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Alum Bay edition
wish i would live somewhere remote with no people around
What's stopping you lad?
I wanna live somewhere in Europe that speaks pisspoor English
you'd go mental from the lack of people
'oh but i'd be fine i dislike people'
no you'd GO MENTAL
I've spent the past 15 years in a boxroom. I wouldn't go mental.
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Women with overactive thyroids.
how about Birmingham
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Losing is a way of life desu
ok, somewhere White that speaks pisspoor English
too lazy to do anything about it desu
lol good luck
you've already gone mental so to you what is 'mental' is actually 'normal' but from the outside it's mental.

this is actually a correct and fortunate way to live. you're a lucky lad anon.
just want are jay back
it not rite
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Pornbrained post
Even rural France has pisspoor English and all the darkies are in Paris and Marseilles.
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Don't worry lad we've got our best on the case
bit poncy though aren't they
>tfw no retarded wife
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He's living a better life now, left the hustle and bustle of the big city to join the tribes of tenerife, I envy him
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Might reinstall Debian. Not liking how this turned out.
might reinstall my willy in your mothers bum
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Nonce os
cryptographic nonces
What's their fucking issue? It's not against the law to hide in a bush and film the rozzers. They're crazy mate.

>That's just the local idiot. Ignore him!
She is deprecated mate.
>mobile ACberg bringing humidity down again to 54%
>Turn it off
>humidity immediately springs back up to 60%

ckin ell

Should probably position the hygrometer behind the AC rather than right in front of it
Nonces use Windows and Mac.
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You fetish freaks need culling
Might uninstall tiktok, spend too much time on it
Even women know how to use Linux. Don't see why you'd want to stick with Windows in 2024 with all that adware and spying.

Feel strange, not ill but my mind feels strange. Everything seems surreal, like with flu, but no illness with it.
Because I play games and use adobe products.
why is this so infectious, i love this woman.

also 'GNOME' as in 'GNU' is chef's kiss.
If I could use Premiere Pro on Linux then I would switch over.
another summer boiling alive in my boxroom while my pooter raises the temperature by 10 degrees
I laughed but this is genuinely concerning. You can't tell me that these people should be breeding
fuck off
this thread would die without us
>tfw armpit fetish
Didn't know we were so disliked by the porn fetish community
summer try on hauls.
Transparent try on hauls
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Be back to this before you know it
Need to prep the other thing(s), me


Phwoar, quite possibly, even
quite a few of the posts in those facebook groups are clearly people taking the piss desu
makes me laugh when normalfags say shit like that
>nah bro you couldn't go a whole month without seeing anyone you'd go insane
>trust me bro I'm introverted too and there's no way I could do it
Just had a couple of yellow liquid shits. Maybe I am ill?
>sleepng tablets
Me and poley are going to bed now
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Mum actually is working tomoro which explains her bad mood her boss texted asking 2 come in on day off why would you even respond to that? I said next time don't answer she was like "you're right" as of that's a surprising idea. In what universe does some daft wagie negroid get to just message you when you're off work? I just say don't reply. I mena I hardly reply 2 anything and I don't have a job lole
go away shippy
White women crave the BBC
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SSM shagging Ruth's tuppence
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just realized who poley reminded me of
cultivating my seed rn so i turned off images so that i cant see your nasty feet pics
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Lost himself to addiction, poor man. We need to put an end pornography.
if anything we need more porn
is that me on the top right
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He who cultivateth his seedshire fertilizeth the wombburgh
Cat sat next to her half full bowl meowing for more food.
Obviously not hungry, so no more food is getting put in the bowl.
I've got more respect for NEETs than the tv licence gang wearing a stab vest. Don't answer to them fake police. I will continue to watch iPlayer for free.

>put out food whole lot of it
>cat sniffs it and walks away
>it dries up and gets thrown out
The mother-son market is lacking. They're all pussies labelling it as "step-mom".
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corr wemily wops looking good x
It's not dry or even near dry, she's just being an a pain.
im not into that myself personally, just like watching girls solo wanking themselves off
Emily's tuppence
There's a never ending cycle of that content. It's the "safest" thing a woman can ever do. You're lucky
How many of the simps sending her free games know she has a boyfriend she's been with for five years
yea its an easy thing to be into at least, bonus points if theyre doing it outside though
might do drugs
might take up pipe smoking some day
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BPD single mom roastie who admitted to having a kid to me earlier is now bitching in her voice message to me about how ""she doesn't want to be seen as a pump and dump" or something, even though i wrote nothing of the sort earlier kek. Idk i only skipped thru parts of the thing, it's 5 minutes long in total

Earlier after she admitted to it (only took the wench a solid month or so too) i was like bitch i'm not raising another dude's kid for you, and now she's like "hurr muh daughter is a part of me and i deserve better than being pumped and dumped" (again, her own conclusion that this was my own intention)

Basically she doesn't want to fully admit that she's got baggage in the form of a kid and doesn't want to live up to and take proper responsibility for it, and that she's another man's saved game

Idk yet how best to proceed, she's defo smarter than most roasties but incredibly bitch and obviously loose in the head somehow. Might cut me losses here i'm finkin laddingtons

Fuck all these lying roasties though, from now on "Do you have a kid?" will be the very first question i'll be asking to every single one of them that's interested
not reading all that lad
how old do you have to be to pull this off?
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>You can't tell me that these people should be breeding
55+ if you're in public. 18+ if by yourself
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coor didn't know that,dish the gossip lad
should have been the only warning you need to gtfo
Nothing outs a sprogless wagie more definitively than the phrase 'X shouldn't breed'
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>not reading all that lad *sniff*

she's in his videos from 5 years ago
vocaroo it.
Nah i'll definitely be calling it on this one

Single moms really are bottom of the barrel and below coalburners, even. The baby daddy will always be in the cunt's life somehow. Fuck all of that noise lel

And fuck feminism for making all this insane societal shit possible and so incredibly commonplace in the first place. Civilization is prolapsing
>The baby daddy will always be in the cunt's life somehow
Not always lad
People think it is a meme, but, don't stick your dick in crazy. It is easy to ignore lust.
my baby momma never speaks to me unless she's pestering me for money (which to be fair is very infrequently) and occasionally sending me pictures of the sprog. I do often wonder if she is completely excluding me because she thinks having a baby daddy linger around will put off potential partners in the future
Not him but, that's not wholly true, just because he isn't there physically, she'll still think of him every time she sees the kid, she'll be thinking what a piece of shit he is, and there's the likelihood she'll be doubting the current bf, and thinking all men are the same.
corr, good to know our lass is getting dick on the reg
Should probably add that the wench admitted to me how she's still in contact with/lives in the same city as her ex and is ""on friendly terms"" with him (already a yuuge red flag of course), i of course have to assume that he's also the baby daddy in this case.

Again thoughevermore, fuck all of that noise and fuck all of these lying deceptive roasties in general lol. I have now gained further valuable roastie-related experience and am glad to have shared said experience.

Word to the wise, don't fall for these hoe's tricks, that's all i'm saying Tone
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>she'll still think of him every time she sees the kid
I seriously doubt that

>she'll be thinking what a piece of shit he is
Now this one is believable, despite it probably being not true for most men
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>Word to the wise, don't fall for these hoe's tricks, that's all i'm saying Tone
My wording was wrong, and you are right to question it.
She will think of him, maybe not every day, maybe just birthday, fathers day (how he's not much of a father), and christmas.
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Hypergamy? Single moms? Gold diggers?

I just want a loyal gf, for crying out loud!
That resonates with my experience, she did text me on both fathers day and the sprogs birthday. It odd because we are quite amicable, she just doesn't want me involved. I can only assume she's gaming this mentally as a negative for her on the dating market.
Catering to femoid entitlement is like catering to darkies with gibs.

It's never-ending, they will always demand more. Just zero self-reflection lol
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Wee valium easing into an early night
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>Just zero self-reflection lol
t. jobless loser who blames everyone but himself

Ironic eh?
no programs
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>Didn't install arch
>Doesn't just run Amiga 4 if he's too soft for a real mans linux distro
You're a wanker with a shit OS.
Just out of a cold shower and already sweating again. Fuck Summer.
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ey FoKy you bloatmaxed failed beta male.
came to laugh at you. But your excuse of a failed life is just sad.
Maji out.

It not fucking right...
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>order my ultra blow suck and fuck toy online
>250 fucking pounds
>delivery company is EVRI
>delivery date today
>wait all day
>phone notification: package delivered
>check in-app proof of delivery
>go to check
>its not there
>someone stole it or neighbour took it
>someone has my ultra blow fuck and suck 2000 max pro with my name and address to go
>dont wanna knock and ask incase they opened it
thats what i get for wanting to coom.
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"I don't expect you to be an ersatz father" and "she's a part of me" (a variation of the infamous """me and my kid come as a package""") are two directly contradicting statements.

Either you truly don't expect the guy to deal with your kid at all ("i'm not looking for a replacement dad") or you do expect him to be involved with said baggage ("she's a part of me") after all, in whatever capacity.

Only one of the above statements can hold true, logically speaking. They are mutually exclusive in this sense.

I don't know whether the wench even realizes this or not, being a woman however she probably does not THOUGH... I guess when your brain runs on wyhmyn logic it does make ""sense"", at least "emotionally" lol (all they care about in the end).
>she just doesn't want me involved.
Stay out of it then. She might be a good person, from the little info you've given. Don't worry, I'm not after more info.
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How fat are you lad?
Out Franz.
Yeah she is a good person and a good mother
Ey FBR, schimmelt dir deine Haut eigentlich immer noch vom Koerper ab?

Grusz und Kusz von deinem besten Kumpel Tux
We've got the Krauts back
130kg at 6'4
Post screenshot of order.
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On me 4th wud now. Watching the wooty. Life is good.
QRD? What meme is this?
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im actually so fucking pissed off.
Fackin AC always making me feel queasy when it's runnin

Only way to bring the temperatures in this shitty place down thoughbeit
at least you got AC, all i got is a fan.
Knock on door you twat.
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>20 seconds

VERY fast lad responding at incredible hihg speed
what if they opened it, theyre literally my neighbour i dont want them to see me knowing my name and address having seen it on the package and know im pathetic. i have an anxiety disorder so it makes it hard for me to go knock.
Why would they open it?
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>He needs an AC
>For 22c
Mummy wont be happy with that leccy bill lad.
idk cause shitty people exist? i can imagine someone finding a big package on their front door then going
>oh shit free stuff
or even
>not looking at the name on the package open it anyway before realising its not theirs.
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Open a window, retard
Or is the concept of venting still beyond your grasp
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That doesn't really work how you think it would.
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Whatever happens laddingtons, just be glad you're not this dude kek

Turning the bottom 90% of men into pic rel (betabuxxers for an alphafuxx's spawn) is the ultimate endgame for feminism
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my appetite when i walk into my favourite restaurant vs when im actually eating
kek thats marius wix
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>cards ***** gave me so long ago the envelopes have mould on them
A keeper eh.
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Scheiss ihm ins Bett, Koeterbru
average polish man in 2024
i have not been in a restaurant in 8 years.
pfoah edzala mal im stolpereck den wanst vollschlagen
*was in Mastdarm rotzen auf tiefenentspanned
my cousin paid the toll, wanted to show how woke she was went and got her self a nigerian. he got arrested for theft and left her.
remarried and the lad step-fathering her mulatto is literally the typical bald, no beard, glasses basedjack.

every. time.
>Catberg shidding across the floor again
Does it ever end lads
Maybe if live next door to SSM. But my neighbors are sound.
idk lad, do i risk it? its a flat complex so do i just ring the first flat number i see and ask if they saw a brown parcel? my anxiety is going nuts just thinking about it. they gonna see me every day and laugh at me if they know what the package is.
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Not enjoying this heat. Trying to play Elden Ring on the PS5 and the heat coming out of the console is making my room at least 10c hotter. I left to go the kitchen and when you walk back in you hit a literal wall of heat.
Knock on the neighbour door it was left in front of and ask for it.
you should it's nice. it's better with someone but it's also fine by yourself, i mainly go by myself.
Longer you leave it the more likely they will actually open it. So hurry up
Why would anyone be a step father? Boggleth the mind
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imagine ssm opening your sex toy package and showing everyone on his youtube the name and address
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You would never be in this situation if you didn't watch porn. You let your vices control you and now you are subject to an archon humiliation ritual. This should be a wakeup call for you. Cut it out mate.
Gwarn Croatia get stuck in
Genuine question - how have you not?

It Truman Show de lid x
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>****'s unwashed(still) socks that i snuck into my bag before she left
probably 13-14 years for me
Not him but I've only ever been fast food places. I don't even know how to order in a restaurant.
If it's a flat complex it's definitely been nicked and already opened. The anonymity of flats emboldens people to nick other people deliveries. They already know your shameful secret. You can get a refund because they didn't deliver it, but you will never be able to hide your shame. They will most definitely be telling their mates about it, and they will be telling theirs. It's already spreading round your community that the creep at number x is into weird sex stuff and is most likely a nonce.
even talking about places like a daft meal at spoons etc, i'm a total shut-in. we exist and we post on dying anime message boards. hello.
Would have thought not going to restaurants is the norm here desu. Been over a decade for me at least.
my screenshots often have the 4chan unix timestamp filenames. that's how you know i'm telling the truth and not reposting someone else's hard work.
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In me own view, both single mom roasties as well as their baby daddies should be legally forced to own up to the responsibility of having spawned another human being and to turn their little "mistake" into a miracle (of sorts, at least). This might be unfair to the parents on some level, but it's only fair to the kid.

I despise single moms for this reason, because in 90% of cases they're the ones who went for men they knew wouldn't stick around with them on purpose.

And then they expect betabuxxers to pick up the tab and foot their bill for this mating behaviour. No sire, no can do
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Update anons. I went to the door i thought it was left at according to the pic, dude had no idea, points out in the picture the door shown had some scratch marks his didnt.
>go around the building
>theres more doors in the back
>fucking faggot delivery driver left it there
>its still there
>picrel spent 100 hours on paint to show how retarded the monkey delivery driver is
thanks for the reply, i was lucky im in a half-white area.

Nice one lad, you tacked your anxiety and were rewarded.
Recently a woman sent me a whatsapp asking for a grand, and I immediately made a bank transfer of a grand to her. Corr
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>lovey dovey notes from **** now knowing she was a traitorous pawn of the demiurge the whole time
yeah if only i can beat my anxiety forever i can go back to fucking real women like i did 6 years ago. before you ask yes im working on it, my theory is if i get healthier it will help, been lifting at home and eating 0 processed shit.
I'm on the self improvement grind too lad. And you already have me beat lad. I'm still a virgin at 32. You can do it. I believe in you.
When women complain about passport bros, what they're really complaining about are potential betabuxxer realizing they've got other options than used goods roasties and leaving the matriarchal plantation for greener pastures.

We can't have that now, can we?
>my theory is if i get healthier it will help, been lifting at home and eating 0 processed shit.
lad this is just procrastination. Average normalfag is extremely unhealthy and they have no problems at all

Phwoaar can you send me a cheeky grand de lid x
For me, it's cum on a napkin. The best fast food. I even ask for extra cum and the homeless are so friendly and more than willing to oblige.
One time I asked for cum and they gave me three ropes. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly homeless man laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the people camping in the park greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me free cum. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local park, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large cum with cum instead of cum, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs

I even dip my dick in cum, it's delicious! What a great park.
what else can i do? i tried nhs therapy and its basic bitch shit
>anon if you feel anxious or about to have a panic attack when going outside just breathe and count in your head
cant afford decent private therapy, and when i took the goymeds they gave me (ssris) my mind barely worked, it made me gain weight, and made me depressed. since i stopped the meds and started lifting last month i feel better.
thanks bro, hope you make it.
Woman I watched on Twitch got a boyfriend so I immediately unsubbed and unfollowed
Want to get out of the house more in this weather but there is literally fuck all to see near me. Just a concrete jungle.
I won 4750 on a stupid bet when I was 18. It was something retarded like "Arsenal to win, 3-2, 1-0 at half time, Stokes to score, 1 yellow card for Adebayor", put a quid on it. paid for me and my GF at the time to have a lush little holiday in Greece and spent the rest of a car.
Are you ruthmong? If not, hello fellow shut-in. If so, shut up ruthmong.
am i weird for being the opposite? i hate going out when its hot outside, i get sweaty and uncomfortable. i would much rather stay in, pull the curtains so the sun through the windows dont cook the living room, put the fan on and chill. but if its a little cooler at night, then hell yeah, summer night walks can be nice.
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Hey FoKy I hope your gyatt gets ohio'd.
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>lad this is just procrastination.
100% it is. I've seen absolute goblin fatass men shag women. The only reason people cant get laid is because they aren't trying hard enough. Nothing to do with the gym or eating right.
500 VHS tapes of babestation softcore porn
We keeping it private in life x
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Ought to finish reading the other bookburgh don't i

Why yes i do
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Its time for some SeasideSIM isn't it de lads?
It the last few nights before Simsmas and SeasideSIM dreaming off all the things he going to do today. He soon wake up and try to work out how to avoid being sad, lonely, bored and depressed when its -5c outside and blowing a blizzard. He spent last night watching films in theatre in town. He check newspaper, he might go rave. He not sure.
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Wee g&t for my nerves before bed
the OP he was replying to was about anxiety disorder, i have problems going outside where theres many people, hell somedays even when im home alone i get so anxious about random shit i cant sleep. been basically isolated at home for 6 years, last time i had a conversation with someone face to face was with my landlord about renewing my lease last year.
Alright grandma
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He deserve it come home this time. It nae bloody right. https://youtu.be/07uTzK84Z9k
I think SeasideSIM deserves a day at the races
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He get asked out for date by fit Zelda on Christmas eve. He got lots of birds but he not slept with any of them, they get repulsed by his fishy/shitty stench. We see how this one goes.

that a good idea. He go to Christmas races at local equestrian centre tomorrow!
On me 10th wokkle de lid

Fresh start tomorrow x
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He pulled a 10/10 this time. She fan of his SeasideSIM blog and given donation to him. They get on well but he know not to trust women they hurt his confidence too many times. They go eat at Napoleon pub and it lush!
Someone post Shippy's bookshelf please. Curious to see which ones we both own
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What is wrong with women these days?
Nah, you're not bringing up my sprog in life x
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We can feel a RAVE coming on. Zelda love rave dancing with SeasideMARK. It cold outside but they whistle posse is blowing so hard it keep the snow off them.
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Which ones have you got lad? I have a duplicate copy of 'Teach yourself Italian' and 'Teach yourself Arabic' (1 gen)

It cucky wucky de lid x
Not really is it? It's mine, so it's not unreasonable for me to give her money now and then
If she cant handle him at his fishiest she dint deserve him at his best

Keeping to me own lane x
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She go in back seat for now. The meet up acquired one new lad. He try to make the five great guys +1 a reality in SimDorset.
They off to watch horses and make some bets. It ok because it Christmas and they get to ride there in motobility car from charity it lush x.
That nigga is a dark elf
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>all those language books and still not a single sprog
No you're not. Why do you say random, meaningless shit like this all the time?
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Social media lad
***** nd **** never wouldbe been possible in dating app smartphone.environkent for me. The latter beginning on rhe v tail end at 2016. After that year its over. Everything changed, after iphone, then tinder, women arent even the same entities now as they were before those.
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Post number of language books and number of sprogs
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Don't be lycanthrophobic bruv.
They dying breed.
They all meet in time and meet a literal fairy. He got a bit of sugar in his tank, he's fluent in Polari if you know what I mean. SeasideSIM not judgmental, he join the group and go bet on horse together.
whats going on in this pic lad?
i am similar to Mark Corrigan from Peep Show and i am unique in thinking this nobody else has thought this copyright (c) me all rights reserved.
You have any Colloquials? I have some older Polish, French and Persian versions. A Japanese particles and grammar guide. (No specific brands) Also have an old Teach Yourself Norwegian and (Complete) Finnish.

That's a lot of Chinese books. How many characters do you reckon you learned? I was above 3k in Japanese about 10 years ago, forgot them all now.
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Just took a cheeky whiff. It lovely
>forgot them all now.
Iktf albeit it does come back if you put in a little effort
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Old firm sexo
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You could say SeasideSIM has become quite a big deal around Dorset. He become romantic interest of other blogger and now he a 2/5 star celebrity. People starting to recognise him, people starting to talk like him, he grow the Seaside Army ever stronger day by day.
Becoming a real influencer now
>What is wrong with women these days?

I'm glad you asked laddo. Let's rewind a little shall we

>*tape rewind sounds*
>*Scenery halts at ancient volcanoe spewing lava with a T-Rex's roar being heard in the background*

Woah wait, not that far!

>*tape winds forward again*
>*Camera zooms in on Frankfurt school building*

It all began when the good guys lost WW2...
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It been long night, he had dinner, he had rave, he went to see the horses and won 500 simoleons and its lush... looks like takeaway is all on for free!

It hilarious as im going into this game blind and it has a dozen plus DLCs and stuff. Seeing SeasideSIM become influencer is hilarious... he almost maxed out his social media skill so he can create high quality content.
Women were bad before WW2 also. They used to go around shaming young men into fighting in WW1 while they stayed at home being pampered.
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Farding and shidding, me
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Reckon i remember this euros as fondly as last one. Have the games been that exciting? No mostly absolutely boring slurpfests but jjst like last time, its about the atmosphere, and the ppl around. Isn't that what it's all about. Thx
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Absolutely disgusted with Zelda. SeasideSIM confidence dropped down to 0 and he get a bad moodlet. It always the same with these people who try date him; they take his money and steal his heart. He left in fucking pieces. He just wanted a quick snog 'n sprog and he get slapped in his face.
He not fall for this trick again he swear it.
What the fudge....he need to take on a pub crawl to show his true charisma and willy
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He go on pub crawl when he wake up. It 2am. He very sleepy at the moment.
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Croatia almost certainly heading out due to a last minute Italian goal. It not rite.
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I was too young to appreciate how many fetishes were planted by that airline showing The Fifth Element(1997) on whatever flight that was when planes had those wee tvs overheard in the aisle
I agree Shippy you are
Sitting in a business class lounge at JFK Airport right now
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All we ever wanted was to share feels and funny frog pictures among each other.

But then the moneylenders went and kicked off yet another global conflagration, with the aim of total male death. Yikes!
dang he is handsome
Mumberg forgot to renew the broadband contract at Christmas and has been paying 55 quid a month since January without noticing until now. Worries me how much cognitive decline she is going through even in her mid 60s.
Hope he's chipped. Having a dog adds sex appeal 2 any man if you are a dogless jobless neet it's very very rough.
My mums cat got 1 of those catflaps where it only opens if it recognises her chip, like biometrics for cats
Boggled to even learn this is real. Technology nowadays. Kinda funny seeing the wee dogs in neighbourhood trying their luck to get in and it don't work. It's like a wagie security pass for animals
>Look at me everyone, i'm being a whore in public!

In this hypocritical misandrist matriarchal order we live in, women are free to act horny, thirsty and obscene towards the Chad men they desire. However, men are pedophile perverts for even thinking about going for a woman below 30.
I honestly don't know how people can deny blackpill logic in the current year when women are more open than ever about their true nature.
Please can Putin hurry up and nuke this gay earth to oblivion.
Women are animals. Animals are incompatible with/do not understand civilization and its rules and are thus not supposed to roam free in it.
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These kinda socks turn me from human to beast
Ripping a fat one now if that's alright with you de lids
/britfeel/ is absolute dog shit these days and whining, pointless, self-pitying, boring outer /r9k/ shite like this is what's responsible
you're alright
no I think it's mongs like you who ruined it
You know where the door is then matey x
not arsed piss off you wanker. say it to my face not online see what happens
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Couldn't imagine being a wageoid, me. Sucks to suck i guess
Square go wee man
ordered a fuckton of expensive items i know the scam 24/7 supermarket place won't have in stock. reimbursements abound.

is some poor kid on a bike delivering me a chocolate bar and some milk at midnight for three quid? YES.
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Thinking about my stepmum
Thought you'd be in baltimore already
That wasn't me, but indeed I do consider myself very much like Mark Corrigan
Mark earned above the average income, was a non-virgin and had a sprog
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My Apu has only gone and reached level 24 on his favourite survey website. He get his wish for pile of spinach, cheddar and ricotta cannelloni for his late night snack as reward for bringing money back into the house. If you treat your frens right they repay you back in spades.
the only similarity is that shippy is also an overweight, pompous and judgemental man. He has none of corrigan's self-awareness or intelligence.
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I was such a pervert but i cant help it. I have 2 living proofs of why introversion is a curse(97% INFP). My sister is extroverted nd has breezed through life. Its not a gender thing bc my dad the same way. Youre basically the same person as your father in some ways. But hes outgoing, not exaclty friendly, but not shy like me, at all. Anyway I wanted to fuck her from like as far back as i can remember, it was before i was even old enough to know what sex is, i instinctively wanted her and I somewhat believe its possible, owing to the logic aforementioned, that I could still fuck her, if he can, then I can, and cucking my father would be quite nice too. I think she didnt start off my foot fetish it was already there early doors but she encouraged it and really showed me what its all about. Good times back then. I still reckon i could nut in her one day but its not on the bucket list or anything.
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So we'd be watching TV as i was "reaching maturity" nd im literally sitting there daydreaming about coming all over her soles, the thing is she had a daughter(my step-sister(older than me)) who was objectively like a younger even even fitter version but i didnt want that, i wanted the original model, I dont even like porn, its more like a fuse that sets off my imagination to eventually land back on her, or *****, or ****, i don't care about random roasties. When you die, the orgasm of life, I hope its the same feeling as the womb, the great mummy in the sky, I need to get comfy nd synchronise with a heartbeat and forget about this fallen world, thats my heaven
The normie NPC cuck

He wageslaves, he raises other men's kids
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Have we started the fire, Francis?
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The thing is with *****, she made it known she wanted sprogs eventually, even back then, and she has 2 now so evidently true. But ironically only ever used condoms and also only time having a real preggo scare, which then led 2 "what if its positive and we just keep it?" on her part my life could have taken a v different turn. **** on the other hand had some kind of real phobia about pregnancy she described it as an alien taking over your body or something, but for a good year or 2 never used a single condom, but in both cases id find my mind wandering back to my stepmum in the heat of the event, if i wasnt really into it then suddenly i was, and both of them ended up giving me this talk like "you don't even want a relationship you want me to be your mother" Its like, yeah if they only knew the half of it.
Julian Assange is free, get in there
He finally pled guilty though. Nonce.
i don't trust those console cowboy types. when AI takes over i want to be on their side. jail the lot of them, i say.
Feels like it's going to be a muggy and sweaty one tonight
I got my fan on full blast. it lush.
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I must praise God for giving me a foot fetish. The first time I saw *****'s soles, which didnt take long, the pure euphoria of realising what fate had passed into my hands. Next time, grabbing my little sony ericsson 2 get some creep shots for future reference. Of course over time she was fully aware of what was going on but those early days when it was all being kept private drove me into delirium. Isnt it nice to have a low maintenance fetish? It doesnt take much.
This thing with Holly Willoughby is going to be Ruthmong in a few years time
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Not to mention those exact pics may well be on my old XP desktop, i have yet 2 verify, i'm almost too scared to find out, it would be too emotional. Some 2009 kino. Either that computer works now or it doesnt. There must be SOMETHING on there. I cant believe i'd have deleted it. Thats 2 little lads' mother now. And some faggot's wife. Really wrap your head around that.
could open a window, but then moths will get in.

hate moths, me. anyone else?
>hate moths, me. anyone else?
Bloody hate the little cunts.
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The first time she flaunted them right in front of me, as if it was nothing, but even back then girls knew in some way, consciously or not. It took every bit of self control 2 not just splurge everything on the spot. Not to mention, her fucking sister too, *******, only a few years older but at the time the age difference was enough to make her seem MATURE, as any early 20s ppl do when you're a teenager, gorgeous curvy soles, always on display, it killed me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROKUocOPD2E
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Now years b4 we even had anything going, some night I was drunk as fuck, **** wearing tights, i was passing out on the floor, she was drinking too and put her foot right on my face, they were laughing and she goes "he might enjoy that though", my whiskey dick was on fire again, IF she knew the half of it, when ppl talk about your life flashing before your eyes, I believe this is the kind of thing they mean
>28 years old
>already leader of the largest party in France
how you lads with wasting your life?
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I sign my contract for a new job at a carvery today! My first ever job on a contract with guaranteed hours.

I went to the gym and I saw a guy I used to work with at Bluewater when I was coming back. Him and his mates were hanging around a bar he used to work at.

I sat around and chatted with them about life and jobs. I had nothing but Woca-Colas. It's so nice feeling more and more comfortable in my own body without using the booze as a crutch.

On the 23rd I got to two months wooze free. No heart palpitations, no headaches, no acid reflux.

It's so lush, lads.

Am I still welcome?
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And where is the need 2 be upset?
God bless France and the auld alliance.
Marie Antoinette, Service d'ordre legionnaire.
Georges Valois, Proudhon, Pierre Laval.
Joan of arc, Paris commune.
God bless le Pen. Thx.
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Not forgetting Action francaise, Bastion Social. France where all foul things come from. Mbappe. God bless France.
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Nd the Albigensian martyrs.....................................well clever traps were laid for me and i will fail this time, I can tell its inevitable. A*chon fags loaded a death drive into me very early, however close I got it was pointless. I just wanted someone to be nice to me. It became really messy.
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I arrived in the simulated torture chamber known as school nd it all went wrong. They stole 12 years. I never forgive. And teachers are the lowest of the low scum of this society. I piss on teachers. Homeless teachers holding up signs "teach geography for greggs sausage roll". I shit in your mouth. Reprobate nonce. No healthy individual became a school teacher. Grown adults choosing 2 spend 40 hours a week with teenagers. REally think about that. Traumatically dragged from home into LED lights nd weird ppl everywhere. To steal my spark. Lets see.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................dark rooms, blinds drawn, headphones on, listening to what?(?) Cryptic tests, symbols, diamond, star, cross, circle, They knew-I was scammed - Eye trusted them - Until i didnt. I stayed home. They persecuted. I will never forgive school. Scum. Dont talk to me about teachers. Slash education budget. Slash teacher pay. Make them beg on the fucking streets. Inject teachers with experimental vaccines. Scum of the fucking earth.
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My Europe needs a Vlad tepes.
Mate even you must accept she's better off with another man as the father to her kids
Still not in fucking Baltimore. Sitting waiting for a delayed connection.
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Mixed in with a bit of that American spirit
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Of course lad, theres enough distance now that i'm just happy for her, no bitterness.
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Will there ever be another asterisk girl? Most likely never. I dont forget the memories, but its time 2 move on to other things.
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Beddy byes has arrived again. Cant let it get light outside 1st. Summer is so grim.
Sprogberg woke up in the middle of the night and now refuses to go back to bed
Thinking about Laura's sphincter a lot lately
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>wake up
>feel ill
>try to call in to get the day off as sick day
>anxiety of calling and letting them know
>it's fine, they make a note and that's that
Why am I so stressed to call them to ask for a sick day?
if England play Southgate ball again today, im topping myself (in game)
always the same for me as well lad, i get really worked up over stuff like that and nobody actually gives a single shit
I've had dreams about being an F16 pilot stationed at a US base in the region and then going rogue with some perfectly places missiles on their hate cube. Corr it would spice things up in the world.
Yeah but it's the bullshit back to work interview I hate the most.
>DO you feel well enough to come back to work
Well if I didn't I wouldn't be fucking here would I.
you have to do that? I would just log in,say hello in Slack, and start working
too hot, got my cock and balls out, free.
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>walking down the street where there are a bunch of restaurants
>see wagie whore
>remember how she cried out "I was only in there 5 minutes, you don't know what it's like having to bring your child to work" as I slapped a ticket on her brand new VW
>told her tough shit and everyone has an excuse
lmao dumb cunt shouldnt have parked on a yellow. Job is shit but there are perks sometimes
Yeah, I'm thinking it's time to go back to bed, up at 7:30, bed at 9:20
Don't know how you wagies do it.
Why do they make you lot always wear these awful ill-fitting uniforms? I reckon it's because even your employers doesn't have any respect for you.
>everyone has an excuse
Christ this. I'm thankful for my brief stint in a job where I was public facing because it confirmed every opinion I already had of average people and reinforced them permanently. Fuck the public.
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A nice bowl of fresh raspberries for breakfast. Very nice.
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How fresh? Picked not 5 min ago.
You are becoming a real tyrant. Nasty little man.
Got 154 new twitter followers in 24 hours, lads. Get in.
On the other hand twitter is being so fucking annoying with how they rate limit you and when you look at a certain number of posts per day you're cut off for 24 hours unless you subscribe. So fucking lame.
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Been reading how to win friends and influence people. How many of these do you have in your life lads?
Can't stand this pseudo-clever bollocks. You can slap any old nonsense on a page and call it a self-help book for throngs of mongs to cop.
Okay so why don't you then? It apparently takes no effort according to you and book sales would make you more than the bennies you're on, so literally why not?
Wow take a look at this pseudointellectual using a fake word. Good point though generally. Good for midwits I guess
It won't work because you have to be part of the in-crowd of publishers and writers who have known each other since birth, schmoozing at literary events year after year. It's not about the quality of the content, just who you know.
Very acrimonious of you lads. It's barely gone half nine, maybe we can give this a rest until later?
I love /britfeel/ phraseology. You wouldn't read 'throngs of mongs' anywhere else.
Cat doing the old eat a bit and sit whinging next to a half full bowl of food.
There's starving cats in africa that would be grateful of a 1/4 of a bowl of cat food, and here's whingey puss acting all pampered and sheeeit.
Usually I don't read self-help but everyone always goes on about this book, so figured I'd give it a try. And a turbo autist like needs all the help I can get with talking to people.
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Are Mark deserves better. The twolls have pushed him to the brink.
his fat is like body armour
No lad, it has to happen now. If the NEET vs wagie debate isn't happening, the NEETs get very riled up
What the actual fuck, when was this? What platform did he stream it on?
>What platform did he stream it on?
Twitch. I thought we all knew about it?
Anything to keep his bennies. Genuinely fucking pathetic.
Damn SSM looking /fit/ doe
>streaming stabbing yourself on Twitch as if that's definitely allowed
Nobody said its allowed, that's why he doesn't have a twitch account anymore
I was only after a (You), so I fibbed.
Sorry about that.
i would happily be a wagie but i have 0 clue how to get a job, i think my IQ is probably about 80
he 20 month no self harm dee lads
Have you tried working in mong jobs like retail/fast food/warehouse? You don't even need really a single GCSE for those places
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I'm glad those days are over, no more seasidemarks on his arms
You're successfully using 4chan. I promise you that your IQ is above 80.
In terms of getting a job though, just apply for them. Look for entry level jobs and retail/fast food/hourly jobs.
Been a while /lolcowfeel/, what we up to, been on the farms lately?
Pathetic faggots ridiculing somebody for their mental and health issues.
What are you talking about lad? /britfeel/ is a bastion of pro-SSM womfers.
Nobody here ridicules seasidemark. We all wish him the best in life
Okay, let's agree that he has MENUL ELVES, so what? Does that mean he somehow becomes a wonderful person who we should all praise and admire?
Of course not. He's an utterly contemptible excuse for a man and deserves his shit lot in life.
Like your hero tim, he's just used for ridicule and to make yourselves feel better.
Why lie? We're online on an anonymous site, there's no need for it.
You lot like to do this, find somebody worse off, and use them to feel better about yourselves. IMO of course.
SSM is not worse off than me
No one's even posted Tim, probably this side of 2023. How about head off back to /brit/ or whatever seething little hole you generally reside in. We keep it womfy in feelshire.
Ok. Sorry about that.
He's been mentioned, but I honestly can't remember if his image was also posted.
I'm not from anywhere in particular, so nowhere to go back to (so I'll just head off). The seething little hole where I reside is my head.
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Laughing at mentally ill retards who plaster their entire lives online is fun.
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The only question I got was if I wanted to put it as a sick day (less pay) or regular day off. So they were on my side too.
I slept till my post./ I am pretty sure I got fucking covid. When I get it, the symptoms are very distinguished from regular colds and fevers.
Those jobs are beneath me though.
Ah, fair enough. I hear NASA might be recruiting 80 IQ NEETs so you could try your luck there.
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It time for some late morning SeasideSIM isn't it?
Lets give you all an update? SeasideSIM have a bit of a shaky Christmas.... he got refused from first kiss due to his fishy/shitty stink and it dropped his confidence and gave him bad moodlet so he feel extra bad about it.
He thinking of trying to get some blog donations in so he can build his own pub garden at home and it lush.
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>Zimbabwean "asylum seeker" given 16 months in prison for carrying an offensive weapon
>previously convicted SIXTY-EIGHT times since arriving to the country in 2017
>judge Rupert Mayo said "I am glad you have been allowed to remain in this country but... this is a dreadful catalogue of serious convictions."
>I am glad you have been allowed to remain in this country
Mate I was just craving a bit of Simside and here you are.
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Because somehow his real life can be perfectly emulated in a videogame (its a pretty good one desu). There are actual unexpected twists and turns amidst the banality of trying to live the Seaside Life on a computer.

I try get a few good seaside updates. He try go social route now he locked in due to the weather and gonna see how that goes. He got sick recently too.. he not well... and it not right. He can barely look after Benji alone without a cold.
Read the sentencing remarks of the Sam Melia and Kris Kearney cases, the judges in this country are never afraid to express their adherence to shitlib ideology. There's no institution that hasn't been taken over by these people at this point.
One day our elites will be brought to tribunals for what they've done to Britain and the rest of Europe.
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Seaside CAKED up bruv. He go try shower then wash his arse in a sink.
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Mum asking what's on the dog. Must have lay on some misplaced cum. Told her he may have rolled on a slug. Don't think she believed me.
way too muscle on the character
you cummed on the dog you filthy boy
Zimlads sprog in about 20 years.
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Oh it lovely. It lovely shower. He love that hot water. It all on for free as he has special trait to never have to pay bills.

Have you seen how fat he is de lad he like 21 stone now. He got to have some musculature to carry all that lard de lad.
He needs to be fat, you made him look like a powerlifter instead.
No they won't, they've won. They've taken over all of our institutions and the levers of power are theirs for eternity.
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Spent half an hour looking for me fucking wallet this morning. Got wissed up last night and misplaced it. Found it in a random cupboard didn't I. All welpered out now.
If I were in charge I would ban all indie games.
fat people have fat and bones. weightlifters have muscle and some fat and bones
Love a good seaside shower sesh
heard ruthmong got some new shoes
There limit to how I can mould a sim and I make him biggest he can be. He try spend a little time with Benji 02 to keep his social bar up or council come take him away.

kek this is why he gotta get in shower and update everyone. :)
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Benji 02 finally open up to Tug of War game, he previously only liked to run around or play chase. He fill both SeasideSIM and Benji's fun and destruction bar... they live that seaside life together and once Benji 02 entertained he can get onto texting fit lasses or updating his blog.
nothing like getting pissed on a monday
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He get link into that celebrity lifestyle. He make new friends, he open new horizons, he try his hardest despite his TMAU hidden disability. Luckily he got high level social media so he can make friends with anyone whenever he wants with a few coy DM's and it's lush.
Reminds me of the stream where SSM was going on about about Guy Ritchie contacted him saying Ritchie wanted him to star in his new movie.
Wrong image de lid? I personally love condoms but I don't see the relation to indie games per se.
sounds lovely, cant wait to play it
It's all because of this new generation of zoomers and other twats who have never had any sort of challenge in life, mummy and daddy buying them everything they like, never held to account for being little cunts either at home or in school.

It's no wonder they're all after 'cozy' games because they can't handle the pressure of being able to lose at a game. It's absolutely pathetic.
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It even funnier when I try to check his contacts and he has no link with the celebrity meaning you have to to hope you encounter him in the wild to form a bond with him.

Currently he sending a dick picture to fit Zelda. He horny beyond belief. He not got laid since he arrive in SimDorset. There got to be someone who understand his needs.
Imagine if we gassed all stardew players. Net positive for everyone.
Can't he arrange a few hook ups with SIMHelens by sliding in their DMs? It still all falls apart when they see his fat stinky exterior?
Just opened a tin of chilled pear-halves in pear juice.
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It fail again. She not impressed.

He having major difficulty with proper hook ups. They happy to be taken on dates to cinema and pub but when it comes to even a first kiss they're repulsed. It not fucking right.
He worryingly going to spend new years day alone.
What are anti-basedjak video games? Or are there none
Who was in the wrong here?

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at least his blog blowing up strong. He got other one thousand sim fans. He grow the Seaside Army despite the failure of his romantic advances. He been betrayed and left in the cold by some real nasty ladies who just wanted to leech on his generosity and his inheritance.
White women are thinking about sun, sea and Big Black Cocks.
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>What are anti-basedjak video games?
Map painting simulators where you get to create Das Epische Grossgermaniaautismusreich, of course.
fucking sun allergy man. I hate this.
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Despite all the bad things that befallen him he finally close enough to sleep with Benji 02. They live a bit of a womfy life now I think.
But if he get no SeasideSprogs in three years from now it the end of the SeasideLINEAGE and end of the SeasideSim game.
Sums up my nephew to a tee. I was over at my sister's house couple weeks ago and they suggested we play Mario Party on their Switch (he's also got a PS5, Xbox, iPad and iPhone).

We're about 15 minutes into the game when the little cunt has a meltdown about not winning any minigames and rather than telling him to stop being a cunt and get over himself my sister goes 'oh dont worry love we'll just play something else'. I made an excuse to leave soon after. Fucking hell.
That can't happen dee lad. Best turn of generational ageing in that case.
Just realised i put my collared t-shirt on inside out, that means money is coming to me.
Get in!
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I decided he got one year of age-free existence then it get turned on . He then got about a year of life from now which is plenty of time for him before he turns into SeasidePENSIONER.
He ultimate goal is to make a SeasideSIM 02 to continue the dream and vision his father started.
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You're supposed to let him win
Grown man trying to go MLG in mario party kwab
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He thinking of getting new trait.
He can get cheap or free trekkie brekkies for the rest of his life, be immune to the cold or the heat, be able to take +1 Sim friend on trip to Egypt on top of trait he could take to make him irresistible to other sims when he waffling on. He not sure.
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He get immunity to heat in the end. He love summer and spring it his favourite time of year and that is undeniably lush if you get me?
It help him extra when he go to Egypt on Holiday. He beg for more donations on blog please send simoney to his PaySIM account.
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Corrupted being, enslaved by vice
Horrible advice from the perpetual failure.

You aren't supposed to let them win, it teaches them to want to get better if they have balls.
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Corr SeasideSIM had a proper day. Thank you for reading my drivel. I try to be back tomorrow for so me more banal e-dolly nonsense.
This, kids who were let win and told they were bright growing up never learn how to try and end up posting here
There's a cat outside my block of flats who lets me squish him. He a big docile male lid and I love him very much. He likes to eat the grass when he gets a squishing too as long as you don't touch his tummy. Cats are wonderful,
He can rave at Sandford Lane in height of summer now. Oh it lush.
name of game pls
i dreamt i lived next door to Keir Starmer and he had two cats. the ginger one was a nightmare and wasn't allowed outside, had a collar + microchip in case he escaped. the black one was sound and didn't need anything he always returned home safely.
The cobbler lost my shoes what the fuck. How does a cobbler lose a pair of shoes. My only fucking shoes. Sat here in my sandals like a dickhead, shoeless. I can't go back to work in sandals, what the fuck am I supposed to do?
Keir Starmong
Rishi Mongnak
You know cats will eat your the owners whole head, including bone, if you died. Dogs can eat you too but they normally wait for a long time before they start where cats can start eating your head in hours
howling that this even if its true
he probably has a big pile of shoes and they're lost in there somewhere. needles in a haystack.

in fact i would wager a cobbler is more likely to lose a pair of shoes than a non-cobbler.
This smells like a LARP.
this reads like a post from the 18th century
there's the very obvious solution that he walks to the show shop in sandals and buys new shoes.

odd timing if he's starting work now. or nipped off to the cobbler's at lunch, a while-u-wait thing (with sandals to hand?).

he just wanted to post about his sandals, i believe that part is true. i bet they're not even nice.
>go back in time
>have to describe to a cordwainer what 'trainers' are
at least hose are effectively trackies.
I think the timing works for a quick lunch break stroll to the cobblers to fix a faulty pair of shoes. I used to get a haircut during lunch so no reason a trip to the cobblers can't be done in the same time.

Where it does sort of fall down for me is the fact that a cobbler would be able to lose a pair of shoes he's (presumably) working on there and then to help this fine gentleman who's waiting for his shoes. I think that element of the story needs exploring further.
if you could go back in time for one day, when/where would it be?

for me it's last Friday i had a pretty decent takeaway curry.
Think i've been doing bench press wrong for my whole life.
>the timing works for a quick lunch break stroll to the cobblers to fix a faulty pair of shoes.
I instinctively don't trust these. "While-U-Wait" so I'm sat in my socks making small talk with you?

No, they get dropped off and picked up the next day. Place could have a ton of orders in. A haircut (walk-in or booked) you at least know it'll be <30 mins at/around a specific time.
>for my whole life
it's ok anon babies don't tend to be good at this stuff
i was born at the age of 21
buy some cheapo shoes from jb sports, or whatever it's called now
I would have agreed with you two weeks ago but since then I brought my phone in to one of those phone repair shops because the screen was fucked (not cracked, it was a fault with the internal wiring). Brought it in and got it back in working order 30 minutes later. Therefore the idea that you can fix a pair of shoes 'while you wait' isn't inconceivable to me.
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might start dressing like this
Hope you didn't have any saucy pictures on that phone because the Pakis/Albanians running those shops will have copied your SD card without doubt.
reminds me of this morning when i got a letter
>please don't be surprised i have your address. you bought some 'specialist goods' from me, kindly visit the URL/QR code below.
shan't be doing that. simple as.
Looking for a tranny with fat jugs, pm me
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Quite resourceful innit. What else should they eat if U can't feed them or let outside? Do i need my body when im dead? Not particularly. Good lads.
the problem is they don't eat all of you or do any sort of cleaning afterwards, so someone has to find you as gibs.
Hypothetically if you died with a belt around your neck nd your hand around your willy it could be prudent to keep a cat around 2 destroy the evidence
>vocal samples on a song that sounds like lyrics are actually just chopped up syllables that kinda sound like words
I'm pissed
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>I'm teaching him a valuable lesson the little shit needs to understand how the real world works
do dumbbell bench if your gym has heavy enough weights, you have no choice but to do it correctly
Cant cope with this fucking heat anymore lads
I did some dumbbell today on incline and yeah it was pretty good. Thing is, i had to do flat bench on a Smith Machine because it was the only thing available, and I got the hardest stretch in my chest ever. Making me think my normal flat bench is being carried by something other than my chest. Maybe some shoulder action or something idk
fucking mint, that's scaffolding going up next door. Who knows how long they'll be doing loud shit. Ear Protectors are on
a common thing with autonomous self-destruction with capacity is worrying about how you'll be found.

nobody gets buried any more it's a waste of land. cremation is a waste of fuel. you have to OPT OUT of organ donation now, why not let people go to the dogs (if they consent)?
If they've got scaffolding going up you can bet your arse it will be at least a couple of months
guys have i mentioned i EXERCISED?

yeah just casually mentioning that i DID EXERCISE. pretty ordinary stuff, nothing to brag about, but i am an EXERCISER.
He has a cat called Jojo.
Just been out for a quick walk along the canal and it's too humid today. We never get nice warm weather in this country, it's always unbearably humid whenever it goes over 20 degrees.
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If I had no family left to care i rather just go somewhere remote do it and disappear or somewhere where id be alone long enough to decompose. Or under the water. Etc. I never liked the idea of funerals, random weirdos touching me, cant just be left alone even when im drad.
I hate British weather
>9 months of cold and grim weather hoping for things to get warmer
>3 months of hot and humid weather hoping for things to get cooler
is that a hellin anime reference?

might vote Labour after all.
leave a note (laminated to protect from water damage, tied to yourself securely) that explains whoever finds you should not be traumatised. include a joke.

i think that'll settle it.
Dunno mate, I saw it in a New Statesman piece earlier
>At Kettering Buccleuch Academy yesterday, Keir Starmer fielded questions on whether Arsenal will win the league (yes), his favourite subject at school (music), and whether he owns a pet (he has a cat called Jojo).
starting to look fairly brown
really doesn't take much sun desu
>include a joke.
>Clean it up wagie
noo day noo fred
Dumbbells have no choice but to hit chest because you naturally turn them slightly inward as you press, you can't do that with a straight bar unless you focus on it throughout the lift.
Imagine trying to bend the bar inward as you lift and it'll take the load off of your shoulders.
another human has clear up your body, with no head on the body.
jokes on them when they find my hanging off it by the neck. In game of course

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