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r9gay 2344

prev >>77877247

broken chain ed
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I would love to plant some cute flowers and kiss and hug after to our accomplishment! And your okay missing the honeymoon part. It is very late for you my honey~
no more walls for a while. i have three jobs now. (maybe four). as you were, gentlemen. (please?)

last thing: story, im sorry to tell you this, but not many normal people have 9 cats. my family is fucking weird too and 9 cats is far from the weirdest kind of weird. but i dont keep every promise, because sometimes its not reasonable to do so.

and also...taking care of them doesnt mean keeping them in that exact house forever. theres probably lots of retired ladies who could pamper one or two of your cats each & who, im fairly certain, would be touched by your story. (minus the ickier parts, but thats true for everyone). i really do not think that your mom would have wanted you to feel trapped into taking personal care of 9 cats until the end of their 9 lives. and if she did, well, thats not really a reasonable thing to ask. i feel like youre stuck on an all-or-nothing about this, but you have time.

who is the youngest of the cats? thats probably the one that will adapt best to a new environment. if i could do it for you, i would see about meeting local animal lovers or posting an adoption note on petfinder or reddit. i mean, man, the way redditors are, if you told even half your story youd have people flying in from across the country to adopt one of your awesome mom's beloved catsters. on second thought i hate that idea as much as you probably do...so id probably try and reach out to older ladies in your area since thats who these cats will vibe with. id volunteer myself but im heckin allergic as heck.
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I fucking love the Godskin boss music even if I think the bombastic style is a bit overused now. Elden Beast has a cool song which reminds me of some of the pieces from the earlier games

3ds anon here. i went to a networking event, talked to nobody, and stayed after the event to play xbox. i beat celeste in 2 hours and got to inkwell isle 3 in cuphead. those were the only 2 games i played. i stayed for the afterparty and talked to someone who seemed cool and we played black ops TDM and exchanged numbers :)
i did not have fun at the dentist today
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idk why but the morning after drinking a bunch i tend to be incredibly orally bottom horny
t. top
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Well I don't think the dentist is meant to be particularly fun, did you need anything done to your teeth?
Work 8 hours, sleep 16
Sounds fair
I got a filling and a dna test because I'm too young to have bad teeth
i said no walls but youre getting the fuck scammed out of you sonny

go to a university dental clinic for factual, honest treatment

never trust a fuckin word a for-profit dentist says
Im fully insured anon and in the real world they're all for-profit because food costs money and they like to eat
honey, no. private dentists, aka for-profit dentists, make money by billing your insurance for as many treatments as possible.

this means that if your tooth has the slightest little mark on it, they will call it a "cavity" and drill out more tooth so they have "room to fill it." this means they will try to convince you that you need whitening. i havent even heard of them selling people on fuckin dna tests, thats genuinely bonkers.

at a university dental clinic, the professors of dentistry are paid a fixed salary regardless of how many treatments they perform. this means that they have no incentive to sell you on unnecessary shit that harms your teeth.

i have a dentist in the family by the way. this is from the horse's mouth. its a literal racket. go to a university clinic and you get to hear an actual professor of dentistry discuss your teeth with his students. private dentists literally lie through their fuckin veneers every word they say. the one in my family does too, shes only honest with us. almost zero dentists are good people, and the good ones are professors. you made me fuckin wall dammit
if you dont believe me, go to a university clinic for a checkup as a second opinion after any visit to a "regular" dentist. see what they say and compare the two. youll believe me afterward.
wagie life is unbearable i need a cute boy to cradle me in his arms
i love reading your posts and i think you'd be a fascinating friend.
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"Sure, I guess. I don't know. Those goddamn bastards."

I just don't really got a will to live. People tell me live for yourself or something like that. I just don't care no more. I lost out on my mother, my father, my siblings, my friends, my whatever. It's all a big nothing. That's that. There is no reason to fight for me. I was good and bad. It is what it is.
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>girl acts up
>deem it unnecessary headache and feel an immediate urge to cut all contact with her

>one of the boys act up
>instinctively put him down
>immediate thoughts of fucking his face acccompanied by an erection
any gays in Charleston? staying there for a while in a few months
I kinda feel bad for Billy and Philly.
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I may not be look wise the most cute but I would
be the cutest holding you tight after a long day of
the wage cage.
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lovely OP
I am new to these thread I need to know things. Who the fuck is bonny. And who is Billy and Philly?
Im new to these. I need a bf
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Accepting Defeat & Other Failures In My Lifetime.
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Hi cutie pie
We could pick the prettiest flower of every color, then some mushrooms to boot :> Hope you don't mind if I get the urge to lick you too, we might be dirty after.. and sweaty
Man I don't know what you 2 are doing but it's cute as fuck
What makes you deserve a bf?
Man... Idk
Im nice and loyal
You are not hot
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Ahh yes a rainbow of flowers with mushroom polka dots sprinkled in hwo lovely. I don't mind if you start to lick me after even if we are a little dirty and sweaty. .I want to lick back thoooough; darling ;D
Im cute
Ah fuck messed up my tripfag already
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Fantasizing.. and plotting
>Our work is done, but hubby is looking a bit sulky, maybe it's cause he didn't get his fifth lick in..
Would you want to make a playlist for while we're busy or just listen to the birds and each other?
what kind of cute?
I want to focus on that adorable voice of yours
with the sounds of nature in the backround. You
can even keep licking me like the neko boy you
are while I pet you on the blanket in a patch of
grass by the garden. Thats all I need to be happy
forever my honey.
above and beyond being a faggot
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Meow I wanna be bullied physically by bigger stronger men meow for science
I wanna be bullied by smaller weaker men for sexual purposes
Looking like a kid type cute
And personality wise, will nuzzle into your neck and that kinda shit
Who are these 2? For research
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I just wanna fall into a man's arms be held for a while.
Would feel so nice, to be held and cuddled till I fall asleep, kissed on the cheek and forehead
>nuzzle into your neck
wanna date
Pls be
nowhere close, unfortunately
Aw man
no problem, tell me about your day
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Mhmmm so much infatuation in your post, I'm getting the urge to buy cat ears and test my neko powers on you, now you're also making me think of nibbling, scratching and biting you softly.
If I were to entertain the thought, my mother is emotionally dependent on me and my grandmother is getting old, so ideally we'd switch continents every month, assuming you're not a shapeshifter that took over my American waffle house anony at 6 AM (but your posts are too wholesome for that)
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i dont remember ever joining the r9gay discord but i try joining and it says im banned whats up with that
Meow where husband meow need husband meow
i need a cute neet bf to pump full of seed every 3 hours
Don't care meow I am going to tear you to shreds and feed them to dogs meow
garbage posts right on time
Meow my butt hurts meow waaa mwaa
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Leotardo or some other Billy and Philly? If it's the former then I don't
yeah fuck them both, that animal blundetto is based and retardo fucked around and found out
>wake up before 9 for the first time in a while
>head and tummy ache
I have to go get a new haircut soon and if that doesn't turn out well I might cry
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>rage against the bfhavers
rage against the bfhavers
>rage against the bfhavers
rage against the bfhavers
>rage against the bfhavers
rage against the bfhavers
>rage against the bfhavers
rage against the bfhavers
>rage against the bfhavers
>I probably been here longer than you
>doesn't know story doesn't post pics
You're a dumb schizo *dab*
Retard incompetent op
Tripfags don't get anything
Are you talking about the small, close-knit actual one, or fatpostles shit den.
Get real problems hypocrite whore die to death before opening your maw
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Weak and boring gloo "yawn"
Weak and boring is perfect for you because that's all you deserve hypocrite meow
fuck flower crowns my bf and i make mushroom crowns
My fbf gets a crown made out of stapled together pizza crusts because he's such a great person
Rubber and glue
Making a crown out of our spent condoms
I skipped dinner last night and am forcing myself t skip breakfast this morning. Is this based? It;s the only way possible I know to lose this massive weight.
eat breakfast anon, just don't get a lardass pig about it and keep your daily calories below 2000.

I don't know how to count calories properly. Maybe I'll fix some toast or pop tarts to take the edge off but sausage or bacon.
Eat some of your flies for protein
Just use an app, weigh things out and read labels, I am lazy and stupid but still manage to count calories. Granted I barely eat but that is besides the point

yeah too much work. I don't eat as much as I did though, only rarely do I stuff myself.
>pop tarts
yeah, you should eat a quarter of your daily calories eating two highly processed tiny sugar-carb pastries, so that youll be hungry again in 40 minutes. this is a solid plan for weight loss

well I had buttered toast instead, are pop tarts really that bad?
Don't listen to that fag, keep gorging on pop tarts
Who wants to live till 50 anyhow
Also where's your fortune kept storyboy?

in the bank, I don't even have cash in the house. Good luck trying to rob me.
I know what you did E and it is very obvious.
E is with me now, fuck off
is it gay if you just like someone so much you can't help if they are a boy instead of a girl? is there a way to know if you are even gay or simply have an obsessive attachment because you are crazy
pop tarts are one of the most casual diet murderers possible. that much sugar going into your body at once is hilariously bad, carbs are a joke if youre dieting, and yes they have a retarded amount of calories in comparison to the tiny amount of food youre putting into your body. you should actually spend some time looking at portion sizes in countries outside the united states too. go look at european meals or something and know that no matter how hungry you are, if you can see a man your size eating a normal meal in his country, and it looks small, you too can be legitimately satiated eating the same amount. look up meals youd like and what they serve as the portion and cook your meals and youll be fine. the best example is shepards pie, an idiot can cook it, and a child can eat it. now google portions and you could also look for meals like it. stop eating processed food and dumping sugar (this includes carbonated drinks) into your body and eat a proper amount of cals and portions and be less sedentary and you will lose weight
romantic attraction and sexual attraction are mutually exclusive
He should fast, total calorie death, total snake juice embrace
"I may be toxic but there's one thing I'll never be and that's funny"~meow
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excited for my new job unfortunate that the title is a synonym for bottom...but beggars cant be choosing, and its not like ive ever topped.
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only question is what to have for lunch, I'm not going out again. The choices are hotdogs or some ham slices I fry in the skillet with something with it like cheese.
you sound just like me wtf
Oh that's why I hate using 4chan on pc, it's much harder to read since the screen is so wide >:(
personally I hate using a phone to browse, I'm just so used to the desktop version.
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Ahh sorry I passed out my dear neko boy. I wish I could have you hear to do all the licking, biting and nibbling to me while I pet n kiss you sweetly cuse you so freaking cute my honey~
I'd be okay with switching continent's every month or so if it means getting to be with you forever and always. If those 2 were your only family though I have a perfect property for them to stay on rent free if ever need be and if they could move here but wouldn't wanna force them away from their home country its an option though non the less. I am in fact Wafflehouse-anon for I am the most wholsome poster here.
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Intercontinental boy missile
sleepy fat neet time, all stuffed with hot dogs. I know it's isn't the best meal but at least I didn't go out. I'm also cooking dinner even if it's hot outside.
I've always had such a fucking hard time making friends is frustrating, I really try but I can't bring myself to attach to other people
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If you want to lose weight you could try making smoothies, they take very little time to make lasts for a few days depending on the size of your mixer.
Just buy frozen fruit, low fat yoghurt or coconut milk or whatever and mix for a minute, if it doesn't mix then turn it off and move the frozen stuff around as it can get stuck (since it's frozen) or at least that's what happens with my machine. Easiest thing you can make Story, and it's good breakfast.
He doesn't wanna lose weight is the point
One too many pop tarts and it's joever
i make really healthy soup. Gazpacho is good
That's good too, I avoid soup cos of my illness but if it's works for you great.
Also you should try making bulks of food when you're feeling motivated and then freezing it, then you can just heat it in the microwave and it's ready to eat.
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I was told I should start drinking through a straw, shame you can't buy normal plastic ones anymore. I'll try metal as the paper ones are awful
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well im officially off anti-depressants
pretty scared i wonder if i'll be able to handle it
You vill consume ze Chinese estrogen plastic and you vill become femboy
>it's hard
>because im a guy
>your heart is pounding
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It is very adorable.
so basically once upon a time there didn't exist bacteria that could digest trees, and so for a billion years all the trees that died just piled up on the floor in huge piles that would grow and compact over time and become buried in the earth and it caused widespread wildfires and stuff. we're basically right there with plastics right now. nothing can digest it yet so it just grows more and more and covers the earth in a layer. i reckon before the end of the century we'll have bioengineered bacteria that can digest plastics when they break down into micro particles like that but who knows maybe not, the folks in charge hate doing the right thing even when it benefits everyone involved including them so we might just be stuck with a confetti of plastic peppered throughout our dick and balls flesh as some kind of soft power move to keep us in line.
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be careful with metal straws they can take a core sample of your mouth if you trip or go over a bump while drinking
It's been hot lately so give him an ice cream and say he's your "merry cone."
Sorry, they're actually all mine? Like, every cute Hispanic guy is my bf. You just rolled bad stats. Better luck in your next life!
Walking alone thru the wood at nights is both scary a d beautiful feeling. Everything looks so much calmer and cooler at night. So quiet. Therefore every sound I hear feels like potential danger disrupting the peaceful harmony.
Nothing ever happens. And that's a good thing.
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Need empath top bf.
I love walking through the streets at night because everything is unrecognizable. What you could see clearly in the day becomes a shady alley or strange monolith in the distance. Even though you know rationally that nothing has changed, it feels like the whole world has become strange and unknown; it's an exciting experience.
It really does feel that way sometimes.
ALL of them? You cant even spare one? I just really want to diddle his dong.
Am quite literally here
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Dumb faggots
I got more lemonade today and a whopper, fuck McDonald's and their embedded operatives here
i didnt say id been here the whole time. i havent been here for, idk, several years.

all im hearing, by the way, is that story doesnt post pics when he's being story. thus, if he wants to be someone else, he can post with pics.

This is the sort of thing that people who've been on the Internet a long time start to do. If you recognize a pattern, there's a good chance you're supposed to recognize it. Remember, this website is for works of fiction and falsehood. Everyone but you could be one guy.
checked but whatd i do? i dont use the title field personally, and you can well ctrl-f without a title. its contrarianism not incompetency, on account of i know exactly what im doing. usually.
youre literally walking proof that counting calories only works for people who already dont really like eating lol
pro tip, if you see someone go off about muh caaaaarrrrrrrrrbbbbbsss disregard them immediately

processed foods are incredibly calorie dense and very salty, so avoid them indeed, but its got nothing to do with "carbs" - no one is getting fat off of traditional oatmeal.

i was just walling about this in another thread >>77899333 and thanks to whoever derailed me to there last night, im rolling excellent digits ithatt.
Hurr durr I don't follow ze format. Die to death hypocrite retard.
And that's why you're a schizo. You think a lazy fucking retard who gets off on being recognized would change his style just so he can be someone else? Why? Just admit you don't know shit about this place and eat shit.

I have a business proposal for you. Graveyard shift. Your job: get inside.
Fluctuating between suicidal and homicidal day to day
Fucking bottoms are so god damned annoying. None of you have a personality what so ever, act confused over everything and need everything to be so direct. I'm convinced the majority of you are stupid as shit and if you're not putting on your cutesy fucking retarded facade, there really is nothing else to you as a person. You're just a soulless automaton with a linear set of instructions and think this is haha so quirky and funny haha, but I already know what happens to you faggots in 20+ years. You end up alone and lashing out at the public because you don't interact with the world what so ever. Fuck you. So fucking boring and empty, no sense of humor, no inner-dialogue, not a god damned thought in that head what so ever and you take drugs to cope with your lack of authenticity and substance. Fuck you and I'm glad you're gonna be used for your holes and tossed away in your 30s. Fuck you and fuck your cucked online orbiters that'll get bored after a few years and move onto the next Thai or Filipino boy on discord. Fuck you all.
You smell bad and your weiner small
format is what you make it mr poopster

no one else made the thread for like 15 fuckin minutes, i even had time to wait for the 5 minute new thread delay. if you dont take care of your business, you can fuckin deal with the way i do it. dont feel bad, many's the fool who's learned that lesson.

Starting to suspect you're him to be honest. This is fun. I like your pissbitch side. Sharp. Let's not break the fourth wall any longer, though.

Truth is, if you take everything at face value, you're a fucking sucker. Story's far less lazy than he makes out. He mows his fucking lawn and takes care of nine cats. If that were me, I'd have given at least 8 cats the swift boot, no matter what I'd promised my dear departed dam.

If Story actually did start working somewhere like a Walmart, he'd try way too hard at stocking those shelves and he'd make assistant manager in a matter of months. Then he'd really be in for some shit. Instead of people, he'd be herding cats. Er, I mean, the other way around. The point is, people are like cats. Er, cats are like people. You keep finding them where they aren't supposed to be, and they even sometimes shit where they aren't supposed to. He'd be an excellent assistant manager, and boy would those wagies hate his nebbish ass. This is pretty much what happens to every loser with a college degree who actually starts at the bottom.
Nah I used to binge eat fairly regularly then starve to make up for it. Counting calories is how I got my shit together and I used to enjoy eating but drinking kills my appetite
I almost miss the jeet at this point desu
If you knew a thing about him you would know how well he takes care of his cats and how much he mows his grass. He probably has a humiliation fetish so he keeps talking about his failings so much. You can say I take things at face value but you don't take them at all and come up with wild assumption made out of thin air.

By all means keep trying to help that retard, how's that working out for you. The day he takes someone's advice is the da he admits he killed his mother.
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Best shift maybe ever deyay the sky is clear and bright time to go home and enjoy the elden of rings expanse
stuffing your face with whatever's at hand is not really what i meant by "likes eating." i mean enjoying food in the culinary sense. being interested in tastes. yes, if your problem is going mindless hamhog on sacks of snacks then maybe counting calories can help you return to reality, so i suppose i spoke too soon, sort of. good luck with the drinking thing. i cant seem pick up the habit, in a serious way anyway, i hate feeling dehydrated.
Waiting for my parents to go out to dinner so I can sneak out and buy liquor
I love my endless cycle :3
i think maybe you don't understand who i am exactly. i been there. my "there" didnt involve quite so many flies but then again i didnt have 9 cats. ive been accused by my mom of killing her, quite seriously though metaphorically.

hes just not that bad a case. he goes to the store and cooks for himself, in a way. hes not on drugs. hes picked up a little beer/cider habit. whoop te do.

i'm not really offering advice so much as instruction from experience. the first thing he needs to do is throw out every fuckin thing in his kitchen that he can. i know they're "moms pots and pans" but they werent meant to last forever anyway. bag up all the dirty crusty shit and throw it out. go to goodwill or walmart and buy one cheap pot and one cheap pan and make yourself spaghetti sauce. uhm, himself. then he needs to find someone else to pamper one or two cats, and then another someone to pamper one or two more, starting from the youngest felines first. heck he could even offer to pay cat support for them.

these two things need to happen, and the cats thing is a bigger deal, because as it is he cant even be out for more than a few hours or the cats start wrecking the place. its not even possible for him to take a job with that madness going on. cats first.
my mom came in my room once when i was in high school in tears cause she thought id drank half the stuff in the locked liquor cabinet. i didnt even know where the liquor cabinet was...my dad did me dirty i think, or maybe my sister...
That's fucked, and you should have killed her for disrespecting you.
You misunderstand. Doesn't matter if it's advice, instructions or a fucking how to manual. He isn't going to do it. You fantasizing about fixing his life is funny as not even he cares. Both about fixing his life and about your solutions.

Did you manage to finally bake something that doesn't look like fresh dough?
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i did continue to metaphorically kill her by not studying for my english aps which i knew i was fine for anyway (and was)

this is what day three? five? i lived not far from that for idk, '15 to '19-'20, with ups and downs of course. this isnt some therapy bullshit where one hour a week is supposed to le chaaaange someone. this is war, and it lasts as long as it has to. or at least until i forget for a while again. youll note that in the army they do boot camp rather than talking.

if you want to see more of my cookies, youre gonna have to start paying or something. everything comes out a little wan looking in my camera, it aint my fault. if youd like to order a frozen batch you can cook them as done as you like, or eat it raw if thats your thing. ten bucks for two dozen, you pick up or arrange cold delivery. bulk discounts available.
and yes, i made chocolate peanut butter cookies yesterday, but you wouldnt really be able to tell how done they are from a picture anyway.
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On niin kovin kaunista
its the solstice meow, the longest day. what time will the sun set up there?
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2,5 hours ago meow it's coming up in the same time

There's also a harvest moon, very pretty
I wish I could go finland and see that stuff. very pretty up there. wouldn't want to stay for winter though.
I got really fucking scared I climbed up the birdwatcch and something made a really loud thud on the upper level followed by some scuffling I wonder if it was some faggots fucking
Yeah summer is nice
is that a lake or the Baltic? if lake would you say which would so I could look it up?
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Baltic sea, in front of Vanhankaupunginkoski
why are you there at 1am local time? unless these were taken erarlier.
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Open your heart, I'm coming home....

As Pink Floyd said. Did I not say I had a shift? Meow. My thigh cramps all of a sudden owowowowmeow
I'm sorry, I didn't read earlier posts. Hope you feel better,
Yeah a bit mangled after the scare but alrite overall
I said I was looking but I just ordered dominoes. just fucking kill me, I'm never getting better.
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The outside world is just as bad as the inside one.
Whatttt's in the baggg
it says lego dumbfuck
Lego star wars battle pack clones vs droids

my pizza is good but I feel bad for ordering it instead of cooking. It's so hot out though.
Not what I asked whore
Very cute pics meow, I'm jelly
I have only seen and killed 6 flies today, maybe slowly I am winning the war on them?

anyway I ate 3/4ths of a pizza for dinner and stuffed my fat neet ass again. Why do I even bother trying, might as well just eat myself to death.
That's just gibberish right? Right? That's not a name of a place or a word that's just bollocks
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Today's game of the day is #blud
It's decent. I doubt I'll ever finish it but I'll enjoy my time with it until I don't. And then I'll stop.
I feel like Finnish shouldn't written with the Latin alphabet, any words just look like someone mashed the keyboard randomly.
i used to hate people who bitched about carbs and thought it was a non issue because it doesnt lower your quality of health etc. i only mentioned carbs because often fat people will rely too heavily on them and become more hungry more often and sabotage that persons attempt to lose weight. i think eating carbs everyday is okay, but story in particular should for example not eat chips, because he will be hungry again soon after and this will lead to him over eating. fat people often will choose excess bread while on a diet and not protein, which ruins their attempt at reducing how much they eat
story's case is rather unique because he eats a lot of protein, at one point he was basically eating a paleo diet and not even having potatoes. I think now that he's eating more fast food he's getting those carbs though from the buns and fries.
this here is called "cave adaptation"

frankly i doubt youve ever known the outside world

its a magical place where theres no fluorescent lights, almost no rules, and these days, hardly even any people. you can even wear shorts.
sometimes I wonder if story isn't another persona and long con larp. he's admittedly a compulsive lair so I take anything he says with a grain of salt.

Beat radahn after 10~ attempts got into the delce seems ebin so far
Meaning "old towns rapids" demeow aru
What should it be written in then
crylic or maybe it's own writing system. Finnish words just don't look right.
the problem with chips is not the carbs, you noob. potatoes are a fine and natural food. if one eats a baked potato, one feels full for quite a damn long time.

the problem with chips is that theyre fried in fat and covered in salt. as i said.

"avoid carbs" is an easy shorthand for the average fatberg, for whom it functions as a bar against many common forms of processed crap, ie oreos, doritos, frozen pizza, and the like.

however, losing weight by going full keto doesnt actually make you healthier. being overweight, in and of itself, is literally not a health issue. (being obese is, but not overweight.) overconsumption of cholesterol, saturated fat and salt is by far the larger concern for the average person, speaking strictly from the perspective of health rather than appearances. (tho its bad there too).

people end up stuck in this carbs vs protein war because theyre all functioning on a diet primarily consisting of semi-to-ultra-processed grocery store products and a few easily cooked things like meats. what youll note is that none of them have ever eaten a fucking salad...

i speak from experience here too. i literally still hate all the vegetables my parents tried to make me eat. the usuals - steamed broccoli, cauliflower, string beans, brussel sprouts. i revile these things to this day. however, other cuisines of the world do a better job. saag paneer for example is delicious tho caloric. pasta with chopped kale or shredded arugula is likewise tasty, as i linked above.

the first vegetacious things i started eating though were actually the subway veggie delite sandwich (with all the veggies in the place) and vegetarian chipotle burritos (which you can get free guac on if you know to ask, top tip.) these are a little salty to eat every day, the subway especially, but one could do a lot worse than living on chipotle. panera salads are also tasty but a bit of a rip.
are straight people ok
i'm fully aware of that possibility. i dance my dance for you, the lurker reading this, more than anyone else.
you meant to ask, "are phonerotted screen addicts ok?" and the answer is no in all cases obviously
I'd be a cute twink's toilet, pee only though.
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I beat radahn earlier too, love the spectacle of the fight. You fought any of the dlc bosses yet?
I tried the dlc with a ng+ build but I'm going to level up a newer build and use it instead
Makes no sense as cyrillic has entirely different sounds
Meant mohg sorry

No not yet just exploring
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My mother called her therapist to threaten me to stop hitting her whenever she has a psychotic episode kek

Anyway, 4 dollars a pound.
Crazier than I thought
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I have like 1 real family member and no friends. It's been like that since I was born. I don't even feel like fishing for pity anymore. I'm just like a sad pathetic old man.
maybe the reason for you not having friends is how you treat them you brown lego scammer
I don't like friends.
i need and require an e-bf
I would but I don't do ebfs. I am only in it if I can kiss and hug my boifren.
i guess we aren't too similar then
what do you have to bring to the table
my love, patience, and affection
doesn't mean anything if you're a disgusting fat fuck
What keeps you going then why not kill them all
That's cooler than complaining about them
you are mean anon i am not fat
are you an ugly shit?
Scared of going to hell.
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>tfw when someone on 4chan actually rejected your date request because they said you were to autistic
You probably were too autistic
I'm so fucking lonely I'm almost 30 fuck
By 30 I had already accepted my wizardhood. You should as well or do as hue says and go on the apps.
I feel that. 29 and soon to be 30 as well without a
real bf. Had one though for a lil
I wish I had a better childhood and hadn't missed out on all the major milestones so that I could have developed a social circle and had friends. I just want some bros.
too many hags here yuck gross ew
i'd date a 29 year old bf and i'm already over 30
Want to date and celebrate being hags together?
I'm almost 30 and I just want a bf who will retreat with me into my room and live in a fantasy world we create together, far away from the normalfags. We can be comfy together.
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I wonder if eventually 40 will be the cut-off point for wizardhood what with people living longer and looking younger.
Handsome Adult Gentlemens?
Yes?? Lets be drippy handsome men together
Ha ha ha.
are you big enough in relative terms to just bear hug her? hugboxing isnt just for flailing spergs, it works for pretty much everyone.
Go-od is born in BETLEhem
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I wish I were a bf having normalfag but I suppose we must play the hand we are dealt. At least creature comforts are readily available to aid in coping

I ate the rest of the pizza as a snack. I ate an entire large pizza in one evening. I never even did that when mom was here. fuck I am so fucking fat and useless. I still feel like I could eat more too.
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I haven't eaten a hot meal in two weeks. If only my fbf were here to save me from my apathy towards food
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Would it truly be better to be "normal" though?
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nta but normalfags seem to be happy or they atleast appear happy but then i think, dont I try to seem and appear happy? We're probably all just suffering, deep down and we never let anyone know
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For me maybe not as part of me does like to play at being a bohemian intellectual minus the free-love some of them go for. I'll still always be jealous of my grandfather's family, two cars, enjoyable job and big house which is what I was taught to strive towards and as being normal.
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They do seem happy but for the most part also
seem really boring and one note. I try to talk to
what people would consider a normal fag and getcalled to autistic to speak to them or they just ignore you. The worst is when they try to seem like they care when they just want you to shut up. Meanwhile with non normals I can talk and vibe with but ya never find them near you. At this point I almost just want to be a hermit. Sucks I ruined my last relationship with a like minded individual from 4chan though I miss him.
I am pretty jealous of my Grandfather for having such a big house and living nice in retirement with the American dream. Jews made sure to slowly but surly kill that just for our generation.
funny how whenever i talk about something good that happens to me, nobody replies

anyways i went to this lgbt community center that i didn't know existed and there's a lot a lot of stuff there all completely free and i finally have somwhere to hang out. it's kinda empty and there isn't anything to do besides read lgbt literature but it is what it is. at least it's cold inside which is nice.

i also went to a networking event and got someone's number. i think they're a trans man but it's hard to tell. they might be nombinary. i can't tell their biological sex. we talked for a while but they seemed much more interested in this other probably trans man. i'm going to the beach tomorrow. i'm too socially worn out to jerk off.

also i got free clothes. some real form-fitting fruity zesty apparel. it's the only clothes that fit me.
Everybody hates you because you are disgusting
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>they just ignore you
Because you're not talking to them about that gucci new Drake song that came out or other stupid shit. Use meetup.org for specific interests or better yet, go to 4chan board meets. I've been to like, 9? /k/ meets i dont even know how many but its been a lot by now and the majority of them had 30+ attendees that were all interesting
this is the 2nd time in a row someone approached me and conversed with me so maybe i'm not all that repulsive
i think i found maybe 3 other people on 4chan who live in my city but none of them are very active
People step on shit by accident all the time
Not many 4channers near me so I have never seen a meetup remotely near me but haven't really actively went looking for them to much. I will certainly try something.
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>3 other people on 4chan who live in my city
Look for regional meets, either yearly or twice a year. You have interesting folks coming in from all over, and we also have smaller meets not as many want to attend, like camping in the middle of winter when a foot of snow falls on your tent.

Idk what your interests are but im sure there is a group here on 4chan for it. And if not, start it. Im thinking of starting one myself, since my work and my hobby, if made into a venn diagram, would be a perfect circle
just see >>77903493 i didnt see your post
no car no money, they MUST be local
>if not, start it
video games, no consoles and no money
plea s
what free things maybe i gotta stop sleeping on these centers, maybe i should go there for groceries
im so lonely and am so sick of the classic edate until i get bored and ghost cycle

i think soulless edating ruined my concept of romance
Real boys are lame as hell and cannot be trusted usually
online boys cant give me real physical intimacy
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Okay I will. Hoppin in my car and coming to a bed
near you to cuddle and kiss you.
ok!!!!! im waitingggg
u better drive fast
I drive as fast as the law will let me! Uhh where
do you love exactly so I don't just drive aimlessly into the night? ;D
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Sleeping during the daytime is difficult given the noise of birds and sunlight creeping in despite the blackout curtains but I am glad to have the luxury of keeping my own hours
miiiiiiichigan!! great lakes state!!
Alright see you in 11hours and 11 mins qt!!!!
i'll be eagerly waiting for u!!
>not enjoying the sweet sound of songbirds as you slumber in the golden midday light
i miss my 12 to 12 sleep schedule... going to bed right after lunch was the best feel... walking to the grocery at midnight was the best feel... eating eggs and bacon at midnight was the best feel...
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If I had a photograph of you...
washington is lonely as hell
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I've been talking to myself
Just to suggest that I'm selfish
I've been trying to impress
That more is less and I'm repressed
(I should do what he said)

However I look, it's clear to see
That I love you more than you love me
However I look, it's clear to see
That I love you more than you love me
I love you more than you love me
I love you more than you love me

Getting away with it
exchanging sexual favors for elden ring dlc
hi hunter uwu
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karl urban is very hot and epic
i do not know who that is
>tfwyn burn teenage homelander
My right arm hurts a lot. I'm pretty ambidextrous but it does hurt a lot...
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Happy midsummer fellow anons.
I'm tired.
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dont beat your bf with that hand next time then
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Indieanon you should play the demo for Radio The Universe, such a special game.
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enjoy a photo of my desktop bg. thanks for coming to my show and tell
nice cyberman anon
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Ugh, you're too purehearted for this world my sweety, or too much of a failed romantic. It brings a tear to my eye. My yearning to get out of it all and just be surrounded by love is burning fiercely, so I'm ever closer to such a step.
I didn't actually sleep last night, that's why I hadn't replied yet, I finally fell when I attempted to last night and slept for 12 hours. That's what the no manboy life does to the boyman. Oh well, stay strong my hoochie coochie, there's not enough kisses you wouldn't deserve
>kiss kiss kiss, kiss kiss
these motherfuckers are gonna end up killing each other one day
>no hoochie coochie to protect you from the cold void of space
I'm going in
you guys are lame take it to discord
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Laying low, hiding out in R9gay
Talking to anons and the occasional tripfag
Scared to lose, surrounded by fools
You're wanting just to shout it out, but there's nothing left to talk about
Overhearing Story's stories, viewing cuteboys in the dark
And so your body stays alive, but not your heart
Oh no.. losing all you are.. to be a gaybot, a gayish bot

Remember how it used to be
Making you smile, like a half-forgotten melody
Oh it made you laugh, when you dreamt of romance
But now it seems your yesterdays are pictures on a yellow page
So now you've found your hideaway, heavy shutters hide the day
You've got nothing left to lose, except the night
Oh yes.. you've earned the right.. to be a gaybot, a gayish bot

>Cause you're a gaybot, you've got plenty to spare
>All the time in the world to go anywhere
>If it's all without a boy, would you really care?
>Would it bruise you?
>Cause it's a masquerade, in many a way
>It's like wearing shades on a cloudy day
>It don't make the weather change, but it fools you
>Cause you're a gaybot, a gayish bot

And as the sand runs from the glass
And they whisper "gone at last"
And the shadows come and go, but never pass
Oh oh.. bad times never last.. when you're a gaybot, a gayish bot

>Cause you're a gaybot, you've got plenty to spare
>All the time in the world to go anywhere
>If it's all without a boy, would you really care?
>Would it bruise you?
>Cause it's a masquerade, in many a way
>It's like wearing shades on a cloudy day
>It don't make the weather change, but it fools you
>Cause you're a gaybot, a gayish bot
if you get a chan lover you just become wizards together

>t. incredibly powerful
why are you on a website thats older than you are?
I'm older than 4chan but just barely is why
>barely older than 4chan
youre 19 and act like a 15 year old that just found out about this place from social media
Wish I were 15 again to molest 19 year olds
When I was 15 4chan was 2 years old.
watching oppenheimer for the first time today. i'll let you know what i think when i'm done.
When I was 2 4chan was 0 years old
what the fuck this movie is 3 hours long?
the dialogue is barely audible. i can't understand anything anyone is saying without subtitles. the plot is moving too fast. there are no pauses between any sentences.
if you dont care enough to understand this terribly paced movie it's actually because you're dumb
let me sum it up for you

Opp: no not the poor heckin japerniones I am become le death le destroyer of worlds!
Your so cute.
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Some middle aged lady from Vienna sat next to me while I was eating ice cream and we talked a bit, she was very polite
need japanese bf like i need air and water
Vietcong bf
Part of me would love to speak to a native German speaker yet I know I would likely stumble and forget half of the little German vocab I do know if this happened. They would likely want to speak in English anyway.
shoposter abandoned us
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I wish I could be a boy again for a man
If only I could turn back time and redo my life, and maybe not waste every opportunity I had, ah who am I kidding I would just end up back here as a momless fat neet.
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Need a cute sho to hold tight and kiss
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I'm at work is all
Shits lame
all those cute boys gonna turn me into a shotacon I swear.
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Sho psychological operation success
Need to launch anti sho psychological operation next. We will not lose this war.
what kind of job does my fav pedo do? i bet it's something cool.
I just hope he doesn't work with kids...
why? he seems like he cares a lot about kids
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I do technically but not directly most of the time
Mental facility, ironic
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Sho bubble butt.
i wish i was a mentally ill sho now so i could go to your mental ward
boy if you ever get a job youll come home and eat TWO pizzas. maybe more. it took me from two slices to a whole pie soo...

trick is not to have a desk job, cause then youll burn no calories but still eat two pizzas out of hungrage.
honey, every college lgbt thing is filled with bucket crabs who love the appearance of anyone not already pillfucked

the one guy i did stuff with in college was like yeah, stay far from those people...he was (is) a gay chad so take his advice
anything lgbt almost always is full of the T, and they take over the place completely.
it's only noon but it' so hot. nap time I think.
Lazy fat fucker

what else do I have? Napping also helps my leg and it's starting to hurt.
Clean your sty piggy before flies lay eggs in your ears
what were your relationship expectations when you were 16?
that one slutty girl that wears too much makeup and oversized hoodies with no pants knocks on my hotelroom on a class trip and sucks my dick
>oversized hoodies with no pants
Same as they are now
Cute loyal bf with similar interests
you never had horny thoughts when you were 16? come on now
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You said relationship expectations not coomer fantasies
Summarize r9gay for me who has been dying lately and has anyone been groomed or been a dirty little spic again?
Was too traumatized to think about those things back then
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Can someone give me advice with a problem i've been having? I need to tell a gay twink that i'm straight but i still want to date him and make him my boyfriend long term but i'm not sure how to word it or phrase it.
Die canadian scum die
The anon you like is going to come back in style
I don't see him where is he
I drank too much last night my stomach hurts and I can't go in my room cause it's being used as a guest room I've been sitting in this chair for hours doing nothing
It has never felt more hollow
Is that a baitpost? How can you be straight and want to date a man.
Poison tastes yucky and makes head and tummy hurty
>but muh hair
>noooo you must be a hairy ape
tasty toes o.o
Indeed but sitting around doing nothing and being sober hurts my soul even more
Right looks objectively better
I've spent more years smooth than hairy, started shaving almost as soon as hair started appearing around 13~
All dating is soulless. Talking 2 multiple potential love interests makes me want to vomit. It's basically seeing everyone as replaceable and I hate it so much.
It's been around five years now. I wouldn't recognize him if I passed him on the street. We never kept in touch. I hope he's doing better than I am. He was awfully naive, though.
its legit just a bad movie. redditors and others who like to feel intellectual love it because it makes them feel smart without actually presenting anything they dont understand.

>t. science

i even went to school with the guy's grandson lol
when they sex i turned to my mom and said "you mad bro" and i could tell her puny brain couldn't handle the genius writing
i shed a tear when i watched gran turino with my mom and she cackled at me
I have a really important appointment today but I haven't been able to get out of bed in a week, I keep fainting in my bed, when I'm awake I feel so weak and hungry I try to reach a bag of snacks and eat something just to faint again right after.
My family is really mad at me for not getting up and I all hear when I wake up is them complaining or even screaming at me. I never ask for anything from them, I help with to pay the bills, I buy and cook my own food, why are they so angry? this doesn't help me to feel better.
I wish someone would tell me things are going to be alright, I just wanna go to my appointment but I feel so weak, I wish someone would tell me I am strong enough.
It is so easy to judge, to be cruel.
I wish I could get up.
WELP that wasnt the easiest 75ish bucks i ever made but it also wasnt the hardest. now to uhh i dont remember
>I wish I could get up.
no you dont, or you simply would

you also dont seem to know what fainting is. its not the same thing as giving up and going back to bed, which is what youre doing. if you were actually fainting every time you tried to stand, you should call 911, and you arent, so you know youre not actually fainting.

i have a tip for you: throw out your bed. i dont have one. cant rot in what you aint got.
i was SO disappointed that there was no demon core scene. those kinds of goofy real to life moments are what i was watching for. not for like, contrived interpersonal drama. nobody cares if he's cheating on his wife or whatever.
>too poor for a mattress
Niggas will make any excuse huh
Broke bitches
>you also dont seem to know what fainting is
I wake up and it is daytime, I try to reach the edge of the bed and I go unconscious, when I wake up again it is already nighttime, I reach my phone and it is 7 pm, I try to get up again and everything goes dark, wake up again and it is 5 am, I try to stay awake and use the little energy I have to sit down but there is something weighing me down, I wake up again and now it is 3pm, I lose entire days like this, my head hurts, I feel so cold and my body feels like burning, specially my legs, I feel tired.

I don't like the bed, I try to avoid it but my back hurts too much when I sleep at the desk's chair, I already tried living without a bed, my "sleepiness fainting" would only trigger when I am not standing, I would stay standing all day to avoid that feeling, my legs developed varicose veins and would hurt a lot after a few months, I can't bear the pain.
>you should call 911, and you arent
It doesn't work like this here, I can't just do that, they don't help, they would keep me alive and that's all, last time it happened I had to pay the equivalent of a 4 month salary just for staying in the hospital for 2 weeks, they only kept me alive and hydrated but didn't do anything else.
My healthcare provider doesn't protect me from this kind of sickness, for 3 years I have been in a waiting list for a specialist, still no doctors available.
By being straight and dating a twink? it's not bait it's just the twink thinks that i'm gay and keeps calling me gay and i don't know how to tell him that i'm actually straight.
you genuinely have more energy than zoomers if youre typing this much kek

pretty sure youre the muh bippity guy from the other day actually, you sound like a fujo, tbqh, and not the funny kind. take your soul suckery elsewhere pls. or dont, im not the boss of you.
i preferentially sleep on a tatami mat on a beautiful hardwood floor in my sunny, large-windowed apartment from which i can see the statue of liberty. (and the whole wild west.)
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Zoomers living rent free over here in this schizos braincase
No need to work no mo
theyre living rent free with their moms already. and infesting this website thats older than them. am i on usenet? no.

the worst fucking thing about zoomers is that they dont hit back. they just whine. gen alphas on the other hand know quite well how to make you feel old with their inscrutable minecraft language. or whatever. skibidi. i like feeling old so it doesnt quite work but its respectable.
The irony of schizo telling anyone to leave this thread is painful
Hags getting alzheimers early these days
>pretty sure youre the muh bippity guy from the other day actually
Haven't made a single post ITT in a month and a half, I don't post if I don't have something positive to say, so I just lurk, but today I am feeling too angry and frustrated to hold back from venting, I needed to get it off my chest.
>you genuinely have more energy than zoomers if youre typing this much kek
I am just old, vagueposting and indirect replies is not my style, that is a sign of toxic femininity, fuck that.
>take your soul suckery elsewhere pls.
Have nowhere else to go, my gay robots understand my pain, they are my brothers.
I can't make a thread anyway, I could just faint and it would fell off the catalog, thanks for reading my posts, at least I have people listening to me in a moment like this.
>you sound like a fujo
I am just a tired man, sorry for giving you that impression.
You are starving to death. Get some food fast.
When the red bar goes below [72], you will pass out. When it reaches 0, you will die.
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Miss eating Chinese food at my favorite spot I ate at with my nerdy boi
I miss eating Chinese food in general, there's practically no Chinese places in cleveland, worst part about moving here
wish i had a bf to eat and eat food with
why is it ironic? can you lay out exactly what the irony is for me? or will you just continue to whine as i said you would?

i didnt even say to leave, wormy pants. i said i would keep making fun of you.

you dont even have the nads to reply directly. youre hoping ill miss your post and youll get the last word and thus "win."

i know your shit too damn well
Some from another general know it's proper etiquette not to (You) retards, denying them dopamine hits
I know some of you are here..
>talks to me like I'm the guy he was arguing with
>is super sure of himself in his delusions
This is why I originally called you a schizo. It wasn't just walls, it wasn't just lack of social awareness- it's your lack of self awareness and delusional conclusions made out of thin air. You're essentially a typical conspiracy theorist. Zero IQ but a lot of wild assumptions and questions instead of actually doing research and reading the room.

I don't miss. Literally every call I made in this thread turns out to be true. You're welcome.
Talking shit to people without giving them a you is bitch made tho
>I could just faint and it would fell off the catalog,
what the fuck are you talking about? all threads fall off the catalog eventually. no one said you had to keep your own thread bumped til.max. do you see anyone else doing that? ive done it literally once. like literally what are you talking about?

if you want to make a thread, do it and then take a fucking nap. when you wake up, you can see if anyone was interested, and if no one else posted in it and it fell off the catalog, WHO FUCKING CARES? make another thread lmao. you can make as many as you fucking want.

this isnt even a fast board...pol threads archive in like 15 minutes, you cant even take a shit if youre trying to run a pol thread. r9k threads take like 3-4 hrs even if no one posts any replies.

do you think the r9gay ops always keep their own threads bumped? well they dont. theres enough of us in all timezones that it just happens.

like, dude, this is literally the one place where no one has a right to judge you, and youre still worried about doing things wrong? bang your head on a wall until you realize thats retarded.
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Cringe or based call it
certified airplane boy? certified pedophile
Guess I'm old enough to get Alzheimer's. I was going to say something then few minutes passed and now I have no idea what masterpiece I was going to share with the world. It's probably ADHD tho...
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Paradigm shifter
oh, im not a conspiracy theorist. im a conspiracy generalissimo. have you seen my lit thread yet? i keep linking it, but the thing is, anyone who understands in the slightest gets immediately rabbitholed, and for days if not weeks.

and if i cant tell you from the general mossmass, thats a you problem. try to be more of an individual.

how many jobs do you have, and how many businesses? i'm 2 and 2 at the moment. busy busy.
most elaborate way of trying to claim the storyfortune
keep a notebook sonny. a paper one. trying to put things in a phone memo doesnt always work, because shifting apps causes slight psychic damage.
I like building bridges just to watch them burn. It's calming.
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Taking being a vocaroo fag to its natural peak

I would make the full song, but alas, the house has become co-occupied
its even more elaborate than that. one day when im in charge of bigger things ill need people i can trust, and, more importantly, people who can understand me. my cafe chain will have very low franchise and build fees but id waive them for story anyway of course. i might even offer him a better supply deal than other franchisees and get myself in trouble for it. or maybe ill be purchasing a license to open a franchise location of storyco famous ironic pizza pies int'l ltd. who can say.
55 gallons of passion lube
Scoop some and drink it TREH-VOR
I love your voice my honey.
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I'll give you just a bit more of a sneakpeak then, sunshine
I was upset when Tony killed Frank
He is grooming people with vocaroo again and no one bats an eye
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Another kawaii banger darling. What is your favorite kind of wine? I love deep red wines and cabs.
in 3 months when he ghosts theres gonna be a post about the predation
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I don't know enough about wine to know what cabs is or when you can consider it deep red, but red wine always rocks, white wine is great if you've got the right one and rose wine is boring
Its okay I don't know to much about wine either. Have not had it in awhile. I was kinda talking outta my butt when I said cab haha.
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Ahh yes, I understand darling, well even without knowing much about it, I'd still always take it over a beer, beer is such a chore, tastes like piss unless you have craft beer
Forcing myself not to eat dinner after gorging myself yesterday. Of course this will just make me ravenously hungry tomorrow and likely lead to another gorging.
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where you chillin for the summer homie
my filthy pigsty of a house where else? I'm so hungry but I must force myself not to stuff my fat worthless face.
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I'm probably in the minority but I actually like the Trade Federation, the notion that all Cato Neimoidians are greedy untrustworthy villains is a stereotype and its offensive
Cute bf with a cute kissable average sized penis
the cis did nothing wrong.
>tfw below-average sized penis possessor
Some of you newfags are alright
>tfw upwards-curved penis possessor
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Hmmm I would take craft beer over wine. My Yuengling beer tastes so good I could drink it like water. Such a nice full body drink that makes my German Heritage happy. Also pls tell me you are also a fan of Jojos? If you are I am getting on a plane rn and coming to marry you.
Even cuter
Dare I say HAWT??
I'd like a Star Wars story where we get a good guy Neimoidian.

Their designs are really cool
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they got me on new heavy antipsychotics and sleeping meds. I feel like shit and my head hurts constantly.
sorry only thing disney can do is space lesbo goth witches that break cannon.
Been trying to get this lego figure for a while but the guy who made it is a lazy fat french nigger that waits half a year to finish a single figure.
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I'm still disappointed at how the Lego Skywalker Saga turned out. I can't help but maintain an interest in SW regardless of how often it falls short of my low expectations
I thought all the sw youtubers praised it? I'm curious as to a 4chan take on it.
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I haven't played it for a while and I've had a beverage so memory is meh but I remember the missions being really short and the dlc characters just being overpriced reskins.
Some of the puzzles were alright and the planets were cool to explore but after a while it felt really tedious like a poor man's Mario Odyssey. They also swapped out a lot of the old slapstick comedy for reddit memes

ahh I never played it,but I did watch some yt vids on it. I never got into lego, even the games.
I bought it on steam

It was really shit
The only good sw games since Disney took over was fallen order/survivor and in survivor's case only the console versions since the PC version is still crashy buggy mess that will never get fixed. In my case the patches actually made it worse.
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Battlefront 2 was fairly good especially after more content was added. Shame that the pre-launch controversy and abandonment in favour of Battlefield 2042 of all things killed the franchise for the foreseeable future

I never played any of the modern battlefields. I don't like multiplayer shooters or multiplayer games in general.
star wars games were never very great

I liked Bounty hunter and bf2 2017

I played the fuck out of jedi outcast/academy though as well as kotor.
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Tried some pineapple vodka which was quite nice, even better when paired with diet sprite and the night air
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I ate a wendys today
Well? Answer please

Also the gatekeep boss out of the opening area in the dlc fucking SUCKS
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I hate niggas that call Big Boss "Snake"
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You ate a whole Wendys? Damn I don't even think story could munch an entire building
Maybe I should drink a cider on this gnawingly empty stomach, I might decently buzzed.
3dsanon here. i have a lot to talk about.

today i went to this meeting being held at a community center. the guy hosting it liked my jokes and invited me to work with him. not really a real job, more like paid volunteering. once a month, $50. one of the employees said they'll put up a switch and a n64 in the center probably next week.

i went to the beach today. every full moon people get together and play drums together, but before that there was yoga. i arrived pretty late. mostly women. lots of booty. saw this really cute guy. yoga is hard.

after yoga, the drums were being set up. the cute guy walked over there. i followed and sat somewhere where i could listen and be close to him. he offered me wine.
Aren't you trying to lose weight? Cider is nice but a fuckload of empty calories desu
It's literally the same character retard I'm gonna start calling him exclusively Jack just because FUCK YOU

yes but I haven't eaten since lunch and that was small.
he's rich, has 2 parents a girlfriend who love him, goes to the beach every sunday. he's in college studying to be some kind of physicist. he's fit, has a ps5. friendly, outgoing, his face radiates sunshine. he's everything i wish i could be. he spent most of the day dancing. someone lent me their drum, and i played for him, watching him dance. i played until my arms got tired, thanked him for the wine, and left. i walked across the beach until i could find somewhere where i could be alone. swam for a bit. thought about drowning myself, no lifeguard on duty. swallowed sea water. i got tired, and walked back to the where the drums were being played. it was darker, and there were a lot more people. he was still dancing. i pulled him towards me to talk to him. earlier, when i explained my situation to him, the only advice he gave me was "be kind, because that's all you can do." nobody ever said that to me before. we hugged for maybe a few solid minutes. he let go when i mentioned his girlfriend. he gave me his number. he lives very close to where i live.
John or Jack
3DS focuses on the weirdest things can't wait for him to fumble the bag critically so he shuts the fuck up
Learn to read like actually I literally said what I said RETARDDDDDD
i wanted to stay and watch him dance but i got sad. i thought about how happy he was. i thought about how easy his life was compared to mine. i thought about how happy everyone around me was. not thinking about their troubles, just on what's happening right now, and having a good time. i can't do that. no matter how good i have it, i'm always thinking about ways it can get worse. i can't help it. i had to leave. my staring was probably getting creepy anyways. and he had a girlfriend.

i told him everything. i told him how awful my life is. all he had to say was that, if he were me, he would not have lasted as long as i have. from the day he was born he has not known a world without kindness. he was taught to be good, by good people. he's been in good company all his life.

all this time i thought i could only be friends with people like me: losers. people who have nothing. this person, who is the total opposite of everything i am, is the only person i could consider a real friend. i just have to wait until he texts me back so i can prove that.

i think he's attractive, but i'm not attracted to him. i don't have any feelings for him. i'm just really happy that maybe i might actually have a real friend for once.
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Tonight I discovered britpop, I should listen to more music that isn't just boss fight music

stop falling in love with straight boys
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my feelings for him are 100% platonic. even though he hugged me and he was really sweaty and really smelly i did NOT get a boner. i STILL don't have one.
3DS you're gross and pathetic and bald make a blog instead of spamming your drivel here
also one of the girls doing yoga was wearing a slingshot thong and i could see straight through her fudge cutter and it kinda grossed me out desu
not bald
Yes bald and everybody knows you are a straightoid so what's the point of trying to prove otherwise with gross lies
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I don't bother reading any paragraphs. Either greentext that shit or condense it otherwise it gets mentally filtered as schizo or normalfag rambling
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I've got more songs in the pipeline after I finish my current one, which of these sounds the most interesting? Note it's unavoidable

>1. (Why don't ya) take a chance with the Kiwi
>2. Bunny is in need (I'd be pleased to ask for my dutchie)
>3. I want a blondie boy (sporting those blues)
>4. Go right up to Miami (you can save me)
>5. Meow's secrets - A Thriller
>I: Plane to Finland
>II: Hue's advice
>III: Possum fantasies
Cringe cringe cringe

Off with your head
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Decapitation seems a little too quick but I agree with the sentiment behind your post
This general needs some fresh autism, it will get ignored anyway
Stupid fucking dog jumped in my back when I was turned around and clawed my back and sides. Im allergic so its puffing up real bad now. Fuck dogs why even have them. I love the little shit, but rn he really pissed me off, clawed not just my back but my shins and my arms and tried biting my forearms.
title one as;
>me n you in the r9gay mansion
not him but if i were to kms i would invent an odd contraption to decapitate me and drop the sword right by me so it looks like a murder mystery and leave the detectives puzzled.
So you're allergic to dogs but own one anyway?
im just a simple neet and the dog isnt mine
Can't even play hopscotch without poppin a rager
i made friends with a straight guy
definitely interested in possum fantasies
Plot to GTA 6
Yeah I only drank craft beer twice and it made me realize it's a whole different world, I'll keep an eye open for the youngling beer, herr oberst.
I did finish Jojo and I'm collecting the manga for someone else, but I'm afraid it's not in my top 5
Hmm I should probably have one that's not about some r9gay personality yeah
You missed some characters anyway
This is all of them I recalled
"that feel when" with tfw's from the archives, ranging from wholesome to messed up
Meow's trilogy will be almost 8 minutes total, be careful what ye ask
title one as
>the feel when
need ultraperv sexpest boy so bad
need him to harass me for nudes
need him to pester me for sex
need him to feel me up and grope me constantly
need himmmmm
need ultraluv boy so bad
need him to hug me for boops
need him to pester me for cuddles
need him to pick me up and kiss me constantly
need himmmmm
both of these are me
there was one song left on the album called "the violin" and I had no idea what to with it, but it makes so much sense now
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I am suddenly struck by a feeling of loss for all my pets who have fallen off the conveyor belt of life. Its a shame most animals have relatively short lifespans, what I would give for a dog or cat with human vitality.
Maybe I should just get a Tortoise
no they are not, the last one is me. unless you mean you relate.
i would give you my dog but it aint exactly my dog. also tortoises can be delicate too you know, and their passing is just as sad as any. i had one that got taken by a scorpion, my tortoise she snuck away from me and went outside and i couldnt find her until i realized what had happened. she at least killed the scorpion.. her name was lauren. dont paint the shells like every other fool does. Their shells are like part of their organs.
i meant that the boy that both of you want is me
tortoises like being petted too
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I already have a dog, I just felt saddened by the likelihood that I'll outlive him which is why the tortoise sprang to mind as a good enduring pet.
>Their shells are like part of their organs.
Interesting I never gave their shells much thought but painting them never occurred to me either

That's nice to know, if I ever get one I will pet it frequently
i have dibs on this guy sorry other anon

no one should ever be outlived by their pet imagine you died, who will feed your tortoise and love it? think about it anon.
take him, didnt ask for an ultraperv sexpest
look up the infographics on a tortoise shell it is fascinating and unnerving
Rabbits in love will spend a large amount of time just staring at each other, even in the wild
Why don't boys do this
woah careful there buddy, rabbits stare down to see who is the submissive or who is the dominant, if one is not declared they fight brutally.
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Sounds a bit awkward that, having someone just standing around looking at you.
obviously he meant rabbits who are mates
yeah i exaggerated a bit, the brutal fight is who is just gonna be the cuddly sub.
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me and whoo
You can have the first meetup and still have those results
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Yeah but I'd win
It's really cute how you make your posts like a logbook. I hope you can imagine a future where you can be more positive about life. With the right people around you it becomes much easier, but the most important change is in how you treat yourself.
started sleeping 12+ hours a day again... i guess this is it; the final cycle...
Alright gays; do I attend my local pride month festivities to find a bf or naw tomorrow?
>the final cycle
the chrysalis stage?
sure why not anon, just go for it dont be like us
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Sleeping for 12 hours would be nice, beats subsisting on naps
yes. im being liquefied and everything
want to passionately make out with a boy while a stinky nerdy girl spies on us
Sharing homicidal and homoerotic fantasies with fbf :3
You right. I have had a distain for the lgbt people who go to those things but fuck it not gonna find gays anywhere else in such mass. Gonna be hot as balls though ohh well.
you might talk to someone who will make you throw away our preconceptions/prejudices. make you wanna hear more from him and more. i wish you luck.
its not restful sleep, its making me feel heavily fatigued
I have already half broken my prejudices for said
people by going to a gay club every week for a lil.
Talked and met a lot of cool people and have had
fun even if meeting a few bad actors. Thanks for
the luck I hope its fun and maybe meet someone
how can one boy do so much catastrophic damage to me
Feels good when people like my ideas about stuff in vidya
Spending too much time on de chans has warped my mind
It's not my fault alone, we're both heavily flawed in both the same way and completely opposed ways, I'm too much of a bleeding heart and take everything full force and you're too closed off and never show how much you care until it's too late, these miserable delusions fill my mind and I beg you to tell me I'm wrong to dispel them and you don't, you just add more fuel to the fire
And I know you don't mean to, I know you struggle to express yourself, I know that you're so much kinder and more beautiful than you've ever let on or that you yourself are willing to reveal. I'm not good enough to slip through the teeny-tiny cracks in the stone walls you've built up around yourself, but i can at least catch a glimpse through them on occasion, all these wonderful little motes of tenderness that I've failed to capitalize on, failed to nurture. I can't fix you alone but I could have done so much more than I did
You want space right now and I understand that despite the constant urges to keep railing on and on. I understand, it hurts like a motherfucker but I understand. It just fills me with so much fear. I told you I didn't feel like our relationship was working because it wasn't, we're both dysfunctional, and in our current states we're not compatible, but that doesn't mean I don't love you and value you and care for you every single bit as much as I always have. I want nothing more than to take back everything that I've said and really, honestly recommit to you, but it's stupid to do that on impulse when these passions are already destroying me. You don't deserve to be alone, and I don't want you to be, and nothing would make me happier than being the foundation to help you build yourself up and love yourself as much as you deserve. You repress and poison your emotions and I hate it.
But for now, there's nothing I can do. I can only wait and pray. I can't unshatter us, but maybe we can build something better with the shards. I hope so.
who we vagueposting about tonight
nobody you know
i just had to say it somewhere and i don't want to keep battering him about it when he needs breathing room
I like to believe that it could be me.
that's one hell of a cold reading

it'll never be us rip
define cold reading
Meow i wanna ask you, are you on the tagmap?
t. joku tuttu
He's in Helsinki at the corporate mcdonald
I would hope he is, i am moving to helsinki in like a month
If I act more deranged can I get simps and ebfs too
You're a flower growing in the cracks of the sidewalk. You may not see the beauty, you may think it's utterly normal to be stepped on and walked across and ignored and you've built yourself to handle that. But it's not, and I'm not going to treat you like that. I want to nurture you and see you grow. It doesn't matter that you're nestled in cold hard concrete instead of soft soil. You can bloom just as vividly, live just as fully, if you're just willing to expose yourself beyond the concrete casing a bit.
Just because you've adapted to it doesn't mean it's where you flourish. You don't have to live like this.
niggas will write poems about a fat mcdonald worker who tells them to kys on the internets
Yeah and, he is cute
ok prison fag
i reckon i'm more of an alpine bonsai, twisted in stark repose against the wind and snow of a remote mountainside.
I am fully fag you dumbass
raul menendez nigga
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need aryan bf
>tfw no chronic liar bf where I have to invert everything he says
Mother, I crave love.
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You will have a mysterious illness befall you
They will never cure you
You will die and leave behind not even bones
this already happened to me
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Weren't my fault but I am an empath.
Dumb manwhore
homosexuality is le wrong
why don't you have a bf when you're such an empathy huh?
It's hard, okay? It's not hard being a good bf.
These better not be some unwholesome porn links or something!
Not making a thread out of principle
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new thread that isnt fucked up


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