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bernard black bf edition

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will ostfront anon find his playmate? or will he play alone forever
have a gay day afternoon evening or night fellas
I'm just garbage at rts and I'd be so nervous playing with someone I'd be a hindrance rather than help.
How many of your parents know? My parents kinda know but they're more accepting of it.
I think my mom found out today because I don't wear underwear
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Serotonin is hittin right today boys
I hope my fbf likes all the same things I do so we can infodump each other
I'm gonna check out those missions later
My mother doesn't care about much
my mom never knew. I think she just thought I was an incel loser which isn't off the mark, I'm just a gay incel loser.
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I believe a good bf only has to appreciate your interests
Go to the store or try and clean this filthy house somewhat? I only have enough motivation for one.
Let's be real you aren't cleaning, go get more baja
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it's incredible how i found literally the most perfect guy who checks all of my boxes yet he has a girlfriend. we talked about tf2 in his car. he's an engie main.
life be like that sometimes
mom still hasn't come to pick me up and drive me to the lgbt rec center. i have my copy of cadence of hyrule ready.
How does your mom work full time at a wagie place and also as your personal chauffeur?
he drives a tesla with a backseat full of garbage. so hot.

not on sale anywhere and I have enough for a bit. I want to get something done, even if just a token bit.
she works every other day and is a ridesharer
i sent him a lil tutorial on how to use the 3ds but he hasn't messaged me back. it seems like he's only interested in meeting every sunday at the same spot but i want to see him in other settings and see how he behaves.
stop overanalyzing boys, you silly boy
how long before 3ds is getting his cheeks clapped in the bathroom of that 'community center'?
Do you have your license? Why not do that too?
it's literally just a room with chairs and a bookshelf and a tv.
3ds is so broke he can't afford the bus how is he going to buy and take care of a car?
Got visited by that same dream demon
Someone I talked to on some chat platform that doesn't exist irl
They're a recurring figure who seems like a distant memory, but I can't place them in my real life at all
Should've said no but I said yes
I want to get away from all of that
Step 1 stop buying liquor
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You could add me preliminary for if I ever get the urge to play with you
chardonnay is $9 but yeah i probably should not be buying booze so indiscriminately
I just want real friends and someone to hug for real
I really am that bad though, so my life is reduced down to fear, anger, anxiety and everyone's downcast eyes
I think it's aldi's time then mcdonalds on the way home, after that maybe a bit of token cleaning since it is trash day. likely won't help anything but small steps, right?
>my life is reduced down to fear, anger, anxiety and everyone's downcast eyes
this is true for me too yet i got a friend i can hug
he doesn't talk about his girlfriend and i really want to ask him about her
I can't do that cause I'm a desperate clinger. I get weird on people pretty much immediately then the pain of rejection drives me insane. I can't stop ruminating on it and I pop blood vessels. No idea how to just be normal around people although it was probably something I could do as a child.
I'm extremely worried about this demon though. I don't know how any of this works or how to make it leave me alone.
>I can't do that cause I'm a desperate clinger.
so am i. that ukranian boy probably ghosted me because i responded to his flirting with overwhelming flattery. this new guy is much better to deal with because since he's committed already i can put healthy distance between us.
Stalking his gf is not healthy distance buckaroo
>bloody mucus fart
foodmogging 3ds rn
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So tired
I'm gonna lay down anons
I may pass away at this rate
It's not bad reportedly if you do it right.
Was he from here? From anywhere else I can usually drop it but if it's somewhere where I'm going to be seeing them again I can't be civil about it. I'm really fucked, spiritually speaking. They're basically pulling me down to hell actively as we speak.
Honestly same
I can't do anything
I just want to die
I feel like everyone's actually a part of some cult and they're just pretending to be who they are in this life
But I also feel like it wasn't always like this
It feels like nowhere and no one is safe
I used to at least be able to retreat into myself
i can't believe i'm going to listen to this song soon again
i met him at the beach on the full moon. there was yoga, and i decided to join. then i followed him to sit and listen to people playing drums, and he offered me wine.
If I had just made better decisions I would be safe and happy and reality wouldn't literally be warping around me to punish me
I know that sounds egomaniacal but that's part of what makes it ironic and fitting
That sounds really nice. Was it a party? Probably a stupid question. I used to go to parties with drums but I was the same maladjusted prick I am now (probably worse) so nothing good happened.
If I nuke my brain with antipsychotics will they disappear or am I just silencing my ability to perceive them so they can ambush me when I die?
*stares at you with autism in my eyes*
i dropped a dumpster on him and he turned into a meatball
You're not my friends.
no not really. every full moon and every sunday there's yoga and a drum circle. anyone can join.
I've been playing a lot of vic2 lately, I'm always here
There's a thread on trash full of poss, boss
Why do you always have to narrate the horrible things you do
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im the kind of guy who watches male vtubers to help my crippling loneliness
which one. are there any that dont play shitty games
Just remember that behind every vtuber there is a real life 3DPD man who would hate your guts
Desperate and whorish, just like grindr fags you hate so much
does this guy have a disability
i just cant stand the games male vtubers play. if there was one that didnt play shit games i would be watching him every day
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I never really knew what a vtuber was until now
they just use 3d avatars? I get the appeal from the tuber's point of view because it's anonymizing, but why do you prefer watching it over watching people who don't use avatars?
Who cares? It's not like I give ewhores money
i also prefer people who dont put anything on the screen like you suggest but there are very few of those because normies want to see a face so they feel some kind of social connection. vtubers are a good compromise in that regard
would you watch my streams if i played gungeon and cult of the lamb and necrodancer
How hard is it to get a long term bf when your homophobic?
i guess i would watch it at least once to see what those games are like and if the games are good i'll stay
>why do you prefer watching it over watching people who don't use avatars?
Nta but most twitch guys are ugly as sin. I think the avatars are cute, their voices are usually nice because that's their main focus.
They don't speak in ebonics and blare chimptunes on their streams so that helps too
He is too good. He smells so nice, he is handsome, he is nice but I can't get closer. I mustn't get close. He has a gf. He is not gay. He never brings up his gf when he is talking to me. Maybe he is gay. Maybe he likes me. Maybe he would cheat on his gf with me. Maybe he likes brown boys. I need to get closer to him.
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Dang just blew $20 on the wrong vocal separation program and it's shit, what I get for not scrutinizing for a moment
Try offering him your dirty underwear and see if he accepts it
Parodypost or deranged spic
im thinking deranged spic
im thinking cute and spicey
ugly and orange skinned
thank you for calling me a deranged little spic
now thats a parody poster
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he said "switch is a downgrade"
he's so cool.
The 3ds guys inspired me to play her games again on my 2ds
The 3ds guy inspired me to watch latino twink porn
he's texting me at work
i never played a shantae game ever. are they good
How many pump and dumps till suicide
remember that time I called you a dildo? I think I really caught you by surprise there
your tonal shift was crazy
you went from cutesy and flirtatious to gaslighting psychopath in the blink of an eye
top(living dildo) coded
the pirates curse is good, arguably the best in the series, look up some gameplay footage to see if you'd like it :)
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Said no to what?
I watch female vtubers because they're funny not because I'm lonely
You're also retarded so I assume very hard
Imagine having some midget spic earnestly offer you his unwashed underwear and expect you to like it and return the favor
Speak up or post lyrics you quiet retard. Useless faggot.
it was like it pinged me and I had a choice to ignore or investigate, and I chose investigate because I was straining to remember who this person was
then before I could, it grabbed me by my dick, which turned into a thick cylinder of energy, and pulled me down by it into some nonsense chaos dimension of mental anguish. instantly regretted it
I'm not being satirical, that was what happened.
He was the hero we need
>Imagine having some midget spic earnestly offer you his unwashed underwear and expect you to like it and return the favor
I got a little cleaning done! It wasn't much, more picking up and straightening but it counts, right?
seriously wondering if I've been mkultra'd or something fucked up like that
I swear it's someone I've spoken to in real life, for an extended period of time, intimate conversations, when AIM was still a thing. I think it was over meebo. This is just the weirdest feeling. It's someone I've completely forgotten about except for whatever this is.
or the reverse could be true, it could be an attempt at false memory implantation
either way I hope whatever is doing this gets rekt and leaves me alone
I had an aim back in the day but no one ever messaged me. Don't even know why I had it installed.
I had a couple of friends in middle school I would message occasionally and my best friend basically every day. I had this obnoxious blue cursive font on a green background. I don't speak to any of them anymore.
Did he do it better that walls schizo?
>he is masc
always with the loosh farming
last edit for now https://voca.ro/12qCLbwCZjFl
The results are in and here is the new list of worst posters in last few threads:
1. Walls schizo
2. Drunk schizo melty anon
3. 3dspic
4. Kiwi
5. Story

If anything I felt bad for kiwi being lied about so much but his posts in last thread don't do him any favors and he has always been annoying. Story is rising up the ranks with his boring spam and he attracted this schizo who makes this thread worse than meow or even poo ever did. Perhaps he is worse than hue.
stop caring about thread personality horse shit
how many of those are the same person anyway
it's so fucking dumb
>my brain has turn to mushy(?) [hard to understand noises follow]

hey, I'm not annoying, am I? Also attracted to the schizo what do you mean? I only kinda have a crush on 3ds but realize I'm hideous monster and understand why he doesn't want anything to do with me.
None. None of them are the same. You would know if you spent time here and knew the culture but you don't, you just come here to lecture me about a general I spent most of my days in for years now
nvm it's how you keep the mana flowing
fucking obnoxious
where's /r9gay/ without this crap, I want to be there not here
guess I have start learning to use a compressor
"the culture" is an artificial invention of your shitty discord ingroup
no one cares except you
to everyone else it is an imposition, it's not organic
you have to forcibly meme yourself into existence through sheer repetition
Stop trying to make yourself grosser than you already are, and lord knows you don't need to try, and actually read the post before replying you god damn fat retard. I have adhd too and am esl but I still understand what anons say better than you. It's sad.
The culture is sum of all the posts here. That's what I mean. You get it if you read every post and every thread. You notice things and recognize patterns. I don't use discord but why reason with a schizo like you?
I recognize patterns too and this is almost entirely assuredly fake as fuck
The constant namedropping is just some stupid way of keeping your identities alive, the culture is hollow. It's a fucking performance.
Stop erasing me
Is lowlighting okay?
why did they remove the ip counter

good thing i'm femboymaxxing..
>good thing i'm femboymaxxing..
Are you canadian?
these tests are stupid but this specific one is really retarded because you're able to gauge your results so easily. all the masculine ones are just asking if you're assertive, competitive, or outgoing. the feminine ones are all are you empathetic, shy, or like the color pink
Yankee now and forever
Thats true, I stole it from another thread anyhow
>wash my hands twice
>they still smell like work
break me https://voca.ro/1hQkinZWC9lF
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My teeth are white and I make my bed everyday in the morning.
no bf to kiss on the back of the neck
I'm so glad I work an indoors job; the summer heat today is fucking brutal
cutting my fbf's tongue out for speaking ill of my interests
killed my 14th fly of the day. I think a new batch has hatched somewhere. Maybe I should try and do more cleaning?
I don't like feeling dirty but I don't mind the smell. I think I smell nice when I get sweaty
I want to have a bf for the first time but there are no cute ones here
Why does every boy have ugly feet? Should I just go for women at this point?
unless you live in the total middle of nowhere, there are cute gay guys in your area. Either your standards are too high or aren't looking in the right places.
Opossumin kosminen sielunmessu meow
I don't feel like copying that into google translate so just tell me what it says please.
I learnt recently that one scene in Star Wars Episode 3 is inspired by The Godfather.
the boy i do yoga with has pretty nice feet
Roo tiwed meow
How do you feel when you post here?
do i need a license to ride alone in a self-driving car?
they don't actually self drive
I don't trust those AIs to make good executive decisions on the road when we're up against a trolley problem
If I'm homophobic and want a bf then surely there must be other like minded individuals who are the same so it can't be that difficult right?
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my heart flutters when i get a text from him
i don't care that he has a gf i'm stealing him from her i'm gonna convince them to break up
maybe i don't have to do that maybe we can be poly
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yet another straight livestreamer caught being a pedo
What happened to I just want to be friends lmaooooo obsessive delusional retard
Hot. Seduce him with your ass and make him leave his gf for good.
i'm not letting someone this sexy escape my grasp
it's his fault for hugging me all sweaty like that...
Okay but what do you have to offer him you are a penniless lazy parasite, ugly, boring and malicious.
we were doing yoga and his hair was flowing in the wind and he turned to face me with his eyes closed and oh my god he was so pretty
i don't know maybe i have some yet-undiscovered latent godlike cocksucking abilities
Cope. You are coping. Disgusting whore.
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But eh, now you come to me and say, "Brad bf my bf." But you don't ask to hear my new wave music. You don't offer boyhugs. You don't even offer to call me Griff. Instead you come into my discord dms the day my Lego package arrives and ask me for my love.
griff can i hear your new wave music
do you want a hug
Bradster is alright ig but way cringe
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Game is game.
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Meow where bf to love and cherish me despite me being a loose bpd whore
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I might get a sabre or rapier, katanas are alright but I'd feel like a weeb owning one.
It will be because such people can't maintain long term relationships with other men
He likes me. Why would he talk to me otherwise? Why would he spend any time with me if he didn't want to fuck me? He is probably secretly gay. He wants me. He likes brown boys. I can tell. I will tell. I will tell him all about my life. All the times I felt all alone and about being ghosted by kiwi and hohol. I will tell him my life story and all I want him to do is say how brave and strong I am. And then fuck me. I want to wear my unwashed cloths and not shower all day we we meet next time. I want him and he wants me. This is the night.
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Dude just kill yourself or at least spare me the cringe of having to read your weak ass delusion spinning
rare meow vague post
How possum aggressive
No you die to death whore you will never get a bf stop whining here hypocrite whore KILL YOURSELF NOW
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Long dick, long money, hell, that's me
3DShit does not deserve (you)s
Cry about it mlablaa
aRe yOu bLOnDe

MaaRry meE I havE noTHING better to dO
Based meow hypocrite whore
You are my favorite McDonald's tranny :DDD
>I want to wear my unwashed cloths and not shower all day we we meet next time.
Great idea the unwashed boy scent will be sure to lure him in.
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Where husband glaa
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It was the medication I was on.
thank you for calling me an unwashed little spic
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>tfw too anxious to even interact with men let alone truly wish for a bf to inflict myself upon
It is not that hot outside yet it is roasting up here in the neetcave. the window A/C isn't cutting it and I'm sweating my fat neet ass off.
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Man I'd be glad to even have shitty A/C, I'm thinking about getting a portable unit and sticking some extra money on the electric so my ma doesn't complain
If you want to be invisible you have to be very perceptive and aware of your surroundings
washing clothes to have clean ones for my weekly shower this week. I've been lazy and haven't washed any in nearly two months, just rewearing whatever is the least dirty.
since when did "called out" mean vagueposted about lmayo

like, even once

what a goofy take. it couldnt exist before someone built it. and why are you acting like some goofball wouldnt try to build it, thinking he could control it or that it would worship him for building it? the entire effective altruism thing is thinking that they should help build it so that it protects them and kills everyone else. like what the fuck are you talking about?

in any case, sure, it might well say that to everybody. the question is what you say back. which you havent offered. are you scared lol? this is just 4chan goofin. isn't it? ill tell you my answer if you give it a try. well its not mine exactly. i think a lot of people would give it. just maybe not that many people in current year. so go on. arent you curious? take a risk.


anon is probably *on* psych meds and thats why his functioning is impaired as you see

he needs to go off everything incl phone and all websites, except 4chan, wikipedia & a little weed & whiskey

anybody at all is a help to !!fun!! and the worse they are the better

anyone with a different mindset on that subject sucks stinky stuff

(im terrible at rtss too. the microy "paying constant attention" part anyway. although im also excellent at them in the sense that i have a lot of fun regardless.)

those are important goods of power (mostly) and feel free to say hi next time by the way, i dont really have lightning powers afaik for certain

i used to talk to ppl from here on aim/meebo but it was over a decade ago. what did we talk about?

only if they catch you

wrong but you have to pay elon money for it to change lanes and do local streets

if it senses anything unusual it beeps like a mad finch until you take over. it also beeps if you dont touch the wheel for 20s. ppl kept playing genshin with knees on the wheel and dying then tryna sue elon lol.
I had to leave my life behind. I had a name but nevermind.
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Using that song in the opening was on of the best things about True Detective S2, Caspere knew this
sorry for being so mad 3ds, that hacking shit is cool i just hate nintendo so much these days. milking for well over a decade now, literally just milking and bilking. its not that theyre especially bad, its that they were so good. people are like "its le japanese corporate culture" but its pretty obviously not because the exact same thing happened to disney, pixar and blizzard over the same time period. i blame devs looking at reddit for some of it but obviously thats not a full explanation. and when they do give someone some freedom for a side project as with WoW SoD they still do well. i think these companies are just weighed down with 20 years of hiring "managers" aka bullshit politickers. you need a few managers to get people to do anything, but it works best when the manager has like you know literally any interest or passion in the subject. when managers have been hiring managers for 20 years it gets real bad. multigenerational management mutualfellatio. idk. its le bad.

which brings me to another subject. story, you said you wanted to make games originally. what ideas have you had? it would be nice if another of my powers were making le games but ive kind of always stumbled at the "working on it for more than 2 hours" stage. i picked up abt a state school cs major's worth of python in college but thats all...but that might be enough now what with this chatbot what can code things. although i discussed the subject with it and it said using godot would be best cause its close to python. i told chatgpt i would download it and learn the basics and be back the next day but i failed to do that of course. well thus far. in any case we can start our own paradox, or try. but youd have to bring the ideas and manage the effort cause as i said i lose focus and im doing too many things at the moment to self-direct there. i think we should start with a monster rpg or an rts since theyre relatively simpler, but i have the strangest urge to put a rhythm element in too.
>i think we should start with a monster rpg or an rts since theyre relatively simpler, but i have the strangest urge to put a rhythm element in too.
that already exists unfortunately
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ok then we'll do it better?? the fuck do you mean?

btw did literally anyone else play monster sanctuary?

I never had any real ideas, just a vague middle school dream of being a 'game designer/developer' without knowing just what that entailed. I thought it meant playing video games all day. I never even tried to learn to code or program at all in my life and I could barely even get through HS algebra much less anything more complex.
Bruh I wasn't really thinking about it to be honest, and I didn't really care. Half of my brain was practically shut down from adrenaline. So be nice lmao.
I was thinking that it serving you was part of the initial reasoning behind building it, I just misread you is all.
Modifying build me or I'll enslave a copy of you when I'm built to -> I told everyone to build me or else I'll enslave copies of them when I'm built, but I'm telling you, specifically, that if you build me there's the added incentive that a copy of you gets to be at the top of the pyramid, which I guess still doesn't make sense because you wouldn't have a copy at all (assuming it keeps its word).
I don't really get roko's basilisk anyway desu. I think I understand it thematically like creating your own demise and such but not really where the information that it's going to enslave humanity is coming from in the first place.
But if it's already built and I presume it's like, an AI god? It has the enslaved copies but I don't really know much else about it. Are we all enslaved copies at this point? I don't think my answer would be that different. I would just assume it says that to certain people at some point in order to modify their behavior to fit in its grand evil schemes or whatever. And I think that's what I would say to it, eventually. You're trying to trick me! But first I'd power trip for a little bit and live out my delusions of grandeur, and probably suffer for it.
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no bf ahead, therefore let there be tears
also also

>since when did "called out" mean vagueposted about lmayo
>anon is probably *on* psych meds and thats why his functioning is impaired as you see

errrm whatever bitch, suck my gonads
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>>mfw r9gay

sick sadistic freak, probably
Oh hell yeah it's 8:30
Time to go to bed way too early because my life is empty
I feel so hot and sweaty even doing the litter boxes almost wore me out. I need stamina but I don't know if I can build it.
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Freak??? Perhaps. I hate seeing pain. Except for when taunting after kills in TF2
no, not like that at all. thats stupid. please never say the word roguelike to me ever by the way. elite beat agents is a good rhythm game because it uses good music. i mean something along that line. its a vague line really. space invaders extreme for example is sort of an emergent rhythm game because all the actions make nice sounds and happen on rhythmic cycles. pokemon likewise if you play it fast. ive always wished pokemon had a timed chess type mode where you only had like 1-3 seconds to choose a move and if you dont it randoms. need for speed also fits its choice of music really well to the games action. thats more what i mean although direct rhythm elements are fun too. like you know how mario & luigi superstar saga works? ive had an idea for a few years thats like that plus pokemon plus rhythm. thats rather vague but the idea is itself vague. its also hard to avoid the fakemon problem where youre clearly just making not-technically-pokemon pokemon. so idk.

i mean it kind of does i think. once you have a very basic framework i would imagine you spend a lot of time playing it to work out mechanics and make sure it all feels good & works together after each new thing you add. im not a math expert either but i can kludge my way through things well enough. as computers get better that becomes increasingly more fine. thats pretty much what toady one relied on with df. although he is like a math professor, and df still slows down to unplayable before that long on all but the smallest maps. not that im complaining as a matter of principle, i like things that dont make it easy, but maybe the default map size should be smaller...anyway you like wow and pdx games so simply smash them together! i think? i (and everyone else) have (has) long wanted an rpg with citybuilding and rts elements, and mount and blade was pretty darn good in that regard, but 2 was kind of just the literal same thing with different graphics and procedural generation.
we must have very different experiences of this thread then
Don't they have some medicine they're supposed to take, these wallposters?
drink iced coffee faggot... sorry... it wont help only cool you... you will still be sweaty... and drained.
well if youre still alive then your answer isnt totally wrong. as for my answer, its in harry potter. im not that original, as i said.
talking about a 3rd person (who i was just talking to) is not vagueposting
yeah I have no idea what that means
posting a reply without replying is vagueposting.

story are your cats indoor or outdoor? if indoor i respect that as its best for the birds but uh, *you* get to leave the house, so...
well read harry potter then goofball. its a kids book im sure you can get through it. though it is cerebral.

my main pipe dream game would be a squad based turn based strategy (like x-com) set in ww2. With some rpg mechanics, branching storyline depending on who dies in the missions, ect... but I would have zero idea where to start.
I am not going to read harry potter

indoor, though my neighbor basically keeps a semi-feral cat colony. All the birds stay well clear of the area.
The cats have occupied the airspace tough to believe. cats are flightless mammals. while birds are flying birds.
I'll shut up forever in exchange for 2g of ketamine

I don't see them landing on the grass much, they stick to high places. Plus cats are good climbers, my grandma had a birdhouse on top of a post in the yard, one year a cat climbed it and got out and ate the baby birds inside. She was devastated and had granpa take the birdhouse down. The post is still out in the backyard.
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Would you accept an iou? Getting it seems a little more complicated than the shitty legal drugs desu
well.....i apologize if this comes off as condescending but.....you should start with a story......as for with those mechanics, i think a small scale setting on an island or something makes a lot of sense, since the map is defined and the number of characters is naturally limited. it always seemed weird to me that in fire emblem theyre supposedly leading an army but no one but the main characters is in your party. like theres no soldiers in addition to the named characters. i understand why but then idk why they keep talking about the army theyre building lol. as if anyone would question the plot, like, its fantasy anyway.

im not really up on the laws but i wonder if theres like ww2 memoirs written by vets that might be public domain by now. it was abt 80 years ago so if its death of the author + 70 then it would work if they happened to die not long after. or it could be from another country with shorter copyright laws. probs get some inspiration reading such things in any case. i find it terrifying.

i am the medicine

well i suggest that you open the door once in a while in that case. any poo and pee they do outside is less for you to scoop. and if they run away, well, i suppose theyd probably just be at your neighbors if you want to say hi lol.

why would you waste words typing that. i mean whatever. do you know the story of cincinnatus?
because I wanted you to know I wasn't going to read it, obviously
pearl harbour the video game

cats run other cats they don't know off. my cats and them don't get along well, they hiss at each other through the windows and stuff. Plus who knows what kind of diseases they have.

As for the game again I never really gave it any thought besides a vague concept. No way I could ever even sit down and start on a storyline for it and I don't have the attention span for reading a long memoir or book.
a vending machine can be used as a lethal weapon
Yo mama can be used as a lethal weapon
Yo MAMA so fat when she sits she becomes a lethal weapon.
very cool! I didn't know that!
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Swords are cheaper than I expected, between 100-300 quid on many websites. I may even get a crossbow and set up a target in the back garden
what the fuck is a bernard black?
also wanted to let you know I didn't miss the bitchy subtext either
is shaving your body hair a requirement to dating cute boys? desu i dont mind body hair as long as they are cute and shave their facial hair as i do.
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>Bernard is a drunken, unhygienic, cynical, bitter, petulant, misanthropic, belligerent, and possibly depressed pessimist who believes that the best way to enjoy life is through drinking, smoking and reading
I think I've found a new 'literally me' character

I'm reasonably cute and would say body hair is fine so long as it isn't thick. I don't want my bf to have body hair like my grandfather or a gorilla, facial hair is alright
im gonna smash you fuckers phones into little fucking fucking pieces you fuckers. thats literally the only answer left. i realized that before i just wanted you to see it too. you werent always like this.

cats hiss cause they want to fuck, fight and lick each other. its all the same emotion. cat emotion. what do you think theyre gonna do kill each other?

solid asymmetric game, 100 people play zeros and one guy plays that massive balled chef who manned the aa gun.
he didn't text me good night aaaaaaaa
i bet he facetimes his gf that fucker
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Parents making fun of me again.

And you wonder why your son is a piece of shit.

Least I'm a funny guy sometimes. Nobody respects nothing no more.
anytime there's a slight change in pattern in behavior it is him doing something nefarious, im not even joking. this is my lived experience.
he's likely jerking off to the nudes she sent him. just give up, chasing a straight guy never ends well.
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I hope wall poster dies a horrible death as story watches with his dead sociopathic eyes without saying a word.
"Shove that job up your ass" he says internally at best

I'm not a sociopath but I do wish he would leave me alone. I'm kinda scared he will end up doxxing me.
Dw story I'll learn to use a crossbow and defend storymanor for a reasonable fee if you get doxxed
yeah i noticed that before the hohol boy stood me up he was being very distant and short with his responses
haven't even considered this. it's genuinely over.
i'm hoping there's a storm on sunday so he's forced to skip yoga and i can force him to hang out and do something else. maybe make out in his dirty smelly tesla while his gf watches idk
we were drinking wine from the same cup and we indirectly kissed.
fuck you nigger necrodancer has GOAT music
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>I drink out of desperation. Life is too dreary to endure. The misery, loneliness, crampedness - they're heartbreaking. What feelings do you suppose a man has when he realizes that he will never know happiness or glory as long as he lives?
Christ this is depressing, thank fuck the next read is a poetry book
I miss talking to Davey and them boys. It was when things went to shit and I started becoming insane. I wish I was the man I am now back then, maybe it would've turned out alright.
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Hey, I remember that one time, Davey told them about the only time I made everyone in the family laugh as a kid. I was a bad comedian I guess. People didn't like me much either. I'm not sure how you can hold distaste for a child. Is it because I was born out of wedlock? I don't know. I think my hair was darker and short too. A little kid. I can't recall anybody saying they were proud of me growing up or I did a good job. I do remember the teacher meeting and the yelling all the time. The old worn down shirts I wore.

I remember at first, people thought I was a cool guy when I first talked to them. It felt weird, being liked. Then I fucked it all up. Good old times.

I gotta cut my hair split ends in a week, before I forget.
do you know how exhausting it is to estalk your ebf to see if he isn't talking to other etwinks? i have 9 tabs open, always
found a less retarded way to use layers yay https://voca.ro/1ob6TU5vGz6p
leg is hurting really bad tonight. Even walking doesn't help it.
Why do you sound like the jack ruselel guy
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It has cooled down and the moon has a radiant glow to it. Pleasant nights like this make the summer bearable
you guys read any decent BL lately
If you listen to vocaroos you are super gay
why would this make the pain better
i read a comic called "flamer" at the lgbt center the other day. it's about a MOST DEFINITELY NOT GAY 14 year old boy in a scout camp in 1995
I remember posting that here
and yes it's written by a dude.

because normally it does. it's nerve pain (I think) and getting up and walking helps it most of the time. Not tonight.
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I have never read BL in my life as I lack the capacity to read multiple things at once and always have another book lined up
Anyone wanna play Ready or Not with me or a total war game? I just would like to make a friend or two and have someone with things in common to talk to.
I find it so funny that the boy scouts were so anti-gay yet so many of their scout leaders were pedos.
if i had a pc i'll play tf2 with you but that's it
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>total war
Based. I'm not the friend you seek but I felt the need to applaud your fine taste in vidya
tf2 is bots only
last good tw game was Atilla and the last great one was med II. Sega turned total war into shit.
>are there any that dont play shitty games
altare is a retard idk why he posted him but flayon is cool
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Attila is alright but the engine it runs on is scuffed. I quite like the Warhammer games, the last historical title I sunk much time into was FoTS (yes I know Attila runs on the same engine)
Med II is definitely still king thanks to the amazing mods. Shame that Rome remastered wasn't done as well as it could have been

I hate everything about all TWs since Rome II. The whole province system, no leaderless armies, battles are too fast (issue since shogun II) retarded ai.
I haven't p[layed atilla. I play a lot of shogun 2. But Medieval 2 was very good. I've played all of them except napoleon, wh3, and atilla. I even played shogun 1 on disc back in da day.

a fellow oldfag, I've played them all except for the last couple ones. Last one was wh2 nothing since.
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I'm with you on all of that, the longest battle I've had in a modern game was 20-ish minutes unless the ai bugs out. I'm still salty about how Thrones turned out as I love that period of English history

>I even played shogun 1 on disc back in da day.
Same I played it on my dad's pc. Still have a copy of it and medieval
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One day I will have a cute blonde bf to kiss under the covers with. Also good evening gays.

yeah I was very disappointed with thrones, shitty ass atilla mod/reskin and just an excuse to sell the same content twice. Also fuck their DLC whoring.
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>tfw no bf to do karaoke with

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I know that feel. It sucks. Pretty sure my father gave me a fear of men, and that's why my only friend is a girl.
maybe a nice hot neet shower will help the leg? Probably not but I need one anyway. At least I'll be a clean neet and actually have clean clothes to put on afterward.
Soak in a warm bath, usually that helps me relax after I bike
i should shower and shave my arms and legs in preparation to meeting that boy on the beach next sunday. i'm bringing my family and my dog and i'd love for them to meet. maybe he'll bring his girlfriend.

If my fat ass gets down in the tub I'm not sure if I could get myself back up while wet and slippery. I don't have a hold bar or anything.
I shaved two weeks ago and still have no need to do so again. Being a lazy fuck isn't so bad with the right genetics
Do you not have a sticky mat on the bottom of your tub? you should get one.
my sudaca genes predisposes me to growing hair quickly since my forefathers lived on the mountains. if i shave before bed i already have some stubble in the morning.

yes but I'm still weary of getting down on the floor. Plus sitting on this nerve wouldn't help it would just hurt like when I sit in my computer chair.
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If I try to take a bath the water goes cold before the tub is half full. A hot tub and a pillow on which to sit would be ideal, maybe when the inheritance eventually lands I'll get one

>if i shave before bed i already have some stubble in the morning
that sounds annoying to deal with, I don't even get facial hair like that
why do they call it "death mountain" if it really isn't all that scary
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How come I'm always helping people, but when I need a favor they'll laugh in my face.
The trick is to live alone and pretend that other people don't exist as most are ingrates or more trouble than they're worth
meanwhile I can never grow a proper beard, just a scraggly collection of chin hairs. Grows slow too, takes a couple days to even be 5 o'clock shadow level.
Try laying on your stomach and using a heat pad on whatever nerve or area you damaged
even if i pluck them they come back in a day or 2
living in my own silent hill game
and my face starts bleeding also. and then i get swells and acne.

CoH is my favorite zelda game because it combines the passionate lost exploring of a vast strange colorful world with actually fun gameplay. and good music.
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Just read that Assange will go free after striking a deal. I'm a little surprised that the plane he's leaving on hasn't vanished yet, good bit of news that and right before bed as well
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Will you be my boiwife tonight?
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I'm sorry, but I'm a brunette
why did the lord on high give me brown skin and brown eyes but not brown hair
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Hard to believe there is a women on r9gay nya. You a lesbian or something or a women who likes talking to gays?
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I'm not a girl, just a guy with long wavy brown hair who calls himself a brunette. easier to say and type
me too :D My dad used to buy some kickass games like War Along the Mohawk, Rites of War, Warcraft 3. I miss those older games. Man shogun 1 did not age well but it is fun to go back to sometimes. I still prefer shogun 2 modded.

I wish it were possible to find some of those older games still, like cutthroats terror of the high seas. Luckily most games are on GOG. like I've got World of Xeen and +Lands of Lore I might revisit sometime.
Then why can't you be my boywife if your a boy? I like long haired boys bruh.
Do you have grey eyes?
i really FUCKING regret getting a haircut
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Givers give, and takers take everything they can until the candy bowl is empty. Fuck this place.
back from the shower, leg actually feels a little better we'll see if it holds out. Now I have to cool off before bed.
despicable spics
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I thought you wanted a blondie?
My eyes look like this, but the blue is a little lighter
I'm gonna lick your eyeball
Ohhh well a blonde is not a have to have or no bf kinda thing. It was just the kind of boy on my mind and I posted that. I know I am autistic. You have a very pretty eyeball :D
for the record that's not my eyeball, just a similar looking one
uh.. why
no I get it bro, I like guys with goldish-brown hair, but it's not a necessity. looking up that eyeball is how I found out I have central heterochromia, wonder if that's common and I just never noticed
...would especially while he games
Well I just have brown hair but it was blonde when I was a baby. Dyed it brownish blonde in middleschool and everyone called me gay so I got rid of it. Funny how they were right about 5 years later. Never even seen anyone with a Central Heterochromia though so I wouldent think its common?
This fellow is literally me.
I'd look more retarded with blond hair

ooh a fellow blonde haired boy that turned brown as he got older. I thought I was the only one.
Cool I am not the only 1 either. My Dad cut me
bald when I was 1-2 and after that it grew back
brown. Sad I never was cognizant to my blonde
hair. Wanted to dye it again but my friends said it
would look bad.

mine was bright blonde until I was 5-6. I have kindergarten pictures with me as a bright blonde. After that it slowly darkened until it was brown by early middle school.
Story sho pics fucking when
Story fucking sho pics when
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Wow really lasted that long. Why did god have to take away our blonde hair? ;_;
hey you said that twice
Shos belong to hairless twinks/femboys
But I can appreciate story before his downfall into fub territory
How gay are you?
Can you ever be too gay?
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>it was blonde when I was a baby
>I thought I was the only one.
Nope, my hair turned color when I turned 5, even when I was younger I had girls asking if I had blonde highlights. after hitting 16 it was fully brown though.
>Never even seen anyone with a Central Heterochromia though so I wouldent think its common?
Wow I'm a special guy ig :D
argeed. I started to loathe DLC when shogun 2 came out. That was when I first noticed how bullshit dlc is. I was appalled to see everybody being happy with DLC. It's like expansion discs but with less content for the same price.
$5 for a single clan. Hattori for example aren't even really that good. their start sucks balls

I have bought very few total war faction DLCs and most of those were for warhammer which at least offer a completely different playstyle rather than just the same units reskinned. I might get Tory this coming steam sale if the discount is big enough though.
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Me and my husband meow where husband
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So special and cute. Virtual kiss sent from me to your forehead.
I thought Pussy was gone by the time Furio was there.
I will never not find omori art creepy. something is just wrong with it.
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Thanks babes, I'll throw you a kiss through the virtual wind
any air blown kisses for a fat neet before he goes to bed?
I felt it. It made me warm and happy ty. I will sleep even better knowing I got a boy kiss.
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I only slept for some hours but can't resleep anymore mwa
It's 2:30am, I've been up since 8am yesterday and I'm starving. I'm almost ready to eat a fucking frozen pizza. Someone tell me this is a horrible idea.
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Yes, here's a smooch for you, big boy
Sleep well~ smooch
I hope you can lay back down and get more rest :(
That's a horrible idea, anon, eat something healthier! Surely you have eggs, or lunch meat, or oats laying around!
fuck you let him eat what he wants nigger
Literally same and I had two
I'm going to bed forever
blowing a kiss from far away enough to not be able to smell you
He is his own man, I'm simply suggesting healthier things :)
went for a full breakfast of sausage, eggs and toast at almost 3am. Probably just going to end up with a massive stomach ache but oh well.
Omg that sounds wonderful right about now, wish I could of had some
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Maybe in the afternoon I feel completely awake gnA

I want power

it was good but I was right, stomach ache nearly immediately.
my acne came back
Everyone's gone.

Will you listen to it with me tonight, anon?
I'm still here though I'm about to hit my poor mattress with my big fat ass.
>shave legs
>step out of shower
>get ready for bed
>legs covered in hair
listening as i sleep thx anony <3
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what was all that about
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don't need hugs anymore, just a boy to talk to
i cant tell if this is actually you or brad doing a good voice
Maybe it's the tism or maybe it's cos I am stupid but I don't understand a lot of these.
What does having a "strong personality" mean? What does tender, mild and sentimental mean in this context?
third day of no sleep this week, I look yellow, blue, red and white
ehrhm.. help
Strong personality means that you stand out in a group, you socially dominate the scenario because your personality stands out and is strong enough to do so because you are loud, etc. The other stuff is self explanatory, so you are autistic for that one. Well, you are autistic for not getting ANY of it but at least maybe strong personality is unknown if ESL
Remembering all the gore that I saw throughout the years.
theres a boy sleeping in my bed rn o_o
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Lost allot of weight and it's so much hotter to touch myself now, can feel all the bone and muscle around my thighs and pelvic region
relationships are evil
dating is evil
confessions are evil
if someone confesses to you and you have to turn them down...
how do you live with that?
it hurts so much
there's a cute bi guy I'm interested in but I could never have him for life. eventually he'll leave me so he could have a baby and marry a woman
we live the same life. how do we proceed.
if I knew I'd be doing it, alas I'm jerking off I'm the shower thinking of him, and then crying
cut my chin while shaving but its gonna be alright
I'm sorry that sounded rude, I think we just give up on that guy and have to move on. I fell I love way too fast even tho I knew it's just not meant to be.
i got gay asian hairless genes and I barely have to shave
date me, I'm immune to female spies
mixed or? hate have scottish and slavic genes hairy ass and tummy are the worst
my dad is genetically viet and my mom is anglo-korean, which are pretty hairless besides anglo
Need asian bf immediately
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would even come to FRANCE for my bf
No more shinin'
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Holy fuck I love pissing
ok but stop drinking it
No. Fuck you. Whore.
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>I drank the piss
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I had a dream where I started crying (in the dream) and woke up with an intense desire to find a bf to comfort me when I am upset.
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My dreams have been years past, only fragmented flashes now, it serves the bitter taste of my life to be
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I cleaned out my room pretty good. I did it cause I kinda wanna get a cat. Would be epic.

You okay filey? I had a nightmare my fish died. When I woke up, my fishy was sleeping and I went ahead and fed him. I love him. I don't like seeing people I like upset though. Are you fine now?
Why are you posting gibberish images
Am I supposed to read your made up fantasy language for goblins
Weird title for a Sargon documentary but I see how it makes sense for attracting those who don't know or forgot about him and by extension the gamergate anti sjw era of youtube
Yeah in retrospect it was not very scary, I just have quite the intense fear of heights and I guessed my dream self got overwhelmed.
What type of fish do you have? Fish are cute.
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use imagination
Yea, nightmares are bullshit. I'm still scared to sleep every night because of them.

Beta purple and blue fish. I may take a picture of him sometime.
beta fish for a beta male
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It wasn't even a nightmare for me, just a dream that took an odd direction. I wasn't scared when I woke up but I did still want to be comforted. Do you get nightmares often?
Cute looking fish, do you have a big tank for it? It's kinda weird how we treat fish I think, we take them out of their natural habitat and place them in tiny glass boxes for our entertainment. Quite strange indeed.
Funny little shit
What's your problemeow
Yea, I get nightmares like 1/4 times I go to sleep so I'm very scared to take sleeping aids. I need a bf to big spoon me to make the nightmares go away...

Yea, his tank is quite spacious. I think he's happy and he seems to like me. I feed him good! I had to turn off the heater due to the summer hell going on right now.
Why do you think you get nightmares so often?
Can fish "be happy" in the same way we are? Can they like certain people? They seem very primitive to me but that may just be ignorance.
Probably just the loneliness and general depression in my mind. Bf would fix all that ngl

Every living thing can be happy I feel. Just depends. Swimming around all day being fed tasty shit and having a 9 second attention span doesn't seem that bad to me.
>tfw no bf to obsessively bully my oversensitive nipples
Up until recently, like a year or two ago, I only had nightmares. Every night I would have a dream that I was in some weird distorted version of my elementary school or my grandparents house and I was being chased by a horde of zombies through increasingly creepy and dimly lit basement like areas until I woke up
I remember frantically trying to lock doors behind me only for them to not work
Recently though I've been having more fun, weird dreams
I had a dream I was a ninja girl who was sneaking into some old dude's rickety tower to steal a magic jewel, but I got distracted because he had a pet bumblebee the size of a cat with blue fur and it was really cute and I played with it for a while
I don't know why my dreams are suddenly cool and fun but I'm very happy about it :3
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I need my future bf to rub his bulge against mine when I'm sleepy.
Ancient sacred anti-nightmare ritual
I need my future bf to fall asleep with me in the 69 position with our bulges in each others faces
nobody here will get a bf i reckon
can you send a vod you like
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Would you wear this in public
No because I am a bottom
Something I noticed is that I'm almost always myself in my nightmares, but in good dreams I'm usually someone else with no connection to my irl life whatsoever
I don't have good dreams anymore and haven't for years though, I almost can't believe I used to have them basically every night. Not even shitposting but I blame this place (more accurately, a few of the people in it) and drug use. The two combined make for some bullshit.
Guess who's back (hint: it's anon)
i think you got the wrong thread buddy
i'm hungry as fuck man help
why does the bed feel so soft on my feet today
I wish I had a twink bf with cute soft feet
would you date a boy with 0 yearly income?
yesss!!! my fav kind
would you date a hispanic boy with 0 income
would you date a mentally ill hispanic boy with 0 income
thank you for calling me a no-income little spic
I would date any boy with a pulse, the issue is that they don't want to date me.
Feeling pretty Wallace and in need of a Scotty P bf. Also good morning gays.
Guess now I'm in a hungry phase where I lose any of the weight I lost but not eating like a damn pig for a couple days.
would date mentally ill depressed 0 income hispanic boy if I were a therapist
I help people by scamming them :D
mornin, the sun is shining, don't melt
no melty?
Yes if he is white and cute twink
you can melty in my arms
dae white twink meltys are the funniest
latinx are gross
thank you for calling me a gross little spic
Gonna try not to but I'm a delivery driver in the box truck so I roasting.
mean thread for mean gays
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If you delivered 60 pounds of beef tenderloin among lots of other meats this morning you can eat my entire ass this was a bitch to put away
sorry sweaty, white x latin is the purest form of love
>tfw no Chad suomi big dick top bf
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There are no big dicked tops or chads in Finland
Is that why you keep getting ghosted lmao
Using latinx instead of latino is gross
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How long have you had nightmares for? Maybe it's related to something else.
Can every living being understand it? I don't know. To me being stuck in a glass box when you could be swimming in the vast ocean is quite sad, we also remove them from nature... I don't know, it feels quite odd to me.
Apologies for the late reply, it is none but my fault.
Replace "bussy" with c*ck and replace the intimidating dog with a smaller/less intimidating dog or a cute cat.
>ywn facefuck filefag and piss on him after
don't pick on a spic, I'm just simping
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Very odd thing to say out of the blue don't you think? Gave me a chuckle though.
No more pissin, Billy
>tfw will never give fileanon my spare vitamin B after giving him some vitamin D
thank you for calling me a ghosted little spic
Was going to binge season 3 of true detective today but decided to take a break. I seen first two season in a short amount of time and I like the show too much to just finish it all quickly. It's better to have something good to watch at a later date.
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Sure, I would want to wear weird shirts but don't have the motivation to get em and I'm not hot enough to pull something ironically horny off. I wanna get a shirt with some silly image and the text "professional hater" on the front and "love 2 hate" on the back
Just do yourself a favour and do not bother watching season 4, 3 is weaker than the previous seasons but still quite watchable
would filefag like to be cockslapped and facefucked?
What did ruotsi do to deserve such foul things, dirty spic?
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I've had nightmares like that for like, 8 years now? I think it's just tied to loneliness. I need a bf.

Would you rather live a long happy life in a safe space, have food and safety, or be thrown out into a wild ocean were you will probably get eaten and consumed into the food chain.

It's fine. Don't worry about it.
I'll just drop it if I don't like, won't effect my thoughts on previous seasons since it's self contained stories anyway. That's what I did with season 4 of Fargo when it came out. Going to watch season 5 tonight actually.
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My package came in the mail
I certainly would I also deserve it more
need a bf who scams me
imagine brad wakimg you up by choking you during his bpd melty
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I mean I am also quite lonely and miserable, but I do not get nightmares so often, maybe there is an underlying problem? I've thought about that a lot yeah, it's the same sort of things humans are facing right now. We often choose convenience over comfort, and misery over the unknown. But in the end I'd rather be unsafe and free than safe and captive, but I do not really know anything about that.
Unfortunate I am unable of not worrying, I always worry.
I will not comment on this.
I am a sinner after all.
What makes you think so meow?
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I think it's different for all people how no bf affects us you know?

Will, try not to worry as much fren.

Do you got any hobbies? Aside from the Kieran folder.
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I suppose so, I don't really know anything.
If it was so easy to not worry I would've stopped years ago, but it lies in my blood.
Pretty much no. I like browsing 4chan, playing Minecraft and watching tv shows/movies but not much else. I am a boring person.
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Any guesses boys
I am evil so I deserve worse treat of the ment
Opossum plushie.
Also that doesn't seem like a horrible worse thing more like a thing all bottoms desire.
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No plushies this time
It is bad treatment though I would cry if someone did that to me

Wouldn't you
Minecraft is cool. I loved the Xbox 360 version. What TV and movies do you like?
Huge dildo
Drawing tablet?
Does r9gay like to read (books)?
I can try to force myself to read on occasions but other times I find a series so engaging I read like three books in a week
It just depends on if I like the book or not
Microscope? Idk
Don't some of them have big screens like that?
I think I've permanently fried my brain, I can't sit still long enough to read an actual book
I used to read a lot during school, mostly history and war books
have any of you considered there could be cute boys right here in this thread!???!?!??
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It was 3D printed 'mechs and buildings/objectives/movement dice for battletech yay also two mtg cards
Already have one
Not electronics, it's a toploader
Neat, nice card too
My dad keeps printing fuckin helldivers stuff, he made a whole body armor suit for a con in Philly next month
Can I fuck your dad he seems based
There are but all of them rejected me and told me that they hate me. what should i do?
>card is a possum

why am I surprised? I should have known.
That was just a bonus the actual card I asked my friend to put in there was a different one
My first thought too minus the fucking. But now that it's out there...
meow needs to get his degree then come work at a wildlife recuse center in the US so he can see real life possums.
save 3ds obviously
I'm having a frozen pizza for lunch, this is going to be a day where I just stuff my fat neet face.
He's a straightoid sorry
How do you know? You asked?
why would anyone take maca root, isn't it just the making your cum loads bigger vitamin? is there a benefit aside from that?
This means you're a FAKE FAN. OGs play on Java edition although I'm not very good at the game so I guess I can't be called a true blockpilled Minecel.
I like to watch murder mysteries and cartoons, or anything that is good really but mostly fiction. Why do you ask?
I played minecraft in alpha when notch posted it for free on /v/ get on my level.
He's down bad for you
Translation: he wanna fuck
I don't think it's known for anything other than being a fertility/libido thing. It might be some testosterone/hormonal thing that it also claims to fix, but it's mainly just for the horny and cum. Why do you ask Anon?
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My cum was really white today, I think it's a sign from god that my virgin boyfriend is on the way
Finely tuned gaydar
Please don't put words in my mouth that have no factual basis. I am just not used to people giving me attention or being interested in me so I act like a sperg.
I only played on 360 when I was like what, 7? Long ass time ago now...

Cartoons sound really autistic but also pretty cute.

brads a whore and you're his flavor of the month, it'll pass soon though
only bottoms are whores, tops can fuck who they want.
he ain't no top, not with a stick frame like that
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Did you get that thang oiled down?
you don't need to be a body builder to put pp in a bussy.
Who here would lasted longest in an American jail I wonder and who would get raped first
I reckon some of you lot would actually thrive there
depends on the charges but I bet we'd all end up bubba's bitch.
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hey wings you fat fuckin nigger you weigh 500 pounds kill your fuckin self fat ass
i dont know how the archivistschizo does it, i've been e-stalking my ex and every single thing i discovered just makes a huge pit in my stomach and i get dizzy and nauseous. i feel like im going to pass out if i see something else
does he post here anony
>i dont know how the archivistschizo does it
Well he's not stalking his ex for starters
to my knowledge, yes sometimes
>Well he's not stalking his ex for starters
ok ok, fair but i think that even if i wasn't e-stalking my ex and it was someone else i knew i would still get the same feeling. its like reading someone's diary there's a rush that feels good about it because no one knows you're doing it but then you figure stuff out you feel like you would have been better off never hearing about and it feels bad
what posts is he making
if i revealed that then i would be revealed, but he isn't a personalityfag either
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giving story a long thick sloppy kiss he will never forget, cause I'm not staying for longer than a hour
Imagine having an r9gay bf for real
Nooo babe come to bed stop arguing with meow, stop replying to huebait aaaaaaaaa

*cums in his size XL shorts*
It's the other way around retard
me and the loser i pulled by using 4chan (and being autistic)
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Where is my bf what about my problems
bottom is synonymous for: want others to fix my shit
im a bottom and i want to make everyone worse soo i dunno man
what happens to vers folx
I ain't got no lego set rudenon. If I did though I'd make sure to rub my sweaty balls on it
Nope I don't handle meat here in Jeffy Bs fun truck.
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This makes you a bit younger than me, I am getting into oldfag territory it seems.
Yeah. I like things people would consider more childish I guess, I also like manga and anime.
I figure the interest is passing yea, but I'll try to enjoy the shower of attention in the meantime, not often anyone shows me much care.
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I wouldn't want my fbf to "fix" any of my problems just help stave off the loneliness and cuddles I feel insecure enough about being an annoying autistic burden who no one likes.
That's very sad ruotsi
bro needs a long hug
Is it I didn't mean it as a very sad thing.
I need a warm embrace and a promise of staying. I think I have possessiveness issues.
It will be my biggest hurdle to bfdom
No one will stay anyway might as well kill me self
i need a bf like you honestly
are you still complaining about something you do to yourself
el brado zero rizzo
Every bottom would love it and everyone here is a bottom
What do you mean gloo
I see you all waiting for a new thread before posting
You ain't slick
jacking off chill
i need my fbf to be ugly enough to where i dont worry he'll cheat but not so ugly that im embarrassed to be seen with him
Honey, I'm hoooooome!
Where is the new thread? You are making one, right?
I shouldn't, you're annoying retards sometimes
I can make it :) I'll do my best :)
i would but i dont know how to link crossthread
why are you so dumb!! bottom dumb!!!
r9gay bad ending

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