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The mountainside plaza brims with millions of scaled ones – with Ngwenya, and never before have so many been gathered into one place. Before the plaza, an enormous temple – a vast, ordered assembly of slate, hewn from a neighboring cliffside. The temple shudders with the weight of their bodies; the breeze that laps up at the temple-top is saturated with squeals, grunts, coughing barks and harsh chanting of the lizardmen below. They chant with religious fervor to their master, their grandfather, their priest, their prophet, and in return, Umzukulwana regards his spawn from his obsidian throne upon the pinnacle of the temple, with his legendary spear in hand – looking upon them, the old, dull hunger rises in his gut once again.

Not for flesh, but for power.

How long has he prepared for this day? It is unknowable. It is not the way of his people - of the Ngwenya, to tally such things. It is said that are only the two cycles - the little cycle of the morning, the day, the evening, the night, and the Great Cycle of muddy wet season, brief frost-time, tempestuous spring, sweltering dry season - and they are endless. Umzukulwana does not know how old he is – and does not care, because he knows that he is strongest.

He will always be strongest.

Victory is finally here, after so much time... how many generations has he fathered, feasted upon and pruned weakness from? How many of his scaled children were crushed into mortar for the assembly of this temple district? His bloody maw, still drenched with the blood of his morning feast, opens widely, and his tongue waggles grotesquely in excitement. Above, the sun reaches its zenith in an endless blue sky – the time of awakening is here!

Umzukulwana rises to his clawed feet, his mighty claws gripping the midnight stone – his limbs are heavy with muscle; fresh scars are laid over ancient ones upon his weathered hide. His sturdy tail drags heavily over the roughened stones of the temple-top, the platform scored deeply by his mighty talons over countless sermons. His keen eyes, undimmed by time, gaze below at the endless number of his children and grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren – they roar, scream, cough, bark and hiss in adulation, a roiling ocean of scale and talon and reptilian flesh and empty bellies. The angled stone of the plaza has been carefully constructed with sluice-ways and drain pipes, leading directly below Umzukulwana’s temple platform – underneath, the central pit beckons, a bore-hole excavated over long cycles for today’s final ritual.

The time of awakening is here.
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He is unrobed, as is proper – to obscure the Sacred Form is to forget the immutable laws of Father and despoil His blessings. Strength is life; weakness is sin - the Intulo of the Salt Sea have forgotten this most perfect law, and as such, poison the air and sea, and offend Father with their idolatry. The Abominations of the Tundra corrupt and encrouch upon Father’s world – their every despoiling breath a violation on the natural order. No matter – soon these things will be rectified. Umzukulwana has watched the stars with the great lenses, tasted the air and fire, drank the waters, consumed the earth, bided his time.

And Father stirs.

The time of awakening is HERE!

The giants will come once more – and the most ancient and secret of words rises in his reptilian mind.


A name of true power – it transcends the physical world and extends into the spiritual world that lies beyond all things. This word will grant him godhood.

Umzukulwana hefts the spear – tipped with the very point of Father’s tooth, excised from the deepest caverns of Ututu, it has thirstily drank the lifeblood of Umzukulwana’s brothers, nephews, sons – and once dead, he consumed their flesh himself, with greed and pleasure. Even now, the spear attempts to wrestle and twist in his grip, seeking his own heart, as he raises it into view of his scale-children below. Its discovery, long ago, sparked the search for truth, and with truth, power that has lasted generations, and here is the culmination of that work – the greatest blood ritual ever conducted – the sacrifice of Umzukulwana and his own line, in its entirety...

Umzukulwana exults, and brandishes the spear high. The signal is given - and Umzukulwana’s scale-children begin their frenzy. Millions of them begin to rip and tear at one another without hesitation - within seconds, the plaza below the temple is flooded with the oily, black blood of countless dead and dying Ngwenya. The central pit begins to fill with bile, blood and gore, and there, the bones of a giant – of a KAIJU – have been carefully suspended in place – a great beast that was once alike to an Ngwenya in body-plan.
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Umzukulwana bellows the name of power - and his cry shatters the heavens. The air, wet with the scent of hot blood, begins to hum and shake with sacred energy – with amandla. Phantom fires of indigo, viridian and emerald alight upon the temple-top. Standing at the precipice of the altar-top, and looking down at the sacrificial pit below, Umzukulwana grips the spear-haft, and with merciless resolve, embeds it deeply into his own beating heart.

Toppling forward into his destiny, he tumbles through the air, but already, his mind is expanding beyond his dying flesh – he feels everything – the gore sluicing into the sacrificial pit, the ancient bones stirring from deep slumber, the racing thoughts of a million dying Ngwenya, their foolish hopes and dreams fueling his apotheosis. These minds join his own – a chorus of the screaming dead, and just as in life, he is their master. For all time, he will be their master.

Umzukulwana’s final coherent thought as the mortal creature who once scrounged for meat in the underbrush of the jungle, so long ago:

I will be the first...but WE will be the last...
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Welcome to UTUTU: A Multiplayer Kaiju Quest!

This quest will run on the World of Titans system developed by KaijuQM. Please see attached .pdf for additional details.

I am soliciting TWELVE (12) players to join this multiplayer Kaiju quest over the next 48 hours!

Some adaptations that I am making for plot/setting reasons:

Spiritual power (amandla) is replacing radioactive energy, and importantly, this amandla can be attuned to five possible elemental states: fire, water, earth, air, or balanced/unaligned. Amandla can be used by players to empower any action and raise the tier of that action per unit of amandla spent, but this bonus is doubled when the amandla type aligns with a particular action*:

Fire -> Attack
Water -> Dodge
Earth -> Defend
Air -> Special
Unaligned -> N/A

*Kaiju may spend an action converting amandla of one subtype to another. Importantly, if a Kaiju has filled their amandla pool with one alignment only, they may spend their entire pool and may convert their elemental alignment to one of these below:

Umlilo (Fire): Actions against Air-aligned Kaiju and cities are one more tier effective. Comes with a free STR tier upgrade, and Kaiju of this class gain the “Firestorm” ability – they may ignite the entire world map square they reside within, and this effect persists while they remain within the square. All cities and Kaiju present will be attacked by the Firestorm once per turn so long as the effect is maintained, at tier (STR-1) of the progenitor Kaiju.

Umhlaba (Earth): Actions against Fire-aligned Kaiju and cities are one more tier effective. Comes with a free STA tier upgrade, and Kaiju of this class gain the “Mobile Fortress” ability – any constructed hideout may slowly traverse the world map at one square per turn, and becomes capable of self-defense – retaliating at tier (STR-1) of the progenitor Kaiju.

Amanzi (Water): Actions against Earth-aligned Kaiju and cities are one more tier effective. Comes with a free SPD upgrade and Kaiju of this class gain the “Wave Caller” ability – if present on a water map square, they may spend one turn summoning a massive wave that can push other Kaiju out of the map square into adjacent squares. This special action does no damage and success depends on size; Kaiju of smaller size will travel farther.

Umoya (Air): Actions against Water-aligned Kaiju and cities are one more tier effective. Comes with a free SPC tier upgrade, and also receive the powerful
“Jet Stream” ability – they may spend a full three actions to enter the upper atmosphere of UTUTU and may travel at extreme speed from there – all movement actions are doubled, but travel at such extreme speed costs one amandla per three actions of movement. Returning to the ground is a free action. Kaiju in the upper atmosphere may be attacked by other Kaiju at similar altitude, and cannot be targeted by Kaiju on the ground.

Ibhalansi (Balanced): N/A.
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Importantly, players may generate amandla through the following main ways:

1) claiming "free" amandla from the world map, which will generated in small amounts in random locations
2) entering into protectorate arrangements with settlements (village (pentagon on map) = 1 action, town (square on map) = 2 actions, city (diamond on map) = 3 actions. A protectorate arrangement means that the city will provide amandla to the Kaiju so long as it remains undamaged at the end of that turn.
3) Permanently destroying a settlement.
4) Achieving milestones (such as defeating enemy Kaiju, successful defense of a protectorate city, etc)
5) Other special cases (such as scavengers feasting on Kaiju corpses and destroyed cities, etc).

Additionally, players are able to select an Archetype at chargen only to further specialize. In general, these archetypes will provide bonuses to particular playstyles, and reduce benefits from others*.

Usomathuba (Balanced): Kaiju of this archetype receive 100% of generated amandla through any method. Stats are unchanged.

Umbalali (Destroyer): Kaiju of this archetype received doubled amandla upon settlement destruction and upon the murder of another Kaiju, but are unable to collect amandla through protectorate arrangements, and cannot transfer amandla to other players. Kaiju of this archetype receive a STR tier upgrade, but receive a tier penalty to SPC.

Umkhuseli (Defender): Kaiju of this archetype receive doubled amandla through protectorate arrangements, and all amandla-transfers involving a Kaiju of this archetype are doubled. Kaiju of this type cannot receive amandla through settlement destruction and cannot receive amandla from murdering other Kaiju. Kaiju of this archetype receive a STA tier upgrade, but receive a tier penalty to SPD.

Umrhaji (Scavenger): Kaiju of this archetype are able to feast upon the remains of dead Kaiju and destroyed cities for amandla generation, something not possible by other archetypes. Additionally, they receive doubled amandla when scavenging “free” amandla from the world map. However, they receive half amandla from protectorate arrangements, murder of Kaiju and destruction of cities, and no change to amandla-transfers. Kaiju of this archetype receive a SPD tier upgrade, but receive a tier penalty to STR.

*These are subject to change if we notice balancing issues.

To begin, you will need to use this template to build out your Kaiju, select your stats, elemental alignment (if any), and archetype. It's also recommended for players to post an image so we know what their Kaiju looks like!

Kaiju begin with "F" rank stats across the board, and players begin play with TWO tier-upgrades that they can apply to any STAT (except SIZE). As an example, here is the template for the NPC Kaiju, Umzukulwana:

HP: 3/3 ((F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 3/3
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Ibhalansi (Balanced)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A
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Here's the world map for reference as well!

Already I've spotted some minor errors - here's a revised Umzukulwana template (the U indicated that his point of Amandla is unaligned)

HP: 3/3 ((F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 3
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Ibhalansi (Balanced)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A


I think with this, we are now ready to accept new players! Please let me know if there are questions or concerns about the mechanics or about the setting itself.
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HP: 4/4 ((F Size + D Stamina) || Umhlaba 1 / 3
[ Sze: F || Str: F|| Sta: D || Spd: G || Spc: E ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A

> +1 Sta &+1 Spc (Starter upgrades)
> +1 Sta & -1 Spd (Defender upgrades)
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HP: 2/2 ((F Size + F Stamina) || Amandla: 3/3
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: F || Spd: B || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Amanzi (Water)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A

>Elements: +1 Spd
>Archetype: +1 Spd, -1 Str
>Bonuses: +2 Spd

Legends of Klik-Klak the Ravenous, the Devouring, the Feasting, the… really, any verb for eating something would apply, has long been feared by the tribes of the land. Not only because Klik-Klak the Gluttonous is dangerous to settlements, but because he’s too fast to catch and brings famine and floods everywhere he goes! Klik-Klak the Famished is terribly hungry, and as far as he’s concerned, the entire world is a banquet waiting for his mandibles!
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HP: 3/3 ((F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 3/3
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A

Fire +1 STR
Destroyer +1 STR, -1 SPC
Two Upgrades + 1 STR, +1 STA

Btw what do these stats do? I don't know if Ive done something retarded.
Rolled 21, 25, 25, 8, 20, 15, 18, 20 = 152 (8d25)


I'm rolling for starting locations for Umz, ID-0L, KK, and Fyr...


Welcome aboard, ID-0L. Let's hope the defense-maxxing strat works out better for you than it did for me in the last Kaiju quest... See QM-approved template below, I fixed some minor errors as well - you forgot to apply your Earth-alignment buff to STA.

HP: 5/5 ((F Size + C Stamina) || Amanda 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: F|| Sta: C || Spd: G || Spc: E ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A



Welcome aboard, Klik-Klak - fixed your energy pool level, but your template otherwise looks great. Interesting strategy.

HP: 2/2 ((F Size + F Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: F || Spd: B || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Amanzi (Water)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A


Welcome aboard, Fyr. Be warned - Umzukulwana will not like another powerhouse Kaiju roaming around... See QM-approved template below:

HP: 3/3 ((F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 3
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A



>what do stats do?

Size: your BIGNESS rating, contributes to health, movement range, and damage.
STR: how hard you hit with both melee and ranged weaponry.
STA: how sturdy you are.
SPD: determines turn order and contributes to dodging defense
SPC: determines effectiveness of special techniques, and other free-style bullshit.

This system is meant to be flexible, so you can use your SPC stat to do things that might not seem obvious, such as applying buffs, debuffs, altering the world map in some way, creating minions and Lairs/Fortresses, and other stuff that I haven't thought of.
Rolled 4, 25, 5 = 34 (3d25)

I'll go ahead and roll for the "free amandla" square as well, the final d25 correlates as follows:

1-5: unaligned
6-10: fire
11-15: earth
16-20: water
21-25: air
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Updated world map.
Ok, cool, you talked about a PDF. Mind linking it?
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HP: 4/4 ((F Size + D Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: D || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A

>+1 Str/+1 Sta for upgrades
>Element/Archtype +1 Str, +1 Sta, -1 Spc

Once, there was speak of a very large rock. A boulder, really. But not much talk, because it the rock was just there. It served mainly as a landmark, to tell the way between one village and the next. But then, eventually, a tribe settled near the rock, carrying pickaxes and dreams of building houses and temples and all sorts of other things out of the rock and all its other sedimentary brethren nearby. It was only after several hours of failed mining and a much shorter period of screaming and squelching noises that they realized that the rock was alive, and that it did not quite like being scratched at like they'd been doing. And so the suddenly awakened rock began wandering around, sliding along on thousands of tiny skittering legs of stone while warped maws full of stalagmites and stalactites on its sides slid open and closed, terrifying the locals while holding a new grudge.
Rolled 24, 19 = 43 (2d25)


Derp, can't believe I forgot to post it, my apologies.


Welcome, Giant Rock! Template looks good to me. Rolling for your starting position as well.

HP: 4/4 ((F Size + D Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: D || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A

Interesting that we're seeing a heavy population of Kaiju in the global West. We have the makings of some early fireworks, I think.
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HP: 2/2 ((F Size + F Stamina) || Amandla: 3/3
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A
>Element: +1 Str
>Archetype: +1 Str,-1 Spc
>Bonuses: +1 Str,+1 Spd

It is said that the gods punish greed with impunity, that trying to take more than was proper would simply lead to horrific retribution. Many would use the Sphere as a prime example of this, as it only began to roam the world once some fools delved into a strange temple seeking glory and treasures. Whatever happened inside they were never heard of again after the ground near the temple exploded from the strength of a sphere drilling through it by sheer spin speed alone, igniting the air as it did so. Now, an omninous ball floats where it goes, humming ominously as it rotates at speeds that look all too wrong on an object this size, sparks of flames trailing in its wake.

(Nemesis unlocked)
Thank you for correcting my sheet, Lesches! I noticed that the pool was wrong a few minutes afterward, but wasn't in a position to post until you already did. This should be a lot of fun.

Thank you again. I'm not sure if maximizing dodge potential is likely to lead to long-term success, but I figure it's not likely to die too early! I thought about doing high SPC, but SPD strikes me as funnier.
Every time I think of a bugoid with high speed I imagine it's like watching a roach on the wall skittering around and then it starts flying
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The ancient Anthozaur awakens, thirsting for Amandla. The plates have shifted since it last prowled the old world, and the oceans are transformed beyond its understanding. It will reclaim dominion over Amanzi in time, and grow stronger in this era of plenty. In ancient times, it watched over coastal settlements with its aqueous breath. Perhaps there will be others to guard this time, who will nourish it with faith in turn.

HP: 3/3 ((F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 3/3
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Amanzi (Water)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A

>+1 Spd (Amanzi)
>+1 Sta, -1 Spd (Umkhuseli)
>+2 Str (Starter buff)


Hoping for a good starting location!
Correcting my HP, sorry! Forgot to edit after pasting it.

HP: 4/4 ((F Size + D Stamina) || Amandla: 3/3
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Amanzi (Water)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A
I love reading these but I don't participate because I'm usually just busy throughout the day.
Oh hey Lesches, is F Sta supposed to give +1 or +2 to HP? Since the minimum for stats is apparently G in this one
Rolled 14, 10, 17, 22 = 63 (4d25)


Hello and welcome, L0-DI, see validated stat sheet below:

HP: 2/2 ((F Size + F Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 3
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A



Welcome aboard, Anthozaur - nice to have a "traditional" Kaiju along for the ride! I thi-nk you were right the first time you posted actually (F Size is 1 HP, E Stamina is 2 HP)

HP: 3/3 ((F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Amanzi (Water)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A



Giant Rock, I made a small error regarding your amandla pool, please see corrected template below:

HP: 4/4 ((F Size + D Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 3
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: D || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A


For now, F Stamina should correlate to a +1 HP - G Stamina would be +0. I'm treating SPECIAL a little differently given the amandla pool mechanic - F Special means you have the standard 4 point pool, but G Special means that you have only 3 point amandla pool.


By my count, we now have six Kaiju aboard - the roster is half complete!
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Here's another map update!
Figured that I ought to include a description.
>Description: An unfathomably advanced piece of technology left adrift in the void of space that has been captured by the planet's gravity well. Formerly inert, the energy spike generated from orbital re-entry and planetfall has reactivated the mechanism. The esoteric high-dimensional nanocube alloys comprising the mechanism produce immensely potent electromagnetic fields which - in combination with the cube's apparent sapience - facilitates anti-gravitic locomotion of the greater construct as well as manipulation of nearby metals.

HP: 5/5 ((F Size + C Stamina) || Amanda 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: F|| Sta: C || Spd: G || Spc: E ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A
Altering Fyr to be more Kaiju like, keeping the same stats.

Fyr is a giant black hound wreathed in flames. There was a time when Fyr was not blessed by the potent fire eminating from his fur. Long ago he fought Umzukulwana and lost, in defeat he was thrown into the gawping maw of a volcano. He burnt and burnt as countless years passed turning mad and hateful, that is until he realised that the flames around him no longer pained him, they are part of him.
Bump, ~24 hours until quest start. Last call for new players!

I might allow for late-entry players if no additional anons sign up, six players is a bit light for what I had envisioned
HP: 2/2 (F size, F stamina) || Amandla 1/3(?)
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: C ]
Element: Umoya (Air)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A

A winged serpent commanding the gale winds and furious storms of the world below, Coatlutuan is intensely well aligned with the spiritual power of the Umoya. A traveller, this sojourner kaiju prefers to flit about and gather what it can from places of power to refine itself further, rather than get its claws dirty directly.
Rolled 21, 23 = 44 (2d25)


Welcome aboard, Coatlutuan!

Please see QM-approved template below, you have a bigger Amandla pool than you’ve given yourself credit for!

HP: 2/2 (F size, F stamina) || Amandla 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: C ]
Element: Umoya (Air)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A
Last call for new players - ~4 hours remain!

The game will begin at ~10pm EST and we’ll be shooting for 48h turn cycle to keep things moving.
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HP: 4/4 (F size, D stamina) || Amandla ?/ ?
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: D || Spd: D || Spc: F ]
Element: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A

> Earth: +1 STA
>Scavenger: +1 SPD, -1 STR
>Two Upgrades: +1 STA, +1 SPD

An ancient and long-forgotten entity; once thought to be the avatar of nature itself by lower beings and worshipped until the time of the great slumber. Thalroksin seems to naturally commands mastery over its environment as even the trees and mountains seemingly shift to accommodate its very presence, as if by mere thought.

Just wanted to slip this one under the wire! I wasn't sure how the Amandla pool works in relation to everything else, so QM would you mind lending me a hand fixing it? Thank you.
Rolled 2, 16 = 18 (2d25)


Welcome!! Here you go:

HP: 4/4 (F size, D stamina) || Amandla 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: D || Spd: D || Spc: F ]
Element: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A

Also rolling for your starting position…

All must things must burn, so all things can begin again.

HP: 3/3 ((F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 3/3
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: E || Spd: E || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A
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Ihlathi, Daughter of Man

HP: 6/6 ((F Size + B Stamina) || Amandla: 1/4
[ Sze: F || Str: F || Sta: B || Spd: G || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A

>Earth & Defender: +2 Sta, -1 Spd
>Starting Upgrades: +2 Sta

Once, there was a seed planted by the humans.
Though it began as but a tiny sapling, they nurtured it and loved it. As it grew, the collective effort to care for the communal tree became a symbol of unity for them. Traditions slowly formed, and it was embraced as part of their identity and culture. Fallen leaves were gathered to make wedding wreathes, newborns would get christened with sap, and the dead would get buried at the roots. After many generations, it started to reach an incredible size.

The shade provided by its leaves gave comfort to the people and helped flowers and gardens to grow without baking in the sun, meanwhile, more birds and bees were able to build nests. A simple benefit to the local ecology, but the "increase in life" that was brought about near the tree was viewed with awe, and it was softly regarded as sacred.

The reverence, belief, and love directed at the tree fed it the spiritual energy of Amandla. The supernatural forces allowed the tree to now reach otherwise impossible proportions, and eventually, it begun to think. After becoming aware of herself and the world, she felt an immense gratitude and affection for the humans that raised her. She hopes to protect them from the dangers of the cruel and unforgiving world.

Lesches, please correct my build if I got anything wrong. Also, could you elaborate on the world map? Specifically, the colors of the different locations. I understand the shape represents whether it's a village/town/city, but are the colors an indication of the aligned element or something?
Oh bugger, my stats are all wrong. Never did learn my letters.
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: G ]
Rolled 20, 8, 1, 11 = 40 (4d25)


Right, you got it right on the second try.

HP: 3/3 ((F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 1U/ 3

[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A


Good job on your stat-sheet!

HP: 6/6 (F Size + B Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: F || Sta: B || Spd: G || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A

Also, yes - the settlements are color-coded by Amandla-type. So blue cities provide water-aligned Amandla, etc.
Are we allowed to use Amandla of a type that is different from our Kaiju?
>HP: 3/3 ((F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 1U/ 3
>[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: G ]
>Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
>Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
>Milestones: N/A
Should the HP be 2/2?

Oops let me check again once I get home, I might have miscounted.


Definitely! In fact, it’s expected that a Fire Kaiju might draw temporarily on water Amandla for a speed boost or an Earth Kaiju boosts his attack with Fire-aligned Amandla.

No one’s asked but it’s also possible to convert your elemental alignment if you have enough Amandla of a single type in your pool.

Archetypes are more “intrinsic” and would need some plot development to change, I think
So wait, will we have to list every type of Amandla we have? Can Amandla of any type be used to upgrade our stats if we have our tank full? I assume 1U means 1 universal right?

>should we try to keep track of Amanda pool units?

Yes, but I’ll be helping on my end. The map is actually sort of large and the mid to late game will probably be more energy scarce than the previous game (which was very generous with radioactivity access)

>can Amandla of any type upgrade any stat?

I've got a question, if a battle occurs between a Str D kaiju and a Sta F kaiju and they both roll 2s, what would be the damage? Would it be 2 damage as D is two steps above F or is damage always 1?

Damage is always 1, UNLESS there’s a size discrepancy between Kaiju. The bigger Kaiju gets +1 damage bonus against the victim Kaiju but only for the first successful attack of the turn.

You were right, anon - Phoenix's corrected stat template is:

HP: 2/2 (F Size + F Stamina) || Amandla: 1U/ 3
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A


First update/Umzulkuwana's turn will be out in a few minutes...
Does the map wrap around?
Like can a Kaiju move from A20 to Y20 or from K1 to K25?
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In the night of Umzulkuwana's apotheosis, frantic messages are carried by deep water current between the Intulo city-states of the Salt Sea - underseas Amanzi-powered drums powering the anxious thunderings


As the messages fly, the triangulations begin by the Intulo magisters; salamander-men who have given up their lives for the pursuit of knowledge above all. The junior staff scratch their heads at the data, pull their seniors into frenzied late-night debates. By midnight, Alagbara, most ancient of these venerable magisters, is awakened without delay by his trustworthy assistant. Scarfing down a bowl of fried insect and fertilized Intulo egg, he listens patiently to his second in command recite the data signatures from lake-reed parchment. Snatching the data himself, he sends them scurrying so that he can better ponder the implications.

Could there be any connection to the increasing frequency of the great geothermal vents to the southwest? The anomaly seems to have been in the same general proximity. But never before has such a large amandla-disturbance been tied to geothermal activities...

Hmm - the answer will come in time. He finds himself in his study - with a thought, he activates the amandla-powered lights, glowing warmly, and begins to record his thoughts as he systematically analyzes the data. With an errant thought, he composes a message to his just-barely-junior counterpoint, across the Salt Sea. Alagbara would normally scoff at the prospect of conferring with an aestronomer, but a different perspective may be needed here...

>Turn 0 World Map attached!
>Players are now free to take their turns!

Yes, that's correct! The world is a globe so you can cross from A1 to Y1, and vice versa.
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Rolled 1, 3, 3 = 7 (3d3)

The wind howls – chiseling between Umzulwana’s scaled hide, prying under his heavy eyelids, piling his enormous body under snow. He stirs in disorientation.

Where is he?

This is not the jungle landscape of his people – he does not recognize this place. His massive jaw creaks open to taste the air, dislodging a small avalanche – he scans the dusk sky with near-frozen eyes. At first, he thinks he hears voices on the breeze, but then, he realizes that they come from within his mind. A million voices of dead children, screaming his name, fighting against themselves and against him – scrabbling for control of his body. He focuses his mind, forcing the voices down. His confusion fades and his mind clears – he must have lost control and for many days, at that. He has traveled a thousand leagues or more as a mindless beast, forgetting himself.

He is in the tundra, far to the south – home to the Abominations. Frail things, with hot breath, hides of hair, and pink flesh beneath. Invaders – they have no place on UTUTU, nor were they of Father’s designs. Extermination of these creatures is his duty and his birthright.

His bones are cold – he must get moving and soon. Standing, he catches the faintest smell on the driving wind – roasting meat and the foul scent of animal excrement.

Not just in the Tundra – but within an hour’s travel of the greatest of the cities of Abomination – a half-frozen metropolis that the pink vermin call Бepeнчe этaп. A foul place that persists despite Father’s wishes. Mindless beast or not – the ghosts of his people have brought him for only one purpose.
The cleansing of UTUTU begins today.


Umzulkuwana’s Turn 1:

Action 1: Move West to T25.
Action 2: Attack the city of Бepeнчe этaп with mighty tooth and claw! <STR>
Action 3: Same as above.

HP: 3/3 (F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 3
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Ibhalansi (Balanced)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A
Tile: U25

>Please note that players MUST roll a dice+3d3 and post their template with every turn post!
Rolled 3, 3, 1 = 7 (3d3)

The earth shakes and rumbles, humans bunker down expecting this to be a regular earthquake. A giant hound breaches the earth from his dirt prison, now awake and filled with hatred. Fyr smells the scent of prey, so much prey, thousands, maybe millions of these tiny creatures that now mistakenly call themselves master of this planet. Tasting the smell of a mass of humanity close by Fyr lets off a great roar, telling the world it will burn. Fire dances off Fyr’s pelt igniting the world around him in a blaze. The living inferno races north to the city to turn all to ash.

Action 1: Move to R19
Action 2: Attack the city
Action 3: Repeat
Does the firestorm ability cost energy or is it innate? If it is free activate it.
Hey QM what's the range on our movement?
1 tile per action at our current size according to the pdf
Christ, gonna take a while for me to reach a city, this map is way bigger than the earth map in the pdf

One Tile per Action for F-sized Kaiju, and you can move diagonally as well.

Upon size upgrade to E, you get an extra movement bonus (and further upgrades as you get bigger)
I intend to enter a protectorate agreement with the village at A9. It's a pentagon, so it should only cost 1 out of my 3 actions, but do I need to be on top of the settlement, or do I move next to it? If it's the former, then I move to A9 and begin diplomacy. If it's the later, then I move to A10 and begin diplomacy.

Separately, as a plan for future turns, creating a hideout costs 3 actions, but does it also cost energy/Amandla?
Do settlements immediately attack the second you enter their tile or is that just if you exhibit hostile intentions immediately? Asking so I don't get shot immediately without a speed dodge prepared lol
HP: 5/5 ((F Size + C Stamina) || Amanda 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: F|| Sta: C || Spd: G || Spc: E ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A

> Action 1: Move to Y7
> Action 2: Move to X7
> Action 3: In the rugged highlands, on the far periphery of the nearby urban sprawl, the hovering silhouette dips close to the ground. The Cube thrums with activity, the structures comprising it shifting and shuffling restlessly as the mechanism pulses its electromagnetic field into the earth. Metal within the upper layers of the planet's crust react swiftly, shuddering at first then contorting, elongating into lengths of vibrating filaments which slither through the course sediment before eventually breaking the surface, massing into rippling globules of alloys which sluggishly orbit ID-0L. (Special, unpowered)
(Hey psst, ID-0L, you can move diagonally)
Rolled 2, 1, 2 = 5 (3d3)


Anthozaur emerges amidst an explosion of silt and dirt, feeling the slow hum of Umhlaba radiating through the rock around him. His body is covered in grime, painting once vibrant hues brown and grey. Spines and fins flap weakly, not daring to extend too far from the beast's scales, for fear of drying out. He gradually makes his way to the ocean, passing through the jungle and flattening trees without a care. He intends on passing by the great flaming wolf without trouble, though it's eyed with distinct suspicion.

Once he makes it to the water, he immediately submerges himself, allowing the ocean to wash away the layers of filth that have caked his body throughout his slumber. Anthozaur turns his head upwards to roar, eyeing the coastal village as vivid shades of blue and orange flesh begin taking on their true splendour once more.

>Action 1: Move to R21
>Action 2: Move to R20
>Action 3: Move to R19

HP: 3/3 ((F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Amanzi (Water)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A
Wait we can move diagonally?

In that case, I'd go to B9 if I don't need to move on top of the village to befriend it.

Speaking of friends... >>6055413
Hey ID-0L, we're pretty close to each other since the map can wrap around. Wanna team up and protect the north together?

Depends on the settlement, as a player you have no way to know :)

It should be becoming clear that UTUTU is less well populated than Earth - it's a primal world with fewer cities and settlements, and no real nations - city-states that are more or less able to exert influence over the surrounding territories, with the exception of the loose affiliation of the Intulo cities along the Salt Sea.


Firestorm costs no amandla to activate but does cost an action, and require 1 amandla per turn to maintain. The other abilities work similarly, with the exception of the "Jet Stream" ability for Air-aligned Kaiju.


To enter into a protectorate affiliation, you have to be within the same tile of the city. Building a hideout costs no Amandla but does cost actions.
Rolled 1, 3, 1 = 5 (3d3)

The stone slides across the plains and forests on its myriad of tiny legs, leaving what looks like a well-traveled path in its wake. Splotches of red appear where animals were run over and consumed by the rock, and trees splinter where caught up in the mouths. Passerby stare in a mix of fear and confusion at the creature as it continues along, unsure of its motive, or if it's even intelligent enough to have one.

Actions: Move to Y20, move to Y21, move to Y22.

HP: 4/4 ((F Size + D Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 3
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: D || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A
Rolled 3, 1, 1 = 5 (3d3)

Klik-Klak the Famished considered his circumstances. He was hungry. Hungry. Hungry. Hungry. Klik-Klak the Starving needed food and he needed it soon. His bulk was enormous and needed enormous sustenance. The scant vegetation and insignificant speck creatures on these islands would not cut it. Klik-Klak the Devouring needed more, needed more, needed more...

Where, where, where? There was a settlement nearby, of the small and weak creatures which were delectable to eat but tastier when they were left to decay. They had food, food, food, an abundance of food for Klik-Klak the Biting's mandibles. They were numerous and had walls that Klik-Klak the Malnourished could not easily topple when he lacked nourishment. Klak-Klak the Unfed came to a decision. He would ask the small weak creatures to feed him, feed him, feed him, so that he would keep the others that were of his size but not like him, the large and mighty creatures which were difficult to eat and rare to decay, from toppling their walls.

This would be an excellent decision. Unfortunately... Klik-Klak the Desperate could not trust the small, weak creatures, but he was certain that he was swift enough to escape their small, weak hunters, with their small, weak tools, if he was careful and kept himself from tiring out too soon. That would be his plan, then. Get the small, weak creature settlement to feed him, feed him, feed him, so that he could have food, food, food in his stomach and let his thoughts digest it to decide on what to do next. Klik-Klak the Craving could not think clearly on an empty stomach. He needed to fill it, fill it, fill it!

>Action #1: Move East from T15 to U15
>Action #2: Move East from U15 to V15
>Action #3: Not used for now
(Forgot to post my sheet)

>Klik-Klak's Template:
HP: 2/2 ((F Size + F Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: F || Spd: B || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Amanzi (Water)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A
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Rolled 2, 2, 1 = 5 (3d3)


[Power reserves low. Searching for nearby Amandla deposit.]

The Sphere shudders as it glides and rotates above the ground. Its plates close on themselves, hiding the glimpses of the red structure underneath that could be observed, and it begins spinning faster while acquiring more altitude. Once it raised 10 more feet above the ground it accelerated at high speeds towards the highest concentrated spot of Amandla it could detect.

As it turns out, it was a populated city sitting near the water. As the Sphere gracefully slowed to a stop near the city, the magnetic fields holding it aloft disturbing the ground, it began to slow its rotation speed as well. Its plates opened again releasing a great amount of steam, exposing the body underneath that had now switched to a pulsing blue instead of red.

The construct's hum changed its pitch to slightly resemble that of a ringing after immediate auditory trauma while it just floated there.

[Unknown variable detected. Civilization present. Assessment required. Activity lowered due to structural strain]

>Action 1: Move to O9
>Action 2: Move to P9
>Action 3: Move to Q9

Wings spread wide. There is much to do, much to return to ash so that new life can begin. Tree and grass and root all burst into flame as we pass overhead. The city will burn. The world will burn. The phoenix will burn.

Only then can something new begin.

> Move to U7
> Attack the city
> Attack the city
Rolled 1, 3, 3 = 7 (3d3)

HP: 2/2 (F Size + F Stamina) || Amandla: 1U/ 3
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d3)

HP: 2/2 (F size, F stamina) || Amandla 1/3(?)
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: C ]
Element: Umoya (Air)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A

Action 1: Move to V22
Action 2: Move to W22
Action 3: Begin establishing protectorate agreement (1/3)

The winged serpent sticks low to the ground, slithering, occasionally gliding short distances and stopping to admire itself in a reflective surface.

A remarkably brisk pace, by its own standards.
A shining city lies ahead, ripe for exploitation. Coatlutuan shall appear as a shining example of Kaijukind, demonstrating its awe inspiring power and dazzling appearance to all the little things below.

Then, surely, it shall be showered in gifts, adored, fed and pampered even at great cost to the people. The submission of this city is guaranteed in no time at all (or so the kaiju thinks).
(Hey Lesches, so how does Firestorm work exactly? Does it attack on the turn that it spawns? Does it attack on the turn after that too or only if you use energy to maintain it?)
Ok then activate it as one of my attack actions.

Fyr howls as he rampages through the city structure, the fire licks at the hideous structures of glass and metal. They both burn easily under Fyr's might. The small creature yell and scream deeply pleasing Fyr as he hunts them through the panicked streets. Fyr smells something in the wind, something approaching, one of his cousins. His eyes dart with fear, wanting to be left alone to attack the humans. A great fire ignites around Fyr turning the world into an inferno trying to ward off his approaching cousin as his panicked eyes keep darting towards the incoming presence.

HP: 3/3 ((F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 3
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A
Might be worth using your third action to dodge if the humans attack you.
Now that you mention it, it occurs to me that I should seriously clarify that's what I meant to do with my third action. Thank you.

>Action #3: Prepare to Dodge incoming attacks

>Klik-Klak's Template:
HP: 2/2 ((F Size + F Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: F || Spd: B || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Amanzi (Water)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A

Hmm, here's how I'm thinking about Firestorm

Turn 1: Player uses an action to initiate Firestorm, no Amandla cost.
Turn 2: In addition to player actions, Firestorm attacks all other Kaiju and settlements on the tile. The Player decides whether to spend an Amandla (of any type) to continue the effect next Turn.
Turn 3: Firestorm either fizzles out (if no Amandla was spent) or continues to rage (if so).

Just for reference, the World of Titans system is pretty freeform, so an enemy Kaiju could choose (for example) to attack a Firestorm directly, try to dissipate the effect or even invert it against the Fire-Kaiju who initiated it.
Would you do an extra roll for firestorm or is it just Str -1

ID-OL, I'm going to improve your first two actions, if that's okay:

>Action 1: Move to X7 (diagonal movement allowed)
>Action 2: Protectorate city (only one action needed for town)
>Action 3: Move to W7?

What do you want to do with your last action? I'll presume that you keep moving toward the next blue city at U7 if you don't respond.


Also, it occurs to me that the language I used to describe protectorate arrangements in my previous posts was incorrect or a little unclear. Please see improved breakdown below:

hexagon = small town, one action to protectorate. One amandla per Turn once captured.
pentagon = medium city, two actions to protectorate. Two amandla per Turn once captured.
Diamond = large settlement, three actions to protectorate. Three amandla per Turn once captured.



Friendly reminder to use your template and roll a dice+3d3 with your update post, anon. It's otherwise hard to keep track of ~10 players. You're correct in that you must be in the same tile of the city to protectorate, though.


Looks like Thalroksin hasn't responded - I'll keep an eye on the thread and will hopefully be able to put out an update tonight.

Just <STR-1> for now, although you could spend more amandla to juice the effect (either longer duration or higher tier of STR, etc).
Just a thought about the system, couldn't a lower Amandla capacity be a good thing? It means it is easier to upgrade your stats, at the cost of one less storage.

Ah, I noticed the same problem and was going to address it with next world update, but I’m going to dictate that most STAT upgrades require at least 4 Amandla to initiate. The sole exception would be to upgrade a “G” tier stat to “F”. Also, upgrading a “G” SPC stat to “F” SPC increases your pool by 1 anyways. However, it’s important to note that Size upgrades also contribute to the Amandla pool, so by going from F to E Size, you add 2 points to your pool. Additionally, there are some situations where a Kaiju would be over-capacity for Amandla…

Intuitively, it also makes sense that Amandla costs to upgrade at the higher tiers (A, S) should increase accordingly. I’ll do some thinking about this but maybe it will require 5 Amandla minimum to hit A and 6 Amandla to hit S.

It’s funny - in the previous World of Titans game, I don’t think we really addressed that smaller energy pools are arguably better from a Tier upgrade perspective.
Ah, no I take it back, I only want to upgrade the stats I care about. Joking aside does that mean all destoryers are required to upgrade SPC before they can upgrade their other stats?
Got a question about the water Kaiju wave ability. It says that the amount of tiles moved depends on the size, right? Can we get numerical amounts?
Ah, but the smaller energy pools being better for upgrades are intentional I believe. I did talk to the QM and he's said staying a lower size to better upgrade stats is a possible strategy. Creates an opportunity cost

I’m thinking about an equation like distance = 1 Tile + ((Kaiju’s SPC tier) - Enemy Kaiju Size). So the enemy Kaiju are always pushed out by one tile minimum, but if the Wave is stronger or the enemy Kaiju is smaller, they would go extra distance.


This is a legitimate point that I hadn’t considered, and I’d prefer to honor the wishes of the system creator whenever possible. So maybe we’ll let things lie as they are - a smaller Amandla pool means faster base Tier upgrades at the cost of reduced energy reserves/flexibility
A case can be made for the spc at G though if you think it's too low.

Another thing about firestorm: How does it work in relation to speed defense? Do they still defend against their opponent's spd or do they have to use Sta.

Interestingly the meta seems to be in favor of raising defenses. The current earth types have Sta so high that literally nobody in the game can even touch them and they are straight up immune to the current fire aligned kaiju if they defend actively. Same thing can be said for Klik Klak and everybody else's speed

Ah, but you forget that Kaiju can choose to apply debuffs rather than attack head-on with STR, and that STR-based attacks can be boosted via Amandla expenditure as well.

More nefarious players might temporarily team up to eat one of these sturdier Kaiju as well…
I thought only Special could be used with Amandla, as in that's the "special" thing about it while strength attacks couldn't but never ran out.
Why exactly have you taken it on yourself to almost entirely alter my turn?
What is the meaning of this?

>What do you want to do with your last action
Executing the action which I spent the better part of a paragraph describing.
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Rolled 3, 3, 1 = 7 (3d3)

HP: 4/4 (F size, D stamina) || Amandla 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: D || Spd: D || Spc: F ]
Element: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A

Thalroksin the old one, sniffs the air...
**It is dank and unfamiliar.**
Its body creaks and cracks as limbs contort and debris falls from its rising form to a more stable stance.
For the first time since the ageless age, a fragmented thought appears in the mind of the old one as he comes to from his deep sleep:

**"Awake... Consume... Home.... SURVIVE..."**

The sands of time may have shifted and eroded much of the old one's strength, but he is determined to reclaim his home and return to the old times where the bark would whisper great tales and secrets to him as he patrolled the endless woodlands.
The old endless grey forests and mountains he once called home may be gone, but the saplings of the old bark will still hear his calls to action if he calls upon them.

He sniffs the air again, deeper this time. He is searching for something in the air, then he tastes it; Amandla.
His body naturally shifts with groans from his bones to face the direction of the potent smell...
He is on the move...

>Action 1: Move to C17.
>Action 2: Move to D18
>Action 3: move to D19

I typed a huge reply and lost it - here’s a quick summary:

Any action can be boosted by Amanda, you’re just not obligated to do so for STR/sta/spd actions.

Generally speaking those, SPC governs the wackier and weirder abilities (beam weapons, magic spells, poison spit, reality-warping, etc) that Kaiju might deploy that aren’t well captured by the normal stats, and so they would typically cost Amandla to activate.

There are exceptions - last game, Hive Mind invested considerable actions into a Lair structure that allowed him free mind-control within Japan, which would normally have cost energy to activate. Shroomy used some initial SPC actions to build an energy array and gathered free power for him, etc etc

Your turn plan was suboptimal (spending two moves instead of one that was necessary) and so I’m revised your turn plan to give you an extra action. If you dont want an extra action, I’ll leave it as is.

I’m also presuming that your Turn 3 write-in was flavor-text for town protectorate diplomacy but please let me know if you were trying to achieve something else with your write-in, it wasn’t clear to me
Its 48 Hours until the map and stuff gets updated right? Just checking.
Enjoying things so far!
> let me know if you were trying to achieve something else with your write-in, it wasn’t clear to me
Acquire metal from ground.
We can move diagonally so he kind of gave you an extra action. You also need 2 actions to enter an agreement with the pentagons I think?
Usually seems like it, though since everyone replied I'm guessing he'll pu.p out another update sooner
Rolled 3, 1, 1 = 5 (3d3)

>"reminder to use your template and roll a dice+3d3 with your update post"
Oh sorry, my bad

HP: 6/6 ((F Size + B Stamina) || Amandla: 1/4
[ Sze: F || Str: F || Sta: B || Spd: G || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A

Okay if I need to move on top of a settlement to befriend it then here's my turn.
>Action #1: Move from A11 to A10
>Action #2: Move from A10 to A9
>Action #3: Enter into a protectorate agreement with the village (which should only cost 1 action if I'm not mistaken)
Originally I was worried that if I tired to move onto the same tile when befriending, I might accidentally step on / destroy things by mistake.
Perhaps as a general rule of thumb, If/once we flavour-text our actions, we should put brackets () at the end containing a clarification/simplification of said action to make it clearer for people?

In this case:
> words words words words words. (Simplified action)
Get it?

You were the last player to update so hopefully can get out the new update tonight.


…okay. Feel free to specify what mechanical benefit you’re intending to garner through “drawing metal from the ground”, otherwise you will spend your action on RPing only (which is a perfectly valid choice).
What's going on at D25?

3 unaligned Amandla waiting for someone to pick it up.
Ah, no update tonight after all, folks. Thanks for your patience!

I'm about 70% done with the update, but I've run out of time, and I need to double-check the mechanics for town combat seeing as we have multiple Kaiju vs city battles coming up for Turn 1.

So next update will be out for ~10pm EST tomorrow night.
Okidoki, take your time!
Thanks for your hard work and see you then!
How do we increase the size stat?

Achieving milestones like successfully protecting a city, defeating an enemy kaiju, and a bunch more. I have some plot/narrative related ones cooked up that are not strictly gameplay related either
Ah alrighty. I only ask because in everyones character sheets the milestones are N/A

For now, yes - later I’ll be tracking milestones too (since a Kaiju can only earn each milestone once). In the late game, things will shake up a bit
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The world of UTUTU shudders over the next month. In the settlements, wild rumors arrive from the rural outskirts – giant tracks left from beasts unknown, and of night terror as unseen behemoths topple forests with their mighty steps…

A giant, still shaking off the deep slumber of eons, strides southwest, passing through mountain vale and forest valley. It cares nothing for the quailing fright of ranging parties of Ngwenya that it comes across, nor does it display signs of aggression as it strides past. Day and night pass, and Thalroksin stops for nothing – not when Amandla is on the breeze.

An enormous levitating sphere, inscrutable, arrives soundlessly before an Intulo city of middling size, Omi Didan – pulsing blue, it attracts immediate attention from the local salamander authorities. Within hours, frantic messages of CONTACT MADE WITH ANOMALY, PLEASE ADVISE are streaking outwards through the Salt Sea upon Amanzi-drum channels, and a cordon is placed widely at rough 1km intervals. An investigatory delegation of yellow-robed ministers bring various devices, lenses, scopes and more. No one dares attempt communication with the Sphere, L0-DI, without approval from Alagbara, chief of Intulo, but already, the junior ministers of Omi Didan impatiently sketch out possible methods of communication. Deep within the palace of Omi Didan, a salamander oligarch is ordering that the Amandla-based weaponry is brought out of storage – great javelins and harpoons with burning points, enormous slings with Umlilo-charged munitions. Friendly contact must not be assumed…

A Giant Rock moves of its own volition, grinding all beneath, insensate to the screams and shrieks of its animal victims. No sentients cross its path, as it moves east – leaving only deep scoring and crushed gore as a sign of its passing.

A cube of unknown manufacture passes close by to another Intulo town - Ekan Pẹtẹpẹtẹ, hardly more than a fishing village. ID-0L’s presence does not immediately draw attention – this sleepy part of the Salt Sea coast is difficult to rouse into action, although few have tried. The frantic messages criss-crossing the Salt Sea are a cause of mirth to the few salamander-ministers assigned to this backwater – the thought that they may soon be confronted with one of these “anomalies” has not yet been taken seriously. In the dim morning light, ID-0L pauses there, by the lapping waters of the Salt Sea, to perform its work – the slow drawing of metallic elements from the earth below. The rippling globules of alloy orbit the Cube – the hum and pitch of the Cube interiors drop lower – perhaps the sound of satisfaction?
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Some of the new creatures are not simply content to travel – finding their natures, they reach out in friendship to sentients, hoping to forge a connection despite the gulf between them and lowly mortals.

Ihlathi stirs her branches in friendship – the remembrance of gifts once given to Her, long ago. The “negotiations” have begun in earnest, and She has successfully dissipated the fear of the sentients she now meets with. They are lumbering things – not like the humans She once knew – heavy creatures of shell and bone, snapping jaws and digging claws. The turtle-men are slow to trust – that much is clear – a gigantic moving tree has sparked their suspicion, rather than their joy. But over the last days, She has been a calming presence, making gentle gestures with her many limbs, singing sweet lullabies on whispered breath, and the Chief of this town - Ugwu Elu, it is called – has begun to speak with her earnest. It takes only another day for Ihlathi to learn to write the script of the Turtle-men and begin learning of them in earnest – they call themselves the Nkume Mbe, and long have they been at war with the Ngwenya of the mountains to the southwest.

“What can you offer, tree-god?” the Chief of Ugwu Elu asks.

If Ihlathi had a mouth, she might smile.

Ihlathi, this town is actually of medium-size, being a pentagon on the map, so you’ll need to spend another action next turn to wrap up the protectorate alignment.


Across the world, Coatlutuan is showered in religious fervor – its obviously reptilian form and supernatural powers being immediately apparent to the Nkume Mbe of this rural town. Hardly any convincing is needed before gifts of meat, prayers of worship and smoking braziers of incense are lit. Would-be priests of Coatlutuan beg for divine relation – for teachings that they might adopt and spread, but for now, Coatlutuan simply exults in its new role of “Divine Protector”, flashing over the town in flight repeatedly, and listening to the Turtle-men beat their drums and sing their strange droning prayers. Of course, the Kaiju cares nothing for the great expense poured into its worship – it is right and just that some of these lowly creatures labor for its enjoyment, after all.

Protectorate achieved by Coatlutuan! Small towns are hexagons and require only one turn to negotiate with. On even turns, 1 Amandla will be delivered to Coatlutuan’s Amandla pool. Friendly reminder that Umrhaji-archetype Kaiju receive halved rewards from protectorate arrangements. Coatlutuan has made 1/3 progress towards the “Oathkeeper” milestone!
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Klik Klak jumps, skitters, scrabbles and dodges – its hunger driving it towards the Intulo capital city of Okun Nla, its fear of retaliation for trespassing driving it back. It moves at a shocking speed for its size, flashing between hiding holes, shallow waters, undersea caves and sloping shoreline. In the distance, the shining walls of Okun Nla and endless food and Amandla within. The capital of the Salamander is well-defended… but not impregnable. Klik Klak’s presence is noted nearly immediately – after all, tens of thousands of Intulo stream in and out of Okun Nla on a weekly basis. But its bizarre behavior – not obviously threatening, but certainly not conveying peaceable intentions either.

The High Council of the Salamanders wrestles with the correct approach, and at one point, physical violence breaks out amongst the nine Salamander Oligarchs, when one accuses the other of cowardice. Sadly, the High Council is often more concerned with the appearance of strength than the reality of it – many of the armaments dotting the defensive ziggurats on the four corners of the city are of questionable manufacture and the defensive budget for the city has been repeatedly slashed over the years…

Frantic assessments are made of the defensive emplacements, and ancient Amanzi-cannons are charged with reckless speed. Battalions of Intulo harpoon-wielders are pressganged into service – half of them simply unlucky citizens having been caught out in the open when the recruiting patrols passed by. But when the time comes to order an attack – no order comes. Klik Klak’s evasive maneuvers have demonstrated its agility – there is considerable doubt amongst the Intulo defenders whether their heavier armaments might be able to connect with the strange beast...

And so Klik Klak jitters on the outskirts of Okun Nla – every hour, dancing a bit closer…
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K A I J U C L A S H ! Umzulkuwana vs Бepeнчe этaп

Umzuklwana’s roar is the sound of death approaching.

The filth of this settlement of deviants stains the tundra, poisons the air. Their weakness infuriates him, as does the weakness of the peoples of UTUTU, who have allowed the Abominations a foothold on this sacred world.

No longer.

Umzulkuwana’s approach is fast – he makes no attempt at stealth, and is visible from a kilometer or more from the settlement. The city is an ugly thing – a swathe of squat and shoddy buildings of only a few stories, ringed by a paltry defensive fence. In the very center of the squalid place, a delicate tower of rusted metal, impossibly thin. Atop the tower, a bulky disc-like object – Umzulkuwana can sense the Amandla stored within the disc even from here. Smoke from a thousand fireplaces rise in the air, creating a greasy smog. Outside the thin fence, a sea of even shoddier tents and hovels are crowded closely. The tundra is smeared with the filth from these pink-skins.

Umzulkwana barrels into the first city of Man upon UTUTU as a natural disaster. With rending claws, he collapses buildings – with thrashing tail, he crushes tents. Tiny figures at his ankles scream and shout, firing bows and arrows – strange devices of gleaming metal fire splinters of raw Amandla – the material projectiles bounce harmlessly off his scaled hide, while the Amandla-weaponry produces only mild discomfort… And In the distance, the disc suspended above the city begins to hum and whirl…

Umzulkuwana’s rolls: 1,3,3
Action 2: STR (C>B) VS STA (D - Бepeнчe этaп)
Action 3: Repeat.

Two auto-successes*! Бepeнчe этaп is now at 2/4 HP!

*Cities at this point in the quest don’t actively roll against players, so Umzul auto-wins.

K A I J U C L A S H ! Phoenix vs Ntu Oyi

Across the world, a mirror image of destruction:

Phoenix, harbinger of cataclysm, swoops low over the frosted beachside of Ntu Oyi, an Intulo town of moderate size. Incredible heat rolls off its wingtips – the landscape below flash-burns – frost turned to vapor turned to flame.

All things must come to an end.

The brightly-daubed and sloping domes of their amphibious dwellings and spindly towers alike will soon be incinerated, as well as tens of thousands of their inhabitants – as they must be. The salamander-men of Ntu Oyi can barely believe their eyes, as their doom approaches and have time to do nothing at all – there is no time even to beat out their final messages upon the Amanzi-drums. Phoenix passes over the city only twice – but already, it is mortally wounded. Multiple raging infernos burst to life in under a minute – fleeing Intulo asphyxiate as the flames hungrily devour the air itself…

Phoenix’s rolls: 1,3,3

Action 2: STR (C>B) VS STA (E - Ntu Oyi)
Action 3: Repeat.
Two auto-successes! Ntu Oyi is now at 1/3 HP!
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K A I J U C L A S H ! Fyr vs Alabaṣepọ, Firestorm vs Anthozaur

To the southwest of the Salt Sea, a unique experiment in tolerance is doomed to choke upon ashes.

The turtle-men, the Nkume Mbe, had long ago welcomed Intulo immigrants from the Salt Sea and human immigrants from the south pole. The small town of Alabaṣepọ had thrived for generations – a multi-species council had arisen there, jointly managed the town’s affairs, and in the relative isolation of their corner of the world, the citizens of this place had been happy.

Fyr, the great flame-hound, knows nothing of this as it bounds through the small town. The acts of bravery between friends and neighbors, as they seek to save one another’s lives, are completely ignored. Fyr’s only concern is the complete destruction of this place – and as an ancient fragment of a much larger conflagration, he is driven to see it done. Turtle-men, humans and Intulo pull together in one final act of defiance – instead of seeking to save the town or attacking the enormous fire-beast, they instantly fall together and begin evacuations. Trickles of citizens begin fleeing in organized groups, with even the heavy-footed Nkume Mbe sprinting as best as they can.

Only a few hundred pink-skins, Nkume Mbe and Intulo escape into the waters of the Salt Sea… and can hardly contain their terror, as the brightly-colored Anthozaur rises from the deeps without warning. With the burning city behind them, and a new monster before them, they flail in the water – and wait too long to make their choice.

Fyr, having reached the center of Alabaṣepọ, begins to howl – and with it, the flames are called to action. A firestorm erupts outwards from the town, turning it to cinders, boiling the waters of the Salt Sea, and killing the evacuating survivors instantly – the dream of their miracle town gone forever…

Fyr’s turn rolls: 3,3,1
Action 2: STR (C>B) VS STA (D- Alabaṣepọ)
Action 3: Firestorm initiation (C>D) VS STA (D).
Two auto-successes! Alabaṣepọ is destroyed! Fyr receives 4 Amanzi-aligned Amandla, bringing him to 1U, 4A / 3! Fyr reaches the “Destroyer” milestone and may trigger a Size upgrade at the cost of a full turn.

Meanwhile, Fyr’s firestorm spins outwards and begin to scorch the hide of Anthozaur! Reacting quickly, it dives behind the waters for a brief respite to collect itself for its next action…

Fyr’s Firestorm rolls (N/A) vs Anthozaur’s rolls: 2, 1, 2
Action 1: STR (D) VS STA (E) – Firestorm autosucceeds against Anthozaur’s passive STA, causing one damage! Anthozaur is now at 2/3 HP!*

Anthozaur, sorry friend – you arrived on R19 just in time to catch Fyr’s firestorm to the face, and didn’t roll well enough to avoid damage!
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The world of UTUTU has begun to smolder - and the first blows against the mortals have been struck! How will the Kaiju act from here? How will the peoples of this world react to the destruction raining down on them?

>48 hour player action window is now open!
>wew, this quest was supposed to be a break from my main quest line but it's turning out to be a lot of work...
Oh, why did firestorm activate? The move I responded to was Fyr attacking the city twice. Is it passive?
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The Sphere keeps rotating along its axis,slowly pulsing with blue light, the little Intulo observing it from afar. Until...

[Assessment complete. Sapients armed. Sapients guarding Amandla source. Sapients potential hazard. Amandla acquisition necessary. Solution: Immediate systematic Excision of sapients.]

[Running Eradicator program....]

The Sphere's light switched to red,its plates closed slightly and its hum changed to a much lower pitched yet much louder bassy vibration.

Then its rotation speed increased, and it began to spin.

Sparks erupted from the air as it was ignited and ionised from the friction of the rapidly spinning black and red ball floating in the air. Black and red ball that flew straight into the city itself at an alarming velocity, its rotating mass pulverising and ruthlessly exterminating everything in the way. Anything not incinerated by the plasma generated from the friction would simply be ripped apart upon colliding with a multi ton massive object spinning faster than anything this world has ever seen.

Action 1: Attack the city
Action 2: Attack the city
Action 3: Attack the city

Total Medium City Death
Whoops, forgot my name
Rolled 1, 2, 2 = 5 (3d3)

I....also forgot to roll
HP: 2/2 ((F Size + F Stamina) || Amandla: 1U/3
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A

And my sheet too apparently, damn I'm forgetting everything already.

> Destroy the City
The city must burn. Once more we pass through the city, once more we fan the flames ever hotter. Even bone will return to ash.

> Move T6
> Move S5
Our work is only beginning. We set forth again on the ashen wind, a trail of charred treetops and blackened fields in our wake. One by one all things must burn.
If you follow Fyr's post he wanted to activate it if free. When it was explained it would cost an action he replaced one of his attack actions with the firestorm.
Right, makes sense. I was wondering about it since it seemed like the move was altered after I had already made my turn.

Is city destruction permanent?
Rolled 2, 3, 1 = 6 (3d3)


HP: 2/2 (F Size + F Stamina) || Amandla: 1U/ 3
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A

QM: To clarify, are Towns dealing damage to Kaiju at this time?
Rolled 3, 3, 2 = 8 (3d3)

Me activating Firestorm was basically me telling you to not enter my tile. I was expecting you to change which tile you moved onto. I was worried that I wasn't going to destory the town and have to fight you and it at the same time. But as we are here with you already injured, fuck it, lets throw down.

Action 1: Attack Anthozaur
Action 2: repeat
Action 3: repeat

HP: 3/3 ((F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 1U, 4A / 3
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A

Fyr is driven into a frenzy with all the death he has caused, salvia dribbles from the corner of his wide maw. He sees the burnt scales of Anthozaur and pounces at him with his jaws wide open, locked in killing mania. Fyr wants blood, blood of every living thing on UTUTU. He will sate his ravernous thirst by drinking the life essence of his kin.
Should have linked my post to >>6056791
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Rolled 1, 3, 2 = 6 (3d3)


With the city it was investigating in ruins, and the sea ablaze around it, Anthozaur stares down the marauding creature. It is a slavering destroyer, seeking only to feast. With the harm already done to it by the raging inferno, any battle will be a mere gamble and a test of luck. Instead, the ancient reptile opens his jaw wide and fires a pressurised deluge of water straight into the depths. The ocean waves part temporarily in the wake of this torrent, before bulging back upwards in an attempt to equalise. The resulting tidal wave is hundreds of meters tall, washing towards the fiery adversary as it sinks its fangs into Anthozaur. That's all it will accomplish, for the waters are soon to carry it far away from the site of its first victory.

Brilliant blue light pulses through Anthozaur's spines, as it spends Amandla to strengthen the waves further. They eclipse the roaring flames, turning them into a massive deluge of steam that follows the molten wolf as it's pushed ashore.

With this done, Anthozaur takes a moment to recover, eyeing the ruins of the civilisation. The fire is surely extinguished by now, though the wave must have made survival far more difficult. He observes to see if they're prepared to clamber back from the brink of extinction.

>Action 1: Use Wavecaller to push Fyr SouthWest and extinguish the firestorm. Spend 1 Amanzi Amandla to convert it into blazing steam, to serve as a counterstrike.
>Action 2: With no more sources of damage on the tile to interrupt his rest, Anthozaur takes the time to heal.
>Action 3: Heal again.

HP: 2/3 ((F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 4 > 0/4
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Amanzi (Water)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A

Based on my understanding, Firestorm works as such:
>they may ignite the entire world map square they reside within, and this effect persists while they remain within the square
So by pushing Fyr out with wavecaller, this should end Firestorm immediately, since he's no longer in the square, right? I don't want to force too many effects into one action via Amandla, but since the extinguishing part seems to be a part of how Firestorm itself works, hopefully trying to add damage to the wave isn't too much.

Does this mean it lasts 2 turns by default? Does it deal its damage at the end of the turn, or at the start?
Rolled 1, 2, 3 = 6 (3d3)


HP: 6/6 ((F Size + B Stamina) || Amandla: 1/4
[ Sze: F || Str: F || Sta: B || Spd: G || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A

>Action #1: Finish entering into a protectorate agreement with the Nkume Mbe.
If that action is successful, then I’d like to start building a “mobile fortress” hideout here in order to protect my new friends whilst I travel around. Can I put it on top of the city or does it need to be in an empty tile? If it has to be in an empty tile, then my next actions are:
>Action #2: Move to A8
>Action #3: Begin construction of a lair.

The turtle people ask what I can offer. I explain that I can protect them from other kaiju. That’s the mechanical benefit. From there, I can probably also do some story stuff like give them fruit or help with labor (construction would be ridiculous, but making a canal by dragging my hand through the dirt should be easy.) If they are at war, then I’m not yet sure if I want to pick sides, but making defenses (the lair) shouldn’t be too preferential. If they reeeeally want me to kill the mountain people then I’ll need to think about it. I’d rather not hurt the little ones if I can help it, but if the Ngwenya are being aggressive warmongers then… maybe?
Uh, what happened to the U3 Amandla on D25 that was there before? Did it just dissipate or was it disappearing a mistake?

Oops, the missing free Amanda is an oversight Thal, it’s still there. Will post corrected map shortly
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Here you go!


>is Firestorm passive?

Yes, exactly.


For the first turn, I gave players some wiggle-room about their posts as people get oriented to the new system, but basically starting now, there will be no significant "turn revisions" allowed. The update you post is the update you get!

>is city destruction permanent?

Yes for now, I have some tricks planned


>Would pushing Fyr out of the tile with Wave Caller automatically end any Firestorm?

Yes! Although I note that Fyr did not choose to continue his Firestorm anyways, so basically he is attacking you while you generate the wave, and then you'll push him out of tile.


Nope, "Firestorm costs no amandla to activate but does cost an action, and require 1 amandla per turn to maintain." The effect begins immediately and doesn't roll over to next turn unless the player actively chooses to maintain the effect with amandla-expenditure.

Starting now, I'm also going to dictate that players cannot use their special elemental abilities on back-to-back turns. I don't want Fire Kaiju to spam "free" Firestorms attacks continually or have water Kaiju just call waves all game, lol.


>Can I put it on top of the city or does it need to be in an empty tile?

You can build a mobile fortress on the same tile as a city - or even convert the Turtle-Men village itself into a mobile fortress, if you wanted. Takes three turns to build a Lair, so you'll finish protectorate negotiations and spend two turns building the mobile fortress. In the future, you can spend additional actions improving your mobile fortress, if desired, although I'd have to put some limits on this eventually :)
HP: 5/5 ((F Size + C Stamina) || Amanda 1U/4 => 0/4
[ Sze: F || Str: F|| Sta: C || Spd: G || Spc: E ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A
Material: 1 => 2 =>1 units (metal)

> Action 1: ID-0L draws yet more metallic elements up from the earth. Minor fissures and sinkholes mar the surface as topsoil gradually sags into the numerous subterranean cavities formed. [Acquire more metal] (Special, unpowered)
> Action 2: The heterogenous mass of metal floating around ID-0L churns and stretches like a semi-fluid putty. The electromagnetic fields streaming from the alien construct intensify, compelling the clouds of metal into organized form. Rotating right angles suspended in a spiraling formation pull themselves from the amorphous metal mass, devoid of any connective structures rather held strictly in formation by an intricate weave of powerful electromagnetic forces, the gnawing teeth of a steeply needle-shaped assembly suggestive of a drill points accusatorily at the earth. At once, the drill structure surges into motion, a blurringly-fast vortex slamming down into the ground below. While the physical friction of this interaction was tremendous, the overwhelming ordering influence exerted by ID-0L's howling halo electromagneism served as a suitable counter-balance to the entropy, nigh-instantly retrieving and repairing rents and fragmentation in the drill's many whirling teeth as they manifested. The mechanism's physical integrity only began faltering upon approach with the sweltering mantle of the planet, where mineral and sediment gave way to semi-liquified stone and searing discharges of super-heated gas. [Bore a tunnel shaft into the planet's mantle] (Special, -1 Energy)
> Action 3: ID-0L eases its control, pulling the drill back and permitting its softening manifolds to lose form and melt, before smoothly reforming the flagging matter into a single dense rod. The cube rumbles faintly, pulling information from stored schematics. Metal peels away from the rod in layers which fold, pinch, and bend into a variety of curves and angles. Pipework assemblies and fluid pumps lay themselves out across the surface, drawing water from the nearby inland sea. Steam off-flow and fluid redistribution tanks bulge like cysts off the periphery of the primary complex's hull. Elaborate systems of turbines and a novel generator bank feeding energy directly into ID-0L also self-synthesize at the Cube's demand. The tunnel-shaft is plated with thick layers of metal kept in continuous atomic flux through exposure to sophisticated enmeshments of EM fields, maximizing the amount of heat retained by the system. Finally, signaled by a pulse of intent delivered by way of crackling electricity, the geothermal power plant roars to life and begins steadily satiating ID-0L's energy requirements. [Create structure, Install a Geothermal Energy Harvester using previously carved tunnel shaft] (Special, unpowered, -1Material)
What happens to the remaining actions after Wave Caller? Also was there a way to kill Anthozaur before Wave Caller activated.

>Starting now, I'm also going to dictate that players cannot use their special elemental abilities on back-to-back turns.
Heh, I was thinking about doing that at some point.

>what happens to the remaining turns after you get hit with Wave Caller?

Hmm, good question. I think for this first utilization, you’ll probably lose your actions since Fyr is throwing everything into the attack and not expecting to get hit by a tsunami. In the future, you could probably spend an action and some Amanda to counter the effect directly, or maybe spend an action bracing against the wave (I.e. active use of the Stamina trait). It seems a bit unfair to make the Wave Caller unblockable in all circumstances, but I DO want to reward Water Kaiju for staying in their home territory, so to speak.

It hasn’t come up but Earth Kaiju would probably have a similar advantage fighting underground, and Fire Kaiju in volcanic/extremely hot conditions, etc.

>what could I have done to kill Anthozaur before the wave hits?

Realistically, at this low level, it might not have been possible. Obviously in the future you might have a Size advantage (and deal extra damage), spend Amanda to move faster (and hopefully get an extra hit in), or spend a turn bracing against the wave first, before attacking.
Rolled 2 (1d3)

Also starting now, I’ll be rolling a d3 to see if Amandla is spontaneously generated on the map:

1-2: no
3: yes
Ok cool, and is there any advantage on voting first when near other players? Because if not it would be best to wait to the end of the voting period to react.
Rolled 2, 2, 1 = 5 (3d3)

The rut continues to stretch behind the rock as grass and wood gradually turns to snow during its steady migration south. Eventually, a village approaches in the distance and the rock begins to slow to a halt. A momentary tide of relief washes over the locals, before it is immediately replaced with the type of panic only awakened when a sentient rock reaches ramming speed.

1-2: Y22 -> Y24
3: Attach the village on Y24.

HP: 4/4 ((F Size + D Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 3
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: D || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A
>or even convert the Turtle-Men village itself into a mobile fortress, if you wanted

Ooh interesting. I think I'd ask the turtle people which they'd prefer. If they just want me to leave them with a body guard, or if they want me to bring them with. The latter would certainly be safer, but I understand if they like where they are.

No mechanical benefit to voting first. There is a sort of minor problem here that I’m not sure that KaijuQM ever resolved - it’s strategically better to post your turn last, although this is somewhat offset by taking actions to “pre-counter” enemy players. Plus if you get into a posting standoff, you run the risk overshooting and sacrificing your turn entirely…


I think I’ll sort of fuse the two ideas, with your permission - you turn the town into a mobile fortress but then ask the Chief if they want to go anywhere or stay put.
Unfortunately yes it's kind of preferable to wait until others have posted and snipe people by virtue of this being a play by post game. Movement gets weird under these circumstances. As for killing Anthozaur you could've tried to grapple him using your strength though I'm not sure if it would've withstood wave caller as it's an ability. Grappling is important since speedy little shits like Klik Klak do their moves before you do so they can quite literally attack you then move out of the way easily and void your entire attack spam turn. So yes your attacks were nullified and that is indeed intentional design and one of the advantages of the speed stat.

Question lesches, but since several of us will have amandla above our limit next turn, what happens with it? Additionally, do you want to us to upgrade our Spc stat first to get to 4 amandla or can we upgrade other stats now for us speciallets?
>As for killing Anthozaur you could've tried to grapple him using your strength
I did not know this was an option, and dogs do that naturally when they attack, I mistakenly thought that the attack action would encompass that. I did think this ability was going to be activated so that's why I didn't spend energy on Firestorm again. Also none of this would have been changed by the speed stat.

According to the pdf:
Kaiju with higher speed will execute their actions first, beginning from Action 1. Their first action is
compared against an opposing Kaiju’s first one. The order goes:
Defensive Action > Higher base Speed > Higher Roll
If two Kaiju are completely tied in their speed and roll, their actions happen simultaneously.

So my first action hits him first as I rolled better. As I understand then it goes his first action, which moves me away. Then our second actions happen at the same time as we both rolled 3s.
Rolled 1, 3, 1 = 5 (3d3)

Oh thank goodness, I was worried there for a second. I'm making a beeline for it after all lol.
Alright, lets make some moves!!

HP: 4/4 (F size, D stamina) || Amandla 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: D || Spd: D || Spc: F ]
Element: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A

It's smell becomes more potent with every step the old one takes...
The closer he gets, the more the hunger in his decayed stomach seem to taunt him, almost driving him into a state of wild frenzy...


True, he has not been accustomed to such a depth of starvation since the time of his first steps, before the time of the great metamorphosis. But he is a survivor, he has **always** been a survivor. Ever since the great grey trees and mountains that once covered the land of his home taught him secret things, ancient things, things that can't be spoken of in words or language. They taught him how see without eyes; smell without a nose; taste without a tongue...

To stay alive whilst being dead.

These ancient memories and feelings being stirred up keep him conscious through the pain, a pain he can live with.
All that matters now is: **staying alive**
And he can do that; with the Amandla he has within his sights.

>Action 1: Move to D20
>Action 2: Move to D21
>Action 3: Move to D22
Oh I'm aware none of this would've been changed by speed here I'm talking in general. If you're fighting a speedy boy you want to move with them or restrain them so they can't move.

Generally speaking, Amandla reserves over the cap are lost at the end of the player turn, so I would encourage players to utilize any excess amandla before this happens. Friendly reminder that you can convert Amandla into temporary STAT buffs (as I did as Dewa-Penyu last game before getting my shit wrecked by a Chinese dragon).

Also I think for now, I’ll just dictate that it only takes 3 Amandla or your whole pool (whatever is lower) to upgrade a G stat to F.
Rolled 1, 1, 1 = 3 (3d3)

HP: 2/2 (F size, F stamina) || Amandla 1/4
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: C ]
Element: Umoya (Air)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A

The great serpent nests within the city centre, eagerly accepting the gifts of its "Chosen people".
In truth, this has come easier than expected, and the realisation eventually dawns that this settlement is little more than a backwater, thoroughly less impressive than originally imagined. Hardly the sprawling metropolis Coatlutuan had expected, the settlement is in fact... dainty.
Dainty is the word, yes. Perhaps it can be made to grow however, and soon grant far more impressive tribute in the near future.

Action 1: Search for nearby Amandala
The dorky looking mortal ones are ordered to go out in search of hidden sources of Amandala out in the wild, Coatlutuan itself scanning over the wilderness from above in search of new sources of power while on patrol.

The Kaiju hungers for spiritual energy, a desire to evolve is in its very blood.

Action 2 & 3: Upgrade town(?)

Coatlutuan embraces its role as the guardian deity of this village, delivering swift winds of justice against evildoers and bandits, guiding helpful rains down upon the farmland, elevating its favourite mortals to high positions in the town, demonstrating secrets of Admandala to adoring audiences and occasionally watching drama unfold, to retire every night to feasts and glorious worship.
In truth, the winged serpent isn't totally sure what these things want specifically, but the gist is that Coatlutuan is great.

So great and grand is the presence of the winged serpent that surely wealth and trade will flow to this backwater. The efforts of its guardian deity and the new priesthood will soon raise this place to a true bustling city, capable of offering even more offerings to the Kaiju that now lives among them.

>players upgrading their towns

Shit, why didn’t I think of this before? lol

Coat, you can definitely do this but I’ll have to think up some mechanical process…
>Generally speaking, Amandla reserves over the cap are lost at the end of the player turn
As I didn't know that am I allowed to keep my extra two as my vote would be rather different? Or can I spend them in some way?

Hmm I’m sympathetic to the request given that we’re just starting out and you’ve been stymied by Anthozaur’s tidal wave, but I don’t want to be in the habit of breaking the rules. So you will lose the excess Amanzi Amandla at the end of the turn, my apologies.

If it’s any consolation, you’ll still have a full Amandla tank plus you’re currently the only player with a Milestone banked, so you’re definitely winning so far.
By what factor does the Amandla necessary for stat upgrades increase?
Like okay it costs 3 to upgrade G to F, but what about F to E, E to D, etc?
Can I spend them in some manner then? Spending them doesn't take an action, so my turn would remain the same. Maybe like shooting fireball at Anthozaur or moving back into the square or something?
Well uh, attack and move actions are 2 separate things so I don't think you could break action economy like that. Regardless you're just discovering the downside of spamming the attack action for all actions lol. Either way if you really want him dead, you could upsize to deal 2 more damage when hitting then chase him.

Right, to clarify:

G->F upgrade: 3 Amanda only
Literally all other stat upgrades: your entire pool (no matter the numerical amount)

I did confer with KaijuQM and he intended to balance Amandla pool size against tier upgrades. There’s a balance here between rapid upgrade speed with a small pool, and tactical flexibility with a big pool at the cost of slower tier upgrade speed. There’s probably even a good mechanical case to be made for not upgrading Size at all and becoming an indestructible lil bastard…


Again, I’m sympathetic to the request, but burning Amandla is not actually a free action. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of chances to earn more energy in the future, plus if you upgrade your size, your pool will increase as well.
Might thought is spending amandla to increase the range of the attack I was performing, which seems a legal use of it. Or using the amandla to explode and reappear in the fires still ranging in the settlement left over by the firestorm which I am more doubtful if that would be more acceptable.
>range increase
Yeah that's kind of broken, would be surprised if lesches even remotely allows that

Well, each tile is meant to represent like hundreds of square kilometers, anon, so if someone wanted to perform a cross-tile attack on another Kaiju, this starts to look more like a targeted missile strike than an physical attack between two battlin’ monsters in close proximity.

If someone wanted to spend significant time/effort/resources developing a fantasy-ICBM missile strike capability, I’d allow it, of course, but there would be significant trade offs by doing this. I basically would not allow cross-tile attacks otherwise for balance reasons
Sure whatever you say. When I meant attack I meant a ranged attack, as that is still governed by strength. So I was thinking like a giant blast of fire being shot out of Fyr's mouth like Godzilla's laser breath.
Oh yeah that would use your special stat actually. In fact godzilla's atomic breath is the example given for that in the pdf. Strength is for any attack you don't need to use energy for

Ah, Godzilla-style beam attacks are usually governed by SPC, although you can definitely also do ranged STR attacks if you can think up of a plausible way for this to happen. Regardless, these attacks can only reach targets within the same tile as your Kaiju (unless you took time and energy over multiple turns to build up a long-range attack platform, etc etc)
>I think I’ll sort of fuse the two ideas, with your permission
Yeah go for it.
I can storywise flavor it however I'd like, right? I was imagining that I'd either plant a seed or break off a branch or something...

Sure, I’d love any write-ins detailing the process if you’re inspired to provide, this is a collaborative game after all
Are ID-0L's actions here counting as lair building or can we just legit get alternate resources. Like could I dig into the ground to get fissile material and build a nuclear reactor or something?

Seems like his intention is to draw power from the world, so I’ll probably treat this as a power-generating lair/constructed town that produces a small amount of Amandla on a regular basis, with all the risks and benefits that this implies.
Klik-Klak the Insatiate ignored his hungers to think deeply. These small, weak creatures had not yet tried to hunt him and they had heaps of food all to themselves. Much, much, much food. Klik-Klak the Empty-Bellied could not ignore his hungers any longer but he could not act on them. Instead, he began to slow himself down, slowing to a frightening, vulnerable crawl and approaching the small, weak creature settlement.

Once he reached the outer fringes of their habitation, he began to clack his mandibles and as nonthreateningly as possible, roll a ball of mud and sculpt it into a crude replica of their home. When Klik-Klak the Carnivorous had caught their attention, he pointed one leg to the mud sculpture, then pointed to a small boulder, which he set down, away from and distant from himself. He then uprooted a tree and used it to tap the boulder, pushing it without his involvement and crushing the mud. He then took more mud and repeated the sculpture, with feverish speed, and paused once it was done.

In the middle of the mud was a pile of moss, leaves, and vegetation- barely edible junk- that he conspicuously shaped into the image of a cow, or livestock. The beetle tapped the boulder again, which started to roll toward the mud sculpture again, but this time, Klik-Klak the Hankering lifted one leg, stopped it from rolling any further, and threw it away from their community. He then loudly ate the cow effigy, clacked his mandibles, and rubbed his front legs together. The small, weak creatures tended to be cunning, yes? They would understand his meaning, yes? If they fed him, fed him, fed him, he would keep his cousins away, yes, oh yes. Until he felt like it would be better to eat them himself, or even better, let a cousin crush him, and then eat the ruin once it had time to decay and develop the flavours which he enjoyed far more than when it was fresh.

>Action #1: Start a Protectorate Agreement with Okun Nla at V15
>Action #2: Start a Protectorate Agreement with Okun Nla at V15
>Action #3: Start a Protectorate Agreement with Okun Nla at V15
I'm busy tonight, but I'll try to write something tomorrow afternoon.
Looks like everyone has posted their turn, so I'll get to work - there's a 90% chance the update will be posted by midnight EST tonight, and probably a 50% chance that I'll get it out for 2-3pm EST. The first couple updates are always slow but I'm getting into a rhythm here...
Oops, I forget to update myself as an NPC Kaiju!

Action 1: Spend one unaligned Amandla to temporarily fortify SPD. This temporary effect will expire the turn after Umzulkuwana either actively uses SPD, or combat with an enemy Kaiju.
Action 2: Attack the city of Бepeнчe этaп with mighty tooth and claw! <STR>
Action 3: Repeat.

HP: 3/3 (F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 0 / 3
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: E || Spd: E* || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Ibhalansi (Balanced)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A
Tile: T25
Its a little funny how your the last one to remember to update your turn ngl lol. But its to be expected honestly with juggling all the mechanics and player actions.

I'm intrigued about you using your Amandla to increase your speed temporarily, was there any particular reason for that action?

Mostly I'm using Umzul to demonstrate "good" action economy utilization for the benefit of the players. Umzul is set to gain an absurd amount of Amanda (4 Air amandla with X2 Destroyer multiplier), but he'll lose most of this due to his small energy pool. So by taking a turn to sink his current Amandla into a STAT, he at least slightly mitigates the amandla loss.
Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d3)

Rolling for something
No update tonight, sadly - I’m like 50% done but got carried away with L0-DI’s update, sorry all. Will finish up tomorrow
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>tfw you are the reason for a delay
Okay here we go, lore blurb time (assuming that you still want the fusion of the two ideas).

Ihlathi crouches down so that her face(?) is level with Ugwu Elu. She explains that she offers her protection freely, and doesn’t demand anything in return. The Nkume Mbe can still choose to make offerings or prayers, which would in turn help make it easier for Ihlathi to protect them, but it is not required.
To show proof of her earnestness, she plants a seed in the ground, sings into the wind, and after some time, a ring of green roots circle the settlement in a protective embrace. She the snaps off a twig from her upper branches, and gives it to the chieftain.
“With this piece of my being, you can control the sapling however you wish.”
She continues by explaining that once the defenses are complete, she intends to move on to other nearby settlements in the north and offer them protection as well. Once they each have a seedling, she can roam the region on patrol for hostile kaiju. They are free to follow close behind her if the Nkume Mbe want to.
Rolled 2, 3, 2 = 7 (3d3)


I forgot to roll for myself as well, not that it really matters.
Turn 2
The starving giant is close, now – his rotting gut churns. The smell of the Amandla is intoxicated - richer and sweeter than any flesh, it pulls him magnetically. How many worlds has he stumbled across before this one? Does it matter? Grasping hands rise and paw the air of their own accord; his fetid mouth drools…

>Thalroksin moves to D22
In the west, an entity of metal, intent and electromagnetic force drinks deeply from the molten well that is UTUTU’s core.

>ID-0L’s generator will now produce 1 Amandla of Earth-alignment at the end of every turn to whichever Kaiju controls it, starting next turn. This generator may be improved in terms of production, storage pools, etc, through further investment of actions. Generally speaking, three actions will be necessary to provide 1 “improvement point”. Please note that this generator may destroyed, captured or improved by any Kaiju now that it has appeared on the world map.

Coatlutuan’s constant searching over the surrounding countryside, a fruitless hunt for free Amandla in the sky, water, and earth, has nonetheless provided it with excellent understanding of the air currents, and the weather systems of the local area.

>Coatlutuan has gained a free movement bonus – at any time, Coatlutuan may travel one tile further than normal.

Its entreaties to lure in worshippers to its village begin to bear fruit – after all, how many towns can say that they are protected by a divinity? News of the cataclysms elsewhere on UTUTU have traveled slowly – but traveled they have, and many small groups are leaving their isolated jungle valleys in order to reside under Coatlutuan’s shelter. Of course, Coatlutuan is only too happy to consume the food, prayers and spiritual power that they provide him…

>Coatlutuan has made 2/3 progress towards village->town upgrade!
>Coatlutuan, you have obtained 1 Earth-aligned Amandla from your protectorate arrangement!
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K A I J U C L A S H ! L0-DI vs Omi Didan

The sphere’s acceleration was dramatic; it bursts through the 1km cordon in only a few instants. Unexpected – it crashes into the outskirts of Omi Didan’s shoreline suburbs, pulverizing stone, Intulo, and anything else caught in it’s path. The extreme heat generated through its rotation causes the stone buildings (decorated to resemble the coral-like reefs of the southern Salt Sea) to burst into flame, the bright paints peeling, bubbling and blackening at once. L0-DI adopts a stratagem of maximum efficiency, systematically annihilating the city in a grid-like approach.

>L0-DI deals 1 damage to Omi Didan! Omi-Didan is now at 2/3 HP!

Sensing no threats, and meeting no effective resistance, L0-DI continues its assault, and thousands of innocent civilians are ground into ash… The city has already been mortally wounded – its death a certainty..

>L0-DI deals 1 damage to Omi Didan! Omi-Didan is now at 1/3 HP!

But Omi Didan is not defenseless.

The panicked orders of the city Oligarch have borne fruit – the central place finally bristles with javelins, harpoons and other Amandla-powered weaponry; the weapons prepared and ready to fire. On the western frontier of the Salt Sea, the Intulo have suffered generations of raids from Ngwengya aggressors – they are not as foolish as their soft cousins to the south, and have carefully maintained them. The sphere’s sudden attack has shocked and surprised the Intulo weapons-teams, but targeting solutions are now quickly generated – the sphere’s attacks are unbelievably rapid, but predictable – proper timing here is paramount!

“DULA!”, screams the city oligarch – an obese Salamander who is equally terrified and thrilled at the chance to fire everything at a hostile force. A hundred javelins, harpoons and energy blasts are emitted at the sphere, at the precise moment that it travels towards the palace – an optimum angle of attack. Most of these projectives nevertheless miss the target, but a lucky Umlillo-charged javelin manages to penetrate the sphere’s interiors and explode, knocking the sphere aside and damaging its mysterious inner core.

>Omi Didan deals 1 HP of damage to L0-DI! L0-DI has 1/2HP!

L0-DI’s internal structures scream and grind in protest as it recalibrates, vibrating violently. Internal repair mechanisms leap into action, and shrapnel is quickly collected and ejected from the sphere’s mechanisms. Whirring, the sphere begins to levitate once more, spinning rapidly and streaking off towards the palace center! The oligarch screams out a set of commands as the sphere rockets towards him – in the deeps, the Amanzi-drums begin pounding out a new message to the Intulo: WE ARE DOOMED, BUT ANOMALIES SUSCEPTIBLE TO WEAPONRY…PREPARE PREPARE PREPARE, LEARN FROM OUR DEATHS.

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L0-DI crashes into the palace and at once, begins tearing at the structural supports. In seconds, the palace begins collapsing. Omi Didan is in ruins – the palace almost destroyed…

>L0-DI deals another damage to Omi Didan! The city is at 0/3HP!

But the Oligarch is not dead yet – taking command of the largest Amandla-powered harpoon on the swaying defense platforms outside the palace, he overcharges the weapon and reverses the orientation – now facing inwards, a clear shot at the sphere!
“ESIOGWENI NAEW! he screams, firing just as L0-DI pounces upon him – and the harpoon explodes in a flash of brilliant white light…

>L0-DI takes another point of damage! L0-DI is now at 0/2HP and knocked unconscious! L0-DI must spend at least one action next turn to regenerate 1HP and regain function! L0-DI has earned 6 Amanzi-amandla (but will lose 3 at the end of this turn), and the Milestone “Destroyer”!

>Omi Didan and all defenses destroyed! Further attacks impossible!

L0-DI’s rolls: 1, 2, 2 vs N/A, 3, 3
Turn 1: STR (C>D) vs STA (E), N/A
Turn 2: STR (C) vs STA (E), STR (F>E) vs STA (F)
Turn 3: STR (C) vs STA (E), STR (F>E) vs STA (F); city destroyed


K A I J U C L A S H ! Phoenix vs Ntu Oyi

Even the bones of this city are disintegrating – the heat from the conflagration melting even stone tonight. Phoenix basks in the rolling waves of smoke-laden air – circling high above this bonfire of a city. This offering will be the first of many – this lush world of savannahs, jungles, swamps and mountains will be transformed soon enough – made new, like Phoenix once was, long ago…

Phoenix’s rolls: 2,3,1

Action 1: STR (C) VS STA (E - Ntu Oyi) – City Destroyed!

>Ntu Oyi destroyed! Phoenix gains 6 Amanzi-aligned Amandla, but loses 4 Amandla due to his 3 cap. Phoenix gains the “Destroyer” milestone!

Phoenix, satisfied with his works, begins a lazy flight to the northwest, and below, his hazy shadow dapples over ridges and fields of the northern latitudes…
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K A I J U C L A S H ! Umzulkuwana vs Бepeнчe этaп

Umzulkuwana stands in the splintered ruins of Бepeнчe этaп; long since, any sign of resistance has been squashed. His gut churns with hatred still, causing him to mulch even the fragments of the greatest city of mankind on UTUTU.

So great was his focus on complete destruction, he had not immediately noticed the ugly disc of the pinkskins had failed to topple out of the sky when he had roughly shouldered its spindly bracing to the earth. By the time he had turned, it had already been wobbling up and out of range – an uneven, shaking, whining ascent as the lungs of the thing wheezed and protested. The ghosts of Umzulkuwana’s children begged and screamed to give chase, to bring the disc down, and so he had channeled his reserves of power into his limbs and tail.

>Umzul temporarily boosts his SPD (F>E*)!

Even moving faster than he thought himself capable of, he wasn’t able to catch the flailing thing – it managed to stay just out of range of his clamping jaws and flashing claws. No matter - Father will not let them escape far. He had turned to survey his work – a field of smoking ruins, the first human city on UTUTU was now its greatest graveyard. Howling in triumph, he feels the energy of a dying city entering his body!

Umzul’s turn rolls: 2,3,2
Action 1: Boost SPD with Amandla point.
Action 2, 3: STR (C>B) VS STA (D- Бepeнчe этaп)

>Бepeнчe этaп is at 0/4 HP! Umzul earns 8 (!) Air-Amandla, but loses 5 at turn end. He has earned the “Destroyer” milestone!

K A I J U C L A S H ! Fyr vs Anthozaur

Fyr, howling in a killing frenzy, charges into the shallow waters to attack Anthozaur, partially extinguishing itself in the process. Its heavy jaws find purchase upon Anthozaur’s broad back – scoring deep wounds! Anthozaur, bizarrely, barely responds to the assault, not bothering to dodge - Anthozaur’s four limbs are anchored heavily upon the rocky shoreline. Anthozaur hasn’t been dodging – it’s been digging in.

And that is when the tsunami hits – an incredible mass of boiling water from the Salt Sea, it collides with Fyr, disorienting the beast, smashing through the burning wreckage of Alabaṣepọ, and carrying the stunned creature far to the southwest… Fyr, a creature of heat and flame, is not wounded by the boiling water. Anthozaur, having weathered the attack, now licks its wounds, its flesh knitting together once more...

Fyr vs Antho: 3, 3, 2 vs 1, 3, 2.
Turn 1: Fyr attacks Antho, STR (C>B) vs STA (E) – dealing 1HP of damage, Antho immediately counters with SteamWave (SPC F>G) vs STA (E) – no damage received by Fyr, but loses remaining turns and is thrown southwest to Q20.
Turn 2, 3: Antho heals its wounds by spending two actions.

Fyr, please note that you now have 1U,2A / 3 for your Amandla pool, and Antho, your pool is now empty.
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K A I J U C L A S H ! Giant Rock vs Caзлык бaнкы

The boulder cares nothing for men or for life or diplomacy; it seeks life to smash and crush without introspection, doubts or mercy. It rolls over the empty tundra, through day and night, seeking the greatest concentration of life to attack, moving swiftly over the deep snows and ice.

Finally, it approaches the town, the polar moon above ringed with frost. The town is home to nearly thirty thousand – closely crammed humans who had crowded around the warm springs of this tundra. The Giant Rock bashes its way through the outskirts of town – but even for all its prodigious mass and strength, the sheer number of dwellings slows it down…

In the center of town, an old man startles awake. What annoyance is this? He had come to this quieter place to research, not to – his thoughts are interrupted by screams and crashing noises, and he knows that it is his time. Running outside half-naked, he inhales – and keeps inhaling. Impossible amounts of air enter his lungs, and still more! His blood sizzles with power, with energy, and his strides lengthen. A leap brings him down a street, a second leap atop neighboring tangle of huts, and the third leap propels him halfway across town – towards the disturbance!

Stunned by the sight of an animated stone crushing the people of the town, the old man bellows in rage – this madness must end! Roaring out the winds he has captured, a lesser vortex spins into being, taking his place, and rushing against the Giant Rock!

Giant Rock’s rolls: 2
Action 3: Giant Rock’s STR (D) vs (E) – Giant Rock deals 1 HP to Caзлык бaнкы (2/3 HP)

>WARNING: A mage of Air-alignment is present within this place! A lesser Vortex has sprung into existence! He will be treated a minor Kaiju (STR F/STA F/SPD E/SPC N/A).
In the east, Ihlathi crouches down so that her face (or what she imagines one of these tiny creatures might see as her face) is level with Ugwu Elu. She explains that she offers her protection freely, and doesn’t demand anything in return. The Nkume Mbe can still choose to make offerings or prayers, which would in turn help make it easier for Ihlathi to protect them, but it is not required. To show proof of her earnestness, she plants a seed in the ground, sings into the wind, and after some time, a ring of green roots circle the settlement in a protective embrace. She the snaps off a twig from her upper branches, and gives it to the chieftain.

“With this piece of my being, you can control the sapling however you wish.”

She continues by explaining that once the defenses are complete, she intends to move on to other nearby settlements in the north and offer them protection as well. Once they each have a seedling, she can roam the region on patrol for hostile kaiju. They are free to follow close behind her if the Nkume Mbe want to.

The Chief nods gravely, deep in thought, before decisively accepting the bargain.

“Your appearance here tells me that UTUTU is changing; you speak of enemy giants – of Kaiju – and somehow, I know that you speak the truth. My people have need of your protection, Great One. They are not yet ready to move – but if I speak to them of the dangers, they will be soon.”

Ihlathi, generous as always, supports the work immediately – there is much to do! Roots grow at incredible speed - and the bulging limbs of a slow-moving titan – of a great Tortoise - bunch together.

>Ihlathi has entered into a protectorate with Ugwu Elu! She has 1/3 progress towards the “Oathkeeper” milestone! Mobile fortess production is 2/3 turns complete!


Klik Klak the Starving can hardly believe its luck - whatever combination of mimicry, crude figure-building, and "peaceful" body-language it had managed to cobble together seems to have sparked a breakthrough! Platters of resources are now being delivered at regular intervals from the capital city of the Intulo, and already, a limited form of communication is now possible between itself and the strange little Salamander-men that speak to it in gurgles. It's tempted to know what they might taste like - but can't risk the arrangement, and so it stifles the desire for now...

On the Intulo side, the message from Omi Didan has been received. Every effort must be made to harden the defenses of the last bastion of the Salt Sea. With a captive Kaiju in defense of the city, and with every armament being brought to bear, there's still a chance for life...

>KK has successfully arranged a protectorate with the Intulo capital. KK, please note that you earn either 1 or 2 Water-aligned amandla on an alternating basis. You earned 1 amandla at the end of this turn, and will earn 2 next turn, etc.
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Starting next turn, I'm going to pick 3-5 of the players to "highlight" during my updates. Providing updates for all the players is proving to be pretty arduous and slowing things down...

With his body fully healed, Anthozaur takes to the waves once more, cleaving through them with the great spike atop his snout and beating his colossal fins to propel himself through the deep sea. The flaming beast is left far behind, as he loops around an archipelago and heads towards the next source of energy he can vague detect.

>Action 1: Move to S18
>Action 2: Move to S17
>Action 3: Move to R16

HP: 3/3 ((F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 0/4
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Amanzi (Water)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A
Rolled 2, 3, 1 = 6 (3d3)

Hmm, alright a couple questions for you Lesches:

-Could I use 1 action to heal then the rest of my actions or does it take a full turn to regain function?

-Could I use a milestone here to revive since it's a full heal? And would the increased capacity prevent me from losing too much Amandla?

-How does city vs Kaiju combat work? I was kinda banking on my E speed to allow me to destroy them before they get the chance to knock me out lol since medium cities apparently have F speed so I thought it'd go much like the Phoenix with the exception of taking some damage since they were on alert. Was the Phoenix' city too fucked up to retaliate by the way? Mine was on alert since the beginning, so makes sense it could shoot me. Regardless, I'll have to be more careful in the future

>Could I use 1 action to heal then the rest of my actions?

Yes, although this is only possible because you also knocked out the city. Normally the enemy city/kaiju would be able to perma-kill you if you are rendered inoperable.

-Could I use a milestone here to revive since it's a full heal?

Yes, and IIRC, it’s a free action, so you’d have 3 actions per usual on top of this.

And would the increased capacity prevent me from losing too much Amandla?

No, unfortunately, you’ve already lost your extra power. This happens at turn end of the same turn you obtain it.

-How does city vs Kaiju combat work? I was kinda banking on my E speed to allow me to destroy them before they get the chance to knock me out lol since medium cities apparently have F speed so I thought it'd go much like the Phoenix with the exception of taking some damage since they were on alert. Was the Phoenix' city too fucked up to retaliate by the way? Mine was on alert since the beginning, so makes sense it could shoot me. Regardless, I'll have to be more careful in the future.

Basically, your superior speed gave you an attack first, otherwise it would have been a dice contest. However your speed is not so vastly superior as to prevent the city’s counterattacks, and of course, you could used an action to pre-emptively try to dodge an attack. Also, it’s mostly bad luck that you picked a city that randomly had some good weapons in storage, although astute players will notice that the world is gradually waking up to the Kaiju threat. Cities will not always be soft targets!
>-Could I use a milestone here to revive since it's a full heal?
>Yes, and IIRC, it’s a free action, so you’d have 3 actions per usual on top of this.
Just to confirm, you can increase your size then use your three actions in a turn?
>it’s mostly bad luck that you picked a city
Well I did pick the closest one one lol
>Yes, and IIRC, it’s a free action, so you’d have 3 actions per usual on top of this.
Hmm, but then I wouldn't be able to dunk my tank into upgrading would I?
Oh, milestones are free now?
Rolled 1, 1, 1 = 3 (3d3)


HP: 6/6 ((F Size + B Stamina) || Amandla: 1/4
[ Sze: F || Str: F || Sta: B || Spd: G || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A

>Action #1: I will continue working on the mobile fortress.
>Actions 2 & 3: Then assuming that diagonal movement is allowed, I will move to B8 and then B7.

Once the turtles here are moderately safe, I can head north to the next settlement and attempt diplomacy with them as well.
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d3)


HP: 2/2 (F Size + F Stamina) || Amandla: 3/ 3
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: Destroyer

> Consume all Amandla/Actions to Increase Stamina from F -> E

> If Size Increases are free actions, Increase in Size. Otherwise don't.

For a time we rest, nurturing the flame within us, coaxing it hotter and higher. There are those who will resist, who will defy return to base elements. Our flame must burn bright enough to that such insults are reduced to ash without a thought.
To upgrade a stat above F you must use 4 Amandla.

Oops, I spoke too soon about milestones, here's the language from the rules:

"When a Kaiju achieves a great feat, such as scoring their first kill or razing their first city, they may be considered to have completed a milestone. This allows them to increase their size by consuming an entire turn (three actions) , which naturally increases their HP and the impact of their stats. Milestones should not stack. Once a Kaiju obtains a milestone, they do not make further progress towards the next until they increase in size. This creates a balancing factor, where F-sized Kaiju may increase their stats easier using their lower cap, but are inherently vulnerable to larger Kaiju due to their higher damage.

Evolving size using this milestone will fully heal a Kaiju at the end of their turn. This essentially renders them immune to being eliminated from the game while they’re powering up, though foes who defeat them still receive energy as a reward. Alternatively to milestones, a Kaiju may increase a non-size stat by consuming an entire filled-up energy bar and a full turn (Three actions). This allows them to permanently upgrade themselves over time, and is the primary method of growing stronger. Increasing Stamina does not fully replenish HP, but does grant them an additional point."

So, in summary,

>using a milestone costs 3 actions but 0 amandla

Fyr howls and rages as he is washed away from his prey. On the journey his temper cools and he finds mirth in that his slaying of Anthozaur would have achived nothing for his goals yet he attempted it anyway. He enjoys the taste of blood in his maw knowing it will not be the last time he will sink his teeth into one of his cousins. As he comes to a stop, Fyr burrows into the ground creating a hole great enough to fit his body. Tired and lethargic Fyr slinks into the nest. Fire belches from the burrow the beast is sleeping within as a metamorphosis is taking place. Finally, at the end of the rest Fyr reappears in the world changed, no longer does he walk on four paws, but now two. Fyr's hide is no longer the black of charcoal but the white of ash. Standing upright on his legs Fyr legs out an almighty roar, challenging Umzulkuwana to a rematch.

Action 1: Increase Size
Action 2: Increase Size
Action 3: Increase Size

HP: 4/4 ((E Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 1U, 2A / 5
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: Destroyer
Also, Fyr is open to working with fellow Umlilo (Fire) based Ngwenya (Kaiju) to hunt down the Umhlaba (Earth) based Ngwenya (Kaiju).
Rolled 1, 2, 3 = 6 (3d3)

HP: 2/2 (F size, F stamina) || Amandla 1/3(?)
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: C ]
Element: Umoya (Air)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A

Coatlutuan ponders are the world descends into anarchy beyond his modest domain. This disaster may soon enough come to claim his slice of the world too, and so the serpent should prepare to defend his people. Or prepare to totally abandon them to save himself.

Action 1: Upgrade village to town (3/3)
Refugees and curious souls both flock to the bustling centre, to give praise and offerings to the mighty guardian deity Coatlutuan.

Action 2: Teach the mortals fine metalworking by revealing the secrets of the wind furnace to them (by blasting them with wind)
The air around the village has become charged and furious with the serpents constant fluttering around, such that when the gale winds howl they howl with fury even despite how inland it is. These furious gales may roar into the furnaces of the scaly people that Coatlutuan guards over, burning hotter and brighter than ever before and allowing finer metal crafts to be forged

Action 3: Continue searching for local Amandala
While attempts to locate trace amounts of Amandala have thus far been fruitless, a rededicated effort to searching every nook and cranny, peeking through every window and scouring every treetop may yet unearth something to munch on.
Rolled 3, 1, 2 = 6 (3d3)

Roll not that it should matter

>me as QM

How exciting, love the RP you’re building, Fyr

>me as Umzul

Come at me, mammal scum
Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d6)


Alright, Coat - I’m throwing you a bone here. I’ll dictate that there’s a hidden amandla point nearby, but once you find it, there’s no more in the countryside.

1,2,3 yes
4,5,6 no

1: fire
2: water
3: earth
4: air
5: unaligned
6: unaligned

Tough luck, Coat, your search turned nothing up. I’ll let you keep spending actions to search and repeat this attempt until you find the hidden Amandla though
Rolled 2, 3, 3 = 8 (3d3)

HP: 4/4 (F size, D stamina) || Amandla 1U / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: D || Spd: D || Spc: F ]
Element: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A

Thalroksin the defender of the old oak wanders further towards his goal, the old guardian wanders towards the source of potent Amandla; he smells it, getting stronger with every step, until he finally comes upon the source of the smell...

He suddenly comes upon a vibrant forest after days of walking. The trees are obviously feeding upon the Amandla source that lies at the center if the forest. He knows has arrived at the final destination of the source of the smell, of the Amandla.
He moves to get the the center of the smell.

>Action 1: Move to D23
>Action 2: Move to D24
>Action 3: Move to D25
Rolled 1, 1, 1 = 3 (3d3)

Umzulkuna hunkers down in the wreckage of the human city, suddenly fatigued. Already half-asleep, he falls heavily to a crouch, and then tightly coils, his snout tucked behind his tail…

Action 1-3: Upgrade Size, cashing in “Destroyer” milestone.

HP: 3/3 (F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 3Um / 3
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: E || Spd: E* || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Ibhalansi (Balanced)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A
Tile: T25
Lesche, where did we land on upgrading stats for people with max Amandla of 3? Can we do it with just 3, or are we required to upgrade size or special first before we can upgrade anything else? Starting at rank G special is a bit of a unique burden if that's the case.

Given that a special of G is unique to destroyers, who usually gain their amandla in chunks of least four anyway, it feels like there's no actual mechanical benefit to being able to upgrade with three instead of four. The destroyer is still destroying a city for each upgrade regardless.
Right, to elaborate on the power bit lesches, both you and Fyr got amandla over the limit last turn from a town you destroyed the previous turn(which you used to showcase good action economy), so how does gaining it works? Does it take a turn to get the amandla from a destroyed settlement or do I get it immediately the turn I do the attack? I'm a little confused since going by the previous turn I should have quite a bit of amanza amandla. Although if you say I lost the excess because I got BTFO that's 100% fair lmao.

Also, regarding upgrades, it takes 3 to upgrade a G stat but what about the other stats? Could I upgrade my speed next turn after I wake up with my tank of 3 amandla or do I need more?

Will direct you to my previous statement (buried inside a longer post)

“it only takes 3 Amandla or your whole pool (whatever is lower) to upgrade a G stat to F.”

Literally all other stat upgrades require your entire pool, no matter the numerical amount. This is the system that KaijuQM developed; I’m just making a special discount for G rank stat upgrades since they didn’t exist in the previous game.


You obtain the amandla in the same turn that you earn it, but you RETAIN only the amandla in your pool. So if a Kaiju has 1/3 in their pool, earns 4 amandla, they receive it at the end of that same turn (bringing them to 5/3), and then immediately the extra amandla fizzles away (leaving them with 3/3).

Happy to address any additional questions - I accidentally made things more complicated with this G rank business
But doesn't that mean it should've fizzled away for you and fyr? What's my actual amount right now then?

It did fizzle! Umzul, Fyr and also you have 3 amandla since that’s the pool size for each kaiju.

Although at the end of next turn, Umzul and Fyr will have increased size and their new caps will be 5
Glad you are enjoying my kaiju, Ive got more ideas. If I survive the showdown, I think I will become like Moloch to a powerful city even if it gives me nothing, I just think it would be cool.

I have some ideas planned for Kaiju who consistently behave out-of-step with their professed archetypes just for this reason
I think I got confused because of Fyr's post listing 4A amandla lol. In any case, how do city counter attacks work exactly? Is it based on size, weapons they have or do they retaliate for every attack? Would be good to know that before I accidentally commit suicide again, even with dodge actions

>how do city attacks work?

Case per case for right now, but generally speaking, I WILL provide warnings in the prose descriptions, so attentive players will benefit. Mechanically, you can find some good information in the manual, but they’re basically treated like big kaiju with inferior stat lines.

Players should anticipate that the sentients of UTUTU start to band together for self-defense, not unlike how the nations of the previous quest became active contributors to the plot.

Also, players should note that I’m intending this game to have more resource-scarcity than the prior game. Eventually the destroyer Kaiju are going to run out of cities to sack…
I wonder if the destroyers will band together to to creating hunting packs to kill the protector titans and their fortified cities.

>Players should anticipate that the sentients of UTUTU start to band together for self-defense, not unlike how the nations of the previous quest became active contributors to the plot.

Hmmmmmm, interesting. I think you just gave me an idea…
It occurs to me that some of these cities may actually hate each other enough to the point that they want to destroy one another; either because of political, ideological, racist or xenophobic reasons.

I’m toying with the idea in my head of possibly creating a unique protectorate agreement in that; a kaiju can actually be employed like a mercenary for hire for the different factions that arise in the future of the game. Alliances formed with multiple cities with kaiju(s) to attack specific targets…

Obviously this would be hard at first, but it’s an interesting idea no?
When I said about becoming a Moloch type figure, I was thinking about turning the city into a place that wars against it neighbours for conquest and the capture of new slaves to ritually sacrifice.
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Rolled 1, 3, 2 = 6 (3d3)

A series of odd vibrations are felt, a disturbance in the wind. The rock stops for a moment, attempting to find the source... another of the two-legged stone slavers, it seems? Odd - they seemed little more than insects up until now. Perhaps some of them are more worthy of respect... although it still doesn't seem to warrant much attention.
After a short stop the rock starts advancing again, heading back and forth throughout the town. It has more important things to deal with before the nuisance. There are more of its brethren to free.

A1: Attack the town
A2: Attack the town
A3: Attack the town if it still exists. If not, attack the mage. [Hopefully a conditional like this is fine given I'd, uh, know if the town is destroyed.]
Rolled 2, 3, 3 = 8 (3d3)

[Critical damage suffered to internal components. Engaging reconstruction protocols...]

The cracked Sphere, now laying inert in the wreckage of the city, begins to tremble as its reactor starts supplying power once more. The artificial intelligent atoms composing L0-DI reassemble to plug the holes in the structure, using other systems to pull metals from the earth and synthesize them into the proper components to fill in the dents and rebuild the plates protruding from the sphere.

[Repairs partially completed. Sapient THREAT eliminated. Cataloguing defensive capabilities. Sapients in possession of KAIJU-CLASS capabilities.]

[Adjusting permissions for Tactician program...]

[Amandla reserves full. Enhancements imminent. Possible THREAT imminent. Seeking new Amandla deposit.]

The Sphere, not completely in peak condition quite yet, closes its plates on itself and begins gliding towards another source of Amandla further from there, its hum reminescent of a buzzing.

Action 1: Heal, GET THE FUCK BACK UP
Action 2: Move to P8
Action 3: Move to O7

HP: 1/2 ((F Size + F Stamina) || Amandla: 1U,2A/3
[ Sze: F || Str: C || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umlilo (Fire)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: Destroyer
Turn period ends tomorrow night at 10pm EST, players please post your updates if you haven't! I think we're still waiting on KK and IDOL..
HP: 5/5 ((F Size + C Stamina) || Amanda 1U/4 => 2U/4
[ Sze: F || Str: F|| Sta: C || Spd: G || Spc: E ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umkhuseli (Defender)
Milestones: N/A
Material: 1 => 2 => 3 => 1 units (metal)

End of last turn: Gain +1 Energy.

> Action 1: Extract more metal from the Earth. [Acquire material, metal] (Special, unpowered)
> Action 2: Extract more metal from the Earth [acquire material, metal] (Special, unpowered)
> Action 3: Reappointing a sizable portion of its material stock, ID-0L suspends a semi-sphere of restless semi-fluid metal over its position above the geothermal plant. Within the dome, the rippling shell's interior walls extrude out several meters before spreading out and creating a secondary dome nested within the first. [Safeguard the geothermal energy extractor by enveloping it in a layered metallic barrier] (Special, unpowered, -2 Material)

>End of current turn: Gain +1 Energy.
I’m going to start working on the update.

As a general FYI, players that miss their turns will still reap passive benefits from any protectorate-type arrangements, but will obviously miss out on a chance to take their 3 actions.

If players drop out entirely (I’m going to arbitrarily set the limit at 3 missed turns), I’ll take over their Kaiju as an NPC to keep the game going or until the player returns.
Klik-Klak the Feasting was rather delighted at having Salamanders feed him. This was an almost ideal situation. All that was missing were the corpses, corpses, corpses that tasted so much better than when it was fresh... but Klik-Klak the Fine-Dining did digress. Soon, his cousins would be coming by, and that was a danger to Klik-Klak the Eating's protectorate arrangement. Precautions needed to be taken to preserve them.

Klik-Klak the Not-Yet-Full reached a decision. He would put down roots and ensure the survivability of his Salamanders. The beetle began to release a strange acid from his mandibles, which solidified mud into clay. This and his many limbs he used to build rings of walls and dead-fall traps surrounding Okun Nla. The scale of these fortifications was clear- the Intulo and those sized like them could easily come and go, but those of their protector's size would be at risk of danger. Klik-Klak the Chewing worked overtime to accomplish this.

>Action #1: Build a Lair at V15, increasing the Strength of Okun Nla as much as possible.
>Action #2: Build a Lair at V15, increasing the Strength of Okun Nla as much as possible.
>Action #3: Build a Lair at V15, increasing the Strength of Okun Nla as much as possible.

>Klik-Klak's Template:
HP: 2/2 ((F Size + F Stamina) || Amandla: 1U, 1W / 4
[ Sze: F || Str: G || Sta: F || Spd: B || Spc: F ]
Elemental: Amanzi (Water)
Archetype: Umrhaji (Scavenger)
Milestones: N/A

Hey if this is the last call for turns, then just to make sure, did I do my one here >>6058815 correctly?
I don't know if moving diagonally is okay or not, and I don't know if I should have already received more Amandla via the protectorate agreement or if that takes a turn before it kicks in.

Looks good to me, but you forgot to update your Amandla pool, you have 1U, 3E / 4.

You're free to continue protectorate-ing other cities, but there's no mechanical benefit besides Milestone progress to doing so - you're already reaping excellent Amandla from your mid-tier town plus your Archetype bonus and have already hit your cap.

In the future, you'll want to burn some of your amandla, otherwise most of it will be fizzling away at the end of your turn.

Eh, slight correction - you WILL have 1U, 3E / 4 at the end of my "world update". Comes to the same idea though.
Just realized I forgot to repost my stat sheet here for reference, whoops.
At least it hasn't changed since last turn

HP: 4/4 ((F Size + D Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 3
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: D || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Umhlaba (Earth)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A
Update will come out tomorrow night - I got shellacked with some post-work stuff, but I've already finished the map and about 30% of the player updates...
I assume that “1U” is universal, so does that mean I will have maximum Amandla and thus enough to level up a stat?
From there, iirc, you said that getting a stat to A or S tier would cost more? Roughly speaking, how much did you have in mind? I’ll probably boost STR, but it’d be nice to know in case I want to push STA even further…
That does indeed mean you have maximum amandla, so you can spend it all on upgrading. You do need a full turn to do that though.

>From there, iirc, you said that getting a stat to A or S tier would cost more? Roughly speaking, how much did you have in mind?

I dropped this idea actually, after thinking about it a bit further I want to maintain the tension between keeping a low pool cap (for faster upgrade speed) and big pool cap (for tactical flexibility).

From a G stat to F: 3 amandla only to upgrade
Literally all other tier upgrades: your entire pool no matter what the number is.
Just thoughts about the system, is Sta the strongest stat? Not only does it allow you to absorb damage, it also increases your health. Spd requires an action to be used defensively and allows you to attack first, which is good, but I'd always pick the extra HP over it. Str only affects if you do damage, there's no secondary affect, so it might be the worst stat. No idea about Spc, it's a strange one.

I’ve thinking about this too. Not sure what the right answer is but I’ve been toying with the idea of higher tier SPD altering turn order when matched up against a lower tier SPD. If a Kaiju has SPD A, you should be able to dab on a Kaiju with SPD G with ease.

I’m less inclined to alter STR, but I’d note that even STR can be used creatively via write-in, instead of simply saying “I smash big monster”
What about for SPD, if you are two steps above whatever you are fighting you get to do all your actions before theirs?

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