwards

“I don't think that's any of your business, thank you very much!” You keep trying to escape, but something else is keeping you in place, she can't be that strong.

Suddenly, your vision becomes purple for a second, you feel a tingling sensation crawl up your spine and your heart starts beating faster, making your whole body feel warm.

“Just relax, i promise you won't regret this”

>Roll a D100 to beat a 85 for being struck by an entrancing charm, Highest roll wins
i guess this is better than her beating the shit out of us and then being obliviated after like what happened to Elliot

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