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You are the leader of a group of monsters trying to survive in a land overrun by adventurers. These adventurers, skilled and powerful, hunt down any creature in their path. The world around you is dangerous, not just because of the heroes, but because of the harsh environment itself, where monsters like you are seen as obstacles or targets.

As the leader, it's your job to keep your group alive. With limited strength and resources, you must outsmart the adventurers who want to destroy you. Whether it's hiding, using the terrain, or relying on your companions' skills, every decision counts.

You're not just a leader, but a strategist and protector. Your group looks to you for guidance in a world where they're outclassed, outnumbered, and hunted. The odds are against you, but with cleverness and resilience, you might survive long enough to show that even the weakest monsters deserve to live.

Are you

> a warchief
> a shaman
> a matriarch
> a beastmaster

What kind of monsters are you

> goblin
> kobold
> gnoll
> lizardfolk

And where is your lair

> abandoned mine
> cave system
> forest
> mountains
> a beastmaster

> goblin

> cave system
Rolled 12 (1d30)


You're Glug, the goblin beastmaster! You've tamed a direrat and you live in the caves with your tribe. Your people been so impressed with you taming a direrat that they made you their leader.

The caves are a dangerous place to live, full of unexplored unknown dangers and constantly raided by adventurers!

Your tribe consists of 40 goblins.

You must select how many goblins for the following roles:

breed - someone has to take care of making more little ones or there won't be more goblins

inner patrol - defending the settlement if needed

outer patrol - early warning against incoming enemies

scout surrounding areas - find out what exists beyond the caves

gather food - without food you will certainly die

maintain the fire - without fire your people will certainly succumb to the elements

build and maintain traps - traps can help you against incoming enemies, maybe

build and maintain escape tunnel - an escape tunnel can be useful to flee the caves if we get cornered

craft weapons - without weapons your combat effectiveness will suffer

healing - if you don't take care of the injured they will die

Tend to animals - someone must tame and feed the animals or they will starve or flee. Currently you're the only one skilled enough to do this, but if you get helpers they can learn the craft fast enough.

Total Goblins: 40 adults
Animals - 1 Dire Rat

Inner Patrol
Outer Patrol
Gather Food
Maintain Fire
Build Traps
Escape Tunnel
Craft Weapons

Tend Animals

Every month I will roll for dangers!
1. Adventurers
2. Predators
3. Famine
4. Diseases
5. Treacherous Terrain
6. Poisoning
7. Raids
8. Civil Strife
9. Magical Attacks
10. Trap Failures
11. Burning
12. Flooding
13. Starvation
14. Wild Animals
15. Poachers
16. Trolls
17. Slavers
18. Mysterious Spirits
19. Rivals
20. Bandits
21. Psychic Attacks
22. Diseased Creatures
23. Overhunting
24. Ambushes
25. Vampires
26. Magic-Resistant Enemies
27. Corruption
28. Cursed Objects
29. Internal Betrayal
30. Drought

the list may be updated with more dangers from time to time

Good luck!

Rolling for first month.

Also roll 11d100 to determine effectiveness of your tasks.

If you suggest a write-in task, then roll 12d100
Rolled 75, 44, 98, 33, 73, 67, 12, 8, 25, 14, 77 = 526 (11d100)

>5 Goblins: Breed
>10 Goblins: Inner Patrol
>10 Goblins: Outer Patrol
>5 Goblins: Maintain the Fire
>10 Goblins: Gather Food
>Leader: Tend to Animals
Rolled 29 (1d30)


4 goblins become pregnant!

The local river floods! The devastating flow of water fills up the cave!

10 goblins from the outer patrol spot Dire Pirañas coming through and engage them with their bare hands! They manage to pull several of them out of the water, where they died.

The inner patrol don't notice one dire piraña who got through and it eats one of the pregnant goblins.

You send out 10 food gatherers into non-scouted territory! Only seven of them return, telling of a Bear eating the others! They manage to gather 49 units of food.

You send out 5 lumber gatherers into non-scouted territory! Only 3 of them return, telling of a Wild Boat stomping the others! They manage to bring back enough fuel for 18 days.

There was no one maintaining the traps so you had to let the pirañas die instead of making a piraña trap. You get extra 5 units of food.

No one was building the escape tunnel! Let's hope we don't need it anytime soon...

No one was making weapons! We continue to fight with our bare hands!

No one was assigned to healing! No healing herbs were gathered, and if anyone survived the animal maulings, they died out there.

The fire runs out early, and six soaked goblins become sick.

Total Goblins: 36 (3 pregnant, 6 sick)

Food: 18 units
Lumber: 0 units (the fire is out!)
Traps: 0
Weapons: 0
Herbs: 0

Rolling for dangers!

the leader is part of the total of goblins, please consider this next time.

The leader managed to keep his pet dire rat fed and healthy for the month.

Dire Rat Attitude 5->6/10
>Healing, the 6 sick goblins rest.

>20 Goblins get the fire started. Fire is power!

>1 Tend to animals

>4 Inner patrol

>5 Outer Patrol
Rolled 4, 18, 25, 16, 3, 96, 58, 100, 18, 12, 5 = 355 (11d100)

Rolled 3, 10, 2 + 9 = 24 (3d10 + 9)


the pregnant goblins murder our inner patrol and our sick goblins, when our outer patrol finds them they said it was to feed their babies, which they just gave birth to, and the inner patrol were trying to stop them from killing the weak goblins to feed the new generation. +50 food.
> murder them
> let them live

3d10+9 goblins are born!

The goblins that went out to start the fire return with 180 units of lumber! The fire is stoked up for now! 3 of them do not return, there is talk of Wolves.

Your dire rat bites you! You are wounded! Dire Rat Attitude 5/10

Total Goblins: 23(+3d10+9 babies) (1 wounded)

Food: 65 units
Lumber: 150 units
Traps: 0
Weapons: 0
Herbs: 0

Rolling for amount of babies!
Rolled 3 (1d30)

there are 24 babies

babies eat half the amount of food

next month they will be children, eating regular amount of food

in two months they will be juvenile, doing half the amount of work

in three months they will be adult

rolling for threat
Rolled 50, 63, 29, 95, 18, 30, 53, 52, 28, 21, 96 = 535 (11d100)

> let them live
Survival of the fittest.

>1 Healing
>5 Tend to animals
>5 Tend to fire
>5 Inner Patrol
>7 Build Traps for the wolfs.
Rolled 28 (1d30)


you let the murderers live

unattended, the babies start killing each other! three of them die before the inner patrol can stop them +6 food

a bunch of wolves wander into our territory and eat 3 goblins and wound 2. There was no outer patrol to warn us!

you gather 15 units of lumber. 1 goblin never returns.

you make some traps for the wolves! you manage to capture one wolf, who falls in a deep hole and can't get out!

the leader fully heals from his wounds!

your tamers improve relations with the rat and the wolf
dire rat 5->6/10
wolf 0->1/10

a nasty fungus rots half of your food!

Total Goblins: 20(+21 children) (2 wounded)

Food: 3 units
Lumber: 135 units
Traps: 3 (3 pits)
Weapons: 0
Herbs: 0

Dire Rat 6/10
Wolf 1/10

Rolling for threat
Rolled 81, 61, 67, 87, 93, 92, 83, 27, 70, 99, 85 = 845 (11d100)

>10 Set hunting traps.
>1 Maintain fire.
>2 Outer Patrol
>2 Inner Patrol
>2 Tend to animals
>3 Make Weapons

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