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gaming with your fbf edition

Wow, I was present for the creation of a thread
How beautiful
Like watching a live birth
classless op
cum rats ulations
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Feeling evil tonight
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hes also a tranny
why don't you idolize griff and his new wave songs
brad's lame
Should an Incel male like me fuck my Gay friend? i dont want to be Gay but i dont know
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Should an incel male like me fuck my gay friend? I don't want to be gay but he keeps saying stuff like "you belong to me" and he looks like a chick anyway
I'm like a vampire but I suck cocks instead of blood.
If I was a normalfag whore, my goal would be to take as many incel virginities as possible.
If you're attracted to him then yes. Get him tested for STDs first.
should a dyke and a gay guy try to flirt
That didnt happened
You are just gay incel and want yor sexsual fetish to come to reality
Go fuck a fag already
need autistic drainer bf so bad
>ecco fan
Ok, he is still cute?
what does this even mean desu
not a big fan of ecco like bladee/lean/thaiboy a lot more
everyone that says they like drain is a tranny and got into it after ice dancer and the tranny era. you should just use gtb if you arent a tranny.
>gatekeeping the tranny fag music
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I think he wants a bf who really likes to clean drains
yes keeping the trannys out of my (formerly)underground non tranny music
I am so tired, my lifestyle is catching up to me, not even my fbf could wind up this dead doll
Should i tell him my Gay friend to do a Blowjob to me?
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Got the alien guy first try cause I shook the box and weighed it with my hand. Epic. I was gonna use his hat for Van Der Linde.

Do you like my Legos frens?
burned my tongue on my chicken and rice thinking of ending it all
It's okay anon let me kiss it and make it better
>3ds try not to say everything about your life to someone you just met challenge

>all he had to say was that, if he were me, he would not have lasted as long as i have
You're so pathetic. All you want is sympathy. Oh poor bisexual miami boy. How tragic. Funny how when you actually tried you easily found things to do with 0 money fucking bitch baby. Brown story.
I will kill you if you don't make them, this could be the funniest thing if you do it well
3ds does it
Why would anyone want one of those as a bf? Might as well download the app at that point.
It's highly likely XD
I love this place it's so funny seeing things like this
Good one
It is so obvious when he finds someone else and is clearly cheating on you
ok here u go bleh :P
I'm like a gay guy but I suck blood instead of cock.
>tfw no gay top vampire bf
I suck his dick and he sucks my blood.
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I'm not evil enough to make them offensive, but too ill to make them wholesome, so I'd have to pull some miracles
his cock then throbs bigger as his body begins to circulate your blood
And he gets lustful after drinking my blood. This is so hot.
woke up and cooked bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast, is this good? I need to regular my meals instead of switching between gorging and starving myself.
Not the healthiest meal but it's quite good.

I don't cook much of the bacon at a time, I can sometimes make a 16oz package go three meals. The main part of the meal is the eggs.
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I admit I admit, I'm a freak
Used to go to /b/ shota threads every day
But who these niggas tryna say I am?
Man I'm gay and I put that on shos
I admit I fuck with all the boys
That's both older and young boys
But tell me how they call it "pedophile" because of that
Shit, that's crazy
You may have your opinions
Entitled to your opinions
But really, am I supposed to go to prison
Or lose my wagie job because of your opinion?
>But really, am I supposed to go to prison
>Or lose my wagie job because of your opinion?

yes, you are pedo freak. the only cure for pedos is a bullet to the head.
You can also make scrambled eggs in bulk, lasts for like 3-4 days so less cooking.
Try adding tomato to the meal to make it healthier, remember to eat your fruits.

I don't actually like shos

how would I add tomatoes? I only add cheese to my scrambled eggs.
Just have them with your scrambled eggs, don't put them in.

just eat a tomato? Uh I've never done that. I don't even get them on my burgers.
Just slice them, salt them a bit and that's it. I really like them with scrambled eggs.

I'd have to buy some first, how long do they keep, I don't want to waste money.
is that the joker from that one part in the killing joke
>Funny how when you actually tried you easily found things to do with 0 money
i still need to pay for the bus
I've barely been up 2 hours and my leg is hurting already. Flare up where I can get no relief is coming I bet. I hate those.
no it's a random alien nigga

They did make a killing joke joker once
is he seriously so poor he can't pay bus fare? Just go panhandle somewhere and a tourist will likely give you some change.
nobody uses cash anymore
can't you bum a few bucks from your brother since he's supposedly a fast food manager? Maybe your parents? Do something extra around the house for it?
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this hat is pretty epic but the guy who makes it is probably a cunt
i would have to take the bus to refill my bus card anyways. the closest train station is not a brisk walk away. i can't go anywhere right now until someone comes back home.
I might go the store just to walk around a bit, I haven't been for a few days and this might be what causing my leg to hurt. Driving is painful when it's acting up though.
the boys s4e4 just dropped
full blown homosexuality doesn't exist in nature and you've been psyop'd to completely neglect your heterosexuality in order to feel like you have a community where you can belong to. no evidence of long-term homosexuality relationships and plenty of evidence of homosexuals promiscuous far more than their heterosexual counterparts.
Why yes, I'm quite the armchair psychologist myself.
I'm meeting an older gentleman in a hotel room later this evening. Should be a fun one.
Uh oh, we've got a silly boy in our general ;3
Guphhhh I have to try the hard boss again I played until my controller ran out of battery yesterday she is very difficult maybe I'll go over to my parents for sauna first
No what is tagmap meow
Am I gay if I enjoy the feeling of holding in a big shit for hours in my rectum because the pressure and clenching feels nice?

google it and search r9gay. basically let's post a pip with a discord if you wanted to in hopes of making friends or meeting people. Likely kinda dead. Also jannies don't like people linking to it directly.
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Why? Sounds sketch. If someone wants to talk to me on discord my tag is public knowledge anyway. What's the role of the tagmap in the equation?

let;'s you get it even if you missed it in the thread. used to be at one time jannies would warn+ban for putting discords in the thread too. Plus it's old, maybe even before discord took off. I remember it from 2012-13. Likely a relic.
Okay demeow
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>the most important change is in how you treat yourself.
i've lived my whole life believing i'm my worst enemy. i've never known it to be any other way. for as long as i can remember i always thought i was worthless. having any form of confidence is completely unnatural to me. i wouldn't know what that's like. every time i succeed at anything, i always blame it on luck, or fate, but never on my own efforts. everything that happens to me just happens. i was born to lose.
Two weeks google says, you should use this tool more often story. You can also buy one ripe tomato and one less ripe tomato, that way they last even longer.
Thanks for jumping in :3.

I'm lazy. I went to the store before you posted so I didn't get any fruits or stuff. maybe next time.
wait so did sage get lobotomized or not
what the hell was all that about it
Yes but she has a healing factor sovshe healed
Why do you like men
They make me happy and are cute and nice
but i thought her mind was all she had? i thought she wasn't invulnerable
There's always next week yeah, don't beat yourself up too much over it.
>tfw i feel that feel
could a vamp bf be cold? since he's you know, undead?
not when I'm done with him
i guess they would be, you'd have to leave him in front of the fire to warm up
>you have to comb his hair and take care of his looks because he can't use a mirror.

poor frenchie...
it's not fair that sounds awesome
>he turns you and you take a 10 year so nap together in the coffin snuggling.

>no human food means no prepping needed.

>only bad thing is cold coom.
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what the fuck!!!! what the fuck!!!! "MAI PUUSAAY" what the fuck!!!!
friction would heat the body up
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I just wanted to confirm something
Anyway, whats your discord?
Which one? Aren't there multiple?
I never noticed how much this woman fucked up the fist. Rosie's fist looks like she's actually punched someone before.
don't forget the real Rosie quit a couple weeks later because the job was too hard and became a secretary.
The "Real Rosie" is actually just a colloquial term for women that worked in munitions factories and wasn't an actual person. If you mean Naomi Parker Fraley who was the model for the famous poster, yeah, but she was also always just a clothing model and never actually a machinist.
time for a nap, leg settled down which is good so maybe I can sleep.
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Underage boys kiss best
How could I ever replace him?
How could I hope to build new memories like this with someone else?
True detective = Good detective
I NEED a twink to kiss me on the cheek
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Need chubby bearded bf now
Dime a dozen and yuck
you'll struggle with fidelity if you view partners as replaceable
>no that's too realistic an attainable and I have standards that are too unreasonably high so he needs to have a perfect body and a huge dick, he better not be even 10lbs overweight!
Get over yourself.
You'll struggle with breathing beneath 300lbs of lard and hair
I'm 6' and 245 and breathe just fine, next stupid assumption.
>oh what you think you're too good for an obese retard?
yes, yes I do
what does hair have to do with it?
I'm overreacting again, I think. He doesn't hate me. This isn't the end of everything. We don't work as partners as we are now, but I don't care less about him than I ever did, and I would like to think the same goes for him. He's hurting too, just expressing it differently. I need to let him breathe, give him peace, give it time. I do too. I need to learn to live without him before I can learn to live with him.
Part of me hopes he sees this (he won't), but the more I think about it the more I realize that might not be a good thing. If I'm going to let him heal, I have to give him time without me, I have to treat him as the friend I want (need, please god i don't want him to leave my life) him to be. It's okay to not DM him for a few days. It's okay to let him do other things and talk to other people without my involvement. It's okay to let him sort things out on his own. He's not shunning me, he's not conspiring against me, he doesn't hate me, he's just trying to do what I should be doing.
I like boys who look like me i.e. boys and not ogres
Don't let huey see this post you madman o.o
who are we vagueposting abouuuuuuuutt
ogres are bad ass
wish i had some tusks
do ogres have horns?
You like children but you're not a child, you a pdf file
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Don't like big guys? Fine, more for me.
I felt like this the last time too. 2018. I look back now and it's better. Not perfect, the scars are still there, but they don't hurt anymore. That's proof that I can heal, that I can get better, that I can persevere. I just have to keep telling myself that now when my heart is screaming and weeping and howling in pain. I need to live to prove to myself I can, and to make sure that I'm ready for you when you decide to be open with me again. The more I think and work through these anxieties the more the ripping, shredding agony is replaced by a soft, raw, bloody ache. That's not to say it's healed. Your casual touch, even the slightest brush from you will be enough to start the pain up almost full blast again, but it's not getting worse on its own.
You know how they talk about setting something free if you love it? That's about ten trillion times harder in practice, but it's hard to say it's wrong.
Before I got a proper uniform I was mistaken for one of the adolescent patients at my work a few times
Oh shit. It all makes sense. This retard wanted to bf meow because he thought he had experience working with insane in the membrane. Disgusting normalfag.
there's one waiting for you in ohio right now get em before he rots away
Nobody who posts here. At least, I don't think he does, he's never mentioned /r9k/ once in the past.
Are you the Swede anon whose bf left him stranded in america
No, I'm a burger and he is too.
it's me i'm the anony mous
"Near the end of the episode, Sage greets The Deep with takeout, asking for a favour. She explains how her brain never stops growing and that no matter how much damage is done to it, it always seems to grow back. Eventually she realised that by giving herself a frontal lobotomy, she is able to negate her powers for a short amount of time, allowing her to live as a normal human temporarily."
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Meow I gots the edges done time to go to the sauna and then home yay
What's that drink
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My boyfriend has drained me financially and I have to break up with him because he will not change but this is the only relationship I have ever had and I genuinely love him. I will regret this for the rest of my life but it is what must be done.
Griff's blond bf when he pays for the 10th $1000 csgo knife
This one meow, parents told me I can drink some from the fridge
cockatoos and other bigger parrots live about as long as humans (and have memories about as good. its so sad that they lack hands.)

its so funny how posts longer than 2 sentences make a specific kind of person furious. (or maybe its literally just one guy.) this didnt happen 10 or even 5 years ago. most people, now, if they started reading a long post and didnt enjoy it, they would just keep scrolling, or call the guy a tard or whatever and move on. complaining about the length of a post is literally so weird, and there's only one reason someone would do it: theyre aware on some level that a decade of scrolling pablum on their phone - not on the computer, on the phone - has resulted in them having genuine difficulty reading anything that's long. but instead of admitting this to themselves, and trying to regain the level of mental functioning they had 10 yrs ago, they go psycho and lash out. this behavior is characteristic of people butting up against blatant internal contradictions that they utterly refuse to recognize let alone attempt to deal with. what's especially funny is that if you put shit they should notice this far down in a paragraph (the proper name for a "wall") they will literally never read it, and you can say whatever you want. i used to straight up say i was a man in the middle of a rant on a chan that bans men and ppl would only notice about fifty percent of the time -- and those who did didnt even get mad because they knew exactly why i did it and that it had worked. the usual repooooort crew is made up of people who literally are not capable of reading paragraphs anymore. some people call this "twitterbrain" but its a little more complicated. its also related to the way that redditors go ballistic and lash out if you say literally anything thats not le approved take. they want to go at you for something youre saying, but they cant, because they cant finish what you've wrote, so they complain about paragraphs.
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First heard this song in high school and "never let your fear decide your fate" has been something I've tried to live by, with how much my mind fights itself whenever I want to get out there in social spaces or show vulnerability.
this is, of course, far from the worst type of case in terms of the state that modern folks are in -- a lot of them are so image and video addicted that they dont even read text that isnt accompanied by a voice reading it. these people, however, you dont really have to think about, because they also dont type anything. maybe theyre making rant videos about you i guess.

anyway, youre making me want to find my 3ds, 3ds. idk what id even play on it though. the pkmn games were pretty bad by that point and idk what else there is, mario? i always go through a similar cycle. i put a bunch of game files on my r4 and try all of them and end up just playing pokemon again. and then i decide i want to play gen3 more anyway and go back to emulating gba on my phone to play emerald. then when i finish emerald i either play leaf green then try to play fire emblem again or go straight for fire emblem. and then i get filtered about halfway through fire emblem lool.

reportedly hawaii is absolutely chock full of infuriatingly handsome and tan surfer men working at burrito shops and surf shacks, but it starts to feel almost surreal because theyre never anything but hot and never any way but happy. reportedly. i havent been there.

a number of you are getting real good at hitting them keys, im imprest

fdr said it better. also churchill. and like everyone
Nah, that specific iteration of it hit me hardest.
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I like Mussolini's advice
It's good to trust others but, not to do so is much better
Cringe, Mussolini was a giant faggot
I understand what you're saying but I'm not sure if I agree, and even if it's true I'm not sure there's a cure or remedy for it. The phenomenon of "tl;dr" is ancient at this point, and even Shakespeare was adamant about brevity being the soul of wit. While people do struggle to work with large amounts of text at once, the onus is partially on you to be willing to compose your thoughts in such a way that they properly convey what you want to say. You can't force understanding.
>paragraph (the proper name for a "wall")
Line breaks are important in proper English formatting. My college honors professor, himself a doctor of law, told me outright that a good paragraph should be maybe 2-3 solid sentences, as otherwise you risk meandering and losing a concise and potent point.

Anyway, go play Shin Megami Tensei IV if you're looking for 3DS games. Apocalypse is even better but also a direct sequel. The games are challenging if you're new to the series but SMT is probably the pinnacle of JRPG combat.
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Just like me originally
He types like he's talking into his phone in schizobabble and letting it shit out a massive wall without proper grammar then seethes when nobody cares to read it
everyones entitled to an opinion. i guess.

OH also 3d, yoga's fun, im not an expert but having a daily routine a few positions is good for waking yourself up or busting yourself out of a computer crouch. i like to start by standing as straight as i can up on my tiptoes with my arms pointed up, as in trying to put my fingertips as high in the air as i can. then, staying on my tiptoes, i bend down and touch my toes. that one im still finding tricky. before i was just touching my toes normally standing & sitting but that got boring. then i kneel on my knees and arch my back so that i can grab my ankles, i forget what that one's called. then down dog, then up dog, then sit and put your feet together like theyre clapping and reach as far forward as you can. theres a few others but im not sure im doing them right lol so you should learn from someone else...then i finish by lying stretched out flat in the vitruvian man position for a few minutes. that ones nonstandard afaik but i like it, it feels good. sometimes i fall asleep though.

my grammar is in fact perfect, or as perfect as i mean it to be. in america theres a sort of grammar test that everyone takes before college, and, well, i hundred percented that shit, sonny.

if you had nads youd reply like an adult.
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short's funny, i'd agree, but not always most elegant. plus look at the size of this thing.

your professor's a retard and i could beat his ass black and fuckin blaubeeren at scrabble lol

as if i havent heard people recommend every fuckin interminable jerpig under the sun. brevity my bored ass l fuckin mao. fuck off
Whew the sauna felt GOOD
I wonder if it's really good for skin
You're a bit rude.
It really is! My skin always gets clearer from it
My mom yells at me when I make the shower into a sauna
Why is the cat green???
sorry i was watching The Boys
yeah i just play mario kart these days. it's the only online game that can be played long distance without lag. player-cpu hybrids. it works like magic.

also why are you talking about hawaii? i live in miami. completely different ocean.
Because you're disrespecting my mongol heritage
He dead
She can't point to Finland on a map even or Mongolia I hate it here -_-
Okay you still disrespected my great culture
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i hugged a really sweaty really smelly really handsome guy and i got his number
but he has a girlfriend

i'm seeing him tomorrow
but he has a girlfriend
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Dios meow.... La creatura...
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Pouring water on hot rocks is not culture sorry
Did you jerk off to his smell yet
3ds is into boy sweat and boy stink?
Yet you self admittedly try to shittily recreate it. Cope.
i still think about the time my coworker stood next to me close enough for me to smell him.
my showers often turn into steam baths because the ventilation in the bathroom sucks and I like very hot very long showers.
Gonna throw a drink on you for real for this slight
looks like I'm skipping dinner two days in a row, my stomach is killing me.
Look retard, this general wasn't always a wallpost general, just look through the archives and see how long the posts have always been. For years here. Cope and rope.
i speedran celeste a few days ago. got 2 hours and 1 minute. first time playing since years. i want to play it again, to pay attention to the story, and the dialogue. i think it'd really help me right now.
I know I saw your post in the other board
File deleted.
Can someone pick a rps choice I already made mine
Liberal snowflakes want to cancel drdisrespect for "grooming" a 14 year old nearly adult woman.
So was she almost adult or 14yo which is it
how am i supposed to win fairly if when i say it you'll just say a winning choice every time
anyways scissors
14 is almost adult, it's 4 years away retard. Guess they don't teach math in school anymore?
He's ugly so its bad
Since I already set mine meow
4 years is a long time retard it''s almost one third of that childs entire lifespan
how did people put cheese on pasta before graters
did you forget where you are sir? do you need me to call someone?

middle skool lunchroom mario kart on ds download play was epic as frick but i dont have the 3ds one...its like fifteen on ebay though so i just might!. i talked about hawaii cause reportedly guys like the guy you met are like the squirrels of hawaii. or uh, i dont know if you have squirrels down there, so let me say theyre like the pavement lizards of hawaii. although they have those there already. well you get the point. handsome but like, they sort of seem to live every day like its the exact same day. like a surfer groundhog day situation. that could make for a funny sort of midsommar slow horror movie actually...

rules rules rules lol

dumb fucker

its nice that you grew enough nad to reply though, and im flattered that you seem to have worked your brain cell hard enough to have actually read the post. now try working on another.
they had cheese filers. cheese was also harder back then
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graters are older than pasta
nigga you think i LEGALLY PURCHASED my copy of mk7?
also we can play mkds too. can you set up a no-password mobile hotspot, or a wep guest network? you don't need to hack your 3ds. just set a custom DNS in the connection settings.
Super fucking jealous
BRUH youre cool. here i thought i was slick with my aliexpress r4ds that ive been bragging abt for years. i found my ancient 3ds and im charging it to see the version...hopefully i can do just the software method...i never soldered a thing in my life lol
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also its almost coookie time
mrw eating scallops before and after knowing what they look like alive
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these have a secret ingredient on top, which if im being honest is a failed previous experiment. it LOOKS like a cookie, but as you can see from the pressure im applying to no effect, its in fact similar in nature to literal concrete despite being made with common kitchen goods. if you can guess what it is ill give you many geenus.
Idk, peanut brittle?
Lucky bastard
I want to join cookie time
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(timeskip) these turned out nice, in fact the topping *didnt* run as much as i wanted this time...shouldntve pressed it in so much, it formed its own pool. hopefully it doesnt go concrete again when it cools but it might...

is peanut butter hard as concrete sir

theres a chunk of this secret ingredient on top of each of the cookies in the background, which are in fact peanut butter oatmeal. the secret ingredient looks pretty identical to the cookies though...its sort of like a fractal thing. the little piece of cauliflower looks just like the big cauliflower. except its not like that cause it just looks the same but is like a rock.
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>here i thought i was slick with my aliexpress r4ds

anyways i gotta take a shit and walk my dog. hopefully you'll have figured out all the homebrew stuff by then
oh yeah also DO NOT UPDATE!!!! do the homebrew stuff first and THEN update
intense faggotry will recommence
Did that once during a game of League.
prank youtubers then:
>i do [really shitty thing] to piss people off
prank youtubers now:
>i do [really shitty thing] to make a point about how shitty other people are and this makes me good actually.
wish they would go back to just being honest
just like christian femboy, the only other anon with a 3ds has disappeared.
I managed to take a pic of my hemorrhoids inflamed after a fat neet shit. I'll save it for a good time when I need to disgust the thread.
Too much of a coward pushover to do that let's be real here
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It's about 40% done
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Imagine actually listening to anything posted by vocafags
i stopped when they were all kiwinigger's faggy flirting with 3DS sessions
thank you for calling me a faggy flirt
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You just know some part of him is proud that everyone constantly rubs dirty little spic in that boy's face
He deserves it every time
it makes me really uneasy because he's still around, just using gaynons
I would never call him names based on his ethnicity, maybe that's why I'm alone?
thank you for calling me a gay non
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He's gay, anon?
im on state of the art 2011 technology ok? when i go out for my mcchocolate milk w/ free med fries (subtotal $1.19) i dont take the internet with me...mentally anyway.
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>you didnt think i was just...*eating oreos*, did you?? who would do that??
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Two bags, one day, big bawls, pop off
No pills, blue bills, cha cha, real smooth
Two cars, two wrists, new house, move quick
Move slick, your bitch bad, I took her, now you mad!
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hehe froog
>refrogerate 2 hours
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Please excuse me while I vomit
I gotta agree with you what the fuck is that shit

Drunk brit you ever played with legos?
someone requested worms n dirt. the store didnt have haribo worms, well other than the really fat rainbow ones but those wouldnt work obviously. these were the closest and im curious to see how the mallow gummy part does baked. i used to think worms n dirt was wack too but while i worked making hand ice cream i developed a liking.
holy shit i didnt even realize the 3ds had an sd card slot
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Are you kingcobrajfs or are you just copying one of his recipes?
I don't even like oreos, too much cookie for too little cream and the cookies get stuck in your teeth.
please don't say internet names at me

>ooouuuh i havent seen that food before oouuuuh puuuuoh im voooooomitting

actually worse, you have seen it before and ouuuuughing about it is on your list of acceptable circlejerks because you saw other people doing it


id use nabisco chocolate wafers if anywhere still sold those but they dont

on the other hand they make mega double stuff for your fat ass

sooo fuck you

I'm course I'm fat. That said I'm actually not big on sweets. I eat a lot during Halloween and then almost none the rest of the year.
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its dorie greenspan's world peace cookie recipe that ive worms and dirtified if you absolutely must know

anyhoo based r4 makers for having it display as a spongebob game lel
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I had a few of the star wars sets but I wasn't interested in building them. I was more into wrestling action figures or toy knights and dragons

Were you working at a store or just making and selling ice cream as a side hustle?

Same. I never really liked the filling it has, bourbons and custard creams are superior
obviously you need to eat more sweets then dummy! once youve tried every kind of haribo get back to me.

that's the last thing I need. I haven't had gummy anything like I was like 10.
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i did this for liiiike three months in 2016 when it was a new trend thing

pretty exhausting and started to make my wrists hurt in a carpal tunnel way so i quit. also it isnt like...good. ice cream is supposed to be, you know, churned for a long time to get it creamy and fluffy. when you do this technique with just regular ice cream mix it ends up a bit icy and thickenery, it isnt amazing. however with worms and dirt it was pretty similar cause that adds a lot of texture.

now in thailand (i think) where this is from, they do it with more of a sorbet or milk sherbert mixture, which does not in fact depend so heavily on churning to have a smooth texture...i tried to convince the owner to add something like this but they wouldnt lol...just kept us pouring down the bargain brand ice cream base even though making our own dairyless sherbert/sorbet mix would have been cheaper & also would have let non-dairy-eating ppl actually have something there. i also discovered that you could do this process with 2 bananas and a squirt of nutella and get these like frozen banana rolls with a ripple of nutella that were darn good. and doing it with just pure banana makes a vegan, nondairy, low glycemic index, natural, healthful option. you could even use organic bananas and it would be organic, and organic bananas are still cheap as fuck cause theyre bananas. but noooo. some people are just fuggin dumb, and worse, if you have a good idea, theyll resent you for having thought of something they didnt, and refuse to do it no matter how good the idea is. when youre in that situation, people are like "oh you need to lead them to it so they think they thought of it" but im not about that. if you have to deal with someone like that just gtfo lol. then again she was still selling that crap by the bucketcup at an insane price cause people in that city apparently have fuckall else to do but eat meme food. sort of why i moved away but also the house my apt was in was falling apart.
I only liked lego as a kid.
well, if the other things youve tried havent worked...the advantage of gummies/sweet things is that eating too much will make you very sicky very fast, so it naturally counteracts overeating in that way. like yeah 300 calories of sour straws is "empty calories" but youll feel very well indulged. meanwhile its easy as fuck to eat a whole 2000 calorie pizza and not even feel that full.

my cracky neighbor used to live on cigarettes and strawberry sour straws and thats legit all i ever saw her eat...she was skinny as a bone. after i moved i had a skinny 5 foot girl neighbor who lived on cigs and twizzlers and adderall lol. its a type. not a healthy type, but a skinny type.
forgot about the thing that annoyed me most, i made an instagram for the store cause i worked there from day 1 and no one else thought to including the owner. one of the first posts on it is probably still me doing exactly that gif. i got it a good number of follows and then it took off a bit in fact. people in that city have fuckall to do as i said. lots of people would come in saying they saw the store on instagram. the owner made me delete the acct off my phone and then a bit later took literally everyone but me for food cert training & a dollar raise while trying to have me do hours cause i did it twice as fast as the other ppl. (all girls except one tattooed guy who started coming in drunk and she had to fire.) cant believe ppl sometimes kekkle. her husband was funny though, huge fat guy who owned a limo company and slipped me twenties after busy nights cause he knew i was grinding it out good.
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holy hackabungus!!! the techgnarlagy!!!
just reported you to Nintendo and the fbi.
ive always thought it would be hilarious to go to court for something like that

how much doggerel could i get away with reading into the record before i get gaveled in the face for contempt do you think?

i swear the gummint knows it would be a nightmare to have me in court. they dont even come after me for taxes
Got nair on my ballz
ive gotten cease and desists for pirating the sims 3 as well as for infringing on the copyrights of burberry, koozie, and the webcomic sporkman, true stories
i listened to your song and i liked it.
i don't like your singing. sing farther away from the mic and sing louder.
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I live in a terraced house and I think my neighbours already want to murder me, it's not gonna get better than the last two parts
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i get a hot guy's number, i find a lgbt community center with a nintendo switch, and another r9gay anon homebrews his 3ds, all in the same week. wtf is going on? surely god is going to play some cruel trick on me like he always does.
I ended up having dinner anyway, so much for going two days without.
one day story is going to post his hemorrhoid riddled asshole so brace yourself. I don't want anyone going blind.
i wonder what the cause is exactly. is it that he sits on the toilet scrolling for too long while straining, or is it just that he sits for too long in general.

the problem with the suburbs is if you walk circles around your block ppl will like call the police on you. in the city no one even notices and even if they do they just think youre one of many nutters.
You won't coward
in his case it was likely do to his lack of fiber and frequent constipation.
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When I close the window it gets too warm but with it open the pollen makes me sneeze and spider come inside. Life truly is full of tough decisions and compromises
wait a minute, story, do you live in/near cincinnati??? if so the parallels run far deeper than i even thought. tho not how you might think.

if youre within commute distance of either cincinnati or dayton theres actually a minwage job i can reference you for. its a really easy one with not much talking and very simple work, just opening boxes, sorting things by tag color and putting on security locks. no benefits. lmk

checked. i often wonder if my dad has hemorrhoids, he used to have like hourlong toilet sits. whenever im feeling delayed i realize its cause i havent eaten a vegetable in like four days. he needs to buy a bag of arugula or spinach and just eat it for a snack like a grazing giraffe. its fun. if youre just scrolling youd be surprised how much eating leaves and chips is basically the same thing.
the guide should include an install for fbi file browser. use that to download https://hshop.erista.me/ and then use hshop to download mario kart 7.

the guide should also include an install for universal updater. use that to download nimbus, then switch to the pretendo network.

.3dsx apps can only be accessed from the homebrew launcher, and .cia apps take up slightly more space, but can be opened from the 3ds home menu. i reccomend downloading .3dsx since you'll only need to open it once.
You listen to them all faggot?
I only talk to brad now.

I live roughly halfway between cinci and dayton. I have never actually been into cini proper and dayton only a handful of times.


my my case it wasn't because I spent the time scrolling or what not (in fact I never take my phone with me) I just took me that long, frequently 30+ minutes to feel like I got everything out.
Fuck off new fag
I mean do it bro. What if you leave and he actually goes apeshit suicidal and end up in jail?
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I was just taking the piss out of the previous post and making a berk reference but I don't think the other anons got it desu
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somewhere in this general area lives an unwashed fat invalid who masturbates to pictures of mentally ill men
youre hurting my brainy. im still on ooooh i can take screenshots now. the cruel trick may be that i take forever to do this and then play kart with you like once before returning to wow...well first things first i have to spend three days scrolling a list of all 3ds games and downloading way too many

I masturbate to other things as well, 3ds' pics are nice and all but I need some actual hole/cock showing to really enjoy it.
don't worry about the logistics just follow the steps. you'll figure it out on your own.
not happening ever

no problem, while I did pop one looking at you pics I switched to something else to be able to coom.
>You listen to them all faggot?
I'm so bored guys. What do people even do when they're not working and not horny?
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Watch quality tv shows or movies, read interesting books, exercise and enjoy vidya. I've been a neet for six years and rarely feel bored
when i had a job and wasnt working or jerking off i would smoke a lot of weed and play videogames, but its not as good if you dont have the weed
I cannot think of anything within reason which worse than being a scat fetishist. People want to be pissed on, get feminized, wear diapers and all kinds of bullshit but people who want to eat shit are the one group of people I'll never tolerated fuck those freaks
i go on www.eventbrite.com and see anything happening for free tomorrow.
I would enjoy my neethood far better if my legs didn't hurt and I could marathon vidya and media again.
theres a location of the place im working possibly really close to you then lol

just checked and that specific store is in fact hiring for the thing i described. $10.45/hr, probably 9-2 shifts, prob 3x a week, soo about $150 a week/600 a month/7200 a year. not exactly bank but 15 hrs a week is like nothing and every bit helps as im sure you know. they also may give you more hours -- when i lived out that way stores were desperate to have ppl working who could read and werent on pills. im getting paid quite a bit more just cause where i live has higher minwage.

your leg might be a problem but if you think activity would help you could give it a try, its nothing intense, just standing/walking and lifting the occasional 10-20 lb box.

best part? every part of applying for the job is handled on their end by an ai up to the interview, which it even schedules automatically. ppl dont realize this yet but ais like robots.
>I cannot think of anything within reason which worse than being a scat fetishist
idk maybe dead people or children or animals i think those are pretty bad
holy shit lol is this what made /r9gay/ adopt dirty little spic
This was for
SORRY dude ahaha -pats back of head- gomen.... gomen... forgive me! I didn't mean to reply to the wrong post with that haha.

so is it a store, or a warehouse or distribution center? It wouldn't be near Lebanon would it?
my self esteem has improved recently to not be so aroused by abuse as much as i used to be.
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Feminization is a cringe fetish, you're either feminine or you aren't. Its not as disgusting as scat but I find it rather pitiful really.
When I said "within reason" I was excluding heinous crimes. Hell, I almost put scat fetishists in a similar category to those other types because to be into scat they've got to be fucking nuts and maybe into worse shit too.
This faggot was a goldmine on /lgbt/
It can be cringe but it's 1000x more normal than scat
>somewhere in this area lives an obese retard who cooms to skinnyfat latino basket cases
ok so kiwinigger was into scat, making boys cut, terrorizing his peers at school, grooming 3DS into embarrassing himself for his pleasure leading to the DLS incident, am I missing something I'm trying to catch up on his lore
Inshallah the storycaliphate is on
literally none of that is true though
I know you're memeing but ohio has a town called lebanon a couple years ago fedex I think built a distribution center there.
is that the cut of 87
Can someone with a cute voice sing a song for me please (Doesn't have to be a cute voice)
he sounds like a creep, most people hate him. who cares dude? there is zero benefit to defending him.
who's your favorite poster, me it's archiveschizo who brought all this to light
I'm totally not David Bowie but enjoy this song

i cant get any more weed until my check comes in on monday and youre making me mald about it

need a new smoky thing too. cant decide between herb vape and classic basic bong. broke my last bong in a week but vapes are so chintzy. ive just been using onehitters but its a little raw and started to hurt my throat.

17 min drive. back of house at a discount mall store. if you have two brain cells and can smile you may also get cashier hours.

i doubt my reference matters that much, i didnt have one in any case. the ai hiring bot doesnt even ask for a resume or references at all. the magic words are that you have reliable transport and open availability. the ai thing should schedule an interview automatically once you say this.

as i was ranting abt a few days ago, you may show up and they tell you to come back another day for the interview. they made me come back a different day three times lol. not sure if its a shit test or they just hate doing the hiring forms.

you also may do the interview and they say theyll call or send the offer details but you dont get anything. this is also almost certainly them just not wanting to deal with it. show up right at opening time the day after they were supposed to call/email and ask them about it.

the situation is basically that at the corporate level they want to hire people, but the in store ppl are too busy to deal with it or just hate doing forms. so you just literally keep showing up and they deal with it.

its a bit of a grim looking workspace, but easy enough as i said, and once youve done this job for a few months you can maybe start trying to get your nose in at idk gamestop or the games section of target or smth lol, that always seemed pretty chill.
Dude, Gen Z is trying to cancel Kiwi, what are they crazy?
i don't care about him but i care about the truth and i won't stand for any more unproven statements made about him or anyone.
Why would a dumb fat retard with 200k and a broke ass leg work at all
Dumb idiot
>i take forever to do this and then play kart with you like once
that's fine by me. i don't mind much.
Thank you Mr. Bowie

I don't understand how anyone here keeps up with names. I've talked to people on here and no one knows me as an r9gay personality, how is there enough drama on this anon thread that people make a "name" for themselves?
200k is not going to last the rest of his life.
He won't make it to 50, it'll last with a little investment
Thanks anon
you guys flirt and sext each other all the time why does it matter if it's in a voice message format
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>I don't understand how anyone here keeps up with names
I've been here on and off for years and only regularly recognise story and meow because of how noticeable their posts are. If you regularly post about the same shit or use certain images people with bigger brains or less autism than me seem to pick up on it

it's not 200k anymore it only briefly was over that amount after I got my tax refund. Then house+car insurance for the year put it back under 200k.
I neither flirt with nor sext anyone. If you want to do any of that shit with someone piss off to discord, the occasional voca isn't all that bad though
oh also pro tip that applies to all retailers with a dressing room -- the lady who guards the dressing rooms is usually a middle aged lady who's been there forever and knows everyone. when you go in the store the first time, smile and introduce yourself to her and ask where you should go. she'll get on the walkie talkie and make things happen.

wear long pants, closed toed shoes, and any plain collared shirt or even plain tshirt (no slogans/graphics). thats literally the entirety of the requirements

do you really think 200k is a fortune to retire on lol? are you an adult?

investing 15 hrs a week to add 7200 a year to the pot is also a kind of investment sir. and as i also ranted abt, story will probably get promoted within a few months cause he has a college degree and can presumably read and do math. he'll be off the floor and at a desk in two years max i bet. when hes got a cushy desk job yelling at truckers for being late i bet youll be jelly as fuck.
I was basically spamming this place for a period of about 4 months and no one ever recognized me. That was some time ago however. I have also seduced a few people from here.

Oh, now I remember that furry fat fetishist guy who would create every other thread. Whatever happened to him? Then there's the huemonke who is ALWAYS lurking somehow to the point where he may be a bot. I've seen meow mentioned but I have no idea who he is. There's also that schizo religious dude does he still post here?
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>i won't stand for any more unproven statements made about him or anyone.
i only see this defense when its about him though, so either samefagging or his friends and that just makes it funnier
i dont have your vocaroos stupid nigger ive only heard the ones the archiveschizo posts and they're the only ones you're not obviously joking in. aren't you like, scared? archiveschizo would probably be able to find way more with very little effort considering he's gone through 3 boards worth of vocaroos
Biggest retard itt award goes to wallposter
You are him retard. No I dont care.
this is because you boring mcfucks write like a chatgpt trained on the crankier half of reddit comments

i refer to people like you as "that guy" because youre everywhere and you all act the fucking same and say the same shit

you also really hate having your nose thoroughly rubbed in how fucking wrong you are about literally everything
biggest retard itt award goes to me
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recorded this a long time ago
No, I'm him. I could and did find your BPD ex as a namefag from /fit/ that you so graciously provided in /s4s/
>i only see this defense when its about him though
because he's not here anymore to defend himself
ah yes the seething anon, such an original poster and pillar of the thread
Are you jealous of the fact that he was very pretty and beautiful and that we loved eachother.
dude he's been posting vocaroos
that's not him that's some schizo reposting his old stuff. he isn't here.
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No, but I wonder if you'll make good on this and if it applies to /r9k/ as well.
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Cookin' hotdogs with napalm
>"hey guys remember kiwianon lmao"
>shenanigans ensue
why do you guys care so much just let it go
This is nice anon, I'm not sure how you made this but it sounds a bit better than the original imo
honestly if kiwi didn't reply then none of it would ensue, I thought that was part of the fun with it? We're all in on it, he likes it?
La raza holmes!
No. I wouldn't since you love me so much.
>honestly if kiwi didn't reply then none of it would ensue
but. he isn't. he's not here.
i bitcrushed it and used autotune :)
oooh seeeeeeeeeething ,i havent heard that one before.
i'm one of few who does more than snore.
i apologize to bystanders for my trail of gore.
if you'd e'en slightest bit of knowledge poor
about the ways of men of yore,
you'd realize it's good no have no door,
for him who builds 'em turns quick bore,
and boor, and knows that he wants more,
but can't admit that with himself he's sore
quite quickly, and he is, for sure,
for why else would he be on this board,
where door-barrers are quite-well ignored?
put your back against it, whore,
i'll kick it in, and splat you on the wall.
I'll see what I can do to find any traces of him then.
tl;dr seethe and cope
You're infatuated with me to a degree and it's interesting, I don't think I really did that much to be worth all this effort from you but I'm flattered.
i miss when r9k had hard originality and you were fucking filtered

i miss it so god damn bad

by the way, one of my powers is that if you choke twice after i verse at you, you fucking die. be careful
does anyone wanna play 2 lies 1 truth
i killed a man
i smoked crack
i prefer oatmeal raisin over chocolate chip
You gave me a challenge, I have entirely too much free time. Playing it cool now is equally interesting since you deleted one of your vocaroos. You clearly held shame for at least that, for one reason or another.
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What is oatmeal raisin? I thought oatmeal was what americans called porridge and porridge with raisins or chocolate chips sounds a little odd
But it's not just a challenge you're interacting with another person and getting absorbed into my world willingly. Everyone here has free time, that's not a good enough reason for doing this.
>Everyone here has free time, that's not a good enough reason for doing this.
Probably the same reason you keep coming back and replying. It's fun.
Imma playa hoe
Let these niggas know

cookie (biscut for brits?)type that is commonly despised because people mistake it for chocolate chip. Personally I like them, they aren't the same as chocolate chip but still good in their own right.
Are you a sociopath?
imagine not knowing what a cookie is
europe truly is an accursed realm. i pity the souls who are forced to suffer there.
Are you? You also stubbornly keep pushing this further, remember that.
does anyone wanna play mario kart 7 on pretendo
No I'm just weird but I don't really want to hurt anyone or do anything bad to them. But why me in particular? Not any other personalityfag? That's another thing I'm confused by.
oatmeal is technically a kind of porridge but is specifically made with oats and it is very normal to have it with raisins. i really cannot imagine why you think raisins would be odd in porridge in any case. i'm pretty sure i've seen british people put fruits in porridge in bbc shows on the tee-vee. what do you have in your porridge??

chocolate chips would be a little unusual for oatmeal but not that weird. kinda want to try that now

people who have a problem with oatmeal raisin cookies genuinely have the taste and preferences of a literal three year old, and not a very curious one

to be fair, amerifats are down to raising their kids on birthday cake flavor marshmallows at this point. the generation after gen alpha (betas) will probably try to pull the same shit about chocolate chip cookies themselves cause they literally hate all flavors besides artificial vanilla and hate all textures besides softest-possible

that is, unless *I* have something to say about it!
ill play a moonlight kart if i figure this all out before i pass out kek

an oatmeal raisin cook is oatmeal with raisins baked into a cookie, not eaten as a porridge. Americans almost never eat porridge.
>But why me in particular? Not any other personalityfag? That's another thing I'm confused by.
Apostle is a namefag that can be filtered and frankly not worth the time. Story is an attention whore but he fits in the mold of the thread as being pathetic. 3DS is annoying but autistic in his vocaroo spam. You demand a certain attention and when you don't get it or you're criticized, you get upset. No one would still be talking about you or repeating dirty little spic if you didn't have the inflated ego to keep stomping your foot down and making yourself known, and in turn you ARE hurting people. Take 3DS. You disagree with his interpretation of being ghosted, you argue with him and even called him stupid beaner for it a few threads back. Even if you don't think you did anything wrong, you probably don't actually hate the guy right? Yet all that happens now is his little flirty response back to you that he thought would be safe forever in the /s4s/ bowels be constantly brought back up. You are as much to blame here.
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Oh I get what you mean now. To me a biscuit would be small and hard whereas a cookie is soft, chewy and bigger than a biscuit. Cookies with raisins are common enough

>what do you have in your porridge??
I just have plain porridge with skimmed milk, I am particularly fond of large oats as they give the porridge a thicker texture
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>climb up the big fuckoff mountain in the land of shadow
>beat a drake to death
>climb up some more
>another drake, for some reason hits harder than the first one
>beat it to death too
>climb some more
>a fucking ancient dragon
It never ends, does it? Thus far I think the DLC has dropped a lot of cool lore about things that were left unanswered in the base game but it's not very clear what tye deal is yet. I think it might not be set in the past but instead is some kind of pocket dimension where all these things expunged from history have been stashed away. Gotta play more tomorrow.
well, we dont call it porridge, but older ppl and women eat oatmeal a lot...and i do also.

ok well...try putting raisins in it. in fact try putting lots of things in it. its a world of oysters. well dont use oysters to be clear. raisins, walnuts, pecans, cinnamon, dried apricots...i actually made carrot cake oatmeal last week. slivering the carrots was a bit of work but it was tasty. trick is to fry the carrot slivers in a little butter, then add sugar and cook on low til the sugar browns and glazes the carrots. then add oats and walnuts cook on low til they get a little toasty, then add raisins and water and cook a bit more til it thickens, and there you have it.
k. i'll be playing ctgp7 while i wait.
meow playing vidya is there a second marsupial poster?
Tf is with those hands?
You can't act like you're doing this on behalf of 3DS as if you dredging this up is something that he would want, and he's even said the opposite to you. You also said some pretty shit things to him when you started doing this. I don't think I criticize people for not giving me attention. You have a name now archivistschizo because as much as you make the threads about me it's also about you. You also know better than others that I'm not half the things that you said I am, so it's not like you seriously think I'm le groomer.
sometimes i think i'm the only anon here who genuinely does not care about this whole thing
I don't care either, we'll all be dead soon enough anyway so paying attention to any of this seems pointless
>and he's even said the opposite to you
He's also agreed with me at times. You're right that he probably doesn't care as much as I do, and I don't think I'm doing him a favor. Part of this is also just for me to have fun with, I said as much earlier.
>You also said some pretty shit things to him when you started doing this
He isn't free of criticisms.
> I don't think I criticize people for not giving me attention
Not what I said, at all. I'll let you read it again.
>You also know better than others that I'm not half the things that you said I am, so it's not like you seriously think I'm le groomer.
I do not think you are as something as concrete as a "groomer" but I do think you are/were insidious with your actions and are not 100% innocent this. If you can use 3DS to get yourself off and then drop him once you get a BF, I can't help but come to the conclusion that similar behaviors or scenarios you've described played out in similar ways.
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i'm scared by this
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Hey Story did you ever dream of being something other than a neet?
I always expected to be a neet but always wanted to earn my bread by writing or working with animals
Vic2 is a good game

My first 'goal' was be a video game designer, then once I realized that was work not playing video games all day I switched at this point to neet but told my family I wanted to be a professional historian.
in case you already didn't you should've pressed a
oh man theres a rerelease of my favorite gba sonic game on this hshop thing

oh man what if we all played animal crossing owo

i wonder what the hell bird mania is lol

had to free up space on the sd card that was in my ds that i apparently forgot even had an sd card slot and found some ancient videos of my parents' dog lellers. kawaii
That's why I asked if you're a sociopath before. Nobody is free of criticisms, but you're the one with the most malicious intentions here. you should at least be honest about them! (You're right I misread what you said) But you can just not click my vocaroos and it's fine. If people feel otherwise about that I'm interested, I think most of the attention whoring stuff people are mad about is more how much they have to read my name all the time right? and they would have to filter variations of it too, and that's a direct consequence of you and me interacting. So I don't get that either. You don't think I'm a groomer? That's awesome that you've implied that I'm a pedophile, scat enthusiast, I make people cut themselves, I tormented my classmates as a child, and that I'm actively scanning the thread for people to manipulate then.
im not that boomy sonny...your instructions on the hshop thing were a bit unclear but i done googled
they were as clear as i could have possibly made them...
well i tried to put the hshop url you wrote into the fbi thing manually but it didnt work so i found a qr code from reddit...

oh man a YUGIOH game. bye
File deleted.
What does this shit even meeaaannnnn
we downloading the mario. now what were you on about something something pertendo

i need a new sd card lol, this one has room for literally like 1 game at a time
dude. no. i thought you would at least click the link and browse the site for a download. you did click the link, right? did you manually enter the url in fbi!?!?!?!?!
what is it with 4chan users and not clicking links? is this the ONLY website you use????
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aren't you older than me? why are you guys so... DUMB!!!!!
Telling me to do something makes me not wanna faget
suck my cock you sloth
Your micro pp won't fit in my mouth lil bitch
this dirty little spic has a huge cock i can fucking prove it you weasel
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R9Gay is still going all these years later. How many of you have been here for like, 10 years now?
I ate so much fucking food, I need to take a big huge fucking shit but I'm too lazy to get out of my chair :(
>you're the one with the most malicious intentions here
Nothing I've done or am going to do is particularly malicious. I haven't dredged your information by illicit means, all of it is easily accessible and pretty public.
>But you can just not click my vocaroos and it's fine.
You can also just not post them
>how much they have to read my name all the time right? and they would have to filter variations of it too, and that's a direct consequence of you and me interacting.
This would be a good point if it was blameless. You can choose to stop replying just as I can choose to not click your vocaroos.
>That's awesome that you've implied that I'm a pedophile, scat enthusiast, I make people cut themselves, I tormented my classmates as a child, and that I'm actively scanning the thread for people to manipulate then.
I never said you were a pedophile from what I can recall, nor do I think the scat thing was real. I can't know for certain you aren't into cutting, a lot of the art associated with your posts implies you're into it. The rest, I have no way of knowing for certain either. Do I think some of them were jokes? Yes. Do I know for a fact they weren't? No.
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dude. why did you look on reddit first? the official site is literally the first search result for "hshop". what is wrong with you?
Do it coward
bruh it said enter url so i tried it. im not afraid of failing a few times. ill even do it in public. their website kept talking about a qr code that didnt seem to be anywhere on it anyway. i had to click like THREE whole different links from google.

the kind of stupid i am is like, well, once i had set up a lab apparatus where water from rubber hoses through a cooling sheath around a condenser. one of the hoses slipped off and started spraying water everywhere. i grabbed the faucet handle real quick and turned it as hard as i could but the water kept coming and wouldnt stop. i was like what the fuuuuck and kept trying to turn the handle but it wouldnt move and water kept spraying everywhere.

the guy next to me was like dude, other way. :/

i get it done one way or the other. mario kart at 90.8%. you impress me for a youthster. my younger sisters couldnt even figure out how to fucking plug in a wii. i mean theres only one place each cord could possibly go. even if you were blind you could just try each cord in each slot until you found where each of them went. but they just sat there like "we dont knooooow." and my mom got mad cause i called them retarded lol.

well as i was typing above, thats what i did first but i didnt see any fucking qr code anywhere and i didnt want to type in another url on the stupid tiny keyboard...i need to calibrate the touchscreen lol

ironically i literally had to go to the employee subreddit for my company earlier to find a qr code to download an internal app because the company website is that broken lol
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im also multitasking. before anyone complains let me preemptively say shut up redditor/zoomer/person who's never cooked.
>their website kept talking about a qr code that didnt seem to be anywhere on it anyway.
click "download"
scroll down
scan qr code

you're a grown adult you can figure this out on your own. i did.
nice log of shit tard
>the guy next to me was like dude, other way. :/
lefty loosey righty tighty
>my younger sisters couldnt even figure out how to fucking plug in a wii.
the plugs are literally color coded
I want to lose one of my eyes
How is it not malicious what you're doing? You said you're going to find my ex's information and message them to presumably either doxx me or to dig up stuff about me. I don't see a world in which that isn't malicious or involving more people in something that you have no idea how they would feel about it. If you don't care about how they might feel that makes more sense and I can't do anything about that, but you say that's not the case so I don't know. You've been posting more of my vocaroos than I have posted anything other than today, replying to you, again, posting one of my vocaroos. You did imply that I was because I said something about him sounding young? Yes I know you don't think these things are real, that's why I'm saying you propagate it to hurt me, which is fine. But it's not the same as the noble motivations you were espousing before.
yeah i fucking did also you will note

i thought 3hs was a different thing from hshop so i was looking for a qr code for hshop specifically but i tried the one that it says is for 3hs and it seems to have worked. this is 100% not on me. these people need to give things different names.

i was jailbreaking my ipod touch to play pkmn emerald before you were born boy!!! or i mean thats probably not right but you know what i mean. i put damn small linux on a thumbdrive and used it to boot my school's netlocked computers into linux and play dwarf fortress and starcraft on them!!! you arent shit!!!

you were preempted. you took net damage for saying this

the point is that in the heat of the moment i didnt think very well fool. have you ever been in a heated moment in your life?

you wanna hear some more infuriating shit? when my sister would play pokemon she would ask me what move was super effective literally every time. literally every single turn. drove me fucking ballistic
>bruh it said enter url so i tried it.
fbi can't scan a page for dowload links. it doesn't work that way. the only purpose that serves is downloading lone source files from hosting sites. typing urls takes to long so everybody just uses qr codes instead. for future reference, never ever ever type in a url ever again. only scan qr codes.
no. if i could i would ban images from the internet. images make people stupid. typing makes you smart.
>have you ever been in a heated moment in your life?
yeah i can think of several

one time i got a squad wipe in apex legends while my squad was dead. not down, dead. i revived both of them when it was over. one of my few highlights.
i mean in real life you fucking digital zombie

ive had some nice moments in dota but im very prone to spazzing on the keys also

have you ever physically confronted someone in real life?
don't download things from other websites that are not that thing. they're usually outdated. they could also be fakes, or embedded with malware. this is common knowledge.
i had a quarrel in the psych ward a few times. i've never been in a physical altercation. i always try to come to an agreement, no matter how angry either of us get. i only choose violence after i exhausted all other options. i have a lot of pent up rage and pain and misery inside me at all times. i'm afraid that if i ever get in a fight, i won't stop until either of us are seriously hurt, so i stay as far away from violence as possible.
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these were really hard to slice without them crumbling apart. i had to get the bread knife out and go real slow. very curious what will happen to the frogs.

now for that pertendy thing what what he spoke of
don't think i'd ever eat a gummy with a cookie but i'm down to try new things. i just bought a pack of strawberry kiwi beer and my mom hates it but i've never tried it before
also i was playing emulated nes and game boy games on my phone when i was in 3rd grade
You said you did not care. It is not malicious, unless you care?
can you two fuck off back to /s4s/ or whatever we're having a discussion here
okay. last summer i was waiting at the chargers in my car because they were all full. this other car full of people got there after me and also waited.

now typically people form a queue, and when they dont, usually people wait their turn anyway. now this guy maybe was not paying attention or maybe was trying to get one over. as soon as someone pulled out of a charger, he uturned and made to back into it.

i wasnt having this, so i zooped over quicktime and wedged my car between him and the charger spot. he looked out the window and started shouting like what the fuck are you doing man. i said you can wait your turn buddy, i was here before you and you know it. he kept yelling shit at me and said that he would violate me lol. i didnt move of course. ill wait all night, its about the principle. he kept yelling and his gf was like nooo stop hes gonna call the police on you. as if im a bitch. i sat there and let him yell til another guy charging came over and was like break it up before some shit happens, im leaving so you can both have spots. i sat and charged right next to his ass for an hour. blood was up, i wont lie, but i dont bitch out. probably the only white guy left with an actual pair.
actually to be precise its just me and joe biden
I mean what can I do about it? I don't care if you post my vocaroos if I felt that bad about them I never would have posted them, obviously I care if you involve someone else for the crime of them being involved with me. Because that's an escalation of what you're doing. I don't trust you to be kind to them. I'll stop posting here if that's what you want. But I want you to be honest about who you are first.
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i don't know what a car charger is. i know gas stations. you got those?
havent used one in years. stinky. i have the new kind of car. super zooper.
gosh, more things you didnt say. i have to download nimbus in universal updater AND THEN go to homebrew launcher to launch it. i figured that one out with just my brain though.
and change some sort of moon settings now apparently. god!
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yeah if only someone told you that would've been helpful probably
That is not what you said. When I mentioned your yandere ex you said I was jealous of him, you joked. Then you said you did not care and would not leave if he found this place. Why twist it all to make yourself a victim yet again?
3ds will never have a playmate
i dont think anyone else here has the attention span to follow THIS MANY instructions

this is literally more stuff than the training for the job i just started, though half of that was solemnly and repeatedly swearing you understand not to go inside the baler, and that if you do choose to go inside the baler, you assume all liability, responsibility, blame, and ignominy for being baled by the baler.
anyways my pretendo friend code is 2290 8473 4563 i trust you'll find yours with no hastle
ohh god i hated the original fucking friend code system. not for technical reasons i just think its s stupid way for it to work.
homebrew my ass if they cant think of anything better than doing it the same stupid way nintendo did it
i'm glad i spent my childhood air-strafing and wall-jumping and dodge-rolling and not scrolling through dozens of seconds-long lip-sync videos every minute
the entire point of designing it the way they did was so that you'd only become friends with people you personally knew, and not just some schmuck you found in a random lobby.
i'm glad i spent mine reading and playing games that involve words and numbers like pokemon, wow, stronghold, medieval 2 total war, eu3, vic1, and dwarf fortress instead of adhd shooter spazfests

yeah i get why nintenderp did it. i dont think ppl downloading homebrew need to be protected. i also understand that hijacking nintenderps existing system is the easiest way to do things. sort of. on another level, i feel like making your own fucking kart game would be less work than figuring all this shit out. but no one said programmers were original people.
Yeah I was upset at you for bringing him up so I wanted to make you feel bad. Or provoke you to find out what your motivations are.
>i feel like making your own fucking kart game would be less work than figuring all this shit out. but no one said programmers were original people.
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i'm glad i don't equate reading books and playing strategy games to having high intelligence nor do i consider it necessary to defend the point that i have high intelligence
>select the smiley face at the top center of the home screen
just shoot me now

im aware ppl make their own kart games sir. now imagine if all the big brains behind all this hacking got together and worked all together on making a kart game. it would bust the fucking roof. but nooo. we're hackers and crackers not creators.

"indie games" with solo developers piss me off so much like make a fucking friend you losers. stop all trying to make your own thing individually. teamwork, teamwork, thats what counts. now me even from posting in this place have learned that mr story likes a history game and dreamt once on them. so i have him to press into assistance when i get started. hes got no excuses unless he actually gets that job i was telling him about. and even then it wouldnt be much an excuse since i have three, four starting tuesday.
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I'd argue having good leadership and ingenuity and compassionate person in your friendships and love life is more important than being an intelluctual would ever be 99% of the time.
wow good thing i am none of those haha where the fuck is that friend code
What is your goal with that? You do not want me to talk to this person but your initial reaction is to try and provoke me into doing it instead of outright saying you do not want it? Why would I feel bad about your ex? You said you would sooner cut your balls off with a hot knife than talk to him again. I have no reason to feel envious of that, but it obviously strikes a nerve in you
plenty of dumb people do those things. but not the way i do them. do i have to link my lit thread again

im the 1%

of the 1%

of the 1%

of the 1%, in fact, even

and maybe the 1% of that. it remains to be seen
I miss the jeet so bad now x.x
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>playing games that involve words and numbers
I mean my assumption was if I tell you how badly I do not want you to do that, that you will be like "Ah this will hurt him" and immediately do that, if I create a facade of being cool with that it seems more likely you wouldn't do that. I didn't really expect to be able to talk to you.
pretendo friend code yes hello where how now give me soon yes?
(most common income tax form number + number of teeth in a trident) - (year the sun officially set on the british empire according to some) - (number of the beast + number of typically good vision)

now i have to go make cookies

i have videos turned off on my computer
nigga you are 100% a bitch
It was a losing battle from the start. Act cool and it is obviously a farce given how much you lament about him, say you do not want it and I have leverage. If you would prefer I did not then shut up.
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ran out of digits
i have reason to believe that you were lying
I doubt any of you have been here that long but the threads are exactly the same. You wont make it till you hop off r9k entirely. Have fun boys.
I want and need a blowjob
Cuddles from a yellow skinned boy
you asked. you were warned. i'm a shiny.
every other bitch is basically blimey.
the problem with me is i'm better than them.
that's why i have so very few friends.
i shouldve whacked more brains out of my head.
i got stitches once from headbutting a rock.
tho maybe like lightning can tune with a zot,
i chanced to get smarter from getting a knock.
"qui esne?" carpo, while wanting a gyro,
atque cogitandum a lingua senatorum
iam a quod via te cadere possivim
optime, serpente, ut habem facere
une, et non due, quod potest te illus cadit, verite.

add the numbers within the parentheses stupidhead. shiggy, damn.
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>The friend code you entered is not valid.
well, post your answers, it could be one me. since you didnt actually explain how to find the pretendo friendo legendo i could be looking at the wrong thing.
This much work to play with a schizo
I pity 3ds for the first time
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i'm not really a math guy
there once was a man from nantucket
dicesne a lingua latina? non? non dicesne parve, minime? rideo bone.

you should let the queen know bad shits comin down in 408 years. er, the king.

k i'm gonna play rhythm heaven until you give me your friend code
if AS I ASSUME the friend code is in the usual place cause it was regenerated when i switched networks OR WHATEVER then the middle one is 1997. ill give you that one was maybe too vague but im not sure how the hell you got 2432 on account of we arent there yet.

if the pertendy friendy tendie is somewhere else then i beseech thee to inform........
what the fuck are all the rest of you doing anyway? go buy 3dses, did you know you can jailbreak them and play any game you want? i discovered this independently and bring you all this big news.
Gonna buy one just to break it over my knee
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can we play mario kart now i'm really fucking tired and i have to go to the beach tomorrow
oh yeah also to play with friends you have to join someone else who is in a public lobby. i don't know why nintendo programmed it that way. i'm in a lobby waiting for you right now.
Which games are you all playing?
Oh to have a boyfriend to play vidya with
im going to my roof. you get a one day exception but i dont cotton to le feeemboooy business
bruh it says i am unable to join your group. explain THAT
because it's full. keep trying.
one of the worst decisions nintendo ever made.
4 players, hurry.
it says im waiting but bruh what

do you secretly have friends

i call bs on your act if so
does this thing have shiny and balloon modes? those are better
imagine thinking battle mode is better than race mode lmao
race mode isnt that different from 1p, the ai is pretty good at racing

also yeah what the fuck, 4 players?

how does this game look literally the fucking same as mario kart ds lol. fucking tendo

also it dropped unless you booted me kek. thanks if so
wait where did you go
i was so happg with my 1st place
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Don't waste the next 50 posts I won't be up to make a new one
nintendo needs its ass beat into the fucking ground god damn

apparently im gonna have to be the one to do it cause everyone else is just content to suck whatever shit theyre given

its back to you and me story, i cant believe this kid literally plays a gimped version of 2006 mario kart all day. thats really sad
i play ctgp7 actually but i just say "mario kart" cus nobody knows what a ctgp7 is.
sad but helpful to be clear. now who wants to play YUGIOH?
i don't know what issues you ran into but i never encountered any problems. it works fine. if you download ctgp7 we can play in private lobbies. it's on universal updater.
yeah i forgot how fucking annoying it was when my friend from high school kept telling me about how playing project m on the ds was sooooo whatever the fuck

yeah lets put all our effort into tweaking and fixing nintendos halfassed halfbrained shit thats such a great fucking way for us big brain programmers to spend our time instead of making our own thing, ct puke 7 giblets lmao
also there's like a bajillion new maps too. some gameplay improvements. custom characters. custom music too, i made some mods myself.
fucking bad game, doesnt even have dry bones. dropped & deleted

hey kid how do i delete shit
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unfortunately yugioh isn't supported by pretendo currently
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i think mk7 is fun :(
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you dont have to kludge some halfbrained company's halfassed junk into working to play a fuckin game, boy

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well whatever. this week my community center is installing a switch and i'll play mk8 and hopefully never have to touch my 3ds ever again
i don't know how to play yugioh. my brother loves the crap out of that game though.

i gotta shower bye <3
i don't watch anime either
maybe practice some drifting idk
damn these people literally picked all the most boring fucking games to support didnt they

i miss when nerds were fun. these programmers today are just fucking baby back bitches. smph (plump helmet)
"watch anime" i saw that shit on saturday morning when i was 7 kid. its called a cartoon.

do you do anything else but suck nintendos reheated slime out of their wherever?
i like nintendo and i like video games in general. nintendo is the only AAA publisher i care for these days, and sony
if the word publisher leaves your fuckin mouth like that you do not like video games you like bullshit
fuckin redditor junior acting like hes cute. i was tricked for a second ill admit. maybe willingly.
you see, story? you see now? this is why its you, me, and taylor swift. these fuckin people just take what theyre given. the notion of creation, of actuality, almost of truth itself, is so alien to them that they literally dont even understand what youre talking about. they just play the game. they dont understand that they could be making the rules. the very thought terrifies them. after all, if the rules arent real -if the rules can be whatever you want them to be - is anything real? it terrifies them like nothing else. they accept and even crave confinement because touching the walls gives them comfort. *vapes*
why yes i enjoy rhythm games how could you tell
dont feel bad. i can silence a roomful of professors just the same as you. as long as its genxers and younger. the older ones dont need me cause they already get it. what fuckin screens have done to people, man...
elite beat agents was incredibly based. tell me more
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LOL fail. i shouldve pressed the frogs into the top, like i did with the caramel, and mixed in the caramel in bits, like i did with the frogs. well i always learn things the hard way but i do learn em. tasty anyhoo. dont blame dorie for the ugliness of mine.

you all probably eat food from packages etc etc you know the drill

im so tired
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I think I have too brash of an exterior.
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in any case, this is the cookie bank. withdrawals from the cookie bank may only be made in an equiproportional basket of six cookie currencies. thus there must be at least six flavors of currency held in deposit at the cookie bank in order for withdrawals to be made. as the cookie bank now holds deposits of chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, peanut butter moons, coffee five spice caramel chunkers, caramel-topped peanut butter oatmeal cookies, and wormendurters, the cookie bank is now *open for business.* caveat emptor. bon appetit. buongiorno.
i am not afraid to keep on living
i am not afraid to walk this world alone
honey if you stay i'll be forgiving
nothing you can say can stop me goin home
I revel in the heartbreak, I think. I really understand how so many artists are so famously influenced by sorrow and loneliness and misery and anger and fear. Joy can be provocative, but venting these feelings feels like spewing a scorching flood of lightless venom out across my fingers, doubled over and gasping for air and loving and hating every second of it.
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Need bf to ramble about legos to
arent you like 20 now? youre getting to be too old to get away with still acting like a 16 year old
nineteen soon
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littlerly me
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raping niggers
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trim my body hair or wait another day hmm...
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I miss my cousin Dave, we were like brothers.

He had bright green eyes and was the brownest in the family.
Nah I'm 26, just socially stunted
Let me have this
>hand swishes at dave
I am going to rob your cookie bank
There are thread on /d/ stranger than scat up right now. Honestly I find bbw's more digusting than scat but yeah scat is up there.
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Feel like the thread has been much stranger these past 2 days compared to usual.
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he built like kiwi
It's a lot slower, that's for sure.
I wonder if some people just left
Or died, maybe
Threads move a lot slower when people are arguing or having meltys.
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Are not*
I wish I was not so stupid.
Need smart bf.
Don't we all
I need a bf to police my dumb brain mistakes because i have many
I wish I had a boyfriend I could make phone calls to and send cute letters to.
God to just hear another guy's voice with affection and comfort in it
I think I need to start listening to boyfriend asmr but I'm worried it might break me
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I could never listen to that knowing other people also listen to it my fbf belongs to me and isn't allowed to have other boys in his mind ever.
new /r9happy/ thread:
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