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Summer Heat Edition

Previous : >>77894262

Ignore impolite moids

>what did you do during summer as a kid?
>would you rather swim at home or swim at a park?
>do you like summer? What is something you don't like about summer?
BONUS for southern hemisphere:
There is no bonus, enjoy seeing everyone posting their summer fun while you're cold lmao!

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. https://wizchan.org/ is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
females should lower their stnadards and settle for unattractive incels, you ARE bad people for refusing to do so
sUMMER with OP1
when will females finally admit that they are the upper class of society?
>what did you do during summer as a kid?
Sit indoors, cry on my birthday
>would you rather swim at home or swim at a park?
Swim in the bath.
>do you like summer?
I'm not sure
>What is something you don't like about summer?
I don't have any summer clothes to wear.
Had a great time camping this past weekend except for the raccoons literally unzipping our tent and stealing cookies. I love camping though it is the best part of summer. I love swimming too and plan to this weekend. I got a new sandproof beach blanket from temu and am going to bring some burgers to grill
The only thing I dislike about summer is that I have to walk my dogs super early and I worry about them overheating
Thank you for the thread, cruel bonus
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>what did you do during summer as a kid?
>would you rather swim at home or swim at a park?
at home by a long shot. i'm lucky enough to have a spot nobody else knows to swim on my own, i only ever go swimming in public places if the point is to meet other people (or if im going to a waterpark because i think im starting to get hooked on waterslides)
>do you like summer? What is something you don't like about summer?
yeah, i like the sun a lot! i dont like going out in public in summer cause getting sweaty makes me look all gross and the kind of clothes i like to wear in public make it a lot lot worse but just being home with the windows open and a breeze coming through and making horchata and iced mint tea to sip all day and wearing loose clothes that let the breeze cool me off is really cozy. summers are for enjoying myself alone. fall is for trying to peoplemaxx.

>>77909444 v/
camping sounds fun!! who did you go with? i go mini camping sometimes, but i usually cant make myself stay the night. there's too many homeless people wandering the wild here, so i usually wake up super early and set up a hammock and make a fire and decompress for a whole day then go home.
I wouldn't say I'm vehemently anti all porn. In fact, I'm pro softcore and other normaltier stuff. Would love to visit a porn site that's strictly normaltier and not filled with horrifying degenerate monsters
Pls explain, how do you make horchata
>what did you do during summer as a kid?
play video games and go on vacation for a couple of weeks
>would you rather swim at home or swim at a park?
what? I would rather swim at the beach
>do you like summer? What is something you don't like about summer?
I like summer, I love the days being longer but it's way too hot over here lately, like 35+C every day and I don't like that
Ngl I forgot beaches exist and I live close to them,,,
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Why do femoids want to be treated like this?
It makes me sad to know that if I ever get a gf I need to do stuff like picrel to keep her and not make her bored.
would be hot if they guy wasn't ugly and fat
>Didn't even put his fingers inside of her
>>what did you do during summer as a kid?
I got in as much outdoor time as I could, especially at the pool. Now I live in the sub-tropics, so the time of year isn't as critical for that as it was when I was a child.
>>would you rather swim at home or swim at a park?
You mean like a water park? I can't get enough of those places. My last birthday I treated all my friends to a day at Adventure Island.
>>do you like summer?
>>What is something you don't like about summer?
Well, the down-side of living just outside of the tropics is that it can' get a little TOO hot; but it's worth it the rest of the year.

My guy is a neurotic 5'7" nerd. I did my part.
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get a cup of rice, half a cup of almonds, wash them. then put them in a bowl and add a fuck ton of cinnamon, fill it with water to soak them overnight, then tomorrow you drain it all out in a strainer and put it a blender with a can of evaporated milk and a fuck ton more cinnamon and also a little nutmeg. make it a puree slush. then strain the milky ricey almondey milk into a pitcher and squeeze it out, but get the mush out because its bad for drinking it gets all in your throat and you cough, fucking sucks. anyway then you put that like intense condensed mixture and add agave syrup and vanilla extract to your preference then dilute it with normal milk and water to make like 5x as much cause its super intense then put it in the fridge to be cold. tada! cool off in the summer!

>POV you accepted christ as your lord and savior and the pastor is batpizing you

i remember one of the couple times i went to a church just to check it out someone tried to get me to get some old fat guy on stage to dunk me underwater on a stage and i was like... are you actually joking? i've never had a good church experience. those people are fucking nuts and either sickly sweet or really just assholes.
>someone tried to get me to get some old fat guy on stage to dunk me underwater on a stage
What country do you live in? What kind of church is that? Definitely not protestant or catholic.
>My guy
Get the fuck out normaldyke.
>dating a man
Not a normal church experience at all I'm sorry wtf
I love horchata but agua fresca just hits better and faster to make
>get a cup of rice, half a cup of almonds, wash them
Neato, thanks! Was this something you always made?
>but get the mush out because its bad for drinking it
How do you get the mush out?
ANYBODY who is into something like that should be avoided. It's completely abnormal and shows you are a completely gone, just deranged beyond help.
The exact same goes for people who post that, even if it's `just for fun`.
That was heartbreaking to read. I hope things get better if they haven't already.

That sounds awesome; also nice trips.

>i think im starting to get hooked on waterslides
Kinda hard NOT to.

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It would be really great if you all fucked off to somewhere else.
>My guy is a neurotic 5'7" nerd. I did my part.
He's still taller than you. You did not do your part.
Similar to have we call non virgin guys normalFAGS despite dating women.
Go back btw.
This is how almost all women are. There literally exist thousands of online posts on reddit and similar sites about women leaving or cheating on their husband because he wasn't exiting enough. Content like this is mainly consumed by a female audience. Rape porn is almost solely popular with women.
Oh, good. I was a retard tell me to leave.
what does this mean exactly?
Time to go back to /bfd/..
unironically what's wrong with that if it's consensual
If you are into being nearly drowned or nearly drowning somebody, you are really fucking mental.
Stay the fuck away from me.
Foids have serious mental issues.
You too.
The man doing it is worse, because he enjoys inflicting the pain.
why though
it's just a good sensation
He's literally only doing it because the foid says she will leave him if he doesn't.
Does he enjoy it though? Maybe he is just desperate for any form of female interaction and this is his only way how.
It doesn't matter.
>it's le bad because I say so
why are moids so retarded
>>it's le bad because I say so
That's the main argument femoids make for everything.
I went with my bf basically just hiked geocached ate food and played cards shit was so cash. Love being with an active person while camping
I really dig your idea of mini camping. I watch yuru camp sometimes and love the idea of solo camping but like you I'd be afraid to do it solo. I love taking my hammock to the park or beach I never thought of just doing a fire and splitting after I'm done. I saw some anon post on /out/ the other day just chilling by a river roasting weenies looked so comfy might copy that shit
that's not true, moids say that all the time too
But then I'd be alone.
Join us on /bfd/, brother.
>Join us on /bfd/, brother
No, it was a mistake for me even to suggest that someone make that thread. I am disappointed in the posters there and want nothing to do with that kind of people.
It's like if I had a son and walked in on him being plowed by another guy, who was also a different race.
My disappointment in you is immeasurable.
>what does this mean exactly?
Neurotic means you're afflicted by neurosis, a word that has been in use since the 1700s to describe mental, emotional, or physical reactions that are drastic and irrational. At its root, a neurotic behavior is an automatic, unconscious effort to manage deep anxiety.

You're very fortunate to have someone to enjoy things with like that.
Maybe I'm just tired and punchy, but that made my burst out laughing.
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>what kind of church was that?
i don't know anything about the little mini-categories i just know it was christian. i'm american.

i've gone to a few churches and its always been weird. one was scary, scary silent, everyone looked like they could die at any moment from being old, it smelled like bad morning breath and unclean teeth, and everyone gave me the stinkeye like they were hiveminded and knew i shouldnt have been there. other places i had very LOUD women SWARM me on entry and try to make me give signatures on things or give money right away or give them my email or phone, but like, in that mall salesman way, its not like they wanted to be friends.

churches are insane asylums.

>agua fresca
it is a lot easier desu but i like making things with recipes. it makes me feel productive.

>always made
i tried it at a farmer market once and liked it so i made it at home. you can make it with any kind of milk you want, sometimes i like using almond milk to make it almondier.
>how get mush out
strainer. strain the liquid into pitcher.

what is this?
that sounds like a really fun time though, i'm so jealous! i wish i had a camping buddy, boyfriend or no. doing it with a boyfriend would be so cozy though. i've always wanted to share a hammock with somebody...

mini camping is nice, you should totally try it! i've seen camping anime posted occasionally but i think itd just make me sad i don't have friends desu.
Kek imagine acting this high and mighty when you're the one talking about "foids" having mental issues and loving abuse.
Geocaching is scavenger hunting. Sometimes they are a little container hidden under a rock or lamp post, other times they are complicated. We found one that was a milk jug tied high in a tree and one was an old newspaper machine somebody engineered with like 3 steps to open with hidden pulleys and shit. the latter one took us forever to open I felt like the scene in zoolander where they are banging on the computer trying to turn it on
>yuru camp would just make me sad i don't have friends desu
I know that feel
what the heck? there's just people who make collectibles minigames in real life? that's... super soulful. holy shit.
Ok I have to ask... are you making those Egg pics yourself now? Or is it like AI generated?
Because WHO thought of making that one? lmao
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kek no i found that on pinterest! since her name is AI ohto i also find AI art of her sometimes but its not like... great, usually. cute but weird and not super soul full. i made a couple AI ones too (not picrel i found this) but moslty i keep to screenshots and fanart

i have NO Idea who made that one though its funny
bet berries-chan has some ultra rare ai's in her collection
I used to do this with my dad in it's prime late 2000s early 2010s something like that.. My god it was fun, there was even a whole convention for it one year, don't remember what it was called, I have photos from it little astronaut logo I think. Even though we lived rural it was insanely popular and there was always something to find, having a dedicated GPS before apps.. I'm glad it's coming back a little bit, I'd rather do geocache than Pokemon go I play pikmin bloom though.. I don't know if he'd do it with me again, it was always fun to place your little trade for trade in the box and write your name in the log, taught me to let go of my little stash of marbles and other pins I had gotten from previous ones so that other people could be happy and I would get a new one in return. I don't know if we ever made one ourselves but maybe we did?
>Definitely not protestant
It was absolutely Protestant.
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kek. you tell me anon
>sometimes i like using almond milk to make it almondier
Good idee thanks
>what did you do during summer as a kid?
Mostly just tagged along with my brother and his friends. Staying at home too long as a kid was a good way to get saddled with chores. Just following them around, we might go to someone else's house for video games, or go to the park or the arcade in town or just ride around on our bikes. We have a lot of nature around here at least.
>would you rather swim at home or swim at a park?
At home. I'd love to just float in my own pool while the radio blasted music. Better than having to worry about being looked at, too. Wouldn't mind having an in ground pool one day.
>do you like summer? What is something you don't like about summer?
I like it. I don't like the bugs but it's still synonymous with vacation in my mind. Probably because I worked at a school so long and got summers off. Plus all the other summer activities like bike riding, swimming, water fights, etc. And the county fair in August was always a huge deal when I was a kid.
This thread is hitting hard as a filthy shut in. Christ.

Love the ones in dragon ball themed taquerias
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a random spring in 2010 (i have no idea whos in the left photo they're most likely random people kek, i think people were split up into groups and thats who was in ours, it wasn't uncommon to bring your son or daughter to do geocache)
Protestants doesn't dunk your head like that. That's orthodox I think.
>as a filthy shut in
take a shower, nona
Just stop being that and go outside
orthodox requires a 1 year catechism process a random drunkard pushing you into water sounds extremely unorthodox, it's not the only denomination that does full immersion, it could literally be a whole bunch of prot churches ( Pentecostals, church of christ (i actually grew up in one of these, pretty chill) JW's, mormons, seventh day, etc..) any of the more "conservative" types of prot do some sort of immersion
That's so cool, what sorts of things do you find geocaching though?

The regret doesn't wash away

accept Christ, you're only dunked for like 2 seconds
usually trinkets at most, the goal is to find the geocache, so many of them dont even have the space for take and give's, but they will always have a log to write your name and when you found it! (usually) just a scavenger hunt, i used to get upset when there wasn't anything to trade lul
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I feel the same way it mogs pokemon go out of the water. It's simple but I also love how it varies in complexity. Also I didn't like the competitive aspect of pokemon go and how some teams would just obliterate certain areas geocaching just relaxes me. I need to be more like you were and remember to bring stuff. I snagged a very cute painted rock last cache literally looks like a perfect smiley face
Youtube shorts have some geocachers that find crazy ones like ones you have to retrieve with a magnet from inside a fence or giant boulders with hidden compartments. I want to do a cache that's like in the hollow of a tree but disguised really well. My most rewarding finds were the super hard ones.
>mfw the last 5 people logged it as dnf or "it's gone!!" but I find it within 15 minutes
Get good fucking dumbos
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What is stopping nonas from looking like this?
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no problemo!

>hey nona do you want to go on stage at this bar and be doused in water so everyone can stare at you and clap as a humiliation ritual to please the men in the room?
no way, that's gross
>hey nona do you want to go on stage at this church and be doused in water so everyone can stare at you and clap as a humiliation ritual to please the made up man in the sky?
oh boy do i

>people logged it as gone but you found it
my god that would be satisfying
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Really? Can you give an example?
What about this?
Please us, berries! PLEASE US!
>thought this was /bfd/
many such cases. be careful, bros
>do you want to go on stage at this bar and be doused in water so everyone can stare at you and clap as a humiliation ritual to please the men in the room?
Hmmmm.... story?
>comparing the sacrament of baptism with muh humiliation ritual meme
career lowlight
if this is what bfd is like right now im glad i stopped skimming it, jesus
Oh honey you have no idea
How do you feel about the guys thirsting over you at /bfd/
As someone who admittedly thrives on attention, sometimes it's very comfy to get ignored.
>As someone who admittedly thrives on attention, sometimes it's very comfy to get ignored
Nta but this sounds like a cry for help.

Awww, you're going to be ok! You're also very pretty and sexy too! I'd love to hold hands and princess carry you around.
What was the best summer of your life?
I know that feeling
I had a bunch of simps and fwbs for a while but I'm enjoying some peace right now
I know I can jump back in whenever I want but I just want to be me for a while and not be thinking about appealing to others so much.
It would be an honor to simp for you whenever you're ready
my baby is doing fine
I keep rethinking all the times I did something really gay, or just stuff that happened, I know it's a "myth" that girls compare sizes but it's not wrong idk at least for me, a girl straight up grabbed my breasts to compare.. Starting to think this might have been weird!

Also fuck swimsuit sizes it feels fat to size up in the bottoms because of thighs/hips it always made me feel self concious, "but you have child bearing hips" (hated this statement) yeah but I hate being a larger size on bottoms and a xs on top, the whole women's sizing and inconsistency of it really makes you self concious, forget trying to fit into any thing that's a one piece with no stretch if you're bigger on top/bottom because you'll get gapping or either one is going to be too large. That's why I prefer poofy or a line dresses, anything tight fitting sucks. Industry really wants you to have bad self image, doesn't matter how appealing any of this is to moids, the bullying was rough when everyone was chasing chop stick legs
>what did you do during summer as a kid?
Summer camp ! Also would ho hunting for bugs with my dad and visit other countries.
>would you rather swim at home or swim at a park?
Home I guess? Not sure i don't really go swimming
>do you like summer? What is something you don't like about summer?
I like summer a lot but the extreme heat is not something I enjoy. I think i want to loose some fat or at least eat less so that I can wear nicer clothes and aome that are cute
>Starting to think this might have been weird!
Was this someone that you were reasonably close friends with?
Not at the time, we grew closer over the school year, I wouldn't fault her for it now but it was definitely a little strange back then at that time, it was also just during the start of class so I mean people could've seen it
Was the shin megami tensei game good?
What do you do in summer camp? never went to one
Well, no harm no foul then, I guess. But even as a bi nona with some boundary issues, I can't fathom ever doing something like that without a clear invitation. Oh, and circling back to your other point: yes, no matter what size or shape you are, the industry will find a way to make you feel like you're not good enough.
Honestly I just wish one day that sizing would be consistent, I know pants started to fit better for those with a larger waist to hip ratio but I already gave up wearing pants and only have a few pair now for winter, getting over some of the self consciousness has taken some time for me though, I know I'm not alone at least
How could it be consistent? every body is different. Seems inevitable unless all clothing gets to be tailormade.
It was good I'm playing the next rout soon. Sommer camp always dependents because it was more like a program where you bring kids and at night you get them back. We did everything from dog training to identify local animals and insects to helping the local community
Yea it's a pain thats why I only by mans clothes at least when they are baggy they are comfy
No, consistant or more "complex" like how mens pants are, or how overseas clothing is, when something is a size 6, another brands size 6 should at least be similar, a size 6 could fit or measurements be anywhere from like a size 4 to a size 10 (hell, even worse). You shouldn't have to be 4 different sizes just because brands can't be consistent one to the other. Like how earlier with bra sizes I kept recommending UK brands because they are *far* more consistent and actually true to their size unlike American brands who don't care about quality control
grrr summer thread
winter is my favourite season anyway
>I know I'm not alone at least
Not by a long shot, nona. *hug*

>at least when they are baggy they are comfy
Very true.

Well, at least you're going into your favorite season now.

Anyway, I'm still sick; so I once again need to go to bed while the sun in still up. Everyone take good care.
The only reason I don't like winter is because my toes get cold and painful (Inb4 wear socks) I'm sorry for the mean southern hemisphere attitude, I was projecting, I do like sweaters though
What I learnt from my incognito exploration of bfd if you wade through the thirst is that men give much more detailed and better responses in every fashion. Thanking christ I'm not a lesbian. Dealing with you all is horrible
I don't like summer usually because it's way too hot and everyone else is having fun and I'm not,I've gotten used to that though
I know a lot of people get seasonal depression in summer, I feel like it hits me more in winter as the days get shorter, it messes me up I guess
Why do men act like they have dicks worth looking at
Ok pal
Keep pumping
I've got that yearly depression of every season kek but the beat part of summer is swimming
best** kek
It's a coomer thing, believing all vaginas should look one way.
Despite being completely incoherent, the virgin = tight and slut = loose roastie comments come from the same place. Men are very stupid.
I got that summertime, summertime sadness
But more traditional feminine clothes are very cute too I just wouldn't be able tl wear them.
I think its kinda like when I look at dicks. They are kinda wired and many are ugly but that's because it's something i don't see every day or watch porn.
Okay, but bro you have to admit that looks scary/gross.
It looks like a vagina lmao
I'm not saying people don't have preferences, but gross/scary was not something that popped up in my head, there's far worse, like you
I haven't been around much this week, tomorrow I have a wedding to attend to and took all the week to do the little things like painting my toe nails, look for the perfect shoes for the dress, and all that.
Hope you had a nice week and that your weekend is nice and comfy
I just hope the cyclone doesn't ruin the wedding since it's in a ranch, honestly I just want to drink my weight in alcohol
It looks prolapsed
Not like a typical one (I think). Mine is completely different. It's not necessarily bad to acknowledge that something looks bad. Dicks can be hideous too.
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Welp, let's agree to disagree I guess.
The porn brain lmao
Hope the weather is fine and you can enjoy the wedding (and remember it if you're going to drink that much)
How do you prolasp a labia...?
Many such cases, they need validation so badly
im sorry but other anon is right that shit looks prolapsed. i dont think anyone should be ashamed of their genitals but that looks like a genuine medical problem
I think showing toes is uncouth. Am I alone in this?
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Rude, I don't look at uncensored genitalia that much.
remember to enjoy the wedding? don't worry I'm a heavy weight, takes half a bottle of pure tequila on a empty stomach to get me actually drunk. I just want to dance all night until my feet fall and drink until my liver wants to leave me

you mean like wedding etiquette? not according to the customs here, the only rule is to not assist wearing white, and as for the bride petition no red. Since it's in a ranch in the middle of June also know as I'm fucking catching fire under this sun June showing toes and short dresses are aceptable in a outdoors wedding
>pure tequila
Idk how mexicans do it. We drink tequila here but do it like absolute pussies, even the heavy weights
My sleep deprived brain is killing me. Idk why but I want a guy that makes me wear pretty dresses and cals me cute. I'm not really girly normally but deep down I just wanna go all out. Wish he would kind of force me to be his little princess. Sleep deprived brains suck
Why don't you do that with your new boyfriend, Moid-chan?
Makes you? So you don't really have a desire (or maybe under the surface) to wear pretty dresses? Idk I wouldn't complain honestly, it would make me happy though if a guy wouldn't see or do those things for some sort of sexual desire, idk if moids have the capability to appreciate cute fashion or feed off their girls happiness in a way that isn't "muh dick hard", why do you want to be forced though?
>you mean like wedding etiquette?
No, I mean shoes with toe exposure. Much too much on display
She doesn't have a boyfriend you fucking retard.
>porn brain
Retard. Why do you think people have always preferred censorship when it comes to nudity? No one wants to stare at an ugly looking vagina or penis.
>WOW! You don't like starring at this image? You must be addicted to porn!!!
I was saying porn brain because like 98% of vaginas are deemed ugly but everyone expects them to look amazing because all pornstars bleach their pussy and cut their flaps off
Most porn stars have ugly roastie vaginas.
I don't expect them to look perfect but just not like that image. EW!
>98% of vaginas are deemed ugly
I've seen those pussy galleries and that's not true
Over 50% don't have those big ugly flaps like the pic
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>>77911300 v/
toss up between 2021 and 2023.
2021 i figured out how to have fun on the internet for the first time and 2023 i made my first friend not really, but i thought i did and i didnt know it was a lie yet

okay, ive never had a close relationship with another girl but even i think thats really weird and unusual. id object to that. im really sorry that happened, nona, that sucks.
>swimsuit sizes
dont. get. me. started. i hate how sizing works in the entire fashion industry but the more precise the sizes like swimsuits and bras the more infuriating it gets desu. for a long time most things i wore were sized wrong cause i didnt start buying my own clothes until i was older so i never learned the dumbass systems. i also just hate tight clothes in general for social reasons. comfy at home though.

i am never opening bfd again

hope you have a lovely time at the wedding! i've never been to one but i've always wanted to go, it sounds really amazing and cozy. i didnt know people got drunk at weddings though, doesnt that like, get messy and bad? i imagine weddings as pretty like. clean.

>that looks scary gross
>mine is different
mine too but it doesnt look SCARY. its skin? are you retarded? it looks like an organ and most organs are weird looking, i think mine looks weird, i think balls look weird, if you open your mouth super wide and look at the uvula and esophagus it looks fleshy and weird, we're biological creatures. acting like something being made of flesh looking like flesh is "ugly" means you choose to live in a fantasy world where human beings are sanitized beings and not the dirty stinky monkeys we always have been. we shave our legs and put on cream and try to look as much like we're not stinky monkeys as we can but i dont think its a very healthy mindset to confuse "fashion" for "beauty".

that's gay and dumb.
When did you stop reading bfd?
Did you see the linked posts?
Are you a male?
Are you a virgin?
Well, that was my first impression. Maybe I'll get used to it if I look at vaginas more.
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>When did you stop reading bfd?
>Did you see the linked posts?
>Are you a male?
>Are you a virgin?

I don't know...
No. Yes.
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>>77912399 v/
>meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow,

desu i can slightly understand. like... its nice to have a push to try something scary sort of. i'm a lot more scared of being stuck with someone who controls me and mistreats me than i am of being feminine though so i dont really get to enjoy the "mysterious cool guy makes me do thing i wanted to do anyway" daydreams, its all just like "wow i wish X happened but i guess it never will"

i hope your daydreams get like... made to be irrelevant, however it happens.

i'm dumb but this is deffo bait. pretending theres only two kinds is dumb too. lets just ignore them. i will NOT be baited into talking about my insecurities like that again god damnit

uh the morning after i got tipsy and ranted in there i looked in the new thread and immediately closed it and never opened it again. anon was right. i will take the gift of never having to see what they say.

>mine too but it doesnt look SCARY. its skin? are you retarded? it looks like an organ and most organs are weird looking, i think mine looks weird, i think balls look weird, if you open your mouth super wide and look at the uvula and esophagus it looks fleshy and weird, we're biological creatures. acting like something being made of flesh looking like flesh is "ugly" means you choose to live in a fantasy world where human beings are sanitized beings and not the dirty stinky monkeys we always have been. we shave our legs and put on cream and try to look as much like we're not stinky monkeys as we can but i dont think its a very healthy mindset to confuse "fashion" for "beauty".
Man, this kind of thinking has ruined the world.
Is this the new one? Sora? Or one of the newer new ones?
>you choose to live in a fantasy world
as much as i want to agree with you, there are "better" and "worse" looking pussies, just like dicks, or faces, etc.
i am currently having to deal with some reaeeally fat, unappealing lips. if i were merely a braindead coomer who only cared about sex, id probably go back to my ex in no time.
thankfully i dont think with my dick and can love her for all her other qualities...but man, that thing aint pretty
youre not getting me.

you're free to dislike how any body part looks for any reason, but its dumb to say its SCARY or WEIRD or GROSS cause it looks like what it is, a weird fleshy organ. you can say its ugly like you can say im ugly for any number of reasons cause thats up to your personal preference, but it is not an objectively flawed or wrong looking organ. people with burn scars or facial deformities are ugly cause they look *wrong.* fat people are ugly cause you're not supposed to be fat. genitalia looking like what it is, the convergence between an internal organ and the skin, an odd grafting point, that's normal.

i'm just saying there's a difference between saying "i dont like it" and "that's wrong in some way". saying it's scary/gross, trying to convince others to agree, saying it's wrong is lying to yourself and pretending that isn't our natural state. saying you don't like it is being honest. i don't like being a weird fleshy stinky animal thing, but it's reality, and it's not wrong.that's all.
The last one fits the bill.
My words might've been harsh. But at the end of the day it's just an opinion. I had that same reaction towards dicks too. Or anything else.
It does look gross. Sorry but I feel grossed out when looking at it. It isn't supposed to look like that. It looks worn out and it's likely due to sex or excessive masturbation. It being normal is not necessarily a good thing. Would it be good if it was normal for people to all be fat and deformed?
Sex/masturbation doesn't change how your vagina looks that's a myth lmao and also how is it supposed to look like? because that is someone's natural vagina. if you were having sex for the first time in the 50s and the woman had that vagina you wouldn't care because you wouldn't be so used to seeing fake vaginas in porn
The human body is ugly, get over it. Yes, you're a braindead coomer for placing so much importance on how a normal vagina looks.
>Sex/masturbation doesn't change how your vagina looks that's a myth lmao
Not true. Prolapsing is a real thing. If you extend a stretchy hole enough times it will tear and get looser. If you constantly pinched and stretched out a spot on your skin it would change after a while too.
> if you were having sex for the first time in the 50s and the woman had that vagina you wouldn't care
I'm glad I know better.
>you wouldn't be so used to seeing fake vaginas in porn
Porn vaginas are really not pretty and often look like the pic we are talking about.
You sound really insecure and are probably a roastie that has had a bit too much sex or masturbated excessively.
No I've never had sex before and I have an innie I just don't like people making fun of a woman's natural vagina
Okay, I'm sorry guys.
theyre baiting you scary..
>No I've never had sex before
That's probably why you have an innie.
I know some genetics can make it outie too but it's ignorant to act like it doesn't have elasticity like the rest of human orfices.
ah, so we were on the same page all along!

its really sad how robots get so nitpicky over ugly looking pussies, given that thats what they see when looking at the mirror, you would assume they would be used to them by now :)
uhhuh what for?
>have an innie
You know these retard losers are going to post about it in the other thread and put it in their incel spreadsheets.
To be honest I like don't really care and nobody has even said anything
i didnt know people got drunk at weddings though, doesnt that like, get messy and bad? i imagine weddings as pretty like. clean.
Well here every occasion it's a good reason to drink. They don't get messy and bad because usually adults know how to handle their alcohol and the younger ones that aren't that experienced are usually kept in check by their parents or older relatives that tell them "that's enough" of course incidents happens but it's not the rule.

I like to think that we are build different, probably so much spice messed up something in our digestive system among some other things
This same thing will be about you within the hour.

They cry and whine and coom about everything it doesn't even matter, they create entire fake scenarios and ideas of nonas based off an assumption they gathered from extremely vague text that means nothing, quite literally less believable than most conspiracy theories, they should stay in their little human centipede circle jerk
>adults know how to handle alcohol
lol, lmao even
For making love to thy female parental figure.
oh grosss
please stop crossposting
oh alright. i guess i only really have context for people drinking as like, alcoholics and partiers and deadbeats desu. i kind of forgot people can drink in moderation.
Kek there's an entire industry for drunkies at weddings, some people go to weddings purely because they know they can get shit faced and complain if there's not a free bar or shit, and there's been posts of alcohol free weddings where everyone is just saying they're no fun. It causes everything you'd expect it would, arguments, break ups, infidelity, puke, shit, there's not really "up sides" to it imo but in general I have no good opinion of alcohol to begin with
I don't know in your family anon, but in mine they are pretty chill
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Jeez, I am so attracted to French men. Full frog attraction. Anyone else?
yeah, the problem comes when people have a problem with alcohol, not the case here tho

as I told here >>77913466 I don't have a bad experience with my family when alcohol is involved, but I know that's not everyone has the same luck as me
french men are attracted to women, just look at their president
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I was gaming (as per usual) and my cat started trying to circle around my PC tower a bunch. I move my tower to the side and spot THIS GUY she was trying to pick a fight with. It's a wolf spider, so it wouldn't have hurt her, but it still spooked me a little. Regardless, she was very brave and got treats after.

Nooooo so big. Not friend. Are you kidding what do you even do with that
>french men are not attracted to women
Haha that might be it. I like jalapenos and all but the serious stuff easily beats me.

The ceremony is clean of course, the after party is celebration time though... Still remember a story from a former boss that went to Mexico and was an impromptu guest of a wedding, he was shocked not only by the way they handle tequila but also by how warm and generous the guy was considering he was just tagging along and it was the first time they saw each other in person.
I know each person is different and the culture and customs of your country/family/etc mold you quite a bit but what I took for that is that in the end nothing really stops you from behaving like that, and as amazing as it is that people like that exist they're not really doing anything extraordinary or demonstrating some crazy skill other than a sense of fraternity with another person.
Idk, that story stuck with me because people in my country are also known for being warm and social and generous and yet I was still surprised by how shocked my boss was about what happened lol.
Why do you whores always invade our spaces? Let me show up to your book club demanding we read playboy and when you get upset I call you sexist.
I thought those were a bit dangerous? Been spoiled by the place I live ig, been ages since spotting a non tiny spider at home
I took kitty away from the spider and killed the guy, I wasn't sure if he was dangerous or not, but I did not want her getting a spider bite. I looked up after that its venom isn't very harmful for even a cat, but I still wouldn't let her fight one.
If you show up to a book club insisting on reading a picture book, it would just demonstrate to everyone that you're low iq
Amen, I second this
It's funny how every girl who cries about outie shaming coincidentally has an innie. I thought innies were uncommon?
First of all doesn't matter, you need to accept me or else you're sexist. Secondly playboy has real articles but you obviously wouldn't know this.
>anachan maxxing since i have non ideal fat distribution and no boobs even when a healthy weight
am i stupid or is this a good strategy for looking cute and young and desirable?
Are you like 60
Hugh Hefner reincarnated holy shit
they are?

thread questions
>what did you do during summer as a kid?
Most summers I would spend inside, sometimes I would run over to my friend's house, she had a trampoline. When I was a teen I was able to go on a few vacations
>would you rather swim at home or swim at a park?
Always at home, I don't like swimming in public
>do you like summer? What is something you don't like about summer?
I don't like summer very much, I'm not very tolerant to hot weather. I want to go back to winter and make more soups and enjoy heated blankets. I always wanted a kotatsu table, I might invest in one when I have my own apartment or something
Dudes still read playboy all the time in the year of our lord 2024. Just last week my boy had a stack of them in the back seat of his car.
If you are bored and tired of doom scrolling take a look at this.

That video sucks. watch this one instead
>what did you do during summer as a kid?
Part gardening, part sleeping, part having fun with friends, part getting outside and being active, part being forced to be with grandparents camping, part a hundred other things.

>would you rather swim at home or swim at a park?
At home. I hated the stares and attempts to pick-up. Thankfully, my friends and I knew some people that had a good spot and was able to swim there with their permission.

>do you like summer? What is something you don't like about summer?
It feels so much better to me as I get older. I just hate the humidity like it is now. It's not the heat bothering me with thiss 100F weather: it's the humidity.
Ikr? Like holy shit. Playboy is still around? I remember moids passing those around in school. It was a major redflag and ick.

Hey tomo! I'm glad you treated to some treats. She is suchna good kitty for doing that!

Hey berries! How are you?

Hey pregnona!! How are you!?

Hey scaryeyes! How are you??
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Any women want to share what they like about 18+ VN's in terms of story, gameplay, pacing, and male (or female) personality tropes?
making one for my gf but i need opinions of players in general
>t. male
any input appreciated thanks for your time
troons do not reply
Hello Moid-chan! Did you spend any time with your boyfriend today?
Wait since when did she have a bf??
Just recently. She's feeling better for a reason.
That's true, there are places that aren't so hot and yet you feel like you cannot breathe properly. Getting older made me appreciate a lot this place with stable weather and no extremes on either side, some heavy rain is the best I can get.
Are you enjoying photo worthy night sky?
Just ignore whoever this is. I don't and they won't let up. I'm not in the mood for this shit tonight.

It's pretty again tonight!
Just found out what wage I'd need to make to get an apartment and not eat ramen every night, very much horrified
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i remember when i learned how much doctors cost. i used to have so much in savings, mostly gone now. hopefully you can find a way to scrape by, i'm lucky to partially freeload, but i don't have a baby on the way.
Well, it's likely I won't have to get my own place and wouldn't want to live anywhere else than I am right now honestly.. So much crime and dirty conditions that I'd really rather to just raise with my parents, maybe 5-10 years from now I'd look into it, there's honestly no reason for me to really move out other than to say "haha I moved out", building my career will take time and I want all the help I could get, I'm still receiving "compensation" from the dad anyways, but all that goes towards the baby/her future savings. I'm glad that currently I can use my mom's insurance and my care has been cheap for my epilepsy and midwife
As a guy, I can tell you that most men would love your vag whether it has longer or shorter labia. It's just a few severely autistic guys on this board who have an obsession with pussies having a very particular look.
>As a guy, I can tell you
This world is so screwed. It's a fucking shame a person cannot make a decent wage to have their own place and eat well.

I apologize for forgetting: did your interview go well?

How are you doing?
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well that's good. i'm glad you have a loving family.

i am as usual. tired. swollen eyes. going to take a cold shower because i am sticky with sweat and change my sheets and go back to bed. thanks for asking.
I'm okay hope Ur enjoying the good views again tonight btw

also unrelated but day two of ITS SO FUCKING OVER
Men are more used to seeing pictures of dicks than to seeing pussy it's normal they freak out and get scared of one when they see it up close. Did you know that the clit expands and basically gets erect when turned on? Bigger lavia is as an indicative of pleasure like a pussy being wet!
>The organ that's supposed to pop a baby out and go back to normal doesn't have plasticity at all guys! It's a prolapse!
medieval logic
Ah we only get these tiny spiders. Had one today in my room. Was a little tricky to get it outside without touching me. It rained today and I had some rose petal tea. I am quite content right now.
What is over? why do you need more than one day of it being over?
She just died it seems
Beautiful last words:
>It's so over.
Moids = bad
Life good besides the sleep issues?
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Thank you for this valuable insight into your mind.
Better insight than frogposters.
Not really a high bar though
You are on /r9k/: the bar is low by default.
Exactly what i'm saying anon
Why are you trying so hard to hide your relationship?
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>what did you do during summer as a kid?
ride my rollerskates
make a fort on my bed and watch monster high movies inside of it
play with my cats
>would you rather swim at home or swim at a park?
swim at home , i dont like public places
>do you like summer? What is something you don't like about summer?
I guess its fine cause theres no school (4chan im 18 but im still finishing school)
but the heat,the allergies and insects and terrible
hey Polish-nona, are you you today? any summer plans?
hey its me, i dont have any summer plans im probably just going to rot in my bed and play videogames the whole summer. I also have to study math cause i didnt pass because of it but if i pass a summer math exam i will pass so i hope it will be fine.
And do you have any summer plans?
All of my online friends are playing elden ring
slide thread 118
yes, its true, moid-chan and I have madly fallen in love, homosexually
>do you have any summer plans?
I do, indeed. They mainly consist of rotting in bed and watching utube
Tell us more about your innie
I didn't know she was a lesbian!
I just had to get an ambulant treatment done where the doctor had to cut something open and then clean it out with disinfectant. It was quite unpleasant, but in the moment I thought if somebody who does SH might enjoy this.
Have you ever seen a patient enjoying getting something done to them the average person would consider more or less painful, like a needle pinprick, having to get a slight cut to get something out or whatever else there is that doesn't need anaesthetics? I'm asking you, since you have years of experience with people with mental issues.
Moid question.
>There is no bonus, enjoy seeing everyone posting their summer fun while you're cold lmao!
There is nothing enjoyable about 42C (107F) day with high humidity. I'll enjoy my winter. Thank you very much.
Good art is a must and no cringe dialogue.
Hey fan talker, how was your night?
Good morning, everyone. My fever broke and my coughing has mostly stopped. Still feeling kinda run-down, but otherwise pretty decent. How is everyone doing?
Did you ever had a crush on an anonymous guy from here?
Feel tired but okay it rained last night and I had tea. Was a nice night
No, but I have a major crush on a nona.
You're recovering pretty quickly. That's good to hear.
Gay! Who is it?
>Did you ever had a crush on an anonymous guy from here?
No, but largely because I'm not looking. I've definitely met some anons here that I wish could find some happiness.

>You're recovering pretty quickly. That's good to hear.
Thank you; I apparently got a fairly mild case.
What vidya do you play? Nothing wrong with lazing around after school, that's not rotting
Question for y'all:
What is the sexiest thing that a gentleman gamer has ever said to you that made you want to have sex with him?
Sometimes it's not just the beginning, it just hurts regardless. Can't hurt to see a doctor to make sure everything is ok
Gamers aren't sexy and I don't want to have sex with anyone just from a single comment
My interview went well butttt no call back.. I'm sending an email today
well she's the type to not go to the doctor unless it is a big emergency. But at the same time I know she's self conscious about it and is afraid it'll make me go away, which is entirely bullshit (and though I keep telling her that I will not)
I will try to bring it up though, thanks anon
(sorry I deleted my post also, I just realized reading the thread there was lots of younger people on this site compared to the times I was browsing it regularily)
Are you possibly an autistic femcel? <3
all of you are retarded unfunny stupid retarded foids your not even human kys
>no friends to watch elden ring or the dlc
I suck at games so I'd always watch someone else play them.. It was fun because they'd be really good at it and tell me everything but still let me be suprised.. Sad days
Get better insults, I'm bored.
lmao proves my point all you bitches have the same thing
>ohhhhhhh am bored
stay mad about your flat tits
kek stfu stupid bitch
>oh i come to a male board and now they are insulting me ohh how did this happen no please make it stop
>I suck at games
Same here; that's why I've been so happy by the popularity of co-op multiplayer games. I can contribute and enjoy, but I'm not shouldering the entire task myself.
and let me guess you foid suck ass at games
girls are too stupid to play video games
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKK you aint pegging no one weak ass foid keep on dreaming
I'm not flat.

Bruh, I never said such things. I'm open to creative insults.
Wrong you're spotted
>IM NOT FLAT YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My crush is lesbian loser lurker when she responds to my anon posts
retard alert
retard alert
retard alert
retard alert
keep on dreaming pussy wagon no one wants you
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Today I am going to make homemade tzaziki to go with turkey skewers and gyro meat and pitas and toppings also I will make brownies with caramel center
you cant make anything with your shaking crackhead hands stupid lazy bitch
ummmmmmmmm thats the omgsisa jak which doesnt make sense in this situation
dumb foid btfo
I'm using this opportunity to show cat

he's so silly
just silly little guys

You have an......interesting case of brainrot.
just never stop replying to coomers and trolls.
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you look like this
dumb foid btfo ?
I just want to show wocats
What do fembots do on da weekend?
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Weird time to show up
I already did my run this morning, next two days are rest days 4me. Here's a figure sketch I did just now, fucked up on the face, idk why I've been in a funk with drawing faces lately. Maybe too many cartooney drawings
When you're a neet, it's not much different from the weekday
>What do fembots do on da weekend?
suck my dick
>When you're a neet, it's not much different from the weekday
When the days bleed in together and you don't even realize your birthday or even notice.
>Weird time to show up
Always a good time to see you.
I take it still not a peep from Kpop?
>be me
>two am
>barely lucid
>reading a very bad porn book on the floor that I bought for five dollars on a kindle to test my will to live
>the same 6 cocteau songs are playing on loop
>my back hurts
>lights too bright
>is this a fever dream
>am I dying
>4chan break :D
Okay wait I'm going to sleep nvm bye everyone..forever jk
confirmed femcoomer
That picture reminds me of Lolita.
No clue if it's actually the actress however.

Get a glass of wine.
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The machinations of this womans mind are an enigma.
When I was 19 I just had a doctors appointment on my birthday and nothing else planned/happened lol
Still no word from her :(
I just grab almost all of my reference images from pinterest, I'm not very good with remembering actors or actresses at all.
I called a bunch of people in my dream a nigger, I need a dream interpretation
That pic broke my brain but also made me laugh.
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women... did i type something wrong? she hasn't responded to me since tuesday
Not with her, but here.
This isnt atoga.
Can we ban all wojaks except for wocats? These are cute!
Today you feel american
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small issue: images aren't displaying and i can't click on the thread
how do i fix it?
Get a new laptop, scara
My germanic genes with American heritage..
press shift+w. you might have hit a keybind.
Why didn't you call them 'people of color' ?
Every /biofem/ nona was born into the wrong body, then used supplements/surgeries to change their bodies into their true selves, correct?

Most regulars, like myself, Scaranona, Tomonona, Pregnona ETC have been transparent about this. At least in our Discord.
It can be difficult being that kind of woman. But I support my fellow sisters in solidarity.
I wasn't even yelling at black people it was a bunch of troony looking college kids with beanies, I think I just lost my shit
pressing shift + W didn't work, but i got in here through the search function
Do a hard refresh https://help.codehs.com/en/articles/4951972-how-to-clear-your-browser-cache-and-hard-refresh
Maybe is not what she wants to hear, in any case she's not obligated to answer to you
You did what you could. Helping her is better than farming for answers.
>I've definitely met some anons here that I wish could find some happiness
But you know you'd make me happier than anyone else.
Genuine question: why wear bikini thongs and yoga pants, like, at all?

You really don't think about dudes when you pick leggings over sweatpants and strings over regular panties?
Genuine question: why wear bras at the beach or at the pool, like, at all?

It's normal for guys to be shirtless, and I think your tits would appreciate some sunlight and fresh air.
Kill yourself. Women should always wear bras or bikini tops at least.
Find better tests for your will to live
Absolutely not. Boobs need to be freed from their prisons.
Ok Google direction to boob prison fastest route
Best nap I ever had was on summer, after eating and with the fan on.
Didn't even remember the dream or anything it just felt ultra satisfying
Guys don't have two body parts that women aren't allowed to touch. Wimen have two body parts that men aren't allowed to touch. Not allowed to touch => must stay hidden.
>suck at games
>Same here
You might like easy games like Mario Party. And there's builds you can use in games like Elden Ring to make things easier. Like great shield builds or summoning friends to frontline for you.
>But you know you'd make me happier than anyone else.
I know, but I can't be that person. : (
How have you been holding up lately?

>Genuine question: why wear bras at the beach or at the pool, like, at all?
Social norms and legality.
Oh how original another tranny thread
She wouldn't give you happiness, she would give you covid
>You might like easy games like Mario Party.
When I say I'm bad at games, what trips me up is the high-level decision-making. I have a tendency to get overwhelmed and either do something dumb or not do anything at all. That's why I really enjoy games like Phasmophobia and Lethal Company. If I have a more competent friend saying "ok, you go here and do this", I can usually get it done.
This is so tragically belittling.
I'm a chronic button masher, I'm bad at mechanics and need hand holding, I get anxious when I'm dropped into a world with no sense of direction (unless it's botw / totk) .. I tend to just over grind so that I'm never experiencing difficulty, I have no intuition (I died in nier automata tutorial and haven't gotten passed it because I was frustrated after beating it, in fact, I often die in tutorials) I did enjoy yakuza 0, I feel sad playing "girl games" even though I enjoy them. I play on easy modes and like it when they're phrased as "story mode" because I like it when there's story and not just difficulty, I once basically soft locked myself in ff13 because I built my characters wrong and so I never got passed a boss lul
>No, I don't hate women
Immediately married
>I know, but I can't be that person. : (
Maybe in the next life when we are both cats.
>How have you been holding up lately?
Wanting to be productive today but people are over and talking about girl problems and I can't stop asking questions to figure everything out.
yes you have a worrisome case of based
Would women respect men more if they were repeatedly raped everyday? Please do discuss my trooncels and fat femanons
wym? she's clearly busy in therapy
Just look at walkthroughs, it's not a crime you know.
Is your husband germanic too?
I feel like it's cheating.. That you shouldn't need a walk through unless it's like one thing you're stuck on but I tend to get stuck on most things
Anon. She doesn't know who the father is.
alright thanks, i might do that later; for now i'll stick to using the search feature
i see, that's fair
Really? Why do we have literal sluts on our board?
You're playing for fun, not for honor or for prizes.
It can help you understand and eventually see similar patterns and tropes in other games, helping you to avoid button mashing. The resources are there, use them.
How am I receiving support from a guy I don't know then? The spirits are really pulling through! My god, it's a miracle! It's raining cash! Thank you unknown man!
What race is the father?
Damn. So he's not even in a relationship with you, and just pays child support. Grim.
God I wish I was that man
I see this question has not yet been answered. Is it normal for biowhores to ignore the comments of men they find threatening or scary, in exchange for chatting with numale whiteknight cucks who let them get walked all over constantly? Please discuss.
I too would love to nut in a chick and then dip.
Most absolutely samefag.
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>tfw your baby daddy jizzed in you and then broke up with you before you even gave birth
I meant the supporting part.
They sure know how to pick 'em.
They probably weren't even dating.
Based, all biofems should have unknown men showering them with cash
I can tell you it's not black or Chinese (or Hispanic but this ruins the meme)
I need to keep the moids guessing, but they all have bbc fetish and even impersonate to coom to it so it doesn't matter if I state what it is they're going to circle jerk to their own ideas anyways, I don't really owe anyone information that's why I just don't talk about it, plus trying not to give anyone a mental image of my child because there's weirdos
Trip because I'm tired of people
Oh, no. Are you the official therapist for your friend group?
Modern women are so fucking disgusting.
>I don't really owe anyone information that's why I just don't talk about it,
Well, you've made an identity here based on the fact that you are pregnant so it's stupid to pretend that people aren't going to be curious about the details if they interact with you. I don't know what you expect.
I don't have a race fetish, I'm just a cuckold. If you were my wife I would love it if you kept being impregnated by other men while I watched.
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They're not curious they're just baiting lol, now if this thread was actually what it is (biofem) then I wouldn't have to be such a bitch, but not a single one of these questions come from people with good intention, or somebody that's female, I've answered these questions several times, it's old, it's boring, it's people looking to blame one or the other, to debate fag and to coom it's really, nobodies business at the end of the day, I'm pregnant and sharing upsides and downsides, but none of that needs to be about it's race or who's raising who, or how involved, I've shared what was comfortable to me. It is simply annoying to have to run this back almost every 5 thread or so because of moids trolling, I only reply because I don't deserve to have false accusations agaisnt me, you can do that in your own thread /bfd/, this is /biofem/ mmkaay thamnk uuu
>It is simply annoying to have to run this back almost every 5 thread or so because of moids trolling
You do know what board you are posting on right?
I am curious btw. I asked what race the father was because you said you were germanic and such.
>impregnated by other men
Not me though, because I have a micropenis
>I only reply because I don't deserve to have false accusations agaisnt me
>doesn't reply to the daddy-leaving-her accusations
>Trip because I'm tired of people
Welcome to the club (of which I'm no longer a member ; )
Admit it, you're from the sharty and you've been the cobson poster from the very beginning and you just forgot to take off your trip that one time. Admit it.
It's because you posted your titties, isn't it?
But I have a micropenis. I doubt I could get a girl pregnant even if I tried. My penis is physically too small to deliver my semen to her womb.

But more importantly is the mental aspect. Women don't want to be impregnated by men who they deem to be genetically inferior. If a woman isn't turned on during sex, it won't work out. She needs full deep stimulation in order for her to experience an orgasm great enough to release the chemicals in her brain that causes her to fall in love and want to bear a man's child. I'm just not biologically capable of making a woman feel that way.
How do we know this isn't the imposter using a trip? I'll wait for her to put out a time stamp.
>I only reply because I don't deserve to have false accusations agaisnt me
What you and some other nonas have not realized is that there is no way to win against trolls if you reply. You're just feeding into their habits. It didn't help moid-chan before you, It didn't help Tomo before her and so on.
Ignoring is the only thing that works. I know it's hard when you hear people claiming the weirdest shit about you, but you all have made the same mistake by engaging with them.
I hate all of you so so much
>This is so tragically belittling
How so? They both said they're bad at games. Are you white knighting them? I love Mario Party. It's fun.

>need hand holding
>phrased as "story mode"
>ff13 because I built my characters wrong and so I never got passed a boss lul
Which boss? I don't remember any like that seeing as that you could change your characters archetypes.

>tend to just over grind
I don't like this and will try to limit my exp if I feel like I'm overleveled.
For fromsoft games I'd recommend trying builds which give more survival if things are too difficult. I've tried all kinds of builds and enjoy mastering the differences in combat.

>what trips me up is the high-level decision-making
Ohh!? I think we'd get along great because I enjoy theory crafting and the high level strategy and tactics.

>either do something dumb or not do anything at all
Do you ever freeze up like a deer in really stressful or scary situations? Or prone to panic? I have a friend who says she does that. She really dislikes that about herself. I don't tend to ever freeze in emergency situations. Thanks, Adhd.

>If I have a more competent friend saying "ok, you go here and do this", I can usually get it done.
You sound like you'd be very fun to play with.
women are so boring, they're only good for hugging
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>What you and some other nonas have not realized is that there is no way to win against trolls if you reply
Nta but I can win. It would destroy the thread and many threads after but I'd win and that's all that matters.
I don't remember which boss it was such a long time ago but it was during either chapter 2-3 (I think they were called chapters), I also built my characters off how I felt about them and not actually what they were supposed to be built, I think it was just geniuely being bad at it and not understand how to undo what I had done to them, one day I'll maybe finish ff13 I know it's not exactly known to be the easiest most "pleasant" ff game to exist but I thought it was fun when I wasn't stuck, the graphics felt so amazing at the time
Don't do it op1, it's not worth it
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>I can tell you it's not black
Bros... not like this. I have never felt so demoralized
That game has a song I've always liked.

You could be having the same issue my friend ran into. I was watching him play and I started to understand the mechanics of the game but basically it wasn't like traditional rpgs where someone is a mage or a tank etc. In that game you could freely switch between 3 archetypes. So you could switch between burst damage to sustained high damage, or healing or being a tank. Basically the combat system was built around taking advantage of that to cause staggers iirc. Yeah it was a fun game. Probably the last ff I've played besides the remakes.
I have heard that comment a couple of times, how people want to check out the storytelling in vidya and enjoy the experience but feel limited by null experience/skill so they miss out.
That's why Hades got so praised, even if I thought the whole feature a bit insulting because it's still grinding and wasting your time anyway.

The real solution was them good old cheats that overpowered your character to the point you just couldn't lose, the alternative, making it some sort of storymode where you can see what the game offers without having to play it that much, is an effort that no developer would be willing to do, not because they don't care about that unskilled audience, but because that's losing profits that could go on releasing another kind of format like a book or something
Why are you replying to the sexually harassing moid?
I've played 90 hours of dark souls and I've only rung one bell.
Was not made for this for this gamer life.
Tbf, I have not played a video game since Rayman Raving Rabbids 2
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No bbc, huh?
I play Isaac here and there but nowadays games bore me, and quickly. I wish they didn't but I feel the time trickling. Might be the 30 yo crisis or something
There's no way I can beat Sekiro.
I'll pick up Elden ring in 10 yrs when it goes on sale on steam. Provided I can beat the first dark souls in that time.
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how could she do this to us?
This is supposedly a girl game but it looks unfun to me. I don't really like top down stuff though.
>This is supposedly a girl game
I'm pretty sure nobody has ever said that, at least not unironically.
I don't think all games should have an easy mode honestly, it does make some games what they are or even play into the story at times, but when they do have a story/easy mode I appreciate it so much, yakuza 0 was great for me, I have the next few games but haven't pushed myself to play them yet. I do think there's been an issue of "well you've played a game before so these skills are intuitive" it's not always the case, I noticed this in fps games but it is a "get gud" moment, but some of those things you have to look up a video for, I used to play cod bo 1 and 2 and I feel like so many new machanics in the new games sort of ruined my fun.. But I simply wasn't used to any of the new stuff, my fault honestly
One time I was on a train and the girl next to me was playing Isaac on her gaming laptop.
Yeah it's a known thing that women really like that game. That and Stardew valley
The hardest game I've ever played is Baba is you. Not even 15% through.
Bermuda Syndrome. I was a kid though so had no idea at all of what I was doing but I never managed to finish that.
Those are both multi million sellers, of course women will have played it too. They play games just like moids do.
But BOI is in no way considered a girly game.
>I've played 90 hours of dark souls and I've only rung one bell.
>Was not made for this for this gamer life
But you could. I was autistic about Souls games. You probably can't win with your lightly armored Wizard/thief build but there are builds that make the game easier or require less mechanical/reflexive skill. If that's even a word. People are stubborn and want to win with whatever limitations/restrictions they've placed on themselves but there's many ways to make things easier for you. It's the whole reason you can summon other players. To help you make it through the difficult journey when you can't do it on your own.

>Elden ring in 10 yrs when it goes on sale on steam.
Just put it on your throne. One of these degenerates will buy it. Do you know what build you were using? I really liked to help people optimize their builds or suggest builds in the old dark souls and fromsoft game threads.

Last difficult game I played was Armored Core 6 before they nerfed everything to make it easier for journalists. Besides that I really enjoy playing Xcom2. Most difficult game for me ever was SC2. Only ever made it to platinum or gold.
As an option I have no problem with it happening, I don't know what game plays the difficulty into the story in a way that matters. Unlimited lives means you just need rote memorization anyway and if you want bragging rights or whatever you can still just play hard mode no hits blindfolded using just one finger or whatever.
Accesibility is always a net positive.
Weird. After watching 15 seconds of playthrough, I can't tell if it looks interesting or really crap.
>I was a kid
Are you like 14?
That game is from 1995
Thanks but I'm honestly just retarded. I have just been walking around with a big club for the past 60 hrs and keep accidentally hitting npcs.
It was another time. No idea how dad got me that game, but then he got me Dungeon Keeper so it was all forgiven. Think he just picked at random
>Just put it on your throne. One of these degenerates will buy it
I'm not sure what this means, friend.
Thanks dad. My mom only let me play games she bought for herself. So I've spent many a night on Bejewelled 2.
It's no peggle or zuma but bejewelled is class
>It's because you posted your titties, isn't it?
Interesting guess, but incorrect.

>I enjoy theory crafting and the high level strategy and tactics.
One of the friends I mainly play with is like that too. What's funny it is that she's really mousy and passive IRl; but when she's in charge of a video game, she becomes a completely different person.
>Do you ever freeze up like a deer in really stressful or scary situations?
Not TOO bad, but I wouldn't call myself cool in a crisis either.
I think souls games and difficulty just fit together, I don't know how to imagine them easier, not that I advocate that there isn't a level of hardness that is just unfair or inaccessible, I never played them but who I watched play them was extremely skilled, played them several times really had everything down and it really impressed me, I played elden ring for about 2 hours total at my friend's house and I wish I had more time with it but there's no way I would've been able to beat it myself honestly, I'm content playing splatoon kek
>Interesting guess, but incorrect.
Oh don't make me guess even more. I'm already feeling out of ideas. Spill the beans.
>I'm not sure what this means, friend.
I'm guessing you are new to this general or not been here in a king time? Basically a few girls got talked into making a throne account, which is basically like an Amazon wish list. Then guys started buying shit for them.

>Thanks but I'm honestly just retarded. I have just been walking around with a big club for the past 60 hrs and keep accidentally hitting npcs
Why do you hit the npcs? IMO a strength build is easier to play besides playing a magic build with very high damage. The problem is a lot of people do not understand which stars work well together. but basically if you're using a big club you probably want a lot of health and armor to make trading hits more in your favor but you also could swap out the big heavy club for a big heavy greatshield and side sword and pretty much never die if you have good stamina management.

If you have time and care to, post your build and I could give you tips if you want. I was very into doing so back in the old days. Also remember summoning other players is a part of the game too.
In stressful situations, I just start screaming until the situation disappears or is resolved. Like a reverse canary
so you just pass out?
Because almost nobody cares, and the one or two who do can spot me pretty easily.
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>what did you do during summer as a kid?
went to beaches and stuff !!
>would you rather swim at home or swim at a park?
preferably home
>do you like summer? What is something you don't like about summer?
i really like the atmosphere and the feeling people bring ! i dont appreciate the recent heatwaves though
Like on Dragon Ball
>One of the friends I mainly play with is like that too. What's funny it is that she's really mousy and passive IRl; but when she's in charge of a video game, she becomes a completely different person.
Ohhh. She sounds cool. If I knew her I'd try to push her into being in charge of things. She sounds like she might be good at upper management or something. What kind of games do you play with her? Have you tried Stardew Valley? I feel like I've asked you this before.

>Not TOO bad, but I wouldn't call myself cool in a crisis either
As long as you don't make things worse. I'm petty calm during crisis situations or sometimes better than normal. Thanks flow state/adhd.

>know how to imagine them easier
You can make any of them easier with a greatshield build, and heavier armor. From what I've seen, the people who have a hard time usually are playing some low health, no armor build and don't have the mechanical skill or timing to do well with that style. You can also cheese a lot of the games with magic builds but you'd still probably die a lot.

>Because almost nobody cares, and the one or two who do can spot me pretty easily
I feel like one of us is confused or replied to a wrong post. I was trying to explain what throne accounts were and assuming that a poster didn't have the money to buy elden ring.

You would be a horrible companion during a zombie apocalypse.
>Why do you hit the npcs?
By accident. I keep accidentally hitting the club you in the head button rather than the speak to you button. I've had to go and apologise many many times. My arch nemesis is my own foolery. And also smaug.
>a lot of health and armor
That is a good idea. Pretty good on health but I don't have the best armor. I'm just very much not a natural at video games. It's frustrating to be behind a controller. Really enjoy the game though. When I'm not doing something idiotic.
>summoning other players is a part of the game too.
Yes, so we can both accidentally hit the npcs
>If I knew her I'd try to push her into being in charge of things.
This is like the 4th time where you talk about wanting to manipulate others. Even if you try to cover it by putting it in a very 'for their own good' way.
>What kind of games do you play with her?
Content Warning is what we've been playing lately. Helldivers 2 and Lethal Company were other recent ones.
>Have you tried Stardew Valley?
No, but I played a somewhat similar game called Dinkum which I really enjoyed.

>I feel like one of us is confused or replied to a wrong post
That was me! Sorry for the confusion. That was meant for the person asking why I don't use a trip anymore.
>You would be a horrible companion during a zombie apocalypse.
Yes, except for my large supply of medication.
I would rather join the zombies actually.
Are you the moid who 1 or 2 threads ago talked about not outing himself as a moid on purpose to nonas...?
I'm the first ethical femcel, I don't hate moids or nothing I just don't get pp
>Basically a few girls got talked into making a throne account, which is basically like an Amazon wish list. Then guys started buying shit for them.
Oh I didn't know this, and have never heard of a throne account, thanks for explaining. I don't like taking advantage of moids, (even if they want it for whatever reason). Don't exploit moids, fellow fmoids.
The top item of my amazon wish list is self respect.
How old are you? Do you have a job? What are your interests?
>so you just pass out?
Yes, sometimes
No, that was me
Not riginio
you only want to hug abusestacy
>Like on Dragon Ball
I've never seen Dragon Ball, I'm not melanated
I miss TomoNona. What do you think she's doing during this summer heat?
probably playing overwatch and smoking weed like a nigger as usual to destroy the last 50 braincells she has left
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can you stop doing that it kinda stressed me out pls
It just isn't her to terminally post here. Do you think something happened to her or is the heat too much to handle?
>It just isn't her to terminally post here
It isn't her to NOT terminally post here*
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I'm not real I'm a reversed copypasta
Oh, okay. Didn't know this one.
Tomo is cool and definitely not lurking, but if she was, hi Tomo!
dude, people get tired of this shit eventually and just go back to playing video games
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Hello women, I've come back from a few months of ignoring R9K and reading books. I just wanted to come back and tell you all that I love you and I hope that you're all doing good. I'd say fuck the incels bothering you but you definitely shouldn't do that. Alright loveyoubai!!!
>This is like the 4th time where you talk about wanting to manipulate others. Even if you try to cover it by putting it in a very 'for their own good' way.
Yes. My very first post in these threads were saying I'm good at manipulation but do not like to do so for my own benefit. I would rather not debate about how ethical it is but there is a difference between influence and manipulation. But yeah I like to influence others but only in the ways that I like. You can call me evil or whatever but I'd rather not shit the thread up with debates about it.

So many trips. I'm feeling lucky today.

>Yes, so we can both accidentally hit the npcs
Yes! But only the enemy npcs. Summoned players can't hurt your friendly npcs at all. But yeah you could also try making use of shields or greatshields. It's funny, I used to suggest greatshield builds all the time since DS1 but never tried one myself until DS3, In Elden Ring they gave the shield builds a nice trick. I think it's called guard counters? My greatshield build was so much fun. I even did some invading with it.
(For the guy interested in my manipulation tactics, I'm currently trying to influence this poster to use summons and heavier armor. Does that upset you)

>That was me! Sorry for the confusion. That was meant for the person asking why I don't use a trip anymore
I thought it might be something like that and yeah lol, do not worry about apologizing to me. I don't feel like that's something to apologize about. You just really wanted to click on my post!

>Content Warning is what we've been playing lately. Helldivers 2 and Lethal Company were other recent ones
I've heard good stuff about the later 2. Think I saw the first one mentioned recently but haven't seen anything about it yet.

>didn't know this, and have never heard of a throne account, thanks for explaining.
My pleasure. If you ever want to post your souls build feel free. I love to offer unwanted advice.
I will hug the next ugly girl I see when I go outside(never) to prove you wrong
>So many trips. I'm feeling lucky today.
>Are you the moid
No I'm a nona and a few fellow nonas are able to recognize me.
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>dude, people get tired of this shit eventually
I don't.
Where is berries
ok tell me when you're out so i get a free one
Luckily for me, I can't be influenced. I'm too retarded. Full immunity.
Is this EM or Oracle? Can't tell without images.
>It just isn't her to terminally post here. Do you think something happened to her or is the heat too much to handle?
She'd been thinking about leaving after scara left, and then she had a very positive family interaction which has caused her reevaluate some things. She still posts, just not with her trip. And she seems to be doing fine.
Is this [nobody] or [nobody]? Can't tell [because they literally don't exist].
I would unironically prefer an ugly girl though as long she's not horribly deformed. I couldn't even imagine touching a beautiful woman, I feel like I'm not even the same breed, I can't even make eye contact with them. Plus most beautiful women are legit batshit from the way society worshipped them since their childhood and they actually believe that they're not the same flesh and bone as everyone else
I want to leave soon too. This place has been very kind to me when I needed a kindness. Hopefully, I too am strong enough to follow in their footsteps.
>You just really wanted to click on my post!
Apparently so. : )
>Think I saw the first one mentioned recently but haven't seen anything about it yet.
Oh, I love it. You're basically playing a group of people who venture down into these abandoned, monster-filled, industrial catacombs to make YouTube videos about it. What's really great is that when you publish a video, the comment actually pertain to things happening in it.
I'm sure all the ugly women in the world would be happy to hear that you prefer them because you don't feel worthy of a pretty woman.
*hug* Best of luck to you. Find your place in the sun.
Yeah. That's called being reasonable and living within your means.
kill yourself
there's no leaving, retawds
Enjoying the tay tay concert with OP1

thread theme
Is it even possible for women to do something like nofap? I'm at day 2 and it's unbearable.
Inb4 disgust: this is the only place I could really ask where it's relevant.
what are you even saying at this point man get bored of this gimmick already
What would be the point of a woman doing it
I had to do nofap because I slept in the same room as other people, can be done if you're distracted enough and if you take in account ovulation is going to make things harder. I've also replaced it with exercise before, it depends on where you are mentally, if its unbearable reconsider how you're spending your time and what you're doing to feel better and deal with stress
he's the man who will heal OP1's broken heart and free her from soul from satan
It's too late. She sold her soul to Satan the moment she opened up her Throne account.
I still have a soul unlike you since you weren't born with it.
Fembots don't have souls
I wish all christcucks were IP-range banned desu.
I wish all atheists were put in reeducation camps desu.
I wish both groups could just keep their opinions to themselves when nobody asked.

who cares if he is real
sex with biofems
I wish my penis was big enough to satisfy them
Damnit, I want to have sex with my coworker so bad!
I can't stop thinking about it; thrusting animalistically, my moans unrequested, shameless ejaculations into her womb.
I don't care how irresponsible it is! I want to cum inside her! And then flip her on her back and do DEEP missionary while tonguefucking her throat!
If she gets pregnant, I'll marry her, just so I can gently fuck her pregnant form afterwards.
wish biofems would hornypost itt too
women have 0 sexual drive unless it's chad, everything else is just bothersome and a chore
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How big is it?
No. I don't have a lot of friends. Have some acquaintances though. People often would try to treat me as a therapist in the past. Not sure exactly why that happens. Do you fill that role in your friend group?
picrel should be me and Tomo
A mere 3 inches... sigh
>Do you fill that role in your friend group?
Eh, sort of. If they're just feeling blue and need a little love and positivity, yes. If they have an actual problem, no.
Literally me ;)
Do you attend summer events or festivities from your city? Last week of july things always get a bit silly here
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>Literally me ;)

So I enjoy lively crowds up to a point; but beyond that point, I just can't deal. I happen to live in a significant tourist destination, so summer events tend to be a bit much for me. Something I do enjoy, however, is going down to a major boat ramp at the start of a holiday weekend. I'd never go boating myself under such conditions, but just relaxing and watching the chaos unfurl can be a lot of fun. For me, anyway.
Red flag. You are a fucking red flag.
Well, we won't. Go cry harder troon.
Uhh, sorry for not being 2D?
Not haved one yet.
Take your meds, schizoid
She said "I'm not 2D, just 32DDs"
I really like this song! The melody really reminds me of another song, but I really can't pin it down
You know what I really don't get? Nonas that have a bf posting here. WTF are you doing???
Collecting simps.
I don't get what most of the girls here are doing in the first place. Girls are automatically normalfags.
I said collecting simps
Everyone is a normalfag, le edgy I'm special shit is 2011 talk.
Eating chicken tendies my mom made #blessed
Did it finished my brownies and made a club sandwich with carrots peppers and apples
What dipping sauce playa
I was forced into special education.
Blessed indeed!
Well, at least one femanon doesn't think that's small.
How am I a normalfag if I am an incel with a micropenis
Ranch or ketchup, other sauces are scary
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Would you settle for a hockey bf?
Nope. Go back.
You are probably still considered attractive and probably use tiktok.
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hi /biofem/ i havent been on 4chan much lately
Not into sports but he is soooo fineeee
What have you been up to? We've all missed you.
How's life outside of 4chan?
>We've all missed you.
I haven't
ive been moving out of my parents house into an apartment
currently jackin off to fat chicks
Leave Tomo alone
Based independent nona
Who's tomo? I'm just announcing my handful of penis
Oh... micropenis anon...
I wish, gotta lug around this thing all day. Micropenis would be so epicsauce
I'm a 5 at most.
I don't use TikTok.
He's talking to the women, anon.
I am one.

Yeah and you are probably a normalfag that isn't even a khv.
So tired of this scumfuckery
I can't imagine a woman who isn't using tiktok in 2024. Maybe some living in the jungle where they don't have internet, but not here.
Dude, why do you guys keep assuming I experienced such stuff just because I have a cunt.
Because that's how most of the femoids that come here are.
Femoids are always normalfags. You will never be undesired. You do not fit in on this board. You belong on tiktok and other shitty places.
Women are not a monolith. I use an extension to block Youtube shorts.

You guys have to realize that women are just people.
How many men have you rejected?
Bruh, don't state opinions as if they are facts. Anyone (except underage/banned people) can use 4chan. Sure, doesn't mean they'll all be welcomed. But it is what it is.

Fuck you femoid. I hope you end up abused by Chad and end up a single mother that not even incels want to touch.
I stated nothing but facts.
It is impossible for femoids to be alone if not by choice.
i haven't been here in about a decade. i remember talking to a fembot for a while, we masturbated on cam for each other then she ghosted me, don't blame her. do fembots still talk to robots or has this place become even shittier than it was?

t. male that's taking a break from /vr/ for a few minutes
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>You guys have to realize that women are just people.
Men start off their lives by thinking women are just people, and then slowly over time they are forced to realize that it isn't true.
Uno reverse.

I moreso meant the last points. But sure, I disagree with that too. Even if the chances of a woman being alone were extremely low, nothing is truly impossible.
>Men start off their lives by thinking women are just people, and then slowly over time they are forced to realize that it isn't true.
Truer words have NEVER been spoken.
Why? Care to elaborate?
Next thread ideas

New things you want to try
Industrial revolution
>Dude, why do you guys keep assuming I experienced such stuff just because I have a cunt.
Because it fits their dogma.
You haven't been around women before as a man.
The generalizations are tiresome. There's little difference between them and radical feminists.

But bro, what do you mean women aren't people? What gave you that idea?
Women don't really act the way that men do. Or rather, if a man were to act like a woman, he would quickly be considered to be an unpleasant, evil person, disliked by men and women. If you look at a woman from the viewpoint of "she is just like me" the only conclusion you can come to is that she's a disgusting psychopath. But realistically there's no way half of the population of earth can be like that, so you quickly learn to adopt the mindset "oh, she's a woman, she can't help being that way". Just like how you can't really get mad at animals for biting you or pooping outside - it's not like they can know any better.
How do you think women act and why? I do not know who has hurt you, but damn, they sure did a lot of damage. Is it really that crazy to think that women can be normal, pleasant people? Mostly men are criminals but you don't see me bitch and moan about it.
We're humans living the same shitty world. You only magnify the differences in a failed attempt to feel special.
That's why males here keep repeating "we build everything" despite them being neet leeches that nobody would miss if gone.
>There's little difference between them and radical feminists.
Oh, I've been saying for years that they're opposite sides of the same coin.
I think you're getting confused by statistics. Most criminals are men, but most men are not criminals.

This is another example of the same mistake but in reverse. Most men do not build everything, but everything that has been built was built by men.
No, they have brain damage and sports aside I don't personally find him attractive in the slightest.
You couldn't pay me to make a tiktok
>Industrial revolution
I think we all agreed with Uncle Ted on that one.
>You couldn't pay me
Four words that a man never wants to hear a woman say.
Women are just tall otters
>Four words that a man never wants to hear a woman say.
I have four more if you like
That's what I meant when I said that mostly men are criminals. (English is not my native tongue.)
moids will really see like 30 different women across different places and times typing without caps or punctuation and in a girly and modern/memey style and be like "must all be the same girl" just because it affirms their manic pixie dream girl fantasy that makes them believe they also love the girl they think they see everywhere
This place is three million times more anal retentive now. No one knows how to have a good casual time together anymore. Everyone is foaming at the mouth ready to tear each other apart. These idiots don't even know how to take advantage of an inpouring of a whole new generation of desperate for validation egirls who want nothing more than to be seen as edgy, relatable, and attainable to incel culture types. They just get angry and territorial because the Jews are unironically turning the freaking frogs gay.
There are a few enclaves of chill oldfags but the general userbase now is total brainrot.
Stop making up conflicts that never existed and masturbate on cam in another site newfag
>the board sucks now because people don't want to groom uneraged girls!
Do you not remember Guy Maimon? Some autists get obsessed with crusading against egirls when they get rejected. Now people are so traumatized they start the attacks before any offense or even a hello occurs because they assume every female is a twisted BPD drug addict who only wants to manipulate and gold dig (even though the niche internet micro celebrity girls always end up with the short end of the stick).
This very general sees it all the time when assblasted moids spend days trying to raid and spam. That's not unique to this thread, this general didn't cross some line, it's just one collected place to see a high volume of the bile spewed at femanons across the board all the time nowadays.
I'm not talking about masturbating just because I'm replying to an Anon that participated in that side of things. The sense of community was real here not long ago. Now it's all seedy, toxic, exploitative, or narcissistic and fame-chasey, or at best not there at all.
I guess maybe one way to explain it was things still staying comfy and not circlejerky on the boards and even offboard Tinychat or Skype gatherings still FEELING Anonymous somehow because everyone was genuinely a major bro.
Talking still about way before that time, Ciara was basically the crest of that wave and then a bunch of other girls wanted the affection she got even though Ciara herself was inspired by classic boardqueens like Cracky-chan and Boxxy.
What I saw most often was men being opportunistic towards girls who had clearly been chronically online unmonitored since they were very younf and had been getting groomed since. Many egirls have very intense kinks, and addictions or mental illness. That's still really sad and unfortunate and there was often still some level of toxicity going on, but a lot of times there was more agency and consent on the part of the girls than "grooming" implies.
But yeah, I don't consider that the golden age of this board. Far from it. I'm talking about a while before that even.
>New things you want to try
A bake for old times sake...
Man thinks the grooming era was "comfy"
Fork found in kitchen
People weren't so thirsty in this pornsick actually insanely Satanic and hedonistic way. A lot of the girls were tomboy-ish so that helped, but either way there was a mutual air of... just, camaraderie. I don't know how to explain it other than a really good 90s or early 2000s smallish houseparty with the right crowd. No bimbos, no meatheads, just a bunch of chill ass motherfuckers who know how to kick back. Maybe a big part of it is the maturity or mentality of the average teen or young adult now? You don't see that disposition except echoed in people who are 30 or 40 now. Everything is dramatic and intense with the younger crowd. The attitude in those old circles was "Maybe someone will get their tits out by the end of the night when we're all laughing and drunk" but it was so... natural. Everything is a popularity contest now, people are vicious and will start drama and ruin everyone's time if you hurt their feefees. It's serious "This is why we can't have nice things tier". I'm not saying like "Ohh it used to be easier to groom girls it was so awesome", that just wasn't even the atmosphere in the slightest. It IS fucked now, really fucked. It's a fucking battleground out there, cancel or be cancelled, doxx or be doxxed.
But people used to know how to use the internet to have a good time with likeminded bros and sometimes those bros had vaginas and sometimes you'd get frisky together and everything was comfy and nothing hurt
shut up we don't care old man. go make a nostalgia thread
>A bake for old times sake
Which retired poster are you?
Of course the actual board culture, topics of discussion, all that was vastly different so it was an entirely different long day to have at the shitposting factory and an entirely different "home" to come home to (offboard gathering places or socializing/selfposting threads) which obviously contributed to the chill ass grungey post-free-love sort of feels when it came to hanging out

It's all linked vice versa. Threads are shit because teenagers in nicotine and Fortnite withdrawal are fighting for their lives in Discords with a bunch of other bored horny dramamongering anklebiters; all the communities that spring from here are shit because 3/4 of them are trying to recreate the experience of peak mid-2010s orbiting servers which aren't even the times or vibes anyone should be emulating or trying to recreate but the absolute OnlyFans whore worshipping state of these men and this entire generation attracts people who only make this place worse.
I find my solace in knowing I will be here and the time will pass anyways. Someday I will lift my head and things will have changed again. Maybe it will even be a change for the best, someday
I'm a girl. I don't want a whole thread, it only attracts more people who assume I mean the circa 2015 era and either miss that for the wrong reasons or have a kill on sight response at the mention of those people and communities rightfully.
I just wanted to reminisce for a minute while an Anon who knows what I'm talking about might be around.
Stop replying to me. I get so tired of this thing where I think I know who you are and then you treat me like I crazy or be rude to me. I don't care about the good old days. This place has always been ahit and will always be shit and I'm going to ruin the atmosphere because I'm angry.. I
>I get so tired of this thing where I think I know who you are
Well, let me make it easy for you: you don't.
Do not reply to me anymore. I do not enjoy interacting with you. I'm not relying to you again. You do not exist to me.
I don't give a fuck, idiot.
Can you not read you retard? Do. Not. Reply. To. Me. Again.
You hold no power over me.

It's just spoiler.
I do not like you. You don't like me. Why do you keep bothering me? Just ignore me and I'll ignore you.
I love you. That's why I can't let you alone, and why knowing that truth hurts. It's all very complicated.
You don't even know me. Retard. Stop pestering me.
oki doki boomer
it was the same shit, stop embarrassing yourself
None of you are me. Stop larping.

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