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Sapphire syrup sloshed inside a tall metal pod that hummed in a low pitch. Caressed by the thick liquid, a fetus no more than twenty weeks curled up, held in place by myriads of wires. The Emperor of Mankind and Malcador examined the machine in the deep cellar beneath the Imperial Palace, no one else, not even his trusted custodians.[i/]

“The primarch project is already underway, we have no use for it. You can use it however you wish.” The Emperor said.[i/]

Malcador softly hummed, his robe hid whatever expression he had. “There are many use for it, a buffer perhaps.” He continued hearing The Emperor’s silence. “The primarchs will be brothers and brothers will naturally compete. They will seek your approval as all sons do. She will be a buffer, someone to be impressed and to distract the primarchs of their competitiveness. Someone who appreciates what they do. If she is proven ineffective, then a political tool of convenience.”[i/]

“The primarchs are not children and will be above such emotions. It is inefficient to create this just so my sons can feel appreciated. The primarchs are tools of war.” The Emperor said without a hint of emotion.[i/]

Malcador nodded. “But still human. They will not be an emotionless tool that you want them to be.”[i/]

The Emperor paused for a brief moment, then stared at the pod. The fetus twitched its leg.[i/]

“Begin the procedure. Create her as you see fit.”[i/]
A young girl walked in the halls of the Imperium Palace. Her skin was light brown with long black hair. Among giants such as the Adeptus Custodes, the astartes, and other men, the small girl caught everyone’s attention. Perhaps, the attention was due to the girl walking side by side with Malcador, the Lord Regent.

“But magistra…” The girl whined. “I already read volumes two hundred and twelve to three hundred and forty five!”

“You did.” Malcador affirmed, then glared sharply. “Then wandered the Imperium Palace. You made a custodes search for you.”

“You didn’t come back in time, and I was bored.”

The ceiling reached toward the sky, the halls wider than any grand buildings could ever stretch, all in golden splendor. The girl followed doing her best to walk by Malcador’s side as best as her small body could do. The short legs strode in wide arcs. In her hands was a box of parchments that obstructed her vision.

“That is not an excuse. I ordered you to stay in your study, and you have disobeyed that order.”


“Enough, Pangea. You will return to your studies and write a two hundred page report on the Unification War.”

Her shoulders drooped. “That’s a lot of pages!”

“Four hundred pages.”

“I didn’t—”

“Would you like it to be six hundred pages?”

“No magistra… I’ll go into my study.”

>Pangea stayed inside the study, each minute was an eternity, each chapter a slog. However, she remained obedient.
>Pangea's curiosity conquered her obedience, and she exited the study
>>Pangea stayed inside the study, each minute was an eternity, each chapter a slog. However, she remained obedient.
She knows better then to piss off malcador, besides she can do shit after the fact.
Well since I don't know if I'll get more votes, I'll count this one. One voter is better than no votes.
>Pangea stayed inside the study, each minute was an eternity, each chapter a slog. However, she remained obedient.

Its malcador he can probably read her mind anyways.
>Pangea stayed inside the study, each minute was an eternity, each chapter a slog. However, she remained obedient.
This seems like an interesting premise.
Pangea stayed inside the study, each minute was an eternity, each chapter a slog. However, she remained obedient. No point in escaping when a custodian or some eyes in the shadow would find her anyhow. So, here she was, cramming the history of the Unification Wars, her father’s triumphs among many. Hours passed, or maybe minutes? Her sense of time was skewed and the study had no clocks or cogitators to inform her the time of the day. The double door opened with a heavy thunk.

“Have you completed your assignment?”

“I have, magistra.” Pangea said.

Malcador glanced at the pile of books, so clumsily put together like improvised armor. The leather chair floated in the air and was set across from her seat. Malcador sat down, his fingertips touched together before he spoke.

“Adedeji, the rulers were what kind of leadership?”

“A council of elders, they were defeated by father due to their own politics.” Pangea said. “It’s strange why they didn’t unify when they were clearly in desperate times.”

“Power, that is why.” Malcador said. “Power will corrupt those without?”

Pangea paused. “Wis—”

Malcador’s stone face struck at Pangea’s thoughts.


“Is that your final answer?”

>“It is Magistra.”
>Pangea stayed inside the study, each minute was an eternity, each chapter a slog. However, she remained obedient.
>“It is Magistra.”
>Strength in wisdom.

Corruption is immediate satisfaction and it takes a patience person to resist it.
I will either need a tie breaker or I will be using the dice in ten minutes
Patience could also be used to scheme, however.
Rolled 3 (1d3)



Well you can also use it to bake a cake, a good cake needs time you know. Patience isn't inherently good or evil, but i feel like it is a necessary quality a person should have to resist corruption.
Pangea mulled over her words, swirling each answer in her mouth that will come out the most pleasant to Malcador, her old mentor. Old… Malcador is an old man.


“Why is that?”

“Patience brings wisdom, power cannot corrupt a man when he is patient enough to see what surrounds him. Like how I was patient in answering your question.”

Malcador’s fingers parted, and landed on the arms of his chair.

“Why not wisdom, intelligence, bravery or strength?” Malcador said.

Pangea paused. “I don’t understand.”

“Y—You only listed one, when I asked what virtues can prevent corruption of power.”

“Did I say you are limited to one answer?” Malcador showed a small grin. “A leader, Pangea, must not have a narrow vision. Power is a weapon, one that requires every facet of mental strength, virtues, earned through experience.”

Pangea grumbled unintelligible words.

“How am I supposed to get experience when I’m stuck reading? I’m here everyday reading history or some other boring books and not allowed to take part in any real experiences. Not following you doing your work or making boring talks with those fat governors.”

Malcador stood from his chair and grabbed his staff. “It is that very perception that you are reading those books.”

“I’m ready for the real things, how can I assist father if I cannot set foot outside my sector? I’ve been obedient haven’t I?”

“You have.” Malcador said. “I suppose learning in a different environment will sate your eagerness. Follow..”

Pangea followed Malcador. Her face brightened as they approached Navy Admirals, they bowed at her sight but her smile disappeared when Malcador walked past them. Her face twisted with frustration when Malcador stopped at the Administratum sector.

“There are some documents I require, bring me parchment X-01, 25365223, and a folder of archeotech from division 52.”
>Pangea sulked. “This was your idea of a different environment? What about those navy officers?”
>Pangea held her disappointment. “Yes, magistra…”
>Pangea sighed. “What will I learn here?”

Regarding choices, I am keeping track and they will affect the story. I thought about a system but went against it.
>>Pangea held her disappointment. “Yes, magistra…”
It's probably something in those documents. Let's not get sent back to the book dungeon.
>Pangea held her disappointment. “Yes, magistra…”
>Pangea held her disappointment. “Yes, magistra…”

Votes counted, satan wills it
Pangea held her disappointment. “Yes, magistra…”

Through the archway of the office, Pangea trudged through the archives, a giant maze made of shelves, parchment, and solid walls. Everywhere she went, from the lowliest serfs to the highest Administratum officers, they all bowed deep, or prostrated. Pangea did not pay any attention, why should she? They were beneath her after all. She was more educated, nobler, and certainly superior. But most of all… she was lost, delving deeper into the parchment prison.

“X-01, 25365223, and a folder of archeotech from division 52.” Pangea muttered to herself. “You there, serf!”

A red robed her hair bun bounced as she flinched. “Y—Yes, my lady?”

“Where is X-01, 25365223, and a folder of archeotech from division 52?”

“X-01 should be in section X, anything that starts with 25 should be at pillar twelve and archeotech from division 52 is not here, I’m sure of that.”

“And where are they?”

“Just follow the signs,” The serf pointed at the small signs with an arrow pointing at the direction.

“Very well, you are dismissed.”

Pangea made her way to section X, then to pillar twelve, then returned to Malcador. By now, sweat soaked her red and gold dress. Each locations were far apart with many stairs, her small legs ached as did her arms. At the exit, Malcador was nowhere to be seen. Pangea wiped the sweat on her forehead—

>then searched for her magistra after some rest
>then laid on the floor
>then ordered a nearby custodian to find him
funny number
>then ordered a nearby custodian to find him
>then ordered a nearby custodian to find him

Wonder if it's one of the more emotional one or the statue kind
>then ordered a nearby custodian to find him
Let's accompany him so that Malcador doesn't think we're trying to boss him around. kek
>then ordered a nearby custodian to find him

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“Custodian!” Pangea quacked, her tiny voice was lost in the gargantuan hall of the Imperial Palace. “Custodian!”

No answer.

No one.


Pangea sat on top of 25365223 which was inside a small grav-cart with X-01 in her arms. The halls stood giant to men, even to the custodians, to Pangea, the Imperial Palace was a planet. Pangea told her legs to move, to find a path, yet they did not answer but shook. Her shoulders trembled, and her nose twinged as hot tears steadily rolled off of her cheeks.





“You called for us?”

A custodian appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. Despite the heavy footsteps, they sounded so much lighter than any other footsteps. Pangea wiped the last of her tears and nodded, salvaging the few shreds of pride she had left.

“Where is the Lord Regent?”

“I will lead you to him.”

The custodian, in all his golden splendor pulled the grav cart with the Imperium of Man’s Princess sitting on top of parchments. Malcador was among all kinds of military officers in front of a large cogitator that projected a hologram of a planet in emerald hue, draped with all kinds of wire and buttons. The officers quickly bowed except for Malcador.

“Lord Regent.” The custodian said. “I have brought the princess per her request.”

“Good, you may return to your duties, Longinus.”

The custodian, referred to as Longinus, left. Malcador approached, with the same stony expression as always.

“You found the documents, but I do not see my folder.”

“It wasn’t there, magistra. A serf told me.”

“And you are certain because a serf told you instead of confirming it yourself? And you ordered a custodian to bring you here, do you not know how to navigate in your own home?”


Malcador shook his head. “You wish to experience when you know so little. You cannot find your own way around your own home but you desire responsibilities. Now do you understand how out of depth you are?”

Pangea remained silent.

>She hopped off of the grav cart and ran
>And waited for Malcador to speak again
>She opened her mouth, and softly spoke. “I do.”
>She opened her mouth, and softly spoke. “I do.”

Alright, i think you've bullied the literal child enough malcador.
>She opened her mouth, and softly spoke. "I'm sorry, Magistra. I could have asked where you went when I didn't see you where I was supposed to be, and the Custodian must have been busy. If you were teaching me a lesson, I think I understand and hope I didn't disappoint you."
>She opened her mouth, and softly spoke. “I do.”

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Pangea parted her lips, a rasp yet soft voice leaked. “I do.”

“Good, now come, you will listen.”

She heard the words, the sentences, yet the scale and the numbers overwhelmed her. Shortened jargons, numbers in trillions and billions, logistics, ships, weapons, food, manpower, there were too many to keep up yet the men talked like they were discussing their favorite books. The officers in blue coat and golden buttons laughed, and the officers wearing a beret and green coat nodded along. Navy? Army?

“Yes but we have the provision and we will see more.” A navy admiral said.

“Indubitably, let us move on to why we are truly here.” The Imperial Army officer harrumphed. “When will we set upon the stars, Lord Regent?”

Pangea swung her feet as she watched and listened. She looked up to see the banner of the Aquila hung on the ceilings, fluttering in all of its cardinal and gold splendor. The pillars stood in silence, as they always have. Everything was as it was.


The stars, world past Terra, the unknown.

“The stars?” Pangea’s eyes lit up. “We’re going to the stars?”

“Perhaps, when The Emperor commands.” The navy admiral said. “We do not know when.”

“Then why don’t we ask Father?”

The room halted. One snickered, another smiled a smile that did not feel like a kind smile.
“It is… impolite to ask. We are his subjects, we act, not question.” A Lord-Commander said.

“How can you act without knowing? That seems very illogical.”

Navy Admiral with a mustache with graying hair barked out a single laugh. The admiral was dressed in blue coat, but wore armor above his uniform.

“Indeed it is.”

Pangea frowned. “What’s so funny?”

“I laughed because it is true,” The navy admiral said, then bowed. “Lord Admiral Werserian, my lady.”

Pangea bowed back “A pleasure, Lord Admiral.”

>“So, Lord Admiral, will you come with me to ask Father then? You seem like the smartest one here, Lord Admiral, I'm sure you can convince Father.”
>“Do the rest of you think the same? Speak. I command you.”
>“Do the rest of you think the same? Speak. I command you.”
>>“So, Lord Admiral, will you come with me to ask Father then? You seem like the smartest one here, Lord Admiral, I'm sure you can convince Father.”

Gonna need a tie breaker or something guys
>“Do the rest of you think the same? Speak. I command you.”

Votes counted
“Do the rest of you think the same? Speak.”

The officers did not answer.

“The Ayan asked you a question.” Malcador said.

“You are correct, my lady.” A general said.

Other officers followed suit, answering in agreements. However, Pangea saw the cold distaste toward her. The eyes that judged, as if saying ‘who is she to demand an answer from us?’ Pangea stared back, she was the Princess, The Ayan of Terra, they were her subject, her subordinates. Malcador tapped his staff, instantly snatching the attention away.

“You will know when it happens. Come, Pangea.”

The walk back was silent, only the sound of the staff hitting the floor as they walked echoed. A custodian stood in front of a giant double door, still as a statue.

“Return to your room, your lessons are done for the day. You are free to spend your time however you wish. A custodian will accompany you if you wish to explore outside your boundary.”


“One more thing, until I allow you to, do not approach any Imperial Army or Imperial Navy Officers. They will be busy. You are dismissed.”

The custodian opened the giant double door as Pangea entered. Her room was simple, similar to her study, but came with two floors. The top floor contained her large bed, restroom and her table. The second floor was occupied by shelves full of books, mostly fiction and few historical records. Pangea laid on top of her bed, wondering what to do for the rest of the day. The silene did not last long, Panea sprang from her bed, with the thought to

>Visit her Father
>Wander the halls
>Write an atrocious self-insert fic where she's a powerful and respected and also super pretty Imperial leader who is always right and can do whatever she wants.
>>Visit her Father
I believe this is a good idea.
Curse Malcador for making us a semi-normal human girl instead of a 10ft tall demigod like the primarchs. What an asshole.

I did not expect that kind of answer.
The Emperor of Mankind swung his sword. The brilliantly flaming sword cut through a horde of foul xenos, Bodies flew, blood splattered, but the sword stopped, clashed against a ugly hunk of metal. An ork, tall as the Emperor— No, taller than the Master of Mankind, smashed his sword against the Emperor’s armor.

“My liege!” A custodian shouted

The Emperor, laid on the ground, unconscious. Despair has infected the army, but what is this? A woman in golden armor and wings descended, she picked up the Emperor’s sword and fough back.

“It’s the Ayan!”

“The princess!”

The beautiful, kind, and strong princess of the Imperium struck the foul ork, slaying it.

“My daughter.” The Emperor said. “You have defeated the ork.”

“I have.”

“You will lead my Imperium, and can do whatever you desire, even staying awake and not studying.”

Pangea scribbled furiously, writing every wishes and desires into the parchment. Unbeknownst to the servants who clean her room, there was a secret compartment on her desk that no one knew, not even Malcador. With a new story finished, Pangea placed the parchment into the secret compartment then grabbed a new stack of parchment next to her desk. She wrote about…

>a story of being in charge of a great fleet
>a story of leading an army into the battle
>ruling the imperium alongside her father
>ruling the imperium alongside her father

Fuck it I'm rolling with one vote
We're here, QM. Don't fret.
Thank you anon, my other qsts didn't have this much traction before so I just don't want to lose that.
You update really fast so votes don't really have the time to come in.
Well it is saturday, tomorrow will be the same and then one update per day.
>ruling the imperium alongside her father
>ruling the imperium alongside her father
You can't be a true child of the Emperor without daddy issues.
>a story of being in charge of a great fleet
This way we can support our bros directly
Ain't that the truth
>>a story of leading an army into the battle
In the vast hall of the Throne Room, Malcador and The Emperor stood on top where The Emperor’s throne shone. Everything seemed so small, reminding Malcador of the weight on his shoulders, only time he would forget was inside the small study discussing philosophies and history with Pangea. Though to Malcador, history lessons were reminiscing.

“Her writing is sloppy.” The Emperor said.

Malcador took back the parchments. “She is still a child. Lest you forget.”

Pure, untainted, infantile, those were the words Malcador thought when reading Pangea’s stories. However, the stories’ proved that Pangea wanted to serve, to lead humanity together with
the Emperor. Though her roles as “Ultimate Protector of The Imperium” was exaggerated. Pangea was meant to be a diplomat, not a warrior. Her interests in the military matters worried him, but knowing she wanted to be with her father, he hoped to persuade her into a less strenuous role.
“You are instilling it’s loyalty well.” The Emperor said.

“Her, loyalty.” Malcador said.

The Emperor nodded. “When will she be of use?”

“She is still a child.” Malcador said.

“Then when?”

Malcador hummed. “Soon, I will accelerate her education. Is this for the upcoming crusade?”

The Emperor nodded.

“I will begin with the subject she is interested in then gradually ease her in. It will do her good if you visit one of the lessons.”

“There are more important matters at hand.” The Emperor said, uncaring and cold as the metal walls itself. “She will grow under your guidance. I’m certain of it.”

“You are her father.”

“I am her creator.”

“They are one and the same.”

“Where is she now?”

Malcador closed his eyes, finding Pangea was an easy fear even if he was so far apart.

“She is in…”

>The Tower of Hegemon, asking the custodians about her Father
>Principa Collegiate, wandering with a custodian following behind
>The Hall of Victories, engrossed by the ancient machine known as The Mars Rover
>The Tower of Hegemon, asking the custodians about her Father

Okay big guy tell the little girl some war stories so she can have some inspiration when she writes about her oc donut steal.
>>Principa Collegiate, wandering with a custodian following behind
>The Hall of Victories, engrossed by the ancient machine known as The Mars Rover
>The tower of Hedgemon
>The Hall of Victories, engrossed by the ancient machine known as The Mars Rover
>The Tower of Hegemon, asking the custodians about her Father
>The Hall of Victories, engrossed by the ancient machine known as The Mars Rover
>The Tower of Hegemon, asking the custodians about her Father
>>The Tower of Hegemon, asking the custodians about her Father
>The Hall of Victories, engrossed by the ancient machine known as The Mars Rover

Hall of Victories

Tower of Hegemon wins
The Tower of Hegemon, demanding stories of the Emperor’s achievements. Usually, the custodians would not waste breaths on such frivolous questions for it was in their nature to boast. The custodians have been consistent. Most did not express emotions, but understood it. To Malcador’s surprise, few expressed it and even enjoyed speaking with the Princess. Though, most spoke to her to teach her about The Emperor

“She is in the Tower of Hegemon.”

“What use does she have there? Have her leave immediately, she will be obstructing their duty.”

“This will be a good opportunity for her to learn, her loyalty will be deepened.”

“Yes, but when was the last time you have spoken to her?”

“Three years ago. Let’s speak about more pressing matters, the time is nigh for our Great Crusade and I require your advice.”

Tower of Hegemon. Like many halls and rooms, the vast areas swallowed Pangea like an ocean. The golden giants spoke, with Pangea sitting on top of a stack of crates as their chairs were far too tall and wide. On the holo-board was one of their battles.

“I already know about the battles of the Unification War.”

“So you said, but you have not been in it.” Longinus said.

“It’s the same isn’t it?”

“It is not.” Longinus paused, he formed his words carefully. “I suppose there is no method that I can have you understand. Comprehending war is one matter, being in one is a wholly different endeavor.”

There was no promise that she would experience it, neither now nor in the future.

“Will I go to war?” Pangea asked excitedly.

“If The Emperor permits it so. You must trust The Emperor in his judgment. That is what I can teach you for now.”

Pangea nodded. “Father is really amazing, isn’t he?”

“He is.”

“But… he always talks with people that is worthy to him, am I not worthy?”

“I cannot answer that,” Longinu said curtly. “The Emperor has the weight of humanity on his shoulders. It is…. Difficult for him to spend his time on other matters even if it is you.”

Pangea pouted. “But what about magistra?”

“He is the Emperor’s right hand.”

“Does that mean if I can be helpful as magistra, I can talk to Father?”


Pangea’s eyes widened. This was her key.

>She had to impress Father with her martial prowess, like her Father had slain his enemies in the battlefield
>She had to be intelligent as her Father, as a scientist and a diplomat
>She had to be like Malcador, in all his psychic might and wisdom
>She had to be like Malcador, in all his psychic might and wisdom
Obviously, the solution is to out-Malcador Malcador.
>She had to be like Malcador, in all his psychic might and wisdom

Get back at him by being better at his own game.
>She had to be like Malcador, in all his psychic might and wisdom
This sounds like a conclusion a kid would come up with. Besides, anything she can't match in psychic prowess, she can match in science or diplomacy.
>>She had to impress Father with her martial prowess, like her Father had slain his enemies in the battlefield
>Out malcador Malcadore. BE WISE.

He's also a decent diplomat, so. . . we could expand out.
>>She had to be intelligent as her Father, as a scientist and a diplomat
>She had to be like Malcador, in all his psychic might and wisdom
>She had to be like Malcador, in all his psychic might and wisdom
This does not feel like the correct choice, but it WOULD be one a kid would reach.
And I'm curious if we have psychic potential
>“She is in the Tower of Hegemon.”
>“What use does she have there? Have her leave immediately, she will be obstructing their duty.”
>“This will be a good opportunity for her to learn, her loyalty will be deepened.”
>“Yes, but when was the last time you have spoken to her?”
>“Three years ago. Let’s speak about more pressing matters, the time is nigh for our Great Crusade and I require your advice.”
this got a little confusing, the last 2 messages surely are Malcador and GEoM, but from the first one you'd assume they'd be swapped

>She had to be like Malcador, in all his psychic might and wisdom
>She had to be intelligent as her Father, as a scientist and a diplomat


Also, that's a good point, anon. Thank you.
The Tower of Hegemon, demanding stories of the Emperor’s achievements. Usually, the custodians would not waste breaths on such frivolous questions for it was in their nature to boast. The custodians have been consistent. Most did not express emotions, but understood it. To Malcador’s surprise, few expressed it and even enjoyed speaking with the Princess. Though, most spoke to her to teach her about The Emperor

“She is in the Tower of Hegemon.” Malcador said with an impassive voice.

“What use does she have there? Have her leave immediately, she will be obstructing their duty.”

“This will be a good opportunity for her to learn and for her loyalty will be deepened. What better source than the custodians when I am unavailable?” Malcador said. “It has been three years since you spoke to her. I’m surprised she still remembers your voice.”

“She is engineered from my genes, the attention she thirsts for is unnecessary.” The Emperor said, never changing his cold visage. “We have more pressing matters to discuss and I require your council.”

Tower of Hegemon. Like many halls and rooms, the vast areas swallowed Pangea like an ocean. The golden giants spoke, with Pangea sitting on top of a stack of crates as their chairs were far too tall and wide. On the holo-board was one of their battles.

“I already know about the battles of the Unification War.”

“So you said, but you have not been in it.” Longinus said.

“It’s the same isn’t it?”

“It is not.” Longinus paused, he formed his words carefully. “I suppose there is no method that I can have you understand. Comprehending war is one matter, being in one is a wholly different endeavor.”

There was no promise that she would experience it, neither now nor in the future.

“Will I go to war?” Pangea asked excitedly.

“If The Emperor permits it so. You must trust The Emperor in his judgment. That is what I can teach you for now.”

Pangea nodded. “Father is really amazing, isn’t he?”

“He is.”

“But… he always talks with people that is worthy to him, am I not worthy?”

“I cannot answer that,” Longinu said curtly. “The Emperor has the weight of humanity on his shoulders. It is…. Difficult for him to spend his time on other matters even if it is you.”

Pangea pouted. “But what about magistra?”

“He is the Emperor’s right hand.”

“Does that mean if I can be helpful as magistra, I can talk to Father?”


Pangea’s eyes widened. This was her key.
A quick fix
Malcador talked to Father plenty.

Malcador is wise and a strong psyker.

Therefore: She must be wise and a strong psyker.

It’s that simple!

Over the few months, Pangea followed Malcador much more, even after her lessons. Imperial Navy, Imperial Army, taxes, provisions, all manners of the most boring things in the world, Pangea grit through. Though the most difficult was something known as The Administartum. Anything that was something was within the construction of his new branch. She saw the value in such services, but still found it absolutely boring.



Inside Malcador’s personal library, Pangea’s face was pressed on the long wooden table, thanks to the records that acted as a booster seat. Her arms splayed out, her hair bundled into a simple bun with a golden hairpin. The room was thickened with musty air, filled with shelves of all manners of record. Malcador flicked his finger, an unknown force thwacked her hand.


“Pangea.” Malcador said once more.

Pangea pouted, but spoke. “Yes, magistra?”

Malcador used his psychic might to move the flock of books into the shelves of the fifteenth floor.

“I have an assignment for you.”

Pangea winced.

“You will—”

>Learn combat of your choosing
>Write a report of the Imperial Palace
>Write a report of the Administratum
Also another question, would you guys prefer I stick to the same order of primarchs found or maybe shaken up?
>Write a report of the Imperial Palace

I am leaning to sticking to the canon order but if you want to go for a custom order instead then go for it.
>Learn combat of your choosing
I dunno much about 40k lore, so w/e
>Write a report of the Imperial Palace

>would you guys prefer I stick to the same order of primarchs found or maybe shaken up?
I don't see why it should get shaken up, but if you have cool ideas or want to throw curveballs our way then feel free to. I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
>Write a report of the Imperial Palace
Becoming a stewardess would ease Malcador's duties with the palace itself while bringing more opportunities to meet with her father. It would also give her an eye for technological literacy. However, we should keep an eye on the Mechanicum when that becomes relevant and get a contingency plan formed to better preserve STC documentation in case a certain catastrophic event comes.

Roll with what you think is best, but maybe going with the default order unless we make decisions that would affect it may work out.
>Write a report of the Imperial Palace

I'm fine with either. Go with whichever you prefer.
>>Write a report of the Administratum

Darn, I missed the vote.
it happens
“You will write a report of the Imperial Palace you find an interest in.”

“That doesn’t sound like what I am capable of. Didn’t you say I am out of depth?”

Malcador withheld his sigh. “This is the first step. I have given you an assignment. Longinus will accompany you in this endeavor. You have three days. Now go.”

Just outside of the library, Longinus gave a brief bow. His fist rested on his chest and he bent down slightly. On the other hand was his guardian spear, gleaming in perfection as always. After attaining a map of the Imperial Palace, Pangea wondered where she should go first.

“Longinus, what do you think?”

“I was ordered not to voice my opinion.”

Pangea laid on the hard seat of a gazebo within the Inner Gardens. All manners of flora, plants, and even fruits gleamed as they were watered by the servitors. The map covered the entire table, with many locations written so small she needed a magnifying glass to do so.

Lion’s Gate, the largest spaceport in all of Terra.

Sigilite’s Retreat, magistra’s personal place of rest.

The Tower of Hegemon, she already knew how it was like there.

Petitioner’s City, a city under construction meant to house the serfs of the Administartum.

The list went on and on. That did not even count for the outer palace, adding more to the locations. Pangea wrote each location and how much she could write and improve on, though she wondered how she can improve on Father’s work.

“Well, we can first go to…”

>Lion’s Gate Spaceport
>The Throne Room (roll d2, 1 will have the Emperor present, 2 he will not be present)
>Sigillite’s Retreat

Better get voting
>Petitioner's City
I'm sure she'd be curious to see something new at the Imperial Palace.
>Petitioner's City
>Lion’s Gate Spaceport
>Lion’s Gate Spaceport
>Lion’s Gate Spaceport
>The Throne Room
>Lion’s Gate Spaceport
>>Lion’s Gate Spaceport

It will never cease to amaze me how much attention this is getting compared to my other qsts. Votes are counted and I'll get them done around 630pm pst.

Starting from this week there'll be one update per day due to work. Hope you all won't mind.
Nah, it's cool.
Will we get more updates during the weekend?
>Lion’s Gate Spaceport
Oh yeah, after gym.

Also ten minutes
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Lions Gate Spaceport. Unlike the Inner Palace, where security was guaranteed, it required an actual security escort. A procession, that formed quicker than Pangea assumed. four custodians, fifty solar auxilia, one hundred handmaidens and one thousand serfs, marched into the spaceport. Pangea watched from her carriage’s window, pulled by two augmented war horses.

A field of metal stretched before Pangea and stood tall as the ancient canyons. Wire intertwined like vines, pillars of smoke puffed up, servitors roamed along side groxes. People looked so different, covered in oil stains and soots they looked nothing like the people inside the palace. The people watched, in shock more than awe.

“That’s the ayan?”

“She looks more like a princess.”

“She is a princess, you idiot.”

The carriage past the entrance then stopped. A portly man stopped where the custodian stood. Fine red silk draped over his black coat with puffy sleeves and pants, his monocle and wires that burrowed inside his head gleamed. The solar auxilia guardsman took Pangea’s hand as she stepped down the carriage footsteps.

“Esteemed and honorable Ayan of Terra, it is an honor and a privilege to be in your presence. I am High Factorum Gaha, at your service.” Gaha bowed, bending as much as his fat guts would allow. “May I ask what brought you here?”

>“I am here to take a tour of the Lion’s Gate, I am to make a report to the Lord Regent.”
>“My reasons are my own, return to your duties.”
>“I am here to take a tour of the Lion’s Gate, I am to make a report to the Lord Regent.”
>“I am here to take a tour of the Lion’s Gate, I am to make a report to the Lord Regent.”
>“I am here to take a tour of the Lion’s Gate, I am to make a report to the Lord Regent.”

You thought I wasn't here.
“I am here to take a tour of the Lion’s Gate, I am to make a report to the Lord Regent.”

Gaha’s eyes widened only for a brief moment then bowed once more with a excited grin that showed his yellowing teeth. The tight coat held the man’s gut from drooping down and his powdered wig leaned down like an unstable tower.

“It would be my honor.”

First section of the tour brought Pangea to the docks. Behemoth ships, no matter the size, seemed gargantuan in her eyes. The servitor seemed big, well, everything seemed big in her eyes that she saw the smaller details far better. The wiring of the servitors, the grimes caking the corners of ships, the way people moved so… stiffly. Pangea moved her observations out of her mind. There were much more sights to take in after all.

“This is our humble but busy main processing terminal. Cleared out for your viewing pleasure.”

Not a single soul occupied the vast building. The receptionists stood, dressed so immaculately, perhaps too immaculate. How come their clothes were so pressed, didn’t they move when working? Where are the servitors? The skinny menials?

“Why is it so empty?”

“So it can be inspected better.” The High Factorum said with a saccharine smile. “When I heard you will be arriving, I had to make sure everything was perfect.”

“Then this isn’t how it is normally operated.”

“Well…” The High Factorum rattled out a nervous chuckle. “It is not.”

>“Then I have a reason to be here.” Pangea said without a hint of malice, she walked back to her carriage.
>“Will you ensure the next area will be operating as it should be?”
>"You decided to suspend the work of the Lion's Gate simply because I was visiting? Are you telling me you care more for appearances than efficiency, High Factorum Gaha?"
Fuck this guy. Our report to Malcador will be about how incompetent this Gaha dude is. Malcador would probably like that anyway.
>support >>6054796

Tell this guy to get his act together.
>“Then I have a reason to be here.” Pangea said without a hint of malice, she walked back to her carriage.

I think you meant "Then i have no reason to be here".
>>“Then I have a reason to be here.” Pangea said without a hint of malice, she walked back to her carriage.
Seconded. Pangea could ask Malcador how he got there as well.
Qm, what's your stance on the Alpharius question?
Because depending on how the scattering goes, Malcador will have to raise TWO superhumans.
>Implying pangea wasn't alpharius the whole time
Not so sure, I'll follow the latest lore maybe

“You decided to suspend the work of the Lion's Gate simply because I was visiting?” Pangea’s face scrunched in confused anger. “Are you telling me you care more for appearances than efficiency, High Factorum Gaha?"

The High Factorum flinched. His monocle nearly fell as he backed away.

“No no not at all, I halted the work so the spaceport can be inspected more efficiently!”

“That so…” Pangea said. “I’ll give you one chance to right your wrong. You have thirty minutes.”

“That is not enough for—”

Longinus tapped the ground with the butt of his guardian spear.

“The Ayan has commanded you, High Factorum.”

Gaha bowed with the sign of the aquilla. “R-Right away!”

The tour became narrower. The spaces for the procession disappeared. Only one third of he entourage could move freely. At the end, only Longinus and another unnamed custodian remained by Pangea’s side. High Factorum Gaha moved stiff like a servitor with a flatter but more sterner voice, it was as if someone had reset his brain.

“And here we are. The Stratophex, which contains the Sky City where the laborers and servitors live.”

The spacious elevator’s double doors slid open. The Stratophex was the middle level of Lion’s Gate Spaceport where the Sky City linked the upper and lower levels of the port. A large sector such as the Stratophex, it would take more than a day to explore it fully.

“Is there a specific location you would like to inspect, Ayan?” Gaha said.

“I will see…”

>Where the port laborers live
>Where the upper and lower levels are linked
>The busiest part of the Stratophex

Sorry for the late update, got knocked out when I went home
>Where the upper and lower levels are linked
>Where the upper and lower levels are linked
>Where the port laborers live
>The busiest part of the Stratophex
>Where the upper and lower levels are linked
>>The busiest part of the Stratophex

The link between the upper and lower levels had more people than the area could hold. Small cargo ships either nestled inside the ports or launched in the air continuously. The laborers dressed in gray jumpsuits or short robes genuflected, as if they saw a divinity.

“This is LN-69420, the Link as the… laborers call it.”


The Link stretched far into the sky, where the cargo ships shrunk to a small dot. Multiple bridges from different floors connected the lower levels and the upper levels like a web. Pangea strolled along the docks, observing the upper and lower levels. All in all, everything seemed to run smoothly.

“Who is in charge of the overall operations at the Link?”

The High Factorum puffed his flabby chest. “Why, that would be me.”

“Really. You?”

“While I do understand your first impression is not the best, I promises you on my honor, no, my life, that it is.”

Pangea raised an eyebrow, then walked toward one of the laborers. Longinus walked behind where the High Factorum could not see whom Pangea talked to.

“Raise your head, subject of the Imperium.”

A middle aged man looked up, his tired and wrinkled eyes opened wide. The robe hid his medium build but not his round shaped face, devoid of any sunken eyes or cheeks.

“Are there any grievances you have toward the High Factorum? Speak truthfully.”

“I—I don’t know, I’m just a laborer. But there hasn’t been a time where I was overworked.”

“Can others say the same?”

“Y—Yes, my lady.”

“That’ll be all.”

The tour ended without an issue after. Pangea stayed inside her room and finished the report on the Lion’s Gate.

>Which included High Factorum’s misdeed
>Which did not included High Factorum’s misdeed

The next, Pangea chose

>Sigillite’s Retreat
>The Tower of Hegemon
kek, btw what does ln stands for ?
>Which included High Factorum’s misdeed

>Sigillite’s Retreat
I'm sure I have no idea what you mean anon
>Which included High Factorum’s misdeed
>Add the following to the report of the High Factorum's missed: 'Further inspections needed to see if it's a one time mistake or an issue that training can fix or if he needs to be replaced.'
>Sigillite’s Retreat
I don't really want to throw out the guy if he can learn to do better in the future because if we get rid of him who can guarantee us if the guy that replaces him isn't going to be a complete retard that will only want to make things look good when people come to check up on him.

>Which included High Factorum’s misdeed
He fixed it as promised, however. Just leave a note to keep an eye on him. His head doesn't need to roll over this.

>Sigillite's Retreat


Out of curiosity, why Sigillite's Retreat?
We're either going to prank Malcador or begin plans for a surprise party on a special day. Surely, Alpha- Longinus would be more than happy to help.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

1 - He will be there

2 - He won't be there
>Which included High Factorum’s misdeed

>Sigillite’s Retreat
I'll support >>6056140
He fucked up but he doesn't seem to be completely incompetent.
Because Malcador is the one who actually runs the imperium on a day to day basis while the Emperor is doing his own thing and he has a lot of cool stuff because if memory serves me well he loved to collect any kind of historical artifact
(Rest assured the choice to write about the High Factorum but not as bad will be counted)

The hololithic door-plate bleeped as the custodian input the codes. The thick blast proof door opened with a hiss. Malcador sat on an old wooden chair with a dusty book in his hands, surrounded by old stone walls. Wide laboratory tools gleaned from the numerous candles that lit the room. Unlike the other rooms, The Sigillite’s Retreat was full of furnitures made of stones and wood. Behind Pangea, a custodian carried a small blanket and his guardian on the other hand.

“Hello, Magistra.”

Malcador closed his book. “I did not expect my study to be in your report.”

“It’s the oldest palace in the Imperial Palace,” Pangea smirked. “Occupied by the oldest man in the Imperium”

Malcador remained impassive then returned to his books, he spoke without looking back up. “Do not make too much noises, and do not touch anything. Understand?”

Pangea rolled her eyes “Yes, magistra. I remember the rules.”

“Let’s hope you do.”

Pangea observed many artifacts and took notes on each that she found an interest. From the paintings, ancient technologies, and to the chunk of stones, she observed every details despite knowing every artifacts inside the study, she never grew tired of seeing them. After she completed her notes, the custodian laid out a blanket on the floor near a spot full of potted plants of rare specimens.

“Pangea.” Malcador chided.

“I’m just going to close my eyes a bit…”

The scents of mug-warts and grasses and the cool air made for a perfect place for a nap. Malcador shook his head as Pangea drifted into the dream world within minutes. In her final moments, she saw Malcador glaring at the custodian.

On the final day of her report. Pangea found herself at the

>Tower of Hegemon
>The Throne Room
>The Avenue of Sacrifice
>The throne room

Might as well make it special
>The Throne Room
>The Avenue of Sacrifice
>>The Throne Room
>The Avenue of Sacrifice
>>The Throne Room
>The Throne Room
>The Throne Room

Throne Room it is.

Now to roll

E-Money will be there

E-Daddy will not be there
Rolled 2 (1d2)

I'm an idiot
The Throne Room.

Pangea’s heartbeat quickened. She had only one memory of being here, and that was when Malcador became her mentor. Pangea stood at the very entrance of the Throne Room, at the very edge of the eternity gate. She visited the Eternity Gate before, learning the meaning of such grand halls, the legacy of her Father. From the giant doorway, she saw the splendor that was the Throne Room.

“Will you enter?” The custodian escort said.

“Yes…” Pangea said breathlessly. “Let me just uh… yes. Soon. Maybe. Later”

She saw the Throne suspended over the giant mechanized door installed on the pyramid. Slew of wires, cables, pipes, and conduits held the Throne above. Some bundles of cables on the mid section of the pyramid resembled a giant worm, resting its gargantuan body. A brilliant light shone, but only reached to the Throne. Below the pyramid, the custodians stood guard on the ground level. Even them, the golden giants, could not fill the surface of the Throne Room. Pangea took a step forward.

“Are you afraid?” The custodian said.


Then took one step back.


Pangea took five steps forward into the Throne Room. The room swallowed her courage, grinding it to dust. She has been in many large spaces, such is the case for someone small as Pangea, but the Throne Room’s atmosphere sloshed with thicker gravity with stifling air, as if to repel an unworthy presence.

“Breathe, loosen your tense muscles.” The custodian said.

Pangea wheezed out her held air.

“This is but a room.” The custodian said.

“It’s not.” Pangea stared at the Throne.

“It is, if you think it is.” The custodian said. “You are bringing strife where there is none. Breathe, grasp your mind, and walk forward.”

The custodian leaned down, gently nudging Pangea forward.

“W—Wait, I'm not sure if this is a good idea!”

“Do not hesitate. Go.”

Pangea’s might was no match, and she soon found herself inside the Throne Room. Pangea stood inside the room.


>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
>Saw a haze of gold and purple hue surrounding the throne
>Saw nothing, but heard someone approaching from behind
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
"Prophetic visions of a terrible future build character"
-Curze probably
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
Grim visions to capitalise on her trpidation. Bully the child.
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
>Saw nothing, but heard someone approaching from behind
Of course the Emperor isn't here. He's committed to being an absentee father to the only kids Chaos didn't steal from him.
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
>Saw nothing, but heard someone approaching from behind
>>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
I really want her to have psychic potential, hopefully this alludes to something like that
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
Self fulfilling prophesies ahoy!
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne and complaining
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
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>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
Surely nothing to worry about. She just tired and nervous.





A corpse.

A gangly corpse.

A husk of a great God.

Pangea fell on her buttocks. Her mouth split open, her chest heaved. Tears streamed down from the corners of her widened eyes.


The custodian knelt, his golden hand gently shook Pangea’s shoulder. Pangea turned around.
Storm's Teeth





Two heads.
zam, the custode will die in the future ?
Pangea clutched her head, tightly clutching on her long black hair. She shut her eyes close. When she saw the Throne Room, she saw something far worse, something she could not describe with words.


She screeched. Her cries echoed through the Throne Room, sharper than chain swords, louder than the screaming warp engines. The custodians stood strong, they only saw a child in hysterics, shaking, curled up like a dying worm. The custodian escort saw her tiny fingers going below her eye lids and into her soft, jelly, eyes.

“Get Malcador now!”

The world turned to darkness.

When Pangea opened her eyes, she saw the familiar golden walls, the table, and the window that showed the splendor of the Imperial Palace. This was her room. Sitting beside was Malcador, upon seeing her awoken he gently brushed his hand on Pangea’s forehead.

“How are you feeling?”

She saw Malcador. Then dust. Then— nothing. A cool wind pressed her head.

“It seems like there’s another lesson required for you.” Malcador said softly. “Rest for now.”

“Have I gone crazy?”

“No, your… gifts are awakening.”

“They don’t feel like gifts…”

“Once you learn to harness it, it will be.”

Pangea sniffled. “Will Father come to see me if I can harness my gift?”

Malcador held his sigh.

“Sleep. We will talk soon.”

In the deeper regions of the Throne Room, The Emperor observed his experiments. The holo-screen of the galaxy brightly lit before him. So many worlds to reunite, different culture, religion, philosophy, and within them his sons lived outside of the path they were meant to be on.

“Pangea has succumbed to a psychic awakening.”

“I felt no psychic wave from it.” The Emperor said.


“Yes, Pangea.” The Emperor said. “Let me know if it is anything important.”

“She wishes for your visit.”

Malcador returned to his study. As he read the report, he saw Pangea’s interest in logistics. From the Lion’s Gate Spaceport, she had the wisdom to recommend a soft action on High Factorum, her interest in the academics from visiting his study and the responsibilities of the Throne by visiting the Throne Room. She enjoyed hearing of her father’s triumphs. She saw the value of patience. Yes… he knew what to do to ease her mind while training her psychic gifts.
>Write-in (insert primarch homeworld)

Terrible no good future vision buddies. Maybe he'll come to learn that the future isn't set stone because it's been grinded down into dust and got snorted up by soulless egyptians automatons. And he's always fun whether he's insane or not, which is almost never.
Where else to turn for someone interested in learning logistics but the homeworld of the UltraBeancounter?
I dunno much about the lore, so I just went with the names. Supporting this instead.
>support >>6057359

Night haunter!
Macragge is tempting.
As are a lot of other option however, so I'll just go with my gut. Surely associating with Magnus will turn out well.
Horus was supposed to be the diplomat after all.
Also set up for maximum drama.
Got saturday shift today then gym so not counting the votes yet.

>no barbarus

My man Mortarion is getting no love
I like Mortarion but having our first impression with him be through Psychic shenanigans sounds like a recipe for disaster considering his circumstances.

My 2 favorites are either Roboute because influencing him means influencing a lot of things or Konrad because the man needs a break.

Magnus is kinda eh, i like him but Magnus is gonna Magnus no matter what happens i feel.
I don't think meeting Roboute now vs. later will really have much of a difference, if I'm gonna be honest. I also feel like in Warhammer quests Psyker stuff is barely ever explored, so I really wanna head to Prospero and have some fun with Magnus. Maybe we'll help curb his hubris a bit (probably not), but who knows


Prospero it is
A distant cry.

Neither loud nor cruel.

A pathetic, sniveling cry, echoing in the vast emptiness of the warp.

Magnus’s immaterial form swathed in the warp, uncovering the layers of the mysteries methodically like no other sorcerer has done. The unknown was just a puzzle to Magnus, easily understood if one had the knowledge and the talent for it. Magnus watched the dim golden light drifting in the warp, curling her legs to her just and wrapping her knees with her small hands.

A creature of the warp?

Or a lost soul?

Magnus approached closer. The child appeared like Father, no, she was Two-One, his sister. Magnus knew nothing about his brothers, but he knew he was the only one among his brothers to know his true origin. Magnus approached closer. This was her unconsciousness in the warp, no fully realizing her place, acting as if in a dream.

“Sister, are you alright?” Magnus said softly.

“The world will burn…” Her voice echoed, as if she was inside a cavern. “There will only be war.”

“Why do you say so?”

“I’ve seen it.”

Foresight. An ability that he did not have. Being able to see the strands of destiny was a gift, not a talent.

“You have seen what could happen, not what will happen.” Magnus said.

“How do you know, Red one?”

Magnus held back a scoff, he reminded himself that his sister was no talented as him. “Because I have learned and mastered all manners of the psychic arts, my dear sister. Trust in me, trust Father.”

“Fa… ther?” The unconscious manifestation said.

“Yes,” Magnus said with a kind, almost patronizing voice, “Father, I have spoken with him.”


The surrounding cracked.

“You spoke with Father?”

Jealousy. Anger. Hatred. The violent emotions swirled into a storm.

“But he hasn’t spoken with me… but with you?”

>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.
>Magnus quickly moved, he palmed Pangea’s forehead, while it was brute force she needed to be calmed before her mind broke.
>Magnus held Pangea, he called Father to calm her sister’s psychic mind
>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.
>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.
>>Magnus held Pangea, he called Father to calm her sister’s psychic mind
>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.
>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.

I do not trust big E's parenting skills.
>>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.
>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.
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I don't either
>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.
Aw yeah, time for some Magnus bonding.
Magnus shrunk, the luscious mane and the muscles of a demi-god decreased. He cupped Pangea’s cheek gently, this small girl, held so much potential, he knew he had to be gentle. He channeled his power to softened the psychic rage. Subtly, quietly, so that she cannot notice.

“Father will speak to you, soon, once you have proven yourself.”

“Will that be before or after our fall?”

“There won’t be any of that.” Magnus lit in a brighter golden hue. “You will not fall and neither will I, my dear sister. I, Magnus, your brother will swear upon the Throne.”

Magnus stroke Pangea’s long and flowing black hair. Their eyes met. For a daughter of The Emperor, she looked so… normal, only her skin tone and hair color seemed to match Him. Foresight is a gift, but… that could not be all. Just what purpose did she have?


“Yes, your brother.” Magnus smiled, he continued to stroke her hair. “So rest easy now… rest, grow, and we will meet again.”

Pangea opened her eyes. She sat up from her bed and saw her room. Standing guard was a custodians. Visions haunted her once more, the same face that had his face split in two by a giant chainsword but in a different armor. The custodian that stood in front of her bed was a false one.

>Pangea kept her silence, and closed her eyes
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”

Lmao i should have realized it at storms teeth XD. It was Alpharius back with us there in the throne room.
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
lorefags, do custodians get corrupted like chaos marines do ?
I think this is the primarch of the Alpha legion Alpharius and not a custodes anon.

Its said in some sources that the Primarch Alpharius wasn't found last but rather landed on Terra and was raised by Malcador and big E secretly and that he sometimes masqueraded as a custodes to test the palaces defences.

What made me believe that the man back in the throne room wasn't a custodes but Alpharius is that storms teeth is Rogal dorns chainsword which he used in the Horus heresy to cut of Alpharius head.
Also the "two heads" bit probably alludes to the fact that the 20th primarch Alpharius Omegon was actually a a set of twins Alpharius AND Omegon.
As for if Custodians can get corrupted? i don't think so the changes they go through is far more extensive then that of a space marine and designed to make them completely subservient and loyal to the Emperor.

I might be wrong but i can't think of any examples of the Custodians falling to chaos.

And correct, I'm happy to see someone got it.
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
Pangea confirmed to be more perceptive than literally all the primarchs, lmao.
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
We better not let it get to her head because she didn't realize it at first either lol.
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are bald"

I don't know man, bald people are pretty evil
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
What's the worst that could happen?
votes were counted btw
“You…” Pangea hesitated, she swallowed the lump in her throat “You are not a custodian.”

The false custodian did not answer, he slowly removed his helmet. Pangea stared at her blanket, not daring to meet eyes with the imposter. He stood in silence, his hand gripped his spear tight. The door to her room suddenly opened.

“He is your brother, Alpharius.”

Malcador entered the room. Pangea whipped her head away after a moment of seeing. Wherever she looked, she saw the madness inducing images. Malcador wrapped a black cloth around her eyes.

“This is…” Alpharius said.

“A temporary solution.” Malcador said, he ran his hand on Pangea’s head gently. “I will find a way for you to acclimate with your new power and your awakening.”

“I can’t see anything.” Pangea said with a trembling voice. “Will I wear this forever?”

“You won’t. Until I ascertain other abilities you might have, this will stay on, I’m sorry.”

>“Don’t be. I trust you magistra.”
>“What would Father want?”
Sorry for the late update, I had to think about where I want to lead this into or better put, the paths that you all might be able to go, like a character build.
>“Don’t be. I trust you magistra.”
>"I talked with a weird red man"

support both of these
>Look into a mirror
>“Don’t be. I trust you magistra.”
>“Don’t be. I trust you magistra.”

And supporting this write in.

Aw, I was hoping for the Magnus write in too.
Pangea’s hand search for Malcador’s hand, the small hands shifted on the soft blanket like a blind mouse. Once she found his hand, she gently grasped it.

“Don’t be, I trust you magistra.”

Malcador paused, the word nearly slipped but his stony visage prevailed.

“Rest, acclimate to your new situation. I’ll have to find a way for you to move. Alpharius, you may go now.”

“She needs assistance, she can’t stay in bed forever.” Alpharius said.

Malcador kept his eyes on Pangea and his hand did not move. Regret? Anger? Alphatius could never pierce Malcador’s thoughts.

“I will get her an escort.” Malcador said.

Alpharius hummed. “Then I’ll stay here until she does.”

“Do as you wish.”

“Wait, magistra.” Pangea said.”I…”

She paused. With everything that happened, this could have been a dream. Another vision among the nightmarish images despite being soothing. She bit her lip, then stayed silent.

“Yes, Pangea?”

“It’s nothing. Will father come visit me?”

“I’ll see if he can.”

Pangea’s hopeful smile deflated. Malcador left the room. Alpharius knew the art of clandestine operations, assassinations, espionage, but not consoling a child stricken with psychic powers. He…

>sat in silence, better to have her talk first.
>grasped her hand, “Pangea, how are you feeling?”

I never thought I'd work with Alpharius first but here we are.
>grasped her hand, “Pangea, how are you feeling?”
>sat in silence, better to have her talk first.
>>grasped her hand, “Pangea, how are you feeling?”
>grasped her hand, “Pangea, how are you feeling?”
>"wanna sneak out?"
I NEED wacky hijinks.
>grasped her hand, “Pangea, how are you feeling?”

Alpharius sat in a brief silence. He hesitantly brought his hand to graph Pangea’s. The golden gauntlet engulfed her tiny hand. Alpharius had to wonder, what purpose did she serve? He and his brother were subterfuge, his brothers were also bred for war of different kinds. Each of them were created with a purpose. Yet, from Malcador’s reaction, Pangea did not meant to have this… unfortunate ability.

“Pangea, how are you feeling?”

“I’m… I’m alright.” Pangea said. “Though I wish we met in a better circumstance. Also, why were you pretending to be a custodian?”

“I was trying the armor out.” Alpharius smoothly said. “It looked good.”

Pangea nodded in understanding. “They do have sparkly armor.”

“They do.”

Pangea sat up from her bed, her hand scratched over her eyes. Alpharius hesitated, but his question broke in.

“What happened?”

Pangea’s shoulders flinched like a released coil.

Alpharius winced inwardly. “If you’d like to answer.”

“I saw… I saw…” Pangea began to sob.

He hoped none of his brothers were like this.

>Alpharius searched a way to distract her
>Alpharius waited for her to speak
>Alpharius waited for her to speak
>Alpharius searched a way to distract her
It's best to let her calm down a bit more and reflect on this before we decide to act on the information. We should avoid indirectly alienating Alpharius and Dorn from one another. Besides, Malcador won't be happy with the former if he sees Pangea crying next to him.
>>Alpharius waited for her to speak
>Alpharius searched a way to distract her
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Extraction required precision, timing, which he had neither at the moment. He was not interrogating an enemy, or scouting ahead, he was… talking to his sister. Throne that sounded odd. He knew that what his sister saw was important. Yet, he could not ask. Was it empathy? Guilt? There were no right terms to pinpoint why he could not bring himself to wait.

“Now you have twenty more brothers to meet.” Alpharius said.

Curiosity took ahold Pangea. “I have twenty brothers?”

“Did Father or Malcador not inform you?”

Pangea shook her head, her long black hair spread on the blankets and the pillow.

“I haven’t spoken with Father since… since a long time.” Pangea said, she looked down, shoulders drooping down.

Another topic to ignore. The child of the Emperor, the only daughter of the Emperor was so… vulnerable. Granted, she is still a child yet there was nothing special about her. One thing was certain, she needed protection. Physical threats he could, with no problems, but not… whatever this was. Until Malcador returned, Alpharius had to distract her.

“Is there anything you’d like to do?”

“I want to play regicide. It should be downstairs.”

Alpharius retrieved the board and the pieces, but not before seeing the tactics before. A Red Tide Offensive, a rather aggressive move for someone like Pangea. Alpharius returned with the pieces.

“Black or white?” Alpharius said.


The game began.

>Alpharius allowed Pangea to win
>Alpharius played at the best of his ability, wanting to see if Pangea had a hidden potential. (Roll 1d2, one is winning and two is losing for Alpharius I will see how many ones and twos there are within the hour.)
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>>Alpharius played at the best of his ability.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Alpharius played at the best of his ability, wanting to see if Pangea had a hidden potential.
Throwing it would be an insult to her
>>Alpharius played at the best of his ability, wanting to see if Pangea had a hidden potential. (Roll 1d2, one is winning and two is losing for Alpharius I will see how many ones and twos there are within the hour.)

Feels fitting for the cunning Primarch.
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Sorry was playing Yakuza Kiwami, shit's so fun. Counted
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Alpharius played at the best of his ability, wanting to see if Pangea had a hidden potential.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>Alpharius played at the best of his ability, wanting to see if Pangea had a hidden potential.
our girl won, zam
1 is a victory for Alpharius. It's hardly surprising that a primarch would defeat a child at chess.
Regicide, a game that tested one’s tactical acumen and revealed their personality. The pieces of the regicide were set per the player’s preferences. Some preferred to set far from their own side or to the edges of enemy territory. Pieces had its own range of attack while other pieces could only attack up close. Regicide represented a battlefield, with different pieces with different abilities with a simple goal: Annihilation.

A Fool’s Guard opening. The pieces would be scattered as if thrown on the board, but they were meant to be a trap, luring anyone stupid enough to enter. Knowing Pangea, he only played with Malcador, and he was a crafty man. Plots within plots, secrets layered on deceit.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

“I almost beat Malcador, brother. It’s best you don’t underestimate me.” Pangea said with a confident huff.

“Very well.:”

Full offensive play. He won, but it took two and a half hours. Once Pangea realized her intricate plan was facing a fully offensive play, she had to switch strategy quickly, a difficult task for A Fool’s Guard opening.

“But… my plan was so perfect!” Pangea said.

“That’s where you lost, you thought your plan was certain when no plans ever are.” Alparius said. “You still did a good job adapting to it.”

Pangea sighed. “Thank you… I guess.”

“You’re welcome to challenge me again.” Alpharius said.

The double door opened. Malcador returned with a strange beast on a collar a

>noble warhound of an ancient breed
>A four legged large lizard like creature
>black bird
>Write in (keep in mind this is a pet/assistant so please choose wisely)
It's interesting that Pangea is able to play with a blindfold. I wonder how it would have turned out without one.

>noble warhound of an ancient breed
They're not called man's best friend for no reason. It'd also lead to some funny moments with War Hound marines and Leman Russ. We should probably zip over to Nuceria as soon as we get the chance and try to catch Angron before the Nails dig too deep or the revolution starts.
>noble warhound of an ancient breed
>noble warhound of an ancient breed
>black bird
>black bird
>>A four legged large lizard like creature
>noble warhound of an ancient breed

Blind people and dogs a tale as old as time
>black bird
Birds are cool
>>noble warhound of an ancient breed
>black bird
Bird are way more aesthetic and fits with her plan to become Malcador-y
>noble warhound of an ancient breed
Watch as we get something like a Yorkshire Terrier.
>>black bird
2 headed bird
>2 headed bird
>black bird
With two heads, just like the Aquila
>noble warhound of an ancient breed

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