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[This quest features ReptoidQM and other QMs as characters. We are going to play the d20 module "Adelie 14" set in Antarctica.]

You are Thaamarai Naidu, better known by your online alias, "ReptoidQM". Following a tumultuous divorce, you found yourself with an abundance of free time and a need to rediscover your purpose. You initially turned to running RPGs, but the organizational challenges proved too much. Instead, you found enjoyment in writing quests. Your unique, erotic stories quickly gained a following, often delving into themes of "love hurts," race mixing, humiliation, and threesomes. Writing became your way of healing and reconstructing your identity, ensuring that you would never be vulnerable to romantic pain again.

Despite the darkness, your life holds some bright spots. Through the writing community on 4chan, you formed a few close friendships. One of these friends is Siraphong, "SchizoQM", who sent you a pet monkey named "Bananas" from the jungles of Thailand. Despite Siraphong's claim that the monkey is a story writer sounding bizarre, Bananas has proven to be a loyal and intelligent companion, often sitting on your lap as you write and bringing joy with his playful antics.

Another friend, Langit, known online as "Indonesian Gentleman", is a talented artist who has illustrated some of your stories. In 2022, he stumbled upon an /x/ thread detailing remote viewing techniques. Initially dismissive due to his staunch skepticism of the paranormal, Langit decided to try it out. He found, much to his surprise, that he had a natural talent for it. Together, you, Langit, Siraphong, and a few others practiced the skill extensively, eventually mastering it.

This newfound ability led you down a transformative path. By mastering remote viewing, you learned to peer into the hearts of others, discerning their deepest secrets and manipulating their emotions. Channeling your desires and sensuality, you became a glamourist, a seductive succubus who could effortlessly charm and influence anyone you encountered. This transformation brought you immense confidence, making you a masterful dancer, liar, and social manipulator. Now, you thrive on the thrill of deceit and seduction, a dopamine addict constantly seeking your next high. This is taken from Ismena Rosgard’s description >>4999767, a character created by ReptoidQM.

What type of lingerie are you wearing?
>Write in

[This is just an ice-breaker question. Choosing very seductive lingerie will grant a +1 circumstantial bonus on your next Charm check.]

[In this Session 0, feel free to share your triggers to ensure a safe experience for everyone. Also, you may discuss your hopes for the quest’s direction. If you feel that ReptoidQM or any other character has been misgendered or mischaracterized, please let me know, and I will make the necessary corrections.]
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[This is ReptoidQM’s character sheet. You don’t need to know how d20 works: all the necessary rules and mechanics will be explained as we play.]
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[This is BananasQM’s character sheet.]
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> share your triggers to ensure a safe experience for everyone
> If you feel that ReptoidQM or any other character has been misgendered or mischaracterized
>What type of lingerie are you wearing?
Men's boxers and bandages to wrap our chest

How you feel about being a mc now bro?
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OP disagrees.

Since you're doing this and the anons seem to want me to be tomboycore, I humbly submit these for your consideration. Good luck.
is this queen mazela cringe quest that is already a dead?
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Rolled 15 + 13 (1d20 + 13)

[Locked and writing]

[This is a real d20 quest aimed at a female audience and I look forward to you joining. This is not related to Queen Mazela.]

[The real-life ReptoidQM had drinks with her friend two days ago. Let’s use this opportunity to have a tutorial about skill checks and saving throws.]

[I’ll start with a Perform (Dance) skill check. The character has a skill modifier of 13 (cf. character sheet above). I’m going to roll a d20, add the skill modifier, and check the result on the Performance table (attached). Sometimes, additional modifiers apply, e.g. from buffs, but in this case, there are no other modifiers.]
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Perform (Dance): 28, a memorable performance.

This evening, you're partying with your old friend Mariana. Since she’s the host, you’ve brought a bottle of mezcal, a strong alcohol made from agave that you’ve learned to enjoy. Naturally, Bananas, your loyal companion, is tagging along.

"So, how are things going with the boys?" Mariana asks.

"Not so well. All my online friends think I’m a guy, so none of them have ever tried to flirt with me."

She giggles. "Maybe you should tell them your gender one day. It’s impossible to keep a secret forever, you know. Tinder dates are fun, but one day you should find your Mr. Right. Someone who’s into writing and other nerdy stuff like you."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, let’s have a drink."


The mood is good, and after a few shots, you start dancing, one of your favorite activities. Mariana puts on "Ojitos Chiquititos" by Yeri Mua, a popular twerking song from her home country, Mexico. Both of you have immigrant backgrounds and have bonded over your progressive values, enjoying the exchange of cultural elements from India and Mexico. You lose yourself in the rhythm, hips undulating and feet moving with fluid grace, executing spins and moves that leave Mariana in awe. Your friend claps and cheers, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Wow, you’re so amazing! You should perform more often!"

Canada is usually cold, but this week, the province of Manitoba, where you live, reached a sweltering 31°C. "Let’s get comfortable and strip down a bit," your friend suggests with a playful grin.

"Okay, but don’t laugh. I’ve been trying out a tomboy style lately, so I’ve bandaged my chest."

You strip down to your underwear, revealing smooth, tight-fitting rainbow dragon trunks from TomboyX.com that accentuate your figure, giving you a noticeable cameltoe. "Don’t worry. You look fine, girl."

Mariana, on the other hand, is wearing white low-rise thongs, with her black bush visible through the lace at the top. She looks effortlessly stunning, and you feel a bit jealous. No, she’s my friend, you remind yourself, I shouldn’t feel jealous.

While you’re both dancing, Mariana notices Bananas spying on you from behind the half-open door. "That’s weird. Is it normal for a monkey to spy on people? He looks like a little peeping tom."

"Yeah, don’t worry about it. He always does that."
As the mezcal bottle empties, all that's left is the worm in your friend’s glass. "You want to eat it?" she asks. It’s customary in India and Mexico to offer such snacks as a gesture of courtesy.

With your head clouded by alcohol, you have a hard time thinking. "Nah, let’s give it to Bananas. He’s been a good boy tonight."

You take the worm from the bottle, and Bananas snatches it from your fingers, spinning around happily before swallowing it whole. You’re now feeling heavily intoxicated, and you still have to drive home.

>"Let’s play Truth or Dare for a little bit! That will be fun!"
>Send flirty text messages to Jason, your ex-husband who left you for a skinnier, younger girl.
>Send flirty Discord messages to SchizoQM, your online friend who is hyper-masculine and wants to become a pimp in the future.
>Send flirty Discord messages to Indonesian Gentleman, your online friend who is highly educated and loves computers and art.
>[Wisdom] Attempt to sober up. Drive back home and ask Indonesian Gentleman if he has found anything worth investigating on the Dark Web.
>Write in

[Each anon, please roll 8d20 with your vote. Each roll represents a Fortitude save against intoxication for each shot of mezcal consumed. In d20, alcohol is treated as a poison, and this will determine how well you resist the poison. Failed saves will incur penalties to your Wisdom score and may lead to passing out. I will explain all mechanics in details next turn, so just try to roll high for now.]
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>there is a quest describing my cameltoe
>>[Wisdom] Attempt to sober up. Drive back home and ask Indonesian Gentleman if he has found anything worth investigating on the Dark Web.
Bouncing boobily
.... are you in love with them or something ?
Niggas be living rent free lmao
>[Wisdom] Attempt to sober up. Drive back home and ask Indonesian Gentleman if he has found anything worth investigating on the Dark Web.
>[Wisdom] Attempt to sober up. Drive back home and ask Indonesian Gentleman if he has found anything worth investigating on the Dark Web.
Rolled 7, 3, 8, 13, 15, 6, 5, 10 = 67 (8d20)

>[Wisdom] Attempt to sober up. Drive back home and ask Indonesian Gentleman if he has found anything worth investigating on the Dark Web.

This is a little weird, not gonna lie, even for a high quality shitpost.
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I'm sorry to the players who were interested in a d20 quest, but I can't run a quest in this hostile environment. I don't know if it's because I mischaracterized the MC or if we're being raided by a group.

Here’s the update I was going to write:

>The starting DC for the Fortitude save is 14 and increasing.
>You fail all saves and take 8d2 damage to Wisdom and Dexterity.
> As a result, you pass out.
>You have a premonitory dream about Antarctica.
>You wake up to find Bananas clumsily making breakfast for you.
>It was supposed to be an "aww" moment.
>Meanwhile, Indonesian Gentleman stumbled upon a data leak about Adelie 14 on the Dark Web, which was the plot hook to get started.
You said in the qtg that you quit because you kept catching bans for troll threads. Why are you lying, Wuxian?

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