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Biofem Discussion (Boyfriend) General
Chores Edition
Not to be confused with /Biofem/ General

Old: >>77887192

Discuss the happenings of /Biofem/ without actually posting in /Biofem/
Or just talk about women
Nothing like a man who likes to do chores
Is this what femcels look like? Is that OP1?
Nonas: yeah they pretty much look like this.
i want to lick athletic fembot sweat
I love OP1's asmr channel
>Nothing like a man who likes to do chores
Some girls find that very appealing.
Tomo wanted a boymaid not romantically or sexually interested. Can just put a cage to not bother her that way and do the chores
when did she say this, how do i become tomos boyslave
Sign me the fuck up please
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this is what tripfems actually look like
Wanna be part of Tomo's boymaid harem
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>this is what tripfems actually look like
Need more fat
God I love women so much... they are unearthily beautiful.
To all the pay pals, have any of you have a girlfriend before? Do you have the experience to treat me right if I decided to date one of you? I don't want to just be practicing dummy that you make all of your mistakes on.
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it depends, does this fembot have a big butt?
Which gifter are you because you're already out of the running.
Sorry I have never had a girlfriend.
whats your throne, i will become the top gifter
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Dat's what they do
you never gifted me anything xixe
What in the name of psyop is going on?
bait and cringe
im sorry, how can i make it up to you
I want a hug and a written apology
So, is anyone playing Elden Ring's DLC tonight?
nah im playing subnautica
>Everyone should post pictures of anime girls they think the nonas would look like
i'd post what i think flo-chan looks like but I don't think they allow loli outside of b
sorry, i can also send chocolates if youd like
You should gift Scaranona's throne.
maybe. i know she needs new computer parts!
She's a cosplayer and sews her own cosplays... how am I not supposed to be obsessed with her
only if she turns the trip on
Fuck off, Scara
I wish I could live with her in a big house and we would raise a family together there.
Are you the micropenis-anon?
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Have faith, nons
No, why would you say that
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Maybe being ugly is the way
She has so many talents and interesting hobbies
How's it going?
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yes i am and im proud
We are getting some digits here
what happened to PT nona? what is she recovering from? who knows the lore?
I have no idea. I can't say I ever noticed her.
there's a damn ocean dragon that spits meteor fire ! :D
She's been around a while. Also known as Peaches
Do we know anything about her?
she's also amateur electrician and likes to repair lots of stuff
No, I mean like, are they big, flat, ?
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That would be cool too
neet1, is that you?
do u like lindor
You are extremely delusional
yeah lol, hi! hello! put me in the thread visitors list!
that's super good chocolate yeah is that your favorite?
So you'd really consider dating... a pay pal?
yes it is, i get it during the holidays, i dont celebrate holidays because im to depressed but it does cheer me up, how r u today visitor nona
I am a man. I have balls.
This is a male thread that's about biofem
shit let me go post this on the biofem thread
I think this is her.
>I mean PT might be done but I am still not very strong and easily fall over.
I don't care women don't belong in r9k and I hate that they pretend to be like us when they're not. Coomers simps, and all the people who validate them should be gassed
>pretend to be like us
If it makes you feel any better, I have never pretended to be like you.
He's talking about the female posters. We know you don't have to pretend to belong here.
how about you stay in your incel threads and let us have some fun
This is an incel thread.
Nah you'll just get ghosted
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I wish nonas like this were real.
I LOVE sub nautical. I didn't realise you play as a black person though. :<
I think i'm the only person who thinks Elden Ring is ugly and overrated. Eternal Ring ftw.
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It's not ugly, but it does feel hollow sometimes. It's more of an action game, than an rpg game.
Yeah, clearing this giant and often empty open world is quite a... chore
It is ugly. Look at those colors in the thumbnail. Entire game looks like it has an oversaturated filter on it. Yes, weather cycles... I get it, I get it. So much uglier than any of their other games. And art style is all over the place. I think all in efforts to make it look different from Dark Souls.
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You like it more grey and yellow?
Talk about cute biofems, retards
Biofem is being super boring right now though.
Elden Ring is a game about Queen Marika the Eternal having a woman moment and fucking everything up.
>I LOVE sub nautical.
I was obsessed with that game when I started. But once I got my big submarine built, I was so worried about it getting wrecked that I lost momentum.
Pregnona's farts..
They would be absolutely nuclear
Imagine the grease..
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Nothing special about them
dont get so jelly. OP1
That bitch would enable roaches like you.
I know that feel. I stopped playing when I died and hadn't saved in a while. I was so mad. Hehe. We should all have a subnautica party where we all play simultaneously in awkward silence.
I know for a fact that one of these femanons collects roaches, concerningly.
I would love it if she trapped my head in a box with a hole on the top in front of my face and she sat on the hole and just absolutely blasted me with nonstop gas.
That's cute, bugs are cool when they don't want to attack you
That would cost you at least $200
That's cheap, I would gladly pay more
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There's nothing there
The other reason I never picked it back up is that I don't have a lot of time for single-player games. I'd rather play something that I can play with friends.
playing as a guy isn't too immersive
I saved, built it, tried to drive it, and loaded the save, I have no idea what the submarine is for
skill issueeh
I would never do that to turks!
Tomo Berry and Preg taking turns sitting on your face
>Tomo Berry and Preg taking turns sitting on your face
>I have no idea what the submarine is for
I think it's mean to act as a mobile base of operation for when you're exploring deeper biomes. Unfortunately, they can be destroyed by leviathans while you're out and about.
>Huffing biofem stinky laundry
I would bury my head in the laundry basket
She is very wise
Makes sense. Though I don't really like most multiplayer games except monster hunter. Who needs friends anyway
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Nona fashion be like
Where is everybody today? Threads have been dead.
Feel that's the case with the entire board, no summer peak.
I feel like you can make a shitty thread and make it last the entire day with just like 2 bumps.
I signaled to the bio fems that I'd be doing chores and that there would be no reason to post if I'm not here. You wouldn't get it. Don't bother responding because I'm going to do more chores
Why are you on /r9k/ instead of lolcow?
Isn't lolcow for girls?
Thought it was to laugh at youtubers drama or something
Stop doing chores NOW
Playing Elden Ring's DLC
Easier to attentionwhore on here
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This is basically me in real life but more epic
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That's a lotta wood
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Damn, she really said that
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>Elden Ring endings
She was spitting lowkey
Tfw ugly and shy
Moid-chan is acting weird.
Hmm, weird? How so?
>Moid-chan is acting weird.
Moid chan is acting weird.? Please elaborate.
Getting a boyfriend does that to you
She just has autism
Maybe I'm just imagining it. She just seems more interested in others relationships.
She's ovulating.
I think she's too old for that
mamanona is living her dream desu.
A successful relationship with a girl/guy you already knew from childhood is as good as it gets.
Not if I'm friends with the brother. That's just awkward.
You are imagining things, stop making it weird.
>You are imagining things, stop making it weird.
What are you talking about.
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Hmm.. which type do you prefer? For me, it's the right.
Which type do you guys think is berry
Boring but also not boring?
Boring nona looks like that?
Nah, she's not
Thank you for the revelation. Fuck I wasted my life.
We're so lost we keep crying about genetic lotteries when that's the real lottery.
I can fix it, moidy-chan!
Both look a bit mental
I guess the right would dump me faster, but I'm also less scared of her
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Just so you (((nonas))) know I am NOT going to Eastern Europe to find a qt gf anymore but you have still missed your chances with me because I will be going to Japan instead.
I hope that clears everything up for you dumb nonas.
If you need further clarification then re-read the post because I will NOT be repeating myself again until tomorrow, when I will provide further updated :3
Wat, who are you?
hi nonas. i thinkn im a lesbian
>he thinks more than 4 eastern european women visit this website
Men can't be lesbian.
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Redpill me on powdered milk mixed with cinnamon.
Actually I'll redpill you on it because I'm about to drink it now.
I'm starting to save money yesterday for my Japan gf quest because I have literally $1.10 in my bank account atm.
It was not bad but I'm starving. No food in the house.
Anon, did you know that having sex with someone you care about is a vastly different experience than someone you aren't in love with? If you never made love to someone you were in a committed relationship with, then you have no experience and won't know how to treat me if I ever dated you.
>He found out about how Easter European women really are.
>He hasn't found out about Asian women yet.
Train-wreck website.
I haven't found out how either really are yet aktchewally but I just decided to make an executive decision before the engines of progress started roaring!
Full speed ahead!
I bet this one falls for the bar scam
Afternoon dee lidds, that 200 bet i chucked yesterday on kansas city and the dodgers came through. Although it's a massive risk for 40 profit. Withdrew all the money and shoved it into s&p 500 ETF's. That way I'll be less tempted to piss it all away. Get paid in 9 days so it's not too bad.

At work currently it's fucking shit but it has to end at some point
I'll probably fall into numerous pitfalls but such is the life of an intrepid adventurer. Each one a learning experience.
Are you okay there?
"intrepid adventurer"
bro you're making decisions with your dick. that shit aint it.
I'm making decisions with my heart, I want to find love and I have a better chance of succeeding by trying this than staying here.
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true that
>ethic group
>with my heart
this is why men hate threads are valid
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Cultural group aktchewally.
Sorry nona, you have missed you're chance with me *taps sign* >>77905543
daily Deletes checkup
Unusual deletes beside the gore
Which tripfem has the smallest and biggest tits?
>Which tripfem has the smallest and biggest tits
This is why I'm never going to date a guy from r9k.
no, I wear basic clothes
Basically. They just can't stop. I figured I'd see one be able to connect with but then they say stuff like that and just Nope.
Which tripfem has the coziest hugs?
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Even that looks like it has a sepia filter on it. What do you think? I think the original Dark Souls, albeit much older, looks much better and more consistent.
That looks like waaay too much cinammon.
Dark Souls 3 is all about a world that is ending.
1 is about a world that is kept in an undead stasis, pretending to still be alright.
Basically bfg and r9k.
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Berry body
Whose tripfem we've seen tits from? Alleged or not
None? How would we have seen them
Berry chan's ass...
Holy fuck my dick would completely disappear in there and she wouldn't notice
Bro she could swallow up my entire face
Theres no hiding an ass like that poor berry chan
I feel bad for all the men in her life who have to endure this temptation.
With bodies like that I can see why femanonas have a hard time keeping male friends.
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The chest is a lie
A tranny's illusion
>YWN buy Berry chan hot dresses that show off her ass
None of my findoms have messaged me in days. Thinking of ghosting them and finding new ones.
It is a huge dream of mine to go to a clothing store with a girl and help her pick out outfits for me to buy her.
maybe send them more money?
Are you at the top of their gifters list? Why should I message you if you're not on the leader boards?
>All these digits on Berrys body
>She's not here to check them
he said findom not biofem
also how does that work, are they supposed to talk to you?
I would be embarassed if she knew the stuff I was saying about her.
She said she hates shopping and wants a girlfriend who would buy her outfits maybe shed take a boyfriend who bought her outfits
A girl would understand fashion better than I could though. Maybe it would be better if she had a girlfriend and I just let them use my credit card and carried their bags for them while they have fun.
>Berry chan reading every post ITT
which nona has the most expensive fashion tastes?
It's boring when they don't say anything about it though.
Kpopnona wants that 350 dollar dress
pregnona with her burando dream
Honestly just don't feel like cheating on my bf. I think I'm just bored of casual sex and want to be faithful. Also my mom depressed me today talking about how lonely she is and I just don't know how to help her except kindly suggest she joins a club or a church but her self esteem is too low. I cant really talk but at least I have online friends and try to go out and be active. I think there is an epidemic of older female loneliness especially among mothers whose children have left the nest thats why they are vulnerable to parasocial scams and shopping addictions
>YWN be a pretty teen biofem's disposable wallet slave
She would probably feel like shit.
You have no idea how much I yearn for that.
oh. well that's weird. Im sure the biofems will be thankful
They're not dominant enough. I really need to feel like a girl is raping my bank account while laughing at me for being so pathetic.
dream job how do I sign up?
Dream job mind
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nonas connected
Wh-why is she making that gesture
That rp does nothing for me these days, maybe overexposure so I see everything as a simple request for more which is fine and expected but just gets ignored knowing it leads nowhere interesting.
I see those girls with long term subs and wonder if the subs really had to handhold them through the entire process.
>It's boring when they don't say anything about it though.
That's just poor business. Maintaining some kind of personal communication with donors is critical.
What would do it for you at this point? Giving her your bank account information, ending up deep in debt?
Never understood those extremes. I'm too pragmatic, you go in heavy debt and you stop being useful so what's the point.
I honestly have no idea, those days might be over. Still send a bit because gifting money is just fun and helps people but other than that? I guess if there's genuine interest based on what she shares or if somehow the vibe stops being "I'm talking to you for this and that"
It's hard to find good doms these days. Oversaturated market.
and what would that be? what's a good dom?
NTA, first of all somebody who doesn't need to ask that.
That's pretty subjective, you can sum it up as someone who understands and knows what makes you click.

So in the case of mr rape my bank account >>77907889 it would be someone that can portray the scenarios he wants and offer him the experience of laughing at his pathetic self
All these nonas are bmi<20.. good for them, had a wrong perception based on amerifat memes
It kinda depends on your preferences but for me what I'd like is frequent communication from a girl who isn't afraid to show herself and knows how to be dominant.
Sadly not me. I am at 23 but getting there little by little.
Fem neets are often malnourished and quite a few of them have or had eating disorders.
>its like a vertical split thing with an annoying bump
>18.7 BMI
Berry chan is unforgivable plapbait
Breeding material
If I wasn't at work right now I would already be gooning.
Need sporty biofem tummy
I think nobody will believe me if I say this but I want to vent. I once met a girl through 4chan who was like the perfect dom for me. She fulfilled all my paypig and cuckold desires. She had a Throne wishlist and an Amazon wishlist filled with really sexy outfits and fetish gear and she would tell me sex stories about her and her boyfriend. She would send me selfies of herself, she was so beautiful and had an amazing body. One time she actually surprised me with full pictures and a video clip of her having sex with her boyfriend wearing some lingerie I had paid for. It was angled in a way that I couldn't actually see her full nudity, but it was obvious what was happening from the way she moved. I never mentioned my penis size to her but I think she knew I was small since she did one of those size comparison photos where she showed her abdomen next to his penis to show how big it would be inside her. I fapped to her like crazy, it probably ruined my brain.

In the end I lost contact with her and I didn't think to save any of the things she sent me. It's all stuck in a discord message log that I can't sign into anymore. I miss her a lot but I wonder if she would still be doing that stuff all these years later.
>Berry chan accidentally wandering into /bfd/ instead of /biofem/
I would blow cum uncontrollably straight into my trunks.
Can I be your new findom anon? What kind of body did she have?
This is quite possibly the gayest thing i have read this year.
Do you have a bf to cuck with..?
Me, I just bought a Hermes scarf. Tee hee
i feel so ugly and disgusting
i dont think i will have ever have sex
right now im dating a guy who i find attractive but he wants to fuck and i dont wanna take my clothes off because I feel disgusting
i will probably have to ghost him even though im falling in love with him
all because i am too afraid of letting a man see me naked
i will probably die a virgin at this point
im so sad
2 is about, well uhhh
Let him dry hump you.
I do, but I would need to know if you find me attractive first as I may not be your type, especially if you have very high standards like I assume you do
I'm not good at describing physical features but maybe something like this?

I will admit I did feel a little gay having to see her boyfriend naked too. But I wasn't focusing on him, I was just looking at her. It's not that different from watching porn.
Sorry my breasts are bigger than that, I am chubbier than that and also a redhead. Dont think I would be your type.
Well, I was more into her for the way she treated me than the way she looked. It's not like I had her pictures before we already started.
What is a hermes scarf
>dressing up and putting makeup on and everything makes me feel like everyones eyes have heat lasers
She knows she's a total babe
Understandable. Do you still have discord?
>Wearing a dress is exhibitionism
Shy girls are the best after all
A scarf
from Hermes
oh my fucking god do we really need two concurrent threads for f*males at the same time?
This is our goon cave.
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maybe im delusional but i was thinking of settin up a dating profile on bumble, i'm somewhat lesser of a loser then i was 3 months ago. I know my fellow males will strongly advise against it. I'm curious if the bio-fems will say different...
This is some desperation.
But I can't tel which one of you is more desperate.
I heard they let men message first on bumble now
I dunno try physically warming up to him through stuff like hugs.
Wait were you actually being serious?
god I fucking hate ds3 fucking doomer souls bloodborne wannabe.
worst dark souls by far
Who is hermes
Not that guy but I wasn't too into ds3, honestly. although, I dont think it's fair to say it's worse than 2.
Some of the elden ring bosses look like mashed bloodborne enemies.
In my experience most stop once it's comfortable to do so
If you still have a payment method is worth a last shot though, have said hi to some here and there that way just for fun
Try taking it slow, see how it goes. That thing about not liking being physical is more common than you think
All of her links were in that discord chat. I don't remember her username either since it was a generic throwaway type.
I must be in the minority because I actually enjoyed ds2 mostly.
I just really dislike Ds3's atmosphere and how the game was extremely linear to the point where you really couldn't stumble into cool stuff like you could in the previous games
Yes. You were not? I always wanted to try this sort of thing.
I just had a hard time believing that right after I posted this hyper specific scenario from my past, someone happens to be interested in it in the thread minutes later. I'll have a discord open with your post number as the username though.
>a girl who isn't afraid to show herself
sounds like you're looking more for a prostitute than a findom
NTA but that really depends on how you look at it. Findom is basically paying someone to roleplay a fantasy for you, so you might already call that prostitution. I would say it isn't, since you aren't having sex with them.
wonder if berries' therapist is hot
OF is prostitution too if you show nudes.
Findom with nudes most definitely is prostitution.
>I just really dislike Ds3's atmosphere and how the game was extremely linear to the point where you really couldn't stumble into cool stuff like you could in the previous games
I totally agree with you. Imo it also felt too quick, as in the speed of the combat in 3 increased. Ds2 is just so jank, but more charming I would concede. For me, DS is really 1 and 3, and 2 is the strange outlier.
by my own definition findom with nudes is OF
yeah the definitely streamlined the combat and made it too action-y in ds3.
and I can see why you'd think ds2 is weird but I think that's part of the charm
How did pregnona end up on here? Seems pretty normie if got knocked up
Do you know bout the nutcase vore?
There's a straight up mother in the thread I don't think it's a stretch
It doesn't have to be nudes but it's pretty common for findoms to post selfies of themselves on their social media.
femoids dont like being dominant, they just like having money.
a findom isnt a dom without real money involved
Gooning to berry's posts right now lads.
Berry chan is premium fuckmeat AND waifu material
My dick is DIAMONDS every post
>YWN watch Berry chan work out and try to lose weight for her boyfriend while you bring her water and towel off her sweat
This used to be high posting time on the general.
Why did is it on life support?
Dude when she was talking about her sweat I was leaking
Who was this loser
OP1, of course
>you can make it with any kind of milk you want
>YWN drink Berry chan's tittymilk horchata
what's with the shift from Tomo to berries?
Berries slowly started dropping hints about her body plus she is more active
Definitely a larper since he's not the one who suggested these threads
>YWN watch Berry fuck her boyfriend while you bring her water and towel off her sweat
Tomo chan is a older woman and doesn't give goon fuel
Berry chan is a cute naive teen girl who drops it all the time
She probably doesn't know which is why I post here
She should stay innocent to the dirty old men who goon to her
How old is Tomo? I thought she was young.
>YWN drive her from the gym to her bfs house and let her change in the back seat
>YWN sniff her musty gym clothes in the car while she heads inside to get plapped
>blowing my pathetic load in my pants while sniffing her clothes like a beta while she has wild mind shattering orgasms being pounded by the chad cock she deserves
Unf what a woman
>Tomo chan is a older woman and doesn't give goon fuel
She's in her early 20s.
>She should stay innocent to the dirty old men who goon to her
She has had enough bad experiences IRL already, she's very aware how bad men can be.
She needs to learn how to milk my wallet
>want to hex / curse / destroy my ex with magic and witchcraft
>scared of being damned to hell despite not being religious
it's over...
Why do you want to destroy her
Let's he honest. Tomo and Berry are both sexy young titsluts with bodies literally designed for arousing male cocks.
Your reaction and your intention are both nonsensical.
The least we can do is pay them for the privilege
There should be a fap tax where every time we bust a nut to one of the biofems, we send them some change as a thank you - or as an apology depending on how you look at it
>>hey nona do you want to go on stage at this bar and be doused in water so everyone can stare at you and clap as a humiliation ritual to please the men in the room?
I'm not sure which is hotter - the possibility that she knew exactly what she was doing when she typed that, or the possibility that she didn't.
All of them are normie. They're all tourists from reddit and tiktok.
If I ever see berry wet on stage I will know God is real and praise Him for His blessings.
You guys are confusing me with the anime berries in the main thread.
Stop snitching bro
We aren't talking about whoever you are
Who are you talking about then? It looks like her to me
I hope she ignores it. Snitches don't deserve attention.
Who are YOU? Why are you relevant?
If Berry chan posts a picture of her in a wet t shirt I will convert
What is this psyop of saying wrong things constantly in the hopes that someone will correct and spoon feed you?
Can any of you swim? I want to go to the beach.
Who said I was relevant? I just said I was confused because someone is posting anime berries in the other thread.
I would love to see an orca in the wild that close.
My post did not contain wrong information
So how did it go anon
Was she real?
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Someone call me an ambulance
That slut is doing it on purpose
I'm sorry... what did you jsut call her? I may have been fapping too loudly to hear you properly... GROWLS...
She got knocked up by a nigger and posts lust bait on purpose
She's pure she's perfect she's an angel shut up
Okay pal
Keep pumping
Dawg stop snitching on us you're gonna get us in trouble
As you can probably imagine nothing happened. Someone did add me but has not responded to any messages.
I remember my attempts adding findommes from here and soc lol
One was a troon that did his best to take a pic not showing face, waste of time
One provided a timestamp, got money and.. that was it lol.
One provided timestamp and looked troonish but pitied her because she just had the maleish anatomy
One wanted to try and hesitated only to claim she got scared from other men sending scary messages or something
Only one went alright but she got better senders so fair play

That was like 8 years ago though, half hearted attempts in more recent times didn't even reach the verification pic part.
Did anyone else's relatives ever say
>here comes troubllle
When you entered into any room and was it very annoying
I thought asking for money off soc was not allowed how do they findom there? For scientific purposes..
I gave up on soc because I got banned for just asking about it.
Sometimes I wish that was how it went for me so that I would be discouraged and lose interest, instead of being given a taste of something amazing and spending the rest of my life trying to find it again.
What's hot about a woman fucking someone else?
You can't ask directly, but there are femdom threads, fetish threads and the like. Or there were back then.
Trial and error i guess
Well on a primitive level, seeing sex makes you think about sex, and thinking about sex makes you horny, so there's that.

Is there anyone who's NOT a cuck in here (me excluded)?
>Biofem Discussion (Boyfriend) General
I just now realized the "Boyfriend" stuck in there. Why? What does it mean?
It means that you're like the boyfriends/husbands who sleep on the couch or outside in the dog house.
Because we're their boyfriends--they just haven't realized it yet.
They all have crushes that are not you
God I wish that was true. Just once in my life I want a girl to call me her boyfriend
Don't ruin my fantasies, bro. Let me have just this one!
Hello, her boyfriend.
*ba dum tsss*
No woman has ever had a crush on me. No woman has ever day dreamed about me. No woman ever got nervous or excited thinking about me. I'm nothing.
I said "a girl", anon.
But I am one, her boyfriend.
How can you know that? Are you a telepath?
Which nona is your girlfriend?
No I'm just very ugly and I have a small penis
Then how do you explain that massive bulge?
Give me a nika-ish future!
Why is biofem arguing about vaginas
EVERYONE shut up berry is posting
>Berry casually confirming she has an innie pussy
That was no accident. She knows we are reading.
I hope she didn't read my posts.
Rude, don't have one.
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>don't have one.
Me too, anon... me, too.
None of them, but I wish I had one
Kekek, thanks for the hug. What did you all eat today?
Personally I had a ham and cheese Hot Pocket, and a turkey sandwich with Cheetos and some orange juice. I plan to have chicken and spaghetti for dinner.
>orange juice
Apple juice is miles better, anon. The rest sounds good, exceot maybe cheese Hot Pocket. Never heard of that before.
>chicken and spaghetti
Together or separated? Are you cooking these dishes?
Why do you eat so much and why is it all slop
Oops, didn't mean to double quote or misspell except.
My dad made the spaghetti. The chicken is mixed inside of it.

You're supposed to eat three meals a day.

I have a hard time waking up in the morning to for breakfast I usually get something that is quick to make in the microwave. And I eat sandwiches for lunch because they are also fast to make and eat on the job.
Damn, I'm getting hungry now. But it's almost 5 am.
She said she stopped days ago.
>uh the morning after i got tipsy
>its nice to have a push to try something scary
>YWN push Berry chan to get drunk and hook up with chad
>YWN push Berry chan to wear a micro bikini on her melons
>You're supposed to eat three meals a day.
Don't think of food like a minimum. Think of it as a maximum. Thinking one needs to eat a certain amount is how one gets fat. Think about instead how you can limit how much you'll eat.
What is this thinspo crap? The era of Kpopnona is over already.
>Berry chan to wear a micro bikini on her melons
That would be lethal
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She hates me.
>YWN help her get tipsy to cope with nerves
>YWN watch her get picked up by Chad
dont be discouraged. now I can imagine pregnona hate fucking me
How do you get hatefucked by a woman
cowgirl style, insulting, calling me names, choking, slapping... the options are endless
What if she starts drunk texting you selfies
>You're supposed to eat three meals a day
Not really, once a day is enough
Oh okay if you guys wanna judge me so badly tell me what you're eating instead? Did you have your daily cracker and sip of tap water yet?
your mother. goddamn, she's a snack anon
>Did you have your daily cracker and sip of tap water yet?
No, it was bottled water
Weak, it's like you're not even trying to lose that water weight
watered bottles are better retard
I would die of something so heavenly
Stop fatshaming me I have a spring water addiction
Wtf is a watered bottle
why the fuck are you all just normies?
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This would be how it feels to date her
I want this so much it hurts
>YWN be a cute teen biofem's emotional tampon
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I could be her driver or her errand boy or her human ATM but I could never be her lover
I wish Berry chan would let us buy her things
I want to give her everything I can and know I am still never enough for a fertility goddess like her
She literally deserves to get free shit from men just because she has a nice body and I'm not joking or exaggerating.
Spoiling hot girls is the right thing to do
We have to worship her body
Chad gives her orgasms, we give her money. She deserves it all.
It's the only thing of value we have
I wish I could help her
Yeah, that makes sense. We're boys, and we're friends, mostly.
I hate women and simps. Basically I hate everyone participating ITT.
Don't be so hard on yourself friend, you are safe here.
I mostly dislike simps. Some women are okay.
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Damn, what do?
>Some women are okay.
Simp detected
I only tolerate those who don't avatar/name/thronefag.
Oh you mean the men who pretend to be women.
Or women who pretend to be men, if they are almost indistinguishable, then they are not a problem.
Hmm... so what do you think of me?
A bit annoying, but okay, so far.
Heh. bad answer.
Nt my problem.
Hello fellow moids it has never been more over
What's over? Star reference?
Fuck off, Berries.
Only true legends will remember this gem

Never been more over with you not replying to coomers in the general, you mean?
Why do you keep saying this scaryeyes?
Seems real activity hours have been reeuced to less than 8 now.

The really "funny thing" is that he apparently is into defending abusing women. And he pretends to do it just for her.
Damn this sucks where did everyone go
Everyone is busy playing Elden Ring's DLC now, bro.
This trend has been going on for about two weeks.
Activity even during US hours fell off really sharply after #102.
If anything, the game just made less moids post.
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>steals your heart
nothin personell, nona
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>Noooooo I need tripfaggs to determine the activity quality!!!! How else will I recognize someone I totally care about????
They never recovered after that huge burst on #100
Nonas are all ez to recognise.
...There is nothing more terrifying
did OP1 ever reveal if he's innie or outie?
>Malenia was just a fujo
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I mean, she's literally the Goddess of Rot. The writing was on the wall.
>Goddess of Rot.
me and OP1 >>77917808
This will never be me because I have a micropenis
Goddammit, enough already
Enough... why? Nothing has changed for me.
>enough already
No, apparently it isn't; that's his entire point.
She's not a god.
I said goddess
building a realistic Tomo idol in my neetcave
it's gonna have 34DDD's
Unironically I have considered buying a bra in her size just so I can hold it and better visualize how big her tits must be.
expect they're all fat and black lmao
None of them are fat or black
I wonder if it is possible to buy copies of her outfit and use it to dress up a life sized doll or mannequin
Neets are notoriously malnourished
Good idea. We just need her to let slip the color or brand
Is pregnona racist
Same shit, she's not a goddess either
I guess you must be new if you're saying that.
She is a gamer!
you're already shitting the main thread why are you bumping this
microdick anon and pregnona simp are the same poster?
Idk why you guys say that's me. It could easily be you.
Who is that asshole spamming the thread by replying to like 5 people at once
that's replymaxxingfag, aka EM
Claims to be a nona that '''''every nona recongizes'''''
Well it can't be both of those.
Not her. That's a nona that used to come around more but hasn't been around since thread 50s.
What's her gimmick?
I doubt it. I don't remember them.
Boring or Peaches
All named nonas are being driven out and replaced by "anonymous" biofems who are actually just men flirting with each other
I just went back to Walmart and spent $30 on cod liver. Breakfast for the next 2 weeks is covered ;)
Wait no I might have to go back and buy more fancy European rye bread.
Additionally, I bought canned mackerel and some fancy mustard and ate it on toast.
I'm pulling a 24 hour day lads. Wish me luck.
It's just because the powdered milk looks weird especially in the light of the salt lamp.
'twas decent but I was starving at the time
24 hours for what?
I just never went to sleep and I have to work again soon.
You should have slept
Why do I feel like this is what some nonas look like
Idk, nobody opens those links so it doesn't matter
I opened that one and it was a hot girl doing a dumb dance
Bros, it's over. I have lice...
Disgusting. Dunk your head in boiling water.
I'm surprised I haven't gotten lice or similar nasties from years of living in a filthy neet hovel
I want to go bald.

It's because of stupid little kids. I barely go outside.
Just go bald
Bald is beautiful
There are no goddesses
Berry told me that
Berry is a goddess
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kek what happened at the end of the last general?
Great example of why you should never talk with anybody from here. Extreme schitzoism.
On men or women?
I lowkey have a thing for bald girls
What's appealing about it?

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A pretty face can pull off bald or really short hair.
Well you know how it's hot when a girl takes off her clothes because you can see her bare skin?
I see, is it like a fetish?
It can look pretty striking, signals confidence.
Just another failed recognition attempt
I dunno, what are you talking about?
I agree, hair is just a messy, unnecessary part. I hope evolution will naturally get rid of them.
What do you not understand?
It started getting weirder after >>77921814
Then with >>77923126 some real lunacy posting began
>>77923889 took it to the next level
at least two retards having some kind of ptsd trauma outlet about posters they used to talk with on here
Idiots must have thought they were in the letter thread
Fun activity is cross checking deletes
i hate eurofaghours so much
Huh, I expected more.
The posts all got deleted at different times
The pepe one maybe for trolling
Dont understand the other two deletes tho
>The pepe one
He probably deleted it himself
Sometimes wish I can see the poster ids for these people
Untangling that web
>poster ids
Unfortunately, I think Hiromoot wants more anonymity. He even removed the thread ID count.
Hiromoot better remove the Name field then
>remove the Name field then
That would be nice.
Ok that made me laugh
>time to shitpost
>wrong thread
>Sorry fellow gentleman, may you excuse my misstep
>shitposts in a different thread
Just an honest mistake
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>I hope evolution will naturally get rid of them.
And toes as well.
oldfags, are the dead eurohours a recent phenomenon? or a sign of a dying general?
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It would be nice if we all became robots
No more sex
No more gender shit
No more pinky toe hits
Dunno, but we aren't the only ones, who are slow.
Sounds disappointing
You like having sex?
Hope OP1 is around to bake the next one
Am a bit intrigued by sisternona
She's a total babe that only banged her brother as a teen
gm nona a cutie
>banged her brother as a teen
Ew, that's a red flag.
It's always been the case unless there was the typical gore raid, it was at peak 3 nonas
Nta just destroy /pol/ and everybody posted there in the last months.
Wonder why she stopped posting
It was shortly after some lunatic tried to tell her to not play with moids
Wouldnt be the first time that a nona was scared off
Wonder how many loads Moid-chan has taken from her new boyfriend.
think it's time for a new gimmick, bro
What gimmick? Can we not be proud of her finally getting over her hatred of moids and enjoying a normal life?
She always talked normally even with moids
She never hated ever man
>Wouldnt be the first time that a nona was scared off
This. They bully off the nice nonas but don't contribute anything. Now the thread is barely holding on.
You chose wrong earlier. Two nonas will be forced away from the thread by the end of the week.
The hunger games, but wholl actually hunger are the moids for nona talk
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ok which ever one of you guys reported one of my posts a couple days ago for racism and got me banned is mega gay.
Need fresh new bread, bros!
What was the post again?
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I was impersonating a namefag in the main thread, and I yelled out about how I had a dislike of certain disenfranchised group of people.
I used a lycanthropus as the pic accompanying the post
Wouldve been great if you took the hint and stayed gone
haha i'm not going anywhere
anyone who posts below this line will get Snaids (Snake Aids [it is hyper-lethal])
New thread? Or are we going back to shitting in main?

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