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You are Kuroda Haruka and King Lot of Lothian, Orkney and Camelot.

Previously went off to recruit some mortals. It was a smashing success convincing them to come to Camelot. Unfortunately, most of them have problematic personality issues or are just plain crazy. That's what you get for recruiting kids from a school known to deal with troubled kids.

You also sent teams of vassals to raid the hateful World for resources; most of these teams were successful and came back home in a timely manner.

All except for Team Feline who had the most simple and easiest task. They've somehow gotten into difficulties. Your doughty Baphomet vassals aren't helpless; they're capable of extracting themselves out of trouble unless it is something that they can't deal with.

You set forth to the rescue with your trusty Guide, valiant Bodyguard and anxiety-ridden Dowser in tow.

That's when you discovered a fake Cath Palug has captured your vassals and cat. There are demands for a ransom, and you're willing to try negotiating, but the fake is too busy dealing with a problem. You also discovered that the more fresh victims verbally declare that the real Cath Palug is dead or call out the fake, the weaker the monster gets.

Not that it helps you out too much at the moment.

Two Knights of the Round Table have invaded its domain and are trying to kill the fake. They're so distracted the enemies don't realize that you're even in. Your Namesake helpfully identifies the two Knights as Merlin and King Arthur...

Past threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=villainess
Character sheet https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cAkKYIXfbFfyBIXMxgzBtCFPGWJTBrFQe0b2hoQZfKw/edit?usp=sharing
In the air, flying high above, are two teens. A boy in flowing robes and a girl wearing a gold crown hovering out of reach of a gigantic cat. It is a smart battle tactic, for the gigantic cat can only dodge and try to hide from its foes since it cannot reach upwards into the sky.

Another spindly stone tower collapses into a cloud of dust and debris, hiding the scene of battle from your sight.

"Oh gods, it is King Arthur. I'd rather not battle with the King of Knights this day."

The warrior Baphomet sweats at the thought of crossing blades with such a powerful enemy.

"Whee, whee, around and around I go! Here is the blade, here is the horn, and there is the cat, there is the goat."

The Dowser spins gleefully like a top before coming to a stop and pointing towards a section of the domain away from combat. Without even waiting for you, he starts trotting away. Your group follows after the intoxicated goat, eager to get some distance from the battle.

"Tell me, Yatagarasu, what do you know about King Arthur and Merlin?"

You carefully push the supernatural candle along; it makes no sense to leave the door to get out behind if it can travel with you.

"Meep. Merlin is a very odd Wizard, he knows no combat magic and always works alongside a comrade. He can fly, divine, heal, and shield. I hath not seen too much of his abilities, but make no mistake! Just because he can't attack with flames or lightning doesn't mean he isn't dangerous. He once dropped Lord Mordred over a cliff and tried to drown her by churning the waves and tides."

You aren't happy; Merlin sounds like a very versatile and troublesome enemy. You almost consider King Arthur easier to deal with when Yatagarasu explains her abilities specialize in long-range attack.

More specifically, Light of Avalon which is basically a laser attack. She can concentrate it as one gigantic beam or split it up into a dozen smaller but weaker beams.

"She wields a holy light that scorches the earth and all in the way. Her aim isn't all that good, but I believe she can cast it twice a day. The sword she wields is not one of the named swords such as Excalibur, Clarent, or Caladfwlch. Of that, I am sure! Meep. I know not how skilled she is with a blade. I assume she knows how to use it."

You know that Arthur fired off her attack once earlier. If Yatagarasu is right, then she only has one more attempt to nail the fake Cath Palug. Otherwise, she will get in close and fight. It is no wonder that the Knight remains in the air and waiting for the right opportunity to attack while Cath Palug tries to hide and dodge.

Well as long as the enemies are busy, you can safely look for your missing vassals. Despite--- or rather because--- he is high as a kite, the Dowser uses his divining skill with supreme confidence and complete fearlessness. The Bodyguard notes he still has a few more pieces of candy just in case.
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The Dowser leads everyone past shattered towers until he stops before one particularly impressive derelict. It must have been a very grand tower but now it lies crumpled on the earth. Blocks of stone shattered by the fall retain traces of fine carving. The stones have fallen in such a way it has created a cave.

"Meep! Praise the gods, we have found them."

The Dowser cheerfully announces and immediately runs into the cave before anyone can stop him. A slingstone whizzes past the head of the drugged Baphomet but he pays it no mind at all. Instead, he simply continues his run and disappears from view. A series of meeps and yees emanates as the inhabitants of the cave.

A horned goat head pops into view, you recognize it is one of the apprentices. He looks frazzled and injured but he's smiling as your group is bade to enter. When you do, you take stock of the situation. Team Feline is in terrible shape, several Baphomets have dirty bandages wrapped around their wounds and one goat covered by large sheet of canvas is lying in the corner of the cave is very still. There is the distinct smell of rot in the air. You order Yatagarasu to pull back the sheet.

"Ack, tis my comrade Guide."

A disemboweled corpse; innards hastily stuffed back inside the body and sewed up with a rough stitch. It was all that the apprentices could do to keep the corpse whole. It explains why they couldn't flee. You look around the cave and see that the walls covered in Runes, a desperate attempt by the inexperienced to escape the domain.

"Where is Lady Kizaemon?"

"She's gone to challenge the fraud after he slew the master. We know naught where she is. Twas two days ago and not a hair or whisker since then."


You'll need to decide what to do. There's 10 acorns of Mana to use, it'll come in handy...

>Send Team Feline back to Avalon, you can use 5 acorns of Mana to brute force a Gate out of the domain....
>Eat 5 acorns of Mana and power up, you're going to need it...
>Eat all 10 acorns of Mana and power up,
>Use all 10 acorns of Mana to heal Team Feline, you're going to use them against your enemy...
>Don't use any acorns, tell Team Feline to rest up. Your team will go and find the cat...
>Give 2 acorns each to the Dowser, Bodyguard and Yatagarasu, and eat the rest for yourself...
>write in
>Eat all 10 acorns of Mana and power up
We're gonna need it. Our meeps are fodder to knights of the round. Yatagarasu can help them form proper runes now that he's here.
>Eat all 10 acorns of Mana and power up,
>>Eat 5 acorns of Mana and power up, you're going to need it...
>>Eat all 10 acorns of Mana and power up,
>Eat all 10 acorns of Mana and power up

Returning after a 4 thread absence. Mana is our biggest issue, both for our lacking personal power that is causing some anons anxiety, and regarding our bottlenecked Camelot repairs.

If we need more to make an escape, or want to try and get a good gift for the Romans, then we can scrounge for Relics. Finding our cat should be our priority though.
I think we can do that eventually, but we still need to do stuff regarding city management. Those Romans are an eyesore and stopping us from finishing up the guild issue so the meeps can do their assigned tasks effectively. I say we address the Romans quickly and make them fuck off so that's one immediate problem dealt with. We need ONE relic to throw at the Romans so our end of the niceties are upheld, and time is running out. I don't know if we can safely get out of here to try relic raiding outside. Do we just ditch the Team Feline stragglers plus any injured into Avalon so they can make their way back to Camelot? Or do we take everyone plus Kizaemon with us for looting? Is it easier or harder to open a gate to shift back to Avalon in a Domain like this one?
eat it all

eat half
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You'll have to go looking for the cat then. What concerns you most is Team Feline and what to do with them. Can they be returned to Avalon and make their own way home?

"Once they're in Avalon, they know enough lore to find their way back to Camelot. If they can leave this place. Getting into a domain is much easier than getting out, meep."

Yatagarasu twirls his stick and thinks over his answer.

"The monster still commands and rules the domain. To break out of here swiftly, we could use Mana and force a Gate back to Avalon. I reckon five acorns will do the job. The other options take time or risk peril. One option is to use the candle to get as close as possible to the border between the hateful World and this domain, then start collapsing it to get out. HOWEVER! This will take time, and we have accumulated much Backlash already. Sending out a large group of Baphomets risks triggering the hateful World to raze what does not belong."

The apprentices start carefully packing their belongings as Yatagarasu continues his explanation of escape routes. They move painfully slow and won't be much use in combat.

"Meep. The others that risk peril. We pay the toll to the monster, and he lets us out. But who can trust such a beast? One who would murder a powerless goat so brutally? My brother Guide, who lies dead at my hooves, is not a fool; he could easily see how powerful the fake is and try to buy mercy. Failing that, he'd try to avoid angering the monster and wait for our arrival with ransom..."

"I can guess what the other perilous option is... Kill the monster, and that will cause the domain to collapse and allow escape."

"Or weaken it to cause it to abandon this domain for elsewhere. Remember that strange fear plant in the manor? I didn't need to use Mana to pierce the domain because it abandoned it."

Your personal Guide pulls out a large leather bag and some rope from his backpack. The volume of the items far exceeds the dimensions of the backpack; it clearly came from his magical storage area. The injured Baphomets take them and begin carefully wrapping and binding the corpse of the veteran Guide. They lift the corpse and reverently carry it over to Yatagarasu with his backpack ready and opened as wide as possible.

Sorrowful chants echo in the dark cave as the bearers of the dead slowly march forward.

"To halls more royal than found in Avalon he has gone."
"Rest well, oh master Guide, thy journey is at an end."
"Tales shall be told in thy honor at every feast."
"Great Lady of the Lake, bear him away."

Feet disappear first, going past a depth that should be impossible for a backpack. Then the torso goes in, and then the head, until finally the entire corpse is safely stowed away.

"Meep, your Majesty, we have at least one deed done to our honor. We have the Cellphone. 100% charged."

Cellphone fully charged, it'll last a week at least.
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An apprentice kneels before you and presents your Cellphone with both his hands. With a quick flick, you enter your password and open the screen. You decide that powering down the device is best for now and put it away in a secured pocket within your tartan.

"You've done well to survive. We will go back to Camelot together, even if I have to slay everyone in the way."

You look down at your acorns of Mana, there's only ten of them. How you wish there were more. You pop each acorn of Mana into your mouth and chew quickly. The crunch of each is toothsome and satisfying and the taste is nothing like you expected; it tastes something like your favorite caramel pudding.

Except much better.

It is a marvel that Yatagarasu refrained from devouring the entire harvest of Mana you gifted to him so many days ago. You feel the Mana flowing within like a stream, filling in the cracks.

Something is rising from the depths of your soul.

You feel...

>Calm and focused, action and consciousness blur together and melds into perfect concentration...
>Strong as a bear, your strikes are heavy enough to crush the enemy who dares to stand before you...
>Swift and enduring as the horses coursing over the field of battle, flying towards danger...
>A flash of enlightenment, the Gods listen a bit more closely to your prayers and pleas...
>Tougher than a stout shield, blows feel lighter and cuts shallower as your body is fortified...
>More skilled in battle, the swirl of blades and the din of war become familiar friends...
>The icy voice of the Queen of Winter whispering something secret, strengthening the might of frost...
>Strong as a bear, your strikes are heavy enough to crush the enemy who dares to stand before you...

All are useful, but wisdom and skill can be developed naturally, to a certain degree. Right now I think either need raw strength or the ability to endure greater blows or those that bypass our other defences or attempts to dodge. Greater physical attributes are also probably less susceptible to backlash from the hateful world, compared to our ice magic. Unless we start throwing cars or something.
Thank you for keeping me updated on my queen's mental status, brave warrior. Serge et Vince!
>>Calm and focused, action and consciousness blur together and melds into perfect concentration...
if we need to, somehow get around Arthur and Merlin with our inner voice aggroing them, we need the mental presence
It's not like being stronger will help us against either of them, they are way beyond our league
>>The icy voice of the Queen of Winter whispering something secret, strengthening the might of frost...
>Swift and enduring as the horses coursing over the field of battle, flying towards danger...
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>Swift and enduring as the horses coursing over the field of battle, flying towards danger...
Swift as the Wind...
>Swift and enduring as the horses coursing over the field of battle, flying towards danger...
Speed AND stamina? Fuck yeah.
I yearn to be a blitzkrieg that enemies cannot hope to touch, a storm that none can weather.
>>Calm and focused, action and consciousness blur together and melds into perfect concentration...

HUH? Okay.

Calm before danger

Grandma is teaching

gotta go fast
got home late. no post
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I'm going to post what I have. Got home late and got midway done.
Your fellow classmate Yanagi Naomi is the fastest girl in the school.


Huh, you still consider yourself a class president walking each day to study at school after everything that has happened. It is worthy of a quick chuckle, but the memory remains vibrant. When Naomi runs, she simply leaves all her competitors in the dust. The sheer physical superiority she possessed always left others gaping in amazement. Even with her overwhelming advantage, the sporty girl continued to polish it through practice and exercise.

That stray memory of your friend running with all her might, swiftly and untiringly on the field, remains inspiring. Oh, how you would love to surpass that speed.

To race as fast as the golden horses of mysterious Parthia, coursing over the open fields and parched deserts for miles and miles without rest.

Akhal-Teke, dost thou remember Mithridates of yore? Or of Basileus Iskander marching ever eastward to Oceanus? Or how the great Middle Kingdom illustriously hailed thee as 'tien ma'?

Grant this King too the blessing of your swiftness and hardihood!

Trait: Akhal-Teke— You run as fast as a horse and can keep on running for almost three days without rest. You still suffer the effects of thirst, hunger, lack of sleep, heat, etc., while running, though. The magical endurance effect only applies if you are running.

Did you really end up choosing a 'get faster' power because of envy?

"I'm not petty, am I?"

You direct this question to your vassals, who all look very baffled by the sudden question.

"Petty, Your Majesty? About what? Thou hast been a generous and diligent King... Mayhap a bit more Questing for Mana?"

One daring apprentice voices his answer as the others murmur in agreement. There's that excited look when anyone goes on about Mana glimmering in their eyes.

Ah.... Mana, the one resource that Camelot cannot generate to resource drop. Mana taken by force from hapless mortals or violently ripped from deadly monsters or sacrificed from Relics randomly spared by Avalon. The obsession with Mana by your vassals makes a lot of sense.

You can't wait to test out your new powers.

Yatagarasu is already at work just outside the cave and sketching out Runes for a Gate. Once the fake Cath Palug is defeated or driven off, it will work to transport the apprentices back to Avalon. The Runes are drawn with care and the apprentices look a bit lost.

"All apprentices shall remain here in safety. I shall go forth with my band to find Lady Kizaemon."

A thought occurs to you as the apprentice meep and bow in obedience at your orders.

"Answer by raising your hands only, how many called the monster a fake?"

Immediately, you see hands go up but there are three apprentices who don't answer. Combined with the Dowser and the Bodyguard, you have five potential declarations to weaken the name of the monster. It's something to keep as an ace up your sleeve.
>You still suffer the effects of thirst, hunger, lack of sleep, heat, etc., while running
And items on our person might not be protected either, I take it? We'll have to be careful whatever we carry. Also it is NOT envy. The reason is we've kept being cucked over and over due to lack of speed. Biggest and most immediate excuse is chasing the wyvern and in the haunted house. At least this power can also help us explore Logres faster too. And the vassals are right, we need to go for MORE MANA the moment the Romans leave and we have the guilds dealt with
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"Be ready then to denounce the fraud. Who has a Talking Stone?"

Talking Stone acquired

It's time to get going. The Dowser uses his last petal of the Mana flower and begins his odd chant while pointing the dowsing stick forward.

"Lost and found, found and lost! Onwards, backwards, and onwards once more! MEEP!"

The candy clearly still has its hold on the Dowser; the smile on his face is broad despite the danger to come. Exiting the cave, a flash of light brighter than the sun whitens the sky before fading away. The air is silent, and then an explosive air blast throws up dust and whips your clothing. Your team stumbles, and they look about for the source of the blast.

"That would be the second Light of Avalon. The beast is still alive; the domain remains."

Yatagarasu announces as you cast your eyes up to the sky. The Knights are nowhere to be seen high above; had they fled or gone to take the battle up close and personal with the fake? You tighten the leather cords of your Mask once more and move on.

The Dowser divines the way to a part of the domain still replete with stone towers. The key difference is that they are no longer spindly, thin structures but thicker, freestanding towers. There are no doors to any of them to bar the way in. Out of curiosity, you look inside one and see the stairs spiraling upwards. It is safe to assume that those stairs reach the very top.

Eventually, the Dowser stops at one particular tower. It is bigger than all the rest, and unlike all the others, it has a fully intact closed door sealing it. It is an odd one, triangular in shape and with no windows. Smooth stone all the way upwards with no windows at all. The inside of the place must be dark.

"What is this? The tower of the boss?"

"I know naught, but here Lady Kizaemon hides."

The Bodyguard grips the door ring and pulls. It does not open; barred from the inside. Your 'princess' is in this tower according to the Dowser.

"Hmph, should have brought a Bombard Stone. Tis too late now."

The Bodyguard mutters with irritation as he lets go of the ring. Whereupon the Dowser ambles up and knocks as if making a house call.

"Yoohoo! Open up in the name of the King of Baphomets. We don't have all day!"

Clearly, the drug candy has melted the brain of your vassal. There is no way someone is going to open up.

"Wait, wait. I'm coming down!"

To your shock, a voice from within the tower echoes to your ears. It is a reedy, old voice full of exhaustion and desperation. Pressing your ear to the door, you can hear the slow footfalls of someone coming down some stairs.
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It is hard to believe your eyes when the door swings open and an old grey-haired man appears at the door. He must be well over 50 years old, exhausted and dirty from living in the tower for who knows how long. His once-standard office worker suit is in tatters, and his eyeglasses have a crack in one of the lenses. The look of relief upon seeing a fellow human is intense, but fright soon takes over as he sees the Baphomets.

"It's okay sir. No one is going to hurt you. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Lot. And these are my vassals."

You switch to the 'responsible and respectable young lady' voice and demeanour to calm the older man. He stoically tries to hold back tears of relief; it is awkward to see an adult ready to cry.

"Young lady, I've been stuck here for three days with the others. You are the first human since we've arrived here."

Entering the tower with him, you discover there are two other humans. One is a parcel delivery guy still in his uniform and about thirty years old and the other is a woman wearing flashy clothing as though coming home from her job at a bar.

When you ask about a cat, the humans of the tower lead you to Lady Kizaemon. She's in bad shape, a deep claw wound marks her side. A few more inches to the right and that wound would have gutted her. The carefully stitched up corpse in Yatagarasu's storage space comes to mind when you see the wounds.

"Ah, thou art here."

The weak but familiar accent of a TV samurai lady from the feline brings you to tears. The wounds are infected; you need to get her to the Doctor back in Camelot straight away.

"We found the talking cat when we had to sneak out and find water."

The delivery guy explains and softly pets the cat.

What will you do now?

>Go up to the top of the tower with one of the humans, learn how they go there and find that monster...
>Order the Dowser and Bodyguard to take everyone back to the apprentices, you and Yatagarasu will go hunt down the monster...
>Stay by your cat's side and hear her side of the story, maybe she discovered a weakness...
>These mortals have Mana, you should try to harvest it. Oh, you could also use some of the harvest and rescue them too...
>write in
>Tell the mortals that you can defeat the monster and free them all, but to do so you'll need some of their mana. Explain that it's not a harmful process, though it can be somewhat frightening. Put your manipulative skills to good use here.
A willing donor is better than an unwilling one. And maybe we can give Kizaemon some mana to help her recover, once we harvest some.

Anyways, we should take into account the natures of the humans here when manipulating them:
The deliveryman is likely to be the honorable type who puts duty above himself usually, so emphasizing that the faster they can get out of here the better is a good move.
The barlady and the office worker both have a high chance of being alcoholics, so offering them some of the absinthe we have isn't a bad idea, and if they're inebriated then they'll be calmer for the actual harvesting procedure.
The other things that the box produces are good bribes too, since they've been stuck here for a while.
>>Stay by your cat's side and hear her side of the story, maybe she discovered a weakness...
>>These mortals have Mana, you should try to harvest it. Oh, you could also use some of the harvest and rescue them too...
We need to stabilize Kizaemon IMMEDIATELY. She is who we are here for alongside the Baphomets
We can turn ice back to water to produce clean water to wash the infected wounds. Mana might be strong enough to disinfect a wound like this by giving power to Kizaemon herself? We can tear some of the lady's clothes plus deliveryman uniform to help make makeshift bandaging. Yatagarasu can stitch up Kizaemon, though I doubt the cat will let him without any anesthesia methods. We have options
>Stay by your cat's side and hear her side of the story, maybe she discovered a weakness...
>These mortals have Mana, you should try to harvest it. Oh, you could also use some of the harvest and rescue them too...

These people are resources, we should use them. We'll save our cat, and them. Basically >>6187342 but with the addition of forcefully taking some of their mana if no one complies, and hearing out Kizaemon afterwards.

I kinda want to push in the direction of doing more dark magical girl things, without fully compromising on any and all morals, like a certain black heart. More like reciprocal altruism/noblesse oblige gone wrong, with a bit of wavering to convenience, plus insanity, anger and loneliness taking their toll.
I like this, changing my vote from >>6187411 to backing this one, +1
also what do you think about what I wrote in >>6187411? Think that'd all help? But we are NOT using absinthe to disinfect Kizaemon, that is a horrible HORRIBLE idea
Do you think the other towers in this section also have captive humans? We might be able to rescue Kizaemon + Team Feline along with other people AND score way more mana than we otherwise would have... but could that be being too greedy? We've been starving for mana and resources and, let's face it, other human interaction. This is one way to get a lot of reward out of this rescue mission, no?
Washing Lady Kizaemon's wounds with meltwater is a good idea, though I imagine healing her with mana will render mundane methods irrelevant. Giving Kizaemon some of the mana is a good idea, now that we've eaten our fill for the moment. As is saving some to help Team Feline escape, or as a reserve for our own emergency exit if we intend to stay around to fight or raid for loot.

As for the towers, yes, I imagine they hold captive humans, relics taken as tribute from unwilling supernaturals, and maybe retainer cats. A cat's gotta eat after all, fake!Cath seems to be the resident master of a realm parallel with the hateful world. Presumably he can easily exit at will, but importantly iirc this place isn't in Avalon. He won't have access to monsters to feed on, which means his food is definitely humans.

Of course, if possible, we should free them, perhaps not all at once, or even during this mission though. The real prize in my eye would be dethroning the faker, and installing Lazy Kizaemon in his place as a more just ruler of this sad domain.

All that being said, if we don't intend to face Cath Palug or the Knights this time, then I don't think we should stay to reap mana from some hypothetical human prisoners or lost wanderers who stumbled in. We can reap mana any day of the week, if we make it a priority. Sure, this place isn't exposed to backlash, but we hardly need our powers to restrain and drain those on our shit list. It's slower, but way less risky, and if we don't get into a fight during our Questing, then we can get a bunch of acorns in sequence rather than playing it greedy in the middle of a warzone. The only other reason to stay, imo, is to hunt for Relics.
Sorry for the late answer to this. But yeah, you can still damage items on your person or lose them if not careful.
write in option, ask victims to contribute

talk cat

harvest mana

combo with cat and negotiate some Mana harvest

I am going to assume you're with the idea of asking for mana donations and talking with catto

So let's go with write ins.

Right now, it is a shitshow with the tariffs in Canada. I have no idea how things are going to go. Lots of pissed off fellow Canadians. If you don't hear from me, I'm probably running around distributing non perishable food or something.
>just got Haruka a speed powerup in-quest
>QM using his speed powerup to help people IRL
Goddamnit it's just like the heat levels increasing combined with you distributing ice before. That WAS you, right?
Yeah, that brutal heat wave.

But these tariffs will seriously effect the Canadian economy and maybe tip it into recession. Meaning seniors and children I deal with are going to be screwed.
Yeah, going with the write in, and talking to the rightful heir of this misused domain. The sickle is only out for noncompliance.


There's no maybe about it. We're taking the plunge.
Well I'm back but I'm not happy with the situation. I'll try to keep this quest going but things are still unsettled since nothing got solved.
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Yatagarasu opens his pack and brings out pieces of kit needed. He even begins opening and checking for supplies in your small pack to bring together everything to treat the cat.

"Beira, to my aid come. Spare some small mote of ice, fresh and pure, for us."

It seems so long ago when you first summoned small ice chunks that were only good enough to get fresh water. It wasn't an impressive power, but clearly in the eyes of the three kidnapped mortals, it's a miracle. They watch particles of ice dust gather in a wooden bowl set out by the Baphomet until solid chunks of translucent ice form. When enough has gathered, you simply wave your hand over the small pile of ice, and it melts into water.

Yatagarasu carefully cuts off the bandages covering the wounds of the cat with a knife. The cloth was once a white shirt, now stained with dried blood and pus. You gently attempt to clean the wounds.

"Ah, that damned fraud is running quite the swindle."

The cat hoarsely laughs as a burst of words leaves her lips.

"Stay quiet, Ki-chan, you're very badly hurt."

"Hmph, tis but a flesh wound. Owie. What's important is the secret dream of the kitty cat pretender."

The wounds are no mere flesh wound. It is definitely going to kill your cat unless you can get her back to Camelot and under the care of the Doctor.


You give a side glance to the humans gathered around Yatagarasu. The Guide is passing around a wineskin of water and bread for the starving mortals. You also spy the Bodyguard sliding a bar across the front door while keeping an eye on the loopy Dowser.

"What secret is that?"

"That half of the cat is not actually here. Cowardly feline is out somewhere outside this domain. Safe and sound... Eating fine tuna and lounging about in the sun, no doubt."

That makes no sense to you. Half of a cat? There is clearly a very deadly monster in this realm; you saw a fake Cath Palug fighting two Knights of the Round Table. If that's half the cat, where is the other half?

"So even if we kill the damn thing in this realm, there's still part of it alive elsewhere and start shit all over again? That is some amazing bullshit."

You cleaned some of the wounds and started wrapping them, but the severity of the situation remains. Lady Kizaemon will undoubtedly die without healing.

Either you get out here as fast as possible and back to Camelot or... You harvest some Mana. You take a glance at the three mortals within easy reach as they chew bread and drink from the wineskins with gusto.

What you're about to ask of these scared and exhausted people is one hell of a request.

Can I take a sickle with a magical blade to cut you open and take some of your Mana?

You don't want to use force but it's always an option. Your mind is racing to set up the situation to allow such a conversation to begin. Luckily, you've always been really quick in reading people and sizing them up, taking notice of the smallest of clues.
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The hardest to convince will be the oldest in the tower. The salaryman is not going to listen or respect a teenage girl, being 50 years old and used to automatically taking the lead. The fact he was the one who opened the door and was alone solidified that first impression.

That leaves the other two mortals.

The delivery guy looks like a typical blue-collar young adult and is probably the hardest working one. His clothing is dirtier than the rest with blotches of stains from grass and unidentifiable plant essences. He probably diligently went out of the tower to look for supplies and food. Probably the bravest of the three.

While the bar lady is missing her shirt, she has clearly taken it off and cut it up into bandages. Her flashy red blazer is the only thing covering her chest up. A tired look of a woman always working the night shift lines her face. You rather not have to harvest Mana from her; she took care of your cat by sacrificing her shirt.

These are all very interesting things to observe, but there's something else that catches your eye.

You see a pile of crushed cigarettes and ashes smeared about in a corner of the tower. Several of those cigarettes have lipstick staining on the butt; others were crushed underfoot thoroughly, while the rest have been burnt straight down to the filter.

Each adult in this tower is a smoker.

You reach into your backpack and pull out the strange box of cigarettes the Artist paid as a tax. If there is one thing you look forward to when the Guilds are set up for a proper government, it is regular and timely tax collecting. The Artist has not willingly paid up a share of his summoned vices like another bottle of Absinthe.

Taking the opportunity, you remove the Mask to show your undisguised face to the mortals before handing over the pack of cigarettes to them as a small bribe. They light up the cigarettes with joy. The air is thick with smoke as you begin speaking.

"I realize the situation is overwhelming. So I'll just focus on how we can get out. One is the defeat of the master of this domain. Something that is very dangerous for me since I'm the only warrior with a hope in defeating it. The second involves someone volunteering to give up Mana, a sort of magical energy that will pierce through the barriers trapping you here in this place."

There's a third option involve using the exit candle to get to the border of the hateful World and domain but these mortal don't need to know that. The look of shock and dismay is on display on every face. They don't even know what to say, the air is silent as each absorbs your request.
"Now see here young lady, why even risk yourself? I saw there's other strange flying warriors fighting it out against the monster. Why not just rely on them?"

The salaryman finishes off his cigarette with one inhalation before crushing it on the floor.

"Do ya even hear them fighting anymore? There were two explosions yesterday. Two explosions today. I figure we won't hear anything again until tomorrow."

The delivery guy just revealed something very important. Those damn Knights don't continue fighting against the fake Cath Palug after using up Light of Avalon.

"This is one horrible cig. Unfiltered, ugh. If all it takes is this Mana to get out, then why not use some of your own and do just that?"

The bar lady clearly has a premonition that Mana harvesting is not a particularly pleasant experience.

"Because I need all my strength to protect my vassals and you. Weakening myself is a bad idea in place of such danger. Also..."

Here you bow your head in humility to the three hesitant adults and begin pleading. Surely none of them would be hardhearted enough after witnessing you begging.

"I also need your assistance to save my cat. A bit of Mana from someone will help accelerate her natural healing abilities and ease her pain. With that, she'll last long enough until I get her to someone who can help her."

>2 anons to roll 3d6 and 1 anon roll 4d6!
Rolled 3, 2, 3 = 8 (3d6)

Rolled 3, 1, 1 = 5 (3d6)

Rolled 3, 5, 6, 6 = 20 (4d6)

Praise Madoka! We're saved! Thank you anon.
You had me worried there for a second, lad
>only 3 rolls 5 or above
>everything else is a 1 or 3
If you needed further evidence the rolls in this quest are cursed to always suck, look no further
That is actually the most likely result, and perfectly expected. Use a dice pool calculator and look for yourself.
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'A King humbly beseeches aid, bowing our august head.'

Were those your thoughts, or did that belong to King Lot?

"Oh honey, you don't need to do that. I'm on the edge of volunteering, but it's just that I got no clue how you intend to get this 'mana' out of me."

The bar lady waves her hand in a dismissive gesture and puts out her cigarette on the floor. She reaches for another one and lights up.

"Yeah, I'm pretty much the same here. Does it hurt?"

The delivery guy chimes in with his question. You realize you don't know the answer to that. You turn to your Guide and nudge him to answer. Yatagarasu sighs and pulls out his sickle, which causes the mortals to recoil as they imagine what harvesting entails.

"Unfortunately, the process is painful. It leaves no wounds and will not kill you, but the blade of my Mana Reaper must cut into your flesh."

"I refuse to let monster cut me. We have absolutely no evidence that what he's saying is the truth. Don't do it."

The salaryman vehemently tries to convince his fellow mortals. The other two falter as they stare at the sickle.

"I'll prove to you it leaves no wounds. It's only fair to demonstrate what the process looks like."

You are not willing to risk violating the Baphomets' Geas and causing them to get unmade. You take out your own sickle and concentrate. The blade of steel transforms into a strange translucent energy, and then with a swift slash across your wrist, the process begins.

Holy crap, it hurts!

You try not to wince at the pain, but the tightening of your lips and the narrowing of your eyes give it away.

The wound does not bleed blood; instead, green branches sprout and rise upwards riotously with large buds. You recognize the tightly closed buds instantly as that of the higo tsubaki camellia flower. It is an appropriate flower, the flower of winter and the symbol of courage and steadfastness for being able to bloom despite the icy cold. How appropriate that this flower worthy of a samurai rises from your wound. Like the warrior's life, this short but brilliant bloom falls to the earth whole, much like how a severed head falls from the body when cleaved off by a sword. The buds burst open, and the familiar perfume of camellias fills the air of the tower, banishing the smell of harsh tobacco lingering in the air. The jaws of the mortals drop upon witnessing the marvel of a flowering shrub springing forth from your flesh.

Since you do not intend to harvest Mana from yourself, the blooming flowers linger for only a moment and then return to your body in a reverse process. The flowers close up in a tight bud, then the green branches pull back into the cut and disappear. Only the scent of camellia flowers lingers.

The bar lady is the first to recover from her surprise.

"I feel disappointed. I imagined the process would be like something out of Sailor Moon."

That only makes you frown.
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"You do realize that you're literally comparing me to the villains of that show, right?"

Two of the mortals volunteer, the delivery guy and bar lady. You learn their names are Hinode Akira and Takeuchi Yamato while Yatagarasu reaps only half a harvest from each. The process is draining, but they remain conscious. The harvest is decent; Yatagarasu notes there's enough to send the mortals out of the domain and still have enough left over to stabilize your cat.

You acquire four Mana flowers and 3 Mana apples... But you end up using up all Mana flowers on Lady Kizaemon

Carefully pressing the four Mana flowers on the wounds of your cat, they get absorbed into the wounds. Right away the cat is noticeably better; she breathes easier and the infection retreats. You are tempted to add more Mana to the livid wounds, but Yatagarasu stops you. Using too much raw Mana can cause damage. It is the same with eating more Mana to gain power; it can become a poison that is detrimental to the Blessed.

"Same with eating too much Mana at once. Meep. There's a good chance of harm. Also, we need at least one Apple to allow the mortals to leave this realm... Or mayhap the red lady of the night would allow us to pluck another Apple?"

Yatagarasu rubs his hand at the potential of another donation from the bar lady Yamato but she turns pale.

"Honey, I have a low tolerance for pain. Three of those apples being plucked wanted me to puke at how bad it felt."

Before any more words can be exchanged, a loud roar rips through the air. Your group is startled and become completely silent.

Something wicked comes.

"The sham is swift and likes to pounce. Keep a sharp eye out when it lowers its body to the ground."

Lady Kizaemon mews out her information, sounding much better than earlier.

>Go up the stairs to the top of the tower and look around...
>Tell the mortals to exit through the magical candle to the border of the domain and hateful World...
>Order Yatagarasu to Gate the mortals out of the domain and back into the hateful World...
>Order Yagarasu to Gate everyone out of the domain and back into Camelot...
>Boldly walk out of the tower, order the Baphomets to protect the mortals. You're fast too...
>Use the Talking Stone to order the apprentices to denounce the fraud, also order everyone at the tower to do the same
>write in...
>Use the Talking Stone to order the apprentices to denounce the fraud, also order everyone at the tower to do the same
>Order Yagarasu to Gate everyone out of the domain and back into Camelot...

There is no longer any point in remaining here, now that we have our cat and lost vassals. A pitched battle serves no purpose, as it would not be decisive. We'd have to coordinate with the hated Knights of the Round Table, to destroy both halves of the faker at the same time, or at least hand off the info to them. Given that this faker serves to give the knights something to do other than respond to us, I'm disinclined to help them in any such way. Maybe if we were to pull a Rodomonte and grow distant from our namesake, and thus had more agency to speak freely, then we could communicate with them and form a temporary alliance for the good of all, but not now.

Yes, better to retreat and come back for spoils another day. We can drop off the mortals easily enough, once we are safely back in Camelot. Even if we defeated not!Cath Palug, the relics, even the corpse, or the glory of having done a good deed in freeing the mortals will likely be stolen by the knights swooping in on weak prey after the fact.
Uh, you need to deliver a Mana apple to those apprentices to get them out. If you leave, you'll end up abandoning them.
Oh right. I forgot we separated. If only we named them, I would remember them.

I'll change to...
>Boldly walk out of the tower, order the Baphomets to protect the mortals. You're fast too...
>Use the Talking Stone to order the apprentices to denounce the fraud, also order everyone at the tower to do the same
>"You do realize that you're literally comparing me to the villains of that show, right?"
"It would seem we have truly become the Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest, Yatagarasu."
So what's the plan? We can still use the candle to exit, right? Let's not forget we still have that
I was thinking of slicking the ground with ice, and baiting the faker over it, such that the big cat skids into the tower. Then we stab it to death while it hopefully suffers a bruised noggin. The other idea I had to to instead head to the top of the tower and perform a plunging attack like we're fighting a dark souls boss. We even have to appropriate footwear to negate falling damage, lmao. I almost think that idea is better, since it requires less setup. Maybe it'd be better to start with that latter idea, then transition to the former, if that doesn't end it. Thoughts?
>try plunging attack
Let's do it!!!! +1!!!!!!
Okay then, here we go!

I'm a little worried, because our tower's picture above makes it look like the height of the tower is at least double what we've tested to be safe to fall from, but YOLO, I guess. Maybe if there are cracks in the interior of the 2nd or 3rd floor walls, we could inject some water into those cracks and then freeze it, to cause expansion and blow a hole in the wall. That way we'd have a safer fall. Seems a bit complex though, and we'd use up energy doing it, and then we'd have to make sure the hole is in the same direction of Cath Palug, it'd be a whole mess.

Anyways, the battle plan after we land imo, (assuming we don't either oneshot the kitty or immediately die) would be --->the "bait over icy ground into tower" strat (presumably we'd get our +2 dice from Crafty Attacker)----->fight evasively, use our speed to run around while pelting it with our ice powers (why go into melee if we don't have to?)------>fight defensively if cornered, using our training from Agreste (+2 dice again from our Defensive Stance)----->???

I'll switch my vote again to...

>Use the Talking Stone to order the apprentices to denounce the fraud, also order everyone at the tower to do the same
>Go up the stairs to the top of the tower, with the intent to plunge down from the top and gore Cath Palug.

If the cat keeps a distance, we can mock it into a fury until it gets close, or pelt it with ice bolts or something.
>>Use the Talking Stone to order the apprentices to denounce the fraud, also order everyone at the tower to do the same
>>Boldly walk out of the tower, order the Baphomets to protect the mortals. You're fast too...
Weaken the name

Death from above plan

Denounce and death from above

Fight it out.
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After two Light of Avalon attacks, how did the fake fare?

There's only one way to find out.

You need to look outside. The sky is above you through an opening of the tower; the bright sun shines down on mortals, Baphomets, and King alike without care. Climb upwards; you'll be able to look from the heights to witness what devastation marks the beast. Your foot placed on a step gets dislodged when a powerful slam crashes into the tower and unsettles your balance. Dust and shards of stone fall upon everyone within.

"Fie on Kings and Wizards. They shall only wring bitter contempt and audacity from me til the last breath of life remains within me. Wretched mortals, hiding like rats. Do you think mere stones shall protect thee from my sharp claws and keen teeth? Bow and submit to Cath Palug, or thy blood will water the earth of—"

You can use 'Let No Insult Pass!' on the fake Cath Palug.

This self-important little shit... You take into hand the Talking Stone, connecting directly to the apprentices while giving a firm nod to the Dowser and Bodyguard, who realize what is required from them.

"I defy thee, inferior forgery of a superior legend. Lies and deception are all that you are capable of."

The three humans take a step back upon hearing the blend of two voices coming out of you. Your voice, high and clear with purpose, contrasts starkly with the mature voice of a seasoned warrior bent on punishing the monster.

"Meep, scurrilous cur! I denounce thee as a fraud, ye false Cath Palug!"
"Thou art not the Cath Palug of fable and yore."

As the Dowser and Bodyguard shout out the Truth, you speak into the Talking Stone and command the apprentices to begin their denouncement. Through the magical communication stone, you hear three apprentices meep out their condemnation of the murderer of their master Guide.

"Foul charlatan, none shall add to the tales and Truth of Camelot about you. Thou art not Cath Palug!"
"Fuck you, meep meep, ya fake murderous piece of shit. My King will cut your lying heart out! You're not the real Cath Palug."
"Gormless, lying scoundrel cat, we Baphomets know and speak Truth! Thou art not Cath Palug. Base thief of renown, cloaked in another's glory!"

Cath Palug's name wanes weaker...
Cath Palug's name wanes weaker...
Cath Palug's name wanes weaker...
Cath Palug's name wanes weaker...
Cath Palug's name wanes weaker...
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The roar of the fake Cath Palug has shifted to something sinister. Before it roared to intimidate, now it roars with a bloodcurdling murderous rage. The thick door to the tower, though barred by a heavy plank of wood, cracks inward from one mighty blow.

"That thing is going to get in!"

The salary man shouts in alarm.

"No it won't."

You declare with confidence and point a finger downwards to the ground floor. The temperature drops dramatically, icy mist smokes from your mouth as you speak.

"I beg another favor, Goddess of Winter. Bar the way in with your ice."

Icy blocks materializes mid air and falls downwards to the splintering door. Dozens and dozens of blocks fall and to form a bastion reinforcing the door. The fake Cath Palug howls with frustration, it is clear that the name has weakened to a point where it cannot easily brute force it's way in.

"Protect the humans my vassals, I'm heading up!"

You don't bother to wait for a response and leave behind the floating candle with them. You start charging up the stairs with a speed that is simply breathtaking. Speed beyond human capacity is at your command, and combined with the Springheel Boots, you jump upwards a distance even greater that before. The combination of Trait and Relic is amazing, the faster you go the farther you leap! You're jumping upwards using the stair rails until you finally clear them all. The last leap upwards shoots through the aperture of the tower and onto the ramparts.

The domain can be seen almost entirely from up here but that's not important. Looking downwards, you see the enraged monster slashing away at the ice blocking the way. Pieces of the door lie shattered around it, and now bits of ice join the debris. It is completely focused on the entrance.

The giant cat looks insignificant and small from the top of this tower. Can the Springheel Boots safely absorb the impact of a fall from this great height?

There's only one way to find out...

>Do you want to use 'Let No Insult Pass!'?
We END him here and now!!!
(I wonder if we ourselves count towards the first time kill for our resurrection ability?)


Honestly even with our speed and boots we most likely barely match a cat reflexes. But cats also get surprise dive-bombed by falcons so the first strike from above is going to be as good as it gets.
>(I wonder if we ourselves count towards the first time kill for our resurrection ability?)
Would be a very enraged villain thing to do
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You leap over the stone ramparts. The power of your leap upwards with Springheel Boots purchases an extra few meters in height over the tower. At the apex of the jump, trajectory is zero. For a one precious second, you are motionless in the air.

Then begins the fall.

You are plummeting towards the enemy with Frostbind pointing downwards.

Crafty attacker: When making artful gambits and trickery in a fight, gain +2 dice to attack! It's not cheating, it's stratagem damn it!
Let No Insult Pass! - 4s also count as successes in addition to 5s and 6s.

Heedless of what is above, the enraged monster continues to slash and slam at the entrance. It releases a growl of triumph, the ice blocks within the tower are almost completely shattered. The beast is close to getting inside and killing everyone.

>2 anons roll 3d6 and 1 anon roll 2d6!
Rolled 1, 5, 5 = 11 (3d6)

Rolled 1, 4, 2 = 7 (3d6)

Rolled 2, 6 = 8 (2d6)

Look, I don't get the rolls and how successes work in this quest. I still don't. All I know is our rolls here always suck no matter what option we pick, and I despise it no matter how much I like the idea of the uphill climb to true power and victory in a story. But I hope the 4 5 5 6 are good enough to outweigh the shitty 1 1 2 2.

Basically, I hope we do this to the cat and kill him in one shot
basically, the 1, 2, 3 don't matter.
what matters if you have 4 (because of Let No Insult Pass), 5, 6.

Typically I give a success if you manage to get two of the rolls with a 5 and 6. Greater success for every additional dice that is a success.
Partial failure on having only one success.
Failure if you don't get anything.
Of course, if the action is difficult, I will require more than just 2 successes.
no post, got back too tired.
>Typically I give a success if you manage to get two of the rolls with a 5 and 6
It certainly doesn't feel that way in this quest with the shit we've been through, sorry QM
I maybe losing my job what with the turbulence of tariffs and such. So this quest is going on hiatus. I'll will post one last time to show you skewering the cat and see in the next few weeks what will happen to me.
Damn. I'm sorry QM. Good luck.
I eagerly await your return QM, please take care
That's regrettable. Hopefully your situation will get better.
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There is something perfect about this moment. The way the wind whips your hair and clothing as you fall, the way Frostbind feels in your hands pointed at the enemy, the way mind and body marry perfection and deadly intent.

The ground is fast approaching and the fake Cath Palug has finally cleared away the last of the ice blocking his way. He sneers and pauses to gloat. A deadly mistake, he is the perfect unmoving target.

And you are about to nail a perfect bulls eye.

The staff of battle bites deep and well, going through the halls of marrow and flesh until it departs to spear the anvil of the earth.

Frostbind's keen blade smoothly pierces through the giant cat.

Then there's the second blow. Both feet strike with the sheer energy of the fall. Two solid boots sink into the back of the beast and hits the spine. The bone creaks and crackles, then unable to bear the strike, wetly snaps. A pulverised mess of meat splattering your legs with blood fly outwards, the cat knocked flat to the stony ground.

Your feet are aching from the impact, the Springheel boots must have neared the limit of its power to keep you unharmed from the fall. Letting go of your spear, you leap backwards away and see the damage inflicted.

Somehow, the cat is still alive; it's one hell of a tough monster.

So sudden was the attack, the fake can't even react. It lies on the ground stunned for a few seconds. Then the excruciating pain finally electrifies the enemy into screaming.

The pained roars and curses of the murderous feline sound sweet to your ears.

There is to be no quarter for this damn thing. It never intended to extend mercy to you. 'Stern to inflict' as you are 'stubborn to endure', that describes perfectly who you are.
That is all I have. I never expected that a trade war and bellicose American manifest destiny would derail my quest.
I figure I'd flake or just get tired of writing.
I'm not sure what the future holds but at least I have an extra incentive learn how to pilot to drone now.

I realize that the quest had it's flaws and wasn't enjoyable for some people but I hope at least it had something interesting to catch your attention.
I enjoyed it a lot personally. I hope you come back to /qst/ one day. At least archive this properly before you depart?
I've loved it, dawg!
The story you told, and the setting you built around it, has been a very interesting one, it's a shame to see it end here. I'm sorry that the shitshow in the US is screwing you over, I hope things work out for you.
Hope you can come back soon! Can't end the quest on a cliffhanger with MC still a virgin, can we?
I had fun. Hope to see you return soon!
I liked this quest and had a lot of fun playing it
And while I know words are worth little, let me offer what assurance I can: I'm writing this from a country at war. If I could keep surviving, then you definitely can and will be okay. You will see the graves of your enemies
I really liked it and found the setting very interesting too!
Hope you can find some stability and return to this hobby despite the current insanity.
I enjoyed reading this quest. Take care.
thanks for writing, QM
definitely one of my favorite quests

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