You are a goblin. An irrefutably evil, cruel, disgusting and green creature. Behind your beady black eyes lies no strength of character, no purity, and no soul. You are a disgusting and foul little thing.Well... that was the consensus surrounding goblins for centuries but amongst the academic world there is an oft-maligned but growing movement surrounding goblin studies. Professor Zolar of the prestigious MIT (Magic Institute of Temporal) conducted an intense field study of goblin tribes and hypothesized that goblins were nurtured rather than born into evil.To test this theory he would travel to various goblin tribes and slaughter the entire tribe except for a singular goblin child. If the child cried and wailed for the loss of their people and family that means it has empathy. If not, then it's evil.This simple experiment was conducted hundreds of times destroying entire cultures, languages, and rich oral histories, and vivid traditional art. At the end professor Zolar concluded with statistical significance that goblins were in fact not naturally born evil to great acclaim and received the Nobel prize in monster studies along with great funding.His next great experiment is to raise a goblin from birth to adulthood and nurture him to be a loving, exemplary, and GOOD goblin/person. He rented out a great mansion, hired innumerable servants, stockpiled nutritious food and recruited the greatest minds of the Imperial Empire for this purpose.The goblin will be raised like a king.That goblin is not you, however. Instead you are the hireling of a decidedly less successful, less intelligent, and more scrupulous "rival" professor named Girgga. Girggas was a peer of Zolar as an undergrad but because of his focus on trying (and failing) to pick up Elf sorority girls he quickly got left behind Zolar in grades, internships, and connections. He was left behind and took up an nontenured track position as a professor of introductory goblinoid studies at a crime-ridden, inbred, idiotic party school on the outskirts of the empire called the University of Alabama. And after Zolar had married his Elf crush that was from the same department he vowed eternal revenge.Once news of Zolar's new experiment came out he had drunkenly proclaimed that he had secretly been raising a goblin long before Zolar and was going to shock the world to the riotous laughter of his peers.He was of course lying, but Girggas has always had a tenuous relationship with the truth and ended up recruiting you.(1/2)
You were a freak-show display at a traveling circus. Children with grubby hands and bored parents were stunned by you scratching your balls and sniffing them in that tiny cage filled with your own filth while you cursed at them in Imperial. You had been purchased by Girggas for a hefty sum, and that hefty sum was later reclaimed by Girggas after he slaughtered the entire circus using fire magic to ensure they kept their mouths shut in a drunken fit of paranoia.But you don't really care about that. Girggas feeds you, clothes you, and shows you nasty dark elf porn on his laptop. As far as you're concerned this is a sweet ass gig. Who gives a shit about your adoptive circus family? He's promised to support you for the rest of your life should you do one thing.All you have to do is graduate from the University of Alabama. Even the biggest retard could do that!First things first, though. What's your major and name? Can't go to college without those two things. Even at the "University" of Alabama.>Majors:>>Elemental Magic>>Goblinoid Studies>>Church/Holy Magic Studies>>Dark Arts>>Physical Education>>Undeclared (Girggas said he'd violently beat you if you didn't declare a major.)>Name:
>>6182313>Name: Vavok>Majors: Goblinoid StudiesVavok decided to learn about the culture of his ancestors.
Fuck goblins lmaobottom text
>>6182313>>Church/Holy Magic Studies>Name: Sneak-ScarIf humans can use Holy Magic to commune with their gods, what do goblins get to commune with? And since few ever do, how much power could/would those things bestow, comparatively?>Gorkamorka Prophet time.
>>6182313>Majors: Information Technology>name: Dumracki wish i had a bgc
>>6182321+1>>6182313>Name: Vavok>Majors: Goblinoid Studies
>Name: Vavok>Major: Goblinoid StudiesYou naturally choose goblinoid studies as your major. You ARE a goblin after all? How hard could it be? No one knows about goblin biology better than you. You would explore it all the time out frustration in your teenage years. You still keep one of your disgustingly yellow-ish claw-like fingernails long for that purpose. To really reach in there. And your benefactor is a professor in the monsterology department anyways and teaches some of the courses. Though, that might end up being a negative given how neurotic and violent he is. After you had pissed inside his his gay little wizard hat and almost bust a gut laughing as piss streamed down his face he had almost cut your balls off. He stated that he was going to use those little green orbs of yours to make a fertility potion to impregnate your whore mother with.Thankfully while he was chasing you, in a display very reminiscent of one of your old circuses comedy routes, slipped and fell from your slippery green-ish piss and allowed you to get away. He had calmed down later after copiously drinking and softly cradled you in his arms while calling you his "precious little grigga" who was going to show the world and that "elf whore" he's better than Zoltar. You ruined that little moment by trying to suckle from his teat like an unweaned baby because the rocking triggered some dormant instinct, though.Needless to say he isn't the most pleased with you right now... But he needs you and so goblinoid studies is probably the easiest major for you.As you're walking to class gawking at the run-down yet vast school buildings on campus with various donors' names emblazoned on them, you notice a long line of booths. A large number of students of all races and sizes are walking in a disorganized line past them, frequently jostling each-other and disrupting the flow of traffic.You ask a dis-interested looking goth dark elf lad, who wrinkles her nose at you and calls you "one ugly looking dwarf," and she tells you it’s the school's involvement fair in a gruff manner that brooks no chance of response. Pretty much every student organization on campus was being represented here.Surveying the booths from afar you notice a few sections that catch your eye. You're probably going to be late for your first class if you check out more than two sections of the booths but you need the college experience, right?>Check out the frats>Check out the sororities>Check out the Professional Orgs>Check out the DEI and Racial Clubs>Check out the athletic clubs>Check out the student leadership>Just go to class>Fuck everything else hit on the Goth Dark Elf>Write in
>>6182454You're the reason why I support women's reproductive right to choose.
>>6182816>Fuck everything else hit on the Goth Dark ElfGoblin instincts activated
>>6182816>>6183146>Fuck everything else hit on the Goth Dark ElfSuport this.
>>6182816>Check out the DEI and Racial Clubs
>>6182816>Fuck everything else hit on the Goth Dark ElfIf it does not work, quickly escape and>Check out the DEI and Racial ClubsWorst case we cancel her
>>6182816>Fuck everything else hit on the Goth Dark Elf
>Fuck everything else hit on the Goth Dark ElfAs you scan the booths your eyes somehow wander and land squarely on the Goth Dark Elf girl's tits. You don't know how that happened. But as you take a closer look at her she's quite attractive, if slightly chubby, she has long shapely legs with thick thighs tinged a light byzantine purple that stand in contrast with the rest of her body. Her arms are tattooed completely black and her face is painted completely white which compliments her fierce dark black eyes excellently. Her nose is statuesque and proud and her hair is jagged and rough pointing out in all directions. Her tits are also really big. She's wearing a dark leather armor-set that would seem more in place on a battlefield than a college campus.You would describe her ass but she hasn't turned around yet. In fact, she's right in front of you, looking very disgusted by your blatant unwanted ogling. You quickly save the situation with a seductive flirtatious remark."Hey, Darkie, is it true that Dark Elf pussy is purple instead of pink?"You, of course, know the answer to this because of all the disgusting dark elf porn you watch, but a little fib to start a conversation never hurt anyone.The Dark Elf blushes a bright crimson that is only visible on her unpainted ears before taking a deep breath and muttering something about "special-ed and retards."She sighs deeply again before finally speaking,"My name isn't 'Darkie,' it's Isabella. Also my pussy is wet, tight, warm, feels AMAZING, and is the prettiest purple you'll ever see. Too bad you're NEVER and I mean NEVER going to get close to it you disgusting green little worm. You're lucky I don't rip your cock off and feed it to an orc. Stupid fucking grigga."She then turns around and walks off brusquely in a huff before you can even respond.As she's walking off you notice her ass is pretty flat. Dodged a bullet there. Fucking Darkie.Now what do you do? You still have time to visit one section of booths while still making it in time for class. Though, you could visit more and be late.>Check out the frats>Check out the sororities>Check out the Professional Orgs>Check out the DEI and Racial Clubs (You could try to get the Dark Elf bitch cancelled for calling you a grigga)>Check out the athletic clubs>Check out the student leadership>Just go to class>Write in
>>6183613>>Check out the athletic clubsFirst I'll build muscles, and then the Dark Elves and not only them will start chasing me.
>>6183613>Check out the DEI and Racial Clubs (You could try to get the Dark Elf bitch cancelled for calling you a grigga)Do it fast before the Baron, John of House Drumff, closes it.
>>6183613>Check out the DEI and Racial Clubs (You could try to get the Dark Elf bitch cancelled for calling you a grigga)underminding is in our blood
>>6183627>>6183613supporting, get huuuge
Any griggas want to untie the vote?
>>6183613>What are we, Some kinda Gains Goblin?Support
>>6184265kek, fair
Will update tomorrow my griggas
>>6183613>Check out the athletic clubsDisregard bitches. Acquire bros.
>>6184345Where you at, Grigga?
>>6185120Griggas got kidney stones and is furiously drinking water to help it pass. Will update later today. Promise.
>>6185148Yeowch! Hope you feel better soon, Grigga.
Updating today Griggas. Passed my kidney stone sorry for the delay
>>6186923Was about to write a eulogy about how you died from Drussy CBTto have you back, Grigga
>>6186946*good to
>>6186923Welcome back, and sorry for your luck. The curse is real, I guess.
Yeah nevermind I'm dropping this. Life's hitting me like a truck right now.
>>6187695damn, the CBT got him after all, if you ever start a new one, keep the tag so we can find you againo7