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what would you do if the poltard posting antisemetic memes looked like this?
By default I assume most posters are either effeminate men or obese neckbeards so I would not be surprised
Most men in general that go on about that stuff are estrongen filled faggots commies too if you think im picking sides
i look like this and i'm straight
not anymore
*plap plap plap*
Huh, that guy kinda looks like me.
why do gays like raping anything that looks like a young boy
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And before I get the
>pics or gtfo
Onceler pilled, you'd have done numbers on tumblr 12 years ago.
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lmao what the fuck. the funny part is the underarmor and adidas suit. you can't even get that to match?
the fact I look more like a man than you
You look effeminate. Why do you look so gay if you're not?
also cut your fingernails. it'll make you look less like a girl to us
commence mating press
You just look unheathily skinny. You don't look cute or anything. You're probably not attractive or feminine
You come across as a ugly chav or druggy than anything else lolz
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Now I get why my father said I'm more of a man than that retard's boyfriend
how pathetic you are
why that pose?
you reminded me of the time I got cucked by a guy who looked like me, but he was taller so of course he got the girl
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>commence mating press
You wish you would
They don't look like that, they're brown and fat.
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I've never used Tumblr. All the media I've consumed from that website had to survive the filter to get out first.

Sorry, I don't have the perfect outfit to please people such as you who require all clothing items to be of the same brand.

I just cut my fingernails about an hour ago.
Built for big mama tho
their dads touched them and they liked it
they only "hate women" bc they are angry about twink death & lack of daddies that will take them
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mother fucking landwhale you mean
Big mamas generally dont find men who look like boys very attractive
nude pics or gtfo
Extreme levels of projection.
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I may be underweight and unhealthy, but I'm also too lame to do drugs. I've never even had a sip of coffee in my life.

I'm only moderately pathetic.

>why that pose?
I thought it was a funny pose when I took the picture. I still think as such.

I have no such pictures, but I do have more where I am still wearing clothing. Here's image 2 of 5:
cope, I hate shaving and wish I was fatter with more bulk
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>I'm only moderately pathetic
if that's you way of coping coping be my guess bud
but why are you brown
I feel like you would look pretty normal if you were wearing any other shirt.
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no he wouldn't
bro might as well where dresses
there's no hope for him, with his skinnyass figure
He can just gain weight and lift tho
But he will always be autistic
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No need for cope here, officer. I accept my imperfections.

Why would I wear anything else? This is a completely normal and ordinary shirt that normal and ordinary people wear.

I refuse.

Image 3 of 5:
bro, those are not cut. you know the nail cutter has a file on it for a reason right? file the rest of that sucker down so you don't look like an adult that can't keep clean nails properly
>I refuse
You can't be straight
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Okay you can't say you're not gay after that pose. Any claims of not being homo have gone out the window wholesale.
>This is a completely normal and ordinary shirt that normal and ordinary people wear.
anbb-pilled normie detected
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>No need for cope here, officer. I accept my imperfections.
Your a really smartass huh?
I'm flattered you called me an officer out of all things

btw you look like a wannabe femboy in that pic
you be doing a JoJo pose
>like seen here (as an example that is)
just show skin already
bro reviewbrah was something else
bro is soft nowadays
I really probably don't care
That's probably you, you little twink faggot
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that is him you retard, read the thread next time samefag
Obviously hold him down and steal his foreskin.
I'd eat his skin
foreskin included
bro is JoJo posing, he's trying to make a reference, so he's 100% GAY
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Don't worry, I wear gloves at work, so nobody can ever notice how long my nails are.

Despite what you may believe, I do indeed feel sexual attraction towards women.

Never heard of it.

I don't know why everyone calls it a JoJo pose. I don't even watch JoJos.

Why would I do that?

Image 4 of 5:
what's with your waist bro?
Like the fuck, it's so thin
Bro, don't put my boy on here like this. Hooni is a decent guy that just needs a little guidance. Also, if you are a /pol/tard Hooni, you are right. Keep being cute homie.
Is that the Winter Under Armour set?
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>Keep being cute homie.
wrong board
wrong thread
leave while you can retard
Nah, it is the right board. They found my boy Hooni somehow. Appreciate the advice though.
Me, wait a second. This won't get out of hand will it?
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My waist is the result of not overeating. You should try it someday.

Perhaps it is. Perhaps you should purchase and wear it yourself to find out.

I should probably preface this final image by stating that the outfit worn in image 5 was not paid for by me. Two people in a discord server agreed to purchase this costume for me under the condition that I took at least one (1) photo wearing it. That photo is image 5.
Anyhow, here's image 5 of 5:
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>My waist is the result of not overeating. You should try it someday.
WHAT? your calling me fat?
>pic not related
>Despite what you may believe, I do indeed feel sexual attraction towards women.
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>the outfit worn in image 5 was not paid for by me
What the fuck, bro is an actual femboy confirmed
now post your nudes retard
Yes. Now eat less, piggy.

I see that it may be impossible to convince you. Perhaps I should mention that one the purchasers of the outfit is indeed female.

As previously stated, I have no such pictures, and I indeed have no plans to photograph my naked form.

I'm out of images, so here's the terrible voice reveal: https://voca.ro/1gqBT8HVpqaH
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you sound gay as fuck

You know smelly femcels are going to be schlicking to this, right?
desu you've almost got a skater's body, but you'd need stronger thighs
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>Essentially this whole thread.
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shut up
your just ruining my boy Classic Era Chris's name bad
you have no respect you femboy
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quiet literally
fuck these samefags
you better quit it bud and faggot
I ain't here for games
quit while y'all ahead
It is not, I checked my own for that tag at the bottom left. Don't know about your set, but the Winter set is great for the cold. Hope things go well, try not to bait horny people on here, or Discord. Hope things go well for you.
>You know smelly femcels are going to be schlicking to this, right?
I have already had people, male and female, admit certain things to me. I am aware how people feel about the fifth image.
>desu you've almost got a skater's body, but you'd need stronger thighs
No matter how many squats I do, my legs never seem to change in size.

Apologies, I did not mean to damage anyone's name. I barely know anything about Chris-Chan.

>try not to bait horny people on here, or Discord
It is far too late for that.
>It is far too late for that.
You can just stop, it isn't some Herculean task. There are better things to do with your life.
Do something else? Impossible. I have no choice but to post the same images of myself over and over again until I go insane or bother to take any new ones.
Then be a retard, not my problem. Again, hope things work out.
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I'm tired of all the samefags here
LEAVE, I hate you people, you all pretend to live in y'all's fantasies and act all schizo over it

you can't just do that
this why I RUIN these shit threads because y'all need a lesson, and that lesson is y'all leaving

and never come back, we all know why y'all femboys migrated to our boards, y'all are just tiktok retards, and guess what bring your dumb friends with yah back over there!
Just take more pictures, that show more skin.
nigga u sound like a tranny stop that
Bro, I am not a fucking femboy and I will never use TikTok. Just take a short drop with a long rope, things will get better then.
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do u like having ur bussy bred?
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"Remember to take your Joy" mode
I don't have a Tiktok account, and I only visit the website when someone sends me a link. I've been lurking on this horrible 4channel website for about 12 years now, and started posting my horrible trash here about 6 years ago.

Image 5 already shows a substantial amount of skin, you don't need more.

Last I checked, I was male and referred to myself as a man.

It is difficult to determine if I would enjoy an experience I have not and will not ever encounter in reality.

I will not take my joy. I am too lame to do drugs.
>finally find ~heterosexual~ thin man
>hes a costume-wearing fag
I hate this world
No man is posting photographs of their body online if they have no good outfit to show off.
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Quick reminder that your retarded ass got banned on /co/ recently
Why are people in this thread so insistent upon the claim that the guys a fag? He's clearly taking the piss out of his own Code Geass tier bodytype. Mans taken straight out of a Time Burton movie and cosplaying aint gay
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>banned on /co/ recently
So? You wanna play that game huh?
Guess what I saw your schizo posts of rape
you should rethink your life bud
you should stop while your fucking ahead
I've exposed you
and I hope you rot
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>It is difficult to determine if I would enjoy an experience I have not and will not ever encounter in reality.
its totally possible, where are ya at
> good outfit to show off
> good outfit
Kys tranny
>a substantial amount of skin
you showed a tiny bit of thigh at best, at least post tummy
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>Guess what I saw your schizo posts of rape
Shut the fuck, at least I didn't get banned for accusing people for samefagging on a TADC thread on /co/
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Quit samefagging trannies

>TADC thread on /co/
I bet you'd rape that Jester cunt you sick fuck
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This is where you belong bud
you belong in a fucking nuthouse
this also goes for you femboys, samefags and trannies
quit while your ahead!
my guy is attacking people because he got banned on /co/
>Insert Text Here
nice meme retard, you forgot the first step of the template
I do not exist in a place that you can access.

I am not trans. I am male, I was born male, and I plan on staying male.

My tummy does not look nearly good enough for me to photograph it.
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>my guy is attacking people because he got banned on /co/
NO! I was gonna expose that rapist as soon as he'd post again!
You see, you are just as wrong as him, I bet you are him, just samefagging

>nice meme retard, you forgot the first step of the template
ho ho, shut up genius I didn't need to edit it my point still stands!
you all should stop, and let this shit thread pass, because that femboy ain't retruning you pedotards
qrd on this schizo?
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well well well, you responded a few minutes before my post
but guess what, you are still a problem samefagger
(I don't have anymore kurt images, Phill will have to suffice for now)
why not read the thread moron
Why am I a problem? What did I do wrong this time? (Other than being generally annoying.)
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>Why am I a problem?
You've attracted that retard with wings
that's why, and he's probably a rapist if you read those posts!
I ain't the guy your mentioning but, this is 4chan bro a bunch of autistics write shit like that
Tell him he is based and gift him a gun and some brotein powder with chocolate flavor.
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don't think I didn't spot you samefag
plus you ain't worth the time wasting a kurt image
I look exactly like this, and I am a passionate racist and white nationalist. My worst nightmare is getting dominated and enslaved by short-haired communist dykes!
every thread you go to slowly becomes like that one thread on /m/, I bet your secretly the same Evatard
i am going to rape you you deserve it
>you you deserve it
nice stutter samefagger
I bet you have a lisp to
i am not samefag i a m different fag
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>i am going to rape you you deserve it
hey that's my line!

I don't need a nuthouse, I ain't gay retard
I don't play with nutsacks
Shut the fuck up Nick you disgusting creep
Cesare the somnambulist ass nigga
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do you like having YOUR bussy bred?
Yes but I have no one to do it
This thread was first about two fags fighting over who's more gay, now it's between two schizotards arguing over being banned from /co/ out all places and one being accused of schizo rape, this site never surprises me
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let the thread die
let it rest
let these femboys and schizos die with it
This thread may perish soon, but I still have at least a month left to live. At some point, I will post my images again, and you will have to live with it.
Pedo thread. Sage this shit.
im dead what is this lil nigga wearing lmao
4chan as a whole is mentally ill but /r9k/ especially so, it's like you faggots are speaking a different language.
Pedophilia is based and beautiful
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>Pedophilia is based and beautiful
yeah yeah keep saying that Grandad
>Perhaps I should mention that one the purchasers of the outfit is indeed female.
The fuck does that mean? That the other purchaser was a big sweaty black man? Retard.
>that one thread on /m/
ah you remember that shit thread huh?
good times, good times I miss that OP

>I bet your secretly the same Evatard
nah, but I am a fan Eva, unlike that schizo I ain't afraid of Rei
>have body like this
>can't even attention-whore with it because of a genetic skin disease that makes me look like shit
Shit sucks, man.

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