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why do i always attract so much unwanted male attention... just leave me to suffer alone, ty
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Youre probably cute, cant help how cute i find you. Then again i dont act on such impulses, but normies do. Then again again it could be something else entirely, even just you imagining shit
any will probably be ice planet
What unwanted attention have you received recently?
r9k will believe this thread is a woman and not a gay man because of the picture
just tuck your breasts off and wear a mustache
Why would a gay man not want male attention
What if I want to suffer with you?
I'm shooting my shots where I can and I've got an M134 Minigun
Well if you're the cute McDonald's girl they see you as an angel in a polyester uniform.

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i'm very cute

dms, friend requests, stalkers, feels like i'm getting spammed by vultures trying to pick my bones clean

i will

that doesn't sound logical

or a wagie slave to do their bidding
>that doesn't sound logical
A shared bond between two people doesn't require logic
im a straight man and i use images like this
You can choose to decline those requests and not respond, can't you?
Well, do you have big boobs? That might be it.
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>just leave me to suffer alone, ty
I've seen you
OP lied she is not cute, pack it up fellas
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Fuck off we're full.

This is an extremely original post telling an attention whore to go back to wherever it came from.
>just leave me to suffer alone
stop making posts on this board: problem solved
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it should

yeah but i have to acknowledge them and decline them which is annoying

no i'm flat



i'm very very very cute


stop making kids if you don't want kids
You don't have to acknowledge a person. Let their request wither. Take time to be alone by yourself and leave the world behind.
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i don't want kids

i do because i like keeping my discord clean and i don't want to see the +1s. i am always alone anyways, but there are a few times i don't want to be alone
You can turn those notifications off for everything except for dms from people you care for, perhaps? You can also disable friend requests from people you don't share a server or something with, this should help you be able to relax more, anon. Is tonight one of the times you don't want to be alone?
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thanks for taking the time to offer advice, i appreciate it. i have those options enabled but still people find me. yes tonight is one of those times
maybe you should stop wearing such tight pants and sticking your butt out
No problem, anon. Is there anything on your mind in particular, other than feeling like people are always picking at you, like crows?
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but that's fun

how hungry i asm for a fried chicvken sandwgich
I really want a fried chicken sandwgich too. Crispy, with spicy sauce. The local chicken place is open, should I put in an order for two?
Flat and small titty girls really be the cutest honestly.
Because of the "sexual revolution", of course. Have you even opened a history book? You wanted this, you vote for this. If you lived in a traditional community, the way we lived for millennia, you'd wear clothes that signal you are a married women and were always near your husband or male family members, other men would leave you alone, but you don't want that.

People like you wanted a society where you can party into your mid 30s and fuck chad, but that's not good enough, now you cry when undesirable men act like they are a part of society. Admit it, what you really wanted was something more like a chimpanzee troop where the bottom 80% of men are socially excluded and you and all the women get to share the "dominant male" undisturbed. It is frankly dystopian, so forgive me if I don't sympathize when Pajeet and Paco keep stalking you. You voted for this.

You don't want me to even talk to you, fine, I'll find an eastern european christian tradwife instead, I will vote for far-right extremist parties and generally fuck shit up as much as possible from the cradle to the grave. I'm done with people like you and done with society, you never cared when I was lonely and miserable as a teenager, you never helped me socialize and fit in, all society has told me was that I am a bad person and to fuck off. So, I will do what you want and leave you to deal with the rapegoblins on your own and instead be a good tradhusband and put all my effort into a woman who is worth it.
Does your first name begin with L?
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i always put in an order for 2 even if it's just for me

i know right, thanks anon


who's asking...
Not a bad idea. Then you have chicken tomorrow you can just reheat. That's some advanced thinking. Cute Azusa pic, do you play Blue Archive?
flat is the cutest in the world. it's the closest to perfection we can get.
oh god another im female thread
cant wait to see this constantly bump
>theres a non zero percent chance that some average/ugly normgroid that stalks these types of threads will eventually have sex with OP.
I know its going to happen, they'll manipulate the situation just enough to trick her into it. Its a tale as old as time
Sex is not that taboo of an activity.
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i don't "play" it but i play it sometimes

i'm glad you think so anon

get over it loser

there is 0 percent chance because i won't leave my room

come back mystery person
We're gonna have kids and you will be content with life
I know, but theres going to be a cringe angry post when he inevitably ghosts her gullible ass to find some other naive mentally ill girl and if shes super special type of idiot, she'll spam this board with pathetic trash and bring in discord drama.
This board trash so I don't care too much even if my language sounds to the contrary, but I lie if I said it wouldnt be annoying
Hahaha menu
Me n u
That's great never heard that one before
anon, if i can ask of you. there's obviously someone you don't have notifications muted for. what is it about them that makes them stand out? what makes people important to you?
Would you date a 5'3 boy?
Understandable, I'm not playing it actively at the moment either. Anything else on your mind, other than chimken?
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in your dreams loser


it's clever isn't it, i love stuff like that

human connections are more complicated than that. but i guess they've just stuck around the longest. kindness and intelligence makes people stand out to me.


maybe waffles
>0 percent chance because I don't leave my room
so we're going for the discord groom any% speedrun. Gotcha.
Liar. You're 6 ft chad only.
why does it matter who's asking?
so it's a matter of time, building and maintaining that connection? that's sweet in one way, to have someone you build that bridge together with. bittersweet i guess for others who come along too late. thanks, anon. it gives me a lot to think about. i hope to be someone's unmuted notification some day.
What is your boyfriend like?
Chicken and waffles. The perfect midnight snack... what sauce on the waffles tho?
>thanks for taking the time to offer advice, i appreciate it.
>No problem, anon. Is there anything on your mind in particular, other than feeling like people are always picking at you, like crows?
God damn it, anon, you were doing so good and then you just let her off the hook like nothing
I don't get it..... what did I do?
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no cheats no hacks no glitches


you're curious and i'm curious, but ya it doesn't matter

i suppose so, but that's life isn't it, first come first serve or something. maybe you will be anon

i hope he will be kind and intelligent and spend time with me

hot sauce ofc
I'm manifesting those dreams into reality. I'm actually a reality bender and I'm using my crazy nigga powers to spontaneously make you pregnant as we speak.
first come first serve feels a little unfair. but life isn't fair, is it? thank you anon. i hope some day i can be that for someone else too.
You hope he will? Is he not already? Or have you not been able to meet him in person yet?
>all society has told me was that I am a bad person and to fuck off
Society told you that, huh? How's that work? Does "society" send you a certified letter or something? Or how does society send it's messages to people, exactly?
Certain type of woman have a look that is not that common that men really want to stare at, when I notice that type I take a quick then look away but some men are pretty dumb and think no one notices them. This woman I used to know said that people would stare at her and some would become obsessed, she had blonde hair and a really symetric face, when I was around her at work I would just have to tell myself to not act like a simp creep or else I'd look like a fool to others, when I first saw her I almost just started staring at her and had to tell myself to snap out of it. The few times I've seen this type of women on public transport I can notice other men staring at her and will be annoyed if you stare at her. If you an incel male on the bus and try to subtlety stare at women, everyone knows what you are doing.

Scientifically blonde women with symmetric faces it is hard to hide genetic faults. Stuff like patchy skin, hair that is non evenly coloured or anything thats not normal can be perceived as signs that something is wrong with you genetically.

I've seen very attractive men treated jealously by male colleagues, people also try to start fights with them and give them the cold shoulder.
I put in an order for two chicken and waffles with hot sauce. It'll be ready in 20 minutes.
well i'm curious cause the girl i like's name starts with L. Not sure I want to reveal more..
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it is unfair, good luck anon

i haven't met him at all yet, he doesn't exist

i see, i guess that makes sense. i'm really cute in real life.

hell yeah anon

mine does too
I'm sure he exists, anon. Just as much as you exist. I hope you cross paths with him soon, then.
it's very unfair. i hate it. i curse it. i think of how i'm not that person because someone else is already, and i envy it.
>I don't get it..... what did I do?
Your line of questioning was leading to her being forced to admit that the male attention she's complaining about isn't actually unwanted. I dunno if girls do that as some sort of bragging or what the hell, but yeah..

..Well maybe our dear OP will answer that question for us? Why do you fake complain about that stuff, OP?
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The name of the girl who I used to talk and flirt with at works name starts with an L. She was really cute and I remember we'd eat panda express together on our lunch break and she shared her Spotify playlist with me. We used to talk a lot on snapchat. I wish she would message me again :(
No, I think she's getting unwanted attention. From crows, vultures, buzzards. That doesn't mean that some attention isn't desired or wanted. There's depth to it, layers.

I don't think I can offer that attention. I think OP is calling out to someone in particular, even if there's nobody in mind. And that's not me. I wouldn't presume as much.
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thank you, maybe i already have and don't know it yet

your time will come anon don't worry

unwanted attention is different from when i'm asking for attention, like right now... i don't think it's fake complaining.

why don't you message her instead?

pretty much that. i guess if anyone thinks they're able to be that person then i don't mind if they ask to add me
Before I, or anyone else volunteer, OP, could we ask a small amount about you? What is it you like, what is it you desire?
i wish my time was today. i think about how it means to be like that for someone. the world is lonely, but thank you for your words.
There's no layers or depth to it, she's just lying. You had it right with your original line of questions. If the attention is unwanted, she can just ignore them, right? There's nothing here to even complain about, so WHY is she complaining about it? Right, okay, I lied, because THERE is your depth. She's fake complaining for a reason, now what's the reason?

>unwanted attention is different from when i'm asking for attention, like right now... i don't think it's fake complaining.
It's fake complaining. You can just ignore them all until you want your "attention" again and then voila, there they are ready and willing

There is nothing at all for you to complain about, so why are you complaining? Is it a bragging thing or something else? Do you think this somehow lures guys in maybe?
You are striking at shadows.

Waffles are ready anon, come over any time.
Why do you all keep giving this pathetic whore attention? She's only here to feel better about herself and none of you have a chance with her, stop giving her (you)s and stop bumping her shitty thread. This is why the board sucks right now.
This thread is the perfect example of the so called "femcels"
infinite attention despite no proof if its even a female
lol, lmao even

anyway >>77934399 if you're like this when you're older than 22 you're ngmi
>You are striking at shadows.
Nope. I'm not being mean or anything, by the way, I'm just genuinely curious
Because right before we lost contact she un-added me cause she thought I was mad at her for something. The last time we talked we patched everything over and she said she'd readd me but I never seen her again and she prob didn't remember my username. Shit sucks, Lindsey was a cutie.
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kindness mostly, maybe someone equally as introverted as myself to spend time with

of course, no problem

he's so angy... maybe i just want fleeting conversation with anons tonight, or maybe i'll find my bf, who knows


thank u for the bump i appreciate it

i'm not a femcel...

wow that's a sad story. well now you have to go and find a new lindsey
>Why do you all keep giving attention?
because a part of me thinks that i'm talking to the person i crave. it likely isn't, but maybe it is? and so it feels fulfilling.
On behalf of my gender, I want to apologize for our lack of thoughtfulness and emotional intelligence, thinking just because you're in a customer service role we're free to try and flirt with you with our vapid uncreative lines instead of leaving you alone when it's clear you don't want the attention.

I would like to say we should improve but I don't think we can, maybe better social protocols should be developed so we men can understand when is right to throw some of our stupid comments stolen from the internet. imo women should always get something out of it, maybe paying $20 to see if the girl is open to humor us of not might be the way forward
You are alluring. Kindness and introversion are all I really have to offer. How do you wish to connect further with people? Through discord, through proton?
she's sweet, like you are. but my heart says she has someone already. i would think you were her, if not for the fact she should be asleep already. or maybe it's a late night, for both of us.

Where are you from fembot
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what kind of person are you craving anon?

thank you for apologizing, hm maybe giving girls money is a good start

i just use discord mostly, i only talk to a few people on there

she might have someone already but there's lots of new connections waiting for you in life, if you go get them. she is not me because i am just me

Do you not know what saging is? Fucking retarded newfag normie scum attention whore, leave as soon as possible. You complain about "unwanted male attention" yet you farm it from the people here, clearly what you hate is how they look and if you saw any of the people here you would sneer at us and walk away, but the screen empowers you to be a whore. Disgusting

You will never meet her and she would think you are disgusting if she saw you, she is not your friend and she is not even on your side. Talk to an AI or find brotherhood in real life or on this board with other robots, do not give attention to these miserable hags who sell the fantasy of human interaction for some attention and as an ego boost. She just sees you as evidence of her own desirability, you are not a person to her.
Yeah its pretty tragic but It's whatever I guess. She was really kind, and that's mainly what I look for in a person. I don't ask for anything really other than for someone to just be kind and talk to me occasionally. I'm not really demanding I just wanna give my love ya know? Maybe watch something together on Netflix of some anime if that's what they're into idk.
>what kind of person are you craving anon?
the type of person to meow to me. that alone incriminates me enough, i think.
Do you meet good people here, has anyone really stood out? Would I just ask for you to post your tag in this case, then?
I close my eyes and seize it
I clench my fist and beat it
I light my torch and burn it
I am the beast I worship
>this board still falls for obvious attention whoring from anons claiming to be women
What's your ideal date look like, anon? A walk on the beach, a fancy dinner?
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angy baby is cute

that sounds comfy anon


i don't come here often, and don't usually add people. someone would have to post their tag for me to add therm instead.


i wish i was a hnumming bird instead anon

no none of that, just comfy blanket picnic maybe
What helped me a lot was getting a fake engagement ring and wedding ring. After that, the rare instance of getting attentiom, I can quickly show the rings, and they instantly back off.
Every time I think about not hating women a post like this comes around
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catgirl meets catboy?

so the discord equivalent of that is to put a fake husband in my bio, got it

do you hate me anon...
Add me
When you turn into a fat ugly oldhag you will miss the attention, and by then it will officially be too late, even if you looksmaxxed you will always be an oldhag and there's nothing you can do to fix your future situation.
A boy can dream.
Stop posting jackass
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sure, added

i'll die before then don't worry anon

what is he dreaming about

make me jack
The only wanted attention is from chad. GTFO
what if i pestered you at work to let me lick your little sweaty fembot wagie asshole but id leave you alone after one lick session? would you indulge me?
post yer feet, slag!
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you're ugly and probably fat too. you don't get any attention irl. that's why you made this thread - to get some

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