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"You sure your guy can pull it off? This is not your average Silky or Jack Frost meat here."

"You are welcome to go out there in his place, Ogata. Let's see how far can you go before you get torn to shreds. I can taking the safest option here and you should be grateful for it."

"Fair. Alright, Mitu, Carve him up."

"mYy PlEaSuree ahahHhahaAaeeeëëëë"





Heat, unbearable and unnatural like a thousand needle piercing you through and through. It was slowly sizzling your mostly naked skin. You woke up in a hellish landscape where nothing made sense.. the skies were bleeding gold and ivory, impossible shapes manifesting and vanishing at random intervals , multiple suns and moons vying for the same spot constantly interchanging. Madness.


'Hey, can you hear me?' A feminine voice echoed inside your mind. You asked for the identity of whoever this person was.

'You can call me Sayora. Look, I know you may have a lot of questions but you seriously need to move on. It is not safe and I-we need you to reach your destination relatively unscathed.'

' She is right.' Another voice spoke inside your head 'This is Cadaver Captain Ogata, we ... fused some precious demon flesh with yours , you have to deliver it to a special place, got it?'

'Listen dipshit, you are our meat mule now.' Your protest was short lived after a third person had butted in the conversation ' Get moving or I will personally tear you limb from limb. I like my meat raw anyways, hehe~'

'I saw Tobika feast on a bicorn once, It was not pretty.'

'Quit it you two! Look, choose a navigator. It will make your journey to Kathbalab a bit easier.'

>Pick Sayora [Easier Negotiation with Law-aligned demons]
>Pick Ogata [More Macca earned from Netural-aligned demons]
>Pick Tobika [More Demon Flesh earned from Chaos-aligned demons]
>Pick none [???]
>Pick Sayora [Easier Negotiation with Law-aligned demons]
>Pick none [???]
The box, the box!
>>Pick Ogata [More Macca earned from Netural-aligned demons]
>Pick Sayora [Easier Negotiation with Law-aligned demons]
you have my curiosity, OP
>>Pick none [???]
Will start once we get a tie breaking vote
you know what, i'll take the bait
>>Pick none [???]
forget my other vote
>Pick none [???]

The right answer in an SMT game is always "Fuck everyone, I make my own rules"
>The right answer in an SMT game is always "Fuck everyone, I make my own rules"

You refused their help, why should you? They had left you for in the middle of nowhere after meddling with your flesh. You did not trust them. In return, a sense of serenity had washed over you. You closed your eyes for a moment enjoying the imaginary embrace of a mother you could no longer recall. This peaceful moment had ended when you the voices had returned...

'Hmm, We have foreseen such stubbornness. We would have helped a lost soul with knowledge, supplies and such but our courier has other plans." Said the Cadver captain with clear disdain in his voice 'No matter, your body will obey us, Ogata out.'

Silence. Dreadful silence. The voices in your head had stopped their chatter and yet you could still feel their watchful gaze behind every step you took eastward. Yes, to the east.... this was where your body wanted to go, you couldn't even consider taking another direction as if something invisible was drawing you to it. The more you marched on, the more your stomach would growl in protest. A vicious hunger had beset your body, you l could neither see nor hear straight on your way to ancient ruins. The spires of steel and stone were mostly leveled to the ground, at least one could seek shelter away the blistering suns.

"No...not like this..." You heard the echoes of someone deep within a dilapidated building half sunken in sand. Was it curiosity that had drawn you to the source of these cries or something more sinister?

"Aaah! A human! P-please don't eat me!" The moment you saw a one winged Pixie [ Fairy, Neutral] , your mouth was already drooling. You didn't care whether her right side was disfigured and maimed by a dark spell or not...you wanted her flesh. Your body had reacted to your hunger... shadowy talons, dislocated jaw, sickle like fangs, long slithering tongue... where you still a human at this point? Your prey couldn't even walk let alone fly from danger. What would you do?

>Consume the pixie , add more demon flesh to your belly. Feast on the meek.
>Resist your urge and suffer for your selflessness
>Be practical, ask for something else to spare the little morsel.
>Be practical, ask for something else to spare the little morsel.

You will sit on our shoulder and LARP as a parrot, Pixie
>Be practical, ask for something else to spare the little morsel.
>Be practical, ask for something else to spare the little morsel.
"Sate my hunger or be devoured yourself"
>>Consume the pixie , add more demon flesh to your belly. Feast on the meek.
>Be practical, ask for something else to spare the little morsel.
>Be practical, ask for something else to spare the little morsel.

"I-is this enough?" The Pixie in pain had fluttered her sole wing for a small cloud of glittery dust revealing a secret stash just out of her reach.

You found one medicine , one smoke bomb and one divine tear

"L-lady Gwyneve will empower your soul with this divine tear. Her fountains of miracles are scattered everywhere. Now leave me alone..." The Pixie wasn't lying, you sensed great power from this tear. Did it exist from the sorrow state of this world?

>You are a man of your word, leave the pixie to her fate.
>Show pity on the lowly demon, administer the medicine.
>Devour the clueless fool, your hunger controls you not the other way around.
>Write in?
>>Show pity on the lowly demon, administer the medicine.
>Show pity on the lowly demon, administer the medicine.
Forgot to mention it, but
>>Ask the fairy if I use the divine tear will it satiate my hunger for some time
>>Devour the clueless fool, your hunger controls you not the other way around.
>You are a man of your word, leave the pixie to her fate
>Show pity on the lowly demon, administer the medicine.

You lost one medicine

After reverting to your original form, you had crushed the green medcine pellet and rubbed power all over her body. She was going to protest but the rejuvenation effect of the medicine had left her speechless for a few seconds.

" You... saved me? Why? Your kin sees us as food.Always has been the case since the godless eclipse . Ohhh, I should be grateful about it." The fairy was as good as new thanks to you.

"I mean you can try and eat it, it wouldn't do much though in your gut." She shrugged from your question " You got demon or demon-imbued human meat . I heard some wackos trying to make synthetic meat. Good luck with that , I say."

The two of you were so absorbed in matters or life and death that you failed register your lack of clothes. Luckily for you, the blushing Pixie had guided to a room filled with skeletons in teal suits, they were picked clean by demons centuries ago. You found their horned golden helmets with glaring red eyes to be quite fashionable and durable. The question was: which one would you take?
>691-TLK [Negotiator role]
>843-MDI [ Healer role]
>363-SCK [ Physical role]
>021-SNP [Magic role]
>492-SCT [ Buffer role]
>222-CNT [Debuffer role]
>None, you tear some cloth for your crotch.
>None, you tear some cloth for your crotch
If we keep choosing nonaligned choices it will surely work out
>>363-SCK [ Physical role]
SICK! That's what we are.
>363-SCK [ Physical role]
We don't have a navigator, might as well have some way to defend ourselves
>691-TLK [Negotiator role]
>363-SCK [ Physical role]
It's time for the beat down!

You had chosen a physical role. Swinging an ever sharp blade and aiming with a pistol had felt natural to you.

"Looking good, what is your name? " Before you could answer, the world was spinning around you, your chest felt heavy and your vision was getting blurry.

"Hey,hey,hey, are you okay?"





"D-don't scare me like that! Stupid human..." When you woke up, you found yourself on a comfy mattress from the old world. The demon whom you saved was feeding you glowing eyes, they were squishy and surprisingly tasty.

Bonne nuit!

" What are those? Umasut Grapes , weaker demon can't really hunt for themselves so they forage these grape from the soil, they belong to a pretty docile and big demon, he doesn't mind missing a few eyes, they will grow back."

You thanked her for her kindness. You must continue your strange journey to the east. You were surprised to see her blocking your path with her tiny body.

"Where do you think you are going, dumb human? You will get yourself killed out there. You need me just as I need you.. to kill the demon who did this to me..."

Should Pixie [Fairy, Neutral, Healer+1 role] join you?

>Yes, you could use a demon ally... or snack depending on the situation
>No, she would drag you to trouble
>No, her life would end here.
>Write in?
Pardon my French, pasted this by accident. Gonna sleep though so goodnight!
>Yes, you could use a demon ally... or snack depending on the situation

Parrot acquired
>Yes, you could use a demon ally... or snack depending on the situation
>Yes, you could use a demon ally... or snack depending on the situation
>Tell her that we need to go to the east and ask her information about information about demons, territories, which demons we could probably ally ourselves with, and stuff like that in said direction
>Yes, you could use a demon ally... or snack depending on the situation
cute and funny ally
>>Yes, you could use a demon ally... or snack depending on the situation
>Yes, you could use a demon ally... or snack depending on the situation

Pixie joined your party.

"So what's your story, huh?" You told Pixie everything by a small campfire.

" Yeah, I can tell something was special about you from your scent. I dunno what kind of demon you were fused with but it sure smells tasty! N-not that I can eat you or anything. You are too big for lil Pixie!" Pouted your demonic companion. You had to ask her about the state of the world to fill the blanks in your mind, she had to following to say.

"You know, Angels and demons duking it out in the world of humans. Some big shot decides that enough is enough and turns all humans into real monsters through the godless eclipse i told you about. You guys ate *everyone* almost wiping both sides out... some humans ate too much eventually turning to either angels or demons balancing it out. There are few of you and plenty of us now. That's what you get, nasty humans!"

Her words did make sense, your sudden transformation was a proof of what she had said. Was there any pure human left in this world?

"East, huh? Wellll, let me give you some pointers first." You learned valuable information which were:

-This place was called Akinu Luxury complex (???) , a place where humans would squander their wealth on lavish items.
-A gang known as The Jawbones had recently captured a tasty blind human, their motives were unclear.
-this following was a rough sketch of the area:


= is empty map space
- is horizontal node link
I is vertical node link
o is unknown node
x is current location
F is Fountain of Lady Gwyneve
E is Exit node
C is Companion mission.
B is Boss node.

" I don't think we should go for the Jawbones right now, they are pretty tough. Don't worry about demon flesh, I got some and more for this area... can't say the same once we are outta here though . "

>Pick a direction
>go up
There's the fountain she was talking about, for the tearor whatever
+1, we should explore everything on the north and get the upgrade with the tear


= is empty map space
- is horizontal node link
I is vertical node link
o is unknown node
x is current location
e is explored node ( doesn't override important nodes)
F is Fountain of Lady Gwyneve
E is Exit node
C is Companion mission.
B is Boss node.

The fountain in question was an untouched slice of paradise in a desolate world, made out of pure and surronded by lush vegetation. The reason it wasn't sullied by demons was the protective barrier around it that had let you and Pixie pass through it.



Suddenly, the fountain had revealed the woman slumbering under the surface: a golden giantess with a fish tail for a lower half and long flaxen hair conveniently covering her voluptuous breasts.

"Are you the one with the divine tear?" Lady Gwyneve continued stretching for a few minutes "Surrender it to me and I shall teach you miracles so I turn back to...sleep..."



-Role Profiency I [1 DT, Upgrades current role of Demon Devourer or DD]
-Adaptive measures I [ 1 DT, allows DD to change roles, once per map]
-Master of none [1 DT, replaces current role with an All-rounder role and adds it to future roles]


-Favours [1 DT, some demons might ask DD to do them a favour first in order to join]
-Kindred Kin [1 DT, If DD has a demon of the same race as the one he is talking with, Negotiation will be easier]

-Unseen potential [1 DT, Unlock Demons innate passives]
-Growing threat [1 DT, Winning fight has a small chance to upgrade a random demon's role by one for free]


-Bigger party [1 DT, Increases current stock from 2->3]
- To the Back row [1 DT, demons wouldn't instantly die from lethal hits (save from certain attacks) , they will be incapacitated instead. ]


-Eighth sense [1 DT, DD can sense unfavourable or hard encounters before proceeding]
-Plan B [1 DT, Greatly increase chance to escape when a demon is killed/incapacitated.]
-Wanted [1 DT, Unlock bounties for Lady Gwyneve]

-Enigma [ 1 DT, Ask the lady of the fount a question, repeatable]
-None! Find special miracles in the outworld first!

>Buy a miracle and choose a direction
>Role Profiency I [1 DT, Upgrades current role of Demon Devourer or DD]
So we can beat the jawbones
>go right
>Unseen potential [1 DT, Unlock Demons innate passives]
>go right
>-Unseen potential [1 DT, Unlock Demons innate passives]
>go right


= is empty map space
- is horizontal node link
I is vertical node link
o is unknown node
x is current location
e is explored node ( doesn't override important nodes)
F is Fountain of Lady Gwyneve
E is Exit node
C is Companion mission.
B is Boss node.

You had unlocked Unseen potential
You had unlocked an innate passive for Pixie ( Fairy's luck): Slightly increases the chance of finding restorative items in the outworld.

Like dropping a coin in wishing well, you too had dropped the divine tear in her open mouth after she had gently cupped you in her hands. One wrong slip and you might followed the same path, better be more careful next time. As promised, she had bestowed a miracle on you via her holy melody. Yes, you became slightly more powerful than before.

"Mmmm, astoundingly delicious! Be on your way, little human. Buh-byee~" Just like that, Lady Gwyneve took a deep dive into the fountain leaving both you and Pixie all wet... not a bad thing actually considering the hellish weather around you.

"Look, look!" You stumbled upon a most peculiar sight twenty minutes later... a Slime [Foul, Chaos] being dangerously close to the edge of a broken bridge where a pit of black fire raged on down below.

"Me uSleSS, WeAk aND UslEss. STInky DeMoN FLeSh TOo..."

"H-he is gonna jump! What to do?"
>Attack the slime before you wouldn't be able to reach its loot [Favourable outcome]
>Yell at the slime, tell it to do a flip on the way down.
>You are not interested, pick a direction and move on.
>Slowly approach the slime, tell it something to purge its suicidal thoughts [like what?]
>Write in?
>Attack the slime before you wouldn't be able to reach its loot [Favourable outcome]
>Attack the slime before you wouldn't be able to reach its loot [Favourable outcome]

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