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First thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2024/93614781/#p93651974

Choosing not to hijack another thread because the mods will probably not be too pleased (I think it only worked / went under the radar for the original thread because it was already about evolution games, so it got traffic from people who play evolution games). I'm not the original hijacker, but I'm keeping the same rules: Go evolve, one alteration at a time.

Cladogram attached; if you evolve from something in the first thread, please specify which one you're evolving from. After that, reply to your chosen ancestor for each evolution.
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Evolving from >>93652672

This one has developed a larger head and more pointy bits
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No one knows where he came from. Everyone knows he's a fat faggot.

Darx is the only member of his species. He's carnivorous, capable of parthenogenesis, and extremely greedy.
Only one change at a time, please.
oh hey someone continued the evolution game i started after the 7 day autosage on /tg/ killed it
when i get on my pc i’ll post a screenshot of (You)s on my original post to prove my identity as the guy who started this and get internet clout on a slowboard

anyways i’d post a evolution if I had a good image editor on my phone
I'm actually op of the thread you hijacked, lol.

This board seems a bit slower than /tg/, I hope it doesn't turn out it's super popular during Australian lunch breaks.
that means we’re friends now
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Its been a good few months since the last evo game here

Anyway he gains the ability to raise himself up more allowing him to use the first four legs for things other than walking
We're all evolving the same single creature?>>6085956
All species should evolve from the first one (see the linked thread) or from one of its descendants, yes.
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They shed the extra weight from their rear end and develop a couple more spikes on their front feet.
not sure if tripfagging is necessary to prove who I am across devices or if post IDs are just based on IP but here we go
gonna post on my pc shortly
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they develop cool patterns on their skin to help them hide better
testing IDs
oh so as it turns out IDs are IP based
ok then
uh shit lol i forgot to post proof that I was the guy who hijacked the thread and started the game
maybe i should organize my shit
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>>/tg/93665360 (idk correct amount of arrows for cross-board quoting)
some eeleyes get longer
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Using their small size they've begun to populate crevices and caves, as a result their bodies have darkened in order to blend in better with low light environments.
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Hard calcified patches form along the species vulnerable back.
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The eye stalks of the eeleyes eventually become longer as well, they each act independently, and by bending and twisting their stalks they can easily see anything around, above, or below.
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These mindless filter feeders quickly had no need for their eyes, in it's place is a large mouth that's always open. As the creature's body contracts and releases water is expelled from it's end, allowing it to perpetually scour the ocean for food.
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Stabilizing extensions of the posterior--loosely-muscled, semi-rigid fatty lumps, really--provide a counterbalance which allows for faster turns, and serve as a sort of 'disposable' body part which can be sacrificed to a predator.
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It has grown several short horns made from the same material as its teeth on it's head
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To help with the hunt they have grown dorsal fins which allows them to turn faster in the water
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Some of these creatures have adopted an ambush strategy, slowly skidding along the sandy ocean floor until something swim above them. As a result their body has darkened to blend in better.
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In order to evade predators even more, their eyes become larger and more focused, even allowing for a slight amount of nocturnal vision.
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The neck of the hornheads slowly elongate, thick muscles line it allowing it to be swung around with significant force. In combat the hornheads use their spiked head like a morning star.
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To hide better in the sand these creatures develop four hard appendages on their underside, they use these to dig holes and trenches to hide in.
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They have external ears to better hear predators
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By smoothing out their backs they fit in even smaller crevices and caves
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Some evolve redundant, disposable 'earlets' at the tip of their rearmost organs, along with duplicate neural tissue. These muscles, half-brained, basal-eared rump-lumps can now alert the main body to danger, even when it is sleeping or otherwise occupied.
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This specialized means of long-reaching assault proves incredibly effective, leading to further exaggeration of the adaptations involved.
Is these get dropped off as an escape strategy, do they count as their own life form? That's cool.
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To prevent their necks being targeted they grow even more spikes
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In some environments the rockcrawlers can live their whole lives underground, eventually these specimens developed antennae to easily navigate their pitch black habitat.
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A random mutation caused one of these creatures to grow an eye on each of their rear appendages, this eye is connected to the same neural tissue as the ears above, as a result the 'brains' of these appendages have grown larger and denser. This mutation proves to be effective, and the gene is propogates rapidly.
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The spikeheads are very successful, over time the abundance of energy allows them to grow longer, thicker legs, which they use to cover ground quicker.
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Slashy arms for harvesting plants.
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Some spikes on the head develop into a grabby claw.
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Longer telescopic eyes for seeing better, allowing them to look around while buried under the sand.
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The calcified patches become segmented for more protection, while still maintaining mobility.
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Small skirting along on flaps smoothly living on what little there is in the Environment one of the simplest lifeforms thus perhaps most numerous in this world of a few lifeforms
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>low nutrients
floating freely sucking in liquid in there engorged digestive tube for the worlds first stomach expelling liquid at stimulation to increase survival chances dodging attacks if possible.
not worth alot as food due to the liquid content along with slight transparency not casting a to solid shadow
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Around them, never relax.
with the bifucation comes more control in response to stimulus both in intake and outake often resulting in a sudden spin or backflip or combined for unpredictable motions raising survival odds from the initial attack of predators
existing in this world as the only true Photo synthesizer this great pair of ball eyes
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photosynthesis means you have energy but you still need nutrients and materials for cells and mucus so its intestines and membranes work thats why it expands beyond the skin flesh
>the bacteria in the ocular fluid are photosynthetic now
yeah sure let's go with that

>captcha is "gay 2 jn"
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mobile spikes for grabbing are quite heavy slimming where they can and where not stumbling on internal secretions a bit lighter then water to balance it out.
they tend to snatch up the free floating fetus looking things in the water putting selective pressure on head/neck flexibility and movement
>Now it plays host to symbiotic bacteria living in all that extra, immune-suppressed ocular fluid. They supplement nutrients and vitamins in those cold deep waters, and the Oculus provides a stable environment for them to reproduce in.
from last thread i just dont trust stuff we have not evolved ourself opens the opportunity for flesh "plants" and mushroom like algea when a few cancer cells escape the body
>verification not required
no captcha
Fair enough. Reminds me of that time on Sagan 4 they realized nobody had actually evolved any trees to live in the forests so all the browsers were turned into grazers. Instead of...adding trees, I guess.
that sounds hilarious also reminds me of the reason why hooves exist with the mixed ecosystem of grass and trees and how there have been "false" horses like how there are false crabs
i was never around for Sagan all i know it had a few crystals and mixed art mediums or well styles
there is a rich harvest of eyeballs and floaty things to be had if you can grab them
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hard parts act as support of movement bracing the weight against the ground and standing up and nicely protects from attacks
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some gasnecks get an extra spike on their neck, and their rear feet get a claw each
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Their limbs become reduced to further aid in squirming around small spaces.
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The body shrinks and withers, now merely a sort of 'bulb' to store reproductive organs and materials for the photosynthetic eyes.
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Some grow still more simplistic, reducing unnecessary extremities and even internal organs until they become almost transparent.
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A membrane stretching between the limbs of this omnivorous opportunist allows it to better grapple, restrain, and consume moving targets.
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A larger tail to act as counterweight comes with the potential for better balance
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This guy has a branching anus like some sort of fucked up backwards star-nosed mole. The hemorrhoidal protuberances have a lot of blood vessels to more efficiently absorb nutrients from the water.
They undergo decephalization (losing the head and brain and all sensory organs) and are basically now just floating stomaches. They are truly pathetic creatures, however they need very little food, and can reproduce quite rapidly
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The eye balls divide into 8 segments, in order to better trap light.
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More powerful muscles grant greater control.
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Armored limbs grant greater battle power.
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The first set of legs is repurposed to a fang like structure, much like the fangs of spiders. Also if anyone wants to evolve off this and clean up the fangs a bit go for it, Im no paint master
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Redid this with more a pincher style, whoever evolves off either of these first gets to pick which one is canon
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One group of blungs reevolves several root like limbs and adopts a sessile lifestyle
why not both? cousins
Cause I can only make one change per the rules but if people want to evolve off both go for it
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The segmentation continues until photosynthetic eye-organs group like grapes upon its stalk., each capped by a lens that specially focused and metabolizes light energy in its surrounding gelatinous material.
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These guys flatten out and begin floating along the surface to collect light. The flat body leaves less dangly bits for predators and keeping the two sets of 4 eyes allows them to roll over when one set begins to dry out in the sun
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The eyes become specialized, with two remaining round and being used primarily for sight while the other six flatten out, becoming useful both as "leaves" and as "fins".
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The second set of legs is also moved closer to the mouth. Now it has a jaw!
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Hind legs also become armored.
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Some streamline further, and develop they ability to inflate or deflate their eyeballs to help remain right-side up as they flip and turn to sun themselves.
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Their stalks strength and lengthen, while two of their tendrils become integrated into their digestive disposal and reproductive structures, sprouting out waste and genetic material.
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it’s beautiful
also the last two blue spiky neck vaguely sauropod-looking guys evolved from the third most recent one in that evolutionary line rather than those two being sequential steps (you can tell by the latest one lacking features that its alleged predecessor had)
increased armoring means less skin area used for respiration some countered by fragile flesh flaps behind the eyes
>more connective muscle tissue to stabilize the specialized body parts and utility as both eyes and fins
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Some of these encephalized tails do not merely serve as sentries or as decoys, but actually fall off when developed to a certain degree, developing nubbin-limbs with which to crawl into tight spaces. There, they pupate into a living womb or egg or sorts, giving rise to fully-formed examples of the species. In this way they serve as a intercalary form, permitting the main body to cotnineu traveling about, foraging and gathering mass to produce more of these curious fruiting bodies.
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These especially acrobatic organisms begin to engage in elaborate daredevil behaviors around predators as a method of courtship, and develop increasing garish colours as a method of display: pink membranes, and technicolor organs to flash as a means of attracting attention.
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Subtle changes in posture and spike arrangement are coupled with noticeably more robust limbs in one spikehead lineage. It's not as large or powerful as gasnecked cousins, but its forelimbs can deliver an eviscerating upward kick, and its headbutt is still devastating, while its neck is a dangerous thing to attack with even armored jaws. Most importantly, though, it can now run away far more effectively than any other legged prey-item.
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Fixed and updated!

Are you planning any environmental epochs or extinction events?
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A tail fin allows for eel-like swimming.
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They develop pigments in their skin that lets them stay under the sun. They tend to develop a "preferred" side that they will keep towards the sun, only switching to cool off.
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These predators develop a more robust neck and advanced eyesight to aid them in their hunts.
Sometimes the cloning process goes awry, and this guy grows an entire other guy from his ass, sometimes even two. It's pretty inconvenient until they fall off, but the mutation often goes unexpressed, and for such a simple creature it's not TOO energy-intensive, so it persists latently.
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forgot image
oh no
now we have rat kings
the next dubs GET in the thread starts an extinction event; anything before that post will go extinct and species have to adapt to the changing conditions to survive before the next trips GET in the thread, or the first dubs GET after at least 15 species adapt to the changing conditions, at which point everything before the extinction event announcement goes extinct
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Mating preferences result in larger and more colorful crests
Also this thing is slowly turning into a nightmare. I like it a lot
Oh, and I imagine he can retract the crest into the armor but I didn't really know how to draw that with my paint skills.
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These guys begin to inhabit the tidal areas of beaches. The bottom set of eyes gradually atrophies away and the overheating/drying out problem is solved by being submerged for half the day by the tide. The connecting muscle for the vestigial bottom eyes transitions into grasping appendages for anchoring themselves to the ground so they don't get swept away by the tide change and they develop spiracles to better intake oxygen when out of water.
Sorry if that's too many changes at once but the water to land transition takes too much for it to be done one at time by multiple people and the land needs some kind plant analogue before the fishies can get up there.
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The limbs atrophy completely, this thing rejects society and returns to worm
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The sessile blungs begin to absorb calcium from the water and what they eat and form a shell to protect themselves form predators. To counteract the lack of area for nutrients to diffuse into they also develop large fan like appendages to act as a net to catch sea snow and small animal to munch on
before this happens I might as well test if dubs are enabled on /qst/ or if this board somehow has GETs disabled (would be odd if they were as this board doesn’t really have the kind of rabid low-functioning autism /v/ has)
ok good GETs are enabled here
this means I can tie sudden events to when in-thread GETs happen
i’d advise against mass rolling for GETs to manipulate this unless you make sure to contribute an evolution with each post so the janny (assuming singular since this is a slowboard) doesn’t send you on vacations
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The appendages develop into long whip-like antennae.
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This bug-eyed specimen may look goofy to a human, but as its tail elongates, spouting a secondary set of flukes to propel it faster and further towards the distant quarry its massive eyes behold, those unblinking eyes and elongated scything jaws become the face of maritime terror.
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With the doll-eyed hypercarnivores taking the to spot of the marine food chain, those organisms best able to spot them before they are spotted, and to hide themselves, have a selective advantage. These guys can retract their tentacle-like eyestalks into their striped, shaded bodies and lay flat and still until danger passes.
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A steady diet enables these filter feeders to prosper. Though most of this new species remain quite small, some can get quite large. Most importantly, they all get more hydrodynamic and simpler in structure, optimizing for a lifestyle of constant motion and consumption.
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more mouths=more filtering
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Bigger, thicker claws make it easier to dig but harder to swim.
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Dubs get. The extinction event begins, I guess...
time for an extinction event

Due to the mass production of oxygen created by the eye plant thingies that have yet to get any kind of formal taxonomical names, there is now an increasing amount of oxygen in the atmosphere/oceans, meaning that creatures must adapt to the changing, oxygen-containing environment or go extinct.
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A dark-coloured variant of the whip-tailed bud-rat linage adapts by modifying one of its tails into an oxygen-processed pipette. It now breaths almost exclusively through this channel, which can also detect toxins and dangerous scents, such as those of predators. The other tail remains as a sentry-style sensory and processing organ focused on scent and hearing.
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These guys develop spiracles to intake oxygen, the crests stay because the females like them a lot so they remain as a signal of a fit mate. The increased oxygen allows them to begin to rapidly increase in size like the large arthropods in our own timeline. The armor keeps them from drying out on land and the increased oxygen means they don't suffocate on land so they transition to a terrestrial lifestyle, snacking on the eyeball plants. I would like to suggest the name Squilla Cristata for this guy which is latin for crested shrimp
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Same guy I just cleaned up the outline a bit
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The hemorrhoidal eye-bulbs which survive this apocalypse do so be developing a harder, thicker outer shell to endure a wider variety of conditions, including dry spells. Their protuberance becomes more akin to a stalk or trunk, with a pronounced pore for gas exchange and waste expulsion, while its blood vessels can now draw nutrients from wet soil.
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The shelled blungs deal with the excess oxygen by further encasing themselves, allowing them too cut off the supply oxygen when it becomes too much. They also begin using their feeder tentacles to wrap around the anus eyeballs to digest them slowly like coral do on earth at night. Which is really cool if you don't know about it but corals will actually fight with each other when the light and temperature is right.
checking my own trips
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Of course this little instigator has to survive the apocalypse she triggered. This species' descendants continue to tunnel through soil, chowing down on the 'root systems' of the stalked eye-bulbs and even the muscular 'foot' of the shelled blungs.
Oh shit, what do the trips mean? Instant extinction, no survivors? Or do we still get fifteen organisms?
we're at 5/15 minimum evolutions before the mass extinction to cull old species actually happens
so your double dubs haven't doomed most of the species created in the thread
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The eeleyes use the new oxygen to create inflatable detachable air sacs to hopefully trick predators away from them
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The front pair of eyes becomes inverted, now sitting inside their "arms" and acting as primitive lungs and/or pneumatic "bones". As a trade-off, their eyesight heavily degrades.
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The bottom eyes get twisted to the top so it can get more sunlight.
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Increasing levels of oxygen slowly forces the rockcrawlers to migrate to more hypoxic areas, the slower individuals eventually fall behind and succumb to toxicity. As a result these scaled worms become lengthier to slither faster. Without any adaption to process the high levels of oxygen, these creatures cannot venture out of the deep sea and underground homes.
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These creatures develop a network of veins connecting their mouths to a new organ, as well as their rear. Their mouths send excess oxygen into it's veins when expanding their bodies, this gas is stored in the organ, then when contracting this oxygen is forced back through the veins and out their jet cone. This adaption not only helps expel excess oxygen, but allows for more powerful bursts of movement.
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Due to a mistake in embryonic development two of these creatures have now been fused into one. One of the "brothers" is used as a lung while the other is used as a stomach.
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These spikeheads migrate to higher altitudes to escape the climate change. Over time the constant exposure favored the specimens that were more resistant to the gas, eventually even gaining energy from it. These new spikeheads have a distended belly to make space for a large rudimentary lung.
By my count we can save three more. Any takers?
im doing these guys rn >>6094019
i'd also like these guys >>6087564 to be saved so we have another sea predator, but i already evolved it
the gas necks >>6094367 also seem like a slam dunk
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Some of these small scavengers adopt a new strategy, they spend most of their time in or near tide pools, waiting for easy prey and sometimes diving underwater to find a meal. This constant exposure to water as well as oxygen favored mutations that could make use of this energy source on land as well as in the water. The skin of these creatures become porous, allowing for easy exchange of gasses on above and under water.
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The dark bodies of these ambush predators remain, but outside of their youngest and smallest life-stages, they hardly need it. Their cousins' death and the abundance of eeleyes provides them the opportunity to become an oceanic apex predator.
At least 3. As specified in >>6095689, the extinction actually happens with the first dubs GET after the threshold is reached.
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These guys go all in on the ambush strategy with a change of coloration and a slight body shape change
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Sometimes, simplicity wins. with the addition of a lateral line organ that can metabolize oxygen (and some similarly-functioning intake/outtake pores along that skirt, these basal little buddies continue to thrive in oceans, rivers, and lakes. They're otherwise utterly unchanged.
cute little guys
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The big eyed purple "sharks" develop gills to breathe the oxygen underwater.
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Instead of growing even more simple some use their transparent skin to aid in communication by developing three different colored organs that can light up to pass on messages, The downside is that this makes them more visible to predators
deliberate or a side effect of simple creature lifestyle put a extreme pressure towards really anything to survive there feeding openings and main method of evasion splitting further.
but all of this just the daily going on's the day to day, its not important whats important is the fact the extraneous frankly unnecessary pigmentation is actually great with reacting with oxygen instead of other tissues, acting as a barrier that needs constant replacement meaning it becomes a GREAT if not the perfect fitness marker for the current natural disaster along with there general state of health and diet.
Can we evolve a post-extinction evolution yet, or are we still evolving existing species from before the cataclysm only, until we get dubs/trips again?
The extinction event is pretty much just going to purge old species aster the next dubs post is obtained; pretty much everything evolved after the extinction event's start post will be unaffected.
Feel free to further evolve species that were evolved after the post-extinction event.
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1d6chan page when?
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Some of these hemorrhoid trunk things find that the various creatures lurking in the soil are much more nutritious than the soil itself. This subspecies has turned its trunk into a webbed shovel-like appendage, scooping up handfuls of dirt in order to find prey such as >>6096612 and >>6096903. Coincidentally, this perturbance of the soil makes it softer and more comfortable for their less predatory cousins, the >>6096512.
Their shell also becomes calcified, making them poor swimmers but harder to eat for >>6098467.
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They have started to travel in schools so that while the chance of a predator noticing them is higher the chance of it noticing any of them SPECIFICALLY is lower. Also, their bodies develop square backs so they fit together more compactly.
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With the gasnecks extinct, the open niche is acquired by certain alpine spikeheads. Their guts grow more distended as their body-size increases, and their upright-held necks and heads become more and more elaborately defended.
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The bloated gasballs are supersized filter-feeders known for heir habit of bobbing about and expelling gametes an and offspring once each a year, in great collectively that resemble tryptophoboa-inducing collections of abandoned beachballs with groping feelers and puckering, chitinous orifices across their bodies. These orifices also collect the gametes of their fellows at such times... As well as consume some of their vast swathes of microscopic young in an early filtering process.
also I think everything evolved after the start of the extinction event should be separated by a vertical line from the pre-extinction event species so we can use extinction events to separate eras of the game
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so I guess the currently extant "clades" are, in clockwise order:
>simple blue things
>transparent things
>armored crested things
>water squirrels
>purple evil things
>eye plants
Some interesting cladistics going into Era 2...

>six relatively basal/primitive lineages have survived, four descended from those who early one developed distinct organs, one exceptionally similar to the prime ancestor of all these organisms, and one quite distinct-looking and almost 'devolved' (to use an unscientific colloquialism) in its lack of distinct head, though with very novel and highly-derived feeding, propulsion, and reproduction

>eight separate lineages have emerged from the earliest legged ancestor, making that weird little guy the most successful single progenitor of Era 1; of these, two resemble rodents superficially, one resembles snakes or worms, three resemble fish (especially sharks), and one is a many-legged armored superpredator, and the majority are carnivores, creating the impression that these are the charismatic megafauna of the world

>arguably the most derived lineage are those five lines derived from the "eyeball fish", including three lineages of photosynthetic 'animals' with varying degrees of motility and sensory capabilities, and a sifter/scavengers which stirs and filters earth; their most derived cousins, still more closely related to these beings than any others, are essentially a crustacean-analogue and a flappy eel/slug, which blur the line between carnivore and herbivore by preying upon their own green-eyed kin

Great minds think alike, lol
fun fact this fella has 3 Eyespot or eye analogs connected to a primitive sensory system with the "eyes" being those 3 spots not really hidden by the transparent flesh with 2 of the being on different faces of the pump instead of the greenish 3 eyestalk looking things that are actually its mouths.making it a little internal tangle
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Polished up the art of this gal.
Slightly more floppy and flappy actually barely noticeable until put in direct comparison.

mostly just smoother motions keeping it simple and firmly in its niche but taking advantage of oxygenation without changing too much
interesting, also checking those timestamp hexes

Since this thread is clearly successful, what should the 1d6chan wiki page for this game be called?
There's two obvious options:
>WTWEGB'10? Evolution Game (based on the OP post)
>Threadjacker Evolution Game (based on sup/tg/ tags)
Vote now; if there's a tie then I'm favoring Threadjacker Evolution Game because it's less of a mouthful than a 6+ letter acronym
Why dont we come up with diffrent name and pitch them in thread see what sci-fi or Latin stuff someone could toss up
I’ll consider this if enough different poster IDs agree upon a fancier name to call this but as a working title we can just use Threadjacker Evolution Game for now
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In sparsely predated waters the floppers have scarce need for their vestigial eyes, and so they become smaller over generations until they're gone. They use this extra energy to pursue flappier pursuits.
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Patches of sea floor where the 'sharks' regularly hunt become havens for the shelled blungs, as scraps of nutrition are steadily supplied to them. This species of blung develop stronger and longer 'arms' to scour the water and sand around them.
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Their light producing organs grow denser, allowing for brighter colors to be produced. When predators are attacking them the organs flash white quickly, which causes disorientation and temporary blindness.
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The squareback jellies sometimes end up in massive 'super schools' that comprise of over a hundred individuals, some groups are so large that the jellies can live out their entire life cycle in the pack. Predators often rely on remembering the routes these creatures take, as they are an easy meal despite tasting pretty bad. Jellies that lived in these large packs ended up with soft tentacles that were useful for multiple purposes. Creatures deeper within the pack would use these appendages to push back against neighbors pushing into them too tight, this reduced the number of deaths from crushing. Another use came into play on the outer rim of the super schools where danger from predators was the highest, the 'arms' are used to wrap around and hold onto their neighbors, this helps prevent them from being separated from the pack even if they are bit.
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I'm fine with Threadjacker Evolution, desu.

Ironically, some of the most sedentary shelled blungs give rise to the most motile, as their strong arms are adapted into fins-like stuctures. They're not terribly graceful but it's enough to escape predators who try to prey them open, to to congregate where food and mating opportunities are better.
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The porous, amphibious 'water squirrels' were the major impetus for armoured and especially motile shelled blungs, using their more developed digits (especially a single long, curved, semi-flexible wrist-claw) to pry open and probe inside the carapaces of well-defended prey,
These are cool pictures by the way, and a very fun write up to read with my coffee.
1d6chan thread is up.
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fuck I meant article
Anyways, these crustacean thingies (>>6096612) get sharper claws to enhance their ability to pierce through some of the hardier prey species.
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The rugose apocalypse-instigator developed a ridges/spiked carapace to fend off >>6100668
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In an attempt to avoid their prey's spikes (>>6102844) some hemorrhoid trunk things replace their shovel-like appendage with a spiky protrusion of tier own to stab with from a distance, often working together with their shoveling family members and sharing the kill
born too early to explore the stars
born too late to explore the world
born just in time to witness the apocalypse crab-plant eye hyperwar
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Their roots become much longer, allowing them to draw more nutrients from the soil at the cost of making them truly immobile in their adult life stage. To compensate for this immobility, they have developed a "sperm cannon" that allows them to inseminate each other from a distance.
it took 4 weeks for the first obviously phallic creature to be made
that’s longer than I expected
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The lower set of head-spikes form a proboscis useful for sucking the eye-juice out of the green eyeball creatures such as >>6103391.
The lung increases in size and develops a dedicated breathing orifice (actually a malformed secondary anus). Having such a large organ between their legs inhibits their top speed, but their new favored prey is immobile, and they are still faster than the >>6096471, so the gain in endurance is well worth the loss in speed. They are still easily caught by the >>6098467 though.
desu it's earliest ancestor(>>6093860) was pretty dick-shaped too, >>6103391 just happens to be dick-shaped AND have an actual dick of its own
Nature is healing.
i'm vetoing this shit out of spite for that enormous dick-anus thing, especially with the fucking veins(?) on it
also because I think it's evolving too much at a time; evolutions should be way more gradual (the original thread's OP asked for it >>6085956)
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Some begin to accumulate a thicker, broader 'coat' of photosynthetic lenses across their posterior, serving to store nutrients and moisture so they can sun themselves on beaches and outcroppings.
I think those eyes are starting to look like leaves now
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Infection becomes an issue among this species, if one of the 'brothers' becomes ill it often spells the death of the other. Over time these creatures evovle new cells on their skin that produce an antibacterial slime coat, which helps prevent sickness as well as making them slippery for predators.
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Subtle discolorations over generations begin to favor brighter and more purple varieties of the gummies, as this appearance helps fool the primarily purple predators of the ocean, mostly at a distance.
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Gasballs that live their lives close to the ocean floor often consume more minerals than their higher floating siblings, over time this diet allows them to grow a flexible yet durable layer over their skin, which they use to deter creatures looking for an easy meal.
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The crested shrimp develop a more sophisticated mouth, their shelled mandible claws become longer and more dexterous, albeit less protected. They use these to reach farther into the water, and to secure their prey more efficiently.
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Water squirrels often find themselves in competition with the crested shrimp, however their small size and skittish scavenger mentality always meant avoiding a direct confrontation. In certain areas without many hunting grounds the pressure forced out docile water squirrels, and soon only the more aggressive ones remained. These fiesty water squirrels travelled in packs and would find tide pools with few crested shrimps and then work together to chase them out. For a long time these turf wars always ended with casualties on the water squirrel side, the survivors adapted with better defined musculature and feet well suited to quickly manuevering on rocks and sand. Packs of these creatures can now sometimes take down a crested shrimp, using their leg muscles to jump onto their armored backs and then stabbing them with their wrist-claws.
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Fine, I'll circumcise it back to its original size
This thing is >>6103404 but with only the proboscis, no dick-lung
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The mega-mucus brothers, like an earth hagfish, produce so much slime that they simply clog any predator's throat.
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A hooked tail allows the Gasball to anchor itself to a more sedentary Shelled Blung (>>6101334) or Green-Eye(>>6103391)
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With the Gummies' mating ritual being a dangerous dance around a predator, it is inevitable that a lot of Gummies would be swallowed, and that some of the swallowed would object to that sort of thing.
This Gummy has converted one of its mouths into a sucker, allowing it to lodge itself in a predator's throat, where it can then wait until the next time the predator opens its mouth so it can escape. It also sometimes eats the predator's food scraps with its other two mouths.
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A dedicated breathing orifice and gas-storage chamber do indeed develop, just... less suggestive to certain species of Terran extraterrestrials.
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These stealthy 'rats' are constantly weaving between predators, avoiding dangerous areas and migrating to safer feeding grounds. Without much in the way of offensive power, they sometimes have to go without eating for days or weeks before they find safe pastures. This subspecies formed large lumps on their back, which are filled with fat and water when they are healthy.
explodes into many variants vastly different or quite extremely similar variants along the sea floor, as low nutrient simple lifeforms with a fast maturation rate alongside with the mutagenic effect of oxygen even with pigmentation encourages genetic instability only curtailed by predation.
Slower moving variant often seen tumbling along the currents course correcting with jets of water or slowly skirting along the seafloor cycling water through its shared stomach, its odd appearance that informs it lifestyle is a continuation of the bifucation or more correctly polyfurcation or trifurcation, conjoining into a radial form
Practically Sessile only moving under duress or from being ripped away by the currents. Spends all its time siphoning detritus out into its expanded digestive system wrapping around its "stomach" to gain as much out of what little can be found. Note its eye stalks on a constant swivel forming a near 360 field of view, when its forced to move it can contract its looping organs around its cavity deflating into a little tube, quite like its ancestors seemingly literally disappearing for many predators jetting away in a constant burst like a balloon
near identical to its ancestor except for its curled up back end and thicker organs, consumes much larger bits of food then all the other more then you would imagine would fit inside earning it the nickname "big chug" sometimes literally just swallowing sand or only surviving due having 2 extra mouths not clogged up after a illadviced meal
discrete but much more noticeable when moving, a undulating active swimmer comparably to all its ancestors and relatives with hydrodynamic protrusions radially along its front.
Skinny body Beady sensory organ-ed, cutting away all the unnecessary energy and developmental costs towards more advanced behavior crammed into small package that is able to cram inside of small crevices and holes in the environment away from predators and towards hard to reach food.
bloated Speed freak moving forwards and front flipping violently and sometimes barrel rolling to be cool, doing what has worked so far since literally the second generation of its whole evolutionary line
it just works! but with redundancy at the main cup makes a safer seal more possible, along with a repeat of the same earlier organ structure down the body for some course correction and moving along the surfaces such as along the inside of a predator
or just on a rock, while they can be used to ingest food they are less effective as it bypasses organ length.
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the Brothers share everything but all this excess lube makes it hard to move even if food gets stuck on the mucus surface, so they develop ridges to "scoop" forwards and nubs to steering controlling movement
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More sessile, sedentary members of this lineage grow bigger and taller, and also become more armored along their prolapsed 'stalk', forming a thick waxy cuticle that protects them down to the ground.
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There exists a niche for a mid-sized herbo-carnivore, not yet occupied by rat-squirrels or the larger cousins of these gracile 'eye-piercers'.
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These 'sandshark'-looking creatures develop broad, muscular heads and larger, stronger mouthparts to pop reinforced gasballs and to crack shelled blungs
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Good luck to hose acrobatic daredevil swimmers who try to anchor inside the mouth of this small, fast oxy-shark, whose visual acuity and speed allow it to pinpoint and strike even twirling, whirling prey, and whose specialized mouthparts are designed to keep those it captures from escaping its mouth un-impaled upon its spiny, backwards-facing 'teeth'.

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