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You are Angus the Archmage.

In your youth, you used to research spells that enlarged creature's anuses.

Then you got okay with your sexuality, that you are actually a voyeur who enjoys watching large insertions.

You filled an entire level of your tower with just people that love stuffing their butts with large stuff, and helped then further with magic so they can stuff even larger things up their butt.

But that was youth folly. You're now after True Power. Ancient interdimensional artifacts.

Which artifact are you going to go after next?

> The Ring of Infinite Pucker
A golden ring that glows faintly with a cosmic energy. When worn, it slowly expands the wearer’s, uh, "dimensions" to fit into interdimensional portals more easily. Overuse may cause some discomfort but provides a +2 bonus to Charisma when dealing with extraplanar beings who appreciate flexibility.
> The Cloak of Void Passage
This shimmering, ethereal cloak adjusts the wearer’s anatomy to allow them to pass through narrow planar rifts. While wearing the cloak, the user gains the Gaseous Form spell once per long rest. However, the cloak is known to cause an inexplicable “stretchy” feeling.
> Orb of the Expanding Horizon
An orb with a swirling, ever-changing interior resembling a black hole. When activated, it warps the body to accommodate space travel. This artifact is a favorite among planar merchants but is known to make its users unnervingly relaxed.
> The Chalice of Cosmic Expansion
An ancient chalice that holds an ever-replenishing elixir. Drinking from it enhances the drinker’s adaptability to otherworldly energies but leaves them prone to temporary Dimension Dysphoria, manifesting as an overly enlarged posterior.
> Scepter of the Wide Maw
A silver scepter engraved with the image of a screaming void. It allows its wielder to stretch any orifice (including their own) to absurd proportions to store or consume interdimensional items. Roll a Constitution save to avoid long-term... "effects."
> The Seat of Eternal Comfort
An unassuming, ancient stone chair rumored to belong to a planar traveler. Sitting upon it grants enhanced endurance for planar journeys, but overuse leaves the sitter with a lingering feeling of openness.
> Portal Key of the Widened Gate
A key carved from the bone of an unknown creature. When held, it reshapes the user's body to allow passage through impossibly narrow gaps. Overuse makes the effect permanent.
> The Belt of Elastic Resilience
This leather belt adjusts its size perfectly to fit any creature. When worn, it grants resistance to crushing damage and magical adjustments to the user’s anatomy for better adaptability during planar travel.
> The Tome of Infinite Openings
A mystical book filled with ever-changing glyphs. Reading it grants knowledge of interdimensional travel and the unique ability to create small, temporary portals—often starting in the user’s own body.
> Write in
> The Belt of Elastic Resilience
> The Chalice of Cosmic Expansion.
>> Orb of the Expanding Horizon

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