OPTIONAL immersion music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96hmB9XnAb0 "dice+1d1" dice+1d1ONE COLD DAY IN HELL you SATAN are chilling in hell when you are approached by ???? LORD OF ALL CREATION, AND A SINGLE CHERUBIMCALLING YOU BY your nickname: which is ?????? >please enter a NICKNAME HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE What is your response?>please enter a response followed by MORALITY CHOICE: >OFFER GOD ALL YOUR $ -causes ????>TELL LIE , offends god, begin battle>TELL TRUTH causes bonus 1 >DANCE causes you to feel SAUCYYOU FEEL: what feeling?
>>6183996>please enter a NICKNAMELulzifer>DANCE causes you to feel SAUCY>YOU FEEL: BORED! Nothing f@%#ing happens in Hell, this f@%#ing sucks
>>6183996Lucian Ferrus>TELL TRUTH causes bonus 1>Feeling: amused
>>6184042>TELL TRUTH TO GOD: "hey did you hear the big philosophy major companies are hiring?:"IS the hole in a doughnut part of the donut?" >god is confused for 1 turns!YOU REMAIN AMUSED.>>6184007>>6184064HEY LULZIFER WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE>Nothing f@%#ing happens in Hell, this f@%#ing sucksHA HA SERVES YOU RIGHT YOU ACT AS though I do not appreciate free will, but must also reserve all right to punish those who act against divine will. >LULZIFER: "DOESNT SEEM FAIR BUT OK." >YOU NO LONGER FEEL: SAUCY>YOU FEEL: AWKWARD >DANCE >YES NO MUSIC PLAYS:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9FzVhw8_bY>Dead Love couldn't go no furtherProud of and disgusted by herPush shove, a little bruised and batteredOh Lord I ain't coming home with youMy life's a bit more colderDead wife is what I told herBrass knife sinks into my shoulderOh babe don't know what I'm gonna doI see my red head, messed bed, tear shed, queen beeMy squeezeThe stage it smells, tells, hell's bells, miss-spellsKnocks me on my kneesIt didn't hurt, flirt, blood squirt, stuffed shirtHang me on a treeAfter I count down, three rounds, in hell I'll be in good company
>DANCE? YES>"And David danced before the Lord with all his might" 2 Samuel 6:14
OP ?