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1. Request an artist you'd like to see
2. Drop his link on your post
3. To give more exposure to your post and make wizards want to import your request on Kemono, post a example pic of his art

For Wizards How to import an Artist:

kemono su/importer/tutorial
24 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.
thankfully the admin's not dead or such, servers should hopefully be working nice and new fairly soon into early May if not sooner. haven't seen the site get that frozen before, so hoping it may never mess up that badly again.
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Would a kind wizard please update porforever's gumroad, it's missing all the art packs.
Or all of the patreon DMs
his manga tutorials please
some asshole was importing some really heavy ai slop artist which got the site to freeze. but yeah, should be fixed in a few day, in the mean time, let's keep the thread alive, in the former thread, couple requests got granted
been quite a long while since this dude's content got uploaded/imported https://kemono.su/patreon/user/202320 https://www.patreon.com/alexries?utm_source=recs

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>that everyone and everything except the froggirl and the woman she has in a chokehold be cropped out of the picture
>that the woman's necklace be edited so that the bottom half is gone
>and that the froggirl's left hand, camera right, and the woman's cock be edited out
If you can't do this but know an artist who's willing to do so, even if it's for a price, post a link to their pixiv or whatever they use.
Ty, but I meant a perfect crop that artists are able to pull off, hence why I'm willing to pay for it

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cum tribute / cock tribute / cumshop
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she's 18yo, go watch your girlfriend get railed by niggers

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Any idea who this is?

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Help finding old picture (and name) of a petite, white canadian girl with
>blue eyes
>black hair
She's wearing a (wet) white shirt and you can see her tiny tits
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I'm looking for torrent or anything of deepfakes that were created\modeled after celebrities, based on paid creator's work, and other quality, long stuff
i feel like a fagot for bumping myself
>i feel like a fagot

You are.

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Who are they and/or where is the full video?

Reverse image searching through the 1 minute clip frame by frame got me nowhere.
Found an Erome with some more content, anyone know who they are?

/a/TkispoQv (Erome)

xray please she is braless

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I need someone with a big dick to trib her pic NOW.
I'll post more revealing pic of her thick body if you do it. Have a great weekend you all.
disc op?

can someone remove her blouse or make a oval hole in her blouse and nudeshop her boobs please?
bump please
bump please
bump pls

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My gf (23) has recently taken to having both me and a toy inside her (I'm around 6" and decent girth and the toy is not girthy at all compared to me but it vibrates) She also likes me to try fit my hand inside her when she's peak aroused and I'm just wondering if there are any other women out there who enjoy that full/stretched feeling and why do you love it/how does it feel? I know it fills a bit of a MMF threesome fantasy too.

Kind of wondering if this is going to become a forever thing and if I'm going to stretch out her petite/tight pussy as she is quite a small girl and ruin it for myself in years to come. I understand its elasticity but everything has it's limits and point of no return

Not interested in your "you're not big enough" bullshit just a genuine question for the women.
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Any guys got similar stories or experience?
well its hot and rare so consider yourself lucky. why not force her to do kegels and meanwhile see how much you can stretch her out.
>it fills a bit of a MMF threesome fantasy too.

When two guys fuck a single girl, they typically don't share the same hole Anon, Jesus Christ. Your girlfriend has problems and is going to upgrade to birthing fetishes or bad dragon dildos, the latter of which always leads to fucking animals. Have fun.

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if some skilled person would change the color of her underwear to the irish flag I would be forever grateful
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am op, made this
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also made this if anyone wants more

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op again

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can someone brightning pls?
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Brightning is not a word and any phone operating in a 1st world country would auto correct you.

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Could someone recommend me a porn actress or model whose voice sounds like Bea Flora and who moans like Bea Flora, but makes such sound *while actually having sex or touching herself*?

For your reference, here are videos with Bea Flora 'moaning':
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she's pretty flat chested in real life so let's see them itty bitty titties! also definitely shaves her puss
Use this t.me/vwo50kfc1_bot?start=232185642
You can adjust her tits
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