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Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Disappearing%20Hogwarts
Character Sheets: https://pastebin.com/bi5pZS6n
Twitter: https://twitter.com/head_qm


Spells fly around you, your friends try to crawl away from the battle, their hands still tied, their mouths still gagged. You dive behind the archway in space that is the way out, dragging Arty with you.

“Weasley!” You shout at Mr. Red, who is on the floor, his face on his hands. “You wanna know what happened to your niece? You wanna know what happened to Lily? He killed her! He tortured and killed her! I never lied! He’s Salazar Slytherin, and if he gets to that basin he’ll become more powerful than Voldemort ever was!”

You struggle against Arty’s bindings as you shout, but he doesn’t seem to hear you, holding his head with force, as if trying to claw his way into his own skull, as if under tremendous pain.

“It’s- It’s not real!” He shouts, shaking. “It- It never happened!”

“It happened! It happened and time changed! But here you can remember!”

“I- I can’t-”

Brighton slams a rock over his head and he crumples on the floor.


He picks up Mr. Red’s wand and runs to you, looking like he’s also in pain. He waves it at Arty’s bindings, but only the tiniest cut appears on them, wordless spellcasting with someone else’s wand being far too difficult in his condition. He pushes the wand into your hands and you manage to cast the spell well enough to release him.

“My head,” he says as he pulls the gag out of his mouth, voice strained. “Feels like it’s going to crack open.”

“Mine is not so good either,” Arty says. “But it’s bearable. I… I remember Lily. I remember her! And her memories are trying to push through the old ones.”

“I… I used to play with her,” Brighton says. “When we were kids. We weren’t best friends but-”

“The more memories you had with her the worse it is,” you say, suddenly understanding. You had been protected from the change by Ancient Magic when the shift happened, so your mind had time to fit both timelines together with some elegance, and even you had your moments of disorientation. Theirs was suddenly being forcefully flooded with their original memories. “No wonder her uncle was like that. Can you two fight?”

“Yep,” Longbottom nods, voice strained. “Just need a wand.”

You look around, searching for the man who had your wand, and also for Linda and Apollo. You find them taking cover behind one of the great glass-like stones, which from the amount of blasts they’ve taken are anything but glass, desperately trying to find a way of cutting the magical knot-less ropes that bind them.


Mr. Blue is several meters away, fighting Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver with the help of Mr. Gray. Salazar is behind him, trying to find a way to safely reach the Elixir of Life by Arthur, and getting repeatedly cut off by Mr. Purple’s blasts.

You close your eyes, focus on the form in Mr. Blue’s pocket and shout, trying to force your will through the unfamiliar wand in your hand.


Your wand flies off Mr. Blue’s robes, falling on the grass, and a second accio lands it on your hands. You can’t fetch your friends’s wands because of anti-summoning enchantments, but it is better than nothing. You toss Brighton the wand and he does the same.

“Destroy their damn wands!” Scorpius shouts.

“What!?” Mr. Blue shouts, surprised. That sort of thing just wasn’t done. To break someone’s wand was almost unthinkable, almost akin to attacking their very magic.

Now, Alistair!” Salazar rages. “Or do you wish for more enemies to fight?”

Alistair, or whoever Mr. Blue is, dives behind one of the transparent stones and you hear a sickening sound of wood cracking and snapping. By your side, Brighton is gripping Mr. Red’s wand, along with his own, fury in his eyes. Arty just looks shocked, mouth gaping open.

You take Mr. Red´s wand from Brighton’s hands and shove it on Arty’s. You can’t afford the luxury of shock.

“Arty, take this. Arty. Arty!” You snap your fingers in front of of her until she reacts.

“He- He broke my wand!” She says in a pitch so high it almost hurts your ears.

“And we’ll make him pay for that, then use the Elder Wand to fix it once we’re out of here, ok? But now we need to fight.

She looks at you for a moment, scared, then a determined look falls on her face and she nods.

“You lead, I’ll follow.”

> “Go free Linda and your brother! Give him the wand, tell him to join us, then hide!”
> “Stand behind the door, give us supporting fire!”
> “The three of us, together. We can do it.”
> Other (Write in)

You peek again at the battle raging on on the fields of Avalon, only to see Scorpius leap through a barrage of spells and fall on a roll by the basin filled with glowing white liquid.

“Buy me time, you two!” Salazar shouts as the Elixir of Life begins to levitate from its bowl.

What do you do?

> Rush Salazar, you can’t risk him creating a body for himself
> The process takes some time. Join Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver in eliminating the other two men
> Other (Write in)
> “The three of us, together. We can do it.”

> The process takes some time. Join Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver in eliminating the other two men

You're back! Good to see this again!
Nice, we're back
> “Go free Linda and your brother! Give him the wand, tell him to join us, then hide!”
We need all our allies freed or we're doomed
> The process takes some time. Join Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver in eliminating the other two men
I'd rather have Purple and Silver win over Salazar any day. We need to tell them Salazar needs to be ALIVE or he'll body jump. Scorpius is still in there, and if he dies then Malfoy kills us all. Salazar could Diffindo his neck or something to kill himself to dodge us if we don't disable him as much as possible. Blue will need all the Skele-Gro in the world by the time we are done with his bones for breaking Arty's wand.
>“Stand behind the door, give us supporting fire!”
> The process takes some time. Join Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver in eliminating the other two men

holy shit, so hype to have you back HeadQM!
hope everything is going well for you
And we're back!

> “Go free Linda and your brother! Give him the wand, tell him to join us, then hide!”
> The process takes some time. Join Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver in eliminating the other two men
Not like he knows how the process works exactly anyway.
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> “Go free Linda and your brother! Give him the wand, tell him to join us, then hide!”

>Brighton, cover her and don't die!

Arty is pretty skilled, but she just doesn't have the magic output to do much with a wand which isn't hers. We were barely able to accio ours back, and we are more powerful than her. She should have to juice to cut some ropes, however.

Apollo just has the raw power to push through using a different wand.

We are beating the fuck out of Mr. Blue for doing something so terrible to our future wife, taking away something so important to her.

>Accio our pouch

We are out of wiggenweld, but we should still have erudus, girding in there. An alchemist flashbang and an erumpent. A maxima too, probably.

Time to guzzle wizard drugs and start tossing hand grenades.

Lets fucking gooooo.
> “Go free Linda and your brother! Give him the wand, tell him to join us, then hide!”
> Rush Salazar, you can’t risk him creating a body for himself
Binged this quest after checking the archive, incredibly good work. Glad it's back.
> “Go free Linda and your brother! Give him the wand, tell him to join us, then hide!”
> The process takes some time. Join Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver in eliminating the other two men
> “Stand behind the door, give us supporting fire!”
> The process takes some time. Join Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver in eliminating the other two men
remember how unstable the elixir is, we just need to get it away from him which we have plenty of time to do
99.9% percent that Potter is on his way as well. If we can keep Salazar away long enough, we will likely end up with him rushing in. Downside, is of course he will end up recalling his daughter due to the Ancient Magic stuff down here. While he would likely be disabled at least as long as Mr. Red, which could give us a chance to fight back I imagine he would bring Hermione and Ron, since they are his close friends.They would likely be disabled too, but the spooks and cops that would escort them would not be.

We are in a precarious situation, since it is us and our teenage friends vs. Scorpy vs. the hired guns and soon vs. Potter and his friends.

We ourselves have a couple of reasons to not want to have the elixir destroyed. Bringing Taylor back, giving Arty back a normal lifespan and magic power, trying to create a body for Helga and maybe Rowena and Godrick. Our central motivation of seeking Ancient power.

A clusterfuck and I love it.
don't forget the elixir can fucking explode iirc

As far as you know, only if hit by the Killing Curse


“Go!” You shout at Arty. “Free those two! Give Apollo the wand and hide!”

“I can fight!” She says, giving you an angry look.

You don’t have time to argue. You wish you could make a different call. You wish she had more power, because Merlin knows she can fight harder than anyone else among your friends. But right now, her raw power would just make her an easy target at best and a liability. You wish you had the time to find the words to explain that to her in a way that wouldn’t hurt her feelings.

But spells are flying and time is short, so you just kiss her instead.

“Please, Arty,” you say, breaking the kiss.

She frowns at you, not happy, but nods.

“Now!” You and Brighton jump out of cover, dashing towards where Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver are fighting. But something inside you shakes and your legs, already injured from the previous chamber, lose their footing. Brighton turns to help you, but you just wave him away. “Go, I’m fine!”

He goes, and you stand up, only to be struck again, as if your heart was trying to hammer its way out of your chest. You can feel it, the Beast throwing its entire body against the gates inside your soul, trying to break through.


“I’m- I’m trying to stop it, but I don’t know what I can do! I- I can’t see what I’m doing!”

You force yourself to stand up and bear the blows. If only you could get the Elixir, you could make yourself a body able to endure it, or better yet, create Helga a body, and pass the Gate on to her. But there are at least three dark wizards between you and it, and one of those is the creator of your House.

You wave your wand trying to summon your pouch, but it is firmly attached to Mr. Blue’s hips. So you do the only thing you can do: You join the fight.

Mr. Blue and Mr. Gray are fighting with everything they have, and they have an advantage. They don’t need to win. They don’t need to to defeat their enemies. They just need to hold on long enough for their master to build himself a body and destroy everyone in his path.

So they summon shield after shield, barrier after barrier, they slow and deflect, conjuring glimmering walls of force and impenetrable blockades. And Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver tear them down one by one, with unrelenting fury, making it clear you are sorely outmatched in a fight of adults with auror-level skills.

You join them and Brighton, clutching at your aching chest.

> Roll 3d100+30 (+45 from Battle Rolls, -25 from the Beast and injuries, +10 from Brighton’s help). Bo3, DC 100
Rolled 76, 12, 61 + 30 = 179 (3d100 + 30)

Alright, I phrased that poorly. Should have been roll A d100+x. I'll consider just the first roll of yours, let us let other people roll (who knows what a potential 100 can bring)
Rolled 45 + 30 (1d100 + 30)

>DC 100
OK maybe not that much with that included. This guy >>6059497 already won it with 76+30=106, right? I'll still roll anyway
OP's holding out for a crit.
>DC 100
jesus christ, HeadQM, you came with a vengance, didnt you?
aight...WITNESS ME BROTHERS! plz no bully
I see. Well I hope Elliot can drop a line to Mr. Purple telling him we'd rather anybody but Salazar get the elixir, for obvious reasons. Or maybe to Mr. Silver, I dunno. Either way we're their backup, so they need to put up with our shit
I'm witnessing you failing, faggot. You capitalized the D of dice or something?
Rolled 95 + 30 (1d100 + 30)

>forgot to roll
no, i forgot to add the "dice" part
like i was saying: WITNESS ME!
It's no nat 100, but it's close enough ain't it? That better count for how this next scene plays out
I have witnessed. Forever shiny and chrome.

Purple is the one who tossed Linda up against the wall by the neck. Guy who wants a new body as well, given he is now 50 shades of fucked up, due to the prophecy blood splash and Anput taking his leg. I doubt he is stable. But I suppose the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I wonder if we get to roll an army roll next turn, assuming Arty doesn't die, and we get our friends back. Apollo should probably be able to get his own wand back with an accio then toss Red's wand to Linda so she can do something...
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witnessed dear lord

late to the party, but super happy to see this quest brought back. Reading about Elliot and Arty again makes my heart happy.
Fighting side by side with the man who had just moments ago tried to kill Linda hadn’t been in your plans, but the enemy of your enemy… is still your enemy, nothing more, nothing less than that. Your goals align for now so your wands point the same direction, but you have no doubts that he wouldn’t even spare a glance if you were to be struck down.

Mr. Purple fights like a madman, almost reminding you of how Crouch fights, though Crouch had a precision this man doesn’t. But at the same time, Mr. Purple doesn’t have a gimped wand.

Etrura Minka!” He shouts and a three bolts of not-killing-curse green fly out of his wand and shatter a barrier, but another one is raised in an instant. “Dritta! Get out of my way, you traitorous whores!”

But the promise of ridiculous gold seems to be quite enough to keep Mr. Blue and Mr.Gray fighting just as hard as Mr. Purple is, as they stand their ground. You and Brighton help, firing spell after spell, trying to overload the barriers without success. The constant jolts coming from your chest don’t help. Behind them, the glimmering liquid slowly starts to take the form of a glowing human as Salazar slowly builds his new body.

But you need to make progress.

“Brighton! Diffindo!

“What, Hallaster? Bombarda!

“You saw my fights, right? You remember the name of the Sword in the Stone?”

Confusion momentarily replaces the battlerage in his face, before going back to anger. “Yeah! And it’s still bloody stupid!”

You wait for the Beast to slam against you before shouting, “Now!”

Wingardium Leviosa!

You fly up in the air, peeking up and over their barriers before shouting “Flamare Perpetua!” and a line of fire appears by Blue and Gray, climbing up their robes. They struggle to put it out, and as you fall back down Purple and Silver keep on breaking shields that are no longer being remade.

“Elliot!” Apollo arrives, unbound and sending sending off blasts as powerful as yours using Mr. Red’s wand. “I… It is difficult to transfigure using this wand, I can’t do it properly. But I can still cast spells. I can… I can try casting Laggan, or even Mufulgur, if you want. It should take a lot of their barriers down. I have the power for it.”

The two wizards finally manage to put out their fire and once more begin building their shields, though there is less between you and them than before.

> Have Apollo cast Laggan (Chance to have no effect)
> Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)
> Keep fighting as you were, trying to break down their barriers with lesser spells
> Other (Write in)
> Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)
Rolled 65 (1d100)

> Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)

Rolling for future good luck as well.
>Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)
more chaos could also work in our favor if it affects them
> Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)
We need Brighton or somebody to Stupefy him to save his ass
>he wouldn’t even spare a glance if you were to be struck down
He needs Elliot up for the elixir. Also funny he's calling his former allies traitorous whores when he's the one that did a monologue at Salazar to start with
> Have Apollo cast Laggan (Chance to have no effect)
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>We need Brighton or somebody to Stupefy him to save his ass

Indeed. Another thing, Rennervate does not work down here so Apollo is going to be out of the fight after this no matter which kind of spell he uses. He is already exhausted from fighting Dumbledor's skelly and while he is a powerhouse, he is trying to destroy the shields of a pair of pretty skilled adult wizards who are giving another pair trouble. A Laggan would presumably make him pass out even if he cracked Blue and Gray's shields.

One thing I am curious about is why our "allies" aren't tossing out AKs, given they are more than happy to kill their former comrades. These guys are hired killers. Presumably, they should be able to cast it.


If we can't grab the pouch... we do likely have some of our signature sauce in there. Thing that helped us win our first battle.

>Accio the cork from our Garroting Gas potion. Hard to focus on defense when you have a live CS canister in your pocket going off.

If that won't work,

> Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)

We can also toss Apollo's wand over to Linda or Arty after Apollo needs to get stunned/passes out.
> Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)
Great thinking using the pouch remotely. Who had it again? Blue?
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He has the others wands and the pouch, I think. I don't know if you can mess with stuff in an expanded space like our pouch, but we know our potions do not have anti accio charms on them, since we got a wiggenweld jerked from our hand by Salazar when we were trying to heal our friends.

Also, and I know I am on an accio binge... but Mr. Purple has a prosthetic leg right now which was just whipped up. What are the chances the dude who made it bothered to make it summoning proof? Might be a decent way to fuck him up since we are going to need to take him down if we can stop Salazar.
>Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)

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