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Biofem Discussion General
The Mojo Dojo Casa House Edition
Not to be confused with a /biofem/ general

Old: >>77953348

Discuss the happenings of /biofem/ without actually posting in /biofem/
Or just talk about women
My penis is too small to ever make a woman love me. Women feel love when their brain releases certain chemicals during orgasms, ones that can only be achieved through deep pentration. It's impossible for me.
groping OP1
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>listening to Moid-chan and her boyfriend have baby-making sex outside her bunker door
>It's impossible for me.
With that sorry attitude, yeah.
While it's possible for lesbians who don't even have cocks.
Just use a dildo.
Lesbian relationships tend to end pretty badly for the reasons I described. A woman's body reacts differently to real flesh. You can't cheat love with plastic.
Regular check of previously deleted posts
It's just a penis, not love
All Blaine-style posts. Not unexpected.
Tranny thread tranny thread
Posting in a tranny thread
In bfd too?
OP1, Routerfag, Coomercreep...
He's known by many names
>Posting in a tranny thread
Okay, so what did you post in /biofem/?
For women it is the same thing.
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Pinning near the top for posterity
Viable and very eligible bachelor,
well rounded, hunky, tall dark handsome blahblahblah and climatized to femmunication
No conactfagging
Just taking questions.
>Viable and very eligible bachelor,
What makes you a good pick? How are you any different or better than the other loser incels here?
Try /r9gay/, I think all of the simps in here are straight.
Don't tell him just let him keep doing it kek
Why did you niggers make a new bfd?
All of you are retards, go shit up biofem you pathetic fucking losers
Or I can post in both
Why? We can't ruin the only good thread in this cesspool.
Look what happens when r9gay raids, it becomes shit.
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Cuckquean discussion continuation post:
Just objectively I have good genes and it shows. Solid family and social networks that a prospective partner could shoehorn into without any friction. On top that I have enviable job and as a older sibling with an ageape under me I did a lot of raising children, a skill which also overlaps in my proficiency dealing with women
Then why don't you already have a wife?
He fell for my fake invite kek
what are these threads about exactly
I've taken a break from dating for coming up to 4years, my ex had an abortion and some other things that happened around that time period fucked me up spiritually. I don't date for sex and didn't want to fill that husband role till I was stable again as a pillar. I know I'll make a great father eventually but I guess I'm still looking for someone who'll make a great mother.. or at least has the potential to pe a great mother with a bit of guidance and support.
Meta discussion about the /biofem/ thread
I like how literally none of this is true and you're a virgin who is so desperate that you have to beg for female attention on 4CHAN of all places. Like imagine saying you want to look for a woman and instead of going outside and talking to one or even a dating app that can filter by location, you're literally just trying to throw your info out there where like maybe one woman who lives on the other side of the planet might see it before she immediately forgets about you and leaves
Calm your farm

I put no contact in my first post
Butt hurt is natural on this platform, but you don't have to type paragraphs when the topics isn't directed towards you. It's for women who have questions.
If you think it's fake just disregard it in your own head, do not test me with accusations of being a liar on the internet. One cannot lie on the internet it's literally impossible. Inconceivable!
>It's for women who have questions.
You're right, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt all those women who you were talking to. Continue on, ladies!
Ladies? I said continue on. Keep asking him those questions... oh wait there aren't any here lol
>Cuckquean discussion continuation post:
Hmm guess they never cared to ask anything. Or maybe the just vibe checked the thread and there was a couple morons arguing over nothing
The women don't come into this thread
Sorry bro I was too busy fucking them
Same bro, guess I'll see ya here same time next week?
Uhhh... if there are no women here then whose ass was I-

Kek, you're a good sport.
Also why is my ear piercing slightly irritated.
>Also why is my ear piercing slightly irritated.
I dunno
Please do a cuckold audio rp where you pretend that you're being fucked by chad
Full disclosure I never actually cared to monitor those threads and didn't wanna talk about them either, but I liked the premise and am still taking questions
You are sick and need psychiatric help.
Moooom get out of my room I'm talking to my friiieends
I bouggt some bacardi to drink with my friends tonight.
Got coke and juices to mix with.
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Have a good one brother.
fucking disgusting image. I hate it
Have a shit one then, fuck you
Fuck you filthy normalfag.
Somehow thought I was in the letger thread but thanks.
Is Moid-chan manic?
Low key bar thread?
Give your orders I'll mix it into something respectable.
Bar conduct: Don't reply unnecessarily, ideally thread does at 200ish
Tell is how it's is, posturing is weakness.. siphmmm.. like alcohol vulnerability is useful in good company and in moderation
It's how all single, childless older women act.
The lesson then is to marry and breed them young.
You can tell she's an OG. True OGs fall in those desperate episodes when 4chan activity fails them.
Wonder how many (You) she has in her (You) collection now?
She doesn't resort to and regurgitate ancient memes like a certain poster who loves to spam old shit that no one cares about anymore.
>like a certain poster who loves to spam old shit that no one cares about anymore.
i would guess the 1 who spent her whole life on 4chan
I missed my favorite nona last night when she was posting
The /biofem/ is dead! IS DEAD I TELL YA!
kek you just wanted to attention whore a bit.
bet you werent even doing your nails.
Nona equivalent of doing chores
red, 3 layers, you're a bitch.
>ed, 3 layers
post proof, beiiitch
I'm baking mf
^ this.
I'm not ruining my nails and doing the thread wrong in the process.
thanks discord queen
Slender, frail, Man hands typed this.
how baaaaasic
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Real human bean
And a real hero
Even as a doll
Dammit, Scara, why did you do this?
Wtf that's not scara, scara is the superior nona.
I just shortened the name
Like most of us do
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yeyesnona, hehe
I wish even 1 person loved me. I wish my existence mattered.
Wat, what was it?
A blogpost about having too many suitors and feeling bad about turning them down.
Yeah I didn't realize this wasn't Biofem -.-
Five seconds
What about your parents?
They don't love me, I'm a burden to them.
Why you love to say ominous shit like this? "my favorite nona" as if they werent namefagging for you to just name them.
I'll spoon feed you: berries or GM nona.
So cool to see the list of regulars being almost as big or even bigger than the list of missing nonas
you can have berries but gm is all mine
berries used to be my favorite. still one of my favorites. probably the best choice to marry. but I get a better chat experience with a few others.
gm is just all of my weaknesses rolled into one woman
You too are retarded faggots, scara is the only option, I want her big hairy hands gripping my throat until I die, then I want her to resuscitate me so we can keep going.
>simping for scaratranny
enjoy your herpes
>blatant transphobe
She doesn't have herpes you bigot, it's only gonorrhea, and it's worth it to get choked out by her
My favourite is best nona neet1
All women above 5ft(152cm) should be sterilized

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