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Jail Quest: a text adventure occasionally illustrated.

A night of drinking and a failed attempt to cheat on cards had landed you the strangest job slash community service sentence you've ever had: ensuring Gongalla Gaol survives the reality storm called Singularity.

Now you travel around with your employer and a handpicked crew to survey the four Reality Anchors. Hey, beats being tarred and feathered, right?

Previous thread:


You are Rosa Montagni, and you've had just returned from a successful raid on a cultist cave, only to find a commotion in the town of Pinewatch. A large autowagon came in, claiming from the north; their driver claimed to have had a shootout with bandits. And yet, there's no bullet marks, and while the passengers were wounded, the driver wasn't. Then there's this mysterious gunman camping the back of the clinic, as well as the mischievous goblin girl Rita from the brothel and the missing theatre troupe actor, Hammy. Just as you think things were getting simpler...
"So, Rita, you sure that's the real Hammy there, and not someone pretending to be him?"

Hey, who knows, maybe the eternal child actor currently under the ministrations of the tmavy les - Doc, you presume - isn't who he claimed to be.

"I'm certain! I've seen all his shows when he swings by the North - last time was a couple of months ago on stage in Blackslate. That's him, alright!"

Well, there goes the theory that cultists were impersonating the theatre troupe. Wonder if McDowd got anything on the gunman?

"Hey, do me a favor, and keep an eye on him, would you?"

"I'll do it even if you won't let me!"

Leaving that concerning comment aside, you step back to McDowd, who has not only tied and gagged him up, but has also rummaged the gunman's pockets.

"How you doing, McDowd? Found out anything about this fella?"

He shows you a card, the letters BHC on them.

"Apparently, he's a member of the Bounty Hunters' Club by the name of Ajax Brun."

Ah yes, the hobbyist para-lawman organization, you've had your share of interactions with them. Thankfully, you have no known bounty last time you heard.

"Well, that's weird. Who is he after? Who hired him?"

McDowd just shrugs, putting the card back into Ajax's pocket.

You rack up your brain. The facts are:
- there were autowagon tire marks at the rear exit of the cultist cave
- troupe's autowagon allegedly came from the north, but it's been blocked by the Ravens
- driver and autowagon not showing signs of being shot at, despite claiming to have had a shootout
- passengers, however, were wounded
- there's a bounty on one of them, but which one?

Then comes the question: how would you check this hypothesis?



>□ See if the Ravens actually had a shootout
>□ Observe Hammy, see if he's under coercion of some sort
>□ Go to the guild hall and interrogate your prisoners
>□ Other (fill in)
Oh hey, we're back!

Hmmm...I don't know. I guess these guys are related to the cultists. They might not have had a real shootout at all, but instead shot the wagon themselves to look un-suspicious.
>□ Observe Hammy, see if he's under coercion of some sort
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Also, is that fucking Uraume Jujutsu???
+1 to the theory.

I agree. I suspect the troupe is genuine, but either has always been associated withbthe Singularity Cult, or is being forced to aid them somehow.

That said, I think we need a mroe proactive approach.

>Ambush Hammy as he exists and tie him up. See if we can get his stalker on board with it.

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