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>fucks Chad and forgets about him

Was it worth it, bros?
>Backava clad teens
Another one for the board
Sheit, it's called a sheisty mufugga
protected someone he loved and cared about at the cost of his life. Little dude was more of a man than just about any of us will ever be.
Yeah she'll date someone else in the future, might be some chad might be someone who loves her, who knows. But a man died protecting an innocent. He put someone else's safety above his. This is how things should be. Protect your loved ones at any cost. Now if she was just some foid piece of shit don't get me wrong the right answer would've been toj ust run away.
He was a little cuck. Imagine forfeiting your life for some roastie lmao.
cringe cuck mentality
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Man the fuck up. You're calling some teenage girl a roastie without knowing shit about her. Would you not die for someone you love?
haha fuckin whitey gets murdered and now his gf fucked his nigger killer
no i wouldn't, especially a roastie
i would die for my dog
i love my dog
Imagine dying for someone who will probably not be in your life for very long.
No. I only love my immediate family and if I died before my parents they would be a total wreck. Only one I might give it for is my sister but I honestly don't know.
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just more mentally ill manchildren throwing tantrums because no woman wants to be within 100 feet of them, so they resort to hate even if it is just a child
And you're white knighting for some bitch you don't know about either. Even if it was a 50/50 whether she was worth saving or not, it's not worth it to throw your life away.
they're sort of right total foid death but they're taking it too far, it's important to separate foids from women that we love, or women that are respectable. Women who are respectable/ that we love MUST be protected by us, as we are men, and they can't protect themselves.
We're in agreement.
what the fuck?? HAHAHAHA take your jew shit somewhere else.>>77977709
Such a good little goy. All oxen ought to strive to be like him.
Hmm idk
Ahyea, true
Well yeah but Idk man. 14 is a bit young for all that.
Yeah kinda true
Damn straight
Hmmm iunno man
Yeah, that doesn't make any sense.
Would she die for you?
Hmm idk if that's the case.
Yeah, have some self respect fellas.
Nice compilation.
He who does good, will meet good. So true.
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womp womp force fed the black pill checkmate libtards
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>total foid death
please take a shower

it literally is
>hacked him to death
As in rape????
Yeah haha
Hmm idk honestly, it doesn't seem true.
Oh gosh, I hope not
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This kid died to protect a girl who wouldnt piss on him if he was on fire all because he was brainwashed since birth to believe in a fantasy version of relationships. There is nothing "manly" about dying for a woman you date, because dying for random women is not mens responsibility.
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if only these cringe whitepilled cucks would stop bitching about neuralink and realize how good they have it they arnt a fucking quadriplegic
>Little dude was more of a man than just about any of us will ever be.
no, he wasn't. He's just dead. His life meant nothing, and everyone is going to forget about him, including that girlfriend who's going to get dicked next month, maybe even by a friend of the killer if he's extra unlucky.
>This is how things should be.
No. I disagree.
>dying for random women is not mens responsibility
That's literally the purpose of males, though.
Probably as in getting stabbed and slashed until he was in a puddle of his own blood and almost unrecognizable from wounds everywhere. Poor kid got psyopped by repillers and died horribly at 14. You can die to protect a woman when you have kids with her, not when she's your high school "gf" who'll break up with you in 2 weeks and never think about you again. She probably got fucked by some other guy that same week.
Yeah it's kinda insane what happened.
They never will.
Yeah, life is pretty grim.
>Dying for random women
Nuhuh. Social contract has been broken anyway. Women need to have kids first before you can die for them.
I wonder if a non-white did it.
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Men dont have a purpose technically. Because a purpose is something you are given or made for.
Men are everything and therefore cannot have a singular or "purpose". Every single facet of civilization is contructed and ran by men. Barring the obvious reproduction issue if women disappeared tomorrow nothing would change in the world. If men disappeared tomorrow total collapse and mass extinction will occur within months.
Sorry retard/trannoid/nigger/skank/bozo. But you dont matter.
Honestly, there's a good chance he died because of her in the first place. As in, she rejected the dude who attacked them. Or something like that anyway. The article mentions defending for a reason I presume.
Chances are high.
Yeah this. Men themselves should choose their own fates.
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you're telling me to take a shower? for being a misogynist? After I spent all this time saying men should literally die for women?
Maybe i'm right to be an incel, looks like women will never be grateful bros LOL
Fucking retard.
>But you dont matter.
Of course. No male does.
How many times a week do you jerk off the whiteboydisposal smut? Or bnwo shit in general.
Not that much....How did you know? :(
0. I don't masturbate to stuff with males in it.
Yeah if you look at any videos of fights or things like that, women usually either start it or escalate it. He just got lied to by everyone telling him that he needs to protect her and all the red pill masculinity shit, it's really fucked up how many kids actually believe it.
I don't even know why you'd say that.
I love how people "believe" all this random bullshit regarding sex and gender. Believe what you want, it doesn't fucking matter what you believe. No one should protect someone from their own mistakes. Least of all whores. Sad how easy it is to brainwash kids but I guess that's the way we develop. Even my belief that people should suffer for their mistakes is a fool's belief, and I don't truly believe that's the reality of things. It's just a wish.
they were in an unavoidable situation. two shitskins were after them. what should the boy have done? ran away and left the weak girl to fend for herself?
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You can easily tell this is some brainfried whore trying to feel like shes "btfoing the men" because shes been plapped 1 too many times.

Its easy to spot because women do this dumb little shit where they keep trying to get the last word in with empty, void, and meaningless responses which dont have any direct purpose except to 1.) Attract your attention 2.) Pretend to be aloof and uncaring, therefore feeling like they have the upper hand because they have your attention, and you dont have theirs
Explain why he needed to die for her
Could both not have run? Retards like you are the worst, you actively try to come up with reasons to socially ostracize any men who don't want to throw their lives away over nothing.
I'm telling you, the situation behind this dumb headline is more complex then we are led to believe. Not like anything will be proven though. The posters saying we're going to forget about this boy's bloody snackrifice whenever this thread 404's are right.
>After them
Nah, just her. He died protecting her. Random acts of violence aren't really a thing lol. The shiestys are proof enough.
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>you're telling me to take a shower? for being a misogynist?
no hold on, i actually agree with you. They should both have run as fast as they could so they could both escape. Both of their lives matter. I was operating under the assumption that running away wasn't possible.
>Both of their lives matter.
Only one of them is female, so not really.
lmbao fuck is timmy gonna do
Oh, you're just an attentionwhore. Won't even give you the dopamine hit a (you) would grant.
Get butchered like cattle, apparently.
All these weak ass replies. Yet they'll turn around and complain when the world is exactly how they made it. Nobody tries to live and die a better life anymore. Yet everyone wants something more. Hypocrites.
I'm in the top percentile of posters who can recognize numbers, so you just did anyway.
found the problem. Bad parenting
Oh well.
>skinny twink
Bro was basically asking for it, if you go out in public untrained don't act surprised two niggers can easily overwhelm you with a kitchen knife
>three dots
>remove post
the tradcuck brainwashing is strong with this one. Men are not expendable and not everyone deserves to be saved by us. Now if this bitch was the mother of his children then you might have a point but a no name harlot that is easily replaced? Just let her go. Don't start a fight you can't win
False and gay. Men's "purpose" is to impregnate women. That's why we produce sperm. Everything else in between that is optional so people make up a bunch of things for men to do in between impregnating women. Like war, work, and getting hacked apart from some rando bitch.
What are the chances the murderers will be let go with a slap on the wrist and she will support the attackers?
>simp human sacrifices hisself to teh altar of "balaclavaclad youfs (blud)" and STILL DOES NOT GET LAID
>she will support the attackers?
She may as well right? It's not like there's any boy left after the knifing, and those niggas still have knives to protect her with now.
I agree with a caveat that you should only protect those who would do the same for you, which excludes pretty much all foids.
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>hacked him to death
Should have used linux
God bless you anon, spoken like a king
>He put someone else's safety above his. This is how things should be.
Grim. That's no way to live your life.

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