OPTIONAL immersion music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96hmB9XnAb0 "dice+1d1" dice+1d1ONE COLD DAY IN HELL you SATAN are chilling in hell when you are approached by ???? LORD OF ALL CREATION, AND A SINGLE CHERUBIMCALLING YOU BY your nickname: which is ?????? >please enter a NICKNAME HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE What is your response?>please enter a response followed by MORALITY CHOICE: >OFFER GOD ALL YOUR $ -causes ????>TELL LIE , offends god, begin battle>TELL TRUTH causes bonus 1 >DANCE causes you to feel SAUCYYOU FEEL: what feeling?
>>6183996>please enter a NICKNAMELulzifer>DANCE causes you to feel SAUCY>YOU FEEL: BORED! Nothing f@%#ing happens in Hell, this f@%#ing sucks
>>6183996Lucian Ferrus>TELL TRUTH causes bonus 1>Feeling: amused