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Biofem Discussion (Boyfriend) General
Siren Edition
Not to be confused with /Biofem/ General

Old: >>77898141

Discuss the happenings of /Biofem/ without actually posting in /Biofem/
Or just talk about women
I want sex so badly bros. I hate my micropenis.
Sexual intercourse with OP1
This thread is full of losers and cucks. I hate every single one of you. Do not even bother replying. I'll be busy doing chores.
Yeah keep doing chores, me and your wife will be up in the bedroom kek
Which biofems are sirens bros
Let's talk about our clothes and how you carry yourself.
All of them are sirens until proven otherwise
>Biofem Discussion (Boyfriend) General
What in the fuck does this mean?
Please wear suits
What is the difference between op1 and neet1? They seem like the same person to me. Explain to me the differences between them.
Tomo's giant tits.
stands for bfd
I asked that last time and nobody knew
No shit but like what's the point? Talk about boys? Are men even allowed here because I know they weren't in the one thread
This is a thread for men to talk about the biofem general.
>Talk about boys?
>Discuss the happenings of /Biofem/ without actually posting in /Biofem/
>Or just talk about women
Okay that's an actual answer at least

There was one girl who said she was like 4'11 or something which I enjoy but really it's just the napoleon syndrome
This is the kind of stupid we have to put up with on this board
Just zero reading comprehension
>Beast Champion Set
I mean, everything else is okay, but the helm is fucking ugly
afraid the hornyposting drove berries away (
>afraid the hornyposting drove berries away (
I didn't like that wondereggfag anyway.
Mission successful. Who do we target next?
My mom
Make her stop
It's 4chan I'm not reading an opord or a fuckin novel shut the hell up
Even worse
It is one of the lazy ones
Lazy about an edating thread? Are we fucking fr right now? Man r9k is dogshit now
Edating? Where?
What's the similarities between the two? They both have a number?
>Talk about boys?
Some nonas do. Since the other thread hates men.
They both just have absolutely no presence at all
>some nonas secretly love moids
Don't tell Moid-chan about that
op1 got her name because she wanted to show the original poster was still there and neet1 idk I think she prefers to shitpost
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Literally a woman's armor. Why would I want this?
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The most annoying biofem bitch.
>but really it's just the napoleon syndrome
For you or for her, lol?
Is this thread put on autosage?
The irish bra lady on Instagram has real life examples of what different bra sizes look like (photos of women), they're using uk sizing so you'll have to convert your nonas sizing into uk size, (34G is 34F) have fun!
>>being gangstalked and harassed again even when im not on here anymore
What did Berries mean by that, lol?
>For you or for her, lol?
For me, I'm 5'6 so I like shorter girls who boost my ego if that makes sense
>one girl who said she was like 4'11
there are 2 - kpop and florida
No wonder one strong zero is enough for her
Talking about >>77948154
If that helps, no idea who the namefags are, the Asian girl looks cute but I'm from a old southern family so they wouldn't be too happy about uhhh, non-white girls, to put it mildly.
Nobody fucking asked about your inbred family
>Asian girl looks cute
That's not her. She likes posting pictures of kpop stars, hence her handle. She's actually Brazilian.
>Nobody fucking asked about your inbred family
Cry about it lol
>She's actually Brazilian.
Ahh so either mutant tier or insanely hot. Gotcha
if it serves as consolation everyone thinks i'm japanese here in kangaroo land.
So there's 1 - kpop
I keep forgetting to tag others, really should go back to sleep.

See >>77954035
What is the word for a catfish asian?
>if it serves as consolation everyone thinks i'm japanese here in kangaroo land.
I mean Brazilians do have some Japanese immigrants to be fair, kinda curious how you ended up going from Brazil to Australia but it's your business.
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Fuck yeah, it's my favorite cuck thread! Which nona would you listen to having sex with her boyfriend?
Ahh that's what that was referencing, funny I thought people pretended like cuck bullshit was a male thing.
it's what i've been telling everyone that asks about it... it's possible there was a random japanese person in my family years ago and i just got the genes now. explains why im so short too.
there is only one right answer and you know it
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The obvious one for me.
>it's possible there was a random japanese person in my family years ago and i just got the genes now.
Maybe, maybe you didn't get enough nutrients as a kid, maybe you just got unlucky, who knows. I wouldn't be too worried about it though, haven't met many men who are like "no that girls too short"
Kpopnona if I can only listen
Tomo if I get to watch
>haven't met many men who are like "no that girls too short"
oh yeah because thats clearly the most important thing
pleasing you scrotes
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>oh yeah because thats clearly the most important thing
Damn I was just looking at upsides, chill
Oh also forgot to mention it but most people like Asian features anyways
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I hope you girls are ready to get drafted and do your duty for your country...... SEX DUTY
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I fell in love with one of the nonas
Don't you mean oracle
Rookie mistake, you'll probably never actually talk to them man
4'11'' is fairly normal in southamerica desu
Really? I thought they use metric.
>Really? I thought they use metric.
Ok, that got a laugh out of me.
neet1 is selling fireking sweet nothing and playing it up ditsy
luring the sad scrote in so he gives her money on throne and surely other places in exchange for messages
he doesnt seem stupid i think he knows it
neither is really a victim i say
both just playing their parts in a very pathetic game
the other nonas seem clean and not doing this
op1 is a different character and spends much time trolling
op1 hands wrote this post
my e-bf is about 60lbs heavier than he said he was. should i dump him for lying about it or believe that he will lose the weight and forgive him?
Dump him and date me instead. I am 60lbs heavier than him.
My e-bf keeps trying to lose weight and I want him to be fatter
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You know nothing Jon Snow
I dated a girl who had a feeder fetish. I managed to lose 20 lbs over 3 months. Then she made me gain 10 lbs in 2 weeks.
I didn't think there were girls who were into that
That's the sad part - there aren't
Which nonas have boyfriends?
what the fuck is that picrel, i need context, i haven't finished GuP yet
Any white midwestern fembots want a late 20s white bf with barely any sexual experience?
All of them do. All.
I think only kpopnona, but that's questionable now.
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ah, so you haven't gotten to that part of the anime yet then
doesn't one of them have a husband and kid
That's an obvious larper.
That's mamanona.
Wdym, we hate women
>ah, so you haven't gotten to that part of the anime yet then
only just started, divines bless your kind heart for not spoiling it
So you're a cuck yourself now? Well, this is ironic.
You are replying to a lying tranny who pretended to be a nona in the general.
That's worse than a cuck.
That's awesome actually, we should all pretend to be women in there
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>That's awesome actually, we should all pretend to be women in there
Eh no, leave that shit to Biofem
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>pretended to be a nona in the general.
I've never done that, either show me an archived post of me doing that or stop spreading lies you buffoon. I hate trannies more than I hate vampires
New Moidfag lore
I wonder if the malehate started with her brother
You don't even know what you hate. You're another pathetic sheep who follows the herd
They aren't real, you tarded faglord.
>They aren't real, you tarded faglord.
This was me lol >>77954446
Get trolled idiots.
Is this a lesson about how a sexy outfit is more attractive than full on nudity? Because I agree.
Where is scaryeyes?
with her boyfriend probably
>with her boyfriend
Cut it off and scissor bro
She's one of the nonas that's least likely to have a boyfriend
you're right I actually meant to say girlfriend
The fuck is this bitch doing here?
edgelord alert! hide your fedoras guys!
The sooner her boyfriend makes her a mother, the better.
Well, she does seem interested in that nowadays.
>disqualified from /Biofem/
Men are really fucking bad at pretending to be women online
It's /biofem/, dunno why the new/normalfags keep typing it like that
you can sense the baby fever in moidchans' posts... feels kinda bad
Hello everyone update I believe a man is trying to kill me
>feels kinda bad
Dunno, I'm glad for her, if it's true. 38 years is a good age to start a family, not too young, but not too old either.
did you think this was a zinger when you posted it you cringeworthy aspergers afflicted fucking faggot
you sound physically disgusting, go home gook you don't belong in white country
She's from Brazil
If you're not just joking, for what it's worth I hope that's not going to happen...

Calm down retard.
For what, lol?
Congratulations, and for what exactly?
>you cringeworthy aspergers afflicted fucking faggot
That hurt
Moid-chan's biological clock must be deafening to her. Can someone get her pregnant already?
Fuck no, I'm not doing that shit
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Maybe sometimes being alone is better. For both subspecies.
Too old and her eggs are almost expired.
38 ain't too old, though
Yes it is. Way higher chance of miscarriage or a child with a developmental disability.
Not by much, and there is always an In Vitro option
>In Vitro option
And have 20 babies at once? No thanks.
She's 38? Goddamn
Wdym, I thought they usually fertilize and plant one or two eggs, and one of them is often absorbed
Unless the technique has changed, it used to be they flood the egg with sperm, hence why you can get a lot of babies from it.
One egg=one baby
Moid-chan got herself new fanart, lol
Usually, but not always
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"stupid moid bakas"
How did Moid-chan say she styled her hair in the hair edition? I think tjis looks similar.
Okay, that's a funny falseflag
Man fuck you, everyone is OP1 until it's actually op1
That would've been funny and poetic, if that was true
You just want me to put the trip back on but I don't want to, flattery wont work on me!
Cleaning up the field post
>OP1 is fuming
Okay that was funny
>You just want me to put the trip back on
Nah boy, you can stay hidden.
Im not fumming I'm just having an ego moment ok?>>77958950
So you're a boy after all? Dammit.
hey OP1, how about tits or gtfo?
Call the police to jail that harasser
when u r talking to robots u always have an ego moments its why u love talking to us
Is the Fami poster an anon?
Women don't come on this depraved site I refuse to believe it
I thought you had chores to do?
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I might make more of these I didnt know this was a known poster
Wonder why the original posts got deleted.
Imagine how bad he has to look, in order to even think about keeping this lazy, piece of useless shit around himself.
we found the ancient 4chan user, for real this time
gm nona is underrated
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the estrogen is finally working, i won't be flat anymore
gm nona has been bullied out.
it's not like they pledge to stay on biofem forever. some just move on
I wish I was on estrogen so I could grow big fat milkers
Several people fell for it though
Several men.
Yes, I said people.
shame, her gimmick was fun
who is your favorite nona now?
don't have one now
Such a cutie...my wife
I guess, not like I'll ever date someone anyways.
I want to support her full time so she never has to work
>He's constantly pretending to be a nona and was told by everybody that his behaviour is predatory and unethical.
>He is aware of it, but does not care, a real ego trip.
Who are they talking about? Is it the commie guy who said he likes to pretend to post as a woman?
I think it's all samefagging
It could be. It's hard to tell these generic anons apart though.
Do you ever think before you post?
A moid will never call himself out for being a piece of shit.
Wouldn't surprise me if that's him.
>commie guy who said he likes to pretend to post as a woman?
What commie guy? Can someone find the post of them saying they like pretending to be a woman? I remember someone mentioning something about giving hope to incels by larping as a woman. Is that the same guy?
>A moid will never call himself out for being a piece of shit.
Neither would a woman but whatever makes you feel better
It's hard for me to imagine why someone would post this unless they were personally invested in defending "that guy".
The guy purposely never calls himself a moid so he lures nonas into talking with him and now he supposedly calls himself a piece of shit via a different post in front of everybody?
You might be more retarded than him.
No, he's saying that everyone calling him a piece of shit is samefagging.
>It's hard for me to imagine why someone would post this unless they were personally invested in defending "that guy".
>"why would anyone in this server that's sole purpose is to talk about the fem only server be curious about what's happening in the fem only server?"
Like are you joking or...
>>"why would anyone in this server that's sole purpose is to talk about the fem only server be curious about what's happening in the fem only server?"
Where did you see this?
Are we getting trolled by op1 again?
No, there was at least one other person besides me and then the anime picture fag he was talking with.
A possibly fourth person joined in laughing when he started talking about his Lex Luthor gigabrain persuasion fan fiction.

I'm not that tranny.
You state that anyone even talking about it is "defending him" or something even more retarded. Like you're just jumping to a lot of conclusions on the guy who claimed it was someone samefagging
Genuinely don't know who that is but the name is gay so don't associate me with it.
Bout the reply chain thing just check the archive
This triggers him greatly for some reason.
Maybe hes the recognizeranon too.
I'm saying that I can't think of any reason for why you would defend him unless he is you.
You are jumping to the conclusion that someone is defending.
>just check the archive
Can you find anything about when he said he likes to larp as women to give incels hope?
No clue if that was him.
I just know he is the guy who defended himself to never identify as moid and thus pretending to be a nona, because that's when he gets more nona replies.
Some nona called him predatory for his predatory behaviour.
You're butthurt because you lack imagination? That is incredibly retarded.
Here was the discussion about the guy I meant
At some point some esl moid joined
Check the relevant bfg thread
He was part of the reason why Scaryeyes was upset
Damn, what a tarded guy
Who the fuck cares, why are you so invested in finding le bad moid if you're too retarded to even identify a posting style.
Go watch a reality show or something, that seems to be more of your speed.
Anon I thought you were the one getting out of the closet
aaaand that's him. hi EM, why are you psychotic today? bad sleep?
>finding le bad moid if you're too retarded to even identify a posting style.

reminds me of the arc we had with that salutations faggot who went on witch hunts to find certain posters but couldn't never notice them and accused everyone else lol

I guess it's some kind of autism to not be aware of differences in communication styles
Its a personal pet peeve of mine to out retards like you
See it as a hobby
Yeah that's him I bet. You're really good at digging through archives. Have any tips on how to use the search functions better? There's an incriminating post I want to find by that psycho.
None of you can tell each other apart and always accuse the wrong people, kek
>None of you can tell each other apart and always accuse the wrong people
How would you know? Which identity are you?
Are you this one?
>Have any tips on how to use the search functions better?
I think thats nearly impossible on r9k unless you already know what you're looking for
Unless you were actually there and know what you want to find and a circa timeframe it's tough

We don't need to know everybody, we just know who that fake cunt it and he admitted to it back then as he did now again
Loses his temper very fast
Ok I'm bored of this man hunt. Who's playing minecraft?
>Ok I'm bored of this man hunt
Not yet. We're just getting to the good part. Trust.
>I think thats nearly impossible on r9k unless you already know what you're looking for
You're pretty good at it though. Any useful advice? There's a few post I want to find that would blow this whole case out of the water.
>Any useful advice?
I don't know what kind of useful advice you need, it's just googling
The less you remember the more you got to do dead thread surfing
Was actually hoping for somebody else to post the logs but when everybody else was just being accusing and guessing, had to actually get out of bed and do the searching myself
Not enough people keeping up with the lore
>this one
>quotes multiple people
>searching myself
I remember someone bragging about being a chess captain, and how biofems should be handed out by the government to each r9k male, and how they sometimes enjoy larping as a woman to give hope to male posters on r9k. They also bragged about how they often impersonate being a nona and how no one can ever tell when they're doing that.
I remember reading the posts but I'm having trouble finding them in the archives.
Sounds like a maniac, I usually skip over shit like that so I can't recall it
Oh right I just noticed something, he said 'inicial' in this post
Don't know what your keyboard layout is like, but C and T are far away on mine, so it stands to reason that he was letting some of his ESL slip there
>Sounds like a maniac, I usually skip over shit like that so I can't recall it
Hopefully, someone can find the posts I'm thinking of.
Dammit, not that shit again
That shit is so gay.
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I mean, at least it's not astrology. The Big Five is better, though.
You expect men to just go about their daily life in suits?
Can we expect summer dresses, chokers, thigh high socks etc. in return?
That post is 21 hours old and I'm a man.
Then I was 21 hours late to call you a faggot, but better late than never.
>summer dresses
I own several. I like thigh-high socks also, but it's too hot for them where I live.
I wish I could watch you being fucked by chad in a summer dress.
Which guy is this? Someone has to know.
What do you mean? It's me.
>>summer dresses
>I own several.
Well, that's fucking gay
The anon who posted about summer dresses here.
What do you mean too hot for a summer dress? What is the current daily temperature? Thigh-highs are for fall, of course. Not mid-summer. Unless you are into dripping sweat on thighs, which I am sure many here are.
I would lick up every drop of sweat from her thighs
why is op1 talking about dresses, thighs and sweat
I would lick her bull's cum from her pussy
Okay, you're being too obvious now.
I was never trying to hide anything.
>I was never trying to hide anything.
Sure, you didn't.
I said it was too hot for thigh-high socks; not for summer dresses.
dont steal my gimmick like that
>not for summer dresses
Then us men expect you to wear one of maybe the most feminine types of clothing out there, and I promise I personally will reciprocate and grab my suits as soon as the weather allows.
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are any of you wearing lingerie at the moment
How many different posters is this? Is this just a bunch of same fagging?
What the fuck does that mean lmao okay dude
Yes it makes my balls itch thoughever
I am just one of those, I am the one who mentioned summer dresses originally, the rest seem to be two others.
I am >>77962968 only. No idea who the other cuckolds are.
>I am >>77962968 # only.
Sup, EM
How did you know it was me, Em?
I need to support her financially.
Every cuckpost is EM, simple as.
Every time she tells how poor she and her entire family is makes it more curious why she's keeping the baby from a father who isn't going to be that much around.
someone send her some ground beef goddammit
>Sup, EM
Is this Salutations poster? What's with the sudden obsession with EM?
Maybe she's just a dumb zoomer?
What's with the sudden obsession with Salutations poster? Is this EM?
Imagine wasting your time on something as stupid as this
Jesus fucking christ
Seethe, em.
I want to marry her so badly
It's pretty annoying to deal with.
Just making sure I'm dealing with the right person. I'm not sure if you are salutations poster or the guy who likes to debate fag all day and believes it's not possible for anyone to recognize him. I'd guess it's one of those posters but I could be wrong. Or maybe it's the stalker who "enjoys trolling" me.
What are the chances OP1 is good looking? How would you rate her?
"resteraunts", bros...
such a farm girl
I would love to be her cuck hubby
It's just crazy to me how you have all these little cartoon characters in your head and whenever you read people's posts, you're imagining them being written by your characters.
Holy shit all you guys are so fucking cringe and gay
i want tomo to fart all over this thread
Just a couple of cucks trying to derail the thread, come back later
>It's just crazy to me how you have all these little cartoon characters
Why do you care and why do you bother responding to me?
You remind me of a Polish girl

Goddamn are you far fucking gone
I would enjoy that scent and flavor
Do you not know how 4chan works bud?
My Aunt is very sick with stage 4 cancer and you know what her husband is doing tonight for the umpteenth time in a row? At the bar. Also yesterday when she was running on no sleep because of chest pain and anxiety and her dogs he screamed at her about the dishes. This is a 72 year old man that she nursed through 2 strokes and a heart attack but he doesn't give a flying shit about her
Why should I get married again? Honestly barely see the utility of a bf they are just bossy and insecure and take up so much fucking time the sex is nice but honestly I think a harem of fwbs is best
What ever happened to the one fag who was always spamming porn?
Your Aunt could have settled for a nice kind and caring incel but instead she chose chad and now she pays the price.
Some people are just shitty. Happens to both genders.
>see women are bad too because.. uh.. messy house
They are both clearly slobs motherfucker has his nasty plates stacked on the arm of the chair. Bet he smells
>gay erp in the main thread

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That's just one example, but I guess you can't be reasoned with right now, you just want to vent.
Okay, but why didn't you post that on biofem?
A what?
Friends with benefits she means
Why aren't women more racist? They should be.
Some are, but I guess misandry is more popular, lol.
Why is routerkun throwing a sissy fit in the main thread today?
I dunno, we didn't send him.
>we didn't send him
He started these threads and the biomasc threads. He's the leader here.
Wrong. I started these threads.
d-dont forget about scara's figurines, please desu nee~
Whomst r you?
Which one is he?

Oh nevermind
I completely forgot about her lol. Spent my last dollar on another girl.
I am simply... anonymous.
Is this some kind of advertising or begging?
>another girl.
If I told you it would expose my identity.
This is the second time I post on a biofem and get told it's the wrong one or this or that
I have a fucking life I don't sit on my computer all day unlike you discord cult losers. I have a bf, a house, responsibilities. I see a biofem discussion on the page I'll post in it I'm not playing 20 questions trying to find out if it's the real one or this or that I'm sick of your bellyaching which is mostly cuz you don't like the shit I have to say because you have a reddit soul
Not our problem you're tarded, lol
>I'm not playing 20 questions trying to find out if it's the real one or this or that

>Not to be confused with /Biofem/ General
Nta but on throne or elsewhere
go here. yw
So you have all that, and can't read? Yikes
Nice trips karl
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I ship router-kun and OP1
Trying to fish for hints? I won't spill.
He's always throwing a hissy fit. Guy should euthanized just to give his mother peace so she doesn't have to Baker Act him every week.
The throne gifter lists are all private now so it doesnt matter
I was curious if you pay some other way dont even matter who or how
But if you think that is too much np
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Aka Blaine. Hiw do we know? Mentioned one time the lack of racebait threads, then had a meltdown sayimg he isn't Blaine while making new racebait threads that are Blaine's signature.
I always thought that was an alias not his real name since I had no clue who that is
Stupid name.
Router kun is probably not that guy. Router kun is the guy who is always posting the mating press images and videos.
Heh, sorry. But it is absolutely vital that I keep my identity from falling into the wrong hands. Only the most trusted biofems from the inner circle know it. I have many enemies here...
And what do you know? A minute I post it, a new Blaine signature racebait thread appears. But he definitely is not Blaime, guys!
Damn, the lore gets deeper and deeper
oh, you're that blaine-obsessedfag
It is. Every time router-kun disappears, so do Blaine-type spam threads. It has happened multiple times in the oast several months. Don't act dumb. Once ir twice you can maybe chalk to coincidence. After that: no.
>my identity
I did not ask for that you larper
My question was a simple yes no one
>that blaine-obsessedfag
in context of biofem thatd be op1
i dont think that poster you quoted is her tho
Op1 is routerfagg, also EM. That has been established beyond all doubt.
Forget that shit.
Just blame on Blaine.
Ok I have to know.

Is router kun also behind these posts
or the ones linked? I've narrowed down some identities that all seem to be from the same guy but I don't want to get anyone else in the crossfire.
>I've narrowed down some identities that all seem to be from the same guy
Oh honey, if only you knew how wrong you are. Two of those posts are mine.
>high O
>low C
>low E
>high A
>high N
That's about right
I'm none of your quotes, but quoted in one of them
If that is any help
I heard of a salutations person for the first time today is that from lther r9k threads?
Are you the debate fag or router kun?
No, anon. I'm afraid you are going to have to realize that more people use this website than the ones you (think you) know about.
He's both. The way he denied it is typical of routerfag. He's usually good for a few posts but usually gives himself away.
Nta every time I read something like this I cant help but think its op1 kek
Rent free of rent free you could say
Sure, I'll do my part, why chokers tho?
It's not better. You know it, I know it but I'm too jaded today to elaborate
Be happy yoy live in the times you can outright reject all the dross instead of having to marry some deadbeat but let's not pretend a long term fruitful relationship is the best we can aspire to
I love to see chokers snap when a girl deepthroats a chad.
All the good girls wear them
What's the equivalent of a summer dress for guys? I only know I want all guys to wear suits, the two ppl earlier weren't me
I just love summer dresses because a muscular stud could walk up to you, slap your ass, lift your dress up and start pounding you right on the spot and I would be unable to stop him. I would just watch in fear as he gives you deep orgasmic pleasures that I would never be able to make you feel in a million years.
BRO FUCK OFF WITH THE KEK FANTASIES. I hope NO anon ever shares one with me, yikes dude
Understandable, microdickposter
H-how did you know it was me?

weird, i did not type kek originally
Newfag spotted. It filters it if you type it in caps.
its ok op1
at least you have a satanic get
You could tell by the unironic usage of yikes
I ship you and the knife's end, now kiss.

"satanic get" the heck does that mean?
Wow you really are new
>uses amber heard as an example
lmao you have an IQ of 6 you stupid ape nigger
born sexy yesterday
Because when you boil statistics down past race it's men who cause the issues. Mainly Jewish men but white men support the jewish patriarchy.
Why is that a bad example? Is she secretly not a woman?
She slapped a guy for raping her you retard.
The lock of hair he tore out of her head and her bald spot was held as evidence but you stupid niggers still believe that 80 year old nasty pig is the victim.
we moids wuz the real oppressed sex. shieeet.
Huh? All the moids here are psychotic.
>Everyone who gets a 666 is OP1
Be fucking for real.
>Noooo not my heckin niggerinos, it's le jooz!!
Just die.
But if you look into even more statistics you realize white, asian and even some hispanic men are actually productive and useful to society and make your life better and easier whereas blacks do the opposite
Based moid destroyer bringing the real statistics.
Sounds made up. She probably just regretted it later
Stupid fag, niggers do what all men do, I don't care if they do more of it. Those retards get thrown in jail but the kikes who made porn, prostitution and normalized paedophilia will not go to jail.
fuck you kike cocksucker.
thanks bae I'll raise the female on male rape rate in your honour
Femanons be like " at least he can make me cum unless you "

UNFFF I love it
Yeah she definitely did fucking regret it. I regret seeing that ugly motherfucker without makeup and that's only in edited pictures, good lord I pray for that poor woman to see him irl.
Kek you too?
>I don't care about the real rates of rape and violence committed against women by one demographic, I care about the schizo shit I read on /pol/
Lol... lmao.
>I'll raise the female on male rape rate
You aren't female.
>niggerbrain reply
>assumes I'm a moid because I am intellectually superior to his retarded ass
Like I said you fucking illiterate tard, niggers get punished. The evil that is legalised and normalized goes unpunished.
Males are subhuman.
>It's okay that niggers rape, kill, and abuse women because they go to jail sometimes
I wish you were a woman because I get turned on by women who look down on me and treat me as inferior
where did I say any of this, scrote?
Do you have to lie to win an argument, rabbi? Very insecure.
based but for your own sake, kys
How do I meet women who talk like this
>where did I say any of this, scrote?
You were making an argument for why women aren't racist, this means you are able to dismiss the racial discrepancy in violent crime statistics for one reason or another. If that ISN'T the argument you were making then there was no reason for you to respond to that initial post. So much for muh literacy.
You aren't a female and you're probably a brownoid mutt yourself like all /pol/fags, that's why you're so desperate to shift the blame onto another demographic.
Throwing the word scrote and moid into every other sentence doesn't make your larp any more convincing.
>Throwing the word scrote and moid into every other sentence doesn't make your larp any more convincing.
But it does make it more arousing.
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Haha funny sex I'm so horny lol le boner cumming and shidding xD
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Why are there so many debate niggers in here?
Are you all retarded or something
Anyone who posts under this line is demented
>Why are there so many debate niggers in here
I think it's mostly one guy. The guy that larps as Adachi.
Why is there a ghost child there?
Why did you delete the shitty sideways drawing?
Because it's tied to my socials, retard.
>I just remember my friend playing the first fable on their Xbox way back when I was a child and remember it being cool
Never played fable back when it was popular, only played a little of 3 with a friend
>That is usually how a team game operates yeah
I just mean if zero people can get kills usually, most other supports are better in 99% of situations (granted the only time I played support in comp was moth meta)
>I completely forgot I had a BG3 run I continue two days ago
Lol well have fun then
because it was side ways
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Why did you respond to him pretending to be me but not even give a troll like answer
Fucking retard ugly drawing.
I ship you with a rope.
Why are these trannies so rent free in all of your heads?
In English, senor?
I don't believe that poster was commie-kun but here you go:
I thought debatefagging was only disallowed in /bfg/. What's the point of this thread if people are going to play janny in here too?
>What's the point of this thread
I honestly have no idea, I just follow along because it kinda succeded on decreasing the spam a little bit.
>I don't believe that poster was commie-kun but here you go
It's him. There's another post he made that's earlier than this where he's bragging about making friends with incels. One where he brags about being great at chess and being a scout leader and his love of communism.

How did you find this? Seems like it would have taken forever to dig through the archives.
I don't remember those posts, just dozens of other posts shilling commie shit in the early threads.
>How did you find this? Seems like it would have taken forever to dig through the archives
Because I was there when it happened lol.. and I remembered it was the perfume edition since that theme is what prompted him to confess.
I found him larping in another thread that day too and called him out. It was in a "fembot datamine" thread where he was larping as an 18 year old girl.
Can you find anything about him shilling commie shit?
Wow what a lovely couple.
The horns really suit OP1
Which biofem is the most likely to be a nazi?
None? Eww.
Someone said the femdom thread on soc has been used for findom yet I see several people saying it's off limits to them, are they all poorfags? Why even attempt my shot there if they're all poor lmfao I was going to even timestamp my tits or ass but it's not even worth my time, I'm not even sure I qualify as a dom to begin with I'm just a massive fucking brat, explain moids
You ever walk into a room and forget what you were doing?
I don't want to trawl through all of the old threads for every instance of it. Here is one I remembered:
Why are you wasting your time there when I'm right here?
Most people are indeed poorfags, not much else to explain.
Maybe when there's a proper femdom thread and not that gentle femdom crap you can shoot your shot, idk.
No offense to the guys who like that stuff but gentle femdom really gives me a lot of second hand embarrassment
The thing is, I'm more of a mommydom to begin with, like imagine a bratty but mothering figure, I'm going to laugh and poke your buttons for a bit but I want you to feel loved and happy like a little kid with a lollipop after the doctor, no harm no foul I'm not really one of those pure "fuck off pay me" bitches, I'm a little too sweet for that but still a tease, I don't get along with too many other dommes honestly, with or without fin, I feel like they're really trying to abuse subs for the sake of it and I wasn't ever into that, I come off mean but I can't keep up that facade for long, maybe that's my error
It's like part of it is being a beggar manchild and the other part is being so pornsick they think femdom only means the hardcore parts.
I hate it too.
So when do we start?
aww your a sweet person after all

Mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy momymy
Gonna be blunt with you, half of the world spouts this crap.
You're better off stating what you're truly into in terms of kinks/actions instead of painting those vague scenarios that sound like engagement farming.
Hope you find someone that clicks with you though, whether here or on soc or anywhere. If you feel you don't "qualify as a dom" I wonder if you should give it a small shot with no fin first just to get some of the vibes that appeal to you, maybe you can sell it as getting spoiled or something of the sort.
You're* I can be mommy but do I have to be your English teacher too? Dummy
That's more like it. Post disc NEOW!
This is good advice, I have to think on it and really set up what I like, I'm not totally inexperienced but I tend to lose my focus easily and feel like I have to explain myself for no reason
Why do men come here? What kinda weird cuck shit leads to this? These women don't even like you let alone want to go out with you, stop deluding yourself and wasting your time.
We are just observing them
>We are just observing them
Less retarded, but even then, why waste your time doing that?
Nope, I only do proton kys
Again idk if I have all what I want in place but I'll talk to you and humor stuff, it doesn't hurt anyways, be kind that's the only rule mutually
Why is this guy allowed to have a femdom
Cause he's willing to pay for that lifestyle? Duh. It makes things easier and more straightforward that way
All of the known biofems have verified each other except 1.
And which one of them would that be?
Kek they are really mad about this
Are you talking about in the thread or in biofem or whatever?
In those posts I linked
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Yeah I made the thread, they didn't seem to care too much, if they did it would be talked about in this thread and the normal one
Oh you were the angry one then?
The angry one? I just found it odd that there was so much cuck shit in it at the time, it's the first biofem whatever the fuck server ive seen anyways.
Oh you're the server guy
Yeah lmao, I made the original thread
>Yeah lmao, I made the original thread
You didn't make shit, faggot.
Why get mad about it?
Where do you go when you're not that much of a Dom but you're 100% sadist?
can we all agree that this should be the last bfd thread
I could go either way
To my house so you can step on my cock and balls
No. Since this was created, the biofem thread has become a lot better.
>Since this was created, the biofem thread has become a lot better.
More reason to make it a last thread, lol
Nah, go to /b/ if you want to be a teenager and shit things up.
To the same fetish places looking for whoever masochist can enjoy your sadist urges.
That's not uncommon, it just requires a lot of care and technique so you need to learn to do all that shit.
Not common enough, let me beat you.
You're gross I'll go for your face only
>shitting up the thread that shits up r9k
There's some poetic justice in that
This is desperate and sad.
Who do you think that poster is? A nona? A simp?
I think I know which nona
Nah I'm a wuss, some slaps and I'm done for. Or at least that's what I think but things would have to go slowww
It's a spammer that keeps saying he will bomb thrones and never buys anything. A thronefagging baiter basically
What in the fuck is throne culture
this is correct
something a baiting troll would say
>something a baiting troll would say
Like me or the retard who brought it up?
>throne culture
is bait.
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The Morning Visitor
how many of the tripfems could you take on in a fight at once?
Women aren't racist because media doesn't shed light on black on white violence. I was saying that being racist doesn't matter because crime is a mans world and it's normal to say TND but if I bring up the fact Jews created the nuclear family, that white men defend *systemic* abuse against women, I will be ignored when that is objectively worse than random cases of rape.
I'd rather a small amount of people be treated like shit than the entire sex be treated like shit, including that minority of people.
ask hard R nona she should know according to name
she must hate all blacks
god she's so cool
Had to look up who that is
>op1 trip
What a shame thought she was better an that
Women aren't racist because it's socially unacceptable and you are sheep.
i don't have a bf, but i'm already mentally taken by my crush, and we've been talking a bit more recently so that's a good sign
Don't be retarded. If I was abiding by social norms I wouldn't be saying that the nuclear family is abnormal to begin with.
It's also unacceptable on all sides and is thought of as masculine to rightwingers. Just look at Pearl (and ignore her hypocritical sex life that revolves around nigger cock) she isn't exactly a tradwife despite her politics.
She does act very masculine.
Don't try to impersonate me and answer for me or I'll put my trip back on.
I don't know what you're talking about bbg
Can you say you hate niggers with your trip on pls pls pls
Hi boring what brought you to this thread?
"Me" scaryeyes said to the anon poster
Must be nice having crushes still
>No, I love niggers, I love all my niggers. I pity my niggers for being manipulated by Jews. My nigger buddys have IQs lower than that of a gorilla, I don't blame my nigger friends.
>Greet niggers, befriend niggers.
this is just pathetic now somebody is having another hysteric meltdown
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so its only funny when a moid is racist/misogynistic? It was a joke idiot.
I agree with the other nona its not about race its about gender.
Weird falseflagg moid.
Why does op1 do the double G's? Is she subliminally signaling her breast size?
>I agree with the other nona its not about race its about gender.
You need both males and females to reproduce. Races do not need each other to reproduce. You sound like a fucking idiot
Nuh uh I need lab babies to be a thing so I can solve the XY cancerous mutation.
Op1, mum told me about you and her... Not sure how to feel
>Nuh uh
Well, you don't have it yet. So cope
what IS funny is how defensive you are about it
what makes you think you get a free pass
if you had a throne id donate just to read your sorry excuses that you call jokes
or are you black urself and have the n word pass kek

dont give out details like that it makes her harder to identify
keep them to urself when you notice
You can't get rid of all men but you can filter certain races out of your countries, neighborhoods, and bedrooms easily. It's pointless to focus on "all men bad".
Dude this tranny retard is fucking stupid but goddamn is it funny. I feel like he's having shadow the hedgehog rants while these girls are just like "icky kys"
guys is it just me or does Op1 hate us :(
Only if you're a darkie
Who is even stupid enough to answer his retarded question desu.
Blaine hates everyone
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Shit, I wanted to be there when she tells you but I suppose it was irremediable, yes your mom and I love each other very fondly.
Nuh uh.
Data-mining and guilt tripping?
EM please.
Nuh uh 2.
Ok this one is funny.
I think its himself samefagging.
>EM please
That isn't even me. You keep mistaking other people for me and then when I try to clear it up. Someone or you shits things up and then it makes it easier for others to both recognize us and pretend to be us easier. It's really annoying to deal with because there's no winning position to take.
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That mentally ill faggot is camping my general.
Then stop saying I'm other posters?
how big are your tits, OP1?
>Then stop saying I'm other posters?
Okay, Blaine
>n word pass
why would she need the nigger pass to say the nigger word?
>The Morning Visitor
Ah, the memes.
>Data-mining and guilt tripping?
>EM please.
boogeyman throwing and deflecting instead of standing up for it ?
onto you

get with the memes
There's nothing more cringe than some redditor coming to 4chan to pretend censor-culture is a thing here too
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>Ah, the memes.
Why do you keep trying to start shit?
I would let her stay in bed all day and bring her food when she is hungry
Yep, you can't be perfect, but you can always be better
samefagging bitch
She is not samefagging
>something is wrong heeeereeeee
>crime is a mans world
if your gender cannot be punished for wrongdoing, you are not my equal
simple as
What does this image mean ? Kamen America?
The fuck is that slop?
Who hugged her
That's Flo-chan
No I mean really who was that
Okay, you just post random things now
No one, stop being such an insecure cuckold
You can't samefag if you're tripfagging. Samefagging is not making two posts in a row, is taking advantage of being an anon to "agree" with yourself like a retard.
You are a fucking retard. Can you even read?
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The Warrior Set is the best here. Plain, simple, not overly designed.
bfd was a mistake
>I wanted to be there when she tells you but I suppose it was irremediable
Maybe Id laugh if I knew what this sentence meant.
That looks so good, pure art
It's a gayass sketch
You are gayass retard
I'm not gay, just not a simpcuck like you
You gay simp cuck
>gay ass sketch idk
It is indeed a gay ass sketch.
Need a new thread soon
mommy OP1, please new bake
>page 4
Too early
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>chuds and roasties say almost the same shit and are indistinguishable from each other
You linked 3 chuds there I'm afraid.
The difference is chuds are only traumatized because a woman said "no" to him, whereas she has been traumatized by constant pestering and sexual harassment.
Women would not be pestered or harassed if they stopped saying no
Not necessarily
She already replied there
>because a woman said "no" to him
Disingenuous simplification of how painful loneliness is
Honestly based. Normies who can get girls deserve to have their lives destroyed
Yeah, she tried
Anyway, made the thread myself
nice trips, It means she's ESL

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