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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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Do you guys work out? Why?
What do you do nd do you enjoy it?

I started recently commuting to work on bike, it's only 20 mins of riding but it's okay.
I'm also doing some strength stuff to save my back/nek, they hurr and aren't in good shape.

I don't expect to ever look good through, desu. I literally don't care enough to want it.
What's going on behind the woman being fondled? Why's there blood on the floor? Also to answer your question:
>Do you guys work out? Why?
Yes, because I want to be healthy to avoid physical problems down the line. I see my parents struggle with walking longer distances and I don't want to be like that.
>What do you do nd do you enjoy it?
I do play a sport that I enjoy because it's both physically and mentally demanding. But even when I don't get to play, I try to do calisthenics or go to the gym if I have access to one.
I love muscle mommies so much
Been lifting for years but I don't have the discipline to stick to a routine so all my lifts are mediocre and I don't look like anything special tho at least I am not a fat fuck

I made it to a 200 kg deadlift somehow but I gave up on lifting for a while after that because I felt nothing, its hard to stay motivated also having to look at my ugly face in the gym mirror the whole time is really depressing
Started some upper body lifts. Really enjoying the results. Im still weak as fuck but my muscles are at least growing very fast. Very motivational. I like seeing myself naked a lot more now.
Also I do some light running for like 30 mins - 60 mins and this Reduces my anxiety by a lot.
>do you work out
Yes, six days a week.

For my physical/mental health, because it is fun and gets my mind off stuff.

>what do you do
A bit of everything, although I really enjoy bench, bicep/tricep stuff, squats and back exercises.
I tried lifting but I have low testosterone so I gave up because it's virtually impossible to make any gains, maybe I'll order steroids and give it another try
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>Do you guys work out?
I like it. It makes me smile. I want to be healthier. I want to be stronger. I want to be more attractive.
>What do you do nd do you enjoy it?
Right now I am doing a couch to 5k running program and a pull up routine designed get someone who cannot do 1 pull up to do 3-5 pull ups. I enjoy the two, yes. I like being physically tired.
>quads checked
Purple haired boy appears to be getting curbstomped by that young lady.
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Watch porn clips in between sets and do no fap + Edge maxxing before sleep every night + snus
>Not feeling her biceps
>Muh booba
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Same. Muscle mommies make my knees weak, arms spaghetti
>muscle mommy
>mommy milkies
>mommy mommy mommy
Motherfuckers you're not 8
No, I'm depressed and using what little energy I have on exercise means I'd do nothing but sleep, exercise on repeat.
>I'd do nothing but sleep, exercise on repeat.
What's wrong with that? You'd be a fit NEET.
Fuck that.
>means I'd do nothing but sleep, exercise on repeat.
Instead /r9k/, sleep on repeat is much better? You are tired because you do nothing.
How many hours do you sleep? curious
I don't spend a lot of time here, I spend most of my time playing games, making music or talking to my internet friends as this is what helps me cope.
Exercise isn't fun, doesn't feel good, and inhibits my ability to do anything else, depression kills your energy, and exercise does not cure depression no matter how much retarded normies who've never had real depression say it does.
Nigga you get more energy from exercising long term
No, maybe you do but I don't.
I slept from 9pm to 4am. That's about the time I sleep and rise every day. Keeping a consistent schedule is as important as getting enough hours.
>Do you guys work out?
Because otherwise no one will ever love me
>do you enjoy it?
>Do you guys work out?
You can consider it hygiene for the muscular and the circulatory system.
>What do you do
Light calisthenics and cardio.
>do you enjoy it?
As much as the average person enjoys brushing and flossing, or taking showers, or going to bed on time, etc.

You're only gonna look good if you already look good. Like, Schwarzeneggar would have did fine as a 6'3 Austrian guy for obvious reasons, he was just personally interested in bodybuilding.
NTA but my first real attempt at working out was SL5x5 and the real issue with that was how it took over my life.

I had to sleep in early to get enough rest and recover.
I was HUNGRY all the fucking time. I was chowing down on literally anything in front of me.
Between commutes to the gym and back, extra showers, stretches, warmups, extra cooking I had to do... I didn't have time for anything else
It fucking sucked
I workout at the gym to have a nice physique, I go there 5 times a week. I hate it
I sometimes play football with my friends and I enjoy it
I also do Karate and I like it
I did various sports in the past such as athletics and I really liked it, too bad theres no way of practicing it in my area
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>>Motherfuckers you're not 8
Girls say daddy. Would muscle goddess be better? I just want to get dommed by a muscle mommy gf.
>Girls say daddy
And they stop developing mentally around 16-18.
I would gladly kill you. You oversized, literate cockroach
I really push myself with strength training and that leaves me exhausted afterwards.
>>77927566 (checked)
>I would gladly kill you
If you're a fit woman, I'd love that
>You oversized, literate cockroach
I'm a skinny twink. But a cockroach you say, I guess you're going to have to step on me right
>but I have low testosterone
Are you overweight? Being fat makes you have low testosterone and more estrogen. Lose all that weight and get to a low body fat percentage, do some edging like >>77926790 said with some ballbusting action and that will spike your testosterone up. Get your balls beaten and you will become hornier and more aggressive. Aggressive femdom powerplay will really wake your hormones up.

Make sure you have a clean diet. No junk food, processed food, or sugar. No alcohol or soda. Everyone has a different ideal diet; food intolerances, diabetic predisposition, metabolic preference, and allergies idk it depends on you. Diet based on blood type may not be scientifically supported, but I've found it's accurate and more paleo diet helpful vs agricultural heavy diet. Fish, poultry, legumes, nuts, dairy, veggies, berries and certain other fruits. Home cooked is ideal.
Do you still remember your dad or did he disappear the moment he found out about a little mistake brewing inside his cumdump?
>Do you guys work out?
I like being and feeling strong. Also want to maintain my health to avoid problems as I get older. Many ppl my age are already starting to fall apart and they are barely in their 30s
>arguing with someone who has sexually fetishized being mentally retarded
My friend, go check out >>>/d/. You will endlessly entertain yourself in all the arguments that await you.
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>I love muscle mommies so much
Demon King Nobunaga my beloved...

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>>>arguing with someone who has sexually fetishized being mentally retarded
No kink shaming here chud
>Do you guys work out?
Was addicted to heroin and working out/running helped me a lot
>What do you do and do you enjoy it?
run ~5 miles a day, lift, mountain bike on weekends, sometimes a 10K run if location/time works for me
You can't have boobs like that with body fat that low.
Thank you for explaining why 2D > 3D
>Do you guys work out?
Used too. haven't in a while. I'm sick right now. as soon as I'm not sick anymore I will start up again.
Because one, I enjoy it. Two, I want to look good and exercise will help me get there. and three, I have watched both my parents go from semi-active busy-bodies who were in prime shape and completely healthy to sedentery couch potatoes who don't even bother with proper joint health and complain about back problems and chronic pain. They're not even fifty yet! I don't want that to happen to me. I want to be able to get out of a couch, off a bed, and in and out of cars without groaning in pain.
>What do you do nd do you enjoy it?
I mostly lift weights or run. I like running. The simple act of going fast makes me happy. It might be a simple expression. But I just like going fast, especially in my own body. I might try to find a sports club to join when I get better or joint an actual gym. But I just like the simple act of lifting heavy weight, exerting myself physically and moving my body, and running super fast. It just makes me happy. I like it.
>Do you guys work out? Why?
Mostly because I want to be able to eat whatever I want without worrying too hard about getting fat, but also partly because I have a muscle growth fetish and I'm slightly turned on by the idea of me getting bigger and bigger
>What do you do nd do you enjoy it?
I have a 4 day circuit that focuses mostly on upper body. Push on day 1, pull on day 2, full body on day 3, and chest and shoulders on day 4. I do 20 to 30 minutes of cardio each day as well alternating between treadmill or rowing machine. I've grown to really appreciate gym time as personal time for me to not think about much but working out and listening to music. Though seeing the results have made it much more worth it.

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