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How true is it that vamp had sex with someone and her nudes x video tape got shared here and how come im the only one who hasnt seen it yet
it's true, vamp and dizzy both swear up and down that the people in the video just "look like them" but if that were true then the video would be more widely shared as it wouldn't be CP at that point. Thus Dizzy flew to Albania and plowed vamp confirmed.
A dozen years later and this board is still full of faggot orbiters and e-drama. Kill yourself.
true, notice how vamp no longer claims to be a virgin.
Who is Dizzy?
im willing to purchase them if true
I never remember seeing him before. Is there a pic of what he looks like?
so thats why she hasnt been posting anymore
vamp you filthy whore
What do you get from stirring drama on r9k with something thats not even proven. Just tell me, what benefit is derived from creating drama on /r9k/ based on unverified information? (besides the nudes since I already claimed on r9k I sent them cuz I was going into a fucking episode ).
Dont trust everything you hear from others.One should not trust everything they hear from others. While some might engage in role-playing and pretend to believe such claims, it is genuinely foolish for anyone to truly fall for them. I guess this is the last time ill clarify this but its not ME on that sex tape. I am clearly a virgin and I hope I stay one for a very long time until I find the right person If I ever do so since I kinda fucked my chances with my whorish behaviour online. I wouldnt even think about meeting with anyone here especially if they are twice my age since It could be dangerous and besides that I am not interested.
From the information I have attained about it, I've been told that that tape may be actual CP. Its just not mines since Ive never meet with anyone on this board.People just get off from making sick lies about me since they like seeing egirls being miserable. I dont even remember the last time I have talked to a man in real life.
Uhm Ive posted here!
> besides the nudes since I already claimed on r9k I sent them cuz I was going into a fucking episode

sorry to hear that vamp but where can we find the nudes
you had it coming so no need to be upset and angry about it
there's no benefit vamp, it's just highly unlikely it would be real CP if it wasn't you. You look like a woman afterall, what sense would that make. Also why are you acting surprised you're in your agatha2 thread all day and admit to sending nudes knowing they'd be leak because you hate yourself, you know that this is the attention you're going to get by e girling so I have no reason to apologize. Nice tits btw, I know you wanted to hear that
it's actuallly really really convient that now suddenly the vamp sex tape not only ISN'T vamp, but also is unrelated CP. Now that vamp's tits came out and people can confirm whether or not it's her in the video because of her unique moles. NOW, no one can find the video lol.
vamp tits are like rare pokemon cards
nobody apart from 2 people has them
Maybe those who have the video wont give it up anymore since they'll be caught to be total liars?
I wish that was true
I wish you weren't so conservative and would have nice easy sex. I hope you at least masturbate a lot. Traditional anti sex ideas aren't cool. It sucks that you won't have sex with unattractive losers
I don't believe I have traditional anti sex ideas just because I am against hook up culture.
Shit bro, stop focusing so much on some dumb e-whores.
Vamp do you want to famous or something or why do you e girl. What does your day look like, do you play vidya with anons, do you read history or watch documentaries, do you just chill in random discord servers and swat groomers away all day.
also do you actually browser r9k or do you have a search alert for your name or something. you enter threads about you so quick but I hardly catch you anywhere else
Why? What's so bad about hookup culture? Also do you ever masturbate and if not can you please try it, I want you to have orgasms
>dumb ewhore tripfag bullshit
who gives a fuck
bro go jerk off, and stop being annoying.
I dont wanna be really famous but I like being remembered. I do read and draw sometimes but I am mostly browsing 4chan or getting my dopamine loops in tiktok.
>also do you actually browser r9k or do you have a search alert for your name or something
I do, Ive posted multiple times past days.
No. If she wants to tell me to stop, she can do that herself.
not really, foids aren't capable of that, I know you don't know this because you never had a girlfriend.
made up shit by vore and her group of undesirables
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>besides the nudes since I already claimed on r9k I sent them cuz I was going into a fucking episode
Damn, Vamps a whore. Truly depressing news
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it gets worse, she sent them to this fucking guy
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Who??? Why should I care??? Please keep this to discord!!
I didnt, why make more lies
>besides the nudes since I already claimed on r9k I sent them cuz I was going into a fucking episode
What made you think it was a good idea to send those at the time?
You're a whore now, Vamp. It's over
How will this effect Kanye's legacy & why didn't he ever drop Yandhi
I'm not it's just obvious, post the "15 year old"'s face. he posted your fucking tits, why are you being nice. 100% I could prove it's an ENTJ larp, that only you would fall for.
all this talk about a sex tape and still nobody linked it
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lol lmao'd my ass off
I didnt think it was a good idea, I wasnt thinking and was feeling suicidal. Felt like destroying my life because there was no reason to hate living so yeah. Im a fucking retard
No im not
A whore, by definition, is someone who has sex for money. I would include selling nudes in that definition. Vamp, as far as we know, never sold sex.
>I wasnt thinking and was feeling suicidal
So you sent some Chad nudes? Slut
who da heck is vamp
Who is vamp? Haven't heard that name before.
do you have no shred of anger for what happened at all? do you feel like you deserved it? Have you ever in your life stood up for yourself and pursued justice? dox this fucking guy already
>dox this fucking guy already
She probably still sends him nudes, honestly.
Of course i do since he sent it to my old classmates everything. It made me genuinely sick for days in row. I still feel like shit even tho it happened like two weeks ago.
I have no info on him since I didnt save anything he sent me because im a dumbass
He leaked because I didnt send more
That's pretty bad. I'm sorry.
I know you are probably not going to take the advice but it's really a bad idea for you to be here since you are underage and all.
>sent it to my old classmates everything
Her current social medias
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@vampyfren
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/commieboo
This dumb pseud whore got doxxed? Based. I wish she would stop posting forever.
Hey Vamp, sorry for calling you a whore and a slut and stuff in this thread and trying to hurt your feelings. I don't know why I did that, I think time is just turning me into a genuinely terrible human being. In reality you didn't do anything wrong and what happened to you wasn't okay at all. I hope that with time you can get past what happened. Take care
>countless examples of egirls turning out horribly, surrounded by two-faced people just wanting their ruin
>"i know what i wanna be, a egirl!"
I'm a former egirl and I can tell you that despite everything it's still worth it. It really makes your life eventful and interesting, even if it's not always with good events.
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guy says that's bullshit, you only showed nudes after he showed you his face.
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im so sorry to hear that vamp. i hope that whoever did that to you gets what they deserve. stay strong fren, it will pass. hugs
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>did retarded egirl "femcel" attention whore bang some random normie/chad
My magic 8 ball says yes, what does yours say?
Yeah i hate how addictive this shit is
Its fine dont worry. But I dont seem to get past it.
He lies about everything, also theres no way how he could have known why I did it.
I love u iris youre the best
>Its fine dont worry
It's not but what's done is done. Also things take time. This will pass. Try not to beat yourself up over it too badly.
Literally no one in the real world cares if you sent someone nudes. Damn near everyone does it. The people on this board will call you a whore and everything else, but for the most part they are shut ins that have never even smelled a woman let alone touched one. The reality is that 99% of guys aren't going to care if you are a virgin, or any of that traditional wife shit. Don't let any of these whiny insecure basement dwellers make you feel like shit about something no one really cares about outside of this circle. Caring about someone's body count is stupid and the people that demand a pure untouched virgin girl are going to be lonely forever.
Hey I don't know you or your situation at all, but you should go to the police if you can. In basically every civilized country sharing someone's nude pictures without their permission is illegal. People that do shit like that deserve to rot inside a cell. I hope you have enough information about them to make a report. Even if they live in a different country it's really easy. Just call up their town's police and tell them the situation so you can get your revenge!
you're a dumb fuck, she's a robot she cares
Just saying but if you'd date me, I'd never do any of this and I'd just be nice and stupid and incompetent and useless to you rather than hurtful
I wish it was that way but I live in a relatively conservative country. Basically everywhere on the media here women are degraded. Is r9k but 20x times worse when it comes to discussing females.
Anyways thank u for being nice
Problem is, i have no info on him
Just their discord username and screenshots of your conversation would be enough to make a report.
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Bro this guy is so fucking unhinged, he leaked your nudes because you wouldn't send him more and he didn't even fucking get aroused by them. Damn E girl life is so fucking fake
Why batman is getting cummed on?
Damn, I fucking hate this guy. He saw Vamps tits and didn't even cum to them. What a piece of shit
You should report his messages. People like that dont deserve to have a platform to spread their bullshit from. Guy deserves to see the inside of a cell for a while.
Vamp is a literal whore and she still has "men" simping for her. Nuke this place into oblivion already.
Stop vamp I didnt share to anyone after and i thought u forgave me please dont do anything im sorry
sperging just confirms what i saw on that site a week ago mightve been legit lmfao. you got a cute asshole, ill give you that
i can't wait for someone to leak your face
I am aware lmfao, thats a good thing actually (not the leaking part).
Not legit wrong person
fuck off
vamp can you please just say you will forgive me and you will leave me alone? I said am sorry I wont do anything stupid I promise
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a matter of time, simple as
what site and what did you see a week ago?
Why not let them be wrong about you? Gossiptards are gonna gossip anyways.
Now let's ask a reak question. Are you still a staunch hoxaist?
Vamps anal enigma
>vamp nudes
Where? If she's of age in them, of course. I need them as training data for my vamp-nudes detecting neural network. It's a very important state-funded project.
Let the record show that Vamp wanted ME, a 24 year old man with severe mental health issues ranging from drug addiction to psychosis, paranoia, and anger issues to visit her in Albania amd cum inside her pussy and give her 4 children

Thank You
All women loose their virginity sooner or later, anon. And almost all do so in their teens. The world keeps moving forward, while we inkwells stay still and miserable. I missed out on too much and have been lonely and unwanted for too long to ever be normal. It is what it is.
Ok, who wants to see vamps tits? Theyre very cute
>Le cp
Im in montenegro right now bitch
Wait. I thought she wasn't underage in them. Never mind, I don't want to see them. She should show us some new pics once she's of age.
I hope you get the bianca ending, vamp
does anyone know if chickn is still a virgin?
Vamp if you're still here did you say this on agatha2? Did he for real threaten to hit his baby sister if you didn't send nudes?
>does anyone know if chickn is still a virgin?
Lmao nah
Meh, I have bigger tits (male)
Vampy is such a cutie patootie. If she's 18+, of course. How old is she, btw?
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i am only here to deliver the underaged e-girls who post nudes of themselves one kind message:

KILL yourselves.
you are doing yourself a disservice by doing this shit, you and everyone else, at least wait until you're of age before ruining yourself like that you fucking idiots.
other than that, i hope all of you anons (the retarded e-girls included) stay safe out there
i will pray for your souls, your success, and your safety
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>wouldnt even think about meeting with anyone here
anyone except for me
Dawg those tits are still in development, this is CP. Mods twist his nuts!

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