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To Women,

I loathe you because i don't think you're very honest with people, or with men and i'm a little sick of you all playing a little too much victim. I think you've gone too far in a lot of places and thoroughly torn up the goodwill i and other guys had for you. You're fucking psycho bitch and you've deluded yourself into thinking you're a much more straightforward, justified person than you are. You're a self centered, and indirect selfish freak. And i find it obnoxious that the orders from on high are that we have to pretend to believe you and give you the benefit of the doubt.


thank you for this post
bitch just been lying to me a few hours ago
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Yeah, bitches do that, A LOT.

Stay strong anon.

I am not a big fan of women
In fact I am the opposite of a fan
I am a woman hater


If you think about it logically they have way more reasons to hate us than we do them. I mean we kill them more, rape them more, can easily overpower them and are better at them at most of the things that matter like STEM. They have so many reasons to be jelouse and resentful.
It's annoying how they have that vagina goo energy that allows them to "float around" in social spaces in their clip-clop shoes until they feel like attacking someone weaker than them. That's all.
Did you conclude any of that with your own personal logic? Or did you just get that from some global census data and then decide to take on the undue burden of guilt for no reason because you're a susceptible weak-minded retard?
>I mean we
Fuck you mean "we" nigga I didn't do anything to these oversensitive women.
This sounds a bit personal anon. Want to talk about it?
The cat is back
Truth nuke
lol anon must have went through another breakup
You've been posting this on a near daily basis for years. I think you need to look at your obsessive misogyny and ask why you're hung up on such obviously unhealthy behavior
are you new here?
Have you dilated today?
sure, if you want to open up about what causes you to be so misguided we can. Tell me about your relationship with men.
nice trips, check the archive, was just posting on off hours
>If you think about it logically
logic has no bearing on the behavior of women anon
>they have way more reasons to hate us than we do them
they do not but let's hear your logic
> mean we kill them more, rape them more, can easily overpower them and are better at them at most of the things
that isn't logic anon, that's just a stereotype
>You've been posting this on a near daily basis for years
imagine what that kind of devoted emotional nuance could be used for in a society that wasn't overtly trying to crush the souls of men. I think you should consider why you've been trying to resist the intuitive words of a grassroots poet at the center of a cultural shift, and want to make everyone a mindless hive mind drone like yourself with nothing but bad intentions and a superiority complex about you.
I'm about to, let's date
they sound upset but want to hide it. They disapprove of something on r9k and NEED to make it go away.
Women have to change, there's no way around it.
no bump 4 u

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