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Glasgow Cathedral edition
Too bloody muggy. You spend months waiting for the cold weather to fuck right off and as soon as it fucks off you want it back again. The life of the Anglo.
Pretty nice here now. Just opened up all the doors and windows as well. Bit of a breeze.

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He get that PS5 Pro in October. Get in.
Wouldn't care but he refuses to even play the bugger. It's just to wind up RiffTard and ExposedNonce.
It about the status of owning one. Remember when he had a switch too and only turned it on once.
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chika is team autumn
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Give his car back. Now!
lol what the fuck is that fat blob doing
He got mental elf problems because of the twolls. It not rite.
Making himself look as unhinged as possible so they continue to give him NEETbuxx. It's a common tactic for life long scroungers where they threaten self-harm but will never actually do it if you called their bluff.
that knife is bouncin off his tummy like jelly
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>tfw no retard gf
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>tfw no down syndrome gf
I am in fact pretty much team
>I want [new season]
Then as soon as it arrives I want the next one. I need cold outside, warm inside. So winter is ultimately best.
Ugly mong.

Mad to think that SSM is too thick to play a modern video game.
>tfw shop woman said i smell nice
>tfw shop woman said i smell like bussy
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I dont want no ww3.....it's not right.
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The system will collapse shortly after fren, worry not.
He need that full PIP.
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Just wanted to get comfy byt they're trying 2 destroy the world. I need nuclear bunker like the brown guy in Utopia
>Mad to think that SSM is too thick to play a modern video game.

If you didn't grow up playing games modern games can be overwhelming. I remember when I tried to get my mum to play halo 3 with me back on xbox 360. She had never gamed in her life. She couldn't even walk properly, kept endlessly walking into walls. Forget about basic shooting or playing the campaign on easiest, even that was out of the question.
Finally got around to getting Helldivers 2. Played it a bit so far, liking it me. Not bad at all. Keep running out of ammo though. Do the better guns you unlock later have more ammo?
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>worry not
Gonna keep worrying personally
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desu current gen games feel like you've got 500 tabs open in internet explorer
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video evidence of him harming himself because someone on youtube reuploaded a video of him being drunk, probably
real reason is that hes doing it so dwp think hes mental and let him keep his bennies without harassing him to find a job
pure survival basically, like those ukranian men who ask their mate to take a bat to their arm so they can avoid being drafted
america is a paper and the west doesnt have the human stock to fight in a war for any real length of time. also where are we going to get all the steel and drones etc, China? the west isnt built for a long protracted war believe it or not
When was the last time you had a proper good wank? I dont just mean a get it over with wank but one where you really needed it and are like "PHEW" after
Fallout vault probly bad place to be socially anxious
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lemon cake for me my leeeeeeeeeeed
and its lush
so get in there
dunno, refunded it after an hour, very generic low effort game imo.
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really sick of being a weak, ugly, flabby man. i want to be able to run fast.
If only you could do something about that
i have shit genetics.
I'm trying! It's just slow and I am lazy
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You can get strong, bros. It doesn't even take that long. Go on a run every other day, run the same distance, and look at your times. You will get better. Let's never give up bros.
but it still wont get me a gf.
>keep running out of ammo
You realise there's a resupply strategem right?
Sucks that SSM is slowly going disabled. I need to tell you, and I wanna tell you, that it's just not right. Hopefully he gets a bungalow in Swanage
Inside Laura's quinny
Give me 1 hour with a fit girls laundry hamper and my cock will be red raw for weeks
I know, but I notice it's shared so if someone else uses it, I can't call it in myself.
Should I quit simping lads? whenever I send to my princess (been at it for 2 years now), she just goes away until she wants money again. Gets me down sometimes desu.
>The negative ions in sea air can help balance serotonin levels, leading to improved mood and reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety.
He needs a move to Swanage for medical reasons. The NHS should fund it desu
Don't fall for this bait, he wants shaming because he gets off on it.
No one cares about this irrelevant who, and get a better AI voice, it sounds retarded
east meets west thick cunt edition
Why have our women abandoned us, feIIow whitebois?
Why tf would I get off on /britfeel/ users taking the piss out of me? hot girls yes, but neckbeards online? no way.
Fuck off boring cunt.
Because black men have bigger penises than white men.
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that lemon cake were lush but i think av put on a few pounds from it
anyway am off bed. hope are Mark is sleeping nice and sound so he has a lot of energy to post multiple vids tomorra
nanigh you lot
bvsed post and poster
coomers get the rope
Ooh I'm so scared...
I'm literally talking about stopping all this shit and you're still saying this tragic, repetitive bullshit.
Then stop you daft fucking cunt instead of boring us with your dull fetish.
Any decent book recommendations, lads? I like Horror, Fantasy and Westerns.
The scary wizard cowboy
It time for a little bit of Late Night Seaside Sim isn't it? We all craving for an update in life.
So he had a bit of a tumultuous winter. He get rejected for kisses from lots of simettes who can't get over his fishy shitty smell. He can find one eventually with PlentyofSims on his phone.
He so glad weather picking up soon, it been cold and horrible for almost two weeks and he sick of it especially as outdoors loving sim.
Fuck sake, lad. Fuck SAKE!
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His SeasideBLOG blowing up. He so close to five star blog and life dream. He convert thousands to that SeasideLIFE.
Dark Tower series?
correct. It'll increase your odds but it's not getting you a gf. your odds will go from 0% to not 0%. Doesn't mean it's good odds lol. Just one of the first step.
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Book of the new sun
The black company
I was thinking the same thing, of course I've already read it. Huge Stephen King pleb, me. I do think he's a good writer, however. On Writing is a good inside and I like that he wrote a lot of his old stuff high as a kite.
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He order extra large wizza for himself and delivery man ask if he having a party for several sims with the size of that wizza he just dropped off.
Seaside confidence destroyed again for the second fucking time in Year 3. He just want to have wizza for tea next few days is that so wrong to ask? Why must he be criticised by lesser sims because he wants an XL Wepperoni?
Book of the New Sun sounds good, thanks laddy. I knew I could count on a fellow Souls enthusiast.
Mate what lifespan have you got on? Are Mark should be old man or dead by now.
How would you rate your life out of 10?

I'd rate mine probably a -10 out of 10
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SeasideSIM got two years left of adulthood. I set him to get extra days because he spawned without any previous life stages so as to give him a fair chance. He just started on his third year which gives him till the 5th before he progresses into a SeasidePENSIONER.
Are Mark better get sprog to share wizza with. Maybe he adopt? Could be new chapter. It lush.
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He seriously considering it this year if he hasn't planted sproggington in local Simette by Spring. It will most likely be his new chapter but he prefer blood-sprog to step-sprog.
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Its all downhill after 50. Sugar clog your artery. Life is so so short man.
This photo has me howling. Is Benji still alive? Mark should teach tricks to impress ladies. Forget SeaSideOmar, Egypt lasses not nice to him.
Egypt lasses might be for you, but they're not for him
We all going to make it. It lush. Together we live in heaven. Together suck on toes of lush Asian angels. Angelic halos of foot fetish frollicking in clouds. Sun shine. It LUSH. AMEN.
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Benji 02 thriving alot better than Benji 01. SeasideSIM learn his lesson. We try not talk about what happen to Benji 02.
He got lots of tricks to impress the ladies and he oozing with charisma but once the reality of living with a man who stinks of fish and/or shit every day they soon turn tail and run. They hurt him many a time over the past two Sim Years... he try not trust women now but he desperately need a SeasideSPROG.
He not going Egypt again. They treat him bad. He got better luck with local lasses.
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He turn families against eachother if it give chance of breaking their relationship and letting the shagging be all on for guilt free! He got Level 10 Social Networking, he feel no shame sending Seaside Army to destroy relationship if he can get his leg over. They used to be husband and wife, now wife fall into Seaside's salty hands.
We Seaside Evil now.
not that bothered with the heat but the humidity and lsck of wind is mental. like i have windows open and i cant tell the difference.

so now i have windows open AND a fan running

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We have that good night with Benji 02 watching kitchen documentary film. SeasideSIM learn so much and that is kind of lush isn't it? He be heading off to bed now and when he wake up it finally Spring... it finally end to the constant rain, snow and low celsius.

wonder what shagging her is like
sims is one of those games ive never really understood why people find it fun

just dont get it

just seems like a open world role play game but with all the interesting shidd is missing and youre stuck in a house for thr entire fing

just dont grt it
Mayhaps Mark need Werewolf simette. She smell too. Match made in sim heaven.
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Because you need to have a fecund imagination to make the game work. The game itself offers no predetermined goals or main story - you have to make that up yourself and make use of all the content available to furnish that tale. It is literally playing e-dollies. You are offered a huge selection of things in which to forge your stupid little e-dolly play session and sometimes it comes out hilarious when you try to e-dolly someone like SeasideMark or Johnny Bravo or any other kind of character.
TL;DR: Imagination or gtfo.
I like to make a Vampire character and invite lasses over for dinner then trap them in my basement. Free blood, innit? Not against the law, is it?
alright ruthmongus
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Amen lad spent enough time in hell already
Lemon cake is a gentleman's dessert.

So not for you then.
shit thread so far desu
Stupid dogbot
Ok summer, you've had your fun, now fuck off
me when it's too hot
i once took a first aid course and a woman on it mentioned (maybe bragged? accomplished?) that she had her chakras realigned.

to this day i don't know what that means. do any of yous have a clue? i'm worried i could be sat here with unaligned chakras and that's the source of all my problems.
How have you made it this far in life without aligning your chakras?? Most people do this once a month, sometimes twice on particularly off-balance months.
yeah it's mad like if you only just discovered brushing your teeth. god knows how off-kilter my chakras are.
It's telling that Benji 02 is the only Sim in game not judging Mark for his smell. Doggerbrehs are a Sim's best fren.
Wake up lazy dossers!
Your work coach is waiting!
Get to your CV writing class ASAP!
fuck off lad im only just home from nightshift, clang somewhere else
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Morning morning morning all good lads.
Hope you slept well with the heat last night. It's going to be another nice day, remember to got some lollies.
Next appointmentshire in 5ish innit

The brekkie ought to be ingested in a timely manner phwaor
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helping adventurers
we all on spacker bennies here my leeeeed
no dwp dossers harass us
and it lush
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The wapu has his fan on full blast, does he not.
what if there are gaps in my CV
what if it's one big gap that spans my entire adult life
what then? check mate, workers
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i am nice to online strangers
stop playing fromshit normiecore slop
i only play granny's garden on my amiga

that fuckin red/yellow broom puzzle does my tits right in
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From arent normie tier, they do what they want. dont blame From for streamer and sloptubers being popular thanks to brain rotted zoomers treating souls games like boss rushes
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Let's go back to basics
Turn around and then we chase it
Find your demon and you face it
Life is good and can you taste it.

Feel a bit teary, but gonna smash the sh*t out of the day, lads.
>From arent normie tier

>social media are the devs
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Fucking bag of shit cunt, jewtube fucks. It clearly should start at 0:38 sec.
Could be tempted to smash the shit out of something other than the day.
Any SSM updates this morning?
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Impossible to sleep in this weather
LOL fat YouTube man XD
Is Luton really the worst town in Britain?

He having a lovely drink in the sunny garden and guess what? It's lush. Is it lush? Oh yes it's lush and I mean lush.

it's right up there with Robtown and Plundory
Is it lush? I would've never guessed it's lush. But then I watched the video and I agree, it's lush. Having 6 pints of cider at 9 in the morning and it's lush.
I think it was recorded yesterday but I agree it's 4x more lush
Steaming as a wocket
ssm drinking KEK
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corr i fancy a drink or two now. mark always does that to me. hes happy and carefree when hes having a drink. it wovely
drunk elden ring invasions sounds fun
drinking in the morning is grim af desu senpai
Very grim indeed
im a recovering alcoholic. im allowed to have lapses here and there
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Why does he hate Veli so much?
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Karen is well and truly are lass
might drink today if HHL's drinks
no this resets your streak
AA figured out 'gamification' well ahead of the curve
then they went too hard on the Jesus, not hard enough on the LSD
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SeasideSIM update. He enjoy first day of Spring with Benji. He wake up early and play tug with him to keep him entertained. He so excited to get out there with boombox and start raving once the snow melts.

Despite Benji 02 having better sense of smell he kinder to SeasideSIM than the others. Benji 02 kindest soul.
is this pic old? why is he in a moderately expensive looking setting and looking healthier? is that his sisters setup or something? wheres the mould?
come to think of it ive not had acid in ages either
Mad how his brain seems to have just stopped developing at age 16 and he's stuck in this boyhood world of Tupac and drinking.
oh its his latest video. man are Maka really had a glow up
Fingers crossed he put sproggington in a tasty lass this year
Love sprogs me i do
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oh Maka is a furry now. thats where all his recent money has come from
From are shite. They can't optimse their games for shit and treat thier PC players like dirt. Even Ubishit games run better.
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keeek on the frostys and everything
thats grim
i play online i know how shit their games can be. but you still havent explained why they're normie tier
a personal computer is for doing personal computing not playing games for babies
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It his aim this year 100%. He got to make a sproggington or get a lass to move in with him or he dies and his genetic SIM line is ended. Luckily, he get plenty of time and he getting new pub style garden put on his property soon.
That wasn't me who said they were normie tier. I'm saying I would never waste my time on games were the devs are so lazy and utter shit.
Heard Ruthmong got some fresh kicks.

Look what they did to poor lad lollers. Made him dance around and call himself a nonce, it not right.
okay then what did that have to do with the price of fish in china?
From are shite and you got to braindead to play their games. Simple as.
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He tell her how bad it is with arthritis and TMAU. She understand... she grow to love SeasideSIM despite his hidden disability; she see it and how it affect him like nobody did before. He lived so many years with out any love at all. He suffered so much with TMAU and arthritis and now he can finally bare his soul.
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She taste the fish and shit on his lips but she not care, the fire of their love far greater than any hidden disability.
Year 3 coming on so fucking strong. SeasideSIM got FIT ALANA in his mitts, there sprogs on the horizon if things keep going as well as they are.
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They play fighting with pillows. Seaside never felt such feelings before. He never been so close. He can't believe he having pillow fight with fit sim.
hes asleep rn
Asleep with his fresh kicks on. He loves them.
He try cook a French lunch with 4x more garlic and cooked a little longer a la the Seaside Technique to treat his fit prospective sprog candidate. He feel the Creampie King calling.
SSM would never have a sprog though. He free bird.
did anon ever get his shoes back from the cobbler?
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Tempted to have another 3 hour gooning sesh desu desu
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They both outdoors loving sims, they both slob sims, they in their element enjoying nice meal in the slowly waring spring.

If there no sprog there no Seaside Scion and then no Seaside Succession. He need at least one in next two years who the line dies with him. Imagine if he spent all his years just dancing and eating trekkie brekkies and feeding his blog without progeny to continue that monotony?!
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Corr he whisper some dirty nothings in Alanas ear, he threaten her with a pounding from the Creampie KING. It hard for her to resist when presented with such SeasideMasculinity. He ask her to stay the night and it impossible for her to say no.
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And we don't care about the young folks
Talking 'bout the young style
And we don't care about the old folks
Talking 'bout the old style too
And we don't care about their own faults
Talking 'bout our own style
All we care 'bout is talking
Talking only me and you
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Corr he love a cherry cobbler. He get to know Alana better before giving her a Sprog he a gentleman, he respectful.

>This video has been removed by the uploader
he's getting real fast at this isnt he
he delete his uploaf lightning fast. Riff raff mihgt not have even gotten to this one
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It coming on so right for SeasideSIM. FIT Alana get on bed with are Mark. He been so lonely, he need touch of a fit woman. He to go for that classic Seaside Creampie Oh it's LUSH and that's a WOW.

nothingburger him showing 300 quid in notes sat in cafe drinking ice coffee
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It's wow and I mean WOW oh lovely, Every day we above ground is a great day oh WOW and i t's lush.
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What a nice experience. This is lush and I mean LUSH!
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Night end in a Seaside Sexfest. He finally get his leg over, he finally achieve his dream of shagging fit Dorset lass. Sproggingtons are only imminent at this point if he keep going with all the other fit dorset lasses he can text with his level ten social networking skill. He a big deal on the internet.
ive been looking at this fucking site on and off for 8 years and its always filled with bame names
dire situation we've been plunged into
im enjoying these SimsideMARK posts tbqh
so he might have actually sold it then instead of just pretending like he does with the ps5
cken ell Mark
YES lad finally the Creampie King strikes lucky
for me it's the property tribunal hearings

good laugh that
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it just a wee personal project and im easily filtered,

Corr she got treated like garbage (and liked it) by SeasideSIM who is thinking about Alana.
Lads... I'd really appreciate it if any of you lovely chaps are selling a sealed DVD on eBay, please put it in the description that the disc is loose inside. I've had a few such arrivals the past week but luckily the discs have not been too bad.
I snagged Holiday (1938) on DVD sealed for three quid. The other option is forking out 18 quid for the Criterion Blu-ray. I'm sure it's a better transfer but you got to think smart!
If you turn the sound off marks video on swanage is 7/10

She love the smell of rubbish. It match made in heaven. Creampie King and Rubbish Queen. It LUSH.
might get a 4 pack
and why not eh?
lifes for livin
no theyre funny and i enjoying looking at them. i hope you are having fun with it!
that part of the country is beautiful. my bf is from there. id visit Mark if it wasnt my current thyroid issues s m h
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SeasideSIM Signing off I have things to do but lets have a conclusion post for the session.
She feel safe in the miasma of his fishy/shitty stench. She only one who understand, she a rare female Slob/Shameless Sim who get on well with stinky people. She feel at home with Seaside and it a rare thing as he had over half a dozen other sims cruelly reject him. Seaside dreaming of cooking up his next 4x longer treat for his bird.
Game increasingly hilarious. This is lush, this is lush guys and I mean WOW!
Poleys dirty pantaloons
people take care of themselves doing the correct thing their entire lives, toil for decades, marriage, kids, etc.

just to lose everything in their 80's to a smelly indian in a scam call centre
here you go pal
the .pdfs always read like legal melodramas. on Flat 12 Prichard Close now.
>It was not a mistake. Indeed, to suggest it was a mistake was fanciful.
cracking bit of prose, that.

work and toil your whole life just to have a stinky immigrant who hasn't worked a day in their lives pitch a tent in your front garden lol
popping to the shop for some white monster energy. We love a good sip session don't we lads?
i think we've all been there
I keep telling my parents (now in their late 60s) to call me first if they ever get a call or visit from someone saying they urgently need to fix their pc, or have their drive cleaned etc. Don't want no grubby pajeet or gyppo to have my inheritance.
Another day getting raped by UV light. I can stand maybe 10 minutes in the light before the sun allergy kicks in and I go all red and itchy and irritable
How do old people fall for scams so easily? Are they retarded? No excuse IMO if they don't have dementia.
are your parents storing your inheritance in a bitcoin wallet anon
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>I reckon I deserve 5 million subscribers
there's the theory that scams are written stupidly on purpose, to catch stupid people who fall for them.
this is to cover up the REAL truth that there are Smart Scams and us cleverboxes have fallen for them, we've just yet to realise. it's like a good magician who knows exactly how to distract you.
read a few cunty landlords trying to increase way too high compared to inflation already s m h
that car and fake grass? i think i know what her politics are and all i can say is she deserve a little slice of bame happiness in her life
Smart Scams such as giving away your data and/or information online. All it takes is a Accept to Continue button and a bunch of text nobody wants to read, and you're free to yoink personal information that people are willingly giving you
yeah even the ones where you think 'all right this was a smackhead who didn't pay rent' (reading between the lines/making stuff up for fun) you end up hearing the landlord had six properties and didn't know what a 'dwelling' was and lose all sympathy.
think of all the organisations we've given our data to who had some 'these Terms of Service can change in the future' clause, then they have. or there's been some kind of data breach. cor.
Lots of dirty scammers on eBay selling DVDs. They will feel my wrath.
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He don't need a GoPro
My daughter asked for a tablet.
Should I get her an iPad or an Android device?
Any specific device recommendations?
i buy DVDs from Music Magpie shrink wrap them in cling film using a hair dryer then sell them on eBay for a profit.
Yeah this seems like something I would find here. This thread has a type of vibe of humor I guess that comes out. It's unique is what I'm saying, and that happened because a community formed and this created in jokes that developed over time to become something worth watching. Overall, I don't appreciate it. I'm not grateful. I demand my basic needs are met. I'm not interested in reading your little ant farms you have around the web where you're growing an ethos in front of me like I don't notice your ads on 4chan depicting snakes and apples
she wants zopiclone you absolute dad
Jokes on you lad there's almost no profit to be made. Most people selling DVDs on eBay are people who got them as gifts who don't want them or companies who went bust and are getting rid of all their overstock. Listen, if the disc is in decent condition I don't care either way, especially if it's a harder to find release. You can usually tell if it's some dickhead resealing because the disc is in awful condition. Give bad feedback and move on.
Who's buying DVDs in 2024?
You should drug your mom and check if she has any eggs left
DVDlad is.
You could probably buy a house instead if you weren't born from a slave caste of faggots with rotting teeth. How many cokes do you drink per hour enemally
What are you on about? Very weird and angry post, this.
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You know lads as my anxiety goes down and I get more comfortable being outside. I've realised I'm kind of confrontationa, and that it doesn't bother me so I think I enjoy doing it? I just walked home from getting a bit of shopping and saw a boomer walking an ugly fucking staffie so I got into a heated argument with him

>look at the dog
>look at him
>call it disgusting
>he turns around and starts mouthing off
>oh yeah then what is it
>whats bull stand for?

then I told him I hope it kills his fucking kids lmao. I don't even feel an inch of regret or remorse.
Always good to hear these LARP stories from shut-in NEETs. Really brightens up my day.
i sell them to myself to sell on to other scammers. it's a win-win if you know the precise point to stop.
Not the first time I've done it lad. Love confronting shitheads with these shithead dogs. They're all fucking pussies and think having a dangerous animal makes them hard.
You seem gay almost, like you're a transexual or a biwoman
i also look out my window and make up stories about people..
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Life is too short to not enjoy it
if the dog could kill kids it could kill you. you would lose to a dog. dogs can't even do maths or use tools. you're not the winner you think you are.
That's actually all sex based. So, what we Jews have done is, we don't look at women anymore. Unless we are trying to have sex with their assboles. The reason? We have a good reason to suspect, we aren't alone. Trillions of angels are watching us engaging in sexual lust that doesn't result in hardcore anal sex. That's embarassing.
Living his best life. It not right that it only in the game and not real life.
Dogs are alot smarter than you think, human
Try actually spending time with them
arms were looking massive in the reflection of car windows there. Facking hell im a sexy beast
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Don't do it lad. When we engage in the act of masturbating to pornography, we are not merely indulging in a physical pleasure. We are performing an occult ritual that opens a gateway to dark, interdimensional entities. These entities feed on the negative energy generated by our feelings of shame, guilt, and despair. They are drawn to the emotional turmoil that this act creates, and they thrive on it. Imagine, if you will, that each time you engage in this act, you are lighting a beacon that signals to these dark entities. You are inviting them into your life, giving them permission to influence your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions. They latch onto the negative energy you produce, and they grow stronger, perpetuating a cycle of addiction and emotional distress. This is not just a matter of personal weakness or moral failing. This is a spiritual battle, and we must arm ourselves with the knowledge and the will to fight it. By understanding the true nature of this act, we can begin to see the broader implications it has on our spiritual well-being. We must strive to cultivate positive energy in our lives. We must be mindful of the content we consume and the rituals we unknowingly perform. By doing so, we can protect ourselves from these dark influences and create a healthier, more fulfilling existence. Let us close the door to these negative entities and open ourselves to the light and love that is our true nature. Let us reclaim our power and our purity, and live in a way that honors our highest selves.
we all know what you mean by 'dogs' and 'Jews' fucking lizzos
DVDs are what makes a man tick.
it's because car windows are slightly curved. like looking at yourself through a fisheye lens.
nah im just wham
DOGs have four legs and ticks.
the gay one or the other one?
>bullying random dogs
Hope you grt mauled by an akita. Thx
>>77969583 you actually not a man at all, but a quintillion spanning god of the recycling depot who never asks me to take the caps off anymore, which never made sense to me too much. I assume they'd have like a better system than that. What that actually means is hilarious because, that means some asshole out there is getting paid to take the caps off. I think that sounds like he's stolen from us.
Might have a wank just to annoy that one lad
Reminder that anything remotely anti-dog that you see on this site was most likely typed out with brown hands.
It's most likely true. But, it might not be. The origin of our existence has been shrouded in mystery. Until now. I will be revealing my theories on this. This was a massive project that I dedicated over 15 hours of research to.
What is it with brownies and dogs? Why don't they like goodbois?
it's like the Van Halen remove-all-blue-skittles thing. if the real reason was it's a harder, different plastic: what about the ring below the cap? that's the same.

no, it's to check each batch of recycling to see if there any caps. a single cap and the whole lot goes to landfill.
More of a cat lad me.
Love dogs. Hate people that call them doggos and goodbois. Simple as
i am very pale and anti-dog. dogs have no value except for companionship. we have humans for that, and now we have AI. dogs should be rewilded.
Actually RETARD you fucking mutt. It's because of the liquids. No cap means empty bottles. I can't believe the IQ here.
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They didnt co-evolve w them like we did. Because they don't have souls. So they only see a threat not companion
There's no such thing, you're either a dog man or a cat woman.
Is it weird that I consider all dogs to be male and all cats to be female?
Fuck dogs. Low IQ brainlets like dogs.
Cats are literally toxic to pregnant women.
>pro-dog v anti-dog war
I'm here reading it all xD
what do you put in a barrel to make it lighter?
Alri Suresh
I am worried about this climate cataclysm giving me a bloodclot de lads.
i'm non-binary i prefer cogs tbqh
Sounds like you're insecure about your masculinity
Y u mad tho? Obviously, we've both been to university for a stem degree.
but who will be top dog?
Wats. Wogs. I oove them both.

he eat macdonalds he get 6 nuggets big mac and chips and it's so lush and it's on for freeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Alri low IQ
Dogs look so fucking stupid, I'm going to kick ones face off in hell
i have an O-level in Waste Management
and it looks like i'll have to take out the trash 8-)
Fat YouTube man eating. HOWLING XDDD
Iooks Iike racism
I forgot how many browns frequented these threads
>woooOOOooo cats are so spooky and mysterious what if their geometries had sides incomprehensible to man
I've only gone and burnt me focking bacon havent I
lad thinks he's being clever counting the browns, when it's a common English name.
in Twin Peaks the bloke asks for his bacon crisp, almost burnt
never been a fan of bacon, it's just too salty/fatty for me, but that concept makes it sound delicious
pretend you're the Twin Peaks man and you had it done like that on purpose
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I forgot how many stupid labour supporting dosser frequented these threads
It was new years eve and I got curious about how far I could fit the remote controller up my mom's ass. But my mom was out for the day grocery shopping. My poodle was however eager somebody could be. Ive been raping her asshole all day long and getting her pregnant. She's going to have a birthday cake in her food bowl after she eats her own asshole while I whack my big dick into the herpes spot on her chest, Ive been working on my pullout game on my poodles asshole.
I get the appeal of crispy bacon, but when it's black on one side it's beyond crispy. It not 4x more tasty anymore.
saars do not redeem the dog yes saar cat are better saar very good
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Seething that UK doesn't have camels
do the toast method and scrape off the burnt layer, revealing the crusty innards.
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Mad to think up to 50% of the world is infected with parasites that cause fetal deaths and birth defects but nobody cares because its cute kittens spreading it :3
Cats should be culled.
t. low iq loser who sits at home doing nothing all day likes dogs

Like clockwork.
Howard 'Pussy'Lover-craft
Lovecraft was probably a nonce like most cat fanciers desu, has that look about him
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I know what that webm is and I'm not opening it. It's open of the worst things I've ever seen on the internet
I wonder if she had a fucked up form of pica or something
i knew a lad at school whose dad was a GP and he had to routinely deal with a patient who kept eating shards of metal. needed regular surgeries to get them removed - at some point they had to give up. bloke's probably dead now.

also this means you may feature in the adolescent gossip of your doctor's kids. reassuring knowledge, that.
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Only ever owned 1 dog me countless cats. But all my cats including current one got on with dogs so why wouldn't I. U know they're not actually mortal enemies like in the cartoons wee lad
Ahahahahah seasideMARK eating a manky MacDonalds meanwhile are Mak is representing the YDC well and having some real nutrition.
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>also this means you may feature in the adolescent gossip of your doctor's kids. reassuring knowledge, that.
Always kinda had the feeling nhs staff gossip amongst themselves in some sort of group chat on whatsapp or something
It not right
at work atm cba desu senpai
Are Mak and Davie boy 333 mates again then? Out of the loop regarding the YTDC
autism cats and adhd dogs are equally based
every mental health worker/therapist i've seen relates me to some previous patient/client. i know that's effectively anonymous but that means I'M in somewhere in a chain of "there was this one lad who..."
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ssm should get another dog. would be a good companion for him
Benji is such a dog's name
there's some human walking around right now called Benji wishing he went by Ben or Benjamin, and everyone secretly thinks he's a dog
Girls love guys with dogs
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Teacher staff rooms too. ***** mum was a teacher she called weans there spastics, worse than that. The grimness of a staff room menopausal eggcels gossiping about children. School teachers are the scum of the earth.
He need Benji 02 like SimsideMark.
if i get a dog it's going to be for MYSELF
>go to change cat food
>maggots in it
I may have let my hygeine slip too far
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A lot of incels dont know that "touch starvation" is real bt your brain doesn't care if its from a gf or petting an animal. I dont feel loneliness bc 97% infp but there was a few months last year I didnt have a cat in the house nd it really felt empty then i was normal again when she was back. It has a bigger effect than ppl realise. Whereas a whole other human would be too much work.
this tbph lad
>cats don't eat maggots
i thought one of the good features of cats was how they hunt down pests? always does my tits in when they just 'play' with them though. stop slapping at that cockroach you fuzzy cunt get it in your gob.
we need HHL back here ASAP the content posted here today and yesterday is horrendous
Someone in the discord posted some convincing evidence that he's one of the posters here earlier
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5 turkish barbers on every street but deano flies to turkey itself for hair transplant
>fourth wuppa today
I'm going to be pissing out pure yorkshire gold soon de lads
its been comfy without him here desu
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Was I groomed? Met this older woman, she was 46, on FB in 2011, She got close to me, and said she loved me, She was married. She'd buy me video games, including GTA V, The most expensive edition. She flew to meet me, she lived in another part of the country to take my virginity. And then she lost interest. she kept saying how beautiful I was even before I was 16. Was she a pedo? Did she groom me? I still have her nudes from over a decade ago.
Here's a more recent pic of her.
yes you were groomed and yes she is a pedo
The issue with the maggots is that they're just chilling in my bin outside until Tuesday morning now
They'll probably find a way to wriggle out and I'll have a bigger problem
He never had a dog, Benji was his dad's dog and his dad brought him round one time while visiting
>found food in the back of the fridge nearly 2 months out of date
im about to fucking chimp out on the state of the fucking fridge lads. sick to death of my mum buying food just for me to throw it away.
He's moved to lollers discord with all the other trip posters. Just us and crosslad here now.
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I suspected as such. Oh well. I still have her nudes if I ever want to ruin her life. She had a nice pair of milkers on her.

Why don't you eat the food she gives you, anon?
Bit of protein won't hurt the fuckers.
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>He's moved to lollers discord
Fibber. I wouldn't have him.
I was just about to have a wank and that's made my dick fall off
cause I don't wanna get as fat as she was anon. I'm already chubby I don't need to bloat up to hambeast.

She goes shopping while hungry and buys an absolute fuck tonne of food, crams it into the fridge so there's no room for anything then just forgets about whats in there because the only thing she eats now is yoghurt with muesli and bags of crisps a day.
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Nigel respects hidden disability. Its the wagie chancers on sick notes that need a good kick up the arse.
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Saw a homeless fella yesterday begging on the street wearing a hoodrich bag, one of these. Is he fucking stupid? Why would you spend your money on this overpriced shit if you have to beg?
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>literally toxic to pregnant women.
any other observations, big guy?
Not really, other than it was quite hot day yesterday.
Cat owners are so superior to dog peasants its not even close
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I vote for reform party. Nobody else getting my votes.
Maybe he had the bag before he became homeless
>All job seekers and those fit to work must find employment within 4 months or accept a job after 2 offers. Otherwise, benefits are withdrawn.
rightly so
me? I'm sadly unfit for work
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I wish we could work and be normal bht it's not possible. My self esteem is in tatters
can't even have a cheeky tug to Babestation without people making lolcow videos on you now. Society.
Aren't you rather knowledgeable with computers, lad? You could get a comfy WFH IT job honestly. I don't mean like helpdesk either, a proper IT job.
if you can type, you can deliver food with your bike

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The worst part about cooking from scratch is all the chopping. Worth it in the end. Chopped some chicken, red onion, garlic, mushrooms and peppers. Chuck it all in the pan, nice and toasty. Add me chopped tomatoes, butter beans and some passata. Nice and thick sauce now for some coriander, cumin, chili flakes, cinnamon, paprika, pepper, ginger and tumeric. LUSH. Have with rice or pasta or noodles or whatever you like really. Lazy and have with chips. Either way it nice. No salt cause me high blood pressure.
People really overestimate the amount of comfy WFH jobs especially for mongs such as myself.
if you can sneed, you can feed
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On them Polish weers me. It's a lush x
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I dont even know how a job search works anymore desu. My last job 8 years ago. It over.
Not the dishes?
dire that in news innit lad? Malaria found in the UK. They're saying it's from a batch of imported Polish beers.
RIP to everyone affected
What one lad? The last Polish beer I had was a Karpackie, it was orite.
Dishes ain't so bad if you clean as you go. Do it all in one pan and it not so bad. I hate the chopping because it gives me sore wrists due to me wristlet arthritis genes.
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Sugar clog the artery causes arthritis. All the best things in life are bad for us but you've got 2 enjoy life
Gotta cut down on sugar too, lad. High cholesterol and blood pressure. Cut down on treats. It not lush but it lush to not stroke or heart attack. Not even that overweight, shit genetics innit. Know big fat fucks who have no issues.
It has genuinely never occured to me to scoop neapolitan ice cream like that
This is the type of thing I mean when I say I'm not creative
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Mm a few of my family died ffom heart problems nd they were all skinny and not elderly. From my grans 7 sprogs none made it to 70s yet there's about 3 left. So I dont expect 2 live too long bt yeah not trying to make it worse either. I don't eat junk food though so few cigs is acceptable in exchange I think
Just eat on paper plates and throw them out afterwards. Works out cheaper on the water bill alone, nevermind the man hours spent washing
Funny innit, growing up and seeing what your family defects are.
Basically everyone in my family dies of bowel cancer, so I know what's gonna get me.
20 quid for 1000 paper plates. If you could pay a maid 20 quid to wash your dishes for the year everyone would do it
I'd pay Helen 20 quid to wash my arse
I have Denby plates and just put them in the dishwasher when I'm done eating from them.
Cost to run the dishwasher probably equals out, but you don't have to put paper plates away. Out the packet, on the table, in the bin. Simple.
I do the same with cutlery if I use it. Drinks already come in bottles. I don't remember the last time I washed something up.
>be British
Anyone else like this?
I'd pay 'Ellen 20 quid to wash her arse (with my tongue)
>Denby plates
what a bizarre high society gimmick.
They're excellent quality. Denby plates. Tala cookware. Will never buy any other brands again.
>Plebs using the same plate more than once

Upgrade your life
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Would suck the sweat out of her socks for free
Any impulsive shoppers in?
Platies washing dishes getting ready for dinner right now
No one spends more than 30 pound on a frying pan you lying fucking idiot
I have a Denby mug and have to agree it is pretty good quality. But damn it's way too expensive for me. Just can't justify 100+ quid on some plates/bowls.
This is the set I got. They're on sale at various discounts a lot of the time and I think I got mine for around 210. Absolutely the best cookware I've ever used. Can highly recommend.

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What did Rishi say to her?
She can smell it.
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>Cat owners are so superior to dog peasants
you WILL get drunk and fall asleep only to wake up to the neighbours banging on your door while you slept through the fire alarm as your hob melted your precious pans
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theres no cooking today de lads

>everyone ignores initial post
>reply to it by quoting it with a dumb reaction image
Order 62 quid part from sweden, hit with 28 quid "import tax" request from UPS (it's legit)
Someones fucked up.
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>mum knows about the baileys bottle
The slop is on for freeee
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>dad found the skirts
Listen if you didn't want me to piss in bottles you shouldn't have commented on how much I went to the toilet that one night and given me anxiety over people paying attention to my bathroom usage.
Exact same thing happened to me and was the reason I started pissing in bottles too lololol
Just saw a guy in a leather jacket, mental in this kind of heat
My cookware is personally handcrafted for me. Much more expensive than anything you buy in the shops.
taking tomorrow off desu me de lads, weekend starts now for me
I spent 8.97 on these three books in Oxfam Truro
booklad vs dvdlad

choose your side
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SSM eats better than wagies.
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>just had the "you may have to (((broaden your horizons))) in the near future" talk from job centre

it's fucking over
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Labour will give you extra bennies for doing fuck all lad. Relax. Wagies will pay for it all.
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It really is mad how he enjoying little McDonalds snack of six chicken nuggets, bag of french fries and a double cheese burger in beautiful Bournemouth meanwhile most Wagies just clocking off after spending all day inside being sad, lonely, employed a depressed.
He live that Seasidedream.
wagie seethe in 5 ... 4... 3... 2... 1
get them horizons broadened you lazy little shit
HMV had a sale on their Premium Blu-ray Collection. Snagged a few I've been looking for a while, including:

>Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936)
>You Can't Take it With You (1938)
>Gaslight (1944)
>Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)
>Gypsy (1962)
>Dr. Zhivago (1965)
>Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)
>Robin and Marian (1976)

All come with art cards and posters, might frame a few of the cards as I have a lot from other sets, including a few Tales from the Crypt and the Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes films.
Interesting. What's the purpose of these books? Are they educational or gags?
>Order cheap spyphone from China
>sent as a 'novelty item' or summat
>the Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes films.
based, which is your fave?
country's been downhill ever since the Angles started fraternising with the Mercians
When we engage in the act of buying dvds, we are not merely indulging in a physical pleasure. We are performing an occult ritual that opens a gateway to dark, interdimensional entities. These entities feed on the negative energy generated by our feelings of shame, guilt, and despair. They are drawn to the emotional turmoil that this act creates, and they thrive on it. Imagine, if you will, that each time you engage in this act, you are lighting a beacon that signals to these dark entities. You are inviting them into your life, giving them permission to influence your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions. They latch onto the negative energy you produce, and they grow stronger, perpetuating a cycle of addiction and emotional distress. This is not just a matter of personal weakness or moral failing. This is a spiritual battle, and we must arm ourselves with the knowledge and the will to fight it. By understanding the true nature of this act, we can begin to see the broader implications it has on our spiritual well-being. We must strive to cultivate positive energy in our lives. We must be mindful of the content we consume and the rituals we unknowingly perform. By doing so, we can protect ourselves from these dark influences and create a healthier, more fulfilling existence. Let us close the door to these negative entities and open ourselves to the light and love that is our true nature. Let us reclaim our power and our purity, and live in a way that honors our highest selves.
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>eating slop at a train station
The 'Seaside Army' are a pathetic bunch.
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Just to fill up my bookcase with ever more languages. Corniche has to be the most obscure of the lot so I was lucky to pick that lot up in Truro
Probably the best autocorrect ever there
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>hoarding books you'll never read
Even more dumb than DVDlad
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Face it, bookchuds. This is DVDlads world.
Hard to choose mucker I enjoy them all. Best Sherlock next to the ITV one IMO. None of this Cuminhersnatch nonsense.
Basil Rathbone is Sherlock Holmes to me, but Nigel Bruce was a miss. i get what they were going for, just doesn't work when he's a buffoon.
I actually know a guy named basil, mental to name your child after a herb lol
did he know a very friendly lion named Parsley?
Please refrain from making any jokes as this is not a laughing matter.
how good is your hand writing? mine is proper wank
Just had a desire to buy a bunch of retro gaming stuff to set up in the office even though I always get bored after about 5 minutes of playing old retro games.
t. sprigless wagie
Chinese took 1 hour and 40 minutes to get here... Fucking grim.
had a go at writing and i think i've just forgotten how to do it. someone hands me a form, i'm fucked.

i got one of those fancy fake Super Nintendo USB controllers. can live my childhood dream of playing all the games on all the consoles via emulators. but i won't.
never really learnt it properly but luckily it doesnt matter nowadays
>a very friendly lion named Parsley
i love parsley the lion i love the herbs
yeah they're class aren't they
would rather live in a really cold country than a really hot desu
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>go outside
>hate it
Every time
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Corr won a massive bet on some garden Fightin' Frens. These retards will literally fight to the death for a takeaway wizza and maul one another for a slice and after spending all day locked inside doing QMEE surveys these things are pissed off and just looking to start a ruck with anything in their vicinity. You haven't lived till you've seen a victorious Apu hammer throw its rival into the next borough. They put up some of the best battles when they're borderline Seethie too.
Boggles the mind how if you cum in a glass and add some Ribena you can make your own lava lamp.
I imagine anal was out of the question with are Dame Deborah James.
Might try this. Big if true, shall bring to the car boot sale, shall I not?
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Off to the shops for some ribena
Boggles the mind how if you cum in a woman you get a sprog 9 months later
I've been meaning to play GTA Vice City on my ps2 and crt setup for like 2 months.
I've just been too freaking miserable.
Not if you cum in an arse, lad. Although I heard that's how Garbage Pail Kids are born.
The only Nintendo game that I have played in its entirety was Super Mario Bros. 3 and I still go back to it regularly.
Back in the day the mission where you rescue Lance Vance was the hardest fucking thing but I beat it first try when I last played it. Same with GTA 3, beat it in a day but thought it was really difficult when it first came out. Only mission in GTA 3 was the annoying fucking food truck mission. Had to look up a route to do it in time.
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Playing snes lion king rn
Absolutely based, lad. It's better than Super Mario World. Simple as. Have a soft sport for Super Mario Bros. 2 despite it being a Doki Doki Panic reskin. I'm a weirdo however. I like Sunshine and apparently everyone hates it.
FUCK this game. Had it as a kid and found it very difficult. The cunts made the games so hard back then so you wouldn't finish it too quick because they were so fucking expensive.
i could never finish the small soldiers game when i was a young spacker, or the hercules PS1 game aswell
Wonder if Poley's family visit him in prison
I came in a womans arse for the first time last month. It was very messy . At least I can say I've done it to my mates down the pub
Did Footmong kill himself then? Hes not been seen in weeks
Hercules PS1 game was cool, I loved A Bug's Life and Toy Story 2 as well.
Never knew Small Soldiers had a game but had the VHS and it started my lifelong obsession with Kirsten Dunst.
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>spescavers did some tests, results of a 'field test' showed I'm losing peripheral vision
>said I might have glaucoma, referred me to a specialist who'll be in contact at some point
FUCK. my grandad has it too, recently had an operation for it where they shaved a layer off his eyeballs. I'm only 27 as well, this is fucked. really hoping it's just eyedrops
What you on about? Crossladdy is always posting and he's a lush and I mean LUSH.
I played it on ms-dos in the early 00s nd it kept crashing so I was annoying my relatives every 2 mins to fix it. Was probs something pretty simple. Nice soundtrack desu. Got Crash remasters 2 try on switch later
They arent the same poster, just share similar interests
Sorry to hear that, lad. Losing your vision seems like it would suck. On the bright side you may be able to get medical cannabis.
He posted blog post today.
>shaved a layer off his eyeballs

What the fuck? What for?
>small soldiers game
Kfing hell
Memory unlocked
Phwoar. The Crash games are good and difficult at points. Good luck. You should try Crash 4 sometime. Very difficult.
thinking i get an electric bike to commute and wage, cant be fucked paying thousands for a car and id rather kms than take the bus
idk, I guess it was cataracts or something like that. I just know that's what happened and that's one of the most common cures, although obviously one that nobody wants
Go and hug your gf.

You can request a refund if it was ordered through just eat or deliveroo (done it myself many times)
One day I'm going to find an existing copy of toy story 2 put it in my ps2 and climb to the top of the tree in andy's garden because I never managed it as a kid and I'm still seething about it.
grown men pIaying video games
I always got stuck on the Construction Site level as a kid. I can't remember why. Played a lot of Toy Story Racer as well. My sister and I always played the battle mode against each other. Very womfy. Toy Story 2 is on PSN if you have a PS4 or PS5.
grown men watching other grown men kick a ball about a field
>tfw you will never play parappa the rapper or point blank ever again
grown men watching films
grown men masturbating to pornography
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It nae right they made joanna dark transgender
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Perfect Vaxxed
I'm into it. Reminds me of Malin Akerman or Olivia Wilde. Still looks feminine. Trannies are way uglier.
Lollers never fully recovered from losing that poll to footlad
I remember that level, you had to mix the paints together.
Maybe I was too retarded to know what colours to mix.
When is this meant to be out? Hopefully I'll have a new PC by then. My 2080 Super struggling with Helldivers 2. It not right.
No date, I'd say late 2025.
U see them at night w their hoods up nd it's like no face from spirited away. We're not talking a few cute indians here and there this is full on darkest africa deepest congolese somali pirate mandingos like banana farmers but its raining outside. Not being funny but jut saying
I'm literally just saying that mate because it's all I remember about it. It wasn't some veiled attack.
I can barely remember what I did the other week let alone a ps1 game from 25 years ago.
Hopefully my job will be going well and I'll have enough to get a sexy new RTX 5080 by then. No low framerates for me my liddddd.
Black as coal. Its mental
No I was calling myself retarded, lad. I remember the paint mixing too. Don't worry.
nuu threadington


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